The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1920, Page 54, Image 54

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"own Tales
rpilE field mice folk of Tlnytown. j '
Are very busy now i
With spade and harrow, 'hoe and barrow
Mousey rake and, plow... v' j f
' For they are farmer mice, you know,
And raise mice oats and 'rye
And wheat and fruit and other foods
For city mice to buy i
And for their neighbors In the town J
Of Xily Pad. The frogs j
Find agriculture Is not suited i .
To their native bogs. j
The frogs are busy fishermen, !
And keep the mice supplied, !
And so these little meadow folk I
The fruits of toU divided ' j
' " i
. "...-.- j
A quaint old frogman has the mill,;
And grinds the mousey flour, I
Because, of course, in Tlnytown j
They have no water power. I
The ferry's run by froggies, .top.
And off the mice men go
To sell their fruit and vegetables
: To city mice, you know.;
The court of law's maintained by mice,
For this is drier stuff.
Presided over by that wise .
And learned mouse, Judge Snuff. "
The mice men own a stage coach,, too.
; i?. And twice a week it makes' -A
trip to Forest Village and
The stylish Forest Lakes. - ;
.. - '''.".''' t :
The frogs spend their vacations there f
And have no end of fun.
These towns are wisely managed !
. . And each helps the other one.
And nowhere will you find a' more
Contented wee community
Than Tlnytown and Lily Pad,
I say it with impunity. . f
How Rabbit
Lost Most
Of His Tail
ONCE upon a time Jack Rabbit had
ears about the size of Brother Pos
sum and a tail as long as the next fel
low. He'd have had them yet if he had
not 'been such a curious chap. He. al
ways was listening . and ' listening to
other, folks' affairs, sitting with his tail
all buried up under him and his little
bright eyes snapping like coals. .
Whenever there was talking or quar-
- reling ,or sin ring: there was little Jack
Rabbit. Pshaw, but he was a busyboay.
sure enough. He even went listening
around two-legs' houses and more han
once nearly got caught and popped 'into
a pie. But he always managed to run
pretty fast and after a while folks really
got used to the little chap sitting on his
hind paws taking in all the news. The
creatures, too, didn't pay any more at
tention to' him that if he'd been a tree
stump. - K . , . -
"That's only little Jack Rabbit 1" they'd
say to one another, and go, right on with
their speechifying.
But sot satisfied with all the things
he heard in the woods and in the village
where he visited. Jack started staying
awake at nights and trying to hear what
the goblins and fairies were up to. For
many, many nights he listened to their
secrets and first thing you know he be
gan trying to put into practice the fairy
charms and spells he had overheard. One
day he met old . Mr. Hedgehog. Mr.
Hedgehog - Vstshed him good day ' and
asked him what all the news was.
Instead of answering Jack stopped
short and twinkled his whiskers. -
Abra cabra dabra cob ! . mumbled
. Jack Rabbit, and pop! away- new Mr.
Hedgehog as invisible as air. He didn't
know he was invisible, either, and while
Jack Rabbit laughed and laughed all the
creatures ran around telling one another
that a ghost was in the woods that
talked like Henry Hedgehog, and poor
Mrs. Hedgehog, when she heard her hus
band's voice and bumped into something
she couldn't see in the parlor, fell into
r a swoon from which the entire village
could not arouse her.' -""
Now it happened that a little fairy
. chanced by and heard all the confusion
nd,: putting two and. two together, de-
- elded that someone was practicing magic.
And this conclusion once reached it
was not hard for her to find the culprit.
Changing Henry Hedgehog to his visible
self again she hurried back to her com
panions and told them of Jack Rabbit's
pran. - ; . -f ,
The fairies, were very angry and re
solved to teach Jack a lesson. And a
little goblin, who was listening to the
fairies, on his own account resolved to
do the same.
That evening Jack went as usual to
the fairy ring and-hid in a hole with
- only his ears sticking out the top. The
fairies laughed and sang, all the time
drawing nearer -to Jack Rabbit's hiding
place. And the goblins, led by the one
little goblin who had heard of the fairies'
plan, dug up through the ground till they
were right under Jack.
And all at once the fairies all to
gether jumped into the hole and selling
Jack's ears began to pull away for dear
life. At 'the same minute the goblins
broke through the last bit of earth and
got hold of his tail. And for all that
they - were so small they -tugged and
tugged till' between them they nearly
tore Jack: in two.
! "Never do to let the fairies et him !"
fumed the goblins. ' y . r , ,
"Whatever is holding him V - gasped
the fairies. And they pulled and pulled
till suddenlv thev all fil f in m
The goblins had pulled Jack's; tail clean
"" uii oeiore - me xairies recovered
their breath the little rabbit .was half
7 across the forest 'crying.' in three
different languages. .. And next morning
wRen he s saw how the fairies bad
stretched , his ears and he looked at the
poor little piece that the goblins had
left of his tail, he cried some more. ;
y But, ever after that he ran away from
everybody and minded his own business.
Which is a good thing. . .-
es nssssM as " -
Spring Doll Housecleanlno;
, New paper on the rooms, new rugs on
the floor, "new curtains at the windows,
dear me, there's so much, to be done r
hardly know where to start. The lace
paper mats that come i in the top of
candy boxes make lovely summer rugs
and the mats of women colored paper
simply add everything to the room.' Cur
tains for summer should r of a 9rlr
color so that the hot sun will not be
so gianng. . .uarx green or light green
is very, restful and cool. Better get to
work now !
, In the Merry! Month
i The Fairy Rings are all swept and
garnished and ready I for; the May
Strawberries here '
And cherries soon t ;
Oh, Joy., oh. boy, .
Twill soon be June. :
'.THE goldfish in the garden played
- Into the garden Anna strayed. .'- ;
. "Why do goldfish breathe so funny V V J
1 . Said Anna rizeJ Next minute, honey. ?
v Shejd scooped ut 'several with: her hand; j :
: Now fishes, as you know, aren't planned
Like us. Poor little fish,' they flopped . v i
In Anna's hand tin they. Were dropped. -
, The fairy of the fountain rose I .? '.
: And put then) back and then she blows I
' A fairy, spell 'round Anna Lize 1 '
And changed her down to fairy size, ' !
. Then ducked her up and down. Now, honey,
t She "knows why goldfish breathe so funny.
Ho! if you're wise, you'll use your eyes, t 4
And. not your fingers, 'Anna. Lize - .-A - J' I - -
$12.00 Iron Bed now at..
J 15.75 Iron Bed now at......
$19.00 Iron Bed now at......
$25.25 Iron Bed now at.
$30.00 Iron Bed now at......
$45.00 Brass Bed now at.....
$49.75 Brass Bed now at.....
$56 :50 Brass Bed now at. . . . .
' ''(1
FOE SALE ,- "' .-
fWe are now showing a full line of Ice
-King Refrigerators the ice-saving, not
I the ice-eating kind in all sizes; white
enameled interiors; full charcoal lined
! to keep 'the cold in; best nickel trim
mings. See. the ICE KING at Gadsbys
before buying. Priced as QOI PA
? low as OaWXetIV
Porch Gliairs
We have out Porch Furniture all on sample
and starting off with a sale. Rockers and
Chairs priced as low as .
Buy Your Gas Range
at Gadsbys' and Save
1 nrta T.'w.'iui-"L
"I1... ..-
by buying your "gas stove or water
heater from Gadsbys'. -,
Tou nay bake and broil with oae
flame same time on the Wedgewood
Gas Bangs.
The same set of ; burners heat the
bake oven (above) and the broiler Just
beneath it.- - . .--,..,... s
The Wedgewood Gas Range is easy
to clean ; its smooth surface, white and
black, can be cleaned with, soap and
water like you would wash your dishes.
1TOTICB We will take your old cook
. stove or range in exchange on one of
these new Wedgewood Ranges and
allow you all it is worth.
A Rocker Bargain
ss-s -41
This Solid Oak Rocker, best Imitation
Spanish leather seat, excellent, work
manship and finish, either- golden or
fumed, similar to cut. A regular
$13.50 rocker, Bpecial . 43
AColumbia Graf onola
Inclndlng 2t Selections of Your Choice
$10 Cash, $2 Weekly ,
- This beautiful instrument can be had in walnut,
oak or mahogany. --.
Columbias Are Priced as Low as
Come in and hear the new
June Records before the
supply is exhausted.
Spring Cleaning Time Is Here
Pick Out Your New Rug Now
$63.75 Extension
now at only. . . . . ,
$53.60 Extension,
now at only....;,
$49.50 Extension
now at only.. ... ,
$49.00 Extension
now at only ,
$44.50 Extension
now at only.. ....
$42.50 Extension
wow at onlyi ,
$39.50 Extension
now at only... V. -,
$35.50 Extension
now at only.";,..;
$30.00 Extension
now at only.....-.
T!.l $55.00
T.f.b.1.? $47.50
Table $43.00
Tabl $36.00
?.ab1.! $27.00
The Rocker we have on sale this week
is excellent value, has very high back
to rest your head, broad comfortable
arms and spring seat and back, uphol
stered in a good grade of tapestry over
guaranteed spring construction. Spe
cial while we have a few Q CSV
at only XOO.DU
Go - Carts and Sulkeys
Springtime is outdoor time . and baby
should have all the benefit of these
wonderful days. Let Gadsby sell you
a cart or sulkey this week at a big re
duction. $17.60 Go-Cart at ...813.75
$12.75 Go-Cart at..... SIO.25
$17.25 Sulkey at.... S13.50
$14.00 Sulkey at S11.25
$ .75 Sulkey at..... ;......... $ 7.75
are in season now for the larger kid
dies. We have a nice assortment at
prices from 3.QO to g 13.25.
White Enamel, and Finer Than Ever
Great Majestic Ranges
have arrived. New gunmetal tops and
leg bases. The great Majestic is the
finest range manufactured. Unfted
States government bought over eight
tralnloads of 20 cars each. Railway
companies and steamship companies all
use Majestic ranges. Ask the - cook
who has one. Prices reasonable. Sold
oa easy terms and guaranteed.
. vi' ? I--'-.,-
A dainty, artistic Adam design. You will find this a very charming
suite, consisting of five pieces Dresser, Bed, Dressing Table and Chair
and Rocker to match. Chiffonier may be substituted for COO ff
Dressing Table it desired. Price complete at Gadsbys' dOOiUU
IB J IT (1 Tu ii . -r
eee now suDstantiai tnis solid oak Extension Table looks. extends
six feet and may be furnished either In golden wax or fumed oak, with
joining iiiairs iinisnea 10 matcn taDie.- special at ? A y f T"
Gadsbys this week at....... OlOtiJi)
This style LIBRARY SET is of
have seats covered in brown Spanish leatherette.
unusually good value at..
oak, fumed or waxed tlnUh ; chairs
t". S49.50
Foi Two
or Three
You car do all your
washing and wringing
with the beautiful
"G e t z") cylinder elec
Put your
4 you
old way
have ru
sore and
knz enoy
foot down today
have washed the
lpng enough you
bped your finders
your back lame
The "GETZ" Electric . iiwuiure
washes all your clothes, your laces, your embropderies, silk shirt
waists, sheets, blankets, etc., a snowy white, quickly and quietly
in your own home.
You Simply Turn the Switch
the "Getz" does the rest -does the hard work of washing and
wringing your clothes. No longer Is It necessary for you to do
your, washing the old way or to have It done.
TheS 1
adds to the convenience. You wring the clothes from the cylinder
into the rinse tubs, baskets, etc., all wlthouf moving the tubs.
Any child can operate. Built very strong and durable, made from
the best material. Runs very smooth and noiseless. Fills every
Credit Terms. ' y ' :'.;!
We will save you money-buy your
tvitcnen or cam Linoleum now
at Gadsbys'
ar Cash Stores Rarely, If Ever, Undersell Us; and
You get the same advantages offered by the best of them, with an even greater range of styles and pricesl You'll find our stock more up-to-date, too, because
volume of sales keeps new patterns continually in stock. ' - .
ThU is the main difference If you want to pay for your purchase in small convenient sums, weekly or monthly, you may do so. '
There's No Interest Charged Here and every, article in our entire building Is (uaranteed as to quality. We buy only the best that's the first rule of thi
house. ; . . ' ' . ..- .. . .. - .-.A.'.. ... .; .. .. , . .
our very large
Use Our Exchange Dept.
If you havs famltore that doeni't uit
wnt (omethinc . more wxto-dat and better
phone m and w'U lead a eompetent ma-n to
, aaa tt and inum to take it put payment
on the kind jroe want the Gadiby kind. We'll
oaaka you a. liberal alknranoe for your foods aad
we'll eell yoa Bew furniture at low prices. Tbe
new furniture wlU be promptly deliTervd. : Ex
changed foods can be boecbt at our Pint and
Washington store.
Corner Second and Morrison