The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1920, Page 49, Image 49

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MRS. G. A. ROCKWELL, who was a recen t'charming hostess for a dinner honoring Dr. and
Mrs. Walter Nugent at her home in East Nineteenth street. Mrs. M. Baldwin, president
of the Ladies' Aid society of Cathedral parish,. wjiich is sponsoring a benefit for the
Jeanne D'Arc home May 18 at The Auditorium. . i V
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Mrs. Reynolds Is
Inspiration for
Charming Affair
J.VX Tacoma, who has been the house
guest of Mrs. J. D. McAndie, Piedmont,
has been the inspiration for many
charming social events in the -city dur
ing1 the past week. On Friday a delight
ful luncheon was given in her hojpor by
Mrs. Walter II. Slusser, Mrs. Lewis Van
VIeet. Mrs. Albert D. Vance and Mrs.
Lewis J. Ruhl, at the home of Mrs.
Slusser. 1285 Rodney avenue. Those en
joying this charming ' affair were Mrs.
Leon Ambrose, Mrs. 1 1. A. Bicknase,
Mrs. Charles C. Calavan, Mrs. Paul M.
Kreneh, Mrs. William. HarteU Mrs.
Frank B. Layman, Mrs. J. D. McAndie,,
Mrs. George Philbrook, Mrs. Albert W.
Reese, Mrs. Kdward S. Reynolds, Mrs.
Frances J3weetland, Miss Jane Swetland
and, MrS."Kdgar H. Whitney.
On Thursday of last week, Mrs. Al
bert W. Reese entertained at a delight
ful afternoon tea, at her home on- Gar
field avenue, in honor of Mrs. Reynolds.
Those present we're Mrs. Leon Ambrose,
Mrs. H. A. Bicknase, Mrs. Charles C.
Calavan, Mrs. , Paul M. French, Mrs.
Frank B. Layman,! Mrs. J. D. McAndie
Mrs. George Philbrook, Mrs. Edward S,
Reynolds, Mrs. Lewis J. Ruhl, Miss Jane
SweeMand, Mrs. Walter H. Slusser, Mrs.
K. B. Stevens, -Mrs. Albert D. Vance,
Mrs. Lewis Van VIeet, Mrs. Henry Veal,
Mrs. Edgar H. Whitney and Mrs. Wil
liam Yoe. , '. I :;
: Mrs. .Reynolds has spent some of her
time at the homes of Mrs. Marshall X.
Dana in Alameda Park and with Mrs.
George! Philbrook in Rose City Park.
She will return to her home in ; Tacoma
this week. :
. ! 1 :" . ' :' I I
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth Mene
fee an4 Theodore B. Wilcox- Vlll be an
event of June at Fort Worth, Texas.
The ceremony swill take place In the
garden surrounding the home, of the
bride's jjflother, Mrs. Oscar R. Menefee.
Miss Elizabeth Hubert will be one of
the bridesmaids at the wedding of Miss
Menefee and -Mr. Wilcox. Cameron
Squirest will be the bridegroom's attendant-
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Squires
and Mrs. Theodore B. Wilcox expect to
leave for Texas early to June.' f
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stlmson and Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas .Stlmson were dinner
hosts at" the home of the former at The
Highlands, - Seattle, recently, honoring
Miss Irene Daly of this city, who was
a visitor there last week. j
. - i''
Mrs Everett Ames and children iare
making their home at Waverley club for
the summer months. ' j.
Denisons Are
Honor, Guests at
Dinner J Party
TTONORING Mr. and Mrs. Bert M
XXDenlson, who' are leaving Portland
soon to make their home in San Fran
cisco, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Simpson were
hosts for a dinner party at their home
In Fourteenth street : Monday evening.
At a table centered with spring blos
soms were seated Mr.! and Mrs. Abe
Tichner, Mr., and Mrs. ' John Manning,
Mr. and Mrs.' N. U.. Carpenter, Mr. and
Mrs. : Charles E. Runyon, Mr. and Mrs.
McKinley Mitchell. Dr. and Mrs. Frank
McCauley, Mrs. Fronla Giltner, Captain
Lee Hinson and the guests of honor and
hosts. Following the dinner bridge was
enjoyed. ' : . ,; .
- -
Much interest is manifest In the ex
hibition of the first year work of art
students in' classes of the Portland Art
association which is being shown at the
museum this week. The. work includes
charcoal studies, oil paintings, land
scape and portrait studies, water color
and . a number , of interesting sketches
by the children's classes.- .
Mrs.McGinnis Is
Honor Gues t at
Delightful Tea
(Mitylene Fraker) were hosts for a
delightful tea Sunday afternoon at their
home In North Twenty -second street,
honoring Mrs. Robert McGinnis of Ta
coma. who was in the city over the week
end. Tulips In artistic arrangement
about the rooms were used for decora
tion for the occasion and as a center
piece for the dainty table where tea was
served. More than 100 members of the
musical and artistic circles of : the city
were among the guests , who called to
reet Mrs. McGinnis, who ' was Miss
Edna Slater prior to her recent mar
riage. The hours were from 4 o'clock
to t. - ... .. . ,
At the tea hour those who presided at
the tea urns were Mrs. Stuart Moore of
Hood River, Mrs. Eldon Furnish, Mrs.
Eloise Hall Cook, Mrs, George Hotchkiss
Street, Mrs. Walter Hardwick. Assist
ing in serving and about the rooms were
the Misses Lei a Slater, VelmaMcM as
ter, Jennie Bush, Honor Toungson and
Toinie West,
During the afternoon Walter Hard
wick and the hostess, Mrs. Stites, sang
a group of selections. Miss Toinie West,
who is a native of Finland and who is
rtnsseRAed of a f hfl rmlnp Ivrir unnrn nrt
voice, delighted the guests with a group
of songs in her native tongue.
On Tuesday : evening Mrs. McGinnis
was -a grain the guest of honor at a more
informal function for which Mrs. Stites
was hostess, when a group of close
friends spent a few delightful hours to
gether. Mrs. Fred Glass and Mrs. Ar
thur Perrin sang during the evening for
the pleasure of the company.
Al simple ' morning ceremony i at . St.
James - Episcopal church at Spokane,
Wash.; - Saturday. .. May 22, will unite
Miss Mildred Aileen Brown of Spokane
and Edward Estee Brosius of Hood Riv
er. Or. The ceremony will be read at 9
o'clock, immediately after which the
bridal couple will leave for the i coast.
Owing to the recent' death of Miss
Brown's , brother, Joseph Campbell
Brown, the plans for. 'an elaborate wed
ding for May 4 were cancelled and only
immediate relatives and Intimate friends
will be present at the ceremony! Miss
Brown is a member of a, pioneer family
of Spokane. She attended the tJniver
sity of Oregon, where she was a mem
ber of Chi Omega Sorority. Mr. Brosius
id the son of Dr. and Mrs. Brosius of
Hood River. He also is a graduate of
the University of Oregon and a member
of Alpha Tau Om fraternity, t He- is
in the employ of the Lumbermens Trust
company of Portland. The young people
will reside in this city. 1 '
j.j I
For the pleasure of Mrs. Frank G.
Andreae (Georgianna Lead better) who
recently returned to Portland from Lon
don. England, and who has removed
with her husband and family to Salem
to reside, Mrs. Walter L. Spaulding was
hostess for -a smart bridge tea in that
city Thursday. Large art baskets" of
Scotch broom and other spring blossoms
adorned the rooms for the occasion. A
representative gathering of t Society
matron of the capital city attended the
affair. .
V- i
Miss Maye F. Trimble, formerly of
204 St Clair street, who recently re
moved to San Francisco to make her
home, arrived in Seattle last week, on
the motor-ship George Washington; from
the south. With Miss Jessie Skilsie of
San Francisco Miss Trimble leaves this
week from Port Townsend for a rip to
Panama. The voyage will consume ap
proximately 15 days and will take them
through the canaL They will return to
San Francisco early in June.. : i
- ' ' ' I - ' '
Cards have been sent out for a large
tea to be given Wednesday at the home
of Mrs. Vincent Cook, for the .pleasure
of Mrs. Robert W. Lewis of Washing
ton, D. C, who is the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. William D. Wheelwright!
Mrs James W. Cook and Miss Cor
nelia Cook are enjoying - a number of
extra trips during their sojourn in the
Orient They are at present in Pekin,
China and will probably arrive Jn- Port
land sometime about the middle of June.
Double Wedding
Social Even t
Of This Week
rpHE double wedding of the Misses
JL Roberta and Opal Downing, daugh
ters orDr. and Mrs. L. S. Downing of
this city, will be an interesting event of
this week at the East Side Christian
church. Miss Roberta Downing will be
come the bride of June Si Jones and
Miss Opal will marry Walter G. Korlann.
The ceremony will be performed in the
presence- of a large assembly of friends
and . relatives of the bridal couples . at
8:30 o'clock, the Rev. R. H. Sawyer" of
ficiating Miss Roberta Downing has
chosen for her attendants Mrs. Vernon
White as tnatron of honor and Miss
Faith Jones, who will be her bridesmaid.'
Little, Jane Shakley will be flower girl.
Arthur Olson will attend Mr. Jones.'
Miss Opal Downing will be attended
by Miss La Zona Melching and Miss
Ella May Wheeler. Little- Dorothy Mil
ler will be flower girt Mr. Korlann will
have Arthur Scheufler as best 'man.
r The brides will be given in marriage
by their father, Dr. L. S. Downing.
Miss Margaret Nott will preside at the
organ for the wedding march and Miss
Mildred Fennlmore and Mr. Hannigan
will ' sing the bridal hymns.
. Eight, young women, members of Tau
Alpha Omega sorority, of which the
brides are members, will act as ushers.
The ceremony will be followed by an
informal reception In the church.
-i '.-. ' --".. ! '.' '-' ' i -
In honor of the conformation of their
daughter, Florence, at - Temple Beth
Israel, Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Weinstein
will be at home to their friends at their
Irvington residence next Sunday after
noon between the . hours of 2 and. 5
O'ClOCk.: 'i . .
. ' ' '
Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur was hostess
for a delightful tea at her home on
Willamette Heights Wednesday after
noon oshe occasion . of the eightieth
birUidiyanniversary of her mother-In
law, Mrs. L, FV Wilbur. Tulips, narcissi
and Jonquils decorated the rooms for
the occasion, with an artistic arrange
ment of spring flvwers -for the prettily
appointed tea table. During the early
part of the afternoon "the tea table was
in charge of : Mrs. David . H. Lorlng,
Mrs. F. M. Warren, Mrs. T. L. Elliott
and Mrs. Edward Failing. who were
assisted j by Miss Katharine Hart 'and
Miss Rhoda Rumelin.! During the later
tea hours Mrs. Frank E. Hart Mrs.
William : C Alvord, Mrs: Wallace Mc
Camant and Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker pre
sided in the dining room and were as
sisted by Mrs. William " L. Brewster,
Miss Henrietta Elliott and Miss Char
lotte Laidlaw. , ' . j .
At the punch table Jwere Mrs. Rebert
W. Lewis, Urn. O. B. Stubbs, Mrs. Louis
Gerllnger. "Jr., Mrs. OUs B. Wight. As
sisting in receiving- and about the rooms
for the afternoon were: Miss Edith Shear
man, Mrs. 'Daniel A. Shlndler and Mrs.
James A. Beckett .
A number of Informal affairs have'
been given during the past week for
the pleasure: of Miss Harriet Minton of
Akron, Ohio, who -is the house guest oi
Miss Elizabeth Hubert for & short time.
Mrs. Kurt Koehler asked a few friends
in for bridge Tuesday afternoon for
Miss Minton. - 'Thursday afternoon Mrs,
Edward : A. Thompson ; (Harriet Brey
.man) entertained .in a similar manner
for her and . Friday afternoon Mrs.
Henry Goode was a j luncheon hostess
for the visitor. . i '
One .of the dinner parties "which fol
lowed a motor jaunt out Columbia river
highway1 recently included Miss Isabel
Clark, Miss Marjorlej Hall. Miss Mar
garet Raeder.tMr. White, Joe Kiley and
Clement! Parser. The party dined at
Crown Point chalet and later returned
to the city for the dinner dance at ' the
Arcadian grill. j -
Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Webster were
hosts for a dinner, at their home Friday
evening. They are occupying the home
of Mrs. Webster's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. Walter Burns,, at Golf Park, for the
present j
- -
Miss Ida . Boyd . of j Pendleton is the
house guest of her niece, Mrs. C. S.
Jackson,: 619 Salmon street;
Celebration tc
Be-Held Monday
By Norwegian
THE Sons and Daughters of Norway
will hold their annual celebration at
8 o'clock Monday evening In the audi
torium of the Kniirhts of Pythias butH
ing. West Park and Yamhill streets. A
short program will be given at this time,
also a one act play, entitled, 'aint Ce
celia." The program Includes an cran
ing address by Consul A. O. BJellund ;
piano selection. I Miss Edith AlmqtiiKt;
vocal solo, A. Norblad ; Violin solo, Wal
ter ! Bacon: accompanist. Profess' i
Charles Swenson. Cast of charncters i i
rlay: Cecelia Jefferles. bride-elect, Mi;s
Lucile Levy; Betty' Jefferles, her slst
Miss Ann BruKKer ; rhillp Dumont, Ce
cilia's fiance, John Sclffert : bridesmaids,
Alice Hamilton, ; Miss Florence McNeil;
Millicent Jordan, Miss Bertha Fountain;
Laura Carew, Miss Helena Pettelkau ;
l6iis Palmer. Mist Agnes Sehulta ; brid
al horus from Lohengrin, Miss Vyd
Stage. The players are students of Mrs.
Mari B. Van .Veleor's school of dramatic
art arid expression.
The Misses Thelma Thompson. Millie
Backen, Alice Tollaaon and Harriet
Bracken, dressed In-the picturesque Nor
wegian costume, "will act as ushr for
the occasion. Following the program
the evening will be spent in dancing.
Arrangements f or- the entertainment are
in charge of Mrs. Fred Rltzinger and
H. Haldors.
t j ,
Mrs. Lucius Allen Lewis was hoste
for a, luncheon honoring Mrs. Robert W.
Lewis Tuesday. Covers at an attractive
luncheon table were' placed for. Mrs. W.
B. ;Ayer, Mrs. George "Goode. Mrs.
William C. Alvord, Mrs. Donald Green,
Mrs. C. Hunt LewTsT Mrs. Mary Scarborough.'-
Mrs.- William Washburn, the
.Misses Flanders. Miss Henrietta Fallinsr,
Mrs. J. C. Alnsworth, iMrs.Ralph W.
.Wilbur and the guest of honor and
W Refri
. - t
gerated Fur Storage
Modern to the last minute are our com-,
pletely equipped, fireproof Fur Storage
Vaults where you may store your winter
Furs, Oriental Rugs and fine Garments at
Moderate Season Rates
j-Kiw ri i
s e
-ff&wi wm
WmM it.
Interior View of Fur Storage Vault
An even temperature of 20 Do not neglect the protec-
degrees below freezing not
only preserves your furs, but
refreshens them for winter's
tion of your furs, when this
storage service costs you so
little. Phone for " information
and details. - r
Marshall 785 for Rates
Furs Renovated j and Restyled
Your furs may be in a good state of quality, yet the
style is not up-to-date. If such is the case, we will re
style them into new? styles, j Our workshop j is giving this
kind of work special attention now prior to the filrush.
' "
ooor- -i - doom i j
Entire Stock of Cloth Suits
(Jerseys Excepted)
Going on Sale Tomorrow Morning at
Extraordinary Reductions
Every Suit Reduced Many to
All Suits $135 and Over
Including Our Finest Importations
and Exclusive Models
$135 Suits at $67.50
$150 Suits at $75.00
$175 Suits at $87.50
$200 Suits at $100. 00
$225 Suits at $112.50
$250 Suits at $125.00
None Reserved
All Ojtner Suits Priced for
Immediate Selling at
$44 $54 $64 $74
I - . . - .
Trlcotines, Poiret Twill, Velour, Novelties ,
All New Spring and Summer Styles and Colors
A sale of sgreat opportunities, offering most excep
tional values. Not a picked few! of undesirable gar
ments, but our entire stock of high quality and stylish
suits priced at real worth-while reductions, within
every woman's reach. .
The, Season's Smartest .
Hand-made Blouses
$4.95 , $5.95
A Splendid Value
Silk Jersey Petticqtits
HUH zMir ' -UUU
o o