THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 30, 1920. v ROOMING HOrRES, APABTMKHTS ASP HOTELS FOR WALE CI ... Forced to Vacate Furniture Must - Be Sold M Saturday, May 29.. 10" H 4TH ST . AT WASHINGTON. 16 ROOMS. CONDEMNED BY CITY. GOOD DRESSERS $6 TO $9 EACH. IRON BEDS $1.50 TO $4 EACH. MATTRESSES $1 TO $4 EACH. SPRINGS 50c to $1, PILLOWS 50e EACH. COMFORTS AND QUILTS $1 EACH. COMMODES HOC AND $1 EACH. STAN DM AND TABLES 0e to $8. CHAIRS 75e H $1.75 EACH. J GOOD BOCKEltS $1.25 TO $2.60 EACH. A $40 REFRIGERATOR FOB $10. B ET. EXTENSION TABLE $8. "DANDY 12-FT. LADDER $2.50. CURTAINS 25e, SHADES 50e EACH. BLANKETS 75c TO 2 PAUL Various other iurruahinas too numerous to advertise. ALL TO GO FOR ALMOST NOTHING SALE ALL DAY SATURDAY. - ' HOTEL IJiT YOUR MONEY MAKE YOP MONEY EASY THET WILL NOT BE I1WER BETTER GET IN NOW DON'T WAIT 44 room. strictly modern, brick, on Wuh- inrton street, iuuv net; goorj lurniture. An eiceptionally pretty tiling; easily worth $8000. Miirt b seen to be realized. $6500 on term. Get in a hurry. -'J. Eugene Hedges ; 171 W. PARK "BondHl I Hare, Good Buy. ' 3-STORY 1 ft story concrrtu, "id tUrry. S3 story -frame) . anburban botW. on the east aid. Just around corner from street earline, 4 blocks from interstate earline to Vancouver. Wach.. a block to grammar school. 1 mile from best high school in Portland. House 80x50. lot SUxIOo; extra rear lot. 14 fruit btanng trees; yt full view of snow-capped mountains, ML Kond, St. Helens and Adam; first floor is pool ball ami confectionery, other two tyxn-s linns eiart sleeping rooms; 14 rooms. 10 bedrooms, parlor, lirinir mom. etc.. 3 porches. Gas and electricity ; toilet on each floor, one bath ; com pletely furnished. Sacrifice price. $5000, half each. 1408 Msdrnna, Woocuawn car. HERE IS A GOOD BUSINESS INVESTMENT Can be made into 2 fine apartment houses, very little expense 100x100, comer of Killings- worth are. and Kerby st.. 2 story 8 room bouse. strictly modern throughout, fireplace and s fur nace, bath rooms upstairs and downstairs: also. 2 story building, size 84x48; see this before you buy an apartment . house. KILLINGS WORTH AVE. REALTY CO., 121 Killingswortb are.. Phone, Automatic 31871. Evening and Sunday, call Woodlawn- 4945. 42 ROOM H- K. apt. East 3487, $2500 baa- dies It BUSINESS OFPORTITNITIES , FOR SALE. . OLDESTABLISIEB ;--'..TRUCK AGENCY . v TERRITORY INCLUDES OREGON, WASHINGTON AND IDAHO. GOOD PATDiO PROPOSITION. OTHER LIVES DEMAND OCR ATTENTION. R-930, JOURNAL. DAIRY RANCH, $2000 CLEARED LAST YEAR mile from school ; good new bouse, and practically new barn; room for 20 cows; silo is ordered: nice orchard; 10 Jersey cows and-Jersey bull; 8 heifer; 7 pigs, team, harness, wagon, mower, etc Ranch consists of 8 40-ecre tracts along creek bottom: 20 acres in cultivation. This year's crop in. For further information see P. V. Campbell, N. W. comer 10th and Him Broadway 4379. CORNER , cash groceries, confectionery and no twins store, never been on the market before. If you want a nice business and make money come and eee me at 205 N. 17th at. with $2500 and we can do business. Cheap rent and lease and Urine rooms. Reason for selling, want to retire. You can see this store and stock fiom 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. . ADDITIONAL capita) could profitably be used by many concerns for enlarging their business, centralizing and deferring their scattered in debtedness if necessary sum could be secured at current rates ; privilege to repay oyer term of years out of earnings. Write fully first letter. . isegrescou. 333, N. Dearborn. Chicago. FOUNDRY for sale; also running general repair . ' and machine shop in connection; fully equipped; light and medium gray iron and brass . castmes a specialty; now in full ooeration: no eomietition; good reasons for selling. HX-724, journal. ORGANIZE business under declaration of trust. (regal in au states: no reports to county of state com. No stock liability, taxed aa individual. We prepare bonds, furnteh trustees, compile printed matter, supply salesmen. Est. 1914. ."afcj Org. Co., 123 Madison. Chicago. TOUR chance to get the big money; lady or gene can Handle, during Shriners convention and other days: a clean, honorable hnsinesa and no fake. Call in person after 6 p. m. or Sunday anemonn. i win rake about $75 to handle. j iso r- Lincoln St.. cor. 38th.. Portland.. POOL HALL-AND R ES T XfTR AN T Will sell stock for pool tall and restaurant, doing excellent business, in Carlton, Or., at in r voie prices; only restaurant in town; rent on ouiiaing ana fixture Is low. Mrs. I. E. Bailey, Carlton. Or. to l- 1 O business; make big money. We start you manuiactunng and selling Famous South ern ra nnes. itew buainess, enormous profits. tieuiciiuuus annum, womiertui opportunity. j-.mj.rm yjMujr l.-- i ,ew Orleans. I NEED 6 trucks immediately for road work. o. iu iicr nour; guaranteea Job furnished wnb each 3 -ton truck purchased. R. K. Harness, city. Broadway 1572. Ask tor truck eaiesmau. Sunday phone Tabor 1344. FOR SALE Greenhouse 18U.tR? f.t .,! lease; doing good business; plenty business to Justify more glass; am sick and want to sell. W ill take Ford aj part. Price $1500. Address ucunwn sjreenuouac. leoanon. Or. BAKERY The beet buy in the country, well equipped, good business. Look into this. PEERLESS BAKERY Medford. Or. VliR RAI.E V.Ht. .,rl- ITll IT - -r ' . . .11 . r-(l IU1 J , about $3000; established about 10 years; rent Mr uiimiu. i. corneas, flu iuungswortn FOR SALE st invoice, grocery stock ; good trade: about $1000 stock; doing from $75 to $100 per day. CoL 826. 702 Polk St. 8t. Johns. ANOTHER log job; good roads, short hsul; can make $75 per day: good contract and accom modation. Service Truck Co.. 22 7 Salmon st. jiain e-iov.. FOR SALE Pressing, dressmaking and hem stitching parlor; good location; rent reason able. Phone Broadway 3958. GOOD confectionery business tor sale: fine lo cation, good business; $500 of stock and furnishings- Box 115. Donald. Or. SOR SALE 3 room bouse and lot, aavo res taurant with furnished rooms upstairs, rrmitv- able. Call or write Rtdgefield. Wash., box 66. FOR SALE Partnership in garaee and repair ahop at 125 Sixteenth st. Look this over. FOR SALE Second hand furniture store En Kelso, Wash.; doing a good business; for $600. M. Biback. p. O. Box 4. PORTLAND people are starting to develop valuable Texas land. It might pay you to FOR RATTe Ht'dwvrii 1 ERICKSON'S WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOME. 798 E. 78TH ST. N. Printing For Less Ryder Ptg. On. Main 6536. 192 8d rt. IF YOU can sell automobiles and can buy your demonstrator answer this ad. K-928, Jour nal. EXCLUSIVE street concession on novelty dur in Shriners convention. Concession mid. Call Mar. 3348. Sunday a. m. only. BAKERY for sale, good location: will 'sell at a harrain SO!l V. at), . v. ACCOUNT wife's health, must sell restaurant Cheap if taken before Sunday. 292 1st at FIRST c-a&s machine shoe shop, good business, fine location. Q-669. Journal. . GARAGE for sale by owner; good location f good bosixieas. Call Broadway 1878. FISH TRAP "for sale. Apply705 Reed sC - end of 16th at. earline. North. 100x100, NEW' garage, on West Side, clues ia. . ' for rent or tease. Tabor 2199. ! tarR EE akee ball alleys, most fascinating bow i ine rame. cheap. 635 Tharman at. JiOOT beer stand for sale at 209MTionsE PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 5112-519 SwetSand . B.dg. Phone Marshall '3989 Apartment Houses $17,50049 apartments, close in on east aide; 44 3 -room apartments and o Z-room apartments; strictly modern, and V clearing $950 a month; rent $500 v ; a month, with 8-year lease; terms to reatmsible party. Apartment House . . ... $12,600 18 apartments, an 3 -room with bath; : tine west nda location; modern in , every respect, and will stand close investigation ; rent $350 a month, with 3-year lease: if yon are loo kins for a real boy, look this over. : Qrocery; and Confectionery - 1 - - i ' . 4 living ' rooms, 3 storerooms! good location en carline and crossroads; good fountain, good line of groceries' and confectionery; doing over $3000 a month; rent $40: fixtures $500: in voice stock should run, fixtures and all. $3500. Grocery and ; Confectionery 5-room 'house and garage: near a large school and earline: good fixtures and fountain; rent $40; doing over $75 a day; fixtures $600; invoice stock about $3100; this is a dandy place (or a live wire. Grocery Large room, good basement; rent $30; fix ture $300: invoice stock, . and fixtures, will run about $2250; terms $1200, balance in monthly payments; will take in exchange a good team of mares or Ford car aa part i payment ; this is a good business and located in a good locality, no competition; you will have to hurry II you get this one. Grocery Cash basiness, some delivery; 3 living rooms; rent $30: lump, or invoice about $7000; ceipta $200 cash a day; this is a real grocery. lot a real grocery man. Grocery and Confectionery Rent $25; 4 living rooms; no competition near; doing over $.0 cash and carry; Sunday business will run $100; this is a real buy fixtures $1000. or will lump the business $3100 stock alone will run almost $3000; this is good buy, Grocery and Confectionery ' Corner location: 4 nice living rooms: stock and fixtures $2500. or fixtures $800 and invoice; nice clean cash-and-carry business; oa transfer- corner, in one of the busiest streets running out of Portland; give this a once-over. i Grocery, Cash and Carry Rent $25, receipts $60 a day; $18.00; thfe is a good one, and can be made better. Confectionery and ' Fruits Corner location, acrrtss from park: good foun tain and bar; doing $60 to $100 a day; rentra sow a moniii, witn good lease; this is onei of the beat locations we have to offer you; price sjduu. Grocery, Fruits and Light Confectionery 4 living rooms; rent $40; apartment house district; daily receipts $100; good reasons have forced this on the market set-busy. Confectionery, Delicatessen and Light : Grocery ! In one of the best, if not the best, apart ment house districts in Portland; rent $40 a month: nice clean stock. A-l fixtures and foun tain ; we could not say anything but facts in regard to this place ; 2 living rooms ; never does under $75 a day, Sundays $150 to $200; price for quick sale $3800 on account of partnership disagreement. Grocery -1 Brick building, rent $45; doing $60' to $100 a day:' good location: nice clean atock, and well located for a much larger business;' fix tures $500, and invoice will run about $2500 including fixtures. . I .- . .- I ; : :l ! ; r Cash and Carry .Grocery This is a real grocery store; I nice fixtures, nice clean stock, and doing $60 to $100 a day; rent, including 6 living rooms, $60 a month: invoice stock and fixtures about $3000; if you: are looking for a i real business, look this one ever; we only list the best in Portland. -Garage $2730 -Repair shop on good transient street; fully equipped. Rent $15 .a month. Garage 1 $3760 Building 40x100; rent $55 a month, with a good lease. Fully equipped repair and accessories; concrete building. $4000 One-half-interest in one of the beet west side rarages; building 100x100. This is a bona fide proposition. 8 to rage more than handle all overhead expense. S year tease. i -uiarage $4200 East 'aide, good lease; rent $80. Building 50x100, plenty of storage and plenty of repair work. Concrete building. Garasre $16,000 One of the most up-to-date west side garsse buildings, 100x100, fully equipped in every respect, splendid sales corner for new and used cars. Will consider a partner with good references. Shoppers need not answer this ad. For a real garage buy, see us. W only handle the, best. ' j . .';! ''I 1 , ' . "' ' - - ; ' - " ' .,v r f i ; PACIFIC. AGENCY, Inc. 5 1 25 1 9 Swetiand Bldg. - Phone Marshall 3989 BrSHIESS OPPORTTTPriTIES BTTSIirESS OFFORTrXITrtS f PACIFIC AGENCY,' Inc. 524520 Swetiand B!dg. Phone Marshall 3989 " Real Estate Office 2219 $500 One-half interest in a real estate office in good live town close to Portland, an old estab lulled bruiness that has always made money. Junior partner is going on the farm, aa health will not permit office work. Lease on building waa for 14 montha,' Part of the building la sublet. The income from this gives free office rent. Centrally located; large listing of property: $S0O buys half-interest in the lease, office equimnent, fixtures and con tracts. Good opening for lire wire. Conf ect ione ry 44 IS-'- $2200 A real live confectionery in a good town in Washington. This Is a business that is now doing about $30 a day and will doable as the summer advances. Complete line of fixtures; atock ia all clean and fresh. Rent $18 a month. - A good chance for someone to step into a good paying business. Price will vary according to the amount of stock on hand. Photograph Business - , 190' 12500- Frame bnildins. r located on naved street and half block from main street, in a good town about 25 miles, from Portland, Building hi . fitted up and ia now is use aa a photograph gallery. All fittings, building and let go at price. Place has always done a good Duainess. vtui exchange for car or piece of land up to $1609. ;, Confectionery. 5724 $2950 Confectionery in a real live city, in Washington, located -on the main street in a brick building. Rent is $20 a month, with the lease. Flaca is now clearing about $40O a month. Fixtures and stock will invoice about, the price asked and mwt be cash. We consider this a good piaoe for a woman to go into buaineea. aa the place ia clean all the way throuich and there Is no heavy work. Second Haoid! Store 471 Q ! $3000 Located in a good town in Wh- in g ton, nice clean stock and in fine condition. Has done a good business for about one year. Must sell on account of health. Main building is 25x60, with an additional warehouse full of goods.. No traah. The rent is $30 a month. Everything is nice, - neat and clean, with some new goods added. Will invoice at selling' price, then cut this in half, making it 50e on the dollar. : Will invoice around $3000. Confectionery Store . 4515 - $3800 Owner location in good Washing ton town. Rent is $25 a month, with a four year lease. Fixtures run about $1300. .Will sell stock at invoice, which will run between $2000 and $2500. This is a good proposition and a good money maker. Only, two con fectioneries in this town, i Ford Agency 331 1 $(000 Ford aency located in town in Washington. Rent is. $50 a month. Can get a lease for as long as wanted. Complete equip ment, including lathe. 1 : Confectionery 2918 $4800 Confectionery located In good town in Willamette valley. Place- is doing a fine business. Party who owns the place haa paid an income tax for the last two years. Average sales for the last year have been $65 -a day. Lease runs until September, 1921, at $25 a month. Place will invoice about $ 4 800. . Country i Grocery Store I 2218 : $5000-- Large building and a public hall above, located in a fine fruit and farming country, and at the intersection of two paved highways. The place deals in general stocks of groceries, feed. etc. Stock will invoice about $2000. The price includes buildings and land. ; . ency e ' 33 $7000 Concrete building 50x100. located in a live town in Washington. Long lease at. $60 a moo tit. Forty-ear storage ; . has agency for Chevrolet, Dort and Re. Place is now work ing four men and later will hare eight or nine. Complete equipment. A money maker and one that will not last long.: , . Garage 663 $16,000 Located s short distance from Pendleton, Oregon, on the O-W. R. & N. rail road, in a good town ' on the state highway. A good chance to take on agencies for cars and trucks, as there is a big demand in this section for ; both. Building 40x60, concrete floor; shop 30x4, with pits, etc.. at 3i;oo tires. $250: supplies. $4000: blacksmith tools, garage equipment end j office equipment about $5700. This includes a service car and every thing that goes to make an a p-to-date garage. Nash and Oakland Agency 4139 $21,000 Located in Eastern Oregon, where there is a big demand tor cars. Owner has at present mote orders than he is sble to fill. Good line of fixtures of all kinds. Good build- ins and aood shoo: good for all kinds of work. Rent is $100 a month. Owner will invoice at present prices. Car and Truck Agencies ; 636 $23,000 Located in one of the best cities in Willamette valley. : Building is 90x100 downstairs, the shop upstairs is 30x100, with electric elevator. The lease runs four years, from June 1. 1920, at $105 a month. Will invoice all stock on hand at today's cost, plus 10 per cent for freight. Has agencies for Dodge, Dort, Velie and Lexington cars. Velie, Atterbury and International trucks. Firestone snd Brunswick tires. Shop works about seven men steady. Approximate invoice is as follows: Stock and fixtures, $3000;-Ford parte, $700; oils and greases, $1500; Dodge parts. $800; stock, $15,000. The price of car and truck agencies to be determined, the owners-estimate that the place will invoice between $20,000 and $25,000. , . ; ; . y-,.- - Chevrolet Agency 351 9 $39,338.50 Located in- good Washington tbwn: concrete building 90x100. Agency calls for 200 cars a season. Also has agency for Scrippa-Booth and Winther trucks. Price in ; eludes building, lot, tools and equipment, fur niture, fixtures, good will, etc. Stocks and accessories to be invoiced and sold at cost value. This is a distributing point for automobiles in this territory. . i l Overland Agency 343 Located in good Washington town about 50 miles from Portland. Invoice will run about $3!, .100, as follows: Real estate and buildings. $19,000; machinery and store fixtures, about $10,000; mercliandise, about $7000; new and used aars, $3500. Place has always made money, and here is a good chance to get ' in oq a good going business. ; Car and Truck Agency .' sJ 6011 '. Located in good brick building, in live town in Washington. Rent ia $160 a month. Busi ness carries with it agency for the Auburn-Six car and . International trucks. Gates Half-Soled Tire agency, - ccmplete vulcanising outfit, good stock of tires and tubes ; a good business the year around. It will take about $10,000 to handle thia place. ' .: i . y - . ? ; 1 . Briscoe, Grant and Mitchell Agency 47-20 . "Located in a good city in Washington, with car agencies for two counties ; one county baa more autos than any other in the . United States of the same population. New concrete fireproof building, -three-year lease at $125 a month. Company hae on hand two used Fords, one Jumbo' truck, from two to . four new cars and a good stock of accessories. The price is to be agreed upon for all second-hand goods, and new cars at the factory plus freight, then $3500 for lease and good will. Two new trucks sold to be delivered in SO days, that -brine in $7200. Agency for tires. . A 200-ton press is Included, Chevrolet Agency 2217 Garage building, business and fixtures for sale, or will lease building and sell the business. New concrete building 100x100, very artis tically built, in fact one of the best garage in the state of Washington. Handles Chevrolet and Standard make of motor trucks. Anyone wan tine a first class buainess will make no mistake in -investigating this. This can be handled with from $10,000 up. - PACIFIC AGENCY, Inc. 514520 Swetiand Bldg. - Marshall 3989 BISTX ESS OPPORTTjy ITTES 8 j ; COUNTRY :. GARAGE ' T-"" . : Well equipped, with repair shop. Has all the work that four men can attend to. Haa agency for a first-class truck, also tractor agency. : This place, from a financial point, will bear investigation. Price $3250 -worth every cent of it. CAFETERIA FOB SALE $8000 Busy; one of the best in Portland. Fine location. Lease at fair rent. It would east more than donble the amount to fur nish same. Call and get particulars. RESTAURANT -$1650 Washington st, location; rent $8$, lease. Doing a fine business. This ia a good boy. Reason for selling. ; GENERAL STORE : Doing $2500 per month business; can be enlarged. Stock and fixtures will invoice about $2500. Rent ' $20 per month. This place ia located about 15 ' miles from . Portland, on good road and railroad. HARDWARE AND FURNITURE Stock will ! invoice between $5000 and $6000. Located in a Dew and -prosperous town in Oregon. Doing a ood busineie end im proving every day. Will sell building, ground and store or stock at invoice aod lease building- i ! F. RIERDON RITTER, LOWE St Cfr 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I. HOTEL In town; of 500 pop., no competition, 20 rooms. Jully furnished with everything -to do business with;- ground 100x100. with one acre nnder lease that is all planted with garden truck. Here ia .a chance to r become independent with a small investment. Will accept some in trade. Total price of building and ground, $500. A. W.I Lambert & Son Cor. Grand ate. and E. Alder st. East 640 FOR SALE OR TRADE ' A good real estate, notary and - insurance bUHiness. Insurance business paying $25 per month, steady; income. Good home of 5 rooms, 1 acre of land, annd family orchard, fine gar den, i hot and cold water in house, el ec trio man hme woodhTSL. wcode,garden tools, ot- Vn.velta. country. Hue cleared $2000 per year since 1915. but owing to poor oeaitn want xo seu. Price, either j trade or cash, iiaui). linn Journal. ! ' ELDERLY COUPLE'S OPPORTUNITY V, acre. 10 bearing fruit trees, all kinds of small fruits, fine soil, free of grsvel. cottage, large barn, chicken house, other buildings, store, with stock, making present - owner good living : gas, j electricity available ; Bun nun water at house and barn; an for canoo. s J. C. COKBI. 305-6-7-B Lewis bldg. Bdwy. 4800. i ; BAKERY Valuable downtown location, business center. window bakery, wholesale rand retail and dough nut bakery in connection. Here is a good pay ing shop, good equipment and selling account heal U only. ; Goes for low figure for cash deoL W-230, JoumaL '- : TfGARAGE FOR SALE Best located west side garage in city; has storage space 40 cars; minimum monthly storage rate $15; fully equipped: has large and profits abl tire sales account; excellent opportunity for one or two men. Requires cash payment $5000 or $6000 (balance ean be paid from profits of business. For sale by owner. Main 846. A FIRST-CLASS restaurant in a first-class restaurant town of 300 inhabitants, on main line railroad, in s thriving community, doing a good .buaness and making big money. Good reasons for selling. For particulars call on or address J THE ONTARIO REAL ESTATE CO. Ontario, Or. COUNTRY. STORE Doing $1000 month, located ' best part of Clackamas j co. ; stock, fixtures, property, truck and filling station: $11,000, half cash. baL 8 yra., 6 per cent interest. COBB BROS.. 263 OAK ST. FOR SALE Exclusive distributing agency in Oregon, i Wash, and California practically at invoice cost; require about $1000 to handle; will accept small car in exchange. Buyer can net 100; in very short time; proposition will stand investigation. Harry Fechter, Apt. 8. Broadway 817. 117 N. 18th st. STATE aeeney of one of the best advertised and popular i tires for small touring and delivery cars: 31 local agents in western part of state; business rapidly growing ; best reasons for sell ing; $1750 takes it. Owner. M-883. Journal. FOR SA tE Exclusive distributing agency in Oregon. Wash, and California practically at invoice cost; requires about $1000 to fcandle; will accept small car in exchange. Buyer can net 100 in very short time: proposition will stand investigation. Harvey Fechter, Apt. 8. Bdwy. 317. ' FOR SALE Owing to other business will sell 22-room hotel fully equipped, doing good all year business in growing sawmill and fishing town near coast; good fishing, boating and hunting; will bear; closest investigation; bargain if taken at once: leading hotel in town. Write far full information. WSr-687, Journal. T iRUG STORE FOR SALE" " A splendid opportunity for a man who un derstands! the drug buainess; old established. clean stock, and a money maker. Must sell; best of neasons. Write at once for particulara. vity imi store, John Day, or. Cheap for Cash 'tGood business property in heart of MollaHa. bQlding 25x32: lot 25x120. Fine location. Be- your; own landlord: $1000 takes it- 'See owner at' 419 Henry bldg. J. R. Wolff. DONTi OVERLOOK THIS OPPORTUNITY I Wanted partner to help me manufacture and 'put on ; market a patented practical tool for setting crosscut saw for lumbermen and wood cutters, which has been tested and found to be right, y.l 32, Journal. . WANTED -A ' stock of men's clothing, fur nishings or shoes up to $12,000. Would like to trade a modern 8 room house, good lo cation, walking distance. J. M. Karo, 221 Morrison' st.. Portland. Or. CAPITAL I specialise in financing meritorious business enterprises by selling stocks or first mortgage bonds. Strictly commission basis. Mail f-iU particulars in first letter. John Trier, 1829 Eddy at.. Chicago. . - , BATTERY STATION FOR SALE i Located in best district of Portland, an es tablished business with full equipment and stock. If interested write, Z-928, Journal. SALEM .scavenger business for sale in Salem. Only sr-avenger in town; leaving for other busi ness. Cnsrles Soos. 444 State street, Salem, Or. BUSINESS OPFORTCSITIES f - WAXTED WHAT have you for sale. Barber shon. under $1000, Answer full particulars, F-130, Jour- aiOKET TO REAL ESTATE 7 CITY LOANS I0 COMMISSION i On improved property, er tar lmproveaaal purposes- i The best and easiest method of paying a loss Is our monthly payment plan, j $32.26 per month for 36 months, ov ' i $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 xaonths pays loan of $1000 and interest, i Loans, of other amounts 1n asm proportion, . ' i . Repayment Privileges, i EQUITABLE SAVINGS it LOAN ASS N. - i 242 Stark St.. Portland. Or. j LIBERAL LOANS We loan our own money en real estate, let and 2d saortaces. contracts, livestock, notes, au tomobiles, ete. F. B. Bowman 4k Co, 210 unamDer or uommeree. Main 8026; NO DELAY NO DELAY 1000 $1500 $2000 $3000 AND UP We Loan Our Monty on Real Estate. F. H. DESHON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. BUILDING loans on cite and suburban property money advanced as work regresses, W. G. Beck, 215 snd 216 Failing bldg. Mala 8407: MONEY TO LOAN ia amounta ot $100 t. $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Booms 10 and 11. Mutkey bldg. mm a. cj. nwini av anq a a. avniaey piiia PR1VATE party; no brokerage; ha 6 and 7 per i cent itnnnev? small stmShl - AA7 Mnaldine $300. $400. $500, $750. $1000 and up at lowen : rates; quick action, rreo vr. Oer saan Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce building. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000. 4 and T pet est i red 8. Williams. 606 Panama bids. $2000 TO LOAN at 7 4 on Rose City Park property. Tabor 6569. . ' - tEOREGO?lINV. MORTGAGE CO- 222 Chamber of Commerce. 4ta and Stark, $1000 UP, by private party, on good homes well located: 7 . Z;57, JonmaL MORTGAGE LOANS. and Tper eenL Losds Solomon Co.. 408 Selling bids. MOHBI TO LOAK CHATTELS, -SALARIES - tl SALARY ' LOANS '"'"' WB LOAN MONEY CHATTELS an ahorf aotio. to salaried or wmklng men oa their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Kaca. : transaction strictly coat idntial. v - WO MORTGAGE NO INDORSEE v ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household furniture, etc, wit hoc t removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE i COLUMBIA DISCOUNT OUw (LICENSED) 21S FAILING EUXL MOKET TO LOAJv-- CHATTELS, SALARIES n DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE OH AUTOMOBILES FTRNITUBE. PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. REAL ESTATE. BONDS. OH ANYTHING Of VALUE, SECURITY USUALLY kKFT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARB TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE- YO0 MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT ; YOUR CONVENIENCE i LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, PORTLAND LOAN CO. . (LICENSED) 06-80T DEKTJM BLDG.. SD AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'S. Phone Broadway 910. . $94 Stark 8t. near 10th Loans on diamonds, watches. Y let roles, pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and , anything of value. ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER CARRIE MYERS-HERMAN "!' -..' lianager. LIVESTOCK LOAN 8 Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep. Bogs, ete. F. B. Bowman Si Co.. 210 Chamber ot Commerce. 'Main 02e. I.OA1TS WANTED $ WANT $1800 on modern 5 roonv bunga t low at 14th street north.. Everything in and paid. Irving-ton car to Mason, will pay 7 per cent semi-annually. Property well worth $3000 or more. JOHN FERGUSON". GERUNGER BLDG. WANTED MORTGAGE MONEY Have 3 clients for sums to $1200, 7 per cent. Phone Main 5624. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Cham ber of Commerce. WOULD like loan of $1200 on small farm near Columbia highway, 8 Z-60. Journal. BEE OREGON LNV. St MORTGAGE CO.. 233 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL .1 10r 10 10 OPPORTUNITY FOR $100 TO $5000 Why be satisfied with 6 ft or 7 fr when youi money will earn 10 and MORE for you, with equal or greater SAFETY. Do not on i saeuucai. I L vui uu wwi ui iuTmuxMi Many thousands are now ' making more than 10. It will be a pleasure to explain this to you. Do not answer unless you have the money and mean business. See J. H. Mc Ksnzie. 906 Gasco bldg., Portland. Or.. 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. . WE BUY first and second mortgages and aell ers' contracts. F. B. Bowman e Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce. CASH paid for mortgages and sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. H. & Noble. 316 Lumbermen's bldg. STOCKS A"XI BONDS WELL eatabfi-hed Portland manufacturing--con-cern has for immediate sale limited amount of preferred stock: dividends payable semi-annually. This ia a gilt edge, proposition which will stand closest investigation. For further informa tion write to postoffice box 687. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC. 19 FOR SALE 1 roan mare, 3 yra. old. wt. 1600 ...... 2O0 l roan mare. 8 yrs. old, wt. 140O...... 150 1 Black gelding, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1600. 120 1 Sorrel mare, 5 yrs. old. wt. 1250.... 90 1 team black mares, 8 yrs. old, wt. 2300. . 165 1 Team geldings, 8 yrs. old, ,wt 2300... 185 1 Bay mare. 4 yrs. old." wt 1100 76 1 Sorrel gelding, 5 yrs. old, wt. 1200 100 These horses are ail sound and well broke to do all kinds farm work, and are in good con dition. Have replaced them with a tractor and for that reason will sell them very cheap, li lt Kuehne, Tigard, Or. " ; AM selling out-1 0 head of good work horsas, weight from 1300 to 1700 lbs., ages from 5 to 9: all gentle, blocky built and fat, all ready -for bard work ; ' 4 sets of." heavy "double harneHS, 2 single harness and 0 farm wagons, some heaivy and some light, some just as good sa new; 2 spring wscqna, 2 buggies, plow and harrow; also a Jersey-Holstinn cow, just frenb, civinar 6 aa lions of rich milk per day. Will sell the above for any reasonable offer. Cell at 898 Powell Valley road, Woodstock car to 26th and Powell, 3 blocks east. I HAVE 10 heed of mares and geldings, heavy-boned chunks, left, four 7 years old. Three well matched teams, grays, browns and bays. ..Tgiis stock is grain-fed and ready for bard work. Remember, all norsee sold guar anteed as reuresented. ' Four seta of new heavy harness, with collars, $85 a set. Lib erty bonds represent casn. 11. Horn, c. eta and Hawthorne. . THROUGH my work. A bargain if aold before Tuesday evening, 10 o'clock; don't come after wards; 2400 lb. team, in good condition, with har ness, 3 good 10-12 and 14 plows, light farmer's spring wagon, with long body and shafts ; also a collar harness, 2 or 3 bales of hay; all for $190. Will sell one hone, or any part separate. Woodstock car to 5 2d st.. 2 blocks north, house No. 6759. FOR SALE Full-blooded gray Percheron stal lion with papers, age 8 years,' weighs 1900, m rood, heavy -boned horse, and gentle to Handle also gray Percheron mare 7 years old, weujhs 1500. also has nepers, well broke to work single or double. If in the market for horses of this kind come and see these horses at 240 E. 8th St. J. 8. Williamson. TWO heavy teams. 3000 and 3200 pounds, with good heavy harness; also two wagon. These teams have been hauling wood and are in first claw condition. Will give them any test you wish. Reasons for selling, mill closed down no more work for them. Inquire Johnson. Mil waukie Wood Co., Milwaukie, Or. Phone Md- waukie 91. : Restaurant Snap Well equipped large dining; room, small stock groceries, confectionery, eta, first class fixtures, good business; today $600. Cobb Bros. 26S Oak st. A CARLOAD of Eastern Oregon mares and geld ings just arrived, age from 4 to 7 years, weigh from 1200 to 1800, all solid color; sev eral good matched teams, heavy boned and blocky built; each horse sold with a guarantee as represented. No. 240 East 8th st. J. a. Williamson. 2800 LB. team of mares, $190; 2400 lb. team geldings. $90; all sound snd trust Must sell by Monday. Also 2 seta harness, nearly new; 3-in. running gear. 263 Russell sU near Wil lioms ave. - FOR 8AI.E 1 team of horses, weighing 3300 Ibtk. and team of mares, weighing 29O0 lbs., with harness and wagon. Both teams well matched, true " pullers. J. Garbarino, R- 2. Box 51, Beaverton, Or. YOUNG, true, gentle- team geldings, 3250: tneariy new harness, with or without heavy and light wagon, plow. . harrow : reasonable. Corner 89th and E. Stark, Mt. Tabor; Mt. Tabor-88th car to end, four blocks north, one east. 3200-LB. team young horses, both A-l workers, serviceable and suitable for any heavy work. For bargain in good draught team inquire Marion Fuel Co., dock foot Taylor St. SPAN of -horses, 2100 lbs., good wind and good workers, 6 years old: Maltese ' Jack, wagons, harness and buggies to be - sold cheap. Wood yard stable, cor. E. 9th and Hawthorne. Pbone 6106. 3 ROOM houseboat, 2 2-year-old colt and 2 3-year-old colts. C Muck, 801 8. Jersey. Phone Columbia 118 weekdays, and Sundays. Columbia 634. 2900 LB. TEAM. 7 and 9 years old; heavy harness and farm wagon, . $235. Take ML Scott car to Tremont station, 4 blocks south to 65th ave., 1 west to 71st st. YOUR choice -of 3 1100-lb. horses, young, sound and fat, best of workers. $55 each; wagon, harness, cheap. 6647 65th st, S. E Woodstock car. FOR SALE At bargain, team of Percheron mares, 6 and 7 years, weighing 3000. Have left homestead and have no use for horses. Ask for Mrs. West, 229 Gibbs. South Portland car. $185 BUYS pair of young mares 4 and 6 - years old ; blocky built and sound ; weight 2300 pounds; rood . .harness and light farm wagon. 5624 86th st, M-S car. PONIES PONIES Several ponies and work ponies. Stables, Montgomery and Watpr. Blue Front MULES Two pairs of big mules, 6 and 7 years old; sound. Call at 415 Syracuse st-, St. Johns. $165 BUYS' 2400 lb. chunky builT team, brown mare, gray horse, both sound and well broke. dock loot isyior at. $235 BUYS fine team chunky built mares.' 3 years old. bothe.ownd and well broke to ranch work. Dock foot Taylor at, - FOR SALE -Two goud saddle ponies; also good team for sale cheap; also saddle none for rent 880 Front. DEAD horses taken quickly, em Phone Tabor 4203. Cash for dead PASTURAGE Ladd's Canyon farm, elos. in; a business Sundays. 'Main 4819. 2500 LB. TEAM of mares, hsrneaes and wagon. 3165. Call Tabor 9336. BARGAINS lit good second-hand double and single harness. E. J. Keller, 49 N. 6th. DELIVERY wagon lor sale, cheap or trade. labor sii, - 4UBDKN plowing and basrrowing. Main 8146. HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 Rec. Percheron atallion. wt 1700 lbs.. 4 yra. old: will . furnish all papers required for rercoeron oreeo. 1 nis is a very line young animal and is as well built none as there is in the state, thoroughly broke to work both single and double, and would be a very fine animal for anyone wbo wishes to breed rercnereon ho rasa. Will sail on terms to suit buyers or trade for heraes. tractors, steam engines or autos. XX. K. KUfcHM., . Tigard. Or. LIVESTOCK N. C. HALL" WILL HOLD HIS FIRST ANNUAL SArLB REGISTEREB' : SHORTHORN CATTLE At his ' place in Rtdgefield, Wash., Wednes day. June 2. at 11 a. m. Four cows, 4 to 6 years old, with calves by side. Six cows, bred. Eight heifers, from 6 to 24 months old. Ten bulls, from 7 months to 2 years old, ALSO THE HERD BULL A splendid animal, bred by W. O. Minor of Heppner, Or., one of the best breeders in the United States. The grand sire of - this bull. Golden Goods, east $5000. There are 8 show bull: (solid roan) all sired by New Goods, son of Golden Goods, which is the son of Choice Goods, which cost $10,000 in Scotland. The - dams la thu herd are the lineage ot Baron Lin wood. Marquis Monrose, and other famous strains. Two of these cows were im ported from Iowa.' - Mr. Hall haa spent years in building up this herd aud will now give the public a chanoe to secure some of this tine stock' i Also 10 head extra' high-grade Shorthorn cows, all bred, look like purebred. Stock tuberculin tested. N. C, Hall, owner; Col, W. S. Wood A Bona, Vancouver, and CoL Harry Cranke, Nex Perce, Idaho, Auctioneers. AUCTION sale. June 5, at farm three miles south from Sherwood, Or.: 12 head of reg. Guernsey cows, calves Tand bulla, sired by Import ed Betsy Jewel. VVUdo of Clever Hill and Jeff's Chief; Poland China boar and sow, 2 trotting bred colts, 2 and 8 years old; 80 head of sheep snd farm machinery. W. F. YOUNG. CHESTER WHITE sow will farrow July i, cheap: also a fine Durham male calf, will make fine atock animal. Take Hawthorne car to end of line, 4 blocks south to Powell Valley, 4 blocks east to' 8310 82d at, cor. Powell Vr.lley. TOGGENBt'RG grade does, freh, of the best milking strain; also a year old Toggenburg buck. Call on. Sunday or' Monday, 795 Kenilworth ave. otherwise 275 Yamhill st. Columbia River fish depot. - I HAVE 4 big cows, 1 heifer, to sell; resh and springers; they are A-l cows. No reason able offer refused. H. A. Smith, phone 80-J, Milwaukie, one block south ' 8. P. depot, Oregon City. Oome and milk them. TKAJI. harness snd wagon. $100. Toggenberg buck goat, $15: Saanen milch goat. $15. Will trade for cow, ' pigs, chickens or lance horse. G. Hams. R. F. D. 1. box 280, Mil waukie, Or. Phone Oak Grove 13W. TWO fine young cows with their calves, on Guernsey, one Holstein. - Inquire confection ery store, west end of Oregon City suspension bridge. . FOR SALE Jersey -Hols teln heifer, 2 years old. Will make fine cow next 'fell. Comer 57th st, and 70 th ave. S. E. End of Woodstock line, 10 blocks south FRESH HoUtein snd Jersey with young calf; milking over 5 W gallons per day; very rea sonable for cash. 29th and Powell Valley road. Wood-stock car. 7 FIRST class cow. 4 ot them fresh with calf, heavy, rich milkers; will sell or trade for beef or horses. 886 Powell . Valley road. Wood stock car. GOOD fmtly cow and large calf and young all round good horse, harness and buggy. 997 27th St. S. Woodstock car to 28th and Gladstone ave,, 6 blocks south, 1 west. NICE 4-year-old . fresh cow. milking 6 gallons; cheap for caali, 6 E. 88th at. N.. MontavUla car. WANTED For keep, cow giving some milk, or rent goat: might buy later. Fine pasture. Tabor 6486 . LEAVING city; will sell cheap a good Toe gehburg kid, aged 1 year; 2d prize at Pacific International Livestock show. Phone Tabor 9218. FOR SALE A Duroc Jersey brood sow, coming 2 yesrs old; will furrow first of Aug.- Price $45. 4004 79th st. 8. E. GOOD Jerxey cow, now milking, nearly fresh; 100 laying Log-hern hens. Reasonable. Cor ner 8th and E. Stark. ANOTHER litter of fin. Duroc pigs for sale, reasonable. Crawford, a tail 348. Public Mar ket. FOR SALE Or trade, 2 fresh cows, $75 snd $100; 1 Holstein bull, 16 mo. old. 2008 E. Alder st. -' - 1 - . " ' . 6 FRESH COWS, setl or trade for beef cattle. Take Vancouver car to Columbia boulevard, go 1 block north. ETGHT fine young cows, 4 to 5 gal. rich milk per day; come and see them milked at 8 :30 at end of Iruiton earline. Owner, 138 Florida, A REAL Jersey-Guernsey cow; milking 4H gat ions. Tabor Jfo- FOR SALE 2 nice young cows, 1 nice horse. 1627 Peninsula ave. YOUNG fresh' Jersey cow, good milker, no dealer, 7059 Powell Valley road. FOR SALE -Fresh Guernsey 6 -gallon cow with heifer rail. Phone Tabor 9295. l'OUNG Toggenburg milch "does for sale. 1911 E. Irving at, - W A NTED Beef, veal and sheep. Phone Tabor 7747. , FRESH family cow with .calf. Take Kings Heights car. E. Lucke, Sylvan. FOR SALE Heifer calf from 5 gaL Jersey cow. 1865 E. 23d N. 4-YEAR-OLD gentle Jersey cow. tested; reed body roadster wheel chair. Call Tsbor 8713. GOOD cow. for sale. 28th and Holgat. Buck- ner. FOR SALE Saanen goat, milks 2 quarts. 727 1.- -re... n r.. I qui car, LARGE Swisa Jersey cow, good rich milker. . 1 - .1 ?1 .1 . . aii i r-oweu v auey rosa, easu ONE 5 year old Jersey cow for sale. 5 2d and KilHngsworth, or call Wdln. 8722. JERSEY-DURHAM heifer calf for sale cheap. Tabor 8883. JERSEY cow, 4 gallon per - day : 2 miles east of I-ents, on Foster road. Box 408. MIIC1I goata for sale. 94 E. 78th st. Tabor 8933. 2. YOUNG, large, fresh dairy cows, 4 and 8 gallon daily. 728 E. 82d C 8., near PowelL POl'LTBY A!tB RABBITS S7 MOVING 1 must sell fine flock of yearling hens; 18 BlrJe Andalusia ns, some Buttercups, Leghorns. Oregon, etc. Tbor 8062. 10TANCRED White ' Leghorn cockerels. March hatch. 60c each; laying bens, batching eggs. Park rose Hatchery. Tabor 3822. . i- JOHN'S RHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs for hatching, reduced rates during May. Phone 817-81. 956 Williams ave. BJIBBITS and hutches for sale, N. E. Red. Flemish Giants. Phone SeUwood 149. 589 Leo ave. FOR SALE Choice young Trying rabbit. 4 Oe - per lb, dressed. 9853 56th ave. S. E. Phone Tabor 6501. Call for Mrs. Burton. FATTEN your own fryers on table scrap. , 6 weeks cockerels, 28c each. Come and get 'am. 241 East 84 th t. near Hawthorne. FINE Sicilian Buttercup rooster for sale. 59 21 BOth are. S. E., between 58th st and 60th St. Bolter. LAYING White Leghorn h;as, $1.50 each: all high grade Hoganised stock. J. B. Maguire. 787 Oregon St.. near East 24th st. BABY chicks and eggs for hatching: R. I. Red and Blark Minorca, - Woodlawn 685. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eges; heavy layer. Talir 6589 WHITE'Leghorn hens, 1 year old. Tabor 6895" 6348 84th L 8. E. MAMMOTH Black Minorca setting eggs. Sell- wood 2518. W. L. DAY OLD cliix 15o. laying bens 1 1.25, fryer, eggs. Tabor .8822. WHITE WYANDOTTE baby chick 1185 E. 26th st N. Wdln. 6281. LIGHT Brahma hens and cockerels: also setting eggs. 4783 60th st, 8. E. Broadway 218. PLY M OUT II Rock rooster for aale or trade. East 6790. '" - -' . ONE hundred ycung Whin Leghorn laying hen, also cow. Corner 89th And E. Stark. BARRED Rock eggs, special price Incubator lota. - Woodlawn 1656. 865 E. Lombard. RHODE Island Red laying hens ; also hen with chick. Woodlawn 3057. 1286 E. 18th N. 43 1 -TEAR-OLD W. 1 pullet lor sale. 10418 49th ave. 8. E. FOR "SALE Thoroughbred Jap rooster. 1 year old. 610. 2006 Delano at. Tabor 6790. WHITE MINORCA cetting eggs. Prise winning Hues, nam, t n. tm NLNETY i-yehr-old White Leghorn hen. 1105 stock. Wdln. 2178. bOrJ Montana ave. n. out.n st. rt. FOR SALE mammon th Black Minorca setting eggs. SelL 1052. 831 East 28th st. 10 PLYMOUTH Rocks. 8 thoroughbreds. Uying. $15. Tabor 6286. THOROUGHBRED V. L, laying hen and one rooeter. Tabor 2995. CHICKS 1000 White Leghorn. 10 day old. Maeter Incubator Co.. Woodlawn 4344. 18 RHODE ISLAND RED baby chicks, with hen. Tabor 8441. S DOZEN laying hens. Fhone Ant, 326-42, 5? BABY CHICKS 100 week-old W. lv at 20e each. $00 day-old W. U St SIS per. hundred,, $0 Beds, 100 Bocks, day old, 25e each, . PROGRESSIVE' HATCHERY -1884 F-JJth st Ni : , Wdln. 185. $13 PER li UNDRED 1000 White Learflarn ehieka. today: 300 W. L. chicks, 10. day old. 25o each; O. A. C, Barred Rocks. R. L Red, $0o each, J. R. MAGUIRE, 787 Oregon. East 1805. BXBY CHICKS R. L Red and White Leghoma fcCNDEBSTKOM S POULTRY YARDS. 1176 Powell st. Phone Tabor 91 S3. FANCIERS TAKE NOTICE! Oregon branch. National. Breeders and Fan ciers' Association of America, has reorganised. Meets Thursday, June 8. story hour room. Cen tral library; first 100 members free. - Mary L. Sterna. 636 East 6 1st north. Tabor 7773. IETALUMA White Leghorns lead the work! ra egg production. We sell baby chirks at $18 80 Per 100 during May and June. Safe arrival of full count strong, live chicks guaranteed. THE PIONEER HATCHERY. 44 2 Sixth st. Petalume. Csl. Big Reductions en May and June chicks Leghorns, Reds, Rocks. Prompt deliveries. Write todsy. O. N. NEEDHAM. Salem. -Or. 15 LAYING hens and pulletu. 21 W. U chicks 8 week old. 10 W. L. chicks 5 weeks old. 15 W. L. Thicks 2 weeks old. 21 White Rock ft- weeks old. $40 for quick sale. 470S 48d ave J. M. Philips. Sell. 2117. LAB HITS at decertt prices. New Zealand doea, -.$2.50; bucks. $3; one pair, $5; Belgian harva the same. - Send your 'order. Elmer M. Goider Rabbitry. Portland. Route 8. Box 233, st Harwell Park. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. and Tancred 1 1 months White lieghorn laying pullets. $1.40 and up; choice any number you want. MV- starx, sit, Tabor-S8tb car to 1918 E. Stark and 75th st. I deliver. - FOR SALE ISO Whit. Letrhorn pullets (lay ing) , Tancred strain, no culls. l'hone Tabor Jose. Half block south of McCoy, on ti. TOLh st. Brentwood. - " . 500 WHITE LEGHORN baby chicks, Tancred strain, tree rabge stock, $15 per loo, eggs $3 per. 100: Wnite I -en horn bens $125 each. Tom Morgan, HeAverton, Or. IF YOU want good stock try a setting of 18 Mammoth Blark Minorca eggs. $2: Nixon strain; no better; incubator lots $10 per 100, i,so naiaey st, - xaoor vios. CRACKED-WHEATp Jg SCRATCH Beat 'their game. ' Cackling mash, chick de veioper. growing food, milk. Wood lawn 4344. O. A. C WHITE LEGHORN chicks $20 per 100. Buy your chick in May for winter layers that pay. j Northwest Poultry Co.. 82d st. snd 74th ave' 8. E. Tabor 8107. FOR SALE 63 laying pullets, two 1 -year-old cockerel, : choice Tom Barron English S. C White Leghorn v ega far setting; 210 egg in cubator. 1218 Borthwick at. TACK NOW Tour eggs for 'winter use; clean, fresh tnfertle. East 404, A FEW White 'Leghorn chickens and Maltese Pigeon for sale cheap. 6653 82d t S. E. DOGS. BIRDS. FF.TS, ETC. 4$ PLAYFAIR KENNELS . OF REGISTERED BOSTON TERRIERS At stud: Cliampion Delight, weight 14 lbs., sire of many winners; Wheatland Jackie, half brother of the i famous -Are of Aces, winning dog at Boston, New York and Philadelphia, and pronounced by Midgea to be the finest Boabm tarrier ever pnxfuced; also Gordon' Spider, aire Bantam King, dam Trimount Beauty. No bet ter breeding could be obtained. Why not fol low the lead of the knowing ones and breed to these? Stud fee, $15. Beautiful puppies, sired by Chamiaon Delight, how ready for de livery. 1 , OMWfliOB-EEMEILS SENSATION IpILOT II atstud. Weight 11 lbs. A. K. C3 260292. Classiest little male Boston Terrier fmt of CHAMPION STOCK in Portland. See im. Small pet strtik boarded. MRS.SWILLIAM J. SMITH, Phone Tabor Si 59. 130 East 80U 8L. 8 ear Morrison si. AIREDALE ' KENNELS AIHK.DAI.R TERRIERS 194R' EAST MORRISON TABOR 7274 Three beautiful dog pups, 6 weeks old. mak ing of a beautiful tud dog, by Vickery Bear Cat. out ot v Ickery Rose. ... PET stock and supplies. We are headquarters in the N. Vt. for birds and cages, dogs, cats, rabbits. eaviae. J etc Food, remedies, eto. Call or write. Pet sti-k eataloau. on request, Bout- ledge Seed A Floral Co . 145 2d st.. Portland. " POI.ICE DOG - PUPPIES Quality stock that will please you. . SPEEDWAY KENNELS. f. Tabor 5088. FOR SALE Fancy Airedale. Irish water span iel, well trainea, cnesp at o numui. niu. pointer pups 2 week old, subject to register. 787 Oregon st. THE Boston -Kennels of Portland. 407 Aina- worui ave, Jwoooiawn BOSTON '?TERRH-:RS EXCLU8IVELT Males for Service. Young Stork for Sale. S MALE Airdale pup 7 week old, pedigreed"! from the very best atock. 795 Kenilworth St., Woodstnck i ear. PADEREWSKI Cattery, fine bred studs; kits for sale; cat boarded. 586 E. 51st N. Tabor 7773 HIGH-CXASS 1 Irish Water Spaniel pups for sale. P. Ml Boorse, lloute 1, Box 14. ner- wood. Or. HILLSDALE CAT KENNEIJi Reg. Orange and Silver Persians at service : kittens (or sale. Main 5450. Hillsdale. Or.. Box 22. FOR SALE Grade Collie pup, males, $10. ' Fred Hick.-! Corbett. Or., on Columbia high way, across from Chanticleer lnn. BEATIFU'L rToatTi year old, clean Thorn less; just tl thing for a boy; $10. 293 E. 69th N. TabS-r 5459 BEAUTIFUL fellow linger aud cage. 294JeT ferson. I PERSIAN pedigreed cat lor aala. white or orange. Tabor 9883. PORTLAND CAT KEN.EL8. Tabor 7501. $250 Perstrji stud. Fee. $8 PP. Catt boarded. FINE' Boetoifi'.ull "dog - for sale, 17 months old, well markedland bouse broke. CoL 792. .- OR-CSGEPenian kitten; will sell or trade. What have you? ! Bellwood 2279. FOR SALE cheap Enslish bulldog, collar and SeUwood 1653. license included. MALTESE o Bonnie Prince (black) kitten. For price. 13 6 1-11, aak for Tyderoan. FOX Terrier, year old: hou. broke; $10. 718 Kearney. Slain 1668. FOR SALE aPuppy Smith Port Bind. $2.50. , 189 'Hooker at.. WANTED ,Young male Scotch terrier. Mar. 1420, or J5-56, Journal. FOR SALE -(Toy Bosfon terrier. Bdwy. 1201. ArTOMOBILEH ASP ACCP.BMHtlKS 41 STUDEBAKER touring. 846 Alberta. CHEVROLET? 1918. good rubber; A-l ahap. Term. Raat 7562. FORD touring car, A-l running condition; good tires, new W; $3 00. Sell. 1169 . COIJ3 AERO' 8. in fine condition. Cash, term or trade. East 2766. Broadway afiOo. FOR RENT Nk-. garage in Keaton. Woodlawn 4089. Call 1C17 GRANT Six, fine condition; look lik new, good : tires; bargain. Tsbor 4v6 FOB "SALE-i-Ford touring car, cheap. $2ll6", 1112 W. Slat St., Vancouver, Wash. , BUICK 6 roder. 6 Ore and' rims, complete. P. A. Senear, owner, Broadway 4492. FOR SALE -A classy Ford bug for $500. Mala - 9304. i 1 91 8 FORD for sale, in good condition. Broad way 4$7i WHO wants a good 5 pass, car In good running condition, 3225! Call at 1295 E. Salmon. PAIGE touring car. cheap on easy term. Co lumbia 832. . Broadway 8606. 1911 CHALMERS Good shape, newly painted, good tires. -3 350. 248 MilL Marsha 11 218 8 . FOR SALE i horse power tiiuae G. E. "motor with Gardaer air eompveaaor. Tabor 821. LIBERTY speedster, looks and runs like new. Liberal term.- Broadway 8606. f918MAXWELL like new," new""tira, for sale by owner. $850. Tabor 2430. EXPRESS body with cab for Ford 1 ton truck; a. bargain st $75, by" owner. 8-142, Journal. FOR SALE Equity in Ford worm drive truck", good a new. Call Woodlawn 5541. ' ffijfCK six jroedster, "tire and rims, com plete. P. j A. Schaar. owner. Tabor 816. 1917 DODGE roadster, 8700. Sunday. 389 Harrison st. ' - - " - - , JUXWn.C7l9l8, new tireg. ear fine shape; $530. terms. Msin 7779. FOK HALE Overlsnd 75, first class. ' AViTl take enotorcyele as part payment. Call at 602 E. 18th st. 8., Sundays and evenings. 1918 CHANDLER 7-paaaeng.r, 5 cord tires; kooks like :iaew. Give good terms, and make me an offer. ' 344 Fleet 49th st Tabor 6003. " ! TSEDAN BODY Lik new ,v for Ford ear. Will sell reason abl or trade for: touring or roadster body. 8-143, Journal, i let POULTRY AXD RABBITS AUTOMOBILES AMI ArFFHSORT ys 4 t J8 ,tih,I'"t roadster for nrwTv 0(.E; hauled. $500. 404 Morrisn. East 523. 1918 ilAXWELL, beat of ronditic,nrpaiufT - . ,, , terras Main 64 63. HI ICS. IMht Six. A-l comlition, 1. 7; ji iain m or n roadway 0 7. ROADSTER bug. $125 rash. Good tiTelf I class running order. Brnadwav 4S.1 MARMON bug and''Sthdda"ntlayLn,'giHl r -Jt norm wick. Automatic Z'i f .,1. 1916 DOIXIK touring. gotxlshi;i,; and 'all a h1 tina: 4675 1 nri ,tnn k.i.. A-l Auto Work A Painting" Co., 625 AUer u "A TWILIGHT BABY" for two bits. No k l din'. Intake grmd; exhaust, sjilendid. la vestigste. Star theatre. OR SALE by owner, a Kurd delivery; isnn.l body. Prioe $425. Phone Ea-rt 1504; e-n-ings. East 7877, - 1917 CHEVROLET touring, like lie, all t - tires; $350. ay terms. A-1.Auto Work A Painting Co. , J6 2 5 A Idar at. LATE model Baby Grand Chevrolet -touriim. ' , new, for aala at batiialn, I'hune Bdwy. 20a-J or 817-74. 1917 CHALMERS aix touring! ytir7i'.- t owned. , Will sarrific for qn:rk salo .-e owner, 666 Gantenhetn in. tarn and term-w 1916 MAX W EI JTInlMirrTnr f i ne ready - to shape; $575, easy teitns. A-l Auto Won Painting C.;2ft Alder st FOUR-PASSENGER touring car. dMnouiiuTi rims, good tiros. In good condition aim: tcally. 7 K. J 9 th N. ; OAKLAND delivery wagon; will haul anything up to a ton, $250; almost giving it awar. A-1 Auto Work A Painting Co., 625 AM" t. SAXON Hix-" Tourin7.i 91 Sutiai7iied aiil overhauled; gnaraiiteetl; $00, terms. 89-91 N. 9TH ST., NEAR ELAN DPnS. JniatTY 6 for aala, just been overhauletl an i la in first class running order; it haa a lot of eitrsa. Call East 6047. EOltD- bug, bent of aliatie.- very clay l.'.v, --small payment down, balance monthly. A 1 AutoWork Painting Ca, 525 AUier st ' 1916 CHEVROLET" baby grand'' best oT.We" only $473. $150 down. A-l Auto Work A Painting Co.. 625 Alder si. 1917 LIGHT Six ' Oialmera. new tire's and Ui'l oompletely overhauled: owner, leaving Uiwn. will sell dirt cheap. Main 2UA. BRAND NEW IKIDGK. 1920, To be delivered June 1. never been run. Will .sell my equity rcewHiahte 11-732. Journal. FOR SALE By p rival owner" r 1 9IiTi 4 light aix touring; firstclasa condition; lot of evjtraa, 1786 Kaat Davis. Tabor 4 HI) 5. . . 1920 FORD sedan, oersled tire. wiiii,- ,-r, demountable rims, partert condition, low i-ric and terms. Call Columbia 6S0. ' FRANKLIN, aerie eight; newly painted an) just overliauled; good cord rubber. Plu.ii Main 8477. ; FORD, TOURING CAR. aplenilid rondiUcn, top and tires; driven and kept by myself. Oil Fourth at Main 5288. OV Ell LAND 83 touring car in good shaTJ throughout, $425. 28th and DiTuiou. he.i. 8328. 1920 DIXIE FLYER for sale by prWale onrj matt sell, need th money. Call evening! Sell. 481. daytime K. 58M. 1919 LIBERTY 6 If you are looking for a bargain In Liberty Six, call Wilson. -Brnadwsy 8247. FOR SALE Bug in good condition; .ill i-um aider motorcycle a part payment. I'hon Woodlawn 2W4. aak for "Shaw FOR SALE Dodge Commercial, uuariy new, 1500 miles, Phone Main787. MAXWELL it.adster. 1920 motor, ju.t psfiit. many extraaf fU iuarantee,) ; $HMI. term 89-91 N. OTTrl HT..NKAR PLANjil-.JtS. LATE model ilaynes touring, new' paint, b,3 tire, Very rheip on easy term. liruadaj 8606. Auto Towing Day. Main 250. Niulit. Man.h.11 321. LATE 1918 Scripris-Boo'tti "6" t mi ring ri new tire, wire wheel: good condition. MuJ sell; $900.. Woodlawn 54 31). STEPHENS Salient Six" coupe, just new. Wnu.3 consider an open car as part payment. Hal- ano. terms. Broadway 8606. - OVERLAN D, aelf -tMter7"-iVfi rea "'looka-a r i runs lik new car; cash or term; guarantee'!, 210 Jefferson St. 1HRD UOAIiSTER I will ascrtfice lata Ford roadster for ca'h. Automatic 814-01. - 1916 OVERLAND touririB. 'nU nuslel, r''in i.hed and runa and look like new;- $.')'', $200 down, balance easy. A-l Auto Works J Painting Co.. 525 Alder st. OVERLAND- modl 90. g.d sh.. $0jt Stetihena bug. In gooil shape. $4 Oil. u. s. garai;e KIT WTLMA MS A VE WDLN. 4 T j 1910 PCHITPS-BOOTH rosd.ter. alm't ri. 'run about 4)00 miles. We offer this car l a very low price anil mill long, easy termi, A-l Auto Works & Painting Co.. B25 A Mt t. FOR 8ALK -'rrdit oontrart for $200 on pur chase price of new i Hdsmotnle ; wMl sell 1-4 $130. Iays. Broadway 844; e'enings. Mnr shall 5249. DOIx.E aedan, 1918: bet of condition; ii wheels, on extra. Will hI1 at t !"). i consider trade on Fird. balance trrnu. ''i Grand a. N.. near Hurin-i'le FOR'" H ALB By" owiterr Hpeedwell. a" real"i.n gain; condition, first class; rubber new l.i- rellent for bug or ervic car. 78'.' Waihliigl'ri Phone week Ours, Main 6!2. 1. BUICK SIX touring and I Maxwell tjrtirot Absolutely, first clan condition. Will truWi either or both sa. first plvmwit on any kind fnelwood. 101 Oregon bMg TI in EE- PA S8 BN G E R rtiadter, in gmwl e.., diUon, wire wheeU; $1200. $300 i ash, h,.l a nee good term. Need money. Call Iiro.J way 2843 between 9 and 6 after Sunday. OAKLANJ) 8, 7-paas., A-i mecfsnirally, . balance of car; nearly new cord tlrea, wi one extra. Priced for quick sale, $75o; tirH 91 N9THST.,NKAH KLANDKIts. FCfl "SALES-paawnger Iludw n auto. 1 20O ": is Work mar, double birnmi, 2-hors war All or part very cheap. 291 Holland SL U evenings. . - BUICK Roadster. 1916 Big 4, wonderful dition and a wonderful buy; $400, term Think this over. 89 91 N. 9TH ST.. NKAR FT.ANDKns. FOR SALE Cheap, by owner, 1919 Hupinnbilel also 1918 Buick 4; both In ptrfert orlfO 3. 8. MrKinney, 215 N. Jersey st- l'i.'.trf Columbia 2. . FOliTTliiHUkter Ixx.k. and runs hka new: s-l tires, number of extra; $400; have bouuM larger car. . Tabor 2875. 8. E. eor. 72d .ni K Madison st. ( CHEVROLET Touring, 1917, first Ha .i",i-i $375, term. Hurry and n- thi one, al won't last long 89-91 N. 9TH 8T NEAR FLANDFft. 1017 RUiCK 5 pass, flalit six touring rar it fine condition; good tires, new top, an1 ei has original finish, wnirn is in line noniini ;i( will give term, l'hone Marhaill 6J 3: SACRIFICE" ' ' Seven-liasaenger Studebaker. white vUl both front and rwar. bumpers A fin. ! Mutt sacrifice for $0O(. p. Swanaon. lHjt Hawthorne v... cor. 40t.h at. FPRD CCUPE with self starter ajld hit extrSjSequrpment. Universal Car Exchann' . Grand Ave. and Eaet Ktark St. Open Sunay anl wows?, y CHANDLER VinmU-U. late mHlel. iln.en i- i 7000 mile.; equipped with wire 'wheels s i practically new cord tires; many eitrm. i is like new in every r iiect, even the psi il is hardly acratclied; $1700 cash. 89 91 N. 9TH ST.NEAR FI.AVM. 1914 METiT Ell RACEABOl T " '" Guaranteed mile in 52 Overhau!"4 and body partly built timil. tirm, it... bucket seats, an Hudson SiiMr Six radx- 1 $6000 oar for $500. Crmud-r Ford or nif'-i? cycle. Give phone number. H-721), Jotirnsi CH"EVRO'LeT CHEVllOf.i I 1918 Chevrolet touring , '1 1918 Chevrolet roadster r-'l The, car in finest condition, like rip w. Term if desired. '. FRANCIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY, Eaat 3770. 405 lUviiiwi LATE model Ford bug. in bW of -ona.u-H with wire wheela; a bargain with term. , , K. & S. Motor Sales Cc. 412 Belmorit. bet Grand s nd 6th st. 78 KORIrtl la select I turn. liutt u- anything to you 1 Universal Car Exchanrr": Used Fords Exclusive!- ' Grand Ave. ud Kat Stark St, nn Sutvlay and Monlay. Urn. 160 UNlCTN, cif Eel in on U t'asil 1 or klnd: 1913 Ford Touring, extra ......... .1 1918 Ford Roadster, extra . 1917 Ford Roadster 1 1918 Ford Road-t.r, extra. .......... 1918 Ford Touring, extra. .......... -i 1919 Ford Touriruc, like narw ........ i 1920 Ford Tout-in-, starter .......... 1 1920 Ford Solan, like nw ......... 1 1918 Ford Sedan, starter 1918 Ford Sedan, extra Ford Bug. 3 to pick from: 1914 Stout Koadftter ..............$ " 1917 Mtodsbakar Roadster ........... 1918 Sterling lioadauar . . A . . . 1918 Heaoo Taurine, raxaiinted ........ 1917 Buick Light 6 1 1916 Overland, panel dul ........... . Ford pi del., 8 to jXrk fr-n. OVfS 1 r.N 1 xso'Oion. coii. hjorr.