The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 26, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    CI TMI A V MDMtVr ta a favorite time to read tns newspaper, ana
OUINUAI iVHJXiNliVJ The Sunday Journal Is the favorite Sunday
newspaper in Portland becauae It la a newspaper witb magazine features, for 6 cents.
f HUCI t) lf A MTCH" Nearly every person at one time or another Is tn
rl r.l W1N 1 CLJ need of help. It may be help of any kind, but it's
all the same to the-classified advertising columns of The Journal. They get resui's.
New Shows at
Local Houses
On Today
CONVENTIONS may come and go,
but the motion picture and the
stage we have "with us ever. Current
attractions and new week offerings at
local houses Include the following : ,
" .-'Cinemas
LIBERTY- Starting- today, Normal
Talmadse in "The Woman Gives," wtLh
Chinese prologue.
- COLUMBIA 'William Faversnam In
"The Man Who Lost Himself." - Today.
KIVOLI Blanche Sweets In Slniple
Souls." Today, , '
MAJESTIC Mary MUes - Minter In
"Jenny Be Good." Today.
PEOPLES Dorothy Gish in "Re
modeling Her Husband." Today.
Punctured Romanes." Today. - .
- CIRCLE Mme. Marsnierita Sylvia In
"The Honey . Bee." Today. Sunday,
Clara Kimball Young in "The Forbidden
Woman.". . - -
--.'i,.- ' "Stags. x : ' ' '' "'
ORPHEUM Season , closes with the
show opening Sunday afternoon, featur
ing musical farce, "Kiss Me."
HEILIO Motion pictures, "Don't
Changs Your Wife," today and tonight
Thursday evening, Mrs. Fiske in . "Mis'
Nelly of N'Orleans." . '
LYRIC Today - , and tonight,'' "The
Speed Limit." Sunday afternoon,
HIPPODROME Today. Marcus Loew
vaudeville and Mabel Normand picture,
"Back to -the Woods." " Vaudeville and
picture program changes Sunday after
noon. -
PA NT AGES Alexander Pantages
vaudeville and pictures. Program
changes Monday, afternoon.
phla Musical Comedy company, after
noon and evening.
Town." Dancing, amusements, picnics.
WIND EM UTH Ross Island. Dancing
Wednesday and Saturday nights; swim
ming. COLUMBIA BEACH Dancing, swim
ming, concessions.
, PA:?TAGEh Broadway at Aider. Htch
- vaade-rill. and photoplay faatnraa. Afternoon
and svaniBS. Program ebassw Monday aftar-
LOEWS HIPPODROME Broadway at Yamhill.
IrtraetioB Aekerman A Harris. Viaderill and
photoplay feature Afternoon and night
LYRIC Fourth at Stark. Mualeal fare. "Th.
8peM Limit." MatUMs daily a 3. Might. I
ad a, ,
Sixth at Star. Wm. ravanham
in "To Maa Wko Lot Hinuelf." 11 a. m.
to H v b.
LIBERTY Broadway at Stark. Norms Tal-
madce in -"The Woman Girea," II a. ra. to
11 p. m. --- ,
HIVOLI Washington at Park. Blanch Sweet
in ''Wimple Boola." lla.m.tollp. in.
MAJESTld Wuhinston at Park Mary Mila
Minter in "Jenny Be Good." 11 a. m. to 11
p. m.
rSiOPl-ES Wst Park at Alder. ' Dorothy Gab
in "Retnodettnc Her Hudband, 11 a. m. to
11 p. m. . -
STAR Washing ton at ' Park. Charlie Chaplin
In TUli. a Punctured Romance. 11 a. m. to
1 1 p. m.
C1RCLK Fourth at Washington. Mme Mar
- gverita Sylvia in "The Honey Bee." Sam.
to o'clock the next rooming. -"
OAKS AMUSEMENT PAHK Adtlphla ' Mostoal
Comedy company, afternoon and erenins.
COUNCIJU CRiiST "Top of the Town." Danc
ing, mnsrment.i, pienice.
WINDEMUTU Roaa Inland. Dancing Wadnts
day and Saturday sight; awimming.
COLUMBIA BKACH Danemg. twimmlss, con
rulnni, "Nonn '20" Is Fine
; School Annual
"Norm '20" Is the title of the year
book of the 1920 graduating class of the
Oregon Normal school, Monmouth, ths
voliqne be!n- creditebla number in
every respr ; ; iere are the usual de
partments ool activities and af
fairs, well touted in text and pic
ture. The volume is dedicated t This
expression of our hopes and purposes,
the highest interests of our class and
school we dedicate to one who holds a
coveted place in the hearts of ths entire
student body President J. H. Acker
man." .
Woman Killed When ;
Auto Turns Turtle
Yakima, ! Wash.. June 2. Mrs. V A.
Verstrate of Moxee was killed in
an automobile accident on the Moxee
road Thursday, when the car In which
she was riding home from the Sunday
school picnic turned over in a ditch
as It rounded a curve. The accident is
attributed to a high wind. Mrs. Ver
strate Is ihe mother of nine children.
Eaising Muskrats to
Be Specialty on Farm
, Oakvitte, Wash., June 26. The Win
chester Bay Fur company of Oregon
has secured land, from Charles Delvin
of Oakvllle . for raising muskrats. It
plans to stock, the farm at once and is
orienng good prices for live mUakrats.
nflVA. TYnT In-nTrTLn- lt. '
la merely a qiiestion oi caro
V JZ&m jIcTFlclds U
- -will eradicate your d&ndraflstop your V
' falling hair ar.d restore its natural sheen )r
and beauty, Hmrpiddm will keep your acalp K" ' '
, . cjeaa and healthy and give your hair the life. t
luster and hnrarfanMi nahire inAt .. -j T
llarj uU U foldud guaranteed
AfpUtions at th
1THAT every alarm clock In Portland
X will probably be -muscled tomorrow
morning. -
That it has been a grand big week.
ink :
That a lot of people didn't see the
electric parade the first time or els
they saw It twice. , -
That we hope the mothers of the
little girls who rode on the floats
rubbed their, chests with, camphor
when they got home.
.That Mayor Baker looked rather
lonely last night. .,' -tiBX
1' '
That' It wouldn't be a, regular pa- '
rade without the mayor. .
. j
That the boys had great sport :
' grabbing for pennies along the line
of march.
fa la
That some of them made almost
enough to buy a pair of stockings
to replace the ones they wore out. '
That there 'was plenty of room In "
- some of the grandstands last night.
m fe, -
That the folks who live in hotels
can now sleep in their own beds '
m m
1 That there were considerable
stocks of souvenirs left over.
- ... i I .
' That you can buy them today at '
bargain rates. - "
i- v fa
That all roads lead out of Port- -'
land. V : : .
!:" i fa ' fa"
That the Al Kaders can now put .
their dress suits in the moth balls
again. . .. . i ? . :. . t .
' I ' fa
That San Francisco takes the front
i fa" fa
That some statistical shark might
find it Interesting to figure out how
many doughnuts were consumed dur
ing the week.
i fa ' fa
r That we had our share, .
' fa fa
That pie cherries are on the mar
ket. . - -... . .
I fa fa
That we'd rather be looking at the
Northwest Mounted Police than have
them looking for us.
i fa fa '
That we don't expect to see you in
church. ;
Zeppelin, Made to
Bomb New York, Is
Ttih Way to England
London, June 28riThe most wonder-
Lul airship in ': the world, the Zeppelin
Lr71,. built by theGermans to bomb
New York, is about to arrive at Pel
ham, the British air station. She will
be piloted to England by a mixed Ger
man and British crew. ;
m The airship has a flying radius of 12,
000 miles, or' more than three times the
distance between London and New
York. ' She Is as large kgaln as the
British airship,, the R-S 4. that flew to
America and back.
Under the terms of the peace treaty,
America is to have a Zeppelin also, one
which is smaller, than the L-71. and
Captain Maxfield, who is training a
crew, of American airmen in Yorkshire,
will probably go to Germany to take
charge of her. j
Band Cheers
Hospital Patients
Attaches of Good Samaritan and St.
Vincents hospitals are praising highly
the Teabla temple band of Kockford,
I.!., which- spent Wednesday . morning
serenading the patients at the hospitals.
The Teabla band has been carrying on a
series of serenades all over the city.
. Portland firemen are attracting thou
sands or bnriners to Fourth and Oak
Streets -each afternoon with their anHps
and fire drills, being carried on at the
Lewi! building. The firemen are giving
the benefit drill under direction of Fire
Uhiur uowell. , j
Monte. Austin Is -
popular at Crest
Monte Austin's singing continues to
bs the feature of the season at Council
Crest park. : Several new numbers will
be heard next week. Including "I Don't
Have to Die to Go to Heaven." The
usual Sunday concert by. Nelsen's
splendid orchestra will occupy the aft
ernoon at the , top o the town'' picnic
grounds. Admission to these concerts
is free, and families ; are welcome - to
take lunch baskets 'and make use of
tne taDies .and benches in the old or
chard. Dancing every evening,, except
to Ji y
by m Drujr&Dlpartmcut Stores.
Btttr BmrUr jqp.
Shrine Committee n
.. Headquarters Now
In Gasco Building
Headquarters of the Shrine conven
tion committee were removed from the
Overland salesroom at Broadway and
Davis streets to room 902 of the Gasco
building Friday afternoon, p Visiting
Shriners will make adjustments at the
new headquarters. The special Shrine
telephone system has been abandoned.
Workmen were busy Friday clearing
up tne, aeon. Telephone . equipment
which was cast out of special trains in
heaps Just before the cars were dragged
off their temporary sidings is being gath
ered up. Tracks laid along the North
Park blocks are being rapidly removed.
Decorations will be disposed , of to va
rious temples. Aloha temple wants the
res lights and palm decorations for their
convention while other lodges want va
rious articles of decoration for ceremo-
, Many Shriners still remain In the city
and automobiles were continuing to car
ry scores of visitors, over the Columbia
river highway from automobile head
quarters at Sixth and Yamhill 'streets.
Letters of thanks to the mayors of
North westrn cities have been sent out
by Mayor - Baker. Other cities aided
largely in keeping the - crooks out of
Portland : during . convention week by
having special detectives here.
Imperial Prince of
Pythian Bank Comes
To Portland Monday
Harry W. : Nice of Baltimore,' Md..
imperial prince of the Dramatic Order
Knights of Khorassan, the sunshine
rank of the Knights of Pythias, who is
making an official pilgrimage to the
temples of the Pacific Coast, will visit
Abd-uhl-Atef temple No. 117 Monday.
A reception will be held at the Pythian
castle hall auditorium. West Park and
Yamhill streets, at a p. m. Monday for
all members of the D. O. K. K. and the
order of Knights of Pythias and their
friends. ' -.:--. .-i-:.--
It Is ' expected f that Past Imperial
Prince L. R. Snowden of Peoria, Hi,
and Imperial Sheik C. F. Weilard - of
Dallas, 'Texas, who are visitors In : the
city, will also be present, as well as
Secretary J. IS. Akin - of Omar AJKa
yami temple No. 124 of Lewiston. Idaho,
and offices and members of the Pythian
order throughout the state.: .; -
Rabbi Wise to Speak
At Lincoln School
On Zionist Movement
Rabbi Stephen S. Wise of New York,
formerly of Beth Israel temple of this
city, will address ' a meeting - of Zion
ists at Lincoln high school Sunday
evening at-8 o'clock. Dr. Wise, vice
president of the Zionists of America,
will speak on the , principles of the
Zionist movement. -
Dr. Ralph Boas Of Reed college will
Introduce the speaker, and D. sous
Cohen will act as chairman of the
meeting, 'which will be public
Special Suffrage ;
. Session Granted
Washington, June 26. L N. S.) Gov
ernor Roberts of Tennessee today, wired
President Wilson he will call a .special
session of the : legislature to pass on
ratification of the suffrage amendment.
The governor Informs the president he is
heartily in favor of ratification, , .- -
Mounted Police Get
Ride Along Highway
':. .v saws w
As guests of the Portland police de
partment, the detachment of the royal
Northwest mounted police and mem
bers of the Vancouver. B. ' C, Kilties
band now visiting. Portland will take a
trip over the Columbia highway today.
Chief Jenkins will show the visiting or
ganizations the points of , interest and
luncheon will' be served at crown .Point
Shriners Feast on Clams -
Seaside, June 26. About 200 Shriners
spent Friday afternoon here. 'A huge
table was erected on West f Broadway
and the visitors were served with a
clam chowder feed. ,
Shingle Mill Is Burned -"
McCleary,- Waslu," June 2. Late
Wednesday evening the small shingle
mill located near ' McCleary, known as
the Dalt Craft mill, was destroyed by
fire, with two carloads of shingles. '
. Broadway and Main - '
Miller & , Tracey
. Best 'Funeral Service -Main
2C91 578-85
The Ways ol Danny Meadow Mouse'
- By Taormtoa W. Bargets ,
" -- Who waste bis time in enTTins - iV
Some one 'with kmser tail
- Will not stake s sncceas pf life; ,1 "
'.': i He's anni seond to faU.' :
i i if -i ' J i- J" -Dsany Uesdov Mona. s
uncomfortable as a the s others '- com'
pared him with his pretty cousin. White
foot the Wood Mouse. He knew that he
was homely, but he never before had
felt It quite so keenly. - Old Mother Na
ture saw and understood. ,.- , j ; ' " i, - '
"It Isn't how we look, but what we
are and what we do and how we fit
Into .our; particular places ! m life that
count," said she. "Now Danny here is a
homely little fellow, but I know, and I
know that he knows, that' he is" Just
fitted for the life he lives, and he lives
it more successfully for (being Just as
he is. - :..; ,.. :
''"Danny Is a lover of the meadows and
fields, where there is. little else but grass
in which to hide. - Everything about him
is Just suited for living there. ' Isn't that
so, .-Danny ?". - v..:s r -.-
Yes'm, I uess so," replied i Danny.
Then he-, remembered how once Reddy
Fox had so nearly caught him that one
of Reddy's black paws had touched the
tip of his tail. If that tail had been any
longer Reddy would .have caught him by
it. Danny's face cleared.. "My tail suits
me Just as It is," he declared.
- ?Wlsely :;-spoken Danny," said -Old
Mother Nature Now it is your turn to
tell how you live and What you eat and
anything else Interesting ' about your
self." - '.. . V .
"I guess there Isn't much interesting
about me," began Danny modestly. "I'm
Just one of the common little folks. I
guess everybody, here knows me so well
there 1 nothing for me to tell." v ,
"Peter Rabbit may know all about you,
but' I don't," declared Jumper, the Hare.
"I don't go out on the Green Meadow
where you live. How do you get about
In all that grass?" ' "
"Oh. that's easy enough," replied Dan
ny. "I cut little paths In aU directions."
"Just the way I do in the dear Old
Briar-patch," interrupted Peter.
"I keep those little paths free and clean
so that there . never is anything in the
way if I have to run for safety," con
tinued Danny. "When the grass gets tall
those little paths are almost like tunnels.
The time I dread most is whtfn Farmer
Brown cuts the grass for hay. I' net only
have to watch out for that dreadful mow
ing machine, but after the hay nas oeen
taken away the grass is so short that it
Is hard work for me to hide. c
"I sometimes dig a little short burrow
and make a snug nest of grass at the
end of It. Sometimes In summer I maktyj
Wee Bit
Kven In the city of Los Angeles where
SO per cent of the world's screen produc
tions are filmed, the click of a motion
picture camera creates curiosity and in
terest. This was evidenced at Pantages
theatre recently while William Desmond
and his company worked after the reg
ular vaudeville performance in scenes for
"The Man From Make Believe, " 'the Jesse
D. Hampton, feature being produced for
Pathe. The entire, audience remained
until after two in the morning, -. 200 of
the number continuing on until after 5
o'clock at which time the company con
cluded work.
When a party of gay Shriners with a
drum corps took possession of the Co
lumbia and started a serpentine through
the aisles, Vincent Knowles, ; organist,
immediately switched from the picture
music he was playing to keeping time
witb the drums, and a merry time was
had by all. , ;
Circus "Skeleton"
Is Killed by Auto
- Pontlac, Mich, June 26.-I. N. S.)
Artie Atherton, the "skeleton" of circus
fame, is dead here as the result of in
juries suffered when struck by an auto
mobile several days ago. Atherton,
whose real name was. Moll, was - for
years with the Banram ; ; Bailey : and
Ringling Brothers showa His wife was
Miss Blanche Buckley, snake charmer.
Mary ' Adelaide, seven years old, Moll's
oldest child, - won first prize several
years ago in a national perfect . baby
contest. - .-'V ;-.' ' '
See the Columbia River,
Portland and
the Surrounding Country
From a Curtiss Plane
To see as mucjiby auto will cost more and"
take hour of your time instead of minutes.
To really. ; A
know the-
beauty o i
Valley, you
must see it
from the;
' air. " ; :
Come Out to Lewis &Clark Field,
29th and Linnton Road, Today
Twelve planes' ire available for short triDs over
Portland or ion trips at . any time every day.
Every pilot has bad jwindrcds of .hours of actual
flyint experience.- - ' .
Airplane Co,
' Lewis & Clark Flying -Field
23th and Linnton Road
my nest on the surface of the ground in
a hollow or in a clump of tall grass,
especially if the ground is wet where I
am living. Mrs. Meadow Mouse- and I
nave several , good sized iamlnes in a
year. All Meadow Mice believe in large
families and that is why there probably
are more Meadow Mice than any other
Mice in the country ... . ,:
"And it is because there are so' many
of your family and they require so much
"Peter Rabbit may know all about
, .you. but I don't," declared Jumper
tne Hare. ' , . "
to eatf that you do a great deal of dam
age to grass and other crops," inter
rupted Old Mother : Nature "You see,'
she explained to the others, "Danny eats
grass, clover, grain, roots, seeds, bulbs
and. garden -vegetables. . He sometimes
puts away a few seeds for winter, but
usually tunnels, about under tne snow in
search of food. When it is hard to. get
he does great damage to . young tree
by eating the mark as high as he can
reach, often killing , whole orchards of
young fruit trees in this way. He Is
worse than Peter Rabbit Danny didn't
mention that he is a good swimmer and
hot at all afraid of the water. No one
has more enemies than he and the fact
that he is alive and here at school
now is due to his everlasting watchful
ness. By the way, he Is often calle-1 Field
Mouse. This will do for today. Tomor
row we will take up more of the Mouse
family." -
. Ooprrisbt. 1920, by T. W. Jtorgasa
The ; next story :
"Danny's Northern
Mounted Police of
Canada Guests at
Dance This Evening
' The Royal Canadian Mounted Police
will be guests of honor Jhls evening at
a dance for which the Community Serv
ice will be hosts at the assembly room
of the Portland hotel. The Kiltie band
Will play for the dancers. Sponsors for
the occasion are Governor and Mrs. Ben
W. Olcott, Mayor and Mrs. R. H. Gale of
Vancouver, B. Cf Eric. V. aaser. Mr.
and Mrs. Marshall N. Dana, Mr. and
Mrs. Saaford Lowengart, Mr and Mrs.
Ht" C. Giltner. Mrs, Elisabeth M. An
drus, Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Berg. Mrs.
I. D. Peters, Mr. and Mra W. FiTWood-
ward, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Kceler and
Mr. and Mrs. IW. Jenkins.
First lutch Picnic
Sunday, 27 June
. At Lake Grove V
Train Leave 7tSS A. Mn Taloa Depot
' ' z o, ROSS. Sea,
Eier to seal
Ecsier to open
Miss Maria Sweeney
Of Victoria Is Given
Grand Prize-of $250
Additional awards in the floral parade
were made Friday at a special meeUnx
of the committee of Judgea Miss Maria
A. Sweeney of Victoria," B. C, ; was
Granted a special grand prize . of $260
for her beautifully decorated car, which
bad been entered In the wrong section.
Four additional pups were awarded,
one to the United Spanish War veterans,
one to Anchor council 746, Knights and
Ladies of Security, one to Ladies of the
G. A,, R. and one to Eastmoreland. The
veterans of foreign wars post No. 80
were the recipients of the $100 second
prise and not the United Spanish War
veterans, as had been, reported.
The additional cups were awarded"' as
a recognition of the unusual interest
aroused in section 4 In making the Rose
Festival, a success- by the conspicuously
Fares amd Tiraims
if -
; 55.50 SEASON
Trains leave North Bank Station 8:30 A. 6:20 P.'M-, daily, and
2:Q0 P. M. Saturday, carrying observation parlor cars and coaches.
To Cascade Mountain Resorts
Week-End. Round Trips
Carson ...... $2.3 5
Cascades ' .. 12.00
Collins .....42.50
Week-end tickets are on sale Saturday and Sunday, return, limit
Monday; season tickets daily, return limit October 31.
Is Your Bathroom in
Keeping With Your Otther
Hoirie Furnishings ?
Superior Quality
ami Service
The M. Kline Co.
S4418-S7-69 Front SQ Portland, Oregon
Kantifiii and Interesting cars by the
community as a whole rather , than by
few professional decorators. - ,
Oriental Rug Gift to
Shrine for Life Saved
A beautiful silk Oriental rug valued
at $500, presented to Free land 8. Ken
drick, "TeUrlng Imperial potentate ' of
Shrinedom. was the gift of Housep Car
toslan, OrienUl rug dealer of this city,
because his brother Phllos Cartosian,
and bis family were saved from death
during the Turkish massacres In Ar
menia by a Masonio emblem. About
4000 engraved Shrtne plates -were pre
sented members of the Shrine- by Car
tesian; who explained that the gifts were
his recognition of the service of Ma
sonry to blayfamliy. -
Shriners . Coach Burns
- Cottage Grove, June 26.A Pullman
waa on fire Friday when the Atlanta
Grandalles ... .3.80 I Stevenson ....2.20
tyle 3.45 WahdeUa .....1.30
Underwood ..2.90 I White Salmon.. 3.05
1: When. -you consider that -no
feature, of your home contrib
utes ; more to year-around
satisfaction than modern san-
CiUry plumblnc. can you af
ford"; to neclect this vital,
permanent, comfort-bringinf
" part of everyday life?
Ask Yur Plumber for
"Faultiess" '
Prumbing Fixtures
A visit to our Display Rooms
will reveal to you many new
. ideas in planning' your bath
room. (
Shriners' special reached Cottage Grove.
The fire alarm roused residents and the
rtre department Yushed. to aid, but the
blase had been citinnii,tu k,. ,v,
railroad men. The roof of the coach
was partly burned. 1
Help ?
A "Want"
ad in The
Journal s
get it for
you. m
t,K880?i OlIIl WAY
produces itFsiri.T
Ringlets Dancing Schools
Best knowa and larireit on the roant.
Oar lady asd restlemea laitrnctors
are all profettional teachers.
Two' Studios
Hth St. at Wah.
Broadwar at Main
Phone Bdwy. tS8t, Mala SMS
Private appoiatmentt at all hoars.
No embarratiment. Opts dalljr.
"hooan in eovrr."
hwt at a end S p. M,
. ' , ST Aftwnsen and Krwilng
Admiarion to Park Ftm to S P. U. Uailj Eioc
BuiUv and HoUdaya. Can
Fist and aldc
Wlghtt . Sun. 1So to a-.2S Mofi..Tu.
1So to si. 00. .
"Kiss mm-
Bic Muiical Fares.
Kan. asd Hrtnan; Gardner and Hartman
?RiisUr: OOWNiNU ana WHITINO; Har
tholdi'a Bird; Ktnocraro; Topic of Lb. Imy.
NOTE: Orphaum Season WM CluM With Ui.
MatiDM Wednoaday, laat 30.
1200 feet above the city 20 min
utes' rido up ths mountain on C
C Cars.
JfWuiriiis th. (ireat Nnr Orlaaoa
(LaU oT SUrwr flrtll. Diuport.
Lsdiaa, 8S0 . j!aUmo 6S0.
. Prooalj-n Car of" LsJinch. toot ol
MorrUon Bridg.
Today Tonlflht ContlDrru 11 i. U. to tl
P. M. "A Butlnatt Provo!," mrnr tint;
"Back to th. Wood," (catmint MaM Normand 1
Kannady and Krsfnart Halt.) and riotol; Franu.
and Phillip. . - . -
1 v.
VaudevHlV Orwtat Witwim.
A wlrfl. Story of th. Oraat NortbwMt, with a
SMtropoiiUB eaat, includln Cbaxla faartUts aod
Ann Hamilton,
S parformaDea iail Nistit Curtain at T and
Laugh Wltli MfKK and 1KB
MUtlnast 2i00, Kvanlne 7:00 and :00
is Rsal faaturs film With Cemsdy and
. Waaaly
' OsJhr 10 A. M. ts 4 A. M. Nnt Day
11th and Yamhill
OvJfiKtuim GAaul
TTT A TVT iP A 41 T7
i ANA -aj