tr LT If ,.-r . MfN - r5 iv VI tlL -rrrir:- . -i jj, - ;.?.:, -.',.,7?'.. vrirU i y.sf.f ' -tZ-l II 'SVi -t-I fc!?J ?-v:".?"" U V. " ' 4 :;;iatir" S:rK!?tVgJO ,.Vi . 'T'flBf , 1 -ImP '.v. , A ,.,.,.v. Iff v K. f : U.- O G N'T" ?,- 'i . ':' Cr 1 4 ' ' 5: A , rK - CM' i' k "It " i'f J '-li' 'V.U' (' 43 Scoubs tuivafiediiseu t . e . ----- " V, ' " v ' 7 f.-. y.-x:.;..:-;v. :.T. .-cv.i.:X;.."s::.--.- .&-.-::;-: v.o vie-:-:-: -:-1-:-::-:v:.i:-:- 'v; v'' vl:::'S:... at r r. - 4 " v. automobile trip out through the valley of the Molalla is a run of great est interest at any time, but: in late spring the road , to Wilhoit Springs hath charms indeed to. soothe the savage,. or otherwise, ;motoring mind.; The road has been one usually , spoken of .with a, question mark of rather large 'proportions after it, but motor ists may ease their minds on that score.- A Journal scout party last Sunday discovered the highway, through Molalla and Mulino to. be in good condition, and while it is no boulevard, as the term is usually .accepted, the going is calculated to inspire no thoughts of vengeance on the part' of the oar owner against, the highway commission's efforts in that part (Continued on Pmca 'Tit. This Section) it tn ill f 1 f .11 f If hut " I Ik ' - f v. - - V, At' ' W ' , ' ' 1-1. , U Cbitibi'cfv m t. V-l , V " ' , . . ' flfl-iriin,.i. ""'""ill ,., , row