THE , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY, MAY 10, 1C2D. COMPLETE CARGO AWAITS VESSEL DUE ON FRIDAY A full cargo of 8000 tons is await ing the arrival of the steamship Steelvoyagr which Is scheduled Ato arrive in the Portland harbor on Friday of this week. The Steelvoy ager is now at Vancouver, B. C dis charging general cargofrom the con tinent. She i will conjie light from the Canadian port arid load! a full cargo for Abvonmouth and Newport, r direct. i 1 Wheat and flour will constitute the bulk of the cargo to be dispatched on the Steelvoyager. A Bmall quantity of lumber will be taken on deck ; to the direct points in England. The Steel- , voyager is a steel-built vessel and can carry between 8000 and 9000 tons of general cargo, i ' Flying the flag of the Isthmian Line, the steamship Steelmaker, in the serv ice of the same operators as the Steel voyager, left down at i 5 o'clock this morning. The i Steelmaker carries 2500, tons of wheat, 1,500,000 feet of ..lumber and a quantity of canned ' goods and ca.scjr.ra. Ijark. Destination of both ves sels will be Ixindon and Belfast. The s.teamshlp West Katan. i in the service of the Williams-Diamond com pany, arrived in ; the river Sunday aft- , ernoort. . The steamer, came from New York via San. Francisco. She i brings about 900 tons of general cargo from the east coast and will take general cargo out for direct ports on the con- .Mrtetit. '..!..''.,.' s Offshort business for the current -k . will establish a high mark for the port. Eight large steamships are on ' berth and a good prospect for two additional charters to be announced within the next 24 hours. TRKACIIKUOrS PF.ACOCK SPIT CTIAXGICD TO SAXD ISLAND Peacock Spit, at the mouth of the Co lumbia river, is no more. In place of this once dreaded spot to navigators and fishermen has; appeared' an island of sand and clearly exposed at high water. Engineers "state that the changed con dition of affairs is due to the- north Jetty. Ah eddy was formed and depos its of sand at that point gradually pro duced the island and wiped out the spit. In years gone by scores of fishermen have lost their lives on Peacock Spit. It was feared by pilots and navtgatora A dozen years ago a French bark piled up there, but she was later pulled into deep water. A short distance above lies Sand island. It was on the lower end of this that the Great Republic piled up In 1879. 'lappy Jack" was a well" known fish erman on the lower river in the days when gill netting was the popular meth od of taking salmon. It was said that he had been wrecked more times than any living' human. Jack's boat landed in the breakers at Peacock Spit. It overturned and the boat puller was drowned. Captain Brown and the Fort Canby coast guard started to the rescue. Arriving they discovered "Happy Jack" standing on the bottom of the overturned -boat attempting to execute a. hornpipe ; and squawking a chantey at the top of his voice. He was rescued. si ASTORIAN COMMENCES NEW SCHEDULE ON RIVER RUN J"t-.....4f... . - .. V. I . . T V. 1 SLkl IIS VII - y 1 1 r" W ULIICUUIC IUD steamer Astorian left Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock on s the down trip. The new itinerary of the Astorian calls for sail ings from Astoria at 7:15 a. m. and from Portland at 2 p. m. This arrange ment will give' the people 'of Astoria a fast service to Portland with a morning sailing out. i -1; Passenger business on the lower river is better than it has been for a number of years and operators "of the steamer lines engaged in excursion business look for a profitable season. j 2 STEAMERS TO BE PliACED ON BEACH ROUTE IN JUNE William McMurray, general passenger Agent of the O-W. R. A N. Co., an nounces that the steamers Hassalo and Harvest Queens will be placed in com mission about the middle of next month on the beach route. It is the intention to operate a daily boat from Portland to Megler. via Astoria. At Megler a transfer will he made to the rail line carrying- passengers to all points on the North Beach. A heavy beach season is anticipated. MIDDLE RIVER POINTS HAVE BETTER FREIGHT CONDITIONS Freight conditions between Portland and middle river points are improving and the steamer J. N. Teal will leave Portland Tuesday morning with a ca pacity cargo. In-bound business is in creasing and it is anticipated that the steamer Joseph Kellogg again will be placed in commission between Portland and The Diilles. Passenger business is good and berry pickers will soon be headed for Hood River and White Sal mon. . I AM ALONG i THE WATERFRONT With a full cargo of freight and 200 passengers, the steamer. Rose City of the San Francisco & Portland Steam ship company sailed Monday at 10 o'clock. The vessel is due to arrive in the "Bay City Tuesday afternoon. The steam schooner Frank D. Stout sailed from Astoria Sunday afternoon TRANSPORTATION Astoria and Way Points Str. Georgiana Round Trio Dally (Except Friday) Lam PORTLAND 7no a. m. Alder Street Dock Leave ASTORIA t:00 p. m. P Sanborn Dock Fare $1.65 Each Way Special a la Carte Otnino llinlie - Main 1482, S41-22. THE HARKINS TRANSPORTATION JO. ASTOklA STARTING SUN DAY, MAY 9TH S. S. A. s pally passenger service between PorUand anid Astoria 'and way landings. Leaves Portland Taylor-Street Dock 2 P. M. dtilv ercetit Thursdav TTvm Astoria Collender Dock 7 :15 A. M. daily except Thursdayi Dr" t L connection for beaches. Excellent dining room rvice a lal carte! , S FARE $1.65 Each Way, Including Tax f Phone Main 8065 for Fuhl Particulars with passengers and - freight for San Pedro I direct.' -i ' j - The I steamship Wapama is booked to sail rtext Friday Ffor San Pedro with passengers and freight. The Wapama Is a McCormick I boat and will load lumber at St. Helena The steamship West Nlvarta is tak ing the first installment of a cargo of lumber for North China at the Mc Corrnick mills at I St. Helens. The I steamship West Jester is taking lumber at the Clarke Wilson mills at Linn ton. She will load a full cargo for Nprth China.) , News ! of the Port . ArHvala Ms 10 KsisHo Mara.1 Japanese steamer from Kobe; ballast. ! Westl Katan. i American steamer, from New Tort; general, i . I : Cecilia Suddon. British schooner, from Baa Francisco; ballast I - , I Arrival May Westl Nivaria. American steamer, from San Francisdo; ballast i . Oievup, American steamer, from San Lois; ou. rT- , Departure. May IOi Dm Citv American steamer, for Ban Fnn- Cisco: passenger and genera.. ' - Ulty of Topexa, amtnnn susanici, w FranrtMo, via F.ureka and Coos Bay ; passen gers and general I : Departure May n - Acapaleo. American barge, for! Callao; lum ber, front Kalama. . I ' MARINE ALMANAC ; Weather at Beer's Mouth North Head. ' Mar I 1 0. Conditions at the mouth M the river i at noon: . . Sea, smooth ; wind, ndrthwest 10 miles; weather, partly clouay. Tides at Astoria Tuesday High Water :J : I-ow Water 6:07 a 7:37 p. m. 6.6 feet 0:61 a. m. o.o leet m. 7.1 feet j ' 1:0,0 p. m. 1.6 feet DAILY! RIVER READINGS 8 a. m., I Pacific Time. i . ! ' , - 5" Eoa 3 - STATIONS. 2 'a ?36 3 Wenatctree 0.00 Lew is tori 0.20 0.00 Cms tills! 1.0 " 6 0.0 0.2 '0.3 .5 The Dallies O.00 Ell irene 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 .00 Albany Salem Oregon' Kits Portia ndl ( ) Rising. RITER FORECASTS The Willamette riter at Portland will rise slowly during the next two or three days. AIT NEIGHBORING PORTS Movements of Vessels Aatnrik. May 10. Left up at 1 m.: Brit ish schr(oner Cecilia (Sudden, from San Fran cisco S iled at 7 last niitnt.: rtceamcr mnram, for San I'edro. Arrived at 11:30 a. ra.: Steamer Capt. A. F. I.ncaa, from Ketrhikan. San 1 ''ranciscoj Mas 9. Sailed at 5 P. ' Tug Rellief, for Portland. ' Sailed at 10 a. m. : Steamer Solano, i for 'Portland., Passed, 9 a. m. : Steamer W. V. Hemn, from Portland, tor GaTiota. Passed at 11 a. m. : Steamer Daisy Putnam, from Portland, for San Pedro. San Itedro. Mar 9. i-Arnred: Steamers Win- keena. Hliaxta and Kaleo, from Columbia rirer. Meadw Point. May 10. Sailed at 8 last night : Slteamer West jester, for Portland. A.itorik, May 9. -Armed at 5:10 and left up d: SO a. m. : Steamec West Xirsria, for San Francisco. Arrired at 7:40 a. in.:: 8teamer Trinidad from San Pedro. Arrived at 12:45 and left up 6:30 p. m. : Japanese steamer Kauho Maru, from Kobe. Arrived at 4 and left up at 5 P. m. : Steamer A Vest Katan, from New York. Jlay 8 Hailed at 7:30 p.l m. : Steamer Frank I. Strmrt, for San Pedro. Sailed at 8:30 p. m. : Steamer Tiverton, for Ban Pedro. Arrived at 8:30 and left up 10:15 p. m. : Steamer I Oleum, if rom (Fort San Luis. San 'ranciaco. May 10. (I. N. S.) Ar rived M4y 0: I'rovidencia, Orays Harbor. 1:30 a. m.; (Queen, Seattle, 3 :50 a. m. ; Johanna Smith, poos Bay, 6:20 a. m. ; Launch Fort Braeg. from Fort . 'Bragg, 9:35 m. ; Jap. str. Hofuku Maru, Mobile ris Balboa, 9:40 a. m. : barfe K. M. PheliM, in tow tug Sea Kine, Prt San Luis. 12:05 p. mi M. S.I I-a-vten, WUlapa Harbor, 12:15 p. m. ; ITniinak. Union Landing, 2 05 p. m ; harue Simla tin tow tug Sea Eagle), Port San Luis. 2:40 p. m. ; Whittier, I'ort San Luis. 8:50 p. in.; Atlas, Juneau, 4:35 p. m. ; Mayfair, F.ureka. 6:30 p. m.; Caobs, New Tork via Halbon and ljnm i Angi'lH. 7 p. m.. Aeme, Ban don, 9:WB p. m. Sailed May 9:1 British str. War Singer, Yokohama, 12:15 au m.;; Holano, Columbia river,; 10:15 a. m. ; tug: Hercules barken tine Kohnla in tow), to iWillapa Har bor, Seattle, 10:30 a m. :f Pasaadena, Albion, 10:40 t. m.; C S. I supply str. i Glacier. Los Angeles, 10:40 a. m. ; Neranicum. Brookings, 11:30 at m. ; str. Martha Buebner. Coos Bay. 12:45 p m. ; destroyers Montgomery and Breeze, 1:45 p.! ra.; Art-tic, Fort Bragg, j 2 :45 p. m.; tug Relief, Astoria, 4:40 p. m.j Multnomah, Seattle, 7:20 p.i in. ; lAdmiral Nicholson, Santa Barbara.l 9:40 p. m. ! San Francisco, May 10. (I. IN. 8.) Ar rived May 10: Celilo, Los . Angeles, 12:80 a. m.; Vanguard. Las Angeles, 4:10 a. m. ; KlamathJ Kverett, 6:10 a. m. ; Saginaw, Los Angeles, 16:55 .fm.; Plioenii, Greenwood, 7:35 a. m. ; Muvkianxa, Hongkong, 7:35 a. m. ; M, S. Oregon, (in tow of U. IS. S. Brutus. Pago Pago, 111 20 aj. m.: U t Mibgo. Manila, 11 a. m. ; Governor), Los Angeles.! 10:45 a. mi Sailed May 9 Santa Monica. Eureka, 11:50 p. m.; May 10: Fred Baxter. Seattle, 8:55 a. m. ; Cen trslia, (loos Bay, 9:40 a. m. ; Klamath, Los Angeles. 10:20 a. m. I ' i SeatU. Wash., May 10. (I. IN. 8.)- Ar rived: Admiral Goodrich, from , Southeastern Alaska, jat 11 a. m. ; Latouche. I from South western lAlaaka, 9:15 la. m. ; Sailed- Admiral Evans, fbr Ancliorage.j at 10:20 a. m. ; Quab bin, for San Francisco. i at 7 a. m. i Arrived May 9 Fultqn, from Tacoma. at 1:15 p. m. ; East ern Glcri. from Yokohama, at 1:15 p. m.; M. 8. tWakepa, from British Columbia ports, at 7 a. m. Sailed April 9 West Jester, for Yoko hama rik Portland, at 6:25 p. m. : Jefferson, for Southeastern Alaska, at 9:15 a. m.; Frince Rupert, (.or I'rince Kupert, at 1 1 p. m. Valdea. May 9- Sailed: Alameda, south bound, at 6:30 a. m. Sailed May 8 Admiral Watson, (southbound, at 7:45 p. m. Uongkbng. May 6. Sailed: i Empress of KusRia, for Vancouver: Sailed May 3 Toyo hoeht Maru, for Seattle. Han l'edro. May 9. (I. N. 8.) Sailed: Governor), for Seattle! via San Francisco and Victoria. t 1 I Point Reyes, May 9. (I. N. 8.) Passed: Phyllis, or Everett, at! 9 a. m. Victoria, ilay,l. Passed out: Weimarino, for Sydney. i . James Island May) 9. Arrived: Faraiao, from Cata Buena via i San Francisco. Vaneoiiver, &lay HO. Anivid: Kurcha Maru. from Yokohama; Arrived May 9 Meth- ven, f rot Hongkong. i Como, May 10. Arrived; Muncaster Cas tle, fro ml Singapore. ' 1 Bellintham. May 9. Sailed: Westharts, for Hankow sia ports. Anacottea. May 10; Arrived: Santa Inez, from Taooma. . .1 Tacoint. May 10. Arrived: Admiral Schley, from Seattle, at 9 a. in. Arrived May 9 Indo Maru, from Kobe; Liverpool Maru, from Seattle. J. H. Rose, Resident Of Eastern Oregon, For 47 Years, Dies Baker, May ' 10. fJohn Hardy Rose, a resident of Baker and Malheur counties for 47 ear8. is dead at his home near Ironside;. He . is survived by his wife, two Borfs, two daughters. 16 grandchil dren a nil io great-grandchildren. ,A celebration cm the, Fourth of July In Baker has been assured -by appoint ment oil C. A.; Hosier, chairman ; Lewis Olson, Secretary ; Kzra Ooodwin, treas urer; Wj'niiam Boyes and Carl Sllven as a comrrjittee. i Outside communities will be invited to take cart. I I An appeal Is being; made ! for rooms to accdmmodate 170O members of the Odd Fallows lodg-e, who. -will come to Baker May 28 for) the, four-day annual Rrand ldge convention. ; i ! AND WAY LANDINGS t o v. islh 40 11.6 I 22 9.3 25 8.5 4,0 11.8 I 10 4.4 I 20 5.1 20 4.2 12 5.1 i 15 6.3 REVENUE AGENTS HIT BOOZE TRAIL; SUSPECTS HELD "Mutt and Jeff," Internal revenue agents who spend most of their wait ing hours trailing the bootlegger to his lair, were approached by one of the gentry Sunday with an offer to sell 10 gallons of moonshine at $25 a gallon i "Mutt", eagerly accepted the offer, and with; the pair drove out to a ranch near ! Tobias station in Washington county. On the way the alleged boose dispensers regaled their patron t with tales of how easy it was to evade the sheriff of Washington county and his one deputy.' At the ranch the liquor was produced, pure quill raisin moonshine, the kind that eats the varnish off a table top. Three gallons' wer produced and then the merchants demanded payment for the entire lot before producing the other eeven.. .. ! An argument resulted. Then "Mutt" flashed his star. John Polockinko, who owned the ranch, drew a .38 caliber re volver and leveled it at the officer. "Mutf retaliated by 'batting Polockinko alongside the head with a .45 automatic The weak and bleeding Polockinko, Tony Surino, his partner, three gallons of moonshine and "Mutt" reached the county Jail an hour later. The .two men were charged today with violation of the prohibition law. , A search of the ranch was made afterwards, but the still could not be found, the revenue agents said. Plans for Building Inexpensive Houses To Be TopfcTonight Three or four delegations of property-owners- from outlying "districts are expected to appear tonight at 8 o'clock at a meeting called by Commissioner Barbur of representatives of the Port land Realty board and building men to formulate plans for building; inexpen sive dwellings in various districts ' to-j relieve the acute housing -shortage. A delegation from St. Johns will be present, according to Barbur, to i offer lands in their neighborhood for sale at a reasonable price. Discussion . will particularly center on the cost - of lands available and of the. types of house. No attempt will be made to place such houses In well-defined rani dential districts. ? It " is expected that the council will vote to suspend or amend the present housing and building codes to allow cheaper construction as an emergency measure. . .'! Fire Slogan Contest Brings 61 Offers in One Mail for Prizes Did you go on an outing Sunday, some-; where in the fir-clad mountains or hills or follow up some tree-lined gurgling mountain stream? Did you think what It would mean should a forest fire sweep over your pathway, leaving behind hideous scars to greet the seeker of outdoor beauty and recreation? Have you written that slogan yet on forest protection? Sixty-one slogans were received by C. S. Chapman In this morning's mail alone. The contest closes Saturday. i i Slogans submitted are limited to eight words. They should bring out the value of the scenic and recreational features of the Pacific Northwest and their ad vantages and necessity of being protect ed from fire. Total cash prizes of 1100 will be awarded by the allied forest fire protection agencies and the beat slogan will be used in the national forest pro tection campaign, beginning' the week of May 23. Slogans should be mailed to C. S. Chapman, Sll Spalding building, Port land. Envelopes should be marked Fire Slogan Contest." Use the attached cou pon in writing your slogan. . i Drug Company Opens Merchandise Exhibit An event : of Interest to druggists' of Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska is the sundries and merchandise- fair which is .being held by the Blumauer Frank Drug company, opening today and continuing until May 22. The main building of the drug company is a veri table show house suitably decorated and the druggists are having a chance to see everything from beach togs on -a living model to a walking dolL Already over 100 druggists have sent in advance information that they will be at the fair. Schools Preparing ' For Spelling Bee In each of Portland's grade schools Tuesday night will be held "tryout" spelling matches for selection of con testants who will take up the challenge of the Women of Woodcraft. Those pro moting the revival of the old-fashioned "spelling bee" announce that the public Is invited to attend the various neighbor hood contests. - SEW TODAY WE CAXL FOB TOUB OLD : CARPETS Rags and Woolen. Clothing . . FLUFF RUGS All Work Torned Out Promptly Bag Rngs Woven All Slses Mall Order Send fer Book ' let Carpet Cleaned. Laid and Befitted ! N0RTII7EST RUG CO. 188 EAST EIGHTH 8TBEET PHONE EAST $S 6aUsreom Watt Park and Taatkia At 10 A. M. Tomorrow i ITEVf TODAY GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut SHIPPED ANYWHERE or Erected in Portland atatarial and Workmanship Guaranteed I Firxt Claaa I Sand for Circular REDIMAOE BUILDING CO. 15 B. 11th St Pbone E. 5114 O BLOCKS SOUTH OF HAWTHORNE i PORTLAND. OR. Send Us Your Old Carpet i(We Call and Deliver) Old Bags and Woolen Clothing. , We Make Reversible, Hand-Woven FLUFF RUGS Boom Size Fluff Bug Woven I17.6 Bag Bags Woven All Sizes Clothes Cleaning and Dyeing Dept. Mall Orders Send for Booklet Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning t;12 Bags, Steamed Cleaned, $1.59 WESTaJBK FLUFF BUG CO. (4 Union Ave. N. Phone East 6S18 Irvington Bungalows Those two beautiful new bungalows at 12th and Siskiyou sts. are now completed and ready for sale. They contain 5 large rooms and every up-to-date feature to be found! In the modern bungalow. 'The location is sightly and the district of the best.' First class material has been used and the workmanship Is of the very best Nothing ! cheap or shoddy j about them. Must be I seen to be appreciated. Call and let us show them. TURNER A CO. 230 Chamber of Commerce.' iMKETIXt? -OTICEH 41 OREGON LODGE ; NO. 101, A. . AND A. M. Special com municstion tomorrow (Tuesday) at 12. noon, for the purpose of cou-' ducting the funeral semcea or our late brother t'eter A. auracheuner. Serriees at the undertaking parlors of A. D. Kenworthy I It Co.. Lents, at 1:30 p. m. In terment Mt. Scott cemetery. Brothers please bring, sntos. Vimting brethren: welcome. By order of the W. M. I LESLIE S. PARKER. Secy. GET ready for the big picnic at For est Orore lor the Masonic and Eastern Star home fund on Monday, May 81. WILLAMETTE TBIBE NO. . ImproTed Order of Red Men. tneeta tonight (Monday) at Au ditorium hall, 208 V Third st. Visitors welcome. r. I. Mcdonald. C.of R. A SPECIAL, conclave of Wash ington commandery No. 15, K. T., will be held Tuesday, May 11, at 2 p. m. Order of the Temple will be conferred. Candidates i please report at 1 p. m. A large attendance lis desired. O. P. Eisman, recorder. A STATED conclave of Wash ington commandery - No. 15, K. T.,, will be held Tuesday evening. May 11, at 7:30 o'clock. Business of importance will be considered. I invited. G. Rojouming Sir Knights cordially P. Eisman, recorder. HARMONY LOtMJE NO. 12, A. F. AND A. M. Stated com municatien this (Monday)- eve ning at 7 :30 o'clock. Work in the Master Mason degree. Visit ing brethren welcome. W. M. DeLTN. 8ee. PALESTINE LODGE 141 A. T. , AND A. M. Special communi cation Tues-i May 11. 7 o'clock. E. A. degree. 'Visiting brethren welcome. Arleta station, Mt. Scott car. W. S. TOWNSEND. Sec. SUNNTSIDE IX1DGE NO. 163. A. F. AND A. M. Special communication tomorrow , (Tues day) evening, at 7 o'clock. Work in M. M. degree. Visitors wel come. By order of W. M. JAMES S. GAY JR., Sec. . IVANHOE LODGE NO. 1, Knight I of Iythias. meets Tuesday night. '8 p. m., 5th floor Pythian building, 38S Yamhill. viaitora welcome. Enquire rank. A. W. Kuhndorff. C. C. MEETING i of Independent Progressive Psychic Bes parch society at Centra library Monday. May 10, at 8 p. m., room B. All members requested to he present. Mrs. Hayea. sec'y. BHRINER cards by a Shnner; Smith, printer! Commonwealth bldg., 6th and Ankeny. CMB1M JEWELKr a specialty; buttons, pins, charms. ( Jaeger Bros. 131-133 6th at fifa? Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Deaths. DEATHS AWI ETTIfERALS 75 TEN EYCK The funeral services of the late Vandyke; H. Ten Eyck, late "of 4211 East 48th st. SL E-. will be held tomorrow (Tues day). May 111, at 2 p. m.. from the residential funeral home of Downing dc McNemar, East 7 th and Multnomah streets. Interment Mt. Scott Park i cemetery. McGIBBON At 698 BidweU i ave.. May 9, William iMcGibbon. age 63 years. The fu neral services will be held tomorrow. May 11, at 4 p.. a, from residrnce funeral parlors of Walter E. ! Kenworthy. 1532 and 1534 East 13th St.. Sell wood. Friends invited. Incinera tion at the PorUand crematorium. AKl'NDELL At Hillsdale. Or., May 9. Grace Griswoki Arundeil, aged 41 : years, wife of C. R. Arundeil of the Congress hotel and mother of the late Robert G. Arundeil. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. ,Notice of fnneral hereafter. i CROOKS t-At Hill-dale. Or., May 9. Lillian Ai ou n yesra.v wi'e; ot t'harlM A. Crooks, sister of Mrs. Marguerite Wilson of La Center. Wash.;, and John Abraham of McMinn Tille. Or. The remains are at ; Finley's, Mont gomwry at ftth. Notice of funeral herea fter McCCLLODGH The funeral services of the late Anna McCulIongh of 139 Knott St.. will be held today (Monday), May 10. at 3 r - -, - . ..... . .. . yviiui, vi a . i7, worthy It l Co., 5802-04 82d st. 8. E.. in i.ienia. iiiifruipii mount ormi i-ars cemetery. PETERSON -The funeral service ofthelate f a W Patavann ' ss trA A 0 ; a-r.., svaa VU J CSliO, "ill Dw COfJ- docted tody (Monday) at 2 i p. m., at Hie ninem parfora ot A. J. Kenworthy 6c Co 802.04 92d t. B. B.. in Lenu. Frieods in' Tiuwi. lumnnnii Maiinomu ceTnetery. WnAlJ3fT-t-At Hiildal. Or., May 9, flila K. - Willsatfl. inii 4 ft VMIJ .Aiao 110 V W st. huoband of Cora WiUett The remains are i.,n,j auuiuiubij u ui. xoouoe ot rn neral hereafter. i PEEBLER-t At Hilldale. Or.. May 9 j' Fred efick Feebler, aged 52 years..' late f 304 Rosa at, husband of Minnie Peebler. Tha re mains are at Finley's, Montgomery at 5th. Nt tice of janeral iiereafter. i JOSSELYN At Hillsdale, Or., May 0 lO'O Fksurot Doacb Jowlyn, aged 6 years.fbelored "?Br, Mr j "d M- B, 8. J'WwlTn. Remains at H oilman a funeral paxlota, 3d and Salmon ata. O HERTY Remains of the late CnmiS O'Flaherty will b.-forwarded this (Monday) evening toi Oakland. Cal.. for interment by Dunning A McEntee. instead of services being iiciu iwrrsj ma preTwwir svnnoanrtti. ARUNDELL At Hillsdale. Or.,; May 9, Robert - G. Arundeil, aged 5 years, ! son bf O R. Arundeil of Docch Station, Or., and the late (!nm GriawnM IrnnHI Finiey's, Montgomery at 6tb, 78 SAGE Flora.- Failing Sago, ace 68 years, wife of Charles C. '8ae. gktor of lira. Charles IUlt?n. Fred Heald. Spray. Or.; aunt et Mrs. A. N. Terrill of 416 Larrabee st, Mrs. Ken ardir of Beaverton. Mrs. Allumbaacli of Warren. Or., and Mra. C. A. Burr of Scholia. Or. The remains, axe at ue reaidenual loneral parsare of McKntee ft Eiler.' 16th and Everett sta.. where the funeral will be held at 1 :80 p. m. Taee dajr, Mar It. Interment . Rose City Park ceme- tsry. FEN TON At the residence of hia daughter. Mrs. Burkhart. 200 Church st.. Sunday. Mar 9 Andrew Jackaon Kenton, aced 84. years, father of Mrs. M. E. Burkhart. Anna. E. F. and F. B. all of Portland, aixl Ber. W. J. Fen too of Oor Tallia. Frienda are isvited to attend the faoeral serriees at the Methodut church South, cor. Multnomah : st. and Union ate., tomorrow (Tuesday) 'at 1 P. m. Interment in Birerriew cemetery. Chambers IJo., nl rectors. MeKNIGHT In this" city. May 10.. Jamas Wtt Itam McKnisbt of Vale. Or., ace 8T years. beloved father of E. M. and G. W. McK night. Ida and Rixna McKnisht .all of Vale. Or.: D. B. McKnia-ht of Corallia. Or.: Wimella McKnisht Arnutrone of PortlaDd. The remains will be forwsrcled by Walter C. Kenworthy to Albany. Or., where . interment. will be made in the lamuy wiryina grouno. TAYLOR In this city, Sarah J. Taylor. a-ed 72 yean, late of lie E. SOth N., wile ol I. L. Taylor. Funeral aerriees will be held Tuesday, May 11, at 2 p. m., at the chapel Of It. W. Gable & Go.. . 1973 E. liss.n st. George Wright corps and Alpha Rebekah lodse No. 81 will hare charge of the aerriees. In terment in Bnunard cemetery. KITtmiLRIMER The funeral serriees of the late Peter A. Kirchheimer will be conducted Tuesday , May II, at 1:30 p. m., In the funeral parlors of A. D. Kenwerthy at Co., 5802-04 92d st. S. E., m Lents. Serriees nnder .the auspices of , Orecon lodee No. 101. A. F. A. A. M. Frienda in riled. ' Interment Mount Scott Park -cemetery. v FtTWKBAI, DIRECTORS J. P. FINLEY & S DIRECTORS MAIN 9. MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNING, INC THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder st. Phones East 62. B-S2SH A. D. Kenworthy & Co. 5802 6804 02D ST. S. E.. LEXTS. Phone Tabor 626T. Home Phone D-81. rritMRens cn Funeral Directors. AH the Cenenirnre of nn. tV'oodlawn 8306. 248-230 Killinriworth M ENTEE & EILEI1S. funeral parlora with aU OT viiticj ui m unrne. loin ana cverett sts. Phones Broadway 2133. Home A-2138 J1 P. L. Lerclh t, m- h : l-uniri..-- ,ASTOCant , "Rr-na. t. nth and ., Hawthorne. R W. GABLE A CO: "" Snecessors to W. H. Hsmilton 1973 B .-ilisan. , Phone Tabor 4318. MILLER TBACEY. independent funeral AiZ u,.1.0..."," i low 0. - .. --...J,t . aaain 281. A-T8aa g-niiamy ave. WOMIIWB ZZV. X'OWNING A M NEMAH. euccesaors to Wilaoa A Ross, Multnomah at East 7th. Irvington du.tnct. East 84. A.R.Ze!8erCo, 7.61 Ft-jS.S:eiirt.IL. Tab. 1253. B-2546 1047 Belmont at 6fltt.rAO UNDERTAKING CO. Main 4152 -2321. Cot. Third and Clay. BURIAL . BOXES Cement : Burial Box ' LAST FOREVER. KEEPS THS GRAVE from sinking. Now handled by all undertakers. Can be delivered within 1 hoar of notice; or call factory. Prices 140. 345. Columbia 969. MONTJMEH TS PortHand . Marble Works 266 4tb st. op. City HelL Neu Bros. fBCAESlNG GRAfllTE Col A at7-3PO ST. AT MA0I8OH FLORISTS BEFORE yon fill those window boxes and flower beds, why not call np and get oar - prices, or better com to oar greenhouse ana took our stock over. Have lots of satisfied custom an; let us make you one of tbem. ? ROBINSON FLORAL CO. -SeTL 1757. 940 E. 4ttth at. Smith's Fiower Shop "Portland's Progressive Florist. Flowers for All Occasions, Msin 7215. T. C. LUKE. Mgr.. 0th and Alder. Geo. Betz & Son f? FRESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and all occasions. 697 Williams ave. Just call Wobdlswn 1512. Joseph Beta, manager. LUBLHNER w.Tv.8T?RDS 848 Morrison, bet Bdwy. and Park. Marsh. 257, 328 Morrison, Portland Hotel. Marshall 758. LA LANE OPPOSITE POSTOFF1CE. Flowers for all occasions. Pbone Main 6545. MARTIN A FORBES C.. florists. 54 Waab ington. Msin 269. A-1269if Flowers for all occasions srtisticslly arranged. CLARK BROS., florista, Morrison st bet 4th and 5th. i Phone Main 7709. Fin flowers and floral aeigns. wo nrsncn stores. N. W. Bsnk bldg. Maui 6118. 331 Morrison st. THaTPEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder at LOST A7TD FOTT1SP CI . REWARD . Fbr the best letter telling of sn experience s a rewilt of n'inn The Journal's ''LTt nd Found" columns The Journal will pay as follows: Best letter ... I .................... Second best letter i i pu Third best letter k ...... - 100 Get busy at r.oce and write out the most amusing, interesting or unusual experience yon or your friends have had as a result of ttMni or reading the "Lost and Found ads in The Journal. Contest closes at 6 p. m. Thursday. May 13, and the names of the winners will be published in the classified section of Tbs Sunday Journal May 16. Address your letter to CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER. (1KK.1). JlMjnaAl. LOST Lady's handbag, Sunday, at S. P. wreck at Bertha; contents, I 620 gold piece. $5. bill, small change. Canadian bank book. 2 keys, 1 pair kid gloves and other fmalJ srticles t i' at it t'.w,A. nlM.. n4nm 'SQ 1 1 th st or call Main 8365. Mrs. Smith. Stetson hat, lieht color, on highway, between Dayton and Dundee. Finder please deliver te O. Ci Knight, Hotel Oregon, Portland, and re ceive reward. LOST Saturday evening, on Vancouver cars or in ' v anoouver, pwRw.uwa cvimiiu locket currency. liberal reward. W-759, Journal. . LOST A miliUry wrist watch with a radinrn dial, at Benson school, - Thursday night; valued ss keepsake from son in army. Auto matic 19-01. Reward. ' : - . . LOST Gold money pin with 3' pieces of money on it in down-town district or on Woodstock csr. Call Sellwood 1212 for reward. IjC8T Handbag, at Vista house.' on Columbia highway, enntainmg motley and Jewelry. Re ward. Sellwood 8638. LOST New white Georgette waist, between Morrison, i Waahineton. 5th and Broadway: bought at Lennons. Finder please call Main 652. LOST Monday, tan pocketbook, r time check. Oregon Lumber Co., S In bills, at r. u.. lu p. m. 1 7' WILL party who picked tin lunch pail and sugar Saturday evening on Mt Scott car call Ta bor 1974. Keep sugar- for tronble FOUND Pr. of tortoise rimmed glasses on RmidsiT. Loser msx have same by calling at The Journal and paying for this ad. FOUND Black purse on east side, some money. Identify at Journal ana pay tor una ad and secure same. LOST A Spits pup about 6 months old; answer to tne name leoay; rewera 99 i no collar. Call East 6082. WILLARD battery, on Hawthorn bridge or Front st East 1434. 371 tuwtnorne ave. Ttaravd LOST Package oontaining 1 silk shirtwaist. 1 sua. oiacx collar. , x-ieaae leturu w riaon. The Hat Box. - LOST Automobile curtain, neat 23d and Giiaan. Finder call East 0485. Kewara. IXIST Orange and white ct in vrefnity wth of Piedmont car barn. fnone wain. i. LOST Beaver collar, on I'nion or Grand ave. Finder please call Sellwood 2466. Reward. LOST A yellow auto wheel with a Miller tire. Please call Tabor 7138. ..... LOST In business, district, a 4 karat diamond Call 82-085; liberal reward. LOST Large old-fashioned cameo pin ; keep sake. 824 4th St.. Marshall LOST Goodyear tire. 30x3. on MUwaukie ave. Call East 80O4. Reward. HELP WAIfTEI MALE JANITOR wanted to do from 1 to 2 hours' work from 9 to 11. Ho boaaays, ia per DEATHS ATTTp F17TTERALS month. &il Morrisoav - , HKLP WAWTETJ MALE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION . 1 4 . . . t ....' WANTED Railroad Laborers for ALASKA For V. 8. GOVERNMENT BAILROAD aadar eonstruetaoa from Seward to Fair banks. .Alaska. EZTBA GANG and SECTION . MEN for MALNTENANCE OF WAY Wages tS.UO per day. Board 31.50 day. Skilled man will be given oppurtnniUa tbeir lino of work wbaavr possibla STATION MEN. ATTENTION - Station work In the Broad Pass will be ready to let in the near future. Men accepting laborers' Jobs at this time will have opportunity to secure Station Work later.'. Fot aallhif dates and ' further ' lnfcsnstatlon rpl to , POBLIC EMPLOYMENT B UREA IT, Mil Pine st, or ALASKAN ENGINEERING COMMISSION, Boom 801. New Poatoffice Bldg., Porttead. Or. AN BPER1ENCXD watch repair man. Apply Mr. Green, jewelry department Liptnan, Wolfe It Co. BRIDGE and house carpenters wanted by Southern' Pacific company; steady employ ment; wsges 63 to 63 cents per hour; good board and lodging furnished at $30 per month; men to furnish their own bedding. Write or apply to division engineer. Southern Pacific com pany, room 1. Union station, Portland, or apply to nearest station agent BAKERS Wanted First class 1 men . for bread and cakes. Apply to the Royal Bakery it Confec tionery, 441 Everett st KKALTY SALESMAN WITH AITTO TO SHOW CITY PROPERTY ON COMMISSION BASIS. APPLY 215-16 ABINGTON BLDG. ' i G. C. GOLDENBERG. "35 Trs. in Portlsnd." NATIONAL COPPER MINES CO.. 532 Clism ber of - Commerce wants miners and leasers and contractors. Call Woodlawn 1368. W. Trevor. . '-. I WAN TED Boy that is not going to school, to do chores on dairy; close in. Phone Tabor 7477. BOY over 16 for store work, steady job. good pay, with chance to advance; references re- anired. Railway Equipment Co.. 2d and Stark. TRUCK driver for . retail milk route, tucht'de delivery, exp. man in this work preferred. Ask for Mr. Kendall, East 909. COMPETENT, experienced elevator boy. Apply at once to building manager, Eilers Music bldg.. 287 Washington st BOY 16 yeers old to make himself useful. Lion Clothing Co.. 4 th and JMorrison. TAILOR wanted, presser and repair man. Call Benson hotel tailor shop. EXPERIENCED rubber, color varnisher on auto painting. Pacific garage. 288 11th st WANTED Floor and feed packers. Ceil at 71 8rd st Good wage. MEN for country mill and woodwork. Conch bldg. 714 HELP WAXTED-rFEMALE Do You Want To Earn a Good., Salary ' uiat bi paiti wniie yon learn mi basinesa; that increases frequently as yoa gain espeneocaf . - Do You' Know , How Much Teieplhone Operating Employes : Earn? And what excellent opportunities they oar for promotion to executive positions f Why Not Obtain ' the. Facts? Our employment supervisor win gladly fell yon the facts and will also explain the many other advantages of teleDhonat oDeratina for young women. Apply at Telephone Company, Room 601, 6th Floor. Telephone Building, Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph WANTED Stenographer . and assistant book keeper experienced in handling cash, book vouchers and -freight bills;- state experience and salary expected in first letter; only those am bitions toward promotion need apply. W-761. journal. BOOKKEEPER wanted for general office work in machine shop office. Must use tvne writer. Answer in own handwriting, stating experience and past employment w-760. Journal. WANTED Girl to help in confectionary and lunch in evenings: one who lives in vicinity of 18th and Washington. Call Sat afternoon or evenings, 577 Washington. . WANTED Maid for general housework : adults: $60 a month. East 1180. 742 l nomiaton GIRL who can cook and help with housework good noma. Tabor 4303. . WANTED Competent girl for general house work. Apply 407 14tn st VANTED-7-Experienced pants fins-hers. Good pay. Koom sso Washington bid. Mam IBe. WANTED Toung girl or middle-aged woman to help with housework. 442 3d st WAN TED Girl for general housework, family of four. Telephone Tabor 8749 between 10 and 12 a. m. WANTED r-A girl, at expert hatter. 205 4th. WANTED A cook. Call Main 57. HELP WASTED- SI ALE AWD FEMALE ft WANTED Men to learn tha barber trade: receive some pay while learning; positions secured Oregon ex-service men, ; the coarse is free to yoa. Call or write for p-tlrulars and catalogue. HOLER BARBER COJUI WGlfi. 234 Burnside st " MEN WOMEN learn, barber trade; wages while learning, positions guaranteed. Mgr. 22 years experience. Oregon Barber College." 233 Madiarsa. PORTLAND Barber College pays you while learning-, gives yon set of tools free; poattlona secured. 38 N. 2d st BCSIXESS A5D THAPE SCHOOLS 90 880 TO $500 A MONTH . Are yon earning that! Many automobile experts are. l'ou may join the high salaried, skilled mechanic ranks if yon take advan tage of the gas engineering courses offered by th LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OF THE WEST. WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFCL GRADUATES THAN ANT OTHER SCHOOL. ; Investigate, enroll and don't pay ns a cent until you're convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That s fair. Isn't It r write tor our i sn-page cataiogne. kit free. Ask for Book No. 6. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO OREGON EX-SERVICE MEN : ADCOX AUTO AND GAS ENGINE SCHOOL UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET A Poaition for Each Graduate. ALISKY BUILDING LEARN TELEGRAPHY v Yoanc men snd women wanted. .-' Call 484 Railway Exchange bldg. ' Spkadid ecportor.ity te learn a well paid profession, Free booklet Rsilwsy Telegraph Institute. ' LINK'S BUSINESS COIXEJE Bookkeeping. stenography, - civil aerviee, secretarial, special fuursea. Expert teathen: day and night; anaoil now. Phone Broadway 0eX BUSTWESS AUD TRABE SCHOOLS 96 Largest fai the XV eat. ASSURES KVtfHY GRADUATE ' -.. A POSITION. i . Enmt) any time of year. DAT SCHOOL. , NIGHT SCHOOL. Phone, call oa write for free success ' 1 ; ' "- rata log. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Miaa Begins Ruekel'a private school ; indtrkkaal Instruction. 1 22 Grand ave. East 427. KOOKY MOUNTALN Teachers' Agency. Enroll -free. Frank K. Welles, former assistant state stmt, mgr., N W. Bsnk bid. Phone Msin 8276. WASTE I A OB-JCTS WANTED A genu tor city and country to handle an article .with big retarnar tUl Snn dny morning or week days in evening after 5 .80. 995 E. 21st t N: Wdln. 8511. SALESMEN WANTED 88 SALESMEN wantTM tt sell a tine thst is in demand ' A money maker for salesman and pi'r-haser. Address. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. If SITUATIONS MALE t WANTED ' Repair work-new work. Painting, carpenter and cement work. " Plans, specifications, estimstes. Woodlawn 1403.' TECHNICAL business; stenographer, chief clerk, notary, . wide experience, A-l - rt-feretiees. Young family man ofj good address. Whole or part time. I'll save you money.- Service with a smile. Phone me. r . Kant 54 26. - - SALESMAN desires to connect- withd manufac turing house on salary or -commission basis plus er"ne; 33 married; .:. highest refer ence. W-6R9. Journal; ACTO MECHANICS 16- years' eipenenM; will overhaul your ear at ycur garage. BsttMactory work or no pay. Tabor. 74 LBV If.-ev . r r 4.! : : ri Is t" WAN T a lumber tit logging contract for 6 ton truck end trailer. 167. S. Whitaker st Paul Schuler. is '. ACCOUNTANT, bookkeeper; years of experi ence; an interview solicited ; now employed, wishes- to .make change. W-693, Journal. , EX -OVERSEAS veteran, . executive ability, de-, aires position, timekeeper, paymaster, etc Best 'of references. W-524. Journal. ; KALa5IIN; Having kalsomine left from big lob, will give extremely, low price on work if ordered at once. Langley, Main 7636. LAWN' mower expert ) at 247 Grand ave., near Main. Aelf sharpening blades installed. Call res., Tsbor 8643. . 3 MAN with light car wants outside job. lawn 611. Wood- FOR gardening and lawn building, call Tabor 8079. :': - - - WANTED Pinuirliing and discing with a Ford son. East 6708. , ROOFS reshinglad a specialty. Baacbasa. Phoaa E. 1201. !!' PAINTING and tinting; first class work. Sellwood 2775. . i ; ' Phone WANTED Hauling or job work; have one-ton truck:. Tabor 3704. GAUbENEB rjini Teveled, seeded and rolled. Phone East 6296, bet 8 and 8 p. m. FOR excavating, lawn grading and lot plowing, Call Automatic 315-37. WHEN -i you want your houc reshingled call Auto. 31290, Work guaranteed first class. A-l. CARPENTER builds and remodels cheap by contract ' Woodlawn 126. FAINTING and tinting by experienced workman. Estimates free. Call East 8824. - WANT employment - for a trucks. W, Jeans, Columbia 722, CARPENTER and contractor jobbing in the building line. East 8656. .nything CEMENT work of all kinds; houses raised. Automatic 261-11 and then call Lenta 5312. LET us do your plowing. Woodlawn 13 9 6. " PAlNTINGptrbangini7Hng7Blt"6aT " SITTJATIOKS FEMALB 4 APARTMENT house management wanted by lady now employed. Husband help part or all time. Reasonable compensation. Son 8 years. References. Call Woodlawn 588 Bun day, 6 to 8 : week evening. Ask-, for Mrs. Donaldson. LACE, scrim, marqnwette, curtains, draperies, fancy clothes hand! laundered; experts. East 6196. r ' - - WANTED Work by day or hoar by capable woman. Phone Marshall 20 SO bet 8 and 9 o'clock evenings. HAIR dyed at home reasonable by experienced lady. Main 3879. ! - - SEWING wanted by the -day; children's sewing preferred. Call .after 6 p. m. Woodlawn 192. 970 Mississippi. ALL KINDS of carta ms band laundered. Tabor 818. 295 E. 49th. " ' LACE SCRIM Marquisette curtains, clothe, hand . . ... ii . v;-. . sicta Ui aiiu r tru ; exerts.f- iifu iw. . " WOTLD like day work. Tabor 4174. BRERSMATIWO 46 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making of ladles' garments, reasonsbte prices; Work guaranteed. J. Jtenom. iqies aiinr, vr ri n - - a. , .llt . lt,M,m,lin, Hrt Vm -. BIIUI BI1U I Liv. ...... ' ' " - - porium tye Works. B49 Morrison. Bdwy. 42Bls. HEMSTITCHING. 8c and 10c per yard. 168 B. Hroaaway. n. ena -ot onuie DRESSES made, $3 up; work guaranteed; re- . ... . , . . - . , l. 1 1 n i m modeling a specialty. Bnmmu PARALYTIC or aick; lady patients taken by graduate nuns. Private residence. Tsbor Address 167 11th at, room 14. $3.60 per . . nan' oay. . aiarsuau wr WANTED A . practical nurse for July. P. O. Box 3, taa sjrove, r. FUBJTI8HE1 BOOMS usrarr w DiminVsTKn THKnCGHOITT Single rooms $4.50 per week ; community bath, single. $6 and $7 per week: priate, $8 and $10 par week. 84$ E. Bnrnsid st Eaat 171. Just across nnrnaiqe wu ONE room ! for two gentlemen, $15; afid one room lor . --: , . lawn and shade trees, 'fine view, two--blocks north of Broadway, one wesi. m is '" 423 Flint st. or phone 84-13. Mlt'fbN HOTELTTsiflH Madison; nioa. light rooms: stesm beat, hot and eold water to all rooms: transients soiKatea. HOnsfSEEPINtJ rooms. 81.75 sad $2f' fnrnuhed rooms. $1.29 and $2.60 week. Co lumbia -Hotel. 224 Clay. . 2 SLEEPING rooms, 1208 '17th. near Taylor. FVKMSHEV KOOMSPRIVA1E FAIN I L FURNISHED rooms, modern and clean : gentle man. 848 Montgomery st Main 8941. West aide. ,.".: FURNISHED - two Urge downstairs rooms and kitehenet ' one large room npstairs and kHchenet 888 Johnson st EXCELLENT furnished- sleeping room, desira- ble tor business genuemao ui ' rf. 15th. Broadway no FOR RENT 2 sleeping rooms and bath, $4 week, 1452 Cleveland ave. Woodlawn 8646. ATTIC sleeping room, A2 a week for gentle- man. 170 17tb st. STEAM hasted room in private home, walking distance. Marsnau uoi TWO nicely furnished rooms, good location, one block to car. ellwood 2189. '- " f NICELY' "furnished light ""airy front room. 74 i Hoyt, Main 6094. ROOMS AMI BOARD It "THE MARTHA" WASHINGTON" 880 10th st.-f-for business girto and students; reasonshle rate. Marshall 1281. BOOMS AHD BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY - ? SINGLE room, also rooms for fsmily; beauti fully fnmisheH, new and clean ; one targe room lth private bath, hot and cold water m every room; Uble board. Also beautiful porches and grounds. - For information call Broadway 545U, mornings 11 w , au ma. uw . . . I , II m 1 -t. - AMmVlal- . fl,Wlull for nwiiuuur i .ii . - - . - i m 4- ..r. hth hnl and eold water. Call Broadway 5450, mornings 11 to 4 nd all evenings. ' NICE front room, suitable for 2 genUemen, alone with home cooked meals; modern. 205 N. 21st st . FOR 1 or 2 gentlemen that will, share th same room ; cooJ home cooking and clean room. 840 a month, or $10 a week. F.aM 2748. EXCLUSIVE home offers room .and board; goo3 home-made bread. 143 N. 19th t, Broad way 4314 NH'B room and board for gentleman i -on-able. 195 E. 74th st N.. M. V. car. TL. Tabor 6681. ' .' ij- ROOM and board, hot: and cold water in room. 665 Northrup at nawy, sisi, THREE furnished It K. rooms, $30. 441 Boss. Broadway ear. Adult only. VmU alter a p. m. WANTE1 Baby to frftard and room; mother's care. 90 Minnwita ave. ROOM in modern borne. 431 W. Park; walking distance; good location. BOOM and board, hot and eold water la toum. 655 ortrup at, uroaaway o. - BOOMS AKI BOARD PRIVATE FAMILY 7t BOARD girl or boy. Marshall 824. TIOrSEKEEPl.VO HOOMS S FTRN I8HF.I AN P rNFirRXIMiTED . tESi?tABI.K""sinile housekeeping rooms, cots , pletebr furnished, steam heat, laundry; chil dren welcome. 186 Sherman st Marshall 30S3. GOOD clean housekeeping room suitable fot couple; also Bleeping rooms. 293-.k Union ave.. 1 block south of Hawthorne. IW'O large furnished bousekeei-in airrmnts with hot . and cold running water, 84.60 tw to weea. - tua j.nirq st. TWO furnished connecting rooms, lis tits, heat. phone, 820 mo. No - oniectjon to children. 13 Hollsdsy sve. East 7741. TWO donbln housekeeping apartments for rent one 84.50 : and one (5 per week. - 86 rTnion ae. 1 N ICE furnished, large front, licht, airy house keeting rooms 85 week. 220 1st tRNMHllTlioawkeeplnt ' rooms, single or in suite. 208 Washington. Main 78 IB. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, close business center,' reasonable rent 83 Park, corner Oak. Eight" housekeeping rooms. Call Marshall 1639, KOrfcEKEEPITfO ROOM H FURNISHED ANH UMl BNISHEI PRIVATE FAMILY 73 A DK.HIUABLE furnished housekeeping rtiin, suitable for i a bachelor, 810 a ' month. 6il J Flanders. Braadway 2256. JT DESIRABLE houkeiplniT rooms for bscli elors. (2 each per week. 43 Ella. 2FDRN fSHED- housekeeping rooms, good looa tion. walking distance; reasonable. 803-12th. TWO unfurnished roomTin "privSfuiily " with phone, water and light East 4 720. LARE front j housekwping room vritJi kitchen tt. 204 '.t-ffrji: . TWO -connecting roi,ms, furnished, rlose in; no objection toi children. East 274 3. 8 UNPUNISHED" hnkeepint "rooms. Woo l lawn 5358.1 181 Stidmore. FOIl rext n-orsES 13 I'NFritNISlHEI i STORAGK COMMKRPI A L AND HiHTSEHOT.n GOODS. MOVING, PACKING. HHIPPINQ. Reduced freight ratev For expert servtso call Bdwy 708. Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co " I Furniture Moving Ytm Transfer and Storage. Long distanee aaallng. SS4 ; E. Burnside. Phnne East 4'i4 CALL BROADWAT 580 NORTHWESTERN ELECTRIC COMPANY WASHINGTON AT TENTH BTKEKT FOR RENT-Bouse with garilBn rooin" and berries; 318. 6310 Thirty -ninth ave. 8. K. Mt. Scott car. ' FOR RENT 6 room house. 90x100, gardes 6 ROOM modern house, gaa and electricity, fine yard. 772 2d st. 5-IUOit modern-bungalow, 926 E. ' 80th outl 820. Broadway 2986, Momray. 5 ROOM house. Nob-IlilT" disCrict 130. Mar shall 8799. BEE FRANK L. McGIJIRE TO INSCRE AGAINST FIKK. 7'ROOM house, just across Hdwy. bridire, $25; no children. Owner, Main 8016, call Tuesday. H0PSE""for rent and some fumilur for sals. 294 14th st f I HOUSES FOR REXT FURNITURE FOR SALE 8 15 ROOM housekeeping armrtment Ifor rent; furniture for sale reasonable ; house' rvnts for $25 per mo.; rood income. Ant.rn 52K-37. 8 ROOM modem bouse, with furniture, for ssksw Marshall 1855. . -w t-BOOU house in 2 -room xrtmiinti; renk 887.50, income 897.60. East 2743. i FTJRS18HE1) IIOrsKM Jtt SEVEN-ROOM f unushed ' house, Tauridry trays. furnace, garage, water, SAO; adults; east side near Jefferson high school. 155 fiumner st Phone Woodlawn 3662. ' L"iLA!tE clean furnished 4 and 5 room ; gas aiifl electricity, garaae. South Portland car to Gibbs St.. west 1 block, south 3 8S4 H 1st st. ELEGANTLY furnished nouse, friiit 'trees, gar den; also cottage, apsrtmsnts; furnishe.l, un fornlshed; reasonshle. 252 GIMmv LOWER floor of residence at 611 East' MadT aon: Phone 1 Main 83 8 9. FLATS TO KENT, UNFURNIS H KI 18 fe-BOOM newly rennovatml modern flat, liaifi and porches, free wstrr rent, 835. Phone Msin 2235 or csll 622 Selling bldg. $15 THREE and 4 room. flaU. $26 7 room flat. 805 E. 11th. " Call 510 E. -Clay. 2 K(KM furnishi-d flat and girsge, $19 706 Vancouver ave. Wdln. 1 15 - J FIVE room unfurnUhed npiw-r fiat 741V. K. Pine, cor. 2 2d. Price $18. Phone East 874 5.' LOWER flat, 6 rooms, newly jisixred, fiOU 5th st.: sdultx; $80. - Tsbor 4553. APARTMENTS FOR RF.ST 41 COLLEGE, 8 rooms, sleeping porch, steam heat. ihot water, free phone; $85. Third snd f'ollege. Msrshsll 6555 JUnfurniah-d. RnENTDurir" summer months. 3i-(siin . furnished apartments East 8198. t5 h.. Main. fllE STAN FIELD, 204 Porter st., 2 iiITshrn 2 -room apartments, $20 and $22 respectiteJy. Phone Main 7392. TWO and 3 -room- furnished apartments. 39i ; 6th st. Harrison court - 2-ROOM furnished apartment neat and t-li-sn. 1145. Albina, corner Kiilingsworth. NEWTOHK " APTS.r-441 H " Belmont"" Ka.t -. 288.- : ! TWO rooms, first floor; sinele room, ver desirsble; Tent reasons hie. 655 Flanders., 8 BOOM apartment. ' oar. - - 1009 18th N. Alberta THE JEFFRY, 2-room fur. apt.. $1$; close in. Cor. Rnssell snd Kirby. Esst 1BB4. SUMMER RESORTS 66; OCEAN PARK. 2 cottages, una 6 room. 1 room; firrplacea. Mar 3613. STORES AXI OFFICES II '5 F store room for rent IC5 Grsndave" Phona Eat 538. FOR RENT MIHC'ELLANKOI H 8.1 LARGE upstairs room 25xf6b1 tin for car- enter or painter; very low rent- 153 Front. WASTE I TO BEST WE have hundreds' of clients desiring to rent The efficiency of "The MeGuIre Systxat" of property management will save you money. - FRANK L. Mc;UIRE, Abington bid. Main 1068. WANTED To leas or rent by family 4 adults, 7 or 8 room modern house; good district Call after 5 p. m. East 6,887. RESPONSIBLE couple, without children, require clean, 3 or 4 room furnished cottage by May 10. W-674, Journal. HOUSE, west aid preferred, responsible party; BMi rooms, Momirura, nroadway BttU. REAL ESTATE BEACH FlfoPERrT 48 GEAR HART corner f r sale. southwest crr.-r m iiiumicugii m xm rum ana oui sts., 1 oil bv 100 'feet, overlookuie. ocean and rntt links- hard-surface atrwt pastr lota to ocean. Call evenings. East 834; during business hours call East 4863. 0-664, Journal. BUSINESS PROPERTY 66 HEHE"Ts 80METHINGriwOBTH IXOKINOl-p . rin new building,, concrete and tile, 75x80 feet 2 Stories: first floor has aaraea and m,rl,in shop; present owner ha agency for Chevrolet; doing fine business; second floor has dance hsll, dining and other necessary rooms; plumbing all in; city water and electric lights. Also modern house, 7 rooms, bsth and toilet on first floor, 1 large room up stairs: lot 100x100. farlne s.,i atreet in war of garage building; garage faces on pa-ved street; in a little town on Uie North nana nignway ana railroad. Price about 830. 000, depending on amount of stock on bsnd at time of sale: half cash, balance terms at 7 tvr cent RirTITER A FOX. WASHOUOAL, WASH. HERE is a cood buy. Corner building 50x60, lot SOxLOO, on paved street, 2 . store rooms belcrw and 1 2 rooms . on second floor ; could easily be converted into a rooming house; toilet and bath; water, electric lights: woodsheds, small building in rear of lot suitable shop or living, room. Price $5000, half cssh. term on balance at 7 per cent. Would tak amali ranch as part RTCHTKR A FOX, WAHHOUGAL, WASH. FOR SALE GOOD BUSINESS BLD. Adapted for uto repair, faint shop or gen eral automobile business. Must be sold in IO days. $2100 will handle. D. I. OCOIX)F8KT. . 34 1. State t. ' s Salem, Or. GARAGE SITE Beat location in city. H- Mr. Clearwater J. U HAItTMAN COMPANY, 7 ChamLTr of Commerce Bldg. Mam 208.