The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1920, Page 43, Image 43

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MK Hit
Benefit Bridge T
Wednesday for
U. of 0. Building
RESERVATIONS hare been completed
for the benefit bridge tea to be
given Wednesday at Portland Heights
club by the member of the Mills col
lepe club to raise funds for the women's
building of the University of Oregon.
The bridge hours are from 2 to 4 o'clock
with additional g-uest at the tea hour
when no fixed sum will be asked for
those in attendance but box will be
placed for an offering to be added to
the fund for those who wish to add their
mite for the good of the cause.
Among- those who have made reserva
tions for bridge are Mrs. Thomas D.
Hoheyman, Mrs. Henry E. Jones, Mrs.
W. B. Washburn, Miss Henrietta Fall
ing, Mrs. Joseph N. Teal, Mrs, William
C. Alvord, Mrs. Frederick E. Judd, Mrs.
William L. Thompson and others.
Mrs. Cyrus A. olph and Mrs. F. M.
Warren will preside at the tea hour,
and Mrs. Frederick A Nltchy, Mrs. R
L. Benson and Mrs. Charles J. Schnabel
will, act as patronesses.
m - m-
Mrs. ' Walter K. Everett entertained
the Past Matrons club of Camella chap
ter, O. E. S. May IS. at the American
apartments. The guests were Mrs. L.
M. Davis, Mrs. Amelia J. Cutler, Mrs.
Mary Martin. Mrs. C. W. Miller,- Mrs.
L T. Mason, Mrs. A. H. Trego, Miss
Nellie McKlnley, Mrs. Paul W. Kreyer,
Mrs. F. A. Van Kirk. Mrs. R. U Al
drlch, Mrs, ! O. S. Cutler, Mrs. O. E.
Hamaker, Mrs. F. M.' Brooks. Miss
Marion Cole, Mrs. T. A. Crawford, O.
A. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Everett. The
next meeting wHl be with Mrs. Charles
Pye, 20 West Simpson street. June S.
Mbn Emily Loveridge, superintendent
of Good Samaritan hospital, has as her
house guest her niece, Mrs. Joseph Bork
ef Buffalo, N. T.- Mrs. Bork will spend
several weeks in Portland.
Suimystde Social club. Order of East
ern Star, will give a card party Wednes
day at the Masonic temple. East Thirty
ninth street and Hawthorn avenue. '
Announcement was made of the en-
gagement of Miss Esther Hawkins to
Gilbert McLennan Saturday at a pretty
tea given in honor of the bride-elect by
Mrs. Arthur Allen and Mrs. Frank
Mlhnos at the home of the latter- in
Rose City park. Forty girl friends of
the guest of honor called during the
hours of 3 and 5 o'clock and the affair
was a delightful one. Miss Hawkins is
the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Hawkins of this city and is a sister of
Judge Martin Hawkins. No date has
been set for the wedding. .
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Taylor and child
ren of Cornucopia are registered at the
Hotel, Portland. ,
When the little June bride
starts on the honeymoon trip
she wants the smartest of
tailleurs to lend assurance to
her new dignity. Brides-to-be.
we'd like to help plan
your tailored suit May we?
Ladles' Tailors
5 th Floor Columbia Bldg.
Estrasee next RIvoII Theatre
1115 -V
p r;-r'- -' -
f1 ) ' - ;
ri tt rC'' fi 1 , A
r ; Vv,"K 1 ; . ' v jy
f, ibs : v 5 - iP
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" i ' "'l'1"','y''ll'IIIWM
MRS. RAYMOND L. FAULKNER, who was hostess for
a recent function given in honor of Mrs. George Monroe
- Olson of Mackinaw, Island, M idw who was her house
guest for a short time in the city.
jJ t:
At, S
jr. V-
Dinner Party
Celebration of
Silver Wedding
-LTJL were hosts for a dinner of 28 cov
ers at their attractive home in Laurel'
hurst last week on the occasion of their
silver wedding ; anniversary. . Following
the dinner the guests enjoyed cards and
a delightful evening was spent. At the
dinner R. T. Appleby presided as toast
master. Covers were placed for Mr.
and Mrs.; J. T. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs.
R. T-i Appleby,- Mr. and Mrs. G. E.
Byrnes, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Shaw, Cap
tain and Mrs. S. A. Anderson, Mr. and
Mrs. J, V. Swan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Colton.; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White.-Mr.
and Mrs. H- Eichenberger, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Cheesbrough, Captain Orin Painter,
Mrs. Myrle Bloore, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
R. - Rogers Miss Helen K." Clark, Miss
Ethel Wheeler, Miss Mabel Byrnes, Miss
Lavlne Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Hannon have
returned to Portland following a tour
of several weeks in California, durinsr
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which i they visited Yosemite valley.
After a few weeks spent in Portland
they win leave for a motor trip through
Glacier National park. Mrs. Hannon
was Miss Nina Joy before her marriage.
Miss Kitty G. Moore became the)rlde
of Harry S. WlHiford at Vancouver,
Wash.,! May 19. The 'service was read
by the Rev. C C. Curtis In the presence
of the immediate relatives of the bridal
couple. ' The bride is a daughter of
Mrs. C J. Moore of Portland.
Wlnslow Meade circle No. 7, Ladies
of the G. A. R-, will hold a special
meeting Monday at 1:30 o'clock at 525
courthouse. As this is the last business
meeting of the season before the con
vention, all members are requested' to
attend.; .
.'-" i ' ;'";.-; :.; .'':.,'.' -.
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Biologists at
Reed Hold Their
Annual Jinks
BIOLOGY students of Reed college
concluded their year's activities with
their annual jinks, which, proved to be
one of the most enjoyable of Reed's in
formal social events. : Beginning with a
picnic dinner near Crystal Springs lake,
the evening's festivities Included a play
especially writing for the occasion by
Mrs. Harry Beal Torrey. wife of Pro
fessor Torrey of the Reed biology de
partment, and an informal dance at the
Torrey home.
The play,; "The Black Bag," was a
clever skit, which burlesqued the young
doctor,- who goes L about armed with
blood pressure gauges, and who seeks
various ailments among his friends and
strangers. The parts were taken by
Katharine Kerr, Julia Harrison, Arthur
McLean and Carl Wilson. ' coached by
Mrs. Torrey. KirkPrlndle, president of
the Biology club, was director of the
evening's performance. : :&
The Rev. and Mrs. F, C. Laslette were
guests of honor at a reception given for
their pleasure at the Glencoe Baptist
church, of which Rev. Laslette is pastor.
Mrs. Laslette has lately returned from
Chicago, where she has just finished
two years course of study at the Moody
institute. After a pleasant program
they were presented with gifts from the
congregation and light refreshments
were served. The program of evening
follows: Piano and cello duet. Mr. and
Mrs. Claude Hurd ; reading, Mrs. E. F.
Patterson ; vocal solo, Miss Loraine
Gingrich; reading, Mrs. Emma Walton;
presentation. Otto Newbaeur : prayer, A.
D. Bosserman.
A community- dance will be held at
Jefferson High school in the gymnasium
Friday evening. ' A ii dancing teacher
from the community service .will be
present to assist the committee, o
Mrs. George W. Joseph is at the home
of her mother in Douglas county. She
left Portland Sunday following a mes
sage telling of the illness of her mother.
Distinction and
are i expressed in every
line of the tailored
frocks, suits and sport
clothes made by the lead
In ' tailoring establish
ment of Norman Bros.
We will be glad to discuss
with you any of -your re
quirements for Summer.
North mctara Bank Saildlns.
BeautHyt Complexion
By re ne'e
Guaranteed to reman a
tan, freckles, punples-
lirer-spots, etc Ex
treme cases 20 days
Rids pores and tissues of impurities.
Leaves the skia' clear, soft, healthy. At
leading toilet counters. Ii they haven't
h, by mail, two sixes, 60c and SL2Q.
KATJOftAL TOILET CtX. rmrim. Tessa..
Sold by
Toilet Coasters
I As
Arts and Crafts
Annual Showing
Attracts Many
t mm annual showing of the work of
JL the Arts and Crafts society at the
Multnomah hotel last week was an oc
casion of unusual interest because of the
excellent work of the members of the
organization during' the past year. The
exhibit Included a wide variety of hand
craftsmanship and prizes were awarded
this . year . to Miss Florence Pierce,
who - took first honors for her en
tire collection of ; work ; Mrs. Trultt
Hughes, who won ' second honors
for a charming bit ' of linen , fash
ioned with rare design and coloring Into
a tea cloth ; and to Mrs. Ferdinand C.
Smith, whose work as a painter of fur
niture, was displayed in" the interesting
design of a chest and a dainty , break
fast table which won much admiration.
A number of pieces of cluny sent by
Mrs. M. Moutchalln of Carson, Wash-,
were among the Interesting things
shown. Hand woven linen was the pre
dominating material used for the em
broideries, in which class were bags,
table covers, bed spreads, luncheon sets,
cushion tops and various bits of inter
eating design-and workmanship.
A display of batik, sent by Mrs.
Everett Babcbck, caused much interested
comment, and a number of pieces of
basketry and; glazed and unglazed pot
tery, the Work of T. W. C. A. classes,
were much admired. A' collection of
artistic photographs, the work of Miss
Clementine Hirsch, showed unusual art
istry in choice and treatment of sub
jects and finished photographic work.
An unusual bit of heavy filet, done by
Miss Rosemary Baldwin and Mrs. Jesse
Honeyman. .was among the contribu
tions; other articles including smocks,
lamp shades, a screen of charming de
sign and original workmanship, and
other articles of beauty and utility were
exhibited. The exhibit will be open until
Monday evening and the public is in
vited. Those in charge of the display are:
Mrs. Lee Hoffman, president of the
society; Judge Charles H. Carey, Folger
Johnson, Mrs. A. K. Rockey, Miss
Cecelia O'Reilly, Mrs. Frank J. . Cobbs,
Mrs. Stewart B. Linthicvm, Mrs. I ver
ett Babcock, Mrs. O. A. Lyman, Mrs.
E. L. Harmon, Mrs. Trultt Hughes, Mrs.
Ferdinand C Smith, Miss Clementine
Hirsch, Miss Rosemary Baldwin, Mrs.
M. A. M. Ashley, Mrs. James Etonian.
Harry M. Wentz, Morris H. White
house, Miss Anna B. Crocker, Mrs. Julia
Marquam, Mrs. Ralph ' Moody, Miss
Bertha, Stuart, Miss Lilly Fox, Miss
Marjorie Noble. -
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Babcock have
tfs their house guests Mr. and Mrs. H.
L. Delano of Montclair, New Jersey, who
are on their way home from Pasadena.
Mrs. Delano is a sister of Mrs. Babcock.
tflP' " r0r.d i-rAf jpcoq 1 11 , , -pooa J
-rAWriF "poo , , . . zpoog-r: 1 , , noQ" . . o 'V
innr, MftOCI PO Ou , . ,
r -v v :
In the new Sports
Wear Section which
has been' spaciously
enlarged to meet the
m demand of this popu
lar department. --Second
f. j . en f -
Featured for Sports and
Resort Week v
Smart Jersey Goats
Portland's greatest sport coat
value in a good range of colors,
very suitable for. other wear as
well as sports.;
Trim Little
Velour Goats $35 .
Soft of fabric, refined in style
and very serviceable for light wear.
Tan, navy; black. - -
Misses Downing
Are Married at
Double Wedding
ryVHE double wedding ceremony which
JL united Miss Opal Downing to Walter
O. Korlann and Miss Roberta. Downing
to June S. Jones Wednesday evening
at the East Side Christian church was
one of the pretty events of the season.
For the occasion the church was beau
tifully decorated in lilacs and greens
with - a bridal arch of snowballs and
palms. The service was read at 1 :30
o'clock in the presence' of a large com
pany of friends and relatives of the
bridal couples by the Rev. R. H.
Sawyer. Preceding the ceremony, Per
cy T. Haanigan sang the bridal hymn
which was followed by the wedding
march, played by Miss Margaret Nolz.
i Preceding the bridal party, and acting
as ushers were 10 sorority sisters of
the brides Including Miss Esther Peter
son, Miss Helen Calbraith, Miss Dorothy
Anderson, Miss Belle Countryman, Miss
Marie Tonseth. Miss Louise Pickens,
Miss Ella Gunderson, Miss Selma Wet
teland. Miss Irene Reynolds and Miss
Madeline Sutherland. The attendants
were gowned in dainty frocks of pastel
tinted organdie. . .
Dorothy Miller and Jane Shackley,
gowned in ruffed net and carrying bas
kets of pink sweet peas and blue forget-me-nots,
led the way for the bridal
parties. . - .rir;
Attending Miss Roberta Downing was
Mrs. Vernon White, matron of honor,
gowned in pale blue crepe de- chins and
tulle and carrying a bouquet of pink
sweet peas. Miss Faith Jones, as brides
maid, wore apple green taffeta and car
ried pink sweet peas. Attending Miss
Opal Downing was Miss La Zona Melch
lng, maid of honor, gowned in pink taf
feta and carrying a bouquet of lavender
sweet peas. Miss Ella May Wheeler,
bridesmaid. o. wore apricot taffeta, and
carried a bouquet of lavender sweet peas.
Miss Roberta Downing wore a bridal
robe of ivory satin, and real lace, with
a full length veil, held in place by a
coronet of real lace and orange blossoms.
The flowers were a shower bouquet of
brides' roses and lilies-of-the-valley.
i Miss Opal Downing was gowned in
ivory satin and tulle. Her full length
veil was held in place by a coronet of
orange blossoms. She carried a shower
boquet of Ophelia rose's, lilles-of -the-valley
and sweet peas.
June S. Jones was attended bar Arthur
Olson. Arthur Scheufler acted as best
man for Walter O. Korlann.
s At the close of the ceremony, Miss
Mildred Fennimore sang "Because."
: The ceremony was followed by a re
ception in the church parlors.
; The brides are the charming daughters
of Dr. and Mrs. L.-S. Downing.: Both
are graduates of Washington high school
and are members of Tan Alpha Omega
Week Devoted to the Selling of the Season's
Smartest Sports and Vacation Wear
sorority. Miss Roberts, Downing for the
past year has beer traveling as a
reader for EUlson-Whlte Chautauqua.
Miss Opal, until a few months ago, was
employed at tbs Northwestern National
bank. -... -
June & Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.
C. M. Jones attended Washington high
school and is a graduate of Untversity of
Oregon, He is now manager of the
credit department of Northwestern bank.
Mr. Jones is a member of the . Sigma
Gamma Phi fraternity.
Walter O. Korlann is .the son of Mr.
and Mrs.' W. G. Korlann and a member
of the Phi Delta Kappa fraternity. Mr.
Korlann is also with the Northwestern
National bank. -
Both young couples will live at the
Penrose apartments after June L -
- ." :
Wednesday is dedicated by the mem
bers of the First Congregational church
to two May day fetes.. On Wednesday
afternoon the Women's association will
enjoy a program which Includes a "talk
fest." stories, games, a short program of
music and refreshments. Wednesday
night the Young People's association is
to have a "May nee,' to which they in
vite all the young people of the church
and congregation. - There is to be a
spelling bee and a honey bee and a bee
hive and other features. ;
Mrs. C. J. Smith returned to Portland
Wednesday, following a sojourn of sev
eral weeks in the East. On her way
home Mrs. Smith visited the relatives of
her husband. Dr. Smith, in Ohio, and
alsoejBtopped at points of interest in the
South. At San Francisco she was joined
by Mrs. Frank Johnson, who is her
guest here.- -V . . '
Mrs. O. H. Fithlan will entertain at
a tea May 25 at the University club in
honor of: her daughter. Mrs. Bertram
Watson, who with her two children has
returned to Portland from Harrogate.
England. Mrs. Robert Graham Fithlan
(Verna Barker) will share honors with
Mrs. Watson.
The auxiliary to Over the Top post
has invited the Red Cross canteen girls,
who served during the war, to become
honorary members of the auxiliary. In
itiation will take place Monday evening
at 526 courthouse, after which Over the
Top: post will entertain the auxiliary
and the guests at a program and re
freshments in room 675, courthouse.,
Mr. and Mrs. Clement G. Morris of
North Beach, Wash.,-are visiting in' the
city at the home of Mr. Morris' grand
mother, Mrs. Anna McCann In Irvington.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris came to Portland
for the wedding of Miss Ethelwynne
Morris and William Charles Kavanaugh.
Miss Asenath Barnes, whose engage
ment .to Arthur. House was recently an
nounced at Reed college, left Tuesday
for Alaska, to remain during the sum
mer). Miss Barnes was accompanied by
her-' sister and brother-in-law.
Miss Dorothy Gilbert of Chicago is
a visitor in the city at the home of
Mrs. Gerald SooyBmith in Irvington.,
Greater Value
Jersey : Suits
Sport models in plain colors and
heathers. The tailoring and style
is ! very exceptional at this price.
Hill Academy
Non-Goms Are
Hosts' at Dance
rpHtJ non-commissioned officers o
-a. tui Military academy entertained
last night at a dancing party at the ,
academy annex-residence at 175 North
weniy-iounn sireeu Attractive lavors
and a supper served by a group of
cadets were feature, a, The ballroom was
decorated with baskets of flowers tied
with blue and white ribbons, the school
colors. Following were the young girls
Invited Gladys Colllnson, Pauline Bon
durant, Ruth Sensenlch. Marlon Fan-ell,
Clara Baxter, Dorothy Lyon, Gloria Col
llnson. Elisabeth Strowbrldge, Frances
Baker, Helen Parker, Katharine Forbes.
Frances Dick, , Janette Carter, Janet
Ettinger, Helen Ball, Frances Matthews.
Roselyn Taylor, Elecita Thatcher, Vir
ginia Pearson, Ardis Welch, Beatrice
Conway, BettyN Kerr, Marion ' Slchei,
Frances Cornell, Genevieve Gooseman,
Estelle Modlin, Adelaide Richardson,
Barbara Stanneld, Virginia Irving,
Charlotte Malboeuf, Dorothy Ettinger,
Marion Tiiton,: Helen Gray Catena,
Elisabeth Knight. Muriel Walther,
Cadets who were hosts included:
George Gardner, Clifford Gay. George
Wright,. Johnnie Smyth, McDonald
Brown, Eugene Blaster, Albert Cava-
natigh. Royal Conley, Marion Cunning
ham, Gordon Dodge, Arlyn Evey, Wil
liam Forney,- Wilton Goodrich, Lynn
Ferguson, - George Nelson Robinson,
Jerry George, Fredrick Hartley, Errold
Hal ton, Maurice Huntley, Adolph Hey
den,' Richard Klepper, Andrew Maes,
Harland McDonald, Henry Oppenhetmer,
Harold Robinson, Morton Robinson.
Leslie Roth, Frances Rose, Jack Rice,
Kenneth Sprague, Joseph Hughes! M an
ion Glllett, Guy Halferty, Stuart Martin,
Harry Turner. . -
The patrons and patronesses wereth
Mr. ana Mrs. jtoDeri ts. arreu, Mr. ana
Mrs. Edward C. Cornell, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph A. Hill.'
Committees Invitation. Henry Oppen
hetmer, George Gardner, Morton Robin
son : music - Francis- Rose, Fredrick
Hartley, Harland McDonald ; decoration,
McDonald Brown, Albert Cavanaugh.
Royal Conley; : refreshments; Jerry
George, Nelson ' Robinson, Eugene Bla
ster ; reception,: Wilton Goodrich. John
Smyth, Adolph Heyden, Gordon Dodge.;
-''' ' .
Mrs. George R. . Wright of Pendleton
Is a visitor in the city at the home of
Mra-M. C. Banfield of Portland Heights.
On Tuesday Mrs. Wright was honored
at an informal tea for which Mrs. E. T.
Johnson was hostess. Mrs. Wright is a
niece of Mrs. Banfield and is a frequent
visitor In the city. : "
Mr. and Mrs.' Fred K. Du Puy have
returned to Portland to live. Mrr DtiPuy
was in service as a lieutenant In the
air forces Since the beginning of the
Our New York Buyers
have been busy for weeks
picking the market and
have assembled for this
event the choicest crea
tions from America's most
prominent designers.
Featured for Sports and
Resort Week
Sport Skirts
j $14.75, $18.75
Quality and good style at mod
jerate prices -offering a wonderful
selection of fascinating colors and
attractive designs.
Gobci Looking
: Jersey Coats $29.50
Three quarter length with tux
edo , collar and cuffs of contrast
. color. Most desired colors.
0 3C
war, and only recently received
discharge. He has twen stationed at
March field. Riverside, Cal., the Iat
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Behmus of 934
East Caruthers street, are taking an ex
tended trip East, where they will visit
the Twin cities, Wisconsin and Illinois.
Your furs will be
well off in our
modern refrigerat
ed vaults,1 where
the even tempera
ture of 20 degrees
below freezing
protects them .
from moths and
other harm; then
they are out of
your way and
may be had at any
.time oa want,
i Your Furs
Re styled
and brought up
to 1 date in style.
Have; the work
done now and In
readiness for the
fall season.
Marshall 785
JO o
' s.