The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 23, 1920, Page 42, Image 42

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All Star Show
Promises to Be
Great Success
rpHREE of the dancer who will participate in the Spanish
I Court Festival are Miss Henrietta C Failing, Miss Flor
. ence Andrews and Miss Bonnie de Vaul, who are members
of the school of the Portland art association.
T)IANS for the all-star performance
X to be given June 9 at the Heillg
theatre, under the dlgmlfled grilse of a
octet? -vaudeville, are progressing, with
every promise of a brilliant success. The
affair la being riven by a group of
prominent folk of the city, who will
turn we proceeds of the evening over
to the benefit fund for the woman's
building of the University of Oregon
Boxes sold by a group of charming
maids are being reserved with such ra
pidity that the remaining number of
available ones Is growing very small.
The vaudeville is sponsored by Mrs.
Helen Ladd Corbett. Mrs. Theodore B.
Wilcox and Mrs. George T. Gerlinger.
A partial list of patrons includes: Dr.
Richard Dlllahunte, Kric V. Hauser, Dr.
and Mrs. A. E. Rockey, Mr. and Mrs.
William D. Wheelwright. Mrs. J. Wesley
Ladd, Mrs. C. S. Jackson. Mrs. William
MacMaster. Mrs. Elliott R. Corbett. Mrs.
Henry Ladd Corbett. Mrs. Julius Meier,
Mrs. J. Sanford Lowengart, Mrs. Joseph
N. Teal, Mrs. Sol Hlrsch, Mrs. Thomas
D. Honeyman, Mrs. Lawrence R. Wheel
er, Mrs. William C. Alvord, Mrs. Joseph
Adams Hill. Mrs. Julius Louieson, Mrs.
James B. Kerr, Mrs. Charles F. Beebe,
Mrs. C D. Brunn, Mrs. Cyrus A; Dolph.
Mrs. Lucius Allen Lewis, Mrs. Edward
Boyce, Mrs. Frank J. Cobbs, Mrs. J. P.
O'Brien. Mrs. J. C. Costello, Mrs. C E.
S. Wood, Miss Henrietta Failing, Mrs.
John C. Alnsworth, Mrs. Edgar B. Piper.
The general committee includes Miss
Mame Helen Flynn, chairman ; Mrs.
Tie-ad e M. Ireland, Mrs. Cameron Squires.
Mrs. Carleton B. Swift and Mrs. Henry
W. Metxger, who are giving much at
tention to the program, and the members
of the group of performers will be. an
nounced shortly.
xx-. nnw w. TjawIs was honored at
a smart tea at the home of Mrs. Vincent
Cook Wednesday afternoon when more
than 200 guests called. For Jthe occasion
the rooms were adorned with spring
blossoms, yellow tinta being uaed in the
Iris combined with dainty blossoms In
the dining room. Mrs. Cook was as-
. ... . . a w-. c
sisvea aooui ui; rvuuna - c""
Glltner White, Mrs. William D. Wheel
wright. Mra George Hoyt. Mrs. Edmund
C, Gilmer, Mrs. Eugene G. White, Miss
Klla Stephens. Mrs. Osmund B. Stubbs,
' ra Florence Kendall and ' Miss Mae
Irsch. Two little maids, Mollle Green
id Martha White, received the guests.
the door. At the tea hour Mrs. J. C.
ins worth and Mrs. George B. -Maxell.
Mrs. Florence Mlnott and Mrs.
' Ernest F. Tucker presided at the tea
urns and Mrs. ,Bert C. .Ball and Miss
ri- i i a inan.M rnt thA lrp In thrt
m uiMiw (uuuv. w .
Mrs. Jesse O. Feenafighty was hostess
for a handsomely appointed luncheon at
her attractive home in Rose City Park
Tuesday honoring a number of out of
town visitors. The guests of honor in
cluded Mrs. James Park and Mrs. C. D.
Hill of Addison. N. Y. ; Mrs. J. B. Bar
tholomew of Peoria, 111.-; Mrs. C. C.
Crltchf leld of Wheaton. 111., and Mrs.
Lots Dana Walker of Minneapolis, Minn.
For this occasion the luncheon table was
centered with pink sweet peas and roses,
with dainty Dresden bouquets marking
each place. Covers were laid for Mes
dames Banfleld. Claxton, Dana. Beesley,
, VM W. ... i. . . . ' " . .
lings Olnane and Mathis, besides the
Hostess ana guests ox nunor.
Mrs. Charles King was hostess for an
' lnfnrmfl.1 tAft At hnr finmA in InHnfftAn
Saturday afternoon. Tables were placed
for bridge during the early afternoon
hours, and additional guests called dur
lng the tea hour. At the tea table Mrs.
Louis Gerlinger Sr.. Mrs. John H. Bur-
trard, Mrs C. Lewis Mead and Mrs.
Theodore Nlcolal presided and were as.
" stated by the Misses Louise Manning.
. Erma Keithley, Kate Schafer and Helen
Haller. .
Announcement is made of the engage
ment of Miss Ida Tushinsky of St. Paul
to David G. Holtzman of this city. The
news was told at a luncheon at the
home of Mrs. Anna Tushinsky last week.
The news came as a surprise to the many
friend's of the ybung people." The bride
elect has only recently arrived In the
city from St. Paul.
The marriage of Miss Anna Kennedy,
rfBllvhtM' nf lff a i Mrs Ta IP If an-
nedy, and. Clarence H. Coe was an
event of last week, at the .All Saints
parish house. Father W. B. Cronin of
ficiating. Mrs. Vern F. Conyston of
Dallas and Erwin J. Kennedy attended
the bridal couDle. Mr. and Mrs. Coe will
make their home at Tillamook, Or.
Miss Margaret Montague, daughter of
Mr. and Mra Richard Montague, re
turned to Portland from Berkeley, CaJ.,
where she has taken her master's degree
Montague's engagement to Buford Payne
of San Francisco was recently announced
in the South.
Mra. Edward Dunn of "Irving-ton has
returned to Portland, following a fort
night's visit In Boise. Idaho, where she
was the guest of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James H. Haw.
wm a a Bleajr all lUsUlU B
, capital aha was delightfully enter
tained. ; .
Miss Margaret Hawkins will be hos
tess for a tea on the afternoon of Mu
lng Miss Dorothy Hunsiker and Mrs.
owrreu vinwiuais izerruca iucas) OI
San Francisco, who Is a visitor In the
. v. w m v .i ...
i. uid iiuiuv ui ucr inuuior, Mrs.
William Lucaa
Mra Joseph H. Henry was guest of
honor at a luncheon of eight covers for
which Mrs. Frank Branch Riley was
hostess at the TTnivrsltv r-lnh Thnmnv
Following the lunoheon the pa Ay en
joyed bridge in the women's card room
of the club. ' i l i
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Irvington Club
To Have Benefit
Dance on Friday
IRVINGTON CLUB will be the scene
of a benefit i danoe Friday evening
uhlrh ecllose anv nrevious
function of its kind given in the com-;
munity The affair Is to include guests
from all parts of the city and will be
Informal., i i
Tickets " for 600 couples have been
printed and are - being sold to members
of the club and to residents of Irvington
who have the interests of the club at
heart. , !
While the : tickets can be purchased
for $2 per couple, many of the men mem
bers, persuaded by the fair women
salesmen, are paying many times this
price for a single ticket. As high as
$100 : has been paid by one man, while
other tickets have ' been sold for $50
and $25. i -
The' object of the benefit dance la to
raise funds to pay off. some long stand
ing obligations of the club. With the
money raised from the dance and the
Irvington-Alameda baseball game to be
held at Multnomsuh field Saturday after
noon. June 5, it Is hoped to pay off
all these old obligations excepting some
delinquent street Improvement assess
ments. ' " i
If : as many attend the dance as now
seems probable,! It is hoped to secure
permission from the city fathers ttrope
off Thompson street from Twenty-first
to Twenty-second, and hava dancing In
the street also, i
Since the recent election of new . of
ficers, there has been a decided impetus
to the activities of Irvington club, and as
a result of this, .and the ticket selling
campaign by Mrs. J. L. Bowman's com
mittee, many new members have been
taken in.
- The other members of the committee
in charge of . the benefit danoe are :
Mrs. J. P. Mulder. Mrs. F. C. Felter.
Mra A. J. Stewart. Mrs. G. N. Versteeg,
Mra L. S. Martin. Mrs. J. B. Ettlnger,
Mrs. W. H. Cullers.
f 1
Mn. Jack Miller , was hostess for a
daintily appointed luncheon honoring her
sister. Miss Winfred Phillips, fiancee Of
Robert Perry Jones of San Francisco.
The table was cleverly arranged with
a miniature lake In the center and a
tiny swan at each place held the cards
announcing the wedding date. June 23.
Guests Included Mra Emma Warren,
Mra J. W. Zimmerman, Mra Ernest
Jones. Mrs. Edward McAllen, Mrs. Har
old Simpson,. Mrs. C. Burn, Mrs. Ed
ward Hughes,' Mra Roderick Evans,
Miss Ruth Williams. Miss Pearl Sulli
van, Miss Anne Davles. Miss Thetma
Reed, Miss Edith Williams. Miss Mar
guerite Davles. Miss Alberta Davles and
Miss May Bart. -
Mra. James D. McGregor of Los An
geles. Cal.. Is a visitor In the city at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Hugh J.
Boyd, for a few weeks. Mrs. Boyd
has planned a number of affairs for the
pleasure of hep sister among which will
he two bridge teas to be given early
in June.
A May festival consisting of songs,
dances, games. drills and a beautiful
May pole dance followed by social danc
ing. Is the attractive affair announced
by the Daughters of Isabella for Thurs
day evening at Cathedral halL- The gen
eral committee in charge of the affair
is headed by Miss Genevieve Ryan, pres
ident of the Daughters, and the program
is being prepared under the direction of
Miss Madaline Steffens of Reed college.
Miss Evangeline Terkes will give a dra
matic reading. Miss Rose Frledle-Gia-nelll
vill sing a group of songs. George
Hennessey will sing a group of songs.
The girls participating in the various ex
ercises are: Misses Eva Wertx, Dorothy
Schweixbeck. Aurelia Franx. Kathleen
Lorden. Edna Messlnger, Frances How
ard. Veronica Ebert. Helen Schweisbeck,
Anna Scherzinger, Hasel Durkin. Chrissie
Patrick, Grace Hirschbuhl, Helen Cof
fey, Genevieve Ryan, Mary Flanagan,
Florence Hebert, Elsie Lorer, Emily
Tuma, Grace Redlinger, Agnes Duffy,
Sophie Henkle, Meda Mitchell, Vivian
White. Josephine Hebert, Beatrice He
bert, Veronica White, Madeline Quinn.
Amelia Gix. Emma Dwyer. Mary Mo
Kinncn, Madeline Ryan. Mary Maloney,
Josephine Hebert, Isabel Smith. Wini
fred Smith. Anna Frison. Following the
program there will be a danoe. The pat
ronesses for the evening will be Mra
Bart Coffey, Mrs. E. Harold, Mra J. J.
Burke, Mrs. W. J. Kelly, Mra Agnes
Carney,. , Mrs. Agnes Sullivan and Mra
Leo Cummisky. The -entire proceeds
from the affair, will go toward furnish
ing a cottage at Seaside. "
Orphla temple No. 18, Pythian Sisters,
will give an afternoon card party Thurs
day in the Pythian building. 888 Yam
hill street. The public Is cordially .In
vited to attend. A number of valuable
prizes will be awarded by the committee
in charge. The same evening the tem
pie will hold a short business meeting
for Us members, after which the usual
social will be enjoyed. The past chiefs
of Orphia temple will comprise the en
tertainment committee and a luncheon
and other pleasant surprises are tn
store. - i
Monday Musical
To Close Season
With a Dance
fTHE closing event of the season for
X the Monday Musical club will be the
lance to be given Thursday evening at
cnrisiensen's nail. The affair is given
under the auspices of the dancing de
partment of the club, assisted ty the
social committee.' A six-piece orchestra
will furnish music for the occasion and
card tables will be placed in the bal
cony for those who do not wish to dance.
Mra Anton Giebisch, the retiring pres
ident, is general chairman for the af
fair. Mrs. J. E. Bonbright has charge
of the Invitations and sale of tickets ;
Mrs. William Braeger Is arranging' a
few program numbers and Mra R. L.
Trestrall will superintend .the card
The club members and their friends
are anticipating a most enjoyable time.
Dancing -and games will start at 8
o ClOCK.
A partial list of patronesses for the
evening includes : Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
J. A Itnow. Mra Jean Laure Adkins, Mr.
ana Mrs. l. Aronson, Mr. and Mra B. B.
Banning, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Banks.
Air. ana Mrs. Robert Louis Barron, Mr,
ana Mra Lambert A. Beard, Mr. and
Mra William R, Boone, Mr. and Mra
J. E. Bonbright, Mr. and Mrs. Chester
W. Bourne, Mr. and Mrs. William Brae
ger, Mr.' and Mrs. George W. Burt, Mra
R. W. Carey. Mr. ; and Mrs. Dudley
Clarke. Mr. and Mra A. W. Claxton. Mr.
and Mrs. William M. Coplan, Mrs.- Rob
ert F. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Harry T.
Lonivan. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Drake,
Miss Marie C. Dooley, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Carroll Day, Mr. and Mra Bert Dennl
son. Mr. and Mra R. F. Feemster. Mrs.
rBertha K. FraJey, Mrs. Anton Giebisch,
miss Mane uammie, Mr. and Mrs. L. II.
Hansen, Dr. and Mrs. William B. Hare,
jars, jsauian .Harris, Mra A. B. Holder-
man, Mr. and Mra Hermann A. llepp
ner, Mr. and Mra Hamilton Johnstone.
Mr. and Mra Nelson R. Jacobson, Miss
Elisabeth Johnson, Mrs. Adalalde Lo
maxf Mra Genevieve Looker, Mr. and
nrs. E. G. Lelhy. Mr. and Mra J
Thomas Leonard. Mrs. Percy W. Lewis.
Mrs. A. k. iiatungly. Mra Alice M. Met
isaugbt, Mr. and Mra E. S. Miller, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert A. Morrison, Mr. and
Mrs. Dent Mo wry. Mr. and Mra C. C.
Newcastle Sr., Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rob
inson, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Robinson, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Runyan. Mr. and Mrs.
iXIward Preble. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Pul-
ltn. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon J. Steele, Mra
Alva Lee Stephens, Mr. and Mrs. Fred
A. Krlbs, Mr. and Mra W. I. Swank,
captain and Mrs. George Shaver, Mr.
and Mrs. H. N. Veal. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
J. Ruhl. Mr. and Mrs. Rose, Mr. and
Mra Mtsoha Pels Jr.. Miss Florence
May field. Miss Edna France, Mr. and
Mra Mose Christensen. Mr. and Mra
F. W. Touney, Miss Fay Rudduck.
The Portland Art association studios
will be transformed Into the scene
of a Spanish court festival on the eve
nlng of May 28, when the closing func
tion of the year will be given by the art
ntudenta in connection with their annual
art exhibition. The festival will Include
a number of more than usually interest
ing features and will offer an oppor
tunity for the accomplishment of some
work of high artistic merit as well as
furnishing delightful entertainment for
the guests, who are all asked to come in
Spanish costume. .
K series of tableaux are being ' ar
ranged by Miss Clara J. Stephens, the
subjects chosen from old Spanish mas
ters. Among them are: "The Infanta'
(Velasquez), to be given by Miss Evelyn
Nordstrom; "The , Water Carrier"
I Goya), Miss Nlna'Beeley; "Carmen"
(Zuloaga), ' Miss Edessa Campion ;
"Types d'Espagnols (Zuloaga), Miss
Bonnie deVaul and Miss Bingham "En
la Corrida de Torroa" (Zuloaga), Miss
Lenore Blaesing and Miss Leta Kennedy ;
i ne earners" isoronaj, juagar iJoni-
man and Miss Bingham, and several oth
ers by members of the night classes.
A Spanish dance and pantomime num
bers will be additional attractions dur
ing the evening, which will close with
general dancing by the guests.
m. x C3 sr ivriS
(S5Sl's& :
Steel Die
Stamping -
Lend style and dignity to your
engraving- by having it done at
Booksellers, Stationers
Office Outfitters
Mrs. George Flanders Wilson 5 was
hostess . for : a smart luncheon at
the Waverley Country club Wednes
day honoring her niece. Miss Lou
ise Linthicum." who has just re
turned from school at the : Uni
versity of California. All were special
friends of the young honor guest and
Included Miss Rhoda Rumelln, Miss
Elizabeth Peacock, Miss Marguerite
Templeton, Miss . Lucia Morris, Mra
Reads M. Ireland. Mrs. Kenneth Beebe,
Mra Arthur Murray Sherwood. Mra K.
Delbreuch, Mra Curtis Bailey and Mra
Fred J. Zeigler. : - ' ;
: : .-
Mrs. William Bertram Mackay pre
sided at an Informal bridge party Mon
day afternoon, her guests including the
members of her bridge club. , . :
Miss Charlie Fenton left Portland
for Eugene, Friday morning to remain
for about two ' months. Miss Fenton
has been In the city for several weeka
- - . , .
Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Hindman an
nounce the birth of a son born to them
Snap and
We seam. hem.
accord Ian, box
or knife pleat
skirts ready to
put on belting.
85 H Fifth Sf.
Keem ft .
Fashionable Tailor -
. TeleAboaa Broadway 187
418 BUrk Street, Bet. lOtk and lit
to nak to order from jour www material t
Kcnon irom oar flloci wui aT yon bomj.
tntf Fleer Medical Bids. - Main BIS.
MRS. A. VAN ROOSENDAEL and her little daughter
;Roxane, wfao was recently christened at-the Church of
the Madeleine with a pretty ceremony followed by a tea
at the Irvington home of Mr. and Mrs. Van Roosendael.
x - X-.-
f jp jC 'St " . , '
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1 -Sexists; .-'II
iag&-fc;awn ii iJigT-iSlii ii nimim inimwi ni iii.i n rin.inii.i i
mi' lum'iiih iniiMiniiwatt"tiiir1omiiyiimiirwi mrnirn" iTnn'i'o n1""' vniiir,in,.T'TT"""f'i"""""tf""f"'" .p.,A. f
laneous shower Saturday, honoring Miss
Winifred . Phillips, a bride-elect. The
guests Included Mra Rod Evans, Mrs.
Jack Miller,. Mrs. Jane Phillips, Mrs.
John Zimmerman.' Mrs. M. D. Cole, Mrs.
Ernest Jones. Mra Harold Simpson, Mrs.
Edward McAllen and the Misses Anne
Davles, May Barr, Ruth Williams, Mar'
guertte Davles, Alberta Da vies, Pearl
Sullivan, Elisabeth Phillips and Thelma
Reed. ,- - ,
. .....
Mr. and Mra Willis Van Horn and
Mrs. Allen of Hood River motored down
Monday and are stopping at the Hotel
Portland. :
... ; .
Mr. ; and Mrs. Georgo W. Warren of
Astoria are guests at the Hotel Port
land for a few days
Dancing Party
To Be Given by
rpHE HI Y club of Washington high
X school will give . dancing party on
the Swan Friday evening as one of the
closing social functions of the school
year. The boat leaves the dock at 8:15
o'clock and a delightful evening Is an
Patrons for the event Include: Mr.
and Mrs. Hugh H. Herdman. Mr. and
Mrs. O. M. Bittner, Mr. and Mra Walter
A. Goss, Miss Gray, J. C. Johnson, M.
Llnnehan, B. Lamberson, Mr. and Mrs.
William F. Woodward, Mr. ' and Mrs.
F. T. Lockwood. This event Is a simi
lar function to the successful party
given by the students last year.
For the benefit of the flowers and In
valid fund Corinthian chapter. Order of
Eastern Star, will give a card party at
Laurelhurst club Wednesday at 2
o'clock. Following the cards a program
will be given under the direction of
Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare, Mra Bertha
Monroe and Mra J. R. Thiehoff. The
program follows : Metropolitan trio (a)
AAt Dnitnlnh TTVI1tt t1 Tri Jolle.
valse, Waldenfel ; violin. Agnes Zuk s
cello, Evelyn Prag : pianos Charlotte j
Kramer; accordion solo, Mrs. Barge E.
Leonard; soprano solo, nrs. rrea a.
Krlbs: piano solo (a) To Spring. Grieg,
(b) Dance Caprioe, Grieg, Miss Frances
Hare ; solo dance. Miss Oeraldine Pater
son : violin- solo. Miss Marie Chapman ;
soprano solo, - Cherry Blossom, AVilloby.
Nydla temple, . Daughters of the Nile.
wam hostesses to their Shrlner bus-
bands Thursday evening at a dance and
card party given at Christensen's halL
Members rrom lasiacaaa, urrauwn,
Hlllsboro and Vancouver attended. At
9 o'clock the grand march was led by
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Hutchinson and Mr.
and Mrs. Walter J. Holman. The card
tables were In charge of Mrs. A. H. Lea.
Honors were won hy - Jessie Robb of
Hillsboro and A. II. Lea of Portland.
. ; ' - .
Mr. and Mra F. J. Fuller entertained
Monday night with a charming dinner
party at the Hotel Portland. The table
was graced with flowers and ferns and
covers were placed for eight.
' " .
The May dancing party of the O-W.
R. & N. Employes club is to be given
in the grand ballroom of the Multnomah
hotel on the evening of May 28. It Is
to be an invitational affair for club
members and friends. Refreshments
San Franciscans
Are Inspiration
For Entertaining
of San Francisco are visitors in the
city and during their sUy here as house
guests of Mr. and Mra Hugh C. Gearln
m irvington, nave oeenr uie Inspiration
for much entertainment. On Monday
Mra Ralph E. Williams entertained Mrs.
Lyons at a luncheon. A dinner party
at the . university club tn the evening
for Mr. and Mra Lyons was given by
Mra F. S. Wilson and was followed by
a line party at tne Orpheum. On Tues
day Mra James A. Ambrose entertained
at a picnic at the clubhouse of the Ore
gon State Motor association on Sandy
river, when 16 guests enjoyed the motor
trip and bridge in the afternoon. Wed
nesday's program Included a luncheon
at the university club for ..which Mra
B. Wiggins was hostess, and Thurs
day Mra Wlam House entertained for
Mra Lyons at a luncheon of eight
eovera Mrs. George Peters presided at
a bridge tea; Friday afternoon for the
visitors and Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Lyons complimented a group of her
Portland friends at a luncheon at
Forest Hall for which 18 guests were
included. Mr. and Mrs. Lyons will leave
for their home this evening. -
. . ,
Dr. and Mrs. J. Howard Wilson. Miss
Wilson. Sturgls and Berkbeck Wilson,
who have spent the winter In California.
are at the Hotel Portland for-a few
days on their way home . to Castlne,
Miss Stella King
OF WIDE interest to the members of
the social contingent of the city was
the announcement made Saturday of
the engagement of Miss Stella King to
O. Morgan McBrtde. The news was told
at a smart tea for which Miss Isabelte
Clark was hostess at her home In lrvlna
ton. when more than 60 guests calle
during the afternoon. For the occasion
spring blossoms centered a daintily ap
pointed tea table, which at the tea hou.
was presided over by Mrs. Cleveland
Cate and Mrs. August A. van Roosen
dael. Assisting about the rooms were ,
Miss Alberta Balr, Mrs. William Nor
man Burgard and Miss Dorothy Strow
brldge. The betrothal cards were prs
sented to the guests by Miss ! Elisabeth-
Autsen, niece of Ml Clark, who carried
them in a tiny French basket
Miss King Is one of Portland's popular
maids, and has an uhusuaily wide circle
of friends In the city. She is the daugh
ter of Mrs. Sarah E. King. It la with
regret that her friends are learning that
following her marriage : sometime In
June she will leave the city to make
her home In Tacoma for a time., Mr.
McBrlde is the son Of M. B. McBrtde
of Seattle, and has made his home La
Portland at the University club.-
St. Anne's Charitable society will cele
brate lts thirty-eighth anniversary
Wednesday afternoon in the assembly
room of the Hotel Portland by giving a
card party. Mra Joseph McCusker la
1 chairman of the committee in charge.
will be served by the. committee. Presi
dent George F. Koch Is still at the head
of the entertainment committee. As
sisting him In the arrangements and to
make . it enjoyable the following club
members will serve : Mra Theresa C.
Depue, Frances Gansneder, Audrae Gen
try. Mildred Hebert, Edna Hepp, Anna
Herman, May Hinchman, Myrtle Holton.
Mrs. N. .W. Klnartf. Amy KJum. Bertha
L. Morris. Catherine Muschalik. Dorothy
Smith, Julia Smith, Marie Tydeman, W.
M. Brosy, L. W. Hobbs, Charles Hofeldt,
George E. Knepper. Frank Laukat, C.
F. Lincoln, John W. Magers, Clarence
Potter, W. C. Ranktn, E. Robnett.
Miss Bertha Ekse became the bride of
'. G. , Burch rpr(nMv a t tha tintv.. n
Mr. and Mra Roswell Philllppy of 690
r.asi xwenry-seventh street. The bride
is a native of Norwav nn1 'Mr -R.ih
makes his home in Auburn, Wash.,
w tie re ne win take his bride to live.
Following the ceremony, which was per
formed by the Rev. M. A. Chrietensen,
a ' luncheon was MrvM hv MPa Phii.
j . . .-..v-?
iCkmWAswMs sfFmtmt Yt,
The pleasure of owning a Cheney is permanent; . Its
first notes are purest music, filling your home with
harmony as delicate as an interpretation by the
living artist. ,
With passing years The Cheney becomes enriched
and mellowed, enhancing the beauty of the music
it plays. " '
Master craftsmen bestow the character of an heir
loom upon each Cheney cabinet. :
G- Johnson Piano Gk
Of Wonderful Brilliancy
Seek brilliancy first after that, color and perfec
tion in cutting, whether you are buying for personal
wear or for investment.
Our diamonds meet the critical test of those who
love fine stones; our prices are the most favorable,
because of our unusual buying facilities.
This Season's Silk and Beaded Bags at a
Reduction 01 db ifer C-ent
Washington at Broadway
1 J(' EVERY , .
Without Exception
For the remainder of the month only, this j4 reduction will be effec
tiveit's your opportunity to cut down clothing costs. Our cus
tomers know that Emporium regular prices are lower than most
stores' sales announcement from us have added weight. Buy at
the Emporium, and you KNOW you're saving money I
What stronger evidence of real worth could you have than the fact
that these are the kind of suits that have sold briskly all season at
25 per cent more? Splendid variety of styles, fabrics and colors await
your selection remember, at less I 1
Coats of every description, from
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to the smartest sports models of
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values at less' '
Almost limitless in styling and ma
terial. Choose a handsome satin or
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flowered eeorcrette--each and every
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250 Hats Grouped at
In the assortment are clever and practical hats of straw,
as well as dainty georgettes made right in our own work;
rooms flower-trimmed, most of them. Surely "wonder
ful values," you'll say, at 54 less!