The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1920, Page 14, Image 14

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New Product May Prove Nation's
Salvation! and Be Means of
- Paying Its Enormous Debt.
By John Graudenz
(Trrited Kern Stff Cnrrmpoodeni.)
Berlin, May IS. While German
statesmen ae pondering over tho
problems of financial restitution to
the allies, pleading dire poverty as
a ground for making a minimum
reparation ir their proposals to be
advanced at (he Spa conference, her
business chieftains are engaged in
developing aj' new industry ersatz
i cotton which may eventually repay
' all her.debts knd put her on her feet.
Tills , ersatz-i-or substitute cotton is
an outgrowth of the war. When Ger-
many was unable to get. importations cf
cotton to be t'used in manufacture of
gun cotton hr chemists developed a
. wonderful substitute consisting of wood
' cellulose, which looks and feels like the
real material, j
'The manufacture of the substitute has
now reached such a point of perfection
that its promoters claim H may be
, adapted to any use to which real cot-
ton is put, and that if it is mixed with
a little of the genuine material, or with
wool, it can be waterprpofed. Y
' ' Some leaders in the industry declare
j that just as beet sugar was developed
after the war J of 1870, Just so la ersatz
j cotton destined to arrive," making
, Germany wealthy and eventually meet
ing the world?s cotton shortage. : It is
also pointed out that much land now de
voted to cotton raising might be put to
other agricultural purposes. ,
It is knowri that the Du Ponts In
America have, been striving for a sim
ilar development of the substitute, but
the Germans cjaim they have not reached
' a satisfactory solution of the various
' problems Involved.
Zeppelin Factory
May Be Transferred
To United States
By Karl If. Ton VTIegand
Berlin, May 15. Allied pressure to
forbid Germany to construct any aerial
craft whatsoever, together with Ger
many's fear tthat the government .may
be forced to bbey such a permanent in
junction, ma elevate the United States
to the foremost rank in the construction
of airships add make America the home
of the Zeppejlns and Schuette-Lans Air
Cruisers, conceded the most modern in
the world.
The directdr of the Zeppelin works is
now on the; i way to New York' and
Professor; J6hn Schuette, head of the
Schuette-Lana Airship Building yards,
leaves for New York soon, both with
the view to begotiating the transfer of
their: respective work to America.
JThe . Zeppeflin works have two large
passenger raft completed, but they are
not operating--"largely because of the
allied attitude.
. The Germdns insist that the Versailles
treaty does hot prohibit Germany from
having a commercial air fleet. On the
other hand, they realize the allies may
interpret : thi treaty provision to "thsr.t
effect and that Germany In that csve
will be able to do little more than pro
test. - n - . . .. . ;
;Kor that reason, preparations s'.re al
ready being made to . transfer Toe air
ship and aircruiser building yard to
America.- H ,
V '2, )
v - " y
Observer Editor' Says England
Must Choose Between Gas of
Rockefellers or the Shells.
4- r ?'
Sir Ilamar Greenwood
German Protest on
African Troops Is
Declared Unfounded
"(Unitl ffJows Staff Correspondent) :
Paris. May 15. German protests
against alleged outrages on white wom
en by African negro troops in the ex
tended zone of . occupation were an
swered by the foreign office today with
a denial given to the lnited News.
. These charges were grossly exagger
ated, the foreign office declared, and in
the isolated. Instances of outrage the of
fenders were punished. It was pointed
out that the. negroes have all been with
drawn froni the extended rone and that
most of the negro garrison has left the
regular rone of occupation, being re
placed by white troops. -
Field Marshal to Get Another Bil
- let Because of Inharmony in
English Ranks.
;:;z::: y-.y
By Robert J. Prew r;
London, j May 15. As soon as aiv
other lucrative post has been foud
for him, Field afarshal Lord French
will be relieved as viceroy of Ire
land, . it ' is ' learned from aVirust-
worthy source. K : . ,:. : r; -.
Iord French, it la understood, is .un
able to work with the new cief secre
tary. Sir Ilamar Greenwood, and with
the new British military cfmraander in
Ireland, Sir; Is'evil t MacrrAdy, both of
whom are represented Ir authentic ad
vices from -Dublin as baing "disgusted"
with the inefficiency of the present
governmental methods of Dublin "Castle.
Macready is now in London. Both he
and Greenwood, it'appears. we in favor
of a sterner regime, despite recent re
ports that J they: were nlannin a con
ciliatory policy, i
Sir Nevil is said to De about to send
a number of cavalry regiments to Ire
land ehortly to patrol the outlying dis
tricts, where the Jrish Republicans have
recently been r? lsing incendiary havoc
with the police; barracks.
Sir Hamar,. i is learned, is Insisting
in his advit'e the government on
drafting in a sufficient force to smash
the Sinn Kein movement, whose grip on
the couo'try is . reflected anew , by the
revelatl' jn ; that Sinn Feiners are now
administering their own system of us-
secret courts.
J i . ' ... ;
World Overlooking
Ten Commandments,
Says English Critic
London. May 15. (L N. &) A scath
ing attack on modern morals - is made
by Agnes Edgerton Castle, famous Brit
ish novelist. In an article in the Daily
Express. She said, in part :
"A startling good gospel is being
preached nowadays. It is a gospel very
far from the message in the Sermon on
the Mount. It is 'designed to fit in with
the frantic desire for pleasure, at any
cost. Everything that is irksome or en
tails self-sacrifice is to be cast aside. It
is; interesting to watch the trend of the
new teaching as it appears in modern
fiction, journalism and on the lecture
platform, i The old code, based upon the
Ten -Commandments, is now derided as
out of date. Morals must be "modern
and new-fashioned." You can scarcely
open a book or a newspaper nowadays
without seeing something that our fore
fathers would : have condemned as blas
phemeous.: The suffragettes seek to abol
ish all restrictions on divorce;
"They contend these restrictions are
the cause of unhappy marriages. You
might as well say, as some persons do:
'Make no laws and then none will be
broken." j ? : . " .
Ijfty A. E. Johnson !
!nop. May 15. Interest iii.the
futura of Great Britain's oil supply
is tvecoming intense, arousing a bit-
Ver controversy ; between adherents
and opponents of the government's
proposal; for an foil alliance" with
foreign nations. L
Opponents of the plan have grave
fears of .foreign control of the supply
under any such scheme, while defenders
of the proposal advance the argument
that Great Britain's output is but S
per. cent of the total world's, produc
tion and regard such an alliance as in
dispensable for army, aviatibn and the
navy. i ... .1 .
Some of those who are keenest in their
opposition to the r alliance point out
Great Britain has a monopoly of the
Mesopotamia fields, but others point
out that it would take years to accom
plish the full development of this ter
ritory, and in the meantime Great Brit
ain would be entirely dependent upon
outsiders for its ili . . ' ..
Proponents of thealliance argue that
the question is not what may be done
ten jpears hence, but what may be done
at otice. -'
"Ave can't susiiend all ' use of oil dnr.
lAg the next decade." they declare.
y J. L., Garvin, editor of , the Observer,
wno is very close to Lloyd George, re
viewing the situation, declares ' that
Great Britain depends absolutely upon
foreign oil. for automobiles, t her oil
driven, ships and for aviation purposes,
and must choose between the Rockefel
ler interests and the Royal Dutch con
trolling the Shell interests. Rockefeller
is impossible, he says, because. his vast
interests cannot be controlled, and also
because- he cannot deliver .the goods.
The United States, he charges, is reck
lessly using up her oil supplies and is
soon destined to becotme a consumer
rather than a producer.
The other alternative is an alliance
with ; the Shell interests, ?.which control
world-wide supplies.
The editor congratulates the ministry
upon its preparations for some kind of
an agreement, and urges Lord North
cliff e to suspend the feud with Lloyd
George to aid in making it effective.
He ; concludes that the alternative
commercial jingoism will produce .; the
risk of "hamstringing. the entire trans
port air service." ,f ;
for the
At this' store you will have
the opportunity to choose
from a large and well-selected
stock to gladden
the hearts of the boy' and
girl-graduates. Every article boueht here is of ster
ling worth and an everlasting reminder of the giver
.. . i .
i ' 1 ' .
' f 1 . - : ft ' . j , , .
For the Girls For; the Boys
'Dainty Bar Pins
Wrist Watches
. Pearl Necklaces
Fancy Set Rings
.Rings ' '
Scarf Pins
Cuff Links
Fountain, Pens
Largest Diamond Dealer in Oregon V
334; Washington Street. . ; j Opposite Owl' Drur Co;
Sailing of Pilgrims
WiU Be Celebrated
London. May 15. (I. NV S.) The Con
gregational union of England and Wales
has appointed committees and has plans
far advanced for a celebration of the
three hundredth anniversary of the sail
ing of the ptlgrrm Fathers for America,
starting September S. A series of cele
brations is planned, the first to be a
reception by the lord mayor of Plymouth.
A three-day programme is planned there
and on September 7 the tercentenary will
observed in many other English towns.
Prince of Wales '
Makes Real Hit
As Jazz Drummer
London. May 15. L; N. S. The
Prince of Vales, who Is now on a
visit to Australia, became an expert
"jazi drummer"- during the long voy
age to the other side of the world,
according to! news, from Auckland,
The officers f on the battleship Re
nown, on which the prince is making
his journey, have a "Jazr band" and
the royal guest insisted upon beating
the drum, an instrument upon which
he became quite proficient. T ; .
Premier Forced Minor Issue to
Avoid Larger Issue Attacking
His Policies.
Yanks Approve Efforts "
s Coblenz, ; May !15. (L N.i S.) The
British Army Dramatic company gave
their Yankee cousins a treat, producing
for the doughboys Bernard : Shaw's
"Arms and the Man." It had run 200
performances at the British "front" and
got an enthuiastic reception from the
Americans. 1 '
In Scotland there has been j built a
draw bridere in which all the worir' nt
opening and closing it and guarding traf
fic over and through it is done by elec
tricity. . .
(By Catted News)
Rome, May 15. Commenting up
on the defeat of the government, the
Jopolo Romano observes that Pre
mier Nitti himself forced the vote
on the minor question . Involved,; in
order to avoid a more explicit issue
condemning .both his internal and
foreign "policies. It adds that the
country cannot stand with him in
the encouragement of disorder and
a seditious attitude on the part of
state employes. . ; .
The Messagero regrets that a debate
on the domestic policy was prevented by
the vote, realizing Nitti's sincerity, and
says that the crisis has hurt those who
provoked it. . , ,
Writing of the Origin of the crisis,
however, the Popolo Romano maintains
that the real motive inspiring the oppo
sition was the fear that Foreign Min
ister Scialoia might have irretrievably
compromised the country interests, and
adds that the fact that the Jugo-Slavian
delegation was composed of Italy's bit
terest enemies produced a bad impres
sion. ' f . ' !'
I'The vote in the chamber," it says,
"was nothing but a revolt of national
public sentiment against the Pallanza
j Following a cabinet meeting. Premier
Kitti visited the king and informed him
that he had decided to resign. Consul
tations Over the new government will
begin today. : :-. -'
East Against West
Will Be Next War,
Says Paris Editor
Editor of I'OXOTrB ? , .'
Written Especially for CniTeisl 8erric.
Paris, May 15. It is not Turkey.
Greece, Italy, Jugo-Slavia, France and
England or the central empires who will
set the stage for future wars. , ,
In world politics there will, be only
three protagonists: America, which -becomes
more . powerful - every; day, Asia;
which is organizing, and Europe which
is declining. 1
i The war has transferred the balance
of power to the Far Bast and the Far
West and only, future generations will
see the ultimate winner.
Wilson's Boundary
Suggestion Granted
: ; I Bt United Nun.)
London, May 15. The Evening News
prints a Paris dispatch reporting that
the Italians and Foreign Minister Trum
bitch of Jugo-Slavia have reached a de
cision at Pallanza. regarding frontiers
along the lines suggested by - President
Wilson. The town of Fiume would re
main under ; Italian : sovereignty, while
the port would be controlled by the
League of Nations. .; '
..... Victor, -m
4. . v . .r .
1 Harem Life Fox Trot ......... .. .
' ......By Paul Biese and His Nov. Orch.
Bo-La-Bo Fox Trot
..By Paul Biese and Ilia Nov."6rch.
( Patches Fox Trot. By Smith's Orchestra
186291 Might Be Your ; "Once-in-a-While"...
I r ...By Smith's Orchestra
f I m Always Chasing Rainbows Fox
ZM2 j Trot . . ............ By Smith's Orchestra
I Head Over Heels Fox Trot...
I - ..By Smith's Orchestra
; ; ; i : '' f : ' ; - '"'
t ; POPCXAa S02TGS n :
flland in Hand Again.......
1S65S 1"""'v'-".-BI Campbell and Burr
, I All That I Want Is Tou.-By Charles Hart
f He Went in Like a Lion and Came Out
1867 Like a Lamb. ..L...... .By Billy Murray
How Sorry You'll Be (Wait'll You See.
I .By Esther Walker
18653 ( Buddha.... .....By Peerless Quartet
ILet Me Bream By Sterling Trio
74499-Rigoletto Caro Nemo. .'. . .By Galli-Curci
648iJ If You Could Care...:.. By Frances Alda
87534 One Sweetly Solemn Thought
By Gluck and Homer
74601 Kol NidreL By Mlscha Elman
G,F Johnson Piano Co.
14 Sixth SU, Bet. "Sforrisoa asd Alder.
Cklekertag aieaUa Boad Plaaof Ckemey
):". Phoaogrmph.'
French to Evacuate.
German Cities Soon,
Foreign Office Says
" (By United Kewa.) s
Paris, May 15. The foreign office an
nounces that the French will evacuate
the; recently occupied German- cities - aa
soon as an officer now iw the, Ruhr district-completes
a 'verification of the as
sertion that the German effectives have
been reduced in accordance ' with the
agreement of .August. ?
The foreign office believes that 'the
witltdrawal will probably ' begin . next
week. - . , ' . ; ' !
-The German delegation has declined
to begin negotiations on the economic
situation scheduled to open on May 16,
until the French have evacuated Frank
fort.' The investigating officer, was dis
patched to the Ruhr district last night.
French Black Troops
Not to Be Recalled
TTB United New.)
London, May 15. Replying to ques
tions in the house of commons, Bonar
Law declared the government had no
intention of making : representations to
France on the removal of black troons
rota German territory..
British aviation scientists ' claim to
have . demonstrated . that the easiest
flight Is one along an undulating course,
like' that taken by birds and fish. -
Atiyeh Bros.
No matter when
you call, nor
how long and
thoroughly you
look, you are
cordially wel
come and
everything you
sec in
will be fully "commensurate
with what you would ex
pect to see . at the largest -Oriental
Rug House in
America; the collection al
ways being maintained at
the highest standard in .
quality, and full assortment
of designs, .colors, sizes and
. makes,
Atiyeh Bros.
Tenth and Alder
Used Pi
A A IPt9 rar Just About 1
-&L IT OCeS Nev Factory Q
Just what you have been waiting for everything good in pianos
Low Prices, Easy Terms, High Quality
World's Most Famous Makes to Select From
Less Than
Chickeringr & Sons
W. W. Kimball
Decker Bros.
HobartM. Cable;
J. & C. Fischer
Steger & Sons, Kingrsbury, Ellington, Thompson, P. A. Starck,
Bradford, Strohber, Wegman, Willard.
- t
Flayer Pianos
Sample Prices This Lot
Sample Prices This Lot
nr 1
Vj $245 $300 Jr
,J $265 $350 t 1
' f jj jf- i
In older styles good buys at $75 j rJJr??fo
s later at qzs. M ir- w. K
older styles good
and $125. Exchange
price paid. .
Special Terms
This Sale
3Q Big Bargains
Walnut, Mahogany
and Oak Cases
1 r " " u u ii
K IfdrucRe-lrek
Come in or write at
once- no other such
bargains elsewhere.
Phone Broadway 730.
. I., v
J Corner Store,
Washington St.
I At 12th
" I n " ... " '".'"".1".". '". . It !
We carrv evprvihmo- in
- j - - - j ...... . vv-
line" 6f Home Furnishings :
Furniture, Rugrs, Lino
leum, Stoves and Ranges,
Dishes and .Graniteware,
Go-Carts, Trunks, Blan
kets, Comforters, Phono
graphs, Shades, Dra
peries -every article re
duced.'1.; ;
And you will find hundreds of others in our store. A substantial saving on every
' vii sy axws
Real Snaps in Rugs,
Linoleums and Carpets
9x12 Congoleum Rugs, many pat
terns to pick from; Jf pr QfT
$22 value ...... tDlO.iO
JS16.S0 9x12 Figured Grass Rugs
brown, . blue or .
green . .
$14.75 8x10 . .'. ... .$8.95
$39.00 9x12 Seamless tapestry
Brussels Rugs $29 85
3557.50 9x12 Ax
minster Rugs . .
75.00 9x12 Ax- g51 Cfl
minster . ..... . . , PUX.OU
3.50 Velvet Stair Car- (PO A r
Carpet, yard ....... DrJbJ
16.50 9x12 Grass Rugs 10.95
15.00 8x10". . . . . . . $ 8.95
,19.50 9x12 Wool''.: Fiber' Rugs
at $16.45
42.50 9x12 Brusse Is- Rugs
at ....... . .. . . ...... $31.95
2.45 Inlaid Linoleum.. . .$1.85
3.50 Inlaid Linoleum. . . .$2.69
1.50 Ingrain Carpet yd. . . .98c
3.50 Velvet Stair Carpet, at the
ysird . i ' $26)
26.00 Solid Oak 42-inch Round
Dining Tables at. .... .$16.45
29.50 Solid-Oak 4,2-inch Round
. Dining Tables .$19.85
48.00 Round 45-inch Dining Ta
bles ... .$37.85
57.00 Round 48-inCh Dining'. Ta
bles $44.95
3.50 Dining Chairs. . ... .$2.65
4.95 Solid Oak Dining Chairs
for .......... ..W... $4.65
8.75 Solid Oak y Leather Seat
Diners . . . ........ . .. . $7.35
10.00 Fine Leather Seat Chairs
. for -.. ........ ... .... $6.95
65 Oak ' Duofo Id. Davenport
Y Beds . . . .. $54.95
85 Oak Duofold Beds.. $67.50
9.5 Oak Davenport Beds.$72.85
6 Fine Cotton Comforters full
sizs . . .... . . .... . $3.85
1.25 Window Shades, 7 i e et
V long ........... .... .98c
All Gas Ranges
Greatly Reduced ; ; "
3-Bumer Gas ' Ranges, 37.50
value ;......... $25.75
Regular 149 Gas, Coal and Wood
.Acorn Combination Range, on
.sale at ............. .$117.50
105 Acorn Coal and Wood
Ranges, white splasher back and
doors, polished top., on -sanitary
leg base, at. .. . . . . . .. .$82.50
98 Yale Coal and Wood Ranges
at .. .v. ... . . ... . . . . $79.50
; 120 Columbia Coal and Wood
Ranges at only . . . . .. .$89.75
145 Arcadian Malleable Wood
and Coal Ranges at. . . . . . .$110
4.50 2-Burner . Gas Plates on
sale $3.65
6.50 3-Burner Gas Plates on
sale ...... $4.95
4.00 Gas Ovens at. V. . . .$2.95 ,
35c 40-watt ....30c
40c 60-watt 35c 1
Built Breakfast Tables " finished or
natural wood . . . . . . .... .$3.95
52.50 Large comfortable over
stuffed Rockers in best quality
muleskin ... . . ... 1. .$34.95
42.50 Large roomy brown reed
fiber Rocker, upholstered auto seat
ind back, with - fine quality tap-,
estry ........... '. . $29.85
3 5.00 brown fiber reed uphol
stered Rockers ..... . . .$24.50
25.00 brown fiber reed 'Rockers
at ...... $18.75
Refrigerators at Bargain Prices
$23.50 Refrigerator at. . ..
$27.50 Refrigerator at.
$32.50 Refrigerator at. . ....
$37.50 Refrigerator at. .
$45.00 Refrigerator at. . . .
$57.50 Refrigerator at.
..... ...$21.95
.... . .re. . .$24.50
.....if... $28.50
L... ... ...$34.90
Garden Hose Garden Hose
Take advantage of this below the wholesale ?tce.
Only a limited quantity left. 50 feet of (food Vi
inch 3-pIy Rubber Hose with couplings, QQ QfT
regular price $5.95, now. .......... . vOOD
50 feet of -inch guaranteed Cotton Qr QfT
Hose, regular price 8.50, now. ......
Qodyearo high grade -inch Moulded Hose, regu
lar -22c quality, 'at foot ...... . . . . . , , m j gc
95c Pro-Linoleum, yard... 69c
1.10 ' Congoleum, yard . . . 85c
10-quart Pure Alumiunm. Pre
serving Kettles, 3.00 value,
at $1,98
4.75 Pure Aluminum' 5-quart
Tea Kettles $3.65
10.50 Heavy Solid Copper
. Rochester Wash Blrs..$6.95
1:25 3x7 Window Shades
for 98c
1.00 Good Brooms. ... 69c
14.5b 42 -piece Se t Gold
- Band Dishes ........ $9.95
28 Steel Beds at $18.75
20 Cotton Felt Mattresses. 40
lbs. ... .$12.45
24 Cotton iFelt -Mattresses, on
, sale - .$16.85
30 Cotton Felt Mattresses, 5 0
- l?S .$2 1 75
35 Best P ttre Sil k Floss Mat-
tresses . .$25.95
l42 Combination Mattress on
sale at .. . 1 . . . .$8.45
16.50 two-inch post Steel Beds
at $11.45
10.50 guaranteed Steel Springs
.at .....$7.85
12.50 guaranteed Steel Springs
at ........... .$9.45
5.50 Wood Frame Yum Yum
; Springs with coil sup
porters ....... ..$3.95
18.50 All Spiral Springs.$ 12.95
31.00 Double Deck Spiral ,
Springs ....... .$23.95
And highly finished Breakfast
Tables, 36' inches round or square,
golden stained or natural wood.
Regular, 5.75 Tables Q Oft
forv. 5O70
10.50 Heavy Rochester No. 9
Solid Copper Wash Boil
ers ... . ..$7.50
3.75 No. 8 Solid Nickeled Cop-
per Tea Ketlles.,.. $2.75
2.75 Pure Aluminum1 Irouble
Rice Boilers -for;. .$1.95
21.-50 Massive 2-Inch posf steel
. ; Beds, any finish, for this
week .$15.95
19.50 Massive 2-inch post Jteel
. Beds, with heavy filling
rods j. $12.85
All Mail
stem. F wialtiuiFe
174 1ST ST.
N. E.,
Phone Main 4633.