THE OREGON , DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY, MAY 7. 1820. v. If 1 i. !! 14- a: si: 4 it ti,- A 5;, -U O - n ' !' ii" 4 x. 4. ft i. , !; IS tfc r. Am ;. - r s r u OREGON SCENERY IS FEATURED AT SPRING EXHIBIT Colorful bits of Oregon scenery are featured in the second annual spring exhibition of the work of the Port land Palette club shown at the Cen- 5 tral library this week. The exhibi tion will be open until Monday, The :" list of ' studies : includes ! landscape work and decorative panels as well as interesting paintings of birds and several portraits ' "Aug-ust'u Fire I Hare." among the works of E. D. M.j Fowle of Multnomah, Qr.. la 1 work of unusual charm in color and composition, j Local cenes were .chosen by ittie artist for most of his work fhown in tjhe exhibit. The bird studies R. Bruce Horsfall, familiar to Portland folk from previous showings, re among the notable pictures shown at the library, fThe Pioneer." a por trait of strength and character, is also among Mr. Horsfall's pictures. Amontr the studies of Clyde Leon Kel ler is "The Bam On the Hill." which won first honorable mention in 1920 at the Seattle Fine' Arts society. Another picture of interest is the "Old Taylor Ktreet Church." Mount Tamalpals, Cali fornia, is another bit of excellent work. The "Hawthorne Bridge at Nifrht," a local scene, Kpeaks utronftty of the lith ographs of- Whistler in color and com position. i i . "CRATER LAKE" ATTRACTS "Crater Lake," Oregon's great beauty tspot, tn the vorka of C. iCj McKim, is i-one of the striking pictures! la the ex tifbit. Among the pictures displayed by i Paul Laurltz of Los Angeles. CaL. "June Afternoon in California" is receiving - special attention. Mr. Laurits has four pictures on display. -i A group of decorative panels done in water qolor and treated in an unusual way, a mixture of the art of the Orient and the Occident, i are among the studies shown by S. Missuno, Japanese artist of this city. ! i f "The Black Vase" and two unusual filcetcheu In the collection of Conrad , D. jn. Pederso of Portland,1 as well as a " group of flower studies, are Of unusual intercut in color and treatment. DRAW ESPECIAL ATTESf TIOJS The paintings of Alfred. S. Rix of thin city, including the "Abandoned Farm house." "The Sketch of the Upper Co lumbia" and "August Sunlight." have been especially commented upon by vis itors and k delightful composition of tmuaual grace and brilliant coloring is the still life fctudy of Fred Strickland. , whose other works include 'Moonlight" Rhine, near Cologne). ".French Vil lage of Wannes-au-Bac." "Boats at Ful iton" and several pthers. u . Only one picture, "Billy the Sketchef.' : j is Khown by Hampton lilevtns, but the i work has recelveit more than passing attentlonr by visitors; ; Church Members Of Grants Pass to Picnic at Ashland i Ashland, f May ! 7. Members of the Grants Pass Baptist church, Immedi ately after the morning service Sunday, will motor to- Ashland and picnic in Lithla park. Inj the evening the local Baptist' church will serve a supper to their guests and the minister and choir of the Grant. Pass church will have charge of service, at the church. Dr. 8amuel A.:j Mof fett. -who recently returned from a 30 years' missionary service In' Korea, vifited relatives in Plveenix, en route east, and conducted services in- the church at Phoenix, Sun day. ,! , Mrs. Mary Klixabeth King. 77 years old, and a pioneer resident of this coun ty, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank Nelson. j 0. A. 6. Graduate to Take Position With Arizona University Oregon Agricultural College, Corvallis. May 7. TI. M. Howard, a '14. graduate of the school of commerce, who since his discharge from i the service has been connected with the University of New Mexico, has accepted a position with the University of Arizona. Ha will be associated with j Dr. K. J. Brown, for merly associate 'professor of economics and sociology atiO. A. C. Miss Belle Mattley of Oregon City, graduate of the college, has been ap pointed to the household arts staff of the schools of Oakland. Gal., at a al ary of $2100 a year. Miss Mattley has been superintendent of household arts in high and public nchools of 'Walla Walla, Wash., for two years. Roseburg Chamber Reorganization On Roseburg. May 7, The reorganisation campaign of the Roseburg Chamber, of Commerce has j taken concrete form with the appointment of -an executive -committee under the leadership of J. K. McClintock and: comprised of the fol lowing business - and professional men : F. H. Churchill. W. F. Chapman, Irvin Brunn, W. C. Harding, Napoleon Rice, L. B. Moore and Rev. EU ' W. Warring ton. ; i Teeter to Speak in Portland on Pumps Oregon Agricultural College. Corvallis, May 7. Professor T. A. H. Teeter, ir rigation engineer at the college, will deliver a lecture in Portland Saturday on centrifugal pumps and their uses to a class of steam and ; operating engi neers taking the college engineering ex tension course. ( . "J Bad Checks Passed In Inland Empire Spokane, Wash., : May' t. At least iwx men are believed to have operated in Spokane with bogus checks Saturday, "when more than 30 merchants were de frauded. Captaits jof Detectives Burns has received word today from Pendleton that check passers . were at work there Monday, and the description of the men under oleion : tallies with those given he-e. r 3 tni g iitij-lliiii Double Trading Stamps Given Tomorrow With Cash Purchases irt All Departments lomand Agency for JLadtes liome Journal raU Candy Special For Saturday Main Floor Delicious OWK "Butter Balls" 300 boxes ready for this sale. No telephone orders will be A Ap accepted. Specfal price, a box fTcvJl 1 The Standard Store of the Northwest Olds, Workman King I Reliable Merchandise Reliable Methods Hairbow Ribbons 29c Yd. -Department, Main Floor Clean-up Sale of broken lines. of hiuh-niade Hairbow Ribbons. Taffetas with jtatin stripes splendid firm quality. Shown OQn jn an excellent assortment of desirabfe; colors. Special, yd. vv Here Ilaiiiy;Opportueities to Save-Take Advaetage of Them Sale of Women's Neckwear Main Floor Thousands of pieces of chic, up-to-date Neckwear offered at greatly jreduced prices. Collars, Sets arid Vests in all of the best materials. $1.25 Neckwear I. At 95c Women's Collars in tuxedo, round and tab effects. Many beautiful styles inj this lot. Net, satin, crepe and lace materials. Regular M. 25 and OKA 1150 values priced srecial at UOV ' I'- ! " .- '; : r ; :: $2.75 Neckwear $1.50 ; -Collars and Sets of Georgette Col lars of net, satin and organdie all the newest styles. I embroidered, lace trim med and hemstitched. Val-, I- fT A ues up to 2.75 choice at tDXetll Vests and Collars ::''! si.95 -Women's Vests and Collars in dainty lace combinations. Plaited and tucked effects in a large number of smart styles. I Large assortment to fl?" QK select from. Priced special OJLJ i ' . - tt::k Odd Neckwear At V2 Price ! Onlyi a fewj pieces of each style, but the assortment includes all the sea son's smartest effects. Don't fail to see these. On sale half price and less. $18 to .$30 Hats Second Floor A mid-season clearaway of Pattern Hats to make room for summer sfock now beginning to arrive.; This sale presents an unusual opportunity to choose from about 200 beautiful models at; great savings. Smart turbans trimmed with flower petals and French flowers dressy hats of horsehair and maline in the popular transparent effects- sport hats In many charming styles hand. blocked dressy hats. Black and the most desirable Spring col-i I"I pr A A ors. Regular 18 to $30 Hats special at OxOeUU All Children's Hats At , Off Drape Veils ! : $125 to $3.5 -' - in - j -.t-i:"-; ' 1 ,: Main Floor New shipment of Drape Veils lust received. Very latest New York model New Veils with Urge and small chenille dots lit plain colors tnd two-tone effects. Shetland, filet and flnCy mesh veils with plain land fancy borders in a large i assortment of desirable ! colors. Priced for sale from $1.25 to S3.95 New) Veilings . 65c1 to $1.95 Main Floor New Veilings' by the yard with chenille dots in plain and contrasting colors. Fancy mesh and scroll designs. Large assortment Yard 65c to $1.95 ; !-...- - -" -J. - -' ; Bridal Veilings Main Floor Brides-to-be will find here a large and comprehensive showing of the latest ideas in bridal wreaths and veilings. Inspection cordially invited. Prices low. T Motor Hats At $5 Veiling Department Save from one-quarter to one-third on your new Motor Hat by cnooslng" from this special lot. 25 of the season's smartest styles to select from. Dressy ettough "for any occasion. Tan, green, 6ld rose, red, gray bfown and combinations.' Values to $.S0 New Middy Blouses ! $2.95 to $10.00 j Second Floor Middies are in high favor! for school and eport wear. Particularly smart when worn with: the new plaid skirts. Feature I showing tomorrow of all the latest styles. - White with colored collars and cuffs also in plain ired and navy colors. Cotton Middies $2.95 to $6.50 Woof at $5.50 to $10.00 Khaki Appdrel Second Floor- Our Stock is no.w ;at its very best. of Khaki Outiftg and SpOrt Apparel Khaki Coats $3.95-515.00 Khaki Skirts $3.95-$l 1.50 Breeches $3.50 to $10.00 Middies and Shirts in latest styles priced $3.75 to $7.95 Your Jnspectiob 1$ cordially invited. $1.75 t -i-KhakliHats $1.50. Leggirw it $1.50 to $2.25 -r-Auto fHats priced at 60c -women's Femlnalls sizes at,only $4.50 to $7.50 u A. New Lingerie Waists Secon4 FIr Dainty Voile Waists! in a nim-1 per of pretty styles with square, round, v or high necks. Long or short sleeves, Trimdied . with laces, tucks, embroidery and plaitlugs. Plain white and colored at $2.50 to $15195 . 0 Waists at $10.75 Second Floor This is one of the most popular sport models brought out this season. Ex cellent quality Crepe de Chine, in flesh and white.- Tucked front, plaited scollar and cuffs. Full range of sizes In the lot. A rrjr Priced speJial for sale at only D1UI O Silk Petticoats $10, $12.48, $15 Second Floor Women's Silk Petticoats in messa line. taffeta, satin, lersey with silk flounce and all Jersey. Many Ruffled, plaited. stitched. Regular! beautiful styles to select from, scalloped, tucked and hem and extra sizes. Plain colors. two-tones and changeable. Petticoats of extra quality to sell at j $10.00 $12.48 and $15.00 Bathing Suits Secenel floor The new Suits are now on display. ton and wool. Now is the best Cotton Bathing 1920 styles in Bathfnsr Cotton, mercerized cot- aiso the new beach smocks, tint- to make your selections. Suits from $2.5n un to 4 TK Wool Bathing Suits from un tn li q Children's Bathing Suits at $3.95 to $5!00 Straw Hat Time ! f THEY'RE HERE! All the newest styles In Panamas, Bankoks and StrawsL Quality hats from the best known makers. The wise man will make his selections at once and get the benefit of a full season's service. Step in and try on the different styles on display. No obligation to buy. Men's Panama Hats in latest styles priced from $6.50 up to $12.00 p-B'ankoks at $7.50 Taney Straws priced at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00 Men's Athletic Union Suits At $1.59 Main Floor -"Kerry-Rut" Ath letic Union Suits made from . the famous Kerry-Kool Kloth a fabric that will give best of serv ice. Fancy figures, squares,-dots and satin stripe patterns. $2.00 to 93.00 garments CQ tomorrow - priced at PltlI "Shedaker" Union Suits $1.39 Main Floor "Shedaker" Trouser Seat Union Suits made with patented elastic trouser ' seat, which allows perfect freedom to every movement of the body. Soisette, : nainsook and fancy madras. , Tomorrow D1 Ofj specially priced only P-i.OI f Pajamas ; Main Floor -Men Cotton Pa jamas jo assorted colors and all sizes. 'Regular ja.oo df fQ grade. Special at only tDJLetla MEN'S TIES 1 Q1 OA to $3 grades. Special OX&U 6 Pairs for $1.00 Cotton Bathing Suits at $1.50 Wool Suits $6.50, $7. $7.50 Men's I Spring Shirts in several famous njakes $3.00 to $17.50 Men's Cotton' Hose, -i Men's first quality Hose in sev eral good colors. Double sole, heel and toe. Special at 19c CI HA the pair 6 pairs priced DXUU Men's $16.50 Shoes At $10.00 Main Floor Men's Black Vici Kid Shoes of the old reliable "Strong & Garfield" make unequalled for Tit. appearance and service. Laced shoe. Jblucher cut, on the "Toego" last with neat wide toe. S'2 from 6 to 12. Widths'A to-tJ. Only one pair to a customer. No war tax.! These are Standard $16,50 shoes in our Own regular 'Qf A AA stock. One day only, t Special, j a pair WXUeUU Special Offer v To encourage early buying of White Footwear, we will give one pair of White' Sandal Rubbers with every pair of women's White Shoes. OxfordS or Pumps purchased In I our Main FIoot Shoe Department during the month of MayJ I 20c Handkerchiefs Special 10c j ' Women's Handkerchiefs in fancy printed designs and. bor dered effects with French, and -inch hems. Eitra fine quality materials. Also a large assortment vith wjiite and colored embroidered corners, white embroidered initial and wreath designs. No telephone or C. O, D.; order! "1 fA accepted. tSc to 20c Handkerchiefs priced iat onlf Ali 65c Handkerchiefs 39c Saturday Special Maio Floor Women's linen Handkerchiefs of excelleni quality. Dainty white embroidered designs in corner land lfl 6 inch hemstitched hems. This ts a special assortment selling OQ, in the regular way at 65c. Saturday special prici t)7C Creme Oil Soap 90c Doz. j Main Floor Creme Oil Soap is made of olive oil and other pure ingredients. Delightful for toilet and bath. Art n Priced special at 12 cakes for UC 15c Toilet Paper $1.19 Doz. Drue Department; Waldorf .Toilet Pa per of fine quality. Put up In standard size rolls.! Regularly-1 Sc. rI- " Q On sale tomorrow 12 rolls Merck's Sugar of Milk priced LIsterine at 23c, 45c, and Lux Soap Flakes -priced 2 for Mentholatum priced 23c and 75c 85c 25c 45c Girls' Coats at y3 Off Second Fleor Choose any Girls Coat in our stock Saturday (ages 6 to 14) at one-third off regular price, j Large assortment of new Spring styles and materials. All the: newest colorings. 1 Sport Skirts Second Floor Girls', SpOrt Skirts in the newest plaids. Beautiful - new styles to wear with waist or middy. Special assortment 1 (Ct offered for Saturday's selling at Girls' Dresses i . , . - i .1 : i Girls' Silk Dresses in fancy plaids and plain colors. T This -season's best styles. 1 Ares to to 14. On sale Saturday at 4 Vu -Girls' Tub Silk Skirts in white flJQ AQ and flesh. Priced special at only UOrt Girls' Petticoats with silk flounces and Girls Crepe Kimonos, i Wonderful values. 'fl'1 QQ Priced very special .for Saturday at WitwU Boys' Suits at $8.95 1 ; Odd Lines From Regular Stock Main Floor Less than '100 Suits in the entire lot, and take our word for tt, there won't be many of them left by closing time. Splendid full-cut Styles: that fit and hold their shape. Shown in dark browns, grays and fancy mixtures..1: Pants are full lined and seams are reinforced 20 ACT Ages 6 to 18 years. Special for Saturday at suit DOUO with tape. J Suits for little fellow! years 0f age. Blue Serges and fancy mixtures -at Junior Norfolks J at $6.75 4 to 10 S6.75 Boys' Corduroy Pants "sec onds" of the regular 5 Dutchess make. Special 5SaO7 300 Women's Dressles Basement Sale Basement Sal(1 THE BASEMENT GARMENT STORE will place on sale 300 Women's Dresses at a price lower than such garments can oe purcnased tor today irom tire mater. many attractive! styles splendid Dresses for street and business wear. Mde up In Wool Jersey and Wool y Serge in the most desirable colors. Some are trimmed with braids and buttons, others are CJI O AT embroidered in attractive -designs. See these wonderful values in the Basement at OJ-aWaaeJ Women's Crepe Waists $2.9 Baaemeat It isn't often one gets such a good opportunity to buy a really good waist fcr so little money, .therefore take advantage of this sale and select a couple of them. Of Georgelte Crepe lllU UICy UC VlUlUC 1P...IU.I U1VMHJ, .'v. v'w Fiestrand ottr colors. TSilf Vck rfr BMement Excellent grade Toilet Paper 20 Rnllc: 4nr 1 1 OllCL raper TOlls to a customer on sale tomorrow at. . 1VU! Ib lPT A Sale of Laces Continues 25c and 3Sc Cotton Filet Camisole Laces, Filet Laces,. Nottingham "t Q Laces. Priced special, a yard JLaC Val EdgesMnsertlons, Beading Edges, 2-Thread Filets, Vals. Clunies.' Linen Torchons and Taney Laces, -f QJt. Up to 2 inches wide, i Yard at J- 2 v ; 4-lnch Cotton Filet Laces, - A Bands and Edges priced yard XUC 27-lnch Net and Venise Lace Com bination Flouncing, i Priced Qi 71Z very Special for sale at yard iDJ-aaO Net Flouncings $1.95 Yard Lee Department Net Flouncing for graduation frocks and party dresses. Several different styles to select from. a40 inches in width. ! Priced Apr very (special at the yara OXuO $3J50 Flouncings $2.95 Yard Lace Department -40-inch Net Flourtc ings -3 special lines at reduced prices. I3J50 Net Flouncings at yard $2.95 3.95 Net Flouncings at yard 3.48 4,50 Net Flouncings at yard $3.95 72-Inch Press Nets 65c Yd. Lace f Department Dress Nets, full 2 yards wide. In a feature offerfne for Saturday. Shown In white and Paris. Excellent quality for dresses ?PTv and waists. Special at a yard DOC Dependable Coffee 3 lb. Can SU5 t :Jyij--ii.'-'- If ! you have never used "De pendable" Coffee, here is a good op portunity to do so. Saturday we shall sell 300 3-lb. cans at $1.55 per can. Put up in the new style vacuum -can s which keeps the coffee fresh and delicious. Order early in the day. 3-lb. can of Dependable Coffee priced special at only Otter Minced Clams, 3 cans for 50c Choice English Walnuts, lb. at 36c Soft Shell .Almonds, priced lb. 30c Brazil Nuts priced special, lb, 3Cc Model Grocery 4th Floor S1.55 'jiHu'iUidii liiitijiitlmiiiiiiiiiinJiiit'lUt