THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLANP, WEDNESDAY, JUNS 9, 1SZ0. ' 1 1 - i v DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ALAsKAN fciiUlNF-KRINti COMMISSIOR WAiiTED . Railroad laborer for Alaska, for U. 8. Government Railroad i under eoostructioa ... Frj i Entnl to Fairbanks,- Alaska. Extra Gang asd Section If as fix . If ainfensne of W ar. Wage S3 per day. Board 1.50 per day.' For tailing date and farther inform stina. ALASKAN ENGtEINa 'COMMTSSIOif boom 301 Xw I'ostoffic Building. Portland. Oregon.' ,' BEAD THIS ' i I hv ' cxeeptiohsf opportunities "for rm to mak bigger atomy than the usual log and ram . ber hauling contract call for. with motor track and trailer. Good term on equipment; living remdition very favorable. Plenty gasoline. Con tract run Sot 2 years and I - seed prompt set! on. Call BeUwood 2813. (173 PER MONTH tbo year a round. th averts m earning last year of A atmbtr of oar alaraa over 43 years. " This year will be th bigf t yet. No vrperMnet necessary:' weekly cas advance ; outfit tarnished. Big a ortment guaranteed tree, ahrubbery and vine. Ton can do what other in experienced men have done. , Washington, Nur aery Co Toppeotsh, Wash. KELP" WAITEDWALK WANTED Good clerk for Toucher work with Ai - - Urga wholcaale house ; must be faat and Sc- handwriting. . stating experience sad salary ex pected. G-390, Journal. V A.S'TKD Steady, reliable man in small tool room, fin job for god man who cannot do much heavy work; take Mteidsdppt ato. car.; ap ply in person. Coast Culvert Hume Co., ken too. - - . LX-KEKTICE MEN '. " Register with us w caa piaen yon Is amy kind of position. ILOrC FREE EMPLOTMENT 8BRV1CB. SOS Beck bid. Phone Broadway 1867. A .N 1 i-D A aaan to drive and tmild up laun dry ' route; moat be a hastier and sot afraid of work; steady position for men who can got bnainsn one who can driv a ford preferred. Inwn laundry, 8 V l sa at. WANT experienced high-class Br hooss salaa- Mut he fsmiliar with Portland Tames. HITTER. IOWE As CO. 201-3-8-7 Board of Trade bldg. .DAY JANITOR -Apply employment bureau, before 10:80 a. m. ' IJPMAN. WOLFE A CO. iBORR.S wanted for street paring. (5. 8 hoars. 48d si- 8. E. Tske Richmond oar. HELP WASTED F KM A LB Do You Want To Earn a Good Salary aalare that fa raid wrin yea learn On that Isurmiai freaueaur as yoa gabs axnenencsf , Do You Know How Much Telephone Operating Employes Earn? And what excoflrnt e uortuiirtlo they save for promotios to axecatrve position f Why Not Obtain the Facts? - Our e .plnyim-nt supervisor wfTl gladly ' reel tbe facts and wilt ah explsia the many other advantage of telapboao operating for yonnr wenti. - Apply at -Telephone Company Room 01. 6tb floor Telephone Building Park and Oak Street- The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company JANTTRESS Apply emnlravment bureau before 10.30 a. (a. LIP MAN, WOLFk: A CO.,R.lEXCET alwowin tor NEEIH.EWOKK . ' . . llOslEUT DRCliS Also experienced elratr operator. Apply employment bureau before 10:30 a. m.. LIPMAN, WOLF; CO. WAfTKD Hmisekeeper-nurs for some time; house connient, work light; no night work; pleasant home, etuee in. on east .side; elderly lady would do it competent; state wages. . Ad dress J-845. JoornsL . WANTEIW-l girl to nvp power sowing machine, 2 hand ironers and 1 grl to iron shirts; ex- penenoe not nereeeary. Crystal Laundry. K. 21st end Randy. Ktue City car. ELIiERl.T - Wdy wsated for very light cooking and housework for man and wife only home at night; good baae. anmll wages. Call phone Columbia 11:!. WANTED . - CM for fist work department. '. Americsa Laundry. 149 E. 3rd N. WANTEIt Lsdy to Uke car of 2 Utti girb - dsy. while perenta are away at work, and do the housework; plain rooking: no washing; sal ary. $10 per week. X-633, Journal. EXPERIENCED salesladies for"bosiery and -tions department ; good salary paid to these who caa ausiify. . Apply Mr. Kemp. Simon's store, 2d and Alder. ...... THE OLTiS. WORTUAN A : KING gfORE require" th serrices of experienced compto meter operator. Apply superintendent's office,. win io i v q v ai WANTED Experienced general housework girl; no family washing: no upstair work. Irring toa. Phone East 2080. - ' WANTED By, xpArienced man. position as bookkeeper er similar work. Address EX 189. Joornal. e - HOUSEEEKPER wanU.4 far family of two. - wsge 830 per moaith; no washing. 80 K. 16th N WOMANV Ticinily of 20th and E. Pine. for"S , : hours'-housework daily; no laundry s Call 31 K. SOth. . WANTED -Girl or woman, light housework, small family, good wages, no children, plaia yri3- 64 8 TilUmonk at. Phon East 3260. WANTEI- MsJealsdies to sell weU established cereal goods. Call or pbon East 8753. Old Fashion Cereal Mills, 241 HoUaday as. WANTED .Thoroughly experienced Tinimers . and helper oa sows. 802 Northwestern Bank bldg. WOM EN wanted, steady ' positioas. Call Port- land Laundry Co. Broadway 410. WANTED Maki for general hotmework in small family; no washing. East 609T. WANTED A diswher. Kenwood hotel. Ken ton. Call Wdln. 2T. . ,WANTtD Temporsrii' nernsti itching. 38 Morgan hWg. wanted. Psrtlasd Laundry Col StK GIRLS wanted, and Coach. WANTED Experienced waitresses; good was" Apply Nortoni hotel. GIRLS wanted.. Portlaad Paper Box Co., 9 j Front at. . WANTED Cook Portlaad" Ooraleecent " hoa- WANTED Middle aged er elderly mdy for housekeeper. . Peter XoHner. Mt. Angel. Or. WANTED Girl to -assist with gesesal housa- worc. i-nose - esua I. APT barber wanted. 210 Madisoa St. HELP WANTED MALE - -'-' - AHP FEMALE , t9 WANTED Me and man to lesr the barber trade; receive seme pey while learning; poet. . nonw secureu, v" -mrvicw men. the sours m rrea a ys; eau or wni roe ssrtmular and catalogue. MOLEB BARBER CULLStilfi, 234 MEN WOllS.1 leeia beroev trade: eeWnU learning, posit isoe gwsraateed. Mgr. 23 years erpeneace Ovogoa Barber Oousa. 233 Madssoav . PORTLAND Barber CoUeeV say ' yea " woiV raiag. give yoa eat eC treat snsirino 9 XV. 3d sr. KCS1XEXS ANP TRADE SCHOOLS 99 EAST SIDK COMMERCIAL SCOOlT"" Mia Regtna Hooter's private school: individual UKtrsctMak. 132 V Gmsd , Sset 427 BUSINESS AM TRADE SCHOOLS 00 . BUSINESS COtXCbjr Largest In th Wet -ASSURES EVERT GRADGATS A POSITrOH. Knmll any time of year. DAT BCIfOOUi NIGHT BCHOOU Fhoao, call ee write for free suocea oataieg. A rositloi for JCaeh Orsdwate. LEABJ TELXGRAPBT . Tavng mca and wean wasted. OaQ 48 Railway Escbang bldg. Splendid pportonity to learn a well paid professios. Tnm beokJat Railway Telearsph rrwtitnte. - IJNK'B BU8IE88 COLLEGE Bookjuepmg. atasography. crril servie. secretarial, speetil earaaa. Expert teeeheea; day aad sight; enroll ow. Prion Broadway BOSS kOCKT MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agency. EnroS free, frank K. Wellea. former assistant state aspt.. me . N. W. Bswk bldg. Phort Main ATC SITUATION K MALE NEAT and energetie yoang man wHbea Poei tion in small and growing institution aa 'book keeper. SH year high school and 7 - months business college ; some experience as cashier snd bank clerk i good reference; prefer chy. bat wiB consider out of town; start $123. B-5l, Journal. , FOR - BUSINESS MEN Barton A Sellard's Tulcsnired roof-, aeonr your roof. - Main 82. sting will WAXTEr Ctrnuo lady for housekeeper: har 3 children: good horn. Tak St. Johns car. get off at Emerald sb. 2 block north to 365 Baldwin at." Adam Leptcbieh. - BXPERIENCKD farmer, married, so children. wants place as manacer of farm. H. Sorby. 21 H Irrabee at.. Portland. Or. .WANT position as assistant bookkeeper and stenographer for either half a day or all day. V-&04. JoarnaL CARPENTEK work wanted by day or contract. ,CaU 'Broadway ;J884, after 6 fx m., apart ment 4. - " ' " ' - CEMENT baremenbT garagea. retaining wsUs aidewaikc and runway, oa contract. Tabor P03J. i - : CARPENTERING. Tabor IU - CARPENTER o4 and contractor, lobbine: ansthine in tbo buiidinr Una. Kent 65. - - HorSB nAlarXii, cement work of n kinds. Reasonable. Marshall 1882. Mr. Lsndolph. WINDOW screens sod screes doors m4 and rs paired. 800 Roseell st. Astomatm 817-27. L'NION carpenter wants work; good finisher. Phone Woodlawn 1232. PAINTING and tinting, reasonable. Call WdlnT 832. ' CEMENT garagea. runways, sidewalks, basements - and retaining walla on contract. Tabor f031. PATNJTNG. paperttangngrtinting78eir 8636. ROOFS rehingied a specialty. Phone EastJ20fT ' SITTTATIOTrs FEMALK LADT working ont during day wanta plao to lear 1 7-lear-old boy during dsy. place to be witlrin walking distance of 1298 E. 15th at. N. Call tip after $ p. .., Woodlawa 6308. WANTED By middle acediady, poeltion bous keeper; no small children or invalids; in or sett city. X-r.5i. JoarnaL tii:ki'" ..i. yt.r TTinhm positioa as housekeeper for geatlemaa . or couple employed. ! N-288, Journal. - ' TV'A.'.'TF.D !-' work by middle aged colored woman. oo u near, rporie weun. 4 760. WOMAN want buadl washing. Pboo7Tabor 4275. - " WANTED Day work. 40c hour. Call East 6493. No WAshing. , v LACE curtaina hand lasndered. Tabor 111. , ' : I DBES8MAKI7TO DR ESSMAK IN G. remodeuug and alteratiooa, Mrs. T hoe, Beaucuamp. 407 Jt. Win St. Phone E. 1201. ALTERATIONS, refitting and asaking of lsdW garmenta, reasesabl price; work gnaranteed. J Reabia. Ladies' Tailor. 408 Bosh A Lane bids. DRESSMAn-lNO""and "alterations. Reasonable". Marbhall 1882. Mrs. Tanner. RrBTffUHET ROOMS' i HOTEL BARR 112 N. eta 2 blocka of depot $1 per day.' 8$ per week aad ap I Hot and cold water, steam beat Pre phone and bath "DATTON HOTEL" A I 190 First at. corner Taylor. Nicely furnished rooms, hot and eold water and -team best in each room. Rates 88 week op. BEAT liiomi downtown; can amng for 4 and mBMi ... ' " iwia, '.O Slit af'VCSSI rangement for Sbriners week. Call Mar. 2508, HA KG J.N T hotel. houaaAeeiitas aad sleeping rooms. Z11 rirnnd are. - Phon East 291. rXRNiSHKD room with sleeping porch in apart- ment; suitable for 2; June 15. Mgip 3449, ROOMS $1760 week up. 224 Clay t FURNISHED ROOMS FRIT ATB FAMILY 79 FOR RENT Nicely furnished ronra in Dritate family, close in, west side; aim furnished or aniurtusnea stine or rooms suitable for em ployed couple. 005 MsrshalL Pbon 510-16. -DESIRABLE room forT gentleman, bath adjoin- ing; rery riow in. w, H. ; modern. -32 5 Broadway. Main 3291. - . M. twLT . furnished front room in Hawthorn are. ; pleasant urronniimgs; suitable for I or s geauemen. Tabor 3748. ' FRNiSRED room m good borne. Gentleman" ' 308 . E. Madison. Auto. 1BVINGTON Walking diaunce. modern, uiet, - no children; 1 or 2 na; reasonable. 453 E. 10th N. . FURNISHED room, gentlemen . preferred ; in- cludee us of piano aad parlor. Seltwood 334. - FURNISHED j front room for a gentleman. 1'bone 6567. or 669 K. -Pine at. i NICELT fnmished sleeping room, rloaa in -' also f sttio room; priTate entrance. Mar. a sr. a Nit E bedroom, modora home. Housekeeping priTilege. Ireington. East T860. LARGE room, bom ' priVileges" t or 2 ladies. 553 H E. Ankeny at. East 7983. 0ES1RABLK room, 2 aentiemeii, separate beds; -t -wsising aiaxanee. -p t oiumota. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room oa 12th near afomaon. home prinlegea; garago. East 166 FURNISHED froot bedroom for rent Burnnrlr. East 8604. 752 K. NICELT furalslied room, nioe loeatios. I Add sts. East 6309. "Sol L'JL ' HOOM8A5P BOARD 1$ THE HEREKOnp. modern reeidential hotel -Nob Hill diatriA; reasoaabls rates. 735 Hart. Main 8305. . . - TUB MARTHA WASHINGTON 380 10th st Fur basiseea girb and students; reasonsblo rata. Marshall 1251. BOOMS AND BO AMD PRITATE . FAMILY 73 ROOM and board reasonable. priTate horn; gea . tleman ckiee in uH. V... ktaj tieman; close in east : side. East 57A4 EOfiM and toed bom nocking, reanonable rates to working girls. Call Tabor 45L ROOM and board children aot or 4; $20. LenU Automatic 6312. 1AKi;E - sluing room with .-deeping porch in lrdngteji; board. East 64 WILL board - two fit tie girts.- MrshaJi"24. BOARD girU. $3.59-$5.60. Ursa. Tsbor 792I KRAZY KAT j i"' f c,i r i"i BOOMS AKP BO ARB rBITATB - FAM1LT T fftOSt "tbtft "OEDKR" ONE PAT AHEAD rOR SPECIAL CHICKEN AND CREAM DINNER WEDNESDAY AND SrjNDAT; ALciO TABLE! BOARD BT WK. 08 MONTH; MATE 1 ROOM WITH BOARD. PHONE VLtWX. 4 MORNINGS AND BTENINGS. for 1 2 Shrinera. in party or separate: meals if desired; 1 8-vinuta ear aerrsse. BeQwood 8639. ' ' - ' BOOM and board - for gentieman, bom prin Uees, roasonableL 15 , 74th at. N. Tabor B631. M V. er. . , . . iEBntABL front room. Nob Hill district; breakfast U desired ; saaUemea only. Mar shall 3S7. r . 8-4 TO 95 week, completely' farnished H. K. suites, sbenintely essan; erery cnaTenience; hot wster at ail boors; baths free: ngbt down, tows. bar oar far. Th , Cadillac, 3d sear Jefferson. - - - ' - m f - - ; ' - . : IF T0C WAST "J ' Experti to nun yoor furnitare call Broadway 1207. Rates a ane man and track 33.50 per hoar; two men and truck. 33. SO perhor. 33.60 A WEEK. 2 elesa famished hoasekpin rooms, light and water furnished. 643 1st. WELL furnished H. K. rooms cIok in, raaaenr able rent 61 Flssders. nor. 18Ui. ONE housekeeping room and Mnail kitchen. $13 per month. 847 Clackamas at. ONE 2-room bouskping epartmeot. 292 Vs Larrabe at. Phono st 8371. H- K. ROOMS for rent 32Sm 1st ab. Clay and Market. Reasonable sent. HOrSEKKBr'Tird ROOMS f rCBSlSHEB AND TTKT UBHISHZO PBITATB FAMILY T ONE housekeeping room with kitchenette sn3 running water, cor. Park and Halmon. ground floor. 83$ month. Also 1 single H. K. room. 812 month; reference. , See Mgr. of Nobby Cleanem .nd Dy Works, 833 to Salmon. S DESIRABLE new bousekaeping rooms, com pieUly farnished. priTt - bath. Wnndry. gaa range, igs Bhermas at- Marshall 38. TWO furwihid" housekeeping room. $2(T"204 )k : McMillew. -; ' - ' k i ONK single houwekeeping room and kitchenette. 43 Market St.. bet. 14th and 16th. FCR.VISHED housekeeping 1 suites. 2 sad 3- room apartments. - 682 Williams are. :. FOR BRUT HOUSES UNFURNISHED IS STORAGE COMMERCIAL; AND HOCSErTOTJ - GOQDS. , MOVING. PACKING. SKITPEiO, , Redueed freight rates. vWor . iprt sarifcsi esll Bnadwaj' - 70S, Manning Warehoue) A Transfer Co. i Furniture Moving ' Tim Transfer sad Stor. Long dirtaso anlmg. 82 Usios . N. Pbeaa East 434- CAf iB R 0 AT) W A Ty 8 0 KORTHWESTIRN ELEOTRIO COVPAITt WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET FiraXISHET HOTTSBS FOR BALE - 3 -room -furnished tent aoose, bath, electric dgbta aad water: term reasonable. 5601 44th ST. 8. E-. ML ScoU car. Archer place station. . t- - - - - TO LEASE, for 3 or 4 months, a clean, mod ern downstair 'flat; 5 Jiarge rooms plainly furnished. 4S5 Webster st, Woodlawn 3.1, FURNISHED 6-room bonealow - with garage tarried ooupie only : nor children or pets; ref erences. iuoa ii 1 4to it a. FURNISHED suburban 7 i room bungalow ' for rent: 1 acres of garden aad some fruit; 835 month. Jaii stain 4V4. 6-KOOM modern bungalewior. rent; partly fur nislied. 1407 MaUory are. Wdln. 3879. FLATS TO REHT. CTTFtTRISHKI) IS FLAT for rent, ft roam sad sleeping porch, block and half from earfine. good ear semce. beautiful Tiew of river and mountains; must buy some furniture. PDsm Mamnsll 84 8. FOR RENT 2313. -Flats, modern, fine room. Tabor 4-ROOM upper flat, partly furnished. 1302. . f Main FUBNIHHEW FLATS CO 331 COST 4 room upper flat, sleeping porch. electricity and wster included. Inquire 1002 K. Ifarrison st. Hawthorne car. 3 ROOM modern upper flat, gas, electricity ami water free: root $26. 1092 E. Harnaoa st. Hawthorne car. APARTSTEXTS FOR REJTT 43 THS JEFFHT. 2 room fur. apt.. $15; doss in. Cor. Russell and Kirby. East 1594. fiOSELAWN Apartments ;1 2-room apartments si partly fumiabed. '427 lt , , , NORTHWEST spts. room, housekeeping suttee. reasonable rent. 545 Wash. Mawy. t smiMER B.F SORTS $ SPEND TOUR VACATION AT THE GRAND OLD OCEAN . Columbia Beach 'BT: THE EA" 1 . Th closest ocean for yeur racation. Most beautiful; acceesibl and ? bomolike SEASIDE and inland resort, combined. -- Ideal groeea. fresh water streams and lakes; bathing, basting, fish ing. rMra digging and hunting to your heart's content, All the comfort of bora la our TENT CITT. NOW OPEN. Iarrs hoc tent, erery- tainf furnished, clean bed, laundry, wood, light and par- mountain . water. - Vary - moderate charge, bat make ynar reservations early. ------ COLUMBIA BEACH CO , 248 Star t. - . i . Main 5429, or HKLMAR JOrT?(sn!, Manager. ! Columbia Beach, ria Warrnte. Or. WH SPEND'A WR6LaT155t" at money en R. R- fare when we can gje yoa a good campsite at Colsmbis Beach, includ ing ruef, water and light, st $3 to io per mostn t . tmday can be wits you every signx. It tnterested take Tsaooarer ear, HAPPT CAMP. Netsrta. Or. Tats and cot taxes for rent?' plantjr of clams,. erba and fnthing, right on th beach; protected from the winds; reeeonable charges; under new managa- . MRS. JL E. OLDEN, manager. NEWPORT cottage for rent, 4 reoau furnished bsth. toilet, fine location. Owaer. 93 E. 12th N.J Portmsd. Phone jEast $591. - - . OCEAN GBMT PARTsTESTS Light housekeeping. Reckaway Beach. 8EAVIEW. Wash.'; farnished cottage for month or season. Main 113. ; 6 ROOM cottage completely furnished for month or eeason. Heach Center, Wash. Main 9209, STORES A7SD OFFICBS 11 FOR RENT Part of of fie and shoo room. $10. Phone eerrice included.: East 8498. Res. Ta bor 4163- .. . J j , FOR RENT, large room' for light manufacturing. Darts t Hoimaa. ill 3d st. , Maia 183. WAKTED TO RE??T WANTED---By refined, responsible couple, a S to room house, furnished or- unfurnished, fa a good neighborhood on or before July 1; east aid north Oregon preferred. , Phoa M-irh,!! 2187 or write J-84 6, Journal. TOL'NG couple, no children, wast . fur- nishedl excellent oars; ir-faumi e Broadway 5643. ' j ' "- . . Phase TO RENT your house or for insure no call Main 81 50. i C A. Wsgaer Co.. 230 Star at. General Insurance and Rectal.' ; WANTED Small furnished 'or partly .' furnished cottage, by eoapls erepluyed. sear ,; ear. G- 904. Journal. - - WANTED At once, unfarninhad flat dose fnT . 3 or 4-onm, 9 adult: will pay up to $25; good references. East 2400, REAL FSTATE BUSINF.RS"pROFERTT 8$ GREATEST BARGAIN Finest parteaent site oa Portlaad Heights; 100x200. practically level; streets paid; iusdid view: overlooks the city-; good car service: for S22.00OO this best Investment cits.; East 273. Herdntan. ; ( . - , - V v. V' v - - - .a N. s v v .-- If You "1 ' . .V Ask for the " Want" Ad Departmeni. A corps of courteous, competent" operators to receive your advertisement.. A Journal "Want" Ad will put your offer before practically every interested per son in Portland and trading radius. Phone Your "Want" Ads to THE JOURNAL REAL ESTATE FOR HALE HOUSES tl Pacific Agency, Inc. $14-20 8WETLAND BLDG.. PHONE MARSHALL 3989 $83. $800 down, with the balance Uke pay ing rent. This is a neat and new 8 room house, just off Lombard at., in the Kentoa district. Price $1750. 869, $1350, only $180 down, for this 3 , room house on a full lot Bear business 'part of St Johns.) ' 614-20 8 WETLAND BLDG., - PHONE MARSHALL $989 Mount Tabor AV97, $1230. Mr. Carpenter or Working Men, .this fct an uncomplete house of 7 rooms, oa 60x1 90 lot, with s fin view. By putting a tew hundred dollars more fnta this bouse you have a home that u worth at least $4009. We would call this a snap. . - , Pacific Agency, Inc. 614-20 S WETLAND BLDG.. PHONE MARSHALL 8989 SUNNTBIDaV NICE 5 -ROOM COTTAGE " $27005 room tins 1 Mi -story cottage; electricity, cement basement, bath ; . Paved street, paid; close in oa .- East 26th, scar East Oak; term -caa be arranged. 6 HI. BOOM i BtTNGAIXm $3300 Nice room bungalow, electric ity, basement. trays. fireplace, buffet, trotch kitchen. ' two bed-' rooms, front and back bring rooms: glass doors between living : and dining rooms; lot 50x100; bearing fruit trees; on East 79th, half block to Glisan-st. ear; ; about $100O - cash, balance - fiv . year at per cent.- Grassi & Bennett 318-21 Board of Trad. Main 74J" Phone Woodlawn 2413 And Ask-About Our a5 ROOM HOUSE FOR t - $550' MILLeMADE CONSTRUCTION CO... P. O. Box 244 f. Hawthorne District ' 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $8300 6 room, with fireplac, full bess meot, attic, all built-in and garage. A real bargain, $800 cash. .Phon Broadway 3089. after 6 n. m. , Pacific Agency, Inc. 614-20 SWKTLAND BIJDtl., PHONE MAJLSHALjL 9Sa. Kenilworth 875, $4000 $500 cash parment will get you permission to move into this 7 room house, with it large tot fall of flower and frnit. one-half block from the cartine. , This is a real boat. Pacific Agency, Inc. . 614-20 S WE T LAND BUKi. - PH0NB MARSHALL 3989. $29503450 CASH - Alberta, 9 room. en. plumbing.' fine hast ass and elect., 30x100, paved str. blk. car. G. C. GOLDEN BERG Abingtea hldg. Maia 4803. WANTBD The beat 6 room house that $4000 will buy : anj good district, Rich mond preferred; $230O cash. Don't answer unless yoa hare an exceptional buy. Want it by Sunday. H-160, Journal. - $8300 BTTNGAI)W. $ R., sleeping poreh, garage; 100x100. modem; 38th at. -$4500 E. Alder near $7th, 7 r. house. : $8500 Near YQuam are.. 6 . bouse. , $2950 Sunn yid; r. modern. -CHAS. RNIGLER A CO., 235 Henry Bldg. ' 100x100 FEET with comfortable 8 xom house es: 9 block and sleeping porch, fruit and bem to M-V. car and paved , street f buy from owner and save eommiaaiou. Price $3100. Easy terms Immediate possession. Inquire 1911 East Irr- lng st. 5 BOOM bungalow, hardwood floors, all built. Ins. attic, fireplace, furnace; cheap, by owner. G-389. Journal. FOB SALE 5 room house. 5 lots, fruit, ber-rics-arid garden; nice place; at Lenta- - 0423 68th sv. R E. - . KENTON 6 room modern horn ia good residence dis trict. Woodlawn 4038. $700TTETtlS. 2 room boose. 60x100 lot; 14x60 chicken, park, coop and woodshed. Inquire 6716 85th st. S. B. f -fNDEPENDENT - income. flats, clos. la,r west sM; jvoaia cost i.n to Duiid; good ditioa: $8000. Maia 3787; aome term. OW NEK. brand new four-rooa bungalow. Main 3783. between 3 end 5 p. m. St- OWNER. 344 Grand Neetk. near Broaar wsy, a room modern house. East 4297. SEE FRANK I.. McGUIRE TO INSURE AGAINST FIRE rropsrrlchW --o Are Out of a Job PHONE Main 7173 Then REAL F, STATE FOB SALE HOUSBS 1 i Rose City Sacrifice ' 6 Rooms, Sleeping Porch 6 room boo&a with aleetus porch, fireplac, furnaee. all built-ins, -fin , ion if1 "irVbbc'7' narage. 60z l2 f- - Below th hill ad only one .VLilocfcrom Sndy- Price oaly 1 ( $5600; $2504) cash. Ton will have I to hurry to ret thin, a th price is Cur" beB locu in Hose PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. I v 612-620 Rwetland BHg, J Phon Marshall 8989 Pacific Agency, Inc. , 814-20 8WETLAND BLDO., ' ' HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 6 BOOM BUNGALOW. $4600 Dandy 5 room bungalow, with hardwood itoors, finrplaee. furnace and all built-ins, ? 2S f, SsJck Poaseeaioni $1000 after p m" Phone Broadway 3089. Pacific Agency, Inc. 514-20 8 WETLAND BLDG. . ROSE CITT PARK a, buti JSLiMUAIjOW A REAL BARGAIN $4000 SCZ! .SSS: JT?LK8: TOtr posirrTET.T rn?K. "vau iv rsss VF THIS OPPOR TUN ITT: remember, it.' omi. vestigate and if you don't buy this bungalow mi j l iaieyoB . might regret it: yo will admire th large lirrng room, ertendiag th entire width of house; you will find every bailua comfort and eonren ience : yes, it ha hardwood i loors, fireplace, etc. ; nicely located; street aad ... v. mu. . vosy; see una touay. A. G. TEEPB CO.. i - '' 284 Stark St. Near 8d. Main $092 xranen unice. aoth and Sandy, New Alberta Bungalow 3aB75Terms$3875 . 1030 E.s 29TH 8T. N. ALBERTA CAR immeaiat pcseasion modern. 5 room bung.; E,wd- i10?' "ch kitchen pea. din. room, dandy built-in effects, eiec. ft, and pHimb j complete shades, screens, linoleum; r?r-Jawn.: ? .bloc cr: fin neighborhood: meni psa in t. cement floor. A besuti lul oora for particular people. . See this today from 11 to 5. OP nhmi. .4 z. wUh buffi" "". Laurelhui-st" $54005 room bungalow - fust pietea, nan wood floors, large, living and , mu niiii-ma. woodwork fin isued in -old ivory, firenlseo. iinu rnii bi 'J' Pleasure to show a place tins kind and. riMl wK,. -i nn of down, balsnc to suiC ' -ot,.LAWTt;KS TITLE A TRUST CO 28" Slr t. , MarshaU 1898. FOR SAIE Beautifnl Laurelhnmt rmm roomft- LsVrsTal liins nwrm rlsn snla -r. hardwood floor, beautitful buffet, paneled dia ing room,-3 bedrooms, large lawa and planted garden, fine garage, everything paid. : Owner lesTing cvy wui sacruie at $5950 (worth ssauu),-cash wanted-only $950, halaaoe say " onmif -siotuut paymesm, spout so,i r none Broadway- 2182, room 40. This srnuiue nargain. Act auicSly $2500 WEST SIDE $500 CASH"" WALKING DISTANCE v A good 9' room borne, suitable for 2 flats would bnag la big income: 1 block from car oa ski ones lounaauoa aad bases 25x100 lot. A wonderful bargain. - t; jonnsonijoason Co. 63$ N. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787 DON'T DISTURB' TENANTS . TB ss. sd N.. T-room modern. Out-of- town owner says seu. wtta 50x100 feet $4500: 100x100 fact, $5500; $1600 cash! Call - Marshall $332 a? Tabor 3090 and wt W AAA BUU' ftA Ul(-VTJ4ftI, J.:B. Rock Co. - j; 404 Cauch Bid. ' v -52.250--a5300 CASH 4 r. dandy home, heat plumbing, a neat pavea ets. oa edge pf irrmgton, near 7th aad G.C. GOLDENBERG Abrngwa bldg. Maia 4803, $4000 ROOM bouse living room, dining room. 9 bedroom, bath. n ndrr trays, paved uisv, ax .r. jrui, nee ana Perries, concrete baMmcst. furnace; place in good coodition. 45x 92 lot. $1000 wf handle. TO"UUW JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. w. Bank bldg. Mara 8787 OWNER'S SACBJFfCE If you want a classy .little busrslow. eomnsct asd easy to car for. on srtrsetiv corner, paved streets, desirable, cloeein lorarjoa. call owner, Broadway 421. Evening, Tabor 4189. . Na ageate. . - . . COZT 4 room lmuse, bath, gas aad electncity; good basement; convenient to both Raw V sv.- sad Sunnyside car. Price -$1950; $400 cash.:,... i Johnson-Dodson Co. 03 W. VI. Bank bldg. ' : Maia 8787. THE n"b"uyla a 0: room madera hou with 5 full lots, garage, chicken house; all kinds of f tit and berries; 2 blocks to- ear; macadam tret, good location. Th i a psek up t $4354. Can give good terms Mx. kleher" 248 Stsrk et. Main 5429. 7 GOING away, must, sell my 'f -room hooss. mod" ern; good condition. 622 Going street. vjh. BAI.rl-room house, ssedern, 1 00x1 Or) lot; will stv terms. Phon SeUwoed ,3317. 1C20. fay Brtsrastfaw-l fsstar ', -s- . tS m seavwwi et, ma. - v. UFATj 'ESTATE FOR SALE HOC&S $1 100 PHOTOGRAPHS OP HOMES FOR - : SALE if- I '- ,-,.- LABGEST rTOMTJ-SETJER8 ON f THE ,, PACIFIC COAST . . , i . - . I An yon look in r for a hoaaef " TRT THR IfcGUIBE SYSTEM of SCIENTTFIO BOMB SERVICKt It makes home-buying eaxy. PROTECTS TOUR EVERT INTER EST, pats yoa la immediate touch with -the home yon ARB I.OOKINO FORI OTEB lOOO PHOTOGRAPHS OP HOMES FOR BALK; .very type, .very DISTRICT I HOMES AT PRICES YOU CAN PAH See OURS BEFORE YOU BUT. ' ! A MACHINE WTLL TAKE " f TOTJ OCT TODAY ; - 1 18 Automobiles at your SERVICE. I ' .... Open evenings aad SCNDATS f - SPECtALl SPECUUS 140 HAWTHORNE HOMES 140 $4100 -HAWTHORNE S superior bom l ' ... - OtFERINGi ,9 room doable con structed bom. TERT DISTINCT -ITK UN Eel; -is living room era .. leaded glass hook oases, -fireplac, ,i paneled- dining room with leaded ! art Class buffet; full WHITE DUTCH KITCHEN: HARDWOOD ! ' - FLOORS; paved st. paid. K. 47th. I , THIS IS UNDISPUTED TAL-CK1 ' ' 'v ' - t $2730 REAL VALUE is tha FEATURE OF thai . Hawthorn c!ver bungalow, modern ;, TERMS. Eaat $7th. - . - , . j - ' - :. . :- -- , - - ; ' ! '--- ! .- - - Oar -ROSE CITIES rang ia price from $2790 to $10,000. One of our 18 msrhmea will, Uke jou ot TODAT. !;;- . y . iV DOJtT MISS THESE 7' $2100 Oa beautiful CRYSTAL SPRINGS BLTD, sdjotniag Reed College, is this delightfully artietie 0 room, modern BUNGALOW, white enamel plumbing, i electricity, gas foil lot; TERMS. ! A REAL BAR , GAIN. A mac hi n will TAKE TOU OUT.TODATj , $2850 100x100, ALL KINDS OP FRCTT; -attractlre, substantial, ftva room modern BUNGALOW, two sunniest bedrooms, full basement: TERMS. 1 block to Woodstock ear. $2800 OWNER MUST SELL AT ONCRw .' ' Six - room astiatio PENINSULA . HOME. $ .sunny ; bedrnosas. eoa-Tr-iient floor arrangement; CLEVER BUILT-DfS. SLEEP ING PORCH, cheery fireplace ; 1 block to car. Look - AT THIS NOW. . t . . . $3150 ALBERTA'S BIGGEST BARGAIN l - : room very attractir modern I t home, paneled dining room, mass ive buffet; SLEEPING; PORCHt . . laundry trays, fruitroom: EAST . TERMS; a aisrhins wiR tak yoo . right out. . ... i . . j . $2100 1 -i-room wonderful bargain in aa . I - ALBERTA horns; lot 80x100; SXB j THIS TODAI. , , $2650 JEFFERSON RlfiH DISTRICT; : - wonderful BARGAIN ia a lust-Uk--! sew BCNGALOW: 6 rooms, mod-' 'I- ern. builtins, cement basement;-' CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOL, -Po- i . nirumls park, library, ear barns; I AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. $3250 WEST SIDE'S BIGGEST HOME BARGAIN; 6-room pteasast aaod , era BUNGALOW; artistic j massive columned frost porch, os- ; ny bedroom down. 2 trp; cheery fireplac; LIKE NEW; IT'S VA CANT; move right la. 100 WEST SLU HOMES 100 MONT A VILLA BARGAINS ! $715 AN UNHEARD-OP SACBLftCB: .. . sest. i comfortable little 2 rom I - heme, white enamel plumbins, gaa; I FULL LOT; lots of room to build addition to suit yourself: SAS1 . - 1 :. EST TERMS; Wasco st, $280f-DELGHTFTJIT A R T I S T I O Moatavilla bungs rw. rooms. A- I ,. traetiva dining room with masnva I , bnffet; MODEL DUTCH K1TCH 1 :. , EN; best whit enamel plumbing, ' I . laundry tf ay, i garage ; : TERMS; ' you'll wast this Utti homo. 60 SELL WOOD HOMES 60 " $1630 ELlVWOOD substantial 6-room-' home; "full cement ' basement: . . SPLENDID LOT, 80x13$; Harold - , : ar.; assy If-TOTJTIE LOOKING FOB A HOME, s co i Is and . see our 1000 s PHOTO GRAPHS of heme for sals. Every district, very kind of home: - price yoa CAN PAT. We gft sat-tyinc BERVICCl 8KB FRANK La McGUIRE To Buy Tear Hams, j ABINOTON BLDG. ! MAIN 1963, Third Bet. Washfngtevr and Stark. , - "40 Years of Baliabkt Sarrioa." - f - - -I - ; $29303650 cash. 3 roars bungalow, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bedrooms, bath, laundry tray. 60x100 let, fruit trees, berries. grspes, strawberries, gMea spot, concrete foun dation, larga basement, iuat pain tad od tinted. Johnson-Dodson Co. 33 N. W. Bask hide. ; . - j Mate $787. LOOK T $2250. BOSS , CITT BARK DIST. $350 eaah. attractive 4-room hansalow, bath, gas. electric lights. 60x100 lot, only a blocks sooth ef Sandy. If yea tak. the limited csryaa get seek lust ee wuiesly as these living closer ia. - Thai is unit plaaaaat horn diatriet and yea ehosrld see it today sura, i 732 76th st, N. $1 100, Terms $300 Down , v S BOOM BUNGALOW - Bearing fruit trees, berrte. large reemt, plastered; $16 per month. Why Say high rent? Mt. Tabor car. .8030 E. Madisoa. Tabor 619C FURNISHED eosy "$ iws hoase, aaarrtreet ears. ciuuc. spfeaaui larnRan s. carpets, bath, gas, electric lights, fruits. Ideal home Uca tvo. Must Mil ooick. AIL en It sthan aTaa dowa. Thomaaoa, 6248 Foster road. ML Scott VAVF W MIWSVWh 18500 WALK T.vrrUire. ' ' Beoad-ay hnag - 861 8u 8sfs st; i OOslOw .tot; 16 large CHAS. BNIGLKB A Co!, 225 Hary Bldg. ' WEXJ. huiU shiBgled tuhercoiar coils, screened. - electric Bght. stsve, pipe; movable. ( Pbaas. after O p. m. Tabor 6040. , . - . -; $760 FOR . ouick sale, 100x100, ' teat hoass, chiekca boas. 10 fine fruit trees; t1"- Ja a pickup; teraas. Essaisga, Maia 0796. IF Jo are looking for a good buy in modern Woodlawn 4349. I . -J.-.: 0 BOOM Bungalow, sear high aehool. hsrd-ood - floors, all convenience, 60x100 1st. D-721 Journal. - - i ii- -I j . .: . H0MJS whlJt acta you IS per cent; py" -r a, iiai ernes is. iiM. w - - , . 1 ! By Hcrriman - . -- -- -- . .-. - - i. - 1 - - . - - - - - .- - ... - .. - .. - : - ' i " ' " fa J J ----.-- . ' .. -1 K. ,. ... '- W W . V ' -rr - '. ' V5 Jft ; - MAl.AJtSwrUA .uTtAsT,- IVUV A vfe k I ' ' . I ' . j- A -. --".v.... B '-j-'- 'rj -N RFAt Tf ATT. TO R fjALE ROUSTS $1 Pacific Agcjicy, Inc. 614-20 SWF.TIVND BI.W1. PHONE MAKSHA1.I. 3989. ' - " - '. . - -.. . - - . '- 391. $4800. with a ash T7vneat wf . . $2-094 down, ws eaa arrang term oa . the beiaao to an it yoa oa this ptaoe. which are offering as ope e th ham bays in tha rite. - This w a strictly aiodera 7-roem hungro ' ia exoellenA - ' canditms, which has a tuo Varr a nsge. lets-af-fruit and ahrubbery and a oaly on sad one-half plook Troas tha sstUb. -, .a -i 400. , $8500. Some Vrs aa this -' roam modern hme. em n fall 1st, with. - a number o fruit trwas, shruhbery and ; fhvwem; full hm waAi hot air fur" nace; paved street i hd srsrythiaa j - - - tl. 04000. ' Hr ta'- medemtolj' prioaii. strictly modn-' ans of 7 rooms, bungalow type, ' It has a aie - larga -ring roera. dinar; room, aitobsa that ia a delight, efeo kie airy otoep-. imr r a, artth -otoeet,. hath, furnace . - asd fireplsoa. A bMss ssraas; en and : owe half bleaks from, toe oaxlin sad . evcrytlung is- good 'shape. Aa ex ceptional hay la t-&wiot. -'-s' v- --."'-- r -s- 488. !a Broadway and TwoafyvhWd w hava an 11-iooia house. Sounds . big. but we hT th ; dmiag raws, hoifet. three hdroonu. 2 storpurg room, break-fast refcm, faraace, fire- ?lo sod garac: all kinds -of fruit. 6x100 lot. Only $Aii30, $10 cash. , Pacific Agency, Inc. - 614-30 SWET15AND BLDG. PHU.E MABrtjlil-r $989. J. A. WICKSAN CO.. Shortest Way Horn Team ef studv of local' oondion. a Hhoreugri kaowlodge of districts, laxtiliartty. with values snd a splendid organisation, alatbl us to iva you the maximum er tc ia horni buying. - sxzuv A -room . conriortapi no me, aouDry ' constructed.- nmt i sad thma; cutckes sousa sod aonm'.-arult; terms.. $1800 -Buys 0 roosia mi.ii bath with 1 hedroorn down. 2 up: clots in ; convenient so car fruit; east frosty 50x90 w 1th street im provement in aid paid; this ia a plas tered borne wtth gaa asd eloctrie lights; terms. ' ! -f - $1850 Buy 4 ronras awl bath. Dutch kitchen. lull casement, 'ash trays; near cmon ave.i street imrovemenU ia and paid; terms. $2800 Buys 7 rooms and hath with corner lot 80xlOO: only h block to cart conven ient to Frank lif- high; term. , --: $3$0O R CP. brrngatow. dooM c nstrncted. - witb rooma. ail oa one -rise ; furnace, fireplses, full oe-oent beseawTit. all built in: comer. 1(10x109.6. . wtth garsawi ' paved street; awly-deooeeted throogs out: owt-of-tow.! ewnsr; must Mil; -ear cast: move rigft rn. - $4800 R. C. p, district, the -very wast .hoy in a - --story, a room ana sleeping pares xnax w know of ; furnace, f trelace, buffet, Dutch kitchen,? aarage tonus; Vaoani; . move right in., i . $43006 rooms sad Gi with "hardwood floor. fire mace, ail Lutiuas: -.-this Bitty sew - bungalow ia R;- Cv P. ass. be had arith a email paymeet down; vacant: more right ia. Call had rnirpeet our photo of th best hays the different (UsrrtcU 7 automobiles t your servie. J. a wickman CO., 204 By. hlxch. bldg. s Maia 1094 aad 303. ANNOUNCEiflENJ : HOMES EEKERS if The sraefous- dis- rtav rem of ' FBANK I McGUTRR Is open for yaur eon-rei saoea ' EVERT KVENING. , Within, a few nunates yoa can se- - Jeet any snreber pi home you'd b INTETIESTED v and oa of our EIGHTEEN MA&IINES wiU take yoa BIGHT OUT- He ' FRANK Ll'McGUIRE To Buy . ViMir Horns. : ' Ahington Bldg. J Main 1060. - Third, bst. Wssbinrtoa sad htexh. - WAUtt PARK" p horrjA -a Aiv t NEW BUGkIA)W $0030 Fslks. w want yod to see this sxesptisnal Busgalow; ysa would never sxpertt It soaaibl te buy such a home a this for ao little money; this besauful bom is locates at 1135 IsUory sjv e. eoraar h'marsen st. ; rest driv oat aad wee for yourself what woaderftri Talo is being af fared hers; take a builder wtyb you ; have him pass oa its eaastruetjos: yoa anil, fiad no thin setter w just sast eretdaan lb iU beauty; thee ar 6 larre rooms and den; there 1 a garasmt mind yoa, that bungalow ia located en one f Walnut para s mart voiasoi corners, ana wita su ss seesmenU paid: it'll b a downright jusssurs ts snow yoa. . ; ft-- - A. a. TEEPB CO.. 204 Stark St. rledr.8d., Maia 3093. " '" Braaeh OvThM.; $0th aad Sasdy, "TOO WILL-HANbtJC 'Good BtUe 3-roen - hoqss. water, gas. phusbing. ism furniture awes wrt the plaor let 03 1-3x100. with fruU sad shrubbery. Price $1000 psrawats Uke rent. Immeiliate Johnson-Dodson Co. 030 N. W. Rank hldgf Main 3707, IJk URELHCRST SNAP Doable coostractsd. 0 rooms, den. ranrn n and aleepiPS porob ; full eaaent has ems at; fur- aaca. firepiae. hardwood uoovm, dowa: fi la re rooms throaghooU . Grand Tiew of aaaun- tains: lets of- shrubbery. ' A wondrful buy far SSSOO, S4.RS toaa to right party. J. A. Mo Csrty, 070 H Stark, r Maia 1700. XTeaings snd Suadsy Tabor so7. $22S0-$250 CASH 0 r.. en, plumbtntf. elect., gas, bes 00x iih; garage, truit. cvr, svtn gv. god e 1st st, Tali at a bargain, win - -G. C; G0LDENBERG Abmgtoa hsdg. '- ; '- '! : - V Jiaia 4808, $2950 $650 CASH. BAL. MONTHLY 4 loom bnnramw sts la hosse, with M US flaiabsd room in attic, larg linng room, eom piets kftchsa, -full . pidmbiag, good bsaemaat. 40X1 za toot Mt; gsrara. . Johnson-Dodson Co. 633 N.-Vr. Bask Wag, ' Main 878T. NEAR JEFFERflON HIGH SCHOOL 0 large rooms, etsavr-lot, fruit trees, full cement hasement. laundry trays, furnace, ftrsplaoe, lots ef foaas: No. 1$ Portland bird., sear Penirm:!. , pries 98100: 0500 esatt. Wooalaas 2313. . Owaar. $1000 CASH payment aeuuree pea) tla big bargain, near rtr,uirn ear, aa ik et; aew 6 room madera,". Isesw auii and basement, with all tha latest cvenies. Se ft ao Tabor 0062.- - -" FOR SALE .$820: .4 room bungalow with larg aUie, fri busement. paead streets, all fmprovemeate paxL '.; I'hos Tabor ,173. l E. 48th -'---.- ----- ' ; -.-'- igO -Ft' halHUY.U HOtsE&OAT. & RiSOO City voter, electrie lighu, aroaa lot, sear river: sneosfts Oaks: SBS-D. CHAS. BNTGLER A CO.. 223 Henry Bldg. LKT'SKATTH PROFITEER- 023OO. $300 cash, buys a 0 r. hooss w Ana 01 sto., ear, tot.-; gar. j a as m good ond. Less for eaah. Msrslall 3853. r Tabor 300 ld-BOOM , boos, cart r tot for saie, enpiete!y n lixhed for 4 farWliea. 2 bathrooms, furnace Wst aida; walk ms da vo. good income. Pnos $6SQ. East 16SiJ ' - - FOIt SALE -.Metlerit 6-room bungalow lwus - with bath, elect no ligtibt asd gs, fall bass usL garags sad 40100 1st, -120 Vermont L Fulton. . . ' . ' - - . .--- 3 ! ; - Jl " ' ' ' , - --- - REAL ESTATE FORSAIP H O U !5 f S RALPH HARRIS CO. 827 Chamber, of Osmsnrc BOBFJ CXTT Thia very rocs baaga lew ia Kes City, oa paved street, all mt paid; pretty -iirapUee; lufl cement basement; immediate peaeas oa. - 84 000. all eaah. er may be bought ea terms with $75 cash, Oa 65th at. X, KENTLWOBTTf- -An arrhstio 0 room buaaaJsw. with firephvee. aphnniid built ms; enmplete and nnavonient Imtr kitchen ; knag room 14x24; full oement baa&m t. (sundry taajm. etc. ; ro r 4n a very -tea horns, A4O00; $1000 asah. SOUTH PORTLAND This is a splen did mom turns .. n er oeTlent ocndiuon; full cement basement, furnace. A sic cor xmr hat aa paeod tat. ewer ia aad said. 04000; 03OO sash, w SOTTH PORTLAND TV 6 room hna gahrw ha f irrnaoe, all sMdora wVITSOJBOO" J aw -eaved steset, with all agio nuiila ssiA 080O4); 0600 sash. WOOD8TOCKA MrHful h-me wa chose lot 70tI42. wtth 2 bearing- fruit trees; all ssadera mmuuienoea; hard sur-. acsd at mt; Tire p as: ail in high r--e, sondiboa; 1 hlock to oar, $4800; 0.-0 Phan Mam $ aad tot -i err yos tartbme particuiars. : RALPH HARRIS. CO. $27 Chamber a Oomsseroe Pacific Afrencyv Ir.c, $14-50 SWKTLAND PtTV. . . PHONE MAKiiiALL Sas9. Hcwthontsi $40. -0&SO1. and wlOOO dswa for th madern 7 -room hoDee. -on black -from the oarUe. Thii poe baerythins for aonvonieno from turns ce to fruit trees. tncJuaing ssmge sad fasrd-uris . treU .399. 01.00 sssh artth terms an tha balanc for this -roon bungalow trpo hopas. frill oement hesemrtu sad fireplace on 60x100 tot; am nal bear ing fruit Aims aa Ahrulstmry. 3260. 117. Sm f 'tlib I- on paved etraet: -full eram t -yeMwuieeit. With a sutosBBal payment dewns, a 1 Aerms . ka Jwd oa to beu ooa, . Pacific Agency, Inc. 014-20 tW TIMND Bf-Twi. ' PMOMC MAlto.itU. iitA aNoticei-;; HOM-ESEEKERS- V whlkntafM-B. 4ltw iroa 4 tamlaw m .-n OVER TOOO PHtrroun Al'lxi t bom i for Ml .will be npen. EVENINGS AND SCMK4TS. These even rags are dlmhtlii!!e roag. Why not spend a few rritrni le looking for TOUR HOMEf A tt VH!.V?iNG IOD T FRANK L. LlcOUlHE- To Buy Tout Home. ABTNGTON BLTV. Mm 0. Thisd St.. fcwt Washtnxtai and Euuk. KNEE DEEP IN JUXS , Th hnngamw 4s beaotifal'T finish t. floe of hardwood, cabinet limit to, -convenient wtthont nrtiimc sleeving porn, screened -in innn porch, fu-en cr. fu.l concrete basement, frnit - wd be ln, commodhM closete, 50rll W, e - i really -th place le -trao tinai-r. 1 . br ing room is vrry large, tii diaH r- big and airy. Look it ewr w,-h -r-Located a Tertsaieuth, prio $17 oj. 1 worth it. , - MeooneT, rW A. 4cK.NA a r o . 82 Fourth nt. kisin 42 XvcaMgs, Columbia 053. ROSE CrTT PARK 0 BOOM BUNGALOW, 05360 LOCATED IN -45TH ST 60 FEET FT"! SANDY BLVD.: absolutely th choicest bu tton in Rose City Park ; .however. Usi ho" n leased until Octqber 1; II twmwm i v had immediately, thi property ann-'l j r.,, bring $0000; see will be .-gld to . , you. A. O. Tk.Kf .CV.. 504 BUrk St. Nosf 3d. -Min ac2. " . Btsosh Affic.' ROth and ac3. (Open feunday.) FINESROOLlIIOUai jr. .1 S4vv3 " Corner lot. 75x196. -rlonbia fruit, nuts and' bufiia; -tin. view of kit. i- and lit. Adams. This horn is In A-l r ; tron; Interior egrsheU ienry; mw fn re, tiful buffet, -Dutch kilcbea, wtth -"- r range; O100O wash, hal, to on it you. ; I wevt Comer 65th end Coach, -4 bUx.j ? M-V eat. Tab r S54. ' - U)()u substantial 6 turn .lauc, - T tanoe, 3 large light rooma, rer-ntiou i.. t pantry, first floor, 8 well ventilated b. - ., sad -bath ea ewood floor, full ee t,t I furnsce, laundry lays. woodlUt. 'lb kit i, improved witb beautiful km, tr yo. h, j tree, grape and fcerri; i -eea gt dtate snaeeesion. $U.m c0. '! e, , e'ery agaBt-a. 04700. ttrect Lr tad paid. .i - JohnscnBcd,n Cc. : 080 "ft. W. Bank bMg. , -03WOO $500 well ii i It us show yoa a Bood doubi cn btmgalow -of 7 reams, (I -bedrooms, -o. built-in kitchen, good bath, good bsa-eut, lot, paved at, bfcMik -So. osv sad scoooi JohnsonDcdrcn C?. 083 N. W. Bank bldg. , n; NEW, aiociem doubia coou-iaml ; rooms and complete bathroom, fire, sent-bmwt. Isursirr trays, Varr a with hreakfast nook. This place j..t, ( snd aOy for occupancy. Lot ,50i i u j ; t. walks in; 0 blocks to cars; Urns led on i.. . . 4 ce- aao x-tn. frraa g.'VdO; .te na P. McCoy, 1251 fWiwwt. TsiTor Su ii. $3350--$50C;Ao, ,y Wim.; iT. room house, 1Itui room, dining roon. k . 3 bedroom, bath, Uurulry tra, btns-t lot. fruit trass, concrek f inuatjon. 1i- -. ment; piste ia good cotuiiuoo; mw -t -block to car. -' JohnonDDdfn C Q30 N. W. Bank-phi,. I'Ki-'.Li, l i '.T .!',, Double e-osut wted, 8 roof..s -. I roam, sleeping porch, .extra lara V.i. J , of ceadiri and ioation. 8 b.i..iui on , floor, lieeuulul firiice. Krei f-n lo.-,. . further iniormaue eaii J. A. k.o(... , f tark t- lasts 1700. retuius a- 4 . labor 6037. HAWTHORNE riiitrirt, hr earner: p ------ rent. i'rv-. roti ik1 $. ',o. . t . poait, 4 room, bath, - pore.. . . . beautiful -vimt: fruji: soiaa far. j Rain 435. H'!, 2 JsOOEEtN 7 liu,ui,, i. ... i . , besutifal ferpiae. o.uii rr.., I i - fet, Dutch kitchen, 1 beurosm , , .; , bstbrow m. larg son -he. - i i r., .... ; prixe $3950; -(. l'u. c i,. , . ., 710 SiaW'Og hi.., t.i r,.4-. Near Fr r.2;in 0200 7 -room buneaiow st J i, lnts, bearing frnit, gas -ai.9e e i mi -r t-e linoleum w nu room, 1, n, t . mm4 Slseping poreh. to 00 e h. jr ' " 4Tnooi:s, ' r; ify n r " " $350 cah, nr. 80U and j, wmi. G.C. 'GCLDETw-i.ia Abtnrum tMg. - v, 6-l'"sy toisc, I -,. r i.e. ,,," 6 t.....,s;eo mg poreli. donbi oonstrwuon bo tr iy madera. Ijii, ta. ; pw;y tiesed; A eTiJt-j tor Imme-iit ' sais; ao sgeoii. CsU owosr. SeOwoud . - , S TltsO g -SMMtni ;, 3 i big Iruit Xirm. 'i it v Hw ii, ssrd; "ji0. i -2 bloc is.. ? J hn4 . Qwoer. ' AiVt-'j--.1! hco.e, r . f rooniA, 3 Ijabt. si-y n stairs, full baMi!l. near two esriinc s .' ;i000 bonis for ?7t i. I i. x I J ' I L.i.-l i. ..... . . j c. l.i ; ft rfwra-i.' h;h. to,.p?. -4 , 1 - -i !-.(-. 7 hesr-.- fruit ir. $150; A40t ili )t - Ttbee 29-14. OW.NT.IIt-H reooi b I blc-a f row er. 1 - 'T. 1 I . IX