n ,0 THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1920. 21 ArTOWOBtlFS yp ACCBSORrES 44 Big Removal Sale of Used Cars - 25 High Grade Cars to Select From SHALL PAYMENT DOWN. BALANCE . , , EAST TERMS , . ; FREE . - EXPERT INSTRUCTOR TO TEACH YOTJ TO DRIVE HERE ARE A FEW Of OTJB MAST . USED CARS, WE- OFFER FOH YOUR APPROVAL 1918 OVERLAND. 8 m. 4 eyl 1818 OLDSMOBQJE. T BaUsw, 8 cjL ; 119 MITCHELL. T pn, 6 eyl. 1915 CASE. B pu., 4 eyl ; 1918 OLDSMOBTLes put., 6 eyL j 1918 MITCHELL, 5 put., 8 eyl. 1918 MITCHELL, 4 paaa 6 ejt. Chummy. 1817 MITCHELL, 5 pu., 6 eyL 1910 REPUBLIC. ,1 too truck. 1912 MITCHELL, 8 paac, 8 ejL 1918 FORD, 2 put, Many others to select from. Prices $2S Up USED CAR DEPARTMENT OPEN SUNDAY 10 TO 4 MITCHELL, LEWIS & - STAVERCO. ESTABLISHED 80 TEARS BAST FTR.HT AND EAST MORRISON STS. PHONES: EAST 7272 AUTOMATIC 212-18 Columbia Auto Sales Co. ' 2 Ford bugs, Packard Upt, $250 will handle. Ford, good shape. 8175 will handle. Overland, bargain, 8250 will handle. 1918 Chevrolet four, 8250 will handle. 1019 Chevrolet four, $300 will handle. 1914 Studebaker six. $150 will handle. 1916 Studebaker four. $260 will handle. Rtota ruadrter. $250 will handle. 1916. Studebaker delivery, $250 will handle. Ford ton truck. $225 "ill handle. , Ford deUvery. $200 will handle. I 845 UNION AVE.. NEAR BROADWAY ;, EAST 68 Open Sundays and Evenings. - - 1820 NASH. .7 PASS. DEMONSTRATOR Cord 'tires, 1 new spare, bumper, spotlight, wind deflectors and other extra equipment; car has run about 2700 miles. See Mr.- Krog. PORTLAND MOTOR CAB CO 10th and Burnxide Sta. Telephone Broadway. 621. . BFO BODIES. $98 tTP. .Bog -bodies, radiators, fender, hoods mad and repaired 8UBNESS AUTO BODY WORXS. 16th and Alder Sta. ' 192 JFord -Touring $182 WORTH OP EXTRAS: CAR IN FINE SHAPE; 8 TIRES. DEMOUNTABLE RIMS, SHOCK -'ABSORBERS. SCHEBLER CARBU BETAJH. STARTER. ALL IN FINE SHAPE; CAI,L MAIN 8979 - CALL TABOR 8758 M. B. FISCH Radiators, -Tenders, bodies, bonds, tanks repaired and remodeled. Auto sheet metal work - spe cialty 605 Burnside street. . Phone . Broadway , 2209. , , autx SPRING i 1 5,000 carried in stock. Our sprinss sold with a written guarantee. We give you service. 84 North Fifteenth street. SUCCESSFUL TIBK REPAIRING Requires a full knowledge of tire eonstruetloa luad proper equipment for each repair; we have both! bring us that tire or tube and ws will -fix it right; prices 'reasonable; new and used Urea for less ; liberal allowance on old tires. Vulcan Tire Shop, 41 Grand ave.. corner Pine. 4896. CHANDLER, chummy 1920, driven only few thousand miles. Runs and looks like new car. Priced for quick sale with terms. 89-91 X. 9TH. NEAR FLANDERS- COLE EIGHT. 1919 First ' class condition; $2000 takes this ear, run 3500 miles; has original tires. H. F. Kimble. East 2868. " HUDSON T pass., model 8-54. - Just overhauled and put in first class shape throughout Wonderful buy. Terms given. 89-91 N. BTH. NEAR FLANDERS. OREGON AUTO TOP COMPANY TOPS THEM 14th and Couch so. Broadway 4408. MAXWELL touring. 1919; completely over hauled from front to back. Guaranteed and services given. Hurry aa this won't last long; $750, terms. - 89-91 N. 9TH. NEAR FLANDERS. WHAT better could you ask for 1919 Hup. The best buy in the state; $1300. Car is in fine shape, and will demonstrate, with any of them. Phone Main 4028. Mar. 2768. MAXWELL touring, 1917; best of condition, good tires; will saerifioe at $475. Some terms. SO Grand ave., N., near Burnside. FORD truck, 1915 model; motor just over bauled; shock absorbers, speedometer, de mountable rims 30x3 H. Phone Sell. 2225. ; $450 CHEVROLET touring, good condition; new top, good rubber. Alia Woodyard, 827 Front. - , FORD truck, gear drive, good condition; will sacrifice at $850 and give terms, 30 Grand ave.. wear Humsiae, 1 916 HCPMOB1LE. in finest condition. " just ir(sntui swu uiw. a Bargain; terma. Phone Main 6895. , FORD touring. 1917, used privately; good paint and good tires; a -real bargain at $450; terms ' ff desired. 80 Grand ave.. N., near Burnside. L91 7 BUICK, 6 passenger. 4cylinder rTn fine condition; good tirea, A bargain; terms.. Main 6395. 'FORD truck, chain drive, good Aires; a real bar- gain at $500 with terms. 80 Grand ave., N., near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring, 1918; will sell chassis for bug at $450. Terms if desired. 80 Grand ave., ru,, near nnrnsiae. MAXWELL touring. 1920, used privately; a snap at $1076; terms, 80 Grand art-, N.. near SurnMue. 8-TON WHITE for sale, la first class condition. Will . accept good five-passenger car as part -payment. Foe particulars call 2 B0 E. Water st FORD delivery. 1 917, fine condition, good tires; a real bargain at $500, terms. 80 Grand 8ve.,"N., near Burnside. - . ' iROSSITER BROS. TOP CO. Atttn inrm - tfvn wars, iwtai e nasi aa-eie. - "S ea-Mva, g spwsa- mg. Eaat em, union at Pine. FOR SALE or trade, some very line furniture ivt . mime automooue. - z none fiast M33 or eall 987 Oregon, on 81st st. . lTUDSON'Super Six, family car, in fine me - chanieal condition ; looks - like new; cash or wso nij rmuua SDurmg good haphroughout.-' -Owner, Bdwy. '1T64 and 1920 FORD touring, starter, nesriy new. Will take old Ford in trade. N-242. Joornat 1918 MAXWELL, fine condition; fust overhauled: bargain. Tabor 142T. - 1918 DODOS roadster,- new Una, $700. See Mr Rich. 87--North ft read way. ; -Bd wy. 2 2 T 0. MX'ST havT eahlnOverland tlkm condition; - starter; no dealers $375. Btsrshell 1676. LliUT bug chankis. just tverliau'ST B good Una; set your price. 83$ Mallory in. 1 1 "f 1 AUTOMOBILES AJfD ACCESSORIES 44 C. G. BLEASDALE - TERMS NO BROKERAGE All standard makes. Caul and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms: , . i , OVERLAND .TOURING, 1920 b- ggQ) MAXWELL T6uRINaVde"in."rini R-JR ' new top, rejainted. good tiraa. . 6 f CASE TOURING, refiaiahed. nsw top. good tires. new storage battery, sea -starter, very good mechanical condition . . 8TUDEBAKER TOURING, 4-cyL, good tiraa, mechanically right, refiniahed. STULLBAKER." 6'yunde'r ' 7-panea- BUG, 4 new non-skid cord Urea. Willard battery, 2 silver beam spotlighta; a snap C! (TtfTl s if sold before May 24, lrlU"U SCRD?PS-BOOTH. 8-pasa., 5 wire 7jfMn wheels. 5 good Urea JV"UI BUICY LIGHT 6, 5 good tiraa, SOEfTl mechaaically right ...... SSW MAXWELL. 1918 roadster, good tires, ffzwg meohanicaliy in fine condition.. HJJ HUPMOBILE touring car, fi-paaa., good tires, good mecb. condition, a? CHEVROLET, , 1918, demountable ffjR rims. This ear is aa good aa new "P OVERLAND, model 90, engine over- i.eye hauled; good finish; good tires. PUJi OVERLAND, 7 -pass. ; touring, good tires; Con tinental motor; repainted dark green WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-paas.; runs better STCTEBAKER light 8, 1919. ru only 2300 miles; cord tires, 1 spare. This ff fl weifh ear cannot be told from new P U SJ NASH SEDAN. 7-paas., latest model, 5 wire wheels; bargain if sold at oneev ; TERMS NO BROKERAGE Open Snndars and Evenings. See, the Alder St. Special gale. SUNDAY Cl G. BLEASDALE B30 Alder St : Bdwy. 1852. Portable Houses and WRITE OB PHONE FOB CATALOGUE Millmade Construction Co. Phone Woodlawn 2418. P. O. Box 244. 150 UNION AVE.. CORNER BELMONT 1917 Ford roadster, snap $ 450 lft 8 Ford tcuring, snap ............ 46t 1918 Ford touring, extras 475 1919 Ford touring. 4 to pick from 625 1918 Ford sedan, extras 675 1920 Ford chawis. new 693 20 Ford tourings to pick from. Bugs of all kinds 45l Studehaker 25, touring 250 1917 Overland 90 touring 450 1917 Reo touring, repainted .......... f50 1918 Maxwell touring .............. 37a 1919 Chevrolet touring 660 1914 Sluts roadeter ....... r 700 1917 Studehaker roadster ........... 575 1918 Oakland touring, overhauled 850 1917 Buick light 6 touring. . 1050 1 OPFN EVENINGS 150 UNION AVE.. CORNER BELMONT MR. AND MRS. PROSPECT We have that Chummy' Overland Roadster now. Come in quick, you know how long they last I j . WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY, Bdwy. 8535. - Broadway at Daria. 1 t- BARGAIN In 1920 Maxwell ' A NEARLY NEW CAR AT A REAL SAV ING: CASH OR TERMS; CAR BUN ONLY 900 MILE8. ; CALL TABOR 630 CAN SAVE YOU $200 . j On ; 1920 -Model FTVE PASSENGER CAR. $10O IN EX TRAS: AM LEAVING CITY AND WILL SAC RIFICE. i CALL MAIN 6766 BAB YGRAND CHEVROLET ' J 1918 Motor in perfect condition, body finish excellent, haa bumper and extra tire. Come and look at a real bargain; $935, with suitable tcrma , FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder sta. Bdwy. 240. Late model Franklin, like new ....... . $2000 Buick 4. A-l shape . 800 Stats 6 roadster ... , - r. ............ 450 Buick 6. 5-pass 105O Lite truck . . . 80O I HENRY FUNK A TITO CO. ! 425 MultnomaO st WEAVER TIRE COMPANY FEDERAL TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO.. : TIRE REPAIRING 833-333 Burnside at Broadway CHEVROLET touring, 1917; just out of repair shop, brand new battery and other new parte; $400. Terms. - 89-91 I. 9TH, ftJ&AB FLANDERS. f OPEN DAY AND NIGHT General auto repairing, storage, used can bought and cold. TERMINAL GARAGE. Corner 5th and Hovt, Broadway 16 8 8. BUICK 4 roadster; a dandy little ear for little money and good condition, too. Terms if you like. 89-91 N. 8TH., NEAR FLANDERS. . $150 DOWN, balance terms, will handle a Mitchell six touring car. Bdy. 3606. 1918 MAXWELL touring-car in fine mechani cal condition; good tiros, and car just re painted; looks like new; a bargain; terms. Phone Marshall 1950, Apt. 42. COLE Aero 8 in elegant condition. Cash, terms or trade. East 2766. 6TUDEBAK ER Four, In f toe condition. Will aacrifice and give terms. 80 Grand are.. N Pear Burnside. - . CASH paid for okl cars, condition no object; parts for all makes of cars. Oregon Auto Exehange. 448 Flsnders. nr. llth Bdwy. 8603. CHEVROLET, 1918 in Al mechanical condi tion; , bargain, $650. Terms, 30 Grand, ave.. N., near Burnside. - FIVE passenger Maxwell; good condition, cheap, easy terms; nobody ever driven car but my self. Tabor 9168. Call 1225 E. Main at FORD, 1917, in fine shape; owner will eall at $500; terms, if desired. 80 Grand ave., N., rm Bnrn-iide. - - DELIVERY express bodies and cabs tmilt-by the Franklin Garage. 1383 and 1883 Dt- T aiDO. iinr ovvo, DODGE, 1916. This is a snap at $850. Will give terms. SO Grand ave., N., near Burn side. ' , Automobile Towing ! Call Broadway 8801. BUICK Light Six, 1819. ran 8100 miles; new spar tire and cover, spot light, in perfect con dition ;-finished sama aa new. Cau Columbia 656. Aaa-t-ra TKiroe Raoeering and repairing A naaw a wjfrw at reasonable crlcaa. S2S Salmon at., between ctri ana Broadway. ALMOST new 6-paas, car. equipped with 2 bumpers, spotlight, 5 cord tirea. Owner leav ing city ancj wiU seennee. Bell. 926, MAXWELL, 1919. touring; good condition; will consider Ford in trade, balance terms. 80 Grand ave., X , near Burnside. MAXWELL touring, 1919, good paint, good tires.--A real snap at $950. with terms. 80 Grand ave.. N pear 'Burnside. OVERLAND, self-starter, new tires; looks and runs like new car; cash or terms; guaranteed. 210 Jefferson at. - . i. . HAYNES T passenger Haynea, wire wheels, card tires. $1500 cash terms. Bdwy, 824T. WE put steel teeth on your old Cy wheel. BT B. Block. Bdwy. 2631. 634 Alder. YOUR auto repaired at your home rliable service. ' Phone Tabor. 1296, - WaN'TTI'D 6ld cars, condition no object; must be cheap. R. E. Gore, phone Eat 6803. riRES Silnhtly used, $3 to $15 each tira repairing. " 2C7 Madi-on. Expert AUTOMOBILES A WD ACCESSORIES 44 READ ABOUT THIS BEAUTIFUL LIST OF HIGH-GRADE CARS Every one In first-class corulitlnti A written guarantee with every 1 ear. 1918 Baby grand Chevrolet roadster, 8 new Urea .......$ 800 1917 Buick touring, 93 per oent new. . . tlOOO 1919 Serippa Booth touring, 95 pa oast new. for , .....1000 1918 Chandlar, 7-pasav, cord tirea ..... ,1400 1918 Maxwell touring. Just like new... 600 1917 Buiok touring. "firstHdase. ....... . 1039 1916 Bupmobilev 99 per cent new.... 1917 Ford touring; just perfect. ..... . 1918 Chevrolet touring; Ua a buy ..... 1917 Maxwell touring. 5 good: tirea. . . . 1918 Overland, model 90......'...... Overland touring, alee, lights and starter. Stutz roadster, runs good ............ 900 425 600 800 600 800 250 Easy payment down. Ions term. . r A firm that hag a reputation and dona not miarepresent ; ' ; , i Wa solicit your patronage and good wOL , CONLEY'S USED CAR CENTER, . Our new location. 511 Burnside St. Phone Bdwy. 1424. BIG CUT IN USED CARS 1 Buick 6. 1918............. ,.....$1150 1 Franklin 800 2 Overlanda .,.....$350 and 400 2 Maxwells ., $225 and 425 2 Chevrolet roadsters. ....... $210 and 850 15 Fords $200 to 450 Sean, each J.00 This is cot of from $50 to $100 LONG'&SILVA- 462 HAWTHORNE Don't Pass This Buy Almost new 1919 Studebaker 6; five cord tires. This auto is in splendid condi tion. Price very reasonable. Terms. A dandy family car. . ' 1 FIELDS MOTOR CAB CO.. 14th and Alder Sta. Bdwy. 240. r USED CHE VROLETS Service v - ' Reliability Reputation FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder Sta. Broadway 240. FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ON 1920 NEW MAXWELL WnL TAKE FORD.' DODGE, CHEVROLET OR MAXWELL AS PART PAYMENT ON BRAND NEW 1920 MAXWELL AND GIVE TERMS FOB BALANCE. . CALL ADAMS. TABOR 630. FORD. TOURING Fine buy in lata model Ford, lota of extras. Terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., lAth and Alder Sta. . Broadway 240. Listen to this 192)0 Maxwell, like new. Only been driven 1800 'miles. You can get this car at the bar gain price of $1050. Saves yon $300 on a car that will take you there and back again, v Phana Main 4028 Marshall 2766. . ESSEX ESSEX E You can gat one now. ; A S you can be proud of. S The price is right and the e E Phone: Main 4028 X Marshall 2766 ESSEX ESSEX ESSEX ar that E 8 is too. S - E X ESSEX ", ' BARGAIN $1460 Cash or $1500 on Terms. 1919 Oldsmobile 8 8peedatser. 6 passenger, ased privately; cord tires. Car is mechcanically perfect; will demonstrate - to please you. Yon will save big commission on this. By owner, after 6 p. m.. Tabor 1606. TRUCKS AMD'TRACTORS 82 s 9 ton Federal, like new. 1 H ton Federal, worm drive. 1 ton Federal, chain drive;" cheap. 1 ton Federal, chain drive; junk price. - 2 ton KLssel, guaranteed. 1 torn KixseJ, a light, fast delivery. 1H ton G.M.C.. good body. G.M.C., pneumatic tirea, Signal, pneumatic tires, good body. 8 ton White, good for wood hauling. '. 8 ton Reliance, just the truck for hauling logs or timbers. 1 ton Denny, good body, almost new. Studebaker delivery, electric lighta and starter, very cheap; make good bug. These trucks all in fine shape. Bold on easy terms. 60 N. BROADWAY, AT DAVIS, i .j... BROADWAY 321, Authorized Ford Dealer Ask About Our Free Trial on Trucks : We have one of the largest stocks of trucks in the state of Oregon. Every truck over hauled, and when necessary rebuilt; all in the beat possible condition. It will pay you to in vestigate our line. Republic l-tan, express body.. ..$ 800 Panhard 1 -ton, express body.......... 800 Morel and 1-ton, with cab............ 960 Ford 1-ton, worm drive.............. 650 Republic -ton. from. ...... .$700 to $900 Federal IK ton 900 White lH-ton 1600 Reo 2-ton 800 Republic 2-ton .. 2000 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EASY TERMS NO BROKERAGE : Granning & Treece 642 Alder cor, 17th at. : Bdwy. 1728. LOOKJ SEE!' i 2 ton Reo truck in fint class condition, ready to go to work. Two bodies almost new. One cerdwood body, one short wood dump body. $876; terms to suit Martin Heerdt, 967 L Burnside st. East 2456. - - WANTED To trade for logging trailer' new wood hoist and body or will buy if suited. Woodlawn 48 jO. AUTOMOBILES WASTED 79 WE FAT CASK FOB LATE MODEL CARS USED CAR E CHANGE 127 LOWNSDALR ' Phone Broadway 2656. ' LOTS 29 and 31. block 46. Irving ton park, to trade for automobile; Dodge or Buick. P. Fredericksen, Bend, Or. PIANO with self playing attachments. 80 piece classical musie; - for light, late model auto, Marshall 2766 or Marshall 8846. WILL trade piano or player piano for a good automobile. G. F. Johnson Piano Co., 149 Sixth at. i DODGE wanted from private owner; ns dealers, lata model; must be in first class condition: HAVE lot 50x109 in Errol Hsighta to trade for aeeond-hand ear. Write or phone Mri J. P. Province, Route 1. Gervais. Or. WANTEI Best automobile 3200 cash will buy. J-838. Journal. KIGHKST prna paid for automobiles, condition bo object. 121 N. 3d st, Bmadwa 2tf2. 78 We Pay Cash for Fords FORDS IN ANY CONDITION 160 Union ave. corner Belmont at, . WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS Universal Car Exchange USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY V GRAND AVE. AND E. STARK Cars Wanted for Cash I will- nay cash for lata model light popular touring, cars or roadsters. Brin? them to the Red Front Ueed Car company and get the money. 505 Alder St. Phone 618-67. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 88 FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled .............. ., . . .820 Rear axle overhauled ................. 6 Val vea ground, carbon removed ......... 8 Magneto recharged .................. 5 : We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearing, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All work guaranteed. FORD OWNERS' - Moat everyone haa been overcharged on their atito repairing and unsatisfied with the work. Try Us next time; we guard against such errors. UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO.. 210-212 Jefferson. ' Msin 7644. . FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled .......820 Rear axle overhauled ................. 6 Valves ground, carbon removed g.. ....... 8 Magneto recharged 5 'We hand-Up pistons, scrape bearings, etc., which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parte only used. All work guaranteed. GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO.. 28Q Front st. Comer Jefferson. - EAST SIDE battery service, new and used bat teriea. Dealer in Vista batteries. All snakes of batteries charged and repaired, 414 E. Burnside. E- 1795. : ,WE guarantee our auto repairing. All makes of cars. 92 N. llth. AUTOS FOR HIRE AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Cars Reasonable Rates FEARING A ROBNETT CITY GARAGE 132 12th st. between Washington and Alder. new actos Without drivers overlands hudson's lownsdale garage, broadway 2408. 15th and ' wash. AUTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. L. SULLIVAN, FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 232. 10th at Yamhill. A-1236. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR .MAIN 1687. ALTHOFF A BENNETT, Props. ' AUTOS FOR HIRE " With careful drivers. Main 134. motorcyct.es. BICTCLES SB 1920 ELECTRIC equipped Harley Davidson motorcycle, with side car, at a great dis count, on easy terms. Broadway 8606. WANTED A late model motorcycle aa part payment on a good used car. B'way 8606. USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. aa Grant ... Eir-Mov. Henderson and Cleveland Ageney HENDERSON, electrically equipped, three spot lights, generator, dream tandem, run little oyer 1000 miles, $325 cash. 621 2d St.. after 6 p. m . WILL aacrifice Dayton motorcycle and side ear frasne, excellent condition, $90. 10S 89th mi K TWIN Harley, in fine running order, new tirea, $90. R. T. Williams, Mt. Scott car, 68th and 68th ave. 8. E. GOOD wheel for sale. $12. Marshall 6301, irom T:3U tiii 3:30. 1915 3-SPEED twin Indian with equipment: good condition; snap. $95. Tabor 2337. TWIN, S -speed Harley-Davidson. $125; terms or trade. 288 N. 16th st LAUNCHES AND BOATS 84 SPORT TYPE LAUNCH For sale at a great bargain. 83 ft lanncn. ha 24 horsepower Fairbanks 4 cylinder engine. Also rxmthouse 64 feet long and considers! le equipment Price for quick sale. $500. Phone Sellwood 268 Sunday or evenings, or Broadway FOR SALE, beautiful modem houseboat with woodshed, excellent buy, cash preferred, but good terms considered; owner leaving city. No. 3, Willamette Moorage. Sell. 3007. GRAY MOTOR and clutch" 8horepower. for ' aale. Foot of California st Fred Lemmons. SACRIFICE Galvanized iron hoatbouae about 33 ft. long. Call Tabor 4573. PIANOS, ORGANS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 VOCALION ORGAN Two manual baas pedsls. Just the organ for church or . moving picture house. Make us an offer; muFt sell quick. Seiberiinc-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th 'st PIANO WANTED Pay cash. Get our prices. SEIBERLING-ItUCAS MUSIO CO.. 185 Fourth St - ' Main 8686. WANTED Pay Cvh. Get Our Prices. SEIBERI.IXG-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St Main 8586. FOR 8A1.E Raby grand piano, made by Steiger A Stttis. lias never been taken from shop. Cash or terms. Very reasonable if taken at once. Call Sellwood 2073, Sundays or evenings. FOR 8ALE Cable concert grand maiogany pit.no, bench and music cabinet Call Wood lawn 8339. WANTED Nice toned piano, pay cash if bar gain. Marshall 5709. STEIN WAY piano. $100; cester bids. terms. 812 Wor- RENT A PHONOGRAPH WORTH BUTINOT HAROLD S. GILBERT. 384 YAMHILL ST. PHONOGRAPH for sale. 164 E.Broedwsy. AtTTOMOBILES WAYTEB BRINGING UP FATHER Cop7r,'ht- ",;il7"UonI,retw uyx .OLL. rvACilt COMi HOMF Fr?Ot rHE,COUMTftf TO OAX ME MAPPy CWf ARE OVfR I HAVt TO TCUL - uCD av w Vnct -i a - v ew r-sv r . a a ar BPf ----snsss-s-----. a -saw a II. - ' J I I tssl a- f -"as. k. Jim. SJW ( ' I VAJZ t0 UOISE tONE ) ' 1 f? l 1 f -pcraT X' I rt'-l- T" I ISE VER UEFT THE MOObE I QSaV HEAVrirsS'' -(" ' !" ' f I COOK ALL ME. OWIN lMlALb J JKS. j ' ftV -y Arv Everx thna- - y VV S 'L ' ' " . - (gj tao av brrs. riatbss sgsnnea. Amc, 3-2Si ' FIAjrOS, OKU Ah IS WTJSICAI. INSTRUMENTS 84 PIANO BARGAINS LOWER PRICES on TSED PIANOS We POSITIVELY have- REDUCED every PIANO. LOWEST PRICES in town. THEM and be oonvinced. TERMS GUARANTEED. IRVING, oak EMERSON, walnut WICK, latest style, like saw ......... SINGER, plain mahogany HACKI.EY, mahogany case . : BAILEY, - mahogany, plain ........... VICTOR, plain oak UNIVERSAL pUyer-piano USED SEE given. .$240 . 375 . 825 . 250 . 275 .. 223 . 323 . 428 Ann v.ner snaps, i SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 126-127 Fourth St., Bet. Waeh. and Alder. CNDERPRICED PIANOS Downstairs store. Factory rebuilt and used pianos. Urr-ght pianos, $165, $285, $290 to $463; player ptanoa, $395, $495, $585 to $636; parlor er $25. $35. $45 to $65; phonographs. $18. 26. $S5 to $120. Terms, $10 to $26 cash. $3, $6 to $15 monthly. . Schwaa Piano Co.. 101 10th st. at Washington. SECURITY STORAGE CO. closing out. $276 to $500 used upriKht pianos, $75 to $290; $800 to 810O0 used player-pianos, $8611 to $495. Pianos stored 76e monthly. Pianos bought and sold for cash only. 103 10th at Stark st- PIANO FOR VICTROLA $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUT FIT, trade for used piano. Beat propositi. Main 83P6. SSUBERLTNG-LUCAS MUSIO CO.. 125 Fourth Bt PIANOS REDUCED Every used piano has been reduced to a real bargain. CHEAPEST IN TOWN. See them. Serberling-Lucas .Music Cat. 125 4th St., bet. Washington and Alder. $165 BUYS piano, Kimhall make; terms. 312 Worcester bide. TYPEWRITERS 77 THE DO AXE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE AH makes overhauled. Expert mechanise. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON REQUEST. Buy, Sell. Reat and Exehanga Main 6897. Supplies. 268 V Oak at GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters, "ail makes." gold on monthly payments. Send fot price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Caw retail dept., 321 Washington st. ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 94 6th st Main 3668. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE 6S BIG reductions in our whole, stock of furniture. Trade with ' PEOPLES FURNITURE CO.. And you will obtain best results for your money. Peoples Furniture Co. 235 First St.. cot. Main. Marshall 1834. 9x12 AXMtNSTER rug (new). $60; - 9x12 tapestry Brussels rug. $35; large chiffonier, without mirror, $18; mahogany rocker, $10; baby's bed. $10; kitchen table, $3; 6 dining room chairs, $12; fiber rocker, $7; good trunk, $7.50; small phonograph and 10 records, $15. 1105 Hawthorns ave. Tabor 3825. GAS range $15. Home Comfort range $25, heater -with coils $10, cook stove for base ment or laundry $6, Vernis Martin bed, like new, $16; spring cotton mattresses, rockers, chairs $1.25 up. Garden tools. 884 E. Wash. ONE steel range. No. 196 Peerless, in good shape, $40. Take Woodstock car. 5605 41st st. FURNITURE for sale in good condition. Tabor 907. RANGES and water heaters moved free; eon nectkms a specialty. Tabor 2307. $500 SECOND-HAND furniture store, Bring apartments, always open. 288 N. 16th st FOR SALE Dining tabje. solid oak, 45-inch top. $25. 1104 E. 22d st N. SMALL as range. $20; Axminster rug. 9x12, $50. Tabor 856. 3IACHTJERT 81 20 INCH band taw, 6 foot by 1 3-16 inches shaft and brackets, saw table, post borer, tilting table, compressor, lathe. Pettigrew, 1044 Union ave. N., evenings. -. 4 H P. R. AND V. gasoline engine, in fine running condition. Call A. B. C Fuel Co., 429 Hawthorne ave. TEN-HORSEPOWER gasoline or distillate en gine, $200; first -class condition, just over hauled. Call Automatic 315-04. FOB SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 19 KODAK 329 WASHINGTON ST. Kodaks and pens repaired. COMPLETE furnace and casing with hot water coil; almoHt new; have installed a gas furnace, so will sell for $80. Tsbor 6384. SEWING machine (Domestic) ; rawhide suitcase, size 33x24x6, fine for auto; piano box, make good chicken house. East 8495. FOR SALE 6-hole kitchen range with large coil; good condition, only $30. 1040 E. 16th st N. NEW Life Vibrator, violet ray machine: cures rheumatism snd all skin diseases. Portland Cutlery Co.. 86 6th at., near Stark. FOR SALE -Alexander Hamilton Institute Mod ern Business Course, : 24 vol. and 2 years' course. New $90. SeU. 3322. FOR 8ALE Tuxedo coat, satin lined, almost new, aise about 88. East 2295. LEONARD refrigerator. A-l evenings. Tabor 2971, condition. Phone VACUUM cleaners for rent, $1 a day; delivered anywhere. Wdln. $495. VACUUM cleaners, aold. repaired, rented, ex- changed, boneht Bentlev f'o.. Msin 4907. SAFES for aale; 1 large and 1 small. A-62, Journal ' - . CASH REGISTERS. FLOOR CASES And other fixtures. 242 Snlmon. Main 342. MESHEIt PLUMBING SUPPLY CO, wholesale and retail. 248 8d st Main 5277. FOR SALE at bargain, $1100 fountain for 3475; terms. 242 sSalmon. 3 SKEE BALL alleys the new bowling game, for sale cheap. 635 Thurman at BOX WOOD for sale, $4.75 per load. Call Woodlawn S64. RUMMAGE sale Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday; next to Broadway bank on Stark st WOOD AND COAL RANGE, $35. Tsbor 8416. FHONOGRAPH for sale, 164 E. Broadway.' GLSO YOj ARE &ACVC r FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 $40,000 B. SMRlYr; Goods at Salvage Prices Consisting of Complete Line of U.S. Army Goods, Mail Orders Solicited WHOLESALE RET All. y- Horenstein' & Mesher : ' :s Largest Dealers in Army Salvage . 250 SECOND ST. NEAR MADISON. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold for leas; no agents employed. Complete llns of parts for all makes. Machines repaired and rented. Main B4 8 1 bJSWINO MACHINE EMPORIUM. 199 3d neat Taylor st WE SAVE YOU MONEY Rous, wiring. lighting fix tures, electrical repairing sup plies. Tnird Street Electrie Store. 224 Vs Third street neat Salmon.- Main 6069. "Let the Electric Maid Do Your Work."? : Electric Maid Shop ' ROYAL Electric cleaner for rent, $1 per day. delivered. . , .183 10th st, near Aider. Broadway 4024. FOR SALE -2 National registers, penny up; small and large safe, floor cams, wall cases, refrigerator, small and large Ice box, coffee urn, adding machine, computing scales, dratt arms, 3 place mahogany act. steam table. 242 Salmon. HALL GAS FURNACES AND FLOOR HEATERS ' Inexpensive to install, clean and healthful to operate. Phono Main 7066 tor free estimate, or, eall 167 Park St. Just south of Morrison. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker, Electric Works. 413 Burn side. corner 10th. Broadwsy 6674 "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -Trp.wiiters-1 and "Household Goods" are separate classifica tions. All advertisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. HOT WATER TANKS SO gal $7; 40 gaL $9. Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace eotla Gas heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East 8ide Welding Shop, 209 Adams st B. 8616 ALL KINDS of warped, cracked weather-beaten and old, leaky roofs, rejuvenated by our fa mous and instantaneous rubber bonding system: all work guaranteed. East 4924 or 527-83. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES, LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can bo found under these different elaaai. fictions. . ' $16.50 to $25 SEWING MACHINES Gusranteed We Rent and Repair. 172 3d st. near Ysmbill Msin 1845 Kodak Finishing - Films Developed Fre! Six-Hour Itelivery. CENTENNIAL STUDIO, 246 H MORRISON LAWN MOWER SHOP. 2 47 GRAND SOUTH Eversharp flexible blades installed;' expert repair work done; used mowers bought and sold. Tabor 8643. HEMSTITCHING machine, practically new. $225. Davenport $30; 7 panel screens $14; mir ror, 18x40, $12: 2 large tables $10. 130 18th st Phone Broadway 393S. ANKERHOTII separator for sale. 500 Iba. . per hour, price $40. Address Ted Vanorman, R. I). 3, Box 567, Portland, or apbon Tabor 8353. SEVERAL Todd protertographa, good condition, $7.50 each. I. C. Wax. 31 N. 5th st Broadway 27 3 ! , SAFES New and second hand: some with burglar chests, at ressonahle prices. Pacific Scale A Supply Co..48 Front st Bdwy 1966. FOLET- FUEL Old growth country slabwjod, 4 foot and erd wcod. East 2091. GUARANTEED desk' adding machines. $13. Simple and accurate.. 618 Corbett bldg. Mar-. nhsll .'57. - laSffMn BUSINESS CARDS tSfle SWil) ECONOMY PRINTERY I'u.X? Marshall 8842. 243 FOURTH ST. USED ATPAREL, secured from wealthy ladles, reasonable pricea 1132 E. Glisan: Monta- villa car to E. 89th st. Tabor 2826. ITTRACT"IVE styles in ladies' slightly worn coats, suits, gowns, hata and - furs. 1047 Thurman st. Msin 9567. NEW style hat cleaning, blocking, dyeing; ladies and gentlemen's Panamas specialty. Dyeing and shoe coloring. 470 Washington. UNEXCELLED hat work done at Tony's; clean ing, blocking, bleaching. Pane ma a 81 i work guaranteed- 287 H Washington, opp. 15o store. PRINTING FOR LESS We are not rln any printers' com bin.. Prompt service. Smith, printers. 218 Commonwealth bldg. Bdwr. 2986. 500 CORDfi best "woodr $4 ; 2 V" miles "siding: can makel$2000. 141 East 69th N. Tabor 7055. - . . ELECTRIC irons, appliance, door bells, vacuum cleaners, repaired, fixtures rewired. We call and deliver. Wdln. 1259. or East 4045. FOR SAI-E Columbia Grafonola with records; reasonable Tabor 1072. 1 DIAMOND ring, almoot H karat for $125. 20i 8wetland bldg. ' GOOD White rotary dmphead sewing machine, alL attachments. 6 drawers. - Tabor ,6559. EYES, tested free; spectacles guaranteed. Relding, ,245 Alder st Main 1692. r. CEMENT laundry trays. Factory 814 E. Wash ington at We ship, rail or water. . FOR SALE Gas range, -ike new, a bargain. Call Main 8295. . LAWN mowers, for sale cheap st 247, Grand, 2 blocks north of Hawthorne. SIX eye coal range, good ahape; will sell cheap. 888 1st st PLUMBING -.expert, repair all pl'imbing, ga verv eeasonable. MeCurdy, Sellwood 1125. UNCALLED for ralkr-made suite, $12.80 up. Taylor, the Tsikir, 29 hi Knrnside -t. FIRST CLASS aeed potatoes for sale. $4 and $6. Phone Broadway 3168. Call 124 N. 6th St. VACUUM cleaners rented, $1 per day delivered. -Main 2010 days; Tabor 6786 evenings. By George McManus FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 BARGAIN la aaed cash register, how cases, scales and fountains and other tix- turea. CA.SR OH TF.HHI I. BOA Kit ' mar. wo. w Lawn Mowers . Sharpened . Our Automatic Grinder. Called fur and ' hellvered Same Day. ' . East 64-24. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We bave just placed on sale direct to the pub lie samples of our salesmen that have returned from the road, consisting of the latest models of raincoats, motorcnat and leather coats in our wholesale office. 726 Morgan bldg. United Rub ber Co. i i . 20 LATE DROPHEADR -ALL MAKES LIKE NEW $15 TO 333 Large variety of : good machines, $8 to $10.. All the latest new Singers. Cash or payments. Machines rented. $3 a month. SINGER STORE ( Moose bldg. ) . . 193 4th st. Msin 6883. SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES - We tske your machine in exchange, balance cash or easy payments. Phone for demonstra tion. Machines rented. Expert repairing, auy make MORRISON St. SINGER STORE. 382 Morrison. Marshsll 72:. CEDAR: CHESTS; Direct frosa factory to you home., Ten nessee and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings, latest designs Write for rstslogua Factory. 1912-16-18 E. Glisan. Tsbor 808, ROYAL Electric cleaners for rent; $t per day delivered. The Electric Maid Shop 183 Tenth tt, near Alder. Bdwy. 4024. "Let the Electric Maid Do Your Work." SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and aecond-hand. at right prions, bought aold and exchanged NORRIS SAFE LOCK CO., 106 Second St Phone Main 3046, FURNITURE WANTED 74 CALL MARSH ALL 587 ' If yon want the highest cash prices for your household goods, carpets, rug. . stoves, rsnges and office furispur. Wa buy on. piece or a bouse full. All ealls . promptly attended In. A. &S. Gevurtz Furniture Store 206-207 First St. CALL MARSHALL 587 SELL US Tour Odd Piece, or Complete Fnmlshtnge We Pay Top Cash Prices Csll Us for Prompt Conrteous Setvloe. : PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 90S FIRST ST, - MAIN 77. V GET A i GOOD PRICE " We are In a position to give you a good price for good furniture, tugs or ranges, any quantity. Before yen sell get our offer. ' - . FELD8TEIN FURNITURE CO.. 1 174 Firt st.. cor. Yamhill. . Main 4688. Owl Furniture Co. UK AH MOHI1I80SI Wa want your used furniture, stoves, carpets and pianos: we pr the highest cash pricea, 168 and la First st CaB Mala 461L Spot cash "for used "Furniture Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORE, 178 FIRST STREET. CALL MAIN 885 1 . Tr ret all rour furniture la worth. Aak rnr Mr. Wollf, 191 Second at. and you will be euro of getting the best possible price. B. B. FURNITURE CO 301 . First st. Pays cash for nd furniture. Msin 3374. LET us eire you aa eatimste on your fuTnitnre' Reliable Fnrnltnr Oo.. 203-308 2d. stain 1898 PIANO with aeif-playing attachment, 80 pieces clamical mnsie. for light late model auko. Mhrvl sll 27. ori Marshall 2846 WILLTKAbE used csr foFT rses or cows. J. M. Malone, dealer. Foot of Salmon st WANTED MISCELLANEOUS $12,150 to $25 - For.,SecondHand SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER THE. TAILOR Pays more for clothing and sboea We rail day or evenings, anywhere in the city. Cll Msr sl.all 1229 or 253 Madison . near Third st W WANT. USED CIXTHING for cash at the highest possible nrleea. i: See us if you want to sell : -prefer 'suits, overeoata, single coatsj irouevr. ana mr cos is. . : I ' GOLDBACM, ' : the tailor, at 16l 1st st., neat atomson. rnona Main 739. T .UP TO $35j FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS , We pay any iprice for men's clothes. SV, "K'ON CIEANERH A TAIIXiRS 117 24 St. N. W. Cor. Wash. Main: 9344. WANTEIl IVoplf ' of Portland to know thst I pay the highest f.4h prices for second hand household goods. (No amount too large or too small. Prompt attention. - N. M. S EATER, Phone East 1 4W nwnst , Ice Cream Sandwich . : iWachine Wanted.. MAIN 4495. 128 FIRST. TABOR 6708. W NTKI Tam. -rabbit kin; Will pay from 6 to 30 eente each, Call between 6:30 and 8 P. m Main 4656 BRINrrTsnk wsnttd for'freexing ice, from 200 to 400 lbs. cs ;iy, Bunset Creamery. 1st and Jefferson sfs. SAFE Wanted, tb buy second hand saf".; gie address and phone No. A -68, Journal WAIT EI Ah kind sm.d hand furniture nq ?Mna. all,, r.ast HJS, WANTEIl Rifle,; sltotgiiris, cameras, kmn. Hochf ield , 8 5 8d st phoney Main 8581. IWOULDlike ta ,bny ameat-llc(ngmschjne (second band) j from owner. Sellwood 374. PKRSOSAL 28 GLASSES at a saving: i solicit your pstronsge on the basis of capable lonin. Thonssnds of Mti.fkrd pa- u-ons. .naa. w. uwntmiii. optometrlat. 209 ' Morrison st Msin 2124. FOB1oOOD SEIttiCE . And! Spl mdid Kesuite ' i Try , Our BEAUTY PAKLORS ATI hair goods aellitig at fiat 802 Broadway bldg Phone 630-66. DRT GEORGE RIJBENSTEIN, .the vetelunoptJ cian; fits the beat e-yegiaiw). H U an ex pert optician .and jhia' prices are very reasonable. 226' MORRISON ST., NEAR SECOND. $1 GETS both i-n fixed-un at nr.UmT. the CHIROPODIST and TllCH SP CX8T, who doesn't hurt you. '8 yrs. here. Exam free. , Globe Theatre bide., 11th and Wash; Bdwy. 224. SUl'KKF1.0i:S hair, moles, warte .remnv-d by 10 needle method; trial free. Joi Fiolry, 814 It'i-h A line bldii. Main 636a BATHS, massage f for rlieomatism. eonstipaticm, kidneys, stomsoh. - Dr. Elna Sore risen, 608 I'lnama bldg. Druglcsa physician. A-l MASSAGES. 413 BUCHANAN BLDJ. A IN 8366. LEARN Beauty (Culture; night school. 4O0 Dektim hklg iExpert tc,.rs. Mr. 1702 I l-rge - !5orw.nltetlon FREE. All caef.. a-r Wjrm 6 1 2 8e!lir,gjbld Msin 4993 PODY massage; f Dr."TOvidia irsen. graduate masseuse, 427 .Morgan bldg. Main 19i(. BODY masaaee, violet ray, 10 a. ru. to K p. m. daily. 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7570. 1 n j. PROFESSIOML A N D BBSIKBS 'DIRECTORY HCCORDKOW PLITtaia MI W8TITCHIWQ ' Jl EM 8TI TCHING PLEATING T. A 1. Hem Hi telling Shop Superior work. Prompt service, ftoom 618 Oregon Eliers bldg., 287 Washington at 8H8rni' supptits LEWIS 8TENGER"arber Supply Co., 10th and Morrison sta. The pisee to buy barber chain and supplies. Stock of fumitura always ea band at right price. , Profrsalonal and rttilnr.j Dlrrclory ATMS BATI1M 8tesm baths snd mashssa, new eon t unt, snoileMUy ch-au; loth tloi liiialwy hldg. Marshall 3187. Trained nurna Dr. Laura E. Downing. BOOK$ NEW AND UHK1) HOOKS. aFI. fcl;tijs.Cl. ' JOHN HON '8 BOOK .MlUiHK ' 248 Mala St.. bet 2d and 3d. BLKMK BOOK MAKtRB DAVIS A HOLM AN, INU. IUU 2J "st . bl.t fc book manufacturers A 31t linn 1s t casiririTgw ro mjiLoen E. V. MITCH ELS' N CAHI'ENTElt AM ill' il.lU'.ll Cabinet Work. itsnrl-nMriTic. WotHHun.ina. Auto 'l'l-t.-S Itvlns Johtiing f ATI KlrMN. 131 UNION AVE-, Con Moltlll.SON , ST. ' Plume Kust 4 137; ALL RINDH of arvint..r rn.ain nrs (intm I f day or contract. tVi'kN'y. Sihi Hnr.-il ki. Ant. 817-27. CAteKT CltANINO Fluff -Rug3 From Old . Carpets !. 'Rag Rugs, all sixes Mail Orders Trompt Send fur Bnnklet 9x12 Rugs. Kt.-nm or Iry ( leaned. $1.60. g, - . L.uir i;o T4-68 Union ava N. 1 Fast' 6316. H 1473 ' Carpet Clean. hj; 'Sizing and Rcffittin . Fluff and Rajt Ruga WOVEN ALL SIZES. WHITM Oil CALL PORTLAND UUU (O 1672 E. 17th st Hollwood 8622 Wc'Make "FLUFF RUQ5 From Your Old iCarpcta Rag rugs, all atr.es. Mall : nrdi-rs prtunpt Rugs snd car eta stesm and dry rloanml. i'liun. or write for pri'-e liat. Northwect Rug Co. 188 E. Kttthth St. East 3ri80.' C8f ID DOO HOSPITAL ROSE C1T7 VETERINARY HOSPITAL TiS n. 7to at cor. (irant. Kaat 1H47 II 18(1 J. CC88POOL DiaOCH CssMlHIOL digging. 1 1'lione Tabor 72(14, iTT. Maxwell, 7120 34th se HE. ' ' 90 t nwp woop ROCK81'ltlNU8 UtA'U COAL . MAIN 66 BUY COAL NOW BEFOIIE IT ADVANCES CENTRAL FUEL CO. 249 3ls.ST. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF CITY, PLACE your order with 11a niiw for ni-it win ter'a fuel supply before prices .advsnre. COAL. VUUMKI HI,AI1WOiI AMI I'llllDWOUU NEER. &. FARR - 80S Water ft, , 1 'll Main 4nf6. WESi.LL""lN LA ROE OI SMALL OUANTITl" Haavy Country ttlab. Oak and Cordwood. Star Wood & Coal Co. 848 3d st. Main I2. ilUSt rdiioe 1 '60(1' " cords "4" 'ft AI t-.,r,t w.a.ii Immediately. Hi)eoial prlia. :Country ' slab, 4 ft Stove lemrtli wmd, block wood and (Inti wood mixed, $3.50. dillverrd, proiiiptly. Na ttolial Fuel Co, l.ut 2(14 1. , BOXWOOD Delivered Immediately by Fulton" Wood Cok. 1261, Macadam. I'hnne Malm 4173. GIVE us your' orders for 'cord wood. !ahr. . and coal, best prices; special prtrr on csrlo.J loU. Ha -thorn. Fuel Co.. Kart t(i(.-4 COUNTRY Sf A II AN II III (M'KWOOD ' MAIIION KI i:i,J Mi A IN 2U7H BIX)Ck and alabwood. $6.B() a load In' 2 load lota. Oregon Fuel Co., Wnodla-n 4 1 02. COLLeOTION8 K'ETH CO, "Worreatsr bldg! Maiii 1 7Wd7 No collections, no charge. l.tah. IU00 OHIROPRAOTOata DR. McMilK N," 100 1 lilro,ra lorT throngs pronounce trestment best l'orllanj JEDUOATIOfiaL OANCINQ : BERKELEY Dancing Aradi-my, t, rival, lea.r.i day, evening; laiest slejai snd lair, shown; classes Friday. 129 4th. Main 831$. Ura Summers. THB)anrTlits7dTrirV)0 ton st 3rd. Strictly prtrnta ienMiris. - half lu.nr or hour Imanna. CnurK. lessons sterlslly prwwl Dally, 9-80 m to W p m. Ml-s Irclar.' UlNtil.fclt H iMnring Acadnnr. I'lirtU rid a la I- log school. f'lasa sod "rinf. !e.non diiv. Cotillion ball, 14th and Wash. Il'lwar fliOCt. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND 7IXOHIOI PROFKSSOIt T. K. LAWHON Twenty yearv' experience; piano lessons st your born.. $1. Tsbor 7695. , fcXPE R I E.VCED' teacher of pools r rounln wi il accept more pulls. Tabor 8816 for appoint ment. l7caW6li;i a vr vof.l mr4 piano feasmsi practic. 1 hour day, $5 mm Hfoadwsy 256.1. iru9 BUY your 8 CM Ml: ft FU KH at rim uit niroi' Finest Oooils M''Mrati Vrrnm nttr at Waxltlrtrt-on. 6flft Hwetland hldg. HAT CLE ANCRS AND DVfftS LADIES' snd giniJemen's hats rleanrd. bi'K-s"L Straws dyed arjr color. Panamas i.rlalty. Kaufman Hat fartnrv. K 3rd, near Htarhr, KtWPIt DOLLS COLUMBIA KTATL'A It Y ( if 863-870 HAWTHORNE AVE. EAST 123. OPTOM8TRI8YS AND OPTIOIAMS in LYfcH W.lhMIHCAI.1.1 'ir.h'lr.il w with modern Instruments. Utaasca fitted, from 12 lid up A .E IITTRWITZ. Oi.t.ineri,ti 228 tit st. " PwiivTirso. "tmoaiAviyQ' a'iaiDiRja--"" fTl alllLII. ifl( 0tk Umln t 111 i ns. WAIrMTIWO. TllvTINQ, MPtHHSNQma f. CI IFTON. .aintlns tinting. i-i eri.T, . 164 N. llth sc. Bdwy 44 14. Wdln. SI la. pa.TB.NT ATTOSNIVt WE HAVE trrriitly gssiiL'iat.ed with u, g ,,tm. m iaera from thai U.. g. Patent office. Mason, Fenwick at Lanrenc, lawyers,, 600 F t Wah Inaion, D. C.J 220 Broadwsy, N. Y. elly; 111 West Monro, st, 'Chicago. 111. fcstaoluh.a tr half a century. h o Li 1 ic rt u . "Va (i ' wMree.l . T"h 1 i m a iVT "2 K'i if PHraioiAMS Dlt H. A. I'lllI I I.'.H, ;r,..rtway bldg. Mnei anatism, stomach, -bowtl, lung, liv.r, lidn.y. blatlilrr, rertal t.r.-tat.c. fr,nM, duorU.ra, .kia affection, bigh blnod pressure. S-LtliYimNQ AND arCAWI tUPPl.lll umbinj; Work done ipiirkly snd efTii lently st runs, able price N.w Inatailaiions j.ltr. W,.. mansiiip guarant.ad 1'bou. Kat 1934 lul UuaaeU st , MEnKO METAL WORKS PLUMBING !Ml;pPI.IKJ - AT WHof.KHAl.i PltlCEH. STARK DAVIM .. I km ,n ,, THE U. 1. KLI.?k. o . "4 ST""T.:ia.r HOt RCPAifllNQ NEW Hietlioil shoe resulting'': 1: 'te'ni IT lleir"7il cialists; guarantee. JJ12 4li t , m-ar h,lt,,i,n. I TiNNaeta JACItH l.tiAJ.l TIN. ftllEET lltUN AMJ I'OOIf woitu 31 l't t. l'l...ne if, J424. TRANgf gR AND klOt-AQF Oregojt Transfer C6. Etah!i.hed ' I N 70 Transfer and F'.rwardins Aeen'a BTORAOE FliKE TltACKA'.H Office and tt, rte. 4 74 l.iioo Jlhard Ollsn.: Hros-lway 121. A .116. 21 way's pick- iTiE ii:rtT""n;iHi:iioni DS SPECIALIST Storage. M.-mng. shipping and moving. Horse aad auto sana, Bp.cial raw to all ,o(nts. C O. PICK TKAMbJr l-.U A STOIltdH CO. 2d and Pine staj fira-Jvisy r.!il, A 1(tit Storage and Transfer 7 Clay S. iTiorce, Inc. - 12TH AND (IMKAN H-.lwa347r. Acorn -Transfer and Fuel Co. Automatic 8 17-4 8. 9o3 Union A v.. N ; Storage Rcaconalb.s Rtor. your funiitnrw ur anything you ),, with Pinar. Ial iarng 1111 llawtliou,. ,r(w pear 81 til. Tabor 9118 CUT ' FIU . I"; f I T " I! A7 F l' ' On household goods slapped ea -t slid imi'h Ms si. Bilif . Warvho u A Trsn.-'.T Co , OHi tut L l'lio. l'.rii!iy 7'l"i WLLOINU ANO r,M4.trsn jf.rv ERSO.1 DikPOY IU.I.;.;m, b..k " 1S9 Ci.luujto. 1 I w ir i.4 Ji f