THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 16, 1920. 14 JtrTCKMOBILKS A1CD ACCESSORIES 44 i c i UiTU VI J. s Duannr for sale. 101 E 29th N. Phone Woodlawn -8878. JUG; bargain; first Hii take it. 815 Cor- bet tuwt. 5iVB0LET wanted, not older then '18. foe wk cue piano? like new. Will pay cash for eMfferenoe. 491 42d L . v- v i kht tir. r.uairin. bargain in good .tir oils. wholes.1 only. Clay Street Tlr. He rn- Shop. 881 East C1T St. , 1919 SCKU'PS-BOOTH roadster. practically new: In every way thi is a genuins .tawn, With only $860 down. W il'IO WORKS at PAINTING CO.. 525 Aide Street. t - ' ' -"' BET YOUR TEED CAB FROM US ""- do not charge extra for tun sale. A rw listed: - : f ' : USED OLDSMOBILES 191 Sedan, lock dm ............81800 X919 Touring; quality ....... ......... 1600 118 light six touring ............ 1200 1920 TJtt six roadster, nw ........ 1600 1918 Light six rpsdsts ...........1250 1919 Chevrolet roadster ...-.'.. 650 ChorraUt fonrini 600 OwrroUt Baby Grand ........ 475 j - Ml HukII, refiniabed ............. 700 ' A very complete line of truck and light ! deliveries, f OLDSWeBTLB COMPANY. BROADWAY AND COUCH ;l ); ' J, M. GEAHAM MOTORS CO. I USED CAR DEPT. j"' -f ' ' '.SORD TOTJSINOf. .....-.$ 47 jHOOJf. 8-PASS. '.-.....-.-.-.---.. 1350 K0 . . ,...i..s... w.-. 850 ' CHJCVKOXjET c 810 KRrrPB-BCiTH f ........ 1225 CADILLAC ... .................. 750 250 875 - 650 760 878 750 860 1400 600 1050 HESCULKS . . CHEVROLET . . L ................. OAKLAND . . . .1........ '. i . .. MoT A RT.a 7i u . . b ...... ....... CHEVKOLET r ' DODGE. 5-FASS. HUFMOBIXE. 8-FAflS. BCDSOK.. ....t... rCDEBAZ. TKUCX .. XEPCBLIO . i - , - 3UFMOBIXE. K-PAfiS. ............. 850 ' - I UFMOBELE. 6-PA&S M 1250 i tODGE, B-PASS. f . TOO EEE MB. MATHEWS. , ! : ioth ex. ATTENTION Bargain Seekers HERB ARE ! OPPOHTUMTIEa FOR RVERTBODY TOURS IS HERS 1 Premier.' T paas., 191 touring car: lectrie - gear shift: 2 top (summer and winter) . tt cord ' Urea. . Ran only . a few thousand mile, f t Premier, 1919, limousine, m perfect con- -dition. f 1 Pan Americata, 6 pass., 1919 touring , car; naed only aa a demonstrator. .81900 X Ford, 1-ton 1918. worm drive truck f RO Ford 1-ton 1919 worm drive truck 650 These Ford jtrucks are in perfect me . hanical condition and worth considerably Kaors than the price asked. t Republic. 1 ' ton 1918 truck: solid tires .f..... .$1300 t MaiweH. 1 ton 1919 truck; solid tires . . . ...1 1300 ft Commerce. & ton 1919 truck; pneumatic 850 ! SATISFACT0RT TERMS MAT BE ARRANGED J : 490 BCRNSIDE STREET ' Psoae Broadway 93. . I Auk for Mr. Cope After 8 o'clock: and on Sunday cQ Main 6630. HE CMSIS IS PROTECT HIGHER EDUCATION IX OREGON BY NOTING 31J X YES OS WAY 31. THERE'S NOTHING BETTER THAN GOOD SCHOOLS. W ' ' " V-' '" ' THERE'S NOTHTNO BETTER IN USED CARS THAN THESIS Too lilt a snappy motor. Just listen to this Kash; it's 1919; . Now la the time to enjoy a speedster. Yes. tt a Hudson. i Hudson Super,; with some kick. Come and bm lor yonrsen. j j Esses touring; just driven far enough to mak it work nice, . p , - . ! Olds mobile Six. Every time yon see an OMs ou say that' a nic car. Thia one priced too low. I Dodg touring. j : Not many Dodges on the market. . . j . 1918 Hupmobile. No need of telling you about it; it' a Hup. ' Oakland Sis. f Overhead valves; motors that giv a world of service. Elgin Six, Built lika a watch. I . Maxwn 1919. i New, priced low. f :- Than you win find Buick. Chxvrulets. Overv j lands. Mitchells, .fords. i - WE SELL YOU SATISFACTION 4&13 ASS? WASHIN&T. OH ...' ATTOMOBItEg Am) ACCESSORIES 44 WANTED Old an, condition no object; moat M cotip. K. fc. Gore, pbont EMt esos. FKAKKUN Series 8, with extras. 900, gee the or at 48 N. 6 th. Ask for George, Bdwy. 1997. DODGE, make 'IS; mechanically perfect. Dew urea, new battery; $7s5. U E. 49U N. Tabor 6350' ' i FORD COUPE FOR ONLY 5 $560 Baa a lot of extra equipment. Thia ia an exceptional bargain. f Universal Car Exchange Grand ave. and East Stark at. Open Sundays and Evenings. F(0)RSA1LE CIEAB 1913 Cadillac ' . Good rubber and paint, electric lights and start $366 Racing Car No. 7 In racing condition, 6 win wbeela- and 6 cord tires. Price for uick sal only . . . i86Q rm-:- American . .. Four passenger, sport model, 90 h. p. motpr. in fine condition ; will paint to auit ...$975 i ' FiaSIScott Aviation motbt. ready to lnrtall, all aluminum. inobSr perfect, condition. . Price $600 Caii Main37fll: Broadway 4962 Tabor 545 i C. Q. BLEASDALE Ail ataaiard luaKea. Call and look them oter and get our proposition, liaka your own terma. I'OJiD KOADSTEB. 1S18. reiiniaUed. goodliniT wt.iv. Trtrrnrvo. renaintad. over- Urea; run iiaa a uuw car; lt-u Cell e I licejuia i. ...... ........ I . I . i I lulu) TOCK1NG, 1919; iina mecoaiucai con-1 Hihnn ,r:uu4 time tth,wk ahuiriMtni iuiaa I limit, rimuncr ; uLLachment. tire holder and I tool box. lioeuae; new top FORD TOURESG, 1019. Thia car ia ffg'le perfect condition MAXWELL TOURING, dem. rima, good tires: MAXWELL TOURING, dem. $475! repainted; new top. MAXWELL TOURING. 1918. refinuhed, five good tires, five demountable flXEM wheelii; seat covers P(Oi,l MAXWELL. 1918 roadster, good tires; mechanically in fins condition., fvvi HL'PMOBLLE TOURING car. 5 pass., good I tires; good mechanical con Q CHEVROLET. 1918, demountable C?e runs. This car u as good as new vv v STUDEBAEER light 4 6-pass.: good ffi A7 Ures; good mechanical condition , iTr a j CASE TOURING, repainted, good Ures. new battery. ( self-starter. ..... DODGE, overhauled, refinished; good $675 Ures OVERLAND, model 0, engine over- fl d. e hauled; good finish; good Urea., avy u v - ti OVERLAND, model 85. 6-cyL, in fine 5S(fTlfri . mechanical condition, repainted OVERLAND. 7-pass. touring; good tires Con- Unental motor; repainted dark green .....j... ........... WILLYS-KNIGHT, 7-pass.. runs bet- ?' uresl500 . ter than a new one STUDEBAEER light 6, 1919; run only 2300 miles: cord tires; 1 spare. This fl7S(rM car cannot be told from new u TERMS NO BROKERAGE Open Sunday and Evenings. SEE THE ALDER ST. SPECIAL SALE SUNDAY. C. G. BLEASDALE 630 Alder SL t Bdwy. 1832. AT THE Covey j Motor Car Company 4Plant "1 am going into business and can double ray earnings provided I can obtain an auto mobile to get around with." i v i - ' "How much money do you want to put Into a earf " 'i "That's the trouble. I am getting started and have very little money." "Let me give you some good advice. There are good cars and bad cars; there are popular cars and cars not so popular; there are some good, strong, honest firms back of unpopular cars, and you will find these same cars very popular in other sec tions of- the country. The durability of an unpopular car usually depends upon the driver. The price of an unpopular car is based on its unpopularity. Take a chance on one of these cars ; buy it cheap. Take care of it and drive it carefully and you win. You will get astonishingly satisfactory service at a fraction of the cost, and aa a business investment you will have displayed keen judgment, j Pick out a low-oriced car 1912-13-14- 15-16-17: look it over. They are in good Take a chance, you 11 win.! Dodge Roadsters - Motor Cars ! 1918 TOURING ....... . .$075 .. 925 1817 TOURING .., 1916 TOURING 1919 CHASSIS 1919 COUPE, driven 2000 mile ... 750 .. 850 ..1850 1916 ROADSTER. 750 One panel Delivery Body for small car. only 50 ivii iv r;KivAi. Delivery ........... odd 1914 OVERLAND delivery SSO 1917 MAXWGLl, delivery ... 4 5 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good Ures..: 25 1918 FORD sedan, electric starter 775 inn rvKU toonnt 378 1917 FORD touring 450 1917 FORD delivery, a good one, 625 iv in uvt.Hi,AMt a, a remarkable buy.. 775 1816 OVERLAND tonrinir. onlv S0O 1918 MAXWELL touring, dandy car.. 1917 MAXWELL touring ..... 1918 REO touring, good value..... 1917 RKO roadster, good shape 1914 REO touring 1913 STUDEBAKER sedan, a beauty. 650 475 600 800 400 500 40O J i. jii u ,ia, good service car iit uiiiuis. touring ........ 1916 C-45. 4-cyL BUICK . 1918 CHANDLER touring 1919 VELIE, Sport model .... 1916 OAKLAND tourinc onlv .....1050 . . . . : so .... 1400 .... .1750 .'.... 750 ..... 50 iit baau: touring ............... 1815 PAIGE touring, snap ........... 1918 STUDEBAKER 6, good shape, new 600 !!! "vEBAKER 6 600 is, 1 1 1 v gJ.Tew i.t iiiifi 11 IULE K. mm ahll. . linn 1918 SCRIPTS BOOTH 6. only ....'..I 900 Cadillac Motor Cars1 To those who have the desire tn'nvn . fin. ear, but have neglected. to order so as to obtain one lot mis season a driving we . wish to of f er a selection from our limited, but exclusive, atock oi aiiiiiacs. i 1918 TOURING CAR. to perfect condition: Beautiful car at a very reasonable figure. .$3600 ! 1918 4 -pans, equipped with Westing bouse shock I absorbers, a remarkablv attractiv. -r . . J7sn 1916 Roadotod. newly painted 1260 sou may purchase these cam on very easy 1.J iaeu(& .. . .: .... WE ARE OPEN ON SUNDAYS . Covey Motor Car Co. WASHINGTON ST. - AT 218T. if. Msin 244. ATTTnMOWTT.EW AITH ACCESSORIES 14 FOR 8 ALE 1918 Mitchell bug. Call Bdwy. 8114. 1' REAL' bargain. 1917 Maxwell, good condi- tkm, new ure. Owner, laoor STEWART vacuum feed. 14 feet of copper tubing and tank, good as new, $14. ; 6437 82d St. 1919 FORD for aale by owner; faM.u" over 8000 miles: oak wheels, cord tires, .de mountable rims, shock abeorbers, tire rack, radio rods, speedometer, rear new mirrors. Woodlawn 4033. ' FQRD CHASSIS for only $195 easa. Jnat the thing lor a bug. Universal Car Exchange i Grand eve. and East Stark st. , , t Open Sundays and Evenings. iSnirr!T VACATE I. ! No reasonable offer refused. . 1918 Overland Country Club roadster. 1917 Saxon touring. 1917 Reo touring. t . f ; . 1919 Nash tgjjg 188 10th st. Opposlta library. , 119118 fiupmobile No need of telling you about it. Too know HUPk THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15U and Washington. ( i 191$. CHANDLER SEDAN First -class mechanical : condition, wire f wheels, cord tires. repamMxi. nau, luxurious car .........-. $2000 1918 CHANDLER. 7-PASS. Wire wheels, good tire equipment, rebuilt and perfect mechanical condition. .... 1600 1918 CHANDLER. 7-pasa.. rebuilt , . throughout, good tire equipment, body ' refiniabed - - 1W 1918 CHANDLER, 7-passT, firstrdaaa me- chanical condition, good tires J.auw 1918 CHANDLER. 4-pass.. roadster, re- a built, new top, cord tire with extra. . lOW 1917 CHANDLER. 7-pass.; good - me- chanical condition, newly painted, new top, good tires with extra.......... Uo0 SPORT ROADSTER 1 ' - CHANDLER. 2 -pass., special body roadster, - , wire wheels, eora ures, racy mm fast iiarf ormer. . 1650 1918 OLDSMOBILE. 7-paa.. good me- Chanical condition, gooa are. ...... x av hanlMl itexxi tires 1O0O 1010 BUICK ROADSTER, good condition throughout, good urea 900 1916 ' .CHALMERS, 7-paaa., good chanical condition, cord tires, new top. newly painted ; 600 J917 SAXON TOURING, overhauled and in goad condition, gooa urea ...... 70O 1916 SAXON TOURING. good chanical condition ......... 450 f Open Sunday i TWIN STATE MOTOR CAR CO.. 16tt and Alder and 605 Washington sL A TIP TO YOU Times Have Changed Yon can bnt a rood used automobile cheaper now than at the), same time last year, while new cars have been advancing in price au tne nine. Rememilber, our.i used cars are not in the used car;' store next to ; our store but are in our. own store at 615617 Wash jngton street. 1917 MAXWELL. 5 ptenger, small car; n II in fiTM, .ondiuon ' has been over hauled and repainted ....8 650 1918 MAXWELL: get a good ear. W nave cone all over it In our shop. then bad it repainted 8 650 1919 MAXWELL. looks lust like now: w overhauled it, toon bad it repainted 9 1917 6TUDEBAKER. all in fine condi tion ., $ 723 1918 WILLYS six. overhauled and re- . painted; 5 cord tires; all in fin. condition ................ . $ 950 1917 CHALMERS light six, just think of It; has been overhauled in our shop. then repainted; all in fine condition. $ 900 lOlf LIBERTY, first class condition ... $1250 1919 CHALMERS light six. hotspot, with onginsl finish showing, the car is . . like new; ail in fine condition $1450 1918 BABY GRAND CHEVROLET. repainted; a bargain at,. . .8 900 19SO OLDSMOBILE Eight, like new. .$2250 Hudson Super Six 1916 -HUDSON super six that we over-- hauled rn our shops, then we had It " repainted, also put on a new-itop.' ; ..W will give you a replacement of 1 parts if any the same as a factory does on new automobile. ...... .81150 I 1917 HUDSON super sir. going through .the shop now and win be rmt 1n first claaa condition and repainted: you . can get-thia fine car for. ....,....$1300 1918 Hudson super six, lika new car,' . all in fine condition; overhauled and repained ..... .. ........... .81750 1918 HUDSON speedster, now being put through tile ahop; will be completely gone over, repainted and finished lika new t ...... .$1850 Remember, ,: oufj used 1 . car barcrains are not in C . tfaift "USed CT ffulflCfi nCTT to" our store but fare sn I -.4- X L H I"" WWU SkUIC VttVll J I w. f. r jl. i. -,4.4. WaSalngtOn Street. CL' Portland 616-617 WASHINGTON ST, AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 OLDSMOBILE LIGHT SIX. ' Late model car. in dandy shape, has the new green paint, plate glass in rest, looks like a 1920 model. A dandy buy. Phono . early. $1175. some terms. Tabor 7817. FORD WORM DRrVKTRUCK wit dandy body and good rubber, $32 truck license in cluded. Ready to go right ta work. Universal Car Exchange i Grand eve. and East Stark at. Open All Day Today. 1920 FORD SEDAN; baa Ford starter ; can hardly be told from brand new: immedialA delivery at a price that will suit you. Universal Car Exchange Grand are. and East Stark L ' Open All Day Today. Just what you have been asking about. Overland Country. Club Xes. tt s in dandy shape. See it at THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and W'ashington. Chandler ' Dispatch 1 9 11 9 This is the snort 4-door mnrial and tfiis mm is like new. It will please you and it has cords and wire wheels, glass wings on windshield. Dumper; thia year's license and other extras; factory finish and car is guaranteed; terms and reasonable price. For insnection sddIt at 505 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. 'SNAPPY LIST OF USED CARS ; 1917 Super-Six Hudson. $1250 1919 -Sport model Lexington. .. .$150O 1918 6-cylinder Oldsmobile. 1 .. .$1100 1919 MaxwalL like new, ..... . $ 900 1917 Hupmobile 800 1918 Chevrolet. 8-cylinder. . . . . .$1100 1912 Buick roadster 275 ... 1916 6-cylinder Mitchell....... $ 600 191S Chevrolet, 490 model. 700 1918 Light Six Mitchell. ..... .$1000 1917 Hupmobile 900 I These" cars are all in f irstc lass condition. We have pleased others and can please you. Open Sundays Sure We Give Terms THERE MAY BE RKTTCB rm THAN THESE. BUT NOT AT OUR iP&XCKSe ' East 655 Willamette Gas Engine ! v , Works East Approach Burnside e at 3d St. . : "AFTER THREE .MONTHS' HARD USE . Driving in from Newberg a day or two tne writer met a cnstnm.r nf nun, H,i A. of i the used cars we sold him about three j"Hows the car running? w asked. . 'JF5 hiTi-'' said he. "Too folks are all right the oar is just as good as you said it was- and perhaps better; certainly better than I tho iuusut poetaote to get in a used car. 'And. he continued. 'T Hrin it ir . ..1 ! In my game of selling. I visit every little town between here and the jumping off plaoe. I'm on the go all the time over some of tho toughest roada you ever saw; and believe me, my l'il ol' ear totes right along and always brings m up on schedule at night. Any time you want a recommendation as dependable peo ple from whom to get a used car, tell 'em to see me. ; Things like that are humming turn. rlrnf along. And there's reason. We are not naed car dealers; all our used cars ar taken in exchange for new cars and we get the cream of ears that change hands. And there's another The well known Obve reputation fnr service and standing squarely behind every sale is bringing people here every day to get real honest values and right treatment. Here's one that you should a-et vnnr imm on without wasting any time: A lieht six demonstrator, mn snh miiM t?-i Seal Continental motor, Borg & Beck clutch. Timken bearings. Stewart vacuum; a standard ised car, equipped with bumper, extra Ure, ignition lock, wind deflectors, Ure cover, etc; practically new; powerful car; seH for $2350 new; our price, $1950. We trade in small cars and mmt r.itwn. bonds. The following specials are onlv a few .num. the many from which you can select if you act promptly: '' LIBERTY. 1919 A beautiful littl. R-.lin. der, 5-passenger. powerful, economical and juit like new; $1550. APPERSON CHUMMY A nowerfnl' roa ster, in finest condition; looks like new; five good Ures; every equipment; $1900. . STUDEBAKER SIX 1918. 5-naskener. good looking, all cord tires, oientv nf n.. A rare bargain;. $950. WINTON ROADSTER A classy hurh-srade car of unquestlonaolo merit, wire wheels, good wn, fouv. . . . - CHANDLER Just painted and eomPl,.flv overhauled: a light six, too well known to need special mention. This will not be with us Ionic: $1250. Our assortment is unusually eotnnlerr now today you can get most any kind of a gooa usca car uuu you prefer. For example. BUICKS. ' DODGES. OVEBXANDS. j MAXWELLS. MITCHELLS. t COLES. FRANKLINS. ' . ; HAYNES. ' OAKLANDS. OLDSMOB ILES. PAIGES. BEOS. 6TUDEBAEERS. SEVERAL MOTORCYCLES. DELIVERIES AND " , T TRUCKS. PHONE BROADWAY 3327 OR EAST 346. . LEWIS E. OBYE : MOTORS CO. 12 Grand Avenue North . Also ' Broadway at Cmch. ' CADILL1AC BUG, overhauled and painted, ready b to go. $250, terms. . A-i AUTO WORK A PAINTING CO., .-: S2S Aiw H- v. .. . ATTTOMOBTXES AND ACCESSORIES 44 J FORD TRUCK CHASSIS, in good condition, fori eerr S3SO. - It i worth your while to in-1 vestigatev this. - It will go soon. . I Universal Car Exchange tirana ave. ana si Bisrm s. i Open Sunday and Evening. ! Nash Touring ;. If you want a ear with a kick, thia Kash will suit you. Prioed too cheap. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE 15th and Washington. 1919 YOU can't miaa It if you buy any on of these: 7 1917 MAXWELL TOURING at...... 1919 CHEVROLET ROADSTER at... .1919 OVERLAND TOURING at...... $300 673 775 383 750 490 Model CHEVROLET TOURING at. DODGE TOURING at.....:.... THH U3ED CAR EXCHANGE 15th and Washington. 424 Belmont St. EAST 191 BARGAINS EAST 1191 ....... :273 1WJ4 jrord -touring, ltt body...... 1918 Mitchell 6. Some cart..... 1918 Mitchell Light Six.... 1919 Overland. Model 90 1918 Ford truck, like new. ...... . 1918 Maxwell roadster. Victoria top 1916 Ford roadster, dandy Ures.'. . . 1917 Chevrolet touring; good buy.. Ford bug. A real buy ........... Maxwell bug; classy . ............ . ...... 850 J? rX "U . .875 . .J$575 $385 . .S550I . . . .8525 SEVERAL OTHER8 TO PICK FROM EASY TERMS " No Brokerage! I LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH 424 BELMONT ST. EAST 191 1918 CHANDLER SEDAN ' First-class mechanical .. condition. wire wheels, cord Ures. repainted, roomy. luxurious car .................... $SO0O . 1918 CHANDLER. 7 PASS. i . . i Wire wheels, good Ure eouipment. rebuilt and perfect mechanical condition ..... 1600 1918 CHANDLER. 7 pass., rebuilt throughout, good Ure equipment, body ' refini&hed 15&0 I 1918 CHANDLER. 7 pass., first-class mechanical condition, good Ures...... 150O 1918 CHANDLER, 4 pass, roadster, re- "built, new top, cord Ures. with -extra.. 1600 1917 CHANDLER. 7 pass., good mechan ical condition, newly painted, new top. good tires, with extra. ............. 1.230 ; SPORT ROADSTER CHANDLER 2 pass J special body roadster, wire wheels, cord Ures, racy line and fast performer .................. 1L6S0 1918 OLDSMOBILE. 7 pas., good ma- 3 chanical condition, good Urea. ....... $.100 1917 VELIE TOURING, repainted, over hauled, good Ures,'. ............... 1916 BUICK ROADSTER, gpod condition throughout, good tires. ............. 1916 CHALMERS, 7 pass., good mechan ical condition, cord Ures, new top, new- , ly painted ...................... 1917 SAXON TOURING, overhauled and in good condition, good Ures. ...... . . 1916 SAXON TOURING, good mechan ical condition ................... 1030 900 700 700 450 . - Open Sunday. TWIN STATES MOTOR CAR CO, 16th and. Alder and 605 Washington St. BAfiB I0BES CO Automobiles torn to pieces to obtain! part. - Trucks are wrecked for the repairs at the David Hodes Autoj Wrecking Department. . Hundreds ol! automobiles and . trucks are being dis-i mantled for their good parts to supply! 'the great demand for Hg-htiy used part at nail price. We have the "Unrest atock" of thai best used parts in, the state and the) Northwest. When you tail to get that parts elsewhere, come or send thai won, parts to the DAVID HODES AUTO WRECKING DEPARTMENT! Our stock is the largest of the best used parts in the NORTHWEST. j Your opportunity to obtain the part needed with the least possible low ol time- and at the lowest figure is ob-j tainable at the. DAVID HODES AUTO WRECKING DEPARTMENT j So always remember when In need of parts for any make of car or track j call on the DAVID HODES AUTO WRECKING DEPARTMENT, IXH GATED AT 105-107 N. 11TH ST' Hundreds , of Trailers and Engines) jSre waiting here 4jo serve you at only a fraction of the original cost. ' " Road Builders,': Contractors, Ian bermen. Users . of Trailers, we solv. your problems; our prices are a frao. uon of the new cost. Wa have supplied hundreds of men who use trailers, and we can supply you at about 75 per cent lower than regular cost. ' We have the largest stock of used tiailera on the COASTi of all styles,, sizes and shapes, in twi or (our wheel types, any capacity at any price. Do not wait if in need of any . of the styles of ' trailers ' w carry. . CALL NOW, our stock will be exhausted latex. j ENGINES ENGINES IT A TT4 IT TK T TT- 1 4T IT-4 TaV j ) ENGINEERS ; We have the engine you were look ing for at a saving of 75 per cent and the largest stock to select from at 'the lowest price. j If it is an" engine you need, call on us and you will find we have the largest assortment at the lowest pricesi .Every engine la in good running COOr oUUon. TRUCKS TRUCKS ' . I Another larsre lot of the FAMOUS ONE TON MAXFER TRUCK AT TACHMENTS at our FAMOUS PRICES, only $187.50. These are, new, not ud attachments. The regu lar price is $350: Our Price is $187.60. Note the saving. Thte attachment is positively the best and makes the finest one ton truck, and makes a truck out of any car. Take note of our price and aariax to you. BAYIB I0BES AUTO WRECKING MPTJ j 105-107 N. 11TH fT. New parts, gears, axles, springs and equipment are supplied by the DAVID HODpS CO. At 111 N. Broadway. AUTOMOBILES AJTP ACCESSORIES 44 1918 OAKLAND touring; good shape; must sell; will take Ford in trade. East 2846. ask Tor F. Johnson. 35 horsepower 8200. Has every accessory imaginable; rubber and mechaniant firste class. $750. Call Sell. 3522. or 00 EUiottave. 1918 4-CYL. BUICK roadster, fint-claas me chanical condition: looks like new. spot light. lenses, new brake, good tires, good aak. ! man' car,' terms if desired. Call Marshall 703. Monday morning. This is a good buy. HIGH GRADE ROADSTER. Thfe car has run less than 300 mile. has 4 ebrd tlnrn. motormeter. nubbexs: in fact the- car ha more snap and pep than any little roadster on Qui atroeu jnu laoor 7817, Call early. 150 UNION AVE.. COR. BELMONT. 1917 Ford roadster, good shape- $ 450 1918 Ford touring, snap ........... 1919 Ford touring, like new ......... 625 SCO lord touring cars to pick from. ; Ford bugs, 8 to pick front 450 1 Studebaker Zo. touring, gooa ahapa.. z 1917 Reo touring, repainted ......... 550 1918 Maxwell touring bio 1919 Chevrolet taurine ............. 650 1914 Stutx roadster, new tires........ 70A 191 ' overland, panel delivery ........ bio 1917 Studebaker roadster. ........... 575 1917 Buick light 6 touring .......... 1050 1918 Oakland touring, overhauled. ..... 850 150 UNION AVE., COR. BELMONT Some Real Bargains in - Slightly Used Cars ; Dod: touring, in rink of shape: spotlight. I bumper, new tires, and a ainall payment Aowu I ill r.. thi. ... fect BbkD throughout. 1920 license. ; KTTTTZ roadster. This car is Sams bus. i It I hss 8 Ures. storage battery, electric lights, wind- I shield, top; and is some buy. The price is only $275. with terms; also luzy license. - Red Cap Moto.r Sales Co. 409 STARE ST. BET. 10TH AND 11TH. . Broadway 3Uoi- too raow A. wll u wa da that yon would show good judgment in buying a used car from a . concern with no overhead expense. THAT'S US We sell cars from a vacant lot, thaf the answer. Big buildings cost money, vacao lot are cheap. Read our list, men coma over and see the cars. Let us tell you about them and their value. ; ... ,1920 BABY GRAND CHSV4UlfcX, aw new and lots of eitras. 1918 OAKLAND SIX, lot of pep. 1918 VELIE SIX. late and, reliable modeL mil siyon H1X new caint and Urea. LATE MODEL, OVERLAND, reasonable. 1918 CHEYltOLJST iivUl V .11 1 . just van Tnn need. MAXWELL ROADSTER, good bus. 1918 JORDAN, wire wheels, -neveryxnirig. 1918 STUDEBAKER SIX ROADSTER, i-irifi is gVs11 ,1917 BIG FOUR HUPMOBLLE TOURING. etpeaa. ior i-wcii. 1918 SCRIPPS-BOOTH ROADSTER. A snappy car. ' 1918 BUICK ROADSTER. Everybody like them. ! . MITCHELL SIX, a good seven isersef car- . ' ,' BUICK FOUR. A good little oar. ' LIBERTY . SIX, see this one. CHEVBOLETS AND FORDS JACKSON RUG. $300 worth of Ure. 8TUDEBAKER FOUR., make a fine Bug. IT WE HAVEN'T WHAT YOU WANT TODAY. WE'LL HAVE IT TOMORROW. OFFICE IN THE TOURIST GARAGE. 124 EAST SIXTH ST. LOOK FOR THE CARS IN A VACANT LOT ON BELMONT. BETWEEN GRAND AVE. AND 6TH ST. K. & S. MOTOR . SALES CO. . ' THIS IS WEEK BUY A USED ONE T4T-NTRT?nn OF USED 'CAR BUYERS HAVE FOUND OUR SYSTEM OF SELLING .At Cost IS A MONEY SAVER FOR THEM. THIS WEEK'S " SPECIALS, ARE AS FOLLOWS: Studebaker Coupe 175 Studebaker Tour' g, 1914 $475 Studebaker Tour'g, 1916 Studebaker Tourg, 1917. Studebaker Tour'g, 1918 ;H. .;..;-.;-S775.;;;r'?;;A:;,. Studebaker Tour'g, '186 . - $950 ' , ; AND DOZENS OF. .OTHERS ALL SOLD ON BRING US TOUR SMAft CARS WE I BETTER ONE We're Open Sundays and . Evenings - W. C (BARBE, ML Studebaker. Distributor Broadway at Burnside 1 Phone Bdwy. 616 AUTOMOBILES AND ACCESSORIES 44 : IJSEB- B01BS ' EXCLIISIfELY ALL . '' . ; MODELS ' to;.; " SELECT FROM - LARGEST STOCK ' , . ' IN" J THE . NORTHWEST "BASF TERMS' Universal Car ;Exchange Grand ave. and East Stark st Open Sundays and Ereniiurs. ARE YOU PREPARED For the big Shriner ennvration and the ROSE CARNIVAL? NEXT MONTH . . IF NOT. WHY NOT Let us sell you a high grad. car that is just as good as a new one for leas, than ona l.alf the coat of a new one, that irsnloile our teel proof guarantee. - Every, car - we sell you i thoroughly cleaned with kerosene and a brash. Every part is tightened and oiled, re painted tf needed. That s wny we can give you a 60 day' written guarantee that reads the same as on a new car. We' give you all the ires light service you want. - Compare our cars and price with others and see if wa cannot give you the beat buy on the market, - - Take special notice that ww' place the price ef every car in plain figures, so yoo will see that w have only one prioe to aXL Our most valuable asset is satisfied Studebaker 7 pass.. good Urs......f 500 Overland 5 pas., eke, L a. S.. good Urea 400 WiUya Kniehf, it makes 'em all on high.. . 750 1918 Maxwell touring, look' brand new.. 600 1916 Hupmobile touring. 95 per oont new .'850 1918 Chandler 6. cord Urea .......... 1430 1917 Boo toiirin,. cord tiroj.. ........ 730 1917 Chalmers touring, just perfect .... 750 1917 Vehe touring 95 per cent pert eat .. 850 1920 Chevrolet Baby Grand Sedan; brand new, .never been sold ........ 1800 1919 Ford coupe, with extras' 700 750 600 1918 Overland touring, model 90. 1918 Chevrolet touring rung fine OUR NEW JuOCATION -" CROSSLET'S USED CAR CENTER fill Burnside. at., between' 14th and 15th ata, , Phone Broadway 1424. . - CONLET ARBUCKLE. IrTopi. Your Last Opportunity To Take Advantage of Our Big Used Car REMOVAL' SALE - OCT EW $200.00 HOME. COR. BROAD WAY AND EVERETT 8T8,, WILL BE FIN ISHED IN ANOTHER WEEK. WE WILL CONTINUE OUR USED CAR SALE CAN YOU AFFORD TO LOSB THIS OP PORTUNITY OF SECURING A HIGH GRADE AUTOMOBILE AT A . PRICE BELOW THV MARKET VALUE I i HERE a try! JL' -WF OPFEtt FOR TOUB ArrivjTgVaJ.. 1918 OLDSMOBILE. 1 passenger, 8 cylinder. 1918 OLDSMOBILE, S. ' passenger, 6 cylinder. 1918 BRISCO. 3 passenger, 4 cylinder. 1918 BRISCO. 2 passenger. 4 esilnder. v ? 1918 STUDEBAKER. 2 passenger, 4 cylinder. 1917 MITCHELL. '6 passenger. cylinder. 1 9 IS MITCHELL, 5 passenger. 6 cyhhder. 1918 MITCHELL. 7 passenger. 6 cylinder. 1919 MITCHELL. C paasencer. 6 cylinder. 1919 MITCHELL, 7 paasengar. 6 cylinder. 1917 MITCHELL. 3 passenger. 6 cylinder. 1918 MITCHELL. 4 paasencer, 6 cylinder. 118 STUDEBAKER Delivery, 4 cylinder. - ; -s . - . 1915 CASE. 6 passenger, 4 cylinder. ' 1914 STUDEBAKER, 7 passenger, 6 ejllader. 1912 MITCHELL. S passenger, 6 cylinder. Prices $?5Q Up MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. - OPEN SCXDAT, 10 TO Mitchell, Lewis &. Staver Company: . ESTABLISHED 30 TEARS EAST FIRST AND EAST MORRISON BTS. Phones: EAST 7272 . AUTOMATIC 212-16 AUTOMOBILES A!fl) ACCESSORIES 44 CSILIJ LlARA 1916 Maxwell 600 1919 Briscoe ..................... 7SO 1918 Briscoe 630 New 1919 Msxwell truck, a bargain at .. 1400 O PARKS SUPPLY CO.. Seventh and ; Broadway, Vancouver, Wash. TRUCKS AlfD TRACTORS 89 -TON truck for sale, in good running order. Al HaS. R. T. D. 1. Box 275. BULL TRACTOR in good running order. $400. P. E., 860-S66 lst Morrison st. -1918 Ford truck, like new: a raal bar- gsin If taken Monday. E-4675. ONE TON, 4 -wheel trailer for sale. Phone Wdlu. 2576, or cell foot of W. Everett st. WANT light truck; exchange S acres close in. A-43, Journal 1916 MITCHELL 6. good tires, good condition; Sell cheao. take amall.r e.r in tn.,li T.rmi.l Garage. Fifth and Hoyt st. Broadway 1586. FOR SALE or trade, two ton tnirk. almost new; will sacrifice for $800. Call ieningx 411 Sumner st- Phone Woodlawn 4 542. BUICK 1-ton truck. 5 good oveniie tires, ready for work, cheap. Terminal Garage, btb and Hoyt. Bdwy. 1586. A BIG bargain for a farmer or anyone in a heavy one ton truck; good Urea; working every day: $500. Woodlawn 4788. FOR SALE OR TRADE Equity of $1000 in Stt-ton long, wheel base truck for city lot. auto or what have yon W-712. Journal. WILL TRADE 80 acres, CUck a m as e oi i"o ty , for 8 "a -ton auto truck eauipment with duma body and hoist. W-705. Journal. HEAVY capacity truck and trailer, in perfect condition. Can't - be beat for lumber or cordwood haul; sacrifice for quick sale. Owner. Main SSHU. HAVE lugging contract for pnrctiawr of 3 S -ton truck and trailer. Several years' work, truck oan work practically all of the year.. - In vestigate this. Open today. H.mce truck agency, 227 Salmon st. Main 8154. BEFORE buying auto trucks for runatrucUor work save time and money and profit by tne mistake of others by consulting truck ownare and conLractora wtth years of experience. ADVICE FRr E OREGON MOTOR TRUCK HAUIvlNti CONTRACTORS' ASSOCIATION . 201 Worcester Building. . 1 Phone Main 4 907. - ONE Molina tractor. 2 cylinder" plows, cart and disc -attachment complete; baa plowed about 1 50 acres land since bought new. Is in Al con dition. Price $600. One Moline tractor, 4 cylinder, elf starter, plows and all attachments oomplete; good an new. Ha plowed about 130 acre land. Prioe $1000. . One 10-18 Case tractor. '4 cylinder: good aa new, with plow ant all equipment. $1100. WiR trade any -sns of tne f ractaea - f n horses, cattle, automobiles or steam enrinea. Will guarantee every one to be in first claas yh-j-r and to do satisfactory work. Inquire at Feed Store . Tigard. Or. x Ask About Our 'T"Free. Trial- on Trucks We hav. one of the largest stock of truck in the state of Oregon. Every tm-x over hauled, and when necaaaarv rebuilt: all in th" best possible condition. It will pay you te invesUgat. our line. Six 4 -ton TtasTubllra. with and without bodies, from S70O to $900. 2-ton . Republic, guaranteed ......... .$2o 2-ton Reo, overhauled ." 1 S Federal, worm drive, prarti rally new 1750 1-ton Panhard. 1919, nearly new...... HOO MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EASY TERMS NO BROKERAGE Granning .& Treece 342 Aldr St.. oor. 17Ut C ' Bdwy. 17. IS THE ANSWER TO SHIP BX TRUCK On t- eyery highway radiating Portland 3. M. C. - from Truck- are giving . thelro owners faith ful service and by serving tnem they aerve you. At your next meal count the items that had a nda in a Inj.-k before they reached there, Ulen figure how much less they cost you because of that rid. The answer is your profit from a truck. Vote '.'302 Yes " Wentwortti h Irwii, lie. 200 SECOND ST.. COR. TAYLOR. BIG TRUCK SALE SK-tow, Fvderalf Hk new. 1-n-ton sVlaraL A-l ahap. 2 -ton ITiasal. very cheap. a. -ton KisaeJ, fine for ranch. lW-ton Federal, chain drive. 8-ton White, a good buy. 6-ton Reliance, fine far los; hauling? Bak u an offer. 1-ton G. M. CL 1 H ton G. . M. C, good body; pnnev yoatio Ures; truck ia good shape, 1-ton WHoox. A-l shape; ehaaa. lVi-ton Signal, body, cord Urea. - 1-ton Denby, good body; truck fas fine mechanical condition. . ' A few good- buys In paasencer cars. We will make it worth your. while, if yoa want a good used truck or, car. i '. .Easy Terms William L. Hughson Co. BROADWAT AT DAVIS BROADWAY 321 Authorized Ford' Dealer Tracts Republ fc . t , u S 875 Tbi 'truck na body, can, wind shield; Is in good condition. G-M.C.:, ton, chain driv.. 51 850 Overhauled, and In good shape. Old fashioned drive, but conceded to b. the moat powerful on the market.' g.m.c. 2 toB . ..2450 Painted red. . overhauled, wheals. A bargain steal Reo t to- .5 853 This . ' truck has practically new tires, new paint, thoroughly over toil ia really a fine value. Buick4 -ton .... .. ...... .5 85D New tires, overhauled, ia the best 4 . t shape, Chevrolet' .5 SCO A good little express body of th. standard type, in fair mechanical cm. dition; . not abused in any way. Wentwortl! & !rwiB, lie. COB. SECOND AND TAYLOR AUTOMOBILES JrVANTED 78 WILL take" a Fod a part payment on a Mer or. Tabor 1907. - ; 81600 IN accounts. Will trade for automobile. Must be ill good condition. A-43, Journal. LIKE i buy 5-paenger Ford ti-iiring bmiJT 1913 or 1916. . fhone Rellwood 374. WANTirh r.r in eci.r--f- r'-' " s"" -.T