THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 27, 1920. K E A Ii K8TATB FOIl HAM.V HOISEH 1 ' J. A. Wickman Co.. "SHORTEST WAT HOME." Yean of study of locml Condition, a thor ourh knowledge of district, familiarity with value, and a splendid organisation enable as to fire you. th maximum service in bom buying. ,$3500 In your search for a home if yon have seen anything thst compares with that borne, ym have surely seen a bsrgain. W believ tb-U Is tb moat boos for' tha money offend cm the market to day. 7 rooms, doabla constructed, tar nsc. fireplace, laundry tray, eement - basement, the bousa all in first class condition. A salesman win be glad . i to show you this at your first op ' port unity. $2900 This story and one half boos, situated on a corner lot; 2 bedrooms. sp and 1 .on, tha first floor, built-in features; reasonably dose in and a bargain. -NEW, NIFTY. MODEBS BUNttAWWS Wa are acting aa . agents for one of Port land's best builders and have a number of da Sinbl bungalow, different floor plans and elevation to suit the most exacting purchaser, in Alameda and Bos City Park. - These bun galow are under course of constructkm, - some complete. You may hav i your choice of in side finish and decorations. . Let us show 70a . a new home. Prices reasonable. Home Can be hmrfeht fnr aSOO down. 9bV0 Her is, a bargain, in das "A," aa am investment, clone in, ; apartment now - situated on the west aide, high and sightly? will show about 15 per cent ('an sell on easy term to settle an . estate. ' -'. .... $3500 Close in on the east side. This 6 room Queen Ann eottage is well ito ated and a bargain. If you get a chance to buy job will hare to be - ouick. ' Our offfce photo display of the and others U oompleU and strictly up to data. : Our sales men are courteous, competent, at your com mand. J. A. Wickman Co. 204 By. Kxch. Bldg. Main 10M and. 688. WALNUT PARK 5 BOOMS AND SLEEPING POUCH 16850 "iVP! OP- THE riNKST BUNGALOWS IN Tina truim.Y RRNTRIOTED RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT. Tou Mirr never would - expect to buy such a home a thi a bungalow o weu planned, so well constructed so well located, for so little money. Mind'you. this is one of the very choicest corner in Walnut Psrk. Tou will have to see this to appreciate we reat Bee It today. A. G. TEEPR CO., 264 Stark St., Near fid. Main 8092. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. GOOD substantial -rooui house, walking dis tance. 8 large, light rooms, reception hall and nntnr ficst floor: 3 well ventilated oea rooms and bath on second floor; full eement basement, furnace, laundry tray, woodlift. Tb lot is well implored with beautiful lawn, tree roses, fruit tiwa. grapes and berries. You can -a-et immediate possession: $1500 cash, small payment every 6 months; $4500; streets hard surfaced and' paid. . "IolhnsonDodson Co. ; 63 S N. W. BANK BLXKJ. MAIN 878T. A REAL, BARGAIN Here's a chance to get a home at about half what it would cost to duplicate ; 6 rooms , and bath, full concrete basement, lot 50x100, im provement paid. Number 796 E. 33d it., only Halt block of Gladstone ave, ana wowhhki cm. It s a bargainr.pjriee only $2800, $1300 down. 822-7 Gae6 Bldg Main 7602. Ton will be charmed with the' design, ar rangement - of rooms, built-in and many other feature in our modem, weli-ouut nungaiows. 4 $4200 UP LIBERAL TERMS B. P. POND REALTY CO., THE IDEAL UOMK BUILDERS 1290 Sandy blvd. . Tabor 8823. Office Open Sunday. 2 BLOCKS TO B. C. P. CAB . $650 CASH BAL. LIKE RENT New bungalow,' 5 rooms and breakfast nook; m t.i the minute in erery respect: possession in 16 day. Phone your appointment early. This will not last king. J. I HARTMAN COM PAN.T. 7 Chamber of Com, bldg. ..Main 208, Littler Home NOT A SHACK, but little 2 room home, with extra outside sleeping - room.' good bam, city water and gas, some berries, tine garden, BOx 100" corner lot; 5 block to Ho carfare, west side, and a wonderful view. SIDNEY G. LATHROP. 61K Abington Bids. (SIGN OP THE HORSESHOE). 2"TH. CLOSE TO BELMONT Up-to-date, 6 rooms and sleeping, porch, 2 fireplace, garage. 50x100 lot, nice home bar gain. $6500, terms. Btvth and Belmont, laree 8 room, corner lot, garage, owner, leaving citjr. See this, E. 9th and Skidmore, 5 room cottage, corner COIOO. $8UO. easy terms. Tabor 18U. W. H. 8swteO. ROSE CTTT Can and see this between 1 snd 4:30, only, today. It is located in choice section, street paved and paid. Io!y lawn and rose. 5 room bungalow. conentent Dutch kitchen, all rooms nice and light. The price is put down to bed rock as the owner is moving to Canada. S370o; with, $700 dull, will handle. 505 E. 56th st, -N. WEST SIDE J $2730 $300 CASH Within walking distance, good ft-room house, could be easily converted into, 2 flats, base bent, brick foundation, bath, toilet, gas, 25x100 lot; a tremendous sacrifice., - JohnsonDo'dson Co. 633 N. W: BANK BLDG. MAIN 8787. Ci SALE ;. ' $29Q0-TERMS 5 room bungalow, corner lot. east front, 1 block to ear:, close to school, church, etc: V cash. ' Alberta car to E. 80th N., south 1 block to 1015 E. 30tb N. Owner. 4 ROOM modern buncaloW, full lot, fruit, gar den; $2200 cash, $2300 terms." 4 room cottage. 75x100, fruit; $1250 cash, $1350 terms. 4 room house, garage, big lot; $1050; $150 down. - 3 room shack, 3 full lots, 14 bearing fruit trees; $00, half cash. 6128 B2d St.. Woodstock ear. WESTMORELAND, 1 block west. Ideal, 6 large rooms, full 2 story home, large kitchen, fine pantry, reception haiL full concrete base ment, furnace; 50x1(50 corner, choice roses. cherries, hemes, vegetables, chicken house. 1 block to Sell-wood car, 1 to school. Price $4300, .$1000 cash, balance terms. Owper, 600 Tc4- man, ave. - ' ' - $6000 LACRELHURST SNTP $6000 ' 7 large airy rooms, library and sleeping porch, located just east of nark: full basement, furnace. 'fireplace; lots of built-in. If you are looking for a bargain in a real home here ia your -ch.nce. I. A. McCarty. Office East 39th and Gliaan Ft- Tabor 3433; Sunday and eve., Ta- . bor 5057. 32d ST. BUNGALOW $4000 Hawthorne 5 -room modern bungalow with , . hot water heating plant, fine district, only a block to the car, all improvements paid, lovely lawn, t lowers, shrubbery, berries and fruit trees; nothing- like it anywhere . for tb . price , asked. Marsliall 39S, IRVINGT0N 7 ROOMS' -T room) and sleeping porch, strictly modern and up-to-date in every detail. Splendid location - and cloxe in. Let us show you this nice home, . NeiSan & Parkhill ; 219 Lnmberme BMg., 5th and Stark at. $85t $850 $850 A btrgsin. 8 room slastered house, new. at E. 60th and Clackamas. Easy term. - InquireJ t 403 E. 63d and Hanoock. Take M on U villa T car . . . $200 BUTS 14x20 tent with fly. 2 doors. t aounje iioors, electric iignts, tetepnone and z Dorcht;. 3 tables. 8 chairs. 2 rockers. 2 cota. settee, dish closet, wood rang, oil-heater and cooking utensils. Main 6000. FIRE INSURANCE NOTARY BONDS REAL ESTATE BONDS INSIKAM'E OF. f VKHT KIND SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE SUNNTSIDE; $2650 " Dandy 5 room home with large living room; low of Tmir; jot diiiiiu. HENRY W. OODDARD. 243 Stark St. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW i $3000. $1500 DOWN .6 rooms, ' hardwood floors fur. ) . firenlaee. cement basement; garage; 49th and Brasee. tail Main 1038 or Jaain 4408 on Sunday. A SNAP $7009: beautiful home, furniture, chickens. trail, garqen, carune. rarocuiar 'lapor Vlu7. 7 ROOM modern house, close in east side. $3100; good car or $80O cash. , B-326. iournat. . FOR SALE 5 room'houKe in good locality. very c neap, Dy owner. 1'tione W ood fawn 706 KO ri SALE 7. room' house by owner. , 5 2 3 -'uen eve. - . . f REAL ESTATE FOB SALE IIOCfSES t i RALPH HARRIS CO.'- 627 Chamber of Commerce. The "bis week i history now and you eaa settle down to business with head and heart full of pleasant snemorie. See us for your home. W bve the very best bargains obtainable in medium priced home with easy payment. r Our phone is Main 6624. , .. ; 4 room bungalow with bath, . newly painted and decorated. A very nice little borne, only 2 block to Myrtle Park station, W t. Scott line. Tou will not' be disappoint ed in this. Price only $1650; $200 cash. Balance like rent. ... -. i .. - . y :--' .. v ' ' 6 room cottage, well built and worth a great deal ; more than we are asking. 4 rooms and bath on first floor. Garage. 0x100 lot with berries. A splendid 100 by 100 garden adjoining belongs to this, and the prfce M only $1450; any terms in -reason. block to Woodstock car and 'paved street. -r-,r . -V'-:-. ' KEN'ILWORTH This is the very mt thing we have seen ' at the price. $3000. with f tOO cash. Excellent location. 6 room house, on paved street, fall cement basement, i Immediate possession. Better see us about this at ones. We have many South Portland houses,' walking distance to work and town; otliera in Rose City, North Portland and all the best residence districts. Phone Main 5624. Our ears and salesmen at your service. . RALPH -HARRIS CO. 82? Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY PARK MODERN BUNGALOW in every way. (new). garage. PORTLAND HEIGHTS Five rooms and sleeping porch, among the fir tree; very easy Terms.- - WEST SIDE Fire room bungalow, attic partly finished, good view of river and mountains. Will sell furnished or unfurnished. - ALBERTA DISTRICT Large sonar house, ' t rooms ' and . sleeping porch, garage; en paved street; corner lot, alley . HAWTHORNE DIST. A : V AM Thi...llil .4MB A raj xuw uuirn wi . w ... ..... . . I am sure that you will agree with me tftat each one of these homes is worth the price lam asking. . Will be glad to give you fufther Infor mation about them. Prices $2800to $5750; terms. i Sunday morning. Main 6882; week days, Main i 5456; 1125 GaacoxBldg., Opposite Meier it Frank' Fifth Street. J." Bfuice Has t 10 rooms, very nice. $1000; $600 down. Dandv location. 11 very beautifully furnished rooms, $1050; lovely home and good profit. 20 nice rooms. White Temple district, $1600 dear SlfiO month. Good one. 32 rooms, almost new, $3000; clears $350 month; transient. teady ana noase Keeping Northwestern heat. Best lease in all .Portland. 45 strictly, modem rooms, $8500; clears $600 month.- Easy terms. New place, with elevators, etc - . 50 Modern rooms, clearing $400, month, Terr nice niece. Price $7000. ' When Tnn buv through. Bruce 'Goddard you are always assured of a sausre dell and no after trouble. i J. Bruce .501-2 COUCH BLDG. THE BEAUTIFUL HOMES MT. TABOR DISTRICT MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE t AT A GREAT SACRIFICE v One medium size 8 room house. Large liv rng room, beautiful fireplace, 4 bedrooms and bath. Many fine shade trees on lawn. This is a place you would be proud to call your home. Notice the price .$6500. One laree 8 room house, nicely arranged. 4 bedrooms, bath, ground 140x100. Fine trees. fruit and berries: Gange, Will sell this for $7000. - ' There are -beautiful homes all around thesej place snd there is not av finer district in the city in .which to live. - CITY HOMES DEPT.. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board. of Trade Bldg. Dekaam &; Jordan - ? , MODERN HOME I : f $7500 Tn. !::.. oiij. . . j v. I that so many fine hotnes could be bousbt at such reasonable prices. We have for ale a charming home in high class district, unsurpassed view, bring : and dining rooms are cheerful and sunny, hardwood floors, 4 attractive bed rooms on second floor, one on thud floor; very easy terms. r ; ' , Dekum :& Jordan . 823-4 : Chamber' of Commerce Bldg.. I Fourth and Stark at. . Main 2233. Rose City Snap ' ' x $4850 ' ' . Owner is anxious to leave and will sell on essy terras, or discount for cash, 7 room bouse, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen; woodwork in old ivory, fur nace, fireplace; a splendid value; only 1 block from Sandy blvd. REALTY DEPARTMENT -LAWYERS' TITLE TRUST CO.,. 285 8Urk st. Marshall 1898. FURNISHED HOUSE TOR $575 CASH The total price is $1800. Six room plastered , home, with ' bath, toilet, gas. built-ins. ! Close to the high school and 3 blocks of the car line. Lot 60x100. Two cords wood. This is in a good district. The furniture is in geod condition. Per sonally inspected and photographed by Davis with JOHN FERGUSON, GERUNGEB BLDG. QUALITY HOMES -, IN BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST $8000 $9000 Located close to Psrk and Ctnb. Oak floors, artistically papered walls and ivory enameled woodwork throughout. Tile bath, built-in tub, pedestal lavatory. These homes were built by day labor of highest quality materials to suit particular people. Complete in every detail. Easy terms; LAURELHURST ' CO.. MR. KOEHLER " Main 1700. - 270 Stark St. A MODERN HOME JUST EAST IRVINGTON ON HANCOCK STREET ' This is a fine looking place and is as good as ft looks. T rooms and a sleeping porch. 90s 100 corner, both streets paved. Be sure to see this. It is vacant so that, you can move right in. Only $6000. , .- CITY HOMES DEPT. BITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade- bldg. $5750 $5750 TABOR HEIGHTS BUNGALOW - 8 rooms and sleeping porch. : Located on mag nificent view lot 42x100. all on 1 floor; full basement, furnace, fireplace ; woodwork . in old ivory; lota of built-ins.. Terms to responsible people. J. A. MeCrty, E. 39th and Giisan st. Office, Tabor 3433. Sunday and eve.. Ta bor 5057. - - 5 ROOM HOUSE $250O LARGE LOT FRUIT AND GARDEN la good district. -2 blocks from ear; can't be beat for the money. See it today. " V NeiSan & Parkhill 219 Lumbermen Bldg., nth and Stark st. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. $3250, $1850 cash very easy terms on the balance; 5 rooms, modern, in first class condi tion, complete hot water heating system, good garage and poultry house, large attic 48x100 lot; close to ear. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. - NEAR PENINSULA PARK ' $4800; cash, 7 room modern bungalow, double constructed, U built-in conveniences; 2 bath rooms; besati fully finished; fireplace; hard wood floors; full cement basement; furnace; up-to-date in every way. Call owner, i Wood lawn 1033; A; Good Home Bargain; 6-coora bouse, lot 50x100. $1600, with fur niture $2000. 7811 5Stb are. 8. E., 4 blocks north Woodmcre ststion. Ml Scott ear. E. 16TH NEAR DAVIS 13500 Good 6 room, bouse, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, everything in - A-l coadition; - dand garage. HEN BY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St - i- SAVE YOUR RENT" $SOO--houseboat, 5-r. furnished, garden . lot, city water, electric light and river' bank. Ft. Nevada at. ' - CHARLES RINGLER. 225 HENRY BLDG. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 1161 Milwauki street, cloee to Reed college. Eight room house. sleeping porch, full eement basemeuV attic, ail modern. Lot ooxlJo, attractively unproved. Telephone SeHwood 191. ,ON AOOpUNT of leaving the city, will uacri-, kv inu 9 room mjuerii oungaiow, B II DUlJt- in crnveniences; reasonable Urm-v M, g, car, 6632 2d st, by owner. 6 ROOM house; fruit and nut trees, berries and grape arbor; lot 60x100. $2350: terms, or can oe pnrcnasea wiui additional lot 50x100 fruit. 2 barns and chicken run, 867 E. 7th N he Barsrains REAL ESTATE FOU HALE HOl tSE BUNGALOWS eT1ff'ni s '- hemt.. bath. Dutch &,qbW kitchen, some built -ins. 50x100. fine view of rivev: Wbitwood Court on west side: l)0 eaa&i. HifTfiTiffi 5 ... eieet.. bath. bsmt.. trays, in tb'-' & asm, near Morrison; $700 cash, $2S per ma,, including interest. r It T nuHl 5 T-- 1 ia bungalow, elect. , , bath, tJrlr'J' bsmt.. trays.- 50x105, aom fin fruit trees snd small fruits, 1 blk. to Mt. Tabor car. on E. Taylor st. near 76th; about $1500 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. QITiTh 0 r- nice bungalow, elect.', fireplace, bmt-. bsth. 3 bedrooms, attic, 56 x100. on K. 63d near Gliaan; N. Mt. Tabor: about $1000 cash. C S(n(ni r- n,e bungalow, fireplace, elect., P&HOlVI hath. Dutch kitchen, French deors. 50x100, E. 79th, H block from Giisan st. car; $750 cash, balance 5 years 6 per cent- ' 5 r. fine . bungalow, gag furnace, bath, elect., cement bsmt., fireplace. band-painted and aecosaaa waits; something swell: garage, lot 50x 100, on E. 70th near Halaey; ,nbout half cash. - . C A eftrTTl tJwe11 O r. bungalow, all built-ins, syir1U"iy white enamel throughout, fireplace. oak ; floors, wall papered with latest designs, paved (t. paid; on E. 37th st., in Hawthorne district; about $1000 cash. $RlfhfTrfrh 5 r. fin bungalow, elects pipeles furnace. fireiJace. oak floors. Dutch kitchen, all built-ins, corner tot 45x 100, in Wsverieigh Heights, 1 oik. to car; about $1500 cash, $25 per month. . . Photos of these and many ethers at our office. GRUSSI BENNETT 818-321 Board of Trade. . Main 7452. ROSE CITY -PARK 3 room house, corner' lot 56x100, front porch 26 feet, part might be en closed for deeping porch, . on Siskiyou street, just off Sandy boulevard. Enamel . bath, laundry, toilet, has very artistic . electric future, Radiant gas fireplace, ' variety of small fruit,,, $1950. $600 cash. i , - t . -, : 26TH ST. HOME-- 100 ft on 26th street, about H acre in all. modern 5 room house, base ment with wash trays, fine garden. 8 cherry, 2 apple. 2 pear trees, all kinds . of berries.- $4500.! Open Sunday a. in. A..W. E-aitnlbert & Son Cor. Grand ave. 1 and E. Alder st. East 640. ROSE CITY PARK CAR : 7-ROOM BUNGALOW X4850 . Here, folks, is your opportunity to a bungalow at a price so low as to be almost-unbelievable. You just can't imagine what a truly wonderful bungalow this is. The oak floors are superior to those found in many- $10,000 homes. Then. too, you will find every conceivable convenience ana refinement . one would expect to find in costly bungalow. Located about ' 2 blocks from Rose City Park car. A business opportunity calls the owner to California. This may never oe advertised again. . Wee it today. A. Gi TEBPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near 3d. - Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. ALAMEDA PARK NEW BUNGALOW $7500 Absolutely one of the finest bungalows in Alameda Park. Never have we offered a bun galow in Alameda Park, built as this one is, planned as this one is. snd with all the down- ngnt good features, as we are ottering here. Xou just couldn t ask for anything more there is no way to Detter it. Yes, there is a garage. We could go ahead and 'describe all the details. but we want you to see it. It'll be a downright pleasure u snow you. . . A. G. TEEPE CO., ' 264 Stark fit.-. Near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday, ' , LAURELHURST ' $800 CASH 5 room bungalow, best of material and construction, all built-ins, breakfast nook; lot 40x116, with cement driveway for ga rage; se it today; price $4500, baL to suit. . , - REALTY DEPARTMENT LAWYERS TITLE it TRUST CO., 285 8tark st. , . ' , Marshall 1898. -SAVE RENT SAVR MOKVV $ 8 00-i Fu rnisRed 6-room houseboat, ready .too vit-i m lo ana live flnmtnrti $2700- 74th st., 6-room bungalow, garage. wmiii ' lox, iruit trees. $2900 Sunnyside 6-room modern hntn saouu snu san Rafael st., 7 -room house, BOx - joo lot, la-fruit trees, paved street. $4500 E. Alder st-, 7-rootn modern. J6500 Bnngalow. modern. 100x100. CHAS. RINGLER & CO.. 225 HENRY BLDG. IF YOU HAVE $750 CASH YOU CAN BUY THIS HOME Modern 8 room home on East Rumsid. not. far from entrance to- Laurelhurst- - n rH(wt I loom ana everything- to make a modern com fortable home. Price $5000. You can pay like real. . . . CITY HOMES DEPT. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. v . ST. JOHNS CAR LINE 100x100 with good 3 room house, with plumbing, electric lights, . 4 - blocks from car. near Portland boulevard. Good loca tion. Price $1575. $500 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, OERLLNGER BLDG. s " . -' Main 8529. MON T A V II. LA For sale' orice 1:21 tin 15 r. uungaiow, z diocks from two esrUneR; lot toiiuo, niouern; iuu tiawment;' Installments $20 per montlu - ?500 6 room house, modern. ' 1 block from carune; sewer and gas ail connected. $300 down ana za monuL t per cent interest. O. B. j-wtts. i9 c mars, xaoor 8uo. SPECIAL Bargain Account of siekneaa, 9 room modern house, lot 100x100 ft., with all kind fruit, - berries and garden, chicken house and runs, mo agents, see owner and photo at B10 Buchanan bldg., 5th and Wash., after 12:30 p. m.. Monday and balance of week. Phone PORTLAND HEIGHTS Owner wishes to sell sulendid site for anapt. rneni nouse or resiaence. ueauatul view. Cor. Height Terrace and College. Temporary bat moaern nouse mat wm - tide buyer over until winning to ouiia permanent. Price $4000. Mar- Hiiau aaui. BUSINESS SNAP.. Garage for sale in best town in Eastern Ore gon lor inventory, including shon and sale eon tract for standard make light six ear. No pi oneering as agency is well established. ; Good rea son for selling. LX-522. Journal. $600 8600 600 $100 cash, $15 monthly, buys 1 -room shack. iox tatiuu, - diocks xrom car;. 2 pear trees, 2 apple trees, a good place to get a start. - Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. EAST 6TH. NEAR PINE 37000 Good 5 -room house- in excellent condition on lot 66x100; fine garage.. . Lot alone worth more than price. - HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St . DEAL WITH OWNER 6 rooms at East 30th. and Morrison; paved street; refinished in.ide and out; doub.e garage, $3700. Terms. Tabor 2497. 985 Belmont. il. L. Hammcnd. Get in My Automobile And I will quickly and quietly show you the best buys obtsinsble m Portland, all sizes. BKUCK GODDARD. 601-2 Couch Bldg. LARGE IRVINGTON HOME GROUNDS 100x200 Real high-clas shrubbery and trees, plenty i roil ana Dernes, v room nouse. large porches, etc.; good garage. Price $18,000. 332 E. 21st N. -,: . . f 1- FOR SALE Good two-room cottage, two cor- ' ner lots, on hard road,, good location . for wtore. good garden started. Fruit trees. j dress E. W. Phillip, owner. 6204 65th ave. 8. ., cor 62a st. - j- FOR SALE by owner, a fine modem residence, rooms, on comer lot. 120 foot frontage. fruit trees and rose garden, with finest view in city. Owner going away, phone 31481. Easy terms. au atooa&y. . - - - v 7-ROOM HOUSE, large front room, hardwood floors, fireplace beamed ceiling in dining room, den, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedrooms and bath on 2d floor; newly tinted and painted: price $3950. Call owner. East 2604. 451 Weidler. BEAUTIFUL 6-rm. California bungalow, walk ing distance, furnace, fireplace, garage, 'Cement basement, tubs, sleeping porch. - 2 SOO bal. terms. - 971 Vancouver ave. - EIGHT room house, 415 Tillamook st. For prticulars phone Esst 7076. T. L Bobinsoo, owner. 520 Esst 12th st. North, - . - ' ' - t IN WALNUT PARK. , - Two houses, rent 15 per cent on investment. Call owner. Wdln. 4441. ' V f - - HIDDEN among trees, modem four - i furnished annex, permKuent couple. 64 15th it.- ' ' , - ; POK SALE 5 room cottage on Belmont at., all - improvements in. $500 down, balance terms to suit at 6 per cent. - Box 3. Blodcelt. Or. -ONLY $1500. new 4 room house in con struction. Will finish to suit buyer. E. 75th Burntride. Good location. Terms. M-V ear. PORTABLE house. 9x21 ft. on wagon- running gear. $150. Columbia 851. NEW modem S rooms, ou the Peninsula; $4200; terms. Will make cash deal. Call Wdln. 5387. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 6areySavidge Company 219 Railway Exchange Bldg.- Mam 7487. . MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE HUNDREDS OP PHKTOS OF HOMES IN EVERY NOOK AND CORNER OP THIS CITY. -each one appraised and in spected, by an expert. Our system is not -in selling them, but ia getting them- they sell themselves. . Yon owe it to yourself if . you Intend to buy to investigate. Call Main 7487 and 'a, -salesman will drive you out to ae them. We invite comparison. See ours before you buy. HOMES FROM $1000 to $20,000- Some truly, remarkable bargains. . ''..J.,' ... : v. 1 ". - . R'E EOSE an HOBI $5000 Story and half typical bungalow. T rooms. This home was listed with ! 'us at $6100, and the owner de-.; -. cided suddenly to go to California and the price wa cut way below : ... cost. Interior all in white enamel; . " equipped with Rector System gas heat, more expensive and much more satisfactory than Gasoo fur nace; elaborate . built-in effects: ;, east front, with view of 3 snow- - capped .mountains ; garage, beauti- -' f ul yard, with many kinds of flow ers and berries. . Your own terms. SACRIFICE 'ROSE CITT BUNGALOW $3000 Will buy you qauint, attractive 6 room bungalow, interior in white enamel finish, - part oak floors, ' beautiful grounds and flowers; easy terms. See this today. Salesman with auto will drive you out. ' PRETTY BOSELAWN BUNGALOW $4000 On jpaved Roselawn ave. is located i this attractive 6 room bungalow - type, home; splendid built-in buf- , fet; 8 light - bedrooms, furnace, dandy garage. Convenient terms. '' '' PENINSULA BUNGALOW ' $8200 A modern 5 room bungalow of the better class. . double constructed, . ' . . ' verj substantially built, excellent hardwood floors, massive art-brick . fireplace, large elaborate built-in ' buffet, leaded glass inlaid book cases; in short, this is a home of marked refinement, in perfect con- dition, splendid lawn. 8 bearing fruitr-' trees; near St- -Johns car, Portsmouth. ' This is a sacrifice . price. Very small down payment. Seeing is buying. UN EQUALED BARGAIN ' $27505 room modern bungalow, on cor . ner lot. close in, walking distance; . i dandy fireplace; buit only 8 years; $50O down; immediate possession. LARGE TRACT IN MONTAYILLA $3500 Cash buys this area of 120x123, 1-3 of an acre, with dandy 2 story 6 room modern home; sewer and sidewalk taxes paid; choice corner in heart of Monts Tills ; 24 bear ing fruit trees, good chicken house, near car and school.- This is a besutiful home and. could not be t built for the price asked today, say -nothing of the 1-3 acre of ground. 1 ' Her is where cash will talk. COZY LITTLE BUNGALOW $2800 Completely furnished, very attrac- , tive little 3 room bungalow; low, rambling lines, large veranda, new ly built, strictly modern; in Al , berta district; owner leaving for j the East; will take $60Q down. GREAT BARGAIN IN MONTAYILLA r $250O-r-An excepuonal buy in, a modem f 4 room bungalow on a choice 50x 100 corner lot; fnll eement base : ment,' attractive yard, beasuig fruit , trees, ail kinds of berries. Only , $750 down. WALKNG DISTANCE TO TOWN ' $3250 2 story '6 room house, on a corner w - lot; newly tinted and on a paved street, with all liens paid; easy - terms. - . i BROOKLYN FLATS 14500 10 rooms. 2 story flat building. , on a hard surfaced street, near -t" Ford factory; rents for $50 per month; strictly modern, with bath and toilet on both floors;- terms. . - CareySavidge 219 Railway J&xcbange Mldg. Main 7487. ' Hawthorne " Price $3700 ' -. Terms, $6110 Very pretty 5 room bungalow, fireplace, built- ins, plumbing, gas, floored - attic, full cement basement, paved street, sewer, 1 block to car lines. Place worth $4200. but must sell. Our price. $3700. LAWYERS' TITLE A TRUST CO.. 285 Stark st. Marshall 1898. ' PORTSMOUTH Fine S room bungalow, enclosed sleep-' ing parch, hardwood floors, full concrete ' bsement. fireplace nd many splendid built in cabinets, fruit tree and berries. Here ia a strongly constructed, nicely modeled house at $4750. , Mahoney, - COE A. M'KENNA CO., 82 Fourth st. Main 4522. Evenings and Sunday, Columbia 638. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT . - . 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $4500 WE'LL LEAVE IT TO YOU- We want you to go out. see this -remarkable bungalow and you -tell us what it's worth, and if you don't think its worm s-iouu -weu anyway, you just couldn't - say - We want to mention that this splendid bungalow has hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, garage, etc. Near ear. -A.-4. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. Near 3d. Main 3092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. j PIEDMONT'S BEST OFFERING 7 Rooms and Sleeping Porch v;- ' - All Modem Steam Heating Plant. . Corner Lot 100x100; Piedmont Addition. This property belongs to a lady in the East. It could not be reproduced today -for $10,000. Owner writes us to price it so anyone who knows values will jump at the chance. It is yours for $5750. : Neilan Parkhill 219 Lombermens Bldg., 5th snd Stark st. $100 DOWN ' For fa 4 room house, located in a good district, 50x100 lot, see it at 1557 Westanna'st. Take St. Johns car to McKenna ave., .walk 2 blocks west, 2 blocks south. This will best the rent pussle. Call Mr. Mahoney.: any evening, Columbia 638. $2300 : - Rose City Park $250 cash. $25 per mo., will build you a modern ,3 room bungalow, with dining . room, bedroom,' closet, rec hall, built-in kitchen, break fast room; bath, toilet, lavatory, sink tank, part basement, concrete foundation; electric lights, painted, tinted; full lot. Phone Tabor 1324. ROSE CITY $4850, modern and on easy r terms. You can buy this 5-room bungalow with bath, ha all built-ins. bookcases, buffet, kitchen, fireplace, hardwood floors, screened in porch and sleeping porch, cement basement, furnace . heat, also s good garage. To see 'Is to buy, ;. .... j. . JolhnsonDodson Co. -v..-. 638 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. FOR SALE , by owner, a modem 5-room bungalow on paved street; beautiful lot and lawn; price $2300; with good terms. Owner at-home Sunday; 6544 82d st. 8. E. Take Mt. Scott car to 82d St., walk 2 block 'north. - - . - ii--- 5 -.- -L -- ... $2950 SUNNYSIDE TERMS 5-room bungalow with large attic, only 2 blocks to 8$ car, dose to school and stores, full lot. paved streets, all improvement paid bargain for the price asked. COOVEB HOLMAN, 822-3-4 Failing bldg. Marshall 3993. FOB SALE A BEAL HOME 8trictly modem 9 room bungalow, 4 block, beautiful shrubbery, lawn, trees, also excellent garage, . restricted district. : Anyone desiring a fine home would do well to look this up. Would consider a small bungalow aa part payment: terms. Owner. Tabor 4482. ' A REAL home, substantially and honestly built by day labor seven years ago. Beautiful loca tion on Portland Heights, large grounds, level 9-room house, . modern in every respect. You win oe pieasea wita tnia piaosc lzos Spalding building, telephone 8377. , $1250 CASH $1450 TERMS A good 6 room house, 2 blocks to Mt. Scott car, near sza sl, electric tight, gas, bath. See owner, 6054 63d av. 8. E. . Phon Automatic Lente 1521. - NOW VACANT, MOVE RIGHT IN " Rose City Park, coxy 4 room bungalow, full plumbing, basement. . garage.- nice 50x100 lot, lawn, trees, shrubbery, garden. Only $1450; terms. Here's your chance. Tabor 6359. E..10TH NEAR DIVISION S400O 6 room house with good t basement; streets macaoam; x oiock to ear: lot. IkUxlOO. HENRY W. GODDARD, 43 Stark St. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HCtlSES 1 RUSE CTTT PARK 6-RWOM BUNGALOW ' $5350. LOCATED NEAR BEAUTIFUL ALAMEDA DRIVE. Here's a home youll be proud to own. You'll really be surprised to find such a won- aertui Bungalow in una superior district tor so little money. There is not a single feature lacking to make this a real complete home, hard wood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc -Ye, there is a garage, Let ua show you. ." A. G. TKKrK CO.. ' 264 Stark St.. Near 8d. Ulln 8092. Branch Office 50th and Sandy. Open Sunday. 'SEE! HIGH-CLASS . MODERN 4-ROOM BUNGALOW CHOICE CORNER GROUNDS, PAYED STREETS. Desirable, close-in location. A DE LIGHTFUL AND ATTRACTIVE HOME; unique design, LARGE. LIGHT CHEERFUL ROOMS; large rustic porch A great buy sura to please you. Call . owner. Tabor 5169 or Broadway 421, . No agents. ' Seeking a Home? it. J An actual toss - to owner in order -a-eu quickly. Seven rooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floor below, - bath. 2 toilets, fireplace. furnace, . wash trays, large floored attic; ex cellent condition, corner 46x120; walking dis tance. 7 9JJ East Salmon. Price $5500: terms. Phone Main 6229 day or East 2916 evenings. for sppointment, s ONLY $1000 $300 DOWN Genuine snap, 4 room plastered cottage, good size rooms: living. dining. kitchen, bedroom. electricity, city water piped Into kitchen, small basement, 40x100 corner lot, 9 bearing fruit trees, berries and shrubbery, fine chicken house and cow bam. Located west ol yza st., stents, a little way to the car. but worth the effort. Just sum all the things up for only $1000 full price, and then let us show you this splendid opportunity Monday. Geo. T. Moore Co.. 1007 leon bldg. ; A DANDY BUY " Modern 7 room bouse with full cement base ment, furnace, all built-ins, etc. Located on East 14th street, only two blocks to Sunnyside- jut. xaoor car; it is positively, ar snap at iiiu part cash to handle. KASER tt. BAINEY . 823-6 Gasco bldg. - Main 7002. ROSE CITY $4150. , Here is a good double constructed 6-room home in Rose City Park; has fine' Dutch kitchen, buffet, cement basement, good 50x100 lot on paved street and ' can be had on easy terms. ... - : -.-: .... -, u. , JfofansonDodson Co. - " 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. -: MAIN 8787 :v . Buy From Owner; 6 room bungalow on best street Rose City Psrk district; newly painted and tinted; full cement basement, furnace, bearing fruit trees and berry bodies; paved street: 800 feet from Rose City Psrk carline; -owner leaving city sole cause for sale. 507 East 45th st North, Tabor 7936. Can be inspecteed beginning Monday. 8 ROOM Irving-ton borne, eement basement. - wash trays, furnace; first floor hardwood, 2 fireplaces. . Second floor, - 4 sleeping rooms. - small sleeping porch, bath and toilet. House will need a few repairs. This . house could not be duplicated for $7500. Price $4750. No commission paid. Own-: er, L. K. Moore, 317 Board of Trade. Only $S00;Cah pnts you in good 7 room home, fine plumbing, full basement, east front, hk block to Mt. Tabor car. No. 163 E 50th St., balance $2700. at go month. (Hard surface paid) . SIDNEY G. LATHROP, a "v 16 Abington Bldg. : (SIGN OF THE HORSESHOE). Artistic 5 Rm. Bungalow Toilet and bath, attic, large kitchen with neat shelving, pantry ;. decorated throughout in old ivory and white, tapestry paper; cement basement, wash trays, dandy 'large veranda, beau tiful 40xl00 ' comer lot, Hawthorne car 3 blocks; $4500. $2000 cash ; ' discount for all cash. Owner, 823 K. S7th st. .Tabor 8279, MAN ALIVE. LISTEN f Why pay high rent or 8 cent carfare, when you can buy this large 5 -room bungalow, lo cated in is. Alder st. near 12th, easy walking distance? Own your borne, where tb property will some day be valuable; call at our office and ' e photos. - - . COOVEB, & HOLMAN. : 822-3-4 Failing bldg; Marshall 3993 Snap on Terms Leaving town; must sacrifice beautiful home, 7 room bouse, 180x120 grounds. Over $250 in fruit and berries, fine garden, - beautiful grounds: must be seen to be appreciated; $500 will handle. 6210 58th eve. 8. E. Tabor 875. -- MODERN Hawfhome home, 5 rooms and con- vertible sleeping porch, oak floors, buffet. book-cases, besmari ; ceilings, fireplace, furnace, eement basement, $4200, $1600 cash, r . . JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. ISK BLDG. .MAIN 3787. 7 ROOMS 100x100. COR. ; $3500 All Kinds of Fruit " One street paved and paid. This is a nick up lor tno money. . - Neilan &.ParkhilL 219 lombermens Bldg., 5th and Stark st. $i850$500 Down 4 room modem cottage, full plumbing. . gas. electric; all kinds of fruit and berrie now ripen ing. 100x105. 1973 E. YamhiM u Tabor 9212. Mt Tabor car. - . VERY good buy. Price low, terms easy 6-room house, fruit and berries, 50x100 lot near car; $2650; $650 cash, balance essy. Joihinson-Dodson Co. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. -MAIN 3787 GREGORY HEIGHTS " B room bungalow, garage dose to school, fruit and berries; attractive yard; full basement and wash trays, garden' all in: three block from car lot 58x100. Price $2850, $500 cash, balance terms. 004 js. t jui N. , v. ear. ALBERTA DISTRICT 12 750 Dandy 4 room bunoalow - with finishixl airin large enough for two. rooms, new plumbing and fixtures, streets graded and cement - walks In ana paia; gsuu casn wiu handle. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St - MOVE RIGHT IN Modem 6 room bungalow, full eement base ment, paved street. E. 36th,. near Richmond car. very cheap. Call .Sunday. 424 K. is rant st. . - 7 BOOMS, bath, full cement basement, waxh f trays. 50x100 lot. built-in kitchen: house in gooa condition; iw minutes to Ua and Mor nsou. $1000 cash. Price $3650. Mr. Brand, - $2600 8 rooms,' newly painted and tinted. 50x100 comer, fruit and flowers, good terms, -1558 Hassslo,- near 60th st. Open Sunday, . or call owner. Automate FOR SALE, cheap for cash, 8 room modem house. - close to Broadway bridge, new post- offiot, east side, garage, lot 50x100. free, clear f all incumbrance. Phone East 993. $1200 THREE room pkuitereed house, - large garaen. oemes. cnicxeu nouse: gooa down balance easy. This includes winter fuel.. : 142 W. A ins worth. Woodlswn 6316. $3800 OREGON CITY LINE. 1 acres, modern bungalow, furnished, gar qen, iruit. - : CHARLES RINGLER, 225 HEXBY BLDG, 8EIXWOOD CAR. CLOSE IN $2800" Near S. P.. shops, 5 rooms, excellent eondi tion; owner must sell; Vi block car-. $2800, 1UUU cash. JdarshaU 1022. -. MODERN 7 room bungalow in South Portland near Fulton; cost me $3500, .win sell for gzuuu, naif casn. balance & years. 434 Mill St. Phone Msin 4018. MODERN 5 room . houve on Woodlswn curlino near 13th sC, cement basement, berries, fruit trees ana lawn. A very low price. S1950 ca-u or terms. uiaremont av. ROSE CITY PARK $4500 d room bungalow with full cement basement. lumace; everytmng in A-i -condiuon ; 52d si. N. jrtKJRy v. uuuuaud. 243 stark St- 5 ROOM plastered house in Lente district, on block from carline. WIU sell very reasonable or xrsae ior an automoone or acreage- Inquire ii wo roweu vauey roaa. Phone Seilwood 717 NEW 4 room, lot $0x100. St. Johns ear: gar den; $2800 cash. Call owner, Joe Jorg, 1694 van nouieu su- - - 10 ROOM house for sale, furnished for 4 fami- lies, nice comer lot. furnace, close in on west siae. jn s-ront St., corner Mead. - - $1600 6 room house, cor. lot 50x100. choice fruit; terms. Phone Speer, Tabor 386 or SEE FOR yourself. Beat 5 room mod. bunga low for $2750, $600 down, $25 per mo. 2182 momson, -. . - . SIX ROOM house. 50x90 ft- Int. 974 (kn.n, be in ave., $2500, with: terms; $300 down, terms. Phone 316-50. - . FOB SALE By owner, 1 acre, plenty fruit and garuen, gooa nouee, garage, 8705 70th ave. . is., roruana, or.; ; ; , BY OWNER Smn house, 6 rooms, fine kit. two diocks to car. ' rimtn payment down, bal ance use rent, r-none oetiwona 1)07. SELLWOOD. REX AVE.. S3.100. Jjeaving city, modem 5-room bungalow, gar- aao. Tm dws oar. . ssanw; n 1V2Z, BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 61 LAURELHURST This , new bungalow Is strictly modern. In cluding hardwood floors ia every room, large plat glass windows, indirect lighting : fixtures. renea doors, tapestry paper. oud brass hard ware, cut glass knobs. Urge beveled mirrors, full Dutch- kitchen, pretty breakfast nook, tile bath, pedestal lavatory, floor tub, inlaid lino leum in kite oen, cement porcn, large attic, ga rage. S coats paint t outside, B coats on in side Woodwork. Her is a home that you can well be proud of. "Cotae out today and see for yourself. $3000 - cash, - balance oa mortgage. 164 Laureih unit ave., near S9ta st. 'Buy direct from owner and builder, ' Phone Woodlawn 24113 And Ask About Our 3 ROOM. HOUSE FOR -' - $550 - "MILLMADE -CONSTRUCTION CO. P. O. Box 244 ROSE-GUY: BUHGAIjOW 33S0Oi-Terrns--S35il)0 Just - completed, modem, double constructed bungalow; large living room with fireplace, hard wood floor, book case writing desk, buffet, Dutch kitchen with all built-ins, ironing board, etc. ; Dreaklast nook with tables and benches, 2 light, airy, bedrooms, bsth - between, full plumbing. closets, inside and outside entrance to a-cement basement, double wash, trays, alt room nicely tinted and finished, in ivory, electric fixtures, cement walks to street, lot -60x110. House open 2 P. m. to 8 p. m. Phone East 7726 or Auto. 322-04. Buy direct from builder and owner and save money. 68th and Stanton, 2 blocks south of Handy blvd. - Irvington Residence I have a modem 6-room house with sleeping porch, has vestibule, reception hall, living and dining rooms in ivory and mahogany, with French door between; fine Dutch kitchen in white: all of (first floor hardwood, ha fireplace, built-in ouuet ana bookcase, furnace; also 8 tine, large bedrooms, upstairs; a very attractive place with garage and fine lot, facing east; all for $7500, will conxider auto a part payment. Inquire of IK' JL Blanchard - Phone Main 829. 519-20 Railway Exchange. BUNGALOW BY OWNER 6 larg rooms, breakfast room, sleeping norch. urn. garage, large attic, most up-to-date bath and shower, - triplicate . mirror in medicine cases, 2 bedrooms 13x14 and 1-4x19, 8 larg cjosets, improvements and arrangements different from any you have seen; white .enamel and ivory fin ish and genuine mahoeanv - trimmed : den with Dookeasea all mabogany; builtin features too nu merous to describe; sewer and pavement paid; select 'your own electric fixtures; you must see this borne to know its value. , Broadway car line. H Mason st. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAY New Ultra Modern ow 7 . room colonial borne. 2 large bedrooms on first floor, with complete bathroom, breakfast nook, mahogany finish in living and dining rooms, "Trench doors, two concrete entrances, large rooms up with shower, lavatory, toilet, oak floors and papered throughout. This is certainly a dream home. ' Corner lot, wonderful view. .".-.Il , , t- . 1 1 o r (V , :, , , vi MKrauau aouinu we wui .aiiow you. . . H. ROCK, Wi., 408 1XH1CB Bldg. VIEW OF MOUNTAINS Lovely 8-room fine. horn, lot 72x128. abund ance of fruit, nuts and berries; double concrete garage; bom ia finished in ivory; large buffet. JJutcn kitchen with electric range; also pipeles furnace. This place, is positively worth t least 310UO more than the price we are ask ing; price $4500, $750 cash. Tb bouse is very attractive in appearance. Call southwest corner 6 ftth and Couch, 4 blocks south M-V carlrne. Tabor 854. ' $2930-t 5-room , bungalow, living room, dining room, Kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, laundry trays, concrete foundation, 50x100 lot, kite of fruit and berries, plenty of room for garage. House on ear line, $650 cash, monthly pay. menu. - i Jolinson-Dodson Co. 633 N, W. BANK BLDG.. ' MAIN 8787. $980WITH , TERMS M acre, bouse, gas and water, houses for 100 hens, shedt. assorted berries. 8 fruit trees. grapes,-asparagus; loo, feet from bard surface road; cement walk; 2 carline and 2 schools; $350 cash. 6423 66th St. S. E.. Mt Scott and Woodstock car. LOOK at what w can give you for $2250, and only small down payment, a good double constructed 4-room- bungalow with bath, built in kitchen, fireplace, good basement,, laundry trays, only z Diocxs to car, on good street. JolhnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. - MAIN 8787, JEFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT Modem 6 room house, newly tinted and Paint ed, sewer connected, full cement basement, xo diocks jeneraon nign, oiorg ana nail to car. Wilt consider lot good locality as part payment $2800; terms, or reduction for cash. Phon owner, Woodlawn 457. 8 ROOMS ROSE CITY DISTRICT Beautiful absolutely modem bungalow typ residence in tin condition outside and in. every thing, nothing needed. $6500 : liberal -discount lor quick sale with large cash payment. If you need a home don t miss this one. Owner, 402 K. SBd stt. IS., comer Hancock. Ant. 810-26, ROSE CITY FOB $4200. Good - 6-room double constructed bungalow with all built-in and hardwood floors only, on 60x100 lot with garage, 1 block to car. ' - Jofonson-Dodson Co. : 688 N. W. BANK BfcDO. MAIN 3787 A REAL borne for $5850 in the most desirabl part of Bos City Park, consisting of a mod era 6-room bungalow, beautiful shrubbery, trait trees and berries; must be seen to be appreciated by owner, at reasonable price. 443 E. 62d sL N. Tabor 5141. $300 DOWN and $15 per month, total $1800 buy six-room bungalow at 5203 78th street southeast. Phone Marshall 4993. or call 211 Washington building. --. FOR SALE By owner, 5 room bungalow, full - basement, attic all floored, 70x100 Corner; rosebushes, berries, shrubbery, Mont villa. Tabor $3200, WALKING distance ; save carfare and tune; 6 rooms, modem. Wilgus D. -Smith, 690 Williams ave. r-ast 1298. 5-ROOM house, lot 50x100. car 1 block. $1000 stenms.c Owner, 729 Liberty. Wdln. car to 22d st. FOR SALE By owner, 6 room modem cottage, close in,' on paved street. Price $2400, $1000 caen. Da la ore easy term. tM. sizs. FOR BALE Five-room bous, 509 10th an! Brooklyn, for $1600. by owner.. Sellwood 2087. 100X100. 8-roora cement block bungalow, fine garden, 14 fruit tree, berries, lawn, shrubbery, garage. - Ownr, Tabor 7843. EQUITY small 8 room 8110 63d ave. Southeast, $225: -due ; $620. Owner, 70 K. 9th st. 40x100 lot. MODERN 5 rooms and sleeping porch, furnished. 718 E. 73d north. - Tabor 8002. ask for Mr. Lee. PIEDMONT Strictly modem 9 room boose, not water neat: very exclusive uietnct. WdJn. 187. FOR SALE: FINE MODERN HOMB"lN BOSS CITY PARK. ACT. 812-79. FOR SALE 8 room house, 664 Powell si., cor. 13 th, soow. see owner srter o p. m B&AUTIFUL home, with 2 lots, tor . sal by owner; reasonable. East 297. FOR SALE Cbsjct lot, splendid homes nd ln- come property. Ask Mr. Berry, Marshall 1684 LIST YOUR HOME WITH MBS. BERRY" - PHONE MAR. 1684. , ,. FQK gAjg IOTB ----- - 16 FOR SALE By owner, choice , lot. 5 blocks north Rose City oa 64th St.: eheas for eaah. Tabor 2817. 4830 75th St. s. is. NICE lot near Peninsula park and Kenton car. Cheap, ay term. Will fnraish money- to build. - Woolll. 8878. 164S sIMHt-wtppi eve. TWO lots.: west of Lente school, 110 ft. front, 137 ft. deep; $T50, -terms, 691 Hoyt. Main 5320. - - - ' ' WHY pay rent? 25x100 lots ia Mt. Tabor, near carline; good locality; no building stfictions. Tabor 2466. - SHRINERS Secure comer lot. 60x100. West - Sid warehouse district, income $47 month. Price $7600. Chaiker. 4709 K. cist st. WANTED .-A good lot in choice residence dis trict on easy terms, not too far out; must be reasonable. Z-405, JouraaL 4 LOTS 200x400. Arleta. 62d St.. 1 block from school. $550; bargain. Tabor A3tt4. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -LOTS 16 MR. HOMESEEKER Hera Is your chance to buy a good lot oa easy payments. 50x100. Boss City. $50 down. $10 montn; total. $550. 100x100 in Junior St.: $56 down, $lo month; total, $1000. 94x100 near Alberta and 26th: SIB" aown. IS a month: $1100. or will sell you the cor ner for . -'4 ' $550, with $50 cash and $10 a month. -60x100 -near Firland ststion. $25 cash and IA a month- .Ml SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCHANGE. -' PARKROSE $50 DOWN $20 MONTH 100x220 ft. lir tree, good view. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANYj , Branch Offic end of Parkrcse carline. $300 $30 CASH. $8 monthly. Fin. lot con venient to west side, Vancouver. Kenton, bu Johns, is near Peninsula park,, no building re strictions. Johnson"Dodson Co. 633 N, W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. DOVER 50x100. $30O. Wooillawn 50x100, $4 50. Errol Heights 50x100. $475. Tremont Place 120x120, $1200. Woodstock 100x100, $I50. LOIUUNTON 185x100. $1890. CARL HERMES 811 61st Ave. 8. E. Phone Sellwood 8402. OUT OK TOWN owner says sell northweat or southeast corner of E. 4 8th and Broadway at once. Look at It- and mak offer, we -. ' .'jonnsonijoason : wo. 6S3 N. W. Bank Bldg. ' Msin 3787. Corner lot SOxlOO. E. 19th and E. Couch sta. $1800. J.. J. OEDEft CO. Grand v. N. near 'tis Ankeny t BEAUTIFULLY -wooded lots, none smaller than 50x100,. nearth Jefferson high, $500. $50 cash, $10 .monthly. - JolhinsonDodson Co. . 633 N. W. BANK BLDG. MAIN 3787. 55x100 CORNER LOT FIRLAND STATION FACES EAST $10 down and $10 per month. Price only 1250 save your rent. SMITH-WAGONER CO.." STOCK EXCHANGE. . 21ST AND WEIDLER " :' 75x100 Garage and lots of fruit and berries. $4500. Drive by and look it over. - .urrvi'D toivih a. 2Q1-8-8-7' Board of Trade bidg. ' TWO LOTS WITH RIVER VIEW Cor. W. Wygant and Delaware. Wdln. 1848 $500 $50 CASH. $lp monthly buys a beau tlfuily wooded lot near Peninsula Park, in vestigate. It is a bargain. Johnson.Dodson Co. 633 N. W. BANK-BLDG. MAIN 8787. 3 LOTS on- Willamette blvd., pavement u and pa la, 'T3 encii... sio down, flu iper montn. 11VA K. BI'TU t. W. 34 IXlTS. S. E. cofner 43d and Diviniou .U. $600 each. J. H. McMahon. 2606 East 43d ST. Tshor 6361. v . ALAMEDA PARK corner. E. 8 2d and Shaver. price gizao; streets paved, paid. Tabor 441. PRETTY Rose City Park lot, paved street, only aoio. owner, laoor axza. ACREAGE $7 ATTBACTFVm 10 ACRES Here is a very fine close in highly improved 10 acres, including two-story modem bouse - with hardwood floors, fireplace, sleeping porches, full base ment, fine water system, very fin bam, cr tick en houses, bearing orchard, abundance of berries, etc. 1 can offer at a real bargain and on very easy terms. , Soil, location and surroundings are extra good and I do believe you will find no objections to this profierty if you want something -extra choice, SAMUEL I "OAK, 1202. Northwestern Bank Bldg. 8 ACRES, only 25 minnteg out on good roads, lots of fruit, good soil, larg chicken house, good 5-room house. -well, garage, etc., only $1750. $1000 cash. Hesgard with COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 4th st. v 40 ACRES $6000 STOCK AND EQUIPMENT 22 acres under plow, 18 acres pasture with several hundred cord of . wood, 1 cr orchard, 8-room house, barn, granary, chicken bouse, run ning spring water in liouae; fuir set of farming tools, 1 horse, 2 cow and chickens. 6 stands bees; crop all in; price, only $6000; $2000 cash. i : If. L. KtlDY, RITTER-LOWE St CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 200-ACRE BARGAIN ' TERMS TO SUIT $18 per acre. $0U cash, nearly all tillable greater part easy cleared ; fine soil., creeks and cprings. mar rood school and gravel road. This will make a dandyetock ranch; unlimited out range; located five .mNe f rem ( arrolU, Wash . A. v . r'nif.o, 909 CHAMBER OP COMMPKCE FOUR MILES OUT - ' R acre, looted on a fin macadamised road. 4 block from Baa Line paved road. 2 block from school. Close to cariin. 3 acre in grain. 20 fruit tree. No waste land, Price $1785; $285 cash, Bal ance $15 per month. JOHN FERGf SON, GEBLINGEB BLDG. ONLY $12 5 PER ACRE 160-ACHE BARGAIN 3 14 miles from Cairo lis. Wssh.. on county read; rural route, tetepnone; thickly settled com munity; 20 acres ba been cleared; orchard springs and creek. ' - Fine soil ; considerable f i and cedar timber. A dandy slock ranch. $900 A. W. ESTER. 909 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLOCK FROM CITYLIMITS Large Jot, 64x100, located south of Fulton ear. west side: nice shade trees, some berrie line 4-room house, with gas. city wster: gsrsge. This is only 25 feet from graveled street. Price SllOO; SOoO cash, balance at $16 per month. axignt comioer lot ana casn. JOHN FEKG l-SON, GE R LINGER BLDO. 8 ACRES. CLOSE IN. $3150 " S acres located near 7 2d St., about 75 fruit tree, full bearing; til city conveniences; extra gooa z-rootn nouse; xuis is certainly a good ouy at only $3150; good terms. F. L. EDDY, BITTERtLOWK A CO., V 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ELDERLY COtJPLE'S OPPORTU NITY "to acre, 10 bearing fruit trees, all kind of small Traits, deep, rich sou. tree of gravel; ail in garden; cottage, bam, chicken bo-sse, other Buildings store with fuu stock of goods mak ing good living. Gas and electricity .available. Bull Bun water; to bouse and para. All for $8500. J. C. C0RBIN CO.. 805-6-7-8 Lewi- BMj, -CLOSE IN ACREAGE W have ever ' 6O0 .small places, within 20 miles of Portland. Home real close in. All have buildings. Rome on the paved roads- and clos to electric' transportation. Photos of all at the office. JOHN FEBGUS0N, GERLINGEB BLDG. 2H ACRES. 8 blocks car. store, postofttce, 4 room hows, outbuildincs, city water, 1 quince, tree. walnuts. - 84 cherries, 1 5 peach. 1 prunes. 50 pears. bO apples. 1 66 gcoseberri, 2001 t-aspberTi-s, 1000 ttrawbrmes, 11 grape vine. 80- hills rr.uhsrb. asparagus, acr clover. fine garden. $3200. . s Louis Simpson. WiOam- efte, Or, box 81. ' ' ' UP COLUMBIA HIGHW A Y""2 5 MILES 41 ACRES ONLY $1760 House, barn, chicken bouse, family orchard, berrie. 7 acres. In cultivation, 6 acres pasture, balance timber; watered by creek and Well; on R. F. D.. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HART MAN CO.. 7 Chamber of -Commerce bldg. TUALATIN VALLEY SNAP" 8 acres -on 8. P. electric, 14 mile from Portland. 8 blocks from station and paved high way; eaay brush clearing; wonderful coil; trap at $2400, easy terms. . Inquire for it, Linda hi st Buck's store. Aloha, Or. ACRES FOR SALE One acre ' with fine croo. 8 room house. chick en houe, fruit and berries, city water, out side city limits. gSOOOr 44th and J arret. block north of Killingsworth ave. Write P. Pearson, K. No. 1, box 860, Portland, Or. 10' ACRES Near -station at Fairview. all in cultivation, aBd A-l oil; $40O0. , Room 1 245 H Whingtoa st. - 22 ACRES on govd rock road, all tillable. Bates plowed; no building; price $1000; mile from town. Reynold. Rainier, Or. 12 ACRES level land, best soil, close in, Kant Hide, near psved st., 4 acres in crop; $2400. xerma. vnaiaer, uv out St. REAL ESTATE ACRFAGB THREE ACliH.S WITH A HJXl i.t, , Tu price. Is reasonable and vou can ipnl- 'your own term. Contract for it now by pay" J own $50. Build a chmn litrle hom. and I-t the tnonrr vnu am now navin fn. cav off tli balance on your contract- If you ha not. money enough to build your kouw, we- will help you. If sickness or sncident overtaiiea vr.u. .wul carry you. Make the start now and in lew year you will own a valuable niece of property in a thickly settled community. Thi land, which ia covered' with a nice grove of trees, lies facing the station at Ruby Junctjm.. where the Mount Hood line crosses the Trouuiai ) electric . It ia west ot the sution aud runs tlirough to a public road wtftch leads to tiie BaKe Line road. The price of this particiili" Piece is $4 50 per sere. We hsv snoilicr pin in this tract at $375 per sere, paid like rant Wak up and coine in and see us. . strong Co. 634 Chamber of t'omnitrrce. VERY CHOICE 32 ACRES All in cultivation, best soil, extra good house with modern improvements, bam. chicken house, abundance of fruit, berries and grapes, and located on paved highway, close in and fin neighborhood. Crop in and looking good, including nearly 6000 logan berries. If yeu are in. the market for a good home, good ranch and with a good in come at a rKasonablt- price with eimy terms, I believe this place will phme you. Might consider small amount in trade. . . . SAMUEL IK1AK, 1202 NorUiwestera Bank BMg. JUST OPENING UP A NEW ADDITION CLORE TO VANCOUVEB AMD PORTLAND NEAR THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY In tracts of 5 acres up, on terms of $1 " down and $5 tier month, buy a 5 acre trai Price ranging Anm $50 ler acre np. Gobi oL Free from rock or gravet -toe level: enough slop for drainage. Soma bottr- i land. Ftn -land for prunes, berries or ga. -den truck. Fin location for poultry ranch Will mak you an ideal bntne. Highs being paved close to this addition. CHARLES' DELFELi 818 Railway Exchange Bldg. BEST 1IOMESITKS ON COLUillllA Extra, fine view of river, lake and inouula' i. Just outside of . Vancouver. CUty water, . t acres fine garden soil. 83800. Only $15 ' cssh, balance term. Inside city of Vancouver, with all city r veniences. Ou paved street. 5 '-i seres, ail i garden soil. Fair iionse. bam and other bi. .1 1 lugs. . $5500. $25(10 ca-h. baj&oc terms. HEAD, KKAll 20 acres, 13 acres In good state cultivation 7 acres stump pasture. Good "-house, bum t I other buildings. Extra fine wster from well O i good road, near paved road, 7 miles Vsncouvf,. good cows. 4 pigs. 100 chickens, ail fa., m tools. $5"ftO. Only $2800 cash, balance frm . ATKINSON POUTER, 112 W. 0th Ht Phone- 838 or 832-J Vancouver, Wi " NATIVE AND IMPORTED TREES Set -out 20 years ago make this tract of 1 acre a real fairy land and the prettiest pi on the new west side Pacific highway, a' i three-fourths of a mile south of Oswego. T,i are oak, chestnut, pine and- other varieties; th district Is restricted, insuring - its envirunme- : will always b protected. . Price $1373; 3 cash, ay. payment. KASER A BAINEY 822-7 Gaar-o Birtg. Mam 7nO' OVfot SIX ACRES, located Hmile frotr. Jionita station, 12c raiisre. Ail uncle; good fence. County road. Creek on ttn boundary line. This is all the finest kind of black loam soil. County rosd. ta. under cultivation, balance in psstiir. New 6 room bungalow, lath and plastered, witl all built Ina. Fireplace. Chicken lion for 200 chickens, brooder house 12i24. bam 16x24. -Fifty bearing - fruit trem, lnganberriea, strawberries, na)brrjM With tliis place is 2 good cows. wt chick ens, tools and - equipment. $2000 ch and long time on the hslanee.i Personally inspected. Anderson, with I JOHN FERGUSON. GEH-UN-JEB BLDG. r 'WELL IMPROVED SMALL- PLAOB 7 acres, located 4 mile from good town. Washington county, Oregon. On graveled road. Black loam soil. All under culti vation. Good young orrhsrd, beginning to bear. New 6 roem hous with fire place. 20x32 barn. 1-0x24 chicken hmise. Price $35O0, with young team, wauna and harness, ' single barnes and busny, plow, harrow, cultivator, 80 chickens, cow and crop. $1700 rash, th talanw on easy terms. Pernonally inspected. 1'luitug at office. Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGEB BLDO. 1-3 ACRE near Dosch station, best nf soil, lots of fruit, garden In, a mod era 6-room btmsalow, beamed ceiling, fireplace, laundry trays, bath, beauti ful view. Just off Hoffman road; price $4000. Hesgard with COE A. McKENNA A COw 82 4 th at. NEAR MTLWAUKIE 8 acres located close to th Mllwnki rod. 7c carfare, all under cultivation. City water in the atreet. Good grvcled rod in front of th property. No gravel or waste land. Other city convenience .there: Thi is close in property. Lev than a mile from the center of Portland. Cottage 1Bx24. Telephone ran b. had. Price $23r0, small payment down. JOHN FERGUSON. UEWLINUfctt BLDO. 10 A 'KE3 $125 CASH COLUMBIA RIVER VIEW On gravel rd. few rods from Parifle ITS- way, mile to Carroll, Wash, Smalt cbnxuig fenced, good spring, all cut over nd easy to clear; fine soil. $40 per acr, easy terms oa tb balance. AW. F.STES 909 Chamber of (Vimm- ACREAGE FOU SALE $350012 Vs acres. 2 aers. cleared and In crop, 5 acres in fine omber; 1 mile from rf line, 8 mile from city limits; $1300 -down, balance on good terms 6 per cent intrroat. : $25006 acres, all in cultivation and in crop, cm Ruction Lin road, 2 mile from city limits; S0 down and 6 per cent inter. O. B. POTTS. 1980 E. Stark Kt. Tabor 800. txRDwcio"b pBorosi'fioN 20 acres, fioe soil, line well and majmlf ic-wit view of Cc-lumbi river. Kenced and 5 acr- easy cleared. One tbon-aml cords old grovtu fir wood that will pay for th land, tutfiiar alone. Down hill haul to Kslstna, Wa.ii., 2 miles. $1000, cash $600. A. W. ESTES. ' " 909 Chamber of ;mmrr. ACRE rtACTSI.'iVK lllN'Vi i"lt"CTT ' $1200, 25 down, $12 50 monthly, btavs 1 acre- of ground, all set out to urted f!-i'i fruit trees (and berries, in a high state of cui -vation. We have several of tlie".e tracts; n.-'i some H -acre tract, which may be bought on the same terms, Salexmen wi'li autos to rtM these tracts at any time. Phxto at of.ic.. Fred W. German Co., 73 2 Cham of m. $100 Per-Acre 17 seres rich valley lan!. all In cult, and ef. right at d-xot, valley town, paved r'd, ro buildings, fine l'cfion for store or bote!, Tt.i land l worth $2O0 or mr-re per acre- Owiirr hard up, niuxt sell. $1700 tekes it. J. It. WOLFF, 41 9 Henry Bl-lg FOU BALK Acreage snd farm land, improved and unimproved.- in Columbia crusty, cif u Bainier; 20 acre to 300 acres; some nir tracts . 1. . .1. . IKA . tun . ... . .... After Tnesdsy inyuire st 1080 E. 20th St. N. t phone Woodlawn 8543), or writ John L. M ' Intyre, Kaioicy, Or. ACUE3.""9 miles frtim courthoue, 5 a-t" under cultivation, bal. brush pasture; fsir ft room house. Urge bam. good bearing orchard, 1 hi a. in strawherries, oats, vetch and all kinl of crops. IxK-ated st Tigard. just off th rv1 highwsy. Price $4500. Albert HraR 7J13' Missisaippt eve. i ' - 5 Acres J n Fasrvicw Wonderfcl view, on good street, at eiectrlc sta., beautiful grove of - native tree. Si-l;n cause for offeHngat S3000; terms. S. P. Os burn, 810 McKay bldg. ' CAN YOU BEAT THIS? 165 acres, on North Pork Lewis river. In Clarke county. Wash., $20 per acre; term Also ot an acr on paved St.. 112 ft front, $1100; terms. 691 Hojt t Alain 5,12. jrCBETVU iii suirden and fruit; 4 room 1.., . . with bath, garaK snd wster system: r- from Parkplace, 13 miles from Portland: tl Easy terms. L. O. Gerber, Alder hop-1. J. . r 6273J- ONE acre, all in spring wlif-st, -year-iii , trees; new 4-room boose.; close to car, s off porter paved road 3 blocks; $lu i . Owner, Tabor fcHOf. ONE ACHE at Ganif-ti Komf, ail cu n ' in station. For full infornaaUoa phi. 8426 in the ereuut-