THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, P ORTLAND. MONDAY, WAY 31, 1820. .5 PRICE REDUCTIONS MERE FLASHES IN COMMERCIAL PLAN (By t'nited Km. Washington, May 31: Price re ductions which occurred during the month of May cannot be regarded as indicating a modification of underly ing conditions, the federal reserve board stated today In its review of business and financial conditions. Thy may, however, afford a baala for changes in business relationships tnat may broaden into more xar-reacn-1ns alterations of the essential price structure. said the board. A general reduction in 'prices has at least been "suggested", as the board views It. "Local reductions in retail prices have occurred at a considerable number of points and have at leant suggested the advent of a serKus modification of the price level throughout the country." said the review. "Mote careful analysis has shown that there has been no material laceration in the underlynlg conditions affecting the situation, there being no decided increase in the volume of pro duction sufficient to create a more nor mal relationship with consumption, no substantial change in the volume of credit extended, and no greater disposi tion to economize and invest than here tofore. "The changes that have taken place eannot, therefore, be looked upon as in dicating a modification of underlying conditions. FINANCIAL FCTUIIE DEPENDS OS TIIIS SUMMER'S CROPS By "Walter B. Browi Editor of the New Tork CoramwciAl Written for the TJnitl New " New TofTc. May 31. Recovery In the stock market evident during the greater part of the week appears to have been based upon natural reaction from the depressing influences so long in control. Now that definite steps have been taken to correct the difficulties besetting the orderly conduct of business Wall street seems to have taken heart and crawled -put from under its cloak of pessimism. 1 The mere fact that the country shows ifJigns of understanding the seriousness of the credit situation is sufficient to , "give renewed confidence, while the fav orable snowing or me iasi uho ment. though not revealing all that could be desired, nevertheless indicates that tne efforts of those in control of our financial affairs are beginning to be felt. It does not follow that we are by any means out of the woods so far as our credit difficulties are concerned, but it is a great deal to have laid out a - program. ' BASKS FORCE BEDrCTIOXS This readjustment of credit condi tions is bound to have some rather dis turbing effects from time to time. The price cutting among retailers is an out come of it, influenced also by a revolt on the part of the public. Inventories have been too large and the banks have made It plain to such customers that it would be far better to reduce1 them rather than apply for renewals of loans to carry them. This class of borrowers also has real ized the advantage or an arrange ment of this character, as it was far more profitable to turn excess merchan dise into cash than to pay prevailing rates for new loans. It hasj of course, led to a great deal of hysterical price isitting. resulting in stimulated con sumption Instead of stimulated produc tion, which is tne real remedy for the trouble, lne outcome wiu naiuraiiy oe depleted stocks from which will arise an abnormal demand and higher prices later, to be followed in turn by other cuts with the probability that the gen eral price curve will, show a wavering line, but with "the general tendency downward. l AEJIEES WORBIED One factor entering Into the situation is the improvement in exchange follow ing Imports of gold for British account A shipment of $20,000,000 came in dur ing the week via San Krancisco from China which is in anticipation of the payment of the nglo-French loan due in the fa!L Incidently the Argentine rate of ex change has again become favorable to shipment of gold to this country., but as Argentina has already large gold credits here. It was merely necessary to re ' lease some of it to accomplish the same purpose. Another effect of the high price of money due to the credit strain is the predicament in. which the 'farmers find J themselves in attempting to finance -uicir new cruya ui (imuiue live stock, farm machinery and the like. I1B0B HiHJ) TO SECURE They have petitioned congress for an .emergency fund of $40,000,000 for this purpose to use as a revolving fund. If it were only possible to move their re maining crops this extra financing would not be necessary and. In fact, a great deal of the excess credit strain could be averted, but with conditions' as they are. prompt action Is necessary as the season is getting late and the opportun ity soon will be gone. Farmers are also in a difficult situa tion because of a shortage of farm labor, i which has deserted the fields for higher; wages in industry. Farmers complain bitterly because of the competition of automobile factories paying fancy wage scales. In one respect it seems rather inconsistent for the farmers to complain as they themselves are the largest buy ers of automobiles. PROSPERITY AXD CROPS The question of financing the new crops "is of .course preliminary to pro viding a .suitable amount of credit to move the crops after they have been raised, and although this is several months away, preparations are already being made to provide the necessary funds. - . Incidentally it is of considerable In terest to note that the winter wheat crop in the South west, is making a much better showing than from earlier re ports , seemed possible. Severe winer conditions, usually have the effect of forcing growth underground, so that the strong roots thus developed are more than likely to result in a heavy yield per acre. j The crop situation must be watched from now on as any reduction in the buying power of the agricultural com munity would immediately react upon industry and in turn upon the financial situation. In fact, a crop failure would in all probability bring on a period of depression if not an actual panic 4532 More Persons Moved to ort Born in Atlantic City, N. J. -Washington, May SL (U. P.) The census bureau here announced the following 1920 population figures : - Atlantic City, -fi. J., ' 60.682; increase since 19X0. 4532. or S.$ per cent North Bergen towpship, N. J., 23.344; Increase of 76S2, or 49 per cent. C otttoim sum rn (res?, ."untm wn dHerchkndisc cfcJ.Mcrit.Only" Page 2 ; of the Greatest Value-Giving Event that the Month of June Has Ever Seen The Most Exquisite Specimens of Crepe de Chine and Satin . Underwear Sharply Reduced We Announce Our Own Direct Importation of 1. Philipp Judged From the Standpoint of Beauty and of Values This Is One . of the Greatest ine Hand-Embroidered Underwear The First Shipment That We Have Succeeded in Landing for Many Months No Telling When There Will Be More atAnv Price! PRESENT prices at wholesale are just about equal to the sale prices quoted for this King Cotton event -but because of the. uncertainty of-shipping conditions and labor unrest in the Orient, it may be a year before the receipt of our next consignment. -All of which emphasizes the wonderful value which wc are offering in announcing Super-Sales A Special Price of $3.45 Envelope Chemise $0 .95 Greatly Reduced to Crepe de chine envelope Chemise with lace and insertion trimming's finished with ribbon straps. ' And a wonderful assortment of crepe de chine envelope Chemise greatly re duced to $3.95. And still others a,e reduced to $4.45 $5.45 $6.45 and Up Crepe de Chine Gowns $95 Greatly Reduced to Splendidly tailored Night Gowns in two styles flesh only. The savings- are extraordinary. Another remarkable lot of crepe de chine Gowns sharply reduced to $6.45. Also big reductions on our entire stock of crepe de chine and satin Bloomers, Drawers, Camisoles, Pajamas and Petticoats. . Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. For the Choice of This Entire Shipment of the Marvel ously Hand Embroidered Underwear From the Philippines Included are gowns and envelope chemise of fine lingerie cloth any garment in the collection fit to grace the place of honor in the trousseau of the Junerbride.. Choice $3.45. Philippine-Porto Rican Underwear v Extra Special . $3.95 and $4.95 -Two very extraordinary lots of exquisitely-embroidered gowns and embroidered chemise. Priced for the King Cotton Sale at S3.95 and J4.9S. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe At Co. Women's Spring Knit Underwear ml Surprisingly Low Priced -Here is where King Cotton has worked wonders with a willing hand and the result is apparent in the following extraordinary values: ' Women's White Cotton Union Suits $1.15 Low neck, sleeveless and bodice style top lace and tight and shell trimmed knee (The Globe) made with flat IoclT seam which adds strength and comtort to the garment. All full size perfect fitting V Regular Sizes $1.15, Extra Sizes $15 Elxtraordinary; and Very Timely garments. Women's Ribbed Cotton Vests 50c Women's Cotton Union Suits 85c Made of combed cotton yarns. Bodice top style, neatly made and finished; full size, perfect fitting garments of fine elastic rib. Splendid value 50c. , All sizes. Regular and extra sizes fine ribbed bodice top and band top lace and tight knees full - size shaped bodies, splendid quality. AH new stock specially priced. Sizes 36 to 44. Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. Boys! Porosknit Cotton Union Suits 95c low neck, sleeve less and knee length the original Chalm ers make- every gar ment cut full and per fect fitting sizes 26 to 34 special price at 95 c. Street Floor. Sharp Reductions On All Silk Goals r For Wee Girls Special The pettlest of little Coats of taffeta, in brown, green, rose and blue. Some of pongee silk are also included. Sizes 3 to 6 years. . .' , All Coat and Hat Sets Greatly Reduced In Some Instances Less Than. One-Third : Original Price Others Reduced to $15 Two models" of faille silk one for tiny tots the others for 3, 4 and 5-year-old little girls. Coats in pretty shides of rose, corn and China blue choice -15i5. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. The House Dress Section Features 1182 Hous Dress Aprons of Scout Percal At a Phenomenally Low Price Absolutely Dis regarding, Present Value or Orig inal Cost, Stamped Pillow Cases $1.49 Pair Of Continental tubing, 'cut and resewed on one side due to an error on the part of the factory. Stamped for scalloping and simple embroidery stitches. Very remarkable value at $1.49 pair. Pure Linen Luncheon Cloths $4.45 Exceptional values in stamped cloths made of round - thread pure art linezi medium weight. Come in forty-five and fifty-inch lengths. Choice $4.45. Pure Linen Pillow Slips $1.45 Each Made-up SlipsHrimmed with linen cluny lace edging and embroidery medallions size ilxtS inches. Suitable for boudoir and baby pillows. Stamped Dresser Scarfs Special $1.00 White' linene Scarfs 20x54 inches, edged with four-inch lace ends stamped for embroidery. Children's Stamped Dresses Special 89c A very attractive offering in children's dresses of Repp, Flaxon and Batilte in one, three, five and seven year sizes. Stamped for sim ple embroidery stitches. Ex tra special 89c. - Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe &. Qo. .... - . . Just when thousands are seeking gifts for new!y-weds and soon-to-be-weds comes the announcement of this . . : Very Unusual Sale Lot of Beautiful Sheffield Holloware At Approximately Today' Wholesale Prices ; Lucky the June bride who receives several pieces of this splendid quality Sheffield Holloware. It is all made on copper base in the most beautiful desfgns- plain polish and butler finishes. - ; -- ' - ' ' i ' :- The savings will be apparent to everyone. When this lot !s exhausted, the opportunity tp buy such merchandise at these prices will have passed and probably will not re turn for years. Double Vegetable Dishes... $17.65 Gravy Sets $11.85 . Open Vegetable Dishes ....$8.35 Fruit Dishes 13-inch Meat 15-inch 17-inch 19-inch 17-inch well Meat Meat Meat Meat Platters and tree . . . Platters Platters. . Platters. . Platters. . 19-inch Meat Platters well and tree 11-ihch Chop Dishes, Chop Dishes, ll-inch ered , 18-inch $11.35 $10.85 .$1X85 $18.15 . . . .$21.35 with .-$24.85 with . $30.35 -....$8.35 cov- ... .$16.85 ' $20.35 Fish Platters 6- in. Bread and Butter Plates $2.35 7- in. Breat and Butter Plates $2!95 Bread Trays with handles. . .$5.35 Sandwich Trays ......... .$7.85 Cheese and Cracker Dishes $10.15 Street Floor, Lipman, Wolfe ox Co. Corsets of Standard Makes U ' I $155 In plain colors,: checks, stripes, plaids : and figured effects, in slip-on and button styles, ric rac and plain; trimmings, -belts and pockets. . -: : Fourth Floor, Upmu, Wolfe Sc. Co. I 7 Dress Up the Home! Make It Attractive With New Lace Curtains . Special $2.19 Pair Nottingham -Curtains made with two-inch hems and neat lace edging two and, one-quarter yards long. Scrim and Marquisette Curtains . Extra Special $2.89 Pair An extreme saving Is involved here but the -entire lot contains but two hundred pairs. Every pair hemstitched and firmly made with neat lace edging. Choice of white or cream - two and one-quarter yards long. ; Voile, Filet Net and Mar quisette Curtains, Pair $4.95 An exceptional value while the lot of one hundred and fiftv fiairs lasts. Fine amlitv vnil mnA fAr n. firmly , made, with neat hemstitched and drawn-work effects nu nee cuR.c ana wcr. rooms wnue or cream colors and one-quarter to two and one-half yards in length. Fiftk Floor, Lipman, Wolfe & Co. -two Extra Special La Vida Etoile de France Dorine j -v-- THE greatest value-giving effort that th Corset De partment puts forth during the year is for this King Cotton Sale. ' 1 . Therefore you may come with great expectations for we are prepared with wonderful offerings, j The above well known makes in brocades, fancy bat iste, plain coutil, etc. Corsets for practically every fig ure. All of them finished at top with' lace :or embroidery, and there are all sizes from 20 to 30. Fourth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe 8c Co,