IHii UKliUON DAlLf JOURNAL, POKTi-AND TUESDAY, JUIW 2, 1S20. It) r AtrTOMOBUES 5P ACCESWOBrES 44 guaranteed used cabs d v - warren motor co., cs:d cab, department S8-60- 23rd st, N. Main 780 ' If you er Interested la any ef the following Blake and model ears -It will rarely pay you to come to ear (tore end investigate ee oar price for the next 10 dare are rat way down, and each car the Try fineat condition. , r SEE THE SPLENDID ASSORTMENT TO CUfMlfiE rttokt v YELIE -paeeencer, eynrxur. mm ear. A ' . gai price. Thia ear bee are paint. .. tM ami tnA ind In fine ran nine ahsne. YELIE 1818 6-pen.. SyHnder. , Thv. is the same pattern at the 1819. ud la the fluent condition. . Bargain price. , i BUICK tin pa rnger; good condition, el- ttwmntn old ear; urea ana engin t shape; balance of car to not half bad. $360. 'A V e era i mm rrm ' - OVERLAND -Fiv-psenger. 1b Httl ear, ! ood bpe, InU of power and economical to run. ''Bargain price. - . - .-', DV EKLASD 1918 Sire passenger $-yllndert in nail ahanei engine ouiet and smooth aa some $2000 ear. Will make special price to move qrurk; newiy painiea ana naa new ui. A dand lie-ht 6-evlinder ear. Bargain pnee. I MAXWELL Klve-paiengef. One of the beat 11T tKrint care vou have eeen. We are willing to Uke far lees than the ear la wnrth to aell" quick, so we are looting H at a bar-tain.- price.- . ' MAXWELL roadster. Swell condition, 1818 car. fully guaranteed erery way. Barirain price. . MITCHELI -Seven passenger,. 1811 model, new -paint, thoroughly overhauled; tire and top fine In ewe!) shape all over. Bargain pnee. ; BEO Se-vrn-rwssenger 1918 ear. " This is a attona, well . built , 6 cylinder . cari fine ear a for rent, aUce or private aw. at. bargain i pr. . STIDEBAKF.R, Fir passenger, in excellent condition for tire, engine, and. in fact, every way, .i Bargain price. $050. . ..... BUICK Seven pasaencer. IB 18 model; five cord . tirea. : new-point; excellent mechanical condi tion vja swell good . car at a. bargain price. Buy yoar ear -from a- reliable dealer and get real ialu no only tfl - the- .car- lUcif but in eernce and ..many other, way. . EVERT OAR irai GUARANTEED' AND .... v SOUP ON. EASY PAYMENTS , f NASH SEDAN , - - J' ,V- ' .-.- ' '- r; " 1820: WIRE ' WHEELS;' CORD - TIRES r Ulf ABOtTT IT00 MnjiS; BEACTIFCL CAB INEXCEIXENT CONDITIOX: j T-PAS8E5GEB: OWNER LEFT CITT: CAR' FOR SALE. 82000. LESTER HETM CO . ' . 219 SIXTH. VRANSOS'g CSED CAR EXCHANGE 1814 Ford ehassb .................. 1240 1.1 rord roadster 840 Ford touring, extras . .;. 878 1814 Ford panel delivery. ........... ;. 2S0 1918 Ford touring, late fend, and red... 400 1017 Ford touring, batter?, extras...... 478 1818 Ford roadater. extraa 485 1018 Ford panel drL. overhauled....... 480 1818 Ford touring, like new.......... 800 1820 Kor touring, starter, j .... -. .... . euo 1820 Ford truck, body and cab ....... 880 1818 Ford sedan, a tarter ............. 750 1 !)0 Ford roadster '725 1818 Chexroleet touring ...4... 078 1818 Olds 8, Stuta beareat body.. 1500 1817 Maxwell touring .............. . 480 1810 Bri"e touring 4 SO IBIS Sterling roadater .... 278 1817 Btudebaker roadster 850 1818 Mtudebaker 7 pasaeager ........... 800 1818 Saxon 6. touring 678 . ,100 UNION AVE.. COR.' BELMONT. Open Evenings and Sundays. i FOR 8 ALE " ; Several good delivery ears, thoroughlv rverhauled and in fine condition. Why don't you put on your own auto delivery hea such aa opportunity presents itaelff Take yonr choice at the most ridiculous prices. - Immediate deliryry cars asady to go to work. e, tHWEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY Washington St. at 21st, Main 6244. 18 Buick Touring This car H first elaea every way and baa enrrl tirea and on extra. This year h cense, runs and looks perfect. We will show yon your money's worth in this one. Low prioa; and we will takftiHO down, balance easy: take car in . trade if rate model. 505 Alder at. Red Front I'eed Car Ce. Open 8unday. $180 Fur sale to cover repair charges S pa men- get Mitchell tcraring ear with red body, on bumper, fair top,- good genuine leather apuol sterihg. X extra tir. $150 . --.-I-feregon Antn Repair t'o. 18th and firlaen. STUDKUiKER T-Paasenger Late 1918 - Inas and runs like new car, eord tirea. P'l Cash -or terms, or your ear in trade, baL i tenna. 210-212 Jefferson st. Mala 7644. LEAVE for New York Fridsy. must sell Ford roadster for cash: new piston and transmia- sTon. good paint. 8 Urea, S tubes. chains. Urge "storage battery, etc Aet QUk-k. 'a I must sell by Tliursday. First saaooabla ofler taxes lu East 713. . .. . ... . - . . . -S PASS. Chandler tourinf. Owner leaving city - and la Joroed to sail bis ear at one. fcv eel lent condition, new paint, good tirea. Yon can get this ear at a bargain if yew act today, Main !V41 4T 8th at. cor. Sheridan. FTJFMORILE for -sale, in ' perfect mechanical condition, wire wheett. 6 cord tire. Mint sen on account of xicknea. - $1000. - 289 E. $8d st. Tabor 788. Ttn! fnr " aala. newlv nalntad. electric starter, snot licht- extra wheel: also top and good tirea: owner leaving.' 8480 cash: bargain. ' Call Var 1 A48. iwi9."Al'l,''KS0N &, been used ry little; haa had good care; good cord . tirea; a wonderful bargain. Must be sold thia week. Call East 7838. - - - - DELIVERT. -OAR IS BRAND NEW. N EV ER RUN "A M ILE. - HUDSON SALES MAN, JACK HERtlNGEB. EAST 6868. FOR HALU1818 Iort chummy roadster, some bargain, br owner. Call, weekday. .787 WshrneMi: Main S2. 1920 OLDS' 8', tXlDIPPED WITH CORD - -TIREA. LIKE NEW. THIS IS A ARUAI.t 81900. -TERMS. HT DESIRED. EAST 6863. " 1 ' - 8105dCA8H Late model light 6 Veils, ran only 7000 mile: like new. -' 281 Front, cor; Jefferson. FfiRD touring. 1917. used privately, good paint and good tires: a .real bargain at 9450. terms if deaired, 8Q Grand v. N., near Barnaida. MAXWELL touriuev 1920," Used privately; a anan at 81076: terma. $6 Grand av. N.. near Bumside. 1916 HTTpMOBILE touring ear. in fine shape; jut painled; a bargain, Urma, Fhon Bdwy. '4826. ; ' ' ; 9-A .KRANKXIN, splendid condition, good "tirea; terms to suit you. Bdwy. 616. M, Baa- field: ! 1817 BL'ICK. light 4, touring car in tine con dition ; 5 good tires; a bargain; terms. 'Phone East 1 962. $166t THIS ia your chanc to get delivery on new ear. Wray Motor Car Co.. 90 N. Broad way. Bf) wy. 2 4 7. MAXWELL touring, 1917. best of condition, good tirea; will sacrifice at $475; some term. 10 t.rand ave. w., near numgKie. - - - CHEVROLET touring, 1918. fine condition. Will sell $550. Terms if desired. $Q Grand v. nortli. near . Burusid. FOlf BALE. Ford sedan, 1819 " model, self tarter, electric lights, - etc. j All in good shape. E. B. I Hi nock, 84 Grand ave. ; frOUD touring, 1920. $600; fin shape. 439 Eumifr. " FOR SALE Ferd roadater, in good condition; . $250; owner leaving city. 464 Vk Union ave. jl WOIgZIMr 7-ra.. 1T7 Studebaaar. all ne. urea. rnone aaar. llli. 1916 MAXWELL. good condition, $476. Kt 81.8. 1917 CHALMERS Light- 6, new rubber, new : paint, 9775. Eaat 8858. MAXWELL, runabout, goes anywhere, good ruk ber, 8. T78 William av. Pali Moaday, FORD touring. 1818. like new. .... Garage, 80th and Belmont. $4507TWeber WIRE 'wheels, tat Paige, 214 , 19ia st. N East. 1849, REO bag. new tires, fully equipped, cheap; terms if deaired. 261 12th at. C Keffer. CADILLAC. 7 passenger. like new. $800; wind fall. : See it alter Sunday. 829 Salmon. 1918 BUICK. fine condition, with Victoria topi will trade for Ford or Chevrolet. Wdln. 5986. Tl 7FORT new-top. A-1 shape, $"$$$ tarxaa, Tabor 1555. - . 1918 FORD, good as new, eash or terma. 751 v Grand avenue north. : ' ' Cib U-urvug, 5-pass. Oreitad. Caia'Wdlu. file. ATTTOMOBILES ajytj ACCESSORIES 44 . ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW GREATER BARGAINS 131 USED AUTOMOBILES THAI ANT TIME " 'SINCE THE WORLD STARTED Rebuilt Hudson super sf. Bow being held for a repaint ob; has been through the repair shop; will be sold aanu re placements and service as a new auto mobile ....81200 118 Hudson super six. just Uke a new automobile and sold with the same ser vice and nerte reDlacement aa a new - car carries ..................... 1780 1920 OtdamobUa eight, almost new. left . here for same; make aa offer. Tour chance now.'-.' 1918- Chalmers fight six,' just like new -Except the paint and you can see original bnb peters sent to the paint shop. 1917 Chalmers, 8 peas., : a fine bargain 900 Maxwell demonstrator, 8800 off. -1818 Maxweu. fine shape'... 25 1917 Maxwell, all fixed up S50 S80 - - . - v Orerland Country Club. 1917 Studebaker. good condition. ....... 628 C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 618-817 Washington street. . Portland. WE HAVE MOVED TO Ol'R NEW FOUR 6 TORT JHJlLnTNG. KKUA-UWAI AT EVERETT. -- To direct attention to our new location we re continuing eu rem oral gala prices for short while longer. Our stock is complete. Hmt of it overhauled and many ears repainted and ell of them worth more than wa are asking thtm. . . . ; - ; ......-' Wa offer here a few for your approval: EXTRA SPECIAL PRICE ON THIS ONE CAR 1818 Mitchell. S-peae.. 4-cyL; real buy. 6 800 4 -pass.. Jordan Sport Marine. Parted condition, with five cord urea. , 1818 OldiBoobile, 7 -pass. S-cyL; refiniahed in very line conuiuon. 1819 "Mirehell, S-paM.; S-cyl. 1!-18 Mitchell. 4-paes. ; Club Roadster. 181 8 , Mitchell. 7-pasa.l 8-yL . 1814 Mitchell. 7-paea,; S-cyL 118 Mitchell, apaas,; O-cyL 1818- Mitchell, 7-paaa.: 6-cyl.; demonstrator. 1818 Overland Club Roadster, model 80. 1V13 Willys-Knight, 7 paw.; 4-cyL Thig ear IS in perfaot eoDdlUom. inelttuing S toad tirea. Many others, both large and null Terms if dan reo. No brokerage eharaea. We carry ail of our own notes. MITCHELL. LEWIS STAVER COMPANY, BBQADWAY AT EVERETT. - ' ' Phone Bdwy. 4 875. FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled ............. ....... $20 near axle everoauiea. ............... Valves ground, ' carbon removed...;..... Magneto recharged Wa band-lan rjistoaa. scrana bearing, etc which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine oro part omy ueeo. su won cuaranieea. s Meat everyone bsf been overcharged on their auto repairing ana uasatiafiea entn the work, lry as next time; we guard against eucn error. UNIVERSAL AUTO RKPAIR CO. 210-213 JefferaoB. Main 7844 Ford Speedster Her Is the real he boys ear. One that take all the bills on high and w will say right her that we will match it with any Ford in town. P. can go to Council Crest on high and has the latest hand-made Eastern body on it. 80 gal. gaa tank and license; nothing to boy and ready to go: take l.oo down, balance easy., ova Alder t Red Front Used Car Co. WIN TON SEC -for sale at your ewn price. v 7 passenger, 1 181$ model, goni running el tape. If yew cast we tnia ear, as aa at once. We can arrange trims. OOVKT MOTOR CAR COMPANY - . Washington St. aV.Slat. . . .Mala 0244. 15.000 carried ha stock. " Our springs sold With a written guarantee. We give you service. . 64 North Fifteenth Street. BERC It Is Owiand touring, electxio bghta and atjsrter. - Good, tire, only s sou. TUB USED CAR EXCHANGE. .' Ifttik and Waahington. : Hudson Speedster For bamediaU delivery. 1919 model, la A-l shape; cord tirea and 90 day' sernc and guar aata. .Call Main 6766. - ' $-8 ft PACKARD 7-paaa. touring., perfect eon dition. good paint, S extra - tires; prio $1850; eaay terms. 8ee Mr. Kmg. , PORTLAND MOTOR CAB . CO.. ' , 18th and Burmdde. , , TeL Broad. 521. CHALMERS SIX BARGAIN WTT.T. KIJ. YOII IIT LIfiHT SIX CHAL MERS FOR $750. THIS CAB WILL MAKE TOP A DANDY FAMILY CAR. HAS ALWAYS HAD rRTVATE CARE, AND YOU WILL FIND TUB TIRES VERY UOOtt TABOR T81T. WEAVER TIRE COMPANY t 3 . FEDERAL TIRE . .OREGON VULCAJflZINO CO, TIRE REPAIRING . I 888-888 Bumside at Broadway OPEN DAY AND NIGHT General goto repairing, storage. car bought and sold. ... TERMINAL GARAGE Corner 8th and Hoyt. Broadway 1886. FRANKLIN, like new . . 820OO Buick. email atx .......... 1000 Buick 4 : .i.-.l - 750 Stula ait , ..." 450 HENRY FUNK AUTO CO, . 428 Multnomah st. DODGE sedan. . 1918. best of condition, wire wheels (1 extra) : wiU sell at $1550:-will consider trade .on Ford, balance term. $0 Grand ave. N. , near Bumside. STUDEBAKER 4. in fin condition; will sacri fice and gir term. 80 Grand ave. It., near Bumside. A CLASSY Ferd bug in A-l condition. Dew tirea. - See this for a bargain. - 1 need the money. Wdln. $986, 658 E. 8th at N. HUDSON, model 6a4,.T passenger, in first- class condition, tor aala. 8350 cash. B North 9th St. Phone Bdwy.- 476. CHALMERS roadster, l5l7. new paint and top. good tires, cast or. condition; buu wun terma, 80 Grand ave. N- near Bumside. DODGE, 1916; this is a snap at 8850; will giv terms, ao urand av. n., near Burn aid. - - ----- FOR SALE '18 mode Elgin sedan, run 6000 miles; wiU sell cheap or trade for 7-paasenger car of same value., tan Main Ba.-a. Automobile Towing CB Broadway asoi. 1916' CHSTKOLEt tearing, good condition: a bavrnin at sauu, csnua. - unwi avw. ci. near Bumside. - 1914 FOKD touring, good condition; will aac- rific at $$00, terma. $0 Grand vN, near Mumauie. UATWELL touring. .1917. beat of condition, good tires. - wiu sarin 1 ax ie; aome terms. $0 Grand ave. N wear Burnsid. 1815 FORD touring. . best of eondition; will . .or,, . 1 ,., - o n t ' sacrifice at $350. terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnsid. - - ' ROSSITER BROS.. TOP CO. Auto tops, certain and repair- In, aast so, union at fine. SaAXWELL touring. 18l good paint, good tit; a real snap at SHOO, witn tarma. go Grand av. N.. near Burns yd a. CHEVROLET, 1918, in A-l mechanical con ditioai a bargain, $500; Unna, SO Grand near Buraskl. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918. like new, goo3 -. tirea. uaed privately ; will sell st $650 and giv terms. 81V Grand av. N., wear Bumside. 1918 DODGE, new top, cord tires, extra spot light, A-l condition; $876. Tabor 1555. . BEST automobile laundry in town; cars washed and polished. Tth and Belmont. East 6067. OLDS MOB ILE S. a dandy buy, $1000 Can Main 1888. FORD BUG, underaiiuia. new battery, swell body, - rmimvmM . oaoruaoav , iww - . AUTOMOBILES A!TD ACCESSORfES 44 DON'T - FAIL TO . SEE r OUR LATE -MODEL i CARS ; - WE HAVE A GRAND ASSORTMENT ' - W want to show you on of the following: 2820 Chandler 6; run enough to break it in- , 1920 Elgin: her ' on of the sweetest running ear w aver had. " --. . t ,. Nash 6; these light 6 are fust right. - Hudson super S ; just rid la thia new and you will say u s a dandy. 1919 Maxwell touring; thig ear la almost new; at 8828 It's a bargain. 1919 Grant 6; at the prio of a new one. y . - . , i - Baby Grand Chevrolet: over head valve : tire . . -. ' - . .' - -' 490 Chevrolet: both touring and rodstara. Fords; wa always bar Ford.: ) WASH 146 TO(T ! V DODGE SEDAN I - 1920 ' " WIRE WHEELS -RUN ABOUT 1900 MILES BEAUTIFUL CAR IN EXCELLENT CONDITION FIVE PASSENGER . $1930 LESTER HETM CO 249 SIXTH ST. - USE1Q) form ; EXailSHVELY"" 180 TO SELECT FROM ' ALL MODELS - - ALL PRICES ' EASY. TERMS-. Universal Car Exclhnnb Grand ave. and E. Yamhill st. -' tpen Sunday and Evening". - BUG BODIES. $95 UP Bug Bodiea. radiators, fenders, : nooua maae ana repsirea BTJRNESS AUTO A BODY WORKS 15th and Alder Sta. HERE'S your chsnee to get the best bay in Portland. -STUDEBAKER SIX for only $600 and easy terms. Look good and runs good. 1914 model. COVEY MOTOR CAR COM PANT ' Washington st. at 21st. , Main 6244. M.B.FISCH Radiators, fenders, bodie. hoodj, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work a ape OaJty 600 Burnsid street. Phew Broadway 2299. 1919 Maxwell A FINE LITTLE CAR, REPAINTED AND RUN THROUGH SHOP A BARGAIN AT 6800. TERMS. CALL MAIN 6756. " , 1919 MAXWELL TOURING $700 WILL BUY MY LATE '19 MAXWELL, THE BEST PULUNG 85IALL CAR YOU EVER DROVE.- HAS 4 BRAND NEW TIRES, AN I TOU IXIIJU. T triHU A Hit 1 1 l!.lt AO. MECHANICALI.Y. THIS CAR IS A SNAP. IF YOU WANT AN ECONOMICAL . SMALL CAR. -TABOR 7817. -" -- : 1919 HUP RUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW; A-I CON DITION. GOOD TIRE8; $1175 CASH OR TERMS BUYS THIS CAB TODAY. - CALL MAIN 6756.- : :.t : .- s os..':; ' ,;Su OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY TOPS THEM ; ALL 14th and Conch sta. Broadway 4498, THCS AT TB.ACTOBS M YOUR CHANCE' TO GET A USED TRUCK AT 'WAY UNDER THE : "MARKET PRICE. LOOK THEM OVER: GIVE I S YOU 11 BKALKD BID; AWARDS WILL BE MADE AS FOLLOWS: ..... WEDNESDAY. .....8 FOAU) 1-TON TRUCK8 THURSDAY..........! -TON REPUBLIC FRIDAY .-1 ........ . 1-TON REPUBLIC SATURDAY .............. 1 -TON U M O MONDAY. ..,,2 -TON LIPPARD-STEWART TUESDAY. ...... 1 -PASSENGER BUB ON WHITI5 CJrlAHlJ WEDNESDAY. . . . . 1 DODGE DELIVERY THURSDAY, .l 1-TON BTLULBAbvLK THE WHITE COMPANY PARK AND COUCH 8TS. . 1 Ask, About Our Free v; ;;Trial on Trucks 'We have one of the largest stocka of -'. ttsed trucks in the state of Oregon. They are aH completely overhauled and put in the finest possible condition. It will pay yrm to investigate our line. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. -TON REPUBLIC ..........,......$ 750 1-TON FORD, worm drive ........... 550 1H-TON WHITE .................. 1400 2 TON REPUBLIC 1850 2-TON REO 7B0 J -TON MORELAND 8A0 FORD roadytar. deliv back . . $23 Many others to select from; .Easy terms. No brokemg. GRANNINO A TREECW 542 Alder 81. Corner 17th. ; Broadway 1728. :'.. VBANSON'S used' cah exchange " 1015 Vim -ton truck .....$ 450 1920 Ford truck, body and cab..,,,... 880 1U17 Kepnblie truck, body and cab... ...1160 Ford drliverieii from 250 to ; 459 150 IJNiON AVK-jJJOll. BELMOST. Z INVESTIGATE THIS " 1919'SVs Packard dump truck. Wfll keep yon in gag and all u hauling job eaa bandis. Automatic 215-00. Ili TONTRUCK. dump body and hoist, ready to go to work today; must bo seea to be ap predated. Wentworth A irwia, Inc. 2.00 2d. cor. -layior. -- ONE 2-toa truck for sale, 86 horsepower. Will consider lata model Ford. Phone. Columbia 818. 848 Syr one sr., St. Johns, o ON F.-ton Republic, cushion tires, body and . top. Call Wardene, Main 8536. 1 TWO 2-con 4 -wheel trailers for aale, cheap! 1 - V,faUtWUrUl ak Irwin. SUO Zd St., eor, X) lot. rbw Q - 9 , St ONE TON OM5, piieumatia tirea, guod plat form body, top and windihickl. leas tuaa six months old. - - t 1 ton worm drive Ford. - " ' ' - 1 hi ton White at bargain counter price. 8 yk ton Federal, thoroughly overhauled and" in,, beat of condition. . In iiMitMg -u tiieae we haws a complete line of trucks, new and used, in sues ranging from to 8 tons, all price, all kinds, backed by our regular Used truck guarantee.- Wentworth & Irwin, Inc. 200 2d. corner Taylor- ONE-too Panhard, 1919. $700i. , . One-ton . Denbv. overhaule! . anfi ana l a ntiM d like new truck. $1250. . .. . .. . Two-ton Nash. S170O. --.-t- Three-ton Ijenhv. AvertianliMi and enaranteed ha nw truck, 81450. , iwo-toa Federal; 1917, good' condition. ': POHTLAX fi riEXRV Ittt - 10th and Davis. Bdwy. 4879. AUTOMOBILE8 WA3ITED 78 WANTED WORDS Win pay eash for 1917. '18, 19. "20 . THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 18TH AjiD WASHINGTON WE - PAY CASH FOR tTflrcn FORDS Universal Car Exchange Grand are. abd East Yamhill at. WE PAY CASH FOR LATE MODEL CARS .jtJoJCD CAR EXCHANGE 127 LOWNSDALE Phone Broadway 2656. 000 EQUITY in 4 -room cottage to exchange for light car. balance of StiOO at 12.50 par monm. a BilmnereBt. Auto. Bla-lH. AN ENGINE lathe. 16 inches between centers; win trane tot good car. ISO junk oonatderod. ir w. coneid sr. - Wdln. 812. WANT to trade. 10 acres land for Ford tour ing. not later than 1918 model, or Chevrolet. van 1P34 Mallory ve.. evenings. CASH fee your ear; condition no object,. North mm uarage. 101 N. lltn.- Bdwv. 4s. HIGHEST prices paid for automobues, condition ao object. 121 N. Sd st. Broadway 2629. WILL pay cash for . almost new.,. Iijcht car. xtox i ov xiuonard, Ur.( it. z. BY OWNER 19 IT Studebaker 4. Will trade for light car or roadster. Tabor 1655. WILL pay cash for a Ford. 41 Grand ave. AUTOS FOR HIRE - $3 AUTOS FOR HIRE. WITH OR WTTHOTJT uttiv&na, da l ok w iu ht psuv iuis. . , COUCHMAN GARAGE. ; 19TH AND COUCH. REMEMBER OUR MUMBEB. BD WT. 8696. . AUTOS RENTED WITHOTJT DRIVERS . New 1920 Model Cars Seaaonabl Rate FEARINO A ROBNETT CITT OARAGB 1S2 12th st between Waahington and Alder. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLANDS , . HUDSON3 i LOWNSDALE GARAGE ' BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. . CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS i ' ARMY GARAGE, SD AND TAYLOR I MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF A BENNETT. Props. AUTOS FOR "HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DKIVRS- . L. SULLIVAN. FASHION GA. RAGE. MAR. 282. 10th at YamhilL A-1286 FORD Go anywhere and get back, bor 1U28. A H. Winter. Phone Ta- AUTO REPAIR, SHOPS 88 . FORD OWNERS' FORD overhauled ................ . ... . $20 Rear axis overhauled. . . ... . .. . ....... 6 Valve ground, carbon - removed . . ........ 8 Magneto recharged .................. 0 We- band-lap pistons, scrap bearings, era., which insure a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only nsed. AU work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 2SO Front St., Corner Jefferson. WE guarantee our auto repairing. AU makes or cars. z ri. lltn. jiotobctci.es, bicycles USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAK-tS '. EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO, 44 Grand sve. ' ExoeWfir, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. ' 1914 INDIAN, fully equipped, good eondition, $68. Wdln. 858., litDfll'aES AMP BOATS 64 FOR SALE Houaeboat, large living room, two bedrooms, dining room, bath and kitchen Ty' ."pSiSnl M.in 9,5Tin' "7. irKZr5frrr: , : "HOUSEBOAT . lor sale modetn, fumiahed or unfurnished. 22 . WiQamett Moorage. wood 8783. Sell- PIANOS. OBRAirrVMUhlCAl ISSTi: l?MK?TS 4 PIANO FOR VICTKOLA $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUT FIT, trade . for uaed piano. Best proponitlon Main 8586. SE1BERLTNG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. v 125 Fourth St. PIANO WANTED - : Pay caah. " Get our prtces. SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. J25 Fourth st. Main 8586. BRUNSWICK phonograph and records, like new; save (ao. Terms. Heibening-Lucaa music Co.. 125-127 4th at., between Waahington and Alder ate. .'--"" - 115 AND $25 eaab sends borne a piano. $2$ ami $50 sends bom a player-piano,' Mala nee $9. $10 to $20 monfhly. Schwaa Piano Uo 101 Ttntb st, -at Stark st. . ,- - -s BENT a phonograph worth buying; Brunssriek, Urge; Uke new, aizo. Uaroia g). taUbart, Tsmhia -- - i- , - -v G ABLER upright piano. $216. Harold S. .GO- bert. 894 Yamhill st. $2O0 BUYS $560 Fischer piano, ternja. 812 Worcester flag. - $50O KIMBALL piano, upright, only $150. Nice tone; terma, MS Werceaxer brag.. - FOR SALE Nearly new. piano. $400. Wood lawn 8184. PIANO-Nearly new, with . ease for shipping; half price. East 6753. 171 E. 18th. TRUCKS A IVY TKACTOHS BRINGING UP FATHER fLL Mice NE MOIETY .weL-frvl ) f TAr-0 oo. I I UXXrTlrE-Jw : Jl , M THE CAMD OF WE fcEAOXI I WSMT TO tCC itt-, KIM a OF rV Jfr f r l rUT- IT-L-L OH SVFe ,Jl HOW 00 COOK irlV W 'VE A4.WAXSTV rt , Vrt 1N AM" PROMMAie IM J "C BEFORt XOO fJT WTE10 J V. AT IT L TH-tC- ) CO CM-t..r4. iVOO TO -.7W ?r?SoOW s UET NEVEWl 1 THb lb 1 i IT LOO ME OUO HAT I it UA.TCUT I RrSTOt - UOT TOrtiHT' FROtA PeSRl' J SSyTy XA I J i t fits st w . reavt iigytati-.,.-. XZr PIA3TOS, OTiGA'?rH.iMUSICA,I - - IKSTBUMF-3TT8 84 'i PJIAN0 BARGAINS $175 and tro. Good standard upright pianos at prices you cannot beat Stop in and see them. You'll be convinced. Terms given. Seiberhng Lncas Mums Co.. 125-1U7. 4th ex.. between Washington and Alder. PIANO.WANTED . Pay cash. 5 Get our price.4 s SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC- CO.. 128 Fourth st. Main 8886, PHONOGRAPH, large walnut phonograph and - selection of high-class reajrds. reasonably priced, for sale by private party. Eart 220. $125 BUYS nice toned upright piano, - stool and scarf on terms. 812 WoreesteT ciag. TTPEATRITERSi 77 TUK DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER . . . .... . , . scnVMJB -J- : - ATI makes overhauled. Expert mechsntca. -REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. 'Bur. SelL Rent and Exchange. Main 6897. Sixwpliea. 268 H Oak t GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "aU ma sea. sold on monthly payments, send lor price lint. Tbe Wholesale Typewriter Co., ratal! dept.. 821 Washington st i ALL MAKES of ,- typewriter rented. : repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Typewriter Co., 84 6th St. Main 8868., HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE IS COAL and Wood Bang... .$18.00-up Cook Stove 10.00 up Gaa Stovea .. . .'. .......... 10.00 up traa waier xteasm. . ...... Floor Coverings, yard...... Kitchen Queen . ......... rvo np .fa' up S.99 ap gMicuea vaomru ......... 12.90 ap Dining : Room Extension Ta - Me ................ Dining Room Chairs..... Living Room Rocker. . T.00 ap 1.60 UP 4.0O UP 6.00 BP 12.00 ap 10.00 BP' Library Table . Simmons Beds a . Cotton Felt Mattresses. Steel Spring ........it... 6.00 up . S.00 BP 9.00 np . coil Spring Dresser PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. , . t, 298 First St, CLOSING out sal; everything goes at greatly reduced price; stoves, ranges, heaters.: bads, springs, mattressea, dining tables, dreaaers. rugs, carpets, curtains, sanitary couches, bed lounge, oil stovea; all at giveaway prices; open evenings. S84 Washington at. near Grand ave. NEW and" ueed office equipment ef every de . scription. Special bargain in toUtop desk and filing cabinets. Be- u before purchasing. D. C. Wax. SI N. otb nt. WILLIAM AND MARY" dining table and' chairg to match Circassian walnut dresser, gold oak chiffonier with oval mirror. 40-H. wool mat tress (fun size): an nearly Bw. Mar. 6636 FOR HALE Fumtnre at 5 -room Oat. includ ing Brewster cabinet grand piano. Flat-for rent, $25 per month. Inquire 670 6th atreet. I'hone MarabaQ - , - , --.- I OWN oil stock that promises big future; will trad some of it for furniture.;, S-167, Jour nal. . . . - . A. B. GAS RANGE, high side oven, at half price- laws mower 1804 E. 8th N. Wood- lawn ear. ----- '.i-'" - THIIEK-OUARTZR aiae white iron bed com plcte with spring and mattreea, in good eoa- Ultion. fij, rDO jaain- FOLDING iron cot and mattrexs, $8; sanitary couch . pad. 82: other : furniture. Sellwood RANGE 6 holes, water coils. $15; 4 burner kaa stove, 68. 608 E. Market. : ONE braaa bedstead, 2 woven wire mattresses, 1 silk floss mattress. Inquire T20 E. Main. - A FULL six bed with spring and maUreaa, 2 Quilts, $20. Phone Main 8177. TOS SALE MISCELLATtEOUS 19 Special Sale Why pay $50 to $100 for your suit when you can get just as good from $27.60 to $8$ 7 , L KAUFMAN, THE TAILOR - 68 4th street between Oak and Pine. Electric Fans All rise, new. used, exchanged, repaired HTNSQN ELECTRIC CO. .---- SOS Pine rt. at 6th. Broadway 429S. FOB SALE Lumber, counters, desks, illumJn ated Shrine f exes, statuary i work on arch, camels, sphinx, to., etc Apply H. T. Hutchin aon, chairman : aalrag committee, 626 Arti sans edg. ' ' -' - - - "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriter" and "Household Goods" are separata classifica tion. : All advertisementat of the good are published under their respective elaiiificstiona, lAJOtt. inr.a J v ma. irf-repMV. f-JOm iew: I - iln mm remade mirrnra resilvered. furai- ttreasea remade, mirrors resilvered. furni ture nought, sold and exchanged at Webetec'e Furniture Repair shop, 1106 Hawthorne. Tabor 8325. - -: - - - - - - - LICENSED independent electrician wires 3 rooms for $12, 6 rooms $20; includes main switch and meter connections;" all new" material used. Woodlawn 3791. 8HEINER3. ATTENTION I ' We nave some full dress suit for sale, cheap. Oregon Tailors, cleaner, .117 2d, N. W. cor. Waahington; - - - ; :-J '- -.- - FOR SALE Thor electric washer, ased two ised months; ststiouary wringer, fully guaranteed, $180. CoL 426. , FOR SALE A good Evans potato planter for - $30, all in good condition. Kirk Hoover, Sher wood, Or. - - . . UNCALLED for tailor-made suits, $12.50 up. Taylor,- tb Tailor, 289 H Buraaide st FISH trap for. sale. Inquire 705 Reed sL, end of 16th St. earline north. XR . SALE Planer - trimmings, $S , a Phon . Woodlawn 854. NEW auto spotlight, large sis, with mirror, $6. Sellwood S566. ' $75 AX MINSTER rug, new Chinese pattern, like new, for $50. Bell. 46. C-NE lawn mower. 2 iron gates, on door. Wood - lawn -5827.: - . .... .. FOR ' SALE Bull Tamer pup ; best pedigreed stock. 677 Elliott av. Sellwood 709. FOR SALE Combinstina range, in good con- dition; cheap.- 561 Reynolds. Sellwood 2494. AHbcTENrOBT7Tce""eK est and sewing macbfijeT Reasonable. East 8248. OFFICE fumitur from sprue divixion and shipyard. 81 N. 6th. Broadway 2739. 0E dump wagon fog sal. Tabor 1542. fCepyrighl. 1926.' by IrrUmgUonal Fsatar Serrio. Ins,)' - - I i FOB SALS MISCKttAJTEOrS THIS it the machine that as visa the house wife one day toil every week. .Come to the fac tory and ae them dem otvrtred. 380 East. Washington Wringer and. Irovier Operated hand or power Corner Union Ave. - TREMENDOUS sale fixtures. Register from S oent to 820. 865: penny an National teg. istar; round cornered, floor case, candy cases. cigar cases wall ease, ice noxea. mirror. S ciee manogaay aet,- electric cctfee gnMtr, sooa fount draft arms., small safe 872.60. large safe. stools, table, gaa rang for restaurant purpoxe;! vmks iiamrv, nail Xfncw. ounuai SEWING MACHTNB EMPORITJal Nw and 2d band, sold for least ao agent employed. Conapiet tin of parts for all snakm. - Machine repaired and rented. . . Main 948 L, SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. - 190 Third, near Taylor St SINGER ELECTRIC . SEWING MACHINES V take roar machlna in exchange, balaac cash or easy payment. . Phone for demonstra tion. Machines rented. Expert repairing, any maae, . MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE, i $89 Morrison. Marshall 7?1. - WE 8ATB YOU MONET- Hotuw wiring. BghHng." Bx- tBrea, electrical repairing sup- Bliea. Third Street xvmcui Store, 224 y Third stiwst, Baimon. Main booo. Non - Co inlbine Printers If wa nrinred BOO cards for 81.28 VOU Wrmld act have them aa a sift: wa atill do GOOD -printing for ten" at 11 North 6th St. Com- gnonwealth bidg. Smith, printers, ------ LATE dropheads; ell make.: Ilk new. $15 to $85. - Lara variety cf good I w - - 1 .-j w ai-,. . im . vJT kU,i tai aaa, Main f I i jnwti Mower tixoerx - . - ev riM hetter ' than - new. Ever- I sharp blades Installed. Shop, 247 Grand are I near HietkorDS aASX fUSI, I T : irs . I uecinc ivioitors s Rmnrht sold, rented and repaired. I Walker Electric Works. 41$ Burn- I aide, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. I t.gra-K-' K..-.1 J .-'m. nJ i second-hand, at right prices, bought, aokl and i exchanged. I SOKK1S DAxa ex LUiJa - -: i 10S Second at. Pbon sum sti-to CSED VACUUM CLEAN ERS In rood mechanical eondition. This Is rear opportunity to buy standard xaak cleaner at a big price reduction. BUOTT electkiu co otn nq oaa ma, inaua or warpea, eracaea weainer-oeauw i and old, leaky roofs rejuvenated by our fa- mous and instanUneoua rubber banding system. 1 All wirk iraniitnil Kul 40X4. Be n2T-SB.- t HOT WATER TANKS 80 gL $7: 40 gal 69. j Tested and guaranteed . wv ana vumac couv Gaa heaters installed. Expert East Bide Welding Shop. 203 AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES I or boats are separate ciassuications. 4 large listing eaa be found tinder thes different classi fication. - - - CfleS. Rffn 4-n CTS USED DROPHEAD i a OeOxJ' lO px? SEWING MACHINES ?n ran teed We Rent and Renair. 172 8d st., near Yamhia Main 1848. NATIONAL register, t90; double tap sealing machine. SS.75: 8 do. tripUcat order books. 18c each, lea than halt retail value. 61S Uo oex mug. aiar. 001. - . ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINES A few -used machine in good meehencial con. dition. at big price reducuon, , Scott . JuectrM Co.. 5th and Oak sta. ejfkli BUSINESS CARDS fl OW j ECONOMY PB1NTERT a9fla? Msrsbsn $842. 248 FOURTH ST. ATTRACTIVE stvlat . ip ladies' Slightly worn eoaia. suits, gowne. nata ana lurj. 1U47 Tl hnrain st. Main till 2. 14-FOOT back . bar. .1 mahogany and 1 oak finish. W. j. Vtuiglei, 889 Hawthorn av. East 128. - , . t ' ' ' ' i- 1 - - , a.xmv iivd, epyiiaat e, owr in, acuum cleaners, repaired; fixtures rewireq ; ww eaill and deliv r. Woodlawn 1259 or East 4045; SAFES - New and second hand; some with I current. Sunset Creamery Coi. corner 1st burglar chests, at reasooabr prices.- Pacific and Jefferaon st. Main 1BBS. - - -Scale- A Supply Co.. 48 Front rt. Bdwy.- 1666. I WANTED Twlnfag lath, about la in.' awtng.' Eflll tianys Tl Hf WW KU8E OtTI fKlSITlSRX fatav You mnat bring thie ad. 120 5th at. sale cheap. ManhaU -4678. an 1r.11. West -VHle. DIB TIN CTTV TS 8TTLES and reaaonabla prices in ladies' USED APPAREL. 1112 & Glim gad 89th. Laurclhurst, Tsbor 2828. - Dentistry t ,wwKir: Without Psm. I teet Nerve Blocking Method. : FOR SALE Caah register, -eafe, adding i, chine, showcase. 43 1st ex. near Aah. - SAFE Good as new; cheap if takes at 1 K-bBO. JournaL - ' VACUUM cleaners for rent. $1 uay. delivered .n rh.ee. Wdln. 8485. 8E:Ce at.ieN'7.t at" f citic Tent at Awning, x n. xsx si , i i .. ' VACUUM cleaners ranted. $1 $r day 6eu. .red Main 2010 da vs. Tsbor 6786 evsa. LADIES' used garments of all kinds for-alaC Vogue apparel, aua Aiisay oiag. Pl.rvnPill axrjert- repair all plumbing, gaa; yery reasonable. McCurdy. Sellwood 1126. wif-nrnu eleaneea. aold. renaired. rented, ex changed, bought,. Bentley Co. - Main 4007. RANGES and water heaters moved free. aoa nect ions made a specially. -lsoor-saoi. tantete ave. FOA SALE 82-20 Martin rifle, ia fme oondi- - tion. SIO. 6R7 will la ma sve. noom . CEMENT laundry tray. Factory 314 E. Wa- inevnn st. We sturj. rail or water. A FUIJ, size bed with spring and mattress, 2 quilt. $20. Phone Main 8177. PHONOGRAPH for ale 164 E. Broa Tway. ADDING machine. $16. 618 Corbett bldg. George McManus Ju-vr THROW H! Ol-O HAT AWAY I OON'T WAMT HIM TO WEAR IT A'CAtfH- 3 i mm i ewe aa taai. i saw FOR ; SALE MISCBLl W:OUS19 BARGAIN In tued eash register, show : rases, aealea t id fourtsiu and other fix ture. - . - CASH OR TERMS. , - L BOXER. Mar, 24S8. . 11$ 2d st- CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to ybur horn. " Tenne. i and Port Orford ewdar. solid copper tnm- minga, latest designa. Write for. catalogue. eacrory, iifi-i9 r- uuwa Timor ewo. - yURyiTUK'E 'tvtAyTF.P 74 We Buy-;Used;Purnlture . "caix MAR.4 1884 Ton WiU Get Better Uetralts. We Pav Top Notch Pnee. PEOPLES FURNITURE CO. 285 FIRST. ST., COR. MAIN" CALL MAR. '1834. " OST A GOOD PRICH A We an fa a nnaitioai to efcre von a awed Bete ror good tnmttur. rug or rang, any auaaui? Bafor you sen get our off er Fa.Lli8Tc.IN FUBNITCKB 174 Firat St., r. lanhOl - kiala 4g. - BE WISE. CALL MAIN 8051, . ,W want your uaed fumilure, ' We ty the price. FBEEMAN.WOLLF FURNITURE CO.. 20O First St, W. Ej ICor. Taylor. SPOT CASH FOR UPf.n FURNITURE Main 8878 trNTTED FURNTTURE STORB" 17$ FIRST STREET. ' a 1L FCHN1TUKE CO, - $01 First t. Pay eaxri for used furniture. Mshi 9874. fetB before you sell yorir uaed tiTrnitureJTt -a . . ins. a o i wsaniegtoa s. Let as give rou an eatiman on your furniture. KMiatOle eTlmirare Jo.. -S-. xa. Main " swaps - ts FOR SALE or trad for light model automobile. Piano with or without; -self .playing attach- men-a, ev jjiroea cnauo -tmn- w imiiii- tourt apt., zww ana wstningtop to. jursaau ai. - -- BWAP equity in small - S-roora house, near Lents, $228; duei $B20; rented for$ 10 month; a gift. Willard Rjpdford Arthur TruU. 1" r.. tn at. wo .peculator, wantea. UNIVERSAL eombination iknge; cabinet phono- grapn ; sewing macnine,: lor sale, reasonaoie; Call ColnmbM 877. W AKTEIK TrTISCltri. AWE O US 5120 tb $25 For tSecond-Hand eyeitTrv r y-k u t -a jv iTV A ewagW SUITS OR OVERCOATS am;.n. - ; w:ip Pay, mcr for elothlBg" tmJ hoea. W can day r nd rurnaee eoiK er evenings, anywhere ta the city. Can Mar plumbing repairing. I .hell 1229 or 258 Msdiwni sf., near Third rt Adams at. E. 8518. f '- ;j " UP TO $35.00 FOB MEN'S SUTTS AND OVERCOATS , we pay say price for men's clothes. J ORFGON CLEANKB8 A TAILORS I 11T 2i St.. N. W. Cor. Wh. Mala 9844. WANTED People of Portland to know that Day the hia-rWat ' c.h nru,. ffn. uimul Hand household good a. .' No anyniBt toe large of too u. -rrompt attention. . N. M BEATER - - Phone Eairt 2208. .148 Russell St. WE pay from - 810 ud to -IZS for men'a uaed1 suit a. I also pay full Value for ell kinds of otnar clothing. Call ua tad be convinced. 167 First St., near Morrison.; j Main. 788. GOLD- llALM, the Tailor. ' j WANTED-SAFE FOR OFFICE USE; WILL til UiOM. U.HIHI, JOUTMl IF you have any newapspers, maga linen, rags or bottles and want to receive market prie I for them Woodlawn 611. I g'rp ur.-.' 1 1 '. v v.''Ll ' . 1 n.ui vnic. i. , iiniM oe cueap, give 1 sise msiae, price ana Woer can v a-vni. Jonrnil. 1 fci.ECTRin r.n ii i-i,' -."ij;... - i. "i"1 A rnon. OZ7-ZT ..- - - - v.... tl'IKTKlCTn 1.1J. j hand, furniture and iunk. Call East $823 I V, L. . . . I""?""'! - oucnnnu bo 1 nirq et.- fnone Main BOS! WATCHMAKER, second band toola wanted; will owy any sina yon Have. R-S1B. JoomaL PERROTfAL ft Glasses at a saving, i solicit your patronage en thai basis of eaDabl service. Thouaanda of satisfied pa tron. ' Che. W. Goodinaa. Optometrrst, 20 8 .Morrison at. Mala 213 ITREEDOM from Ter,' discordant condition is . . - .1 1 ; ' .1,. t,. 1. n u voun ww uie -saoi . u , .ukjuiv . uw- eal Institute, Dr. D. K. Zimmermsnn, Paymph. Any by aprxnntmetit. 41 GETS both feet fixed up at Dr. Eaton ., the i-unnonntin'. idih uptu-iii.inT .h. i uuinurvuioi na saui BrmLiauiiii.vm doesn't hurt you. Syr, here. Exam. free. Globe Theatre bldg., lltb and Wash. Bdway. 2824. DR. ETHEL A 6ACHY traato com and in growing nail. - pedicuring and manicuring. I 605- Raleigh bldg. Marshal! 8870 lCPERFLUOUS hair, moles, warts removed by I 10 needle method; trial free. Josi Finley. I 614 Bush A Lan, bldg. Mate 636S. 1 li T'rrija ' t wi. r. . . dM ' Matlw.elrsl VA a iior' uimrmmuw twr, iiituiiiausuii gryuBiivBtiw. kidney wtommeb. - Pr, ln Sorau-m, 608 B roe. ConsuUstton - FREE. All ia-aaWJ'wl 612 Selling bldg. Main 6999. BAGTIME taught duicKly; get in on this. For appointment, Antomaaie S10-2T. HAWAIIAN enUrUineiS for all occasions. Call Tabor 7750. ETHEL McXY, chivopodUt, 609 BuThanan ciag., w ann. net. in ana nin si, stain doio. A-l MASSAGE, 415 Buchanan bldg.. Wash -between 4t,n and Bin - sta. Main nsn. x. W. C A. will se a chicken dinner Sunday 4 to 6, $1.25 per piste. ilRS. M0LLIK SHAFkB, will you pleA'w wun munlcate with c. w. McMairter, Talt Hotel, DB. WILKINSON removes corns In 3 aninutea. LIMP IN. 815 Flanders, near 0th. . I MANICURING, face and scalp treatment Max- ahsll 1181. Royal Aanei bldg , apt. 816. KOT1CE8 9$ NOTICE OF SALE OF DUALS At, ii DISTRICT - - - . .BOSUS.. Sealed " proposals - will - be received by tb Board of Srvror of the Klamath Tminsc District of Klamath County, Oregon, at th office of said Board, which t in tbe Court House ia the City of Klamath Fails, Oregon, for the par ch of $200,000.00 at the Bond of said Klamath Drainage litriet. until the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon oa th 17th gay of July, A D. 1920. . ' Said Bond are to be dated July lrt. 1930, and are to bear-interest trom dst at tb tat ot six- per cent per nnuni. payable cn tbe firvt day of January and the first day ef July of each yer. " - - - The Board of Superrtsor reaerv the -right to reject any and all propoaals for any Mason and if not satisfactory to said Board. - c " Address all comisaaioauotu and all proposals to tb undarsigned. . O. K. DEIP. Secretary of Klamath Drainsg Dirtriot. n. lama tn rsiia, oreson. tjN"iTET STATES SHIPPING BOARD. WASH" ... I-NTON, l. , C BJSALBO I'KOPOSALM FOR PURCHASE OF STEAMSHIP DE KALBf - Sealed proposals will be received at the above office until 10. in a. m. June 80, 10JQ. and tliea opened, for th purchase of the above Tea sel on lump sum basis "AS AND WHERE IS." Certified check fur 10 per cent el tb pur chase price must accompany each bid. Terms of payment 10 par cent caaav balance over period f 10 gear. : 4 -r-. - -; t ''-: Prospectiv bidder , may Inspect ressel on ap plication to shipping board., -plan and specif t cabona for reconditioning accompany veaeei and re open for inspection at the ahov office. Proposals should be addressed to UNTED STATES SHIPPING BOARD. WASHINGTON, D. C. and indorsed "SEALED PROPOSAL FOR STEAMSHIP DB KALB.'" - Tb board reeerv e tb right to reject any and a0 bids. PROFESSIOHAL - AIID EUSTjllESS. BIP.ECT0?.Y ' - -B9Sa-w.6tjpi.ttt -,'. - LEW 13 al'Ni;t LarUir Supply to., luui 4 MrarrisoB sta.' The place to buy barber chain and suppbeav Stock ml iagBMur always ow a4 t nbi pnee. " - LAMK (00 MlRtnl 0AVI6 A HOLMAN, INC., 108 iA at. biani Uook MBuicturra A-$l Mah IS KW AND I - r I OOKS. ALL lCwJw.A JOI- s (MiW'B BiXjil STORE 24$ aia 6b. bet, 2d and A PpofeRional ami Bnslnrfs Dlrortorv CimNTIM AND BUIlOEn. ALL KINDS o( carpeiiU-r repair woik .n. 1 f eay or contract. Wealey. SOU Uua-eJ aa. Ant $17-27. CARPST OLCMNIIva .Carpet Cleaning; . .. Sizing' and Refitting Fluff and Ran Rt:3 WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE Olt CALL " PORTLAND KUU CO. 16T It. 17th at Pellwon-t 8f We "Make FLUFF RUOS From Your Old Carpets llag ruga, all sisea. Mail orders prompt. Ruga and earpeta steam and dry cleaned, 1 uuae r write for price uat. Northwest Rust Co. 188 E. Eighth St. ' East 85-. Fluff . Rugs From Old ."Carpets '-V . . Bag Bugs, an sisea Matt Order From? Send for Booklet. 9x12 Bags, Steam or Dry Cleaned. $1.69. mirr euii ci $4-66 Union ave. N. East 6816. B-1 T f ot mno ooa mospitm. ROSE CITY VETERINARY HUSI'ITaL, 4 1 m. Tta st. eor. Grant Kate 11. u-ivs. OKMENT WORK ALL clashes - o? cement work ; garajres a spe- cislty; rate reasonable. Phone 821-29. OHIROPRAOTOSS CHIROPRACTIC, steam baths and mniwge. lota flour Broadway blag, Marshall 8187. In. Laura E. Downing." db; MrMAlION. 100. ehirooraetor. S'orusa 4 throngs pronounce treatment beat. cloth in a FINE 8EI.TOTION FULL DltEH Rl fTS r'H 8AT.K OR WKNT AT PAHKLL'S nK!T CLOTHING STORK 81 THIRD ST. MULT- MOUAU HOTEL BLDG. COSL AND WOOD PLACE your order with ua now for Bait i ter'a fuel snpply before prices sdvanee. COAi COUNTRY KUBWUOD AND t'OHHWOO NEER & FARR 905Wster st. 1 " Call Main 4f!a WE BELL IN'LARC.E OR RU ALL orANTlif Hsary Country Slab. Oak and Cord wood. Star Wood z Coal Co. 848 Sd it 1 Main 6115. BOXWOOD rvttvered frnmadiately by Fulton Wood Cta. 1261 Mseadsm. Phone Main 4178. BLOCK and slab. 18-inch, 5.!50 per loe.1 in 2 load lots; cheaper and better than 4 ft. wood. A-l -4-ft. cord wood, $8.25 per cord. Na tional Fuel Co. East 2041 , iENHEN A HAt.E FUEL CO.. Linnton, Or. o Phone Columbia 13. Short and 4-ft t,t wood, planing mill trimmings and 16-in. cord wood;' " GIVE us your order for cord ' wood. slabVoTa and coal, best prices; aperial prirea on csrioai lets. Hswthome Fuel Co.. Et 6106. FIRST clam green sUbs7$ 677 5, any part of Woodlawn 2575. FOLEY FUEL7"T2n"rrr Flrat' growth 4 foot country lahwood. BLOCK-and slabwood. SS.r.O a toad in lots. Oregon Fuel Co., Woodlawn 4102. FIRST ela-w R. R. ties, OxSxS. 115 thoivr, i. Woorniiwn 257. GREEN 4-ft, alab. alo planer trimming, in 2 load Int.. Call Wdln. i!S3. OOLLKOTIOIga KETH A CO., Vvorccster bldg. Mai U.i Ke collection, no charge. EnUb. 1900. tofXRCTirivH rrYu t ti"" WUIlsm Willing. 194 4fh at. Main 1191. DCNTI8T9 Dentistry! IR A W. KEENE. 851 H Wsahlngton at Without Pain. Latent Nerr Blocking Method. - KBUOaTfONML DAN0lla 1HE Dartre-, Startli. 6u8 lietnm bids., W.,tims ton st 3rd. Strlctlv Jrrivste lasMira. half hr? er hour bwsens. Course levsons iwaeial'y pef4 nelly, s un a m to 8 r - m. Ml" Ir-t.ni THE WINtTrt'OOI-Get a )ieHTihTToi,iFi , teach both ballroom and etaire dnneinir. A -, . - ky hsll. Morriann, nesr Third, Portland, Orenn. RINGLEICA Dancing Acadrmy. 1'crtUnd a i fne school. Claa. mntt Milt, lenn. i-. . CfftilUcn tail, 1th and Wuh. ; 8 - i BERKELEY dancing academy, priVate I, . ,. " day. eve. r latest steps iaij Mi own. 4 ..i st, - Main S818. Mrs. Summcrn, wiueio 6CMfoiLaa w p tjachers PROFEflBWR T. K. LA WSfJN Twenty experience; piano lesson at your kont, i. Tab Teas, MM. i. M. ' LOVEJOTT inc'nt'-tor of ;,,. .r ragtime ndelaatfe., Tsbor HH15. ITJRRoiirDArr vocal and plana le- - practic. 1 hour day, $8 mo. Rrnadw.y 2 . i M6T 0.g6wrta a. hp evewa S, LET tlS clean. rabl.K-k ..".'." r hat. Best work, reason-', equipped ht factiirv In t:'r. Royal Hat Worka, 221 lt LADIES' and gentlemen's bat cleaned, M.---L Straws dyed any color. Panama apeci.ii;. Ranfman Hat facto , as. 8rd. near "tark. HOU8E RSNOWSTIKO INSECTICiriE.S. GERllICirjES. hrfm, l.rn motis, eta. We contract snd guarsnte f f i your premiaes of bd bugs, roechex snd til i-i-secta. Phone Main 6571. (.Viaat 'hemicl KEWPII DOLL COLf'MniA STATUARY CO 888-870 HAWTHORNE AVE. EAHT 12f LANDSOAPIKia Excavating v , Landscapsng1-' ' AND ALL KINDS OF" TEAM WORK; - ALSO TEAMS FOR TURK FOR ANY' PERIOD. - ST. JOHNS CONTRACTING CO.. Tabor 2710. 415 Hyrarue at. Ht Jt r. orTOMgransra to otaTieiA Jl.lK.- 1 11 1 A I I.V i i - I r , wit 6 modem Imtromenta, O .wAN - fWed, from $2.80 np. A. ,E irnRWlT. Opt(iroefri. 22S 1 af. AlHTIWO, t TIMTINO. PUPH-HAHO I m (J i TL CLIK'IoN, pauiUng tu,i;i, i.- 164 N. 1 Tth at, Bdwy. 4414. Wdiav 124. PATENT ATTOBNgy iaars from the U. A Patent off to. ' Fenwiek" Lswr.nca, lawyer, eOO F st. -ingtoo It. C.j 220 BrKdway, Y city; 111 West Monroe at, Chicago, Li. Katab iw4 tut half century. GOI DhErUi. 620 Wr.rce.ter bidg. Main 22 PLMow.Na AND 8TEAM IUPPLIC1 Plumbinrr Wee don enickiy sod efficiently t t" ehle y linos New tnstaJiacions speciaHv. '--msnsliip guaraatsed. Pnoa East IkiA lrt Eusseli at, - - MtrUKft METAL Wriw;; P L U M S I N O SUPPLIES AT WHoCV-iiXi " PBICK8. TARg-f)AVlg CO . 1S 4'h at. INK U I K I. IN k t ,.,41. w m.i.a, - fceiartAitNa 8,mdi r i IUtlll; ,nd Osk.Main 1. ft i I i ' ' iHCRWlN-Il?) D.SONt;J VI t AN t 887 Waahlngteu. Broadway 434. A 12 - - - - SHOg Rfr'AISuHa NEW method tuo raiirin;r'rnca hl cialiats) guarantee. 212 4th st . aesr r' TINSINS JAUOH Lo.-sLl , TIN, SHEET lllON A.N U IlfiOP WO fx 810 1st rt. Phone M.'n U2t THkHiftH AMO kluNaCl . Oregon Transfer Co. . EaUbliohed 170 ' Trtinafer and Firwr''--ig Aee STORAGE PliEH 7AC-hA',, Offic aod ' S:crare, 414 Oi. lr snd (;:! 1 -.M.y 121, A-fl' ALWAfS i-lK i.w.f i". "i ,.-.- GOODS " tl'EClALiaT gfcra.. i- . etiippiag sad naovtsg. Horse . 4 ma'sm gtpeeisl raea to sil pcrfris. C. O I-1CK TbANao l 8TOtCS r 2d snd Pipe at Tima-iway ftBft. Storane c::d Trr.r.:;. (ny C r!n,ce f BavsaA jf aii iiiu .. . 11TH AND nr tAN v 1 t k.i 1 1A ' Ob bevesehoiti goods rripj-.ed t s i BiDg Wareu A " v - . t woe o , t - AC am i-; .-.. Even letigUi granUei. "if