THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, JUNE -23. 1820. 17 automobiles akd accessories . t guaranteed used cabs IX' V WARBEN MOTOR CO.. 88-60 Slid xt, N. Mala 70 If you sre interested hi any of th following make and model car it will wanly pay yon to come to oar etor and inveatigmU our pJ for the twit 10 day an cut war down, IM aca ear at the wry finest condition. w-r ec this splendid assortment to choose from . TEUI 5-peener, 6-cylinder, light ear. Be raid prior. ThU ear haa new paint, good tire and tp and la An renning shap. YELIKJ 1918 ttM.. 6-eyliodr, Thiy mm pattern aa th 1919, and In th tit condition. Bargain price. - BUICK Flv passenger; good esmdiUen, though old ear; tire and engin shape; balance of ear la not half bad. 8360. Kargatn pric. w..,.-i. ' OVERLAND Firs-passenger. Fin Httl-ear, tn good snap, lota of powr and cononeal to run. Bargain pric. : - -.: OVERLAND 1818 Flv passenger 6-evllndrr. In awen thtpe; attain quiet and smooth aa urn 2O00 ear. WUi mak special pric to nor quick: newly painted and baa nw top. A dandy light 6-yhndt ear. Barcain Pra. 14AXWELL Fry psasongcr. On of th best ... 1911 tourisg ear row he n. W willJnf to Ui far lea than th car ts wort to aaU rok:k, to aa footing it at ber- . MAXWELLedstor. Swell condition. 1818 ' fitl'jr guaranteed every way. Bargain prie. -'- HITCH KI.L Seven paaitnger. 1917 model, new paint. thoroughly overhauled; tire and top fine. In aweU ahap all ovjr. Bargain Prir. . REO 8vs-peJsnger 191 ear. Thto isc a , strong, well built 6 cylinder car. fin ear f. for. rant, aUc or print us, at bargain STu'Ke'bAREB Fir paaatngwr, in excellent condition for tires, engine, and, in feet. evry war. Bargain price, 8A50. BUCK Tca paaaenger, 191 nodal; At eerd tire, new paint; excellent mechanical condi tion; a twcll rood car at a bargain prica, -Buy yur car from a rcliabl dealer and get real aln not only in the ear ltaelf bat ia service and' many other ways. EVERY CAB FULLY GUARANTEED AND - SOLD ON EASY PAYMENTS ' WASH SEDAN iiiOi WTRB WHEELS; S CORD TIRES : BUX ABODT 709 MILES; BEACTIEtJI CAB IS.. EXCELLENT CONDITION t" 7-FASSECTCEB; ;OWNEB LEFT CITT; CAB FOB SALE. 2600. LESTEB HETM CO., -ui4 SIXTH. Come, See These If You Want Bargain 490 ChorrolH touring .......... Fen touring 1817 Harwell touring 1919 Mjrwn totiring .......... v" W alwaya bar good' buy. ....8480 ....8288 ....8800 ....8828 THETJSKD CAR EXCHANGE. .vw w mm ii i FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ............... i ... .88J Rear arl orerhaolad. .......s. ...... 8 Valrca ground, carboa remored. ........ 8 lazneto recharged N. ....... . ... . We hand-lap piatong, acrapa bearing.- tta., which inaurv a perfect rnnnmg motor. Ueonia Ford prta only oaed. All work ruaranteed. , Moat ryoii ha Iwn orrrchinrfd o tbetr ato repairing and einaatiafied with th work. Try u l.. . oiu, w guarvl acatnat aiifb rroraV tTNIVERSAL AUTO KliPAIB JO, . 210-212 Jetteraon. Mam Tg4. FOR SALE Pereral good delirery car. Uorogrf Terhauld and in fin condition. AVhy don't you. put on your own auto deliTM vhr anch an opportunity preaenta ivelf 1 Take your cboic at the moat ridlcnloua liru-ea. Immediate deliry car ready tc so to work i COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT Washington at. at 2 lit. Main 6344. ATJIt SPRING 15.000 carried m xtock. Oar tpring gold with written guaranie.. rre oriu luwaaw ofiw. BCCCESSFTJL TIBK REPAIRING Keqoiree a full knowledge of tir coMrweow and protr equipment for each repairs w ba both I Bring ua that tir or tub and w will fit it right; .- price reasonable: new ana need tirre for lew : liberal allowance on old tire. Vulcan Tire Shop. 41 titaod a'a.. corner Fine. K. 4898. 'STrnKBAKEB 7-Pawencor Let 1918 Looka and rune" like new car, cord -tire. Cash or term, or your car in trade, bal terms. 810-212 Jefferaon at. Main 7844. " 11 " NOT,CE 28 'mile per gallon, by usisc fuel raporiaor. More power and speed, no- carbon. Put it on ivdur Price- 84 installed. Money back guar- vuican. nre a nop, at uma USED'CARS .. icr uisvxpnrjiRNTATIOif Covey Motor Car Co. f?ASS. Stndebaker. ia good condition. .Electric Hlthia and atartec, 295. - FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO., . urana ,. ana nswmorne. Bl" for eaie. newy painted, eleetrie starter. ' EDO. ilfUl, . U. wireo. , v,. w tires ; owner, leaving, 8S50 cash; , bargain. CaU; '. .,..,. .iv. una. Derfect shape. 81650 This ia your chenoe to get delirery on new ear. Kay Motor tjar tjo.t yu ocva uruaawaj. Bmadwar 8247. 1919 AIPERSOX""8. been used very liule; ha had good car; good cora urea; a wonaenui bargain. - Must sold this week. Call Seat 733. . ' ' 1920 HtlPSOfi : SUPER SIX. IMMKOIATK DET.IVKRY. CAR IS BRAND NEW NEVluU HUN A MIIiE. HTJDSON SALES MAN. JACK HERZINGKR. EAST SSS. 8150 DOWN Baby Saxon, elapiric atarter and luihts. it- runs nn. . ess : r.asi xus a. Wdiu. 6337. 1820 OLDS " 8. EQUIPPED WITH CORD TIRES, I4KF. NEW.. THIS IS A BAKUAIN. 3190U- TKUM8. IF DESIRED. EAST 6363. I 81050 CASH ' LaU model hght 6 Velie. run only 7900 milex; like new. . 2SI Front, cor., Jefferson. FORD touring, 1917. used privately, good paint and good tires; a real bargain at 6450, terms IT desired. BO tirand eve, it., near BurnaMe. MAXWE1X touring, "1 920, used privately j a snap at 81078; terms. . SO Grand are. S.. near nurnsioe. . - - - " MT HCDiJON SUPER SIX Beavtiful car. good tirev . Mnat rata moaey. WIU aell at 31075. Terma, Sell. 651. $1050 TUIS ia your clutnee to get delivery on new ear. Wray Motor Car Co., 90 N. Broad :wsv. -- 'hr?, 8247.-. - - MAXWELX. touring. 1917. best of oooiluioe good tires; will sacrifice at 3475; om tarma, 86 tirand aye. N.. near Buraside. . FOR HIRE MEN, ATTENTION1 1.. ' - -!", Cole, - 7-p-.-nic appearance. 7 tires, 4 new; sacrifice.' 700, with terms. Sell. 651. -CHEVROLET -touring. 19 18, fin condition. -WUI sell 6550. Terma if desired. 80 Grand v. north, near Burnsid. - -- FORD" BUG, underslung, new hsttsry. sweQ body, ' lust painted. Sacrifice. Tabor 4573. , FOKi tuuriusy 1W20. 30u; tuo shape. 4a Bumner. FOR SALE Ford roadster, in good cnditia; $2 M; owner leaving city. 464 H Union ave. 7-PASS. Stndebaker, Utt '18 series, cheep. SelL 1114. 696 Claybora av. . A.,.. f TOO FOR ' SALE, 7es.. 1917 Studebakcr, all ms tire. Prion Mar. 1877. MAXWELL runabont, goea aaywhei. good rub i ber. 685 773 Williams -ave. Call Monday. FORL touring. 1916. lik new. 8450. Weber's ' Parage, 30th' and Belmont, WIRE wheels, late Paige. 214 E... 18 th sC OXB taurine. SHpasa. Overlaad. CaU Wdla. 6188. AUTOM OBILES A1TD ACCESSORIES 41 ALWATS BOMETH1NO NEW GREATER BARGAINS IN USED AUTOMOBILES THAN AWT TDOS 8IMCK THE WORLD STARTED - . Bebuflt Hudson evper'aix, bow btng held , for a repamt Job; haa been throogh , - the repair shop; will be sold same re- . placenunts and aervie as a sew auto mobile 8i3oo 1918 Hudson toper U, iost Uk a new i automobile and sold with to asm ser- vice and parts , replacement as a, new car carrtea 17S0 1920 Oldamobil eirht. almost new, left here for aame; maks aa of fee Xour :;- chaac now. . . : 1918 Chalmers right tfr, Jnst lik new xoept the paint and you can see original finish before sent to th paiat shop. 1917 Chalmers. 8 pass., fin bargain 900 MaiweH demonstrator, 1300 off. ' ! 1918 liaxwU. flo ahap 25 1917 Marwefl. all fixed op .". . . ..... '830 Overland Country dub. . 699 1917 Stodebaker. good oondiUoo. ....... 628 C. L. BOKS AUTOMOBILE CO.. ' 618 17 Washington street. - Portland. J- . . : ''J:'-' " ' ' ; r i - ' ' - . E HATE MOVED TO OCR NEW FOUH STOHT BUILDING, BKOADWAT ..... AT EVERETT. To direct attention to our new location- we are continuing our removal sale prices for a short while longer. Our stock is complete. Most of It overhauled and many can repainted and all of them worth more than we are asking fir- tbtiBV. .: W offer her a few for your approval: . y EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE ON THIS ONE CAR 1918 Mitchell. 5-pasa.. 4-cyL: real buy. 500 4 -neat., Jordan Sport Marine, Perfect condition, with five cord brea, 1918 OtdimotUe, 7 -peas. 8-cyL; refill ished In .very fin condition. . .... . ....... . 191) Mitchell. S pas.; 6-cyl. I!i8 Mitchell. 4 pass. : Club Roadator. 101 J Mitchell. 7-paas.: 6-cyL IP 1 6 Mitchell. T.duli -nl. - lf 18 Mitchell. 8 -peas, f 6-cyL 1919 Mitchell, 7-paaa.; 6-cyL; dVmonstrator. 118 Overland Club Roadster, model 90. 191S Willys-Knight. . 7-paw.; 4-eyI. This ear m u peneot eonaiuaa. iacluaiog a good urea. Many others, both lare and small. Terms If desired. . No brokers- charge. W carry all of our own notoa. MITCilELL, LEWIS A STAVER COMPAST. BROADWAY AT EVERETT. Phone Bdwy. 4 675. V RAN SON 8 LSED CAB EXCHANGE 1914 Ford chassis .t. .8240 1916 Ford rosd.ter ................ . 340 1916 Ford touring, extra . 375 1914 Ford panel delivery .............. 250 1918 Pard .touring, late tend, and rad. . . 400 1917 Ford touring, battery, extra... ... 475 1919 Ford roadster, extras ............ 485 1918 Ford panel deL. overhauled....... 460 1919 Ford touring, like new , 50 1920 Ford touring, starter............ 0 1920 Ford truck, body and cab ....... 890 1916 Ford aedsn, aUrtor ............. 750 1920 Ford roadster .... 4 .. ,m ........ 725 1919 Chevroleet touring .............. 675 1918 Olds 8. Stat bearcat body. .......1500 1917 Maxwell touring ............... 450 1916 Briscoe touring .... . .......... . 450 inia Hterling roadster .............. 275 1K17 RtnilJi.b.. . - - - . n.i.lw m ' 191 Stndebaker 7 passenger 800 into Baton o, touring ,. 1 ........ . 675 j . 160 UNION AVE., COR. BELMONT. vpon Bivemnga gna sandaya. sk : n Bu Bodies, radiators, fender, naaa nan ana repaired BtTRItESS AUTO BODT WORKS 15th and Alder St. i HERE'S yoar chance to get the best boy In Portland. BTUDKRAKER SIX for only 8600 . and eany terms. Looks good and runs good, 1914 model. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANT Washington at. at 21 sU Uaia 6244. - - M.B.FJISCH Radistors. fenders, bodies, hoods, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a ap oalty. 60S Burnsid street ' . PI100 . Broadway 2299. J 91 9 Maxwell "A FINE LITTLE CAR, REPAINTED AND RUN THROUGH SHOP. A BARGAIN AT 3800. TERMS. CALL MAIN 6756. OREGON AUTO TOP OOMPANT TOPS THEM 14th and Conch 1 ' Broadway 4498. THE FENDER MAN J. E. DURHAM, who take th kinks out while yon wait; also repairs radiators : and bodies. Bdwy. 6214. 30 N. Eleventb at. near Bnmside. LEAVE for New York Friday. Must sacrifice Ford roadster for cash by Thursday night; 8 tires, : 6 tubes, new pistons and transmission, storage battery, chains, good paint, excellent condition ; will do . Washington st. at 80 miles per hour ou high; act quick. East 718. CHEAP automobile storage for ear not ia us. Large, clean storage building 54x140. -East Behnont and 46th st; good fire protection. Store cats from 62 to 64 per month. Call morning or evening. Tabor 840. . C Marsh. : . , ; AUTO TRIMMING CO fZ) lol AtTTO TOPS. SIDE -CURTAINS swk-M 409 Dart. st. bet. 9th and 10th. ' Broadway 2017. A LATE 1919 490 Chevrolet roadster, ia good condition; four good tires and one new spsre. Owner wants larger ear. Call evenings, phone 837-61; . y - - 6-CYL. STUDE BAKER FOR SALE . 1 will aell . my - 6-cyL Stndebaker. 4 good tires, 1 extra tire; fully equipped, all in good shspe. 31500. ; WdlB. 8141. . - ESSKX. 1919, touring, in beat of condition: wiU sell at 31550 and give term; consider trade on smaller ear. . 36 Grand are. N.. near ciurnsMte. .u iiisnn. ... " - MAXWELL touring. 1919, good paint, good Urea; a real snap at 8900, with terms. 80 uroira an. ., artr ouibihk - CHEVROLET, 1918, in A-l mechanical con dition ; a barcain, 8500; tertus. ySO Grand av. N near Bumside. CHEVROLET roadster. 1918, like new. good tire, used privately; will sell at $650 and give terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near Bumside. FORI' delivery, best of condition ; , a bartain 8460, terma. 30 Grand av. N.. near Bum aid. FORD roadster fin shspe, demountable . wheals. good tires; snap at. 8525. . 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnasde. FORD, 1917. in ftn ahap; owner will sell at $500-. terms, if desired. 80 Grand av., near Bumside. Auto Towing Day, Main 289. Night. Marshall 331. CASH paid for old cars, condition no object: - parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Bxcbaag. 448 Flanders, nr. 11th. Bdwy. 3503. 3375 CASH or terms, buys 1917 Ford deL. in fine - mecuantcai eonoiuoa; . ail Urea , good; panel nody. laoor i. FORD delirery, fine eondition, good tires; a real bargain. $450; tarns. 80 Grand ave. N., near Burnsid. - . -- . MAXWELL tourttig, 1917. best of condition, v good tiros. - Will sacrifio at 3475; aom terma. 80 Grand av, N., near Burnsid. NEW Dodg touring, arrived today, win take beat offer for it Main 6752, 212 Railway Exchange bMg. Agffrs Ts"t! Recovering and repairing a it reamnable pricea. . 823 aaimow sx.. oerween otn and Broadway. BEST automobile laundry in town; can washed ana pousneq. i to. and cetmoot . teast 6057 1' auto repaired at your bom; reliable aerv- loa... Tabor 1296. - MERCER racing car. model 65-K. cheap; "can -, saw a otu., xaoor xau. 1 AUTOMOBILES A JTD ACCESSORIES I DONT PAIL1 TO SEE ,OUR LATE MODEL - - ' ; ' : ' CARS - ' " ' 1 r ' ' " "' ,: : -1 ' WE HAVE A GRAND ASSORTMENT ' : W want to show yosx on of tb following; . ; 1920 Chandler 6; rua nougb to break it law ' ' 1920 Elgin: here's one if the aweetest running eara w ever bad. .- : ... . Kasb 6; thee light 6 at feat righL . . 'Hudaoa supar 6; ust rid fas Uiia one) and you will say its a dandy. - y ; ...... ' - ' 1919 Max wall touring; this ear la almost nw; at 882S it a bargain. . 1919 Grant 6; at the pric of a new on. Baby Grand Chevrolet; overhead valve; tires good. . . , 490 Chevrolet; both touring and roosters. Forda; w always have Ford. TS AMD WASrMM&T. ". - C. Q. BSeasdale TERMS NO BROKERAGE , All atandara makes.. Call aud look them over and get our proposition. Mat your awn terms. FORD TOURING, mechanically In 5 fine condition; for quick tale.. 4 J J 9 FORD BUG. with good tires, top 'and triad - hield, shock absorbers, dimming . attachment and spotlighu " : ' ' MAXWELL TOURING car: good C (n(TH tires, runs fine; for quick sal J' &VJ) MAXWELL TOURING, fin me- g efrhfli chanical eondiUon. refinubed.. J iHWiJ CHEVROLET 1919 fin ahape, ft ' good tires, refiniabed ....... v? OVERLAND 7 pass., looka like new, ft O fOi just the car for rental...... t Oa'iV BUICK light . perfect mechanical condition, good ttrea, refinished BSICK. 6 eyi. 7 pass., ideal car for ft fl "8 e(f rental, good tire; ref inisned . . NASH TOURING, almost hew, new ftflTRlfn extra rim and license it H J ij) CHALMERS Ught 6, cannot be told from new. for quick eai. . TERMS NO BROKERAGE ... OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS C. O. Bleasdale 830 ALDER 'ST., BDWY. 1832. BIQ REDUCTIONS IN USED CARS Old Price. New Pric. ...81250 31150 ... 850 ; 775 ... 750 650 ... 450 850 ..v " 400 800 ... 425 ' 875 . , 75 to IM ... 75 and 200 1 BUICK 6. 1918 . 1 REO 4, 1918. ... 1 DOnr.E. 1917... 1 OVERLAND .... 1 OVERLAND 1 CHEVROLET R . 5 CARS 2 1-TOM TRUCKS . 12 FORDS , 850 to - 475 400 , 850 1 FORD BUG Long & Silva 462 HAWTHORNS I Leece. Rowland Bug: Bodies SIOQ.U . SEATS CUT DOWN FOB CAMP. BEDS, llaiiwtor mid Hcuuers juile suu - .- i. 854 E. BnmairJw. East 7249. Wry TON BIX for sal .t your "-wn prine. 7 passenger. 1913 SmodeL gona running shape. If you can use tns car. see u at once. W'e can arrange teim.- COVKY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington st at 21st, - Main 6244. HERE it is Overlsnd touring, elertxte light anu sisner. uood tires, unly $350. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 16th and Washington. Hudson Super Six -v $1750 CASH OR TERMS BTTTS Iftlfl OTTn. SON 7 PASSENGER CAR; REBUILT AND REPAINTED; CORD TIRES AND 90 DAYS' SERVICE. CALL MAIN 6756. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES . OREGON VULCANIZING CO. TIBS REPAIRING 888-883 Burnsid at Broadway OPEN DAY AND NIGHT "General anto ncairixui, staiu. nasil ara bought and sold. TERMINAL GARAGE ' Corner 6tb and Hoyt Broadway 1586. 1918 BUICK, 6 yL, 8 pass., special built wire wheels, one extra with cord tires, for sale by owner at 87 W. Skjdmore st; reasonable price; must bar cash. . Call Woodlawa 660 after 4 .30 p. to. MOTORS, gears, beartnea. wheels, axles; we wreck al aaskea of fast and ali t)-i. p.. at 14 price. Hodea Auto Wrecking Dept.. 105. 107 N. 11th at 1917 MAXWELL, Just overhauled; good tires. Vnnl mint aw lM,AwfM. in .1 -V. . bargain at 3473. Small payment down, bal- e j, germs. tiufi V savj, loss. DODGE sedan. 1918. best of eondition. wire wheels (1 extra) : will sell at 81550; will consider trade on Ford, balance . terms. : SO vrrami are, rt., . near; xtarnaio. STUDEBAKKR 4, in fine eondition ; will sacri fice and giv terms. 80 Grand ave. N., near xfurnsiae. HUDSON, model 664, 7 passenger. ' in firs: vmsm niuuium, lur amie. 9itmtV eftKlj O W form via L rnon navy, io CHALMERS roadster, 1917. new paint and top, good tires, best of eondition; 18tt with terms. SO Grand ave. N., near Bnmside. - 6TUDKBAKER. 6-paaa, touring ear; good tires, in good mechanical condition, 6325. . Went worth A Irwin, 20O 2d st i DODGE. 1916; this is a snap at $800; will Bxv terms. so Grand av. St.. near Bum- side. . - ' - - FOR SALE '18 model Elcin aedsn. run 60O0 miles; will sell cheap or trad for 7-paseenger car of same vara. CaU Main 6822. - Automobile Towing Caii Broadway gSTJl. 1916 CHEVROLET touring, good condition; a bargain at 3400, terma. ' 80 Grand ara. N-, near Bumside. -. 1914 FORD touring, good condition; will sac riflce at 8390.- terma. . 3U- Graud ave N., near Bumside. FORD truck, chain drive, good condition; will sacrifice at 8476 and give terms. SO Grand ave. N.. near Burnsid. 1915 FORD touring, best, of eondition; will aaOTifiea. at 350. terms, r AO (IrmnA K -j ROSSITER BROS TOP CO. uio tops, curtains and repair. tag." East 864. Union at Pin. WE put steel teeth on you old fly wbeeL tat Elu. a. B aata) av aa a v. tvaxm, ogwi, .OOl. - OBI Alfatf 1920 HCPMOBILE. never been used; 31300. --" ' mOMl ot Hour o. TIRES Slightly ased, 33 to 813 each. Ex Dart tite reneirine. 207 Uiilim . . . : LEAVING town. Buick 6 and Ford derives- BlTG. $325. new body and painTTelectrie lichtal 1918 CHEVROLET, J573; look liki" Kelly st. Fulton cat. -. - . 1276 RS SALE -Hup bug, nearly finished, prioa iiaaicuiatei;, roone Sell, 2. BUICK haht 6, owned privately: owner ieavin sa .. AUTOMOBILES AKD ACCESSORIES 44 DODGE SEDAN ' ' '1920 . ' 4 -WIRE WHEEL". BUN ABOUT 1900 MILES , BEAUTIFUL CAB IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FIVE PASSENGER " 31850 ' - LESTER HETM CO.. 248 SIXTH ST. ; r TRUCKS AND TRACTORS 88 ,-YOER CIAMCE TO GET A USED i TRUCK AT 'WAY UNDER THE MARKET - PRICE. LOOK THEM OVER; GIVE 08 TOUR SEALED BID; AWARDS WILL BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: WEDNE3DAT. .... .2 FORD 1-TON TRUCKS THURSDAY. . 1 -TON REPUBLIC FRIDAY. 1-TON REPUBLIC SATURDAY. . . ........ 1 -TON-GMC MONDAY ..... 2 -TON LIPPARD-STEWABT TUESDAY. 1-PA8SENGER BUS ON WHITE CHASSIS WEDNESDAY . . . 1 DODGE DELIVERY THURSDAY.. , 1 1-TON BTUDEBAXJSB THE WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH 8TS. Ask About Our Free Trial on Trucks We have one of the largest stocks of used trucks in the state of Oregon. TJaey are all completely overhauled and pat in the finest possible condition. It - will pay you to investigate our line. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 4 -TON REPUBLIC. $ 750 1- TON FORD, worm drive ' 650 H4-TON WHITE "1400 2- TON BEPUBLIO v 18B0 2-TON BEO 750 1-TON UOBEIAND ................. 850 FORD roadster, delivery back 625 Many others to select from.- Easy terma. No brokerage. GRANNTNG A TREECB . 642 Alder St, Corner 17th. . Broadway 1728. FEDERAL 1 H -ton. large body, thor oughly overhauled ............... 81475 Reo 2-ton, were It not for th fact that chain drive is a little out of fashion we could easily dispos of the truck for twice the amount asked .'.8 850. Vene 8 H -ton, new dump body and hoist lor Z45U Whit 1 -ton .1250 Ford, worm drive ................. 575 Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 Second "at, corner Taylor- ON E ton Psnhard, 1919. 6700. One-ton - Denby. overhauled and guaranteed like new truck,,' $1250. Two-ton Nash, $1700. Three-ton Denby. overhauled and guaranteed like new truck. $1450. Two-ton Federal, 1917. good eondition. . PORTLAND DENBY CO.. 10th and Davis. Bdwy. 4379. VRANSON'S USED CAR EXCHANGE S911 Vim tt-toa track. ............ .$ 450 t2 Ford truck, body and eaj. ...... 80 1917 Republic track, body and cab..... 115U Ford deliveries from $250 to ... . . 450 150 UNION AVE., COR. BELMONT. fOH SALErareltruck, good condition throughout, good rubber; arning 335 every day; $2500. Campbell. 10th and Davis. Broad way 4379. - -.- INVESTIGATE THIS , 1919 8 H Packard dump truck. WiU keen yon in gaa and all th hauling you eaa handle. Automatic 215-05. . TWO-TON 4 -wheel trailer. 99 & new; at a big dnewM. Wentwerut at Irwin, SOO 2d at ONK-ton Republic, cushion tires, body and top. S 1 1 i , , : i. - m AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 . WANTED FORDS WIR pay cash for 1917. 'IS. 19. "20 Fords. THE USED CAR EXCHANGB . 16TH AND WASHINGTON WB PAT CASH FOB USED FORDS Universal Car Exchange Grand ara. and East Yamhill st. WB PAT CASH FOR LATB MODEL CARS USED CAR EXCHANGB 127 LOWNSDALB Phone Broadway 2656. CASH for your ear; eondition ao object. North Manx Garage. IOI W. 11th. . - Bdwy. 4sa. HIGHEST prices paid for automobiles, condition ao ODject. lgl M. 3d st Broadway 202. WILL pay rs?h for almost new, light car. Box 76 Hubbard, Or.. K. 2. BT OWNER T 817 Srudebaker 4. Will trad for light ear or roadster. Tabor 1655, WILL pay cash for a Ford. 41 Grand ave. AUTOS FOR HTRB ft AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS-. L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at YemhilL . A-1236. FORD Go anywhere and get back. Phon Ta nor iiiio. A. H. Wmter. BRINGING UP FATHER WHATS THrT MATTEH J145 fOU LOOK LIKE BAD WEATr-tfP?. Fts. COME ON CAET ORi WELL" BOTH IT BEAT UP r I 7-f ...... I akxawa, ' I , ' M . M - ear I . . - mw . AUTOS FOR HIRl? AUTOS FOB t HTRB.- WITH OB WITHOUT DRIVERS. DAY OR NIGHT SERVICE. COUCHMAN GARAGE. 19TH AND COUCH. REMEMBER , OUR M UMBER.- BDWY. 3696. AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Cars- Reasonabl Rate . . FEARING 4k ROBNETT CITY GARAGB 183 12th t between Washington and Aide. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS HUDSON LOWNSDALB GARAGB BROADWAY 2406. 15TH AND WASH. CARS FOR HIRE WITHUTDRrVERS Ail MY GARAGE, 8D AND TAYLOR MAIN 1087. ALTHOFF BENNBTT. Props. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 68 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled .................. 820 Rear axle overhauled. ............ 6 Valve gruwndU carton removed.. ........ 8 Magneto - recharged .................. 8 We naad-las piston, acrsp bearings, tc. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford part oaly used. All work ruarantoad, GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. ' 380 Front St. Corner Jefferson. WB guarantee our auto repairing. . of eat. 93 N. 11th. All makes MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES 88 USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAVS BAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO . - j -.-44 Grand av. : FyeeoHoe, Hendeewn and Cleveland Agency. 1914 INDIAN, fully equipped, good condition. 366.- Wdht 658. , . ., .. , UUJIjaeg i5P BOATS 64 FOR' SALE 'Houseboat, large living room, two bedroema, dining room, bath and kitchen; niodera, unfurnished and a bargain. Can be seen by appointment Main 957. HOUSEBOAT for aale, . modem, furnished or unfurnished. SZ Willamette Moorage. 611- wood 8783. riAlTOS, ORfvAKA. MUblCAt IHSTKUMEITTS Tt PIANO BARGAINS 3 .; 8173 and wp. Good standard upright pianos at price roa cannot heat Stoo in and see them. You'll be convinced- Terms given. Seiberiing I.uras Mmue Co., 125-127 4th at. betweea Washington and Alder. - 1 f ----- PIANO FOR VICTROLA $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUT FIT, trad for used piamv Best, propositioa. Main 8586. 8 EIBER LING-LUC AS MUSIC. CO., 123 f oortn st. PIsANO WANTED - Pay cash. Get our prices. 8EIBERUNO-LCCAS MUSIC CO.. 128 Fourth st , Main 8686. PIANO WANTED Pay cash. Get our prices. SETBERUNG-LCCAS MUSIC CO.. 188 Fourth st Main 6886. BRUNSWICK pbonoaraph and records, like new; save 850. Terms. : Seiberling-Lucaa Music Co., 126-127 4th st between Waahington and Aider t. 616 AND 626 cash Bead hose a piano. 826 ami 860 send boas a player-piano. Bala no 88, 810 to 820 monthly. Sehwaa Piano Go 101 Tenth st at Start at BENT a pfaonogTaph worth buying; Brunswick. large, nxe aw. gaaa. Harold a. GUOert. ss TamhilL GABLER upright piano. 6316. isarold S. ttiP bert. 884 YamhiU at S TTFE WRITERS 77 THE DOANB GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE AO make overhauled Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, -Sail. Rent and Exchange. Main 6897. Supplies, - 268 Oak tt GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, "all makes," sold on monthly payments. Sand for pric list- The W hoi eaa 1 Typewriter Co.. retail dept.. 821 Washington st ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired ana ssid en monthly payment plan. Ureg Typewriter Co., 94 6th tt Main 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE l COAL and Wood Range. .. .818.00 wp Cook Stoves ........... lO. 00 p Gss Stove .............. 10.00 ap . Gaa Water Heaters. ...... M np Floor Ooverincs. yard ...... .6 up Kitchen Queen .......... 8. B6 ap Kitcbn Cabinets ......... 12.00 a , pining Boom. Extension To- - blee . .. . i . i ...... .A . 7. Or) aw .. Disrittg Room Chain 1.6) -mv 'Lrvinc Boom Rocker.. ..... 4.00 Library Table ....... .. 6.00 ap Simmons Bed ........... 12.00 ap Cotton Felt Mattresses...... 10.00 a Steel Springs ............ . 8.00 VP Coil Springs ............. 8.00 ap Dressers ................ 9 00 ap PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGB. 208 First St FOB THE LITTLE ONES - Children's cribs in- white and Yernia Martin finish and baasinetta. in white or ivory enameL We can give you a new on as low as 84.75. - Better hurry. Misfo Furniture Co. t 188-190 FIRST ST. ' NEW and used office equipment of every de scription. - Special bargains in rolltop desks and filing cabinet. Be ua before tmrchaaing. D. C Wax, 81 N. 6tb at, FOB SALE Fumturs of 5 -room flat, inclnd ing Brewster cabinet grand piano. Flat for rent 825 per month. Inquire 370 6th street Phone Marshal 5.882. THREE-QUARTER size white iron , bed com plete with. spring and mattress, in-good-condition. 312. Phone Main 2438. ONE brass bedstead. 2 woven wire mattresaea. 1 eilfc floss mattress. Inquire 720 E. Main. A FULL sise bed with spring and mattress, 2 Quilts, 820. Phon Main 8177. (Copyright. 1920. by International Feature ... ., - s..,.,. atarratev Ino.) .. - tTlCK AROUND CM tJOISNA tbEATOP -DCV5AM AN' CROCAM THEATRE S COUPLET Or TOU4H BROt-eUT IT WOULD TAKE. THAN THfi LAM rHKSHT REMARK ABOUT MC- WHAT THE.' II NO- I-J0tT SAW MY WIFE TOBNIN' THE MATTER ARli - A. .; 3AJM? I "V T- - --W " I CORNER!? ' 1 r waVataxflgmB HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 48 CLOSING out sal; ever) thing goes at greatly - - JlmM. hid mmmmMmrm VI 1 w earpeta. curtains, sanitary enuches, bed lesin, ui. .,, . . ' - . piim, ufwnm .1 1 i.t 9S4 Washington at near Grand ave. FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS It TREMENDOUS aale future. Register from 8 eenta to 120. 365: penny as National r isterfr round cornered, floor eaa. osady cases, dgar raits, wall cas. la box, mirror. 8 Dices mahogany set,: eleetrie coffee grinder." sods fount draft arms, small safe 872.50, large aafe, (tools, tables, gaa rang for restaurant purposes; other fixtures, half price. - 243 Salmon. SEWING ' M ACHTNB EMPORIUM d 2d hand, sold for seas; ta emxiloveit Oomoiet line of parts for all makes. Machine repaired and rented. Main 948 L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 160 Third, near Taylor St ELECTRIC 8JEW1NG MACHINES SINGER We take your enacbia in exchange, balance r easy payments. Phon for aeatonatra- tkm. - Machines rented, Expert impairing, nay MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE, 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. Non - Combine Printers If w printed 300 ear tor 31.36 you would not hare them as a gift; w still do GOOD "printing for Mas' at 11 North 6 th at, Coas- snonwoalta bldg. Smith, printers. ' . - - -, - 20 LATE dropheada: all makes ; lik new. 316 to 686. Large variety cf good machine, t to 810. AH the lateot new Sinters. Cash or payments. Machine rented. 88 a month. Sings . Stor (Moot bldg.). 193 4tb St Main OBB. - Lawn Mower Exuert rtM Mem snad better than newt Ever- sharp blade installed. Shop, 247 Grand av. near Hawthorn. neat i. - Electric Motors Siaht mrlA ffcfttwA mwA vsnsJvad. Walker Eleetrie Works, 413 Bum side, eomer 10th. Broadway 6674. SAFES Fire and' burglar-proof aafe. new and second-hand, at right prices, bought, sold and exchanged. NORRIS 8AFB Ac LOCK CO.. 108 Second at Phone Main 2048. CSED VACUUM CTJUJICRS In good mechanical eondition. ThU at yotrr opportunity to buy a standard mak cleaner at a big pric reduction. - - SCOTT ELECTRIC CO.. 8th and Oak Sta. ALL KINDS of wa rood, cracked weather-beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by ear- fa- moua and Instantaneous rupeer oonomg systea All work guaranteed. East 4934. or 627-38. f HOT WATER TANKS 30 gaa. 67: 49 gal 69. Tested and guaranteed .wv and mmace coist Gaa heaters a-artalled. Expert plumbing . repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st E. 8616. AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate elasnifieation. A large listing can be found under tliaia different elaasa-fv-s lions. ----- . - SI 6.50 to $25 BrB8MAi Guargntaed We Rent and Repair. 172 3d st. near Yamhill Main 1848. ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE8 A few need maehinea ia good -mechaneial o dttion, at big pric reduotion. Scott Elctio Co., 6th and Oak eta. LICENSED independent electrician, wires 8 rooms for 812, 6 rooms 820; includes main twitch, and meter connections; all new material ased. Woodlawn 879L FOR SALE Thor electtio washer,' used two months; stationary wringer, tuuy guaranteed. 8180. Col. 426. - . FOR SALE A good Evans potato planter for - 880. all in good oonditmn. Kirk Hoover, .Sher wood, Or. FOR SALE Twin cylinder Indian motorcycle. 615: steel guitar. 810. Smith, 464 Union ave. - East 6062. FOR SALE Wood and coal etor with coils. nickel trimmed.-- Good a new. 1002 Last Wanbtegton near 84th at ElThffn BUSINESS CARDS 5IAiU ECONOMY PRINTERY $1.25 Marshall 8842. 348 FOURTH ST. ATTRACTIVE . atylva in ladies' aiighliy worn coats. sails, gowm. hate and furs. 1047 Tburmsn st Main 85BT ELECTRIC irons, appliance, door bells, vacuum cleaners, repaired; fixtures rrwired; w call and deliver, wooaiawa lzsa or East 4U4. SAFE8 New and aeeoad hand; aom with burglar ehesta, at reesonabl price. Pad fie Scale A Supply Col. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1966, BUSINESS CARDS ft fl I 85 ROSE CITY PRINTERY ePilel? Ton rnnst bring this ad. 120 6tb at DISTINCTIVE and reasonable Prices IB mores usiu irrintu ins s. uiisaa and 89th. Laorelhnrat. Taber 2836. Dentistry .wYriS: Without Pam. ' Latest Nerve Blocking Method. FOB SALE Cash register, aaf. adding ma chine, showcase. 48 1st at near Ash. VACUUM cleaner, for rent 31. a day; delivered a nywnere. qjn. evito SECOND hand tents and covers tor sale. . Pa cifie Tent Awnrng. X . 1st sr. "VACUUM cleaners rented, $1 per day deliv- ' vred. Main 201Q dsys.Tabor Q7 rm LADIES used garments of all kinds for- Vogue apparel, 408 Aliaky bldg. - PLUMBING expert. repair all plumbing, gaa; very reaiotiable. McCurdy. Sellwood 1126. VACUUM cleaners, aotd, repaired, rented, ex changed, bought Bcntloy Go. Main U7 RANGES and water beaters moved free, ooo- nections mad a specialty. Tabor zbut. SUGAR for sale st f24.26 per sack. 688 In- tetBtate ave. FORSALE -32 lO Msrlin rifle, in fin oondi- tion. tin. aaT William ave. noom CEMENT laundry tray. Factory 814 E. Waah- ington at W ship, rau or water. A FULL six bed with tpring and mattress, 2 rjout. 320. Phone Miin 61T7. UNCALLED for tsOor-msd suHs. 812.50 v Tsvior. th Tailor. 289 Bnrnsld at OFFTCK furniture from aprue division and shipyard. 31 N. 6th. Broidwsy 2789. BEAUTIFUL sea aheU and bead portier, 3178. 2 65 bth at, in barber stiop. " ' ONE dump wagon tor sale. Tabor 1542. PHONOGRAPH for sale. 164 B. Broadway. ADDING machine. 816. 518 Corbett bldg. By George McManus I COULD UCK TMETH IFTHEV VQ2. TWICE A& eus; THAT- l f t 11 1 CAV I jCIX J MTSCELLATfEOUS 18 . HISS is th machln " that saves th bou f wife one da-.'s toll every week. Com to tlx fac tor! and ee tbem dem- caistrared. . and iroasr WShlngtOH " a a bit-a at lev itvnwi Opw.ratd htnd or ptwef BARGAIN la 1 used cash reg later, show cas. scales i id fountains and other Ox- tatwa,. CASH OB TERMS, i J I. BOXER. ' Mat.! 2488. US Hit CEDAR) CHESTS Direct from factor 4a tour fhomaV - Tenftea. saw sod Port Orford cdH: solid copper trim- mtnga. ' latest . deal ens. . Write - for eatsingu. Factory, 1913-10-18 B. Gliaaa. TMr 808. WBliAVB'tOU MONEY i ' Rons wiring. Ugh ring, fls tnree. elect rioai repairing eup- S lies. - Third "Street Eleetrie tor. 324 H Third street, near Balmoa. Main 6065. Special Sale . Why 880 to 8100 foi your tuft wttan : A get just aa good from $27.60 to $851 X KAUFMAN, THE TAILOR 68 4th street between Oak and Pin. Electric Fans AB eiaea, new, ased, exchanged, repaJrsd ; HYNSON ELECTRIC CO. 803 Pia tt at 6th. Broadway 4293. FOR BALE! Lumber, counter, desks, illumin ated Shrine feses. statuary work on arch, camels, sphinx, tc, etc . Apiily H. T. Hutchin son, chairman salvage committee, 626 Arti sans bldg. FURNITURE repaired, ubbobtered, - Ilk new; . snartrems. tewiade. ninon reailversd fiient ture bought sold" and exchanged at Webster Furniture Repair shop,' 1103 Hawthorn. Tabor 8825. MUS ICAL INSTRUMENTS.' "typewrit era" and "Household Goods" ara aenarate elaaaifiaa- ttnna All advertisementst of these goods am published ander their respective clssiificationa. LOOK THEM OVER. SAFE Good as new; eheap if taken at one. K -650, Journal l FUBNITUHE, iW ANTED 74 w GET A GOOD FBICB W er ta a ooetttoa to give yoa a good prioe for good furniture, rug or raagea. any ouaatity. Before you eel! gt our offer. FELDSTK1N FURNITURE CCv. 174 First at, cor. lasuhlU. . BE WISE. CALLTUAIN 8951. . Wa want your need furniture. W'e ,py the price. - FREEMAN. WOLLF FURNITURE CO., 200 First St. S. B. Cor. Ttylor. ' - SPOT CASH FOR U8HD FURMTDRB ' Main 8878 UNrTETi FUTtNITTmE. STORB - 178 FIRST STREET. B. AH. FURNITURE CO. 801 First at, Pay cash for need fnrtiitur. Ms in 8974. SEE us bafor you aeQ your used furniture; It will pay you. . Phon Broadway 3696. 622 Waahragtoo st Let ns give you sn estimate on your furniture. Rrhalble Fnmitnr Co.. 208-205 2d. Main 7806 yYAH-TED WISCELLAXEOUS $12.50 to $25 - -For Second-Hand SUITS OR OYERCOATS -v: METEB THB , TA1LOB Fayi mor for clothing gad ' shoo.- W can day or evenfngs. anywhere In th. city. Cat! Mar sbsli gg9 or 258 Msdlsojfi, s. tysr Third t UP TO $35. - FOR MEN'S BUTTS AND OVERCOATS We nay gny pric for men's clothes, ... ORFGON CLEANERS be TAIIXJRS 117 2u St. N. W. Co. Wash. Main 6344. WANTED People of Portland to know that " I J oar the his-heet faih neir fn, ..nit kaMa bousehold goods. Mo amount too large or too rnam attention, t - - - - Nt M.' SEATER. Phon Best 2203. , 148 Basset St WB pay rrom $10 up to' SS tor men's used olta. 1 also per full value for ail kinds of other clothing. CaU us and be convinced. KIT First st, near Morrison. Main 788. GOLD oAuaa, in tenor. . , - IF Von ' K.M an. ' . I 'r .:, . - t-"ivi"i Hieaaimw, rasa UT,n?. w,ot to reeelv atrkt prioe for them Woodlawa 6691'. SA"?R Want office sate; must be cheep; give fiw, ntj woer can os .- i. journal. WVTE Tng1 ,ath; about .iJ in. aW Phone 627-27. . WANTED Ail kinds sicond and funk. Call P. nova band farnitur WAN TED B ifles. Hochfield. 85 Third at i Phone Main 8681 FERSON-Al. ra GLASSES at a savins. solicit yoar patmnsg on the basis of eaoable aeiiine. Thousands of satisfied pa tron, jnaa. w. uoo optometrist 209 Morrisuo st Main 2124 FREEDOM from every discordant condition ia yours lor the asking. Th Psychometa Phyal eal Institute, Dr. D. K. ' Elmmermann. Psymph, director, 810-817 Bush V Laa bldg. Main 6761, 19-12 a. m., 2-6 p. m. Bvninga, nan dsys by appointment f - . 61 GETS both feet fixed np st Ir. Eaton's, the CHIROPODIST snd ARCH SPECIALIST, who doesn't hurt you. 8 yra. here. . Exam. free. Globe Tncatro PMg.. lltn and . Wash. Bdway. Z824. DR. ETHEL A. SACRY treate corn and In growing-, nails, . pedicuring and manicuring. 605 Raleigh bMg. Marshall 8376. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by 10 needles method: trial free. Jem Fiahry. im busu c Ln oidg. Main OSes v. i 11 1" ' - - BATHS. . maasage for' rheuroausm, eonatlpatii ti'jri 608 kidneys, stomach. Dr.i lna Sorenaen. Panama bldg. ' Dmgle physician. I nnrtro GonsuiUtion FREE. All ease. WA 512 Sealing bldg. Main 4993, RAGTIME taught quickly; get in oo this. . For appointment. Automatic 810-27: HAWAIIAN entertainers for sll occasion. Call ETHEL MeOOY,-, chiropodist 4 609 Buchanan hldg.Wserr. pet 4th and th ats. Main ft 07 ft. A-l MASSAGilSuchananWd-.. Wash. between 4th snd fitft sta. Msin 8886. MRS. MOU.IESItAFKE, wiU you plea com- mnnk-ate with G. .W.-McMaster, Tsit Hotel. BODY mas-vge, violet ray. 10 a. m. to 5 p. m. aauy tu morgan oiog. main lain. DR. WILKINSON removes corn in 3 snlnutee. LIMP IN.- 816 FlsMers. near th. BOT1CES 86 NOTICE OF SALE OF DRAlNAGS DISTRICT ,- BONDS.- Sealed proposals will; i b received by th Board of Snpervt-or of ' tb Klamath 7ralnes instrict of Klamath County-, uregon, at th office of said Board, which ia lo th Court House in th City of Klamath Fall, Oregon, for the par risu of - $200,000 00 of the Bonds of as)d Khtmatb Drainage liistrict. until the hour of 2 o'clock In the e'ternooa on th . 17th day of July, A. u, l2t, r. - Said Bond ar to be dated July 1st 1920, snd sre to bear interest gram date at th tat of six per cent per snnnm. payabl on th firvt day of January and th first day of July of each year. . ' . i. - . - . The Board of Supervisors reserve th right to reject any and all proposal for any reason and If not aatitftctory to tatd Board. Address sit communications and all proposal to to mnaertigTBeq. - ' - - ' : - C. B, DEI. A P. Ie tvtary of Klamath i- Drainag Da-triet, Klamath FsTia, OreeoH ' ..- -, NOTIClTOF FINAL ACCOUNT In th circuit eonrt of the state of Oregon for Multnomah county In th matter of th state of Michael J. Gallagher, -deceased. - Notic is hereby given that the undersigned admuristratrtx has filed her final account in the circuit ectrrt of the ats-e of Oregon, for Mult nomah oounty and that Monday, the 12th day of July. 1920. at th hoar of 9:80 a. m. on mid day, knd the courtroom 'of Hon. 'George iszweii. axuitnoman county courthouse. Pott land, Or., haa been set s th tim and place for th hearing of objection to asid.luiai ao- eount and the settlement thereof. - Date of first publication June ft. 1920. Dai of hut pnblication June 90, 1920. . . . ALBKKTU8-.L ROBINSON, Adas, HARRY U HAFFETY, Attorney. PROFESSIONAL--A H D Business, birectory - ' - f OFwfy; BUWPlftO LAWIS 8Ii.Gi.a fcajlr Supply Co. 10th aai - Misrriaoa at. Th pise to boy bar bar hain aad eupphea. Stock ef .Kaxxuior aiway oat haad a tight pneea, . . .- .. . , t FOR SALE- Ppofew!onal nnfl Bnfnri DfrfffArv LANK BOOK KIMKIKS oa vis a Holm an, ma. i t.. aseauiarvurera a-IIDI Mai a 1' book a liEW AND USID BOOatS. ALL 2 ,. JOHNSON'S BOOK storh -346 Main 8t, bet 2d and i- OARPKr etf 6I4IN01 , Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff and Rar: Uus - WOVEN ALL SI ES. WRITE OR CALL ' MRTLiKD U.l,i en -v- 1672 B. 7Tth st Sellwnral 8? We Make FLUFF RUGS From Your Old Carpets Rag ruga, all tises. Mall orders prompt Bug snd earpeta steam and dry cleaned. k auue or writ for pric hat Northwest Rufr Co.. 188 & eElghth 8t East $51. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Bag Bog, an el sea li nil Orders Promt Send for Booklet . 6x11 Bogs. Steam or Dry Cleaned, ll.Sfc FLUFF RCtl fit 84-68 Unto ave. M. Best 6816. 8-1473 OAT AND OO0) ftOgPITAt. BOSS CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL, as. it av ear. Grant a at 1S4 7. M-lx CKMtrVT WORK ALL ca"s of ceaient work; "gsrages a ape- eialty; rate reasonable. Phon 821-29. eNletOPNMOTOrt CHIROPRACTIC. tem bsths and nj a a .; , 1 r a tloor Broadway ud. Marshall 818 7. Lie. Laura E. Downing. DB. UeMAnoN. 100 chiropractor. PerUaai taroagt proaoone treatment best OtOTMIJ0) FINE SELECTION FULL IRK" St ffS fort gatAYaTI AD U trkiH Art a li-r gat v at CLOTHING 8TORH. 61 THIRD ST. aat.LT- OOAt AND WOOD PLACB your order with ua now tot nest win ter's fo.l aupply before price advance, COAL, enl'VUD. mm A ..... ........ . . . . . iNccK c rAKi' 808 Water tt Call Main 4866. WB SELL IN LA HOB OR SMALL C CAN Til I Star Wood z Coal Co. 848 3d rt Msin 1t BOXWOOD PeWvered Immediately by Fultnn Wood Oa. urn Maeeoam. Phon Main 4178. BLOCK aod alab, 18 Inch. $5.60 per loai in 2 load lot: cheaper and better thin 4 ft wood. A-I 4 ft cord wood. $9.85 per cord. Na tional Fuel Co. East 2041, GIVE ns your orders for cord wood, and eoal. beat nrieeat anaiet.l nrirmm mi a. ,1,... 1. Hawthorne Fuel Co.. Kant 8108. FlRST'elaaa gre.n tfaba. $"8775. any part of c j. .WQWlllvn ZB7, BLOCK and lsbwoo.l, $3.50 a load in 2 load JotaiOregeei Fuel Co., Weodlswa 410. FIRST elasa R it tie, 0xBx8. $16UwuaudT Woodlawn 2875. k GREEN 4-f't lsb. also planer tfiniminita. in 'i ""'i tore. wnin. rlZSS. " - 40-tStTTfOW ETH A CO., MurcesUr bldsl lisis ' HfteT N eoDsetions. a ebsrg, A. tab. 1006. ofT.ECTiriVsi vf.ii t-5 WtJMam WUling. 194 4th t. Mam 1191. etWTI6T rn4l(!4rtf r)R. a. w. Kiisi 1biikiiii.i r g 61 H Wanhlntton tt Witbnnt Pain. Latest Nerve Blocking Mefhnd. OUOATIONRt, DANOINO HIE Denre 8tdio. nog Datum bid., Ws.hing. ton at 8rd. StrVtly privet laaaona, half hmf ev bear leasona. Course lemons speelsllr prired DaOy, 6 80 a m to 9 p m. Mist Irelsrd TlfrTTvlNT; Wfi Get a hesltby "hT.l,l,y. U teach both ballroom and staff danrlng. Aha. ky ball, Morrison, nesr Third. Portland, Oren. BI.NGLEIt 0 Dancing Aeadamy, Portland a l-a't. ing scbooL dais and ririvate k-won il.d. CoHm, I a 11. 14th and Wh Bdwv .. BERKELEY dancing acjidrmy, prit V. m- day. eve.: latest steps last Shown. 129 4th ty Mala 8818. Mrs. Summer., y wtuaio aoMoota and -TgaoMcna PBUFESSOB T. K LAWBON Twenty experieneei piano laaiows at your bom. 1 1 TiKot 7695 kkk 3. 1 M.""Wvfcjriv." Instructor of popular ragtime and classic. Tabor 6815. 1TCARROlL DAY, voemj and piano lon; twetic 1 howr day, $ mo. Broadway goas. ' ' ' FUW6 BUY yor ST"if M F.R' Fl'US at' THE Ft It SHOP Remodeling. Summer rate. 60S Hw-Uand bldg. ftlh at Waihintwi. MAT C'-gAWgsta AND PYKWg rN '. LET-"LIS clean, reblock 't hat Best work, reasooxbl T n rm. It., , ' - . 1 aqnrpped net fctorv in city. Royal Hat Worse. 228 let t LADIES and gentlemen' hats cleaned, blocked, Straws dyed eny color. Panamas specialty. Kanfman Wat faetorv, aa 8rd, near Start. HOUIC RfOVTJNO iNSECTKTIDES, GERMICIDKS. bron'm. brushes. mops. to. W contract and gnarante to rvi yoar premises of bed rings, roaches and sll in sects. Phone Main 6571, Coast Chemical ( o. RCWPIC DOLLS COLUMBIA STATUARY CO. 868-870 HAWTHORN V AVE. EAST 118. LAND80APINO 1 Excavating - Landscaping ' AND ALL KINDS Or? TEAM WORK; ALSO TEAMS FOR niRE FOR ANY PFRIOD. ST. JOHNS CONTRACTING CO.. Tabor 2710. 415 Syracuse st. St Johns OFTOM8TRI6TS AND OFTIOIAN8 .aasaw kIM c le.N llr ICAI l.V U.-im' xi with modern tmtrameata, Gli V-TN fitted, from 63.60 p A .at TfTTKWITB. Gptometrl-t 22g lag tt PAINTINO, TIMTINO. -StHANOINO) J . U. CLIPTON, jieinUn. tintrng 164 N. 17th st Bdwy 4414. Wu rtna. a, Hi. PAT6NT ATTOKNCV8 WE HAVK rereuUy aeiated with ua 8 m - xar from th U. S PsUat effma. Vaao. Fenwlck A Iwrence, lewyars, U0 p st, W.-r tngton D. Cf 220 Broad ear, H T eaty; 111 West Monroe st, Chicago, 1J BtUbUsoed ova half a century. GOLDS EltG. 420 Werrctee bids. M 1 n 2S1T flUa.kO AND ITISM 6UPPLIC6 Plumbing Wor doae quickly aaA tffkci.ntly at abw rrieee. Mew Inatsl (1obs speclsKv. Ytors. maoahlp tu guaranteed. Phone Aaal litSA. 141 BaaaaU MFRKO METAL WORFS t h n m a 1 n o BUPPLif saT w i.rrO iALi PRICES. STABK-DAVIS CO.. 18411 at THB M 1. Kl.lVk i . . in .1 MSUsa, fceiQriAMHQ, tisuma Ppintirto- ." ' 'W c.. 1- m m ami Osk. Male 'ISA. S1I-AS 1 " THE IRW IN-HT) i.V'rt: . 7: PIN' t 367 Wsshtngton. Broedwsy 434, A-128. - 6 HOC aEPAI)IN NEW metliod shoe repairing; French tiael cia lists; guarantee. 213 4rh at . near Hilmoa. TINNtHt .ACOll LoaLl TIN, SHEET liiON AtsU ROOF WOrt; 810 1st , Prune Mai 1474 TftANSFCR AMO tluniut Oregon Transfer Co. Eetabltehed 1876 ."y Tvwfer end Forwarding Aea 8TOILAGE FItEB TRACK A,d Offw-e aad Storage, 474 -a 18fh and Gn-an Broadway lil. A-fT'. alavays 1'T;k thk toiair"iioc'i.:.L.; GOODS ofEClALiST Storag. pac -4. bippiag aad atovtaa. Hors saf a-s't . gpeelal rates to ail pofnta. G. O. PICK TKANsfcr.K 6TO',tG rn 24 snd Pine sts. ri-o'1wsy at Storage and Trancfc CEav S. I.Igtco. Ir.z. ITTI ANI m.lAN p. ? CLT HIWi.HI IUi i On hi ahold good itijped et d mo"! ' . mag Warehoaa A Trsn.iev Co., 9to a.4 i Pbone Hroedway Tna, WOOD gVV "auToma t i ii v f , r .v , r ' Bvea length guaranteed, k.m-4 1HX