THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 16 SATURDAY. MAY 29, 1920. PORTLAND. OREGON. tribute Mo Whe departed heroes f America Will Pe 3paid 3fn Portland Church ! J t ft 3 4 ft ! ""i 4 SUNDAY SCHOOLS TO MAKE JUNE 20 "ARMENIAN DAY' June 20 has been set aside in the Sunday Schools of Multnomah coun ty as Armenian day. Speakers will , visit the various schools on that Sun day , and explain to" the children the frightful conditions now existing in the far east, and will appeal to them for lad for the 250,000 orphans, 'nearly all of whom are reported to be starving. The day has been set aside in accordance with a resolution passed by the executive committee of . the county association. Last year the Bible schools of Oregon gave $10,000 to relieve the suffering of the Armenian children. This year the committee hopes to secure this amount . from Multnomah county alone. None f the schools will be asked for con tributions on June 20. The situation will be laid before the schools by vari ous speakers. The classes and teachers will then have" the opportunity of de ciding upon their pledge. As soon as the pledges are made and sent to the Armenian Belief office, the New York office will be notified and money will be borrowed from the banks and cabled to Armenia. Thus relief work can be Kin while Oregon children are saving their money. The pledges made by the schools are to be paid at Christmas time. Even with their email contribu tion of $10,000, Oregon Sunday Schools led the nation last year in per capita gifts to this relief, work. . TE2T CE.T8 SATED BABT During the past week . Dr. Lincoln L. Wirt, a recent visitor in Armenia, was In Portland and. told the story of .how 10 cents given by an Oregon boy or Ulrl . toward a can of condensed milk saved the life of a child. . Dr. Wirt was walking up the side of a hill on an inspection tour,- when he came across the body of a small child, lying face downward in the path. He supposed the child to be dead, but turning over First Presbyterian Church PORTLAND, OREGON Aider Street at 12th Rev. JOHN H. BOYD. D.D., (former pastor) ,Wi!l Preach Both Morning and E Telling SPECIAL MUSIC . 10:30 hi M. . Tenor Solo by J. MACMTLLAN MUIR 7:30 P. M. Organ Recital by EDGAR E. COUR8EN Baritone Solo by I AYTA ur rvvadw.... "Wasting the Spoils" IS THE SERMON TOPIO SUNDAY MORN ING AT 11 (MEMORIAL DAT) CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EAST 13TH AND PINE Special Music Appropriate - for the' Day " by i I-Arge Cbortu 1:00 P. M. SERMON: -JOHN MARK THE QUITTER AND OTHERS" TOtT ARE rORDUI.LT INVITED WALTER HENRY NUGENT, D. D.. Minister . The BIBLE Whence Is It? From Heaven or of Men? Come and Hear This lecture GOSPEL AND PROPHETIC HALL 109 Second Street SUNDAY, MAY 30 8 P. M. Rev. Wm. A. Waldo, Ph.D., Paator 10:80 A. M. "Christ and Human Liberty" 7:45 P. M. ... A Service of Worship for the Boy Scouts of Westminster. Address by Dr. Pence IXrtO BIBLE SCHOOL !45 P. M. - VOUNQ PEOPLE'S SOCIETY . COMET EDWARD H. PENCE, D. D. . Patter. : Christian (Endeavor Jtteetmgs Willi ?Se eld Coming S23eck Two important Christian Endeavor meetings for Multnomah county mem bers will be held during the coming week, ,The county alumni banquet will be held in the parlors of the First Congregational church on Tuesday eve ning. The speakers are Walter Hunt ington, G.-: Everett Baker, Miss Faye Steinmetz, Roland Davis and Dr. w. T, McElveen. The : annual congress meet ing and: election of officers will be held Friday night at the Kast Side Christian church. This meeting will be for Ueth intermediate and senior Endeavorers. Miss Gertrude banning will preside for the intermediates, and lie Roy R. Rob inson for the seniors. After a short business session Dr. Estella Ford War ner will give a short talk on alumni. Following this talk the new officers will be 1 installed and the next year's budget will be presented by Carol Rob erts. The remainder of the ' evening will be devoted to a social time.' the limp form discovered that the eyes were still open. Dr. Wirt took hia tin cup from his pocket, ran to a nearby brook and filled it with water. He returned to the side of the child, opened the can; of Oregon milk he had in his pocket and poured part of the milk in the cup of water. As he. pressed the cup to I the lips of the staring child It : erasned the cud with all lis re maining strength and hurriedly drank the contents. Dr. Wirt then retraced his steps ; with the child in his arms and took It to a nearby orphanage sup ported by American funds. REGAINED HEALTH Before Dr. Wirt left this district about 10 days later he visited the orphanage and found his child able to walk.- Since then the child has completely gained its health. t The committee In charge of the work estimates that It takes about 17 cents a day to Bupport one of these children. Several i Portland Sunday Schools are giving $60 a year, which is sufficient to keep one of these starving Armenian orphans alive. ; , - Evangelist Dickson to Speak Evangelist L. fC Dickson will speak in Christensen's hall Sunday night at 7:45 o'clock. A special musical program will be Tendered. rr HEAR DriW. B.Hinson 11:00 "Christ'sEsti mate of Himself" 7:45"The Blue and the Gray" BAPTISM AT BOTH SERVICES EAST SIDE BAPTIST CHURCH CORNER E. 20 TH AND SALMON. I ... TAKE HAWTHORNE. MT. TABOR Oil 8UNNYSIDE CAR8 TO . 20TH. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH 12TH ASD TAYLOR lt:S A. M. REV. CARL GREGG DONEY PRESIDENT WILLAMETTE UXIYERSITY "Fact and Faith" 12:16 P. M STHTDAY SCHOOL i SERVICE f45 P. M-SEEMON BY, Ei T. GRUWELL; SPECIAL MUSIC COME THIRD BAPTIST t CHURCH KNOTT ST. AND VANCOUVER AVE. MORNINO SERMON AT 11 O'CLOCK "GOD IN THE NATION'S LIFE" EVENING 8ERMON AT S O'CLOCK "THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE v DIYINE PRESENCE" Rev. Ray Edwin Close I PASTOR RESIDENCE 343 FORGO STREET WORSHIP! GOD WITH US SUNDAY "The Place of Safety" "The Prodigal Himself," or "Among the Swine" Seeoad Is the Series on the Prodigal Sob. :4S SCXDAY SCHOOL 6:4 TOO O PEOPLE'S MEETING WESTMINSTER Services ?ge Pull honors will be accorded de parted heroes in the Sunday serv ices in Portland's churches. ; For the first time in five years Memorial day tails on Sunday, thus civ:ng the churches , a. grand I opportunity to hold a fitting : memorial service In honor of the men and women who so unselfishly sacrificed! their lives in order that this nation, mighi be preserved. A new feature has been added to Memorial day this year, namely, promotion of the Boy Scout movement, . The boys will be told of the; heroic deeds of ; ; their fore fathers and urged to set high ideals for themselves and to strive to at tain them. .. : j i COKGREtiATIOJf AL The Lincoln-Garfield and Gordon Granger posts of the G. A. R., accom panied by their women relief corps, will hold : their memorial service Sunday morning at the First Congregational church. Professor Lucien Becker has arranged an appropriate musical serv- China Missionary And Wife to Speak . A special missionary service will be conducted Sunday at 3 p. m. in the Ock ley Green United Evangelical church. Willamette boulevard and Gay streets. Superintendent C. N. Dubs of China and his wife -will speak. Mr. and Mrs. Dubs are on their way back to the Orient, where they ' have been for 20 years. They .expect to sail June 3. The Rev. II. II. Franham, pastor, will pre side at the special service. Boyd Sermons Are Proving Attractive The First Presbyterian - church Will have its former pastor. Rev. John H. Boyd,! D. D., in the pulpit Sunday. Dr. Boyd has been preaching :in his pulpit since i May 1 and has been greeted by large ' and enthusiastic crowds. DIRECTORY Trinity Sunday tTnlform Sunday School Lessons "Jonathan Defeats the Philistine." I Samuel 14:1-13. . . .. Golden Text "Be stron ana oi sooa cuur- tte." Joshua 1:6. j Young: People's Topics ; Baptist Cnion--"The Bible Work in Mining and Lumber Campa." Acta 18:1-5. Chri&ti&ii EadeaTol' "Beine a Good Com rade.", PrtT. 27:9. 10, 17-19. , Epworth Imeao "Beine a Good Comrade." (Juniors). Pro. 27:9. 10, 17-19. BaptlsV. First White Temple, 12th and Taylor. IUt. William A. Waldo. 11. "The Peaoe of Safety"; 8. "The Prodieal Himlf." Bast Side E. 20th and Salmon. Iter. W. B. Iliiuon KeT. H. T. Cash. 11, "Christ's EetU mate of HimaeU"; T AS, "The Blue and the :r -: Third Vancourer and Knott : Bct. K, K. Close. 11, "God in the Nation' Life"; 8. "Th nmoioufnHa of the tnrme Preaence. Arleta E. 64th and 48th aie. Ker. 0en T Day. 11, "Christ, the ChriatianJa Urie"; 7 :30. ; "The Benenral at Life Can Faith be CalTanr E. 8th and Grant Rer. 3. E. Thmnas. 11. "The Wonderful Grace of God What It Is; What It Does"; 8, "A Home: How ti IIT it. " Glencoe E. 45th and ' Main. Et. F. C taalette. 11. "In the BaeinnHig God Why We Beiieic in the CUnstian ooa : ( au, -Bauaiiea in an Cnaatist'ied World I How? BeUwood Bethany Ke. W. N. Ferria. 11. T:45. Grace E. 7 6th and Ash. Ee. F. W. Star ing. 11. "Tested Faith"; 7:45, "Looking, Leaning. Living." University Park Bar. ; S. Lawrence Black. 11 H. i " Swedish 15th and Hoyt Bar. T, G. Sjolan- der. 10:30. 7:40. St Johns--Chicaso and Leonard 11. 7:30 Highland E. 6th and Alberta. Dr. W. T. Millikec 11, "What Did Christ Teach About Childhood? ; 8, Unconscious uoss. Mt Olivet (colored) Broadway and Everett. Bev. J. W. Anderson. 11, 8. Elim Swedish Mallory and Skidmore Bev. A. G.i Sandblom. 2:30. 3:30. Lents 88th st and 60th ave. Bev. E. A. Smith. 11. preaching by Rev. E. A. Leon ard; 8. Second (German) Rodney and Morris. Bev. F. Hoffman. 11. 7:30. Catholic Pro-Cathedral 15th and Davis Rev. E. V. O'Hara. 6. 7:15, 8:80, 8:45. 11. 7:45. St. Peters Lenta Bev. P. Beutgen. S. 10:30, 7:30. St Lawrence 3d and Sherman Rev. J. C. Hughes. 6. 8:80. 10:80. 7:30. St Francis E. 12th and Pino Bev. 3. BL Black.1 6. 8, 0. 10:30, 7:30. Immaculate Heart of Miry Williams and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8, 9. 11, 7:30. Holy Root ry E. 3d and Clackamas Rev. . S. Olaon. 6, 7. 8. 9. 11, 7:30. St Rose E. 53d and Alameda Rev. 3. O'FarrelL 8. 10:30. 4. St. Andrews E. 9th and Alberta Bev. J. Kiernan. 8. 10:80, 7:30. The Madeleine E. 24 th and Siskiyou Rsv, George F. Thompson. 7:30, 9, 11. Ascensknt E. 76th and Yamhill -Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:30, 7:30. Blessed Sacrament Maryland and Blandena Rev. F. W. Black. 8, 10:30. 7:30. Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin liev. C. Raymond. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St Ignatius 3220 ' 43d at. 8. E. Jesuit Fathers. 6:30. 8. 10:80, . St Stephens E. 4 2d and Taylor Rev. War ren A. Waitt 6, 8:30. 10:30, 7:30. Holy Redeemer Portland blvd. and Taneou ver are. Rev. William J. Divine. 6. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St Phillip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. 10th and Hickory Rev. M. L. Ferry. 7:30, 9. 10:30. 7:30. St. Clements S. Smith ave. and Newton Servite Fathers. 6. 8, 10:30, 7:30. Sacred Heart E, 11th and Center Rev. G. Rob. i 8, 10:80, 7:30. St Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. 3. Commisky. 8. 10:80. 7:80. St Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland and FaO mg Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:3,0. 7:30. St Joseph (German) 15 th and Conch Rev. B. Burrer. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St Michael (Kalian) (th and Mill Bev. M. Balestra. 6:30. 10:30. 7:30. St Claires Capitol Hill Father Aloyaioa. O. F. M. 7 :30. 9 :20. St Charles E. 83d and Alberta Rev. J. P. O'Flynn. 8, 10:30. All Saints E. 39th and Glisan Bev. Father William Cronin. 8. 10:30. St. Patricks 19th and Savier Rev. Charles M. Smith. Masses 6 SO. 8. 9:15. 10:30. 7:46. Christian ; . First- Park and Columbia. Rev. Harold B. Griffis. 1 1, "American Ideals": 7:45. East Side E. 12th and Taylor. Rev. R. H. Sawyer. 11, 8. v ? ' ' Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott. ' Rev. 8. Earl Childera, 11. 7:30. TRINITY CHURCH i EPISCOPAL lttk nd Everett Streets. REV. Dr. A. A. MORRISON, Rector Holy Commuiaion 8 A.M. 11 A. X-PATRIOTIC MEMORIAL SERVICE WITH SPECIAL MUSIC BT URGE TK8TED CHOIR. ORGAN AND VIOLIN SERMON BT DR. MORRISON. ' COME ; NO EVENING SERVICE HFn armony Wlith tBhe Celebration -r iee. Dr. W. T. McElveen will preach. In the evening, at 7:45, the annual union memorial -service of the Congregational churches of Portland and vicinity will be held. The Rev. R. M. Pratt of Pil grim church will conduct a brief .medita tion on Immortality ; -W. E. Mcllhenny will call the roll of churches and Dr. McElveen will give the address. The regular ! Sunday evening service at Sunnyside Congregational church will give way to a memorial service under the auspices of the Men's lesigue. The Sumner post and the William Dickinson post of the G. A. R. and their respective women's relief corps have signified their intentions of attending this service. The G. A. R. quartet and the church chorus choir will render appropriate musical selections. Dr. J. J. Staub will preach in the morning. Memorial day services are to be held at Highland Congregational church Sun day. The pastor will preach in the morning. The evening service is to be devoted - to the memory of Florence Nightingale and other heroic nurses Miss Gertrude Ost will sing. Boy Scout week, which is appointed by the national council of the Boy Scouts of America, will be observed at Atkin son Memorial Congregational church Sunday evening. The Boy Scouts will participate in the program. The address will be given i by the Rev. E. E. Flint, pastor. , CHRISTIAN The observance of Memorial day at the First Christian churchy will include a morning message by the Rev. II. H. Griffls on "American Ideals." The choir will render music in keeping with the memorial theme. A well prepared memorial program Deen arranged for the Sunday eve ning service at Kern Park Christian church, according to the announcement of the Rev..-J F. Ghormley. Lincoln's Gettysburg address will be read during the service. EPISCOPAL ; A special memorial service has been arranged for i the 11 o'clock service at Trinity Episcopal church. The musical feature will be -prominent, r Sunday aft ernoon the choir will go to the Portland Open Air sanitarium to sing for the pa tients. Dr. A. A. Morrison will also give a short address. The parish picnic for the Sunday school will be held during June, the exact date to be announced OF CHURCH Monta villa E. 76th and Glisan Rev. Car roll C- Roberts. 11, 7:30. Wood lawn E. 7 th and Liberty Rev. Joseph D. Boyd. 11. 8. Kern Park Rev. F, H. Ghormley. 11. 'od's Word In Human Experience"; 7:45, "The Debt We Owe to Our Heroes." Tabernacle E. 28th and Alberta. Rev. R. Tibbs Msxey. u. 7:30. St Johns Central and Oswego. 11. 7:30. Christian Selene Lesson subject: " Ancient and Modern Necromancy, Aliaa Mesmerism and Hypnotism. DenourKJed," First 19th and Everett 11. 8. i Second E. 6th and Holladay. 11. S. ; Third E. 12,th and Salmon. 11. 8. Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11. 8. Fifth-2d and 42d ave. 8. E. 11. Buth Monic temple. 868 Yamhill. 11. S. Seventh Smith ave. and New York. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. Congregational First Park and Madison. Dr. W. T. McEl' veen. 11, "The War in Which There Is No Discharge"; 7:45. "Memory and Anticipations,' Sunnyside E. 32d and Taylor. Rev. J. 3. Btaub. 11, "The Secret of Perennial Youth' :4 5, Memorial service, in charge of-, Men 'a ieague. Atkinson Memorial E. 28th and Everett Rev. E. E. Flint 11, "The True Memorial of Life'; 7:45, "Boy Scouts. Highland E. 6th and Prescott. Rev; Edward Constant 11, "Lest We Forget"; 7:45, "Flor ence Nightengale and the Heroic Nurses.1 Waverleigh Heights E. S2d and Woodward. Rev. Oliver P. Avery. 11. "Our Debt to Our .neroes , o, s-eace xune patriotism. i Laurelwood-Sth ave. and 65th at S- E. Mrs. Alice M. Handsaker. 11. 7:30 Pilgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt 11, "Three Great Questions of uie- ; i, i. r. s. v. K. . University Park Haven and Lombard Bar. C H. Johnston. 10:30, 7:30. Finnish Mason and Albina. Rev. A. A Harju. - 6 and 8 p. m. St Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Bev. W. L. Cpshaw. 11. 7:30. Danish-Norwegian E. 23d and Sumner Ber Ole Torgeasen. 11. 7:30. First German E. 7 th and - Stanton Ber, George Zocher. 11, 7:80. . Second German E. 8th and BUdmore Bar. Henry HagelganjL 11. 7:30 Zion German E. 9 th and Fremont Rev. J. M. Itoop. 11, 7:30. Ounkarw Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Bral- caro tev. George O. CarL 11. 8. Episcopal Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr Kt uev. w..T. Sumner, bishop; Very Bev. B. T. T. Hicks, dean. 11, 8. Trinity 19th and Everett . Rev. A. A Mor rison. 8, 11, memorial service. St. Davids -E. 12 th and Belmont Rev. Thomai Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11, 8. . St Marks 21st and Mini hall Rev. J. G. Hat Ion. 7:30. 11. 7:45; daily. 7:30 a. m. St Andrews Hereford st. Plymouth Arcb- Lwaeon cnamDers in charge. 9, 11'. 7:30. Grace Memorial E. 17 th and Weidler Rev. Osward W. Taylor. 8. 11. Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Bev. John Dawson, 11, 8. St Michael and All Angela E. 43d and Broadway Re.. F. T. Bowen, vicar. 8, 10, 11. Church of Our Savior 60th ava. and 41st at 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30. 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev. Frederick K. Howard. 7. 9:30. St Paula Woodmen Rev. Osward W. Tai lor. 4. All Saints 25 th and Karltr Bar. Frederick K. Howard. 10. 11. . St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harne. f tllwood. Rev. H. Clark in charge. 11, 7:30. St Matthews Corbett and Bancroft Rev. W. A M. Brack, vicar. 10. 11. CvangeltcaJ First E. 6th and Market 11. 7:30. Rev. E. Manor. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob Stacker S:45 (German). "Stewardship"; 8 (Englub). "Life Berrioe. Lenta Rev. F. B. Culver, 11. 8. Swedish Tsbernacle- N. 17th and Glisan Rev. i. C. Ledin. 11. 7 :30. Free Methodist Central East 55th and Flanders Bar. K. I Harrington. 11. 7:30. First E. 9th and MuL , Rev. S. H. tTnton. lit 7:30. - Aibertav E. sutn ana wytant Kev. M. V. WhetaeU. 11.-7:30. . St iJlaa E. Richmond and' Hudson Uev. E. D. Blackman. 11. 7:30. Lents Rev. 8. H. : Upton, acting . oaatoa 3 40. 3:30. . Frianda " " . -First E- 85th and Main Rev. Home L. Cox. 11. 7:45. Second E. 92d and Slat ave. Rev. Lursna M. Terrell. 11. 7. West Piedmont Borthwick and Jersey Ssr. Carey Jeaaupp. 11, 8. Jewish Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main- Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reform Synagogue. Service Friday 8 p. m., Saturday 10:80 a. m. Cnrermtiou Ahavai S ho lorn Park and sts. Rabbi R. AbrahasBson. Friday. S n. aa.t Satorday, 8 :B0 a. m. , Gongregation ixevan zedeck Talmud Tnr,h 6th and Hall Rev. Abraham L Bosenc rants. Friday. 8 p. ra.; Saturday, 9 a. m.; Sunday, is m. . neiigiona kwxh. Latter Day Saints Chareh of Jeaua Christ of Latter Day Batnta E. 26 th and Madison Heber C ttiSEioa president 1 0, 6 :30. .utnaran St James W. Park and Jefferson H.. William E. Brinkman. 11. 7:30. St Pauls K. 12th and Clinton Rev a Kranse. 10:30, "What Is Confirmation - 7:30, 'There Is a Trinity." . " Trauy (Missouri Synod) Wflswi Araliam Rev. J. p. Rimhach. 10:15 Hi,. in). 7:80 (English). Church for - Deaf Williams and Graham later. Evening services in Trinity wUl be discontinued until September 1. ' , METHODIST At Sell wood Methodist church all the services of the 'day will be In harmony with the Memorial day occasion. The pastor the Rev. W. S. Gordon, will speak at 11 a. m. In the evening a program will be given for ex-service men and their friends, -i The t veterans of . three wars will be represented on the program and make five minute addresses. D. R. Amadon will speak for the Grand Army of the Republic; Charles E. Purcell for the Spanish-American War Veterans, and Dice , Griffith and Donald Holden. who both saw service in France, will tell, what Memorial day means to them. The last speaker wilt be Professor I H. Morgan, principal of the Sell wood public echooL Appropriate music will be given under the direction of Professor F. C, Strey feller.: Memorial day will be observed at the First M. E. church, South, at the morn ing service. The Rev, J. W. Byrd, pas tor, has prepared a special address and invites all veterans to the service. At the evening hour the pupils of the Sun--day school will have charge, rendering a program emphasizing their work. ! PRESBYTERIAN The evening service at Westminster Presbyterian church will be a service of worship for the Boy Scouts of the church. The boys will participate in the service. Dr. EL IL Pence will give the address, j Sunday will be observed as Memorial day at Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church, with two appropriate messages by the pastor. A patriotic song service and motion pictures will be features of the evening service. Fred Lockiey of The Journal will have charge of the Sunday morning Memorial day service at Vernon Presbyterian church. In the evening Dr. George B. Pratt will preach. The music and sermon of the morning service at Rose City Park Presbyterian Church will be especially appropriate to Memorial day. In the evening Dr. R. H. Milligan wiU discuss Tolstoi, Bernard Shaw and the message of Jesus. ' Special memorial' services will be held Sunday morning at Fourth . Presbyterian church. In the evening the Boy Scouts will have charge. Mr. Broekway, Scout executive for Oregon, will speak. The Sunday morning service at Ana bel Presbyterian church will be. of a SERVICES IN Rev. J. A. Beyer. 2:30, "What Must I Do to Enter Into the Kingdom of God?" ; Our Savior's E. 10th and Grant Rev. M. A Christenseen. 11 (Norweegian). sermon and holy communion. Bethlehem Norwegian 14 th and Davis Rev. Wilhelm Pettersen. 11. 8. Bethel Evangelical Norwegian (Free) Wy gant and Rodney Rev. B. A Borrevik. 11. 7:45. Grace (English) E. 24th and Broadway Rev. C. H. Bernhardt 11. 7:80. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney. Rev. B. A Borrevik. 11, 7:45. Bethany Danish Evangelical I'nion and Mor ris Rev. L. P. Kjoller. 11. 7:80. St Johns Peninsula and Kilpatrick Bev. L, Ludwig. 10:45, 7:30. Swedish Augustana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:43, 7:45. Immanuel 19th and Irving Rev. A V. An- ueTson. li. o. Portsmouth Lovely and Fortune Rev. 8. O. B. Knutsen. 11. 7:30. Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man ana Salmon Kev. li. a, n.oppelmann. w:io, iu:ia, 7:46. Immanuel (Mo. Synod) E. 15th and La Rev. H. C. Ebeling. 10. German; 11:15. r.nginn. Evangelical Church of the Redeemer 15th of vVygant 10. 11. -t. Finnish 179 Fargo. Rav. A Salminan. 10; Sunday school 7. Methodfst Eclscooal Carson Height. Rev. G. 8. Brown. 10, il. 7. Centenary E. 9th and Pine Bev. Frank L. Wemett 11. 7:30. Central Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A R. atacclean. 11. 8. Clinton Kelly E. 40th and Powell Rev. E. S. Mace. 11. 8. Epworth 26tb and Savier Rev. J, Stanford Moore. 11. 7:30. First ! 2th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stana- neld. 10:30. 7:30. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt lieT. cuas cjerdmg. 11. 8. Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rev. A C. Brskenbury. ' 11. 7:30. . Lenta 86th and 68th ava. Rev. F. R. Sibley. 11. 7:45. Lincoln E. 5 2d and Lincoln. Rev. F. A Gion. T 11, "Honor to Whom Honor la Due"; 8, "Living Epistles." Montavilla E. 80th and Pine Rev. Hiram Gould. 11. 7:30. Mt Tabor E. 61st and Stark. Rev. E. G. Decker. - 11. 8. Patton Alberta and Michigan Rev. George H. Bennett 11. 7:30. Rose City Park E. 58th and Sandy Rev. D. Lester Fields. 11. 7:30. Seilwood E. 15th and Taeoma Rev. W. S. Gordon. 11, Memorial Monuments"; 8, memorial addresses by several war veterans and Professor L. It. More an. Sunnyside E. 85th and Yamhill Rev. W. P. Ineeon. 11. 7:45. St Johns W. Leavitt and Syracuse Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11. 7:30. Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rev. Abel Eklund. 11. 8. University Park Fiske and Lombard Rav. H. T. Atkinson. 11. 7:30. Vancouver Avenue Norwegian Danish Skid more and Vancouver Rev. A Christensen. 11, 7:30. Wesleyan E. 53d and Glisan Rav. D. B. Hampe. 11. 7:45. Westmoreland Muwaukie and Mulway Rev. E. S. Mace. 7:30. Wilbur Multnomah hotel rRev. E. C. Hick man. 10:30. Woodstock E. 44 th and Woodstock Rev. L. C. Poor. 11, 7:30. Wood lawn E. loth and Highland Rev 1 H. Irvine. 11, "The Blight of Partyism"; 8. "The Grand Army' of the Republic of God." District superintendent. Rev. WLiism Wallace Youngson, D. D.. 691 E. 6 2d t N. Tabor 2790. M. E. South First TTnion and Multnomah. Rev. 3. W. Byrd. 11. memorial service: 7:30. Drocram by the Sunday school. Naxarene First E. 10th and Weidler Bev. 3. T. Little 11. 7:30. Seilwood E. 9th and Snokane Rtiw. J. a. BringedahL 11. 7:30. Brentwood 65th ave. and 87th st Rev. 0. U. Fowler. 11. 7:30. Highland Park E. 14th and Jarratt Rae. W. P. Keebaugb. 11. 8. Scandinavian 948 Garfield Rev. Daiuai HaUatrom. 11. 7:30. Praibyterlan First 12th and Alder. lr. H.-L. Bowman. Preaching by Dr. John H. Boyd. 10:30. 7:45. rr esuniiuier- fei x i m ana ocauyier. UST. Edward H. Pence. 10:30. "Christ and Human Liberty"; 7:45. Boy Scout service. Ootral K. 13th and Pine. Bev. Walter Harry Nngent 11, ' Wasting the Spoils"; 8. John Mark, the Quitter and Others." Calvarjr 11th and Clay. Rev. L. Bo-wring Quick. II. "Swords and Ploughs bares"; 7:30, 'Sons of God." , Mt. Tabor E. 65th and Belmont Rev. Ward MacHenry. 11. memorial service: 8. "You Did Not Choose Me. But I Chose You." Vernon 19th and Wrcant 11. memorial address by Fred Lockiey; 8. address by Dr. George B. Pratt Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Rev. J. Francis Morgan. 11; "National Ideals": 5, vesper service, subject. "Endowing Memorials." Fourth First and Gibba. Rev. Monroe G. Everett ; 10:30. "The Price of Our Liberties"; 7:30. Boy Scout service. Kenilworth E. 84 th and . Gladstone. Rev. L. K. Grimes. 11, "Honoring Our Heroea"; 8. "The Eagle and Her Young." Hope 7th and Everett Rev. H. B. GUea. 11, 7.30. Rose City Dr. Robert H. Milligan. 11. "America Today Has She Lost Her Moral Leadership?"; 8. "Tolstoi. Bernard Shaw and the Message of Jesus." Forbes Graham and Cantenbein. Rev. Ward Willis Long. 11. memorial service. "A Great Cloud of Witnesses"; 7:30, "Is the Boy 8afe" Trinity Virginia and Nebraska. Rev. Theo dore P. Smith. 11. 7:30. Anabel F. H. MixelL 11, 8. Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee Gray. II. "Show Me Thomas" : 8. Abounding in Work." i 2Bay memorial character, vited. All soldiers are in- tNITEIi BKETHREIT Memorial services will be conducted In the four United Brethren churches of the city Sunday. Special music has been arranged. - . iff " UNITARIAN A Memorial day service will be held Sunday morning at the Church of Our Father. The Rev. W. G.- Eliot will preach. Music by the choir will be ap propriate. Diocesan Conference For Boys Is Called Saturday, June 12, a diocesan confer ence for boys in the Episcopal, church will be held at St Stephens Pro-Cathedral. The general theme of the con ference will be "Vocation." Among the speakers will be Bishop W. T. Sumner, Dr. Wilson Johnston and several of the boys. -.. : Dr. Waldo to Preach On the Prodigal Son Dr. W. A. Waldo will continue his series of serjrnons on the prodigal son Sunday morning. These addresses are delivered extemporaneously, . strong moral appeals being made to the young men and young women of the present age. The Temple quartet will sing. Ir, Grimes to . Give Lecture Dr. L. K. Grimes of Kenilworth Pres byterian church will give a lecture; Tuesday evening in the church, entitled "When the Earthquake Laughed." The lecture is instructive and humorous. A stiver offering will be taken to send delegates to the young people's state convention. , ' ''- Jacobson Speaks on Missions The Young People's society of St. Stephens Pro-Cathedral will meet Sun day evening at 6:30 in the parish house. C. A., Jacobson, who is to have charge, will give a discourse on "The Spirit of Missions." , PORTLAND Marshall Street ITU- and Marshall Rev. A 3. Hanna. 11. Mispah- E. 1 9th and Division. Rev. D. A Thompson. 11, "Our Soldier Dead"; 7:45. "An Enlarged Vision." Unity E. 71st and Sandy. Rev.- 8 W. Seeman. 11, "Our Country's Hope"; 7:80, "What Is Worth Keeping f" , Holt Chinese 183 14 First Rev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m. school; 8. 9. young people. Reformed Presbyterian First Minnesota and Aimwort-h Raw ie ri Frazer. ,11. 7:30. : Seventh Day Advent I tts . Note Regular servtcea of this denomination re held on Saturday. Central E. 11th and lsverett L. K. Dick ion, pastor. 10. 11:15. Tabernacle 6 th and Montgomery G. W. PetUt. minister. 10, ll. , MonUvUla E. 80th and Everett J. A Gar hart 10, 11. Lenta 94th at and 58th ava. W. D. Hunt ington, 10. 11. St Johns Central ave. and Charleston A It Folkenberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H. Wentland. 10. 11. - Soaadinavian 62d at and 89th ava. Klder O. 8. Lee. 10. 11. Salvation Army Corps No. 1 243 Ash st Adjutant Henry R. Uoaena. 11, 3:15. 8. Corps No. 4 128 H 1st Ensign Jessie Mil lard and Envoy Mrs. Upton. 11. 1:80, 3, 6. 8. Swadenborglao New ' Church Society 381 Jefferson. Rev. William H. Reece. 10:45. "The Image of the Ages The Silver Age." ' Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and Tim hill. Rev. W. C Eliot Jr. 11. "In Me- niorium." Unttad Brethran - Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mo Dona Mi First E. 1 5tb and Morrison. Rev. Byron 3. Clark. 10.30, "The Patriotism of Peace"; 7:30. "Lights and Shadows." . Second K. 27th and 8umher. Rev. Ira Hawley. '11, "In Distress, .-1 the Holy One of Israel. Will Hear"; 7:30, "I Will Satisfy." Third 67th st and 82d ave. 8. E. Rev. E. O. Shepherd. 11. "Our Sunday"; 7:30. "You and Peace." Fourth- Tremont Rev. C P. Blanchard. 11, "One Hundred Years Ago; A Little: Child Shall Lead Them"; 7:80. memorial service led by K. U. Timms of the G. A. R. post Clorerdale 446 Jessup. Rev. Walter Rem olds. 10, :30. 7:30. United Evangelical . Flint E. 16th and Poplar Rev. J. A uooae. 11, o. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. H. IL Famham. 11. 8. missionary meet ing. speaking by Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dubs of China; 7 :30. St Johns Rev. A P. Larton. 11, 7:30. -? United Presbyterian First E. S7th and Hawthorne Rev. H. F Given. Preaching in bebalf of American Sun day school union at ll ana 7:30 by Rev. E, K. Martin. Church of the Btranaers Grand and Waam. Rev. S. Earl Iu Bois. 10:30. "A Great Re. ugious Kenvai ; , ' ins tioa or Heating." Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Bev. George N. Taylor. 11, 8. Mlsosllaneout Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and Clay Rev. John E. Fee. 10. 11, 7:30. Realization League 148 13th. Rev. Edward Mills. 11. "Charging Purpose With4 Power." Christadelphiao 021 E. Washington. 10:80. Church of God 863 Failing Harry NeaL 11. 7:30. Gospel Han E. 29th and Stark. 11, 7:3G. Men's Resort 4th and Burnside Rev. Lvl Johnson, superintendent 8. Divine Science Portland hotel. T. M. Minard. 11, "Proving Your Sunship." . Pentecostal First and Wsshinrton Rsv. Will C Trotter. 11. S. 7:30. Daily, 7:30. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 U 1st 2. 8. 7:30. Pentecostal Iris First George R. Far. row. 8. . Pentecostal -210 Yamhill 2:80. 7:30j daily, 7:30. Christian Assembly K. zwn and Ankeny Pastor, A. W. Smith. 11, 2:45, 7:45. Volunteers of America 224 Burnside. Even ings except Monday at 8 : Sunday, 8, 8. Portland Ecclexia (ChrisUdelphlan) 1697 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. 11. Peniel Mission 266 H Alder. 4, 8; daily, 8. Church of Christ E. 79tb and Glisan. 11. First Spiritualist E. 7th and Hassalo. 8, 8. lectures by Mrs. Lillian Smith of Cleveland, Ohio, followed with messsces by Mrs.. M. J. Downs and James Metcalf. ' First Spiritual. Science 1 Z 4UI st Rev. Max. Hoffman. Lectures by Rev. R, M. Single ton. 3." 8. International Bible Stndenta W. O. W. temple, 11th and Alder. 8. 8. Uhurco or const- is. o.a ana ovtn ave. 10. 11. 7:30.; . T. M. C. A Sixth and Taylor. 8. Church of 'Divine Truth 412 Central bond ing. Nettie Taylor Kloh. 11. 8. STJNDAT, MAT M, AT WILBUR CHURCH THE CHTJBCH JN A HOTEL REV. JOHN SECOR WILL PBEACH AT l:tS A. M. His meaaaffe -fliee on winged words. With power to lift above The stern, cold, heartless facta ' That seem to eel the winds of love. Multnomah Hotel . Auditorium Slrleta 'Baptists (So ver (top 3n JSrive Sor ffiuffijing Jf unci The Arleta rjtiUst church In rejoicing- over the completion of it drive for the Baptist new J world movement and Its own builditjgi The church net it Boal at $80.000i Jtt has trone over he top and secured fsubacriptlons for SI,- vu ana reports, tnat additional pledg-ea are still arriving. The Rev. Owen T. Day. pastor of the church, superintend ed the drive, fee young people have started the publication of a weekly church paper, the Peptimist. It takes the place of thei church calendar and has the advantage of offering the pastor and the workers a vehicle of expression. Miss j Gladys Li. Turner is editor and George T. Jennings assist ant. Each department of the church is represented by a reporter. Last Bun day the pastor vas in Colfax. Wash., assisting his fatties, the Rev. J. ,F. Day, in the dedication of a new Bap tist :church them He will occupy his own pulpit Sunday. A series of ser mons on "Pour Pools and Their Fate" will be given on the Sunday nights in June by the Rov. Mr. Day. lie will discuss the egotistical, ignorant, pros perous and fickW fooL Bishop Sumner to Confirm Classes t Friday night: Bishop W. T. Sumner left for th . Marshf ield Deanery where he will spend several days giving a se ries of addressed and conducting ' con firmation services in Episcopal churches of that district; When Dreams Come True Those were high! dreams which thrilled the nation when it gave of it best to release the oppressed, and to ive Liberty Its heyday. On battlefields 1st home and abrned our brave lads sleep with those dreams still their own. But we. the living, are in danger of losing otir IdeaJisnV, swallowed up of greed and selfishness. Memorial Day thould witness our return to worship at thei shrine of the"idI; and, for their memory' sake, help make their dreams come true.. Tbe FIRST Mi E. CHURCH SOUTH UN ION AVE. and MULTNOMAH ST. Invites all Veterans to its worship SUNDAY, MAT 80 11 A. M. "THAT THEtK D1AD SHALL NOT HAVE DIED IN VAIN." 7:48 P. Mi-CHILDREN'S DAY , , SERVICE J. W. BYRD, Pptor THE MILLENNIUM OF ' CHRIST WHAT M WHY I HEAB c. J. LE ROY WITn THE INTERNATIONAL BIBLE STUPtNTS ASSOCIATION SUNDAY, MAY 30 8 P. M. ' r . Is it a period of blessing or of condemnation? Should humanity dread, or look forward o it with pleas ure? : v 9 This lssplrlnr 'and eoagtrortlve lee tore prepared according to Bible pro phecy for yonrj admonition. Come to W. O. W. TEMPLE Ilth 8L, Bet- Wssliljig-ton and Alder TOU ABE WELCOME SEATS FREE NO COLLECTION A Super(phurch ; A Super-State And then ' ? The Bible tells what HEAR IT AT THE TABERNACLE 8UNDAT, Mi P, M. GOME fs Ms? I MONTGOMERY ST. I Innnnnsnsl ' THE ANNUAL ENCAMPMENT OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS, JUNE 1-13 OREGON STATE FAIR GROUNDS SALEM, Camp In beautiful grove. Rpend your vacation period with us snd enjoy the Bible Chautauqua, where evolution and the higher criticism have no part. Prominent speakers of world travel. I " Southern Pacific local trains stop at the fair grounds. CITY'S CHURCHES TAKE IN 4500 NEW MEMBERS IN YEAR Approximately 4500 persons have been added to the Protestant churches in TortlanVl from KsiMter, 1919, up to and including Kanttr, 1920, according to the information received by the Portland Federation nt Churches. The estimate was made on Incomplete returns which showed a gain of 85.15 from 107 churche. Memlx-frs rrt-elved by the 68 churches nhows rfiorts have not yet been received will more than make up the former fltrurea, It Is entl mated by the officers of the federation. The Baptists led with a total sritln of 727. Twenty-one Methodist churches re port a gain of 672. Nineteen I'rMhy terlan churches report additions of fS 1. Hlx Lutheran 383, four lJnltel Kvan selical 176, and Mix Dlnolplc Among the churches that showed lare lncreiutes, the following, net Rains are reported: Kat Hide HapliKt 2.'n, High land Baptist .8, St. Mlchaela Kplwoiwil 45, Imrr. nuel Lutheran 247, Mount Tabor M. K. 75, tntral M. K. 48, Unity Presbyterian 67, Mount Tabor Presby terian 06, Fourth Prenhyterlan 40, Korbes Presbyterian- 46, Klrnt I'nlted llrelhren 44, Firttt (Tliun h rf the Nina rene 40. Mount Olivet fcjlored) 09. HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH EAST SIXTH AND" ALBERTA SUBJECTS FOR SUNDAY, MAY SO; 11:00 A. M. "Wrist Did Christ Teach About Childhood?" 6:00 P.. M. "Unconscious Loss." Rospel Preaching by the I'amor. DR. W. T. MILLIKEN, and a servme f reverent worship tlirougn anng and wnfti, is o( Intnl. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH PARK ANI MtlMSON STIIKKTS REV, W. T. McELVEEN, PH. D. 11:00 A. M. Memorial Day Krvi- of the Lincoln-tiarfU'ld and th ;.r-tlon-ran(cer I'oHta, O. A. It. 1K. le KliVDKN speaks on "The War in Which There . Is No Discharge" J:ii V, M. Union MemiHal Hervlre of OoMRrreKatlotial fhurrhps of Port land. J1EV. K. M, fit ATT cOnduota a "Meditation on Immortality DB. MeELVEi:N epeaka on "Memories and Anticipation" it AN EPIPER3E OF FEDERATION" POLITICAL FINANCIAL -INDUSTRIAL RELIGIOUS Ar ' They Wkat th Prophets What Does the Bible Say of the Outcome? Will They Prove Profitable'? HEAR .' Evangelist DICICSON SUN. NIGHT, MAY 30, 1920 at 7t45 o'Clock CHRISTENSEN'S HALL llth St., Bet. Morrison end Yamhill Special Program of Music CONGREGATIONAL SING MALE QUARTET BARITONE SOLO INSTRUMENTAL SOLO MIXED OCTETTE SEATS FREE. PUBLIC INVITED OREGON r3 Si i I I 1 i m 1 W aw j a. mn -j i 1 BaSBSaSBSMaMHawei5. it