The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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For Last Week of
Anniversary : a Still More Determ
Prices Down
VEfy in thm rush of Anniversary when we rr offering good
merchandise at amazingly low prices and when, as a conse
quence, a tremendously heavy demand is experienced, we are
supremely conscious of our, SERVICE obligations and courtesies,
ana none more so than those of which Downstairs patrons are the
recipients The same full, uncart ailed, ungrudging, generous,
.Doina&sttnc Meceslsltles Are U
I . " . . . ........ . , . . . ... , ... r . .... . .. --
m . m
The Mighty Caption of This Section Is
Thirty items of desirable merchandise each at hnlf its former price or half , its value some less than
half some average half. For women, children, bovs and men - You will want to read every item. Please
check the articles in which you are interested and bring the advertisement along with you. It will help you
identify the item and give you more speedy service.
Now Half at 65c to $4.98
FeKuIar t.29 to 19.95 shirtwaists every one of them now
half price. Crepe de chine, georgette crepe and taffeta in plain
shades, some embroidered with beads. Also striped crepe de
chine waists and others of plaid taffeta. Besides these white voile,
batiste and organdie. Broken assortments but nearly, all sizes
in the lot. I .
Now Half at $1.25 to $2.49
All untrimmed shapes consisting of tnilan, lisere, chip straw.
Large shapes with broad '. brims. Sailors with rolling brims.
Sailors with side rolls. ; Cut and irregular shapes. A large col
lection from which to select Quantities of styles. Black, brown,
navy, white sand. Originally priced $2.49 to $4.98.
Basket Weave Hats 1
Now Half at $1.49 2
Wcr t 40 r Both women's and
children's hats of basket weave straw In plain
and mixed colors. Fretty styles finished with
bands. . .
Women's Silk Petticoat! A
Now Half at $2.49 ,72
Originally $4.98. Only a limited quantity.
Taffeta with de'ep flounces. Good desirable
colors. v I
'Gingham Petticoats f
, Now Half at 75c 72
Regular $1.50 petticoats made of standard
gingham in various stripes. All finished with
ruffles. j
Women's Stockings 1 !
Now Half at 50c 2 j
Slightly damaged silk1 and mercerized lisle
stockings left from. previous sales. Originally
were to $l, "AH are fold -s Is.". .. i
Women's Sweaters' 1 f 1
Now Half at $3 2 I
400 sweaters that measure up to our
regular $6 grade. All wool with the exception
of one style. Popular slip-on models. Good
desirable colors.' In almost all sizes.
Women's Wash Skirts 1
Now Half at $1.50 2
Originally $3, these wash skirts are made
of substantial cotton suiting. With pockets.
Trimmed with large peart buttons. Nearly
all regular sires.
Silk Mixed Crepe 1 A
Now Half at 65c 2
A thousand yards of silk and cotton mixed
crepe de chine In many printed patterns.
Light and dark grounds. Regularly $1.29.
300 Yards Silks
Now Half at 99c
Fancy taffeta and messaline in stripes,
Checks and plaids. Origiftally sold "special"
" at $198. Yard wide. None C O. D.j no
telephone orders.
Silk Mixed Georgette 1
' Now Half at 38c 72
500 yards of silk and cotton mixed georg
ette crepe in plain white only. The regular
Cotton Suiting 1
Now Half at 30c 72
A thousand yards of the. regular 60c grade
of cotton suiting or beacbr cloth. 36 inches
. wide. , All sorts of pretty checks. J For
women's and children's dresses.
Women's Overalls
Now Half at $1
Regular $2 grades of heavy gray denim
overalls. Madfc with bib and pockets. Elas
tic at ankle. J .
I Children's Dresses
Now Half at 65c and 75c.
Almost 600 dresses for 2 to 14 year girls.
Made of gingham -and percale. A dozen
pretty styles in wanted colors. Both plain
shades and plaid. A few are of plain white
organdie. Not all sizes in any one style.
Originally they were $1.29 and $1.49. 4
Women's Underwear 1
Now Half at 33c 2
Knitted pants with tight knee or trimmed
with lace. Band top. All regular sizes.
Regular 65c grade at 33c.
Juvenile Suits
Now Half at $2.98 2 V
Regular $5.95 suits for 75 boys of 3 to
6 years. Good corduroy, blue serge and
shepherd checks. Broken sizes. Please come
early. ; ...
Boys' Good Hats 1
Now Half at 49c 2
' Regular 98c to $1.49 hats, so some are
less than half. Clean-up of odd lines from
the upstairs section. . About 200 in alL
. "" Boys Durable
Now Half at 50c
Regular $1 pants of mixed cheviots' in
almost any dark color. . Sizes 4 to 12 years
in the lot. Limited quantity.
j Boys' O. D. Knickers 1 A
Now Half at $1.25 2
Regular ' $2.49 Iwool mixed olive drab
knickerbockers. Broken sizes. Only about
too pairs.
Pants 1
Crib Blankets
Now Half at 38c
V 50 wool finished cotton crib blankets th
gray plaids. 33x40 inches. Regular 75c
Children's Overalls
Now Half at 50c
Rip-proof overalls for children 2 to 4
years. Made, of standard gray mixed denim
with double seats. Reinforced seams. Four
pockets. Originally $l.
Boys' Wash Suits 1
Now Half at 75c to $1.25 72
Regular $1.49 to "$2.49 suits for boys
2 to 8 years. Made of crash and romper
cloth in plain colors and stripes. Belted
models with collars of contrasting color.
Boys' Straw Hats
Now Half at 38c
About 300 hats that were regularly 7Sc.
They come in nearly all sizes for boys.
Men's and Boys' Belts
Now Half at 25c
All regular sizes in these belts to wear
with summer clothes. Substantial buckles.
Men's Silk Ties
Now Half at 48c
New shipment ' of men's silk or fibre ties
with wide flowing ends. Slip bands. New
patterns. . 600 ties in the lot. All regular
95c grade.'
Men's Good Shirts 1
Now Half at $1.13 72
Size 15J4 only in men's shirts made of
striped cotton flannel. Attached collar. .
Men's Suspenders 1
Now Half at 20c 72
Men's khaki suspenders made of good
elastic webbing. Previously featured In a
special sale vat 39c. Limited quantity.
M Oil Floor Mops 1
V Now Half at 19c 72
Limited quantity of the regular 50c "BIG
WONDER" oil floor mops. Use them for all
polished floors and for various cleaning pur"
poses. Packed in individual tin containers.
Now Half at 99c to $4.25
Odds' and-, eridjt left, over from large sales. Standard makes
in brokenVsizes.,. If you can find your size you will be able to get
an excellent -model -at this reduction of a half. Some slightly
soiled fr0m handling. Originally they were $1.9$ to $8.50.
Now Half at 99c to $2.99
Regular St.98 to SJ.98 grades of house dresses made of ging
ham or percale. Only about 140 dresses in the lot. Some subject
to slight imperfections or soiled from ! handling. Broken sizes
from 36 to 44. Clearaway while any remain at half. ,
Own Better Hats
Weg $4.98 to .$6.49 Now
$3.49 V;
Dozens and dozens of hats -made fori us
this spring.
User raced with reorsett repe. Vise braM kn areorrett
crepe. All taXfoUk hata. All hair hata. Xxu o brtaht colored
porta hata. ,..,. :
A big- choice for everybody! Large small or
medium , shapes. Even hats" with ostrich feather
bands! ' Many have the new flowers.
on pages 7, 9 and back
page this section, filled
with A n n i, v e r s a r y
plums that prove
"It Always Pays
to Shop at
Meier & Frank's"
If you know this helpful
this time we forego a large
Cotton Fabrics
Regular 40c to 69c. wash ma
terials at 35 c yard. 'Standard quali
ties mostly in mill lengths of 2 J4
to 10 yards. 27 to 32 inches wide.
Romper cloth, real galatea, cham
bray and cheviot. ,
Cotton Voile
Regular 50c to 60c cotton dress
voile in pretty stripes, checks,
dots, also in figures and plain
colors. All first quality and In
full bolts 6r by the yard.
White Goods
Regular SOc to 75c grades of
pretty white materials, including
the better kinds of flaxon, voile,
pique and plain and mercerized
poplin. Mostly in short lengths of
2j:to 10 yards. Yard 43c.
Cotton Challis
Regular 35c grade of yard wide
cotton challis which is excellent
. for comfort . covers. Floral and
Persian designs. Standard quality.
Full bolts.
y4 off
Regular 1.98 to I7.9S - bed
spreads now, Si. 5 4 to $5.99.
Crochet, honeycomb and satin fin
ished spreads. Crib,- single bed,
three-quarter and full" bed sizes.
Mostly samples, together" with
some odd lots from our own
stocks. A few. are subject to slight
imperfections or show signs of
section as thousands do, you 'know' that its offerings.. ate"; always underpriced. At
;: ' - - -:: il l-: jiHlili'if iK:: v
Cotton BatU
Full 3-lb. stitched batts, size
72x90 s inehes. : Made of good
clean white cotton. Regular f 1.25
grade. - ;
Couch Covers
Originally $3. Full regular size
couch covers in oriental patterns
and attractive stripes. v
Table Damask
Lengths . of fine ' mercerized
table damask, 72 inches wide,
regularly $1.50 and 1.75 yard.
Subject to v slight Imperfections,
this limited quantity in 1 to 1y
yard lengths can be badnow at
the rate of 95c yard.
Table Oilcloth
Seconds of the-TeguIat 60c grade
of stindard.4able oilcloth. Light
and dark s grounds. Limit of 12
yards tola' customer., : ..
Muslin Sheets
Considerably V'- below today's
wholesale cost.' '900 sheets, with
neat . seams' : in the center. Sizes
72x90 inches. Wot over four to, a
customer. No phone orders.
Curtain Rods
Brass extension rods for sash
and full size curtains. Some hive
lar&e silvered knobs, others with
curved ends. 'Two- for 25c
. 2000 yards of part linen towel -4
Ing bleached and semi-bleached,!;
- some with colored, borders,, ;. 16 t?'
18 inches' wide. txceJIent -for
roller towels and kitchen use.' -i
V i " j.- - '
. Turkish Towels
600 extra heavy J bath towels
woven of double threads with soft
finish., Full bleached. Plain and
athletic weaves. , Substandards.
Limit of one dozen to a customer.
$4.65 dozen or 3 9c each.
Huck Towels
x Seconds of '-SOe-t grades --now
$3.25 dozen or 29c each. Large
"size, heavy, absorbent cotton,
some with; linen finish Hem
stitched and satin striped borders.
1200 only. I
Curtain Materials
Standard '25c grade of 'mixed
curtain maeerials. Mostly , scrim,
Plain white, cream and ecru. Some
with drawn borders! 36 Inches
wide. About t500 yards in the
lot. a- j
'Curtain Materials
W :29c:r . '
. Regular $0c grade of curtain
scrims a.nd marquisette, plain-or
with colored- borders.- In the lot
stfscT ailover . deslens in light and
dark colorsr Some subject to slight
imperfections. 2000 yards at 29c.
5 Regular 45c to l cretonnes,
figured burlap," . rep and other
drapery materials. ' Yard wide.
Floral and conventional designs.
Desirable patterns and colors.
First. Quality " and mostly In full
bolts. 1000: yards in the lot
Scrim Curtains
30O pairs of good scrim cur
tains trimmed with heavy lace.
Regulation widths and lengths.
Originally priced "special" at
Rag Rugs
$1, $1.98
" Regular $1.49 and $2.49 grades
of popular rag rugs now $i and
J1.98. 27x54 inches or 36x72
inches, according to price. Hit
and miss patterns. Good quality.
' Below Regular Wholesale Costs '
Standard quality pi Nashua cotton blankets with colored . borders.
First grade. All perfect. Offered at almost the price of muslin sheets.
45x72 Inch blankets, white, and ' gray, pair $1.93
. - - 54x74 inch .blankets,., gray, tan, white, pair $2.49
64x80 inch j blankets, gray only, pair $2.98
66x80 inch .blankets, white only, pair $3.49
Coats and Dresses $ 1 5
Amazing clearaway of - all : broken assortments of women's coats, suits and dresses
in the Down Stairs; Store. Some of the reductions range from a third to HALF LESS.
These oddments are what remain of garments carefully chosen to represent extra
value at the original price Now that they have sold down to broken sizes, we offer
a great number of styles aad qualities at this one big reduction to $15.
at $15
Sizes 16 to 42 in the lot Silvertone, velour, basket
weaves and wool mixtures are included. . Semi-lined.
Popular models with leather or self belts. Tailored and
patch pockets. Some of them were as much as $24.75,
none were less than $18.75. '
The Suits at $15
Sizes 16 to 44. but not every jsize in any, one style.
Made of serge and wool Jersey, plain or trimmed with
braid, pin tucks and buttons. ' Wavy and black only.
Tailored ad belted models. Real good fortune to get
a complete suit of this good conservative kind at $15.
Originally they were $24.50 to $35.
The Dresses at $15
Sizes 16 to 48 in the lot but not in each style. Both silk and wool dresses Included at 'this delightfully small
... ....... r i i . 1 O Iam.u .Vi Iffnn 4fft4 m.tcilln. mA rn A
nrice. Just toe ritrni siyies ior aimosi any oscasiun. ocikc, wwi jvij, v""' i,v...w . .
Desirable straight lines with surplice and basque effects. Attractive colors. Everydress new. this season
Originally they were $18.75 to $26.75.
Meier ft Frank's : Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony.
Women's Shoes
1tf0 Two Extra Special Groups in This Sale
O Lcss rhan Regulap;;W h o 1 e s a 1 Cost
tvia tWa ha mm whm wfl wkh tn hnrrv out everv small lot of women's footwear in the Lower Price
Store. 1 Styles which we cannot duplicate and lots in which size -assortments are broken. So 1250 pairs of low
and hijrh shoes will eo out tomorrow at these extraordinary prices- of Sl.98 and $4.29.
O o - . . j ' -
j At $4.29
White oxfords in canvas and nubuc with military heels.;
Brown kid pumps with 'military and Louis heels.
At $1.98
Women's black kid shoes of excellent quality with cloth
tops. These are button styles with medium round toe and
Cuban heels. Medium and wide widths, sizes to 5. 250
pairs onlyV A discontinued line that originally sold at $6.50
pair. .
Gunmetal and patent leather pumps' and "oxfords with mili
tary heels. 1 ;
High shoes of gray kid with cloth tops
to match and Louis heels.
High shoes of brown kid with cloth tops
to match and Louis heels.
. Dozens of other styles in small assortments.
All sizes in the lot from 2 to 8. but
of course not '"all sizes in any one style.
At this one price of $4.29 more than 700
pairs of ahoes.are regular 5.85 to 8.85
grades.' and there are ISO pairs of sample
shoes, sizes 3 to 4 only, which would be
"regularly 6 to 12.50.
Meir Krank'a:
' Lower Price Store, Baaement Balcony.