.-. tvv Tim 0"REGbN-J5UWDigSri''.J0UgNAL, POBTLANXX SUNPAYXIORNING. MAY 23, 1820, HITCHCOCK SAYS PRESIDEfJT WOULD Chamber fConrce. BedOetd weift at once to his warters at the Hultnenrtth hotel. He refused fte receive newspaper men, announcing that he could not undtTstand such "eeter-prtse- on th - pert "V5' reporters. With that be hnna u tb telephone receiver CHILD WELFARE IS SUBJECTf TALKS Demonstrations Accompany Work Being Given at the Gresham ' Public Libra. conducted at the ' Gresham public library; by 'Miss J Rath - B. " Toun t, Multnomah county public health nurse, who is now in her second month f demonstration work under the sponsorship of the Oregon Tu berculosis association. The first of these conferences was held Wednes day of last week, when Dr."" C Ulysses Moore, child specialist, spoke on "Child Welfare." The attendance was good and much interest was manifested. "Food for Young Children" was the subject of an address at the meeting: Wednesday by Miss Tassie Lane, a state home economics demonstrator. On Thursday, May 55. at the same hour, lOral Hygiene , win be- tne subject of an addreaa by Dr. W. Claude Adams of the Portland .Dental society. On Wednesday. May 26, Miss Jane Doyle of the Americair Red Cross will speak on Home Care of the Sick. and Miss Jane C. Allen. had of the state bureau of nursing, will- so-sfc on ' "Multnomah County Public Health Nursing-." . Miss Young-, in speaking of the con ferences, , said ;;y ."This '.program has been arrantred In response to -various .request from the people of Gresham and netehboi-tng com munities in the hope that we may make the subject of health one of paramount interest- - T "The draft revelations, showing as they did that at least one out of three of our young- men was physically unfit BLgtiBU-JL. 11-U.Sa.t 0. SJL-J. JU.JJ.LU '.. . to beat arnisr for his - rmmtry,- hav opened the -eyee -ef he people ojT ,'tlie, country to the' needs of -children.- Pre natal care and' a widespread education In infant and child care will prevent the appalling Infant mortality that now pre-r vaa. Thousands ' of babies .who. now die annually from ignorance and neg lect may be saved. MULTOMAH'S SECTORS with a. bans. '- . . 1 Arrangements hare I en made by h chamber to have th ' distinguished specialist on trade epeaE. at the mem bers (Drum Monday nooSj. 'Me hen chosen as his subject. "Preseat Pay Con ditions of the Russian CountrV-" Radfield was a member or - coogress prior t hi appointment to thA cabinet of President Wilson as secretary ef eorasaeroe, and bad always been inters ested in trade conditions. He wa the president of the American Manufacur ore' Export association for several year."5- APPROVE CHANGES Huerfet; iSlatelior ; i ' : Mexican Tresidbtit San Antonio, Texas. May 22. (L K. S.) The election Monday of Governor De La Huerta as provisional president, of Mexico has been agtreed upon by the Mexican senate and chamber of depu ties. : Lodge. Reservations, However, Are Denounced as Impossible , Senate Stopped Machinery. A comprehensive aeries of five cbild wejfare conferences is being , 4 19 A - Washington, May 2?. Repeated I J: members of the senate that the pres ident has-refused to accept any change in the League of Nations cov enant are disproved by the record itself. ' asserts Senator Gll"bert M. Hitchcock, wha -led, the. .Democrats in the treaty fight. Senator Lttcfv-J cock says .that he himself offered five compromise reservations to., the .treaty; and that they were approved by the president. , Partisan claims that thjo president has demanded the adoption of the treaty without the dotting of an "f or the' crossing of a "U" Senator Hitchcock de clares, constitute an example of the campaign of misrepresentation" indulged In by treaty opponents. - J ',, EEPCBUCASS REFUSED IT . v "The president's recent letter," said Senate Hitchcock, "declared his ' devo tjon to the League of Nation's, and de nounced the Ixxise reservations. That, is alt it did. I denounce them.: I never wtll consent to them and many other senators never would, and millions - of people never would. , . "But those - Lodge reservations were matched by reservations' on. the Demo cratic side of the chamber. ' I had the honor to offer five , reservations, and they were indorsed, by the president- and they- eere a -tender of compromise. On' Article X I offered a reservation ' which was a compromise. There' was some doubt as to whether the president would accept tUat. but we on our side of the aisle wene willing to stand for it. The Fep-sbltcans did not accept it. Yet that reservation was drwn by a former Re publictan president of the United States William H. Taft). We offered all the compromise; the Republican side offered none." . WHO BKUIED PEACE t Quoting" the claim of Senator" Knox that the- president had kept the country in an alleged state of war for almoet a year now; because he would not yield one jot on the treaty,. Senator Hitchcock asked: , "How can a man say a thins; of that sort te the senate et the United States with a" straight face? The president came back heiv with the treaty and de livered -lt to tfie senate in Jury, 1919, and. the. senate sent it to the foreign re latione commitute. of which the Pennsyl vania, senator, Mr. Knox, is a member. Tha committee locked up the treaty within the four i valla of the committee room, fbr two- months, although they might as well have reported It out in one week. But U wy kept it there de laying peace. ' "The senator fro.si Ptennsylvaala. 'au thor of the Knox, peace resolution, was one of the senators; whose votes made that ouTrageous dela,r possible. ndKbeB IS came into the seottte in September, It was debated until, tiie flftinth of No vember. U had been- efebV$eef Vfven be fore, September., and It. was- talked about for all these months, and when finally ' patience ceased to b virtue J, offered a resolution, of cloture to stop debate and the senator from Pennsylvania vot ed against tt. He did not want to stop debate. He was- not -(then afraid of delay." ', KNOX REAL SIGNER. For the second time. Senator Hitch cock pointed out. the senate debated the treaty for w-aeks, finally rejecting it a -"il t - ' ' ' ':i5'-. '':f:.v :- ?.-'.:'-'S ' ' . . ' ! I - ' - - i if it .A r?- short time ago. Senatos Knox ha said, voted against ratifying in any form. "X t he now- talks about the, preet. dent of the .United Stata keeping, the country in . a state!, of warT , exclaimed Senator- Hitchcock. when. ha was ln. Btro mental himself, in continuing . that perfectly tutraebus. delay, jrd if ' be had had his w'ay we wauM': have been debating the question even to thisjay I Kills Divorced Wife And Self on Street San Francisco, May l N. S. In front or. the Savoy hotel on, Van Ness a venue,' in. the presence of scores of pedestrians, Ernest L. Visit late today shot and killed his divorced wife and then, ended his own. life. with, a bullet in his brain. fDoU. fired several shots at his wife and a near-panic was caused by the frying . euUets. Tw of them took effect in bis wi'a body. Navyya'rd Worker Heir to $2,000,000 -1 ' -f -k Sacramento, Car.. May 22.-(1. N. S.) George Colbert, until recently em ployed as chief master mechanic at the Mare Island navv yardL was, notified today that he had become' an heir of the J7.000.000 estate left by h father. Captain George Colbert of New York. His share wUt be J2.000.000. ' 1M1I II B Better Optical Service :-:.Yya.-rt:-w.v---::i.,.y.-,v4:.i-.- V J Oar Ophthalmometer it one o Ae mol scientific eyctesting instruments in the world. .With it we can detect error of vision instantly. 1$ Our metHod is a method of convenience; . e , or concentration. q Our skilled optical specialists and opticians are under one roof, as well as the factory for making: the glasses double service with hut a single thought to give complete satisfac tion. ; . s ' . , . qThe one-price policy prevails at our estab lishment, same price to everybody and the same high-grade service in the way of glasses to everybody at the same price. Q Our many years' experience is' at your dis posal. - . 1 SAVE YOUR EYES Thompson Optical Institute EYESIGHT SPECIALISTS PerUaneTs Largest. Meet Modern. Bet Equipped Eaclushrei Optical EatabUshsaeat. - 209-10-11 Corbett Building. Hfth and Morrisoa .. Since 1908 ;' ; 1: SfllMTII mmmmmm e sy', ' ' -net', ft if Reading from left ta rislxV above Rebert S. rnar". t Gns C. Moser. Center Isaac E. Staples, George "W. JTosephu t Belcfw Wilson T. Hornet ' '.-; ;'--.' Out-of-Town Folks Ton can buy furniture from Edwards by mall and get the , same result as though you made a trip to Portland and selected ta person. When wrttiog men tion about the kind yon want and actual photographs will be sent. Terms, if desired, will be arranged. AGood PbceTo Tradi rjvwi rt9Smij our Jf'n f ' ' lyjwUjjH frTerms IffontertJZ 7) a i ' ii ., :. '-I . - ' ' i -i . Get Ready at Once! V - : ' - - " - - ...... . ; 4 The big- cosventlon will be on within a month. You're going to help care for the visitors, aren't you? Places to sleep will be of greatest importance. Kurnwti -up that-extra room now get what blankets, comforts other bedding needed and add them to your account. ' Kewly-Weds-This Outfit Will Last .TiniTSumjIufleV-dw . I- ea. ..- - ' ;' " -' - - - H ' . . Three Rooms Full With Tone attd Quality Beyond YourtAn ticipation In Front IV i n d o w Today Beautiful Golden Waxed Oak to match for the living and dining rooms t fland-Decorated Snow flake White or Lustered Old ivory Knamel fop the Bedroom, Delivered to your' home (.the out fit asxdescribed below) on conveniently -arranged -'. . j Easy Terms-N a Interest -The Living Room Beautiful quarter-sawed oak Library Table with plank top and magasine racks at each - end. Also three, handsome oak Kockers with genuine leather upholstered auto cushion seats. (Not ordinary oak rockers ; these s-re reai choice,) The four Pieces are displayed, in the window. .. . . t The Joining Room . . !r . . , . . An eleg-ant 18-ipch quarter-sawed plank- - . rim top Table that opens to six feet ; quarter - sawed oak Puff et with long plate mirror and -; six sturdily built chairs, all finished in hand ' rubbed wax,, to match the living-room suite. - "4a. Vvvv9- w?v1J'v1- ; 4' 1 ri ) S149SQ The Bedroom Hand-decorated with "Blue Birds and Blos soms" White Enamel Suite of five pieoea No two- decorated alike ; on one the blue bird) are flying; hi the blossomed bran.ch.es or fluti terlng. in the air. Yea, it's an exclusive Kd wards design. . The five pieces as illus trated,. .. -. r . , .: ;;; . : ' ' jru.yoLi'Br:i bavkkpobTs IRK EQITIPPKI WITB" , Coil.BBAClii 8TUKL.1.INK sPKIMUn" 1 - ...-.-' Model Illustrated . $8 WKKI-SO 1SEBE3T Beautiful Gojden Waxed Oak Frame, upholstered with genuine Craftsman Leatherette. The Bed Spring ls obii ftncctedL entirely independent of the seat, A separate and. entirely" different set of springs are used for the seaU. Steellink spring Is braced at the. ends (not, on the sid.es) in Nu fold Davenports. Two persons, regardless of weight. wtH find thjts "NuPold" Bed always even no more rolling to the center. You have full use of the full width of the bed, at ail times, too. . ... BATE A BSD ITT THE HG05f' WHKItE YOC BIPX'T THINK THEKE WAS ItOO.H )'OU A EB Several other models on display, but there's only . one "NUFeJd" Bed construction. Before buying- any Bed Davenport, see this Nu-Poid. . - BANG GOES PHONE; REDFIELD IS HUFFY I WilDam Redfieid.' former sec I retary of the department of com- I merce. arrived in Portland Satnrdav t night, from San" Francisco, accomt t panted by Mrs; Redfield. He has been .in attendance at the seventh I national foreign trade convention. His, present position is that of pres- ident - of the Russian-American Good Rugs Edwards! - - Considering the - present market value, there's an actual saving of over tea deUaca on, the leweat-pripst rug listed here ' Tbey are good patterns, but not many of theee par-, tlcular ones to select from. While - any rema$ you may help yourself. NOTE THESE PRICES: vtTSE YOtTB 4V1JME?TT AS, TO HOW SOON SELECXIONS SHOUfcB BE UABE, " 8.3xlft.S Seamlesa Brussels Ruga (tare pah f'JC -r c terns to seteet from. WuJil J 9x1 Seasoless, Brussels Rugs (two pat VQ7 7C terns to select from) i.. ult J 9x12 Seamless Brussels Rugs (four pat" 90Q Cfl terns to- select from). vOJi3 9x13 Seamless Wool Velvet Rugs (three $AO Cfl patterns to. select from) ra,3U Ru9gs13 !n,.1:s-!l...... $49.50, 554,50, 562,50 (Two ta five patterns of each to select, from) Armstrong & Blabon's Inlaid Linoleum, per OC square yard ,....,...,..........,,...,3H J Sleepwell Mattresses . . . $25 and $31 ':. ''':-'. . W CASB $1 WEK, 50 ISTBKEST .Yeu"ll da exactly aa the name says, "sleep well, for these mattresses are' made entirely of cotton, built up tn layers like so many . comforters. They're guaranteed no to lump or shift. Rolled edges and boxing of all Sleep welU Mattresses contain lons-fiber cotton to hejp retain shap and naturally prolong their Ufe nd looks. Try SleepweU for (50 nights. " - - ejaBssBssssBSBssjBBBSBBssseMBjeaBsjsveasaBVsssNaMessseBHse 'im iM-li iii n- 7T T TTTlTI 11 t- 'f'n Ti -rrti m'i' Jz , tfi -lITi 1. 'it.: v .- ... .-;-:. ";2?k ' "-.1'" ..I--;: ... rt .V-'?.--.'-... i '. iM- r-.M mii.-i,. .uaaaha'B'lit.,; . ...-.-g."--v itt'T-m'1'Jt --. ... - . - 1 1 i -'' M.ii.uiii . . y'TfX ;,. V New-Winner . f: ... - - - , . ft .- '- -. ' ' ' -. ' ."- I'-' "' . Riveted Steel Ranges Including Hot Water Coils Connected $82.50 tit Cash, 19 Week, o Inlerevt Not Identical but quite similar to the illustration is this New Winner Steel Range that is equipped with; Large New, Western firebox. Asbestos-covered even that's llxli-inch else. Six lid polished, top (no blacking), Duplex grates for wood and coal. Plain nickel trimmings. - . PoUshed eteel body and polished steel wsrming closet. YES. EJQWA&P9 WILL TAKE TO UK OLB 8TOYJ5 AH PAKT PAY MEM. TOO." foes o . 77 H iZ W tg A?? : y TRADE MARK THAT SHIELDS YOUtUUGGAGE e u P Spring Brides' OUUttSJlllUi-UUUlIHUlU C s Sets $15.85 The meet seeded and asefat pieces are laeraded even the Tea Kettle laser, which eliminates buying aa extra Sehle boiler. Two-Quart - Lip Saaee Pan replace the seep strainer, shown la the lower left eoracr of Ulastratlea. ' Tbefar brlght-as-sllver. smoe th-as-r lane finish and seamless eoastraetion make it impossible tor sedl ment or grease to gather, either inside or out. Just pour on hot water ap4 all pieces ! are thoroughly and instantly cleaned. - ' . Out-ef-Town Folks : Add 40q to cover the parcel posv unless you want it sent by express, collect. 4 -'A'JX &t A' IAF Wsr M-M VHvr- -Iff I - vl-i-J- 5'- lif t BAvSS This New Model, With the New Oval Horn and Six Double-Faced Brunswick Records, in Waxed Oak, Fumed : Oak or Mahogany , $155110 91$ Cash, Is Week, He Interest You didnt know there was suck a thing as the Brunewick eval hern? Just you see it and hear-your favorite record through it. ... "Oh. isnt it pretty T That Is what nearly everyone saya , But looks were not wo mucn conakiered wfcea Bruna wick built it. The all-wood eval hero, tapering into a perfectly round throat, was added that better and fuller "HOUNU TONES' would be, produced. . S - mill Hi t 1 Y f-f mr n in n ri n r --nrnrm tr nr msi Li;'- iUlii4 ' "- ' ' U trl U lE3jjijj i I j ; V JL V . . -,- I - ill -; 1