THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY JUNE 21. 1820. Lightweight Battlers Ready to Lode Horns in Ten Round Encounter This Evening Two Sunday Games Split With Yernon LOS ANGELES, June 21. Breaking even in Sunday' double header, Portland managed to grab three out of the seven time of the series with the Vernon Tigers. This gives the Mack men an even break on the two series away from home. The Beavers annexed the mornlne contest, 3 to 1. Bert Glazier, the .former Detroit pitcher, letting; the Tigers down with five hits. In the afternoon same Mao used three pitchers, but was un able to stop the Vernonites, who an nexed the same, 6 to 2. Scores: .-. Morning same: 1 PORTLAND AB. B. H. TO. Wo, lb 1.41.1 9 Wi.t.rril Sh 4 O 0 0 Mstwtl, cf. ...... 4 0 1 tcbtUtt, If 8 1 Cox. rf. . ....... 3 1 1 Bakar, e. 4 . 0 0 MiCtin. 2b. 4 0 3 Hpniutr, as. .... 4 0 3 tilMMimt. 9. S 0-1 '" S 2 4 a 4 3 o 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 O 0 1 9 S 1 3 0 0 0 first setto 12 to 5, and the Bee taking the second affair, ( to L Curley Brown Jbad an easy time of it In the first rime, the Angels making 16 hits. Thurston, for the Bees, was hit hard throughout In the second game but tightened up in the pinches. Scores: . First game : LOS ANGEL.ES ? AB. B. H. E KUIeferxf.. 1 6 2 K.Cnw'l2l B 1; .4 2 Crawford.! 5 1 Baaster,e. .41 EUU,lt . . . i 2 Nsshoff.S.awS 1 SAM? LAKE . AB. R.H.K. 4 1 .1 1 Knit .2b... 4 Kamtor.rf . . 4 4 Mallicn,s. 4 Hood.lf..,. 4 Band.Sb.. . . 4 Brier .o . . . . 4 01 Stroiid.p. . . 0 0 0 0 Lenramj. s u l Jenkins. 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 0 O 0 1 3 O 0 10 111 13 0 Total 8 2T llr ...... .83 8 VEftSOU .- AB. R. H. TO. J. UltcheTL m. ... 1 0-1 Hlfh. If. ........ 4 Chadboorna. cf. ..4 fisher, 2b. ...... 4 BortoB, lb...... 4 Uom, rf. ...... 8 Smith, 8 b. ...... 8 Alcock, c. ...... 2 Hhellenback, p. . . . 1 Dormar 1 Houck. p. 0 0 0 O, 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 3 2 4 10 1 0 3 1 0 0. E. 0 o 0 0 0 0 o 0 1 0 0 Total .... ......80 1 ' 8 -at 11 . I ' Battel for Hhellenback in 8th. , SCORE BT INNINGS Portland .'.......100 101 000 -8 Hitt ................ .201 201 101 8 Vamos . .600 001 0001 m miI.!.! ooa on oio a . SUMMARY -Stolen bases SehaUer, Cox. Siglin 2. Sae rlfi5 bit Btwllenback. Strock oat By Shel irnbsrk 4, by Glazier 8. Bases on balls Off rih.Uenbsek 2. Buna responsible for Shelton back 1.. Seren bits, 8 runs. 20 at bat, off Sbellenbsrk in 8 taction. IHrable playa Wistar-sil-Bichn-Blua. Fused bail Alcock. Tim. 1:47. . ."' " ' ' Afternoon game. PORTLAND .. AB. B. H. Rio., lb 4 0 2 WUtenil. 8b ..... 3 0 1 Maiacl. cf 2 Rchalier. if ..... . 4 0 1 Cox. rf ........ . 8 0 O R ashler, c 4 ' O 0 SfKlln. 2b ....... 4 1 1 - Spranger, aa ..... 8 13 KaUio, p 0 0 0 Boat 1 0 0 Jones, p ........ 0 0 0 t Baker ......... 1 0 1 Jnnsj. p 0 0 0 PO. IB 1 o 8 1 ' 2 - 1 . 1 0 0 0 o . o 0 6 0 0 1 0 1 6 1 0 0 o 1. E. 1 0 0 0 0 o 0 1 0 0 o o 0 Total .81. 3 10 24 19 i- . .' VERNON ' " ' AB. R. H. FO. A. J. Mitcballr-aa .,-,. 6. 0 1 8 2 Hlh, if 4" 1 1 O Chadbourn. ef ,..'4 . 1 '2 .2' 0 Fiaher, 2b 4 0 0 8 8 Bnrtoa, lb ...... 4 2 8 10 1 Monw. ri .....k. -2 0. ' 0 0 0 Smith, 8b 8 9 1 0 1 Ixnurmgr. a ..... 8 1- 81 1 Ptercy. p ' 8 1 1 2. 18 E. 0 0 0 e o o o o o Total 82 0 12 27 . Batted 'for Kallio in fifth. ' t Batted for J ones in seventh. 8COKE BT INNINGS Portland 000.000 2002 Hit 102 102 81010 Vernon ............ , .-. 10 80 20 4 . Hits Oil 401 23 12 -iSUMJtABT v,v - - Tvo-baa bits Derormer, 'Plercy. Mitchell, fhadhnnrne. Spranger. Stolen ba Hih. Saorlioa bit Wisterail. Smith. KalUo, Moras, Deronner, Pier- . track oat By Piercy 2, by Jny 1. Baaea - on balla Off KalUo .1. ' mi iitrey -a, , Kuna reapooafbl for KalUo 4 Six'hiU. 4 raBK 10 at bat off KalUo in 4 inning i- I hit. no rone, T at bat off Jonea in 2 Innings. Chart defeat to KalUo. Double Playa J. Mitcheil-rUher-Borton; Mitchell-Bo r ten; Fiaber-Borton ; Cox-Koehler. Wild pitch - ANGEXS WIN" FIRST 12 TO 5; THEJI BEES WES, TUNE 4 TO S Salt Lake. June 21. The Angels and Bees divided the double header at Bonne ville park Sunday, the Angels taking- the TEAM STANDINGS Tetata. 44 12 1 It Totals.. 86 8 11' 2 : Batted lor Lererena In ninth. v SCORE BT INNINGS Lor Angelea 011 0 0 1 0 0 O 9 12 Hite 011 2 0 1 0 2 1 Salt Ike . . 0 1 2 0 O 0 2-0 0 S Hiu .1, 2 8 1 0 1 3 0 0 11 v SCMVART ' ' . Hon nm Mulligan. Three-be hit Mo Anley. Two-baa hiu Klllefer. .Niehoff (2) Me Auley. K. Crandail. Krug. Maggert, Mulligan, Band. Ran batted in K. Crandail 2, Ellia. Neihof 4. Brown. BUUefer, MeAoley 3. Craw ford, Mulligan, Krog, Romler, Byler. Strock out Lerarena 2, Brown 1. Baaea on ball Stroud .1, Lererens 1. Wild pitch Le-rerens, 11 1 with pitched oaua uaauer, Dy jaTeretn. Seren runs. 0 bits off fitroud, 10 at bat in 1 1-8 lunula, out in aeeond. 1 on 1 out. Runs re sponsible for Stroud T, Lererens 2, Brows 4. loubie plays McAuiey-j crandaUHincgs; &. CrandaB-MaAuleyiricga. Charge . defeat ' to BtTood. First Ms oa errors Los Angeles 1. Left oa bases ham Angeles 8. Salt I le 4. , i s - Second game : , LOS ANGELES ? AB. B. H. XL 4 2 McAuley.1 K.C'dH.2b.,." CwfUrf.. Lapan.c. . BasslerL. EUU Jf .. . . Niehoff,Sb. Aldridge.p. tZeider... SALT LAKE AB. B. H. E. Mag' 4 12 0 Krug.2b. Kumler.rf. . MuSigaui. Sand.8b.... Jenkina.e. . Thurston,p Totals ..88 3 11 2 Totals ..80 4 T 1 Batted for La pan in 8 th. t Batted for Aldridge in tb. 6COB BI INNINGS Lot Angeles ............ 101 100 0003 Hits 811 201 210 11 Salt Lake .......011 O02 00 4 . HIU ; 112 002 01 T SUMMARY Home nn Crawford. Two-baae bits KiHe fer. Ellia, Crawford, Gricgs. Maggert 2, Krug. Bumler. Sacrifice bits McAuley 2. Stolen bases Klllefer, Maggert, Mulligan 2. . Buna batted in K. Crandail 2. Crawford. Krug. Sbee ly. , Thrown out stealing K. aCrandall by Jen kins, Jenkins by Lstpan-Aldridg. Sheely by Bass ler. Struck out By Thurston 4. by Aldridge 8. Bases on ball Thurston 1, Aldridge 1. Runs responsible for Thurston 2. Aldridge 8. Hit by pitched balls Sand. . Mnlligan. by Al dridge. : Wild pitch Aldridge. Double plays Mulligan-Sheely. Jenkins-Krus, Mulligan-Kruc First bsa on errors Los Angelea 1. Salt Lake 1. Left on baaea toe Angeles . Salt Lake 8. Time 2:08. , -. SrWASIIES AND OAKS DrVTDK HONORS IN DOUHLE HEADER . San Francisco June 21. Sunday's double header was divided between the Siwashes and Oaks, the latter taking the morning contest,' 8 to S, and the visitor shotting out the Oaks in the Afternoon, 3 to 0.-': - i;; ; .v . In the morning game Oakland virtu ally won the contest In . the second inning when . four : runs were scored, on two hits. . i .. The afternoon affair was a slugging contest, 27 hits being recorded between the two teams. The scores: Morning: game : . : SEATTLE I OAKLAND AB. R.H.E.I ' AB. R.H.E. Mlddletonjf 3 ,1 1 0 . . 4 0 1 0 HWilie.rf . .. 8 0 2 : O MUier.lI . . . i 9 O Bobne.Sb . Cun' Wolter ,rf . . Ken'tby,2t 8tumpf,sa. . Baldwut,e. . BrentOn,p. Schorr., Zamiock. 4 KnichUSb.. 8 . 2 Fitz'monsa 4 Spellman.e." 2 A. ArlU,2b 3 28 8 9 0 SaKTke San F'sod " Vsrnon..' Los Ang'laa SSBtfkl W. L. , Prt I 48 80 41 S3 44 34 41 83 Cincinn'ti Brooklyn. St. Louis. Chicago. . ClaveUad New York Boston. . Chicago. . B89lPorUand. ' B62 Saeram'nto Se4!(akland. .. .B5iSeatUa. . .. National Leesjw W. L. Prt. 80 21 .BR8P1ttbllrg.. 28 28 .849'Boston. . .. 80 28 .B8New Tork. 29 28 .&37Pnilad'hia American League W. I Pct 80 10 .655Waahins'a 8S 21 .644! St. Louis. 28 21 20 25 .5371Philadel'bia W. I 83 SB 81 42 82 44 29 43 W. L. 23 24 21 20 23 81 22 80 W. L. 24 22 24 28 10 37 IS 41 Pet .488 .428 .416 .403 Pet. .489 .447 .428 .428 Pet .622 .462 .889 .281 a) .2) DUG AUSPICES SHRINERS 40 ROUNDS 40 Armory Tonight Stsj-rlng the English Lightweight Champion JOHNNY SHEPPARD : vs. HAfiBY SCHUMAN , The PlghUnjr Marine. 10 ROUNDS 10 T0CNO BROWN Of Perpetual Motion Fame vs. KARL BAIRD ' 10 ROUNDS 10 . ' FERBT ,f' ' LaEWIS . STANLET WILLIS 10 ROUNDS 10 , ABT BIXX.T JTASCOTT "j ' - vs.- - -". . : " ' BAB- BTTTE Rosmda 4 -" EBANKIE CBJTE8 vs. 7BAKTE LANDERS 4 Bossda 4 Tickets oa Sale at SHBINERS HEADQUARTERS Broadway at Oak St. . SHERXAN-CEAT CO, oixui at Jiomsoa bu 'Totals.. 33 8 8 2 Total. . Batted for Brentoa in third. "Batted for Schorr in ninth. SCOBS BY INNtXGS Seattle .0 O 2 0 0 0 0 1 . Uita ..........4.0 0 8 0 0 1 1 3 Oakland ..........0 4 1 2 0 1 0 0 8 BiU ........... 0 2 1 8 0 11 1 9 ;i SUMMABT Pour runs. 2 hits, 8 at bat off Br ton in 2 innings. Three-base bits Spellman. Two bass nits tsimmons, Xremer. Baldwin, Mil ler, Arlett, Boone. Sacrifice hits Guisto, Knight, Kreiner. Bases on ball Of I Brenton 4. Krtster 2, Schorr 1. Struck out By Bran ton 1. Kremer 3. Schorr 1. Double play Brentoa-Stiunpf'MuTpby. Buns .reonibla for crewon s, Bcnorr a, n.remer 3. stolen Murpe. U (large defeat to Brenton. Left Uses Seattle 6, Oakland 6. Time 1:48. Afternoon game : SEATTLE AB. B. H. E MidTfB.. 6 1 2 0 Newland Is High Gun in . Shrine Shoot Thirty-five trapshooters, a number of them visiting Shriners. participated In the Handicap Shrine K shoot Sunday at the Everding park grounds ot the Port land Gun club. Six. shooters tied for first place, H. B. Newland, president of the Portland Oun club, winning the handsome trophy of fered by Henry jt Everding after a 75 bird shoot-off with J. G Morris. New- land and Morris tied with 25 on the first shoot-off string and ended the sec ond string with scores of 24 each. On the third string Newland broke 23 and Morris 22. E. W. Gibson. J. X Stafford. E. O. Hawman and T. B. Blum lost out for first prize on the Initial shoot-off. E. W. Gibson And Frank- Templeton registered the best gross scores each breaking 97. Rush Rasee, the farnous Nebraska professional. scoreA 97. , Among some of the visiting Shriners were Stoney McUnn of New Tork, A. G. Wilson of Topeka, Kan., Dr. R. N. Puller of Tulare, CaL, and- H. B. McClure of VisaUa. CaL v . The following shooters won prizes m the order named : H. B. Newland. J. C Morris, E. t W. Gibson, J. L. Stafford, A. A. Hoover. F. H. Peterson, E. G. Hawman, F. If. Blum, Dr. E. R. Seeley, Frank Templeton, H. 1 H. Veatch, Dr. O. D. Thornton. J. S. Crane, C B. Pres ton. A. It, Blackburn. Scores: Shooter. "" H. B. Newland. Portland. J.. C. Morris, Portland.... E. W. Oibson, Portland . . . E. G. Hawman. Portland.. P. B. Blum,- Portland J. I. Stafford. Portland.. A. A. Hoover. Portland 100 'Add. "Birds. Birds. T'fl- 96 9 07 1 ) v ...83 f , 3 1 i LEAGUES i NATIOXAL) LEAGUE GAMES -At New Tork: R.H.E. Pltuburr 000 000 000 0 6, 1 New York ........ 602 000 01 8 5' 1 Batteries Carlson. Hamilton and Schmidt : Douglas and Smith. ' At Brooklyn : "R.H.E. Chicago . , 100 120 000 4 8 0 Brooklyn 000 020 000 2 9 2 Batteries Vaughn and OFarrell; Grimes and Miller. - AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES At Chicago: R.H.E. Philadelphia ...... Oil 000 102 5 14 4 Chicago 024 000 10 7 10 V Batteries Perry and Keefe and Per sons: wuiiams ana scnaiic. - At Detroit: R. H. E. Washington 20S 02 9 11 1 Detroit 201 01 4 9 2 . i-nve innings only. Batteries Shaw and Gharrity ; Leon- am, uiooam ana Ukrie. ana Stanage. At New York: R.H.E. St. Louis 000 000 030 2 12 0 New York 20 002 000 i'8 l Batteries Shocker and Davis and Sev ereid; Quinn and Hannah. ; , AMERICAN TENNIS STARS FAVORED TO WIN IN TITLE PLAY F. HN Peterson, Portland. . . .... 01 r. Templeton. Portland ... w . . 97 H. H. Veatch, Portland...... 92 Dr. Thornton. Portland...... 92 J. 8. Crane, Portland. ....... 90 C. B. Preston. Portland...... 92 K. Baa , Curtis, Neb....... 97 Dr. B. N. Fuller, Tulare..... 92 A L. Blackburn. Artinrton. . . 90 A. W. Strowger, Portland. ... 88 J. B. Troeh, Portland....... 96 Bob Wetbercll. Portland .... 87 W. McComatk. Eugene...... 89 B. Kompp, Eugene ..........89 A. L. Zacbrisson. Portland.;., 86 C. Leith. Woodburn ... 90 A. A. Schwars. Portland. . . . . ' 68 E. H. Keller. Portland....... 89 A. K. Downs. Portland....... 87 E. B. Morris, Portland. 92 H. B. McCtura, Vtealia, CaL.. 87 A. G. Wilson. Topeka, Kan. . . 84 H. R. Everding. Portland.,... 82 W. L. Crowe, Portland....... 65 R. E. Martell. Portland....... 70 8. MeLinn. New Tork....... 66 B. I Deaton,' Portland. ..... 44 6 . 4 ' 8 8 4 7 8 8 1 6 6 - 8 6 . 4 ' 8 8 8 6 ,: . 8 4 6 4 .-. 8 6 20 10 100 100 ; 100 ' 100 100 ,100 ' 99 : 99 98 . 98 98 ' 98 98 90 87 96 - 96 96 ; 96 : 95 95 ' 98 ; 94 f 94 i 94 ' 98 . '98 93 98 93 ; 88 85 ! 80 ! 86 44 Profwssinnals. Women's Clay Court, Tennis Tourney Open Detroit, Mich. June 2L L N. & With the courts In excellent condition and scores of out-of-town tennis play ers on hand, drawing for the play in the national women's single and doubles clay court championship were in prog ress this morning. Play in the singles will begin at 3 o'clock today and It was thought the doubles would be reached bi. Thursday. .: --i'' ; Disappointment was - expressed ' over the news that Miss Mary K. Browne, the Pacific coast star, would be unable to be on hand for a match with Miss Ma rlon Zinderstein of Boston. , ... : , Miss' Corrine Gould of St. Louis, win ner of the women's title in the Chicago tourney in 1919, is here to defend her title against a large - number of i as pirants. ... . .. :, -F Storm Halts Tacht Trials - -Newport, R. I, June 2L L N. S.) A. heavy southeast storm today caused a postponement of . the . America's cup defense elimination ' tenth, race ' between Vanitie and Resolute. LO DON, tL (L K. 8.)-Wll. 11am M. Johnston and B. X. Williams IL scored viatorlei at Wimbledon today la preliminary natches to the British natlosal teaais ehampioashlps. Jobs. toa defeated FlaveUe 8-8, 6-4. 8-9. WU 11am s disposed of F. Field, 6-2, 6-1, 6-8. ' By Perey Sari '. TJnited News Staff Correspondent X ONDON. June 21. The British press AJ generally believes tnat the American tennis cracks are due to emerge victors In the men's singles and doubles which began at Wimbledon teday. They de clare that either Johnston or Tilden 'are the likeliest contenders for Gerald Pat terson's title, with every chance that Pat terson Is due for a defeat. ... .. -s Johnston's steadiness and brilliance In Saturday's finals for the London cham pionship when he came out from behind after losing the first set and defeated Tilden in the fastest tennis seen here in years, makes the San Francisco player the favorite in the singles. , Johnston has a devastating forearm drive, which is regarded as his strongest asset, one writer comparing It to Bob Fitzsimmons' annihilating punch. -. Johnston and Tilden , are regarded .as practically unbeatable in the doubles. The entrants in the event represent 12 nations. A tremendous crush is antici pated. Season tickets which were sold as long ago as last January are now obtain- able only at a tremendous premium. some, selling for as high as 30 pounds each. ' . It la expected that 250,000 persons will see at least one match, for the tourna ment lasts a fortnight. . . ITJIUlaoro .Wins JFrom Astoria The first extra-inning games 'of the Intercity circuit were staged Sunday and In one of them the HUlsboro boys won from the Astoria Centennials, 5 to 4, in 10 innings on -the HUlsboro grounds. A three bagger by McCurdy with one on was responsible for the final marker. Furneyy twirling" for Astoria, hit one for a home ran. as did Kopple of HUls boro. The score : - R. H. E . HUlsboro 5 6 .2 Astoria Centennials 4 9 6 . Batteries - Neilson, - Taggart and Baker; Furney and Cook. . ; Condon Defeats Matrpin ' Fossil, June 20. A clos fought base ball game at Antelope on Saturday be tween Condon and Maupin resulted in a score of 5 to 7 in favor of Condon.: Bobne.2b. . Murphy. lb. C'n"g' Wolter.rf.. ENr'thrb. Stum pf ,ss-. Adams. c . . ' Demaree.p. OAKLAND U. H. E. 4 8 4 ' 6 5 6 ' 4 4 -4 0 13 0 Cooper.ef. . Wilie.rf.... Millerjf . . -. Enigbt,3b.., Fits'm'sa. . Spel'n.e. . . A.Arlett.2b. OJKrause.n.. . Totals ..38 8 14"oi Totals ..40 .BUUUCi JBI LNJN1NGS Seattle ............... .000 012 0003 gita ....... ...000 233.812 14 Oakland .............. .000 000 000 0 HiU 222 202 02113 : SUMMARY Stolen base Bonne. Two ban hits Wflie. Adams, Wolter. Sacrifice bit Kenwortby. Bases on baits Off Demaroa 2. Struck oat By De mare 3. , Buna responsibl for Kraus 3. Left oa bases Seattle 9, Oakland 14. Time 1:55. 6 TO 1 . ICTOUY TIES TJP TUE SACRAMTO-SKALS SUS Sacramento, 'June 21. r Sacramento tied up the series Sunday with a 5 to 1 victory. Prongh hurled shutout ball until the ninth, when an error and an infield hit netted one run for the Seals. Lewis and Kunts opposed each other In the morning game at Stockton, which ended with the score tied. 4 to 4. Sacramento gained an early lead bat was overtaken In the final inning. The SACRAMENTO AB. R. H. E. Hcheng.rf . . 4 0 1 Second game! : SAM FRANCISCO AB.B.H.E. 0 1 0 0 Fttsgerald.rt 4 Corbans. . 8 Carener,2h. 4 1 WiUi ah a n 4 0 Cnnll If A. A Rcliick.oL. .80 Teile.o.... 4 0 Coach.n fl A oott.n. S A DTitata,p. 0 0 0 'U tiooaau X o i o Kopp.U.. . Comoton.rrf 8hhan,ab. 8 Grorb.. 2 Orr aa A 4 Jady,o. ... . 4 Prough.p. . . 4 ' 4 4 Totals. 82 H6 0) Totals. . 23 6 10 2 osnw tor eoou m igtitn. 8COBE BT INNINGS San Erancisoo . . . , .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 Sacramento ....... 4 O 0 O 1 0 0 0 S tut ..8 2 l l i i i a- x9 SUMMARY Four ran, ttrre hiu off Couch. 7 at bat in 1-8 lnnhra: T hits. 1 m n Jf c t v.. ? 'S'a inniB- Bon reajKmsibl for Ooucb 4. Bcott 1. ' Horn runs ghxlan Cay . Compton. Koerner. Stolen bases Sohaaa. Cavene;. Sacrific bits Compton. ?SmJi10ff nch "S00 1- DeritaS 1 . Proua-h 1. Rtnv mi n- , wf h ?Sn P11 Plays Sheehan-Orr-MoUwtta. Charge dafeat to Cough. Time lS $500Here's a Buy Oaa of tn beat miming cars fa the bo et Good looking, mar riding, PAIGE four. Yo eaanot afford to ride the street ears aa tons as thle car is araiiabte. Snas .it up aba's dandy. ... : "P COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. "Wasiisgtoa at Hit St. Mali tii. GetPedd afrcrde I EARN to 4 Be an electrical engineer, salesman, automobile mechanic or plumber. Learn any one of dozens of well-paid trades. Get a common school, high school, or business college education. Get paid for learning, with free board, lodging, clothes and medical attention. Live a man's life in the big outdoors with real ! men for buddies. Get physically . fit and stay that way. Special two, three or four year enlistments in the Marine Corps arc now open, carrying free ' scholarships in the LJ. S. Marine School at Quantico, Virginia, ' v All courses are taught by competent instructors, using the celebrated International Correspondence School methods and text books. Graduates of the M ar ine School are given regular LCS. Diplomas in addition to Marine School Certificates. Ah honorable discharge from the Marine Corps , and anLCS. diploma mean immediate em ployment at real pay when you get back into civilian life. A mans came: IL 5. MARINE COSPi r If you are even slightly Interested call st the Marine Recruiting Office. ; You will not be urged to enlist, but you will be told the. truth about the Service. Call or tend for booklets describing real life " in the Marines' and the Marine School. ; TJ. S. MARINE RECRUITING OFFICE Portland, Ore. 306 Panama Buildiris i . Third and Alder Street Schuman Is In; Shape for Sheppard Go Br Boa ' LOVERS of the fistic art will bike to the Armory tonlsrht. where Johnnv Sheppard. European lightweight cham pion, and Heinle Schuman. promisins Pacific coast lightweight, will settle the question of supremacy in a 10-round de cision fight with Grover Francis as ref eree. -'"-A-,n..! :.:;f!.v j-:- r--Schuman's stock went up Sunday fol lowing a few . days during which the first impression made by the English man , had rendered hint a slight favor ite, it- was the old adage of a new broom sweeping. dean. The reaction In sentiment now concedes a draw as the worst that may come to Schuman. with a : possibility that his cleverness and aggressiveness may bring him a de cision over the strong boy- from Albion. BAIBS A5D BEOW5' BEADT t- '. Schuman's future rests more or less on the. outcome of this one battle, and he is going Into the ring with the in tention of turning : the opportunity to the best advantage. ; Eddie Marino, who has coached and fostered- Shcuman from a preliminary boy J to one of the most dangerous lightweights in the game, is confident his protege will give a splendid account of himself. Sheppard la a boy of international caliber and is a tremenedous pugilistic bite for. Heinle, But the fight will be worth seeing, no matter who wins. Both boys like to mix. Young Brown and Earl Baird will have a multitude of fighMmngry ey turned on them when they enter ,the ring for their 10-round clash. The fights these boys have put up In the past have gone down in red letters. Baird is clever piece of machinery, so is Brown, and each has shown himself fond of rough stuff. LEWIS TO BOX WILLIS , Perry Lewis, a battler who Is tough as they, come, will try to stop Stanley Willis popularity with a knock out, something that other tough boys have failed to do. Willis is giving away eight or 10 pounds, but feels , he la equal to the task. Billy Mascott is In for a crucial test In his eight-round setto with Baby Blue, California - colored bantam. Blue - is stronger - and more aggressive than Danny Edwards and hits twice as hard. Blue will -carry the fight to the Port land Frenchman at all times, and one or the other is liable to drop before! recess Is called.. Frankie Crltes, a newcomer,' -will make his debut in a four-round clash with Frankie Landers. The fights begin at 8:30. .,. CBOWBS SEE WORKOUTS y Mike O'Dowd r and Battling Ortega played to big crowds in strenuous work outs at the Olympic gymnasium Sunday afternoon. Ortega worked at 1:30 o'clock and O'Dowd at 3. Both men- went through 10 rounds of furious work. Ortega took on Bud. Fisher, a rip-tear ing Calif ornia middleweight who will 'ap pear on the Milwaukie card July 5, for two rounds jf real fighting that brought applause zrom ine spectators, irrea Tay lor, 175-pound 'colored boy, came on for two more rounds, while .other boys of lighter class tantalized the Mexican for Ruth Says Yankees Will Win Flag France Wins Loss of Series Due to Weak Hitting J ! ' By Babe BiU (Copyris. 1820. by Cnitcd News.) ST. LOUIS, June 11. The advance of the Yankees on the ramparts of the Indians didn't turn out quite so well as might have been -expected, when it Is considered that we woo only one game of the four played. The one we did take was the result of heavy hitting the kind of tremendous drumfire that we : had maintained in New ' York" and Detroit. When the break came it was due. to just one thing; We were not hitting. The fact that Cleveland trimmed us for those three games means absolutely nothing, despite the; fact that the series was advertised in advance as one of those "crucial things. We were beaten In Cleveland by poor pitching. - We will pound the daylights out of just such pitching the next time we face It. Watch this and see if I am not right. PITCHERS FAIX TO WIK Cleveland is still playing without its head. I insist that this is so. No club that has one dependable pitcher has a right to be holding the position the Indians are tn the Amer ican league. Bagby has won more games than he : should have because he has been very lucky. - TJhle Is out of the question as a winner so far. Caldwell and Myers are haaards any time they start a ball game. No fan who knows baseball will admit that a club so consti tuted can win a pnnant. v : , . It seemed to - be the. fate of the Yankees that their pitchers should turn bad just at this inopportune time, too. Quinn lost the first game he has dropped in nine starts. Thormahlen was Wholly ineffective. - The others, with the ex ception of Shawkey, were almost as bad. They are good pitchers. What they did In Cleveland is ancient history and will not he repeated. r.i;'-- ' SOX HOT 8TB03TO EJfOTJGH , - I think my "contention is borne out by what happened when we ran into the-4 classy pitching so-called in Chicago. The pasting we save the. White Sox will dve them something to remember us by. As I-said early In the season, their stiff pace could hot last, They are ' good very good but they are not' good enough to stay, up in the pennant fight this year. - The fact that the Yankees recovered so quickly , from -their batting slump proves their worth as a ball club. They will win the .pennant. . It grows more evident every day. short periods. Ortega looks good, prob ably weigmng something like 154 or 156. , BATTLES HEAVYWEIGHT O'Dowd took on the toughest of his sparring partners first. That was the 210-pound Clem - Johnson, who not long ago mussed up Andre Anderson's pretty face. O'Dowd gave the big colored scrap per a terrific so for the full two rounda Frankie Murphy, who will meet Alile Nackon on the O'Dowd-Ortega card went on for two rounds with the Irish man, and a royal slugfest they provided. Johnny- Flske next danced and slugged with the middleweight champion. CDowd'i condition contradicts first reports which asserted him to be fat in the waist line. He is now several pounds below the 160 required and declares him self in shape to go 2Q rounds or more without trouble. He will not outweigh Ortega more than three or four pounds, while the Mexican will have a slight ad vantage in height. Lefty Miner's First Defeat Lefty Larry Miller j was handed his first defeat of the 1920 campaign Sunday when Sherwood came from behind .in the last two innings and won out, 9 to X The Portland Iron Works representatives were leading, 2 to 1, up until the blow-up came. Sherwood now rests In second place of the Intercity league of the P. B, A. The score: R. H. E. Sherwood ....................... 9 7-2 Portland Iron Works .. ,. 2 S Batteries Baker and Baker; Miller and Meek Ins. Bill OougliUn Gets Watch Bill Coughlin, former Detroit infielder. who coached the Lafayette (Pa.) college nine to a series of successes, was given a , gold watch . from the students as a mark of appreciation. " mmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmm rpED 5 BARTON'S Honeyman Hard ware youngsters are leading the in tercity league of the Portland Baseball association as a result of the 8 to 1 walloping handed the Multnomah Guard aggregation on the Vaughn . street grounds Sunday, At the same time things were made complete because Bill Heales' Kirkpatrick All-Stars dropped a game to the Hood River Applegrowera The Honeyman team, which la composed of Interscbolastic league stars for the most part, out-fought their more experi enced opponents and although the Guard outhit the winners, the bingles were scat tered throughout. - The scores R.H.E. Honeyman Hardware ........... 8 6 0 Multnomah Guard 1 7 6 Batteries Quizzenberry and Helinke; xtoDDins ana Mattson.- Steeplechase By 4 Lengths B tinned News.) i Parts, June 21. Upsetting every bit of dope that has had Tarts by the ears for the last fortnight. Coo Gaulols Sun day won the world's greatest steeple chase one of the most thrilling ever run on the Auteuil course brincinsr the honor to France, for the first time since 1913. ' :V-.. ,;:-.''.. And the natural financial disanooint- ment to" thousands of betters who had placed their money on English favorites otic enthusiasm which swept the coun try when the- result of the event be came known. For the steeplechase is a national event second to no sporting contest ever staged here, and the regu larity with which foreigners have stepped In and captured the laurels has been a thorn in the side of France for seven yeara The English horses, Troy town and Poethlyn. were heavy favorltaa in tha betting, and were decisively beaten, the latter finishing in fifth place. Troytown ran a splendid race, leading unUl the last half mile, when Coo Gaulols closed in and fought bitterly for the lead. It was a neck and neck battle over the last two kilometers, which kept the crowd on its toes. And more than a million frensled spectators went mad when the little French champion In a splendid burst of speed at the finish crossed the line four leagues "ahead of Heros, who 1-ad smashed Into second Dlaca While Tmvrnwn wa err-!iillv Ina. lng ground, and eight full lengths ahead of the British entry. - The final betting odds on -th6 race were 5 to 1 on Coo, Gaulols; m to 1 on Troytown, and 3 to 1 on Heros. A vast amount of . money was lost on Poethlyn, but France cares little. The winning was worth it. Yakima Will. Enter Lewis Rifle Tourney Yakima. June 19. Yakima win send 'a team of five men to represent the local rifle club at the big state tournament to be held at Camp Lewis on July 4, according to Major J. M. Curry, execu tive officer of the club. The statement was given out In connection with a tel egram received from C C. Finn, secre tary of the Seattle club, requesting that a Yakima team enter the competition. But few meen have turned out to the range this spring but they have dons good shooting. There will be an elimi- With three men ort the sacks. Bell smashed a fast ball so "far that ; he cleared the bases,, and himself drew up ai uiira. inaiwas enoupi epeu nation contest but the men most likely disaster for the mrkpatrick All-Stars atlto make tn5 team are E. Eyler. H. il Summerville. W. L. Breece, W. A. Walk er, Joseph Alcorn or J. M. Curry. Each of these has turned in high scores re cently . and all are consistently good shots. Hood River Sunday. : The final outcome was 5 to "3 and it was the first win of the season for Hood River. The score : --:V-- - ?-r ; R. H. E. Hood River 5 10 3 Kirkpatrick All-Stars ........... 3 5 1 Batteries Keough and Terry; Ander son, Boland and Boland. . The other extra -canto affair lasted 15 innings before Camas finally mustered enough strength to beat the Central Door & Lumber company tossers, 2 to 1. It was a great game and both ' scored a run in the third after which they battled until the fifteenth was reached. Tibland doubled and scored on Jack Hargreavea double in the fatal frame. -The score : - ' R.H.E. Camas, Wash. 2 9 1 Central Door & Lumber Co 1 4 1 Batteries Roach and Cashaw ; Ring and BelL w . V aa f . n: iH)- : : n.- , ? r, r; z I - r- -, -. 1111 If fe" ; L . X O A v . VI 4 III . J Right- off the bat! Camels win you through their .quality and flavor and mellow - mildness ! J I AMELS win your favor quickly anfl fhrv KnlH vnnr crnn hninihn indefinitely! That's because they have V the quality I uameis never tire your taste, no matter how liberally you smoke them. Besides they leave no unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste nor unpleasant cigaretty odof"! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic; tobaccos has proved a ciga btte revelation.- It has won thousands r of men .who never smoked cigarettes before! - - ; . ' v - Camels blend has proved to smokers that it is ; far more delightful and far more refreshing than either kind of tobacco smoked straight ! AH we say to you is to compare Camels with any cigarette in the world at any price! Cmtrflm arm mold nrj)ww in mcimntHlcny hW pmekagam of 30 dgmnttmrn for 30 enrs; or ton packMioo 1300 eigarottoo ) in a ttaoamo-papot-ooworod carton. Wo mtrongly reon mond thia omrton for tho homo or office omppJy or mhon yon tranL R. X REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WavS SsJesa, ti. C