A Pictorial Review Magazine and .... i . - i. . - r . Fashion Sheets Arm , t- . Here for June. Street Floor Lipman, Wolf & Co. . Linens, Gotton Goods, Blankets All Staples .THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORT LAND. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 3, 1S20. ':; cJT-Mercliandiso of cJ Merit Only ' U?! i .,- . : " . . . i . - ii ' .v...: .', ' .... "..: "'.'T . . . I,,.. . ..... . , w Flags for Memorial Day! : . Display them let's have a more general, showing of the beautiful American flag especially on such occasions as Memorial Day. i . ! . A Special Lot at 25c Each Just twenty dozen flags in this group size I4x. 23 inches others at 5c, 8c j and 10c each. Toy Department, Eighth Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co, , .... --. ,. ''''-.-,.,: A Master Purchase ,; Results in the Announcement of This Super-Sale 1 50 Leather I Su it Cases and Traveling Bags Extraordinarily Under priced to Yield v 33J Savings -Practically every style of Suit Case and Traveling Bag for men and women is included in this remarkable Super-. Sale. Many fitted arfd fancy bags and suit cases are also" included. . 1 61: Cowhide and Spanish Leather Suit Cases $8.95, $9.35, $10.35, $13.35 and Up : 35 Cowhide Bags $9.35 $10.35 $11.15 $13.35 and up 20 Cowhide Crushers $13.95 $18.35 $20.35 9 Walrus Bags $29.35 $36.00 y - -. $39.35 10 Pigskin Bags $22.35 $23.35 ' :-:., $26.70 5 English Saddle Leather Bags Extra Special Price, $18.35 Fifth Floor, Lipman, Wolfe &. Co. Dress Goods That Are NEW $3.50 to $10 All 56 Inches Wide and Oh, So Smart -New Velour Checks, yard.. .1:... ... . ... i . . ... . ... .$7.00 -New Black and White Checks....... .-.V:..-.v. .$3.50 -New Plaids ......... .$7.00 and $7.50 -New Striped Skirtings. . .... J.$8.0O, $9.0O, $10.00 EXTRA SPECIAL!. ; 56-Inch Navy 1 56-Inch Navy 4 TRICQT1NE GABARDINE .ft $6,50 Yard $7.00 Yard jj 'Second Floor Lipman, Wolfe & Co. ' I TZ3 The Sale of Wilton Rugs Notable for luxurious quality, artistic- pat terns, matchless sav ings. ' , ' Size 9x12 Feet $95.00 $139.50, $144.50 and Size SV4xlOV2 Feet ' $87.50 Also size 9x12 feet at $149.75. , Klearflax Linen Rugs The ideal summer floor covering for every room solid colors in soft shades. Size 30x60 Inches Size 9x12 Feet ... . $9.00 And a number of intermediate sizes. .Fifth Floor Unman, Wolfe & Co $60.00 Prices That Shout "Big Savings" On the Scarcest Merchandise of the Day 100 Pure Irish Linen Table Cloths At About Half Regular Price With prices for next year increased 100 and the shortage of flax very acute, this is a sale that demands every housekeeper's attention. Every cloth in this lot is taken from our regular 'stock and all are pure Irish linen. The reason for this sale (if there must be one) is that we have no napkins to match, these cloths. Size 2 x2 Yards $ 7.50 to $16.00 Size 2 x2i Yards $ 9.50 to $20.00 Size 2 x3 Yards $11.50 to $24.00 Size 2ix2i Yards $15.00 to $31.00 Extra Special -on Bed Sheets The greatest sheet sale of the season. "A new shipment just received. Splendid quality sheets perfectly free from dressing good heavy weight. All are specially well made and seamless. Sheets 63x90 Inches $1.95 Sheets 72x99 Inches $2.05 Sheets 81x90 Inches $2.10 Sheets 81x99 Inches $2.25 " Pillow Cases 42x36 Inches, 48c; 45x36 Inches, 50c ; Hemmed Huck Towels 35c Heavy weight Huck Towels with key border size 18x. 35 inches.- A wonderful quality towel for this price especially adapted for hotels and rooming houses. Pure Liheri Crash The QCa Bleached and Yard Otlt Unbleached A lucky purchase of Pure Linen Crash which enables us to offer this exceptional .toweling, either bleached or unbleached, close even weave, 17 inch width at this low price. Large Bath Towels 59 Heavy weight absorbent Bath Towels, corded borders, pure white a bath towel we couldn't buy wholesale at this price. Limit six to a buyer. Size 21x43 inches. Full Size Satin Bed Spreads Extra Special Blankets One of our finest quality Bed Spreads in handsome Mar seilles patterns ither hemmed or scalloped. Size 82xp4 inches. Only: because they were purchased one year ago can we offer them at this price. 39-Inch White Voile, Yard 35c A world.beater In quality! Fine plain white voile with selvage edge, thirty-nine inches wide. We have not been able to offer Voile of this quality for a long, long time at only 35c a yard. A special purchase of the famed "North Star", Woolen 'Mills Blankets just received. Beautiful wool mixed plaid blankets the popular block plaids in wonderful shades of pink, rose, blue, gray and brown. Size 66x80 in. Priced much below regular at $10.75 pr. Silk Mixed Mull, Yard 35c We have two thousand yards of this popular fabric which is extensively used for linings, and also for underwear. The colors are : Navy, Rose, Copen, Lavender, Mau, Apricot, , Light Green, Polly Green. . The wholesale price today is forty-seven cents a yard, therefore, we are offering it for Monday only at the above price. . 12 Yards U, S. A. Nainsook $3.00 For Monday only we have a limited quantityof fine sheer Nain sook especially desirable for dainty underwear. This lovely Nain sook is free from dressing and is thirty-six inches wide. Owing to the extra special-price it is necessary to limit one piece toi a cus tomer. . gcc(mj Floor Lipman, Wolf A. Co. j Reduced! 200 Boys9 Suits of Washable Corduroy '2.95 Values So Great That- you cannot begin to appreciate them until you have seen the suits' themselves. New Models Wanted Shades Sizes 3 to 8 Shopping-wise mothers will come early to secure their share in this remarkable sale. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfo Ac Co. Boy s' Middy Hats 79c Anniversary Sale Price Another example of Lipman-Wolfe underprfeing on fresh, new, wanted goods at -the beginning of the season. Hats of extra good white drill with stitched brims. , Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolf & Co, Curtains The Price De mands Attention Pair And their fine quality will imme- r diately secure your favorable consid- eration. Of scrim-marquisette in white,'; cream and ecru-with lace edging and filet motif. Special $5.85. ' Anniversary Sale Cretonnes 5 7c Yd. Floral and conventional patterns on light and dark grounds for a variety of uses. A price that makes now the i time to carry out your plans for new draperies. Fifth Floor Lipman, Wolfe A: Co. Underwear for Spring It's Ready! : ' pSJd for. A Super-Sale HOWS THIS! Great portions of our newly arriving, mostly demanded styles in spring underwear for women, misses and boys included at savings which brings this event into the same category as bur other Super-Sales. Special JerseySilkCamisoles ; At less than today's replace- t 4 QrJ ment costl Made with ribbon ah X .17 J Special JerseySilkCamisoles $2.95 Made with ribbon shoulder straps, elastic at waist and with dainty lace insert and lace edz- ings at top. Also hemstitched. Comes in flesh-pink sizes 36, 38, 40 and 42. An ex ceptional value. . shoulder straps, wide lace yoke, elastic at waist. In flesh-pink, ordinary. Value extra- . I j iff 72 ttlTf . j-m c Futurist Union Suits Extra Special Prices ' The popular summer athletic style for women. Tailored throughout therefore, perfect fitting made oft dimity and marquisette. Sizes 34 to 441 Special $150 Special $1.95 Special $2.95 ' Jersey Silk Vests Special at Women's bodice top vests (tr fCl with ribbon shoulder straps. rhy.Vf ZTm Made of rood quality silk rr7i"-r flesh. and pink. Sizes 36 to 42. Women's SilkTop Union Suits s $2.00 Women's union suits made rood quality Jersey silk tops on lisle body band tops ana narrow shoulder straps made knee, length come in flesh and pink. Same in extra sizes at 12.50. JerseySilk Bloomers Special Good quality flesh-pink (tjft AfJ knee length, elastic at, ist il)uid and knee reinforced crotch . t , cut full sizes 5, 6 and 7. Women's 'Globe' Union Suits Finely tailored neat onion (t "I r suits of best cotton yarns with at) I I O French band top and shoulder straps also bodice tops. Knee length all made with fiat lock seams. Extra sizes at 1.35. - :f NEW SHIPMENT OF KAYSER ITALIAN SILK VESTS IN REGULAR AND BODICE TOP STYLES FLESH-PINK PRICE $3.95 EACH Extra- Women's Fine Cotton Knit Union Suits 85 c Regular and extra sizes rn this wonderful group all at the same price. Alf made with bodice tops vests neatly banded silk tape . over shoulders, knee length, perfect fitting, neatly made and finished in every particular. and For Misses and Boys- For Miasoa "Globe" Union Suits of fine quality lisle, made just like Mother's, with French band top shoulder straps tight knee-r-flat lock seams. .Sizes 2, 4 and 6 SI. 35 Sizos 8, 10 and 12 .....$1.65 Sixes 14 and 16 ......... .$1.85 Chalmers Union Suits for Boys The genuine Chalmers makel The garment is made with V-neck, wing sleeves and is of knee length. Full size neatly tailored. Pure white cool. summer suits in sizes 28, 30, 32 and QPA JJy 34, it only Street Floor Lipman, Wolf tc Co. Another lot of "Globe' Union Suits! of fine quality cotton for misses made with hi eh neck, wing sleeve's and tight knee. Neatly taped at neck flat lock seams and buttoned down the front. Gar ments full cut and perfect fitting. Sie 2, A and 6 $1,00 Sixoa 8, 10 ahd 12 ......$1.25 ' Sizes 14 and 16 . ,..... .$1.50 For Boys Athletic Union Suits Cut full size, round neck and sleeveless. Bodies with elastic webbing at back. Of good quality Nainsook neatly made and finished. Sizes CtTn ,26. to 34 , OJt