17 SALMON FISHERMEN ARE SECURING A LIBERAL PREMIUM Edited by Hycnan IL Cohen EFFORT MADE TO STOP ADVANCES kHtrd by Will F. I Ionian THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1920. V EGGS ARE PRICED STEADY ON STREET BCTTEB TO DROP Bitter win drop te a ponod ia Port laad 'Friday morning and a similar de cline will be muli la the price of bat terfat, - ... ... . - . . MAR.K.ET BASKET u Market for egga, while showing some easiness ' in ; places, is indicating no chance whatever in local prices (or the day. Current receipt are finding buy-t era at 40c- a aozen in iota, xnis teing exactly the same price as has ruled for some days, j- Receipt of eggs re Itill decreeing and Mange operations ere continued. Ttw weaker tone and lower price av the eastern trade, have combined to cause some apprehension among torers here, but operations bare not been hurt to any extent. : . Eggs are today 2c to 8c a do ten lower than they were at -this same date a year axo. this being on of the few commodities that showed decline. Receipts of ' eggs to date this season have broken ail records for the Portland market, in dicating a liberal Increase la the poultry indus try of this section. . . Those deairinc special information regarding . any market should write the Market Editor Ore gon Journal, enclosing stamp' for reply. CALIFORNIA CHEESE IS POOR California is shipping its poor quality cheese to Portland, but is finding little sale for it be cause even the poorest Oregon available here is said to be better than the- best southern stock. Cheese trade steady for good stuff. BUTTER SITTJATIQX 18 MIXED - Mixed opinions are shown hi the butter trade bare. While: many sre inclined to believe that the bottom has either been reached or about to be shown,' others feel that still further loss will be forced. . t .'; A8TOHIA5 BCT8 PRODUCE HERE Astoria is taking carload supplies of produce tn Portlsnd at . this time. Ralph Moody, who own the Imperial Market, and Moody's at As toria and afoudy's at Seaside, wa making up carload shipments for his firms yesterday. By Hjnaa H. Cokea Vegetables prices continue to drop In the wholesale and retail markets and consumers are getting the advantage f greater output and shipments. Because California cabbage shippers are fighting for business in the Portland market, consumers here are benefited by lower prices. There are said to be six or seven carloads of California cabbage on the track ,at Portland. These are what are termed "rollers" In the trade, and have not yet been sold. They are generally shipped to this city and di verted to other pacific Northwest points if buyers, can be secured at better prices. Cabbage prices have been lowered quite liberally recently and , alone with the lower price comes an improvement in the quality of the California offer ings. Of course the southern stock can not be compared with Oregon cabbage as regards i quality, but as the season for the home cabbage , will not be open for some time, consumers must purchase the . poorer stock if they want cabbage at. all.; ,. :? ; u j : i 7 The following prices are average ones that consumers are expected to pay retail stores. Quality noted is the average, fancy stuff being slightly higher and inferior stuff fractionally lower. . ! Butter Bent creamery prints, 91 63e.: Eggs Fresh laid. 45c per doaen; fancy fresh, 48c per doaen. F Poultry Chirk ms, dressed, 45e per pound; geese. dressed, 45e per pound. run -Salmon, SOWS 5e per pound: halibut. $8.00 94.00 par 99V4 per 2530e per pound; Flour Best local patent. ssca, id pounos. - I Potatoes Borbanks, fancy, pound; sweet. .12 He per pound. Onions Dried. 8 tt 9e per pound. . , j- j : - t -e - .... Hogs and Cattle In Weak Position At North Portland PORTIAND Thursday Week ago ...... iaeioinre HinriT is rnnwnvn I Two weeks aaro . . Supplies of home grown asparagus are arriv- ins so freely to the local trade that an overstock I " '' ' ' ' i sireadv shown with values down to 1 BO for 1 T ? . 7 ... . . . ,, I J rn.i Agp . . 1IUUS IUSIJ i-J fcTii uuavn - vwivum v-" . " fomia stock is i still being offered..' but it w junk" alongside of the local LIVESTOCK RUN. Hg. Cattle. Calve. Sheep. , 910 118 409 , 147 14 : 7 120 . ITS ..... 851 .Modi Four years ago 891 763 744 225 120 780 145 2 6 82 19 8 160 180 888 BIO HOG RECEIVED IT STREET One of the biggest bogs ever seen in the Front street trade came from Gaston tn DrrthieJc Brothers. The animal was dressed and weighed .7 nnnnd. and. considering its weight, waa of! Mm t-,4 excellent quality. Medium mixed i m ; Rough heavies BRIEF WOTES OF PRODUCE TRADE Bermuda type . onions down again. ' Old potatoes continue tp gain in demand. Fresh eoeoanuta offering at 82 doaen. Strawberries were lower at $4 for best during 'the day. - ! Oountry killed meats were considered steady most of the day. " In the hog alley i the market reflected weak ness for Thursday and values could . be con sidered fractionally lower. While it is true that "freight-free"- stock i would probably bring the 818 mark during the, day, other offerings tn liberal lots could not be sold- at that. " benerat bog range; , .. ........ . L5.no m le.fto ..... 14.50 6 15. SO ............ 1O.OO015.OO Pigs 12.00 018.00 Cattle are Weak OatUe developed s weak tone during the Thursday trade at i North Portland. Arrivals were fair, but - demand waa nominal Killers appeared to have lt the desire for additional supplies, although Wednesday they appeared as good bidders.! i General cattle market ranee: Best beef steers . . . . ..... . . vnoicv seer ..... i . PREMIUM OFFERED II SALMON SUPPLIES Premiums are f being ;i offered for Chinook salmon by packers as well as by wholesale" fresh fish dealers' at Columbia, river- points. There is an ex treme scarcity of fish being offered at this time and the demand is far. in ex cess flf offerings. .' Whfls prices offered by eanner were atand ardixed some time age at meeting at Astoria. Peckers are said to be paying premiums of lc tea 1 till pound above the prices agreed upon. Cepetition tot fish between the fresh fish and the packing interests is keen anduheKnen are by no mean , slow about taking advantage of the situation.' Regarding the general fish situation, C 3. B. Malarkey of the Portland, Fish company ad- On account of the unusual demand for the sprmg run of salmon in the Columbia river and its tributary, the Willamette, the price has been boosted by the canners and the Whole salers are obliged to charge the aatail trade from 20c to 22c The difference ia price de pending en the siae and quality of fish. "Shad this season, so far, has been very scarce and same is wholesaling to the trad at from 8c to 10c for roe shad and fte to 8e for dressed-shad. .. t . "Halibut in better supply and prices sua from 12 He to 20c, depeeding on the sixe. - "So called salmosi trout, which have been quite plentiful in that market up to the present week, have been scarce on account of a ruling by the fish commission of the state of Wash, togton decreasing the Siae of the nets from 1200J to 1BU leet to not over 600 feeW- . We think this a good law, as these so called sastnon trout are only little salmon and they should, be allowed to mature,- It is no wonder salmon are getting seareer every year oh Puget Round, far these conditions should not be allowed; "Demand for raxor clams Is light, as during the warm weather people do not seem to care for them. Plenty of crabs in the market at 83 50 for selected large, and 82.50 for medium. The crab fishermen seem to hare the situation well in hand, and although the supply seems to be large, there does not seem to be an indication of drop In prices. , - i "Little . neck claim,; or what is known as the hard h?l) Clam in the market, are out, of sea son, as same is closed until September 1. De nusad for salt and smoked fiib is picking ap a little."' Early Grain Sales Made at a Loss Chicago. May -IS. l(L N. 8.) Reports that Kansas City and Omaha were offering spot corn in this market, this week's shipment, and a bet ter rail outlook caused a break of around 2c in corn futures and 1 2o in oats this after noon, j At the close May corn was 2 He lower; July oft 2c and September. 1 tk 2o under vaster- day's close. . I ... May oata finuhed 1 e lower; Jalx, 1 He and September 1 1 fee down. Provisions were lower on a light trade. PRESSURESHOVN AT STOCK OPENING : New York, May 1 (I. H. The stock market closed steady today.' Business oontlnued extremely quiet. ,. moderate eaHles eocorred In sovne Issues near the dose, steel eemmevt held wlOiln a narrow range and finishes) at 88 H. Baldwin reacts te 114H. ewerss -Metors, aft er falling to 2S. rose to 27 H, and Studebaker fell from 71 U6. Royal Dutch rallied 1 'rk In the late eeaiingi while PaA-American Petro leum reacted nearly a points to 191 'h. Reeublie Steel closed at 81 V f Seothsra Pacifto, 83 Mexican Petroleum, 1 7 Y t ameriean sVeeton, 108'i, and United States Rubber, S4H. - Qovernment bonds unahaneed; railway and ether bonds steady. " : Sales, 80700 shares; bonds,. $10,706,000. New York. May 1S.(L r N. & Pressure "was exerted against" the stock market at the opening today, causing declines throughout the list ranging from fractions to over two points Steel common was off to 92, Bald win 1H to 11, Crucible Steel ; to 134. and Republic Steel 2 to 90. ; Motor shares were in supply. General Motors dropping 1 point ta."2 H, Btudebaker 1 to 70 H. Pierce-Arrow 1 point to . 52 H. and Chandler 2 to 181 It. Keystone Tire feQ 114 toJI.----.,;- . i ' . ' Mexican Petroleum dropped ! 2 to 179 and Pan-American sTetrolrum 1 to 101 14 . Ixses of 1 point ware suffered in Royal Dutch -and Texas company, - " ' -:. : V. 8. Rubber fell 1 to 98 H I end Ameri can Woolen 1 point to 10 H- Fractional losses were suffered by the railroad shares. After the first 15 minutes the market showed a mixed tone, oil stocks becoming active and showing pronounced strength, while the Motor issues continued under pressure and sustained further tosses... Baldwin Locomotive attracted at tention by the manner in which it moved up from 113 to 115, and other Steel in dustrials also made good rallies from early low levels. Steel common, after selling at 92 H, rallied to,93H. and Republic Steel moved up from 90 hi to 91. Mexican Petroleum, vrhich sold down to 178 , had a quick advance to 182. and Pan-American Petroleum advanced from 101 to 103 Tk. Stu debaker yielded to 89 and Chandler declined to 129 H. a lorn of over 4 points. Keystone Tires wse down S points to 28. Canadian Pacific sold at the lowest price touched in recent years, de clining 3 points to 118 t The market displayed a firm, ton during the afternoon. Business was smau, - . Furnished by Overbeck Jc ' Cooke ! Co., Board of Trade building: DESCRIPTION : AlUs Chalmera, . . , Alloy Steel - . . . . Am. Agr. Chem. .. Am. Beet Sugar. . Am. Can, c. ... . . Am. .Car Fdy. . . . Am. Cotton Oil., Am. Hide A L., e. Am. i Int'I Corp . , . Am. Linseed, c . . , Am. Ijoco., o. .. . . Am. Ship sV Com. Am. Smelter, e. . Am. 8teel Fdy. . . Am.- Sugar, o. .-. . . a n- v .. . g.) Scattered Asa, Tel. A Tel. . . Open4High I 88 I 88 H Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments V.-l? ","""-.. ,h. . A A kin aesinst the fnlUvwins . aooa swers. . . " "L " ..-k . -v a. r r to good steers. I during tne next on bouts agaiasv me iouiiia . B maximum temperaturee: Going north, 72 de-T . greas; northeast over-., V. A S. It. it., 80 do-; choice cows and heifers.. nmmon to fair steers! grees: east to niier, no aegren, ana nnui mj Ash U rid. 78 degrees. Maximum temperature at Portland tomorrow about 75 degrees. ITHOLESALF. PRICES ITS PORTLAND Mutton Mutton and lamb These are prices retailers pay wholesalers, ex cept as otherwise noted : Dairy Products BUTTER Selling price, box lota: Creamery, prisne parchment wrapped. 56e lb.; prime first. Hi. lh rlnts. fiSe lb.: smsller lot at an ad vance. Jobbing prices: Cube extras, ,49 H e,( lb.S prime firsts, 4we. BUTT ERF AT Portland delivery basis, 55 0 B7r: eeuntrr stations. 68 0) 54c OLEiullKUAKlMIr 1MU orsnas. euc; orai- npnng lamos . . . . , nary. S3 He; bakers. 88c; nutmargarine, 1 lb. East of mountain lambs-. . cartons, 82o ID. owl valley Ismfim ........... CHEESE Selling price: Tillamook, fresh Ore- ' Best heavy valley lambs eon. fancy triplets, 85 88c lb.; Toung Amer- j Common to medium valley lambs tea, 87 88c Prices to Jobbers, tV o. b., Tilla- 1 Tsarlings . ..... i .... mook triplets, 82e; Toung America, 88c Sell- I Ewes ....: i. .-.... in- price: Cresm. bricks. 4043e. Bel ling i Wethers ...... . Good to choice cows and heifers . Medium to good eowa and neifers. Fair to medium cows and heifers. t-anners Bulls Best light calves. . . Medium calvea . . . . i . Heavy calves . . . . . . Stockers and feeders. Chicago. May 13.- (1. N. selling and a lack of important buying featured i1 tj 812 05 as ts on . . 1 . . . j'Am. To. Securities if KSio i ic tower. , a prommeni snipping nouse 11 OrtSll SO I bought Uter. checking the break. 1000 11 00 ' There wsn a light mixed trade in oats which 9 00 1000 ; ofed steady to 8 8c lower. An eastern house 8.00 & 9.09 ' bought July on the decline. 1025 ( 1 l!oO ! Provisions started steady for ribs and a 9.00 10.25 I enaae uwer lor lam. j Trade was light. 8.00 a 0.00 f 7.00 8.00 f 5.00 (it 6.00 I United . ... .OO0 8.00 f . . . .' 1 3.00 18.00 !. Month. .... 9.00312.00 . ... 6.30 9 8.50 .... 8.00 8.60 Steady ''" trade eonrintme stAojfv North Portland with no chance indis.tMl in general prices fog the day. Deinead waa favor able in all divisions, I . General sheep and lamb tangs: -t-.'i , Tbrowout spring lambs. 310.06 A 11.00 . . 14.00 eie.oo Range of Chicago prices as furnished by the Sept. May ... Juir May , . . July Sept . . , May ... July Open. 164 19 177 H - ioSh 98 H 77 CORM High. 1 165 197 : 178 H , OATS f . : 106 H :i04H 98 91 H 77 H ' 75 H PORK f ' Low. .161 j 104 174i sXsT, w sv ftAat a. a ewe. "fV J-22t!M2! Sept. .... 2270 2270 8740 8760 LARD .-2090 2095 price: Block Swiss. sa: lanourger, 42e per lb. . BOGS Buying price: Current receipts, 49o; enndled. selling plee.-43c; select, 44e. LIVE POULTRY Selling price; Heavy hens. S3e; light hens. Sic; spring light, -82085e; heavy. 4042e lb. ; old roosters. 20c lb.: squabs. 38.00; pigeons, $1.50 2 00 doaen; turkeys. Hve i ) lb.: dressed, 4 it par lb. . Freeh Vsestablee end rrult FRESH FBriT Orsnges. $S.25 8.75 pet box; bananas, 10Hllc lb.; lemons, 35.509 6 25 per erate; Florida rrspefrult, 17.00 1. 50; California. 88.50? 8.75. , APPLKS Varioua varieties, local, 81.25 9 4.00. rtRTien S-WT'IT Dates. lvomedaries. 87.59: .Farda. 84-0O per box : raisins. 3 ovn. loose Musrstel, 18c per lb.: figs, S3.6Q9 5.50 box. ONIONS Selling price to retailers, Oregon $7.6098.00 per ewt.; CsX yellow, S3.25j white, $3.60 9 8.75 crate; garlic, 60c per lb.; green colons. 50c per doaen bunches; onion seta. 17 9 1 8e per lb. - . . POTATOES Selling priee, Oregon fancy, 87.00 9 8.00; Gems, $8.00 ewt.: buying priov $6.50: new. 1212Hc BERRIES . Strawberries, California, $4.00 erate. ' : VEGETABLES Turnips. $5.00 per seek; carrots. $4.00"S4.C0 sack: beets, . 35.00: cab bage. California,. 5c: - lettuce. $3.25 98.60 erate; cueumbers. 81-60 9 8.00 doaen; toma toes, $3.50; egg plant, 50c lb.: broccoli. $1.25 9 2.25; bell peppers, 75c; sprouts. 17c per lb.: celery, $1.50 per dozen; peas, 12 9180 lb.; artichokes, $1.25 91.50 doxen; gspamgiks Oregon. $1.50 dosen bunches; Walla Walla. $1.75 pyramid. 1 I Meat ed Provltles ' COITNTRT MEATS Selling price: Country bogs. 22 9 22 He lb. fof top blockers; heavy, 18 9 20c; beat veal, 20 9 21c; heavy veal. 18 9 18c lb. v SMOKED MEATS Hsm, 87948o per lb.; breakfast bacon, 34 955c; picnics, 25e per lb.; cottage roll. 82c per lb. - - LARD Kettle rendered. 27.Tb. , standard. 24c; tierce basis compound, Sfic.' . Fish and Shellfish FRESH FISH Salmon fresh Chinook, 20 9 22c: halibut, fresh. 12 H 9 20c lb.; sturgeon f ); black eod. 10 911c lb. ; silver smelt. 10c peri lb. ; kippered salmon. 82.P0 per 10 1b basket: kippered cod, $2.00; Columbia smelt, Se per lb.; raxor clami, $5.00 box; crabs. $2.50 9 8.50 dosen: roe shad. 8 910e lb.; dressed shad. 6 9 8c lb.; ling eod. 8980 lb. aroeeries SOGAR Nominal prices, refinery ba4s; Cube. 825.10; 1 fruit and berry. 324.25; I yellow, 323.65 ; ! granulared. 824.25; extra C. 823.85; golden C. $23.75. HONEY New, $7.00 97-50 pet ease. RICE Jspan style. No. 1. IS He; New Or leans head I ; Blue Rose. 15 He per lb. SALT Coarw, -half ground. 100a. 317.25 per ton: 50s, $16.75; table dairy, 50s. $17.25: hales, $3.30 9 4.00; fancy table and dairy, $30 50; lump rock. 28.60 per ton. BEANS (Sales by jobbers): Small white. 7 H e per lb. : large white. 7 He lb. : pink. 8 He lb-1 lima. 12He; bayon, llHe: reds, lOHe: Oreeoo rteans. buying prices, nominal. 5 H c lb. CANNKli MILK Carnation, $6.35: Borden. $6 35; Aster. $6.25; Esgle, $11.25; Ubby. $6.23: Mount Vernon. $6.25 per case. COFFEE Roasted. 34 948c in ; sacks or drums. -I , ' 1 SODA CRACKERS In bntk. 17 He per lb. NUTS Walnuts. 5 (f 40c per lb. ; almonds. 38r; filberts, 82c irTseck lots; peanuts, 169 JOc; pecans, 25e: Braxils. 30c - 1 .. e ; aval Stores Market 1 Xw York. May 13. ft N: 8.) Turpentine Savannah. 195; New York, 246. Koain Savannah, 14.45; New York, -20.00, If You Are Going j To Buy or 'Sell Any of the so-called CURB stocks. whether mining, oil, motor or in- duetrial. it will be to your .advan tage to get the quotations from a reputable Brokerage House. We . have made a specialty of obscure and active stocks for 25 years. .. and keep in close touch with all exchanges. . PriTate leased wires roast to coast Herrin & Rhodes. Inc. Established 1888 Seattle Portland . Taeorea S81-S Railway Exthuage Bldg, Wednesday after neesi ' STEERS ' No. Av. Lbs. Price. I No. A. libs. 13.009 14.001 10.50912.50 18.00 ( 14.00 8.00 9 12-00 12.60 918.20 2.,..- 640 $10.00 3. . . . 490 ' 7.50 ' , COWS z..;. as 1 7.J5 2. . , . 775 6.75 1. ., .1020 S.OO 1.. . .1110 8 60 1 . . , ; 0-J 8.00 1. . . . 840 0.5O 1.... 930 8.50 Price. CALVES 1 ; . 2.. 8... 2... 1. . , . 150 $16.00 8.... 173, 16.00 :188V 16.00 1.... 100' 12.00 BULL 1 1780 8 7.75 i - HOGS 18.00 815 $10.50 , 820 $ S.OO .1000. 9. SO .1005 . 8.50 . ftOO , 7.25 . 780 , 7.50 .1080 9.25 . 925 V 9.50 . 200 $15.50 . 130 15.00 . 180 16.00 . 12ft 14.00 1 .. 177 ..13 ... 175 . ,. 270 3.. 240 193 218 a.... 240 IS. , 7., 7,, 1. 16. 0O 18.00 15 SO ie.00 .16. 00 16.0U 15.50 177 190 278 202 242 241 830 180 205 180 . 182 : 16.06 1.... 890 18.50 2... . 163 15.0O 10. . . . 184 16. OO 3.... 278 10.OO 2. . . . 210 . ltMO 15 .' . . , 211 160 .- 1.. . . 370 ' 10.50 1;.. . -570 -10.50 IS.... 857 14.25 -vl. ., .'. 450 10.75 10..;.. 255 18.25 35.... 232 18.85 10.... 120-15.00 ' $ -'-i?1 , lambs , . .. 67 814.75 ewes 8.... 103 8 8.50 I S. TKART.IVfiM 80.... 118 $14.00, ' Thursday i Morning . asses ' 1 1 HOGS Av. Lbs. Price. No. A. Lbs. .. 162 $16.60 f .. , - lambs . s S $15.80 1 34. 18.... 2 . . . .- 85.!; '. 11"!.'" 18... 2'.'.'.'. .2. . . , 176 $16 00 214 16.0O 195 340 201 250 160 19C 238 16 00 4.ee 16.00 19.90 16.00 18.00 16.50 880 14.60 185 16.00 15.50 15.00 16.00 15.50 15.00 16.25 r 15.00 1575 18.85 14.56 Sept. May July 2270 2270 RIBS . $725 2075 1 2142 2225 ' 1910- 1930. 1900 No. i 9.'. 92. 1.. 2.. i a.". fc 1 . , 7. . i d., 8$ $13 50 1 80 18.50 I i0 12.00 116 8 8.50 120 7.00 127 11.00 145 9.00 96 $ S.OO Price. 73 $15.78 60 15.50 116 $11.00 150 S.OO 118 9.00 i Chicago Dairy9. Prod see Chicago. May 1$. (L N. 3.) Butter Receipts, 496$ tubal Creamery extra, 67 He; standards, 87e; firsts. 63 H 9 56 He; owds 47950c; packing stock, S638Hc - -V Eggs Receipts, 80.022 cases. Miscellaneous, 38 9 40c; ordinsry fimts, 37 9 38c: firsts, 40 Vk dt?iel!: 85. f. 4ei CheCk' " - Cheese Twins. hew 26 H e27e: Daisies. 28 29 Vic; Toung I America, Oc; lonibornZ 80c; brick. 28 He - " Dried Frslt aad Beans New Tork. May 18. L N. S.) Beans Firm. Marrow choice, . $11.50; pea choice $8.00; red, kidney choice. 815.00 915.25 Dried fruits Firm. Apricots, extra choice to fancy. 29937c; apples. . evaporated, prime to fancy, 1 0 9 1 6c ; prunes, 80s to 60s.. 15 hi Of 23c: prunes, 60s 1 to 100a, 10 H 9 13 He; peaches, extra ehoioet to fancy. 18 9 22e: seeded raisins, choice to fancy, . 20 9 21c Kew York Metal Market ' -V I' 15 L N- 8-r Copper- Quiet. Spot. Mav and June. fmrA (lu . 3.1. offtred. 18 H: August, offered, 18 H, " i mo wuiet Bpot. offered. 8 ; May, of fered, IS; June and July, offered. 8 It: Spelte Easy. May effered, 778 ; June. 769 9 775; July, 780 9 770; August, 7709 775. - Liverpool Cotton Firm '"- ? LiverpooL May 18. fL N. n 1 I ton opened with 4 fair request. Prices, firm. Sales. 6000: American middlines fti. eod iiddlings, '28.79: middUnga. 2854: -'full middlings, 27.79; low middlings, 28.24: good ordinary. 20 04 : ordinary. 19 04. tuturss. euiet. .. 1 - Kew Terk .Vfeol aad Hides New Tort, May 1 S. ( I '. . S. ) Wool Firm. Itomestie fleece VT'-nki. oaiAn. pulled scoured basis, 6091701 domestic Texas scoured basis. 859192. ir deJnd- Netlv steers. 85 9 8 ; branded steers, 82. t - . Close. 142 H 194 HA 175 H 104 HB 91 H 75 H 3635 8733 2075 2142 2227 . 1825 . 190S ! -' ! . -.. : .: ti-. ' AMERICAN LITE8TOCK PRICE . Chleaoe Hog S18-20 Chicago May 13. L N.- i 8,1 Hogs Re ceipts. 83,000 ; active, mostly steady. Bulk. $14 915.16; top, $15.20; heavyweight, $18.65 9 14.85: medium weight. $14.60 915.15; light weight. iX4.T5 9 15.20: light lights. $14,509 15.00; heavy parking , sows, smooth, $12,509 18.35 ; packing , sows, r. rough 812,28 9 12.75 ; pigs, 818.23 914.76. j- Cattle Receipts, ' 11.000: strong' J to 25e higher. - Feeders steady, calvea steady to lower. Beef steers, medium and heevxwright, $13.25 $14.00; choice and prime, $13.25 914.00; roe- oium ana gooa, eii.no ee 13. i'a; good and eneieo. s 1 2.;m sj is.83 ; common and medium, $10.25912.50. , Butcher Cattle Heifers. $8.00918.65: obws. 87.25 912.00: bulls. 87.7R a 1 l.on Canners and Cutters Cows -and heifers. 85.00 97.75; eanner' steers,- $6.25 98.50. Feeder steers,, gy.za e li.so ;! stocker steers, $7,75 9 11.25; stocker eows and heifers, $7.50 9 9.75; n iun, vo.vv v 1.UV. Sheep Receipts.. 600O: moatlv ihub Lamba (84 lbs. down)-, ns.50 9lS.75: lambs (85 lbs. up). 316 00 918.60; lamba. culls and common, aix.au ( to. vu; spring lambs, $18.00 9 20.00: yearling wethers,! 813.25 916.25; ewes. $9.75913.00; ewes, culls and common, -s.uv w i leeuer iamos, .f lZ.Vff Wtf.&. Kansas City Moos' SI d.do Kansas City, Mo.. May IS. IL-' N. Si ) . aectipm, iuuu; siow and steady.- Steen, $9.00 918.15; cows I and - heifers, $10.00 a 13.00; stockers and f feeders,. $6,00912.50: vmtm. to.vu as. 00. t , " i Hogs Receipts. 9000: week tt 9Ke Top. $14.60: bulk. $13.75914.50; heavies. $13.5014.25; mediums, $14.10 ( 1 4.60 1 hghfc. $14.25 914.60; pigs,, $12.00914.00. 8heep Receipts, 8000; 15 9 25c h liner. 5WJE1- l 0i' yearlings. ,$16.50J wethers, 812.50, .'" t . , , . Denver Hogs $14.eO :. Denver, Colo.. May 1 13. (U. P.)- Cattle Receipts, 4200; strong to 2 Be higher. Steers, $11,009 1 2.25 1 cowsi and heifers. $10.00 9 Il.SO; stackers and I reeders, v $8.00 9 10.75; calves. .$14.00 9 18,00. .si'- - Hog Keceipts, S0O0; 'steady : to strong. Top. $14.60; bulk. $13 25914.25. ' Sheep Receipts, 1800; steady.' Lambs, $18.50919 60; ewes.1 $18.00 914.00; clipped lamba.' $17.00 9 17.50. ': Omehe Heat f4$ - .mha- M 13- L N- ) Hc Receipts 90O0 ; steady to 1 5c igher. Buii. $13.50 14.O0: top. $14.20. t - c rr Cattle Receipts 4500; steady " to 25e lower, fiheep Reeetpta 400O; ae-ady to 25o tower.. " - : " : ; . . - ; BTJTKfO MOTIMm REXD8 .v ,i COTTOIT UP AT OPEHlTTfJ - New .Tor, May 1$. I. K. 8.1 as aettve buying movement took pace at the opening of the cotton market teds y. Prices lumped 16 -to 18 points at .the start-.followed' y further gains-shortly after. , Foreign and domestic trade interest end Wall street shorts ted the" purt chasing. At the end of the first 20 minutes the undertone was , firm , with prices 20 to 28 pointa higher. 1 The close was nearly - steady near "the low levels of the day, with prices unchanged! to 12 points lower. . t - Am. Woolen, c Am. zinc Anaconda JMuu. oC . Atchison, ,,,,. A G. W. I.... Baldwin Loco., c. . . Bait. - A Ohio, c .. Bethlehem Steel. B, nrooklyn Rapid Tr. Butte and Superior. (janacuaa racilie , Central Leather, Chandler- Moto Cbea. aV Ohio Chi. Ot. Weetern. fe. Chi.; M. St. Pauli 88 H vni. at noruiwesteru Chile Copper . vj. Chino Copper Columbia ;sd it E. (Jolo, Fuel A Iron, Consolidated Gas Com Products, e . . Crucible Steel .... Erie, c General Electric ... General Mtors. . . , . Goodrich Rubber... Granny Cons. . . . t . Gt, Northern Ore. . Gt. North.- Ry . . , . Greene Canenea . . . Gulf Statea Steel. . Ice Securities i. Illinois Central . 4 . . Industrial Alcohol Inspi ration Cop net. International Harv.. Int. Mere. Marine, c Int. Nickel , . .,. . Ksa. city.: South., c Kennecott Copper . Key&ton Tire -, . . Larks wanna Steel. Lehigh Valley , tr', Mer. Petroleum, Miami Copper. . . Midvale . Steel ..... 48 Missouri Pec. C..1 24 National Enamel.. 69 H KaUonal Leedv.i. 77 Nevada Cone. , . . .1 12 New Haven ......I 28 New Tork Central. I 68 MNorfelk A WssternaV 90 Northern Pacific 77 18 Furnisried by Overbeck V Oooke Co., Board of Trade building: ; i. . . , Month, ... . . .; ' Open. January ........ 3446 rbruary March. . . .7 May . June , July ..... . . .. . ; 3820 AUgUSt sepiemoer -. .. . . October ..... 8610 8650 November - .... . . ,i . . , . , December . , . , . . 8520 $558 . . $395 ,.., 4096, High,' 8485 mi 4060 8845 Low. 4Toee. 2430 8430 . . 8405 8383 3873 4015 4030 .... 8980 3820 880B . . . . - 8705 . . .. 8635 4590 ' 8590 .... 8585 8500 . S500 3Tew Terk Batter aad Eggs 1 IS. Cl N, S.) Butter asarket strsdy; creamery extras, 69 H 9 62c creamery firsts, 599 60e; creamery higher scor ing, 59H963He: state dawy tuba. 46 c SSc renovated extras, 55 9 56c . . Cheese Market firm. 28 9 37c J ' " : ' -J&S?. Jtarknt eesy; nearby white, fancy. toulV4 9 4So'-1, 61eJ t-Ve; 92 H 40 ISO 44 ' 19 H 85 H 83 H VO 20 H 69 41H 129 8S 94 236 5VH 107 H 15H 55 H 79 H 1644 114 H 32 91 H 12H 22 H tie 88 4H 188 H 61 T9 16 81 06 H 84 H 92 H 186 lfH lal H 27 H 60 H 84 H 73 814 85 83 H S1H 124 H 29 H 19 15H S7H 28 75 H 180 42 98 40 181 H 44 19 H .88 H 84 H 92 20 69 H 41 H 129 83 94 286 58 Mf 109 15H 56 79 169 110 82 H 91 12H 22 H 4116 69 -46 188H 51 ssW 79 16 81 67 84-14 'isii' 139 114 141H 27 H 61H 35 73 31H Okla. R. P..-5.f 4i4 Ohio Cities Gs. . . .i 49 H ran-A. pet., c. . . . 103 H 89H 33 H -19 97 H 17H , 9S ' 82 H 118 92 88 H -9H 34 H 93 H 21 H 4 68H TO 77 23 H 110H IO V 48H 41H S , Penna. Ry. . . f. Peoples Gas . . . . Pierce Oil . . . n Press. Steel Car. c Rax Cons. Copper. Ry? Steel Springs. '. Reading, c . . Royal Drfteh ...v. R. lu. SC S-w 0m ee Rock Wsnd, e. .. Shattuck Copper - .. Sinclair Cons- ' . . . Southern Pacific, a Sou then Ky,; c , Stromberg Motor Studebaker, e . , ... . Shell .. S. U A S. F .- . . . Swift A Co. . . Tenn. Copper i .-. . Texat OU Texas Pacific i . . Tobacco- Pro. l. . Traaa. Oil ... . . .. Union Pacific, d,. U. 8. Rubber, e. . U. S. Smelt. A Kef. U. . Steel, . Utah Copper. , Vanadium Steel . . . . Virginia Chem,, e. . Wabash . , . Western Union V. . Willis Overland . ilSH 95 98 H 67 74 74 Is" Low j Close" 85 84 H 52 125 H 31 19 15H 27 H 28 75 182 43 24 70 H 77 IS 28 H 68 Vb 90 H 78 H 4 H 40 H 104 H 89 S3 1H 98. 17 92 83 119 92 33 H 9 85 94 21 H 68 71 78 23 H 110H 10 48 42H 63 H 16 iH5H 93 .'. S 67 -75 -74 8 , S3 41 "2 89 129 43 18 83 83 H 90 20 , 68 41 128 88 93 236 57 107 15 55 78 162H 113 82 90 11 22 118H 67 H 43H 129 H 60 88 78 To S1H 55 134 H 92 133H 11H 141 26 69 '34 73 81 84 88 H 61 124 29 18 -n 15 H 26 26 74 178 42 H 23 77 12 28 67 eo 73 H 4 49 101 89 82 16 96 H 17H 91H 83 117 90 82 9 34 93 21 65 69 76 23 109 10 47 41 62 13 114 93 92 H H 73 ' 74 i.-. 1V 32 H 41 H 84 92 89 H 130 40 19 86 84 91 H 20 40 128 7H 93 236 57 108 15 66 H 78 164 114 82 91 11 22 H 114 68 45 180 61 7 82 78 15 31 65 84 81 92 184 11 H 141 27 60 87 85 73 31 65 H 43 84 83 51 124 80 18 15 26 26 74 41 179 H 21 42 23 68 77 12 28 68 89 73 4 40 102 39 32 16 -97 17 92 , 84 11 8. 91 88 9 84 93 21 67" 69 77 23 110 10 47 41 63 15 115 94 63 93 66 H 73 73 7 84 17 MILLERS ANXIOUS TO CLOSE SEASON esxeawasHssssaxxaBxasMjaxsMsssBswssn - j, .. 5 NORTHWEST GRAIN RECEIPTS - Wheat, Barley Flour. Oats. Hay. Portland, Thurs . 11 ... , 6 2 2 Yea, ago -20 S 2 14 , 6 Season to date.. 8076, 174 8737 464 2104 Yearago ..... .7349 1029 2666 690 S098 Taoma, Wed. ... 11 .... ,.4 1 Year -ago ....... 2 ' ' ,' . :;'' , .'. . Season to date.. 8762 94 3085 178 " 827 Year ago ,'.....5811 40 ... 180 1210 Seattle. Wed. ... 6 ... f ... 1 Vr ago ...... 3 4 6 11 4 Season to data. .5983 ' 244 1109 643 1179 Year ago ......5800 88 1254 870 2549 Tide water millers are not anxiously seeking supplies of wheat at the moment. Premiums for soft and hard wheats are coming closer together.' there being as a rule only about 5c additional offered for the hard wheat than for the soft. Ia fact, some of- the Brills are unwilling to pay 1 any greater premium for the - hard red wheats' than for the club and similar varieties. Club has been - commanding around 65c a bushel - premium recently, but bard - wheat - - is not finding bidders above 60c at the moment. , While millers . appear to agree that the wheat situation is of -" good character, still most of them appear willing to close their season's work as soon as possible, of even before the govern ment lets go of its control. With milling operations restricted, the demand for millfeeds continues to grow, and for deferred deliveries higher price are being asked generally. riAJUU. Belting pnoe, nulldoor: Patent, $13.75; Montana spring wheat, $14.86; Wil lamette, valley brands, 811.20; local straight.' $11.20; bakers' local. $13.60; graham, $11.60. Pricea for city deliveries for five-barrel lota. HAY Buying price: ' Willamette timothy, fancy, $32.00 per ton; vetch. $30.00; cheat, $22.00923.00; straw, $10.00; clover, $31 00; grain, $25.00: alfalfa, $35.00 9 36.00 a ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal: New crop deliv ery No. 1 Calcutta, 21 922 in car lots; leas amounts higher. , MILLSTUFFS Min run at milla. sacked. $51 9 63. . OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed. $68 50 9 69.00. BARLET Buying price: Feed. $67967.50; milling, $68.00; rolled barley, selling price. 871 ton. Merchant exchange bids: ' ; . . FEED OATS DEALERS WARNED PANIC MAY COME No. 8 white . ... ... .'. . BARLEY No. 3 blue.... Standard feed .............. CORN No. 8) yellow ............... Eastern grain in bulk: . CORN No. S yelknr ............... May 8830 6650 .6560 June 8850 660O 6600 7100 1 7100 7300 7200 FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Corrected daily by foreign exchange department of the United States National bank. . Opening nominal rates for bank transactions i . 1 , . Itrafta - - :' Checks London- Pounds Sterling . .$ 3.81 Paris- Francs- Hamburg-Berlin Marks Genoa Lire . I Copenhagen anmer . Christiana Kroner ... Stockholm Kroner . .' . Hongkong Currency . . Yokohama Yen ...... 6.61 . 2.02 . 4.93 . 18.70 . 18.50 . 21.00 . 82.00 51.00 61.50 Cable ,j Par Transfers - TUu $ 3.82 H" $ 5.8685 6.62 w 6.1826 '2.04 2S.82- 4.94 5.1820 16.85 . 26.85 18.65 26.S0 21.15 '! 26.80 82.50 ' ...... 43.30 Total aalea,, ttecks, 807,400 shares; bonds, $10,706,000. . r. Forelga Bond Market ' Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co., Board 01 1 raae Duuaina PACIFIC COAST'BAJfK STATEMENT . Portland Banks - Clearings. This Week. Year Age. Monday, ..,$ 6.854.126 19 $ 5.841.272 88 Tuesday 6.577.818.22 5.513.189.88 Wednesday , . 7,553,333.79 . ',0,319,026.78 Thursday . : 6,964,484.14 -6.789.27L84 -x - pokaita Bank Clearings TBumday ..,. ...$ 2,839,965.00 Balance Thsarsday . . . ... . . . .. 886.870.90 Taoofna Bank : " Clearings Thursday ...... .,';$ 1,491,293.00 Balances Thursday , . . . . . 210,418.00 - Stl Bank -. Clearings Thursday , $ 9,094,926.76 Balance Thursday '..,.... ...i 1,921.826.11 " v J - ' . Liberty Bond S84e$ 1 , (Furnished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.)'; open. - High. Jxw. , Close. L.loerty.- S 9196 .8190 .9120 Liherty.'f 1st 4s., 8568 8568 . 8550 Liberty, 2d 4s... 8508 8508,. 8490 Liberty. 1st 4s. 87 Of) , 8700 . 8600. Liberty, 2d 4 . 8514 . 8516 8500 Liberty. 3d 4.. 8899 8896 - '8860' Liberty. 4th 4 8356 $8560 8540 victory. 4 . 9604 9606 9588 By Broadaa WaU New , Tork, May 13. Stocks ; were heavy all day and closed at the low prices in nearly every .issue. The losses were not large except in a few of the speculative - favorites. The ' decline seemed to be due more' to the lack of, support than to any aggressive selling. Dealers in textiles, report ; that their banks are warning them to prepare for a panic not the little banks, but the big Wail street i banks, . Literature Is being circulated industriously by statis tical bureaus. There seems to be unani mous agreement that Jl panic would be ajgood thing to have. T3ven travelers who return from trips through tire, agricultural regions report a strange inactivity on the part of the farmers. . Farmers have apparently, read what the statisticians have to say and are convinced that nothing will grow, anyhow, so what's the use of planting? Meantime,- the mad marking up of rents continues, and - brokers who- re fuse to renew leases at $5 and IS square foot for offices are being compelled to pay from that price up to $9 for accom modations. . -Money was . marked Up to 10 per cent again. The fact that, all the stocks acted alike seemed to indicate that the trouble with the stock market was the money rate. Part -of .the trouble with the money rate is explained in The Cashier, a magazine published by the Cashiers' section. Association of Stock Exchange Firms. In this month's issue it says: "For years the stock exchange had a money post, at which money Was dealt in according to supply and demand. "Now when brokers require funds their demands v are handed to a bank representative on the floor,' who deals out the money as he deems fit or as his principal directs. Conditions such as brokers balance or - supplies from in dependent sources can find no market." Furnished by Overbeck St Cooke Co, Chicago "Tribune It was aaid at the close yesterday- that the corn market was more nearly evened op than at any time in months. Heavy selling was. on by a few of the largest local longs which satisfied the shorts. A feature of the late trading -was heavy buying of corn and selling of oata by houses with ex tensive eastern connections. One hundred fifty per cent Kittanning Iron & Steel stock dividend has in creased capital stock from $400,000 to $1,000,000. ;. J ... Hegular national cloak and suit divi dends $1.25 on common and $1.75 pre ferred common pay July-15 to record July "7 and preferred June 1 record May 21. "-. ' . : Bank of England .rate unchanged. Atchison planning new finance in ahape of about $25,000,000 equipment trust certificates. Railroad men declare $2,411 cars needed to taiga car of urgent freight de mand throughout country ; about 10,000 cars less than April. Department of justice Investigation of American Woolen shows company made a profit of $19,000,000 in first quarter of 1920. : ,. - -.. Twenty industrials, $9L29 ; off $1.23, ' Twenty rails. $71.38; off 4 cents. Bonds Voted for Gymnasium - Monmouth,1 Or., May 13. At an elec tion held Wednesday the people of Mon mouth voted bonds for $11,000 to erect a new high school gymnasium. The old building was : destroyed by the heavy snows last winter, . V Lilly Company Files Application to Do Business in Oregon Salem, May 13. Application for per mission to operate in Oregon has' been filed with the state 'corporation depart ment here by the Charles H. Lilly com pany, a 'Delaware corporation, capital ized et $1,150,000. Horace A. Cushing Of Portland is named, as attorney in fact for Oregon. . -i.. . .'.'. Permission to operate In Oregon was granted Wednesday to the Pacific J Lighterage company of Tacoma, Wash. Frank 3. O'Connor of Portland is gen eral agent for the corporation In Oregon. Articles of Incorporation .were filed here Wednesday as follows : . Lawsqn Cypres Lumber company. Marsh f leld ; $25,000: H. E. Quiit, Cornelius A. Lagerstrom and C.s F. McKnlght. La Grande Maces bee Building association. La Grande; $40,000; E. O. Donahue, 1. A- Rus sell, J. K. Fftxgersld and others. - Cnited Bsttery Service, Inc., Portland; $25, 000: William C. Carlton. C C. Hotel Jr. and Corliss H. Topping. . The North End District Improvement com pany, Weiser, Idaho (project located In Malheur county. Oregon): $1600; R. A. Cunningham, Peter Iverson, Charles M. Van Buren and others. A certificate showing art increase in capitaliza tion from $10,000 to $25,000 was filed -by the Schmidt Lumber company of Astoria. " IfewTork Sugar and Coffee New Tork. May 18. (T. P.) Coffee No, 7 Bio, 15 9 14 He: No. 4 Santos. 23 24 e. , -Bngar Strong. Raw, 820.00 0 21.00; re- fined. strong: granulated, 8 19.50 23.00- Xew Tork London Silver : New .Tork, Msy IS. (I. N. 8.) Commer cial bar silver waa 2c lower . today at $1. London, May is. (I. N. 8.) Bar silver waa Id lower today at 58L . Irrigation Bonds Filed for Approval Salem, May 13. Application for cer tification of $184,000 In bonds was filed with the state Irrigation securities corn mlslon Wednesday by the Grants Pass irrigation district. The' district, which includes some 8000 acres, has already disposed of $106,000 in bonds. This last issue will be used in completing the de velopment of the project. 61RMAK MABK OO TO A WEW HlOn RECORD AO A IX New Tork. May IS. (U. P.) QuotsUona were steady at the o(entng of the foreign ex change market, here today. Demsnd sterling opened at $3.81. off Hi frane checks, 15.12; lire check, 20.82. off 45 centimes; msrks demand, .0202; cablea, .0204: Canadian dollars, .8025. Mark made g new high and frane eherke reacted 10 centime in th early afternoon. Dr r.snd sterling eased off another half cent to $3.81 at noon. Sterling demand was st $3 81 t cables. $3.82; Frsno demand at 15 2'i: cable, 16.20; lire demand, 20.42; oablea, 30.40. Money aad Fxrhaage New Tork, May IS. ft N. 8.V Tafl money on the floor of the New Tork Block exchange today ruled at 8 per cent, high, 10 per cent low, 8 -vr cent. Time money was firm. Rate were S 9 1 pr cent. ' The market for prim mercantile paper waa steady. Call money la London today waa 5 pae eent. Starling exchange was weak, with business in banker' bill at $3.82 for demand. Minneapolis Cah Grain Minneapolis Caah wheat No. 1 hard nor. m. $3.28 KB 3.45: No, 3 $8. 11 8 80; No. northern. I3 15W 8.80; No. 2. $.! 0 i 8 2.1; No. 8. $8.00 3 18: No. 1 red rina. 3.L" 8.40: No. 2, $2.008.05: No. 8. $2.8ft 3.00: No. V dark hsrd Montana. $8.00 ak No. 1 hsrd Montana, $3.00 aok ; No. 1 dunira, $2.90 a 3.00; No. 1 durum. $2.88 9 2.93; No. 2, $2.85ai2.90. Corn No. 8 yellow. $1.05 1.97; No. S white, $1.97; No. 3 mixed. $1.93 1.94. Osts No. 2 whIU, $1.(1 H. ' Barley Medium W good. $1.63 9 1.72; lower grades, $1.471.62. liye $2.15 V 02.16. " TTew Tort Spot Coiion New Tork. Msy 18. (I. N. 8.) Hp-it cot ton waa qnlet today; prioes 10 points lower at 41.80. There were no sales. ,.::' "aSOai-.' Victory. S .... 9592 9598 : 9562 9120 8580 8490 8640 8500 8880 8546 9590 9578 3Cew Tork Potato, Market New Tork. May IS. (I. N. 8. ) Potatoes Steady. Nearby white, $11.00$ 13.60; Ber mudas, $12.00018.00; Southerns, $8.00 $17.00. ' j Minneapolis Flax Market Minneapolis. May 18. (L N. 8.) Flax No. 1, $4.70(94.76; to arrive, $4.65 94.70. Direct General Obligations' State of Hjreg A. r. -6. (Oct. 1920 . . ;-, U. K. 5, Nov. 1921 ... Kep. France 5a, 1981 ...I. Pari 6s, Oct, 1921 ...... Marseille 6s ............ Russia Extn. 5, 1921 . . Ruasiaa Intl. 5. 1926 it.. Dom, 6s, April l!21 . , . .v. Dom. 6s.. April '1931 .... Dom." 6s. -April 1926 ...... Argentine s. May 1920 ... Dom. Canada 6s, 1937 . ... V. K. 6. 1937, ....... . id . 98 , . . 94 .. 57 H . ... 89 H ...87 ..24 ,.,28 97 88 H 88 , . -. 99 .... 84 H ... 85 Ask . 98 H. 94 60 89 98 27 83 97 89 - 89 100 ' 87 i 86 . Chteago Potato Market Chicago, May 13. (I. N. g.) Potateea Receipt'. 80 ear. .'Minnesota. Dakota and Ohios. Wisconsin, $7.,36 7.60 .' . . -..k v San Fraaeiseo Barley 'call f Ssn. Francisro, xtiy 18. Barley csllsr Mt 852 bii; Deoember, $3jJl?bid. $3.25 DAIRY -PBdTirCEOF-THE COAST : San , r ranelsco Marks San Francisco. May 13. U. P.I Rnttr Extras. 55c . " . EgB" Extras. 47s, firsts. 4 2; extra, pullets. 41 He; Undersized puDeta," 34 H c. oceie-aiuenua iJati, laocy, 7e; firsts. - - " ' ar. . l , , ... t . ' " . . . ' j (u, r.i xiuixer Cubes. 66e; bricks. 56c . . " v Ero Fresh ranch, 4 He; pulleta, 40c Cbeaee Washingtwn triplets, 83c Raw milk Per art., $2.60. - '. n s ' Forfland Storage Holdings Batvrday. May 8. 1920. Previous Sat Butter (pounds) ....... 47,069 : 8,040 Cheese (pounds) ....'.. 68,746' 87,446 Eggs (cases) 95.429 28.336 Poultry (pounds) .110.457 109,250 POTATOES" fi THE COAST ...Seattle, May 1 S. Onrooa Oregon, -7 c - Ptt.toes Takuna Cm 3166: local. $150 0160 per ton. . on 4-12 Gold Bonds Dated April 1, 1920 Due in semi-annual maturities1 1925-44 INCOME "TAX , EXEMPT Interest semi-annually'. .- ... . DETAILS ON REQUEST - . i " - . .. Lumbermens TrnstCa. i Bonds Trsers Aeeepfaaees' Lumbermens Bid g, Stocks, Boada, Ooteoa, Grata, Fte. Iie-zi7 Beard ef Trade Baiidlnc Overbeck&GobCo DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL . EXCHANGES , llemher Cfeleage Beard ef Trade - CorregpftndeBts of Logaa Brvaa Chicago fiew Terk ' , North American ?ulp Paper Valuable ficts renrdinu this leading paper producer featured in our latest Weekly:; . Market Digest, now ready. . Dictionary of Wall Street Over 200 definitions of every day , . expression on the- Street. Some ' New Ideas Regarding Motor Stocks - for. Investznent A new booklet of pertinent interest to 1 told era of motor ttocka Any of the above free ; V upon request. McCALL & RILEY COMPANY, INCORPORATED . Investment Securttie 20 Broad St., New 'York Philadelphia - Hamsbupg DfrtlOT fRIVATE VVIBC8 . EXEMPT FROM ALL DOMINION QOVERNMENT TAXATION Canadian Provincial and Citv Bomidls To Yield 712 Greater Winnipeg Water District 5 and 6 Gold Bonds Araownt $S$,909 Pae 19$t.2l-$t Denomination $1009 Prices 9$.99.9t.8$ 1 to yield JV4 i Manitoba ! Province 5 Gold Bonds Amoiit tUS.OSO ' i Pated April IS. 129 ' Pae April 16, 191$ t .' ! 'Peaomiaatloa JM909 ' Priee 9$9 to field thVTt ; . Friaelpal and SemLAaaaal lalereit Payable la V. . Gold Cola la New Tork or a if Morris Brothers, Ise. TELEPHONE OB TELEGRAPH OHDEttS AT OCB EXPENSE Burglar and Fireproof Safe Deposit Boxes for Beat j . Open La til 8 P. M. ea Katardays Edmonton Gold Bonds Amooot $$1,909 Pated OcU I. 1919 Pae iOet, 1, 19S9 Penomlnatloa $1999 Priee MA8 to yield 7Vx 'Alberta Province r 6 Gold Bonds Amonnt IUa.OOS ' Paled Mar 1. 19f$ Doe May 1, 1929 Peaemlnalloa 91909 Price 9.0I to yield 7H Fact lit . Improves With Age Twelve years ago a contract 'was award el for paving with Warrenite Bitullthic ' Sheridan Boulevard in Chicago. The fol lowing year many ether streets were improved with the same material. Re-. . eently an inspection of. this district was made; the streets .were found in perfect condition and it was decided -to pave an other district with ; Warrenite- , Bitulithic Warren. Brothers a Company r t,Asrraa lOMtMtuaOM kOeuJUi Morris Brothers ius rf?remtercMuntctpat SondHouse I Morrlr Bldg, $9-Il Stark St, Bet. Fifth aad Hlxtb - .Telephoae Broadway tUl. t.svaaust 1 Owe Qururrcs I CtMVwev T AND wm$t PRINTERS First and Oak Streets Maui IBS Auto SI 1-1$ - j $3,000,000 V Carnation Milk Products Company 5-Year, 7 Gold Notes Dated May 1st, 1920 Due May lt, 1925 Coupon notes 500 and 1000 denominations. Interest payable without deduction for normal federal income tax not In excess of 2. Convertible after November 1, 1921, into 7 preferred stock at .95- i r ...... .. k - " "" 1 , .The company was established in 1899 and now owns and operates 22 large condensaries. Gross sales have increased from i $7,906,820 n 1914, to 136,794,687 in 1919. Ttotal assets after deducrfng all indebtedness except this note is sue, are over 13,000,000, or more than four times the amount of the issue. - y . ' ; For the past five years avea;e net earnings have been l,5S0 073, or more titan seven times such interest charges. The company agrees not to mortgage its present fixed property and at all times to maintain net quick: assets equal at least to 150 of the amount of this note issue and all current indebtedness. ; - The Carnation Milk Products company has never had any bonded debt outstanding and has never before done any public financing. The company owns and operates 22 large and completely equipped condenseries located in the United States and Canada. Price 96.50, to Yield 7.85 UNITED SATES GCWERflMlOT MUmOPAI. ATTD C0EPCRM1CCT 150:23. United Statea Coveariimemt, Municipal and Corporation Bonds YEON BUIIDING, PORTLAND . - " - Main 3304 fSatlla New York Los Angeles San Francisco