THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL 14 SATURDAY, MAY 15. 1B20. PORTLAND, OREGOlJ. 900;000 !!ouths in Upper Coast districts Jgot provided ith Religious SnstruetioE! SUNDAY SCHOOL IS Ouring the past year the Ameri can Sunday School Union has estab lished 116 new Sunday schools In the upper coast district (Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho) and has gathered 4157 children Into Sunday schools, who previously were- deprived; the full advantage of religious education. . The yearly report of E. R. Martin, dis trict superintendent, shows there are at present 3 000 "rural public school districts tn this ' district without regular gospel services. Ninety per cent of the rural homes In the entire area are not visited by pastors of established churches and more than 900,000 of the children and youth are not In any Sunday school. "The mixed . and transient population makes denominational . work impractic able,: often Impossible In thousands of rant districts," j says Mr. Martin. "The remedy is to do the work on a com munity basis. Only as all religious ele ments in a community are interested can a rural work succeed." " - ; ' Mr. Martin contends that the work In the rural districts is equally important diets that our future leaders will be men without a knowledge of religion, unless the rural districts are cared for at once Mr. Martin bases this statement on fig ores which sbow that seven of each 10 college students, eight out of every seven ministers, seven out of . every six col- lege professors and four out of every three .business men come from the rural districts.; 'j Mr. Martin's report for last year Is: Sunday schools started. 116 ; teachers ap-i What do you : know about It? You will learn something Sunday morninx llf you attend the services of the FIRST M.E. CHURCH SOUTH T'NION Ave. and MFLTNOMAH St, to hear DR. A. K. BIGGS, who has Just returned!! from a 'year"s work there with the Red Cross, during which time he penetrated far Into the interior 'and had unusual oppor tunities of observation. u 11 A." M IK. A. K. HIGGS on hit SIBERIA EJXPEBIENCES. 7:0 P..M.A!MAS IEFT HANDED (by; the pastor.) . J. W. BYRD, Pastor TRINITY CHURCH lth and .Everett Sts. Episcopal Holy Communion 8 A. M. Morning Prayer and Sermon 11 A. M Kine Music by Large Vested Choir Simple Service witn Sermon at 8 P. M. DB. A, a! MORRISOX YTlht ' PREACH ETERT ONE WELCOME Calvary Presbyterian Church 11TH AND CLAY Hev. L. Bowring Quick, Minister I'll A. M. "Bruised Reeds and Smoking Flax" preceded by an interesting flve minute talk to Boys and Girls mi P. at, - "Seeing the Invlsible.- ,1$ A. M Bible School :3f P. M Junior Endeavor. :M P. M-Chrlstlan Endeavor - U)U A. M. The Glory of a Great Prof ession Teaching" ?M P. M. "How One Recognizes God in! Experience" ' ': -1 ! - '" ISilt BIBLE SCHOOL i j V, P. SOCIETY DR. E. Ha PENCE f it Paster. '. , . UNION DONG EXCELLENT WORK SIBERIA CHURCH OF OUR FATHER (UNITARIAN) . .. .ROADWAY AT YAMHILL WILLIAM G. ELIOT, JR., Minister ' l :.' SITS DAT, MAT Is, 11 A. M. ' - REV. CHRISTOPHER R. ELIOT j ji "SEEING THE t INVISIBLE" For 25 years Christopher Kliot has been pastor or BulTinch Place Church,' one of the comparatively few Boston churches that have maintained their life and successful work-in the congested part of that great city. All Seats Free sad All Welcome Eveslsg Sen lees Are Istermltted - JSistop SZlasliinger eport on ve jf or Ckurck jfunds Bishop William II- Washlnger, A. M., D. Dv general ; superintendent ' of the Pacific district for . the Church of the United Brethren in Christ, accompanied by Mrs. ' Washinger and. Dr. cf. EL. Mc Donald, superintendent -. of the Oregon conference, left during the past week for Dayton, Ohio, to attend the-meet-ing of , the board of administration, and report ' the results of : the recent cam paign of the denomination (April 25 to May 2) to raise $4,000,000 for the en largement of their work. The amount raised In the Pacific district to date Is J80.000, or $13.07 per capita.' If the en tire denomination reaches the coast standard the j goal will be passed ' by $575,000. Of the amount raised m Ore gon, 24 churches subscribed $1000 or over each. Only a few months ago the churches In this same district gave $26,-000,- for the endowment of the denomi national college at; Philomath, Or. pointed, 400 ;' pupils' enrolled, 4157 ; visits into needy homes, : 787 ; pastoral visits, in,147; copies! of Scripture distributed, 2171; young people's societies organised, 11; preaching stations opened for pas tors, 23 : value of good reading matter distributed, $1634.65 ; r miles traveled, mostly in rural districts, 103.208 ; hopeful conversions. 353. - i The American Sunday school union is a national organization, with headquar ters in Philadelphia. Its work is to establish and : maintain Sunday schools in rural districts where the people are not able to do so themselves. The upper coast district office is in room 311 Stock Exchange building, Portland. As the work of this organization is carried on among people ! In meager circumstances, all support must come through personal gifts. . , i A tiny bellows behind the pivoted re flector in a new automobile headlight is connected to the intake manifold of a car and by using a valve ' on the dash can be made ,to vary the elevation of the light's rays, j ' F I RST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Alder Street at 12th i ' - k " ' ' REV. JOHN H. BOYD, D. D. (from Chicago) Will preach both morning and eve ning, 10:30 A. M., 7:4B P. M. Special Music 1n tha Evenlne wttlt Harp played by Mm Alfca Smith. Sunday School with CI foe All Asm. at 12:16 f. M, may; 16 ' s i . .. HEAR THE OLID GOSPEL HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH East Sth and Albert DR. W. T. MILLIKEJT, Pastor A. M. "JUSTIFIED BY FAITH" P. M. "THE GREAT DETECTIVE First Spiritualist Church INC. East 7th asd Hassalo Sts, SUNDAY SERVICES t asd 7:46 P. M. ' Speaker: Mrs. IilUias Smltk Message Bearers r Mrs. M. J. Dowses and Mr. James Metcalf gpeelal Masle' by Edythe Davis Smith, Miss P. Fish- burn asd Lester Davis WHITE TEMPLE 18TH XTSJi TATLOE STS. 11 1 A. M. GOD" THE FULLNESS OF ! S P. M. "THE PRODIGAL AND HIS HOME, or STARTING IN LIFE. First la a Series of Sermoas oa the Prodigal So a ' " COME :! ,. StTHDAT SCHOOL 9tii ,B. T. PJ TJ... ...... .:16 :.. ! - WESTMINSTER Mm fQaT'sdp ' ews of 3mportance SLmong Portland -What to Vote For on May 21" Is Lr. W. T. McElveen's topic at his current events class at the First Congregational church "Sunday noon. Defeat of the capital punishment bill will be urged. Cordial support of the - two educational bijls, the school for the blind bill and the railway bbl will be advocated. ":; ' BAPTIST Dr. Willam A. "Waldo, pastor of the White Temple, begins a series of Sunday evening discourses this week on mod ern prodigals. He will use the Biblical story of the prodigal son as the- basis of his study, drawing his illustrations from modern life. The subjects he has announced are: May 16, "The Prodigal and His Home"; May 23, "His Sins"; May 30, "Himself" : June , "His Re turn" ; June 13, "His Reception." - - ' Thcaa extempomioiu discourse will eovar many of tho tendencies of tha prawat ace. Dr. Waldo will preaent the gospel aa -a remedy for tba ilia of human Ufa. i In the morning Dr. WaMo will call attention to the miUago tax Tuesday evenint the monthly conference of Baptist Sunday school workers of tha city win be bWd in the East Side Baptist charch. Supper will be served at 8:80 p. m. The brotherhood of the charch will meet Friday evening at 7 :45. Zionists in Russia Planning Exodus New York., May 15. The Zionist or. ganization in Russia has succeeded in enrolling 600,000 - adult Jews in the movement to establish a commonwealth in Palestine, and regulated migration to that country will start as soon as po litical conditions permit, says A. H. Fromenson.. director of the Zionist Or ganization of America. The Zionists in Petrograd have secured permission to publish a weekly bulletin, on condition that it should . contain onIy news items of special Jewish interest. Chinese Minister Will Be Ordained At a council called for the purpose at the White Temple Friday afternoon, it was voted to ordain to the gospel min istry Rev. H. E. Cham, who has recently arrived in this city from China to take charge of the Baptist Chinese mission here. The service will be held at the White Temple Monday evening at 8 o'clock. One feature of the service will be singing of hymns by the Chinese. Dr. William A. Waldo was chairman of .the council of ordination, and Rev. A. Law rence Black wis secretary, s i DIRECTORY Sunday After Ascension Uniform Sunday School Lessons "Victory Coder Ramnel." I Sam. 7:2-17. Golden Text "Direct your hearts anto Je hoTab and serre him only." I Sara. 7:3. " Young People's Topics S Baptist Cnion "Belisioa Psya." ' I t Cor. 8:18-23. J Christian Endearor "Belision Pays. I Cor. 8:18-23. - Epworth Leacue- To Our Institute ! Forward I John 10:40-42. . aptlst i - H First Wbite Temple, 12th and Taylor, i Rot. William A. Waldo. 11. "Tba Fullness of God": 8. "The Prodical and His Home.' J East Side E. 20th and Salmon. Rev. W. B. Hinson. Rev. It- T. Cash. 11. "If a Man Ba Overtaken in a Fault"; 7:45. "The Second Com inc of Christ." Third Vancouver and Knott. Bev. R. K. Close. 11, "Tha Race, the Battle and God"; 8, "Driftin Away." i j Arleta K. S4th and 48th ave. ' Rev. Owea T. Day. Preaching by Dr. F. H. Divine of New Tork, edifice secretary for tba denomination. CalTary E. 8th and Grant. I Rev. J. E. Thomas. 11. "Duty Doing- Under Difficulties"; 8. "Sandwich Sermon" and sons service.,) Gleneoe E. 45th and Main, i Rev. F. C Laalette. 11, "Queen Esther The Glory of In tercession"; 7:30. "The Question of the Day." SeUwood Bethany Rev. W. N. Ferria. 11. 7:45. . Grace E. 78th and Ash. Rev. T. VT. Star ins. 11. "I Can and I Will": 7:45. "A For gotten Command." , - i University Park Rev. 8. Lawrence Black. 11. 8. Swedish 15th and Hoyt. Rev. T. O. SJolaa der. 10:30. 7:80. o St, Johns -Chicsao and Leonard 11. 7:30. Hiehland E. 6th and Alberta. Dr. W. T. Milliken. 11. "Justified by Faith" j 8. "A Great Detective." . Mt. Olivet (colored)- Broadway and Everett. Rev. 3. W. Anderson. 11, 8, "Ascension."' Elira Swedish Malrory and Skidmore Rev. A. G. Sandbiom. 2:30, 8:80. v t Lenta 88th st. and 0th eve. Rev. E. A. Smith. 11. 7:30. : . ! i.i J, -:'--' . Second German) Rodney and Morris.. Rev. F. Hoffman. 11. 7:80. . ; ' . Oathelle - Pro-Cathedral 15 th and Davis Rev. EL T. O'Hara. . 7:15. 8:80. 8:45. 11.-7:45. St. Peters Lenta Rev. P. Beutgen. 8, 10:80. 7 :30. . . - St. Lawrence Sd and Sherman Rev. J. C Hushes. 6. 8:30. 10:87130; - St. Francis E. 12 th and Pine Bev. J. H. Black. . 8. . 10:30. 7:30. Immaculate Heart . of Mary Williams and BUnton Rev. W. A. Daly. , 8. 8. 11, 7:30. Holy Rossry E. 3d and Clacks ma Rev. B. S. Olson. 6. 7. 8. . 11, 7:30, i. St. Rose E-- 5Sd, and Alameda Rev. J. O'Farrell. 8. 10:30. 4: . . . .. ' St. Andrews E. Sth and Alberta Ber. -L Kiernan. 8. 10:30, 7 .30 ' -The Madeleine El 24th and Sinkiyou-rRev. George F. Thompson. 7!30, 0, 11. r - i Ascension E. 76th and Tare hfll Franciscan Fathers. 8. 10:3v 7:80. . - Blessed Sacrament Maryland ' and Blandena Rev. F. W. Black. 8, lff:30, 7 :S0. . Holy Cross 774 Bowdoin ttev. C Raymond. 8. 10:80. 7:80. '4j ( St: f ltnathu 3220 48d , st. S. E. Jesuit Fathers. SO. 8. 10:30. 4. w . . i St. Stephens E. 4 2d and VTaylor Bev. War ren A. Waitt. S. 8:80. 0 :80;' T'tSS. - ! . Holy Redeemer Portland blviL- and Vancoiv var ava. Est. William J. Divine. . 8. 10:30. 7:80. , . . ! St Phillip Neri (Paulist Fathers) E. 18th and Hickory Rev. M. L. Ferry.; 7:80. . 10:30. 7:80. - t St.- Clements S. Smith ave. and Newton Servite Fathers. 6. 8. 10:30. 7:30. Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center1 Rev. G. Rob. 8. 10:30, 7 :80. i i St.; Agatha E. 15th and Miller Rev. t. Com miik y. 8. 10:30. 7:30. St. . Staniataua (Polish) Maryland and Fall ins Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30, 7:30. St. Joseph (German) 15th- and Couch -Bev. B. Rurrer. 8. 10:30. 7;80. St. Michael (Italian) (th and Mill Rev. M, Balestra. 8:80. 10:30. 7:80. ' St. Claires Capitol Hill Father : Aloysiua. O. F. M. 7:80. 8:20. - - , St. Charles E. Sd and Alberta Rev. ' i. T OTIynn. 8. 10 :S0. All Saints E. 80th and Glisaa Rv. Father William Cronin. 8. 10:30. - . , - St. Patricks 19th and Savier--Rev. Charles M. Smith. , Maasea SO. 8. 8:15. 10:30, 7:45. ; - Ohrtstten , - First Park and Columbia. ' Rev. Harold H Griff ia. 11. "Distinctive Teachings of Christian Churches," by Rev. 8. M. Conner) 7:45. sacred concert. ' - a - - - . East Side E. 12th and Taylor. Rev. R. H. SawyerA .11. 8. Rodney Avenue Rodney and Knott. Rev. 8. Earl Childera. 11.7:30. . : ' Montartlla K. 78th and filissn Bst Cas roll C. Roberta. 11, 7:SO. - , ... -XT Wood lawn E. 7th and Liberty Rev. Joseph D. Boyd. - 11. 8. - Krn Park Rev. P. H.' Obormley. 11. "The Gospel in Every Tongue"; - 7:45. "The ChiWrens BUL" . Taberaacle E. 28th -and Alberta Rev. R. Tibbs Msxey. 11. 7:30. ' St. Johna Central and Oswego. ' li. 7:80. OhrtvUe Science v Lesson aobjectr "MortaJa and Immortals.' First 1U and Everett. . 11. S. .. 'V Secood E. Sth and Holladay, - 11. 8. Third . 12th and Salmon. 11. 8. - Fourth Vancouver and Emerson. 11. 8. Dr. W. B. ' Hinson. pastor, will administer bap turn at the dose of tba morning eerrice. In tha evening he will preach on tha second, coming of Christ. In response to many requests the sermon entiUsd. "If I were God." will be printed in pamphlet form. A aery delightful evening was enjoyed last week by tha church on tba occasion of Dr. Hinson 'a birthday. Dr. Hinson is to speak in several Eastern , state conferences this The New World Movement and banding fod campaign of Larleta Baptist church is proceeding encouragingly, according to an. announcement made by the Kev. O. T. Day. ' Under tha leader ship of Dr. ir. H. Divine of New York, tha ehnrch Is rallying to tha task of subscribing $80,000 by Sunday night. Dr. Divine will preach twice ; Sunday. . Grace Baptist church, in its annual report en May 11 to too Willamette association, produced a good ahowing for the past 12 months, despite the lack of a pastor part of the time. Sixty-twa new member were .received during tha year, 84 of these being by baptism. The church raised $5049.28. of which $1710.85 was for missions. The average attendance at the Sunday school was 236. The year closed with the ehnrch pledging $ 16.000 towsrd the New World Movement, this amount to be raised in four1 yean. The ordinance of baptism will be administered Sunday evening at Gleneoe Baptist church. On Sunday morning. May 23, the Ben BuUer post of the G. A. R. and Woman's Belief Corps No. SI will gather at tha Gleneoe church. CHRISTIAN V The Rev. H. H. Grtffis of the First Christian church will spend Sunday in Culver, Or., where he will deliver the high school baccalaureate sermon in the evening. The - pastor emeritus.,the Rev. S. M. Conners, will preach here Sunday morning, j In the evening the ' church luartet, under the direction of Mrs. F. B. Newton, will render a sacred concert of six numbers. Laymen in Kern Park Christian church win present the elementary education bill at tha Sun day evening I service. . The pastor will preach a sermon on education in the morning. Jg ,-!,". COirGREGATIOWAI - Dr. W T. McBlveen of the First Con gregational - church . is conducting ' two series of addresses oner on Sunday eve nings and the- other on Thursday eve ning. Sunday nights he is showing how the six fundamental teachings of Jesus would thoroughly renovate society if they were made operative in every de partment of human life. This Sunday he .will demonstrate that human rights are more Important than property rights. Thursday flights he is giving a series of four lectures on what-the Pilgrims did inSeroobyj England ; in Leyden, Holland ; in Plymouth, Mass., and in middle west America. 1 Because of pressure of work. Dr. "McBlveen has been compelled to de cline to preach the baccalaureate sermon at O. A. C. on June 6. He now has over 12 engagements to preach commencement addresses ' J. Myers of the Portland Blind school will make a brief address on the blind bill at the Sunday evening service in Sunnysida Congrega tional ehnrch. An organ solo will be offered by Prank Sanders and s vocal solo by Miss Mar guerite Carney,: both blind. Atkinson Memorial Congregational church will hold a community forum Sunday night to discuss OF CHURCH e Fifth 3d and 4 2d ave. S. E. 11. SUtJbl Masonie temple. 368 Tamhill. 11. 8. . Seventh -Smith ave. and New York. 11. All churches Wednesday. 8 p. m. (;i Cenoreaatlonal - . First Park and Madison. Dr. W. T. McEl veen. - 11. i "Conscience Training"; 7:45,"Ap plying the 1 Idea of Individual -Worth- to the Making of a New" World." 8unnysid(r E. 8 2d and Taylor. Rev. J. J. Staub. ,11,1 "The Preeminence of Jeans Christ"; 7:45. "Followers of the Christ." Atkinson Memorial E. 20th and : Everett. Rev. - E. E. Flint. 11, 'The Appeal to the Highest"; 7:45, forum, "The Children's BUL" Highland Ei 6th and Prescott. Rev. Edward Constant- 11. "Fidelity and Efficiency"; 7:45, addresses by Principal C H. Boyd and G. E. Ericksen. Waverleigh Heights E. . 3 2d and Woodward. Rev. OlivefjP. Avery. ,11. 8. Laurelwood 45th ave. and 65th at. S. E. Mrs. Ahce M. Handsaker. 11.7:30. - PHgrim Missouri and Shaver. Rev. Robert Murray Pratt. 11. "Do We Take Jesus tha Christ Seriously T" 7. address by H- J. DirkMO. University! Park Haven and Lombard Rev. C H. Johnston. 10:80. 7:30. Finnish -Mason and Albina. Rev. A. A Harjdt. i 6 land 8 p. m. St Johns S. Ivanhoe and Richmond Rev. W. L. C pshaw. 11. 7:30. Danish-Nerwegian E. 23d and Sumner Rev. Ole Tergeeeen. -11, 7:80. i. First German E. 7th and Stanton Rev. George Zocher. 11. 7:30. Second German E. 8th and Skidmore Rev. Henry Hagelgans. II. 7:30 Zion German E. 9th asd Fremont Rev. J. H. Hoop j 11. 7:30. Church of the Brethren Borthwick and Brai eard Kev. George U. CarL 11. 8. Episcopal - Pro-Cathedral of St. , Stephen the Martyr Rt. Rev. W. T. Sumner, bishop; 'Very Rev. R. T. T. Hipka, dean. 11, The Question of Val ues": 8, ''Living Epistles." - Trinity hi 9th and Everett. Rev. A. A. Mor rison. ; 8,' 31.' 8. -, ..- St. Davids E. 12th and Belmont. Rev. Thomas .Jenkins, rector. 7:30, 9:30, 11, "How Christ riu" Heaven Helps Men on Earth"; 7:30, "Th Lebt We Owe Florence Nightingale." r St. ' Marks 21st and Marshall Kev. J. G. Hatton. 7530. 11. 7:45; daUy. 7:30 a. m. St. Andrews--Hereford st. Plymouth Arch Deacon Chambers is charge. 9. 11. 7 :30. Grace Memorial E. 17 th and Weidler Rev. Osward W. (Taylor; , 11. . - - Good Shepherd Vancouver and Graham Rev. John Dawson. 11, 8. ' St. Michael and AU Angels E. 43d and Broadway iKe . . F. T. Bowen. vfcar. 8, 10, 11. Church of Our .Sarior 0th ave. and 41st st. 8. E. Rev. E. H. Clark, vicar. 7:30, 11. Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan hospital Rev. Frederick B- Howard. 7. 8:30. St. Paul Woodmere Rev. Osward W. Taylor.- 4. - All Saints 25th and SarUr Bev. Frederick K. Howard.! 10. 11. St Johns Memorial E. 15th and Harney, Sellwood. Rsv. H. Clark ia charge. 11. 7:80. St , dattlewa Corbett and Baacrof t Kev. W, -A. M. Brack, vicar. 10. 11. . ? . -s j - w Kvansaticat ; First Ei 6th 'and Market. Rev. E. Msuer. 11. 7:80. Clay Street 10th and Clay. Rev. Jacob Stocker. 10:45-, "Are the Forward Movements of Our Church the Objectives of God?" 8. ''The Benevolent land Educational Objectives of Our Church." I . ' ; v Lenta Rev. F. it. Fisher. 11. 7:30. Swedish Tabernacle N. 17th and Glisaa Rev. J. C. LediB. 11, 7:30. j. t trse Methodist Central East 55th and Flanders Rev. E. L Harrington. 11. 7:30. First E 0th and MUX 11. 7:30. Rev. 8. H. Upton. Alberta- 30th and Wygan -Kev. As. V. WBetaelL - HI. 7 JU. .St J-ins U. Kiclimond and Hudsoi K. U. Blackmaa. 11. 7:30. Kev. Lents Kev. 8. H. Upton, acting x:sw. s:su. , . -. Friends f First eJ 35th and Main Kev. ' Home' 1 Cox. 11. 7:45. - Second K. 82d and Slat ava. Kev. Luraaa M. Terrell. 1 11. 7. West- Piedmont Borthwick and Jeraey Kev. Carey Jeuupp. 11; -"sj.- .-f' Jewish ' Congregation Beth Israel 12th and Main Rabbi Jonah B. Wise. Reforar Synagogue. Service Friday 8 p. m.. Saturday 100 a. m. Congregation Abavai Sboium Park and Clay sts. Rabbit R. Abrahamson. - Friday, 8 p. av Saturday, a .80 a. m. : .. r- Congregation Nevah Zedeek Talmud Torab th and Hall Rev Abraham L Rosencranta Fnda. 8 pi aa.; Saturday. 9 a. m.; Sunday. 10 a. m. Religious acnooL- " , kattar Day Saints "- ' " Chwreh of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints E. 25th add Madison Heber C. Iverson. mission presdentk 10, 6:30. ' I AstHsvwjt SU James W.' Park and Jefferson Bev. William E.iBrtnkmen. 11.70. St Pkula-wE. 12th 7 and Clinton Bev A Krauae. 10:80. "What Does Baptizing With 'Mate Signify f;. 7:30. "Christ. Our Advocate With the Fatben" . ra Trinity i (Missouri Synod) Williams and Graham Rev. J. P. Kimbach. 10:15 ((r. un). 7:80 (English). Church (for Deaf Williams and Graham- (Sliurclies and oung the school tax measures. Tha Rev. E. E. Flint, pastor, will preside. . District Attorney W. H. Evans and Mrs. . A. . E. Watson, principal of Kerns public school, will speak. : . . 'An educational program has been arranged for the Sunday evening service at Highland Congre gational church. Principal C. H. Boyd will speak on "The Value of the Public School." and G. E. Ericksen oa "An Educated Democracy." The Rev. Edward Constant, pastor, will preside. Miss Gertrude Ost and Miss Burk will sing. Dr. B. M. Pratt has resigned his pastorate at Pilgrim Congregational church in order that he might take up other lines of church work- It is understood that be will remain here for at least two months, to give the charch opportunity to secure another pastor. Dr. . Pratt has several offers from large churches, where he is wanted to direct - their' religious educational work. He will preach Sunday morning. Tha Young Peo ple's society will have foil charge of the -evening service at 7 p. m. i . k EPISCOPAL Monday night, at 8 o'clock, -Mrs. John K. H. Simpson and A. C. .Newill. presU dent of the . Oregon Civle league, will open a discussion1 on social service in the home and in the church In the - parish house of St. Marks Episcopal church. The meeting will be open to the public. Church school teachers are invited. The Rev. John G. Hatton will preside. According to the latest reports, the Oregon Episcopal churches rank third in the nation with a per capita contribution to missions of $11.81 per communicant. ; 1 : The following members have been appointed a committee to. plan and organize the denom inational membership campaign in the fall: Dean R. T. T. Hicks, the Bev. C H. L. Chandler, A. C. Newill. Dr H. C. Fitott and John W. Let ba by. WalteC' JSacPherson, from tha headquarters office WPhiladelphia spent a strenuous three days h Portland with leaden during the past weeksCbut managed to see the Columbia river tuXiway aa the guest of Dr H. C Fiiott. : : v. : . 1 . LUTHERAN ' . . j - The Rev.- J. A. C. Beyer will speak on prayer in the -service for the deaf Sun day afternoon in Trinity . Lutheran church. All deaf are invited. The meaning of baptism will be disenssed Sunday morning at St. Paula Lutheran church by the Bev. A Krauae. ' ' . i . j ' METHODIST . Dr. , W. II. Randolf , field secretary of the Northwest Training school, will fill the pulpit of Wilbur Methodist church Sunday morning, i Representatives of ' the Citizens' Elementary Educational league will speak at Central Method ist church Sunday night, after the pastor; installs the new Epworth league officers. - j A platform meeting in the interest of the millace tax bills will be held Sunday evening' at Lincoln Methodist church. The speakera are: K. M. Vail. i. A. Mean and F. K. Wells. Sunday is to be "Fathers' Day" at Clinton Kelly Memorial Methodist church. The Rev. E. S. ' Mace, pastor, will preach on an appropriate topic in tha morning. In the evening the fath ers will be in ehsrge. Those attending1 are asked to wear a blue flower.- Special music will be in charge of C. W. MeCulloch. 1 A chalk talk will be given' to the Sellwood Methodist school in the morning by D. S. Manny. H. L. German will be the minute man, for ' the day to speak during the preaching seTyice. ' A program in the interest of the educational SERVICES IN I Rev. J.' A. C. Beyer. 2 :30. "Prayer." Our Sarior'l E. 10th and Grant Bev. M. A Christensen. -,11. (English). "Persistent Prayer." ... Bethlehem Norwegian 14th and Davis Rev. Wilhelm Pettarsen, 11. 8. . Bethel Evangelical Norwegian (Freel Wy gant and Rodney Rev. B. A Borrevik. . 11. 7:45. t . , . Grace (English) E.- 24tb and Broadway . Rev. C. H. Bernhard. 11, 7:80. Bethel Norwegian (Free) Wygant and Rod ney., Rev. B. A. Borrevik. 11. 7:45. Bethany Danish Evangelical Union and Mor ris Rev. L. P. Kjoller. 11. 7:S0. t , St. Johns Peninsula and KOpatriek Rev. IV Ludwig. 10:45, 7:30. - Swedish Auguatana Stanton and Rodney Rev. V. G. Ogren. 10:45, 7:45. Immanuei 19th and Irving Rev. A V. An derson. 11, 8. . t Port mouth Lovely and Fortune Rev. 8. C B. Knutsen. 11, 7:30. Zion Evangelical (Missouri Synod) Chap man - and Salmon Rev. H. H. KoppelmaBn. 9:15. 10:15. 7:45. j Immanuel (Mo. Synod) E. 15th and Leo i Rev. H. C. Ebeling. 10, German service and Sunday school; 11:15. English service. - Evangelical Church ' of the Redeemer 16th and Wygant 10, 11. . t Finnish 179 Fargo. Rev. A. Salminen. 10; Sunday school 7. t . v f Methodist Episcopal ' . Carson Heights- Rev. G. 8. Brown. 10. 11. 7. Cants nary E. 9th and Pine Bev. Frank L- Wemett. 11. 7:30. . . i Centra Vancouver and Fargo Rev. A' R. Macclean. 11, 8. "The Childrena BtU." CUnton Kelly E. 40th and PoweB Rev. E. S. Maoe. 11, "kathers": 8. service ia charge of fathers. Epworth 26th and 5a Tier Rev. J. Stanford Moore. 11, 7:80. First 12th snd Taylor Bev. Joshua Stans field. 10:30, 7:30. First Norwegian Danish 18th and Hoyt Rev. Kliaa Gierding. 1 1, 8. Laurelwood E. 63d and Foster. Rev. A C Brakenbury. 11, 7:30. Lenta 86th and 68tb ' are. Rev. Sibley. 11, 7:45. W. R. Lincoln E. 6 2d and Lincoln. . Bev. p. A. Girni. 11, "Christ's Constraining Love": 7:80, VTba Childrea'a Bill." . . I Monurilla E. SOtb and Pine Bev.- Hiram Gould. 11, 70. Mt. Tabor E. 61al and SUra. Rev. &V G. Decker. 11, 8.. ' Patton Alberta and -Michigan Rev. : George H. Bennett 11. 7:30. - Rose City Park E. 58 th and Bandy Rev. D. Iter Fields. 11. 7:30. SeUwood E. 15 th and Tacoma Bev. W. S. Gordon. U, "The New Era and The New Birth": 8, "Some Proposed Remedies for Sin." Sunnyside E, 85th and Yamhill Rev W. F. Ineaon. 11, "The Power ol Conviction" ; 7:45. educational program. f 1 h St Johns W. LeaviU and Syracuse r Rev. W. E. Kloster. 11,7:80. ' r,.i Swedish Beech and Borthwick Rev. Abel Eklund. lit . V'' University Park Fiske and Lombard Rev. H. T. Atkinson. 11, 7:30. - j , Vancouver Avenue - Norwegian Danish- Skid more and Vancouver Rev. A. Christensen. 11, 7:30. - -V ..? Wesleysji E. 53d and Glisan Bev. D. B. Hampe. 11, 7:45. Westmoreland Milwaukia and Midway Rev. E. " S. Mace. 7:30. Wilbur Multnomah hotel Rev. E. C Hick man. 10:3o. preaching by Dr. W. H. Kandeaf. Field Secretary of the Northwest Training School. Woodstock E. 44th and Woodstock Kea L. C. Poor. 11. 7:30. v Wnodlawn E. 10th and Highland Rev. J H. Irvine. 11. "Putting Woodlawn on the May"; 8. "Eyes That See for Ua in the Wilder ness." ''."! Oistrict superintendent. Bev. Willism Wallace Toungson. D. 1)., 691 E. 62d it N. Tabor 2790. , . M. C. South ' ' , First Cnion and Multnomah Rev. J. W. Byrd. 11. address by Dr. A. K. Higgs; 7:30. Hazarena '- First E. 10th and Weidler Kev. J. T. Little 11. 7:30. Sellwood E. tb and Spokane Rev.: J. G. Bringedshi. 11, Mil. Brentwood 65th ave. and 67th st. Rev. C. U. Fowler. 11,7:30. Highland Park EL 14th and Jarrett Kev. W. P. Keebadgh. 11. 8. Scandinavian 948 Garfield Rav. . .-i Daniel HalUtrbm. 11. 7:30. " Preabyterlan tlrst 12th and Aider Dr. H. L- Bowman. Preaching by JJr. John H. Body. 10:30. 7:30. Westminster East 17 th and Schuyler Kev, Edward H. Pence. 10:80, 7.30. i Central- K. 13th and Pine. Kev Walter Henry Nugent 11. "The Training of the. Perfect Man," by Rev. Waller L. Van Nuys; S "The Education of A Hero. ') -. Calvary 11th and Clay Kev. L. Bowring Quick. 11, "Bruised Reeds snd Smoking Flax',': 7:30,- "Seeing the Invisible," - -- Mt. Tabor E. 55ta sod Belmont. Kev. Ward MacHenry. 11, "'Education. Religion and Good Citizenship"; 8, "If A Man Die Shall He Live Again?" , Vernon 19th and Wygant 11. 7 JO. ; Piedmont Cleveland and Jarrett Kev. , J. Francis Morgan. 11. "Sooship With God"; 8, "The Modern Witch of Endor." i - Fourth First and Gibhsi-Kev. Monroe G. Everett. 10.30. "The Fine ' Art of Growing"; 7:30. "The Investment mcnt That Pan." Benilworth K. 34 U and . Gladstone Kev. L. K. Grimes. . 11, 8. Hope 7 ota sad Everett Kev. H. E. GUea. 11. 7-30. Rosa City Dr. Robert H7. Milligan. 11. "All peoples Societies bills win be conducted Sunday night at Sunny aide Methodist church. " METHODIST SOUTH At the First M. K. church South' Dr. A. K. Higgs. who has just returned from a year's work in Siberia with the Red Cross, will tell of his experiences at the morning service. PRESBYTERIAN Sunday morning at Central Presby terian church Rev. Walter Lj Va,n Nuys, superintendent of religious education in Oregon for the Presbyterian church, will The" Rev. W. W. MacHenry of Mt. Tabor Presbyterian church has displayed a keen interest in the educational measures to be voted on next Friday. He will devote his morning eerrice to their discussion. Tha members and friends .of Piedmont Presby terian church will give their new pastor. Dr. J. Francia Morgan. reception Friday Bight. Tha pastor will preach twice Sunday. Education and the church win receive consid eration at .Mix pah Presbyterian church Sunday morning in the sermon of the Rev. D. A Thomp son. At Anabel Community Presbyterian church the educational situation is Oregon will be disenssed Sunday morning by several speakers. Nurse Benefactor's Work to Be Topic What : the world : owes to Florence Nightingale.- the founder of the modern system of nursing, will be explained Sun day night at' St. Davids Episcopal church by the Rev. Thomas Jenkins. An ascension Sunday sermon will be preached in the morning. The rector has arranged a school for small chil dren At 11 a. m. so that more parents can attend the morning service. Presiding Elder in Charge of Service . The Rev. G. Ij. Lovell. newly elected presiding elder of the United Evangel ical church, took , charge of the Thurs day evening prayer service at Ockley Green church. The Rev. H. H. iFarn ham has been returned as pastor for another year. j . ".::-', 'j.----Dickson to Speak Evangelist Lv K. Dickson will ! speak Sunday night at 7:30 o'clock In Chris tensen's hall on the subject, "The Hos tile Hand." This lecture has never been given in Portland. -A special program of music has been arranged lncludfng a congregational sing. The public is invited. - :'. ' - ' ' ' PORTLAND Things Given With Christ"; 7:30, "Amuse ments." " "-- Forbes Graham snd Gantanbein Rev. Ward Willis Long. 11, 7:30. Trinity Virginia, and Nebraska Rav. Theo dore P. Smith. 11, "The Elder Brother"; 7:80, "Life for A Look." Anabel F. ; H. Mixett, 11. "The Children's Bill"; 8. "Tha Reason for U Hope that Is in Ua." .... -.. s Millard Avenue Rev. W. Lee' Gray. Preach ing by George Gelvin, 11, 8V Marshall Street 17 B and Marshall Rev. A. J. .lianna. 11. Mizpab K. 19th and Division Rev. D. A. Thompson. ' 11, "Education and the Church"; 7:43. "A Sharp Sword and a Polished Arrow." Unity E. 71st and Sandy Kev. B. W. Socman. 11. "Christian Faith"; 7:30. "Cer tainties in Religion." Holt Chinese 133 4 First Rev. Gee Sing Hoy. 7 p. m. school; 8. 8.. young people. , - Reformed Pfwsbyterlan - Pint Minnesota and Alnsworth Rav. F. D. F rater, ll. 7:30. Seventh Day Adventitts Note Regular services of thia deoomlnatioa are held oa Saturday. - ... Central K 11th and Everett L. K. Dick- boa, pastor. 10; 11:16. Tabernacle 6th and Montgomery O. W. Pet tit. minister. 10, 11. I Montavilla E. 80th and Everett J. A Ger bart 10. 11. ' i Lenta 04 th st and 68U ave. W. D. Hunt ingtoa. 10. 11. i St. Johns Central ave. and Charleston A K. Folkenberg. 10. 11. Albina Skidmore and Mallory Elder M. H. WenUand. 10. 11. SeandinavUn 62d sti snd 89th ave. Elder O S. Le . 10. 11. ' ''.' Salvation Army I I : ' . - Corps No. 1 243 Aab at Adjutant Henry R. Coaena. 11.8:15.8. i -i Corps No. 4 128 K 1st Ensign Jessie Mil lar and Envoy; Hn. Upton. 11. "Effectual Acknowledging" ; 8. "A Bondservant": 8, "Leth argy Not Peace. Swedenborolan 'New Church Society 331 Jefferson Rev. William H. Recce. 10:45. "Nebuchadnezzar's Image Its Symbolic Meaning." ; Unitarian Church of Our Father Broadway and Tim hill. Rev. W. ; G. Eliot Jr. 11. address by Rev. Christopher R.. Eliot of Boston. United Brethren Conference superintendent Rev. G. E. Mo Donald First E. 15th and Morrison. Rev. Byron J. Clark.. 10:80. "The Divine Semaphore"; 7:80. "Christ and Hie Critics." Second E. i 37th and Sumner. Rev. Ira Hawlcy. -11. "Kor aken the Fountain of Uvisg Waters"; 7:30, "Strang He Should Be Put in Prr-nn.", . f ' Third 67th st. and 82d sve. S. E. Bev. E. O. Shepherd. 11, "Wayside Ministries"; 7:80. "Not Found Wanting." Fourth Tremont Rev. C P, , Blenrhard. 11, -"Cesspools. Minds and Mouths Spread Mental Typhoid": 7:30, "Your Child and Mine." ; Oloverdale 446 Jessup Rav. Waltar Reyn old. 10. 6:30. :S0 . . United Cvaeaalleal- FlTst E. 16th and Poplar Rev. J. A. Goode. 11. 8. Ockley Green Willamette blvd. and Gay Rev. H. H. Farnham. 11. 7:80. i St. Johns Rev. A P. Layton. 11. 7:80. . ' United avaabvtarian First E. 87tb and Hawthorne Rev. BY. F. Given. 11. 70. - Church of tba Strangers Grand and Wasco. Rev. 8. Eirt 1m Bob. 10:30, "Hats Off to the Little Child"; 8. "Duty and Consequeneev of Hearing God's Word." Kenton 120 W. Lombard. Rev. George N. Taylqr. 11, ' Whom Pride 'Slew"; 8. "Chrsrt Heads a Man'a Mind.'"- - j , Miscellaneous ' I- . " Christian and Missionary Alliance E. 9th and CUy Rev. John E. .Fee. 1 10, 11, 7:80. . Realization League 148 13th. Rev. Edward Mill. 11. "The Great Discoveries of Great Discoverers'; 8. ."The-Last Enemy Destroyed." Christaderphian 621 E. Washington. , 1 0 :80. Church of God 368- Fail in Ham Km 11, 7:80. Gospel Hall E. 29th snd Stark. ' 11, 7:86. Men's Resort 4 th and Burnside Rev. Levi Johnson, superintendent. 8. Divine Science Portland hotel. T. M. -Misard. 11. ' . Pentecostal First and Washington Rev' Will C Trotter. 1 1. 3. 7 :80. DaUy. 7 :80. Glad Tidings (Pentecostal Mission) 246 H 1st.. 2.-3. 7:30. , . - Pentecostal 147 H Firet George fe. Far rows. 8, A . --, PeBtcotal 210H TaahiU 2 X9. i 7:80i daily, 7:80. -. . - - i Christian Assembly E. 2th, and! Ankeny Pastor, A. W. Smith, -11, 2:43. 7:45. K Volunteers of America 224 Burnside. Even ings ascept MonOar at 8; Sunday, 3, 8. Portland Eccleaia (Cbristadelphian) 1697 Belmont George H. Tilling, secretary. n. . , Peaiel Mission 266H Alder. 4. 8; daily. 8. Church of .Christ . 79th and Glisan. 11. First Spiritualist E. 7tb and Hassalo. 3 7:45. Lectures by Mrs. Lillian Smith of Cleve land. Ohio.- - First Spiritual Science 129 4th si.' Bev. Max Hoffman. Lectures by Rev R. it. Single ton, s. 8. . - ' , , International Bible Students W. ; O. W. temple. 1 lib and Alder. 3. 8. Church of Christ E. 8 2d and 60th ava. 10. .11. 7:30. - - 'T. M. C A: Sixth end Taylor. 8. : Church of Divina Truth 112 Central build ing Nettie Taylor KJoh. 11, "I and the Father Are One": 8, "Anti-Christ"; 8. "Th Dav' of Judewiant." Episcopal u nd a y cliools to JI)oltl Annual itlccting The annual mass meeting: of the Epis copal Sunday school in Portland will be held May 23 In St. Stephen's Pro-Cathe-draJ. Thirteenth and Clay streets. At thia time the Lienten orfertngs of the children will be presented by the vari ous schools, and the banners awarded tor the largest offering. - Episcopal chil dren form In a procession and with their flags and banners march through the streets adjacent to the Pro-CathedraL During the absence of Bishop Sum.ter from the city Sunday the sermons at the Pro-Cathedral will be preached by Dean R. T. T. Hicks The young peo ple's meeting will be led by Miss Flor ence Etchells. ; . . J ' . : 1 Eeligious Growth Will Be Analyzed Development of religious life among men on this planet will be traced by the Rev. William B, Reece of the New Christian church. Sunday. This will fce the first In a series of five Sunday morning addresses orj the meaning ofJ ins great, man-image, seen oy rseoucn-. adnezzar and described In second chap ter or Daniel. Eliot Speaks Sunday At Unitarian Church The Rev. Christopher R.' - Eliot, pastor of Bullfinch ' Place chapel. Boston, will speak at 11 a. m. Sunday in The Church of Our Father (Unitarian). His church fills many social and religious needs in the congested locality It serves. The an them will be sung by Mrs. Mischa Pelz. Gets Data on Power In Oregon Streams Salem, May 15, JT. H. Robnett of Albany was in conference with State Engineer Cupper here Friday, relative to possible power sites in Linn county. He was referred to the Marion lake site with its potential 35,000 horsepower and the Clear lake site, capable of develop ing 40,000 horsepower. It is understood that he is gathering the data for use in Inducing new industries to enter the field. ; A :.. A LEAGUE of NATIONS and an Inter-Church World Movement . If United, Will They Fulfill Predictions of Scripture? DISCUSSED BT Dr. Hibbard - AT TUT TARCDMAPI C sixth awd IOSTGOMEHT SUNDAY, MAY 16, 745 P. M. Thrilling Tbeme. COME CENTENARY METHODIST CHURCH The Prisndly Churoh." EAST ITIKTH AlfD PIITB . srNDAY M0B5ISO Dr. Frank Le Wemett SPEAKS OW- "Methodist Standard' 7-.30 P. as, . OUR OIsOONtlS WORK ADDRESS BV MISS NELLIE W. CURT1SS OP PORTLAND. AND DR. W. L RANDOLPH OF SEATTLE RROORAM Of MU8IO THIS CHUROH INVITES VOU St. Davids Church E. 18TH AND BELMONT. . (E. Morrison Cars) Sunday Services ( 7:30 The Communion , 9:30 Matins and SCHOOL 11:00 Song Eucharist and - Ser mon 7:30 Evensong' and Address -- (No Rented Pews) REV. THOMAS JENKINS, Rector 10:00 School at Montavilla 3 :00- School at Mt. Tabor "Tle Education of a Hst .;" will be the topic , - SUNDAY EVgNINS AT S by Waltar Henry Nusant, O. P., Minister. CENTRAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EAST 1ITH AND PINE Sunday Mornlnfl at 11 Rav. Waltar l. Van Nuys will . preach an Th Training of the Perfect Man" AttracUva Music' Sy Chorus Wd fcy J. VVrn. Belcber . YOU WILL ( WELCOMED -paTsssnTaTsTn'BaTATaaaw I -' MONTGcllEBY ST. J Vttfv J PASTORS TO URGE SUPPORT OF BILLS TO AIO EDUCATION Disapproval of the capital pun ishment amendment and support the education bills and other meas ures to be voted on May 21, will .bs advocated in the pulpits of Port land Sunday, this being the last church day before the primary eleo Uon. Members of the executive committee of the Portland Church federation have expressed themselves as favoring the educational bills and have urged all Portland pastors to devote one sermon to these meas ures. The federation has taken no action on the capital punishment bill because, It is generally under stood that church members have no desire to change the present law. Principals from Portland's schools, lawyers and public officials are to as sume prominent parts In the programs Sunday evening. A few churches will not stop with the discussion of general education, but will also Include the need of greater religious educational facilities. The School of Methods. Daily Vacation Bible school and Portland Training school for Sunday school teachers will receive consideration. ' "THE. HOSTLU 'war Never during the flood of years have the workings of the "hostile hand" been so insidious, so deceptive, yet so apparent, as they are today. The enemy's hand has been put to the finish ing, of his infernal work of de struction; and in current hap peninfts, we see the erir of the claw-like fingers' of this Titan of evil as he crushes the veritable tifeblood out of-a world whose heartbeat has for years been growing slower and weaker. HEAR EVANGELIST L. K. DICKSON on this great topic. Don't Miss This One! SUNDAY NIGHT, May 16, 7.30 o'Clock CHRISTEUSEN'S HALL 1 1 th Street, bet. Morrison and Yamhill Special Musical Program ' Big Congregational Sing. Mixed Quartet. Mesxo-Soprano Solo. Male Quartet. Instrumental Solo. Seats Free. Come . early for a good one. The Public Invited. I? Is There Any Hope For the Unsaved Dead? HEAfi E. D. Sexton OF L08 ANGELES KEPEK8ETI7rG THE IWTEKWATIOIfAL BIBLE STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION!' Sun., May 16, 8 P.M. Does Cod purpose to save ' anyone, in ignorance ? Of the millions dead, how many were church mem bers? If not, what is their des tiny? - - These esestroas definitely and scrip ta rally answered by a sots! Bible scholar and leetarer at W. O. W. TEMPLE llth St. BeU Watbisgtos asd Alder TOD ABE "WELCOME SEATS FREE JfO COLLECTION