THE OREGON SU1MDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 9. 1820.' G RE AT ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES CI LARGEST 1IUMK SELLERS ON TUB PACIFIC COAST HOMES! HOMES I HOMES I HOMES 1 NINE HUNDRED HOMES FOR SALE BY - ftlaxk i srccnua 0O photograph of home FOB BALK. Our extensive listings afford you a wider and better selection than can, be bad any bar Every photograph baa aecumt description, with price, twnu, Under it. Onr MODERN METHODS ' OF HOME SELLING will save your TIME 1SI) MONET AND ESTABLISH YOU IX THE HOME for which you have long been waiting: JU.NT REMARKABLE BAR- GAfNH which will Mm occur again R FRANK L. Mc T( tin Tnllf Hnme Abington, bide Second Floor. Main 1068. -18 Autos at Tour BEBTICn. . ' Dekumi &. Jordan I HOMES 3150 ROSE CITY PARK furnished bnngalow; Bring and dining room combined I two lovely bedrooms. Urge batti; basement, garage. 50x 100 lot. 4 block from Sandy blvd. Can be bought either fur nthed or unfurnished. $2800 NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH At tractive 8 room bungalow; Bring room, dining room, Dutch kitchen, 3 bedroom, aleeping porch, bath and toilet. Good basement. 85x100 lot. All kind of rait tree. , $1500 WOODUWN. S room, bath. toilet, full basement, hot and cold water, gas, etc SOxlOO loL Cash $500, balance like rent. (15044 room plastered bungalow, all new I j painted and papered. Beau . tlful 100x100 corner lot: all kind of fruit and berries. $250 cash, balance like rent ! Dekum & Jordan ; $23-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Fourth and Stark Sta. ...... - I . . . '.-( - FRANK L. M'GUIRB OFFERS 800 "MODERATE HOME BARGAINS FOR SALE EVERT ONE PHOTOGRAPHED, AP PRAISED AND INSPECTED. Every pho-tob-raph with all information, regarding same is displayed on the wall1 of our spacious new dUplay room on Ihe SECOND FLOOR OF THE ABINGTON BLDG. Wo have hundreds of UNPARALLELED BAR GAIN'S. Your OPPORTUNITY TO BUT THAT HOME HAS COME NOW. It is to TOCB ADVANTAGE TO VISIT US AND INSPECT OUR wonderful value giv ing HOMES 8KB FRANK L. McGUIRE To Buy Tour Home Abington bldg. Main 1088.' Sooceaeor to H. D. McG trice. I Established 880. 18 Automobiles at your SERVICE. Open Evenings and Sundays. LOOK TODAT 8UNNYSIDE CORNER 840 E. Taylor, cor. 27th. 6 room residence,, eat of town owner, and makes special price for quick turn. : This home cost $600O 7 years ago. Dandy location among beautiful home and between the two best carlines in the city, lteception hall, fireplace, den. built in buffet. , beam ceiling, fine large kitchen. 3 dandy, right, cheerful bedrooms, attic, full cement basement, furnace, laundry tray. 50x100, comer lot, worth alone $2500: fine lawn and shrubbery. Specially priced at $5250; one-half cash. Autos alway at your convenience. GEO. T. MOO KB CO.. 1007 TEON BLDG. Immediate . Possess Jon" PORTLAND HEIGHTS ' '..-" t . i - V Bit 'Urge, airy rooms, fireplace, furnace, two targe porches. living room 18x26, attic plas tered and floored; a sacrifice, $500, easy tonn. Will -ell pat cMurniture. Owner out of city: mufct sell at cfe. Main 6882, Sun day morning;! weekdays. Main 6456. 1125 Gasco bldg. $4600 CUT PRICE $4600 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW Tour opportunity is here to set a nice Hsw. thoroe bungalow, with large grounds. 66x100, and abundance of fruit; 5 rooms and floored attic: hardwood floor,, fireplace: full 1 hitch kitchen, built-in bookcase ( and buffet, full ce ment basement: paved streets all in and paid: close to H. ear and clear of all encumbrance Quick posseaaion and tim can be had. C. A. WARRINER RITTER UVK H CO.. 201-3-6 7. Board,-of Trade Bid. Beautify Portland. ROSE cm PARK NEW 5-KOOM BUNOaaT.OW Hardwood room, built-in. huffnt sid boofc aaaee. and breakfast nook, finished in old ivory. $1150 cash, balance $50 per month. Price $8500. fan Tabor 2904. evening Tabor 8436. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Branch Office, 45th and Sandy bird. .'"'' " i ' HERE'S A BUT $6500 LAURELHURST 16300 This borne is located right in the heart of iAurelhuno. modern to Uie minute and nicely arranged; 6 rooms, aleeping porch and music den; all nice large room and closets, full high cement basement, furnace, large garage, paved .' streets U la and paid. This will have to be . seen to pa appreciated.- Let n show you. .' A. WARRINER. RITTEH. l)Wtl at CO.. 801-8-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ' LATJRELHURST Modern 8-room bungalow, ' entire first floor oak. very attractive living and dining rooms; built laea than one year. In the very heart of Laarelhurnt ; $8500. " i a M. UKRK. COB A. i McKENNA r CO., 82 4th St. Main 4322. 100x100 LOT. 5 -room cottage, very oomfort ble and buxne like. Large basement. Sewer, sidewalks and street grading included in price. AU kinds of bearing fruit and berries. Garden is planted. Fine1 sou. Chicken house. This place is below value at $2260. $500 cash will handle. , Johnson-Dodson Co. 689 N, W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. .' : Alheirta Bungalow, Fire rooms and! bath first floor, one finished bedroom in the attic; full cement basement; 4 block to Irrington car, 2 blocks to Alberta car. Price $3850: easy terms. Main 5456. 1125 Geare bldg. STOP THAT RENT t. $500 cash and $35 monthly including" In terest buy a good 8-roont bungalow, double, liv ing room, 2 bedrooms; excellent car service; near Peninsula Park and Jefferson high school. . JohnsoaiDodson Co. S3 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. S LARGE ROOMS ' Bare that high rent money; put it in a home. . Then you have something. I am leaving-and must sell my bouse, garage, electric and gas, modern plumbing, i heater, water heater, range, linoleum, all complete. Just right for a work tngman. 1800 E. Taylor, corner 46th. HANDY -MAN OPPOKTCNITT 8 room bungalow, not finished but habihtble; watee and lights; save rent; finish yenmeif; lot 60x127. Go eee it. T43 Nehalera are., Sell-v-ood oar.-St430; 8480 canh. balance terms. M. Huff, Seilwood 161 days; SeUwood 2958. evenings and Sunday. 7 ROOM bungalow, 4 block to car; elec an.l gas; .garage nice garden; $500 down will handle. SQUARE DIAL REALTT CO.. i ' 614 Panama Bids. I 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE". 83S0O- Ti ASSORTKO BEARING FRUIT TREES CORNER LOT 78x100. BEAUTU-lL . PLACE; EASY TERMS. 4803 41ST AVt near Laurelhurst park, $3100 close m. A bargain. H. H. SUub, 1027 Bal- nwii: wees laoor -it". KENTON disk,, newly built 4 room pla&tered 1 ioue. lights and gas; leaving city; small lot. J 1 1 -I AO It , ifc. , ....... ii,w owutwH-K 1 o-e at x I Dit. -FOUR room bungalow on 53d are.. S. XL Eur I. I rii.. i uuii, lll'UI 0009. WANTfcO Baby to board and room; mother' "m oar. 80$ Minnesota are. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES $1 Another Bargain '""Only SI0,00 i ; ,,. ' MOST ATTRACTITE BUNGALOW Ni ALAMEDA PARK j !" .- ' Located -won a wooded i corner lot 100x113 feet, with fine garage. ' The kind of a place y to call ' hoime, and which other fellow eary you. i on just lore make the Six rooms, indadfnt - 3 bedrooing and a nice bath, all- on 1 firat floor. Two addiuonaT" rooms npetairs, and a third oouldi be finished off. if needed. A-l beating plant, good ootadition. ' Ready for ' yon to more right is abort notice. AH for the price of only $10,000. only $2500 oaah and balance to suit a good : purchaeer. This Is an opportunity 'where your money still j talk big, and If Interested you should larrange to see it early, lest the other feiii geU tlus.Jbargain, too. ;ti; :if E H';""- i . Shown hr annolntment only, and row may phone, : call : on or write HAROLD JUNGCK, secretary International Realty Associates i Pho 18107 TEON BLDG. i( Office) Marshall 630. ill 1 1 ' Sundays Phone East 1999. . 5 Room' Bungalow ; $3500 j wiBl buy this beautiful little bungalow, : fireplace, cement basement, wanh trays, eleotriuity and gaa, eorner 75x100. Sblks. to car, good district,! it. improre mants in and paid. $1000 cash, balance easy. i ! . 1 1 $1500 Furnished 4-Tm. cottage, full tot.. $2600 5-o-m. bungalow, 80x123, fruit . 326AO V6-rm. cottage. 70x100. fruit. " $5250 -el; large fine rooms, 1 blk. to ear, waUrtng I distance. A very desirable home, spie-and-span. Sea tta for city or farm homes. 11 t B B. MITCHELL or O. B. RIPPET 328-29 Henry bldg. j Main 2534. I NEW rRVINGTOX Here 1 one I am enthusiaxtio about: A beautiful bungalow type 2 floor plan, lat tice porch, - center hall to large living room wftti fireplace, ball to dining room to den, bath i and bedroom. Just a beauti ful kitchen with breakfast nook; 2 large bedrooms. sleeping porch and bath np; baths tiled, finished ivory wall, tapestry papered; oak floors, fine concrete basement, hot water heat; making a complete 7 room home and a i beautiful setting on a 50x 100 lot, with garage. It will be a pleasure for me to aliow you through thla artistio noma, i i 1 KB. RODGERS COS A. McKENNA eV 83 4th . I I CO.. Main 4522. $81B0-r-5-ROOM BUNGALOW 1 BLOCKS FROM ROSE 3ITT PARK CAKUNB : $300 DOWN -BAL. $35 PER . MO. : - ) -! i i Thi i a rery attrctive little place, large porch, cement I basement, several young -fruit treeH. sleeping porch in attic, j fireplace, reto. Call Tabor 94; evenings call Tabor 8436. J U HARTMAN COMPANY. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy bird. ' j ' ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 61 ROOMS 1S2.-.0 Here, folks, is a dandy suburban home. TbJ is located about! 4 long blocks from Sandy blvd. on 50th st. Tou will be surprised to find such a remarkable home as this for so little money. The owner is moving to bis ranch and is willing to sell for $650 cash and $23 monthly. Thia home has an exceptionally large living room, fireplace, Ibuffet, Dutch kitehenk etc. IaU oV. room far a; garden and chickens. : Let u how you. j i i. 4 . 1 Ji Cft TEEPE CO. .i.: 264 Stark st near Third. Main 8092. Bnujch (Office, BOth and Sandy. If Open Sunday. ) r i ROSE CTTT PARK. s i . .NEW 15-ROOM BCNGAIXtW j ! ..".- i 84750 TERMS S H Work to It C. P. car, garage, fireplace and furnace, cement basement, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, finished in old ivory, large attic, modern throughout. Call Tabor 2904 : evenings call Tabor 8436. J. L. HARTMAN COUPANT. Branch Office, 45th and Sandy bird. S12.600 WE5TOVER HEIGHTS 7 -room Dutch colonial home, located In most exclusive portion of Westover. Magnificent view of entire city. Cone rate garage: spacious bring room, with sunporch just off; oak floors, mahog any border; fireplace, ha heavy mahogany mantel, j The home is ultra modern in every respect. ! Price, f right. JohnsonDodsort Co. 833 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. 1 BEAUMONT ' ! 6-reora I 2 -story modern home, exeep tional woodwork. plate glaxs window, wall high grade tapestry paper; a well built houxt and complete in every detail: $7000. $2500 cash. MR. ROGERS, ' 1 COH A. MeKENNA CO.. ! 82 4U St. Main 4522. VERT REASONA RLE TERMS . $3000 WEST 81 Ibi $3000 Good 7 room house in good shape, with full lot: besotiful 'nnobstructed river view; hard surface street: $700 cash, balance to suit. Clear of all incumbrances. ! . C. A. WARRINER ' " BITTER. .'LOWE- CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 4 A DANDY CLOSE IN 20 ACRE FARM . All under cultivation and in crop. Orchard, berries, south slope. ; soil especially adapted to, fruit and berries. House, 5 room below, fire place; large barn, outbuildings. Gravity water: aightly location: Vt mile of Damascus, 14 miles Of Portland. 'Cow, ebjekens. implements. .8 6OO0. J. C. CORBfN CO., 305-6-7-8 Lewis BHg. NEW modem bnngalow, 8 room and break fast nook, white enamel finish, full eon- -Crete basement. Seven lots, about 40 bear-, Ing cherry trees. Located close in. nice dis trict, near Laurel burnt. Price only $5750; easy terms and low rat of interest Main 193. 508 Chamber of Commerce bids. ' $1200 $200 CASH " For Lombard sC home. 8 room house, on pared street, water, gaa, etc, payments as easy an rent.. . : 'i, . , Jolinson-Dodson Co, 633 ,N. W. Bank bldgj Main 3787, HAWTHORNE district. " close in. " 5200leTtri -" .w'o. uuih., urawooo xioors, etc; mg lot, fine location. Place is worth much more; house i a dream and in rry fine condition. See thi before baying. H. H, SUub, 1027 FOR SALE Owner, : six room, bath and heH. perfect condition: full concrete . basement, piped for furnace, stationary tubs: fire minutes to six churcheaj library. Washington high and grade school; 2 blocks to car; antail lot: $3675, terms, i Phone East 8681. " 4 ROOMS Nearly new, 80x100 ft., fruit. flowers. 8 minutes to car; $1250; terms. , rooma. finei (hape; one lot, near ear; $680, terme. Hons ion either aide worth more th. pnee .ksd. J Tabor 822. HOUSEBOATS lor sale, furnished or . unfur- nhed : modem, built-in conveniences, lights, water, au and phone. No. 22 Wil htmette Moorage. Sellwood 8783. $27 606 ROOM bungalow. Urge lot. ' fruit"! - bernes, garage.: Holggt dirtrict. You can no beat thia bargain. COBB BRO& 263 REAL ESTATE "TfOR SALE HOUSES $1 Alameda Park' Beautiful Bungalow 961 Brro , North eat corner Glenn and Bryce area. Imeated on one of the choicest comers in Alameda, ground area over 13,000 aa, ft., wonderful trees, shrubbery, etc. ;- 0 rooms, large living room connecting with rcusic room, excellent dining room, most com plete kitchen, 6 bedrooms, 3 of which are located first floor, laige basement, all convenience, fine garage. . ' This fa a arorderful home, as you will appra eiate upon ina-estigation. Bendy for occupancy May 20th. - - i - The price of $10,000 is extremely low. Can be inspected todays by calling owner, Woodlawa 5917. for appointment. . NEARLT ONE THOUSAND HOMES - FOR SALE. S FRANK L. MoGCIRB ', T6 Buy Tour Home. Our new, modem office on the SEC OND FLOOR , of the ABLVGTON BLIx;. are now open, and we are ready (IF THIS IS POSSIBLE) to SERVE YOU belter than, ever before. OI'R HOME SERV ICE IS UN tJU ALUS D. I Our thorough familiarity with ' the beat home districts, our careful inspection ! and, appraisal of every HOME listed and every facility 1 of our large, competent , organization are placed at the disposal of the HOME SEEKER. Our UNPARALLELED dis play of over 800 PHOTOGRAPHS of homes for sale, will afford yon an un limited choice. If you are in the MAK KET for a home, you can't mi- SEEING FRANK L. McGUIRE Abuigton Bldg.. Main 1068. 18 Autos at Tonr Service. Open Erenings and Sundays. "FORECLOSURE PR ICS MOVE RIGHT IN" , , WAGE EARNERS.' SAVE BENT MONET 8 ROOMS. SLEEPING s PORCH, FIRE PLACE. LARGE CORNER LOT. NEAR CAR, SCHOOL, STORE, ETC. LOCATION 8. 30TH ST. NEAR 49TH AVE. WOODSTOCK CAR (OFF AT 50TH AVE.. 2 B. WEST, 1 t NORTH. NO. 1001 S9TH). ROOM FOR SECOND HOUSE ON CORNER: POSITIVE BARGAIN AT $2650. ABOUT $500 CASH. BALANCE EASY TERMS (LIKE RENTk, THIS PROPERTT REALLT CHEAP AT $3500.- 'ALL NEWLY PAINTED. . REFIN ISHED INSIDE AND OUT. "RPECiAC NO TICE." (OPEN FOR INSPECTION SUNDAY 2 TO "6.) SEE OWNER. 802 BELLING BLDG., OR PHONE - MAIN 1188. AFTER 6:30 CALL MAIN 1777. ; 1BVINGTON DISTRICT 6 ROOMS $3500 We want you to see this splendid bom located dose in on Multnomah st. Full 60x100 lot. this bouse I is in perfect condition. You will expect to pay at least $4500 or $5000: can be handled on VTy easy terras. Thia house will probably never be advertised again. Some oca with knowledge of rallies will realize the low figure at which this is being offered. In vestigate today. J A.- G. TEEPE CO. 264 Stark st. near Third Main S033. - Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. - " j ( Open Sunday. ' IRVrNGTON COLONIAL HOMB 8 room, ot liter entrance, large tiring room and sun room to the laft, very at-1 tractive dining room en the right, pas Pantry and complete kitchen in the rear, oak floors, tapestry walls, double fireplace, 3 charming bedrooms and sleeping porch 2nd floor. - I can deliver thia for less than - $8500. . Make appointment to see it today." C M. 1ERR v. tut. a. Juun-bftAA no. ;. B.ytu at. Main 4622. $4325 -BOSS CTTT PACK 1 7-ronm ( 2 story), 1 bloc from ear. hard wiod, fliwrs downRtairs,1 white enamel through out. This place is 1n pwrfect order: possession at once. SlftOO caxh, .balance arrange. 1 J I HARTMAN CO.. 7 Ci.amber of CA bldg. Main 208. F : SPLENDID BUNGALOW . 8 rooms and floored attic7weautiralry finislied in tapestry paper and old ivory, : 4iardwbod floors, fireplace, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, all built-in; nice base ment, garage. This is a charming bunga low and can be handled on reasonable terms; $4250. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 213 Corbett bldg. . Main 6915. Corner 26th and Taylori Out-of-town owner Instruct us to sell his property at once: house has been vacated and put in A-l condition inside and out. ' Thia is a comer with improvements in and paid. A ' Ji holne in an ideal location. t5et busy. 3700. j 4 i Hawthorne Realty. Co Cor. 36th and Hawthorne. labor 7463. " $2200 EASY TERMS' $2200 Good: 7 room house;, full aemi-cement base ment, hard surface 'street in. and paid; $500 cash will handl. balance like rent at 8 per cent. Why pay rent when rental terms will buy your own home. j C. A. WARRINER RITTER LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I : HAWTHORNE I 6-room 2-story bungalow type. : wen located, two blocks to school: all improre Dianta paid; a real buy at $3760. i I '. C M. DERR, iCOE A. McKENNA is CO.. 82 4Ut St. Main 4522. BEAUT IF CL 8 room bungalow 15 E. 37thj ad modern eonreniersse; fireplace, furnace, full basement and wah traya; large combination liv ing and. dining room; rery tastily finislied 'with all bull tin effects; kitchen is finished in white enamel ; den and music room downstairs. 3 fin ished bedrooms and aleeping porch upstairs: price only (,50; $1800 will handle. Turner A, Co., 230 Chamber of Commerce. NO. 34) EIGHT room houae; located at 885 East Irving .t PnriianH ..M U . 1 and hall downstairs ' and 4 rooms upstairs; 2 porches. Place now rented for $30 per month. Price $4500. Would consider trad on prune orchard near W'ashnugaL men i fc.n jt roi ' : vv tshongal. Wash. 100x100 FEET of ground with fruit and ber ries; house has 5 rooms, den, and sleeping porch, fireplace, buffet, futt cement baneinent. furnace; 1 hi blocks from car. from Willamette bldvd. 1 block from' t-ar. $4450; $1700 cash. JohnsoDodson i Co. i 633 N. W. Rank ildg. Main 3787. HAWTHORNE district, 1 blocks from car, Kuxm id, a,vv: neauuiui. nearly new, mod em, extra well, built 8 room residence : lot auxioo; house could not be built for 87000 to- j nay: pear cioeeec. inspection; terms if wanted. 11. al. btaub. 1037 Belmont: week Tabor 219 $200. Down Buvs Horns Small houae c and large lot with fruit and berries,; street od sidewalks paiil; cica to Woocbrtock ear. - Whole price $760. BRUCK GOPPARP. 601-2 COUCH BLDG. " 100X10 7 ROOMS $2S50 EAST TERMS, 3 SHORT BLOCKS CAR rMMEDIATE, POSSESSION. A GENUINE OP- J?r,'itJJPiITY LN THE WOODSTOCK DIS TRICT. , j i J C.-CORBCT CO.. SQ5-6-T-8 Tewi Bldg - - - icwa n jur. W.?T S'DE sacrifice by owner; 9 roam modern! This is s, good buy at $7500; 8 rooms tuod ern exceptmg furnace. 914 Gantenbein; $3100. Aim H acre on Johnson creek- sear Foster zoad and Sellruee. Sxoadvs- i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 41 , ' PAOFiC AGENCY, IfC , ' v Fifth Floor, Swetland Building Phone Marshall 3989 : OUR OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY From 10: A. M. unil 4 P. M. Call us We will send one off our cars to show you any of these A houses, and help with the down payment with a loan if you need itr Rose City ' ' " No. 862 ! 85000 for this modern bungalow type of a house. There are 6 rooms, full con crete basement, furnace and fireplace. About $2000 will handle this place and terms on balance. , ;! Rose City If yon wish to build, we hare a splen did lot in Base City Park that can be bought right; convenient to carllne. stores, school, churches and clubhouse: city street improvements ail in aind paid for. Rose City JPark Photo. 35 9 1 Bungalow, brand new; your own choice of paint. 4 rooms and bath with all built in features. 1 blork Sandy bird. dandy little place; 63800. Terms. - I Rose City NO. 319 . $4500 for tli is beautiful boms in this progressive, wide-awake district fulvweot, garage, all in a beautiful setting of flow ers, trees and shrubbery. Brooklyn Heights .;-:.. : Photo 364, ;;'' 3: : completely furnished! apartment: now rented for $80 per month. ; Uood location, close in; very good neighbor hood: $5650; terms. Rose City No. 841 I ." ' $1175; full lot and three room plas tered house. The boose i not large, neither is the price. But, O Boy! Look at the fruit 11 bearing tree; jogan fcerries and raspberries. Come f early. Thia place will soon bare a new ownez. Terms, , $300 cash. Rose City i N o. 815 " : Bungalow type; $5300 for this splen did : modem home : all up-to-date ecu-" rapienees. Beautiful lawn, garage. See photo at our office. I No. 305 For $2000 cash, balance of $4000, , easy term, you can secure this fin home ef 6 rooms on full lot. Baneanent, fireplace, no furnace. 4 blocks to car, . to school. Miuue seen to be apie ciated. . Willamette 1 Home ! No. 309 ; . This is a fine place, overlooking, the city and gives you a fiue view ; 75x100 ft. lot. 1 H story. 8 room house. The owner is offering this .on easy terms, for only $500O. We would be pleased to show you this if you are looking - for a home on West Side. . ' y5ilamette Heights i -I No. 808 ; ' $6000 Willamette Heights 7 room bouse, reasonable terms. This place is modem with furnace and fireplace. Beamed ceiling, buffet, handy kitchen. Practically a new place and in good con dition. i ! No. 210 . : 82500 and $600 down. If yon want to pay rent why not buy thia house and fun sized lot? It is in a good locality, has 5 rooms, hot and cold running water and gas. Pay the rent to yourself by paying for this house. Irvirigton7 1 No. 313 Irrington ,$12.500 8 rooms, full 3 Story modem home, which is a' thing of beauty, hence a joy forever for the owner of this. It is on a double corner lot, 1 block from earline snd is a splendid place. No hot air about this, but a hot water heating system, which everybody'- knows is best ever. Two fireplaces; Too much about this house to describe. Coma in and will show you, Lincoln Park No. 206 - Lincoln Park, 5 rooxn bungalow type. .A fine semi-modem home, on full lot. Thi: place was built by owner for a home snd is well constructed, convenient and a good buy for $3750; cash $1500; terms on balance. - .PACIFIC AGEKCY, BC ' Fifth Floor, Sw'etland Building Phone Marshall' 3989 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES Hawthorne - ' iKoJ 811 ':. - ' r ' t' $4000; ' only $900 cash needed to -handle this place: 7 room, 2 story bouse oh E. Yamhill) near . 37th. Large lot, some fruit and shrubbery ; furniture goes with this place, including rang and piano, j Hawthorne ;; -' No. 202 . - Hawthorne bungalow for $4500. some , cash and terms. Built on the California low, rambling lines. A beautiful modem typ of a comfortable home. 5 rooms, furnace aud fireplace, and aU up-to-date conveniences; .JF block to car. i Hawthorne V No. 849 E. 30th and YaaahiU: $5500 and only $1000 down for this IS story 7 - room modem house. Hardwood floor. , Excellent plumbing, white enamel fix tures, laundry trays, furnace and garage. If yon wfch good home at a fair price, it will be no mistake to get thi. East Side r No. 850 - - I 1 East Side apartment for $10,000 and only $2000 cash. There are 4 N com plete apartments, fully furnished, bring ing in $135 per month. There are 8 room and 2 bath on each of two floor. It 1 only 15 mij. walk from Union ' depot; 10 minutes from center of city. If yon are looking for an apartment, see this on. ' No. 803 $5250, with terms, for this swell look ing modern and convenient bungalow, up-to-date In convenience. Large living room with fireplace, large bedrooms and closets, dining room and kitchen; hate many, built in features. Let US show you this place, , Laurelhurst No. 312 ''. ' 39500 Beautiful 2- story modern Testae nee in I-aurt-lhnrsu 7 room and -up to date in construction. - A home to be! proud of and one you can enjoy. Come in, look at, the photo and see for yourself. Mount Scott No. 331 . : For $400 you can secure this naat little 6 room: home on a 115x113 lot, rucsj dining room with buffet; also built In and pantry, 3 bedrooms and closets, bath,' gas and: -light, furnace, fireplace, lawn, fruit, rosea and other shrubbery. 1'nce only $3u7a. Woodstock ; - No. 208'; X ! 7 room modern 2 story bouse, vfuU concrete basement.'Tiot air furnace, lann .i dry trays, gas -snd electricity, large lot (. 130x200, with a number-of trees and shrubbery . on the place. If you are looking for s nice home where you can f garden and raise chickens, thereby - re ' ducing the H C. L.; see this place. Only $4500 and $1000 down. No. 81T . ' $2000 wftl handle this 8 room 2 story swell home of: many conveniences. Large living room 7 20x21 feet, dining room, kitchen, first floor; 4 bedrooms 2d floor; close to earline. and 'schooL Come in, make yourself at home; look over our photos. . No. 207 $2500 for this 5 room 3 story house, 1 block of earline, only about 7 mim from business district, full lot. some shrubbery and garden: $1000 down and terms to suit purchaser. r ;!"i-, '" Southeast ' No. 348 ' Store and bouse on same lot, 6 rooms ' ever store, 5 rooms in house. This is a good buy if you want a little business on the side. All for $7300, or will seU separate, - Call in any time and talk it aver. . Car Wanted 4 ': Small car wanted and some eash for my $4000 6 room sleeping porch bun galow style, strictSy modem home. Car must be in A-l mechanical condition. Terms can b arranged. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE -HOUSES 61 , Dekum & Jordan WEST SIDE HOUSE $7600.00 A complete modern house of eight rooms. Surrounded by fine homes,- Very sightly location. Living room has attractive fire-, place. Dining room is light snd cheerful. Second floor has four bedrooms and bath room. Third floor has maid's room and roomy strip. Dekum &" Jordan 328-4 Chamber of Commerce Bldg., Fourth and Stark Sta. Main 2233. NINE HUNDRED PHOTOGRAPHS Of Home FOR SALE . Let THE M'GCIRK SYSTEM f i ESTABLISH YOU in that ideal heme. Do yon want a BEAUTIFUL. DISTINO- ; TTVK TYPE home in Portland' exclu- ; sire residence districts t Do You want a cheery, moderate priced BUNGALOW, in i any desirable Home district Are You : looking for a oozy, comfortable, inexpensive little home, with small down payment, and TERMS EASIER THAN RENT? ; Yon . are? Just come to our office and see over , NINE HUNDRED photographs of HOMES : for sale. - Every price, every type of home, every district. We can SAVE- YOUR ; TIME AND MONEY, See FRANK L; McGUIRE Abington Bldg. - Main 1068. Open Erenings and Sundays. v ' 18 Autos at Tour Service, . Alameda Park Snap h : "bnly $1500 Cash - . j Choice location, 50x1 20 -ft. lot extending from Regents drive to 3 2d near Mason, giving front age on two paved streets; all liens paid. Will build a home accog ding to your . own plana at cost price ; owner is an architect, which af fords you every advantage of low costs. The lot is only $1250. The biggest snap ever of fered in thia fine district, i KASER. & RALNET, j 823-8 Gasco bldg. i Miin!"f.02. 7: 4..- LOOK 34250 ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW-: A Rose Citv nickuu. Owner lea vine citr. Who's going to be the lucky on? 1 Located below the hill. 2 blocks Sandy boulevard, at. improvements, sewer in and paid. 5 rooms. One of those large living rooms that extend across front of house. Hardwood floors, fireplsce.. book cases, built in buffet, tapestry papered, gas Beat. white enamel Dutch kitchen, full cement base ment, piped for furnace. 50x100 lot, fine garden space, d bearing - fruit trees, bemes,: fine lawn and flowers. Th best buy in the district. $2500 cash required. Shown by appointment Monday call Main os. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDG. IRVINGTON ' ' SPLENDID HOME - $6300 ' Located n 23d near Knott. One ot-Irring- ton's very choicest location. Ton never, never would expect: to buy home of such durable construction snd so well arranged for so little money. Yon will appreciate the exceptionaUv large living room, hardwood floors, f ireplaoe, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc. AU w ask is an opportunity to snow you. -A. G. TEEPE CO. . 264 Stark st. near Third. - Main 8092. - Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. " - Open Sunday. ) : ROSE CITY PARK SilFTT BUNGALOW i S4750 TOUR OPPORTUNITY! Tou win appreciate the real value here. Thia truly modem., double constructed bungalow has a value far in excess of present price. Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout, hardwood floors, fire place, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement., furnace, .etc; full lot; aasta. A.. G. TEEPE CO.. 364 SUrk St.. near Third. Main S092 U ranch office. 50th and Sandy. (Oien Sunday.) - CHICKEN RANCH. 4 ACRE 5 ROOM BCN'RALOW. : C34O0 ' Her' your chance to get . jn the chicken nusinea. nearly j. acre . ground, double gacage, 8 chicken houses, room for 600 chickens: 3 Urge wire fenced runs, woodshed, fruit." double centructed a room bungalow, ' good condition built in. 2 dandy bedroom. ' comnleta bath Dutch kitchen, city water, gas. cleetricrty. Very nrettily- -situated, emotis- the fir itms. fine lawn and shrubbery, i Just east of Lenta. 45 minutes from center of; town.. Mt. Scott car. Let us how yu this Handy place. Only 33400; , rssh. Main 802. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 TEON BLDG. T ALAMEDA PARK A REAL BUNGALOW 87500 A HOME OUT OF THE ORDINARY. Lot of class and distinction. Here's a home you will be proud to own. Five rooms vnd den. We just can t. say too auuch abour uu place. All we can .hope to do is to get you to iuitpect H. You. yourself. . caors be the judge. . See this today. ( A. G. TEEPE CO.. j 264 Stark t?t. near Third. - Main 8092 sranca office, both and Saudy. ' (Open Sunday.) f;fl30-. f EATH - MUST SEU 4 room attractive home, -with enclosed plumb ing, basement, . gas, . 40,1 no ; near 62d and 1'oweil. convenient to rranklin high whonL ' ONLY $300. GASH - -. G;-C. GOLDENBERG ' Abington Bldg. Main 4803. DEAL WITH OWNER Six moms, close in. refinished tiwtd ami not flnnnyside car,haH. living and dining room, finished floors, pass pen try, kitchen with laun dry trays, full cement basement; upstairs hall. a bedrooms, s closets with w jidows : floors all painted; bath rooms linoleum; double garage; a (un;ermv-U- U. Hammond. V96 Belmont, Tabor 24 97. i , Another bouse 'like above without garage, $3400. . SNAP House Furnished Owner going East. ' . 5 rooms, modurn, fire plane, completely fumished. plenty of fruit Price, including furniture, 83850; $1060 down, balance easy terms. See Mrs. Albagh. I J. RobhinsEpton , 8013w-2 Ry. Exchknge. Main 7981. IRVINGTON HOSTE ! - Center hall, oak dining room large living room, with beautiful fireplace, breakfast room snd kitchen with bullt-insr 4 bedroouts,' one with fireplace, til bath; third floor ha maid's apartment; double garage. - This real home has hardwood floors all over and faces eat in the heart of Irrington. See us at once. ' Price low. Owner must sell quick. ' ' HITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. V- Look$250: ;v: - 1 . :-- , : Fun 60x100 lot; nicely located and sightly, close to ear and : Reed college ; clear of in cumbrance snd a gift. ' KASER V RALNET, 823-6 Gasco bklg. Main 7i"2. 7 ROOM modern bnngalow, S years old-' ball, - sleeping porch, bath, ; buffet, Dutch kitchen, clothes closets, plastered, full cement basement, laundry trays, four large nherry trees, chicken house, ran: cement sidewalks; dirt street; lot 80 by 150: 9 blocks? Alberta, car; 39th st. Fries 83900. $1000 1 down. B, B. Smith, 1121 IX 24th N. Wdln. 3801. ' i FOR SALE BT OWNER r " 7 room bouse, 4 blocks from earline, lot 1 00s 100, .house doable constructed, 11 bnilt in con veniences, full cement basement, laundry trays, 1 bedroom, toilet,, bath, below; 3 bedrooms, toiletj above; large closets in all bedrooms, 18 fruit trees of different varieties. A, bargain. No. 83 W. Webster st. Phone Woodlawn 6644. MODERN double constructed, well built 5-roora bungalow, with attic, cement basement, wash traya, toilet, bath, Dutch kitchen, bnf fet, hall, nice large porch. Corner-' lot 40xlOO, Built 8 years. Three block to Hawthorne car,- $3500, S150U cash. Tenne, Irtrect from owner. Tabor 8279 or come to 823 East 87tb St $3000- 1 H story 6 room house on Concord st, 100x100 lot: aU kinds ef fruits snd berries; ehieken runs. This place is very pretty place in every respect, $1600 cash, payment. Bal ance easy towns. JohnsonDodson Co 688 N. W. Bsnk Bldg. Main 8787. 6 ROOM bungalow, nifty; elec and gas, furnace, garage; 100x100 eorner lot: 15 fruit trass; faces west: 2 blocks to ears wonderful buy. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO.. 614 Panama, Bldg 10" ROOM house, completely furnished for four families; two bath rooms, furnace, nice eorner lot. 35x100. West Side, walking distance; good income. Price 86230. East 1888. $1500 BLT8- 100x100. lota of fruit and small vice trie hebtod bouse. Fauna East 4339. BEAK ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 81 BE CAREFUL OF WHOM TOU BUT A HOUSE. ...: : -:' . t ... ; .i ' - :-:' . t There are so tsany things to watch In the transfer of real estate that you should demand to see the sgenf s state license, who is tinder bond to protect yon. Irvington Large 2 story, 8 room house, den. sleep ing porch, sewing room, full cement base ment, garage, furnace, - fireplace, heavily carpeted throughout, completely furnished with beat ef furniture: fine Knabe piano: ail improvement fa and paid: furniture -would cost (2500, house $7000, lot $2000. making total of $11,600. 6 sen- . fios for $7850; terms. Rose City Beautiful 8 room bungalow, hardwood floors, cement basement, furnace, fireplace, garage, break f a-1 nook and attic; finished last fall. $5800; - terms. ; Laurelhurst New 6 rooxn bungalow. Too can select the finish for inside if yon bny today. w lKruble constructed, furnace, . fireplace, hardwood floors,, garage; : beat part of Laurelhurst, 1 block from car. $7500; terms. : Richmond ; i Large 8 j-oottj house, on corner, on ear line; furnao& fireplace, full cement basement r : 60x6 (i. lot; room for garage. Owner, will sacrifice for quick sale. (SHOO; uuaown. Would cost double to built o it. v Williams Ave. On the corner of Monroe st Two mod ern 8 room houses on 80x100 lot; double, garage; full., cement basements, laundry , trays. Both for the price of one, be- 0 cause cash is needed. S6500. Rented nof for $840 a year, will bring more. Note Mr. Rinehart'a property, which be - has owned 6 years. Mount Scott -' : : - .' 4 'room cottage, -fuicnlsnea, with 8 lota. on corner; fruit i-treesr garden in; wood ahed, basement, j gas, i electricity, cement -sidewalk a.nd curb, Honse and lot $2300; terms. Other 2 lota free. These .house bare been appraised by Mr. Rinenart, licensed real estate broker, under bond, so you can feel confident your interest will - be fully, protected, as he will give you his personal, attention. His ' . machine is at your disposal. Just call East 8174, Mr. Riiashart, $1700 vAN UNUSUAL BARGAIN IN A WEST SIDE HOME; to close an estate Is SACRIFICED; white en amel plumbing; electricity, gas: ABUNDANCE OF FKCIT and BEKKlLS; Macadam and Ne . brasaa. $1 600 KENTON ' BUNGALOW BAR ,4iAIN; i oombinaUbn Hving and dining room with cheery fireplace; . V Dutch kitchen: sunny, pleasant bedroom ;' plumbing, -electricity, gas; EAST TERMS. E. Sufffll i street, $1000 THIS IS ONE OF OUR BIO.' I OEST BARGAINS: 4 room KEN- 1 r I TON BUNGALOW ; combination living and - dining roomi patent toilet; electricity, cas: paved t paid; Peninsula. - See this today; tomorrow it win be gone. J ust : $825 down. ' FRANK L. McGUIRE Abington bldg. , i- Msin 1068. Deal with an' old reliable firm. HURRY ONLY $'400 DOWNl ROSE CrTY PARK CAR This is a really pretty bungalow en a 60x100 corner lot. It has large hving room, kitchen with bregkfast nook.' bath and 2 bedrooms. The price is $2400.- Bettor see this today. Call Tabor 8349 for appointment. ' . ALBERTA BARGAIN $1260 $40:OOWN $1260 . 4 room -louse on comeSSsiot, st. paved on one side. This is' sour opportunity of getting a nice little home at this most reasonable price and terms. INVESTIGATE IMMEDIATELY! ALBERTA HOME -8310 -r -! ' .$8150 ' 6 well built room nicely arranged, reception hall, bath, attic, fruit . on place, built for a hegne double constructed throughout. Thi is a real bargain investigate and be convinced UOLDEN i A KOULMAM S28 Cham, of Coin. Bldg. Main 6S80 IRVINGTON". IX)T BARGAINS - $850 E, 18th. facing east. 150 feet north of Klickitat. ' . i $900 E. 15th, facing west. 100 feet north of Klii-kttat. ' ' F- J " i - $lluo E. 27th. facing east, 100 feet north of Tiliamook. ' ' i - ' 1 i $1250 E. 17th, facing east. 825 feet north of Klickiut j $1400 E. 21st, fscing east, 100 feft north of Klickitat. : : : i . $1500 East 20 th. facing east. 100 feet north of Stanton. - -: i i 1700 E. 28th. racing west. bet. Eugene and Thompson. KITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 We write aiL kinds-of insurance. IRVINGTON , - ; 8-ROOM HUNGALOW " :""- ' $7250 Here, folks, is one of those ival atrractfre. downright modern, exceptionally well bnilt bun galows. Hie hM-ation is ideal. You will appre ciate the little convenience nd refinemnuN tiub uu lino urir. : mr rooms are ail large and enpecially jcheerful. The bring room ana dining room are- setmrsted by French doors. This bungalow- is finished in old ivory and white throughout- j Of courso tliere is a garage; reasonable terms, gee it today. A. O.- TEEPE CO. 264 SUrk st near Third. Vain 3083. ' Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. i - 1 . -. (jpen Bunaay. WAV E R LT. IG H DISTRICT FORECLt)SURE SNAP ' $3679 $3676 $3673 $3675 $3878 ' 7-rowm majestin home, would coat $6000 alone; fireplace,, aleeping porch, full basement, bedroom i downstairs, . both - interior and exterior in elecant condition;: comer, naved atrweta. carw uno, cinnm in. : , . i ; i ; ONLY -$675 CASH Near 83i and DivUion. Main 4803. G. ;C- GOLDENBERG AWngton Bldg. Tear In Portland." ala.vedaTpabk new bungalow a gem $6T50 Here. folk, is on of those real good-looking. super-modern bungslow. . built along the new modern lines) Right tip to th minute. Notky ing better. Everything that one could pos sibly ask for yon wUi find her.' Let us how you. j , ' i ' w A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 SUrk vU., ' near Third. - Matn 3091 Branch office, vbOth and ' Sandy. j (Opn Sumlay.) HOLLADAT -; 7-rwrta 2-story -home in th best of cunditton,' large airy rooms, oak floors up and down, 2 fireplaces, dandy basement, ganure, 511x100 lot; $7000, $2500 will tuuKiie it, balance to .suit. C. M: . DERR, -COE A. McKENNA A CO.. 82 4tb St. Main 4522. NEW modem bnngalnw of 6 rooms snd sleeping porch,, hard wood floor, fireplace, bookcases, - buffet, large Dutch kitchen, screened in back porch. Full concrete base- ment, full lot; Among new home. Price only $8850; reawuahl term nd 6 per cent interest.' 808 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 1963. - i YOU JUST WON'T BELIEVE . That you can buy an 80"0 for $5500, $1500 cash, in Laurelhurst.' . 7-room bungalow and aleeping porch, . block to Rose City Park. Just a smaU. expense of tinting inside then $6500. This one is among nice. home. Bun- day, Marshall 8362 br Tabor 3090. ( -- J. H. ROCK .CO.,- 4 08-4 Couen Kldg.' (NO. 8 i 5 ROOM bouse. St- John. Or.; fuD basement; 3 blocks to earline on Charleston at. I I,ot 60 by 107. Price $3000 cash or $3i00 trade. at rOA i Washoueal. Wskh. i, CLOSE-IT' ft-room borne near Ijurelhuntt Part Hot water beat, fireplace, full lot. macadam street. : Price $4000; $1200 cash, balance easy. JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 878T. FINE i HAWTHORNE HOME 85500- Beet bay in Portland; some terms. 8 rooma. 2 fireplaces. 2 bathroom, furnace, full cement basement trays:. 60x1 10 lot; fruit trees and roses,- street pared and paw. TZo Haw- thnrne at Zlil at. , -tanor bdih. HERE i a money maker. 11 room modem houae on 6th st,, west side,, wslkuig' distance to center of city; $6600, $1000 c4l, Main 4263. Mrs. Ryan. - ' BEAUTIFUL corner. 100x108, in the beari of Irrington: 10 Aooins. Uiorotixhlv modem. hardwood floors, hot water heat; $12,000, part cash. 704 Board of Trad. Telephone Main 1368. REAL EST AT E Tfi R SAL E HO I S F. S ) LAKGKST HOME Si 1 .1.1. KS ON THE PACIFIC. COAKT OVER 800 PHOTOGRAPH! OF HOMES" X)K SALE The rMfMt hnm. ul, fn mIam i. now being held in our new ofricn on the second floor of th ABINGTON HI.PG. Over 900 photographs of homes to choose " from. . MANY KKMARKAHlj; HAI GAINS. Every district, every type of . home at every price. 18 autw at your service. Ojen eveninxs and kun.luj-s. $4900 MT. TABOR BUNG At O W BEAUTY 6 splendidly arranted rooms; living -iwmr -with art tire place; leaded glass bookinues; st tractive dining room witli nisMire bufrt: . solid paneled"; hardwood fiotirs; convenieait kitchen; 1 litrht airy bedroom down. 2 sunny bi r.,ms and. Sleetnnc porch ui; full cement basement; fumare;, laundry t,ray; K. firtih nt.-' THIS IS THE MOST DKLIGIIT FUL BUNGALOW AND THE . BEST BUY IN. THIS DISTRICT. $4990 BEAUTIFUL IRYlN:TON PARK; - an OREGON BUNUAi' LOW. artistic, delightfully c.m fortable; modern; 5 rooms; lane, and airy; ftreplaoe and ho.-Vciu.-w in living room; solid paneled dm- . lug room with mawire 1ft tt buffet; WHITE DUTCH KITCH EN; 2 sunny bedrooms; host plumbing fixtures, electricity. ithj ; ' full ba-rment with SPLENDID -P-IPELESS FURNACE; double" grge; ALL JdlNDt OF FRUIT; BERRIES. GRAPES. cUv ; cloe . to car. (;ietin ave. Teruuv Tho . is an OP1-ORTC.MTT. We hare 80 homes in Alberta. $4625 RIGHT IN THE HEART OF IRVINGTON is this 6 room very attractive typical buntnlow; arti. rio fireplace in living room: mnny of the modern LABOR "AVERS; ','. best white snamel plumbing; clr tricWy, gas: street i bens paid. THIS IS VACANT I Hancock sO . ONE OF OUR UNUSUAL UUYSi . "i 84450 ONE OF ROSF) CITY'S prrvriext BUNGALOWS is Jut bulng riom- - pleted; everything about it is fr.U and! JUST. AS NEW: maair brink columned front porrh; lir- Ing room with BEAUTIFUL ART : BRICK FHt:PLACE; and rt.i tio built in bookcase; 1 KK.Si II door lead to distinctive dining . room with' msjwive' buff : idcul IHi(ch kitchen: HARDWl KJl) FIIORS; splendid oetnnit baw ment with funis'-. . and laiunlrr tray; floored Uic: cl-w to car nd enhool. on U. 6VJi. A REAL ROSE CITY at a BAR GAIN. $3150 HAWTHORNE'S TTPIOAL ' BUNGAUiW BARGAIN: larvn front poTth fnll width of b MANY. CLEVER BUILT INS; white enamel plumbing; electricity. ga. laved ctreet all Paul; only $500 down, $23 p month. K. Shemian st. This is )lendid valua. $8150 S mora modem HAWTHORNE HOME;, living nxwn. dining rioin: model Dutch kitchen; 2 plrttsant aleeping rooms; while enamel pin robing, electricity, gas: ennrnt bsAetnent with laundry trays; hit 66 2-3x100. , K- 4tith t. $2650 ON LT $500 down for UU UN USUAL HAWTHORNE; bwfor you buy TAKE ADVANTAGE OP THIS; 5 risim modern BUNGAIW: VERY ATTRAC TIVE LINES; full width front Jwrcb: prri'y living room: -dining room with maaeive 6 ft. huffw ; FLTJj DUTCH KITCHEN;""- 2 sonny bedrroms; bnt whir" ertamo! plumMng; eif-ctrif-tfr. jis; -Ni'-REMIItENT KAi RIKIf EH THIS ; FOR A AJUICK SALE. It s a imU . bargsin and won't be on our i boards long. .-. $2620 A MONTA VILLA HOME OF VT. f.'EPTIONAf. MERIT; raception hall with full mirror; ' pretty Mt ing room with leadnl ghu l.k . canes; artistic nsneied dining rnn with MASSIVE LF.ADI.D 0 fJLASS BUFFET,' vnUi b.-.l.1 g!a mirror; white - in T 11 KITCHEN ;. 1 bedrojtn down. 2 up; best wluto enumol plumbing: splor did Cemcvit basement: foil ; ' -'. ' E. 74th. YOU. CANNOT AF j FORD TO MISS THIS. $3600 -WALKING DISTANCE; central ,t Portland: 8 room i-nmfirt.-' - able home, arranged for two fuw ' 1 iliw; 00x100 lot; tutn lien all pakU K, Oak nwr llnh. THIS IS priced at $1000 haw : . than the lot is worth. $3500 FURNISHED H A. W T H O Tt NE rmngsjow; 6 ple.ant room: many ' ? labor saving built 1n: white en- i ! amel plumbing; electricity, gas; j ; good cmnt bawment; E f.'-d i near HawUiorn. . T1113 13 GOOD -eALCE. $3400 Harva one ef . SET LWOOD'S . beat banrain ; rer rri1o, mod ,ern, 7 room BUNGA 1W ; Mmi are pleasant and comfortable; bm4 whits enamel pbimbing; elentno ty, gaa; VACANT Vmsy torn Cluas to oar on . Bidwt-li are. $2800 WEST SIDE REAL BNAB Just $500 down and easy pa- tnenu of $20 are the forma on Or rrm. fcwtable 8 room WEST SIDE HOMB; while enamel plumbing; electricity, gna; treat Jien all paid; First at, near Ousrj. . GOOD VALUE, $2650 JUST EAST OTf LA TTRCT JTCTi T is this 6 room very suMtntil modern, altracrive home; SKWhY PAINTED AND TINTED BOTH INSIDE AND OUT; and It s )'.vt LIKE NEW: best white enam-1 plumbln; elecirfc-it.y, gas; only $600 down; entire balan-o baa rattt. THIS IS VACANT. More right In, jE. Iiaris. $2760 TOU CAN'T ALWAYS FTVT) A -REAL ROSE err Y bungalow. at this exceedingly low pre;" artuMo liitj home that you'll bo pleawt with. . PANE LEO OfNINO ROOM; CO.VVKNIENT-'HTCM-F.N; MANY BUILT IN LARoR SAVERS; bast white riismal ' , I'; splendid lu. (ittiltiO; garage. , Easy terms. E. 65 th tl. $2878 tordiality, comfort, are in thn i-mo-l-iinre of Ud attract jre B rof.m WfJNTA VILLA B U Ni; L OW; - FTriJ, GARDEN 1T, 73rl0O; , 1 6 large, full bearing fruit tn; . Hr,'MMKR'IX BE- HERE SOON. E.i79th,'l block to M-V car. $2850 ALBERTA BARGAIN; 8 room.; combination Mritig . and diuu g , i- room; convenient kiU:hrn, 8 . sunny bedrooms; beat whita m " aml plumbing fixtares; el.,trio ity; gas; good ceineot hawrnent ; ; '. fuR lot; bPLKNDID GARAGK; . on arrange tarm. Jarreit st Prw-a has ben reduoed for a ' QUICK SALE,, $2600 Charming M. Scott ho JUST LIRE NEW bungalow;, built in lab,r saver; beat wtnut enamel plumbing fii'urf; ei trksity, gas; ABUNDANCE OF FINE FRUIT AND RKKUILS. etc. ; E. . 74 Ui st- TERMS. $2990 $S0O down; f'FNTTtAL EAT PORTLAND H'lMF.; ,m tr lertf kit; street Hetia all id-: - .. eomforrahle room ; , wtut enamel ; plubiluog; electricity, g--"; M .CANT; Itnmadiale pofconton E. Hyt. WEST OF LALKEA HUR8T. , ' If yon .are 1n ths ruarkat for a Vom it i to your advantat to viait our Hlow ROOM6V AND INSPECT our wonderfnf ' display of oner 9m HOME BARGAINS. -We can SAVE TOUK TIME AND MONEY. FRANK L. McGUIRE TOi BUT YOllt HOME f Abington Bldg. Main 105. Sucoeasrim to H. T. McGuire . EsUbliahed JhlO.i "40 , Tsar of ' RELIABLE Service." FOR SALE 4 room bouse and lot 4 0"joo! Price $700: small payment diian. baJanca Usj rant, 6000 60th sU b. E..-or. 60U sis. ' i