THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORT LAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1920. 3 : 'V. Benefit Dance And Card Set for Tuesday ; 1 . : ) ' - . OF INTEREST will be the entertaln , ment, dance and. card party to be given Tuesday evening j at Th. Audi torium by the Ladles" Aid society of the Cathedral parish. An organ recital-will be given by Frederick W. Goodrich aa a prelude, and the musical program be ginning at 7:45 o'clock.: The program will be given by Mrs. Zeta Hollister Pollts, soprano ; Mrs. i Rose Frledle JOianelli. contralto ; Miss Bernlce Mathie sen, violinist, accompanied by Miss Mar garet Mathlesen ; Harold Hurlbut, tenor, and Dr. Stuart McGuire, baritone. . Dancing in the south: wing , will loo cupy the younger folk after 9 ;30 o'clock, with Darby's orchestra. : Those who will act as a floor committee for this division are the Misses Irma Franx. Aurelia Fran. Martha Van Hoomussen, Ger trude Van Hoomugmn. Lucy Lillia, Mar garet Ketlaher and Hazel Durkln ; Messrs. M. P. Brennan, Charles Bowman. P, J. Vogl. J. E. Kenneflck. J. D. Walsh, P. J. Hanley and Frank Whalen. . Five hundred and bridge tables win be placed for those who do not dance, in the north wing of the building. Hand sortie prizes will be awarded those taking honors. Those in charge of arrangements for the card room are Mrs. Joseph EL Cronan, Mrs. Charles E. Chenery, Mrs. B. Gtldner, Mrs. Louis Cronan, Mrs. Joseph McCusker and Mrs. H. G. Terry. Under the chairmanship of A. B. Cain aq attractive program of the souvenir type has been worked out In which a number of misspelled Words will appear. To the person finding the completed list Of these words a beautiful floor lamp will be awarded, the gift of M. J. Walsh. Refreshments will be served on the stage under the direction of Mrs. W. J. Thatcher and Mrs. M. J. Riley, who will be assisted by a group of young women or the parish. j Patronesses for the I affair include Mrs. M. Baldwin, Mrs. Ni Bisaillon, Mrs. J.i Barrett, Mrs. Edward Boyce, Mrs. Breeze, Mrs.' John Clark, Mrs. P. J. Cronin, Mrs. J. Daugherty, Mrs. J. Col 11ns, Mrs. J. E. Cronan, i Mrs. J. Doyle, Mrs. Q. Dunning. Mrs. M. Duebar, Mrs. George II. Johnson, Mrs. William Jessop, Mrs. W. E. Jackson. Mrs. Jobson. Mrs. M. E. Foley, Mrs. Mary Faren. Mrs. B. GUdner. Mrs. A. J. Hoben, Miss Gile. Mrs. M. J. Hickey. Mrs.; F. P. Harter, Mrs. V. Kolb, Mrs. Charles LarkJn. Mrs. John Larkin, Mrs. A. ;D. McDougall. Mrs. John Murphy, Mrs. M. H. Mo-Donald,- Mrs. Joseph McCusker, Miss Mary -Median. Mrs. T. i'J. Doud, Mrs. P, F. Roe, Mrs. A. Petxel. Mrs. Neil Sullivan, Mrs. Edith Smith, Mrs. J. R. Wiley, Mrs. S. E. Winn, Mrs. S. Winton, Mrs. William Burk, Mrs. Ambrose Cronin, Miss Hennessey, Mrs. T. H. McAllis, Mrs. James Cook, Mrs. O. Ham lin, Mrs. John O'Shea. Mrs. James O'Shea, Mrs. wniiam Prudhomme, Miss Shannon. Mrs. Mary Cremens, Mrs. John Febert, Mrs. L. J. Kitleen. Miss Mary E. Smith, Mrs. Dilly. Mrs. E. J. Ryan, Mrs. Walter & McGuire, Miss Phil Arth, Mrs. J. E. Forestel, MrSi J. P. O'Brien, Mrs. J. P. Cavanaugh, Mrs. J. G. Cos tello, Mrs. De La B", Mrs. J. M. Riley, Mrs. Charles Whitney. Mrs. Coe A. McKenna, Mrs. Joseph E. Wiley, Mrs. Daniel J. Coman, Mrs.. Walter M. Daly, Mrs. J. N. Coghlan, Mrs, Donald Jessop, Mrs. Felix W. Iisherwood. Mrs. Daniel J. Maher, Mrs. W. K. Gaiens. Mrs. John Manning, Mrs. Natt McDougall. Mrs. J. U. Leonard, Mrs. T. J. Seufert, Mrs. O. F. Toomey, Mrs. Frank J. Lonergan, Mrs. Frank Kiernan, Mrs. David Dunne. Tne annual commencement exercises ef Sellwood general hospital training school tor nurses will be an event of Tuesday yenlng at St, Johns Episcopal church. East Fifteenth and Harney streets, at :15 o'clock. Dr. John IV Besson will make the address of the evening. Mem bers of the class include Lena Mary Johnson, Bessie Beatrice U'Ren, Hazel Belle Ralin. Lydia Emma Strasser, Em By Jane Reich, Mattie Ann Lewis. Laura I CITTi MAIL ORB ERS HEILIG Party r I- W I 1 1 THTTR. FBI. 8AT. NEXT I (WEEK A NATIONAL .---RAYMOND IW THE BIGGEST, FINEST AND BEST OF MUSICAL REVUES HITGHY K06 1919 j j HOW TO SECURE TICKETS BY MAIL NOW j "! . I Address letters, make checks, postoffice money orders payable to W t p,. Mgr. Hellig Theatre. Add 10 war tax to price ?ke?7d"e InSvIt TaS?' addressed stamped envelope to help insure safe return. nciuae seir- -EVENINOS- Entire lower floori....;.,..,.a;.$3.00 Balcony, first 5 rows.".!........ 2.50 Balcony, next 4 rows.. 2.00 Balcony, last 13 rows. ....... . l.oo Gallery, first 7 rows..... l.oo MRS. FRANK. M'CAULEY, chairman of the Mills college club benefit. Mrs. Louis Lemieux (Shirley Hill), whose marriage was a recent smart Vvent. Mrs. William N. Gatens, wher was a patroness for the ball at Cathedral house. ?! CV A'-? ;--: U v Mi I i K t , Me if U ttf'; -;-- if f 3 . - v n.- ' f $ i f - il !i -t- . r i I i w , v ? ; v ':. ; r, v hi 1 i I, - - i s ' I I - " v ' y h ' v i' - 1 y v-rgWfi T- ' muff mmum m i nr -- v in mr riiiini -mm in miiriiiir jj! 4 erp te-joc , Edna Rabkea. The school colors are pink and white.' i The May festival to be given Thursday evening, at Cathedral hall by the HAS A BEAUTY AID FOR EVERY NEED : t -: Some are born with beauty, some acquire It, no woman ever had it thrust upon her. She who keeps It works for It; she who loses it through neglect sighs for it too late. Remember the Marlaello Cotmetie Shop specialises la the art of beauty valtnre. j Tbont Marshall 2207 for Appointment 203.4 Broadway Building RECEIVED JfOW ' NIGHTS 27 Special Price U MAT, SAT. 3TECESSITT TrJH? P?JC1! MAT. SAT. ""um ijowf r r ioor. ...... 12 50 ! Balcony, first S rows...,...;.!! too Balcony, next 4 row.a. ...... l so 1 Balcony, last 13 rows i"oo I Gallery, first 7 rows........... 75 j I wy-:xVAsv.yAxBrt9t. Daughters of Isabella promises to be one of the most picturesque affairs of the spring. The principal features of the program will be numbers by the Couch school gymnasium class of the Daughters of Isabella, who are being coached by Miss Madeline Steffens of Reed college anfl W. H. Knapp of the city park bureau ; they "will consist of an elaborate May pole dance, -folk danc ing, solo dancing, drills, and musical numbers. The entire proceeds from the affair will go . to purchase furniture for the cottage : at Seaside which ' the Daughters have leased for the purpose of giving their members a vacation at a minimum of expense. : , '5 Mrs. Harold E. Temple (Marie Mc Adam) was hostess for a bridge-tea hon oring Mrs: Herman, at her home in Irving-ton Saturday afternoon. .: Mrs. Daniel A Shindler and Mrs. C. F. Swigert returned early In the week from Long Beach, Wash., where they spent week-end. TOMORROW LAST DAY OF OUR MID-SEASON SACRIFICE SALE OF SPRING APPAREL; - .... : - ' No Exchanges or Approval All. Sales Final ONE LOT WAISTS - In Crepe de Chine, Georgette and Satins. Formerly ; sold to H2.5Q. Priced in Three Groups. $2.95 $4.95 $6.95 SALE NOW ON 342' Alder Street Social Events To Feature Reed Commencement ) "V ! f' - ! . - -i SOCIAL plans for commencement week at Reed college; wer an nounced by the seniors last week, and committees have, begun arranging the final events of the 1920 year. The week's activities begin Monday evening, June 7, when the college chorus under the di rection of Hans Hoerleln, a Reed senior, will present its annual spring concert In the college ichapeU Tuesday has been set as river day, and Howard McGbwan, a Junior, has already made reservation of the steamer Joseph , Kellogg, which. Reed parties have char tered on former river days. The day will I be spent on the Columbia, and Moffatt falls will probably be chosen as the boat's destination. Wednesday Lucien E. Becker will present his final organ recital, and Thursday la senior class day. ' j . - I Friday will see Reed dancers In their element at the senior ball, which will be held in the college assembly hall. .The sophomores will decorate for this party in accord with a Reed custom, and sen iors will arrange other details through the .committee,- Harvey Eagleson, Carl Wilson, Helen Pierce, Marjorie Fulton and Frank Forrester. The class day committee Is Arthur House, George Henny and ilsabelle Stfaln. Calista Eliot Is chairman of the commencement program committee. Miss Eliot, Glenn Quiett and Emma Thompson are co operating with the faculty committee, H. C. Gray, Miss Florence M. Read and Miss Ruth B. Compton. Reed college students and faculty abandoned class rooms and laboratories Wednesday which was declared a holi day by the student council. The entire Reed community took the train or hiked to Oswego lake, where boats and canoes were hired, and a picnic dinner was served at the usual 6 :15 o'clock hour. Kirk Prindle. William Stone and Ann Shepard were la charge of the affair which marks the end of Reed social events until commencement week follow ing examinations. Among the .surprises on the hike was the appearance of a beautiful diamond ring worn by Asenath Barnes, which in formally announced her engagement to Arthur House, a Reed senior. Miss Barnes left Friday for Alaska where she will spend several months with her sis ter, and the announcement came at her final Reed appearance. j : t " - One of the smart events of the spring was the Junior Hunt club circus given Saturday at the Portland Riding acad emy. A matinee was given at 3 o'clock, followed by an evening performance In which all the members of the Junior Hunt club participated. The list of eveifcs opened with a pa rade of all participants, followed by in dividual bareback riding. The perform ers appeared in two rings and Included Clementine Lewis, Jack Herron. Harvey Dick, Jack McDougal, Warner Eickman, Robert Coffey. Dan McDonald. The third number was a clown frolic and, the performeds were Natt McDou gall Jr., Robert Holman, Harold Hirsch, Dan McDonald. James Greele. W. U. Sanderson coached and directed this part of the performance. The Roman race under the direction of Harry Kerron, included Harvey Dick, Jack Herron. Jack McDougal. Warner Eickman, Robert Coffey, Clementine Lewis and Dan McDonald. Eight couples took part in a drill num ber under the supervision of Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot and T. T. Strain. The entries were the 1 Misses Sunanne Cas well; Leona Prag, Frances Prudhomme, Marion V. Bowles, Elise Fleischner, Aulie Green, Florence McBride. Dorothy McBride and Douglas Nlcol, Hal Har n.ed, Paul McCusker, Holt Warren, Am brose Cronin Jr., Francis Hall, Harry Klosterman, Francis McCarthy. Other numbers consisted of a stand ard race, coached by Claude D. Starr and Walter V. Gearin, and a potato race under the same coaches. Through the courtesy of Charles F. Berg a supply of unusually beautiful ribbons were given to the Junior Hunt club for those taking honors In the cir cus ; events. ' The President's association of the Ladies of the G. A R. will give a card party at the home of Mrs. Carrie Courtes, 225 Fifth street, Saturday afternoon. We Have to "Let Go" on Account of Backward Season HUNDREDS OF GARMENTS ON SALE A CLOUDBURST OF SAVINGS " " COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, SKIRTS WAISTS AND FURS Tremendously Reduced 25 to 50 -Today's Styles at 1914 Price I This sale positively closes Monday night. Seldom is such an op portunity, offered which allows you to buy the season's newest gar ments at these prices. Attend this sale it will mean money to 'you. ONE LOT DRESSES 5 . I In- Silk Taffeta. Georgette Crepe,. Tricotine, Tricolette. Serges and Jer seys. Values to $50.00 ' $24.75 JERSEY SUITS In all the new' styles and shades trimmed with latest Angora trimmings. Values to $47.50 ' Special $29.75 SKIRTS "One lot of Wool Plaids, Silk and Jersey Skirts. Values to $9.50 Special $5.95 .Opposite Pantages Theatre MRS. J. R. THIEHOFF, who is' one of the members of the program committee for the benefit card party to be given by Corinthian chapter. Order of Eastern Star, at Laurel hurst club May 26. . r fj tfii ' - - t ' 1 A 4 J r, jr? ? i - - - - , 1 t " s , , ' - ' . ; ier 4- t - . " - ' : . At tfJ&k "" " ." """" .1 ..rr -1 ..ii mtmmmm 11 n . Miss Sawyer Is Honor Guest at Farewell Party UTISS JESSIE LYNNE SAWYER, 1 who. with her father, the Rev. R. H. Sawvr. is to Bail early in June for Lon don, England, was given a farewell party Tuesday evening by the choir- of the East Side Christian church. The pleas ant affair was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Ganse. Games per taining to the voyage were played, and refreshments were served in miniature boats, each bearing the name of one of the guests. Miss Sawyer was presented with a beautiful traveling case. '.- The marriage of Miss Mabel E, Wright of San Leandro, Cali-and John Bronlee Allen, was an event of Thursday at high noon In this city. The bride was at tired in a peachbloom chiffon' broad cloth tailleur. worn 'with a large picture hat to match, and corsage bouquet' of pink baby roses. The bride was given in marriage by her uncle, George Ham mefsmith of San Francisco. Mrs. Aj S Holmes of Alameda. Cal., was matron of honor and Fred Sheldon best man. After the service was read the party motored to the Multnomah hotel where a wedding luncheon was served. The guests Included Mrs. R. Morgan, San Leandro, mother of the bride; Mrs. C. H. Allen. Vancouver. B. C. ; Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Holmes, Mr. and" Mrs. E. A. Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sheldon ONE LOT COATS In Polo Cloth. Camelshair Cloth, Burella. Velour and" Jersey. Values to $30.00 $18.95 ONE LOT SUITS In Tricotine. Serges, Poplins, Ox fords and Jerseys. , Values to $59.50 $34.75 COATS One lot of Jersey and Ve lour Jackets and Polo and Burella Coats. . Values to $25 $14.95 SALE NOW ON and Georgre . Hammersmith. After a short honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Allen will reside in Boise, Idaho., where Allen is a prominent 'business man. ...V,:" Invitations have been Issued for one of the delightful events of the season, to be given by the Phi Alpha Kappa sorority at Laurelhurst club Friday evening. Dr. and Mrs. Van Cleve and Mr. and Mra Ray Bentley will act as patrons. Hostesses of the evening will be : Elvera Anderson, Virginia Brown, Mrs. "Howard Butler, Lana Brown, Genevieve Hoffman, Mrs., Burt Gran ning, Fay Beaver, : Mrs. Ray Maier, Louise Teasdale, Mrs. Ross Forsyth, Mrs. Tad Emerson, Ve'rda Walters. Ef fie Typllt Joeneva Frank, Edna Flood, Mrs. Charles Raymond and Mrs. Tom Armstrong. Mrs. ' Fred S. Penfleld of Irvlngton entertained Thursday with a well ap pointed bridge luncheon. Seven, tables were arranged for the game. Addi tional l guests called - later at the tea hour. - ... H. S. Buttenhein was a dinner host Tuesday evening when he entertained at the Hotel Portland. ; Places were marked for 12 friends and in the center of the table was an attractive .basket of early summer flowers. 1 K 1 These arc times when it's more foolish than ever to buy any shoes except the best. This new tie, tailored in a rich black ooze, has an air of elegance. Its color will blend with the other coldrs you wear, -With black silk hose the complete effect will delight you. So also will this tie's snug WAlk-Over fit under the arch and the way its Louis heel raises your instep. Wear with either buckle or bow.. We'd like to. show it to you on your foot. Drama League To Visit Valley Cities This Week THE group of Drama league players who have appeared at the Little Theatre under the direction of Mrs. Dent Mowrey will present three one-act plays in Salem and, in. Eugene this week, on Friday and Saturday. The party of players will motor from Portland to Salem and will produce their plays and will appear in : Eugene Saturday, re turning to Portland Sunday evening. The cast for ' ?The Stronger" (Strind berg) Includes : .Mile. X., Mrs. Hnry Ladd CorbettT Mme, T., Mrs. Dent Mowrey ; the maid, Marian Voorhles. ,In "Riders to the Sea" Syng) : Maurya. Aileen Brong; . Kathleen, . Mrs.. Dent Mowrey ; Nora, " .Evelyn Cheely; Bart ley, Robert - Strong ; two men. Dent Mowrey and Henry Ladd Corbett. "The Maker of Dreams," by Ollphant Downs, Includes: ,' Pieretta, Marian Voorhles; Pierrot, Mrs. Dent Mowrey; the manu facturer, Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett. ' Aside from the players the party will Include Mrs. Edwin Seeley Parsons, president ot the Drama league ; Mr. Parsons, Mrs. George T. Gerllnger and several others from Portland. These plays Were presented with dis tinction and success by Mrs, Mowrey and her capable company of players at the Little Theatre in January. - The per formance was notably artistic and ef fective, Mrs. .Mowrey'i skill aa a di rector" being especially shown in her casting of the roles and In her fine understanding of, stage effects.. All parts were taken with ease and artistry. Plans for the . Eugene appearance, which is to be given .for the benefit of the woman's building fund, are being perfected by Miss Elizabeth "Fox, dean of- women at " the university, and in Salem by a group of prominent women interested In the-Little Theatre move ment headed by. Miss Mabel Withy combe. -.-. Mrs. C. J. Mathis presided at a et tily appointed luncheon durUg the past week in honor of Mrs. C D. Hill. and Mrs. J. F. Park of Addison, N. Y., who are the house guests of Mrs. W. O. Feenaughty for a short time. Seated at a table centered with lilacs and with places marked by dainty lavender tinted cards were; in addition to the guests of honor, Mrs. Feenaughty, Mrs. Edward S. Reynolds of Tacoma, Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. 1 R. -Bailey, Mrs.' H. V. Rawlings. Mrs. Charles .Norvell, Mrs. H.'G. Parker. Mrs. J. G. Overman, Miss Ann Brown Mrs. Marshall N. Dana and Mrs. J. F. Ginnane. -i The members of Peter A. Porter cir cle, Ladies of the Q. A. R., will give a May day party Wednesday ; all day at Baker hall, Killingsworth and Albinair avenues. Member's.--are requested to bring lunch. '".Maypole dance and en tertainment will, be furnished ' by the circle. V ' , Throtigh the courtesy - of the Scottish Rite, the Community Service Girls' club will hold a dance in Scottish Rite - ca thedral ballroom-'; Thursday evening, "OD?rt jvronn wui oe the rioor man ager; and the member, of the Rotary club and their; Wives will be patrons and patronesses. The auxiliary of Friendship chapter. Order Eastern Star, - will , hold an all day meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. A. S. Auterson, 680 East Forty- fourth street north. . ; . A HM1TED KIJMBERi OP IT I fi TI GRADE SUITS A?fl COATS, PRES. EST VALUE IS5.M, CCC nfl SPECIAL PRICK.......... S'OO.UU J.KSTERN LADIES TAILOR 447 AIDER Tlie --- '' v -""-'-" . A Tie Movie Stars 342 Washington Street and 125 Broadway of lcgance for eprms SSIear We have - been especially noted for the superior qual ity and distinctive Slc of i j the lurs we carry. Today, more than ever, you will find this fur store the logical choice tf the discriminating Your Inspection Is Invited! Fur Storage v At Moderate Prices With a guarantee inainst fire, theft and moths." j Furrier i Broadway and Alder , The Universal Style Js the carefully de ! signed, cut-to-nieas-ure tailleur. Ap propriate for the young girl, and the matron. The busi-, ness woman looks her best in it; the society woman in cludes one in her wardrobe. But see that Norman Bros, make- it.r NORMAN BROS. TAILORS TO MEN AND ' WOMEN Northwmtwn Bank Bldg. every day. on at.. Bet. id 5th. Tel, WH-J Mair 7709 VANITV $12 to $14 Wear 1. - a i