The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1920, Page 55, Image 55

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Miniature of Monument Being
Erected in Memory of Naval
Battle Will" Travel in Truck.
By William T. Perkins
"We have met the enemy and they
are ours," was the word sent by
Perry after the hail of round shot
had ceased. That was long ago. Th$
ships of those two fleets long: since
have mouldered; their missiles of
Iron lie buried deep in the waters of
Lake Erie. The great ' peace was
made, and for an hundred years
neither frowning grun nor pacing: sen
tinel 'has guarded the long: frontiers
which stretch from the Strait of
Georgia to the Bay of Fundy. ' , ",j
And how "the children of a common
mother" are uniting in ; the erection on
the boundary Hne at Blaine, Washing
ton, of a great portal In commemoration
ofvthe century of peace..
- In order that the citizens of our country-living
on the Pacific coast "may
know of this great undertaking, a peace
ship, bearing a replica .of the portal now
being erected, la traversing the high
way which leads from the Canadian
line to the Mexican border.
But this ship is a truck, fleeter by far
than were the ships of Perry, and serv
ing in its mission of peace as proudly
and as valiantly as it has served in
days of carnage;
It Is peculiarly fitting that the White
should have been chosen for this mis
sion, for it was a White fleet that nobly
earned the croIx de guerre on Flanders'
rain-swept fields, emerging with honest
scars won through unfailing devotion to
stern duty ! The truck carrying the
replica already is a veteran In Western
service, being one of the fleet operated
Motorcycle Eiders
Leave for Highway:
; Trip in Washington
i -
: A Sunday's Junket to be staged by the
men of the motorcycle world will carry
the riders up through the state of Wash
ington along the Pacific highway. Plans
for the run ' called for a meeting last
night at the Motorcycle tc Supply com
pany's headquarters at Third and Taylor
streets, where all riders gathered and
headed for Kelso. Last night was spent
in the open air between Kelso and Cas
tlerock and the trip on to Chehalis will
be resumed this morning.
' The' run, whfch is under auspices of
the Rose City Motorcycle club, is one of
a series held by the two-wheeled' artists
every week-end. They are expected to
return to Portland tonight..
Burning Out Coll
: When the spark gap of a plug Is too
great, so that the current cannot Jump
the gap, there is danger of burning out
the secondary wire of the coil through
nea. i cauaeu ay ine Ereai resistance,.
by Alfred L. Parkhurst, of the Crater
Lake Transportation company. - -Through
the intercession of C. W.
Cornell, manager of the White com
pany's Portland branch, it was obtained
for the present trip, after which little
jaunt of a few thousand miles it will
be feeling In good spirits for the season
of summer 'travel to Crater lake.
The idea of the peace portal replica
and of Its long journey by truck was
conceived by, Samuel C. Lancaster, the
man who, dreams' great visions, and who
then fares forth and sees that they be
come realities, as witness his enduring
monument, the Columbia' river highway,
in the building of which he was chief
engineer;: cutting through great cliffs
of solid rock, throwing wondrous struc
tures of, concrete across Impassable
chasms, yet never disturbing a tree, a
brock or a flower that might yield some
thing of pleasure to the one who, long
afterward, should pass by over that
mighty causeway!
It Is expected that the peace portal
will be Completed by the first of Sep
tember.- i Fitting dedication ceremonies
will be held, at which time citizens of.
the United States and of Canada will
have -the pleasure of passing under, the
erat arch, and or renewing m a com
mon language theiifc vows of unending
friendship their wish for a peace as
enduring .as the monument itself i
THave you ever been pinched T'
"Yep, and then badly squeezed
find enough money to pay my fine."
This week'st paraphrase Sweet 16,
never been pinched, never had a smash
In these prohibitionous times some
men get along for months on a gallon.
If a gasoline were prohibited, perhaps
we could work the same gag on our
cars. :
We now hear of an oil man who
bought himself an ouija- board so he
could talk to the motor spirits.
Our eyrs o'erf low
For Isaac Lakes;
Th boob forsot
. To tent bis brakes.
. - --- - -- ' - - . -; ' ; . ' ....... ;
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ftes Vi i b ) IA;a
Work Soon to Begin
Construction work on the Ford garage
and distributing plant at Moro is soon
to commence. Manager R. S. Goff, who
has charge of this territory, informed
the -writer that five cars, 15 factors,
had been sold her this spring. The
The mild-mannered man was wearing
his arm In a sling.
"What's the trouble?" asked the man
who always tries to be sympathetic
"Too much spark? Tour Clvver kick
you?" i
"No ; too much horsepower," said the
wounded hero. "I ' was clipping the
beast and he took me for a fly'
w we mipnt nave caiiea uie aay Deiore
the primaries a banner day for the
motor car.
Stranger How far is it to Podunk?
Native (looking at the, car he drove)
Oh, about two gallons of gas.".
, 1 A HINT
To motorists: When traveling an un
improved road, and the- car becomes
stuck on a stump, don't blow up the
stump jack up the car.
Excursion East to
Speedway Reported
Delayed Until 1921
The proposed excursion from cities in
Washington and Oregon to Tthe Memo
rial day events at the Indianapolis speed
way on May SI has been called off bjr
the' Tacoma Speedway associatipn, ac
cording to advices from Tacoma. t
Owing to the fact that so many- busi
ness men are interested in the coming
Shrine convention at Portland and the
Republican national convention in Chi
cago, twas believed advisable to post
pone the trip by motor car dealers and
others to Indianapolis until, next year.
W. C Baldwin, president of the Ta
coma speedway, will make ' the trip to
Indianapolis to witness the races and
upon his return will bring with, him aO or
12 of the best known drivers in the na
tion. The men will take part In the
championship events at the Tacoma
speedway on July 5. ! .. - ;
The new- grandstand at the Tacoma
speedway is under construction and when
completed will be one of the largest in
the Northwest. The stand will seat 15,
000 people ' and about two-thirds will be
under cover. s
Fifteen drivers will compete this year
for a puree of 125,000. The race will be
for 225 miles. i f
z. :t. r-
' An i t y
1 Xi JPT'Tma
h '4..
Pendleton Fitting Up
Auto Tourist Ground
A two-acre tract, with grass and
shade, is being fitted up in Pendleton's
east end, for an automobile. tourist camp
ground. It will be completed by June
1. One thousand dollars will . be ex
pended on ; improvements, light, water
and camp stoves being installed and
benches and tables' provided, i A care
taker has been employed.' Round-T7p
park will not longer be used and road
Scenes at Oregon City, where cara
van bit Padfic highway for the
south. Lower Officer In charge
of military contingent from Camp
signs are being changed to lead motor
ists to the camp, which may be reached
by following Lewis street to its east es-tremlty.
Takes Trip to Spokane
Peter McCraken of the McCraken Mo
tor company has left Portland for a busi
ness visit to SpokAne and other Eastern
Washington points. When last seen, Mc
Craken was headed north in an Ameri
Can Beauty six, and somebody says he
heard him say he would be gone about
ten days.
; : liilltPiiill lliitsi 0m
J La. ,
WOMEN of discriminatioQ
. who drive their own cars
find keenest pleasure in , a per
fectly balancedKeasily controlled,
quick-about car, which so pleases
the eye that gratification is un
In the Jordan one finds aSun-
idant power combined with light
ness, comfort and a grace of line
jvhich delights the eye.
It is acar built not alone toT
mee but to exceed the ideals of
foremost American and Euro
pean makers of fine cars. -
This has been the Jordan aim
from the very first
To build a motor car so com-
pletc so perfectly in harmony
with good taste, that.Jordan driv
ers would experience ; complcto
satisfaction pa all occasions. :
- Broadway at Oak, Portland, Oregon
Business Thriving
In Falifornia, Says
j Pray on Visit Here
i A. J. Pray, western representative for
the Stephens Motor works, manufactur
ers of Stephens Six cars, reports that
business in California seems to be in
very healthy condition. He has Just
come up from the southland to Portland
for a visit to the Hamilton Motor com
pany, local Stephens distributors, for
the purpose of looking into local affairs
and familiarizing himself with the de
mand for cars in this locality with
view to having a more equal dlstribu
tion of the product brought about.
rne oinctais oi the local company
took Pray over some of the bits of
charming Oregon roads, and the factory
man admitted himself much delighted
with Portland's appearance and progres
siveness. ;
building win be 100 by 100, of concrete,
a site having been purchased some time
ago, ' . . -
- On Official Visit
A. L. Daen of the Clyde Cars company,
manufacturers of Clydesdale trucks, is
In the city on an official visit, and will
make a more of less protracted stay
while looking over the local territory.
This is one of the periodical visits of the
factory man, who Is taking a blrdaeye
view of tne whole coast fieldwhile he
Is on the ground and has the chance.
& rfSS ?.1f?fl ,1 wp;.--.- V.
I i a-aMssssMSassi l s i i . ' ' ,1
J UJVj v j CnJ LjiJ tyj UiJ CVX
Graham Takes Rest
R. R. Graham, the versatile Willard
roan of the Portland Storage Battery
company, has been forced to depart from
our midst to seek rest and relaxation in
the vicinity of Marshfield. His asso
ciates opine ' that the strain has been
rather hard, and a vacation is in order.
Just what the length of Graham's stay
in the south will be is not divulged.
"How did you get her to believe what
you said about that rival salesman's
car?" " i
"I told It to her in strictest confi
dence.". ;
$1995 .
" : Pounds
- We do not claim that no trucks are built as well as DAY-ELDER trucks,
but we DO assert and prove beyond peradventure thatno trucks built at
ANY price are made of better materials than the DAY-ELDER.
- But there is far more to be said of DAY-ELDER trucks than this,
namely, tluit they are ie greatest values in worm-drive trucks at their prices
in America. These are not merely our views of the proposition. They are
facts that are common knowledge in the industry and by their owners.
They are facts which a comparison of the specifications with other worm
drive trucks of the same carrying capacity will clearly and emphatically estab
lish. Let us give you. ALL of the facts.
v 9000
Portland, Oregon.
Twelfth and Flanders SU.
An Ideal Touring Gar!
The Elgin Six Sedan
Careful .estimates
reveal that 50 of
all cars to be sold
this year would be
Sedans if produc
' tion facilities could
Price $2850 f . o. b. Portland
We Can Prove Our Right to This Title
"Ask Us to Demonstrate!
You find the 5-passenger Sedan, 4Jie
All Year Round Comfort Car, as wel
come in the most critical social circles
as it is dear to the hearts of practical,
common sense car owners.
If you have never toured in a closed car, ask
the man who has. He will tell you why he
enjoys every moment of his trip. No dust, no
wind, no rain, arid yet cool and comfortable
on the hottest day and snug and cozy in win
ter. In fact; all of the exhiliration of the open
car with none of its discomforts.
The Elgin's efficient weight and size make long overland
V tours as practical as short evening rides about the city's
boulevards. . -. ....
Prompt Delivery Can. Be Made
U n ited Mo to r s Co .
347-351 Burnside Street
Phone Broadway 2393
"That Brilliant Spot Just Off Broadway: