THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. MAY 16. 1920. JhQ. I. t ''.'f-.T n., y v''"c ''Tj-" I Society Wedding Is Followed by Large Recent ion y Bf HelB H. HstrhinoB rIK reoeptlon following the wedding of Mtw Harriet Cummlng and Ham ilton F. Cbrtxstt at Kwhe, the home of the brlde'4 father, Ir.,W. A- Cummlng, on RlverHftde drive, Saturday afternoon, assembled more than BOO members of the representative families of Portland's social contingent. No wedding In the octal hlsttory "of the city has been of more extensive or genuine interest than this ' ne. hich united two old families of th "itji I In ' s rreence of about 100 relatives and close friends of the bridal couple the service was read in an Impressive man ner by Dr. A. A. Morrison at 4 o'clock In the floiver-decked chapel of Trinity KpiMcopal ichurch. Bridal roses adorned the altar for the ceremony and pale hued spring blossoms were placed in pro fusion abciut the chancel, where cathe dral candlics glowed. For the entrance of the brWal party the choir boys of Trinity church sang tha bridal chorus from Lohengrin. ; The brifle was attended by her two little nieces. Anne and Laura I ad bet ter, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Louis I Lead better" ; Helen , Elizabeth Corbett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ladd Corbett, and Carolyn. Corbett, daughter of Mr. and, Mrs. Elliott Ruggtes Corbett. The bride 'was given In marriage by hef father, Drt W. A. Cummlng. Henry ttadd Corbett and Elliott Bug gies Corbett, brothers of the bridegroom, were his attendants. The ushers were Tr. Rlchiyd Dielehunt. Dr. Andrew A. Hall. Kuri Koehler and Lloyd R. Smith. For her wedding gown the bride chose imported ivory satin made on simplest lines, in draped mode and cut withj a court train. The wedding veil was of ' exquisite old lace and fell in graceful fold's from a coronet of lace and lillea-of-the-valley to the . hem of the train. Her flowers were a shower of lllles-of-the-valleyj white orchids and roses. Following the ceremony a brilliant wedding reception was held at the at tractive home of the bride on Riverside drive. Th guests were received in the garden surrounding the Cumming. resi dence, and through the; late afternoon hours the ihum of many' voices mingled with the strains of an orchestra beneath the trees. At the coffee urns Mrs.: Henry W. Cor bett and Mrs. William S. Ladd presided and Mrs. Louis L. Lead better and Mrs. Ernest F. Tucker had charge of the tea ' table. Mri Varnel D. c'. Beach and Mrs. Alan Green cut the ices, and at the punch table were M Iss Ithoda Rumelin and Miss, Sara McCully. The. bridle is most popular in Portland society, and, like her husband, is a mem ber pf an old family of this city.' She is a. member f'of Junior league, and during the war days was active in its philan thropic work. She attended Miss Cat lin's school and was graduated from St. Helens hall in Portland,: later attending a school in the East for a year.'- With her husband she shares ; a keen Interest in out of door. sports and is an excellent horsewoman and golf enthusiast. Mr. Corbett is a grandson of two ot Oregon's pioneers, William S. Ladd and Henry W. Corbett. He is the youhgest son of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. , Following his graduation from .Harvard he served as a memberlof the Oregon legislature and during the war was in r active service overseas As a captain of artillery and later as a. member of the staff of Gen eral Harbjird. Following a honeymoon of several weeks,Mr, Corbett and his bride will re turn to Portland to make their home for a time at! Rivera, the country' home of Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett. Later they will occuny the Cumming residence at Ewahwei. f i Mrs. Van Retissalaer Sternbergh (Mar i garet Porter) and Mrs. R. T. Lyons, both visitors in the city from San Fran cisco, were guests of honor Tuesday aft ernoon atf a bridge tea for which Mrs. C. Lewis Blead was hostess at her home in Irvington. Guests : for the . bridge hours were seated at six tables. Later 9n the afternoon Mrs. John Shull and; Mrs. Andrew R. Porter pre sided at a prettily appointed tea table. Assisting fin serving were Miss Alberta Balr and .Miss Mabel Williams. ' Mrs. George Knight Clark has sent out cards for a tea given at her homej 156 East Fifty-seventh street. ine afternoon or May 20. MR; AND MRS. HAMILTON F. CORBETT (Harriet Cumrring), whose -marriage was solemnized Saturday , afternoon in the chapeljof Trinity church by Dr. A. A. Morrison in the presence of a small company of relatives and .intimate .friends.. .. v. ;-:.-J - -U. --v, - ..:U: . , -... ore n r fV A U. ( IO .4 , ':: :. ..?.-:V v??: For the? pleasure of Mrs. William Es terbrook Jones and Mrs. William Jones of Bontorf, who have, been the guests of Mrs. OUbert A. Uurham for a few weeks. Mrs. Amrfdee M. Smith was hostess for a charming luncheon at her home at Waverley f club. -" :- ;- ill 1 u 5 't . - r? if i " . ' " in I . vv?' i x.ty -'f ijiYjj r".: .. :..:"""" il:' x.'.-:j. Rlverdale (Wednesday. Pink sweetpeaa and narcissus In artistic; arrangement centered the luncheon table and were utied about the rooms for the , occasion. Seated at : the table were the guests of honor, Mra. R.? L. Durham, Mrs. Gilbert H, "Durham, Mrs. A. C. Emmons. Mrs. C D. Bruun, Mrs. C. W.. Hodson ana the hostess. The visitors, with their mother, Mrs. R. L. Durham, will leave for their home in Boston this evening. During their stay in the city they, have been the j Inspiration for much entertaining.- I - . . .. . ; , J t .- ; Word has been received by Mrs. Wal ter -V. Smith-that her son, Captain Ice land; Smith, who has been two years in diplomatic service abroad and a year with the 'A. ' E. F. in . France, arrived Thursday in Washington, D. C, and has just gotten out of quarantine. Just when te will receive his discharge from, the service is not certain, out he nopes soon to go to New York to spend a 10-day leave, and to be in Portland with his parents, about the middle of , June. t- - - - . r - , F. C. Knapp and his daughter. Miss Florence Knapp, are -spending a short time in the South.. -Miss Knapp Is . in Southern California at the present time visiting friends and Mr. Knapp is in at tendance at the Foreign Trades conven tion at San Francigco. , They expect to return, to Portland soon. , ' Marguerite Camp Coterie will hold its next meeting afthe home of Mrs. Mc- Clung, 293 . East Fiftieth street. .Thurs day, at 10 a. Yn. A pot luck luncheon will be served at 1 o'clock.' Each member is requested to bring at least one visitor. All. Royal Neighbors and friends are wel come.. I . i' ' ; Miss Ada Doembecker was hostess, for a! luncheon of. seven, covers Thursday at Arts and Crafts Spring Showing Event This Week ITIHE annual spring exhibition of the L Arts and Crafts society of Portland will be an event of this week at the Multnomah hotel. The display will be held in the Multnomah hotel and is open to all friends of- the organization. The work -is all original and ; includes - wood painting, textiles, ; batik, embroidery, weaving, pottery, wood block-work and other kinds of hand craft accomplished under the patronage of - the society. Those .who will have - charge of the display are Mrs. Lee - Hoffman. . presi dent of the society; Judge Charles H. Carey. ' Folger -Johnson, Mrs. A. ;K Rockey, Miss Cecelia O'Reilly. Mrs. Frank J. Cobbs, Mrs. Stewart B. Lin thicum, Mrs. Everett Babcock. Mrs. P. A. Lyman, Mrs. E. L. Harmon, Mrs. Tmitt Hughes, Mrs. Ferdinand C Smith, Miss Clementine Hirsch, Miss Rosemary Baldwin, Mrs.. M. A. M. Ashley, Mrs. James Dunlap, Harry M.tWentx, Morrto II. whltehouse. Miss Anna B. Crocker. MrsftJulia Marquam, Mrs. Ralph Moody, Miss . Bertha , Stuart, Miss Lilly Fox, Miss Marjorie Noble, i i Some of the articles on display are for sale.- Others "will be shown merely as a earn pie of the work done by the society." Prizes will also be awarded. . r ...... , . , ; Mrs. William L. Finley has 'returned to Portland after an extended visit in . the east -and was hostess .for a luncheon of eight; covers Thursday, at the : Betty Lampe. ' . Mrs. Lewis Is Honor Guest at Many Functions TR& ROBERT W. LEWIS, who has lTX returned to Portland after an ab sence of three years in Washington, D. C.t was the gnest of honor at a number of functions last week. She is the rnest of her sister, Mrs. William ,D. Wheelwright, for a few weeks and Is being warmly 'welcomed in the city. Monday Mrs. Lewis was , the inspiration for one of the largest teas of the season at the home of Mrs. Wheelwright. The Afternoon was a delightful one, and the spring blossoms used about the rooms for the occasion lent an air of gayety to the. setting for the gathering of old friends who called to greet Mrs. Lewis. --w ' : - - . At the tea hour Mrs. Wlllfeim C. Alvord, Mrs. J. A3. Alnsworth, Mrs. A. A. Morrison. Mrs. Sherman R. Hall. Mrs. C. H.s Davis Jr. and Mrs. William Washburn f presided at the . table. As sisting about the rooms.: were - Mrs. William H. , Warrens, ' Mrs. George V. Wilson, Mrs., Frank E. Hart. Mrs. Thomas Sharp, Mrs. Ralph W. Wilbur. Mrs. . O. A. Lyman, Miss Caroline Flanders, Miss Mae Hirsch and Miss Lucia Mortis. Thursday Mrs. A. A. Morrison enter tained a few friends of Mrs. Lewis informally , at luncheon, and during the week other informal functions were given for her pleasure. ; The officers of Portland alumnae, Kappa Alpha Theta, entertained Miss Betty . Newson, grand president of the fraternity, i of Washington.- D.. C. who was here on a brief visit. Lucheon was served to Miss Newson and a group of the members of the organiza tion Monday noon at the Betty , Lampe teahouse, 'and Monday . evening Miss Newson was guest of honor at a dinner at the , university club. Covers were placed for 46 guests. The officers of ; Kappa Alpha Theta, -Portland alumnae, ! Include Miss Katherine Corbin (presi- M Hathaway,! Mrs; M. Mathiessen, Mrs. Carl Whitmore and Mrs. A. H. Helfrick. j . The marriage of Kathleen Baillie Bar rett and Commander Isaac Cureton Johnson. U. S. N.. was quietly solemnized at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Baillie. in Seattle. Saturday- afternoon. The service was read by the Rev. George T. Gunter of Westminster Presbyterian church. Fol lowing ;the ceremony a supper was served. Mrs. Montgomery Russell and Mrs. Trafford Huteson presiding at the table. Commander and Mrs. Johnson will spend a few weeks at Coronado, CaL i In the recent program of social events for the spring days a series of Hoover teas have -been inaugurated. Mrs. J. C Elliott King was hostess for the first event of this kind at her home on Mount Tabor during the past week and Mrs. Helen Ladd-Corbett will be hostess for the next affair. ' The tea will be given Wednesday afternoon at the University club. Th hourj is 4 o'clock, at which time Forrest Fisher will speak. All women who wish to learn more of Her bert Hoovef are invited to attend. j Mr. and' Mrs. C. Edward Grelle have as their j house guests Mrs. : Grelle's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Henry of Stockton, CaL, who are being extensively entertained. Friday evening Mr. and! Mrs. .Walter Bertram Mackay were dinner hosts in their honor. Additional guests included Mr. and Mrs. George A. Marshall and Mr. and Mrs. Grelle. : i . Mrs. James Robinson was hostess ' at a charmingly appointed luncheon given Thursday U the Hotel Portland. Covers were placed for 12 at a table decorated in tulips and ferns. ! f Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wheeler an nounce the birth i of their second daugh ter. Margaret Knox, who arrived Mon day morning, i . ISS MILDRED BRONOUGH, who presided at a smart luncheon at the University club recently, honoring Miss Dorothy Hunziker, bride-elect of A. Bruce Bailey. Miss Bronough is a popular girl of Irvington. - y Ij ( fa ; ) ! 'i - f f- ! s i$ " : , - - - I ; Miss Morris to Be Married on Next Thursday Miss Ethelwynn m U. Kavanaugn the Church of fTlHE marriage of X Morris and WiUiaj will be solemnized at the Hoi v Rosary Thursday morning. The service will be rekd at 8:30 o'clock by the Rev. Father presence of a group of the friends and Lawler In the couple. will attend the Stanley will be the ceremony a relatives of the bridal! Mrs. B. E. Loomisl bride and George best man. Following wedding breakfast will be served at the home of the bride's mother. Mrs. A. L. Morris, in Irvington, Kavanaugh and his bride will leave for a brief wedding trip to British Colum bia, returning later to Portland to make their home. a i ,. Miss Martha Atwood was the inspira tion for a . charming dinner party Sun day evening when Mi-s. J. Curtis Sim mons entertained a number of friends in honor of this champing artist, i Mrs. Simmons guests included Miss Atwood.. Mrs. Carrie Louise Dunning, Mr.j and Mrs. Lawrence A. Lambert. Mrs. 1A. S. Kerry, Mn and Mrs. Warren E. Thomas. Miss Atwood is one olj the Eastern solo ists engaged to sing alt the May festival which was given oh Thursday and Friday at The AuditbHum by the Port land Oratorio society, i Mr. and Mrs. John' Raymond Holman have asked a few friends in for . te supper hour this evening for the pleasure of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Henry of Stockton, Cal., who are visitors in the city at the . home of j Mr. and Mrs. C. Edward Grelle. ,-' ' J. i - :. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kerr and i their children left Portland Tuesday for an extended Eastern trlp.j Portland friends wilt be interested to know that Dr.: John H. Boyd and family) of Chicago will spend the summer in the West and will occupy the Kerr residence. Reservations For Bridge Tea Being Made RESERVATIONS are coming In for a- tables for the bridge tea to be given on the afternoon of May 26 at Portland Heights club for the benefit of the Wom an's building at - the University of Ore gon. The affair; is sponsored "by the Mills college club of Portland and as the tabfe space : is ; limited most of those making up parties for the affair have been members of the club. Those who have promised their sup port for the success of this function by making reservations for parties include Mesdames -Frank .McCauley, Kenneth Norris. Elwood Hendershott, R L. Ben- eon, Tom Donaca, F. A. Nitchy, Cyrus j A rvltiK ! rw..i) r 1 ?nv.MwAi t nri ' Strain. Lester Means. Walter V Smith, j Rudolph F. Trael, H. J Stratton,! Walter Holt. Harry Klosterman, Hugh Mc- Guire. H. A. Ely. the Misses Lena Blckel, Florence Bloch, Clara E. Koehler, Es ther Maegley, Florence Cleveland. ; Others, who do not wish ' to come for the bridge hours haye secured tickets-for the tea following. If for any reason those who have made reservations for cards will riot be able to use their tables Mrs. Elwood Hendershott ' wishes to be so -informed that the tables may be used for other guests. Mrs. Hendershott may be reached 'by. telephone at Marshall 6751.. .. ..-J-- ' . - - . ; - ; - 1 . - 0 - ' The last! of' the -winter series of dances given by ithe Altamount club was an event" of Saturday evening at Portland Heights club. The organlzatioa has en joyed a number ..of delightful functions during the pant few months. rCharter members of the club, which ; includes about 52 couples, include Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Lewis, Mr. and Mrs, W. K. Slater,-Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles C, New castle Jr., Miss : Nell Banfield. Miss Gertrude- Walling," Miss Mable . T'oore, Miss Alta Inman and C, E. Powers., WISE BUYERS Are ordering their FUR. ATS Now for winter delivery CO Summer Prevail Prices all on Now Furs Hudson Bay, Fur Co. 147 BROADWAY '5S1B JfSA 1MTTTKKBACK 1 Al'IUR iAURA ATJGFIL K A IT T V IOADWAT SKI SHOP Kit VICE BKJ in Face and Scalp Treatment - Shampooing, Hair Dressing l" Marcelling .- Dj'elng and Bleaching ' . ' Manicuring Open After 6 P. M. by Appointment l Pittoek Blk--Phone Bdwj. tll T S t 8 They Came, They Saw, ; They Admired- Yesterday, opening day for this new and exclusive boot shop,, brought scores of women to make the. acquaintance of -the beautiM footwear displayed in the dainty buff and rose set ting. Shoes from the,: House of I. Miller, New York and Chicago, creators of original, and distinctive footwear, are featured. -,.; . ? . N . .. Fine kid and suede boots, with high arch'and smooth lines, walking boots or oxfords trim and practical, smart sport shoes with fancy stitching; exquisite slippers of satin, gold or silver cloth in the new crosscut or tie effect all are here for the choice of the modish .woman. . ; M ost important of all next to quality-comes fit ting. Expert servicers assured. Select the, shoes you prefer, and have them charged if you like. Morrison and Park 'ros. . L HTJULCR roOTTTEAR - ? Jo.,-W. Cooney, Manager m Knight's Down Stairs Section Knight's Is the Place for Real i Bargains The Above Pump Yours Now at $4.85 V Comes in Patent and Kid Leathers This beauti ful pattern comes' in black kid- Tii e same last comes in - brown white ( cloth nd patents $4.85 $5.45 $6.45 Yes! Hosierv! ;'' ,'-:-r-'- ir Some Very Special in This ; Department All Week $3 T Oh. 3 for $1.50 342 Morrison Near Broad- 'i ' way Morrison NJl ( Near j2-J j Broad way V, Mail Orders Promptly Filled e: - Some of the Most Remarkable Values of the Season Are Presented in This i it ! Styks Materials Serge Tricotine Velour i (Plain and check) Silvertone Jersey Poiret Twill Mostly in navy Smart, yet practical, the sort well-dressed i women wear any " season. Distinctive features mark each suit. at A feast for bargain seekers a host , mighty values in these 3 Super-Saving Groups . Every taste and every purse will be satisfied in - this carnival of underpricings. A marvelous ' collection ; of suits; selected -from our j. own - splendid stocks and repriced at much less than original markings.- Here are suits for every , one choose early and you'll choose well, at $35, $45 or $55. ; 1 i Transparent Hats $12.50, $15, $16.50 Dainty ; georgette crepe hats, ;in - white, pink and navy, many of jthem flower trimmed. Delightful models, adding just the fascinating touch' to the afternoon costume. Unusually handsome hats "for the modest prices quoted. . You'll' enjoy deciding which one best offsets your in- dividuality. Third floor. mm IS 124 12 128 SIXTH ST, JUST OFF, WASHINGTON anitycTair SJLK UfJ'DEKWiSAa HLEPRoF HoIERy i.