REAL ESTATE ACl'.KAGE THRKK BLOCKS-FROM CAR . Rtx seres, located on a good graveled road, 9 mile math of Portland. 3 blocks from' Oregon Eieetrie station. All good land, 1 acre under cultivation. AU can be cultivated. Good plastered house 16x, 24: bam 16x16; good graveled county road. Close to Out highway. Price $2500. $1000 oaah or 92250 for all cash. Personally in spected, JOHN FERGUSON. G ERLINGEE BLDG. $25 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLT Price $67$. for splendid level Mi acre tract. atj Kt out to bearing fruit tree, all pruned and sprayed, all cultivated. We hare several of these tract, also one acre pieces aet out to red raspberries, gooseberries and black raspberries which may be bought flft the name terms. FRED W. (iEKMAN CO. 732 Chamber of Commerce. BIGHT ON THE PAVEMENT 1 acre, on the Baa Line road, just ant of city. Nice shads trees, good sur rour,dings. New small house, with city , water and gas in and electric lights can be had. Telephone in the house and other oontenience. The entire place all fenced, with woven wire. . A nice summer place, : close to the city. Price $1800, $800 cash. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINER BLDG. ' A BARGAIN BT OWNER $2450 Very nice 1 Mi acre home, 3 large room gray shingled bungalow with bath and breakfast nook, nlmstered: Hull Bun water and gas. berries and fruit; garage; big henhouse; a neat, clean little home, only SO minutes out on mas can a line. z blks. w Wichita school. Mi mile south Stanley st. Phone Milwsukie 28J. 5 ACRES at Canby. Or.. mile from town. On the main East Hide Salem highway. 4 acres under cultivation. 1 acre in brush and small timber. 2 acres of loganberries, 1 acre strawberries. New 5 room bouse. This is exceptionally fine soU. Price $3000; $1500 oaah. Brooks, with - JOHN FERGUSON, GERLTNGER BLDG. FOR HAKE or eichsnge for milk cows, two beautiful acres right close to Portland and accessible by three pared and hard surfaced roads. Call Mr. Puke, Rainier betel, after Sunday. Broadway 8413. ACREAGE. FRUIT. NUTS Home tracts with native trees. $10 month soon pay for fine homeaite. Why rentf Let OS show you. Alberta car. Main 1643. Eve nings Main 1377. $30 H 54 Acres Im CSty Fine district, 4 blocks to best car-service; balance $75 a month. Harper, 422-23 Henry bldg. ONE acre ground, in crop of oats; part of house, everything included. 74th and Church St.. near ML Scott. Owner, 504 East Clay. G. H Weiss. 7 hi ACHES or onion or celery land, very class. in and at a ridiculously low figure for that kind of land. For information call on ifgr. Rai nier hotel, after Sunday. Broadway 3413. 5Af"KES, 8 room house, electric lights, phone, Pltrity of fruit, all cleared; barn, chicken houses. 100 chickens, tow. close to car;: $4800, terms, $700 cash. Tabor 6445. 20 ACRES, uncleared, fine soil, on county road, three miles from Vancouver, Wn. Address owner, fiKO Ravensview Irive. Portland. SACRIFICE Choice 15 seres near Vancouver; ideal location, good buildings, $3500; terms. 141 East 69th N. Tabor 7055. SUBURBAN ACREAGE 7 6 ACRES at Tigard on the paved highway. no improvements, fine berry land. . all for $1500, terms. Stewart & Buck, 315 North western Rank bldg"., or phone Weodlawn 1031. 8TJBCRBA7T HOMES 79 -OREGON CITY LINE At Concord station, exceptionally fine half acre, with lots of fruit and berries. Cood 5 room bungalow, fireplace, beet of floors, sleeping porch. On a good graveled road and near the pavement. Fine new garage. A very nice attractive place, of fered at a real bsrgain. Photos at office. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINER BLDG. SUBURBAN HOME 1 or 2 acres with cood 5 -room house and garage, elec. gas, hot and cold water in house, fruit and berries, close to city limits on east aide, walking distance to car;' price $3500; smsll payment down, balance to suit. See owner, 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. EQUIPPED FOR CHICKENS Neat 4 room plastered cottage with large attic; fine well of water, city water and light available; several fruit trees; close to electric station on the west side, low fare to city; one acre of tine land and well , equipped for chickens, Price $2150, on terms. Marstor; with - JOHN FERGUSON. GERLIN'GER BLDG. ; . . i FOR SALE Modern country home, 8 rooms, full concrete basement, furnace, electric lights, water, outbuildings, with or without acreage; hi mile north of city limits on 82d st- See owner on property. : PUT up a tent house if you like; keep a cow and chickens and beat the H. C. of L. on a half acre or acre. E. 76tb near Division; city water and gas; only few minutes to. 2 carlines. Easy terms. Phone owner Woodlawn 539. CHOICEST 5 room modern bungalow, 1 block of Multnomah station, $3000, $1000 down. Msin 4253. , Mrs. Ryan. 1 ACRE and nice 5 room house on electric ear; bargain $1700. Garland. 201 3d St. 3 Rk3m modern bungalow, $500, at Mulf nomah station. Main 4253. Mrs. Ryan. FOR SALE FARMS 17 . BERRY RANCHES "1. 2, 3 and 4 acres of well improved and in a high state of cultivation; terms from $300 to $500 down, balance $20 per mo. Move right in. -TABOR 4811. "' KENNEDY & WILCOX 152 ACRES 14 miles Woodland. Wash.. 20 acres in cul tivation, 40 acres bottom " land, 100 acres pas ture; family orchard; 0 room house, barn 44x48; water piped to house; 120 acres fenced, hi mile to school; 5 cows, 1 team. 1 harness, 1 wagon, 1 buggy, 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1 disc, 1 mower, 1 rake, 1 cultivator. 1 separator and on good roads. Price $6000. W. K STRONG. Woodland, Wash. 90 ACRES, fruit or dairy ranch. 6 acres in bearing orchard, all kinds of small fruit. 40 acres tide land, pasture and hay. ground; 44 acres , low bench land, with small timber; good outrange for stock; good fishing and hunting; 6 rootu bouse, barn and chicken house; good water: close to school and town and railroad. One of the best places in Lincoln county, at $50 per acre. For particulars write to M. G. Shen ner, owner, Winant, Or. 230 ACRES, near Carlton; 100 acres in culti vation; 60 acres of this is bottom land and tiled; about 25 acres fair and oak timber; 3 large barns.' 2 other bams. 1 shop, wagon shed, fine 8 room house, crop in. 4 good horses, 5 cows. 60 goats, farm implements; all for $75 per acre. HESGARD, WITH COE A. M'KENNA Ac CO.. 82 Fourth St. 20 ACRES. 8 H miles northeast of La Center. Wash.: IS acres in cultivation, balance pasture, -all level; family orchard ; good 4 room house, small barn. Woodshed, good water; all fenced: 4 mile to school, H mile to church, on good roads; 4 cows, 1 horse, some chickens, separator, some household goods. Price $3150. W. L. STRONG. Woodland. Wash. HERE IS A BARGAIN: South of Portland and near coast, 160 acres, 1 Vi miles from Elk City. 30 acres under culti vation, 50 slashed and easily cleared; ideal for stock raising and dairying; fair house and barn. This is a fine opportunity for someone with limited means; $500, balance terms to suit 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. 68 ACRES. 31 miles from Portland, on good gravel roads, close to school; good house, fair barn; 10 at-res prunes, finest of fruit or berry land : located 4 miles from Lafayette and 4 hi blocks from Carlton: crop, implements and some stock. Price $8000. . . - HESOARD. WITH COE A. M'KENNA A CO. ' 82 Fourth St. ' 40 ACRES of high-class prune land, near Pacific highway, close to Vancouver, Wash., with' run ning water: only $4500; $2500 cash, balance mortgage. Land in same locality and of same quality sola tor uu per acre. This is a rare bargain.- N. W. Merrifield. 810 Washington st.. a inn TWiwv .ior.n iawtbt'v 111 acres of logged-off land, well built 5 room bungalow, in Klickitat county. Wash.; log R. R. through place, , volcanic ash soil, particu larly adapted to fruit raising. Total price $1600. FRED W. GERMAN CO., - 782 Chamber of Commerce. 40 ACRE ranch near Eugene, fine 6 room house, - barn and outbuildings, young orchard, 20 acres under cultivation, balance easily cleared: all farm implements go with place; $6000; will trade for Portland income property. . Carson, - vyoamoer oi commerce. Alain 49. . $350 DOWN ON 60 ACRES On main county road, some good bottom land, running water, price $50 per acre, $850 down, small yearly payments on balance. . DRAPER, 401 Board of Trade. SEAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 Real Farm Bargain 40 acres located 3 miles southeast of Bidgefield, Wash., hi mile from Pacific highway, good county roads. All of the place esu be cultivated. 32 acres under cul tivation. The place is free from gravel or rock and is exceptionally fine soil. Creek through the place that never in the his tory of man was known to be dry. Well at the house; 15 acres in oats, 10 acres in wheat, 6 acres potatoes. One of the finest orchards, of all kinds of fruit; also log an. rasp, black and strawberries. Currants and gooseberries. Large garden planted of all kinds of vegetables. The land that Is not under 'cultivation is 'in pasture, ezeept 8 acres of timber at the spring; 8 room box house, barn for 4 horse and 6 head of oows. Good granary, machine shed and other buildings. Entire place fenced and pasture fenced. With the place goes all of the crops, good young team of mares, harness, , 2 wagons, chickens, mower, rake,, disc, self binder, cultivator, band seeder, 2 plows, spring tooth harrow, spike tooth harrow, lots of tools, steel range, steel heater, furniture ' and cooking utensils. The machinery is si most new and is in extra fine shape. This rsnch is only 21 miles from Portland. Price $6800, not less than $2000 cash. Th estock and machinery and crops on the ' place are reasonably worth $2000. Per 11 sonally inspected. Photos at officei JOHN j FERGUSON, GERLIN'GER BLDG. ! FIFTY-ACMES ' : Stock and Tools 26 acres in cultivation and in crops; about 15 acres more all open, some not hard to clear; some nice timber, about 5 acres; spring water; place all fenced, 6 room house, a large barn and a good one, all stanchioned off for cows;, bog house and chicken bouse, goods' well, fruit, garden, 3 cows milking. 5 more going to be fresh ; registered Jersey bull, all Jersey cows registered; 6 brood sows, registered, and 17 fine pigs; 40 hens, 2 wagons, hack, buggy, plows, harrow, cultivator, mower, rake, disc, roller, separator, 3 sets of harness, 4 horses, feed cutter, some household goods, phone in house: this is 7 miles of Oregon City, 1 hi miles to store and car line; price for all, $8000; $4500 down, balance at 6 per cent. I E. P. ELLIOTT it SON, - 7th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or. i 80 ACRES irrigated river front farm: 50 acre wa ter right paid up; 60 acres in cultiva tion, 4 miles from Redmond, Or.; good roads; R. F. D telephone, electric lights, good 5 room bungalow with bath, 00 ton silo, granary, milk house, barn, bay sheds, cattle racks, cow shed; ideal dairy farm, equipped for 50 head of cattle; improve ment alone worth $5000; price $9500, half cash, balance easy terms. Pictures at out office. MA HONEY. COE A. M'KENNA At CO.. 82 Fourth st.. Main 4522. BEAUTIFUL HOME 107 acres, more or less. 1 hi miles Laeenter, Wash., nearly 60 acres in cultivation; family orchard, one 4 room house, one 8 room house, with bath; granary, barn, creek, ram and well; all fenced; 1 miles to high and grammar school. 4 cows, 4 heifers, 4 horses, 3 brood sows, 100 chickens; 3 stands bees; 1 potato planter, 1 potato digger, 1 hone com planter. 1 binder, 1 mower. 1 rake, 1 riding plow, 3 walking plows, 1 cultivator, 1 riding cultivator, 1 manure spreader, 1 separator, 1 disc. Thia beautiful farm fronts on the east fork of Lewis river, giving access to steamboat at in tinu of the year and has beautiful building site, on Pacific highway. Price $15,000; terms. ! W. I 8TKOXG, ' Woodlawn, Wash. NORTHWEST OF. NEWBERG 60 acres, located in the Chehalem valley, right on the main road, with gravel road on both sides of the place; only 100 yards to high and grammar school; all under cul tivation and in crop, 40 acres of clover, 10 acres potatoes, balance in garden and corn; small , creek through the place, 5 room houses barn, granary, chicken house and shed, smsll orchard along the creek, enough fruit for family use; price $225 per acre, with stock and equipment and all the crop; $6000 cash. Mara tern, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLTNGER BLDG, . STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 40 acres, very beat of land, no rock or gravel ; 25 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture: fenced and cross fenced; fine spring stream, through place, family orchard in full bearing, good 7 room house, good dairy barn and all necessary outbuildings together with 2 cows, 1 heifer, 4 hogs, team, harness, plow, harrow, spring tooth harrow, cultivator, cream separat or; all crops now planted; close to school;, 1 hi miles from good store, 10 miles from Vancouver, on good auto road; price $6500; terms. ! THOMPSON. SWAN A LEE. 3d and Main sts.. Vancouver, Wash. I CHICKEN RANCH 2 hi miles Kidgefield. 27 acres. IB In cul tivation, 4 acies fruit trees 8 years bid, room house, bsrn, 30x40, cellsr, brooding house, good water, all fenced, school hi mile from place, also school wagon to Bidgefield high and grammar scnooi; cows. 1 team, sot) laying hens (White Leghorn), 200 baby chicks. 1 buggy, 1 disc, 1 harrow. 2 small harrows, -1 plow, 1 mower, 1 separator. 1 incubator. 1 heating j stove, 1 range, telephone. Price $5500. half cash, easy terms on balance. Car at your service. i W. L. STRONG ! Woodland, Wash. IN THE BEAUTIFUL 8ANTIAM COUNTRY We have a splendid 290 acre dairy ranch, 7 miles from Lebanon, 250 acres are tillable, 140 acres in cultivstion, balance in second growth fir and oak timber; good rich loamy soil, splendid 7 room house, with bsth; bam 40x84. with 140 ton hay lf t : good stanchions below ; 2 silos, granary, milkhouse, woodhouse and strawshed; water piped to buildings from large spring. Price $23,000; $650O cash, unlimited time on the balance.i This is the place you, Mr. Stockman, have been looking for. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce. I SOUTH OF SHERWOOD 24 acres, located 5 miles south of Sher wood. 3 miles from electric line, 1 mile from West Butte ville. school and grange hall ; all fine soil : email creek across the place; 4 acres cleared. 2 acres plowed. small sbsck of 3 rooms, cow shed; price $1775, $425 cash; over 600 cords of wood on this place. Personally inspected by Marsters. with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLIN'GER BLDG. t FORTY ACRES Two miles Bidgefield, 22 in cultivation, fam ily orchard, good 4 room bouse, bam 24x40. granary, well, all fenced, hi mile to school, good gravel roads, 4 cows. 1 team. 24 chick ens, 2 pigs, 1 . better. 1 wagon, 1 mower. 1 plow, 1 harrow, 1 cultivator, 1 separator and most all household furniture. Car at your service, t Price $6500; half cash. J W. L. STRONG ' Woodland. Wash. . , POLK COUNTY 66 acres, all tillable, with 64 acres in culti vation, balance oak brush ; 3 wells, 5 acres bear ing prunes; well taken care of; rural route, rock road, 3 hi miles from town and railroad, in a thickly ; settled farming district. Price ,$8250; $1500 cash; terms on the balance. t FRED W. GERMAN CO., ' 732 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RALE 40 acres logged off land (no im provements), 36 miles from Portland, in Co lumbia Co., Or., 1 hi miles from -R. R. station and paved Columbia river highway, on good county road; small stream, good soil, no rock, 30 acres could be cultivated when cleared; plenty of timber for fencing and fuel; $1600 cash; would consider good late model car in payment up to i-. kj. a.-asernii. ueer island. Or, 40 ACRES, half in cultivation, fine soil, only 2 miles from Oregon City; school adjoining; fine buildings; pressure water system; all rural con veniences; some personals. Thia place is on very good roads and the best of soil. Price $12,000. Can take in good 5 room house in city, t HESGARD. WITH COE A. M'KENNA & CO.. I 82 Fourth St. FORTY ACRES Three miles Woodland. Wash. Ri-r in cultivation. 15 pasture: 86 fruit trees. room bouse, barn 30x40. wood shed, cellar, tpring. : well, all fenced; 1 miles to school, (air roads. Price $2500. i W. L. STRONG " . Woodland. Wash. 40 ACRES in cultivation, on good road, electric line.' 1000 prune trees, balance A-l land; some beaverdam; running water; 6-rootn house, large bam; other buildings, equipped with stock and machinery; crops in, 6 miles from Van couver. Wash. All for $10,000; good terms. Will take part trade. Deal with owner for in formation. 147 H Broadvfsy. Portland. 80-AC RE farm. 16 miles east of Portland, on good graveled road. 1 mile from Columbia highway: all under cultivation; good large build ings; orchard, English walnuts; electric lights; plenty of water; excellent soil, fine for berries, general farming or dairying. price $24,000. Terms. Mrs, Olive Strebin, Rout A. Portland, vr. riiuue jrresuem ISO, FOR SALE Stock ranch of 660 acres on state highway. Water right for 150 . acres. Abundance of water. Balance of land plow land and pasture, 100 head of ' 2 and 3-year-old steers, 6 head Perc heron workhorses, rood house. Might consider some in trade. For further in- swj"v r. pox j-nnevme, jr BANKRUPT SALE- 80 acres, 5 miles outTona . cttiuiwjm, one uura easy clearing; house., bam, beautiful stream, $200 per acre, terms on part. TURNER at CO.. 230 Chamber of Xtommeree. Ihk BEST acres in Oregon. 1 block frrgn car; . ty water, electricity, telephone, new house, fireplace. This place is on Johnson creek. See owner. 146 Grand, ava. - REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FARMS 17 SICKNESS FORCES OWNER TO BELL 162 acres, best section of Washington Co., on milk route, rock mad, telephone, R. F. D., good 8 -room bouse, 4 room tenant bouse. 2 large bams. 2 silos, woven srire fences, water system; all black creek bottom loam, no waste; AO wheat. 30 oats, 17 clover. 15 timothy, 8 vetch and wheat. 6 cheat, 15 for com, 4 pasture, 7 timber: tractor and complete tractor outfit, binder, mow ers, rakes, 20-in. ensilage cutter, hay loader, side delivery rake, plows, harrows, wagons, hacks, disc, gas engine, drill, complete blacksmith shop, sev eral acta harness, all small tools 18 high grade milch cows, 15 heifers and calves, 1 registered bull. 4 horses, 2 colts. 2 sows, small pigs, chick ens. Immediate posseesiort. Price $210 per ere; $10,000 cash, 10 Tears on balance 6 per cent. If you want a real money maker, investi gate this at once. . - WITH T. O. BIRD. 52 CHAM. OF COM. IRRIGATED ALFALFA LAND. ICO acres - with 1 69 . acre water right fully paid up, near Sisters, Or., 20 miles from Redmond; all in cultivation, 25 acres in rye; good 4 room house, extraordinary barn 100x56 which will hold 125 too of hay; 60 head cattle and 7 head horses included, all farm machinery too; uniform distribution of water over entire place ; owned and operated by widow who finds duties growing too heavy. This place hag been personally inspected by us and we know the price of $16,000; to be a bargain; $6000 cash will handle. For further details inquire of ; MAHONET. - j COB A. M'KENNA at CO., 82 Fourth at.. Main 4522. 160 ACRES ' 10 miles Woodland. Wash., : 10 acres crop, family orchard : 4 room house.: water nined to uouse; mra nuiiu (new; ; Bute to school; 1 4 head young stock. 1 pig, 30 chickens, some small tools. Price $3200. $2000 cash, balance 0 year at 7 per cent. Will sell some house hold goods at a reasonable price. W. L. Strong-, Woodland. Wh. FOR, RE XTFARM S 14 40 ACRES, , 30 in cultivation and crop; rent $250 per - year. Stock and implements for sale. $1500. Easy terms. Act Quick. A-75, Journal. . CHOICE 10 acrea near Eugene, 8H orchard, buildings, rent $175. AIo 80 near Oregon City, buildings, pasture, $150. 141 East 69th N. Tabor 7055. FARMS WAITTETJ RENT OR BUY 88 WILL buy or rent small farm : price must be right! Give description. 108 69th st. N. TIMBER NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER GENERAL LAND OFFICE Washington. D. C. May 7. 1920. Notice is hereby given that, subject to the conditions and limitations of the Act of June 9, 1916 (39 Stat.. 218), and the instructions of the secretary of the interior of September 1 5, 1917. the timber on the following lands will be sold June 30th. st 2 p. m., at public auction at the United States land office at Lakeriew. Or.. to the highest bidder at not less than the ap praised value as shown by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval of the secretary of the interior. The purchase price, with an addi tional sum of one-fifth of 1 per cent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at the time of sale, money to be returned if ssle is not spproved. otherwise patent will issue for the timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, associations of such citizens snd corporations organized under the laws of the United States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. - Upon application of ,a qual ified purchaser, the Umber on any legal sub division will be offered separately before being included in any: offer of a larger unit. T. 40 S.. R. 7 E., sec 35. NW hi NE U, fir 100 M.. pine 535 M.; 8W hi NE hi, fir 100 M., pins 600 M.; -KB hi NW hi . pine 510 M. ; SE hi NW hi, fir 40 M., pine 390 M.; NW hi SE "4. fir 110 M., pine 630 440 M.; EN H SW H'. fir 1O0 M.. pir.? R30 M. ; lot I. fir 70 M., pine 480 M. ; the fir to be sold at not less than' $1 per M-, and the pine at not less than $4.00 per M. . (Signed) CLAY TALLMAN. Commissioner. General Land Office. HOIWESTEADS 47 TWO . dandy homestead relinquishments; both have houses wells, nlentv water and wood. good, level soil, no rock ; just come from there ; wonderful climate ; right near good little town. This is your chance if you want a good place cheap. Going back in few days. Write ; come go with me. G-894, Journal. ' FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 81 34 LOTS S. E. cor. 43d and Division, $600 each, sale or exchange. Want income or farm. Owner. J. H. McMahon, 2606 East 43d st. 'abor 6361. . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 84 FOR EXCHANGE Los Angeles home for one in Portland. 5 room California house, elec tricity, gas, bath, porches, completely furnished with practically new furniture; -tract 100x300, with 2 street frontages; many bearing fruit trees, lawn, shrubbery, chicken pecs, etc. Vslue $6000. Want to deal with owners. OWNER. 1324 Yeorbldg.PhoneMain2762:J FOR SALE or trade! my equity of $1530, bal- an 1 1 (170. easv terms, .in good a-room house and lot on Morris at., near Union are., with basement, bath. 2 toilets, trays, electric; arranged for 2 families; for a small house or imp. acreage near car. Mcuuire ft Kens. oa Union ave. N., or Woodlawn 6321 evenings. - WILL give good lot and cash for 4 or 6 room house. 86 6th St. near Stark. Broadway 14 or East 8882. LOT and timber claim for house. Eat433. ALBERTA 6 room house." $ 2900. Eaat 433. WANTED REAL ESTATE 81 OVER ONE MILLION DOLLARS' worth of homes sold SINCE JANUARY 1. 1920. BY FRANK-L. McQUIRE LARGEST HOME-SELLERS ON THE PACIFIC COAST You want results? Try our LIVE, efficient method of HOME SELLING. Our record: 869 homes sold during 1919. 9 homes sold in ons day, March 9. 112 homes sold in March. , 468 homes sold to date this year. Have yon a house TO SELLT It's sold if LISTED WITH US. WE NEED IT TODAY. We personally inspect and photograph every HOUSE listed. " ALL photographs are displayed in our large showroom, which is continually thronged with EARNEST HOME BUYERS. If you cannot come down, telephone and we'll gladly call. Our service is free. No charge except the standard rate of '5 per cent in the event of a SATISFACTORY SALE. 18 experi enced salesmen with automobiles to work on the SALE OF YOUR HOME. SEE -FRANK L. McQUIRE To Sell Your Home. Abington Bldg. . Main 106S. Open Evenings and Sundays. ; WANTED ; 5 or 8 room modern bungalow in good dis trict Will not pay over $3500; $1000 cash, balance monthly. Ask for Mr. Rostra., Main 208. LOTS WANTED Any district (except restricted). Price must be right and terms very easy. These lots want ed in connection with Commissioner Barbur's temporary house plsn. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. ,32 Chsmber of Commerce. SHACKS AND SMALL HOMES WANTED Price must be right snd very easy terms; we have sold over -600 homes in the last year. If you want action, list with us. FRED W. GERMAN CO., 732 Cham, of Com. W'JE hsve purchasers waiting for good homes. some with all cash, others with part cash. If you liave a home for sale worth from $3000 to $10,000, we ran sell it for you. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1006 Yeon Bldg.. Main 802. I WANT a good bungalow in any good district Have $500 cash. Win pay $3000. R-738, Journal. AM IN the market for a home in the Ahuneda Park. Wsnt as good a boms as $6500 will buy. R-737, Journal. -'; I AM looking for a home in ' Laurelhurst or Irvington. will pay $7000 for home that suits me. R-786, Journal. I WANT a bargain in a fractional lot, with ok 1 without house, south of Montgomery street, between th snd 20th sts. H-78. JouraaL WANTED Old houses, , estates, equities. Main 4803. i O. O. GOLDENBERQ. Abington bldg. ' BOOMING HOUSES, APARTMENTS ANP HOTELS FOR SALE ES Transient Mouse 12 rooms, brick. 1 floor, north end,' turns away 20 people a day; pries $1500; terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st 11 ROOMS- HI Heart , of west side, strictly modern, clean as a pin, always full; $845,. hi cash. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. 14 ROOMS, fine paying place, rent $3$; lease. very close . in west side, well furnished snd clean; clears $100; price $1276. Other bar gains, Garland. 201 84. BTTSrSESS OPrORTTJXITIES f '-Resort -f of Sate, iir. Investor, are you -looking for something that will give you good 'returns for your money invested? We would like to interest you fa this proposition, which is under . development on the Columbia, highway. This is the making of an Weal resort, summer snd winter. The owner of this place has .placed it with us for sale. It has the location, the natural attrac tions and environments for the making of the most attractive resort within the reach of Port land, being just the right distance from the city. There is a little lake on this place, and A beautiful waterfall just back of the lake for a distance. You who would be interested in any thing of thia kind here win find an opportunity to build up and develop one of the most natur ally attractive tourist resorts on the coast on the most scenic highway in the world. Come in and let us show you some of the scenes taken of this resort. The place consists of 40 acres with several thousand dollars' worth of improve ments, and can be had for the small sum of $16,000. If you are interested come' in and let us tatlk this proposition over; it is a money maker. PACIFIC AGEHCY, Inc., 514-20 S wetland bldg. FOR SALE FirstCIass Billiard Hall ' Located' in county seat town of 2500 popula tion. Receipts $1600 per month. A bargain if taken at once. For full information address Box 250O, Coquille. Or. LARGEST and finest garage in the city. Ex cellent west side location, storing now 150 cars, a $10 a month. Good tire and accessory business; well equipped repair and vulcanizing hop. 4 hi years' lease. Price $15,000. W-474. Journal WANTED- Up-to-date merchant for country store in one of the best farming communities in Willamette valley. Good building. Low rent. Postoffice in store. Present firm retiring be cause of sickness. Write W. 8. McClain, Buena Vista, Or. LUNCH wagon, fully equipped and . ready for business; just right for Columbia Beach or Seaside; built of oak. Cost 81075; trade tot automobile truck or what? 64 9 E. Lombard. Take Wdln. car. I NEED 6 trucks immediately for road work. $3.75 per hour; guaranteed job famished with each 3 hi -ton truck purchased. B, E. Harness, city. Bdwy. 1572. , Ask for track salesman. FOR SALE) Greenhouse, 18x62 feet, and lease; doing good business; plenty business to justify more glass; am sick and want to selL Will take Ford as part. Price $1500. Address Lebanon Greenhouse. Lebanon, Or. 37 VACANT rooms, west side,-snd2 1 rooms of furniture, 5 year lease, 2 months' rent paid, all for $1600. See Mrs. Thompson, 20 jienry bias APARTMENT BUILDING. FURNITURE , . ... vuuwuc , x . , 000 cash, balance terms if sold soon. Main ipso, ior appointment or D-7I1. Journal. I AM forced to sell my business. Was hurt in railroad wreck. Cannot attend to business. Snap. E-190. Journal. . RESTAURANT outfit complete for $300, or might take a Ford touring in exchange. J 839, Journal. 15 BUSINESS CARDS 11 ROSE CITY PRINTERY at 11 You must bring this ad. 120 5th st. GOOD confectionery business for sale; fine lo cation, good business; $500 of stock and fwroishings. Box .115. Donald. Or. HERE is a money; maker; 11 room modern house. 50x100 lot, in 6th St., west side; $5500; $1000 down. Main 4253. Mrs. Ryan. FOR SALE Groceries and confectionery, invoice about $2500. I have other business and can't attend to them both. 1002 Albina ave. FOR. SALE BY OWNER ERICKSON'S WHITE SHIELD MATERNITY HOME. 708 E. 78TH ST. N. Printing For Less Ryder Ptg. Co. Main 6536. LP 2 3d st. FOR SALE Pressing, dressmaking and hem stitching parlor: good location; rent reason able. Phone Broadway 3058. GOOD location for barge r shop and baths, with living rooms. Tabor 2515. GARAGE for sale by owner; good location and good business. Call Broadway 1378. 3 6KEK BALL alleys the new bowling game, for sale cheap, 635 Thnrmsn st. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES - WANTED T9 HOTEL or good rooming house in any Wash - ington or Oregon town. Muss have dependable all year trade and O. K. Give detail in reply and state furnishings, etc., if included. G-896, Journal. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE S7 ; CITY LOANS NO " COMMISSION t ' On Improved property, or - for improvsraeat purposes. The best and eaest method of paying s loss ts our monthly payment plan. $32.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for, 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 94 months pays a loan of $1000 and interest. Loans of other amounts a same proportions, - Repayment Privileges. EQUITABLE SAVINGS V LOAN ASS N. 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. BUILDING loans on citv snd suburban property money edvanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 215 snd 216 Fading bldg. Main 8407. $1500 TO loan at 7 on Laurelhurst or Rose City property to desirable party. G-893, JouraaL MONEY TO LOAN in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. H. BELL. Rooms 10 and 11. MuTkey bldg. $300. $400. $500. $750. $1000 and up st lowest rates: quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 732 Chamber of Commerce building. MORTGAGE LOANS up to $6000. 6 snd 7 per sent Fred 8. Williams. 506 Psnama bldg. BEE OREGON TNV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 22$ Chamber of Commerce. 4tn and Stark. TOOTS AND CASPER 'but toots il NO CftSPEft-Grr II NjUJl XrAPtVsSs time vou Gut mad -tToo fv ofi de 1 ( sh-hh'. ; ' ' MQ2TET TO LOAN nEAL ESTATE T . LIBERAL LOANS . We loan oar own mnaey on reel estate. 1st ad 2d ssortssgea. contracts, livestock, notes, aa tomobilaav eto. - F. K. Bowman Col, SI Chamber of Commerce. Msin 8026. NO DELAY NO DELAY 1000 $1500 ' $2000 $3000 AND UP We Loan Otrr Money on Real Estate. F. H. DE8HON. 615 CHAM. OF COM. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 per cent. Loads 8c4emon Co.. 408 Belling bids. HOAht 1U i.Ol.N IJ1A1 1 SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOANS MADE OW AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE. BONDS, OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LJfJT IN YOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF YOUR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR ON FURNITURE OR AUTOMOBILK CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE. WE WILL PAY THEM UP, ADVANCE YOU MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND YOU CAN REPAY US IN SMALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO SUIT YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL . PORTLAND LOAN CO. (1,1 CENSED) 806-807 DEKUM BLDG.. 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ABSK. . Phone Broadway 910. 894 Stark St.. near 10th Loans on diamonds, watches, Vietrolaa, pianos, kodaks, shotguna, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY THE FRO PL op PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER : CARRIE MYERS HERMAN Manager, .j t SALARY - LOANS CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY t,n snort notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE NO INDORSES ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on household, -furniture, pianos, etc.. without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE COLUMBIA DISCOUNT OU. ' (LICENSED) Z18 FAILING BLDG. LIVESTOCK LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, bogs, etc- V. E. Bowman 4k Co., 210 Chamber of Commerce, Main 8026. LOAITS WANTED - 3$ WANT $1800 on modem 5-room . bunga low, at 14 th st. N. Everything in and paid. Irving ton car to Mason. Will pay 7 semi-annually. Property well worth $3000 or more. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLTNGER BLDG. WANTED $1350, 3 years, 7 per cent, on 6 room bungalow, in Woodlawnt Akersoo, 420 Henry bldg. BEE OREGON TNV. ft MORTGAGE CO.. 232 Chamber of Commerce. 4th and Stark. FINANCIAL SI WE BUY first and second mortgages snd sell . era' contracts. F. E. Bowmsn at Co.. 310 Chamber of Commerce. .CASH paid for mortgages snd sellers' contracts on real estate in Washington or Oregon. B, E. Noble, 816 Lumbermen's bldg. HORSES, TEHICLES, ETC. 18 MARES for ranch and orchard. Pair chunky built mares, 6-year-olds, well broke and gentle, price $265. Span 2400-lb. mares, black and gray. 6-7 years old, price $225. Team 2800-lb. gray mares, $200. Also big Belgian mare with extra fine sucking colt at a bargain. Inquire Marion Fuel Co., dock foot of Taylor st. (Dock). JUST arrived,, a carload of horses that have been working on a grading job since last November. They are all for -sale or exchange and all fat and ready to go into hard work. They weigh from 1300 to 1600 lbs. Have a few spring wagons, buggies, slip scrapers, four-horse fresnos and harnesses. Phil Suetter, 285 Front street. Crown stables. TEAM of mares, weight 2100 lbs., good har ness and top wagon, $150; also yonng bay horse, weight 1100 lbs., good harness and wagon $95; ail sound and good workers. 6647 6Bth st. Woodstock car.. FOR SALE Beautiful team for heavy hauling. Well matched in color, size and work, sound and true. Seven years old. Weight 3200 lbs. Can be-seen at 1205 Lincoln St., The Dalles, Or. . FOUR months "work at $12 daily for the pur chaser of 3200-lb. team of young horses, with new hsraess. Interested party see Mr. Ward, dork foot of Taylor st. '- (Dock.) FOR SALE 2 good ponies, 3 years old; also good saddle; team and harness for $225. 380 Front v LOST A soil colored horse, with crooked neck and star on forehead. Return to 880 Front; $10 reward. PONTES . PONIES Several pack ponies and work ponies. Blue Front stables. Montgomery snd Water. LIGHT long body open delivery wagon in good condition for $15. Sell. $758. ALL kinds of -wagons, buggies snd harness. All Shetland cart. Blue Front stables, cor. Mont gomery and Water. FOR SALE An honest 1500 lb. work hone. Phone 216-29. Call st 1690 E. 16th st 2 GOOD young bones, weight about 1300 lbs. Transfer Co. at 1029 E. Yamhill st DEAD horses taken quickly. . Cash lot dead Phone Tabor 4203. PASTURAGE Ladd's Canyon farm, close is; no business Sundsys. Msin 4819. SALE Camp wagon complete. 827 Front GARDEN plowing and harrowing.-Main 814o7 (Copyright. 1920. by International Feature Service. Ine.) 1$ I HAVE 18 head of mares and geldings left from my last consignment of 88 head, all heavy boned, blociy built chunks, 1200 to 1600 lbs., from 4 to 7 years old. A matched team of browns and iron greys. Team of mares, - matched. Also 3 or 4 single odd horses. ' Remember, these horses are guaranteed to be as represented; four sets of new harness and collars, $86 a set. Lt Horn. Hawthorn Stables, cor. K. 6th and Hawthorne. HORSES for sale, 10 head st real bargain prices, just done with work; span geld., 2400 lbs., $90; mare and geld., 2300 lbs., $75; span geld., 2800 lbs.. $110: dapple grty and bay team. 270O lbs.. $165; brown mare 1100 lbs.. $35; brown geld. 14O0 lbs., $65; extra good 1800 lb. bay geld., $85; brawn mare, 1800 lbs.. $60; sli kemresbly sound snd work st any thing; two farm wagons. 6 sets of good hsr ness; all cheap for quick cash sale. 263 Rus sell st. and Vancouver ave., 1 block west of Willisms ave. MARES AND HORSES Carload of mares and horses, all well broke and ready for work, every one a real low-down, blocky built chunk with lobs of bone and qual ity; from 4-7 years old, weight 1400 to 1700 Iba. ; severs welt matched trams. . All horse: guaranteed a represented or money refunded Sanitary Stable. $65 Union are. south, cor. Stevens st. G. D. WILLLiMSON A GLASS. EAST 8778. 24,00 POUND team, ft sad 8 years old. and Oliver chilled plow and harness. $176. Mt. Scott car to Tremont station, 5 blocks south to 65th ave.. one west, southwest corner. LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE 1 will sell my improvements, consisting of 10 seres cleared land, 80 acres pasture, bouse, bam, bath house, poultry house, root cellar, etc There are 25 fruit trees, prunes, pears and apples; Vi era strawberries, 4 acres oats, lot of meadow. There is 40 seres of school land with lease running 3 yesrs at $10 a year. The land is appraised at $15 per acre; good soil, lots of running wster. Cannot be beat for prunes, walnuts or berries; a chance for a man with few dollars: 2 H miles east of Hockinaon. Wash. Friday. May 28. at 11 a. m. 2 ' milch cows, two 6-month-oM : heifers, 89 hensv 60 smsll chicks. 1 small horse, cart, side hill plow, 1 section spring tooth harrow. No. 5 De Laval cream separator, lots small tools, fur niture, 60O cedar posts. P. Savolainen, owner. Colonel W. S. Wood ft Sons, auctioneers. Van couver, Wash. . BEAUTIFUL JERSEY COW Fresh two months, giving sbout four gallons. A cow without s fsult. 11 E. 62d st, cor. Ash. Tabor 7106. SOME extra good fresh cows. 4 to 5 gallons per day, rich milk. Will sell or take beef cattle in exchange. 1128 Macadam st; 8. Portland car to end of line. 1 block south, ' 1 block east. TWO good cows, 1 Jersey-Guecnsey and 1 Guern sey, both heavy milkers; 1 automatic bottle filler and 1 cooler. Will sell cheap. M. 8. car to Lenta. 4 blocks south to 6632 02d st. TWO fine fresh cows, heavy rich milkers; will sell cheap; 2 miles east of Lents on Foster road. Box 408. Greshain car to BeUrose sta tion. A DANDY 2-year-old Jersey heifer with 3 -day-old calf; easy milker; $75 for cow and calf, or $70 without calf. Call Col. 936. REGISTERED 15-16ths Nubian, 4 to Tog genburg snd grade goats for sale cheap.- '470 E. 80th st. North, bet. Tillamook and Thompson. ANOTHER litter of fine Duroc nigs for sale. reasonable. Crawford, stall 343, Public Mar ket. YOUNG JERSEY COW, gentle and good milker. M. Barron, Multnomah station. 1 block north of Lnvcjoy's store. 3 YOUNG fresh cows, large milkers and high testers. Robinson farm, 1 hi miles west of Oregon Ity. near West Linn school. DUROC BARGAINS Bred gilts to fsrrow. July and August; best pedigree ; registered snd crated. $60 each. Shadeland Farms, Amity, Or. FINE Jersey Holstein cow; give 6 quarts day; due fresh in June ; rich milk, 8 hi gaL day. 6109 58th ave. S. E. - GRADE buck, 3 months, from 5 quart stock, $10 or ex. L. B. Ryan, Bridal Veil. Or. FRESH JER8EY. Al. 729 Liberty L Wood- lawn to 22d; 2 blocks south. YOUNG ToBgenburg milch doe for sale. lSTl E. Irving st. WANTED Pastors for goats. Csll East 6681 or 816 Monroe Mt MILCH-goats for ssle. 1245 Halsey st Tsbor 9468. WANTED Beef, veal and sheep. Phone Tabor 7747. . GOATS for sale- cheap, male and female. 6528 57th ave. S. E. THREE fine young cows, to freshen in a few days. 751 East Ash. JERSEY and Jersey-Durham crw. cheap for ea-sn. osiw js. idmmra. Take wmn. ear. MILCH goats, some fresh, some coming fresh. 135.0 Wilbur st. FOR SALE S good fresh cows. Tabor 4005, 28 E. 78th rt. N. POULTRY AND RABBITS 37 10 TANCRED White Leghorn cockerels, March hatch, soc each; laying hens, batching eggs, Parkrom Hatchery. Tabor 3822. . R. I. R. CHICKS 82d st and Kendall station. Inquire at store. Tabor 6134. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn baby chicks. Tancred strain. 20c each; $20 a hundred. 664 Linn ave. Bell wood 1818. ' - FOR 8 ALE Laying hens, $1 and up. 7021 87th st Tabor 2407. WHITE Leghorn hens. 1 year old. Tabor 6895. 8348 H4rh st: rs. K CHINA pheasants and China pheasant eggs for natcning; also buck eggs, svqin. 03 BARRED ROCK eggs, brons turkey eggs. Mrs. Evans. 365 E. Lombard Woodlawn 1656 WHITE Leghorn hens, 1 year old. 6348 M4th st 8. E. Tabor 6895. THOROUGHBRED O. A. C. Barred Rock hatching eggs; heavy layers. Tsbor 6859 WHIT E WTA N DO TT E eggs, dnring Msy. $1.7 , for 15. $9 per 100. Woodlswn 6281. By J. E. Murphy HORSES. TEHICLES. ETC $7 READY today, 600 day-old W. L. chicks, 80s each: 600 week-old, 22e each; 1000 more each week: 500 U. I. Red and O. A. O. Barred Rock each week, $30 per 100. Sue each. MoGuire's vigorous : fast growing chirks from Hoganised and trspnested stock. Quality counts. Get the best. J. R. McGUIRE. 787 Oregon. East 1905. IF you want good ' foundation stork that lays Urge eggs try setting of 15 Mammoth Black Minorca. 8-lb. bens. Nixon strain. No better. Only $2' per setting for bslanee of season. Incubator . lots. $10 per 100. 124B Halsey st Tabor 9468. CHICKS 1000 White I horns Inn trspnested foun dation stock, ready ; for 'delivery; strong, husky fellows, easy to raise and money mkera. MASTER INCUBATOR CO., WDLN. 4844 I ETALUMA White Leghorns lead th work! in egg production We set! baby chWk at $18.60 Per 100 during May and June. Safe arrival of full count strong, live chicks guaranteed. THE PIONEER HATCHERY. 442 Sixth st , Petarama. CaL Big Reductions on May and Juris i-chicks I-eghorna, Reds, Rocks. Prompt deNveriea Write todsy. O. N, N KEPHAM." Salem. Or. O. A. a WHITE LEGHORN chick $20 per 100. Buy your chick in May for winter Isyer thst psy. Northwest Poultry Co., 824 st. snd 74th sv. 8. E. Tsbor 8107. ,j TANCRED strelnTWhite Leghorn baby chicks, 18c each; Whitej leghorn hens, $1.25 each. Now ready for delivery. Tom Morgan, Beaver ton, Oregon. PACK NO Vf -Tour egrs for ttinur use; clean, fresh laid, tnfertl. East 404v FOR 8ALET6White leghorn year-old-Taking hens, small chjeken house and wire. Wood lswn 2804. LAI I.VG Whit and' Brown leghorn young hns, $1.50 each; guaranteed heavy laying stock. J. It. MrsUClHE. 787 Oregon, near Est 24th. 800 BABY chicks i to trsd for good milch cow; will pay the difference. Call Columbia 811. - ' CYPHERS 100 chtck brood r, like new, 7B0; Mann bone cnlter, tlOO aise, 46 O0, Tren- gove. 2030 K. Salmon t. Tsbor WHOP.' WHITE MINORCATsetting eggT'riseTnuing stock. Wdln. 2178. 80 Montana ave. CHICKENS FOR SALE 4603 49th at 8. E. Woodstock ear, DOGS, BIRD. PETH. ETC. 44 0REW00B IEMELS . SENSATION PILOT H st stud. Weight 11 lbs. A. K. C. 200292. Crsiet little msls Boston Terrier out I of CHAMPION STOCK ;n Portlsnd. See him. buisl' net stock-boarded. MRS. WILLIAM J. SMITH, Phone. Tabor 8166. 130 30th st 8. near Morrison St WANT TO. BUY 2- orTHbird cages, tabor 7654. 6 ENGLISH setter pupa for ssle, cheap. 385 r.. Morrison, Hutfalo Lunrh. PORTLAND CAT T KENNELS. Tsbor 7601 $250 Persian stud. Fee $3 up. Cats boarded. FREE, to k good home, one half-Persian kitten; klso'one Persisn kitten for sale. Brtwy. 6167. GOOD female canaries for sale. Csll East 844. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 , - . ' .; - . 1918 CHANDLER. 7 PASSENGER Wire wheels, good tire equipment, rebuilt and perfect mechanical condition ..... $1600 1918 Chandler, 7 pass., rebuilt throughout, good tire equipment, body refinished. . . 1650 1918 Cbsndler, .7 passenger, first class mechanical condition, good tires. ..... 1500 1918 Chandler, 4 passenger, roadster, re built, new top, erd tires with extra... 1600 1917 Chandler, 7 passenger, good mechan ical condition, newly painted, good tires with sztrs ...(.. 8POICT ROADSTER . . Chandler, 2 passenger, special body road ater, wire wheels; cord tires, racy Unas snd fast performer 1918 Olilsmobile. passenger, good me chanical condition, good tires. ....... 1917 Veil touring: repainted, overhauled, good tire i ,....,.... 7 .... . ; 1916. Buick roadster, good condition throughout, good tire ............. 1 9 1 8 Chalmers. . 7 pssscnger, ' good me chanical condition, cord tires, new top, newly painted . L , . . 1916 Ssxon touring, good mechanical con- 1250 1650 1100 1000 900 000 ditkm 450 1919 Essex. good mechanical condition. car repainted, cord tires, 8 extra. 2 spot lights, motometerL Gabriel snubbers. ,., 1500 Remember i Our used car bargains are la our wn storeroom. ' 806-607-609-811 Washington St ' ; : ; .. 614 Alder. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO. Broadway 494. Main 6125. SMALL USED AUTOMOBILES 1918 Overland Chummy. 1918 Overland 90 Touring. i 1918 Overland . Touring. -: ' i , - . 1918 Maxwell Touring. $200 to $800 Oaah and we'll make th rest easy.. Wn.LYS-OVERLAND PACirTO COMPANY Bruadwsy st Davu. Bdwy. 3535. IF YOU KNEW J178T HOW GOOD SOME OF fUjl t'r.I S JV vii,i r..-5 jtnr, ...... .,.,.., II. f"Tl ..-U VOll -Ill', 1 . III'V THEM, YOU'D GET YOURS TODAY FROM wn.LYS-0VEBLAD PACIFIC COMPANY, Bdwy. 3585. I Broadway and Dsvis, 1918 Hudson Speedster REPAINTED AND OVERHAULED: WW. SELL FOR $1850, CASH OK TERMS; MUST BE SEEN TO JR ;AI I'll rX I ATKl, CALL, MAIN 8797 isnn wnj. handle very late model OlilMno- bile light six. This car runs snd looks Ilk s new 20 mouet. P ine price wm ram " the car suits you., wou you wo as in Tabor 6813.' 4 -lata fn niilck sale. $1850 each: guaranteed same as new car. ACK Htnun DAur,n jir. E. 7th and Belmont Phone E. 6057. -1918 OLDflMolimJE eight I need ths snonsy; a good buy for quick sale; terms If desired. EsstlSSS. WILLYS 6-cylinder, 86 model. 7 passenger, run less than 15.000 miles; hss origins! paint: looks liks new and Is In good condition ; good cord tire. Price $700. Owner, 8201 Kanffmaa St.. Vsncouver. Wash, i ' ' DODGE 1918 First class condition; price reasonable, torms to suit It. F. Kimble, East 2866. 4- ' OLDSMOBn.R 1918 First class condition; price reasonsbls, torms to suit H. F. Kimble. East 2866. t LOOK"TOOK Hudson Super Six in finest condition, guar anteed in every way; good tires; ear-like new; a bargain; will give terms. Phone Marshall 1618. v,: I : - . 1918 CHEVROLET touring car, 1918 Chev rolet roadster? in first class mechanical con dition, $050. ; j . r FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO. Hawthorne st Orend Ave. East 8770. FOR SALE By )party tearing city, Maxwell runabout A-l- Condition, 2 extra tires , and Inner tubes, chains, spotlight; worth $400, wil' take $300, Ilcens Included. -z, journal, TtiTiTC FOl'H New tires, thoroughly overhauled. $47$. . ACE MOTOR SALES CO.. E. 7tb snd Belmont. Phone T.. 6087. SAXON touring. H.017; must eiL Will tk $60. ' This is a snap, sv ursno sv., n.. peer Bnmstda, j ' FOR SALK cheap, automobile, just the' thing to make a tnuf. izva- m naimou GASOLINE 25 CENTS A GALLON; OILS AND HKAHK.. mwr.r.H rsi.-sr io ni, FORD sedan. 1920, new, perfect car, $50 . . . r.l (1 'I .i CSy.I1 Or wnsi. 7- rimnr i FOa SALK -1 91 6 Chmltamrm touring f mil? ear, 1918 CHKVROM3T, A-l emwlition, st Ur KLtn. Os-sT ssssess . g-.i. SEW WcoU PJiMV U trgainv I ass shs - tAm. AAA. . gsUn. S V W sc. Minnai! 1 1. $22$ gACBIFiClSr 1914 Msxw!l touring car, . . -.1 I I SAA S-t . ...4 ... FOTTLTRT ANT RABBITS Just overhauled.:) 909 Cleveland eve 1919 'MAXWELL $77$) first els c , AutoDa,-$l$-044 condition. AUTOMOBILES AND ACCFOJUFSJl Streetcar Fare i IS GOING CP GASOLINE IS DOWN BEAUTIFUL SUMMER IS HERS , GOOD REASONS FOR BUYING A USED CAR j YOU WILL FIND PLEASURE IN DRIVING ONE OF THEKE " Apperson Eight FOR HEAL CLASS. IT CAN'T BE BEA1 i x a- as. cose iG.gni ONE OF OUR HANI BARGAINS Buick , Light 6 on of those overhesd vslvt motors. - OldsmobiJe Six Yes, thst rsr you turned around and. admired was an Olds. . ' FrankEJn Touring. late model. You know a Franklin I Then if your need do not reuuir so larg a car. - WE CAN SUIT TOU IN AN OverBand Max we His Reo Chevrolets Oakland Studebaker . MitcIheEE i Paige Fords REMEMBER, WE SELL YOU SATISFACTION Must Se!. at Once 1918 SUPER fl HUDSON. 'OVERHAULED) AND REPAINTED; A BARGAIN AT I7.V, CASH OR TERMS; CAItlCIEH HK( . I'l.A II FACTOR I GUARANTEE AND SERVICE Full 90 DAYS. , CAIX MAIN 6766 $600 191 CHEVROLET $000 My own private car, good mechanical condi tion, 5 new tires, all titras, hi rash, hslanr $'.'$ per month, be Morris, 423 Henry bhlg. MAXWELL rosdster. 1920 motor, brand new tires snd psint many eitrss, gusr- anteed. Will sactifir and give terms. 89-91 N. OTil, NEAR FLANDERS. OVERLAND 79R: just painted sjid ever hauled; $32r, terms. 80-91 N. 9T11, NEAR FLANDERS. SfTTDEBAKERTTst or 7 passenssr, cord tires:! run vary littls by private party; looks and run Ilk nw rsr; guaranteml. lleat rssh offer takes it Might give terms. 210 211 ' Jefferson St. ' ' MODEL 83 Overlsnd tourTng csr, self ur I r t $350, worth $550; sni eicepuonal bar gain. - FRANCIS MOTOR CAR CO.. Hawthorne at Grand Ave. Ksst 8770. bio Bicinrs r Knci bight STOCK LIsJlUL wsmirvsj I'HICKS NO MIMHEI'IIEHKNTATION Covey Motor Car Co. STEPHENS Salient Six coupe, Just new; would consider an mwn car part psymsnt; terms on bslani. B'dwty $6ofl. TS Bl Tc'lt ROAlVsfEU This car is merhsnicslly perfect. Has four cord tires,, a new top, psic.t, etc ; in fact, would be hsrd toi add to It Tsrat. Tsbor 7817. Quick sctlon. -FOR SALE S fBtsnenger Hulon "autoT 1200 lhl . work mar, double harness, 2-hors wagon. All or part very cheap. 291 : Holland st all evenings. J FOR8aT.E By owner, kpesilwell, "a'reai" bar gain; condition firsl-claas; rubber new. Ki eellent for bug or service car. 787 Washing ton, Phon week day. Main 4flft2. $" i'5n"IOWN "and $12(1 "terms, liT,t RiVli k"; $R0 down, $30 terms, 4 cylinder clissats: ! (h In fin running order, hi 2 E. litb. N. Wood lawn 633L . DoIm-Ve7" edan." 1 $T8 ; best of coridl7lii;!"wiri wheel, one extra. Will sell at $16uo. Will eonsMrr trade or Ford, balsno Urma. B0 l.rsnd ve.. N near Burnside, MOTORS gears, be rl nasi mbimOf. "' silea; mm wrsrk stl, makes of ears and sell than psrts st hi price Hods Auto Wrecking Dept. 10 107 N. 11th at MITCHELL Elegant condition; $li0; terras, Call Tsboi 740. 1 HKRVU'K STATIOM Now locstd at Ninth snd Everett sis. Ur,.; rs D2S7. Finch Vulcaniiing Co. Sectional work. : re reading, half soltng o4 tire. Work g'fd. 880 V4Rtrk. Bdwy 89$ ZZ-'ZZ AUTO HIIMMIVii ;0. it vTUTO TOPS, BIDE CUIiTAINs -A y-Si loJ'" Davis st. bet 0th and 10th i llroadwsy 2017. $7B0 IsOWN, balance to ult. buy Saxon roadster. 11 road way 8606. IJkRGK touring chp on easy terms. Bdy. 8604. ' fc&SK.Xr 1620. touring, in beat of ' oofiditlun; wTIi sell at I1S00 and give ferrns;' consider trsd on smaller car. 80 Grand av., N., near Imrn sldTt. 1919 NASH touring at s big saving; terms if desired, Columbia 832. ' 20 CARS to select from, il Inakes, ail prices, liberal terms. ACK MOTOR SALES CO., E. 7th and Bslmmit Phone E. 60 87. FORD Rriadstor '1mss and runs lilt ow; gi4 tires, numlier of extras: $00; hav bought larger ear. Tabor 287$. H. ; E. cor. 72d and E Madison st . ; . FOR SAL'ET'hevrolet roadster In" ifxxl tn- ditton, run 40O0; $4 50. ; IB 7 lord tour ing ear. best condition, cheap if taken at once. Beagle Garags, lnts. Automatic 20 I 1. j 9 1 'i ' Brick'TrTlin mechankai corwfltwsn; car has origmsl finish, fx si tire snd s new top; bsrgain; will sell, on terms, i'hons East 1 96 ' I. 19M FdR6"'totririg. run perfecrjy, new tiri $2.7$ cash, 2$1 Front, tut. Jsfferson. Msia 1428. 1619" CHEV"1ijLET, first cl corHllu.rt), f dr outck sale, $7o. CaU day Main zi; after Marshall 2028. ' "PAIGE 117 , A real bsrgain. $900. X, L. Grocery, lltfc sad Corombis. Msin 2625. ' Ioik;e I will sell my Dodge-at a bargain for cash, Sunday phone Main Mini WiijiilSr touring, cord ttreiT Td. nw. 197B. Be Mr. turn. SJ !. uruauwsy. Blwy. 2270. . : 8TUDEBAKEII tourtng cr, nrly new Ur.; run 4000 miles; look lis a new car, aow win tsk It Wdln. 8072. ; Ftjll MALE i'hwfroiet, $70; esc'eilenl c.n- dition. Sunday st 2 P. m.. Msrsball zual weekdsra. Main 2481. FO'll SALE cheap. Overland. Ford touring anj rord rosdster. Fred Usy Motor Co., I.. I in snd Ankeny. ireit BALE or tr.4., 1.14 oids A, T ,s..,'.-4 eond'tion. cord snd rilnu, ltun 7700 miles. Csll weekdays F.aet 829. Sunday Tsbor X'.".'?. HAVE older for new-Ford" to b deliv-rd tlus week. WI.I transfer to seme oo vauu- Ing quirk delivery. VVoodUwn 27S. ile CHEVROI.ET 'touring, gfd tonditB.n; 4 bargain at $42$: term. 80 Grand av.. N near BumsifU. idXWiH automobile firm wants epwrin ! oaru man: none otlier need piily. t. lvi. Jrrurnal. ' 1914 FOilll tnuriug, goud endi W til s o- rlfic st 8$2&. Ttru 30 Gtsnd at, .s.. ear hurnslde. (Cntnud en o.,yln F.,., STS AMO WASMIN&TofT