The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 28, 1920, Page 13, Image 13

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Portland Beavers Send Out "S. .0; S" Call for Catcher to Help Out in the Pioc
Beavers Win
Two Torrid
By George Berts i
nfflERB are two aides the brlarht
and the dark to ths story of
Sunday' doubleheader , on the
Vaughn, street lot. f -
' The bright side Is that Portland
won by a one run margin ' in each
contest, 3 to 2 and 2 to 1. Both
games were decided after, two men
were - oat,, the second contest going
10 innings. J . 1 ' - '
-. . - , i .
The other side f the ? story is that
the Beavers are now without the serv
ices ot a regular catcher. .Del Baker
was stricken with appendicitis Saturday
night and will go under the knife Mon
day, .while Art Koehler injured his knee
ana wm be out for a week or 10 flays.
Koehler was hurt in the first battle, but
gamely stuck to his post until the ninth
frame of the second game, when he
' fainted away after sending a 1 long left
to Middieton. He was carried off the
field by bis mates and Dickie Cox, fin
ished up the task behind the bat.
Both games were torrid ones. Rudy
Kallio and "Suds" Sutherland pitched
great games against the Rainier. Kal
lio shut out Seattle until the eighth
Inning of the first game with but three
hits, while "Suds" had 'em blanked in
the same number of innings in the sec
ond battle, when Manager Wares rushed
a couple of his "Exes" Into the fray
and tied up the count. Wares used
three pitchers and a pinch hitter in an
effort to beat Kallio and against the
ace of the Beavers pitching corps he
used a couple ef twirlers. two pinch
hitter anA n r-iiinla nt nti4ers. In
each Instance the twlrler finishing the
games for Seattle is charged! with the
defeat. - : ! -
.Paddy Siglln, who. for the first time
in many moons made a hit in the pinch,
was the hero of the first game and
Tf x." i Wisterzil delivered the punch
that put across the 10 inning victory.
Portland lost no time scoring on
Woodward in the first game, getting
two tallies in the first Inning on singles
by Blue, Maisel and Schaller and T7ls
tersii's fielders' choice, which Ken
worthy tried to turn into a forceout.
A wonderful stop by Blue in the first
Inning, which robbed Murphy i of a hit,
prevented Seattle from scoring in the
first game and double plays killed their
chances to score . in second and fifth
Innings. . ),
Middleton's walk. Bohne's double to
right field and a single by Zsmlocb, who
had replaced Murphy .at first, tied the
count in the eighth frame. Geary
pitched the eighth and was taken out
to allow Kid red to ''hit and: Brenton
pitched the -losing inning.
With Schaller. and Cox out. Koehler
singled to center field and got away
with a stolen base. It was on the steal
that Koehler hurt his leg and after
much time out resumed play. Paddy
then connected with a crack over second
that enabled Koehler to "step and a
halved if home. j - - ,
bids triss Monro ivtneLj
r Woodward and Sutherland engaged in
a great pitching duel. Portland's first
I I V.av ant Imnlna V Cilia's
rUII .UUilIlS 111 UiB MAUI imuuj was .viesw m
hit. , a sacrifice and Schaller's single
through short. Stumpfs double to left
Murphy's pinch hit back of third and
Middleton's long fly to Schaller gave
Seattle its run in the eighth. Wlstersil's
great stop of a- liner from pinch hitter
Kid red's bat saved the game for the
Beavers. Blue reached second In this
inning on his walk and a sacrifice, but
ilaisel and Schaller were unable to hit
safely.; In the tenth, after McN'ab. who
had replaced Spranger, was out. Suds
dropped a hit to right field which Wol
ter tried vainly to pick off his shoe
tops. --Blue forced him at second, but
tew, got, away with a steal and then
WIstersiKdrove him home. Cunningham
and Wolter did not even go ! after the
ball after it hit the ground. !
The double victory gave Portland five
out of the seven games. Score: "
First game:--' - - J
Vi - SEATTLE - '
Pknr. AB. R. H. PO.
Middieton. it 3 1 v e 1
Bobne. 31 ...i... J 2
Murphy, lb- . . . V ? 0
CunninzhanL. ef . -.- .
Woiur. rt
Kenworthy. 2b 8
fitUaBpf. as .......
Adam. e - . ... O
Woodward, p..... 2 0
Kamlerb, lb . ... 8
(ieary. p. ....... 0 0
tldrd 1 -
'Brentott, P .......
0 .
..SO 2
AB. R. H
mua. lb . . .
S A 3
X .
Wi&tersiL 8 .... S O
Maisel. cf 1 1
Bchaller. ttrf.... 4
Cos, rt 8 0 1
Keenler, e .... s 1 , 1
Hislin. 2b . .... 4 01
Spranger. as ...... 8 O -
.Kallio. p ..'8 0
1 Totals ........11 8
Batted for Oaery ia BUS i -
suoax bt crxmcs t
Seattle OOOOOHi 0 3
-Hits ........... 10 9 1 O 1 2 0 5
Portland 2 O O 0 0 0 0 O 1 S
Uiu 8 1 O 0 2:0 0 2 8
'. SCafUA&T
Strrjck oat Br Kallio 4, Woodvard 1, Qeaty
2 Base oo bails Off Kallio 4. Woodward 1,
Ronton 1. Two baa hita Bnhoo 2. Doable
play Sprancar to fiictin to Bine; Kohier to
eicim. aaemic mn niwnu. iruaea Off
Maiacl. Blue. Uiddlctoa, Koehlaiu IboIbcs
sitclwd By Woodward S sloa. rana 2. hita ft.
St bat 28; Gear? 1 mltraa, roaa 0, hita 6, at
oat a. vnarg aesaat to JSrtnton. Rosa re
nooaible for Woodward 2. Kallio Jt. Breotan 1.
., Timr or pmc. a soar au min Lmpirna .
' Tunus and Caaey.
Second game :
. 3 -,
. 2
, 8
. 2
B. H. PO. A. K.
0 0 4 0 0
0 2 2 0
0 1 3 0
0 2 ISO
0 10 0
0 1,810
1;". 1 3 0
. 1 1
1 0
0 1 0 : e
o o o o
0 0 2 O 0
, o o e :
1 e 28 ""
B. B. - POL A. 3L
2 1 8 1 O
1 3 ; 0
1 SO 0
0 18 0 0
8 - 0
0 0 14
8 2.6
1 3 0 1
1 , 1 2 0
ft 0 0
,1 " 0 0
2 T 80 Tl
ball and two, out wbaa
Middieton, If . . . . ,
Bohae. b ,
Camtoch, lb . ....
t'unninchajn. cf , . .
WolUr. rf .,
Kenworthy, 2b t.,
B tumpf , as , . . . . .
Baldwin, e ...... .
t Murphy ........ 1
JEldted ......... 1
Adams, e ........ 1
Beibold. P X
. .81
Blaa. lb ........ 4
'W'utenil. Sb ..... 8
Maisel, cf ...... . 3
ArhaUer, If ...... 4
Cox. rf- ........ 8
Koebiar, e ..... .'. 4
KisUn. 2b 4
Spraacer. as ....... 2
Sutharland. p .... 4
McNab. as ... .... 2
Joney, rf ?Jt ... ..
Winniac ran seared.
. t Batted for Baldwin la 8 th.
IBatud tor Uaary is 8th. .
- 8C0BE T 1.VXIXGS .
Seattle . ...i... . 0 O O 0 0 1 0 1
Una O 2 1 1 0 2 0 O 4
Portland 00O0O1000 1 2
HiU 21000200 2 1
, ' St'MMABT
Ktrark eat By Jotfeerlaad 1, Geary 1. 8t
bsld 2. Bases on baiia Off 8atberlan4 T.
Gry 2. Selbold 1. Two base bita WistersU,
8prancer. Cttsalnshsm. Stompf. aaerifiee hits
Btarapt Wisterzu 2, Mkidleton, Connisfhsa.
Stolen baas Bloe. Innines pitched By Geary
t, rans 1, bita 8, at bat 34. Chars defeat
to S'ihold. BilDi rasponsiblo for Ueary 1.
Sotawrtsnd U Seibeld 1. Time of cam 1
Boor sun. vaspiras Caaey sad Toi
" Angeles, Cal, June 28. By tak
ing six out of . seven games from San
Francisco, Vernon is tied with Salt Lake
in the pennant race. The Tigers grabbed
both Sunday games frm San Francisco,
4 to 3 nd 1 to 0. Shellenbach allowed
the Seals two hits in . the afternoon.
Scores : , t .
Morning game:
AB. B. H. B.f AB. H. H. E.
a a it , J
MitrheBa 4
1 1
Corfaaaa. , 8
Caaney,2b. 8
Connolly .If 4
Hiah.lf .
S 3
0 O
1 1
0 0
Fisher ,2b. .
HebJck.ef . .
Scott.p. . t
lesuj. , .
4 1
4 0
4 0
4 0
3 O
1 l
HortoO, lb. .
Sralth.3b. .
8 0 0
3 0 1
'Totals.. 38 8 8 1:1 Totab.,81 4 3
- " Batted for Scott in seventh.
Ssa rrsneisco ..... 1O00O011 08
Hits ,..,....,..3 1 O 0 O 1 2 1 18
Vernoa .......... 0 0 1 0 O 2 01 (
Hits .......... 1 0 3 1 1 1 0 2 8
Three base hit Corhan. Sacrifice , bits
Corban, Careney, ruber. 'Struck ofat By
M itcheU 8, by fkwtt X. Bases on bails Off
Scott . 1. off Lewis 1. Runs responsible for
SoU 1. Lewis 1, Mitchell 1. geten bits, 3
rum, 25 at bat. off Scott ia 8 innings. Charge
defeat te Lewis. Doable plays J. Mltcbeli-riabef-Bortoai
Smith-Bo rt on; Koener-Kanus.
Passed baU DetoraMT, Xelie. . Time 1 :60.
Afternoon game:
AB. B. H. E.
rtraJd.rf . 4 0
Corbaa,ss.. 8 0 1 O
Caeneyjh. 3 1 0
Connolly .If. 2 0 0 8 0 0 0
Schick.rf . 8 0 0 0
Kant(B,Sb. 3 0 0 0
Acne-w,e.;. 8 0 0 0
Ire.S. ... 2 0 0 0
Walab... 1 0 0
AB. K. R. E.
J.MitchHa, 4 0 0 0
HiitLU.... s O
1 O
C Txurne,cf. 3 0
1 o
lns.rf .... 4 O
Bortoa,tb.. 8 0
Morse.Zb...' 8 0 . . s
0 0 0
Alcocx.c. . . S O 1
8heU nb-ek,p 8 13
Totals... 27 0 2 Oj Totals. .. .28 18 0
- BsUed for Lore In ninth.
Sas Preaches 000 000 0000
Hits -. ... 000 000 1012
ernoa . 000 O0O 01 1
Hits v.. 010 102 02 6
Steten bases Kaaam. Corbaa. Saerttice bit
Caeney. gtraek eat By tShellenback 1. by
Loe 4. - Bases on bails Off Sbellenbaek 2, off
Lore 2. Rons 'responsihle fop Lore 1, Double
piays sneuennack. . AUteheil-Borton.
1:30, - i -
San Francisco. Calw June 28. The An
gels had on their battins- clothes Sun
day and pounded out a double victory
over the Oaks. 10 to 1 and 11 to 2.
Thomas allowed two hits in the morning
game. Score: ? ,-- -
. Morning g4me: !
KniefeT.ef. 8
MeAoieTJBL 4
2 OCoopef.ef.. 4 O 0 0
1 lWilie.rf... 4 O 0 0
0 4 O 1 0
K.Crd l,2b 8
Grisxrlb. . 4 6
La pan, e. . . 8
KUbvlf... 4
Niehoff,3b. 8
Thomas. p.. 3 1
2 0
2 O
Milier.lf . . . 3 0 O 0
Rniaht Sb a n A A
2 0 4 1 0 2
2 1
1 3
o 0
0 o
A.Arlett.2b. 8 0 12
lfiaa.e. ... S A A t
UoiUns.P.. 2 O O 0
Totals.. 3T 10 12 5 Totals.. 81 12 8
scnRic bt lvxrvns
Los Anceies. . . 000 200 800 10
Hita OOl 211 402 12
Oakland . . ... .. OO 010 000 -1
Hits .... 000 010 01 2
- " - f StTMMABT
Two base bits Crawford, NiebofL Sacrifioa
bits MeAnley, KUis. CraodaiL Bases on ball
Off Honinc 1. Strock oat By Thomas 8. Hit
by pitcher KiDe'rr 2. Miller. Doable play
Killefer-McAaley-GritC-, A. Arlett-Fltssimmona-Goisto.
Rons responsible for Hollmc 1. Stolen
bases Miller. Charee defeat to Hoilins. Left
on bases Oakland 3, Loe Aaseies 7. Wild
pitch Hottius. i Time 1:45.
Afternoon game:
AB. B, H. E.
AB. R. H. E.
Killefsr.ef. b
MeAaleyjs 4
K.Cr'dXab 4 5
CrawfortLrf 4
Baasler.e. . 4
Euisjf .. i ' a
Cooper.ef . . 4 0 2 0
1 0
II 0
1 2
0 2
1 0
o 0
O 0
ft 0
Milier.lf .
u A.Anett,2b
Niehoff.Sb. 4 1
8 . O
C.Crand Lp 3 1
: - -- I-
Kremerjt. .
Lena;. . . ,
Rasan,p. . .
2 0
Totals.. 3 11 14 0 4 Totals. .85 2 8 4
Lans batted-for Kreraer m fonrth.
Loe Angelas ..... 00411003 311
Hits .......... O 1 4 12 111 314
Oakland 00030000 O 2
Hits ......... 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 1 08
- ,j . SUMMARY
Beeea ran and 8 hits, off Kramer. IT at
bet. ia 4 inninra. Stolen base A. arlctt.
Two base bits Ki liefer. J. Miller, ritsabnmoaa,
K. CraBdaU. Sacrifice hiCT Ellis 2. Bases on
balls Off Crandall 1, off Raamn 4. Strock
oat By C. Crandall 8. Doable plays Guisto-Fltsaimmons-Oaisto
; Oaisto anaassted; Mitse
A. Ariett-Goisto: A. Ariert-afitasunmona-Goisto.
Wild pitch Kremer. Runs responsible for
C. Orandail 2, Kramer 4. Racaa 8. Left on
bases Los Anaelea 6. Oakland 4- Time 1 AO.
Sacramento, Cal. , June 28. Breaking
even with the Tippers Sunday; the league
leading Bees grabbed five out of the
seven games - played with Sacramento.
Salt Lake won the morning game, II
to 7, In a free hitting contest and the
locals nosed out a S to 4 victory Aft, the
afternoon. Scores : '
Moraine came
B. R. H.K.I B.R.H.S.
Xscrart.ef.. 5 18 l!Sobane.r... 5 1 . 1 , 0
Sanda,2b.... 5 1 2 0 Kopp,L . . . . 8 2 3 0
Kras.2b.... 8 4
U' 4 2 3 O
Rumler.r.. , . 6 5 5 -3
Mallican.. 8 2
Hood 0...... 5 1
Jenkins,c. . . . 5 1
Tbarston.p... 5 1
OiHuriey.l.. . 8,1 01
OiSheehan.S. 4 0 1
Oifiirm.! 4 O 1 O
OMeGsTraJ 4 1-00
OiCook.e..... 8 10
2lMatte.p..... 1 ; 0 O
Kunta.p. . . a B j
Benner.p... 1 O1 2' 0
Totals... .46 18 20 3! Totals.. ..39 7 10 3
Salt Lake ....... 40012040 2 13
Ssersaento ...... 00008001 8 1
Stolen basea Hood, McGefnnn. Cook. See'
rtftoe bits Sheehsn. Eras Honse rans Bam-
ler, Cosspton. Three -base aim Sheely. Jatik
itn. Kopn. Grover. Two base hita Mulliaan.
Romler. Saeely. Massert. Left on bases Salt
Lake 3, Sacramento 9. First base on ertuis
Bait Lavs a. Hacrmaenni - . Hit by iritcbed
ball Cook. Doable play Malliaaa te Kmc
to Sheely. Bases en balhi Off Tharstoa 3, off
Mails 3. Strock out By Thurston 3. by Mails
8 by Kusta 1, by Penner 1. Buns reaponsible
tor i Durston , Joaiia a, s.onta 1. Penner 1.
Sewn rans. 11 bits off Man ia 4 2-8 ionises.
4 rans, 8 hita off Knots in 2-3 tautinc. Charge
defeat to Mails. .
' Afternonci cams i- t
B. K. H. E. B.R.B.E. a 11- O cfcn,t. 8 1 2 0
SanU,8 2 0 iKopp.r.... . 4 1 1 0
Krns.2. .... 4 O O 0 Comptoaf. - 3 0 O 0
Ramler j . .. 8 11 O shoehao.S. . 6 0 3 0
Sheely. 1-... 4 41 0MeGaTau3 3 : 1 ' 2 -- 0
atiuiisaa, a - x. 3,VrrsTer3...- S O ; 1
nooru...... B 11 ItCady.l.... . 4 1 1; e
oyier.c.... 9 9 e coo,e. .. .,. g 110
Baamji..... 2 0 1 ipnmih.p. . . 4 0 2 0
Totals.... 29 4 S 5l Totak... .83 8 11' 1
Sen Lake ........ O 3 O O 11 0 04
Bacrasaento ....... 1 S O 9 O O O O 16
Home ran Hood. Three baa hitWas.
ten. . Two base hits Scbans. Sheehaa. Stolea
bsaea Kopp 3. Byler, MaUigaa ,1. Seerifios
avopp. ar.injren, Konuer, Hood. Baam.
Doable play MeGaf flew to Groeer to Cady
Bases est bail! oft Bawm - 6. ef Proosh al
Btraca oat iiy Beam 4. by Proosh 2. Rons
reaponsioi iot seam i. Proacb 4. Umpires
VkwUh as as 4 V nala . r
Tryout Meet
Program Is
Cut One Day
By Eart B. Good wis
BOXINQ and wrestling fans will be
offered a rare treat Friday night
when the pacific coast tryouts for the
Olympic games will' be staged under
the auspices of the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic club in the Armory. At a meet
ing of the Portland American Olympic
Games committee Sunday it Was was
decided to stage the entire show on one
night instead of two as was originally
planned. ..:.. 7 .
This means that there will be more
than IS boxing and wrestling boats on
the program, with the first event to
start promptly at S o'clock.
Because of the fact that the contests
are held under ' Olympic games rules
the boxing numbers wilt be for three
rounds, the first, two to be of three
minute duration each, while th third 18
for four mlnutes. In case a winner
cannot be determined at .the end of the
third canto an additional stansa may be
called followed by two - more if nec
essary. . - - v-; -cr :,;t ; tv:'.
Olmar Dranga, chairman of the box
ing end wrestling committee of the
Winged "M" institution, has been named
to referee the -boxing events with B. 'E.
Loomls, a veteran of the mat game, to
be the third man in the ring with the
wrestlers. -
The winners of the various weights
win be sent East to compete in the
finals and the champions then will, be
named on the United States team, to
Journey to Antwerp Belgium, next
month. '; : : ;i -
Tickets for Friday night's : perfor
mances in the Armoroy are on sale at
Sherman, Clay A Co., Rich's and Sti liar's
and prices range from SL10 to . $340
including war tax. ; '
Ruling of the American Olympic
Games committee of New York Is to the
effect that all funds taken in at the
various tryouts throughout the United
States must go toward defraying the
expenses of transporting the athletes
from this country to Belgium and re
turn. This means that the clubs sending
representatives to the boxing and wresl
ling trials here Friday Bight do so
at their own expense.
Entries have been received ' from Se
attle, T acorn a, Olympic club ef San
Francisco. Boise. Idaho. Salt Lake City,
Ogden. and the Multnomah Amateur
Athletic club. - Word was received by
Eddie J. O'Connell, boxing and wrestling
instructor of Multnomah dub, ; to the
effect that the boxers of the Los Angeles
Amateur Athletic club would be unable
to get away lonog enough to take in the
trials here, but that three Cafeteria "city
wrestlers would be on hand to battle for
honora. ?
The preliminary wrestling bouts will
be for 10 minutes to a decision with the
finals best two out of three falls. The
entry lists for both boxing and wrestling
have been kept open and at ( present
seven boxing and 12 wrestling bouts are
on the program. - w
Judge Martin W. Hawkins, chairman
of the Port! a ad American Olympic
Games committee, and T. Morris Dunne,
treasurer of the committee, will call a
very important meeting within the next
two or three days. , iU '.'
ay ss
padfie Ooeat League
vr. u Pet. i w.
L. Pet
87 .607
46 .435
4ft .417
48 .383
I Pet.
80 ,600
28 .481
S3 .468
34 .434
U Pet.
23 .500
81 .482
40 .344
47 64
Salt Lake..
Loe Ansel's
baa Jftan..
4? 3S
B0 88
6 Portland .. 88
68 A -faorxmento. 34
656iOakland . . 33
626sieattle ....31
46 8
42 88
vr. u Pct.(
82 26 .B82Chieace ...SO
84 28 .648Bastoa .... 26
31 28 ,626jNew York.. 28
27 26 .BOaiPbiladlphis 26
Arnariean Lsasjns
W. L. Pet.( . , t w.
40 21 .656jBostoa... 28
41 23 .41!St. Loois.. 80
85 26 .574 Detroit.. .. 21
31 26 -444Phild"lphia 18
3t Leans:.
Brooklyn -Pittsburg
Cleveland. "
New York.
Chicaatx.. .
Tilden Triumphs in
Match With R.Lycett
London, June 2S. (U. P.) Continuing
his spectacular work. William T. Tilden
swept on closer to the, British national
tennis championship today by defeating
Randolph -Lorcatt, the Australian star,
in a brilliant four set match by a score
of 7-6, 4-6, 8-4 and 7-5. s They were
bitterly contested games In which the
American fairly smashed his way
through the Australian. ? '
Charles S. Garland, the Plttsbure: col
legian, also went victorious through an
other round by defeating C B Black
beard: South Africa, 4-8, C-i. -3, 6l
In the ladles singles. Mary Ryan was
credited with a victory over Miss Pick-
ney by default. Mrs. . Frank Mallory
(Molla BJurstedt) defeated Mrs. Leah.
6-5, -i. ,
Woodburn Masons
Observe ; St. Jolins
Day; Services Held
Woodburn, June 28. St. Johns day
was observed Sunday with a large rep
resentation from the Masonic lodge here
attending services at the ' Presbyterian
church. The sermon was preached by
Dr. J. R. N. Bell or Corvallis. chaplain
for more than 45 years of the Grand
Masonic lodge Of Oregon.
Hayes, East Lincoln, South "Front and
Mill streets are to be paved this
Far-Western Tryout for the
The greatest Boxing and Wrestling Elimination ' .
:' Tournament Portland has ever seen
Firsf Tryouts for the Olympic Gamms in Eisht Yearn
Tickets on Sale at Sherman & Clay
General Admission $1.00; : Reserved $l.S0-$2.00
Estrles fress Lo Aaa-elea, Saa Frsaelsee, Ogdsa, Boise, -Seattle.
: Teeosaa aad etker cities .
Islsrelto Laenu gtsneines ef P. . A.
- . . r W. 1 lt.
Hoaerataa Hardware Co.. 6 1 .857
Sherwood 6 3 -.467
Ktrkpatricks , S .671
PortUad Iron Works .......... 4 8 .571
Millshoro 4 4 .500
Cendors .i . 4 4 .500
Astoria ....... 3 3 .400
Maltaonefc Guard ..." ..... 8 8 .873
Ounas 2 8 .286
Hood BJyer 3 6. J40
A 8 to 0 shutout was scored by the
fioneyrnan Hardware company team
over the' iOrkpatriek All-Stars Sunday
la the inter-city league of the Portland
Baseball association. The v game wai
played on the Sellwood park grounds and
by virtue of the win Ted Bartin'6 boys
have cinched their hold on the toil rung
of the league ladder. The score:
K. H. E.
Honeyman Hardware ......... t 11 0
Kirkpatr-icka 0 3 0
Batteries Quixsenberry and Helmke;
Harris, M. Bo land and W, Boland,
A home run in the ninth inning by
George Hornby enabled the Portland Iron
works to win from the Hi Us bo ro aggre
gation at Hinaboro Sunday. The final
count was 1 to 0 and was the only shut
out contest in the inter-city circuit of
the Portland Baseball association. Th
core: -'.i R. H. E.
Portland Iron Works........... 1 - 3
Hillsboro .. .48
Batteries Ellis and Meekins ; Oray
Alexander TJonaldson. manager of the
Multnomah Amateur Athletics club base
ball team, entered the twlrler's box for
th first time during the 1920 season
Sunday and his efforts brought forth a
10 to 3 victory for the Central Door and
Lumber company over the Sherwood con
tingent at Sherwood, Or., in the Inter
city league of the Portland Baseball as
sociation. It was a close shave for the
Portlanders, for when the final Inning
rolled around Sherwood was leading 3 to
1. Nina Cendors crossed the rubber in
the fatal frame. The score: B. H. E.
Central Poor and Lumber.... 10 12 3
Sherwood 2 5 7
Batteries Donaldson and Bell: Baker
and Baker.
AefrnHa. Jim 28. The funis PultV
makers were no match for the Astoria
centennial of the lnter-city learue here
yesterday and Astoria wen 7 to 3. "King"
Knehn twirled for . the, winners, -while
"Lefr" Roache was on the mound for
Camas. ; " - - - -
Hood River. June 88. It required 10
innings for the Hood River American
Legion tossers to defeat the Multnomah
Guard representatives of Portland here
Sunday afternoon. The score was 9 to
8. Three hits were made by the locals
in the last; inning. Errors on the part
of the Hood River players were respon
sible for the Guard team making the
score real close. Next Sunday the league
leading Honeyman Hardware team of
Portland will be here. The score:
-- R. H. E.
Hood River ................... 8 U 4
Multnomah Guard ............ S 3 8
Batteries Keough and Barr ; Ander
son and Mattson. ;
. VnTin-ariTif ta next Sunday's schedule of
the Portland Baseball association : Hon-
tvmin Tfardarara comnanv at Heed Riv
er, Portland Iron Works at Astoria. Cen
tral Door and Lumber company ax ner
wood. Multnomah Guard. Kirkpatricka,
Camas and, HlUeboro idle so far as
league games are concerned.
. Salem, Or., June 25. A pitching duel,
featuring Cole for the Salem Senators
and "Sunny" Moehler for the Vancou
ver. 'Wasb aggregation was staged
bere yesterday, the Senators winning by
a 2 to 1 count. More than 1000 spec
tators ware on hand to greet the squads.
A three game series between Salem and
the Klrkpatric All-Stars of Portland
will be staged here during the Fourth of
July celebration. The contests wilt be
played next Saturday, Sunday aad Mon
day. - -.- - ' - -r '
" Albany, !. Or.. June 28, -The) Stayton.
Or., baseball team lost to the Albany
Athletics. 7 to 2. here yesterday. The
game wag the first one staged oa the
new Linn county fair grounds, now be
ing constructed. - . v y
Scappooee, Or, June 2S. Heavy hit
ting on the part of the college stars.
Vincent Jaeobberger Herman - Llnd.
Francis Jaeobberger, Carl Lodell and
Carl Knudson. was responsible for the,
13 to 3 victory pf the Kerr-GiTford toss
ers of Portland over the local tossers
yesterday afternoon.
- The Kerr-Gifford team will play two
Tlllamnnlr nrt flundasr SJid
Monday as part of the Fourth Of July
celebration. ,
Thye to TVrestlc tn Spokane
Spokane. Wash, June 28. Henry Irs
linger. European middleweight wrestling
champion, who Is to Wrestle Ted Thye,
..i niaiiaarsifftt einaumniOB. In a fin
ish match Tuesday night for a purse ef
610, woo, arrrvea in dpmiw uu nn"
ing from Wichita Kails, Texas, and will
complete his training here for the big
contest- (
' Gasoline Inquiry Ordered ,
Spokane. Waah., June J. Attorney
General A. Mitchell Palmer haa la
true ted United State Attorney Prancis
A. Garnecht to conduct a complete In
vestigation of the gasoline shortage in
the Spokane territory to ascertain if
federal laws have been violated by the
manipulation of the supply.
Jane 29 to July 3, 3 P. ill.
Sunday' Doubleheader
lit P. M.;wtkHV':
. Monday
16:28 A. Zi3 P. X.
Egan Here to
Prepare for
Golf Event
H, CHAKSLKR EOAN, holder of nu-
mairaitai arnl rtismnlnnahlha . rWMt
here Monday to prepare for the Pacific
Northwest association 2l championship
tournament to be played over the Van
couver links next Week. Egan la entered
in the tourney under the colors of the
Waverley Country club. n ;
While hero It Is likely that he will en
gage in practice .rounds with Rudolph
Wllhelnv Forest Watson and other
members of the Waverley ; club. Egan
-plans to leave for Vancouver Friday
night in order to get in a couple of
practice rounds-over the Bumaby course
over which the championship match
play rounds win bs staged.
Egan will play on the Waverley club
four-man team tn the Davis cup event.
Russell Smith and Forest Watson will
be other members of the : Waverley
Country dub aggregation and it is like
ly that Dr. O. F. Willing will play with
Waverley, as it is doubtful whether the
Portland club team will be entered in
the competition, due to the inabiyty of
Ereel Kay to make the trip north.
. . a
Russell Smith and Guy M. Standifer,
Waverley Country club golfers, were de
feated in a four-ball match on the Little
Spokane links !atFrlday by J ask Doran
and Clyde ML Graves. 4 tip suid 3 to
play. Graves turned in a 79 score and
Doraa's card totaled SO. :
Hi "Bill vs. George team competi
tion scheduled to be played at Portland
golf course Sunday was postponed on
account of the lack of entries.
TORTLAKD boxing fans will greet
A another opportunity to see Mike
O'Dowd, former middleweight champion
ef the world, in action here. Match
maker Frank Kendall of the Milwaukie
boxing commission announced Monday
that O'Dowd had signed articles to ap
pear Jury 9 against any battler selected.
Kendall Is negotiating for the services
of Ortega in another match, but In case
the coast battler does not desire a sec
ond fling at O'Dowd. an effort will be
made to pick up some other good ring
man. ., ,' .
O'Dowd. accompanied by his manager
and trainer, departed Sunday night for
Pocatello, Idaho, where the former cham
pion is billed to box Gordon McKay la a
IS round contest July 5. -
Millions Diseased
Paris. June 28.-(L N. S.V Three mil
lion persons in France are estimated to
be suffering from "war tuberculosis"
consumption resulting directly from war
causes, including poison gas, poor nour
ishment and nervous shock. Mortality Is
especially significant among infants born
In the families of French soldiers who
fought through the War.
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( ( '''llllll rTrv
Yankees Make a Road Mark
Ruth Says Lo oks Lilie Pennant
By "Babe Rath ". ' "
(Copyrls-aV -4830. by United News.)
NEW" YORK, July 28. It begin to
look more and more like the Yankees
for the old American league buntihg.
Our invasion, of the West is over and
it brought us one of the best records
ever achieved by the Yankee team In
the enemy's territory. We won 10 out
of 1$ starts and made our poorest show
ing against the Cleveland Indians, wren
we had a chance to cop .the lead .from
the Ohio team.
AS I said before. I don't believe the
Indians can go through the season at
their, present clip. Speaker had every
chance on his home grounds to run up
a good lead and get a firm grip on the
top. but he didn't do it. Now be baa
to go out on the road while, the Yanks
after a series with the Athletics and
Washington come home for a long stay
on the Polo grounds.
Watch the Yanks from now on. The
visit to the Athletics should be soft.
Every other team has had soft picking
off Connie Mack's infants and our slug
gers should have It just as nice.
Our trip to the West brought up a lot
of talk about the intentional pass. The
rule to me looks like the biggest Joke
in the baseball books. Steve O'Neill ran
out of the box every time Speaker or
dered a pass. - That la against the rule
and everybody could see him doing It
NEW YORK. June 28. The first bout
of Importance under the New York
state boxing law will be staged during
the middle of next month between Fred
Fulton, contender for the world's heavy
weight crown, and Harry Wills, the
giant colored battler. , This, announce
ment was made Sunday by officers of
the International Sporting club. Fulton
will receive 125.000 and Wills $18,000.
Cleveland, Ohio, June St. Battling
Levinaky w.n a ,. newspaper decision
over Sergeans Ray Smith of New York
in a ten round bout here Saturday. Bill
Brennan. Chicago heavyweight, knocked
out Ole Anderson in the eighth round of
a scheduled 10 round bout, v . -
Olympia, Wash, June 18. Bobby Har
per,1 Seattle lightweight, won from
Archie Stoy of Aberdeen in a six round
bout Saturday night. -; .V .
San Francisco, June 28. tT. P.) Bud
Ridley, Pacific coast bantam champion,
.who returned today after visiting his
family In Seattle, has been matched to
meet Harry Pelsinger. here Thursday
night. He has also been offered a match
with Pete Herman, world's bantam
champion, to take place here July S.
' : Auto Dealer Visitor .
J. P. Morelock, prominent auto dealer
of Wallowa, attended the shrine conven
tion and spent some time visiting bis
brother. W. M. Morelock. of 44S East
Forty-second street North.'
Leave it to Camels!
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but the umpires. They didn't call O'Xel'l
if they did seer him.
Out IB gamee on the road I drew 18
passes. A didn't get a great number of
chances "it Cleveland or any other stop,
but I did manage to Vnock oiw out of
the yard In every par n the circuit
Good season for-' baseball T Well. I
ehould say. We played te 160,000 spec
tators on the trip and established attend
ance records, in Cleveland and St. Louis.
By the Way, watch those Browns
They're going -like a house afaire right
now and seem to have a first division
lick. ,.. - r-v ' ;.. ' v..-.
Another bright spot of our trip was
the showing made by "Rip" Collina. That
boy looks like the coming pitcher of the
major, leagues. ' He's strong aad mus
cular. He can field his position and he
can pitch. He's got Just as good a fast
bail as Walter Johnson ever bad and
he mixes a sweet assortment of good
curves along with It. And along with
it that big boy has the old "guts." That's
what wins ban games or any kind of a
I've been a Yankee booster since I
came to the team and I feel stronger than
ever now that we are going to win the
pennant. So far it looks like Cleveland
against us. But Cleveland has not the
reserve strength and we have- bench
full of it. Cleveland is going to crack.
Watch. .; )
At Chicago ' R.H. E.
Pittsburg ..6 1 000005 8 11 0
Chicago .0 01.000010 3 10 i
Batteries Carlson and Ha Iner. Alex
ander, Bailey, Martin and O'Farrell.
j- . - - :!m. - ""
At Brooklyn--! R. H. E.
New York 0 010010002 4 1
Brooklyn ........ 000000000 0 7 2
Batteries Toney and Snyder ; Mar
quard and Miller.
' At Cincinnati R.H.E.
St. Louis 000200001 3 11 1
Cincinnati .......1 01000000 2 4 2
Batteries Schupp and Clemens; Ring
and Allen. '
At New York R.H. E.
Boston ........... 020800000 i 7 1
New York ...... .01000108 7 10 S
- Batteries Russell and Waiters; Mays,
Quinn and Hannah.'
At Chicago R. H. E.
Cleveland ". ..... .0 00110011 4 8 1
Chicago . 0 90000001 1 7 2
Batteries Bagby aqd O'Neill ; Kerr
and Schalk. v : . -. X
At Washington " R.H.E.
Philadelphia .....000000000 0 2 1
Washington .....00002032 7 IS 1
Batteries Moore, Rommel and Hyatt ;
Johnson and Picinich. .
At St. Louis R.H.E.
Detrlot ...iQOOOl 0000 1 3 0
St Louis ..01000002 I 8 1
. Batteries Oldham and Alnsmith ;
Vangilder and Severeid.
in tneir
ii li Leagues
McCredie Is
After Oiie of
Yip Catcliei
WALTER MeCREDIE bas sent out as
"S. O. S." call f ir first string
catcher broadcast throu I.-ut the coun
try. . - -
He has wired Frank Kavin, owner ol
the Detroit club, for help and It ma
be possible that the Tiger owner will
be able to respond ss the Detroit clul
is carrying four catchers snd hav
strings oa a couple of other receivers.
He has wired Bill Rogers, mana?et
of the Sacromento club, offering" to trad
a pitcher for one of his thr backstop
pers, Cady, Cook and . Schang. Mac if
willing to give "Lefty" Schroeder for s
catcher. -
Vor protection, Mac has wired Mc
mullen, the Los Angeles youngster, wh
was recently; released to the Yaklms
club, to rejoin the Beavers, - There art
a number of good catchers in the North
west circuit, who could fill in the breach,
among them being Qua Fisher, formrt
Beaver, and Anflnson. who the Sealr
turned over to Taooroa.
Dick Cox will be the first string
catcher until Koehler gets back into th
harness, which will be about a ween
and possibly, two. Del Baker.' who wai
operated on for appendicitis Monday,
will be out of the garnet until the mid
dle of last part of August. Juney will
play right field.
It's Mao's luck to get a setback ct
this sort Just as his club starts to go.
The Beavers played bang-up ball acalnsl
the Ralnlera and for the first time this
season showed consistent form at home.
The twirlers worked. In great shape, but
with the regular catchers out they are
liable to go into a slump.
(B United Netr -YARIS,
Juns 28. England remains the
A 'turf champion of Europe through ths
brilliant victory of Comrade st Ixng
champs today when the British horse, a
stable mate of Spion Kop, winner of tht
Derby, captured the Grand Prix.
Comrade had not been a favorite. Era
bry, who had. been heavily played to win,
crossed the line half a length behind in
a spectacular battle, closely punned bj
Soubler. Spion Kop failed to place In
spite of the fact that the Derby win
ning had greatly recommended the horse
to the betting public.
Motion picture men' had been barreil
from taking pictures of the event, bul
they overcame all restrictions by climbing
into airplanes and photographing the
race from the air.
. The crowds surpassed those at Auteuil,
and the fashion display wss even more
brilliant than preceding race meetings
In France. -
British sportsmen were heavily hit.
They had played Spion Kep freely.
Cssasfe ere eefd eryie 1 1 . i
ia mdmtUktty ssaiea? ssm- ' U f."
Sfee t'SO c4 for 70 J
eenrs? or res Secsses 3QO i
aWgareMee ) ia) e tfa samawpepe. I f I
' ssmsisinsa. We mtrmmgtr i
naommmnd thtm oavfeas for thm j I
Some me esBee mmpplj ear wissai I 1 1
year reaeet
fa.AfcsyselseTeaeCe I
Wssat ,Ssl .W.C.
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I tut' I ' I I