THE OREGON, DAILY ; JOURNAL 10 SATURDAY, JUNE 19, 1820.' PORTLAND, OREGON. reg6n io pe : Represented at ; SEHdrld's chool Convention at Moid lig unday s 1000 AMERICANS TO ATTEND MET At JAPANESE CITY , Oregon is to . be officially . repre sented ar. me vvoria s ounaay ocnooi convention In Toklo, Japan, October 1,' by two delegates. They areJUlsa Mable HInes of the First Baptist church, Portland, and the Ber, 3, J. Ferguson of Philomath colleges, Their credentials have already ; been for warded to the International Sunday School office by Harold V. Humbert, general ' secretary of the Oregon as sociation. From standpoint of .dele gates, the three leading states' are Pennsylvania ' with 85 registrations, Ohio with' 29 and New Tork-with 26. - The convention hall that will bouse' the eichth World's Sunday school convention U being erected on the great plaza In front of the railroad station. .The build ing win be In barracks style and will scat 3500. Five hundred 'can be accom modated on the large platform. This will furnish places for the chorus choirs and the pageants to be rendered. . The dining hall will seat 1000 at a time. Many dele gates wilt be entertained In Japanese and missionaries homes on the Harvard plan. One thousand Americans are expected at the convention. ? ; The International association has ar ranged several tours for delegates. Two ships will leave Japan after the convene t: in returning by way of China, Singa- pore, rurv ocuut Mxmv u to America. Detours will be arranged through India, Egypt and Palestine. Reervations are being made dally on the 10 steamers that will carry delegates to the convention. The sailings are from July SO to September 23. Three ships are for the exclusive use of delegates. Tha privilege of Christian companionship, community sings, Bible conferences, etc., will le features of the "exclusive" ships. Those who attend the convention will have the opportunity of visiting the mis sior. stations and native churches. , The convention is planned for time when Japan is said to be most beautiful. Spe- 1 W T L'n K , .... a f I A., mm, F I RS T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IfTH AND - ALDER STREETS Rev. John H. Boyd. D. D. WUi . Preach Both Services 10:30 A. M.: COMMUNION SERVICE 7(30 P. M.I SPECIAL MUSIO Organ Reoltat MAR at. OOURSCM aotH arte Sole! MRS. BLANCHE WLLIAMS SE6ERSTEN. 1 A SACRED COXCEBT YTIXIi BE GIYEIT AT ; The Central Methodist Episcopal Church 'OH 8UITDAT EYEJriSO AT O'CLOCK James A. C. Oakes, Choir Director, and Miss' Eileen Spragve, Organist PROGRAM Anthem. "Awake Up, My Glory" (Rogers), choir: vocal solo, "Out of the IDepthe" (Rogers). Mr. Abbett ; mixed -quartet. "Soft as the Voice" (Scott), Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Petersen, Miss Oakes, Mr. Abbett : anthem, "He Phall Come Down Like Rain" (Buck), choir; male quartet, "Nearer My God to Thee" (Parks), Messrs. Went, Anderson, Abbett, Oakes ; vocal solo, "If With All Your Hearts" (Mendelssohn), Mrs. Petersen t anthem, "1 Will Feed My Flock" (Simper), choir; brief address. "The Pipe Organ in the Church," Mr. James Bam ford ; anthem, "Sun of My Soul" (Turner), choir; mixed quartet, "Rock of Ages" (Buck) ; vocal solo, "Evening and Morning" (Spicker). Mr. Anderson; anthem, "Praise the Lord" (Randegger), choir. r ;i BR. JAMES T. ABBETT wm preach at the ntoralog service at 11 aTm. ' . .10:30 A. M. "Cod'a Heart-Breaking Kindness" 7:30 P. M. "Being One a Self A Moral Agger" - Evenhvf Sena ServiceLad by OEOROE H. STREET . ' 1Z:10 BIBLE SOHOOL HEAR OUR QUARTET DR. .H. FENCE, PASTOR ii m. wm. A. WiWv, Ptt.Ov Pwtor MS CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN! CHURCH CAST THIRTEENTH AND PINE EXTENDS TOU A CORDIAL INVITATION , PICTURES FOR ALL SJONNINO SSRVIOC AT 11 AO "" Sermon ' A House Divided Against Itself" ' MUSIO tAROg CHORUS ANO SOHUBERT CLUB EVENINO SERVICE ATI ; Sermon by Rev. Alexander J?. Evans WALTER HENRY NUSEMT, D. MIWt FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH COHIfEB OF PARK 15S COLUMBIA HARdLD R GRIFFIS, Pastor SUNDAY. JUJfE it, 111 Sermon, 11 a. m., "The Suicide of SelfUhnest" Dcrmon, 7:43 p. mi., "The Success of Defeat" MUSIC BY QUARTETTE CHOIB ipator SIrrives for grbor3IoJgcCliurch Th Rev. Alexander R. Evans of New York city arrived In Portland during the past week to ' assume the pastorate of the Arbor Lodge Presbyterian church, which has been without a regular pastor almost continuously" since America en tered the world war. The minister Is well impressed with Portland, and says it is second to no city of the United States in point of future possibilities and beauty. , . ,, . : : - !'-f--- . At the outbreak of the war Mr. Evans was made religious director for Dickey county.' North Dakota, but in a short time he became . "V secretary and was assigned to transport duty. After the armistice was' signed h : was trans ferred to the troop trains, on which he worked Until October, 1919. Since then he has been executive field Boy. Scout commissioner for New York state. Ho will occupy his pulpit for the first time Sunday morning. In the evening be will preach at ! Central Presbyterian church. - One week from Sunday he will begin Sunday evening services. ; :-. . & ;;-:t;' Children's Day nt JFalrvlcw The Children's '! day, exercises of the Smith Memorial Presbyterian church at Falrvlew will be held Sunday morning at 10 0 o'clock. Every department will take part under the direction of Mrs. D. N. McKay, superintendent. Infants may be presented for baptism. The Rev. Mr. Pratt, formerly of Forbes Presby terian church, will take this part of the service, after which Cllve M. Sals, who has been a student at San Ansellno, CaL, for some time, will speak. ' n ' i Three Incentives Is Topic '"Three Incentives to a Right Life" will be the subject of the Sunday morning sermon of the Rev. W. O. Eliot at" the Church of Our' Father, Broadway and Yamhill atreeV Mltylene Fraker Stitea will sing the offertory solo.' - This will be her last solo before departing for New York. This church "will be open daily during Shriners week. cm! information on the subject may be obtained from the World's Sunday School association, 21C Metropolitan Tower, New York city. . . . The United States produces "and con sumes more talc than any other' country. Manufacture of paper pulp from sea Weed has reached a profitable stage in Japan.'. . i'.; V -.. : . . ; . . . CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH EAST HTNTH AWD PIHB nrberiendlf Chureci." - REV. JRAKX L WEHETT, PH. D. Minister . ' TWO BTBOSO MESSAGES ' TOMOflltbW , 11 A. Ml. ft A Highway Over the Desert" :. . T:4 f. M. "The Lost Cross" SPECIAL PROORAM OP MUSIO TAKE MONTA VILLA OR ROSE CITY PARK OARS TO ' EAST NINTH STREET AND WALK SOUTH . WESTMINSTER VMcome to Slirmers v A2TB TEIS FEIEKDS 11 A. M. 8EBYICS f "The SouPa Unrest' 9 P. JT. SEBYICB , "The Church and Free Masonry" ALL MASOWS and FRIENBS IKYITEB .SPECIAL i PBOG BAlt SUNDSV IBKmu it ews of importance SI mono; Portland Larger than some of Portland's public schools is the Mount Scott Xaily Vaca tion Bible school, which opened Wednes day at the Millard Avenue Presbyterian church. The attendance the first day was 263, and on Thursday it jumped to 800. The regular staff of teachers pro vided was not sufficient, so more were added. The staff now numbers 17, The church building was not large enough to handle the school. so all the boys classes have been transferred to a store building nearby. About 10 mofflers who have cuiWreri in - the school thought it a wise plan to learn . something more about the Bibl-j themselves, so they have elected a teacher and formed a class. The Bible school meets each school day of the week from 9 a- m. until noon. The Sunday: schools in the Mount Scott dis trict are cooperating. The city play grounds across the , street from the church are used during the recess period. The school will continue for three weeks. ' 71 77 ' BAPTIST 'ji ; ri. W. A. Waldo, pastor of the White Temple, invites the Shriners, . Masons and their friends to attend his Sunday services. In the evening he will deliver an appropriate address on "The Churcli and "Free Masonry." Dr. Waldo is a Shrlner and intends to give visitors a hearty welcome. The Temple quartet Will Sing-' ; ,J- , " : - "5 The Re. H. T. Cash, isorite pastor of th Rut Side Baptint church, will preach Sunday. Ir. W. B. Uinaon. pastor,- is in Chicago today. Daring the earning- wsek he goes to JSuff alo to speak at the Baptist Fundamentals conference and the northern Baptist convention. Pastor F. W. Burring of tirace - Baptist church represented In. .O. C. Wright, exece tiTe secretary ot the Oreuon eooTention at the Bonthera Oreson association oonTention at Spring field on Thursday and Friday. lie has, re turned to occupy his pulpit Sunday. Sunday morning the Rev. H. II. Griff is of the First Christian church will dis cuss the church's place in modern soci ety. Miss Nina Dressel, special contralto for the Shriners convention, will sing Sunday morning. A special musical pro gram will be given at night, followed by a short sermon. . - An illustrated lecture on modern mis sionary work will be given Sunday night at Kern Park Christian church by Dr. J. F. Ghormley. ; COKGREU ATIOITAL ? TJr. W. T. McElveen will preach 'Tils farewell sermon for-the season at the DIRECTORY Third Sunday After Trinity TJnlforra Sunda; School Lessons -The Lord Our Shepherd.' - Psa. 23. -Golden Text-V-" Jehovah is my shepherd; I shall not want.; Fee. 23:1. ; : . f Yonng People's Xopica Baptist Union "Honesty la Word and Deed.". Eph. 4:2S-82. - Christian Undeavor "Honebty in Word and Deed." Eph. 4:25-32 , , Kpworth League "I Jving TJp to ; Our : R sponsibUitiea." Matt. 25:14-30. . ;, : ;.--..-:'-. antlst "- First White Temple, 12 th and Taylor. Rev. William A. Waldo. 10:30, "The Soul's Best'; 8, "The Church and Free Masonry." East Side K. 20th and Salmon. Rev. W. B. Hinaon. Rev. H. T. Cash. 11. "Faith ana Quietness"; 7:45. "The Finest Regalia in. Port lard." r - - , Third Vancouver and Knott. Rev. B. E. Close. II, "Open Windows"; 8. "Drivuig Like Jehu." . :',-,. Arleta E. 64th and 48th sva. Rev. Owen T. 'Day. -y IX 8, " Calvary & 8th and ' Grant. Kev. J. JE. TMisss, 11, When Things Go Wrong"; 8, The Psalm of P-aJmn" , Glencoe - E. 4Bth and , Mala. Bet. F. C. Isietta. 11. "The Fold and the Family"; T:46, Uhntrated service of song. 1 ; - geilwood Bethany Kev. W. W. Ferris. 11. T :4&. , n Grace E. 76th and Ash. Rev. T. W. Star ring. 11 "Facts on Fire";, 8, iloipel mewago. University Park Rev. 8. Lawrence Black. 1L 8. ; Swedish IB th and Hoyt. Rev. T. O. Sjo lan der. 10:30, 7:80. 8t. Johns Chicago and Leonard 1 1. 7:80. -Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Dr. W. T. Milliken. 11, 8. . - - Mi. Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Bev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8. , . glina Swedish Mallory and Skid more Rev. A. O. Sandhkm. 2:80, 3:30. . Lenta 88th at. and 60th ava. Rev.. E. A. Smith. 11. 8. . " .. Second (German) Rodney and Morris, Rev. F. Hoffman. 11, 7:80. Cathefle Pro-Cathedral 16Ui and Davis- Rev. E V. O'Hara. 6. 7:15, 8:30, 8:45. II, 7:45. St. Peters Lents Rev. - P. Beutgen. r 8, 10:80, 7:30. ' St. Lawrance 3d and Sherman Rev. J. 0. Hughes. 6, 8:80, 10:30, ,1 :30. St. Francis K. 12th and Pine Rev. J. H. Black. 6. 8. 9. 10:88. 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Mary -Willis ns ' and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. . 11, 7:80. Holy Rosary E. Id and Clackamas Rev. K. S. Olson. . T, 8. . 11. 7:30. 8t. Rose E. 63d and Alameda Rev. , J. O'FarrelL 8. 10:30. 4. - s . , St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Rev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:80, 7:80. Tha Madeleine K. 24th and Siskiyou Rev. George F. Thompson. 7:30. 9, 11. , . f Ascension -E. 76th and Taahill FrancWan Fathers, 8, 10:80, 7:30. . - - Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandeae Rev. F. VL Black. 8, 10:80, 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin lUr. C. Raymond. 8, 10:80, 7:80. St. Igoatins S220 4Sd at. S. E Jesuit rather. 6:30. 8, 10:80. . - 8t Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rev. War ran A. Waitt. 6. 8:80.10:30, 7:80. Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Vancou ver ave. Rev. William J, Divine. 8. 8. 10:80, 7:80. SL PhilHp ITerl (Psulist Fathers) E. 16th and Hickory Rev. M. L. Ferry. 7 :30, 9, 10:80. 7:30. i . 8t. Clements S. Smith ava. and Newton Servita Fathers. , 8, 10:80. 7;80. tSacred Heart E, 11th and Center Rev. G. Rob. 8. 10:80. 7 :80. i - St. Agatha E. 16th and Miller Rev. J. Oommiaky. 8. 10:80. 7:30. ' St Sunfrlans ( PolUh) Maryland and Fail tag Ker. F. Matthew. 8, 10:30. 7:30. St, Joseph (German) 15tb and Couch Rev. B. Rurrer, 8. 10:80, 7:80. St. Michael - (lUUan) 4th and HOI Rev. M. Balestra. 8:SO. 10:30. 7:30. ' St. Clairee Capitol Hill Father AJoyaius. O. F. M. 7:80, 9:20. St Charles K. 88d and Albert Rev. - J. P. O'Flynn. 8, 10:30. AU Saints E. 39th and Glisan Rev.' Father William Cronin. 8, 10:80. - St. Patricks 19th and Ssvfer Rev. Charles If. Smith. Masses 6:80. 8. 9:15, 10:80. 7:46. Christian - - First Park and Columbia. Rev., Harold H. Grifiis. ' 11. "The Suicide at Selfibhnees" : 7.-45. "The Sthm of Defeat." East Side E. 12th and Taylor.- Bev. R. IL Bawver. .11. 8.- Rodney Avenue Rodney and KnotL Rev. S. JEart Childera. 11. 7:39. Monta villa E. 76th and Glisan Bev. Car roll C Koberta. 11, 7:80. iWoodlawn E. 7 th and Liberty TRev. "Joseph IX - Boyd, 11,, 8. . . - Kern Park Rev. F. H. Ghormley. 11: "Come Up Hither and I Win Show Vou": 8. iliu-trated addrees, "On a Modern Missionary Field With an Awwit Rarkgmnnd. " - - Tabernacle E. 28th ' and Alberta Bev. R. libba iisxey. 11, 7UJ0. f 8U Johns Centra and Oswego, I1, T0. . - : Christina etence , V Tswenn subiert? "In the TJniveree. IncladUig Mew. Evolved by Atomic Force!" First 19th and Everett. 11. , Second E. 6th and HoUaday. 1J, S.;.' CHURGH OF (UMITARIAN) W. Ge ELIOT, JR., Minuter : SERVICE AT 11 A. M. ' ' : "Three Incentives to a Right Life" What are the true and worthy incentives? Respectability? Policy? Pear of the law? Are. there no better motives than these? Is there any ouesUon of greater importance? - , - - - Ail, SEATS FHEE AJTB A WELCOME TO ALL, ZS1?J3CIAa,I.t"tO OVB. . .,.,...... ..CITY'S GUESTS. . . First Congregational church on Sunday evening. He will start east Monday morning for a two months' speaking tour and vacation. He is Oregon's dele gate to the International Congregational council, which convenes, in Boston June 29 to July 9. The couneil meets every 10 years. Every other 10 years it meets in the United States. The meeting this year has special significance as it cele brates the three hundredth anniversary of the , landing of the Pilgrims at Ply mouth. :.---.:,... . --! i Dr. MeElTeea vfl be the snide of ens of the pila-rimacea from Boston to Plymouth. After Uie council he will visit friends in large Eastern cities. Daring his absence the pulpit will be supplied by Dr. Arthur Sullen, superintendent of home missions for Oregon ; Ir, Ernest H. Tippett of the church federation of Seattle, and Dr. 'Kloes of Plymouth church, Oakland, Cat Sunday morning Dr. McEWeea- win neach - the baccalaureate sermon at the University of Ore gon.. . - i Two special Sunday morning sermons will mark tht close of the ministry of the Ker. B. M. Pratt as pastor of the Pilgrims Congregs tional - clmrch. - Special musio will be rendered each Sunday by the quartet. The young people f-' the church hnrt chnte of the erening serncei Pictures on "Where East Meets West" will be shown this week. , :: x.: I 7 , EPISCOPAL " ' Professor Lutkin, an authority ' on music from Northwestern university of Chicago, will speak at the 11 o'clock service Sunday at - St. Stephens, pro cathedral. Sn the evening-Dean Hicks will preach. W. A. Moore will take up the recent discoveries in Malta, the scene -of St Paul's shipwreck, at the young people's meeting. : 1 Shriners and other visitors are inrited to use the diocesan office of the Episcopal church as a rest room and meeting place. : They are in the Ainsworth building. Third and Oak streets.' . lit. Bct. W. T, Sumner, bishop of Oregon, will be in Seattle over the week end to preach the beccaleaureate sermoa for the University of Washington. : - . . :,; r.:m B . !- EsY ANGELICAL " In the absence of . the Rev. F." B. Culver from -the Lents Evangelical church Sunday, the pulpit will be filled in the morning by the Rev. Ezra Maurer and in - the -evening -by the Rev. C. L. Schuster. - The Lord's supper will be observed In the evenimr. The address at "The Altenheim." German Old Folks' home, will be given Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock by the Iter. J. P. Lien, an Evan gelical minister, : . The Kev, Jacob Stocker will be iu charge. c . FREE METHODIST The Rev. W. J. Johnston has accepted OF CHURCH Third E. 12th sof Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth -Vancouver and Emerson.. 11. .8. , 7 Fifth 62d and 42d ave. S. E. 11. Sixth Masonic temple. 868 Yamhill. 11. 8. Seventh Smith ave. and New York. ' 1L r AU churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. :. '-.. ttCoegrieitkinil ..? First Park and Madisoa Dr. W. T. McEl veen. 11, VThe Church in World Reconstruc tion," by Revr A. J. Sullens; 7:45. Buhnyslde B. i 32d and Taylor. Bev. - J. 3. Staub. 11, "A ' Mewiage From Fire-Touched Lips"; 7:4S, !"The Dead Letter Office of In effectual Prayer." . .. . . Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Rev. K. E. Flint. 11, "A Double Life": 7:45. "The Entrance of Corruption Into the Firat Social Order of God's Creation." Highland -E. 6th and Prvacott. , Bav. Edward ConstanU 11. "Nature Viewed as an Aid to the RpinUiM Life": -7:45. "The Contrast Between Man's Ballot and God's Choice." - Waverleigh Heights E. 32d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11, "The Cry of a Soul for God"; 8, "In the First Photograph Gal lery." .. , .. : . .- Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th St- S. - E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. 7:80. Pilgrim-1 Missouri and Shaver. ' Rev. Robert Murray Pratt - 11, "My Spiritual Pilgrimage.' 1 University Para Haven and Lombard Rev. O H. Johnston. 10:30. 7 JO. Finnish Mason and Albina. : atav. A A Hariu. 6 and 8 p. m. St. Johns 8. lvanhoe and Richmond Rev, W. L. Upshsw. 11, 7 AO. Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Totgeasen. 11, 7:80. First German E. 7th and 8Unton Rev. George Zocher. 11. 7:80. , i Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Bar. Henry Hngeigana 11. 7:30 Zioo German E. 9th .and Fremont Bar.. J. H. .Hoop. 11. 7:30. - Dunkard Church of the Brethren Bnrthwfck and Braf card Rev. George CL CarL 11. Cpleoepal Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr Rt Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop: Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, dean. - 11, address by Professor Lutkin: 7:45. nrearhing by Dean Hicks. Trinity 19th and. Everett. Rev. A. A. Mor rison. - 8. 11. -. ' ' St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont. Rev. Tbnman Jenkin.i. rector. 7:80. 9:30. 11. 7:30. St. Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. G. Hatton. 7:30. 11. 7:45; daily. 7:30 a.: m. St. Andrews Hereford St., Plymouth Aroh Deaeon Chamberx in charge. ; 9, 11. 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17 th and Weidlar Bev. Oswsrd W. Tsylor. 8. 11. Good Shepnerd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. i , St. Michael - and All Angela E. 4Sd and Broadway Re.- F, T. Bowent vicar. ;.. 8, 10, 11. Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41st St. 8. E. ltev. E. H. Clark,, vicar. , 7:80. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samantan hospital Rev. Frederick K Howard. 7. 9:80. St Pauls Woodmen Rev. Osward W. Tay lor, - 4. ' - , All Saints 25th and Barter Rev. Frederick K, Howard. , 10, 11. St.- Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney, Sellwood. Kev, 11. Chirk In charge. - 11. 7.80. St- Matthews Cerbett and bancrof t Ker. W. A. M. Brack, vicar. lO. 11. . - " -:' f T Evaneallcat 7:'s' First E".' 6th and Market" 1 Rev. : Earn Maurer. 11.7:30., - Clay Street 10th and ' Clay. Bev. ; Jacob Stocker. 10:45. "Perception of God": 8. "The Question of Samuel-to Jesse: 'Are These Alt Try Children?' " Lents Rev." F. B. Culver If, preaching by Rev. Ezra Maurer; 8, preaching by C. L. Schus ter. - Swedbh Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisan Bev. J. C. Ledin. 11.7:80. . Free,. Mathodtst Ceutral East 65 th and Flanders Rev. E. L Harrington. 11. 7 :30. Fir t E. 9th and Mill. Bev. W. J. Johnston. 11, 7:45. ' , Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Bev. 8. L. Bnnu. 11. 7:45. at. JwAmi K. KlchmorMl and Hndsnn Ifeil K. D. Itlackmaa. 11 7 -.80. , - Lents Rev. S. H. Upton, aoting 3:30, 8:80..., i . Frleode . First E. 85 th and Main Key. Oox. II. 7:48. - Second -E. 92d and 61st ava Kev Loraaa M. Terrell. 11. 7. West Piedmont Borthwlck aad Jersey Key. Carey Jessupp. 11, 8. 'rwr-an. .- - Jewish ' Congregation Beth Israel 1 2th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform Synagogue. Service Friday' 8 p. tn.. Saturday 10:80 a m. Congregation Ahavai 8 solum Park and Clay eta. Rabbi R. Abrahamson, - Friday, 8 a. av: Saturday. 8:30... a., m. - Congregation Nevab Zedeck Talmud Torah 6th and Hall Rev. ; Abraham L Roseneranta Friday, 8 p. so.; Saturday. 9am.: Sunday,-19 a. n, Beligums scboot. , utter Day talntt , Church of Jesns Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 26th and Madison He her C. I Tenon, mission president. 1(1. 0:30.. - - . tvutneran St. Jsaaen W. Park and Jefferson Bav. William E. Brinkmao. - 11.-7:80. OUR FATHER BROADWAY AT YAMHILL kurches and foung peoples Societies the pastorate of the First Free Methodist church., to succeed the Rev. Samuel J. Upton. ' Miss Winninah Johnston has been secured as deaconess. F. A. Miller has been elected Sunday school supecln tendent. - - .', -: . ..- . t ' M 7 7 - , . :7 7m7-; 7--T:7: v ' LUTHEBAW ,'. '7l77J; Sunday Grace Lutheran church cele brates its annual mission festival. There will be no services In the - church, all being transferred to Concordia college. Twenty-eighth and Holman streets. The Rev. C. H. Bern hard will speak at 11 a. m. and the Rev. C F. Schulenburg of Lebanon will preach at 2:30 p. m The Kev. O. K. Anderson of Woodbum will occupy the pulpit of Our Saviour'a LntberaB church Sunday morning, ;: . - & The , Rev. A. Krause of St. Paul's Lutheran church has returned from the sy nodical meet ing in Idaho and will occupy his pulpit Sunday. s . ' .. METHODIST r - Bishop Eben S. Johnson, a member of the Mystic Shrine order, will preach Sunday morning at Wilbur .Methodist church In the Multnomah hotel. .A fine program ' of , music has been prepared. Bishop Johnson is visiting at -the home of his osn, .Rev.. W, S. Johnson, at Clats kanie. He will attend the Shrine festiv ities during the week. . Sunday rriKht Bishop Johnson will preach at the First Methodist church. He is a personal friend- of ' Dr. Joshua Stanrfield. The pastor will preach a sermon for Shrtner on Sunday morning. . , The First Methodist church women are housing 150 Shriners and their friends, in the Sunday school temple. , " ' Sunnyside- Masonic lodge will attend Sunny side Methodist church Sunday evening in a body to listen to the Rev. W. F. Ineson's sermon on "Masonry - and -. lis Working Tools." In the morning an address will be given to Children. ' , The annual Children's day exercises of Wood lawn Methodist church will be' given Sunday morning. The Rev. J. H. Irvine haa set aside the preaching- service for this event. Children will, be baptised at the conclusion of- the pro gram. ' Young men's 'and boys day will be observed Sunday night at Clinton Kelly Memorial M. E. church. Dr. George B. Pratt will be. the speaker. Singing will be by young men. .'- - A Children's day service will be held at the hour of the Sunday evening service at Mount Tabor Methodist church. The program is en titled, "The College Bell. " , , A large community meeting Is ' planned for Lincoln Methodist - church Sunday night, . at which time Bishop W. O. Shepard and Dr.- E. C. Hickman will preach. 8pecial - musio will be famished by the Wilbur church orchestra. The Kev. Ole Nielsen of Perth Amboy, N. J., will have charge of the Sunday evening service at the First Norwegian-Danish M. K. church, SERVICES IN St Pauls E. - 12th and " Clinton Bev. A. Krauze. 10:80, "The Confewion of Our Sins", 8. "A Day Which Death Cannot Detroy." - Trinity Mtouri Synod) Williams and Graham Rev. J. A. Runbach. 10:15 (Ger man) r 7:30- (English).- - . . - Church - for Deaf Williams and Graham Bev. J. AJ Beyer. 2:80. Our Savior's E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A. Christ ensen. 11, (Norwegian) preaching by Rev. O, K. Anderson. - Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11, 8. - Bethel Evangelical Norwegian' (Free) Wy gant and Rodney Bev. B. A. Borrevik. 11. 7:45. v - - Grace (English) E. 24th and Broadway Rev. C. H. Benihard. Services adjourned to Concordia college campus. 11, "Inducements for the Backsliding to Return"; 2 :30. "Importance of Mieeion Work," by Bev. C F. Schubmburf of Lebanon.- - ;r ' ', -. . r . - . : ' Bethany Danish Evangelical- TJnlon and Mor ris Rev. L. P. K jailer. 11. 7:80. St. Johns -Peninsula and Kilpatxick Bev. L. Lndwia;. 10:45. 7:30. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Bodney Bev. V. G. Ogrea ,10:45. 7:46. Immanuel 19th and Irving Bev. A An derson. .- 11, 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Bev. A O. B. Knutsen. , 11, 7:30. - Eton. Evangelical (Missouri ' Synod) Chap man and Salmon Bev.: H. H. . aoppelnvana, :15.- 10:15. 7:45. Immanuel (Mo. Synod) K. 15th and Leo Rev. H, - G. Ebtiing. 10, German; 11:15, English, . - Jbvsjfaelical Church of tha. Redeemer 18th aoo Vygant 10. 11. ' Finnish 179 Fargo. Bev. A. Salmlnen. 10; onday school 7. lHatheeim Enlseeeel Carson J Heights Rev. G. 8. Brown. 10, 11, 7. -:, . . . ' Centenary E. 9th and Pine Bev. Frank I Women. 11. 7:30. - Central Vancouver and Fargo Reus A. B. Maclean. .11; 8. . Clinton ' Kelly E. -40th and Powell Rev. E. S. Maoe, 11. "Making a Face"; 8, address oy in. lieorge B. Pratt. ? f Epworth 6th and Sarier Bev. J. Stanford Moore, ll, 7:30. First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua S tans- field- 10:30, "Creed and Deed": 8, preaching py nisnop oen s. Johnson of Africa. First Norwegian Ianlih 18tb and Hoyt Bev. Klia UJerding. 11. "How Do We Know tne spirit of Truth and the Spirit of Error": 8, preaching by Rev.. Ole Nielsen of Perth Am boy. JScw , Jersey. Laurelwood E. 83d and Foster. Bav. A. C Brakenbury. 11, 70 , - Lenta 80th and 58th ave. Bev. F. v B. Sibley. 11. 7:45. -.-- Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. Bav. F A. Ginn. 11.7 :30; addresses by Bishop Shephard ana ut. K. u. nice man... MontavUla E. oOch ana Pine Bev. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:80. , Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Bev. E. G. Decker. 11 ."The Voice of God in the Life of Today j 8, Children a day program. Patton Alberta and Michigan Bev. George H. Bennett. 11, 7:80. Rose City Park E. 58th and Sandy Bev. D. Lester Fields. 10:30, 7:30. Sell wood E.- 16th and Tacoma Bev. W. 8. Gordon. 11,. 8. Sunnyside E. 85tb and Tamhill Rev W. F. Ineaon. 11, address to children: 7:45. "Masonry and Its Working Tools." ' St. Johns W. Leartu ana Syracuse Bev. W. E. Klnster 11. 7:30. j Swedish Beech . and Borthwlck Bev. Abet Eklund. 11, 8. -- University Park Fluke and Lombard Rev H, T. Atkinson. -11, 7:80. i Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish -Skid-more and Vancouver Rev. A. Christensen. 11. Wesleyan E. 53d and Glisan Iter. D. B. Hampe. 11, 7:45. . Westmoreland Milwauki and Midway Bav. XL' 8. Mace. t7:30. - Wilbur Multnomah hotel Bev. E. C. Hick man. 10 :80; preaching by -Bishop Eben 8. Johnson of Africa. " Woodstock E. 44th and" . Woodstock Bev. L. C. Poor. 11, 7 :30. i Wnodlawn E. 10th and Highland Bev. J H. Irvme. 10:80. Children's-dar exerciaM fol lowed by baptismal servica: 8, "Livins: V to .District superintendeTit. Rev. William Wsllsee Toungsoo, D. Ii.. 891 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 270. M. B. South First Union and Multnomah. - Bev. J. W. Byrd. 11, "The Call for Wholehearted Sexy ice"; 8, "Counting the Coat." . ' : ' .- Ilaaarene .if --;; '.','7 - First E. 0th and Weidler Uttle II. 7:30. Kev. J. T. Sellwcod E. 9th and Spokane Rev.- J. a. BrmgedahL 11, 7-30. - Brentwood 05th ave. :ad 87th st, flay C O. Fowler. 11. 7:80. - Highland Park E. 14th and J arret! Kev. W. P. Eeebaugh. 11. 8. - . Sesndinavaan 948 Garfield Bev. Daniel Hsllsirom, 11, :30. ' ' " - Pi aihyterian ' First 12th and Alder. Dr H. L- Bowman. Preaching by Ir. John H: Boyd. 10:30, com munion" :. 7 :4 5. - Westminster East 17 th and Schuylar. Rev Edward H. Pence. 10:80. 7:46. -, Central E. 11th and Pine, Bev. Walter Harry Nugent. ' 11, ."A House Divided Aaainat Itself": 8, preaening by Kev. A. R. Bvana. Calrary 11th and Clay. Bev. Bowrine Quick. 11, "Endless Being"; ,7:46, yAa Cn faal;)onable Pattern." - . Id. Tabor S. 65th end Belmont Bev. Ward MacUenry, 11, summer eommauion service; 8. service in charge of Gideona ; . ; . Vemon lttth and Wyirant. 11, 8. " Piedmont Cleveland and Jarre tt. Bev. J. Francis Morgan. . lO:30. "This Do, foBowed by communion : 8, "The Second Mile. " , ' . Fourth First and Gibba. Rev. 'Monroe G. Evew.tMll,.'Friend!Jiip" 7:SO, "Spiritual Kenilwortb E. 84th and Gladstone. Bev. NEW THOUGHT Visitors Interested tn New Thought are cordially Invited to the meeting of HIE REAU7.ATIC:i LEACUE . The service win be in the Norwegian and Danish language. - An invitation to all visitors in the city, espe cially those from the South, is extended by the Rev. J. W. Byrd. -to the aerrioea of the Fust Methodist church South. - PBE8BYTERIA3T - Dr. John H. Boyd wilt occupy the pul pit of the First Presbyterian church for two more Sunday a . On July 11, the church expects to welcome) its new pas tor, the Rev. Harold L. Bowman, T. J., from Chicago. Dr. Boyd -will preach twice Sunday. The quarterly communion will be observed In the morning. - Sunday evening tha "Re. Alexander R. Evans, pastor-etect of Arbor Lodge fresbyterian church and a friend of Dr. W. H. Nugent, will preach at Central Presbyterisn church. The chorus will sing. In the morning the Schubert club will-sing and Dr, Nugent, will preach. Suuday services in- Mount Tabor Presbyterian ehurch will be featured by summer communion and . reception of members in the morning, and by a special service conducted by the Okleoa society in the evening.. - ; .. . - : Reception of new members, baptism and com munion will be observed Sunday morning at medmont Presbyterian church. Dr. J. F. Mor gan, pastor, will preach at. night. , After the sddreM a moving picture of an industrial nature, entitled. "Heads Win," will be shown. The Rev. L. K. Grimes of Kenilworth Pres byterisn church reports -that the people in his community are saving carfare on Sundays and attending bis church in preference to traveling 19 the downtown . churches as has . been ; their custom. '-. - "- ' . The hlirh school Bible clan of Mispah Pres byterian hurch will picnic at Lake Grove next Wtalmscday. Mrn. faul Joita or immgeiue, P. I., will apeak to the Women's Missionary society at their regular meeting 00 .Tuesday, 'l'U nubir will n reach twice Sunder. Sunday morning st 11 o'clock the Children' day exercises ot Millard . Avenue Presbyterian church will be held, and a sennonett preached by the Ret. Floyd Dorr is. The Rev. Mr. Dorria wiu preacu auo at a p. m., . .- ; UNITED BllETHBEIt , '. Dr. Byron J. Clark will begin a three weeks' service or neaitn sermons ounaay night at the First v United Brethren church. He announces that the subjects will be treated in f'the broadest, most common sense and : Scriptural miner." it in not hia rjurDose to attack any cult. sect or religion. Good music will be furnisr.ea oy tne cnoir. . Shears for tailors that can be operated at a. speed of 100 cuts a minute by an electric motor are a Chlcagoan's in vention. " t - PORTLAND L. K. Grimes. 1I. -The Cords and Stakes of Life's Tent"; 8. "Two Great Words in th GhrMian'B Vocabularv." Hope 78th and Everett Rev. H. E. Gilea RohI City Dr.. Robert H. Millican. 10:30.8 Forbes Graham and Gantennein. , Rev. Ward Willis Lone. 11. "The Things of God"; S. "The Thin5 of Men." Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. . Bev. , Theo dore P. Smith. , 11, 7:30t - Anahe) Rev. F. H. MixselL 11, 8. Miljard Avenue Rev. W. Lae Gray. 11( Children's day program; 8, preaching by Rev. Floyd E. Drerria. - MarshaU Street 17a and MarahaB Bev. A. 4. Manna. 11. Mix pah E. 19 th and Division. Rev. D. Thoniri-jOn. il "The Thinn God Haa PrenarMl fot HU People "; 7:45. "Things of Heaven in im oi Tiuntrs of isartn. Unity E. 71st and Sandy. ' Hev S W, Seeman. - 11; IdentifloaUon With Christ"; 7:80, "Sons of God."v x Holt Chinese 18.1 H First Rev. Gee Sing noy. .. j p. m. coool; H. , young people, - Reformed Ppasbvtarian First Minnesota and Auuworth Rev. F. D. rmzer. ... xi, I :ou. eventli Dav advemtsta - Note Reeular services ot this denomination tre neui on seturoay. Central E. 11th and , Everett ta BL Dick ion, pastor. 10. 11:16.- Tabernacle th and Montgomery G. W. Pettit, minister. 10. 11. MonUvilla . 80th and Everett J. A Ger bart. 10. 11. Lents 94th st. and 88th ava W. D. Huat- ingroa 10, ii. . St.. Johns Central ava. end ' Charleston A R. FrJAenHerg. 10. 11. Albinm Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H. Wentland.. 10, 11. Scandinavian 62d st, and 89th ave. Eider v a. Lea. 10. ll. Salvation" Arm Corps No. 1243 Ash at AdJuUnt Henry B. Coaens. 11. 8 :1. V. 8. Corps No. 4 r8 H lsb Ensign Jessie Miliar and fenvoy Mrs. XTpton. 11. 1:30. 8. 8. 8. Owedenborglan ' New .Church Society 331 Jefferson. Bar, William it. Reece. 10:30. Unitarian Church of Our Fsthei Broadway and Yam hill. Rev, W. C. Eliot Jr. 11. "Three In centives to a Right Lire.' , United Brethren - Confeience superintendent Rev. G. E. Mo- IMnshl. .-- First E. 15th and Morrison. Bev. Byron J Clark. 10:30, "Old Faahkmed Behgion"; 7:30, ' Mow to aeep Well. Second E. 27 th and Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawley. 11, "Wicked Revealed"; 7:80. "We Are Commanded to - Withdraw From tha Dis orderly. Third 87th at. and 82d sra.-S. EL Rev. XL O. Shepherd. 11. anniversary and baptismal serv ice : 7:30. evangelistic sermon. - Fourth Tremont. Bev. C. P. B lane hard. 11. 7:30. Clove rdale 448 Jeasup. Bev. Walter Beyn- oios. iu, :so. 7 :so. United Kvanoelloaf Pint E. lth and Poplar Bev.' j;. A Goode. : 11, .8. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Bev. H. H. Farnliam. 11, 8. SL Johns Rv. A. P. Laytoa- 11. 7:80. 'United rresbytertan First E. 87 th and HawtborrM Bev. H. F. Given. 1 1. 7 :80. Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco. Bev. S, Earl Du Boia. 10:30, "Five Men and Deathless Fame ; 8, -Marvelous Ignorance." Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Bev. George ft. I Taylor. 11. "The Church Is His Bride"; 8. "Goepel Hungry Folks Are Waiting." Miseellaneous Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 10. 11, 7:80. Realisation League 148 18th, Rev. Edward Mills. 11, "Sensitiveness and Its Great Value." Christ aderphian 021 B. Waahingtoa 10:80. Church of God 868 Failing Harry Keal 11.-7:80. - (ioapei Han E. 79th and Stark. 11, 7:36. Men's Resort 4tb and Bnrmirte Bev. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. - Divine ' Science Portland hotel. f. M. Minard. Servicee at Wilbur Reet Room. 804 E. 48th t. N., tbia Sunday. 11, "God Abundant Love." Pentecostal First aad Washington Rev. Will C Trotter. 11. 8. 7:80. Daily, 7:80. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 14 1st. 2. 3. 70. - Pentocostal 147 M First. George B. Far row. . 8. .- , - Pentecostal 210 Taaahffl 3:80, aVsUy. 7:30. Christiao Assembly E. 20th and Aakeny Pastor. A, W. Smith. 11, 2:45, 7:46. - Volunteers of America-224 Burnskle. Even logs except Monday at 8; Sunday, 8, 8. - Portland ' Ecclesia (Christadelphian) 1697 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretaryi 11. I'eniel Mission 268 H Alder. 4, 8; daily, 8. Church of Christ E. 79th and Gliaan. n. : First SpirHualiat E, 7th . and "--rsltnj 8 7:4 5. - - ' First Spiritual Science 129 dtb at, Bev. Max Hoffman. 8." 8, address by Mrs. M. E. Smithv - , . International Bible Students W. O. V7, temple. 11th and Alder. 8, 8. Chorch . of Christ Av 82d and 90th ava 13. 11. 7:80. , , T. U. C A. Sixth and Taylor. ' 8. - Chorch of Divine Truth 418 Central -vuBd-tas- Nettie Taylor Kloh. -11. EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH - - CORHf E. Z0TH AND SALMON. : (Cast Morrison and Hawthorne Cars) : 11 A. M. "Faith and Quietness" 7:48 P. M. ' "The Finest Regalia in Portland" - TBMSas6r4iBiJ by A Rev, M. T. CASH, Aaseeeate Paetaav l?istihftator12)ill Bed icate urcn Formal dedicatory 1 eirvlcee for the new St. Johns Christian church will be held Sunday. The Rev. . Percy George Cross of Charlotte, N. C, will preach the dedicatory sermon at 3 p. m. and also the regular sermons at 11 a. m. and S p. m. The pastor of the church is Lr. Herbert F. Jones. Pr. Jones came to the SL Johns Christian church about six years ago. - Since that time the con gregation outgrew the ok building.' The new edifice is of frame conatructure, built on the mission tyle, - and cost $12,000. It will seat 0 persons. Mrs. Cross will give the sneclal music. ' - -v V.7S?'?;.ivv. Million Raised for Judaism in' America - . . . . .......... One million dollars Wa been raised since the Passover by the. Union of American Hebrew congregations for the ;urp6se of insuring survival of Judaism lo America. . This , announcement was made by Manny Strati of Cincinnati, chairman of the advisory committee, Tots sum, payable m 10 years, was given In the form of pledges lV. Jews from all walks throughout the United States. The fund Js to enable the fulfilment of elab orate plans mapped o' in 'connection with the orranisation'M 10-vear pro gram of expansion. . .The financial goal i - 83,500,000. The success -of the move ment is attributed largely, to the active isitersst taaen c r wewiia yuuiis pbuiiib, . WIU Speak on Honesty Cllve M. Sals, state j social service superintendent of the Oregon . Christian Endeavor -union, will 'Address the San Orae! society of the Frst Presbyterian church Sunday night. Salss recently, re turned from San Francisco, where he took a special course at a theological seminary. He will speak on "Honesty, - - -o r : - Church Concert Announced A musical program wil,! be given at the Augustana Lutheran church Sunday evening, June 2d The church chorus. under - the direction -of Charles : S wen- son, will sing two anthems and vocal solos will be given by Mra -La Vada Cohn, J. E. Wallin and Mies Olga John eon. . There will be a piano solo by Miss Edith Almqulst and - a violin solo by David Tamken. ,. Meeting Place'Changed Owing to the crowded condition of the - Hotel Portland the First Divine Science church will adjourn their serv ices Sunday from the hotel to the "Wll bur Rest Home." 394 past Forty-eighth street, north.. The Rev. T. M. Minard, Pastor, will preach at It a. m. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH MTU ASB T1.TXOB RpV. JOSHUA STAN 3FIELD, D. D. .- v Pastor j' ' PUBLIO WORSHIP 10:80 A. 84-, g p. pa, 8UNDAV 80HOOL 12:18 NOOfl CPWORTH LKAOU700 P.M. DR. STANi'IELD WILL PREACH IN THij MORPIIHO Off . "CREED AND DEED" . IM THE EVKMINayy t O'CLOCK . ' BISHOP EBEN S-,-JOHNSON of AFRICA wlf i preach. 8PCCIAL' MUSIO BY QUARTET AND CHORUS CHOIR v . SHRINERS - AND VISITORS SPECIALLY INVITE) -. Welcome Suriners! FIRST M. E. CHURCH SOUTH UNION AVE. end MULTNOMAH ST. , Invites Too to Iti Services, w 11 A. M.t- .. THK CALL FOR WHOLE HEARTED - - SERVICE ' . . 8:00 P.' M.I OOUNTlN-a THE COST J. W. BYRD, Pstor FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK A3fl, M4.BISOX STREETS 11:00 A. M Dr, A. J. ; Sullens, Praaefiae. "The Church in the World Reconstruction" 7tB P. M. Or. W. T. McKiveen, PrasjeW. "Losing la Finding" TRAN0ER8 HEARTILY WELCOME. t i r FEDERATION OF CHURCHES HOLDS AfJilUAL WiEETliiG Tha Portland Federation of Churches belt its first annual meet ins; last Monday night in the First Methodist Episcopal church, Dr, Joshua Stansfleld, president, pre sided and presented the report of the . year's work. - V ' The election of officers for the new year resulted as follows:- -President, Walter 1 Whltcomb ; vice presidents. Right: Rev. W T. Sumner and James F. Ewlng ; recording secretary, Robert M. TutUe; treasurer. Grant Phegley; chair man department of evangelism, )pr. Kd ward IL Pence "chairman department of social and industrial betterment, Nor man F. Coleman? chairman department of religious education, James F. Ewlng ; chairman department of survey and interchurch world movement, A. It. Averlll ; chairman department of pub licity, Fred . Lockley ; chairman finan cial appeals,' charity and philanthropy, Dr. "W. W. Youngson v executive commit tee, Emerson B. Clark, Louis V. Lund berg, . 8amuel I Conner. Hubert A. Goode, John A, Hammond, Rodney L, Glisan, Cornelius Toneeth ; honorary member.-Dr. Joshua Stansfleld. - The report of the executive commit tee for the past year showed decided activity in the work of the departments of evangelism, eoclal and industrial bet terment, religious education and survey and Interchurch .world movement. The report of the treasurer showed that 61 of Portland' churches had made the life of the federation possible by their financial support, and that other churches are reporting their desire to cooperate, as the work of the federation proves itself to be of value in the city. The meeting by unanimous action in dorsed the . plan of the Interchurch world movement for a completion of its financial campaign. . The executive- committee was In structed to use all possible assistance to raise a budget of $6000 for the work of the next year. One of the -actions taken was the adoption of a statement on comity, This plan invites all communions in the city before the establishment of any neiT church enterprises within the city limits to lay the plans before the comity de partment of the federation with the hope - that by united action they may prevent In the future any posulble over lapping and overlooking in the location of new churches. The BATTLE of ARMAGEDDOiJ YET TO COME ! YOU SHOULD HEAR i E SEXTON AT LOS ANGELES SPEAKER FOR THE INTERNA TIONAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION SUNDAY, JUNE 208 P, M. Scriptural proof thif the time of trouble, preceding; t,he restitution of all things back to Edenic per fection, is necessary for the ex perience of mankind so as to in sure the everlasting peace soon to be ushered In. W. O. W. TER1PLE llti, St., Bet. Wash, and Alder YOU ARE "WELCOMZ SEATS FREE NO COLLECTION First SPIRITUALIST CHURCH East Seventh and Hasaalo SU. Services at 3 P. M.- Short address by MR. C. M, CONDIT and others. Even in r Services at 7(45 Lecture by MRS. LOUISE BROWN of Kan sas City, Mo., following with J Messages. Soloist by MISS FISH BURN and LESTER DAVIS. COMIN G THE TOTET PKHalAJT EVAUtLIST ANDREW D. URSHAN .. At Columbia Hall SECOJTTI ASJt OAK HTEEET8 rOiiTlAJfU, Oit. From July 4th to 31st, Every Evenins at 8 o'clocl; (Except Sat. and Mori.) Sun. and Wed. at 3 P. M. H was 8 times Providentially de livered from the Creel 'Jerks darlna the recent war. Brother Irihan preacbes a Pall Gospel la tha- tower oi The hplrit . IP SICK Oil SIX. SICK, COME Vkd ; WJJ V1LL PKAT JrOa VOU - And Jesus will deliver. Our Aim! Apostolic In Precept and ifractir?e,T Pentecostal in Experience. ' For information addres PASTOR ANUKEW C. BAKER . Seata Free (Non-Sectarian) 0 Ssaoe SL, Oregon Clfy, Or. ft 148 11TH ST. 11