THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 16, 1820. Rehearsals Are Now in Progress For Vaudeville " ill F,ANS for the society vaudeville to be given June 9 In the Hellig the atre are being carried out with success. The committees' to have charge of ar rangements have been named and re hearsals have already bepun. Through the courtesy of Eric V. Haueer those participating in the performance will practice at the rose room of the Mult nomah hotel. The feature acts and the names of the performers have to date been kept secret and will not be an nounced until later. The vaudeville Is to be given for the women's building fund "of the University of Oregon. Mrs. I Cameron Squires has been named chairman of finance and will have one or two assistants. Mrs. Donald W. Green has been chosen chairman of candy ! sales and will be assisted by Mrs. William Norman Burgard, Miss Irene Daly, Miss Alberta Bair and Mrs. Maurice K. Crumpacker. - i For the sale of the programs in the theatre Mrs. David T. Honeyman has consented to be chairman and will be assisted by Mrs. C. Edward Orelle. Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mrs. Edmund I Devereaux, Mrs. Josephine "Andrews and Mrs. Walter Bertram Mackay. Mrs. llAwrence R. Wheeler is chair man or the ticket sales and distribution committee and .has chosen for her workers Mrs. Arthur Mears, Miss Jean Mackenzie, Mlss Owladys Bowen and Miss Elisabeth Huber. ' Miss Rhoda Rumelin will have charge of the sale of boxes and will probably be assisted by a. group of the Junior League girls. Of Interest to Portland friends is the marriage of Miss Shirley Hill to Louis Lemleux of Montreal, Canada, which ' was solemnized May 8 at the residence of the Archbishop Christie, who read the service. The. bride is a daughter of Mrs. Margaret Hill, who makes her home at the Hotel Portland. She was'graduated from St. Helens hall In Portland and later attended Vassar preparatory (school at Putnam Hall. For the ceremony the bride wore a smart tatlleur of midnight blue ; and carried a bouquet of orange blossoms and white orchids. Mr. Lem leux Is the son of Mr. and Mrs.: Josephine Lemleux of Montreal, Canada, and is a nephew -of the Honorable Rudulph Lemleux. ex-postmatser general of Can ada and member of parliament. At the " wedding the bride was given In mar riage by her mother, who waa attended by Dr. C. J. Smith. C. Henri Labbe, French consul and John Trant were at tendants of the bridegroonw Following the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Dtaiieux left for Montreal, where they win yslt the parents of the former. They will sail May 2 from Montreal on the S. S. Me- gantlc for London, where Mr. Lemleux is with the Becker company and where they will make their home. A pleasant afternoon was spent last Wednesday at the home of Commander J, W. Gray, 2805 East Fifty -eight street south, where Meadames Townsend, War den and Gray entertained Will P. -Pick Inson post and corps with a silver tea. The program included patriotic songs and several Instrumental numbers, after which refreshments were served and tea waa poured by Mary Worden, A gen erous silver offering was collected to - apply on the fund for chairs needed at the SunnysWie hall, corner -of Yamhill and East Thirty-fourth streets. Regular meetings are held second and fourth Saturdays a,t 2 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Boss- have . had as their house guests Mr. and Mrs. Wynn Johnson of Dallas, Or., during "the past week. Mrs. Johnson will be remembered by her many Portland friends as president of the Portland Woman's club. During their stay In the city, Mr. and Mrs. Boss took their guests on a motor trip to the beaches over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. John son returned to their home early in the week, i- Mrs. P. C. Oldenberg and Mrs. Reade M. Ireland asked a few friends in for bridge Friday afternoon at their home at Ardgour. For the occasion guests were Mrs. Kurt Koehler, Mrs. Maurice Dooly. Mrs. Carleton B. Sfwift, Mrs. Henry Green Reed and Mrs. Mary Scar- borough, and Miss Celine De Brie of Philadelphia, who is the guest of Mrs. Wells Gilbert. j The annual meeting of the Sons and ; Daughters of the Indian War Veterans will be held at the Central library on Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock for the election of officers and final arrangements for the banquet to be held June 30. A large attendance is desired 'by the president, Mrs. M. Steele. ' e . The Women's auxiliary of the Cana '. dlan Veterans will give a card party ; Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, at 85 : Fifth street. Friends are rgciuested to , make reservations. Call Mrs. McKenzie, Main 2647, or Mrs. Frlsbie, Woodlawn 3064. Wlnslow Meade circle No. 7. Ladles of G. A. R. will hold thelc regular meet ing in 625 Court house, Monday at 1 :30 o'clock ; there is much business to attend to and there will be memorial services. A large attendence is desired. . Miss Olga Ton Destlnon entertained at a luncheon ot 12 covers Thursday at Waverley club, honoring Mrs. Stephen Appleby, who came to Portland from Tacoma some months ago to make her home. ? - i Mrs. A. L. Maxwell returned last week from Santa Barbara. Cal.. : where she ' has been the guest of Mrs. James ;G. Gauld and Miss Isabella Gauld at El Encanto. j .-.. . Mr. 'and Mrs. William MacMaater, who are abroad, spent the last few weeks in! France and are now In Scotland, where! they will visit their former home. INTEREST centers in the coming circus of the Junior Hunt club to be given May 15 at Port land Riding academy. One of the promising members, of the Junior Hunt club is' little Jean West, daughter of former Governor and Mrs. Oswald West, who rides with her daddy each Rrfith' Ottenheimer and Marv Louise Piatt on Chitra will take part in the circus, i I - i t . i A :V::SS1V" ; K -Tr - V" - : A W. - k Y - 17 ix ; 1 1 ' v r I f ' : s " i h A J i x -l" -; , I k&z, -BBEggn 1 : h . Flower Fund to Be Used for Sick Is Being Raised . ii mm m rpO RAISE funds for the flower fund JL for the sick, a benefit . card party and muslcale Vill be given by Corln-. thian chapter. Order of Eastern Star, at Laurelhurst clubhouse on the after noon of May 26. The hour is 2 o'clock- Mrs. Philip Gevurta Is chairman or the committee for j arrangements ; the pro gram committee includes Mrs. J. Coulsen Hare, assisted by Mrs. J. R. Thlehoff. Mrs. Lewis CHne and Mrs. Bertha Mon- Mrs. Alice Cowell will have charge of details for the prizes. Mrs. Lillian Knuth, assisted by Mrs. Ella Sawyer, Mrs. Charles B. Turley and Mrs. Cora Puffer, will look after the card tables and decorations. Reservations can be made through any of the above named committee. ! A musical program will be given from 3 :30 to 4 :30 o'clock for those that do not care to play cards. The following art ists will take part in the program : Mrs. A; W. Claxson, Mrs. Fred A. Kribs, Mrs. E. L. Cline, Mrs. Thlehoff. Miss Geral dine Peterson Miss Marie Chapman, Mrs. F. W. Yonney. , Patronesses Include ' Present Matron Mayrne' Howatson and Past Matrons Misa Ida Aronson, Meadames Julius Al len, A. A. BaHey, Harry Blough, Mamie Brown, Alice Cowell, Harry E. Chip man, L. J. Davis, V. DeYarmond, J. Francis Drake, Mary Forest, . Myra Glines. John G. Hammer, George How ell, Florence John. John Owen Kellogg, Carrie McCabe. Emily McLean. Mary Scott Myers, E. A. McPherson. T. J. Mendenhll. Clara Patterson, Margaret Porch, Frank E. Shaw, J. R. Theihoff, C. B. Turley. Ella Vincent, F. C. Was- serman, Sarah. Wells, Bel Wilson and Mrs. Collins The May dance given by the American Legion auxiliary at the Armory Friday evening "was the closing event of the sea son for . the auxiliary.- The committee in charge of the party . consists of Mrs. Frank Wadsworth, Mrs. George Fauss, Mrs. Ralph Wiley, Mrs. C. E. Sigle. Mrs. Cahill, Mrs. Eugene Llbbey, Mrs. Lynch, Mrs. P. Bartholemy and Mrs. H. F. Wheeler. . ( i For the pleasure of all Royal Neigh bors, Modern Woodmen and their friends. Marguerite camp will entertain Tuesday evening In the East Side Business Men's club. Grand avenue and East Alder at 8 :30 o'clock. A short program, danc ing and light refreshments will be of feredV , ' ! ' . ,'.':'- The Social club of Friendship 'chapter, 6. E. S., will give its last card party of the season at the hall. Forty-third and Sandy boulevard, at 8 :30 o'clock Monday evening. The proceeds will be given to the Masonic and Eastern Star home fund. All Masons, Eastern Stars and their friends are invited to attend. i Of interest to friends of the Portland Drama league will be the open meeting Wednesday evening at 8 :15 o'clock at Room B Central library, when Dr. Ralph Boaz of the Reed college faculty will read "The Importance of Being Earnest" by Oscar Wilde. The meeting is open to the public. Hill Academy Club Host at Merry Party rpiHE "H club of Hill Military acad X emy entertained Friday evening at a merry party at which they, instituted what they hope will be a custom, the entertainment by the letter men with an annual formal dance each spring. The personnel of the club includes men who have served oo the athletic teams. The non-commissioned officers will hold a dance next Saturday. The juniors enter tained last week and the last party of the season for the cadets was given on May day. This does not include, of course, the commencement exercises. These Hill parties have been most popu lar events of the season and always are anticipated with great interest on the part of .the sub-deb set. For the commencement plans are not complete j but! some special music will be presented under the direction of Dr. Emll Enna. It is probable there will be song by the Glee club of H. M. A. and a piano solo by Joseph Hughes, one of the talented young -students. For the H ; club party the following were in attendance, with Mr; and Mrs, Irving : Day and . Mr. and Tklra. II. H. O'Reilly , receiving with President and Mrs. Hill and the cadet committee : J The Misses Margaret Densmore, Eve lyn Thatcher, Dorothy Carpenter, Ethyl more Daniels. Anne O'Reilly, veanette Carter, Jane i O'Reilly, Vergl "Blazier, Blazier, Vivian Johnson, Elizabeth HoU brook, Janice Parker, Eloise Huggins, Dorothy Mitchell, Jane Fleckensteln, Margaret Helen Parfker, Muriel Withers, May Edgett, Frances Cornell, Eleanor Woodward, Genevieve Gooseman, Martha Shull, Ruth Sensenlch, Agnes McBride. Cadets Thomas -Austin. Richard Ball, Harold Churchill, Albert- Cavanaugh, Harold Dagg, i Irving Day, Wilton Good rich, Gael Green,' Homer Heyden, Adolph Heyden, Bert. Hathaway, Herbert John son, Vernon Johnson, LeRoy Livermore, Evans Meagher, Edward McManus, Mel vin Mattlngly, Russell Page, Thomas Pollard, Harold Robinson, Leslie Roth, Morton Robinson, Nelson : Robinson Vernon Webb, George Wright, Waldo Ball, Dr. Estes. Major Donason. Officers of the H club are : President, Richard Ball ; secretary and treasurer Bert K. Hathaway; sergeant-at-arms, Melvln Mattlngly. , The - invitation committee included Harold Daggs and Russell Page. The reception committee was -Harold Church- I 111, Irving Dsiy. J3ael Green. Arrange ments for supper were made by Vernon Johnson, Thomas Pollard, George Wright. The decoration committee was Thomas Austin, Adolph . Heyden, Ed ward McManus, Wilton Goodrich, Homer Heyden, Leslie Roth, j I . . tThe Alaska .society enjoyed a. joint social and business session Monday eve ning in the assembly room of the Hotel Portland. A number of matters of busi ness were attended to, after which there was a social time with music and danc ing supplemented by Jhe serving of re freshments. I . Gordon Granger Women's Relief corps ahd the Daughters of Veterans will give a card party in room 525, courthouse, on the evening of May 20. All friends of these organizations are In vited. Prizes will be given. t ; - .' Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Sawyer and Miss Grace Sawyer are down from Bend for a week and -are registered at the .Hotel Portland., j j i MISS GERTRUDE DRUCK GLUTSCH of. Laurelhurst, who was elected vice president of the Intermediate or Laurelhurst club recently. Miss Glutsch s one of the active workers for the success of social activities for the club. P ; , e jt , t ?k x r - 1 " t S .v : v n - - - ' ... -., v - ' . . r . : A ' ' '. t ' ' 4 ' I Laurelhurst to B e Rep resen ted In Floral Parade LAURELHURST CLUB jwill be repre sented this year in the floral parade of the Rose Festival through the efforts of the women's progressive unit of the; cjub which meets fortnightly to formu-l late plans for the successful ventures of the club. The women have already apt pointed committees among their numbef to look after details for the float, that it may be a fitting representative of the club. i . - .. The fortnightly card party was held at the clubhouse on Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Duffield as the hosts. At bridge the high scores fell to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Richardson, at five hundred to Mrs. W. M. Rice and Harold Huffman. The Women's Tuesday After noon Card club will meet at the club house on Tuesday afternoon : at 2 :15, it Riding Habits FOR THE SPORTSWOMAN Above all, the riding: habit must be faultlessly tailored and correct in every detail. Fabrics for spring and , summer wear may be chosen with the assur ance of. irreproachable Styling. Schweitzer & Eagin Ladies' Tailors 5th Floor Columbia Bldg. ENTRANCE NEXT RIVOU THEATRE with Mrs. Joseph Kettenhofen and Mrs. E. C. Peets as the hostesses. The club will give its monthly guest night party at the clubhouse Thursday . evening. when members and their guests will dance..1 ... ; ' i Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kropp entsr tainedwith a supper dance at the club house of the Oregon : States Motor' asso ciation Wednesday evening. During the : evening -Mr. MurtagU sang and played some of his original compositions which were much appreciated. Art Indian dance by S- Pier added greatly to the amuse ment of the- guests, whd were Mr. and Mrs. Julius Berg. Mr.- and Mrs. Allen, Mr. and Mrs, Ben Buck, Mr., and Mrs. Charles Dunham, Mr. and j Mrs. R. Hochull, Mr. and MrsjR. Hunt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Murtagh, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam S. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pier Mr. and Mrs. Willlaip. McKlnney, Mr. and Mrs. M. McClure, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rleschi Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Sharp, Mr. and Irs. 'IL Thompson, Mr.and Mrs. Edwin Kropp and Dr. and Mrs. H. P. Sturdevant. - WHY NOT A SKIRT WITH Snap and Dash EAST TO MAKE AT HOME We seam, hem, accord I an. box or knife pleat skirts ready to put on belting. Special v $1.25 EASTERN NOVELTY -MFC. COMPANY MANCHESTER BLSO. 85 H Fifth St. Roam 21 Bdwy. 19M I Mf. and Mrs. Joseph H. Boyd and Miss Elizabeth Boyd of Spokane are in the city for a few days nd are registered at the Hotel Portland. , "; - . , BeaufifyeCompIeHoa IN TEH PATS ' Nadinola CREAIT Tks CasqtuU BeamtSsf Vd and EJor& Br TkmmMmmim Guaranteed to remorw' tan, freckles, pimptesJ liver-spou, etc. Ex-, trcme cases 29 dirs. Rids pores and tissues of Impurities.) Leaves the ski a clear, soft, healthy. At leading toilet counters. If they haven't it, by mail, two sixes, 60c and $1.20. NATIONAL TOILET CCX. rmrim. Tm. Sold by Roberts Bros, and Other Toilet Coasters. T 1 r-iTti 1 VIZlVL 1 1 Miss Marias Voorhles is spending a short time at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Prank E. Hart at Riviera before her de parture for Medford, where she will join her parents. Colonel and Mrs. Gor don Voorhles, at Eden Valley Orchards. i ; Miss Martha! Hoyt, who has been spending a few weeks In New York will leave soon for Boston to visit Miss Alice Dabney. She will go . later to Phi la delphia and Washington, D. C, to be with Miss Evelena Magrueder. Mrs. 3. C. i Elliott King was hostess for an informal luncheon of eight covers at the Betty Lamps tea house Friday afternoon. I ; Monday Musical To Close Year With Biff . Ball - THE Monday Musical! club will close a most successful year with an elab orate ball at Christensen's hall on May 17. tinder i the auspices of the dancing department of the club.j assisted by the social committee. - A sljt-pleoe orchestra will! furnish music for-j dancing. Punch win i be served by the ;members of the social committee and cards will be pro vided Tor those who dot not dance. ; ; Mrs. Anton Giebish, the retiring presi dent of the club, assisted by these two departments, is making! every effort to make this affair a brilliant success. j Invitations may be secured from any member of the club. I t Mrs. - F. C Laslette arrived in Port land May 1, after attending the Moody Institute In Chicago. 11L, for the last two! years. Her husband, the Rev. Mr. Laslette, is pastor of the Glencoe Bap tist 'church. . .... I; i U . - Scout Toung auxiliary. United Spanish War Veterans, will give a card party Tuesday evening at their rooms,- 525 Courthouse. This party) will be given to raise a fund to send : a delegate to the national convention, to be held at St. Louis. Mo., in September, when the or- ganlzation hopes to have Mrs. Cora Thompson7 made vice president. Mrs. S. B. Marshall of Toronto and' Miss A. E. Mason of London are stop ping at the Hotel Portland, j M.WEINSTEIN i Fashionable Tailor j Telephone Broadway !l97S SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 41 Stark Street, Bet. lHh and 11th w ifnmf iwfUk. sJi7i 1 1 1 I inr I MISS DOROTHEAS NASH will; extend heb teachino season '. ; until jult 30. ' STUDIO: 807 Buth and Lane Bldg. Main 63M Modern Methods and Repertoire for Teacher. Accredited Teacher for Hixh School Stadente. Claas Work in Musical Education Free to All ... .j. . . . , Pupila... ; .. j) i WANTED LADIES' AND MEN'S SUITS to snake to order from ycrar own materials ee aelectioDe from our stock will eare yon money. I HUFFMAN & I CO. ! TAILORS TO MEN AND WOMEN. nd Floor Medical Bldfl. i Main 81 3S. iilMlniiiiiiiiilMiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinttiiiiliilMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniMliiliiliiliiliiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliillili. Cards, At-Homes, Engagemcn .111 s Wedding, j "nounce- , aents, Steel Die Stamping and Embossing, Lend styls and dignity to your engraving- by having it done at THE J. K. GILL CO. Booksellers. Stationers 0ice Outfitters 3D AND ALDER STS. Spring Jewelry Suggestions We .want you to think of this 'store as the place to get the newest and latest in jewelry. All the dainty designs that they show in metropolitan shops you will find here, and at very moderate prices. Come in and see for yourself; BRACELETS 1 t ' ; - I - ; . : Jet, Jade, plain gold, rhlnestones set In silver, they are all here. Loose link, bracelets, very reasonable in price. The beautiful French twin bracelets jade with gold lining. Select while the stock is large. NECKLACES ; i . A. wide assortment in Oriental Indestructible pearls ; harnf some jet strings, and all color -combinations in novelty beads. DIAMONDS When you want a diamond, see us first, for we feel sure that you can't match our prices In Portland for the quality of the stones. All prices In full-cut stones. N. SOLOMON 'The Novelty Jewelry Store of Portland we CLEAN UP WEEK MAY 16-22 Do your bit and help clean up r this week. Make Portland the pride of every citizen and the envy of every visitor. JERSEY COATS $25iOQ POLO COATS Semi-sport models in Jersey coats. Tuxedo models and belted ef fects Heather mixtures are shown as are4hese plain colors blue, brown, green, rose. Large pockets, on nearly every garment. . Tan is the color of these short polo coats, with, their large convertible collars, self-material belts and half linings of figured silk. The ideal coat for sport wear and motoring. Credit at Eastern he can be obtained tbithout additional cost to you. Wear the clothes that you desire and pay for them our extended by plan. credit SPECIAL $8.95 SPECIAL $8.95 ALL JERSEY PETTICOATS Originally priced to sell for $11.00, but offered for a limited time at this special price. Made extra wide and have accor dion pleated flounce. Green, purpte, blue, taupe and brown are the colors shown. Extra Size Apparel If you are a large sized -woman and have difficulty in finding garments that fit your figure, you will appreciate or stock of extra size apparel. FIGURED VOILE BLOUSES I , $4.00 As Illustrated $4.00 These blouses are artistically .printed in novelty colors. . They are trimmed with satin rjbbons, the neck and sleeves being pipe'd and hemstitched. ' Priced at $4.00. Washington St. at , Tenth' utfailing (9l The Gray Tile Corner Morrison Street "I'l'i'iiTiiniMiniiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiininiuiiiiiiiMiiiiHiiiiiiinjiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiHiiiiiitiiituiiiiiiwwiwieii'iiiHeHiH!" A: 4V