The Attorhey-Geheral of Nevada s 7000-Word Statement in His Suit to Have the Divorce Annulled Because of the Alleged Conspiracy by. "Our ON February 15 last a demure little figure in r black, vnth. big colored goggles to disguise ! her features, stepped off a train at Minden, Nevada. ; She said she was "Miss Smith" and she f drove to the Campoell Ranch, eight miles out In the mountains. It was Mary Pickford. She had arrived from Call- ' y S . i Th TUIimJ' .Ml'i-r -tt WV JfVUL 1VJICU y. r : ': ,J V v v; V ' i Ktp. vy;:-'i 7 .-. I'- - :v .. Hi . Ik.. '.: ' k J? J x ;-'fiK:ii;Sii'i:-:;"'t I i 2: ha t . ftf y-vy:.v; t rlc,TU." - and Owen Moore to Deceive Judge wiM False .liesti - with Owen Moore since she married him, at the age of seventeen, in Jerisey City, in 1911.-y Judge Langanlgranted the divorce and Mary Pick ford left the Courtroom commenting on how. quickly and how easily te thing had been accomplished. She packed her trunk; hurried away to her home in Los Angeles, and a flw days later married Douglas Fair- f ornia to seek, a divorce from her husband, Owen E. i banks, the popular movie star. Mary Pickford and Her. New Husband, Douglas Fairbanks (and "DougV biff dog). If "Our Mary" Divorce from Owen Moore Is Cancelled by the Nevada Courts It Will Make a v ery nmoarrasimg j uuauuu the Newly Married Couple,' Mr. and Mrs. Fairbanks. MARY PICKFORiyS divorce! suit against Owen E. Moore at Minden, Nevada, ; was begun on' Monday, March 1. ''Our Mary" sat in the witness chair for half an hour next day, Tuesday, and before sundown ehe had 'been granted her divorce. As Mary Pickford left the little court room she remarked her surprise at the quickness with which it had all been ac complished -"begun on Monday, ended on Tuesday," she said'. And somebody; In the courtroom quoted the Old Mother Goose rhyme of Solomon Grundy: Solomon Grundy, Born on a Monday, Christened on Tuesday, Married on 'Wednesday- Took ill on Thursday, Worse on Friday, Died on Saturday, Buried on Sunday. This Is the end of Solomon Grundy. The Pickford divorce had, indeed, moved swiftly- begun on Monday, ended, on Tues day, and Miss Pickford ) leaves Nevada in a day or two and hurries back to Los Angeles, Cal. And on March 28 "Our Mary married Douglas Fairbanks, the popular movie star. .:",..(,,.. :j But a cloud was gathering on the matri monial horizon. The sweet honeymoon was disturbed by rumors that the divorce proceedings were being investigated. On April 16 a piece of news came over the wires from Nevada that shocked Mary Pickford and drove the genial smile from the face of Douglas Fairbanks the Attor ney General of . that St&to had begun a suit to annul the divorce I j ' " Of course, everybody knows that .the divorce laws of Nevada are extremely liberal. Almost anything will do there as an excuse for a divorce. The peculiar Nevada law was passed many years ago upon the theory that the binding together of male and female in wedlock when love and respect no longer existed was a situa tion which ought to be made easy to bring to an end. . x i . M But there was one thing which the law Insisted on: that the person bringing the divorce action must be an "actual, bona fide resident of the State and County for more than six months or "where the plain tiff being an actual resident pf thei County the defendant can be ; found within the County and personally served therein." It is here that the whole trouble arises for Mary Pickford. Was Mary Pickford aa "actual, bona Moore, under the very easy divorce laws of the State of Nevada. ' One thing Nevada is insistent upon in a speedy divorce that the defendant in a divorce action shall either appear in court during: the trial or that it should I btproved to the judge that notice of the divorce suit had actually been served on " him in the State of i Nevada to give him opportunity to appear in the action. : A few days after Mary Pickford Moore arrived in Nevada, by quite an extraordinary coincidence Owen Moore himself got off a train and spent a few hours in a town just a few miles away from his famous wife. Mr. Moore remained just long enough to let Mary Pickford 's lawyers serve him with the necessary legal notice of the suit; I : : j That was on Monday, March 1. j The next day, Tuesday, March 2, the same quietly gowned little figure, wearing the same big colored goggles, took a seat in the Douglass County Court room at Minden. At five o'clock in the afternoon the divorce suit of Gladys M. Moore against Owen Ei Moore was called, and "Our Mary" slipped into the witness chair, took oath to tell the truth, and then gave the testimony which was printed on this page last Sunday, detailing her wretched matrimonial life But Mary Pickford 'a happy honeymoon as Mrs. Douglas Fairbanks was rudely disturbed by the crush ing news that the Attorney-General of the State of Nevada had brought suit demanding that the decree divorcing Mary Pickford from Owen Moore be an nulled. ' '.. . f ' . The assertions set forth under oath by Attorney. General Fowler in his complaint are extraordinary. Without mincing words the Attorney-General swears that Mary Pickford has schemed and conspired to mislead and trifle with the courts of Nevada, and thai she is guilty of pllusion, fraud and false testimony. Exactly what is charged against; her Is Uld in full elsewhere on this page-to-day. And if the divorce is upset? - What a distressing mess it makes of her marrlagt to Douglas Fairbanks ! ; And if another little Mary Pickford should coma into the world presently would its name legally b Fairbanks, Pickford or Moore? Next Sundajf on this page will be printed Mary Pickford s answer to the charges made by Attorney General Fowler a- explained by Miss Pickford's law yer and what they are going to do about it. Mary Pickford's Testimony Which the Attorney General Says Is False - QUESTION BY LAWYER M'CARRAN (Mary Pickford. Attorney) Where do you, live? " ANSWER BY MARY PICKF(RD MOORE At Genoa. Nevada. Q When! did you first come here? v A The 15th day of February. 4 , Q Have you any other residence? - A No. . ; ' -,: : Q It is your Intention to makef Nevada your residence? A Yes. - .. . , . !i . ' V ' Q Mrs. Moore, did you by any means know of tho cominf of your husbanJ into this State? I ;. A No, sir. Q uia you View of the Only Street in the Little Town of Minden, Nevada. It Looks Like a Motion Picture "Set? with the Only Hotel (A) in Town Where Mr. Moore Stopped a Few Hours, the Courthouse (B) Planted at the End of the Street, and the Picturesque, Snow ' . ' - capped Range of Mountains in the Background. fide" resident of Nevada? j alary Pickford has sworn that she was then, and Intended to remain permanently : a resident of Nevada. ' ' ' The Attorney-General swears that he has Information to prove that this Is not true that Mary Pickford never, at any time, vras an actual resident of Nevada and never la tended to he.;. r;i.' It has been pointed out that It was a curious coincidence that Immediately fol lowing the arrival of Mary Pickford In Douglas County, Nevada, her husband, Owen Moore, should ave happened to ar rive In that same Douglas County, Nevada.. The clause In the law as 'quoted above per mits a divorce action to move with great speed "where the defendant (Owen Moore) can be found within the county aad per sonally served therein." 1 5 Did Owen Moore, by. a miraculous chance, happen into Douglas County," Nevada, just at that opportune moment without know ing that his wife was there and that It was vitally important for her lawyers to be able to serve the papers In the suit "within the county?" Or.waa It a prearranged scheme to have Mr. Moore come and stay just long enough to be served and satisfy the legal requirements of the case? Mary Pickford swears that she had nothing to do with her husband's opportune arrival and hadnt the slightest Idea that he was coming to Nevada. -. ' ' The Attorney-General declares that it was a put-up Job and that Mary Pickford and Owen Moore arranged 1( all In advance as a part of their conspiracy to go through the hollow forms required by law. In view of tho accusations made by the Attorney-General against Mary Pickford, it Is interesting to read her testimony. First and last during her examination Miss Pick ford was asked and answered 161 ques tions.: - : ". Her testimony on the question of whether she intended to become an actual, bonaflde resident of Nevada Is very-explicit. And her sworn answers to the ques tions as to how she happened to hear about he husband's arrival In Nevada are also perfectly clean cut and unequivocal. It is interesting to note how Judge Lan. gan gave special attention to those two points whether Mary Pickford was a gen uine resident of the State and how it hap pened that the defendant, Owen Moore, happened along so opportunely. Judge Langan listened to Mary Pick ford's answers to her lawyer and then the Judge went over the . whole ground him self with " great care and particularity. Was Judge Langan suspicious? - Why should His Honor, after Mary Pickford's answers to her lawyer, lead her over the same ground again and make her repeat her flatfooted statements? And if Mary Pickford on the movie screen, is convincing so Mary Pickford (O 1080. &ttMtloiial iMltn Barrio J was thoroughly convincing in the part, she . was playing as plaintiff in her divorce suit.: After the most searching, questions Judge Langan remarked: V" I "I think I have gone Into these questions pretty thoroughly. l feel that I should do so In all of these matters in. view of the fact that Our statute requires alx months residence. Therefore we should look into these mattvs thoroughly." But Attorney General Fowler swears that Mary Pickford was acting a part. Just as the famous actress has played the part of a naughty girl In short skirts, or an In jured wife, In tears, so, the Attorney Gen eral claims, the actress was on this oc casion pretending to be what she really was not a resident of the State of Nevada. - m The Attorney General asserts that Mary Pickford has long been the owner of a home and was an actual resident of Los Angeles, California. He swears she came to Nevada for the purpose of 'taking ad vantage of the easy divorce laws and never for a moment was an actual resident of the etate and never had any intention of per-. znanently residing in' Nevada. Can the Attorney-General prove this . or is he doing a great injustice to Mary Pickford? With equal posltlveness Attorney-General SiMt BriUa BUfcts make any arrangements whereby, he was to come Into this Stater f ,8;: . ANo, sir. -'j:.:' Q When did you first learn thaji he was in this State? A My manager told me Mr. Moore was coming to Nevada to look for coal mine for one of his pictures. H ' Q And did he mention any plajre that your husband might be going to? A Yes, rfe said something sbott Virginia City. QUESTION BY JUDGE LANGAN Do you know where there are coal mines in "irginia City? You mean gold mines. , J ANSWER BY MARY PICKFpRD MOORE Yes, gold mines. j QUESTION BY LAWYER MCARRAN What, if anything, did you do on hearing that he might come into h State? ( ANSWER BY MARY PICKFORD MOORE Why, I telephoned you and . Informed you. Q Did you see Mr. Moore? ; ANr. Sr. QUESTION BY THE JUDGE Did you have anything to do with ths appearance of Mr. Moore in this vicinity? I ANSWER BY MARY PICKFpRD MOORE No. sir 1 O I want to have you very clear on this. No arrangements were made be tween yourself and your husband whjereby he was to come into this State?, . . A No, sir. : I 5 ' - ';-: ': ' Q When! was It that you determined to stay In Nevada? A Whenj the doctor told me thJtt I needed a change. Q And when was that? A That waa at Christmas, about 'two weeks after. Q Have you ever, directly or ndirectlvf had any understanding with Mf. Moore that you should tome into thf State of Nevada, and after being here, that he should come into this State, andj.that you should institute divorce proceed ings and have him served with papetfi? A No. sir. . . , I Q Is it your purpose and intention to remain in the State of Nevada as a resident and particularly in the bounty or uougiasr A Yes, sir. "1 Q Is it your purpose to build iere? A Well, if I can find a nlace tc' suit me I will. Q And you have given up Los Angeles as vour residence and your perma nent residence is Genoa, Douglas County, Nevada? I A Until I regain my health, but .this will be my home. j Q Do I understand that you have come into this State in good faith, seek ing health and nothing else? , ; -. ' . A Yes, sir. ... ' . . Q That you have not come Into the State of Nevada for the purpose of in stituting divorce proceedings? ' L f A No, sir. Q That is absolutely so? ' AAhn1iit-1xr rt : RY THE TUDGE I think I have rone into this question pretty thorough. ly. I feel that I.should do sO in all of these matters in view of the fac t that our .1 statute requires a six months residence matters thoroughly, Therefore we should look into these That is al Towler asserts Mary Pickford's Mrs. Moore. that there Is no truth . In 'sworn statement that she lid not know that her husband was coming to Nevada. On the contrary, the Attorney Seneral asserts that a conspiracy was formed and that Owen Moore, by previous irrangement and collusion with Mary Pick ford. came to the State and the county for iie purpose of assisting her in obtaining s , divorce, contrary to the spirit and require ments of the law of the State. But Mary Pickford and Owen Moore are not where. Attorney-General Fowler I can get his hands on them. Tbey are in Cali fornia, and the jurisdiction of the Attorney General does not extend beyond tho bord ers of the State of Nevada. When a law suit 1 brought it is necessary to serve notice of the suit on the party the suit 'is