THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 9. 1920. a - BUSINESS PROPEKTT UK RE IS SOMETHING WORTH LOOKING CP Fine new building, concrete and tile. 75x80 feet, 2 stories; irst floor has garage aD macfciu hop; prewnt owner bu agency for Chevrolet; dmnc fins business; second flour faaa dance ball, dining uid other DcenMary tooom; plumbinc All Is; citj water and electric lights. Aim modern bouse. 7 room, bath and toilet on first floor, . 1 .large room up a tain; lot jlOOxl 00, facing aid tree In mar of garage building; garag feces on paved atreet; in a Utile town on the North Hat. fc highway and railroad. Price about 830. 000, depending on amount of stock on hand at time of aalc; half cash, balance terma at 7 Per eeut ... . RICHTER h. FOX, - WASHOUGAL. HASH. HtB is a- good buy. Corner building 50x60, lot SOxWlO, on pared street. 2 store rooms below and 12 roome on " aecond floor: could easily be converted into a rooming boow; 3 toilets and bath; water, electric lights; woodsheds, email building In rear of lot kui table ahup or imug room. .Price (5000, half cash, terma on balance at 7 per oeuu Would take email ranch a .part.- . ... RICRTER & FOX. " WASHOUGAL, WABH. BUSINESS corner, 100x100. fine for manu facturing or stores; no agents. Call 1038 Division at. Mrs. F. O'Neill. FOB SALE HOUSES 91 , NINE HUNDRED HOMES FOR SALE Sea FRANK L M'GriRE TO HIT VOfR HOME I Over 90 PHOTOGKAPHS OF HOMES FOR. SALE, with price, terms and ad drew under! every picture. Every borne haa beeu ca ay fully inspected and appraised. Many remarkable bargain. We can -SATIS' YOUR TIME AND MONET. We guar--itw sati -fHction. S-e FRANK L..McGUIRE To Buy . Your Home " rJeeond Floor. : Abincton bids. I Main 1068. Open: Evening and Sundays. . Successor p H. D. McGuire. Established 1 880. "FORTY VEAKt) OF SERVICE." .18 Autos at Your Constant Service. B28 KEARXET STREET A very deetrable and convenient part of the city for a bu.uiies man. An at tractive .home of 8 rooms, large reception hall, good sued living room with fireplace, community atamm heat, also very beat of furnace, flno basement and large attic - A substantial modern home at a low price. Full lot, 30x100. If this should not be Just the place for yon tell as your want and we will fill them for you if possible. Our 22 years of dealing in Portland real estate and dux brokerage relsiion with member of" the Realty Board enable us to find what you want if it h to be obtained. Wo can ear yon much time and annoyance in finding your home. -Prompt and dignified service ia at your disposal if you will call us. Strong & Co, 334 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE i CJ. M. Strong. Main 2587. F. H. Strong. "TfOME BARGAINS $ 800 Houseboat, furnished, 5-room. $2000 Bungalow, 4-rooin, modern. $2650 6 room and garage, 100x100 lot $3500 E. 24th. 6-room modern: terms. $3650 Walking, 100x150 lot. 8 large fruit trees, 7 -room Poms. $3800 Williams 'are., 7 -room home. $500.0 Williams ave.. 100x120. 2 cottages. $4000- Rose City Park. 7 -room modern. $5500 West Side, 7 -room modern; terma. Chas. Rangier & Co. 225 Henry Bldg. " ftOSEClTT PARK ' SEE THIS NOW TODAY. Ton would never expect to buy co fine a home as tht- one no iatcslv modern, so downright food In very wj and o ideally located for bo little ' i. a. i iki. k...t-4,..l moiiej. 9 V JUakVV" vfiucwiwb uu icx i vi aa bungalow borne. .Just give us an opportunity AP 8AsU vw JUUm i V t, jrs, WCio a- e aa-aa-j. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stark St.. Near Third. Main 3092. Branch; (iffice. 50th and Sandy. ( Orae.n Sundav. 1 HAWTHORNE BUNGALOWS We have several good bungalows in this dis trict, full size lots, and some on corner Rang ing in inn from $8150 to $425U. Some in titule garage. 1 Terms oh each. G. Y. EDWARDS & CO. 21- Board of I radc, . s-ain -ui. ouimiiy ana r,vmijiss israor o FINE 3-rooxn ; bouse, electric lights, gas. 83x133 lot, improvea witn oarn, cuic&en nouse wiia cement floor, i also woodshed, several-fruit trees. 4 Only $1250: $300 csMi. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. iMain 3787. ; Hawtuiorne Home Modern 7 rooms and sleeping porrh, 50x100 ft lot; 12 bearing fruit treea. All kinds ot Demee ana snruorery. .-streets psvea . ana paia for. One block from nawthorne car. $4100. , PKone Sellwood 1 1S. oviiier. ' FINE 7-Tom modern, bungalowin l.sbtui ore Is ud: sleeping porch,, garage. 50x100 lot. fine shape. If jou see this you will buy of owner. Fre $3900.; 406 Hawthorne. Will sell ur Slfthed. . ' ! ' ' ALBERTA BARGAIN 9 " Tnravft. nice bath. urubbery, repainted, eti. ; $2500,1 or ber. cas-li etffer. Mnrtgactt $840; my eq.nity $1660, lialf ' cash, balance cut. J. W. Mrrolpin. 210-212 effern st. 8 ROOM house and garage corner lot. street and sewer all paid; 3 lira cherry trees. 98500, terms. 9 blocks to Williams ave. car, 9 Mocks' to T'ntoa ts. car. At premises 4 p. in to 7:30. 3:20 Fading st, comer Rodney. 6-ROOM modern bungaiow. AVaverleigh Heights; snap; mow in.- Price $2475. Also 5-room - modern bunaalow, must sell. $2850. Also K ; Toon niolcra. walking distance. Price $2700. Hem. snsps. Call 400 Hawthorne. IOR SALE 5-room furnished house, large at tic and full basement, 100x100 lot, hard surface street, near Franklin high school; price $4000 $1300 cash, balance, easy. 5412 Powell Valley road. Tabor J7. ROOM bungalow with spare bedroom and storeroom upstair, 'all built-in, full basemet.i, " furnace and fireplace, cement -garaue; moat bo " sees) to be appreciated: $4300, $300O cash. By I owner. 1118 E. 20th north. 312-42. 13TH AND ALBERTA STS. S37I10 $700 Down. 7 large rooms, electric lights, gas. full base ment. 2 lots; essy terms, hke rent. E. D. Scho macher. Main 1Q38, or evenings Main 4408. $2400 Modern 5" room bungalow like new, Dutch kitchen, lots built-ins. cement base ment, fine garage and chicken house, near car line, school and one block from paved at. Some terms. Owner 8103 2d ave. S. E. NEW 5 room modern bungalow on 50x1 0O lot, large ttic. full basement, cement floor. - material and construction guaranteed. Can be seen after 2, o'clock p. m. Sunday. M-874, loumal. I TOR SALE Small house with full set of plumb ing., two big lots 60x 1 56 each, euual to over I lots: 28 bearing fruit trees.r variety of ber ries, fine location; all assessments paid. Price sjoo. inquire r.. notn st. FOR SALE--By owuar. 4-room house; electric light snd water, banement, chicken house, fruit and berries; corner 8bth street and 50th s venue -$00 cash. Address owner. 1008 W. 17th St.. Vancouver, Wash. ALBERTA DISTRICT For sale, by owner, my home ; 4 nice rooms and bath; 50x100 lot Half cash, easy terms like rent on the balance. $1800. block from car line. 1033 E. 23d N. $225 CLOSE TO MT. SCOTT CAR-LINE - 4 rooms and sleeping porch. Dutch kitchen, gas and electric lights, full basement and good plumbing :, large garage and chicken house: 2 lots: $225 will handle. Phone Tabor 6760. UOOlfc 6 room bungalow. . bard surfaced staT": - pleasant, convenient location; only V block south of. Alberta car to 1031: E. 15th north. Price $2850. 1 j BT OWNER 4 room modern bungalow, with den, large attic, good basement, built-in tea tares: Alberta district Price $2850. $500 down. monthly payments. Phone Wdln. 1047. FOR SALt 5-room modern bungalow, builtin kitchen, buffet, bookcases, fireplace, lot 50x 100. fruit and flowers. Island station; take Oregon City ear. Phone Milwaukie tj.v. HAWTHORNE 8 room house, corner, ases- ments paid: opportunity to rent jart to help neet payments. ; $3800; $500 down. Bargain Tabor 7073 ! " NEAR FRANKLIN HIGH 6-room modern bungalow. IOOxSS lot. fruft tnd berries, $500 cash, balance terms. Owner fabor 3388. - . - TWO story building, store and 2 modern rooms on first floor; 5 .room apartment above; ail convenience:; large sleeping porch and garage. 825 Alberta st Phone Woodlawn 2576. BY OWNER 6 room bungalow;- a bargain. 1134 Cora are. Dr. Tons an, Yakima, Waxh. 1 "1 REAL ESTATE FOB RALE HOUSES 1 Mbcngaixws BfSGALOWS BrGAIWS BUNGALOWS BUNGALOWS BUNGALOWS and HOUSES to suit any purse. They are all priced right and a glimpse down this Ut should convince anyone that there is no profiteerinj: here. We have photographs of these and lota of ether places and in vite you to ioall at the office in person or by phone. ! I . I ' - $20001 4 story 6 rooma and sleeping porch, loti 80x174, fireplace, bath and toilet, wire for electric light . ami gas in, . full basement, con- . crete foundation, chicken bouse and! rsrd. $50O cah. $20 montuiy. $2225 5 room cottage with Vt acre of . ' ground, tots of fruit, modern chk-sen housa. 14x36. $700 cash. $2$ monthly. $230O-5 soora plastered cottage with gas, electric light, bath and toilet. . lot I 50xJ 00, 8 aaoorted fruit tree, IltHuty of berries, near Twohy l4rt $200 cash. $20 monthly. $2300 Ani extraordinarily wed built nifty : . - little room bungalow type of ; cottage with a full acre of ground, In ia good location, gas for cook inffi, 5 bearing fruit trees, 1 2 young onH. strawberries, currants, appiea. etc. Firt class clicked house wish room for 100 chick ran. Here' is a young farm right in . thei city. $1000 canb, $15 monthly. 92500 5 room plastered house with 100X 100 lot, iplenty of . fine lruit, ' ou paved atreet, 2 chicken houses, , ciote in, J very good; value. $500 cadi, $23 monthly. : $2500 Large 6 room cotdage with bath and toiUft, electric lights and iu, lots of biiR-in conveniences, some fruit trees, good garage with lights .and water in same. Range and fuiWeum I goes with the place. XI 000 cash. $20 monthly,. $2tf00 C Ktory (I room plastered ,ou?e. witb concrete foundation, lull base ment, cement floor and laundry trays, bath and toilet, 5 bearing ; fruit trees, some berries. $500 cadi, $25 monthly.; $2650 4 J room plantered cottage, with . bath and! toilet, ground 45x225, - . large chicken bouse with water . I 'i i Ki to each pen. also electriSi ! lights, lots of fruit. $500 canh, . i $2D monthly. $2900-! Am extraordinarily neat 7 room house oii carune, in Woodlawn. (louAe is imodcrn. has fireplace and funnace, I an excertkiiaky good huv. ill. "id cash. S5 monthly $3050-4 f rot in buncalow with exception i ally larga rooms, large floored at i tio with) room for thrwe more ' I rooms, splendid garage with cement I maways. lot 50x120. $1550 cash, baL 3 years at 7 per cent, $31005 jroom Iconciete brick bungalow. loti 50xl(0, at Inland aration ou tii Oregon City line; This is a very - picturesque location and if yon are loud of fishing, boating. bathing, etc., all you will have to do is to practically just step out of your front gate and there" you are. The house alone could not be; duplies ted for less than $4 500. JliiOD ca-ih, $25 monthly. - $3200 A practically new newiywed apart- mnnt house type- i of bungalow. Bpfeiulid pergola tntr&hce. Murphy ; disappearing bed, dressing room, j large living room with fireplace j and seat, Pullman buffet kitchen - and break f ant nook, built-in table and seats, beautiful lot, en paved , street and csrline; $300 cadi any large monthly payment will do. $3200 cV-soom bungalow with A ooncrfte foundation, built-in buf- fet. Dutch kitchen, ground lOOx 180, 22 bearing fruit tiees, con siMing of prunes, appies, pears, ate. A I miniature ranch in a good district. $1000 cash, bal ance to suit. . $3250 A. ; remarkably well built 7 -room house, with sleeping iKirch, dis appearing bed, fireplace, large oiiw-ta, good view, concrete re 1 tuning 'fall: house alone cannot be duplicated for $4500 $U50 cash, $20 monthly. $3500 r-An ( exceptionally well btailt and attractive 5-room bungalow, with wonderful ivy covered cobblestone ' fj replace .; cobblostone perch sup ports, hardwood floors, Dutch kitrhen. huilt-in buffet, bookcases, fuH length mirror, beamed ceil ings, built-in ironing board, wah trays ini basement: . lot 50x100, sith wonderful view of the snow eaprwl monntHina. - $800 ca-sii, balance monthly. $3500 3-room iweli built bungalow, full . ba.semen, concrete lonndation, . ground 100x100, with beautiful - native trees. Fine lawn and gar den spot.! $1000 cash, $20 monthly. $3750 i-rooui modern bungalow, . with good garage, fireplace, complete hot water heathig system, f ill -basemenC concrete foundation, gas and eloc trie lights, bath and toi let, close to car, in good district. $1000 cash, $25 monthly. Fred fW. Gerraiaitt Co. 732 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE R.I H. O.VTEWOOT) ft CO.. - j HOL8E KARGAINS i ROSE CITY PARK : 8 large roosas. very conveniently arranged ' and rtrictey . modem throughout: hardwood floors, furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet. Hash trays. etc. ; double constructed. This home is near Uie bandy bonlovard and 4oth at Can to seen by appouitment, poly. Price $6000; j reasonable terma. ; I- t I MbNTATHLA Modern bunsalowi 5 large rooms and sleeping perch, hardwood floors, nice built-ins, full ce ment Da-emeut, pipeti ror furnace, fireplace lot 80x100 fact. Corner; $3800; j cash. Good buy. I 7 -room modern houw, cost $4O00: one block csrline on 7Jst su. N. ; $30OW; $10O0 cash, i t it.hitdti 7 rooms. rUil 2 -story, modern, like ne-,. fur-j nace, gooii di-ftrict conreiueot to -hool. store. church, car; j lot 50xlO4 feet; $4500; good i terms. Jou oannot duplicate turn pUu-e lor .Utam tlian $6500. It is a bargain. ; I t WOODLAWN ; 3-room cotliage. full lot; $1600; $300 cash, $20 tnoKLh. ' j . . i R- M. GATE-WOOD A. CO.. 165 4Ui Ht West Side i Bargains 935O0 for la 6-room on 21st -N-; only $500 2650 for A 6-room bunaalow with larze attic full basement ; street paved and" all improvements $800 cash, baL terms. This is on ' j a 5-room on Keiley. with baae- garage 2n28 :' streets paved and in and paid; Savier. $3000 for ment and fim paid; only $3 vu aovrn. Mursriali az'j. F. jL,. olancnard 53 lf20RljrThangej J. $So00 WOJi buy this besutiful home; east front,; 50x1100 lot: plate elasJ windows, beau tiful reception had f with inirrori phone cabinet seat, coat (Closet with hat case: extra large living room, fireplace. French floors, bookcases, hartlwood floors throughout, paneled dining room; large buffet and up-to-date kitchen with inlaid linoleum; breakfast nook, with china closet; larg. airy bedrooms; with two closetsi each; tile floor bath, with tli most costly fixtures; second floor suitable for 3 large airy rooms: ! automatic Gasce furnace; fro it I room : laundry ini basement Doors open from 3 to 5. East 27th si. N. near Knott st. Broadway tar. A strictly modern home. Buy R. M. (Gatewood & Co. SMALL HOME BARGAINS 4-room plsered cotuge. cement basement, 11 bearing fruit trees, lot 100x120. Price $2000; half cash. At real snap. ' 5-room cottage, at St Johns; lot 100x100, fruit and huts; $2200; $300 cash; $20 per month. 6 "per cent 3-room cottuge. full lot. good' location, $1900; casii.- eu montn. f, R. Me Gatewood Co. 165H Fourth St- , WONDERFUL BCY 6-room plastered, bath, basement, elect rie lights, gas, fine condition, 50x100 lot. macadam paved street, sewer in. everything paid; walk ing distance. Fine 5 garden soil: lower end of lot low. Price only $1750; $200 cash. Take Miss ave. cat! to Russell. 2 blocks east to Ross, then 1 block; south; vacant j Call Tabor 854 forenoons. . ' ! $4200 6-room modern bungalow, facing west .; $2200 down. All of the latest Built-ins. fire place, hardwood floor, full cement basement. 1 bedroom- down. 3 bedrooms : upstairs. 2 years old; full 50x100 lot; 1 block to car, 12 blocks tO School. -j J I ; Johnson-Dodson Co. - 633 S. W.' Bank Bldg. Main 3787. AT OSWEGO 7 room house, barn and 43 bearing fruit trees; i acre good land; $500 cash, balance 25 per montn. Star j Investment Co. ; ! 405 Panama; bldg. ERY nice 8-room bungalow, electric lights, gas, bath, basement, concrete fouudation, garage; on a paved street For tome one working in St Johns, i Only $2850. Keeithis. - - JohnsonDdd4on Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bids- Main 3787. t OR SALE A modern 5 room bungalow, all improvements, cement basement furnace, wash trays, fruit roem, fvreplaee, DutchTeeKhen. screens and shades, and besutiful electric 'fixtures. Cor ner kit 50x102, 2 blocks from carune. Reason able price. Part of furniture for aale if de- V 1 t-A4 "" 11 .11 . ( 11'. It ST p. a s. . - eai w uttk Tw IMJUJJW" a&at. $50 CASH. 1 tmontlily; 4 iroom hoUb; iarge WW U rtMUe trVW, XHDOt 1214. REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOrSES 91 J. A. Wickman Co. "SHORTEST WAT HOME" Tears of study of local conditions, a thorough knowledge of districts, familiarity with values and a splendid ' organization, enable us to give you the T"'ri"""n serv ice in homebuying. I Seven salesmen with autos at your service. .- It places you nnder no obligations. Call and inspect .our photos and- list ings before buying. OPEN TODAT COME IS Near Franklin High - $3000 Buys almost new home of 9 rooms and bath, with full base ment. Dutch kitchen, wash , trays. This was sold by us at-the ssme prir-e last fall. Owner leaving, city, rnunt sell at once; $450 cash will 1 handr. 92650 i-t us show you that, wonderful hnme buy of 6 rooms and'- bath, . with i large living room, .dintiig ' room, Dutcli; kitchen, 1 bedroom! and 1 bath down. 2 up. Fumate.i, full basement, wash trays. Dandy 1 i lot with fine lawn. Convenient to . car. Franklin high and grade school, j Terms. - I 92850 Beautiful home of rooms and bath, with fireplace, white enamel -dining room with buffet. Dutch - kitchen. Comer lot, garage. New carpets are included In price. j 94100 A strictly bungalow . type of borne with laree living room, dining room with buffet, Dutch kitchen. 2 bed rooms and bath down, large sleep ing porch with attic for additional room up, Hardwood floors, furnace. fir-"lace; full cement basement, wash - trays. Convenient to Haw thorne ave. ears and Franklin high, WE HAVE A SI'MBKR OF OTHER GOOD BUYS ; NEAR FRANKLIN , H.IGH Hawthorne Home Bargain $4200 Toil who-have been hunting this district over, looking for the best '-. buy that ia available at the price you feel yon can afford to pay, you have overlooked this one. You would pass it 100 times and never dream it could be had .for so ' little money. Six rooms and bath, with " usual built-in, thoroughly double constructed. Street . improvements paid. Near Hawthorne ave. and close in. Inspect bur photos of Hawthorne homes, from $2750 up. - t f i ' ' ' ' I Rose City Paifk : . ' VACANT MOVE RIGHT IN $4500 Drive by snd look at 366 E. 63d st. N. We will tint this home throughout in colors to suit, paint porch, stetis and garage. Thor oughly double ' constructed. Six rooms and sleeping porch, with fire-i Place, furnace, full cement bese- - ; ment. wash trays, builtrin buffet, - Iutch kitchen. Similar to homes that have sold in this- district for $5500. Terms. , ANOTHER READY TO MOVE RIGHT IN LOOK AT 12'J6 HALSET ST. Out-of-town owner ha just newly deo orsted this heme throughout. Six rooms and bath all on one ; floor, with full ce ment i basement, wash trays, f umane, fire- placej . Dutch kitchen. Lot 100x109.6, with fruit. Garage. Make us an offer, as it must be sold at one. Terras. , ROSE CITY HOME BEACTIFCL 98000 We can show this borne by ap pointment ouly. - Living room (large); muslo room or den, din ing room, kitchen and tine large breakfast roovn down; 4. bedrooms ' up. Strictly modern and right up to the minute, with ail built-ins, hardwood . floors, etc. Lot 75x100. We do not carry a lot of unsalable propaety on our lists, j What we offer you will find wojthy of your considera tion. We can show you the best buys In. any district. 1 IBVINGTON HOME BARGAIN 94850 Owner "leaving city, sacrificing her 8 room home, finished in white enamel, furnace; full lot, east front: fruit tree, improvementa in and paid. . About 9800 cash will handle. HOLLADAY PARK BARGAIN I $3700 Let u - show you this bungalow of 6 rooms and bath, nnibed m white, enamel throughout Furnace, firenlace. full cement basement, wash i trays. Remember, this . is just south - ol imngton, in one of I'ortland a beet residence districts. Terms. Iryington Park' Dark ;, .. ia . borne of 4 rnomc tin. 92800 Let us sltow you .this . rooms and bath down, 2 rooms upr immaculately clean and in A-l con-j dition. ; Some fruit East front ; $3150 Buys concrete block home of 6 rooms and bath, with small room for storage. Full 50x100 lot, on pared atreet, east front, alley. To be rtevly decorated throughout. Terms. 94800 You will love this nifty almost new home, in first-class condition, wiih interior . arrangement that can not be improved . onon. Furtiapei, fireplace, liardwood. floors, all built ins. I-airge rooms. -We bare any plumber of good buys. One in Hawthorne that -is a gem at $5500, strictly modern, with ga rage. One of those homes that, when folks drift- by, makes them , CTt.-lM.irn, "Isn't that place pretty:" Shown by appointment only. : Siafonarlban' Homes 91400 On Portland .Heights we have a lot 4 0x36O. ith 5 room bouse. thst ontd make" an excellent - place to mine chiclsens; $400 cash will handle. $1700 Here is a lot 46x145, with 27 full-bearing assorted fruit trees, chiclfcn houses and, runt,, 4 rooms snd bath. Near car. about 30 minutes out t 94000 Almost V, acre of ' ground, with a bungalow of 6 rooms and sleep ing -porch, all ou one floor,, with attic ceiled into a ' large additional , Twin. Fruit. flowers, lavm, ga rage. Reuuiree all cash, but Is a dandy buy. On paveif street We have a number of close-in homes in walking i distance at prices around $3500. Inspect our pbqtos and biUngs before buying. i Remember, we are open today; come in. J. A;- Wickman Co., 204 RAILWAY EXCHANGE BLDG. .- Main 1084and 68; , DO TOP. REALLY WANT A HOCSElf KIND IT IN THIH LIST LOOK AT THE PRICKS J i'VHEN AT THE HOCSLS 5 rooms, 50x100 . ....... j .. .$2500 6 rooms. 100x100, corner .......... $2500 5 'rooms. corner lot . . ... ......... $2500 Center of Piedmont 8 rooms- ........ $61000 Highly restricted district; house up to the minute $6250 These properties are priced on a basis of 112 market not 1919. If you really know values you will be compelled to say when you look these properties over that they are 20 per cent below -the average houses you ' have been looking at These bouses are all in good con dition. We can give almost immediate possession on any one of the list.' - . , ; Neilan ParlhiSi : 219 Luniberniens Bldg.. 5th and Stark St - IRYINGTON i i 6-ROOM BUNGALOW i t ..- - $7400 ( . -! We want you to see; this nifty bungalow. It is ideally located and truly a home " you wonld be proud to own. This besutiful bungalow has just been completed and is now ready for ocrupmey. It was- built by one of Portland's best builders. The quality of workmanship and material speak for themselves. You will find everything one would expect to find in an expensive home. Yea. there ia a garage. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St. Near Third. Main '3092. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. ! ( Open Sunday. ; ; $2900 $2900 .' i : AtBERTA; BMGA i 4 rooms and attic hardwood floors, builtin buffet, builtin beds, Dutch kitchen, gas range. Ruud beater, linoleum, laundry trays, full cement basement, on paved street: $10O. $30 per month, including interest. 1080 E. 13th st N. . .C. S. Special to Yon - - HoUaday addition,' walking - distance. .Six room, two story modern home. Completely re fill is hed.. hardwood floors, new linoleum. Dutch kitchen. Price $41o0. Terms $750 down. 325 Wasco, near Williams. East 8042. : $650 CASH will handle a very attractive 6-room ibungalow in good location. House is only 6 years old and well constructed. Large bearing fruit trees. ' Hard surface street Price only $3000. Jo!insonDodson : Co. ; 633 N. W.-Bank Bldg. Main 3787. FOR SALE By owner. 7-room dwelliue- in good residence district, .full sue basement; s-eiory earage; targe living room and fireplace; property ia A-l condition, f Would cost $6500 to duplicate improvements. Will sell for $4600, terms, L-72. Journal , REAL- ESTATE FOlt SALE HOI SES 41 CAN BE INSPECTED TODAT SUNDAY ; 3 TO S P. M. v tsooo ' Wonderful j View Property J WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS 1165 Thurman Street. 8 rooms, absolutely modern, garage con nected with kitchen; complete basement with servants' quarters, . Wonderful view of the1 mountains, river and ty. . -j .. . ' . . -. i' ,-.; ;:' Yard 'is natural park, with large trees, shrubs, winding I paths, rose and berry bushes. .Ground ares ia 9 2-9x100. It would cost at least $13,000 to duplicate this property today.: If yon are looking for a real bargain in a modern 'residence property, this will appeal to you. i - I Now ready for occupancy. Information can be secured by phoning Wood lawn 6917. or Marshall 892. CAN BE INSPECTED i TODAT STJNDAT 3 TO 6 P. M 6-ROOM BUNGAIjOW located in a beautiful section of Mt Tabor (restricted district), 5 rooms on first floor, 1 : room finished upstairs, old ivory enameled throughout - hardwood fleers in main rooma, many built-in effects, full Cement basement snd furnace. This place haa been occupied by the owner only a short time and is indeed a good buy. The fir trees in this district make . it a very attractive home location. J. L. HART MAN CO.. 7 Cham, of Com. bldg. j Main -208. i, ROSE CITY PARK - i ' ! 6-ROOM BUNGALOW $4750 HTJRRY. FOIKS! You never would expect to buy a home in Rose City Park like this for so little money. This home was built 4 years ago by one of Portland's best builders. This home haa an exceptionally large living room and is modern to the last detail. Ideally located.; see it today. A. G. TEEPE CO. . I 264 Stark st. near Third. Main 3092. ; Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. .(Open Sunday. ) . CALIFORNIA BUNGALOW . ' .'j 91850 - $500 cash, balance monthly payments; large living room, fireplace, radio gas heat, kitchenette, breakfart nook end 1 b"droorn, . bes"tiful lswn and plenty of shade trees. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, Branch Office. 45th and Sandy blvdj A SNAP IN FURNISHED HOME 6 room houe; lot 75x125; full cement base ment bath, toilet, hght and gzas, hot and cold water; cow barn and chicken house; all kinds of berries,; some other fruit, garden spot partly planted; graded street, cement sidewalk; 2 blocks fiom Wdln. carline in Wdln. district Fine Jersey ' cow, - fresh yesterday, dozen chickens. Everything goes exnept personal effects. Price $3600; $I500;cash. balance easy terms. E. H. Andrews, 593, Williams ave. Phone Auto. ain-oo. uaii Monday. i $4000 $500 CASH i I SCNNYSIDE ' Attractive 71 room modern home, located 2 blocks to car; Very clean and in excellent cocdi tknr; fireplace Un living room, paneled dining room, Dutch kitchen, 2 bedrooms downstairs, cement basement, double cons true ted. A bar- JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N.l W. Bank bldg. Main 3787 6 ROOMS. AND DEN GARAGE I $4000.) This splendid home is being sold 91000 under value. jThis is located on Monroe near Borth- wick, i $1000 will handle. See this today. I A. I., TEEfK to. 264 Stark st near Third. Main 3092, j Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. j (Open Sunday.) ident 5 rooms, modern, E. 29 th st. 50x100 hard surface street; owner non-resident. Price oruy suuu, xtsoti rash down, balance terms. U. Rohhins-Epton , 301-302 Railway Exchange. j Main 7931 Resu Tabor 6319. ' Ia.VURELHUR.ST i GEM 1 BI-NGIV One of the homeist bunealows everv offered i or sate m i-aureinurst. i BeautUully located on an over sized hit east of" nark. 5 rooms, rim and breakfast room; fine basement: hot water heat; fireplace: large -Karaite: fine ahruhhmrv. Price $7500, some terms. Shown by appulst- meni only. J.-; A. Mct-arty, Main 1700, eve. labor 3?.. . - $2900 $2907r 12 UOO Jnst listen how to forsake the profiteering landlord forever. First navment 750. 2 per month, including 6 per cent interest - on oaiance. ro morteace. One block from Inr-elhnrst- Park. 6 riom modem bunt alow. Going to California. Must sell. Reduced price from . i o see is vo ouy. Mar. 3352. Ewninsj Tabor 8090. For Jother. and er Or suitable for subrentinsr. 6-room buneaiow arranged in 2 apartments; rent one. modern vicinity. Jarre tt and Union ave.; 92850, terms. Xlitta Mlnmunh V.iw A 1 A tt !. HAWTHORNE AVE. HOME Modern 6 room borne - full basement, bath trays, pew furnace, 50 rose bushes, garage, ce ment walks and curb: both ats. hard snrf.r-ti- liouse if aces east; corner lot 3 block north of Hawthorne avenue. 259 E. 46th st $5500. Want $1000 cash; terms on balance. Property. ciear. ywner. eeiiwooa sjss. i $3500 $800 CASH QUEEN ANNE RUNGM OW Close in, near 28th and E. Ankeny: 5 rooms. attj"L basement furnace, best plumbing, garage. ouxji'u. pavea streets. aisin 4SI13. Q. C. QOLDENBERG Abington Bldg. !"35 Tears In Portland." $3100 $700 CASH 6-room bungalow, fireplace, bookcases, com plete .kitchen, full cement basement, laundry trays. ; , JohnsonDodson Co. 683 N. W. Bank Bldgi Main 3787 6: ROOM cottage; 4i rooms, sleeping porch clothes closet, linen ! closet bath down stairs 2 sleeping rooms upstairs: full basement, laun. dry trays; lot 50x100.. with alley; lawn, roses, garden, grapes, berries, chicken run: $2750. terms.: Irvington Park addition. 1220 E. 27th at. f. Petween 9 a. m. and 3 p. m. Sunday. t VACANT 5 ROOM BUNGALOW In good condition, near Siuinvside cars and LanrelhBrst Park. Ill East 35th. st Only 92650. Part cash, easy terms and when 91100 ia paid balance will be 920 per month and in terest ; 8 per -cent L. E. STE1NMETZ, 406 Uerliiigef bldg. Main 8Q91 or Tabor 3224 i ST. JOHNS i - 8 room house. 60x119 lot 932 Willamette Blvd ih; netween Polk and Buchanan streets. $1925; $500 down. baL monthly, easy. And if youj wish M, block comer n connection, whole cheese- X30OO. same -terms. See Johnson, at li r-otscn st. . 3 ROOM plastered houe, 2 large lots with gar age ana cnicsen nouse. i'l Pea ring fruit treea, berries: phone, gas and water in- house; nice sleeping porch: house constructed to build on to; $1400,. hslf cash. Apply owner, . 7029 85th st. and 7 Oth ave. Tabor 8778.- HOUSES .at right prices in different parts of city, u you realty aesira to buy or sell within the shortest possible time you will not hesitate to avail yourself of the . advantages we offer. W. A. Hesstan, 1109 Hawthorne. Tabor' 9267 or lanor vits. ROSE: CITY PARK bargain by owner; new 7 room. uown, s up; old ivory; papered: 3 large plate glass windows, eastern nak floor breskfsst nook: Universal furnace: high-grade pi am ping, i;udii, paisnee De rent. Tnor 1768 . CLOSE IN HOME 8 rooms, situated No. 9 East 12th st at Anxeny. rnce 3oo: terms. R. M. GATEWOOD tt CO.. 165 4th st 917504 ROOM modern house, large sleeping porcn, poultry nouse; gooa location. Terms. yvooaiawn auit. SACRIFICE $2600, one acre and good S-rooea now; ailMiu cash. Tabor 7795. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IIOL'SE ON EAST MAIN STREET, in the ceo- ! - ter close in on the east aide, is one i beautiful place that is 'especially adapted for more than 1 -b,igh-class purpose. It : is one of those exceptional corners on i 42d and East Main, with a large plet of ground very highly improved, fruit , of ,all kinds in full bearing, shrubbery-and flcwers galore. No more beautiful place to reside in the city of Portland. - You have with this place practically 1-3 acre of land all in lawn, flowers, shrubbery and fruit and there is on ; these lovely : grounds a good modem enough 1 2-room J house, with every convenience desired by ' an np to date family. Fur a doctor's i sanitarium it fills the bill to the letter, or for-a private residence nothing could j be better. There is garage room and a . chicken house on the place. Too much i cannot be said in favor of this splendid : location and home and the price ia so in- consequential; only 96000 pay In full ami buys everything except the furniture- f&nd that, if you wish, you can buy for 25o on the dollar. AU you need is $1500 i cash down, the balance cn easy terms at i 6 per cent Say, if this place is worth $1 it is worth more than $10,000. ! it. 3. CLOHESSY. .Abington Bldg. ! ONLY $6200, and no person will place a less value than $10,000 for all tliaC you get for this price. Practically to the residential center of the . best part of the east side, not any farther out than 83d st. A corner lOvxlOO ft, cement sidewalks and curbs, stone wall of tasty construction enclosing this quarter block. There a a concrete garage, new: fruit of all varieties in full bearing of the best quality, shrubbery of the rarest and flow ers of the choicest deluging the place. These are the grounds we have been talking about and . with the lovely grounds and location which has a high and commanding' view of the west side of the city you get also a very substantial, well constructed, well laid out 8-room house, with a splendid sleeping porch ; every room downstairs has solid oak hardwood . floors with an appearance of not being a month old, full concrete base-. ment - furnace. This house .is com-; . pletely furnished from basement to gar-j ret and the furniture is not of the : common place character but of a very fine class. To be brief you buy tiie land, the house, the garage, the fruit and all 'of the furniture for the price of $8200, $4000 cash will-let you in Pay as you like on the balance. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington Bldg. . ONLY $1650 for this. A. good 5-room -house with a full lot on the Mt: Scott carline. The house is entirely , finished in white, enamel and newly painted on the outside. Fruit on the place. $250 cash, the balance ia ' $25 a month. M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. ONLT $2000 buys 1 of the cutest 4-f room bungalows. . modern, plastered, beam ceilings, nicely tinted. This bun galow has all of the city conveniences city water, gas, electric light bath, toilet and with the bungalow you get a full loti The -location is one of the best1 on thai west side, in the healthiest district, prac-j tically on 2 carlines with 6c carfareJ $1100 id cash, the balance $25 a month np interest , M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. ' i-c J ONLT $1700 buys this, ciose in on the west side, half acre of land goee -with .it highly improved, all in fruit and flowers. You get with this a very cute 2 room bungalow, the bungat, : low has' all of the city . conveniences; . $600 cash is all yon need. . M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. ' f 1. ONLT 33000 and i remember this is rornarl ot. on the best paved street and on the best carline, close in, on the east side, on Milwaukie street With the lot you get a very fine appearing 5-room plastered house with all the city conveniences, cement sidewalks and curbs, every improvement in and paid for,. Half, cash will handle' it M. J. CLOHESSY, Abington bldg. ONLT 92250 for a corner lot with a 5 reom plastered house. The lot is a full lot It is only 2 blocks from the carline In the business section of Wood stock. There is plenty of fruit in full bearing for family use. You hare also for the price all the furniture in the house. $750 cash will handle it. il. J. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. ONLT $2000 for a west side home on Hamilton ave.. 3 blocks from the car line and 1 block from the Terwilliger blvd. It is a corner lot and (the lot alone should be worth $1500. and the house you. cannot hope to replace for a less price than $2500. M. J. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. . -'. ONLT $4800 for an 8-room modern bouse with 2 lots, plenty of fruit in,' full bearing, garage. 2 blocks from the carline on the Mt- Scott car. Half cash. M. 1. CLOHESSY. Abington bldg. ALBERTA DISTRICT. Beautiful tt room house, sold by owner, located oti a fine 90x100 comer lot, double construction. double plumbing, 3 balls and a large bathroom with built-in linen, closet and medicine chest, large living and dining room with fireplace, built-in bookcase, writing desk, music cabinet. buffet, two seats, hardwood- floors with uiuld squares ; beautiful fixtures:, built-in dressers and mirrors upstairs: full cement basement and waob tiays;. Dutch kitchen vrith-a cooler; 1 I- fruit trees, raspberries, four rows of strawberries i ide walks -and paved streets. Price $5500 rash. $6000 on terms. Address: 1.052 L. 30th st. N. (Alberta car.) : i HOUSE JUST COMPLETED At 1064 E. Bnrnside. 9 rod m biingalo with 2 bathrooms and garage, finest! loration ml Lau- remurst near park; lot 75x100 Pnce $l.&00. Tabor 8727. 93760 for a 7 room house iat . 26th and Sherman sis.; lot 70x80 fecit on corner; both streets hard surfaced and all assessments i paid . bouse has brick foundation, good plumbing, gas and electricity: all rooms nicely papered: sightly location ; this is a splendid home and very cheap at this price. . Turner aV Co.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. i BIG BARGAIN ' Buy from owner $3250 Five i room bun galow, kitchen, bathroom and bedrooms- white enamel, fireplace, full basement with! wash i trays. New up-to-date furniture. Can be houghl with bouse. Young fruit trees, lots of berries, garden in. Nice lawn and flowers." Terms toi uit 1820 Grand its. N. Phone Woodlawn 5722. BRAND NEW 4-room modem bungalow, with complete bathroom and breakfast nook, i Lo cated on E. 87th and Pine. Mix blocks to cars. Full tot, cement sidewalk, basement, etc. Price $3000. terms to suit. Owner, H. P. McCoy. 1251 Belmont st Tabor 5801.1 $ 3000- JEFFERSON HIG H DISTRICT A splendid 7 room Oregon bungalow, full lot This place is worth $1000 more than we ask. If you want a home, see thi. Term. I CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.'. ! ' 212 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 6752. FOR SALE - Kenton, small bouse, newly papered and painted, large lot. with garden in. $ 1 1 00. terms. Address 275 Halieck st, oft . Penin sular. - I : srsxTsini: SAfinin-iric 1 J $2350 -Five room house improvements all in and paid; $350 cash, balance terms. No commission. 1031 E. Salmon. Owner, j Tabor 3586. i .. i SELLWOOD $1700 PAVED STREET 4 rooms, bath, basement, electricity, garage, fruit, berries. 50x1 0O; $500 cash. Sell. 2706 Sunday. Monday Mar. 1022. , $1650 NEAT 5 room cottage, bath, j toilet and hght, west aide,, close in, paved st, 2 blocks from school and carline. Terms, owner. Sell. 1105. DOUBLE constructed, modem bungalow for sale cheap; S60O down, balance easy terms H block of csr; Phone 213-80. -- NICK home near Peninsula school. $2800 r also lot 75x100; will sell or trade.' Phone East 350. - 91350 CHOICE West Side location; 8 rooms. modern ; hot water heat : best possible con struction. Owner. East 492 1 r $1000 St. ROOMS $350 DOWN Full kit fruit berries, near school. - i SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. $1000 S ROOMS $850 DOWN Full lot, fruft, berriee. near school. I ' SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. BY OWNER- New large 5-room bungalow, fire place, hardwood floors and all built-ins. j 1161 East l bui norm. $700 FIVE rooms, bath, electricity, newly painted and tinted, garage and garden ; paved street Balance easy. 1069 Arnold. I IF TOU really want something good at a sacrifice in 8 room bouse, close in, phone owner. Tabor GOOD, clean- 7 room Ihium. 415 Tillamook Immediate possession. Will give terms. T. i. Robinson, owner, 461 East 20th st N. HOUSES of sixes from 2 rooms up to 9 for sale by fi. Hof strand. 1374 Greeley, st. Woodlawn 5965. - - ' -- FOU SALE 5 room modern house at 727 Vaa ecsiver mrf.; by ow'rer. ; Woodlawn 2H82. 'REAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 WHY FAT REIT When you' can buy .these and many other fine homes through this office on easy terms. and MB HELP YOU MAKE ; YOUR FIRST PAYMENT . i ' ... .. . -, . . ' . , V .., omp.Leu& Mumneu wiui sums, viiat a-re all parte of the city. - IN , . Jrvington ' Rose: City Park Hawthorne-; !: Alberta- . . j .:. Woodstock r - I Mt. Scott ' We have some fine homes ranging in pnee from $0O0 to 25.O00 that cannot -be dupli cated iu any like district for th. prices asked. Tell as the type of - bouse that you are lookiug for, we shall be glad to show it to you. - On" the Heights $2350 -Cozy 5-room cottage, commanding wonderful new of the city, lot 50100; abundance of fruit, flowers and shrub bery, has full cement basement and in excellent condition. Terms if de " aired. . - Creston $2300 Fine 6-rom bungalow, fireplace, bullt- In bookcases. 2 blocks to carline, close to school, built only S years, is in fine condition. Alherta 92450 5-room bungalow with new combina I tion range, full- basement, concrete foundation, bath-, gas and electric - lights, 'Dandy lot with fruit, chicken house and smokehouse. Woodstock 92500 4-room house in fine condition, lOOx . -i . . . . . . iw, suuinuucv ov -iruiL ana oemes. chicken houses, 1 block to car, 20 . minutes out f Iryington Park 92760 4-room bungalow, newly painted and , renovated inside and out 1 block to car; a line notue, and the price is right - Near' Alameda 827SO One of the best 6-room bumnlows - in tne city tor Tiie pnce asked, fire place; Dutch kitchen, full cment ' basement, laundry trays; few steps off uia pavement. iasy terms. Creston $3150 8-room bungalow, . 2 blocks to carune. - hardwood floors. & rooms first. 3 rooms second .floor,- full basement; lot .- 8(1x106. with-fine lawn and abundance oi iruit and hemes. - Suburban Home -. . 93600 Very classy 5-room bungalow.2 lota. Paved streets, double garage, close ( to car; a swell, buy. Terms, . if. desired. Pie'dmont District - - 940O0 Modern 6-roora residence, lirinir rr-.m sV with fireplace, dinine nnm. tmlit in W buffet, convenient kitchen, 3 large oea rooms, witn oatlj, r euiv room in attic, cement basement, furnace, laun- dry trays. ftOxll'O lot. fni, trees and berries of all kinds; nothing like it injnt city lor tiie money. ' Piedmorit District $4000 A fine- borne and also an investment. line tt-room Dungaiovr type house. It rooms first floor. 3 rooms, batrs. anil sleeping porch on second . f loof, a dandy cement garage, fruit and berries. $0x100 lot: on the back of this lot there is a - fine 6-roora cottage which rents for $20 a month. . lor further . -. particulars, cau at office. .Hawthorne 95000 One of Hawthorne's i fine homes, in a sightly location; 6 rooms and sleeping porcn. strtcuy- modem, elaborate fin ish inside amd out: 2 4 bUx-xs south Hawthorne car. Nothing I hke it in una district for the money. Rose. City Park mud Bincxiy modern b-mom nnnralow furnished .complete, with exceptionally good furniture; reception hall with cloak room, large living mom with fireplace and bookcases, dining room, btrilt-tn bnffet, hardwood floors, large Ihitch kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, bath, white enameled plumbing, large ; floored attic, full cement basement, furnace and laundry trays: street im provements all in and paid. This1 Is tiie best bungalow in the city. We can arrange easy terma. Mt. Tabor 96000 7 -room strictly modern home with a view of the city and vallev, close to the park and car line; reception hall, large living room, fireplace and book cases, dining room, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, three Isrge bedrooms, glass inclosed sleeping porch and bath on- second floor, full eement basement, furnace ;and laundry trays. This bouse Is absolutely double 1 1 constructed, 50x100 lot street im provements all paid. Yes, it haa a ... garage. -.-;.; Sunnyside 96500 Modern residence "'of 8 rooms and large , sleeping porch, a substantially well built home with garage, on large comer ' lot. W e ask you to inspect this fine house; phone us for appoint' ' ment COOYER & HOLHAN 322-3-4 Failing Bldg.. 3d and Waslungtoo. Marsha U 3993 Open Sundays. HEAL ESTATE FOR8lLE HOUSES CI BIHR-CAREY- COMPANT Succeeded - by CARET-iia.VlIKiE COMPANY Main 7487. 21 Railway Kjrh Bldg. REAL. SERVM7B, TO HOMLabkakKH All kinds of good nomas for sale. Any dis tricts Never before have we had such a Varied assortment of fine home bargains. A ' show room brim full of photographs of snappy homes. By all in e a us. come iu and look them over, or phone Main 7487, and a car will call at your redenoe to show; the beat we have in the dis trict, you prefer. 600 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM 1 NEW ROSE CITY BUNGALOWS 94300 Brand, new bungalow in Rose City, 20 of them, all similar toff una one. a rooma inv.hlte enamel, Expensive built ins, oak floors, coxy f ireplaoe, full ce ment basement, i substantially built throughout; only a few huud'red down payment required. Ste these . new homes today j - . . , NEWLTWE1JS', BUNGALOW ; 93350 Here is - tbe original Dole's House- in xiosa uij fin on t sa su, uranin from the outside and fascinating inside, finished' in mission, style and neat a. a pin to the last degree. - 4 rooms with a full sited IMUniaa folding bed in living room, making two bedrooms svailable. - Handsome built-in buffet white enamel Dutch' kitchen, break fast nook, r baiiemeut with laundry trays. Corner lot . $1000 will haa. die this easily. ;. ' ' -. ANOTHER, ROSE-CITY -2 story, well built home ou 65th, H block pff R. ,C. . car. 7 rooms. 4 down. 3 , up. - witb- bath and toUet ' Artistic built-irrs. furnace-, oak floors,.: Ulterior in white enamel finish. Home and ground in A-l condition. Some fruit trees. $1S50 down. ! r 94350- I , UNPARALLELED BARGAIN ' IN ROSE CITT $44 la Head the description or tins almost new s ' room bungalow nnistiea in oia ivory and comiiare it- with otlier $55oO values. Hardwood floors throughout; French doors; all built-ms; wonderful interior decorations. . Located on paved 54th st Furnace, " fireplace, -fuU ce ment basement ; Seeing ' is buying. $ 18S0 down. KENlLWORTn HOME . $3150 2 story, 8 .. rooms: 3 bedrooms, all light and airy. : with bath and toilet second floor. Paved st snd sewer paid in full. On- carline; There is a few hundred dollars to be made on tins home: $500 down takes it. HAWTHORNE BUNG VLOW . IMMEDIATE POSSESSION $4500 7 room, story and half bungalow tpe. ,50xlOO lot; located on 37th st. south 'of Hawthorne; a substantial, well-built, ; and nicely arranged borne with furnace. Convenient terms.- . -I HAWTHORNE BUNGALOvV 94000 7 -room home on a. choice 60x100 i - corner lot lsV-tue heart of Hawthorne. Fireplace, alP street liens paid; $1200. I - down. -'; : -. WELL BUHr HAWTHORNE kfOME ' $5200 7 -room 'modern bungalow on East 64th st Triple' constructed 8 - walls.' 3 thicknesses , of floors- built for a home. Many elaborate builtin features. Here is a real borne. 11 replace. lKrubie constructed garage. On car line. $1500 down. , ! WEST PIEDMONT $6500100x100 corner lot; 8-room modarn home witn hardwood tloors, rurnace. Bath and toilet both floors. Interior is fine. . Completely repainted and re. tin ted few monttia ago. Very con venient for two families. Terms. PIEDMONT HOME 8 ROOMS 96000 8-room home on 60x100 corner lot Paved street, sidewalks and sewer paio. Near park, library and Jefferson high. Garage. -' $250O down. V. ACRE IN WOODSTOCK 92325 5 room cottage, 15 bearing fruit trees. 'fine garden spare, abundance ot Der rick $600 down. CLASST IVANHOE BUNGALOW 93500 The owner is hard pressed for money for operation- snd will sell tnis at tractive 5 room bungalojF, on paved . street several , hundred dollars unilsr value. Hardwood floors, fireplace, large attic, garage; j H block off ear ou 42d it $1350 required down. SACRIFICE ! 93400 On 41st . st. in Woodstock, it Oils large 7 room home; nam surfaced street on carline; owner left the stale. $700 down. IRVINGTON PARK 33150 6 room 2 story home on East 30th norm; otixiuu lot, ngnt on Aioerui .car; 8 large bedrooms up, white enamel plumbing ; ' $ 1 1 50 down. ' ANOTHER" IRVINGTON PARK 34000 Unusually attractive 5 room bunca.- i low in Imnglon Park, among the natural evergreens. Large unfinished attic. flSoo down. -ALBERTA HOMES . 92350 Six room-v2-story cottage, 80x100 Vst, garden space for "the- family garden, many fruit trees, garage. $500 down. ALBERTA SNAP 92500 Well-built - home on 32d . st. near u carline, r 2 1 stories,' 8 rooms, with f ur f ' ( " nace, 3 large- bedrooms, unusual built- ins. $100t -down. TAKE TOUR CHOICE THT'T IKK ROTH GK)I) VALUES 9 1 600 Ijirge. roomy,, well-built bums on 23d at-, in Ainexta. a rooms, line wuue . enamel piuuibing.' gas, electricity, base ment $800. down. . -' OR $1600 Five ' roroi nifty little bungalow on 13th st. I just 50 feet off pared street; tniit hut no bath; finished in white ' enamel. $700 flown. ALBERTA 82400 Just ono-half block off paved Prescott , st, on Hitli, 2 story 7 -room, 4 bed IUUUU, n ill sv !. csuauwus large cherry trees, 8 apple trees. $600 "' ALBERTA FORCED SALE 9S100--r6-roora b ingalow all ons flovr. Splen ' did practical arrangement, ouly built a few years s go. Hardwood floors ; throughonu Sercrai bearinsf ruit trees and abundknee of berries. Ouly $7td down. ' - - . ' -- . NEAR- JEFFF.USON HIGH - 95000 lOotlOO lot with 7 -room house. One - bks-k' off Miss. car. . I'avnd street sod sc-vter paid ,.ia tulL Hire is an ex cellent location and a . splendid borne. 20 bearing fruit trees .of every de scription. $2000 down. V ACA N T. MOV E IN TODAT $3000 5-tooiu-fcunKBljw built only one year. Rooms reteuted and nice Duti-Ji kitchen iu white enamel. Pavod street sewer paid; near Fremont U One block east to Union ave. t.asy walking disunce to - Jefferson high. -7ua doo. Homes of this type are very scarce today. CLOSE "4N WALKING DISTANCE 84000 Just across Broadway bridge a couple of blocks well built 6 room home, on paved street - Furnace. $1500 down. ANOTHER CLOSE IN HOME 95000 No street car fare to pay here. Large substantially -.built 7 room home on paved corner, .furnace, fireplace, oak floors, full cement basement, 16 mio- ntes' walk to heart of city; '4 large bedrooms and . sleeping porch. Terms. HEitE 18 A FINE BUY $1950 Modern 5 room ; bungalow on 45x100 lot in MontaTllla. Here is a defer lit tle bungalow, built only a few years. Must be seen to be sftprecistedi Only $.00 flown, balance like rent. 4 ROOM M ON TA VILLA BUNGAlXiW 91900 Built only 3 years. A-l condition, full cement basement 50x100 lot, best plumbing. $725 down. GARDEN SPOT : IN MONTA VILLA " N. VACANT -. 91300 Good Is -room bouse, built only 4 years. . , Completely re tin ted throughout and painted outside. 75x100 lot. 2f.O ftraveberries. plants all in bloom. 800 t beanne rasiibe rrv bushes, several bear ing fruit trees, lawn, roses and flowers; several blocks from car. but just con sider the- give-awajprioe. Ideal spot for cow and chickens. $600 down, . balance like rent -iTWO EXCELLENT BUTS IN. ALBERTA 33500 Iarg tq'iare type sulistantially built n-room Hme on 60x100 corner, lot ' One bkxa ! to Alberta car on 22nd at. The owner has moved, to Vancouver, , Wasli.." arid. cut the price from $3800 - to $50flr. This is gigantic value at this price-, $1000 down. Take your ciiotce or ettner one or tea two. IRVINGTON PARK . - 33200 No bigger value in tlj office today than thw story and naif six room home. Three large light airy bedrooms. Sox , i 100 'lot. bearing fruit trees, sightly i v. grounds, syno down. , - . ! 1 . ROSE CITY $5000 2-story, ' 7-room house, SOxlOO lot. uving room, oinmg room. Dutch kitchen, den. tollee first floor: 3 bedrooms, bath . and toilet - second floor; furnace, fire-1 place, oak floors down stairs. On 86th st. north of fsendy. All street liens paid." $200 down. ANOTHER DANDY ROSE CITT HOME 85000 Here is truly an nnususl offer. An 8 , room modern ' -hardwood floors throughont: down stairs, beam ceiling and panel doors in dining room. Freaca doors, all : builtin features; . furnace, fireplace; - finished -in white enamel; -'paved streets; ou . 44th, st Homes in every district of the city. Phone in for an appointment A salesman will be de lighted to drive you around to inspect them. No obligation on your part ; Seeour homes before you buy. -!.- . . i r BIBB CARET COMPANT, ! r i"- Succeeded by 1 .. i CATtET-SAVID;E COMPANT. Main 7487 ' 210 ItaUwsy Escl.arge bid. OPF.N SUNDAYS AND 'EVENINGS . i WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOUR "HOME SHOULD BURN , TONIGHT? . j ARE YOU FI i,l.V INSURED i SMITH-WAGONER CO..- STOCK EXCH. 8 ROOM house, steeping porch. 50x1 UO lot close in ; furnace- 10 fruit tiees, barn for garage. , oyer. $SOO. worth - lumber, - brick aud gravel on premises. " Owner sick; will sacrifice for $S75d; terms. : Phone Broadway 3a7. REAL F-STATE JOJt MALE HOUSES $5750 ROSE CITY HOME $5750 A 6 room Jiouee, furnsce, fireplace, oas" floors, all bulli-ins. Dutch kitchen, etc.; 60xIU0 lot, large garage; near Samly blvd. , It a real homu slid worthy of your consideration; Unus. .$6800 BEAUMONT HOME 8R00 A, 7 room house, furnace, fireplace, oak floors, all bullMu features, Dutch kitchu. breakfast tociuf or rlen; n the very best of condition: 50x100 lot. large garage and full cement runway: I Lard surface street. ; and sewer in and paid; very reasonable . terma, 9450 0 H A WTHORN E BUNGALOW A 6 room bungalow, flrvplaoe. oak floors, built-ins. cabinet kitchen, srreened in back porch, full bastuieut, ath trays, . large reception hall; city improvementa ia aud paid; terms easy, - $5250 CENTRAL ALHINA $5250 A 6 room bouse, full criuent baseuient. wash trays, all built-ins, fine hot water heating sytem, all screens, etc; 60x100 lot; all kinds of rones. Terms easy. Ask . for Mr. Ho nil. . .. $6500 ROSE CITY $6500 A 6 room new and ulfty bungalow, just 100 feet Sandy blvd.: furnace, bcautiiul fireplace, every lmaginaWe built in feature, full cement baseimnt wsh .trays, etc.; ' all finished in Ivory and white enamel; -walls beautifully- paiered; 50x100 lot, with garage and cement ruuway: street and &e err in and paid Any reasonable 'terms considered. ' $3."!'00 A DANDT BUT $8300 A 8 room strictly nuslern bungslow, furnace, fin-plaee, lnitch" kitchen, every built-in feature; fini-hed 111 ivory and enamel; 37 4X 150 foot lot fruit and hemes. ; Price only $3500; terms. ' $8000 BELMONT -HOME $8000 A 7 room strictly modern home, sleep ing porch, fnrnace, fireplace, all built-in.-, etc.; 100x100 lot. lawn aud roses. If you are looking for a reai home tn en Ideal location that can - be handled on terms, let us show you this $7000 WII.T.AMKTTF. ' nEIGHTS A 6 room Ntrii-tly modern buntratow, oak .floors tbrouffhouU fumsce. flreiilsee. all built-ins. cabinet kitchen, large eiitry, full cement basement wash tras, sun porch, and sleeping )Nroh; all drains, lino leum and fuel go;, large garage: beautiful view; terms. . . RummelS RummeSl 274 Stark St. . $3500 BUNGALOW 1 BLXKS TO ROSE CITT PK. CARLINB 9760 CASH, BAL. 930 PER M0. Thia la an eiceiitional buy. living room, din ing room, kitchen, Jiath and 2 bedrooms down stairs, oetnent bsemen. furnace and 8 fini-h'd rooms ti "tairs. abundance of closet room. I'.iU Tabor 2904: evenings Tubor 848(1. J. I. HARTMAN COMPANT. , Branch ! Of lice, 45th and Sandy blvd. : LAURELHCRST $85O0 MUST SEI-L. THIS WEEK Owner haa reduced prire $500 lor quirk sale.- Here's your chance to buy a bungalow in Portland s most isjixilar exclusive district at a bargain; 7 rooms, breskfsst nook, all the modem conveniences that go to make a kelv home Sleeping porch. 4 bedrooms. Beautitul 50x100 lor, fine .shrubbery, well Piult garMke. Located prettiest atreet this beautiful arrUon. If you are in the market for a I.urclhurt home, don't fail to see this at $85oo; some terms. It won't last long. Glad to show you. Call for appointment s . j Autos alwavs at your convnlem-e. ! CEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 YK.ON ftLDO. ' See McCflure & Schmauck Co. Before You Buy (tar home buying service eliminates house hunting problems. Come to our office snd see our appraised . homes for sale, with price and Uimts; every home listed Is personally inspected and appraised by us. Courtesy, efficiency arid honesty are keynote, ol our system. lAst your property new. BOO uatlway exchange. Automobile Available. ROSE CITT PARK DISTRICT $5500 Strictly modern. 5 room bungalow, fur j nished complete with exceptionally good !. furniture, reception hall with cloak room, large living room with fireplace and book eaaee, dining room, built-in buffet, hard wood floors, UrsnlhiUih kil-lin. 2 large bedrooms, bath, vrliite- enamwlrd plumlitna. large floored attic, full cement bailment, furnace end laundry trsjs, ' streex im - provemenU all in and- Paid. This is tl.s beet bungalow buy In the city. We caa arrange eay terius. Ijuit 7032. WOiD8TO:K SNAPS 4 room misiern bungalow, full i-ement base ment lot noxlOO. fruit, flowers, rhirken house, garden; $2300, terras; $220 cash. . 5 room bungalow, lull modern, lot 60x1 00, fruit; $1200, $500 cash. 4 room house, garage, lot 66x135; $1050, 9150 down. - 2 bm bungalnw, lot 85x100; all kinds of frotf. $1000, $200 down. Three full lots, 3 room shack, fruit, beat oil; $900. half cash. ! ' 6128 2D STREET Oldest, most reliable eomisn.r 10 Woods'rk. NFAR WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL Well built modem 0 room home, within walking dislaiioa of city, large rooms, firef.lar'e, furnace, cement basement, attic, ovner leaving city awl tilts plsow nnut be sold withtif 10 ds-s. Tins Is tin tmUoa and the kind of a home that you really get your money s wtirtli. prr-e $r,800, $2000 cash, balance arranged. J fa. HARTMAN" CO., . 7 Cliam. . of Com. bid. !08. IRVINOTON COLONIAL HOMU Eight rooms, center entrance, large U lng room and sun nxiin V the left, very attractive dining roam on the rtght, wm pantry aud complete kita-hen in the rear, oak floors, tape-try wails, double tlreplare, : 8 rliarming bedroosns and sleeping pijrrt second flor. I can deliver this for less than $S500. Make aipoiotmeot to see - It today. - C M, I K It R - COE A. MeKLNNA it CO, .82 Fourth St Main 4522, ALAMEDA. - $7000 $2i00 Beautiful -roora .liotoe, 2 hhx-ks frorn car ni paved street; very exclusive district In perfert ermciiiion ; facious living .room, fireplace, oak floors, porcelain bath, cement baeeinent, fur nsue. laundry trsys, garage aith solid ronrrete raowsy; large lot, lawn, shrubbery. This place is? greatly below market value. ' JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. - ; .Why Pay Rent We have a 5 room bungalow, 2 blocks he Hawthorne car: nice living room, buffet, lmteh kitchen. 45xlOH hjt cetnatit bne merit, garaife; clear of incumbrance; $1500 cash; $3000. Ge bu-y ' Hawthorne Realty Co. Comer 86Ui nl Hawtliome. Tabor 74 S. NICE 5-ROOM BUNGA0W Owner going east and must sell immedi ately. A fin. bungakrw. well bunt and modern, foil lot. 3 blocks to franklin high school. 2 blocks to Powell Vslley road. -.Terms that will beat paying rent; $270o. and a buy. THE LAWRENCE CO.. '21,2 Corbett bldg. Main 15. i MT. TABOR BUNGALOW $2750 $1000 CASH ' 5 rooms and large ceiled attic, large r!ivtne and dining room, finished in white throughout; cement basement; AOs 100 lot: ail st. imp. t and, paid; fine view of ritj; splendid home for children, as it is close to the playground in Mt Tabor park; vacant: immediate possession. CLEVELAND HEN I iKRSON . CO . 212 Railway F.xrhange Bldg. Miin 7.2. ' ' iluTo CAfif $'o TERMS LIKE RENT" - Ground 75x5. with several large f-nrt trees; 6 room house and chicken bouse, close to car. school and stores, clear of ail en eumbrs nee. - . Alberta di-trict Watch. Our Ads. We Get Results. C A. WARItrVER .! BITTER IXWE c CO.. '201-3-5-7 Board td Trade Bldg. . ' " GOOD'BUY- FOB HOME OWNER ' Unfinwhed nouse. aot plaslred, built Jt year; 6 rorwns. bath, sleeping porrh, 2 lollr', eemeit basement gsraje. sin, ele'-te-n liaiiL, . na-.w u.; siiiaii fruit: -jm't dui-ti-eate bona- alone for prieo, a-Aiug for hou'e, garage sod lot. See it after 1 p. m. 03u I. Lombard. 2 bhacks VsiaCouver ear. r FOR SALE HY OWNER $1850- TERMS "4 room bungalow; uiwl be seen to he a preciated at this rrrioe. lO F. 72'!-, Tsrw 4 2 ."a T WI-JsT-rifnE BARGAIN 7 rto, ovetijo-.ii. the river. - Owner. Last 4921.