THE jOREGON'. DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND TUESDAY, JUNE 8, 1S20. HELP WA1TTED -FWtAlB Do You Want' To Earn a Good Salary i'MlMV Art I paid w0 vow Hit 0W I taa larrisns rrousuy a you gam . Do You Know , How Much Telephone Operating Employes Earn? . -, . And what oMDnt upvorUmltls tb bar V promoting to eutiv positions f ' . Why Not Obtain the Facts? ' Our HipV)iuxwt mutiiliw win gladly tell yew the fact, and will alio explain the aiauy ether d stage of tossphon . operating for yoong man ... Apply at Telephone Cowrie try, ' Boom 601. 6th Floor, Telephone Building. Park aad Oak 8uet. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph ' Company ZXTKBXBrCZrn Mltmrnm Cor NBFTDLEWORX .: 6HJCS ' - - OR IN AWARE ' BBCGS. - Apply amnlnvment bureau before 1 0 :8 0" a. m. . LXPMAN, WOLFE OO. WANTED -Ho ueekeeper-nur for aome time; house convenient, work .light; bo night work; pleasant home, close in, on eet side; elderly lady would do If competent; Itata wsgss. Ad Cr J-64,5. Journal. . , ".. .' WANTEDTboroughly " experienced tinishsrs and helper on gowns, - 802 Northwestern 'Bank tiMg. -' - - " ' - ' 'help vta tetj male ., ?TI FEMALE tt WANTED Men and woman to learn the barker trad; raeeiTe aome pay while learning; posi. ttons secured; Oregon ex-ervtce men. the course ia free to iron; call or write for particular and catatonia. 7 MOLEn BAtUSBS tXrt-UJbUai,. Burasid. t llN WbUtS leaia barber trade; wages wnlie learning. porlUea araateed." Mgr. S3 yean Oiecoa Barter coueae, zss auoiaoa, PORTLAND Barber Colleaw pays yon while learning, glres yon'' set of tools free; poaittons eeraredT 88 N. 2d et. - BI78iarESS AND TRADE SCHOOLS 0 BtrSINKSS COLLKGB - Laramt in the West.' ASBUBAa EVERT GBADUATB . A POSITION. . Enroll any tune of year. ' -OAT SCHOOL r NIGHT ICHOOt. . rbone. sail or write for. .txes ruoeeas cataloc. A PesiUoa for fcsrh Orsduata, AL18KT BP1LDINO . . LEABN TELEGRAPBT Toting men and women wanted. Can 484 aUttwey Exchange bldg. Splendid epportniuty to learn a well said profession. Free booklet. stairway Tsiecrspn institute. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE .Bookkeepms. stsoogrsphy. eiril lerrice, secretarial, special eon rasa, Expert teeehem: day and night; enroll Plicae Kmedway boms KaIt rb COMMEBCLr: gcH66t." Mies Beglna Baokel s prirato school t indiTidual 122 H Grand are. nut eT. kiOCKT MOUNTAIN Taaehera' Agency. - Enroll free. - Frank K. WeTlea, former amiKUnt state Jewpt.. mgr.. W. W. Bank blow Phono Main 8878. SALESMEN -VTATfTEP 88 SALESMEN WJfNTED A real money-making propoaitioB to men qualified to act aa state snA aennt manasera for fastest selling automo bile necessity an the market. Brand new. Ter ritory to be asaigned for entire Uctd States. Get In on the ground floor and take yw pink. Apply to Mr. Milta. at room 828 Chamber of Commerce bid-, between ft a, sa. "and A p. ' aa.. er phone Main 810 -for appointiwnt weekdays. SITUATIONS MALE We -Make "Your Roof New Roof Becority Co. are' now prepared to paint yenr roof at short notice with the . celebrated Wtdfoot paint. Main 871. - - - - - ; FOE BUSIMESS MEN Bnrtoa as Seflard's vulcanised roof ooaUng wQl aeenre your roof. Main 826. . TOUNG married man. general office, clerical. timekeeping, retail selling experience,: desires position, permanent or temporary. In or out of etty. Woodlawn 4708 or 1067 E. 3 2d N. NEWSPAPERS Benorter-editor desires posi tion with future. Write Box 2060. Port land, or. XXPEBDSNCED farmer, married, no childrenT wants plaee as manager of farm. H. . Sorby. am t LArrsoee w, romtiw. w. WANT position as sasUtant bookkeeper and atenograpner I or euoer nan a aay or aa uay. -04, Journal. CARPENTER- work wanted by day or contract: Can Broadway 2864. after t p. m., apart ment 4. CEMENT basements, garages, retaining wills. sidewalks and runways, on contract. , Tabor 031 CARPENTERING, repairing and remodeling Tabor 284. CARPENTER, and contractor, jobbing; anything in the building Hue. East 8608. i WOtXD like a 5ob' on a farm, a man with a family.. Write 7120 K3J st. 8. E. HOUSE RAISING, cement work of ail kinds. at Weasonable. Marshall 1882. Mr. Randolph. WINDOW screene snd screen doors asade and re- paired. 800 BusssH st Antoms tie 817-27. plrsTtNG and tinting, reasonable. CaB Wdla. 8826. ' CEMENT garages, runways, sidewalks, basements ; and rstaining walls on contract. Tabor 90S1 FAINTTSQ. papernanging. "tinting. Sen8636. BOOF8 reahingled a specialty. Phone East 1201. BITTJATIOyB FEMALE - 4 JlDY working out during day wants place to tear 7-1 ear-old boy during day. place to be within walking distance of 1298 E. 16th St. N. Call np alter p. m., wooaiawn 6805. itAlliL aerun. marouisette curtains hand laun- osrea. eau xor; tv years- expenenee. WANTED By middle aged lady, position bouse- keeper; no small children 01 lnralids; in or wat city. X-566, Journal. . - ? . , . .-, v ySVAT.'ospablf woman housekeeper. Jew men, at oncavv mont n . vo ..aajrwaaxsL 8-659. WANTED Day's -work by . rniddla aged colored woman,' 450 aa hoar. Phono Wdln. 476 0. TTPIST, general office experience, wants office - nk forenoons. ;' Pbeme Main 9na Phone. Main 9209 WMAlf its nutdle waahing. ' phpne"f Tabor 4276 VaNTEIJ Day work. 40o" bour; . CaU East Tabor llL B4. r washing. LACS eunalna hand laundersd." - " J- -r-gBJB88MAJCraO : - 49 ' .t.ESSM4ETNG; remodeung and ' alteration. wr Th-i fTrsnrhaaiit 407 - B. 8th st row m. izui SwMMElt drms-53.50 up: reasonabW to work t ing girls; work tasranreed ..- Mrs. Peters. Mar- ahall Bi a eb --. ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladies' - garsaeam, reasonable prioee:. work guaranteed. S. BeubiB. Ladies Tailoc, 408 Bash Laaebldg, 44 DRES3MAKING and alterationsT Marshall 18S2, Mrs.-Tanner. HOTEL BARR SIS If . eth 2 blocks of depot 1 per day. 95 per week and . Bo and cold water, steam baa Free phone and baths BAKES HOTEL 265 H ,Flft at., near Madison. Bates tl a day up; weekly S4 un Steam heat, free phone sad baths. Ultt&r&OTEiT 190 H Firs, at. corner Taylor, mealy furnished nam, hot end eoM water and steam beat In each room. Bates ft week an. BEST riioma downtown; can arraag for 4 sad 6 men in eeen room; can make special ar rangements for Shrlnerr' week. Call Mar 8508. SARGENT " hotel. boaaekeepiBt and - lep7n rooms. 8T1H Qrand avo.. Phone Mast 291. FURNISHED Bleeping rooms, single or onsaite; housekeeping. 308 Washington. Main 1319. FUKXISUKD room with sleeping porch ia apart- ment; anitable for 2; June la. Main 8448. ROOMS H.50 week np. 224 Clay sC " - - FUBKISHED BOO MS P BIT ATE FAMILY FOB ROvT Kicely furnwhed rooms in prirsAs -family, close in. wast eide; also famished or nnfarnuhed suit of rooma suitable . for em ployed conple. B5 MarahalL Phone 81t-t. A NICE, clean end newly' furnished frost sleep tag room, centrally located, $li per month; man only. 828 H 2d at. ' NICK, clean, airy rooms, walking diatatiee. home pririlesaa. in modern home, with S adnlta; lady who plays piano preferred. East 8108. FURNISHED room in good home. Gentleman. Cement gangs. - 866 E. Madison. Aato. 212-96. ' ' -'' r - FURNISHED room.' gentlemen preferred; in clades nso of paano and parlor. Sellwood 2384. BEALTllTLLiT forniahed room on 12th near Morrison, home pririlfgee; garage. East 168. BOOM in 'private family, pleasant and quiet; -garage if desired. Wsodiswn 3150. FURNISHES front bedroom for rent. 762 E. Bnrnside. Eest 8604. s LIGHT, pleasant room, well furnuoad: walking distance. Phone East 400T. 881 Haaaslo i BOOMS AWD BOABD THIS UABTHA-VA8VGTO!r 880 10th St. -for boJineasA Via and students) reasonable rates. MsrsbsU 12a l. BOOMS AJTB BOARD FBITATB f AUILT 71 PHONS' TOUB OBDER ONE DAT AHEAD rXB SPECIAL. CHICKEN .. AND CBKAM DrNNEB WEDNESDAY AND BUN DAT; ALSO TAB UK BUAtUl HI "L VII MONTH! HAVE 1 BOOM WITH BOABD. PH0NB BDWT. B6Q MURMNtia AND KVKING8,'' HATH noma for 12 Bhrinera. in nartr aepamte; meala if deaired; - 18-mlante ear acmoa. - Beuwaod so36. DESIRABLE Tract room. Nob Bill . district shall 8576. . BOOM and board children not orer 4; 820, LenTS Aatomatio 6812. - Wn.I, BOARD babies In 8125.- 717 E. 81rt N. home. Tabor Knee City ear. BOOM and board in prirate family ftr two. LARGE sitting with 'ideeping porch in Irnngton: board. east WlIiL board two little girls. Marshall 824. WAJTEI BOOMS AITD BOARD 81 WANTED Boom and board in private family for winter tnr nont coinle wtih Kn. a v old. Beferences exchanged. - a. place with no other boarders prefer rrea. -, Phone week. days. Main 7680. HOTJSEKEEPlXq "ROOMS 84 TO 85 week, completely , furnished IL K. - snites, absolntely clean ; esery convenience; hot water at ail hoars; baths free; right down town. Bare ear far. The CadiUao, 84 sear Jefferson. IF TOU .WANT 7 Expnrta to more your furniture call Broadway J207. Bates on one nun and track 62.80 per hour; two men and truck. 68.80 per hour. CLEAN houseKeepinc rooms; slap Bleeping rooms, 288 H Union are.. J blk. aontb of Haw thorne. -- . . THREE rooms. 815 per month, fumlbmro for sale cheap. .21114 2d St.. room 18. 8 KOOJl housekeeping apartment, nicely fur nished. CaU 246 Montgomery BV . 83. 5a A WEEBV2 clsanr furnished bousekeeping rooms, light and water furnished. 645 1st. ONE housekeeping room and small )-hi 115 ' per month. 247 Clackamas at, H. KTTfOOMS for ienu 825 H 1st at- Clay ana Market. Beasonabla rent. HOTTSEKEEPIJTO BOOMS FCBJSI8HED AND UNFURJTISHEl) r A. IK, y AMlLlf 78 CLEAN, light basement room, - furnished for aleenins or hoUMfcuiM 19 SA . - OfVJM onjy. tti lV(fl sc. aouui. TWO well furnished housekeeping rooms, ateoone . iwf vvmm m, west auu, Wo rr cni v. i j. 8 DESIRABLE new bousekeeping rooms, com - pletely fnrnished. prirate bath, laundry, gas range. 186 Sherman at- - MarahaU g88. NICELY lurnishsd front room in Hawthorne are.; pleasant snmundings; suitable for I to 2 gentlemen. Tabor 8748. - . FURNISHED H. X. rooms, hshi, gas, phone and stet. 1058 E. Taylor St.. Phone Tabor 9079. FURNISHED housekeeping suites. 2 and room apartments. 532 Williams are. FURNISHED -L housekeeping reasonable. 124 18th et. N. Bdwy S951. FOH REIT HOUSES PSFCRX1SHBD - 18 STORAGB UUMJfl KHT IAu . AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. ' MOVINOa PACKING. bUlPPING. Reduced freight rates. Fvr expert Barries 511 Broadway 70S. Minning Warshooas Trsnsfer Co. "-. S ROOM strictly raodsrn house. "675 E. 14th ' St. N. 865. 5 room house. 648 Lhrimon. $17- 8 room house, 230 Sheridan. 824. Frank L. McGuire. Main 1088. , Furniture Movin s Ttan Transfer and Storage. Long distance hauling 99 Union are. W. Phone Bast 6484. CALL BBOADWA'TMO "7 8TOBTHWESTERN ELECTRTO OOMPA1TT - WASHINGTON AT TENTH STREET FtrBXISHED 'iftTJSES 86 FOB SALE S-room furnubed tent house, bath, electric lights- and water; terma reasonable. 5601 44th ar. S. E.. Mt, Scott ear. Archer place station. . FOB RENT Modern 5-room house, fumiahed; nice garden, water paid . for 8 or 4 months to reliable people, 835. 818 E. 1 S Lh . Tabor 8782. ' .-- c x - - , . FURNISHED suburban 7 loom bungalow lor - rent; 1 acres of gsrden - and some fruit: 4-ROOM annex, -mainly fumiahed, pesmanent, " middle aged couple, batb, sleeping porch, fruit. 64 eest 16th t. nrRNISHED : K-rnon hunzabtw ank mrried couple onry ; no children or pets. Reference. 1063 E- 18th St. N. FOR RENT 4-room bungalow, furnished, 880 a month.! ; 778 Montana are. - . 6-ROOM modern bungalow for rent; partly fur nished. 1407 Mallory are. Wdln. 8879. PARTLY furnished , room house, no" children! Call after 7 p. m.. 144 Beech st. Miss. car. FLATS TO RET, TjyFURyiSHEP IS S-BOOM. modern upper Hat, gas. electricity and water free; rent 826. x um-W harmci rtj Hawthorne car, 4-ROOM upper flat partly furnished. 'Main 2802 ssssxAKnro ' y7' - ' 'r - ' ' ' ' T . ' ''.-. , . t ' , , " T , . - . '4 ' . - ., , ' ' --7T.O 9-r4V4eBWa K ' - . esesawewii i i . i j l i 11 1 " '. m n n n i. . i , . . , . - c. .... - ... FLATS TO BUST, UICFTJRHTSrlETj IS TTVK room modern Cat lot vast, 402 Bast St. Kent Slav, -. , - . . . C. A. Wagner Co. Ka4n 0180. . 28Q Stars; at. 41 rCOoli 4 room, npper flat, sleeping porch. electricrtr and water mended. Isature 1082 E- Harrison St. Hawthorne ear. i24 5 or 8 room modern Oat, wsikinf tane. 48 2d at. "V APARTME7TTS FOR BEST ' 4! THS . JEFFBT. 2 room fur. apts.. 18, eloaa in. Cor. Boasell and Kirby. East 1584 BOSL"3Lwlf Apartments; 8 2-room aartaneoia. partly fnTniabed. 427; K. list sr. SOBTHWE8Traptav rooms, boosakaeping suites. reasonable rent. Vaa. aawy. is. H7MMEB BJESOBTS spend tor VACATION' ; - AT THE GRAND OLD OCKAIf - ' . Columbia Beach BT THE SEA. The closest ocean for beanrifal. soeesnble and homelike SEASIDE and inland resort eombined. Ideal grores, fresh water streams and lakes; bathing, boating, fish ing, clam digging and banting to yowr heart' i content - All the comforts of borne in ear TENT CITT. NOW jOPEN. Largo box testa, arery thing furnished, clean beds, laundry, wood, light and pore mountain water. Very moderate charges, but make your nsti lations early. " COLUMBIA BEACH CO., . 248 Stark st. -Main 6429. ec HELMAR JOHIfSOTf, Msnsger, . Columbia Beaeh. -eia Warranton. Or. ' t WHY SPEND A WHOLE LOT of money n R. B. fare when we fan' give yon a good .campeite at. Columbia , Beach, includ ing fuel, water and light, at 88 to' 210 per month! - Daddy can be with yon erery night. If interested taks TanctraVer ear. ,. HA PPT CAMP, Netarta, Or. Tents and cot tages for rent; plenty of clams," Crabs and fishing, right on the beach; protected from the wuui reasons oia. coarse; unoer saw ment. ' y .- .. MBS. K." X. OLDE1T. rssnagex. fljswrvm cottage for rent. 4 rooms fnrnished. bath, toilet, fine toeation. Owner. A3 E. 12th t-OTTJano. jfnone ISast 5B9L. OCEAH f"RJraT . 1P1 BTVTTOTS "gnt nouseaeeping. ; Boekaway Beach. ' oEAV'liiW, Wash.; fumiahed cottage for month or season. Main 118 S BOOM eottaee completely fnrnnhed for month or season, ceacn Center, Wash. Main 0209. STORES A5B OFFICES 11 FOB RENT, large room for light manufaetnring. uTia ot nounaa. Ill za st. stain 183. WATT TED TO BEITT . I Want to Rent ' 5 or 6 Rooms i Partly modem.' in or near Portland. In answer ing, gira location and. price,, and whether will WANTED By refined?" resmnaibla connle. a S to 8 room house, famished or unfurnished, in a good neighborhood on or before July 1 ; east side north Oregon preferred. . Phoae M1""I1 xf or wrtte Journal. - TO RENT your house or for insurance call stain siau. u. A. Wagner Co.. 280 Stark sc. r.enerai insurance and Kentals. - WANTED At once, unfurnished fist-close in. 8 or 4-room. 2 adults; wiU pay up to S25; goqp rererencea. cam Z4QU. REAL ESTATE BE"iCH h FBOPEBTT 48 FOR BENT 5 room furnished cottage at Sea- Moe. on poarq wan. - Beuwood 1694. BTJSIKESS FBOPEBTT KICE stores B2d t and Sandy bird.. 217.80. 818 Oorpett bldg. Marshall 657. - FOR BALE -HOUSES 1 SEE my home, Beanroir Heigbto: aeren rooms tint "oor with a 2-roem housekeeping apart ment and sleeping porclf on second floor; all modern and newly tinted. Lota of fruit, garden large grounds, -: "Must sell immediately. CaU oeuwooo sous, 11 11 r JAI UJZI O room honaa. KAtI IA 1 1 fruit and berriea. chicken house, gas and elec tricity, 1 block to Mt. Scott car; 81650. 8200 down, bat like rent, or will take Ford or Chevro let as part payment. Can aire a good buy this vwngr, OID ax. XSOOT 06S9. ALAMEDA PARK7"" 6-roora bungalow, brand new, oompletely mod ern. Price i$58O0i 810WO down, easy monthly k-,uu wiaa puimer, f, v. CckJnnd. $t 100, Terms $300 Down S ROOM BUNGALOW , Bearing fruit trees, berries. . 2 largo rooms, plastered: 815 per month. ' Why pay high rant 1 Mt. Tabor car. 2030 E. Madison. Tabor 5 196. FURNISHED cosy 6 room house! near street ears. Includes 1 splendid furniture, carpets, bath, gas, electric lights, fruits, ideal horn loca tion. Must sell auick. All. onlv aionn tun down. Thomsson. 6248, Foster road. Mt Scott can w MUiriwgoo, FOR SALE by. owner: House, lot 63x43- 11 ."f, LJ ' tre" L 1rtlio hchts. saa. phone, patent toilet; barn, chicken house. Prior 8850 265 ""SK.2 3Z5n2a bl'usa' i "828161st as." B. E. Tabor 8707. . . SEE my home. Beauroir heights; 6 rooms, aleepl ing porch, double oonatrucfion bouse, strictly modern, furnace, etc; newly tinted; win sacrifice for immediate sale;,' no agents. Gall owner. Sellwood 3606. BBAND i new 6-room bungalow iA Boss City Park, last being completed, up to date in every detail; bouse was built for my hams, but ehang of plana compels me to .sell at, oooe at aoargain; terms. rnone Auto. J19-Q0. tUK.MSHtu 4-mom bouse, plastered, 2 big corner lota, fruit trees and garden, outhouses, near school and ear. Pries 81860: 8400 emjvh. balance to suit; at 6442 83d st. 8. E. 66th a.' S rooms, bath, toilet, 45x125 lot, T bearing fruit trees, 81250; 8200 cash, 815 par mo. Tabor 4934. f i. FOB SALE A room bouse. 6 lots, fruit, ber ries and garden; nice piece; at Laata, 9428 68th are, 8. E. : . - . 6 -BOOM plastered" bouse. 1518 Mississippi , ( iv en torn cart; 6758. . ' . 81600. terms. East BUNGALOW Hardwood floors, fruit, garden": 82400 cash .will handle. By owner, p. . 0! box 277. - ONLT 81500 New S-room house, lot 50x100, E. 75th . and Bumside, MV - car. ' Terms. Fine location, riew. ... M-8 9 5, Journal. - FOB SALE Fir room house, unfinished, 2 lots, with front garden planted. Terma, G. W. Metcalf, -4617 79th st. S. E. FOR SALE 91000, Jot 50x100. 6 room house; Fulton Park; 5500 cash. baX time to suit. , Sett 419. . - KENTON . 6 room modern borne in good residenco dis trtet Woodlawn 4068. ' 93500 BARGAIN: 9 room bouse, good condi tion; walking distance of westside; reason able! terms. East 6329. : 9700, 'TERMS, 2 room , bouses 60x100 lot; -18x60 chicken park, eoos and woodahed. Inquire 6716 66th at 8. E. : FOR RENT 8 room strictly modern bungalow? hardwood floors, furnace, trays, garage," fine location. Year lease if Jeajred. Woodlawn 8411. INDEPENDENT income, 6 flats, close in. west side; would cost $10,000 to build: good con- dition; 88000. Mstn 8787; soma terma. $1500; TERMS;-5-room house on pared street improTements all paid, 'Within 2-mile limit; 160 ft from Sellwood ear, Sellwood 1713. 6 BOOM house for sale by owner, ressonsbla. 867 E. 7th at N. bet Mason and Sharer. OWNER, brand new four-room- bungalow. Main a 7 sa, between ana o p. m. . BY OWNER, 344 Grand Nortb. near Broad. way, 6 room modern bouse. East 4297, LOT 75x100 with Urge tenthonse ' 16x34, $1200 cash. 110 E. Watts st, Kenton. SEE FRANK L. McOUIRE TO INSCBE AGAINST FIRE Ask for the "Want" Ad Department. A corps of courteous, competent operators I to receive your advertisement. A Journal "Want" Ad will put your offer ' before practically , every interested per son in Portland and ? trading radius. Phone Your "Want" Ads : to THE; JO URNAL REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 81 Pacific Agency, Inc. 814-20 SWETUKO BLDG). PHONE MARSHaTJ. 8980.' - Hawthorne . 849, 88500, and 81000 down for this modern 7-room house, erne block from the ear line. This place has everything i for conrenienoa from furnace to fruit ; trees. 'including garage and hsrd-surfaoe treet. - , 899. 81600 eaah. with terms on tba balance for' this 6-room bungalow type house, full cement basement and fireplace en 60x100 lot; seeerai bear ing fruit trees and shrubbery- Prion 86250. 417. $8800 for this 5-room bungalow on pared street; full cement basement. - With a substantial payment down,' good ;' terms can be had on the balance. Pacific Agency, Inc. ' 614-20 S WET LAND BIJDO. -, V PHiONB MARSHALL 8989. , 8700 DOWN BOSK CITT 8700 DOWN Kaw K room bunealow. h.w. floor, fine Place. Cement basement. Breakfast nook. Just finished. 84800. Balance easy payments. 9650 DOWN FRANKLIN HIGH SCHOOL i ' 8 mom bunealow. 2 lota. 8 large fruit trees. Chicken house, berries and grapes. Beautiful grounds. 82650, includes gas rang and water beater, , linoleum. uwoer must marg xown un- moMatarv. 81650 DOWN BOSE CTTT 81550 DOWN - Larga 7 room bungalow, Lot 60x110; b-w. floors, furnace: 1 bedroom down, 3 up. White enameled throughout Owner must sail to meet other debts so. will sacnTice lor sov. r stance ' . - . . v. : : . . k R A A - easy pmyxnenui, . . y i,. iju ia rvv r-r-rWeller'&'Rinehart;- - 212 Chamber of Commerce Main 4503 ' Pacific Agency, Inc. 514-20 SWETLAND BLDG., - ' HAWTHORNS DISTRICT" .V,-."" ,.' . j, 1, t ( ' ' " i ROOM BUNGALOW, $4500 . . .Dandy 5 room bungalow, with hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace and all boi It-ins, 'also good garage. . Ouick-possession f 81000 sash will handle.. Phone Broadway 8.089. palter-6-p. m. ., , . ' : ' Pacific Agency Inc. . B14-30 SWEILAND BLDG. BOSE CTTT PARK BOOM BUNGALOW . -85850 . LOCATED n 46TH ST., 60 FEET FROM 8ANDT BLVD. : abaoluUly the choicest loca- 1 tion in Rose City Park; howerer, this housa ia leaaea unru uciooer ; u posseaaiou couia oe had. . immediately, this property would probably bring 86000; we will be glad to snow -you. , A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St. Near 3d. - Main 8092. Branch Office, 80th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) tbttngtom :i:;v -' -''?v ! - trUTCH COLONIAL I want to show you this beautiful place, ' ; S charming rooms, weery modern conren- , -lence, in the rery best condition, ideally located, immediate possession. The pnea M $8260; 92500 will handla- tt. . . , 0. M. DEBB, : ::"T: : C0E A. M'KENNA CO., 82 Fourth at Main 4522. . f . NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL . 6 large rooms, corner lot fruit trees, full '" cement basement laundry trays, furnace, fireplace, lots of roses; No. 19 Portland bird.,' near Peninsula park; price 88190; $500- cash. Woodlawn .2318. Owner. - - Sa20 850O- WILL HANDLE - Let -oa show you a good double constructed bungalow of 7 rooms. 2 bedrooms downstairs, built-in kitchen, good bath, good basement full Viot, pared street block to car and acnooi. , Johnson-Dodson Co. - 638 N. W. Bank bldg. ' ' Msin 8787, LAUBELH UBST BUNGALOW ' " Double constructed, - 8 rooms and ' wade room, sleeping: porch,-- extra- mrge-ot In best of condition and location,' 2 bedrooms on ground floor; ' Beautiful fireplace. French doors. For further information call J. A. McCarty. - 270H Stark, st Main 1700.- ETeuings and Sunday Tabor 6QBT. ; - - : - . LAUBELHUBST 7-room ' bungalow, just finished.' r hardwood floors m au rooms, tile bath, elegant Plumbing. beautiful decorations; garage. All ready to move into. roone owner ana Duiiase. f. iX r.klnnd, Tabor 680. v . ... , . . :., S2POO ROSE CITT PARK TEEMS. Modem. 4-room bungalow, full plumbing, electricity. ' gas, . good basejnent - Isrge porches, clsssy shape, nioe fruit tre-, goad location, ra ccnt Move m Tabor rr59. FOB' SALE 8 room bungalow, line condition, " near car and on pared street; terma, 83800, $1000 cash; $4200 with furniture. . Address 464 Rose lawn are. Phone Woodlawn 48. " A GOOD big 6 room, house at 60 E. 81st st Hard xurfaos at and all imprprementa paid. Price $2500. GOING away, must sell my 7-room bouse, mod em r good condition. 622 Going street FOR SALE 6 -room : house. . modern. 100x100 lot: sill giro terras. Phone Sellwood 8817. FOB SALE Modern 6 room house. Price $8500. 214 E. 19th N. Eaat 1649. THREE room shark and 100x125 ' fruit . 2 blocks to car, cheap. Owner, 168 Fargo it OAVNElT 6 room bnngslow, fruit, 200x201; x Diocg irom car. 1 u e u juast svtn sc. Want to Bay Something? V PHONE Main 7173' Then REAL ESTATE! FOB SALE HOrSES 1 SOTTTff PflPTT.lirn xrMrawei ..... . $1750 5-room cottage on Porter and 4th eta.. nuuK nismnoa; au eaaa ascl xO . ,s iw Binio, . JA60 cash. $26 per month; wis aall rfoo Good 6-room hoose. ear. 2d and Curry, - v rsan. asa per memttt. $2500 6-reom : bonse on Water at, i Oibba; $250 eaah, $28 month. $8200 Nice -room house on Corbett at. near was iei Qrussi & Bennett $18-821 Board ot Trade. Main 74S2. ANNOUNCEMENT , HOMESEEKEBSI The apaoious display room of FRANK L. MeOUZRB i w . open for your conTenisne VKT EVENING." . Within a few minutea . you can rNRTE.nrono'S lloMraTSto3 FRANK L. JvicQUI RE - To Buy Tour Home. AMngten Bldg. Main 1068 , Third Between Washington and Start New Alberta Bungalow B75 1 erms3875 ' T100.E. 29TH ST. N. ALBERTA CAR pan. din. room, dandy built-in effects. - else, fix! and plumb.; complete shades, scrsens, linoleum: rnif,JWni 2 bl?c to fms neighbortood fall ctrnnit riBA'm 'r a.7m lul bome for particular people. See this today from 11 to 5, or nfaona Esst 4626 ereninga. LIS b.nn,,iow ." months old. . Deal direct srskM WvUWf. t Hawthorne District 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $3300 5 rooma. with fireplace, full base ment attic, all boilt-ins and garagej. 80 eaah. , Phona Broadway 8089, after 0 p. m, Pacific Agency, Inc." ; 514-20 8WETLAND BLDO ; PHONE MARSHALL 99$8v' MUST BE SOLD" ' . S ROOM BUNGAIXW. WALNUT PARK Fireplace, buUUns. Dutch kitchan .11 Vna !2I"iienoM;' cemant basement; 50x ... .. lum unprwrameata in; 1 block 1 ivw w, vervain, soouu; easy tarma. ' SEE MB, SCHMIDT, Interstate Investment " Company - Broadway 6048. . 410 ' Henry Bide. $160 WILL HANDLE , won nixie B-rooen bouse, water, gas. aome j lunuwm aoes wiut the place 1?. A-?10. withyfruia, and bbar.: payments like rent "i media is IohnsbnDodson Co. a w. w. Bank bldg. r u,, ziBf. NEAR PENINSULA BCBOOT. ' : ' Splendid 7 room house in excellent eon. M osptional ralue at 98000: 8800 down. COB A, MKENKA es CO.. ?PrlSL!h W Main 4822. 768 Lombard at (joL 988. . HN1P . -$2950 $50 cash. 5-rocn bunralow. lirfng room,- dining room, kitchen, 2 bed rooma, bath, laundry trays. 50x100 let fruit i i-T grapes, strawberries, garden spot. Concrete founl '"' juas paintea and rwtea. joonsonUodson Coe 6a w. Bank bldg.-- v.," Main 8787 "BeatWifijIT" fVlf VSWf i t . " Here ia the -cream of Rna rsf - c 1 f ul colonial of 6 rooms and sleeping perch. All large rooms, central entrance, with French doors, two . f lreDiaces. Damn bnf fet. HI rw.. lawn and ah rubbery ; finished in old irory, six- wm in" k uir-Tniumit. . - - . . CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. 100x100. FEET with eomfortahla 11 rn. V : and sleeping porch, fruit and berries; a blocks to M-V. car and paved street: buy from owner and sare 'commission. Price 88100. Eaav ama Immediate possession, i Inquire J911 ast . Irr- . . LET'S BEAT THE PBOFTTKEB . SZSOO, 90 cash, buys a 6 r. boasa near war., nouse. xn gooo eonu. or casn. - siarsnau or Tabor anao. WHY pay $75 for an apartment when yuu can buy a 5 room modern bungalow fey a small payment down and 825 a month t Owner. Msin 6040, Wdln. 2998. . vwuer. 10-ROOM bouse, corner lot for ssie, eotnpletoly furnished for 4 families, 2 bathrooms, furnace; We-t aids ; walking distance, good income, price 86250. East 1668. . . ... FOR SALE Well built 5 room bungajow ia Rose City; full foundation and 100x110 ft lot 33400; terms. Come and see this. 898-68 A. o 10 at. FOB SALE By owner. 9. room bungalow, issf Holladay. corner 60th, Call between 2 and 5 p. m. . -T- , NEW Rose City bungalow, oak floors, firepmee. breakfast room, etc; win seU at a bargainor a payment 8180Q down. Owner. Tabor 7247. 5 ROOM bungalow, hardwood floors, all builu ins, attic, fireplace, furnace; cheap, by owner. 6-889, JoumaL BXAXi FSTATTB FOli SALE HOCE.4 lOOO PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOB LARGEST HOME-SELLERS 0H TEX PACIFIC COAST Are yew looking for a bomaT TRT TTTB ' MeOUTBB SYSTEM of SCTENTIFTO HOME SEBVICKi It makes home-buying easy. PROTECTS TOUB EVERT INTER EST, puts : you is immediate touch with the home yon ARE LOOKING FORI OVER 1000 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE; every type, every DISTRICT I HOMES AT PRICES YOU CAS PAX 1. See OURS BEFORE T0U BUT, - A MACHINE WTCL TAXB TOU OUT TODAY . . - - IB Automobiles at year SEWVtCB. Open evenings ana SUNDAYS $3350 WEST SIDE'S BIGGEST H0MB BARGAIN I - Six-room . pleasant ' , modern BTTNOALOW, artistic. massive eohxmned front porch, sun- -ny bedroom down, two up; cheery fireplace; LIKE NEW." IT'S VA CANT, move right in. : 100 WEST , SIDE HOMES 100, 921009 room wonderful bargain ia aa ALBERTA home. Bit 80x100. SEJS THIS TODAY I. . $2650 J EJ'PCRSOl BTOrX '' DISTBICT. Wonderful BARGAIN In a lust - like-new BUNGALOW,- 8 rooms. - - - modern, built-ins, cement bais ment CLOSE TO HIGH SCHOOU Peninsula park .library, ear barns. AN EXCEPTIONAL VALUE. $2750 REAL TALUB Is the FEATURE . OF this HAWTHORNE 8 -room clever bungalow, modern; TERMS. East 87th. ' Our ROSE" CITIES " range in .- pries (rea $2700 to $10,000. : One of our 18 machine, will take - yon out TODAY. If YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A HOME. ; come ia and see our 1000 PHOTO-; GRAPHS Of homes for sale. Every district every kind of home; price . ynu CAN PAY. Ws give satisfying SEBVICEI SEE : FRANK L, McQUIRE . . To Buy Tow Home,..-.. ABINOTON BLDG. ! MAIN IMS. . Third Bet Washington and Stark. "40 Year of Reliable Service.'' . . Hawthorne Beauty T rooms, 8 on main floor, 2 upstairs. The architect of this .home had comfort and con venience in mind when be drew the plans for this fine home and- he stared by the job until his ideas were carried out in every detail. It baa- every modern convenience built in; fire place, furnace beat fan cement basement laun- elegant plumbing and electric light fix tares, hard wood floors, paved street city " sewer, garage; bandy to car, school and FrankUs high. For price, terma ana inspection see t K. W. HUGHES 90T Journal BIdav : Main 2858, ROSE CITY PARK A NIFTY BUNGALOW A REAL BARGAIN -- .' . 94200 - , ' LOOK HERB, FOLKS; YOTJ POSITIVELY CANT AFFORD TO PASS UP THIS OPPOR TUNITY: remember, it eosta yon nothing to in vestigate and if you don't buy this bungalow u yon are too lata yon might regret it ; yea will admire tba bug living room, extending the entire width of house I you wfll find every builtia comfort and convenience: yea. it hss hardwood floors, fireplace, etc; nicely located; street and paid; (St busy; see this today. 264 Stark St Near 9d. Main 8092. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. MOT MART AT THEJ ; PRICE - $48$0 $750 DOW . ROSSI CTTT PARK . ' : . ' NEW BUNGALOWS 8 rooma, ' attractive design, flreplaea, furnace, Rxtaras, shades and lawn graded; poaMasion very quickly.. J. L. HABTMAN COMPANT, . T Chamber of Com- 0108. Main 208.:' - ;, SURPRISE M- ' Tf ynsrTl make the best of this offer and net pat tt off until some ether convenient time; fust aay to yourself. I win go now; there is surely a surprise waiting for you in a 2-STORY MOD ERN HOME la ROSE CTTT PARK; the number is 866 E. 53d stN.; will not turn down a rea sonable offer; if it isn't convenient for you to go at once yourssu, wui be glsxt to take you. Please phone owner. Main 4982, Ask for Mr. Mattnewa. - . - CL9SB TO ST. JOHNS - room house, newly - painted and pa pered; near the Indus trill district. block, from boulevard; fine for a large family; prise 91600; 9260 down. J OOB A, M'KENNA aV CO.. S2 Fourth st . - 1 j Main 482ft 768 Lombard at, . - - . CoL 688. TZ b6l4'T WSTUBB TfiNANts" 795 K. 43d N., 7-room modsm. ' Out-of-town owner aaye eeJi. ? With i. 60x109 feet 94500; 100x100 feet. $5600; $1500 cash. Call Marshall 8852 or Tabor 8090 and w will aoow you tnrongn. J. B. Rock Co. 404 Couch Bldg. , A REAL BARGAIN Strictly modern bungalow, hke new, S large rooms, sleeping perch and bathroom.' be large attic hardwood floors, furnace, 1 basement wash trays garags lot with alley built-ins. cement lev wave. hard surface streets, improvements paid: near Jefferson high school; property worth ever 88000. for quick sale by owner, 35600. terma. mar. o. - Near Franklin High $2600 -T - room bungalow style house, two lots. Bearing rrurt gee range and water neater. linoleum on owing room, kitchen, path sleeping porch. 6500 cash. Tabor 8888. TeFFERSON HIGH DISTRICT " - Modern hem, excellent- eendition, full eemrnt basement 8 bedrooms, 1 downstairs, 1 blocks to good ear line. - 83000 on terms; discount for easn. t-none owner, watn. sot. 6 ROOM modern coUat. 2 lota, 7 large bear kag fruit trees, 9 English walnuts, shrubbery, lawn, garden; 92500, terms. M-S car to 80th, z ciocxs ew aa nouse jll : bus 2a ave. 8. K, Owner. FOB SALE Modern 4-room bunealow hi . with bath, electric light and gas, full base ment garage and 40x100 lot 12$ Vermont st, Fulton. : A BIG BUY 6-room modem bouse, lot 40x120. 20-ft alley; 840O cash, easy terms babMioe, TTemona ceairy to.. Tremor) y. MOVE ' once more only. Buy my 4 room new house, large corner lot; fine home; 92490; FOB SALE Strictly modern bungalow ; must bs sees to oe eppreciateoL fries f 4800, 91000 x-none warn. esv. OCR time devoted to homes. : If yaw hat one to sell or wish to buy. ceil J. M. Berry, narmnau IBS. ' aamammaassmmm". . BEAL F9TATB FOB 8 ALB -HOUSES 41 Pacific Agency, Inc 914-20 SWEPIAD BI4X3. PHONB MARSHALL 8989. - iti. 64800.' wits a eaah payment of $2000 down, we can arrange terms en the balance to suit you on this place, ' , which we are offering as one- ot the - best boy in the city. This ia a atrteUy modern 7-room bungalow In exoaUent ondiboa. which ha a nioe large ga rage, lorn of fruit and shrubbery aad is only one and. ana half block from . ta 402. $6500. Sen term on this -room modem home; on a (all lot with a number of fruit trees, shrubbery and : - flowers; full basemsnt hot air fur . nace; pared street and everything ahmahap., . j 291. 94800. ': Her Ik t moderately priced, atriotly - moiiem home of 7 - rooms, bungalow type. It has a nioe large living room, 'dining room, kitchen - that is a delight foW nic airy sleep ing rooma, with dorteta, bath, furusoe . and fireplace. A kwi garags; en and eae-half blocks frost .the oarllno and everythins; in good, shape. An ex- . eeptinrnl buy to thi-H dtstgicA, 412. New Broadway and Twenty-third . we have an 11 -room house. Sound . big. but we have them; dining room, buffet three bedrooms, 2 , -sleeping rooma, breakfast room, furnace, fire- - plaee and garage; all ktode of fruit 76x100 lot Only $4250. $1009 easbj, , - Pacific Agency, Inc. 814-20 SWETLAND BIJX1.- - .. PHONE MAHrtHATJ. 9989. - f KNEE DEjK. W. JUNE Tae Imnealow la i beantifuny ftniahed. " floors of hardweod. cabinet built veniant without eaowding t sleeping reb, full . aereened-in summer boreh. fireplace. eoneret basement ' fruit tree and bemsa, clean, oomm odious eloseta. 60x100 lot and really the place ia extraordinary. . The liv ing room is -vary large, the dining room is big and airy. ? Leok it over with.: me. Located in Portamoulh. prios $4760, aad worth it . . .if. v; . . - MsVmey, COB A. MeSTCNNA ok CO., $2 Fourth St - Mala 4522 . Evsainga, Columbia 038. Phone Woodlawn 2413 And Ask About Our 3 ROQM HOUSE FOR CONSTRUCTION CO. P.O. Box 244 LATTRELHTJRST : MODERN BOMB This is a good home aad splendid rslus; bous - sian ? cost th price asked. ' 'Large 11 ring room, dining room, den, pass- pantry, fin kitchen; full basement; furnace; laundry room; three . bedrooms. Bleeping porch and bath upstairs; wash room and toilet down stairs; hardwood floors. CaU owner. Tabor 788 or Main 9052. - LATJRjrXJTTTRfiT BTTNOALOW ' 5 room modern bungalow with attic, fireplace, oak. floors, full bssement ' furnace, garage, eloae to ear. You are Burs to like this nn and you can be in it for the eonventioa; $4900. CaU . - - at at eaee, C. M. DEBB. . , j. . COK A. MBXNNA OO 82 Fourth at Mala 4822. Keniworth 9T6, $4000, $600 cash payment will get ' you- peratiarioB to. move into thia 7 room bouse, with it large lot full of ' flower and fruit": one-half bleck from the earline. This la a real home. Pacific Agency, Inc. 914-20 SWEJ'ltND BU. " ; PHONE MAjmHilJ. 99S9- . LAURELHTJRST MODERN HOME - Something fine large living reota." sun room, den, . dining room, buffet kitchen, , braakfaiit room I basement : furnaee, laundry Ways; three bedroom and bath upstair; fine location; 100 feet to car; garage. Tabor 7981 eg Main $062. ewpw. ' - 1 ni'cr.lK-Lt ska . xuttu ernua a tA.AA . 'w. - . L " . tw, w v. mr Walnut park. 2 blocks from ear. beet of plumb ing, hot water' beat vaah tray is large cement basement; set us show you. ' CALL MB. LTBBT, Interstate Investment Company Broadway 6048. 410 Henry BMg. LOOK! BOSD CITY PARK DlSTT 8860 cash, attractive 4-room bunealow. bath. as, electric lights, 60x100 lot, only 2 blocks south of Sandy. If you take the limited ear you get home just a quickly as those living closer in, - This is quite, a pleasant home district and yea should see it tod? sure. 722 76th at N. iBoor oo l e. ROSE CITT PARK WEST OF mfj7 Good modern 4-roqm bungalow, wee - large room, all so on floor, very conveniently ar ranged. Furnace, two: f ireplaoee. bookcases, buf fet Dene wash room; with trarn. cement bene ment excellent location. 1 half block Sandy, fin 60x100 kH. improvement au in and paid. Price wnly 64 7 BO. Immediate pom aion, Tabor 656 MODERN T HOOM HOME, FTTLL BASE MENT AND.OABAOK. BUY FBOM OWNER. SEASONABLE TERMS. 1016 CLACKAMAS ST. BET. IIU ASU JSTH, BOSS CITY CAB. 10 A. M. to 4 - V, St. MODERN borne, splendidly eonstfueted. 4 large rooms, 9 light airy pearocm and bath up stairs, full bssement, en bard aurfsee street near two canines sn. jeiicrson sign aenoot 68000 bean for 127 0C. Phone Woodlswn 4 8 6 2. $18605 BOOM be us. 97x100, oomr; eW trie liaht. sa msio. fruit and garden: larse ben bous and runs. $150 down. $29 per montn, including interest, bszu ssto are, turner 04i esin si. b. isnor lsii WEU built shingled tubercular cottage, erene Phone, artr . P HWI' en. ... mt.v. . a a a a 2760 FOR euiok st.le, 100x100. tent house chicken bous, 16 Win fruit tree: this is a pickup; term. Evenings, main 7B. 9 ROOM bungalow; .pear bitch school,, hardwood floors, au conveniences, ovaivu jot. tj-iMi Journal. HOME which net yo IS per cent; pay part, it, will rv baiaarci uata cms . in, uimj BEAL F STATE FOR SALE HO IT ! !, Pacific Agency, Inc. 614-20 SWETIiAND BLDG.. v PUONE MARSHALL o 888, $300 down, with th balance like par .. ing rent This is a neat and new 3- room house, just off Lombard st. in la Ksnton district Price $1750. $69. $1850, only $150 down, foe this 8 room bous on a full lot near bumnua part of St Johns. 914 20 SWETTAND BLDO., . PHOSB MAB8UALL 4989 Mount Tabor 40T, $1250. Mr. Carpenter or Wortir. Man, this is an uncomplete houe of 7 v rooms, on 60x100 lot. wtib a fine view. By putting a few hundred dollars mors into this bouse you her a hoiu that t worth at least $4000. W would call Una a snap. Pacific Agency, Inc. . 614-20 8WKTLAND BI.DG., PHONE MARSHALL S9h9 RALPH HARRIS CO. ' 827 Chamber of Commerce. $860 $200 eaah. for this dandy little 2 room plastered bouse la Smith Portland ; 'It baa bath, gas, sloe trio lights; this is net a snack. - .m $1600 3225 cash, 8 room plastered T louse with gas and electric lights, balb ; on .paved street with all improvements Paid; also in South Portland. $2600 $500 cash. S room house. 2 baths; in psrfeot condition: lot 70x134; all kinds of fruit; South Portland $3230 9500 cash, for this WooditoHt bungalow of 6 rooms; dandy big 100x100 t7 'ae garden up; bearing fruit $2600 $600 cash, 7 room cottars, ai-o WoKit bearing fru-t and . berriea. Bath, gas, c 818508860 eaah; 8 room oottsgs fa Woodstock; bath, extra large lot. garage, fruit: ekwe to ear. 318768276 cash: 8 room bungalow, bath, nic lot with fruit; on paved suae, la Woodstock. Phona Msin 8624 and we will gtaKy "give you further information. RALPH HARRIS CO. 42T Chamber of Commeroa, BOSH CTTT PARK S-BOOM BUNGALOW 95504 n4 fas in i , a a a . si a , th park and la newly r iinted, good c-r,rni basement and furnace, hardwood floor in linns and dining room finished in a select grain ot rir, built-in buffet, bookcases, cabinet, etc peren, lawn ia dandy e nditinn, lota of rim. ;-"t wim fltwa Call iahor . t ; J3 Jj.Vti11 Thor SSS(' ' I- HART. M AC COMPANY. Branch Offioe, 45th and Sandy bi0. wAT-NtT' PAiik NEW BUNGALOW $s,50 v . Folks, we want you to see this excertionul bungalow; you would nsver sxpect it pomihle to buy such a bome as thia for so little money; this baautlfnl hnma 1. rw. t ...1 . . iiok if. ii - w m . AiaiMJr a-v. , eornr Emerson et; just drlv out and see for Curseu wnai wonderful value is being pfferel rs; Uk a builder with you: hsvs Mm ;. on its nonatrncrjnf. m. will tiA . v. . ..... - , , . i .. . iiuiuuii urticri W just can't everdeacribe It beauty; there ara " ra ana aen; inere is a garage ; nnnl you, thia bungalow is located en one of VSamut park s most valuable swam, and with all -sessmente paid; tJ U be a downright pleasure to show yon. ... A, G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St Near 84. Main RO02. Branch Offic. 60th and handy. GOOD substantial 8-rootn Emue walkiiTi d tance, 8 large light rooma, reception hull sn t pantry first floor, 8 well ventilated bedroom and bath en second floor, full, rcraant bawrarni, furnace, laundry trays. woodUft. The. -tot. is Weil improved with beautiful lawn, tree rows, fruit trees, grapes and berries. Toa can . t immwl.r. 1 , a 1 ft ao ...v . i .... rnent every 6 months; 94700; streets bard .ur- M4. aul sU Jolhinson-Dodson Co. 833 N. W. Bank bldg. Main P77. $1000 CASH; 7 room R. City bungalow, j ur ea ; strictly modem ; same. raid. 91900 -Cash; one of the most beautiiul R. C homes; no fault to find in t,.n homn. 9800 "ah; 6 room Panlnaular bom: lut.i 100 lot; 18 IruJt trees, bearing, ja - 1 garden. $500 Cash: a map; 6 room modern A'Ma - bome; nipeleas fnmace; assts, pai-L 9100 Cash; 4 room Ailxrta bome. Good buys in all part of eity. bee us before buying your Home. , E. i. ADOOCK, 619 Dekum bMg. Main 6814. Auto at your service. Tsbor Bins. $4300 R E M E Si" B E R 4af)fli IT'S A BBAND NEW Bl'NGAJXiW Ia Rose City Park ; yes, modern; larte firing reora. hardwoed floors, fireplsee, latest din and nifty all large, light cheerful roomt : j -t the place you will be proud to direct your f Hen to aa MY HOME; If it should happen that A rooms are not . enough for you, w bare Urc-r bungalows In as desirable location as thip : co me in and see ous line of exclusive homes; 7 acue automobiles at your aervio. J. A. WICK MAN COMPANY. 204 By. Exeh. bldg. Pbimn Mam 1U84 t-1 f " LAURKLIil'iwiT K.SAP Double construe ted, tt rooms, den, rnnra and sleeping porch: fun cement basement; ir naoa, fireplace, hardwood floor, down; f , large rooma throughout Grand view of mixin tain; lots of shrubbery. A worvlerfiil b s f- $6800, tne terms to rfirht party. J. A J.: Carty, 270 4 Stark.. kiain lloO. L ,j and Bundsy Tsbor 6057. $8250 3750 CA.Hil. eaxy term. 1 -,, , i 6-room horwe. living room, oming rn, , kitchen, 8 bedrooms, bath, laundry ; .,i 10O foot lot fruit trees, concrete fou :... large basement plae. ia gol eonIiuuu; tt , emyty, 1 block to ear. Johnson-Dodson Co. 438 K. W. Bsnk bldg. Main S77. ' DEAL WITH OWNER. 4 rooms. East SOtb. and Morri.-m, r-l streets, refmlshed tmude and out, donbie ttm--., 88700. Terms, Tsbor 2497, 985 Iieimont Anothtt bouse without garsgs, u ss sixrvs. 38400. 84000-r-S-r.OOM hmie. JJ ring rovm, d nil ir room, 8 bedrooms, bath, laundry tray. v i streets, sewer, fruit trees snd btmn, cmc.r-i basement fumace, plaee in good condition. 4.x 92 tot; 11000 will candle. ;: :;:JohnsonDodson'Co - 448 N.-W. Bank bldg. Main i77. . EAST TAMinLL ' ST. BT.ViJaLO .' VACANT MOVE IN 7 8 large room and eeiied attic, cerrient t ment, modern plumbing; CoxlOO l't; aa st. i to and paid; 1 block to Imt M'lrriun r , view of city. Price $2575; 911&3 ca. ,; it,, ance 910 month. 6 per cent int.-, no r.' . to assume. Call owner, Tabor (. HX yoa have $2000 in cmi ai..l f.t a . ' ern up-to-date home In Laurrihu.'t or looklng the park, call at 1166 L. am-'y .; 1 aav $500. FOB SALE LOTH 1 5 PROSPECTIVE KOMK UTTI.r I W. -wl famish, yoa a fuvA c la -bit wif.ont any cash payment After your hom 1 n erected yea can fy us smU mw ui.r j i . asm as rent We bare iota wni' a c.n i - nish you in almost ail part of tna c ,, 1.1 your bom now and we wij coofers. j j . ""'"' 'f f"""l Ty - rn -i f 638 N. W. Bank bld. f-;i h". v, s u . . t- On. of lb. beat view lot ia A'- - : r -V. To b said qmcsiy. View o'r,j..i...i t. j .a Alanvds. -A rars opporiunitT. !' "-Hrt e.'-e f n N. W Park bMf, -i ?7T. " .CAEPtS'Tf :t. - your .pw.' l-'tlu- fill -lota - near. Aiiheltsippi car,- tutw of park, er)ar, Eay terms; Will furtiu.i nv. y to buiid Wdin. 878.- EOSSfCITT- PA ; t r n 4 ..i J, ;ia. Tabor near Aiameda dmc street I 6441. ALA:.A .ji i- . -ui--r, pared, pai-i 'i .-if 1.44 I . A CKEA f: 13 . i-ALV ACi.i'i 1 HAl';.-i Ori M:-e from tu. 1 innhoru cr, fa ' T!en. .1 o -trict on tit0 ro i, are . sever&i ha.f s'.re' t tkt l. e !1 in ' c'f . ..tirKi; w a iaf, Sittrii"it4r, -y ev-r y n ' ? n-r-itf-r, .t 1 1 U i IIGZX I.i-aCte0N, Ci -LLSGi.. TLDCS 2. Ac-. . t 2 4 - -k 4.f i snd ' ring-; . fair lfcf"; a? i under cu.-ira.irrn; fine euu; ei v. fcrmie. pric tihtiu, on t 50ACBV3 12" r. - r " l car, on main run i. a . i-": timber end brnrii. r . t - o t-.r X" lWi'ltv m-i xl t