- ... THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 10 SATURDAY, JUNE K 1820. PORTLAND, OKG-uoi7. jfiith Annual Summer Will pen IHere Bfune 15 1SCO School pal Clergy SCHOOL OBJECT ). IS TO UNITE ALL CLERGY IN VORK .June 15 ' to 19 the fifth summer school for Episcopal fclergry t and church workers will be held at St. Helena Hall," on'Vista avenue. Among; the distinruished visitorst will be Bishop" Irving Johnson, editor of "The WUness; Dean C. S. Qualnton of -Victoria,- who will- lecture on Mysticism"; and Professor Lutkin of Northwestern university of -Chicago, who will treat on church mu sic. Reservations should be made with the JVery; Rev. R. T. T. Hicks, at. once. ' i f-" - The object V the school is to units the clergy; of " Jhe . Pacific dioceses in the common cause of making the church stronger and more effective. By cour tesy of the Sisters of' St. John the Baptist, meals and lodging will be fur nished at St. Helens hall: j The annual ' business meeting will be held June 17. A trip over the beautiful Columbia highway is part of the hospi tality provldedffr out-of-town ;schol ars. The Rev. Thomas Jenkins is chair man of the committee on arrangements end the- Very Rev. R. T. T. Hicks secretary-treasurer. For- those who attend the entire conference the , fee ' wilt be $1. Those who. desire entertainment will ' be provided with the same for $5. ... j Iicctore la Treat : The Community Kenilworth church was served to a great treat Wednesday evening, when a good congregation en : Joyed the lecture given by Dr. Grimes on "When Folks Laughed at . the Earth quake." The lecture was humorous and Instructive and the young people of the church did all the advertising. j. . 3 v Will Be Ordained. On Sunday morning, 11 o'clock, at the First. Divine Science church, Portland hotel blueroom, Adda Lalne . Morgan Mrs; ' Henry Victor Morgan) of, the tlnivergallst church of Tacoma, Wash., will be ordained by Jtev. T. M. Minard. After the ordination the services will be conducted by Mrs. Morgan. FIR ST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 1TH AND ALDER STREETS Rev. John H. Boyd, D. D. Will Preach Both Mornins and Evening", -- . . - -" .. 7l4S P. M. Sermon to Graduating Class ' of Franklin High School SUBJECT, THE LAWS OF THE GAME" WORK!: I DO YOU LIKE IT? DR. PRANK CRANK SAVS: "Work U i txrst remedy for Uis ills of tba body. Idla people crow sickly. The body fanctiona Bloat perfectly for tboaa who ana resularrr em ployed. Tho most miserable people in U world ere tboaa -who havs . nothing1 to do." ' TTi It aapaotany tnia of -the splrR. . Are yau f Wln your spiritual self plenty of wor to Do? If mi want a plane to WORK tho - f4.-' FIRST M. E. CHURCH SOUTH UNION AWE. end MULTNOMAH ST. Oan Furnlsa It to You. rt A. Jt CTSAS DR. A. K. HTaGS and kTR. H. F. CHAN, a Chimaa missionary. Alan MRS. NORTON and MRS. COCHRAN. OLD FASHIONED BASKET DINNER AND . .. -,, SOCIAL. TIME P. M COMMUNION SERVICE ; S P NU SERMON BY THE PASTOR J.5 W. BYRD, Piitor 10:80 A. M. BAOCALAUREATE SERMON TO GRADUATING CLAI OF JEFFERSON HIGH SCHOOL When Future Becomes Present?'. . 7:48 P. M. - 44 Jesus WePe9 (l; 12:1 IBLE SOHOOL t ' S:45 P. M. ' YOUNG PEOPLE'S SOCIETY EDWARD .H. PENCE, D. D. Paaur. Win fttv. Wm. A, Waldo, Ph-D-, haar . a. '-"r'-tsmm FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH COKSEB QF FABK A2T COLUMBIA HAROLD H. GRIFFIS, Pastor 8C35DAT, JUSE 1I2S Sermon, IT a. ml, "The Amusement Problem" Sermon. 7:45 o. m "Chi ru I - .... MC8IC Pastor .to ?3e iHade Doctor of iviriity w i ' . ' i' ' - A , ' ' ' -: ' - , y i ' - -1 ; , ' '-ill ; ' " - 'y - :: :.. . . : . J; -. y- Sv v :-:-v .. V - - - y a. it. fciii-i. I i Mill I I . ' ' Rev. H. H. Griffls The desree of doctor of divinity is to be conferred upon the Rev. Harold H. OHffis, pastor of. the First Christian church, duringr:the coming week by the president of Spokane , university, Spo kane, Wash. : One peculiar feature of the Rev. Mr. Griffls' work is that the local charge is his third pastorate. His first charge was at Kallspell, - Mont., where he served five years. lie ; then went tar Missoula for six years and next accepted the local pulpit call. Mr. Grif fls is a graduate of the College of the Bible, Lexington, Ky. He is also presi dent of. the Portland Ministerial asso ciation." The graduating class of Spo kane university has invited the Rev. Mr. Griffls to deliver the commencement ad dress, Thursday, June 10. i ' ..... Older Boys to Meet At Pro-Cathedral Saturday, June 12, at 5 p. m. the older boys from Episcopal parishes and missions will meet at the pro-cathedral. Thirteenth and Clay streets, for discus sion of such topics as 'The Choice of a Vocation." "The Call of the Church to Young Men," and 'The Best Way .in Which the Churches Can Employ Their Energy and Devotion." f EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER E. EOTH AND SALMON, (Eat Merrhen and Hswtherns Oare) S:SO IBLE SCHOOL 11 :00 SERMON "The Vision of the King" 7:4S SERMON "The Pilot of the Soul" - Rff. H. T. CASH, A-acIf CENTRAL . PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH . EAST HTM AND FINE WALTER HENRY NUGENT, D. D.. " . t MlnMar SERMON AT 11 H0:.' -THE IMPORTANCE O THE PRELIM INARY BATTLES" ' S-.OO P. M.: -A PRIMS LESSON TO THE WORLDLY , MIND." Motto by OHoro ha Vary BaaL J. WILLIAM BELCHER, Director. -YOU WILL BE WELCOME TRINITY CHURCH XFISCOFAX ltth Bud Everett Streets. REV. Dr. A. A. MORRISON, Rector SPECIAL NOTICE CHILDREN'S DAY SERVICE AT 11 A. M. . , PARENTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL . EVERYBODY WELCOME . ADDRESS BY THE . RECTOR - HOLY COMMUNION S Jk. M. AND 12 NO EVENINO SERVICE WESTMINSTER Mi- Vi ii mm n ii WORSHIP GOD WITH US SUNDAY " 11 A. M.' ' - ' "The Religion of the Voice" Comniesioa Service and Reeeptloa ef !ew Members at Close of Morslsg , Servlee. - 8P.1L "the Prodigal and His Return, or "The Homeward Journey" i4S SXJIfDAT SCHOOL ' Siim YOTJXG PEOPLE'S MEETING - nvicr . jb . BT QUARTETTE CHOIR " ijSews of 5.mportanc9 Sfmong Portland Baccalaureate sermons for three Portland high school , graduating- classes for the i Reed ' college" class ' will be preached Sunday. 1 Dr. W. T. McElveen. pastor of , the First CongreEational church, has been asked to deliver 'two sermons, i At the mornins service he will preach i the sermon to the graduating class of Washington high school, taking the theme "Qctting Ready for his topic. In the. afternoon he ; will deliver ' the graduation sermon at the Heed college chapel. Sunday evening at First Pres byterian church Dr. John H. Boyd will preach to the graduating class of Franki lln high ! school. His subject will be "The Laws of the Game." The bac calaureate ., sermon to the graduating class ! of 1 Jefferson high school will be preached U at Westminster Presbyterian church Sunday morning by Dr. Edward H. Pence. His subject is "When Future -Becomes Present.' In addition to his Sunday sermons Dr. McElveen addresses the Lincoln high school class Friday evening, and the Forest Grove com mencement exercises on Wednesday, -n,--.) '5-":. -.1?'' BAPTIST Several new members, among ' whom will be Dr. W. A. .Waldo's own son, will be received into the fellowship of the St. Johns Christian Science Church Ready Seventh Church of Christ,: Scientist, announces the opening of Its new church edifice Sunday, at the corner of New. York and Smith streets, St. Johns. Three services will be held Sunday in order to accommodate the visitors. The regular Sunday morning service will be at 11 o'elock. This service will be re peated at 3 and p. m. The building is- of ; frame construction, with a seating capacity for about 200' worshipers. There is a large Sunday school room in the basement and provision is made on the first floor for a Christian Science reading room. The lines of the building are in keeping with the general form of architecture adopted for Christian Science churches generally. The build ing as now ready for use represents an investment of approximately $9000. A cordial invitation to attend, either of the three Sunday services is extended to alL . -A- ! f PV. Bishop Stunner Holds Services " Bishop Walter Taylor Sumner is hold ing confirmation services this week-end at Warrenton, Astoria and Seaside. In the latter place the oiew buildings are in Course of construction, which will fulfill a long cherished plan of this flour ishing parish. ; j DIRECTORY First Sunday After Trinity TJniforra Sunday School Lessons "Saul's Failure." 1 Sam. 15:13-26. Golden Text ''Thou hast rejected the1 word of Jehovah, and. Jehovah hath rejected thee." '.-. Toons People's Topics Baptist 1 Cnion "What Bible Reading , WiU Do For Us." Ps. 11:97-104. Christian Endeavor "What Bible Reading Will Do For Us." Pa. 119:07-104. Epworth League "Mr Favorite Psalm and Why.-. Pa 121:9-8. -' 3 : Bsstht First White . Temple. lth and Taj lor. Rev. William A. Waldo. 11. ."The Relieioe -ef the Voice" 8, "The Prodigal 'and His Return.: East Side E. 20th and Salmon. Rev. W. B. Rinaon. Rev. H. T. Cash. 11. "Tba Vision of the Kins"; 7:45, "The Pilot of the "Soul." Third Vancouver and Knott. 1 Rev. R E. Close. 11, "Castias tba Net"; 8. "'The Unob served Man." Arleta E. 4th and 48th eve. Rev. Owen T. Day. 11, "Growing TJp"j 7:3a,1 "The Eo tiatieal FooL' . Calvary IB. ' 8th and Grant. ' Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11. "Amazins Grace"; 8, "Rejecting the Bible." - Glencoe S. 45th sad Main. " Hev. F. C Laslette. 11, "The Place of Joy in Our Lives"; 7:45,i "A Man Who. Became Famoua Because of a Roadside Experience." : Seliwood Bethany Jiev. . W. ' N. Ferria 11. T:45.i ' Grace E. 76 th and Ash. Rev. F. W. Star ing, i 11, "Loyalty"; 8. "Looking, Leaning, Living." ' :- . University Park Rev. 8. Lawrence Black. 11, 8. Swediah 15th and Hoyt. Rev. T. G. Sjolan der. 10:80. 7 :80, -j. i i . - ; - St." Johns Chicago and Leonard 11. 7 :80. Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Dr. W. T. Millik-en. i 11. "What -Christ Taught About Compassion"; 8. Salvation'a Threefold Author." Mt, Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Bev. J. W. Anderson. ;il, 8. Elim Swediah MaUery and Skidmore Rev. A. G, Sandblom. . 2:90. 8:80. - Lenta 88th st. and 60th are. Rsv. E. A. Smith. 11. 8. Second (German) RodDcy and Jerria. Bev. F. Hoffman. 11. 7:80j . OaUiotto - - Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. : K. V. O'Hars. 6. 7:16, 8:80, 8:45. 11. 7:48. . St. Peters Lents Bev. P. Beutgea. 8. 100, 7:80. ! t St. Lawrence Sd and Sherman Rev. J. C. Hughes. 6,8:80,10:30,7:80. St. Francis E. 12th and Pins Bar. X H. Black. 6, 8. . 10:30, 7:80. Immaculate Heart of Mary William and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6, 8, . 11, 7:30. Holy Rosary E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. E. 8. Otoon. ; 6, 7. 8. . 11. 7:80. 8V Rose S. 53d and Alameda Rev. J. O'Farrell. 10:30. 4. . St. Andrews E. 0th and Alberta Rev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:80, 7:80. The Madeleine fe. 24th and Siskiyou Rsv. George F. Thompson. 7:30. , 11. AaeenskHi E. 76th and Tiaihill Fr" " Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:30. . Blessed -Sacrament Maryland and Blandens Bev. F. W. Black. 8, 10:80. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoiii lie v. C. Raymoed, 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. Ignatius 8220 43d at. S. K. JasuU Fathers. 6:30. 8, 10:80, 4. St, Stephens E. 4 2d and Tsylor Rev. War ren A. Waitt, 6, SJ0, 10:30. 7:80. Holy, Redeemer Portland bivd. and Tancoa ver sve. Kev. William J. Divine. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:80. - - . -. ' - - St. Phillip Nerl (Paulist Fathers) B. 16th and Hickory Rsv. M. L. Ferry. . 7 JO. 8, 10:80, 7:80. , , St. Clements S. Smith lave, and Newton ServiU Fathers. 6, 8, 10:30, 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th sad Center Rsv. G. Bob. 8. 10:30, 7:80. . - St. Agatha E. 16th and Miller Ren J. Commisky. 8, 10:80. 7:30. ' St. sunislass (Polish) Maryland end Fan- F. Matthew. 8. 10 :30. 70. St. Jaseoh ( German 1 15th- and Conch Rev. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:80. 7:80. ' St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Rev. M. Bales tra. 8:80. 10:80. 7:30. St. Claires Capitol Hill Father - Atoyataa, O. F. M. - 7:80, 0:20. St Charles E. 83d and Alberta Bea J. P. O'Flynn. - 8. 10 :80. - - All Saints E. Stb and Gliaaa Rev. Father William Cronin. 8, 10:30. - ? Sti Patricks 10 th and 8s Her Rev. Charles M. Smith, - Masses :80, 8. 9:16, 10:80. 7:46, Christian .., ,,: ' I'- First Park and Columbia. - Bev. Harold H. Griffis. 11. "The Amusement Problem"; 7:45. "Cubic Character." - East Side B, 12 th and Taylor. Rav. R H. 8awyer. 11, 8. . . . Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott.' Bev. S. Earl Childers. 11, 7:30. Montanlla E. 76th and Gliaaa Bar. Car roll C Roberta 11, 7:80. WoodlawB E. 7 th and Liberty Rev. Joseph D. Boyd. , 11. 8. Kern Park Rav. F. H. Ghormtey. 11, "The Master Builder"; 8, Children 'a day program. Tabernacle E. 28th and Alberta Rev. B. Tibbs Maxey. 11, 7:30. SU Johns Central and Oswego. 11. 7:80. 1 ; Christian Science . Lesson1 subject: "God, the Only Cause and Creator." - : . - . 1rmt 19th and Everett. 11. 8. Second E. 6th and HoUaday. 11. 8. Third E. 12th and" Salmon. 11. , Fourth Vaneoa ver and Emerson. 11, 8. - Fifth 6 2d and 4 2d ave. S. E. 11. . Sixth Maaonie temple, 868 TamhllL : 11, 8. . Seventh Smith ave. and Hew York. 11. Ail chorchea Wednesday. 8 p. am. , White temple Sunday morning. The Lord's supper will be administered. He will preface his sermon with a few re marks" on - Oregon day. In the evening Dn Waldo will continue his series on the prodigal son. The Temple, quartet will render special music, i . - The , aMociate : pastor . of Eaat Bids : Baptlat ehnrch, ' tba Bar. , H. T. : Cash, will preach Sunday dnrin the absenca of Dr. Wi K; Hinaofs. . At the concliuioa of " the morning aerrica the Lord's supper will be administered and new members welcomed. ' Dr. Hinsoarhas been aranted- a tbree months' vacation. . He will preach the baccalaureate sermon at Mo MinaTille collece' Sunday niefat. this being' the eleventh consecutiTa time he has been asked to give - this addreaa. Dr. Binaoa leavea for he East durinc the coming- week. The ehnrch will observe Children's day on June 13. i, Arleta Baptist church, will haTO a apeeial service in honor of the armduatini clas of (-the Arleta public echoel Sunday morning. The class wtu attend ma body. The Kev. U. . 1 . Day will speak ' on the. youth of Jeans. In the evernng the pastor will deliver an address on the egotistical fooL Congregation ill singing precedes the evening service. ': CHRISTIAN - :pf '. Sunday njornlng at the First Christian church the Rev. H. H. Grif fis will dis cuss "The Amusement Problem.' giving five general principles he believes should guide Christians . in their - selection of entertainment and recreation. Monday evening the Women's Missionary society will hold its annual open meeting in the church. iff - ' COXGBEUATIOKAL ' Sunday Miss Kthel Lynn 'Ross begins her year's service as organist at , First Congregational church. . She was - re cently church organist for six years in Springfield. Ilk Mrs. R. M. Lansworth will also appear- as soprano soloist and Warren A. -Erwin, choir direoor. The Rev. Charles E. Burton. D. , D.," of New York city, chief 1 executive officer of the NationaJ Congregational boards of extension, is in Portland. He, will preach the baccalaureate sermon, at Pacific university Sunday. Preparation are under war in Sonnyside Congreg&aonal church to celebrate with ' ap propriate exercises the twenty-eighth anniversary of the church Sunday, June 13. , The Sunday school and choir 'will present special programs. This will also be annual homecoming day for all friends and former members of the chnrcn. Dr. J. J. Staub will also celebrate bis twenty eighth anniversary ' as pastor. He will - preach twice this Sunday. - Troops 12 and SO of the. Boy Scouts are to attend the Sunday night service st Highland Congregational ehnrch., i . June will be known as educational month in Atkinson Memorial Congregational church. Children's day and a. community picnic will be two features during the month. The young people will have charge of the Sunday evening service at Pilgrim Congrega tional church. Pictures of the "Passion Play of Oberammergau" will be shown. The Rev. R. M. Pratt will preach in the morning. ' Chil dren a day will be observed June 13. . J ' EPISCOPAL k "The powers of darkness operate con tinually; so should the people of l!ght;" says the ' Rev. Thomas Jenkins in an nouncing that his church will hereafter always be open. "Locked, the church is a poor financial : instrument ; open, it offers, refreshment to souls In the OF CHURCH Oonoreoatlonal j First Park and Madison.' Dr. W-. T." McEl veen. 11. "Getting Ready" for the Larger Tasks of Life"; 7 :45. "Applying Christ's ! Idea of Productivity to Oregon." - ' i ' - Sunnyside E. 82d and Taylor. "Rev. 3. J. Staub. 11. Characteristics of the Spirit Filled Life"; 7:45. "A Gospel Without Apologies. 'V Atkinson Memorial E. 29th and Everett. Rev. E. E. Flint. 11. "An Individual Life the Chief Contribution to Religion''; 7:45," "God Building a Social Order." Highland E. 6th and Prescott. Bev. Edward Constant. 11. "A People Transformed"; 7:45. Boy Scout service. . - 4 n Waverleigh Heights E. 3 2d and Wood ward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery-.. 11, "Turned Into An other Man"; 8, ."Oregon,' the Beautiful." Illus trated. ;- i -H : y Laurelwood -45th are. and 65th at. 8. E. Mrs. AJIce M. Handsaker. 11. 7:30. . Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 11, "Great Expectatkma";; , "The Passion Play of Oberammergau." University Park Haven and' Lombard Rav. C H. Johnston.' 10:30. 7:30. Finnish Mason . and aTh'" Rev. A, A Harju. 6 and 8 p. m. . i - St. Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Bev. W. L. Upshaw. 11, 7:30. - Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Bev. Ole Torgessen. ll,,7dO. - First German E. 7 th and Stanton Rev. George Zocher. 11, 7:30. Second German E. ttth and I Skidmore Bar. Henry Hagelgana 11. -7:304 ' Zion German E. 0th and Fremont Bar. J. H. Hoop. 11. 7:30. i ," - - . - t Dunkard -" ' -' Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Bral card Rev. George C CarL 11, 8. ' V episcopal ' Fro-Cathedral of St- Stephen, the Martyr Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop; Very Bev, R. T. T. Hicks, dean. 11. 8. I Trinity 10th and Everett.. Rav. A. A. Mor rison. 8, 11. St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont. " . Rev. Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30. .0:30, 11. "How to Be a Christian Mystic"; 7:30. "An Epistle on the Moral Law." SU Marks 21st and Marshall Rev. J. GT Hatton. 7:30. 11. 7:45; daily, 7:30 a, m. St. Andrews Hereford St., Plymouth--Aroa-Deacon Chambers in charge. 0, 11, 7:30. -Grace Memorial tE. 17th and Weidler Bev. Osward W. Taylor. 8,11. i Good 8bepberd Vancouver and Graham Bev. John Dawson. 11, 8. - St. Michael . and All Angela E. 43d and Broadway Rev. F. T. Bowen. vicar.i 8", 10, 11. Church of -Our Savior -60th ave. and 41st at, S. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30. 1L Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospual Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 8:30. St Pauls Weodmere Bev, Osward W. Tay lor. 4. -i' All Saints 25th and Savier Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 10. 11. ! St. Johns Memorial E. 16th and Harney, gellwood. Bev. 11. Clark in charge. 11. 7:30. St. Matthews Corbett and Bancroft -Rev. W. A. M. Brack, vicar. 10. 11. ' v '.; Evangelical i - First E. 6th, and Market. . : Bev. E. Mauar. 11, 7:30. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob 8torker. 10 :45"8tewardship"; 8, '"Life Serv ice."' -- . i ' Lents Rev. F. B. Culver, i 11, "Christian Stewardship"; 8, Children's dsy program. - Swedish - Tabernacle N. 17th and Ulisan Rev. J. C. Ledin. 11, 7:30. , . Free Methodist Central East 63th and Flande; -Bev. E. L Hamngton. 11, 7:30. ;,. .- - First E. 9th and Mill. Bav. 8. H. Upton. 11, 7:30. - ' Alberta E. 80th and Wygant Kev. M. 7. WhetxelL 11. 70. St. JAns K. Richmond and Hudson Kev. E. D. Black man. 11. 7:30. , . Lents Rev. S. H. Upton, i acting pastor MO. 3:80. , ' i .. , Friends !' . First E. 85th and Main Bev. Homer ' L. Cox. 11. 7:45. Second 3S. 82d and Slat ava Rev. Laraa M TerrelL 11, 7. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Kev. Carey Jessupp. 11, 8. -- . v v -.--'? . lewlah f ' - Congregation Beth Israel 1 2th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. -Reform Synagogue. Service Friday 8 p. m.. Saturday 10:80 a m. Congregation Ahavai Sbolom- Park and Clay sts. Rabbi R. Abrshamson. - Friday, 8 p. sat Saturday, 8:30 a. m. . Congregation . Nevah Zedeek Talmud Torab 6th and Hall Kev. Abraham L Roeencranta Friday, 8 p. aa.; Saturday, a as,; Sunday. 10 a. aa. Religious school. aattae Oar Saints Chorch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Salnta E. 25th and . Madison Heber C. Ivamoa, mission president. 10, 6:30. i. , I Lutheran . v; ' St. . James W. Park and Jefferson Bev. William E. Brinkman. - 11. 7:80. St - Pauls E. 12th and4 Vnntoe Bev. A. Krausa 10:30, "What U Confeasionf " 8, ."The "Church of Christ." - Trinity (Missouri Synod) Williams and Graham Rev. J. P. Bimbach. . 10:15 ((Ger man), .7:30- (English). All services at Con cordia college chapel. East Twenty-eighth aad Holtnan streets. - .- . ! , - "... Church for Deaf WUliarm: and Graham Rev. J. A. Beyer. 2:80, "After Death. What?" . Our Savior s B. 10th and Grant Bev. M. ' A. Chriatensen.' 11, reuruoB mms of oocv firmed members (Eaglisfa).' . ' (SLurclies and 6ung peoples Societies thick ef battle. St Davids church will keep open the year round." The rector will preach at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday. FRIENDS The June session of the Portland ouar terly meeting of , Friends churches is being conducted today and Sunday at the First Frieends church. Ministers in at tendance are the Rev. Charles Lescauit of Karlham, Iowa; the: Rev "Guy Fur bay of Idaho and Miss Anna Spann of Oskaloosa, Iowa, instructor in Central. Holiness university. . , - - Many Portland Qnakera will, journey to New berg, during the coming week to attend the an nual 'Oregon- yearly meeting. Missionaries from the- African industrial m union are to ap pear ea that program.- .The Rev. Levi T. Penn ington .will t also return for the sessions. Penn ington is sow-general director of the forward movement of the Friends church. , - - . i-- iff ': - - '",-,' ! ,:, LXTTHEEATff .-. ' The life after death win be discussed Sunday afternoon at the service for the deaf in Trinity Lutheran church by the Rev. J. A. CBeyer,. All deaf people are invited. ; : . y -' METHODIST" ' James E. Brock way. Boy Scout master in Portland, will give a talk Sunday morning at Central Methodist church on the responsibilities of adults for juvenile welfare. The Rev. A. R. Maclean will preach at night. - - . Mrs.- "W.- M. Endrtneia TepreaentaUve of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society, will occupy the pulpit of Sell wood Methodist church Sun day morning." Mrs. Williamson, district super mtndent of i the Junior leaguo, will speak to the local chapter at 2:30 p. m. Sunday. The pastor will preach at 8 p. n The young women and girls of Clinton Kelly Medforial Methodist church win have charge of the Sunday evening service. ' The Franklin High girls' quartet will sing and the First Presbyterian church orchestra will play. Addresses will be given by Mrs. A. R. Maclean and Mrs. J. H. Miller. The pastor vrtll apeak on "The King's Daughter" in the morning service. Sunday morning the two .Norwegian-Danish Methodist Episcopal churches will meet in the Vancouver avenue church. '.The Rev. Eliaa Cjerding will preach. Both congregations will assemble at the First church at 4 p. m. when the "Lyng" society furnishes a program- After a fellowship luncheon the evening -sermon will bat delivered. i . ; ' . - if .i :i ' ' '. HETHOBIsiT SOUTH Three services will feature Sunday ' at the First Jethodist . Episcopal Church fcouth. Thei morning . service is . under the, 'direction -of the women's society. Mrs. W. S. Norton will tell of the work of the Woman's Mission council ; Mrs. E. Cochran of the work among Indians; Dr. A. K. Higgs will give personal testi monial of the work in foreign fields ; and H. F. Chan, Chinese missionary. wniJ closer with an address.- following tne meeting 'an old-fashioned basket dinner will be served, followed by a social hour. Holy communion will be observed at 3 p. m-"and the evening preaching at 8. U iPRESBTTERIAK ; .' New members will - be received Into Central. Presbyterian church Sunday SERVICES IN Bethlehem Norwegian-r 14 th and Davis Re. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11. 8. ' . Bethel Evangelical Norwegian (Fre) Wy- gant and Rodney Rev. B. A. Borrevik. 11, 7:46. -. Grace (English) E. 24th and Rroadway Bev. C H. Bernbard. 11, 7:80. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney. Rev. B. A. Borrevik. 11, 7:46. . Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L. , P. Kjoller. 11, 7:30. St. Johns Peninsula aud Kilpacriok Rev. L. Ludwig. 10:45, 7:80. - ' Swedish Anguatans Stanton and Bodney Bev. V. G. Ogrea 10:45. 7:45. Immanuel 18th and Irving Rev. A. T. Aj. derson. 11, 8. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Bev, 8. X R Knutsen. 11. 7 :3X. Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man and Salmon Rev. H. H. Koppehnann. 8:15. 10:15, 7:45. , Immanuel (Mo. Synod) E. 16th and- Lao- Rev. H. . C Eheling. 10, German; 11:15, English. - Evsnselloal Chnrchi of tha Redeemer i5th aw wygant 10, 11. . Finnish 170 Fargo. Rev. A. Salminen. 10; Bunday school 7. . MleUiodtat Cohcopal Carson Heights Rev. G. S. Brown. 10. 11. 7. Centenary E. 9th and Pine Bar.; Frank L Wemett.. . 11. 7:80. jrntral- Vancouver and Fargo Bav. A. - R Maclean. 11. "Adult Rjesponaibility for Juvenile vteuare," by James Brockway, Boy Scout mas ter; 8, sermon. Clinton Kelly E- 40th and Powell Bev. E. S. Mac. 11. "The Kings Daughter"; 8. special service in charge of young women. Epworth 26tb and Savier Bev. J. Stanford Moore. 11. 7:30. - , i First 12th and Taylor Bev. Joshua S tans field. 10:30, 7:30. First' Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyb Rev. Elias Gjerding. 11. union service and Vancouver Avenue church; topic, "Love Without Hypocrisy, the Fulfillment of tie Law"; 4, at noma, program by Lomg society; ; e, - luncheon; 8.' sermon. - . - Laurelwood Ei 63d aad Foster. Ray. A. C Brakenbury. 11. 7:80. Lenta 86th and 68th ave. Rev. F. B. 8ibley. 11, 7:45. - Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Bev. F. A. Gina. 11, "A ' Triumphant Salvation": 8. "What Makes Oregon Great?" MonUrilla E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram Gould, 11. 7:30. ' Mt. Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. G. Decker.' 11, 8. Patton Alberta and Michigan Bev. George H. Bennett. 11. 7:30. Boss City Park E. 58th and Sandy Bev. D. Lester Fields. 11, 7:80. 8elhtood E. 15th and Tacoma Bev. W. 8. Gordon. 11, talk by Mra- W. M. Erakinef 8, "The Road to Emmana," by the pastor. , ' Sunnyside E. 3Sth and TsmhUl Be. : W. F. Ineson. 11, 7:45. St.'. Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11, 7:30. ' ' Swedish Beech and Borthwick Re. ; Abel. Eklund. 11. 8. University Park Fiske and Lombard Rev. H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:80. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver Rev. A. Christensen. 1 1, "Lore Without Hypocrisy, tha fulfiUlment of the Law,", by Rev. Ebas Gjerdinav Wealeyan E. 58d end Gliaaa Bev. D. B. Hampe. 11,-7:45. i Westmoreland MQwaukle and Midway Bar. E. 8. Mace. - 7:80. j -.' i... -. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. E. C. Hick man. :, 10:80, ''Methodtam A World Church and a Wortd Program.". ' Woodstock E. 44 th and Woodstock Rev L. C Poor. . 11. 7:30. Woodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev J H. Irvine. 11. "A Loveless Bride"; 8, "Being a Pelm Singing Methodist." District superintendent. Rev. William Wallace Touugson, D. D.. 691 E. 62d st. N. Tabor 2700. M. 1. Souta - First Union and Multnomah. Rev. J. W. Byrd. 11. missionary service; 12, basket din ner'; 8, communion service; 8, preaching. "1 n First K. 10th and Weidler Hev. J. T. Little 11, 7:30. . Seliwood E. 0th and Spokane Kev. J. 1. BringedahL 11. 7:80. -' Brentwood 65th ave. , and ; 67th St. Kev. C -V.. Fowler. 11. 780. Highland Park E. 14th and JarreU Rev. W. P. Keebaugh. 11, 8. Scandinavian 948 Garfield Bev. Daniel Uallstram. 11,-7:30. . ; J Piesayterlaa - ...:, ' First 12th and Alder. Dr. H. L. Bowman. Preaching' by' Dr. John- H. Boyd. 10:30, 7:45, "The Lews of the Game." . Westminster Eaat 17 th and Schuyler. Rev. Edward H. Pence. 10.3O, "When Future Be- eomea Present"; 7:45, "Jesus Wept" ' Central B. 18th and Pina Kev. Waltat Harry Nugent. : 11, . "The Iiriportance of the Preliminary Battles": 9. "A Prime Blessing te the Worldly Mind." Calvary 1 1th and Clay. Rev. L. Bowrlng Quick. It. A Memorial"; oosnmuntoa aerviee; 7 ;4 R, aacred concert. ' t Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Belmont. Bav. Ward MacHenry, 11, 8. i : Vernon 10th and Wygant 11. 8. Piedmont Clave land and Jarrett Bev. J. Francs Morgan. 11 "The Child in the Midst. ami children's baptism; 8. "Playing the Game of Life." Fourth First" aad Gibbs, - Rev. Monroe G. Everett" 10-80. 7:80. Kenilwortb E. 84th and Gladstone. Rev. L. K. Grimes. 11, "The Great Oversight"; 8, 'Iepreciaaon Of the King's Currency." Hope 78th aad Everett Bev. H. & GUaa morning. On June 13 the annual Chil dren's day exercises will be given during the morning sermon hour. . The men's club " la planning a picnic at Laurel hurst park for this month. - - -t - Dr.'R. H. Milligaa will close his pastorate at Rose City Park Presbyterian church this month. Upon leaving Portland Dr. Milligaa plana to spend three months in Europe. - On 8unday evening . la response to many request 'he" will preach the first in series of three evening ser mons on "Religion and Health." I - -- Cbildren will . be baptised Sunday morning at Piedmont Presbyterian church by the Rev. J. Francis Morgan. Special, music win be' fur nished by the choir at mornins and evening services. - !, - , - . The Rev. W. W. Txmg will preach the same sermon Sunday morning be used, on the occa sion of his first Sunday la Forbes Presbyterian church lust .one year ago. Lantern slides show ing - the Portland presbytery- church extension work will be given in-the evening by the Rev. Boudinot Seeley. The pastor reports that 103 members have - been received .Into the church during the past year. Children's day wUl be observed next Sunday. ' Last Sunday the church voted to purchase a pipe organ, which is to be installed by December of this year. -r : -"''' :-. ' - ' V ' nriTABIAW .-' The Rev. Andrew Fish of Eugene will exchange pulpits -with the Rev. W. G. Eliot of the Church of Our Father on Sunday. He will preach here at 11 a, m. A meeting of the Portland chapter of the Laymen's league will be held at 10 a, m. in the church. BiUy Sunday WiU Conduct Services Billy Sunday, noted " evanwelist, ; will conduct the opening service at the sum mer Bible school at Gladstone, June 25 to August 25, according to an announce ment made by Dr. WJ.M. -White of Albany, regional director. The institute will 'be conducted under the auspices of the Moody Bible institute , of Chicago. The" regular monthly, meeting of the Portland Bible league will be held Mon day afternoon in Sunny side Congrega tional church. Dr. W. B. Hlnson will give an address on "The Resurrection. All Bible students are Invited. Portland Ministers Will Elect Monday - The last meeting for the current year of the Portland Ministerial association will be held on Monday morning at 10 :30 o'clock in the T. M. C A. auditorium. At this meeting the officers for next year will -be elected, recommendations for school directorship - will be consid ered, and the Rev. W. F. Ineson, pastor of the Sunnyside M. E. church, will de liver a special address -on " "Christ and Human Values. All ministers of Port land and vicinity are cordially Invited.. PORTLAND 11, "God's Human Templea" 8, "The Gospel of imeeriulness. " .. -.. "Man Incurably Religious"; 8, "The History of Mental Healing." Forbes Graham and Gantenbeia. v Bev. Ward Willis Long. 11. "The Sot of the Sail"; 8, lantern rlide lecture by Rev. Boudinot Seeley. Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Bev. Theo dore P. Smith. 11, 7:80. Anabei F. H. Mixell. 11, 8. Millard Anue Rev. W. Lee Gray. 11, 8. Marshall Street 17tl and Marshall -Rev. A. J. Hanna. 11. - Mis pah -E. 19th and Divhton. Rev.-D. A. Thompsoo. 11," "The Inner Circle"; 7:45, "The sanrer vuuooa. Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Bev. 8. W. Seemaa. 11, "OndiUons of Discipleehlp"; 7:80, "The Master's CalL" Holt Chinese 133 V4 First Rev. Gee Sing ttoy. 7 p. m. sebool; 8, 8, young people, - Reformed Presbvtertan First Minnesota and Ainaworth Rev. F. D. mtazer. ,.ll, 7:so.- t-. ; ' . - Seventh Day Advent lata Note Regular servicea of -thia -denomiaaUoe sre held on Saturday. i Central E. 11th and Everett L. K. Dick von. pastor. 10. 11:15. , - Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery Q. W. Pettit minister. 10. 11. Monta villa E. 80th and Everett J. A. Gar ner. lO. H. - I" ; Lenta 84th st and 68th are.- W. D. Huat- Ingtoa 10, 11. , . ! v , St. Johns Central ava and Charleston A. R Folkenberg. 10. 11. ' Albina Skidmore and Mallory ElderM. H. WentUnd. 10, 11. Scandinavian 62d at and 39th ava Elder O. S Lee. 10, 11. Salvation - Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Henry R. Cogens. 11. 3:15. 8. ' Corps No. 4128 H 1st Ensign Jessie Mil- lard and .Envoy Mrs. Lipton. 1 1. i:su, , o, . Sweeenborgjan New Church Society 831 Jefferson. Bev. William H. Reece. 11, "The Four Phases of the Jewish Dispensation." 1 . - - . Unitarian i Church - of Our Father Broadway and Yam hill Rev. W. C. Eliot Jr. ,11, preaching. by Rev.- Andrew-' Fih of Eugene ' United Brethren Conference superintendent Rev. G. B. Mo Dona Id. - First E. 15th and Morrison. Rev. Byron J. "Clark. , 10 to 12, Children's day pageant, and address by pastor on ' The Hears of a unua ; 7:80. "The Two Ifa" . Second E. 27th and Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawley. 11, Children'a day service and sermon by the pastor on "He. the Key of the House ef David"; 7:30. "Be Te Separate AIL and Te Shall Bo' My Sons and Daughters." Third 67th stend 32d ave.. 8. E. Bev. E. O. Sheatherd. 1 1, Children's day - program; . 7 :30, sermon. - Fourth Tremont - Bev. C ' P. Blanchard. 11,' Children's day program; 7:80, "A Safe Child Insurance. " v ClorerdaJe 446 Jeeaup. Rev. Walter Reyn olds. 10, 6:30, 7:80. t ' United KvaneeHeaC - ' Ffrtst E. 16th. and Poplar Rev. jr. A. Goods. 11. 8. . Ockley Green Willamette bird and Gay Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:30. ' SU Johns Rev. A. P. Laytoa 11. 7:80. United r-rasbytarlan First B. 87th aad lis wt horns Rev. H. F. " Given. 11, 7:30. , ' . Church of the Strangers Grand and Wasco. Rev. S. Earl Du Boii. 10:30, "Beginning One's Life Work": 8. "Calling for Lights." Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rav. George N. Taylor. 11, "Concerning the World, the Flesh and the Devil"; . 8, "When Christ Used Fiashligfatf - , ; Mlsoetlaneoua . Christian aad Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 10, 11, 7:30. Realisation League 148 18th.. Rev. Edward Mil, ii. -j ' . i - . CfaristadelphUn 621 E. Washington. 10:30. - Church of God 363 Failing Harry NaaL II. 7:80. r - Gospel Hall E. 29th and Stark. 11, 7:80. Mens Resort ith and Bameide Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent , 8. . Divine" Science Portfcnd ; hotel. T. M. Minardi 11, "The Four Planes of Love.- - lenteeostsI First and Washington Be. Will C Trotter. 11. 3, 7:80. Daily, 7:80. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 240 1st 8,'- 8. 7:80. - Pentecostal 147 H First . George B. Far row. , 8. m Pentecostal 210H TsmbUl 3:80. 7:80 gaily, 7:80. , Christian Assembly E. 20th and Ankeny Pastor. A. W. Smith. 11. 3:45. 7:45. Volunteer of America 224 Burnaide. Xvsre logs except Moods 7 at 8: Sunday, 3. 8. Portland Eerlesia (Christadelphiaa) 1697 Bslraont George H. Tilling, seeretsry. il. Peniel Mtsaten aoo Auier. 4. o ; aally, 8. Church of Christ E. 7tb tad Gliaaa- 11. First SpirUuaUsV E. 7 th and Haasalo. 8, lecture by Mm. M. A. Oonglew; 7:46, lecture by Mrs, !! A. Brown ef Kansas City. First Spiritual Scleace 129 4th at Bev. Mai Hoffman. 8. 8. International Bible Student W. O. . W. temple. 11th aad Alder. .8. 8. Church ef Christ B. 8 2d and 80th ava 10. 11. 7:80. . T. M. C A. Sixth and Taylor. 8. Church of Dtviae Truth il2 Central build ing. Nettl Taylor Kioh. 11. f Oiiumi f nit Ka Inut tntith 9. nerve .n(n die file which hae a spring: arm pro jecting from one g4de near the top. ft& JaClUI IU C U , Harold W"J Humbert ? Today- Oregon will- lose the Eeneral eecretary of ita - Sunday school - work. Harold F. HumberVwho during; the paat two years has labored faithfully to ad Vance the cause of religious education. Humbert resigned to take a - post graduate course In religious education at Boston university. His schedule dur ing the next three months -Is a full one. June 13 to 15" he will be at Mlnot, N. D., and June 18 to 18 at- Valley City, N. D., speaking at the "twin" sessions of the North Dakota Sunday school convention. June 21 to 24 and June 25 he wlll be at Charles City and ' Charlton, Iowa, j to speak at the Iowa Sunday school "con vention. June 29 to July 11 Mr. Hum bert will be a tent leader at the camp of four-fold life for. older boys at Lake Geneva. The boys from the Northwest to attend this camp are Dell Tedrow of McMinnviUe, George Porter and Duane Laurence, of Portland and Dale Hum bert of Spokane.-" Between July 13 and 23 Humbert will remain at Lake Geneva and between July 27 and 'August 6 he will be at Lake Winnepesauke, N. ( H., where he will be an instructor in classes studying "Worship in the Sunday School" and "Festival Dayai? Between August 10 and September IS he will be engaged in field work- in thestate of Minnesota. The state executive j,-. committee "is en deavoring to find a five church man who is capable of 'directing Sunday school work in Oregon. j .: -.f ;,. . ' ! : - !.. Annual Schbol FestlTal r No services will fee held Sunday at Trinity Lutheran cnurch, Williams and Graham avenues.- The services will be adjourned to Concordia college, East Twenty-eighth , and - Holman streets. where the annual school festival' will be conducted. Divine services at 10 :30 a. m. will be in German. Usual festivities will be held in . the afternoon. Rev. J. A. Bimbach is pastor, a . " t . ! FIRST METHODIST CHURCH .;.: .1- . ' ' ' J8TH AUD TATLOB 10:30 A.. M.-i SERMON BY Rev.V.FIneson 1215 SUNDAY SCEOOL 8:00 P. M.-LSERM0H BY Rev.E.TiGruvelI SPECIAL MUSIcf COME Nebuchadnezzar "His Dream the Great Image the fixterpretation" OOMC AND HE Aft THIS LE0TURK ; SUNDAY, ME 6, 8 P. M. GOSPEL AND PROPHETIC HALL 10 SKOOMO STREET T St. David's . Church t. 12th end Bsimont '. , SERVIOE 730, SsSO. 11 :00, 7:S0 SEmMOflS 11 :00! ' . HOW TO BE A OHMISTIAHL IWYSTIO : ' . . 7:90:' 5 AN EPISTLE ON THE MORAL LAW. : REV. THOMAS JENKINS, Rector. HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH SIXTH AND ALBERTA STREETS DR. W. T. MILLIKEN, PASTOR II A. V. "What Chriat Taught About Compassion. 1 ft FY IvL "SalvaUon'a Threefold Author. VOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITE TO -- WORSHIP WITH US OWNERSHIP OF THE SABBATH BY THE PASTOR -11$0O A. M. , V SERMON BY THE REV. O. E. H ION MAN, O. D- P. M. ; Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church ZATH AND SAVIER STS. i w .-- '" v - ' 't. .' W :'::: i (II ; 11 " 'in CHILDREN'S DAY EXERCISES TO BE ERVEDSUH Annual Children's day exercise will be recited in many of Port land's churches' Sunday morning, but a still larger number will hold their annual festival ou June 13. Children's day is held In the churches about the time the public school year closes. Many Sunday schools make this date their graduation day." Children having done notable work are promoted to a higher division. J!raduaUy the Sunday schools are seeing the wisdom of adopting certain day. school methods In the Sunday school. The graduation idea was one of the first to be adopted. Many schools are now doing away with the general as sembly and are grouping their childrea by ages and using every minute avail able to teach them religious trutha. i During the past two years emphaslf has been laid on Vefy necessity of hav lng trained Bible teachers :n the Sunday school, which has resulted In the es tablishment of a Portland training school for church wcjrkers. The school will have two semesters "this year. The first semester will belneld each Wednes day night from October 13 to December 15, and the second from January S to March 19. The Portland Church Feder ation and Multnomah County Sunday School association direct the school. Children's day exercises will be held at. the hoW of morning worship at the Second, Third and Fourth United Brethren churches, j At First United Brethren church a pageant will be given , from 10 a. m. to noon. The entire eve ning service at Lens Evangelical and Kern 'Park Christian! churches will be turned over to the Hunday school chil dren. jj Communion lat Glencoe Communion will ha observed and new members received f Sunday morning at Glencoe Baptist chureh. The male quar tet will sing. A new series of sermons to last through June Will be started Sun day by the Rev. F. IC. Laslette, pantor. FIRST ' CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK -AND M4.DISON STREETS . . i 11 A. M. Dr. McElveen preaches the! baccalaureate j sermon to the graduating class of the Washington High School. 7:43 P. M. Dr. McElveen preaches "Applying Christ's Idea of Productivity to Oregon' 9:45 A. M. Siiiday School. 6:30 P. M. Christian En deavor. RESURRECTION IN 1925 HEAR 1 1 M. L. HERR of Urooalra, Saw Tork REPREREXT1BTO THK IWTER1VA. - .TIOJtAI. BIBLE KTUDESIS' ASSOCIATION. Sun., June 6 8 P. M.- SCRIPTURE TEACHImj CONCERNING THE RETURN OF OUR LOVED OHES FROM DEATH Y Thla vitally important subject clearly and definitely outlined according; to Bible chronology by a deep scholar and a very able and interesting Speaker at - W O. W. TEMPLE 1KB SL, Bet. Wathlartoa and Alder TOU ABE WELCOME . SEATS FREE 50 COLLECTIOX OOME AND HEAR Louise E. Brovn Spaaaar sod Mmiaaa Bssrar tt Kansas City, Mo. SUNDAY S AND 7:45 P. M. First Spiritualist Gliurch Eaat Jta aad Uassaio gt. DBS DAY