THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING,, MAY 16, 1820. 10 BEAL ESTATE TCBUBBAN HOMES ONLY $8700 Oo the But Ltn road (th paved highway) , en the best part of th Baa Lino road, dose to to tha enslne center of tbia city, not mora than 20-min. rida bera i a nw 4 room bungalow with ail of tha citjr con veniences, including city water (Ball Ban) ; tha bungalow is modarn and up to data, and fuH, concrete baaemant with camcnt floor and with tha bunga low yon (st 1 big acra of land, a eoroar at that; only S block from an electria earlioa and station; there is eonstder abi fruit of different varieties eomuil into bearing ; there ia a chicken how and garage; everything goes for $3700. $2O0O caah will handla it. M. J. CLO . HESSr. Abington bids. " ONLY $2680 and yon wttt hsve to - if"' travel anna to find iu lik; otuy ,5" vein, ride from tha business center, with In 5 block of tha carlina and atation. with 6o carfare; here ia mora than 4 ". of an acre of land. aU of it fronting on tha well known highway: tbia place T; baa evary city convenience, including city i Tr water, gaarand electricity; it i only S - block from a city school; it U in a rapidly growing district; with toe" land v yon get a very comfortable 5-room house " fnot expensive, neither ia it of a pro il,t tentious type) , the house, however, ia ; . all right to lira in S there ia a chicken house and some fruit on the place; " f 1500 caah wail handle it M. J. CLO- HESSY. Abington bldg. -; . 1 " " ! ' ' - AT LAKEWOOD STATION, on tha Oregon City Carline: it is that spot , of the Oregon City carline with beautiful grow of native tree, which ia the on distinguishing feature connected with thi yrry attractive auburban home in thi location; there are more than 2 acree of land, and to see it mean to become enamored with the ground and loca tion: a large garden pot, very finely cultivated, with an ' orchard of fruit of til beat quality of different vsrieties coming into fall bearing; no more at tractive nor up-to-date, modern in every respect, bungalow-type house to be found than this; there are 7 room, perfectly . finished; there ia a , full concrete and cement basement with furnace, wash tray of the most' expensive kind: tbia bouse has every city conveniune. includ ing city water, gaa and electricity; it ia charming place to live, and a restful and contented atmosphere pervade the whole surroundings; there is nothing to be added to thi .place which ia not al ready there not 1 dollar of expense- to be made by any person buying this prop- arty; newly painted, an the wall. newly -tinted; it is a new bungalow, compara tively speaking; the buyer can move in tha moment ha .bargain to buy, a it haa been made vacant for that purpose; it is to be sold without question and. while no person will place a lea value than $10,000 on thi property, an offer submitted Bear that price will be oon aidered; good liberal terms will be grant ed to the purchaser. M. J. CLO UKSST, Ablngton bldg. , er . - 'Jt'. 4 'S ' ' " ' " ONLY $5700. and thi is a brand new up-to-date 5-room bungalow of a very ' attractive appearance, modern, and con- tains every city convenience, full bsse I ... ment and fireplace: there ia a large i attiexof which lots of additional room can 5i be made, i There b hi acre of land in "K high state of cultivation with an abun- dance of fruit of choice quality, applea ."ssa and cherrie in full bearing; the location aould not be ranch better; on East Glisan gj.. at. close in. Now if you want close in , auburban homes for a very moderate price . this should attract you. $3000 caah will handle it. M. J. CLOHESST. Abing- inglon bldg. r ".' ONLY $2700, on the West side, very close in to tha business center, on a . prominent highway, only 5 block from the carlina and station with 6c carfare.. Ton walk to it over cement walk. This ' i what you get for $2700, and it ia no exaggeration when we say that thia bouse alona and so far aa it ia concerned cannot be replaced for a lesa price than - $4 000. It ia almost wholly new having a new roof and newly painted all over. Hera are 7 Urge rooms, all plastered and newly papered. It has all of. .the, city . - conveniences including city water and " with the bouse you get H acre laf land all in tha garden, berries and other fruit. There is a bam, chicken house and wood ehed. It ia only 5 blocks from a city . school. No place in Portland can get , you a bargain to equal thia, $2700 is the full price and all you need is $1500 oash, bale ce on long time, M. J. CLO- HESST. Abington bldg. A REAL SUBURBAN HOME OPPOBTCMTT. " All of tha advantages of city yet in. the I country where living is really worth while and b t restricted district having $4000 to $7000 - homes; tha best moderately priced suburban home proposition near Portland. Only 7 block Irom ear. ew. line, large o-roora oungaiow. rement basement, fireplace and built-ins; h. w. I floors, old- ivory and white en ynea. finish. Plenty . of attic 2 rooms can be finished. It ia on a big H-acre, having - 8 fine cherry tree and a tarietv of apples. including early and winter. TWt pass up seeing this if you have $3000 to Bandle. ood contract on balance, and the price ia. right. Phone Tabor 560S and deal with Vie owner. MONTA VILLA ACRE ATI under cultivation. 3 blocks from ear. Nearly, all in Iruit. ol every kino. Toe income from thi fruit last year was over $400. City water, now putting in gas and electrio lights. Good 6 room lath and ' plastered house, full oemcnt , basement, story and a half bungalow. Barn, chicken house and runways. Good plumbing. No 'gravel or rock on this place. Owner will take $1500 cash and give easy terms on . the balance at 6 per cent interest. Ander son, with - JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. S ACRES, located half mile south of Capi tol highway, 1 4 miles east of Tigard, S mllea from Portland, 20 minutee out. In ' Multnomah Acres. AU can be cultivated. 1 acre under cultivation, living springs on the place. Good barn that cost $300 to .V build, chicken bouse and plastered brooder house . Place all fenced with woven wire. Price $1600, $S00 cash. Pancnaly ln---pected by Davis, with ' JOHN FERGUS0.N. GERLINGER BLDG. ' " WELL IMPROVED ACRE X oca ted close to the car at 53d are. 6o'fare; 36 fruit and nut trees, some applea, I pears, prunes and apricot trees, all bearing; -" 4 room bungalow with full cement basement, furnace, belt of plumbing. Electric lights. . . gaa. uarage. Darn. , run saeuo - on t very small payment ' down and monthly payments on balance. Personally inspect- id. Nelson, with " JOHN FERGUSON; GERLINGER BLDG. RIGHT ON THE PAVEMENT 1 H acres, on Bose Line road. iut east . at city. rice snaoe trees, goou surround- -."lngs. New small house, with ,eity water v and gaa in and electric lights can be bad. Telephone r in the bouse and other eeu "Vs veniencea. " The entire place all fenced with woven wire. , A nice summer place. clone to the city. Price $1800, $800 oash. Anderson, with JOHN FKRGCS0N. GERLINGER BLDG. i S ACRES located east of city limits 2 milea, ft blocks from electrio station; 36 fruit, treecs. No gravel or rock. ' Berries, pri vat water system, good 8 room hou3e, fireplace, best of plumbing, hard finish. full eement basement: 2 lane ehirrkn houa. Price $5500; $8000 eah.. Per- aonally inspected by Anaerson, witn j JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ' - j - - -: - - - -- TOU WILL BUT THIS Nearly ' 2 acres, located south of Errol " station, mile from car. 6c fare : all '.under cultivation, except a small park; t good 9 room cottage; smau Darn and chick en house city : water, gas, electric lights, graveled road. Price $1750. $300 caah. Happy, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. FOR SALE-r-On acre witn good 5 room bunga- low, close, car line; iruit tree, nernes, barn. CU'CU UUlHiai ,...- MAlJp.y. .waier in the house, gas, electric lights, close in good road, close to city limit. Price reason sble, $150Uk down, balance on easy paymenta. Take Estacada car to Luther atation. second house Bortft- w. M. winters, . SUBURBAN ,. ------ ' i fnr a la lruva 12 milea from Portland; new 5 room house, - . ,kH.'Ui.. t.M .. -1 , jroofl nam, utuunu.ii. , uu enm icutei, running water; 11 etc red and planted; on good KE Ali ESTATE Sl'BL'KBAN HOMES 7 " FUBNISHED iND EQUIPPED 10 acres, located mile from Tualatin, either red or Oregon electric traina; on a good county road all under cultivation, ex cept Vt acre "of standing Umber; all in crop. oats, wheat.' retch, clover; exceptionally large orchard of all kinds of. fruit, in tha beat of shape; 70O strawberry, plants; fmit is all bearing; good 'well cemented to tha top: 4 room bouse, with electric lights, good barn and other buildings. The entire place fenced with beery woven wire. With the place goes over 200 chicken. 1 cow, 10 ducks, crops, tool and about $500 worth of furniture.-: Thi is close : to roruana, with good ear service. Price $4000, large cash payment, : Personally inspected. Photo at office. ' - JOHN FEBQUSON. GEBJJNGEB'BLDG.- FOBTT MINUTES OUT . 10 acres, all under cultivation, good aofl. Bo gravel or rock, on good county road, close to the paved highway, - also clone to Bed electric atation, and in the Beaverton Reedvill tract; over 100 bear: ing fruit trees and berries; gaa, city water and lights can be had; nearly new double constructed plastered S room house, full ce ment basement and floor; fine sleeping Sorch, screened and glassed; barn, chicken onse and good wire fencing. Price $4950, . on very easy terms, or will sell 5 acres with the buildings and fruit for $3850, email payment, down. Photo at office. JOHN KKCiUBON, GEKLLNUKK BLOM. A VEST ATTRACTIVE PLACE 2 acres, located 1 block from the Bed Electric station, sidewalk to place; 1 blocks from paved road: good cheap train service; all under cultivation, best of soil; 14 bearing walnut trees, large orchard of apples, pears, cherries, etc: 4 blocks to school, walk all the way; good -double con structed bungalow, plastered ; dining room. : living room, kitchenette, bedroom, gas,- city water, large painted chicken bouse, room for 500 chickens; $1100 cash and easy monthly payments. Personally inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. WELL- LOCATED ACREAGE 10. acre, on a good graveled road, east of Gresham; all can be cultivated; 6 acrea under cultivation and in potatoes and other crops; creek through the place that never goes dry: 50 fruit trees: attractive bunga low of 3 large rooms and sleeping porch; summer house, with screened"- porch; large Darn, with cement floor; chicken house, woven wire fence: close to school: 4 mile' to electric station. Price $3500 without the crop, or $4000 with the crop. Person ally inspected. Photos at office. . Brooks, with - i JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. CLOSE TO OSWEGO LAKE 9 acres, located on a good road, all in bearing fruit except M acre; all kinds of berries; the income from the fruit on thi place last year was over $400; all fenced with woven wire; good 6 room house, with plumbing, fireplace, large barn, wagon shed, chicken house, boghouse, smokehouse and other buildings, all in good condition; clone to the depot and school ; telephone. Price avuu, S3S00 cash. The fruit on the place will- pay 10 per cent on this in vestment. Davis, with JOHN EEBGCSON, GERLINGER BLDG. BIGHT AT STATION Nearly B acres, located on the Red THec- tric, 2 acrea under cultivation, balance in timber: good neat .5 room house, ham. chicken house, some fruit trees. This is right on tha line and at the station. Com muters fare $5.80 for 52 rides; good car service. All of thia place ia fenced with heavy woven wire; an ideal chicken ranch or lor rabbits. Price S3000. 500 nth. or will make a liberal discount for all cash. wars tern, wirn JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. MODERN SUBURBAN HOME AT OSWEGO LAKE One acre with 5 room bunnln wmant basement,' fireplace, Dutch kitchen, enameled bathroom; good plumbing; located on good roan, a Oiocas from carline. lota of fruit and berries, 8 good chicken houses ; garage, woven, wire chicken runs; a very ' attractive place, well located, i Offered away below value. $2500 cash, balance on terms at A r n interest. Personally inspected. Photo at of- iice. aiarnrcrs. witn JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. GENTLEMAN'S COUNTRY HOME On Oregon City carline; one block from main road; S acres of the finest of soil; all kinds of : bearing fruit and shrubbery; modern, up-to-date 8 room house; fine gar age: all for only $8000: mostly cash. This place must be seen to be appreciated. All details at McCLUBE & SCHMAUCH CO., S06 By. Exchange bldg. Main 1503. ; IN BEAVERTON, OR. One acre, located dose to depot; all un der cultivation; 20 bearing fruit trees. S rows of strawberries across the acre, rasp berries, blackberries; modern bungalow of 4 large rooms; best of plumbing; plastered, gas, city water, electrio lights; on a good road, close to either Red or Oregon Klec tric depots. Price $2850. on terms. Person ally inspected. M raters, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE 8 acres, located 1 mile from city limits, on good macadamised road, fine plastered house, full curaent basement, laundry trays; barn chicken hise ; half ,cre o strawber ries, acre ' raspberries, 29 apple trees, pears, prunes, plumv gooseberries, currants, acre of potatoes. The entire place in crop; good fencing. Personally inspected. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. MODERN BUNGALOW Leated 5 blocks from the station, on 100x100. in fruit and berriea, S room at tractive bungalow, with best of plumbing, furnace, cement basement, chicken house and runways; fruit trees in fine shape. Price $3200, $1000 cash. Personally in spected, Nelton. with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. ONE acre all in cultivation, east of Mil waukee ; 7 blocks from electric station; 85 bearing fruit trees; 1500 strawberry plants: nest j cottage piped with gas and water; ; barn ' and chicken house. Price $1150, $506 cash. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Phone Sunday and eve nings East 1193. JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. IN TIGARD . 4 and 29-100 acres, located 1 block from the pavement and 3 from the depot; all under cultivation: 100 loganberry plants. 15l raspberry; good fences. 5 room plast ered house, garatce. chicken house : close to grade, and high school, price $5500. $2300 cash. . Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERUNGEB BLDG. MUST sell my 4-room bungalow; 80x140 lot, barn, chicken run and -fruit trees, $1700. ! Main 3439. FOB SALE FABMS 17 ! FETE DAIRY- RANCH t "140 acrea,-located east of Kalama, Wash-L ington, and 1 mile from Pacific highway, 130 acres can be cultivated. 50 acrea under cultivation, 50 acres aery easy clear ing. Watered by springs and creek, all well fenced and aross fenced, part woven wire, 3 acres of commercial cherry orchard, all kinds; of pother fruit, house, barn, black smith shop and large silo. With the place goea 9 cows,; 2 hones. 1 1 pigs, 28 sheep. 80 cbiekens. complete line of machinery,; crv-am separator, ensilage cutter, gas engine and complete dairy equipment and furniture. .Price $95 per acre includes everything. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. SOUTH OF PORTLAND, i 20 Acres,! located 2 miles from Oregon electric, on good graveled road and close highway. All under cultivation and the very best of chocolate loam soiL Good fences, 8 acres of clover, balance ready for crop. Good, - new 5-room bungalow, with Dutch kitchen and bath room. Large barn,: chicken house. Uslf mile to schooL Few fruit trees. Price $4000. $1400 cash. A fine location, in a - section of- well im proved farms, SO miles out. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. -ACRES o DOWN AH in cult. 2 fine soil. 4' room, fair bourn good barn and shed ; fruit and hemes ; good well place on main rock road, mile of town of I Willamette and carline asaf 3 36 ' miles of Oregon l City; fine for berriea and chickens; $2500, $400 down. E. P. ELLIOTT BON, 7th and Main eta., Oregon City, Or. 11 H ACRES located 6 milea Vancouver Wash. 10 acrea prune; fine new $5000 bungalow fair barn and all necessary outbuildings: - good prune dryer. Cheap at $11000 $4000 cash, balance Jtim to suit. Might take in a $4000 property i Portland. What have yon to offer? oo atcnay tuog, juain 1H2. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 WASCO COUNTY FRUIT, GRAIN AND STOCK, RANCH 480 acres first class cram and fruit land. 7S scree fail hn t hnmwr enm in eight: some alfalfa, 80 acre rammer fallow, 2 acre orchard; good irrigation ditch, plenty water; 8-roora house and good out buildings; good fences, 6 head hones. 20 head fine grade cattle, indoding pure bred shorthorn bull, 10 hogs, chickens and turkeys; buggy, hack; heavy wagoa, single and double light and heavy harness, 4-horse Peoria drill, riding cultivator, 2 section Kimball weeder. la-inch due. 7-foot binder. 1 shsre in tnresrung machine, com lister, plows, barrow, feed grinder. This ia first class wheat and pear land.- about 200 acr- in cultivation. Price $20,000. T. J. SEPERT. 28 Henry Building. r 17- ;ACRES iij- 15 in high staler of cultivation. - New 6 spples. 1 3 yean old, in full bearing. Bojed well 78' feet with gas engine: 'mils from good arhool. on hard surface road, 2 V4 milea froxt courthouse; one of the most sightly locations in Clackamas county. Price $7500, part cash, balance time. 6 per cent interest, ; . ' 8.. O. U1LLMA.M, , l. 8th and Main t-, Oregon City. Or. 78 ACRES 65 acrea in 'crop, 18 acrea pasture, all good deep clay loam, no rock I or gravel, nearly level. Weil drained, 1 fenced and cross fenced, orchard and berries. . j fair buildings, including silo; telephone, R. F. D., good road: mile school. 6 : miles town; 11 good cows. 1 bull. 4 horses, ; 5 hogs, 50 chickens, all farm tools. : Ready 1 for business, bringing good Income." Only $11,500; half cash, balance- t years at 7 : per cent. - ATKINSON eV POBTEB 112 West 6th St.. Vancouver. Wash. - Good Farm .Bargain; 80 acres. 5 miles from Oregon City, on ood roads, except hk mils; one mile to school and store; 60 acrea in cultivation, oats and wheat balance pasture: new 7 mom house, good barn garage, splendid chicken houses; 150 hens, iota of baby chicks; 2 incubators, running; team, 4 cowa, 16 hogs; svell equipped with farm im nlementa: fruit : trees, berries: - new DeLaval separator; fine spring water forced to house, ant barn by ram. .Bargain II sold at once. Owner, Box 35, Jtoute 2, Oregon City, Or. BEST COOS COUNTY FABMS Our land is just as' good as Tillamook dairy land and costs about half a much. Land values s re going to double here in the next two -years! Now ia tha time to buy. We have ail kinds of farms for sale. Write us. I COOS & CURRY LAND COMPANY. TNO. I Myrtle Point, Or. ; 20 ACRES all very rioh soil and nearly all i under cultivation. Woven wire fences, thi baildings nov listen 7-room modern to the minute bungalow and barn, they don t build them any bttir. large with cement foundation. everything mrJern and up to the minute, all Beceesary outbuildings, located on the main Boad between Albany and Lebanon. Price for a ahort time only $110 an acre; terms. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND OO.. 203 First National Bank bldg., : Albany. Or. '' 25 Acres HIGHLY IMPROVED Choice close-in location. We have same very attractive buys in well located farms' and subur ban homes. 8 acres up. Don t tali to aea us. . A. n.. ill 1,1 Lumbermen blrlff . 5th and'St&rlc sts. LONG ESTABLISHED. RELIABLE SERVICE. 106 ACRE grain and fruit farm; between 75 and 80 acres in cultivation: 5 acres bearing Eiuzlish walnuts: family orchard: two good dwellings; good barn and machine shed; creek and 2 wells; hill and valley soil but lies nice to farm. Witt sell this fine farm for $14,000. aiid five immediate possession; crop all in and looks ine; a good lot of personal property, including good team. Sea White ft Co., 703 Va First st.. Newberg, Or. -! 23 ACRES Good house, small barn: 2 acres strawberries. 4 acres oats and vetch; some fine timber; living stream. Team. cow. machinery. $3000. $2000 cash; 3 miles from Oregon City, an hard surface j L rvau. '' I , 8. O. DILLMAN. Plll SUB ou., .rrun . nj, JT. FORTY ACRES ; Two miles Ridgefield, 2.2 in cultivation; fam ily orchard, good 4 room house, barn 24x40, granaryf well, all fenced, ' mile to- school, good grsvel roads, 4 cows, 1 team, 24 chick ens. 2 pigs, 1 heifer, 1 wsgon, 1 mower, 1 plow, . 1 harrow, 1 cultivator, X separator and most all household furniture. Oar , as your serpce. Price $6500; half cash. , W. L. STRONG . Woodland, Wash. , 80 in CTop, balance timber and paature, some fine bottom land; 3 cows, team, farm machinery; 0 miles from Oregon City. $4250. $2750 cash. balance 6 per cent interest. 8. O. DILLMAN, i 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or, 40 ACRES. 6 or 7 in cultivation; about 25 i acres can be cultivated, easily cleared; bal ance gully with large trout creek, plenty out range, on daily cream route; good small bouse 16x32, barn 2440, 2 extra sheds, 2 wells, place partly fenced with woven wire, county toad through place; 5 miles from Eagle Creek station on Estacada Electric line; $2500, some terms. See owner. C. M- Ross, 8246 Foster road. I - HERE IS A BARGAIN ! South of Portland and neir coast, 160 acres, 1 miles from Elk City, 80 acres under culti vation, 50 slashed and easily cleared; ideal Ifor ' stock raising and dairying ; fair house and bairn. This is a fine opportunity for someone with limited means; $500, balance terms to suit 924 Chamber of Commerce. Main 48. . ' CANADIAN FARM LANDS Last great block of Canadian Pacific Railway company a . re serve lands. Remarkably cheap, on long and easy terms. Eandseekers' excursion party leaves Portland for Calgary. Alberta, - on Saturday, May 22. Reduced railway rates. For further particulars see Canadian Pacific By. Co., .208 Railway Exchange bldg. L. P. . Thornton, dis trict representative. . 440-ACRE stock and dairy ranch with. 200 acres of rich creek bottom land. TO acres under cultivation, 130 acree partly cleared. 2000 acres timber range adjoining which this ranch controls: ample buildings, but will need, some repair. 15 miles from Silverton, bargain. 208-acre stock and dairy ranch on Pacific highway. 1 mile from Kelso, Wash. Buildings worth $7500. with stock $75 per acre. Owner, 1421 Northwestern- Bank bldg. 20 ACRES. '' Shi miles northeast of La Center. Wash.; 12 acres in cultivation, balance pasture, all level; family orchard: good 4 room house, small barn, woodshed, good water; all fenced; H sails to school, hi mile to church, on good roads ; 4 cowa, i Dorse, some cnicxens, separator, some household goods. -Price $3150. . w. I DTKii.N'i, ! " . Woodland, Wash. m ACRES' On good road, adjoining limits of Oregon City. small house, good barn, some fruit, $4000, part cash. .. . ; ; i-. - ' 8. O. DILLMAN,' J 8th and Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. 1 160 ACRES, all sowed. 1 hi miles from town, rail and boat landing; best soil, running stream: 14 head cattle. 2 horses, harnesses. binder .and corn binder and all kinds of farm im plements; $4000 cash, balance $1400, interest 6 per cent. a acres in crop, must sen on ac count of old age. ' 18 miles from Portland: paved highway within 1 mile. 729 Liberty St., Wood- lawn car to 2 2d. z blocks souto. , FORTY ACRES ' Three mues W oodland. Wash. Six acres in cultivation. 15 pasture; 86 fruit trees, 5 room bouse, barn - 30x40, wood shed, , cellar, spring, well, all fenced; 1 H miles to school. Lair roaas. race szouu. , , , . W. U. B'IKOSU : . Woodland. Wash. 1 ". ' A REAL FARM 140 acrea very best land, near lower Colum bia river town. Stocked and equipped. 10 Jerseys, fine team, other stock; good orchard; running water: gooa roaas; gooa improvements; near school. All stock snd crop goes. , Pric $15,00O. Terms. Owner, Bog Wilcox pidg. 885 ACRES, 50 cleared, balance 3,000.000 feet of rood saw timber: good mill site on Butte creek which runs throush place; 7 miles , east of Scott s muls. Pnoe S500. easy terms. ; See Albert Harala, with Hargrove Realty Co.. 122 N. 6th st. - - - " ; : FOR SALE 40 acres, 4 milea from -Vaneou- ver. Pacific highway. No. better prune lmnd. Land slightly improved, running water, excellent soil; S4500 N. W. Merriiield. 810 Wash. St.. Vancouver, wasp. - - - FOR SALE 10 acres, 7 miles east of Oregon City, all cleared and lays fine; good soil; worth $2000: sell fqr' $1200. Call . 216-88 Automatic - - ' ONE aaa range, one eoaj and wood heater, one ice box, for fish or grocery store; new garbage burner; one small toe box. Albert Perry. 390 Wygant st 80 ACRES in Clackamas, 10 cleared; building; i 2U in pastors; fine- creek. Half price - if taken this week. Price $2500: haif; cash, bal ance 5 years. Owner, Tabor 2253. -.' FOR - Clnrke Co. farms see Swank ft Cof field. IU aaata at. auoouver. waao. - HEAL ESTATE FOB, SALE FARMS 17 Stocked and Equipped 33500 Gives Possession Crop, stock and equipment go with this place of 100 acres and are included in the price, of $11,000. -This is a good going farm and only It milea southeast of Portland, right at rail road station and good auto road. ' 40 acree are in wheat, eats, vetch and clo ver, 2 acres of orchard. Balsnee -part slashed and all good pasture, good creek and ' springs make it a first class stock or dairy farm or foe general purpoaea, aa it's wonderful sou. There are 2 horses, 4 cows, 1U sheep, 2 hogs and some poultry; 1 binder, mower, lum ber wagon, plows and implements, Good house and two barns. This is a real opportunity for a man without much cash to move onto a go ing farm and make money from the start. Kaser & Rainey ' : $22-7 Gasco bldg. Main 7602. FAKM3 FOR SALE NEAR NEWBERG BT WHITE tt CO. Fruit farm, beautifullv located on Newberg- Portland highway, and no waste land on thia farm: large shade tree: good bouse, barn, ana chicken houses and good wood house; 12 acres in prunes, nearly all bearing; about 11 acres black cap raspberries bearing between' the prunes; 3 H acrea Royal Anne and Lambert cherries; 5 H a area of choice apples; 19 English walnuts; everbearing red raspberries, gooseber ries, currants, pears and filberts; -2000 peach seed to be budded this fall ; large building for berry pickers on the pretty creek that runs through the grove of fir, making an ideal camp ing ground; sold $200 worth of onions off of Vk acre bottom land; good soil that will grow anything; house haa 7 rooms, barn 50x32 with shed 25x50; also garage. Good well and spring. Most of this fine farm of nearly 38 acrea ia ready for the plowk but using a few acres for pasture. This place must be seen' to be appreciated. Im mediate) possession given to , purchaser. For prices and terms, write or call on White ft Co., 703 M First at.. Newberc. Or.. U block east of Electrio depot. BUSINESS MAN'S HOME 15 ACRES $7000 On "i extra good anto road, 1 rnfle from boat landing Columbia river, 1 mile R. B. station. H mile good school ; good & room house, good barn, prune dryer, good, fences, fine lawn and flowers, lots of fruit, all kinds; extra good water : 2 acres prunes. Extra fina home that will pay you interest on the investment. Can drive car to Portland in 85 minutes and to Vancouver in 15 minutes. Good place for business man. Only $7000. Might arrange some terms. ATKINSON ft PORTER s 112 W. 6th .St. v Vancouver, Wash. AN UP-TO-DATE STOCK RANCH. S20 acres, 250 acres under cultivation, ba ance splendid pasture for abundance of green grass the year around. Improved with good 7-room and 5-room houses, sufficient a. mount or lumner to Duild a massive bouse, good barns. srraw ansa and all necessary outbuildings. Machinery consists of threshing ' outfit, -hay bailer, roller mill, binder, 2 mowers. 3 har rows. ; grain drill. 2-horse cultivator, plows, fanning mill, 4 discs, 3 hay rakes, 3 wagons, hay forks, wood saw. camp and pack outfits, 11 heads of splendid horses, some good matched teams, 100 head of grade Harford short-horn cattle, a bunch of registered Duroc Jersey hogs; crop consists of wheat, oats,' barley and timo thy. , A dear creek 'runs through place. The ranch is fenced bog tight in 11 different fields. Some hay, wheat and oats. A grassing permit for 125 head of cattle goes with the place. This farm is located H mile from R. R. station, school and churches, off the main Willamette valley, east of Eugene. Price for everything, $50,000. WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND CO.. 203 First National Bank bldg., Albany, Or. Valley Farm Snap - STOCKED AND EQUIPPED 150 acres, 45 in cultivation and -crop, bal ance open pasture and timber ; deep, rich soil, no, rock or gravel: never failing spring water to house and barn; bearing family orchard, 125 young prune trees and other small fruit; good 7 room house, with fireplace; two good barns, hog house, chicken house, etc. The following stock and a full set of farm tools ' and imple ments good as new go with the place: 15 head of cows and heifers, some milking, some com ing fresh soon ; 1 rgistered Hoists in bull, two good brood sows, 3 young horses, 1 colt, about 50 chickens; only 19 milea from Portland. 5 miles Newberg. hi mile to main paved high way and railroad station; This is absolutely the biggest bargain in the country and will bear clos est investigation. Everything goes for $125 per acre. $9000 cash, baL long time 6 per cent, R. M. Gate wood Co. 165 Vt Fourth St. CHICKEN RA'CH 2 V, miles Ridgefield, 27 acres. 15 In cul tivation. 4 aciea fruit trees 8 years old, 6 room house, barn, 80x40, cellar, brooding bouse, good water, all fenced, school V, mile from place, also school wsgon to Ridgefield high and grammar school: 4 cows, 1 team, 800 laying hens (White Leghorn), 200 . baby chicks, 1 buggy, 1 disc, 1 harrow, 2 small barrows. 1 plow. 1 mower. 1 separator. 1 incubator. 1 heating stove. 1 ranee, telephone. Price $5500, half cash, easy ; terms on balance. Car at your service. W. L. STRONG Woodland. Wash. . n ACRES 75 in cultivation, all fine soil and level. 7- room house with fireplace ; 2 wells. 1 equipped witn power pump, large bam, granary, etc., 1 acre of assorted orchard; some personal property goes with' place. Only Sts miles out on good rock road. R. F. D. and cream route: $166.65 per acre, $5000 down, balance 3 years, 6 per cent. H. A. HEATER., with S. O. DILLMAN, 8th and Main , sts., Oregon City, Or. 40 ACRES S miles 8. E. of city at $200 per acre: about hi in cultivation, small house, large bam, orchard of 100 bearing fruit trees, good road. Will sell on easy terms or will take house and lot as part payment, balance on time. - A. W. Lanraljert & Spn COB. GRAND AVE. AND E. ALDER ST. East 640. 229 Acres, $42 Per Acre 88 miles from Portland; good fair house, large barn. 50 acres in cult ; 3 horses, 6 cows, 2 yeaTlings, 2 calves, 1 bull ; harness, wagons, all kinds farm tools, water piped to house and barn: good family orchard; all kinds Small fruit and berries, fenced and cross-fenced: lend lies good: share in tel. line-: seed potatoes. Everything goes $1500 cash, own terras on baL at 4 per cent interest 726 Chamber of Commerce. 15 ACRES, only hi mile to R. R. depot: 5 acrea loganberries that will nave a fine crop thi year; fi acrea Italian prunes, bearing; ail the place cleared except hi acre for chicken lot; possession given March 1st and purchaser gets hit the crop clear of all expenses, delivered at Valley cannery, Newberg. This. 15 acre fruit ranch is a bargain for $6500. Terms, $4300 ih. If you wsnt a bargain in fruit look thi up at once. For sate by White ft Co.. .703 hi First st. Newberg. Or. : a WiHanniette Valley f 70 ACRES' $6500 Nearly all in cultivation. No waste. Rich soil. Conveniently located, For details regarding this bargain, see . A. K. HILL CO., Lumbermen bldg.. Portland. Or. is-acee: Fine soil. 7 acres spuds, 7 acrea oats ' and elover; small bouse, good bam: team and farm machinery. 2 milea to good town, near Pacific iugnway. Cor quick sale. (4UUU. S. O. DILLMAN. " 8th and Main Sts., Oregon dry. Or. $41 AN ACRE. 280 acres; 180 acres under cultivation, clear creek through place, woven wire fences, fair set of . farm buildings, plenty of fruit for home use, good roads, located 5 mile from Oakland. Or. , This 1 the best buy in the entire district v NOW get, busy.. . WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND ,CO.. 203 First National Bank bldg., - '-;: : Albany, Or. " OWNER WTLLSACRTFICE BEAUTIFUL 20 ACRES 6 miles from Vancouver, all . level and under cultivation; 6, acres tn nesnng . prunes, gooa liv able house, barn and other buildings. Good well 1 hi milea from paved highway. 1 mile to R. B. Price $3600. terms. 835 K. 30th st 8.. Portland. " ' BEAUTIFUL 160 acres. 4 miles from station, on North Bank toad: 80 miles from Portland; small house, good water supply, . splendid soil; about 19 acres cleared, Daiance scattering nrusn. $20 per acre, easy terms, John Bain (owner). 507 Spalding OKI. FOR 8AXJ5 82 acres, with 1 purebred Shire stallion. 4 milch, cows (3 fresh, I fresh sonnH binder, mower, plow, harrow, sew Vaughan woodsaw, hack. Small tools, plenty timber; 84 acrea all in crop; good road, 6 miles of Mo laila ; bargain. A. . Newman. Molaila. Or. - 50 ACRES land, siojk and implements for sale. J. Griffioen. Holbrook. Or. BE Ali ESTATE FOB SALE FARMS 17 20 ACRES- . - $S000 DOWN acres in cult.. 2 acres mora opes land not so hard to clear. baL about 5 acrea good tim ber, bal. light second growth and small stuff, good 6-roora plastered bungalow, with aink and water piped in house; patent toilet in house; built-in china closet: bouse sets on solid stone foundation; fine solid concrete cellar; fine tank house and washRouse; tank for about 1000 gaj of water; fine rustic barn (painted) and shed, with good granary; good chicken house and hog house; all kinds fruit; good woodhouae; fin spring of water, .piped to house with a ram; never failing water, all cemented in. This is mile to school, 1 mile to- carline. 8 miles of Oregon City, well settled community; a fine home; good farms all around it- Price $4000, $1000 down, bal, long time. Some aurface rock on some of the uncleared land, but fine soil. E. P. ELLIOTT A SON. 7th and Main ts., Oregon City. Or. A Wonderful j 200 acres. . 37 -miles south of Portland, in Yamhill county, on the Salem-McMinn-ville rocked road. 120 acres in cultiva tion and cropped,' 20 acrea old stump pas ture, very easy to clear. 60 acrea good timber (oak and fir) . woven wire fencing, living water, iust rolling enough. Extra good plastered house 9 rooms, cement base ment, hot and cold water, bath, etc ; 2 barns, bog house, chicken house, granary, family orchard, 6 " walnut trees producing $500 annually, horses, sheep end bogs, all farm implements. On account of old age, we are authorized to dispose of this won derful farm with crop, stock and equip ment, at the axtrenie low price of $125 per acre. You. name terms on half. See MITCHELL or BIPPEY. 328-29 Henry bldg. Maui 2534. 4 MR. FARM BUYER If you are looking for the best 80 acres in Washington county, all stocked snd equipped. IN HIGH STATE OF CULTI VATION., you will investigate this one. 80 acres in cultivation. 20 acrea old slash--ings, SO acres very heavy saw timber, no waste, rock or gravel, rich loam soil. room house, large barn, garage, granary, hog and chicken bouses, spring water piped to buildings, fine young family orchard and berries in abundance, on main county road. 2 miles to paved highway, 8 miles west of Sherwood. 2 fine , cows, team, 3 dozen B. R. chickens, mower, rake, plows, har rows, hay fork, wagon, buggy, etc. Will consider small residence in Portland. Price $150 per acre and easy terms. MITCH ELL or BIPPET, 328-29 Henry bldg. Main 2534. . , : , 63 ACRES STOCK AND TOOLS. All level. 45 a. in cult, the baL some good timber and some in open pasture, . fine living water; place joins carline and V mile to sta tion ; good 5 room house, with hot and cold water and bath; large- pressure tank and gas engine; large barn, henhouse, boghouse. wood huuse, storehouse : fine fruit; 9 cows, about 20 hogs, 3 horses, 70 chickens, wagon, plows, har row, separator: all other tools; phone in house; cream route, daily mail; place 0 miles of Oregon City on the Molaila road, all wen graveiecr; line soil: crops all in. Price $11,000. $4000 down. baL time. E. P. ELLIOTT ft BON, 7th and Main tn OregonCity. Or. 2 ACMES $75 -DOWN AH level and ia cult. ' fine soil; 3 blocks of store and school; well settled community, no buildings; fine 'location; located at Mt Pleasant 1 hi mile. of Oregon City; walking distance to the mills in Oregon City, where you can get all the work you want Start yourself with a small home. Price $750, $75 down, bal. $7.50 a month. Also 2 hi acres, all in cult, same location, for $875. $87 down and $8.75 a month. E. P. ELLIOTT ft SON. 7th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. EAST OF GRESHAM. - 129 acres, located on the main road be tween Gresham and Sandy. Over 100 acrea can be cultivated, 32 acre under cultiva tion and in crops. Balance in 'standing tim ber. One acra of bearing orchard. Good fences. Several springs! This place ia on the main road. Exceptionally fins 7-room, plastered house," with bath room. Large barn, granary and other buildings. Only two miles to electric station. The crop goes with the place.: Price $117 per acre, small payment . down. This is good level land, well drained. Personally inspected, photos at office. A nderson, with-" JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 46 ACRES, located on the main highway, in Clackamaa County, Or. Good clay loam soiL 32 acres can be cultivated. 25 acres under cultivation, balance in timber and pasture. This road will be paved this season, 2 miles from good town. 4 mile to school, store and post-office. The crop is included. Good -new 8-roora house, water piped to all the buildings from spring, small creek' on the place, bam 60x70, garage, rock-cellar, chicken house. Price $7000; helf cash. A well located place, with lota of fruit JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 80 ACRES $1600 6 milea south, of Oregon City, S or 6 acres in cultivstion. sbout 25 acres till able land, 4000 to 6000 cords of wood, some saw timber, large per cent piling tim- f ber, only 2 milea to river landing, down grade on gravel road, timber easily ac cessible: living spring; will make fine pas ture land. For quick sale it is offered at leas than half value. See MITCHELL or BIPPEY, 828-29 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. WILLAMETTE VALLEY - 70 ACRES $6500 Nearly all in cultivation, no waste land, rich aofL ALSO, 100 ACRES 90 acres in crop; stocked and equipped; build ings supplied pressure water and electricity; on paved highway between Portland and Salem. A. K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumbermen bldg. NEWBERG. OR. 26 Acres, near Newberg. on a fine grav eled road, that is being paved. Land all fenced with heavy woven wire. Land nearly level.- Creek across one comer. Very large family orchard and lots of berries. High and grade school on place. House, barn, chicken house, granary, good welL This place ia all in crop except 8 acres of grass pasture and the crop goes with the place. A nice, small ranch, well located. Person ally inspected by Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 54 ACRES- Hood River, famous apple district; 16 acres bearing orchard. 7 acres available fruit or meadow, balance wooded paature ; 2 mile conntv flpat. station. Colombia river. churches, schools', 1 three fruit association, good markets, electricity, outbuildings, apple bouse, 7200 bushels last year; irrigation, fine climate. Owner growing old. Good investment $18,000; ; reasonable terms. Route 1, Box 7, Hood River, Oregon. ' 28 ACRES hi mile to Portland car line; good level land. 6 acrea in cultivation. 2 acres of large bearing fruit trees, balance open pasture and some tim ber; spring ; 2 houses, one has 5 rooms, the other 2 rooms; 2 bams; 5 miles to Oregon City, 17 milea to Portland on good road. $4200 $2200 cash, balance long tame. A. C. HOWLAND. 8th and Main sts. Oregon City, Or. 4;: ACRES' is to cultivation, new nouse. Dam ana out buildings, fine spring. 2 horses. S cows and all tools, on a good road. 2 hi miles to town and street car; $6500, terms. J. BOCKHOLD WITH A. C. HOWLAND 8th and Main sts., Oregon City, Or. 39-ACffiS 2 ft In cultivation, balance mature. 8 l house, bam 40x40 and outbuildings, . 3 horses, cow, chickens, hogs, geese end all tool ; 4 mile to town and street car, . near Molina. S5800. A. J. BOCKHOLD WITH A. C. HOWLAND 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. FOR SALE One of the finest dairy ranches .in Coos county, containing 153 acres, ,77 acres of botom land .dyked and 76 acres of bench land. Situated on Isthmus inlet and adjoining the etv limits of East Marshfield. This ranch is ideally situated and to one of -the best buys J ..... TnM SSI! AflA- tTr,m 11 A AAA cash and balance tn 5 year. ' If interested in a dairy ranch write us at -once. Address 214 Coke bldg.. Marshfield, Or. 80 ACRES CLARKE COUNTY PRICE $750 CASH 7 acres cleared. 60 acres can be cultivated when cleared: fine trout etreana on the place. Why be landless when yon can pick up a snap like this for siv. uooa auto roaa wiuun I mile of place. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. '212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6732. BEAVERDAM AND BOTTOM LAND S3 acres within 30 mile ef Portland. 14 mile from station; ail in cultivation, most of it in croo: - 29 acres genuine beaverdam. bal ance fine bottom land; good buildings; family orchard. Price $200 an acre: $4000 caah will Balance, 6 per cent ' LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. ' gl3 Chamber of Commerce RE Ali ESTATE FOR, SALE FABMS 17 A BARGAIN OF ALL BARGAINS 140-acre fully equipped and well located Wil lamette valley farm. All culuvatabie land, nearly all in cultivation and planted to a variety of crops, all good soil. Lo cated milea from a good live railroad town, near school and on east side high way, contract already let to pave thia road this yesr. Good house, barn and - all other necessary outbuildings. 4 large work horses, heavy and light harness. 2 fin Jersey cows, both' just fresh. 2 young calves, 66 bead Cotswold .sheep and Jambs, 4 hogs, 3 O. I. C brood sows eligible to register, flock R. I. B. snd Plymouth Rock chicken. Ma chinery: Binder, mower, rake, drill, disc, sulky plow, steel lever harrow (3 eeoa.), 2 wagons, buggy,' hay rack, bog and wood racks, cider - mill, hand stump puller, walking plow, 1-harse cultivator, garden cultivator, . forks, shovels and all other small tools, cream separator, hay. feed, wood in ahed, etc Household fur niture and fixtures: range, heater, large wardrobe, 2 iron beds, msttreases snd springs, 2 dressers, 2 rockers, 6 dining chairs, 1 couch, dining table, library table, rugs, .linoleum kitchen and dining floors, buffet, small cabinet, writing desk. ; Hamilton piano, telephone and interest in country line; many other articles too numerous to mention. Everything neat and clean, and .all ready to go to work. Tba lay of" the land generally level with good drainage: the laftd not in cultivation ia A-l timber and open pasture land. Price ior averytnmg. .giving immediate posse- sum, , $18,600. If you are looking for a gooa atocced and equipped farm Come and see this one4 Terms part cash, bal ance teams. . . 1 . 55 acrea. all in cultivation, good Willamette valley loam, soil, new house,' new barn and new fences. Gas engine water pumping system, near main highway, 2 miles from -railroad town. Price $8250. 186 acres, all in cultivation, fine loam soil, near good railroad town, schools and churches. Fine new large barn, small house. Price $100 per acre. 43 acres. 40 acres cultivation, 15 acres river bottom sandy loam soil, balance place second bottom, large 6-rtxan house, barn. Price only $500. 60 acres, all in cultivstioo. mile, from good railroad town on- fine highway, new large house and barn. A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Price $8000. Reasonable terms and "low rate of interest can ' be arranged for pn all of these properties. Write us for information and booklet listings i of farm properties located in the heart ! of the great Willamette valley and near the Oregon Agricultural college. MILLER ft WALTER. CORVALLIS. OR. ACRES $250 DOWN A J1 level and in, cult,, all in wheat If it takes 30 bu. to the acre that means. 150 bu. at $2 a bu.. and it would bring $30.0. The place face on good graveled road. 2 miles , of Ore gon City; sidewalk to town: school scross the road from the Place. Price 1 1 onn eosn Ju, baL $10 a month. No buildings' on it but put uR uuw nouse ami start yeur self a home. bI." lot buys. Let us show yen some of them. E. P. ELLIOTT ft SON. 7th end Main sts..' Orecoh Citv. Or. A GOOD PAVlNfi Pr.anre 223 Acres, located 8 miles east of Kelso, Wssh., 100 acrea can be cultivated. 22, under cultivation and in crop; 70 acres of pasture. Family orchard and a great many large cherry trees: 6-roora house, bam. and out buildings. Good . spring and creek on tha place. County road, that ia being im proved with gravel, within ahort distance of ' place. Price $33 per acre with three horse. 6 cows. 2 yearlings. 2 calvea, 2 hogs, 20 chickens and complete line of machinery, cream separator and cider mill. Large payment required. No trades. This is a fine stock location, with. lota of out range. Marsters. with JOHN FERGU8QN. GERLINGER BLDG. - SIX MILES FROM CITYT" 40 Acres of sandy loam soil, located close to tha Clackamaa river; south of Portland, on a fine road. 80 acrea under cultivation, all can be cultivated; 8 acrea of orchard, 1 acre of prune. Creek on the place. Good bungalow of 6 rooms, full cement basement Barn 80x40 chicken house, bog house, 5 acres, in wheat- 8 acres in oats, 6 acrea clover, 2 acres potatoes. With this place goes 8 cows, 1 horse. 50 chickens, 2 hogs and one heifer. Will consider house in Portland up to $3500 and some caah. Give terms on the balance. Thia is a well located, close in farm. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 80 ACRES, $4000; NEAR ASTORIA' Two miles from the boat landing on the lower Columbia river is a farm of 80 acres, 20 of which is beaverdam," the best land obtainable at any price, 40 acrea upland; 15 acrea now under cultivation; 25 . fruit trees assorted; 4-room frame house, bam 47x70. bog house, chicken house, water piped to buildings, living creek and -spring. Price includes 20 tons of fasy, 80 sacks of potatoes; 8 'boxes apple., 1 Jersey cow, several chickens and turkeys and numerous tools. $240O cash required. JOHN FERGUSON, GEBLINGEB BLDG. FIRST CLARS 13-ACRE PRUNE ORCHAR: low -ACRE RANCH IN . Yamhill conNTY Good 7-room house, water nined In: hi n.w barn, other outbuilding. 88 acrea in riiiHv tion. 70 acrea very rioh bottom land, eoad for any aina oi crop, loganberries, nopa, grain or potatoes; ju acrea pasture, s acres timber; every foot of the land is good. The prune orch- aione is very valuable, prune orchard ad joining this owner refused 81000 an acre: Ait mues irom gooa town on Red electric; 40 mile irom romiDd. fnc iiu nnn - See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., v-uamuer oi uommerce 10 ACRES TWO M ILEflT'SOUTH OF BEAVERTON , This is located in a district where raw land is aelltng for $400 per acre. 8 acres of thi place ,1 cleared; 3 hi acre In elover, young orchard, some berries, new bam, chicken house, hog house, and a nice little 5-room bnnealow: a drilled well that cost $800. gaa engine - for pumping tne water. Price $4000, including a good cow. few chickens and some small tools. Half cash, 8 years on the balance at 6 per cent Thia is for sale because the owner is engaged in business In another state. STEWART ft BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg, ON THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY, i 81 Acres, located right on the pared road, best of soiL Near Troutdale. AH can be cultivated, " 12 acres under cultivs tion. balance in timber and pasture. WeU and spring. On acre orchard. 1 2 .years old. Water piped to bungalow. . Garage, bam and other buildings. The bungalow on. this place is 7 rooms, with large porches and is a very attractive place, nearly' new. Price: $9000 ' with terms. Personally in spected, photo at office. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. FOR SALE Ideal goat ranch, 120 acres, about lO acrea under cultivation; 17a Angora goats, 40 kids aratisi 3 room house, new bam 16x32. holds about 9 tons hay. 2 Jersey cows, one is fresh now. 2 Jersey yearling heifers. 1 4-week- old heifer, 1 horse, L set double work harness. 1 plow; well and spring; plenty open free range for goate- and cattle. On mail route tri-weekly service, 2 hi miles from P. O. and store: $1400 caah, $800 balance 5 years at 6 per cent About 1 mile Irom schooL . Chas. w. Hadik, Uartem, Lincoln county. Or., via pbuomath. Or. 10 ACRES AND BUNGALOW 1 hi milea from Hillsboro on macadam road; splendid 7 room bungalow, good barn and outbuildings; family orchard, berries, shrubbery, etc. : A beautiful little home at a sacrifice price of $5250, with terms. See - , v MITCHELL or BIPPEY. -828-29 Henry Bldg., Msin 2534. OP.ESHAM DISTRICT r Just imagine buying 40 acre of rich bottom land with 37 acres under cultivstion. only A mile from hard surface, 1 miles from Electric road, 20 milea from tha center of Portland, for $6500. This place must be, sold to close an estate. If you want some good land cheap thi la your opportunity. CLEVELAND-HENPERSON CO., 212 Railway Exchange bldg. Main 6752, 10. ACRES 8 In cultivation. 2 tn good pasture, 6 acree seeded, 2 plowed for potatoes, new plastered house, new bam 26x36, chicken house, good well and spring, near Oregon City; .$3250 terms. A. J." BOCKHOLD WITH A. C. HOWLAND Stn snd Main sts., Oregon city, ur. 80-ACRE ranch near Woodland, Wash., and Pacific highway. Its miles from Columbia River Co. road. 20 acres cleared. 80 a. more easily cleared, pasture and timber, spring and creek, 6-room house, barn for 20 hd. stock, chicken house, good family orchard, 4 tons hay in barn, acne tools, some furniture in house. Everything goea at $3700; hi cash, baL 5 J years 6 per cent. Better get busy on this and sea j. it. WJL.r-. il j,ptti ouu. FOR SALE or trade by owner. 1 60 acres ia - Central Oregon, near R. R-, 120 in cultivation, house, barn, , chicken house, ail fenced, water nearby. Price $20 per acre with .crop, will trade for land ef equal alue in Clark or Cow lit county. Washington, near R.' B. Address box 14. Bock Creek. Or., Gilliam county. , , '$60 DOWN ON 5 ACRES ., - On car Una dose to atation, also on west side highway; work near by. Price (500, 850 down. 4 yean time on balance. Draper,' 401 Board of Trade . XO reliable party. $3000, who understands -chicken and general farming, I have a fine proposition on farm 12 miles from Portland. Am in business and can't look after farm. For appointment call Tabor 212$, or 534 . Stark. BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE FABMS 17 BEAT THIS ONE IF YOU CAN ; A model farm consisting of 76 acres with 60 acres in high state of cultivation, balance ta mature and soma fine timber: nice running stream through tha placer well fenced and cross fenced; on good rock road, mil irons paveu highway leading to Portland:. 1 mile to town and good schools; crops all in, grain; clover and corn: very beet of soil 'snd all land lays just sloping enough to insure good drainage ; prac tically level; in fine farming,, community ; good sized family orchard; all kinds of fruit, apples, pears, prunes, plums, quince, blackberries. . rasp berriec strawberries, loganberries and other fruit. Good buildings, a modem 8-room house, equipped with best water aystem. hot and cold water up stair and downstair. bath and toilet, lavatory tin and down: fina liirlitina system which not only lights tha house .but the entire barnyard and outbuildings aa well: splendid barn with cement floors, good silo, large tool house, sep arator house, brick milk ; room, garage equipped with air for, filling tires: - several fine shade trees in yard: all stock and implements, lnclud ing 11 registered Jersey cow, a fine young herd; good heavy .team; 2 ' registered Duroc brood sows, weight about' 500 lbs, each: binder, corn nlanter. olowa. cultivators, harrows. 2 wagons, hack, wood saw and gas engine and a lot of small tool, ensilage cuttter. etc. ; several good stands of bees. I'rije for everything $-3.- 000, terms. EDWIN JACOBSON 718 Spalding bldg. . Main 5642, 70 ACRE STOCKED AND BQUIPPEDFARJt WITHIN 1 MILE OF .GRKBHAM ; This place has two seta - of building and equipped for dairying;: ail fenced and cross fenced with good fences;, crops all. in; 2 acres alfalfa included, fine stand; 2 orchards; place slocked . now with several registered Jersey cows. 2 registered Duroc - brood sows. s liile Orpington chickens. There ara all kinds of farm machinery and tools on - thia place, even to a threshing machine, only been used two years. All of the stock and tanptement are good and everything on the place is in good shape. 1'nce $14,000, half cash, or; will" divide so that each half will have set of buildings. This is a dandy place for a man that wauls to go into the dairy business. -- - r. STEWART ft- BUCK. 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD 7ft00 ACRE deeded and leased btock ranch. 100 acres in alfalfa. 550 ewes and Lambs, also . equipment. s40.000 'Free water right for the alfalfa, cut about 600 tons a year. Complete equipment for run ning the ranch, good 7-room house, barn, other outbuildings, located about 125 miles, east of Portland, in Eastern Oregon.- on a. big river; controla the water frontage for mileon Oiis river. Elevation only BU0 feet. Ranch will run 2 or 8 bands of aheeo: deeded land, fenced with woven wire. Leases on government land run for 7 years at 6 Vic to 22 c- per acre. . KKAKII.-VAUl.t. TtKMN Sea SAM HKWEY at J. L. HART MAN CO. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CLOSE IN DAIRY BANCH. 40 Acres, located on a graveled road, lhi milea from paved road, 6 miles from . city limits, good loam soil, rolling land, 80 acres can be cultivated. - 12- acres under cultivation, 20 acres - of pasture. Good creek that never goes dry.. Wire fencing. Half mile to electric station. 14 -mile to school, 6 acres in clover, balance in oats; family orchard, 6-room house, barn 80x40, chicken house. ' Price $4600 with 7 good cow, ' heifer, horse, harness wagon and dairy ; equipment $2450 caah. Personally inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. INCOME FRUIT BANCH. 20 Acre, good aoil, located just -east of Oregon City, on a good road, 1 6 acrea can be cultivated, .12 , acre under cultivation. Over 6 acre of bearing fruit 60 differ ent varieties of everything in th way -of f ruiti vnuta and berries, all bearing and have, been given the best of -attention, 6-room house, with sleeping porch, small barn, large fmit dryer, wagon alied. This ranch is only one mile to school and church. Price $7500 with complete line of stock and .equipment and all the, crop, fruit, etc. Nelaon with - ' , JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG.. NEAR NEWBERG : 20 acres, located 4 miles north of New--berg and close to Spring Brook station. 19 acres can .be cultivated. lO acre under cultivation, balance in pasture and timber, fences, small creek aorosa one corner of the Slace, acre in bearing prunes, school alf mile, county road, 4-room house, bam and other buildings. This place is in crop, whirh purchaser will get a share of. Price $2500; large cash payment. , JOHN FERGUSON. GEBLINGEB BLDG. 20 ACRES' 8 mllea from Oregon City at Electrio sta tion. 17 acrea in cultivation, balance pasture. Six room house, barn 36x40. other outbuild, ings. 1 acre fruit mixed varieties. Land ia fenced. Uood well at- boute, spring in paa ture. Price $7500, 1-3 cash, balance to suit purchaser. E. E. TEEPLE, 205 7th st, Oregon City, or. RT"nrKItAN C II. 1880 acre. 500 acres in, cultivation and irri- aated. and Planted' in alfalfa, timothy and clover. 600 acres Tinder irrigating ditch and easily cleared, balance timber and pasture. 100' reLitered shorthorn cattle,- 90 -being cows and heifers, 800 highly bred gradei, 260 being cows and heifersj 4 ft I'ercheron grade norses, compiere rancn. equipment. For detailed description, pries snd terms, ad dress C. W. Cather, Board of Trade Building, Portland, or.: , , FRANK LIN COUNTY, W'ASTLWliE'AT VARJ& 1280 ACRES IDS $20 PER ACRE 10 miles of Cbnnell on tha Inland highway baa good 4-room house, barn, new garage, ce ment cistern and a good deep well; gasoline enrine: all fenced: thia is a well improved ranch; 1-3 cash, balance in 8 eqnal annual payments at 6 hi l ycrtr' can mora .than niak good on this place. . STEWART 1 ft BUCK, 815 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOR SALE 40 acre situated in the prune belt, 8 miles east of Wasnongal. Wash., 8 mites to store snd st. : 23 acres cleared, 3 or 4 more easily cleared. balance pasture; plenty of timber for firewood and fencing; all fenced with barbed wire f young family orchard; small house, good large bam, good chicken bouse and woodshed, plenty good spring water. Price $5000. Might consider trade for house and lot in Portland, Address, owner, II. H. Marble. 420 Jesup sta Portland, Or. DOWN THE COLUMBIA. - : ' 60 Acres, located 1 hi mjle south of Rainier, Or. Fifty acres can be cultivated. 15 acre under cultivation. 45 acrea In pas ture. Good creek on place, line fence, family orchard and all kinds of berries. County rosd and ail rural conveniences. Price $4500 with 2 cows, 2 calves, 50 chickens, crops nd tnschinery. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER -BLDG. LOOK THIS OVER 8-room bouse, larger bam, chicken house, 2 walnut. 8 cherry, 2 peach, plums, pears, all kinds of berries. 6 acre all in cultivation. 6 miles Forest Grove, 2 trains per day, 1 block to station. All of the above may be csd for tizou down: 82200 total price. . - JohnisonDoason Co. 683 N. W. Bank bldg.- Main 8787. ONLY 23 MILES FROM PORTLAND. ON MT. HOOD HIGHWAY - 40. acres; 12 acres in cultivation, 8 acres brush. haa been plowed); 28 acre of thi is fine bottom lend, 4 acres Upland; summer build ingsbouse, barn and .chicken bouse; this place baa more tban enough wood on it to pay for It price $320081200 cash, balance, to suit. - STEWART at BUCK, S15 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' 105-ACRK vaJlev farm., all in high state ol cultivation and crop, Al soil, fine 1 6-room plastered house, barn, ! outbuildings. onV 5 block from station. 70-miles from Portland, fine auto road, and an ideal place for a farm home. Price only f 12,uou; svoou rain, d.l 6 per cent, Imms-liate posssesirm. The Dai 11 ings alone are worth hi 'of price asked. Toel see this means yon will buy . J.'R, WOLFF. 416 HENRT BLDG. SOUTHWEST OF BEAVERTON. 80 Acres, located on good road. All good ' land, under cultivation and nearly all in crop which to included. Good 6-room house, barn and outbuilding, all in fine shsne. Thi is a fine farm ia a good locality. Price $6500. Kquipment and- etock on - place can be purchased at a sacrifice. Person ally inapected. JOHN FERGCSON. CEBLINGEB BLDG. 70 ACRES. 5 mile from Oregon City, 419 acre clear' and in crop, wheat, oats, vetcn, clover faie house, cood barn 40x70: orchard; all im Dlement cood team and buggy; spring; hi mile school, , store; surf seed "road; land first-class. Price 814.000. Will take $4000 or $5000 real denee in Portland a part payment and give time on balance. 80S Melaay Mag, atain etwa 4Q ACRES 24 in cultivation, balance good timber, S room bouse', barn, milk bouse and outbuildings, mnnitif water arid well- S 3 5 OO. A. J. BOCKHOLD WITH A, C. HOWLAND 8th and Main sts.. Oregon City. Or. en. am SI farm. 16 miles east of Portland on good graveled road.'' 1 mile from Columbia highway: all under cultivation; gooa large ouiia nvxtianf: electric lights: plenty of water; excellent aoil; fine for berries, general farming or dairying- Price $24,000-, terme. Mm. Oline Strebin. route A, Portland, , Or, Telephone Gresham 788. HAVE TOO forgotten to com in and see us about that 1,0-acre treer. in tne jaxtma valley that will make you independent! Call or write lor imormaumi. iree dookicus, price iiai. Central Yakima Kane tie t o . it. nay Mover, 512 Selling bids. Main 4903. , BEAL ESTATE FOB HA I. E FARM H 17 SMALE DAIRY AND liOQ RANCH 80 Acrea, very bwt of loam soil. 40 acres iu crop. 20 acres in first growth red fir timber, cruxing -700, VOO feel, balance in npt-n, seeded down pasture, ; exceptionally well fenced, part woven wire, 6-room, houne, good barn, all neo- eMry out bnUtling. '30 bearing Italian prune trw-s, large family orchard of aa sorted fruits in lull boarinu, berries aud ahrubbv-ry i.f all kindx, fine soring and spring stream near buiUliniia, ounty road on a aides, close to school In a thickly settled community with all rural . advantages, only 3 mile from g'Hi town on Pacifio highway. price $6500. 1 .foe ml terms. TIIOMI'HU.N. SWAN ft LEE, Srd and Main sta., Vancouver, Wash. Modern, jFuJSy Equipped Chicken Farm : i - Consisting of 60 acres, finest land " adjacent to Portland, nns-t all in euHi vaiou except 13 aerm of firnt growth red fir timber, cruising about 2000 eordiu. Worth $5 per cord on Hie ground. There t a Very fine, new, mod ern bungalow, with full concrete lnnr- . ment, prHMire water and electrio light aystem,' good barn, 3 oomil-le nicrtcru . chicken houses, large, ooniUU',bitylcrn broodur house, large store room, elwlnc. lights and prnviure water in clin'krn and brooder hoium. 1000 pure bred White Ijptfliorn laying tirim, lntni pure bred clucks, all poultry food, tool arid machinery, 1 acre set to logun and raspberrioa, crop all seeded. , Income for 1019, betwm.n $7000 and $nuon, fine' cow, 4 pie. horne, ttmi,in and , harnsKS, this place I only MO nwuw from Portland on good auto' matt, near good school, 4 in flm from gin Colum bia river town. This is without, l,nlt one of the-. bet-payitig and hmt Im proved poultry farm la the NortMvt Owner w billon to retire and in nrdi-r to do so at once, is willing to tik lbi sacrifice price of $o,U00. It will nay you to iiivindgatn tbia as the first man who sees it and mean buninnss will boy It $50()0 cash, balance can tin ar-' ranged. j Beamtlffu! Modern Farmn liQme on Paved 115 gh way . - 52 Acres, of the very lit Item soilj 85 acrea in high statu of cultivation. 10 acrea .seeded Irr timothy ami Hover, the very beat stand, balance -fcectii-d to veti:h and oats, all fenrod ami rriM fenced, woven wire, acres of orchard in full bearing, 7 room iinlfrn house, full, set of v white pmivliiiii plumbing, all built tn effect, excellent dairy barn "with all ni,l,rn con venience, new garagg, with noiio.-te floor, dairy, oliii-kert house, and tr, hog house, complete ui-toIatn pres sure; water iKVKtcm, watnr pipe'rf to all ) buildings, togotiier With full set of tai-ra Implement!, cream scjmrator, 1 line cow, 4 heifers, farm is alm xl I-1 ; buildings have an ea-tt;, -,'h brand! ! shade troex, in a thickly ret tied and proxperinia fanning coinu.niil' y, 1 mile,fmrn small twn and it 1!. sta tion, 2 auto stage linen anil freight I in. by place. Only ft mile from Vannu ver. price $12.50(1, $6500 cash. One would have, to see this place to-aivro-eiata it value. , ': luewfls:Ruver Bottom' - ft Dairy and Hog Ranch 120 Acres. 63 acres in -high state of cultivation. ; V -niile of woven wire fenc ing, fine rpring on higliest imint, can be pilcd to Iiikiimj ami barn, 3 acres In al falfa, balance In oetx, vi tch ami barley, family orcbarl of aaw.rtc.1 frulu Iu full bearing, 2- 5-room . hou-jM, lieaiit.iful grove around house, good dairy barn, all jiecnseary outbuilding, fine spiing, stream , through place. 7 extra goid dairy cows, heavy farm t-aui; 2 full blood brood sow, 20 annate, chicken, lis mow), wagons, mower, hay nike, 2 plows, disci drill, drag harmw, ilhc, cream seirutor, fwd grimier, root nut ter, and alii manner of small t,ls, lo cated on main county mad, cliwe to school, with all rural advantsKea, In famous Lew Is river bottom. 4 inline : from rood Pacific, hiilinay town. Price $12,000. Liberal term v. Purebred Stock and ' DaJry Farm " '' ' ! 820 Acres,- situated 18 mlli from . Vancouver. 4 rnilca from railroad sta tion, between 80 and 100 acres under high state of cultivation, lialam-e sh- : ture; all fenced and cross fenced, pnn pally woven-wire; living water in pas ture and fine pressure water syttcm at buildings;- improvement . cnnsi-t of fine t nnjrn modern bumralow, mlcrn plumbing, fireplace, furnace, full con- ; Crete basement; would coat $10,000 to build today; fine large barn with mllk- : Ing shed. Meel stanchions, mninire carrier, etc; 6 room tenant Iioilo, milk, house, steam hoilor, vabt, separs- : tor, etc; double garage; Hfrfise ur rounded by natural grove and shrub bery; personal property rorvuts of head of retclUrel Holatein cattle, 6 full blood Holstrin caUle not rig- ' . iKfrred, 20 head of Poland China Iior v. 20 head of l.'i.Uwold sheep, 80 head : goeta. 2 flK-ks of chickens. Buff l-c-horns, and Plymouth Rocks; fine Inn, ,1 registered; 2 waguns, harnetM, manure spreader and full u-x of farm imple ment; thi plaoe mint be ecn fc be appreciated ; it 1 tlio show place of fji county; nyine winning to mi rtvi- itered cattle should be interested; prio $45,000; will acept city pnrperty at caah value aa firat payment. Thompson, ' Swan & 'Lee Third and. Main sta., Vanuuuver, Wash. TITE CROP 13 INCLUDED 49 seres, located on good county road, half mile from school and church, clreo to graveled road i snd this place will soon, he on the graveled road. 4 0 ai res can be cul tivated, 80- aeres under cultivation and in crop, ; 15 acre of fir timlx-r, tr", well at Ih home; one acre in orchard, good fences, very fine oil, no grsvel; 7-room house, brn, chicken house, woodshed; lo cated east of Oregon City, or 6 mile wot of Kntacada or nef Heaver Creek. Wil ls metta Vslley Houthern Electric Jme. Price $3750; $1250 cash. Personally inspected. Hmoks. with JOHN FERGLSON, GERLINGER BLDG. ON MT. HOOD LOOP. 120 Acre of black loam siHl. 0 r-n can be cultivated. 18 acres under cultiva tion, balance! fenced nd In par.lure 5 acres, of bearing orchard, half of which Is prunas. 6-rooin house, frame contru tion, large barn, witli alieds ou both sides. Slaughter house, hog house, chicken house and fruit cells r. 8 mile from'" -raiirnad. All rural conveniences. Crops In and, goes with th placse. Price 300, larj; cash payment. located between Sandy and Bull Hun. Happy, with JOHN FERGCSON. fiKBf.INC.KR P.LIKi. FIVE ACRES OF PRI NKS: - 20 Acrea. all under cultivation, located near Homan station, Clarke county. Wa-h-ington. Alout 7 mil frt.m Vancouver. Good drilled well, with te"t caning. Fine graveled road. Close to ductile line snd paved road; 1 7-room liotwe, bam, granary, Chicken hous. Reside tli 5 acres of bearing prune orchard, there is a lara-e family orchard. Half mile to school, price 88400. SIOOO cah. llar'fy. with JOHN FKRGCSON, GLULINGKlt ELlti. DAIBTMRN. IXiNTH OVERLOOK flils fiTT 60 acres, 5 milea from the city limit on the east aide; 40 acre or more under culUvajJon; ah good land; large barn eiuipp-l for dairying; 6 room, house, garage and outbuildings; spring water piped to the hmise and live -r throuirh the pplace; with thi to 1$ high grade Ilol tein cows, 2 heifer and a bin,; gxid team of horsra; a -full set of farm implement; all in good condition ;, bUck smith shoo with Iota of tools. LveryUxing compist for $14,000; half BTKWART 4 UPCK. 1 815 Northwestern Bank Bldg. IS MILES FROM PORTLAS'D' 100 acre on paved highway and electrio road. All highly improved. Lota of good building, and 6-room house. , The entire place haa perfect drainage, and extremely fertile. Will sell at a bargain. JohnsonDodso'n Co. 688 N. W. Bank bldg Msin 877. 0-ACRB dairy farm, hi heaver dam; 7.i acres under Plow, some timber; fenced and rrwii fenced; running water; crop in; new 7-room plastered bungalow; concrete dairy; pr-oira water lystera; large barn, silo and all cn'Mi. -t-ings; 1 mile to paved rfeil and ltrlc t, in , miles to center of Portland. m)y $ .(ni t -r acre, hi cash, no trade. Box 11, Orciiar ,, V, ".i.