"3 1 'M. IT 1 i ' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 'FORECLOSURE PRICE." MOVE BIGHT IS." WAGE EAENERS-i-BAYEBENT MONET. ROOMS. SLEEPING PORCH. FIRE PLACE. LARGE CORNER LOT, NEAR -CAR. SCHOOL: STOKE, ETC.. -LOCATION HO 3TU ST., NEAR LIEBE ST. (WOODSTOCK CAR)) GARDEN, ROOM FOR SECOND HOUSE ON CORNER. POSITIVE BARGAIN AT 250. ABOUT $300 CASH. BALANCE EASY TERMS LIKE RENT). THIS PROPERTY REALLY CHEAP AT $3500. ALL NEWLY PAINTED. REFIXISHED INSIDE AND or T. CALL 802 BELLING BLDG. 8KB OWNER OR PHONE MAIN 1 186. Oft. AFTER , 8:30 CALL MAIN 1777. , PIEDMONT SACRIFICE IT S ALL HERE Modern (rrim ritm to stern and built for hi ax and Is. to the word.. - It would be .a pleasure to show you this beautiful bom, nix room. music den, - breakfast f room and sewing mora, Urge liring; and dining room with A-l hardwood floor, fireidace. bulltin bookcases and buffet: Dutch kitchen and breakfast room in white enamel; tbo bedrooms are in wm: l.r int humi)1lt With daild f UniaOC ! lOO lot and alley: Urge onoi nice lawn and shrubbery; paved streeta'aU Int and paid: 8 abort block to -ear. . Now it you ; can mention any thing thai.te not here, what: it And only $7000 and reasonable term". C. A. WARRINER. RfTTER. LOWE A CO. 201-3-5-7 Hoard of Trada bldg. ; . Beautify Portland. - ' i ; ! ! IRVINGTOX ' I , s. ", COLONIAL HOME ' ' We bare ne'er1 offered i a better built, i new .borne in ihia pretty district. nai, roomy, colonial style, r J.irf e room, o 'fast nook, tiled bath. Dutch kitchen, beau tif ul buffet. Quarter sewed oak floors, fireplace, rare lighting fixture. ; cement basement, furnace.; laundry tray. "50x100 lot: garage. . Built by day labor from foundation. . to roof: material throughout beat procurable, - Coatenieacea too numer oif U. mention. Let u abow.you. Prioa 9000: terms,. , For appointment call Main 802 -'.' ' .... G.LXI. T. MOORE COV 107 Yeon Bid. 1 CRKSTON.i NEAU: FRANKLIN! HIGH. 5-room cottage with entrance hall:, i all rooma good siie and . very beat of condition; fiUl basement., ftifl lot, number of tir tteej; block to tli ( ear. Price $3000, very easy term. ) Possession at imutp. Make appointment to seo it at. mice. - i !.'' C M DERR,SAt.rJS MGR.', Iv- -.fJOE Ar McKENN A A CO. f,.82 4th at I 1 Mail. 4322, T- "TW'tVir.rtT.F.Kiit HEIGHTS r New 'bnngaiow j. &-room and aleepinc porch; 3800: $4uo down. --;. i- .- f : . 6 room-house,! niodern, Kelly at, near 28th M70: 1000 down. 1 29. avmlb of Drrtsion; room,, lot 60x luo; .fuu; tuuu .uo-nu. t - : SunnyMde 5 Wonv .rottaee. c-lpan and in flrat cUu eondltttm; 2"0, bee :thi. Tabor 1811. W.iH PAWTELL. . .,. I;VAI.I. S SNAPS One Mor-k. neir IlMlraont ear bm; witb same valuable improremeiUA; -can be considered a trap of ill nap for a iparty .who deairea tmilr) anri uell :or to Tent. f 1 fine ft' room bungalow rurar Borthwirk. and Sliaecr street. Full concrete . basernent, garage. .l.l.-k-e ran. fruiC rip.. 3.rftO. Term" eat-T. hny good bu near O-W. B, A, N. ahops. ranuitg in price from 1 to $3oOO. - C C. I'I'VAIJ.. d4'J ? William! Are. Phone 3r0-O4. ' 'TTiwxKR CiOINii ON FARM Located in Mt. Tabor, on 7515rt-fV lot, lurtrM 7 room, modwrn .home, -floored attic, dou- ' ki .inin. Mwh Mm I kifehATt. all kind of fniit and berries. Urge chicken ran. This home aiiiie cob1 owwr to build 7 years ago nm a.iked today. Wa are making you nnwnt'ef a 4 mom cottaeei on am lot. ; An ir,.n. i nt T5 ner month coulri be real feed Wiilai i home. ; A ha'raain i at S3250. Mar- ahaU 8352. Tabor 8090. . i J. B. HOCK . ICO;; 403-4 Couoh Bldg. f $1600 TERMS LIKE RENT $1600 I iniiMIlAXTF. OF! FHL'IT 4 rooms, bath i good cemeni baement, atation- arr laundry trays In kitcben; tun owiiuu lot. wiVh ihut. 15 la run fruit trees: onhr 1 block from car and pared streets;. $440 cash will handle; balance $20 per month Interest in cluded. Quick possession. s O. A. WARRINER. 1 . . RfTTER. LOWE ft CO.. 30 1-3-3-7 j Board ot Trade Rldg. 6 RM: MODERN, houte on ISth t, N.- of Ains wortli, bsro - with concrete i floor, fruit, 10ux 100kt $300 first payment . o-rro, modemi house, irntH all in and pd., rec-mtlr painted jnid aiid out, 10 fruit trees, near Prescott -sti 50x100 lot. S-rm. bouse. 2 blk. of Well, car, BOxIOO lot. nrran fruit Price $1700r -terms. Mrs. Maude Valine. Phone. Wdl 5035. HOSE CITY PARK CAR 4 -room bungilow. newly latered, " : finWied inride aud out. i 4 lots on corner, electricity, bath, gas and full plunibinr. ' f ireplacet. $2600, $300 cash. $25 Per month.' Another 5 -room small bungalow, bath, toilet and' hot water, plas tered, in good condition, walks in and paid for, 2 blocks to Ruse City . car. Price $2200; $400 cash, $23 per mo. See Mr. Jenks. 68th st and Ssnrfy bird Auto. 313-53. NEW modern bungalow of six rooms and sleeping poirch, - hardwoed floors, fire- . prace. bookcases. " buffet. t large Dutch . i kitchen, screened iri back -porch. Full concrete basement full lot 'Among new bomea. i Price only $3430; reasonable .fermtt and H ier cent interest 308. Chamber of Commerce bldg-j Main 1963. . i , " i . " TTvN KJl RED! 'C F. D-PRIf 'E TO $2!00 ' $730 cs.h. $"0 per month, including In terest 1 at : , 5 room modern bungalow - In Nuimytttde. -i near i Launalhurst Park, fruit ber ries and shrubs. This is one way to beat the andlord. Call Marshall 3332. Tabor 3090. 1 J.i B. ROCK CO. 403-4 Conch Bldg. AN INCOME PROPOSITION SeTen rrora house, 4 on tir-.t floor. 3 nice rnomH and white enameled kitchenette and sleeping porch on second which will rent for enough to pay interne on price asked, tearing Ttm a dandy ; home. See this one today. ; East 701 8. t .1 $2300 7-room house, by owner. 50x SO corner lot 734 E. Yamhill st and 22d. Main 9422. j FOR' SALE 7 room IS vslory bouse, fruit i iitvs. Concord grapwi, ' logan and raspberry bisVie4. lawn, shrubbery; just painted and re decorated; 1 block from Sellwood car; 2 blocks from ncliool; beat car serrire i hi city. A bargain at $2730.- $IQOO cash, balance easy terms. Call at 174 E. 13th. Sellwisod. . nV.Vv 5 rm modern bunaralow on 30x100 lot large attic, full basement, cement , floor, material and construction guaranteed. tan be seen after 2 o'clock p. m.; Sunday. M-871, Journal. i ' 1 WHY pay fanay price for .second-hand - houhe aheh you can hare new, up-to-date for less; nice lot near Mississippi car. i Price $250. Im provements paid; easy terms. ! Will furnish money to build. Woodlawri 897. j MAN must sell; hia fine 6 room bungalow in the Piedmont district, -on: paved street, aU inirorements paid. Price $3500. some term. ' Killingsworth Ave. Realty Co., 121 Killing a-J worth are. pnone Anliimiuc SISil. 138 E. STH ST. X.. by owner. $1600; 3 rooms. " bathroom, water, toilet 2 porches, fine locution 3 doors from MY car 50x100 Jot to-ch, flowers: also other lots.' Terms, BARGAIN Shack house. 2 lots ready for gar den, cement sidewalk, good neighborhood, near car. $975: take Liberty bonds part balance easy. Itwher. 205 Globe bldg. 1 ACRE 25 fruit and nut trees, berries of all kind.-!, large house, full cement basement, gaa end electricity-.) 10 minute" walk ' from car. $P250; easy terms. Tabor S516. $1100 ROSE City oar, 4 room bnngaiow. beau tiful lot 5U by 10O, shade trees, rnseei ber ries, garden spot 2 blocks from Sandy. Terms sh. Owner 670 E. 7 2d st N. . 3XAP 5 room plastered bouse, Mt. Scott dis trict: electric lights, gas. phone and fruit trees, ami will sell equity in 2 lota joining. Call setore 12 undsy. Tabor 402. jU.I1) 3 room bnngaiow, hard surfaced sts. ; pleasant con renieht location; only H block touth of Alberta car -to 1031 E. 15th north. Price $2850. - -! : $1750 1 room bungalow, screens, bath. gaa. electricity, garage, chicken house, berries and fruit: lot euxioo. Tabor uy 13; $600 'cash, f il.cvo per montn. t A $2004) PLACE for XI 600; 6-room modern house, lot 40x120, 20 ft alley. Tremont Realty Co.. ML Scott car. to Tremont . Tabor LOR SAIjE 2 room house with furniture, lot . 40x100. Price $850. $250 down. Lauer Realtr Co.. nrland aUtion. 5018 72d st Phone Tabor 9142. 1 ROOM modern cottage, lot 48x143: 21- bear- ing iruit trees: l0u cash. S170O terms.. full lots, sbackv $900. terms. 128 3 2d at Vs oodstock car. , ! i FOR HALli. -4 large room puwtered . bungalow ; bath. gas.. ejoctHc; reasonable.: Terms. 1115 E. 25th N. ; ' ' - : A DANDY oiodern house, worth $3000 for $2325. " Tot 100x100. Tabor 3029. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOCSE8 1 NEW IRVINGTOS Here ia one I am enthnaiaatM about A beaatifal bungalow type.- J -floor plan, latticed porch.- centor hall to large liring room with fireplaoei; ball to ditang room, to den. batb and bed room. Juat a beautiful kitcheq with bruaaifaat nook; 2 large bedrooron, leeinng porch and bath up; hatha tiled. lniHi lrory, walla tapestry pa -peredi oak floora, fin concrete! base ment, hot water beat,' making a oom plete 7-room hftne and a beauciful aettine on a. 50x100 lot with garage. It wul be a pleasure for me to takt. you through i tola artistic home. Mr. Rogers. : with j ; i 1 1 . . Main 4622. 82 4th t ouwu oi x raue oiag. ' TRVIXGTOS INTESTOItS.. TAKE NOTICE Would 1 1 5 per eent on your money in ere yo i we naTe lor sale a lO ' room mooern howe, located- in Irrington on fine SoxlfUO corner central strictly modern,: bard wood floora. 2 ireblaces. 0 bedrooms, lavatory in each. 2 (Oeeoinc porcneiti, luu . cement basement ftoe heat- log idant; with rery little expense " could be made into four 'Jt room apartments and kitchenettes that wonid rent for 14 xr month each or Jlfeo month inoonle. This beautiful home can be bought at low as tM'01) on terms. Come in and let us show you this splendid inreKtmetnt. All improvements; in and paid, 1 block Irr- mgion car. : MAIN S02 GEO. T. MOORE CO. : j 1007 XEON BLDGt POSITIVE SACRIFICE, j j ' OWNER M'OVING TO NEWBERG. SEli THIS. MAKE OFFER. HOME AND TWO LOTS ON CORNER FRUIT, FLOWERS, CHICKEN HOCSK. ..'IAS W'HIJOL, CHI KCHKH. . STOKE,- ETC. SEE 330 2d ST.. 2 BLOCKS - MmTH lr MOUNT SCflTT CAIt PKK'E 3ISOO THIS WEEK. WITH A LITTLE PAINT. AND PAPER THIS PLACE. EASILY WORTH $25O0. ABOt'T $350 CASiL BALANCE i.iivji; ickn t. iNyuiKE FOK OWJ;K PHONK MAIN. 1 188. t ; BUILT FOR A HOME , $3500-PENINSULA BUNGALOV-f-3500 i This is; a strictly modern and exceptionally well built4 bungalow, 5 rooms and floored attic; rurr- ouut-ln uuteh altcheni fireplace, built-in bookcaes' i and buffet; fullj i-ement basement, furnace: ground j 50x100, or a tmicn more aa wanted for additional price; aI(o; all nice iurmture. wiiH-.il can be bad at j reasonable figure; abundance of fruit trees, 1 short block irom car and pared street ":! C. A. WARRINER -1 RfTTER. LOW E 201.3-5-7 Board of A CO. Trade Bldg. NIFTY HAWTHORXL BI'Ni LOW LARGE REACTIFLll GROl Nl'S ' This is just the kind of 'a looking fr; 5 rooms and liome yclu hare been nice floored attic: builtin bookcases: and buffet, fireplace, Imtch kitchen, large cement basement; ground 60x100 witb nice, lawn; abundance of froi ' trees and shrubbery: pared btreels, aU Hn and baid; just 2 blocks from Hawthorne car and nioety located; reasonable, tenn. . Be" this before you decide. . ,1 . C. A. WARRINER. T i 'i HITTER, LOWE) . A COl i 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. "TOO LATj fv. -r- $S6.iO-i Thia Hawthorne re. snap in a prac tically new, 3 room bungalojw, we juit-receired luting, ten good to let pans lorer Sundar. Here I an attradtire home offered which is decidedly differrnr from the bungalows you "liare seen near the erica: - Painted white, firenlaee. nm f,,r auto and cement base : hard surfaced streets in and paid, i Eat frontage, all light large, cheer- iui .rooms. nunday, phon Wuodlawn 6292. ax i or Mr. .Mattflew. I J. A. WICKM.iN CO. 204 Ky. Exch. Bldg. Phone Main 383. 1094 ; WEST SIDE HOMER' -W bare a good listj of Wet Side homesl from $"0O0 up. See u before you taake yonr decision J - ; C.I M. DERR. SAIES MGR.. ' UOE A. McKENNA A O: 83 4th st I. . - . I Main 4522. . $4730 LACRELHTRS'T " $4750 . ij i- TOO BARGAIN M: 7-ROOM BUNdALOW Only 2! blocks . from car in best art nf tliL diatrict Extra large living room: French doork to beautiful dining room and den: item of a kitchen; 3 beautiful bedrooms apstairti. ThS house hast been rented since ft was - built anjl needs some repairs. $50) will make it worth t Mn i i-none Jiaan lOU. Sun. or ltx -JtiBB. Mr. lielabuntr. ROOMS. MODERN. ALL NEAVX jPAINTEEl, aisJAK K1GIIT IN. FORECLOSURE PRICE $2150 (4 "HEAP AT $3500. ARf'UT $3.10 CASH. BAL. EASY, s "MICE r?fT." SIGHTLY ICATION. SHIPYARD DISTRICT, S65 CORBETT, NEAR MEADE ' SEE OWNER. 302 SELLING j BLDG. v PITONK MAIN 1331. I : is BCNGAmw. I00xl00 U 500 DOWN '-I i Two blocks Woodstock car; 14 Wring fruifc. trees, beautiful corner, good 3 room bunealow with furnace, garage; $3200. ' i ' T Another 100x100 comer, near by. 7 room house; $3000. $300 'down. 'Immediate post- sesaion. j t J. C. CORBIN CO.. 1 j 3Q.V7-i l wis hUie. . ROSE . CITY DIHTRIC3L. t MCE LIM ATKiN Fire r.ioms and sleeping pon-h : i strictly modt em excel hardwood floors; alt in good shapfc and nicely arranged: full 50x 1 00-lot; nice law ana snniTery; paved streets in and paid; block from car. price 4 5O0. Irrnu. . i i r A. WARRINER. j ! U BITTER. IXiWE A : CO. 21 -3-5-7 Board of Trade I bldg. ' VERY REASONABLE TERMS $3000 WEST SIDE K.1IKM1 ..Good TKroom house in good shape, with full lot; beautiful unobstructed rireri riew, hard sunace. street: $700 cash, balance to iear oi au encumbrances. I ii C. 'A. .WARRINER j j RTTTER. LOWE A CO. ' -oil-B-.t-T f Hoard - of Trade! Bldg. , nrwfc- pitv rin' A , I i FOR. SAI.E BY OWNER I room modern bungalow : roses, fruit and hemes; 3 lots; . .garden plowed; Small chicken house and run: full basement; piilass furnace; cement walks fn and riaid: 1 hlrir-w ims.n.ii bird. 6!3i E. 72d st north. No ieenta. Phoni j aoor ovvv. . LOOK HERE. HOME- BUYERS I a-room house, elose in 2.nil) X'.-.rt oa taoce vjttus. . B-rooBi house, close in ss.inrtl 15M1 cV.l USUUS.H . wrms. ' j COBB BROS.. 263 Oak St. i ' , S3500 buys large 7. room ltoiise on corner lot liard surface 4reets, .concrete basement and garaget iunre,i .Tm-iiupp, rwv jnis Is certainly bargain;: $500 and -small monthly 'paiiuents. .!: PACIFIC REALTY Mam 847. ,' i . 401) Spalding Bldg1. FIVE-ROOM cottage, bath. pantryFchiiia closet 2 clothes cltaets, 2 halls, hot and cold waier. lurnace. ; gas, electnottr. 2 - tubs, ce ment, oanemertt, run lot I paved streets. Rea sonable cash parment. balance monthly: $3200. Owner. 932 E. 11th st. North Irrington, i-uone su-io. i MODERN, bnngaiow with garage J 1 'ft ' blocks rroraiBanoy oivd.. S4T0O. New; 4 rooms. $1900. ! pviur rooms, corner, all improvements m wi; 3's.ki, isiHiii. ine rooms, modern. 9tauu. vnooe . jitun I FOR SALE BY OWNER 6 room hotise. jn.-t papered and ralsomined ready to imore in; walking -distance' from west aide: a bargain at $27O0;. $500. $2 per mo. laoor oo. -. j. ueuno. $1650 1 ROOM boiue and lot. rented lior $14; neetts some repair; a snap tor someone nandy with tools to get a home; 4 blocks from N. W.. Steel Co. Terms. Owner, seit , i too. - 5 ROOM bungalow, full .basement laundry- trays, lot 3UX120; near carline. on good street ; a v; terms; now vacant Main 6882 Sunday morning; Main 5456, week days. 6-ROOM house,: $ bedrooms, furnace, fireplace. it v . Tioors. identy iruit Lot ftOxISg. M. T, car. Shown by -appointment 35500. Law son. 419 Henry, bldg., 1 i. FOR SaHe, by owner. modern 7 rooms and sleeping porcn. lurnace, laundry, screens. etc. , Ideal home for large family. Call Sell. 032. -!.'- ' KOSE CITY bungalow, 2 blks. from car. No, 698 i 76th at . Owner will bej there todajv jiage 1 someone good deal. 4 ROOM bouse, furnace, bath, ilectric : lights. gas, iv oeanng iruit trees, large place, cheap. Terms of owner. Tabor 2799. S-134, Journal, iOUSE. 7 lot. 40 bearing fruit trees; all kinds - oi smalt iruit barn, garage, near ' carlme. Terms. Buy of owner. S-I33. Journal. OWNER, Eastjst503, 4 room hduse. 73x100: frnit. bernea, garden, wood and chicken bouse. Columbia Pars. ROSE CITY Bv owner, at eost.1 strictly mod. ern 7 rooms;, built by day labor. 364 E. 55to j st. north. HOUSE and lot in St Johns fori sale or trade for acreage, aith running water. Phone Co lumbia T?S. 1 1REMONT Realty Co.. Mt' Scott car to ! Tr mont, has some snaps,, from $500 to $2000. ur call labor 3029. REAL ESTATE EOIl SALE HOCSES 1 . PAR EXCELLENCE i bLBUKBAN HOME J beautiful country home, 'it minute out, Oregon City car or paved auto road, 7 room rambling bnngaiow, targe porcAes. liring room 14x32. den, 2 iirepUce. aU buflt-ins, full .cement, basement, furnace. Bull Run water, gaa. electricity. 3 (uie bedrooms. . The grounds comprise over 1. acres, most of wruch nature ha done more toward beautifying than the human hand. Large bearing orchard of different varieties, abundance of strawberries ' and small fruit; garage, room for 4 ear. Let us allow you thie wonderful home. Price $10,000; terms; 2 blocks Oregon r City 'Car ! i. (.. MAIN J402. 1 i - GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 TEON BLDG. T tl3000 HOUSE FOR i0.0OM . 6 room house on Grand are. ; full basement. 73x90 lot, near Holladay; light, gaa, hpt and cffld water, bath, toilet Price SlO.OOOi cash 93000. Lot aioua worth more moDey.M - 5 room cottage, near William'; full! base- j went cement floor, gaa, t light, fruit, ' berries 33250. cash - glOUO. 3 room cottage, near Williams awe.,. fuxnUhed, for nly $2900, $500 cash. Good 3 room cottage for $2000. Call i-or phone Monday f "E. 1L ANDREWS. . " 393 H WUliama are. -! Phone Automatic 318-tf. LAIRELHLRST BLNGALOW ' 3 -room bungalow that is in a class 'to itself ; very modern, including many : built-in.; oak floors. - fireplace, fumac, ' garage, i Irt us show this' to youl j Price $6300. ! C M. DERR. SALES MGR.. ( COE A. McKENNA A CO. ! 82 4th st. 4 Main 432 i f . i ! . i- , ! u : : 90x100 ; ONE ; OF THE MOST MODERN cp to-the-mincte: bcngAlow$ a I ! IN THE CITY. NEAR FKAXKI4X HIGH SCHOOL; $3730. ill TABOR 322 TOR : INSPECTION; Portland Heights Possession at Once Six large, airy, rooms; two large porches, fireDlace. furnace, good fixturesJ large at tic, plastered ancUfloored; roomi all newly tinted: close to carline; good view. 0fner out of city, and will give you a. wonderful baraain: $3000: terms. Will sell fiirni- turc Main 6882 Sunday morning; week days Maiu 3456. 1123 Gasco bids. . ! SEI.IWOOD CAR LINE t.-iOO CASH $500 i - 5 rooms and large full floored attic, hardwood floors. , firenlace. built-in ' bookcases, buffet Dutch i kitchen, - furnace, lot 12i feet t deep. garage: 1 block from car line,. Price $3000. Easy terms. C. A. WA"RRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade- Bldg HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $6300 i i ' A well built 13 room residence, close in. statable for a large family or family and era. Hardwood floors, music room, all modern features; $6500, $2000 cash, balance easy terms. ; it 1: DRIESSEL. 1203 Wilcox bklg. Main 6416. East 5860. MT. TABOR BUNGALOW 3 room modem bungalow on the slope of Mt. Tabor,' with beautiful new for eitjri and mountains and within a -stone's throw .f Mt Tabor park. A fine place for children to play and be safe from street cars and automobiles. 50x100 lot with street improvements in and paid. Price $3000. Terms. Sunday 216-48. - CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 21? "Railway Kxchange bklg. Main phone 675! GOOD LARGE HOUSE CHEAP : 7 rooms 1st floor. 3 attic rooms, complete bathroom, cement floor basement garage, gas and electricity, only 1 block from ! pared Jstreet; 5 bearing cherry trees: lot 50x100! a blks. from streetcar. 2141 East Washington sjt For ouick sale only $1850; $650 Cash, balance 315 month and int 7 Per cent L. E. isteirt- metz, 406 Gerlinger bldg. Main 6091 or Tabor 3224. . . l FCTR SALE BY OVYlVER ! Modern S room house, sleeping porchi, nat ural trees, hear Kenton car and school, furnace. some furniture, linoleum m 3 rooms, fine range. water heater, etc. ; house is in good condition ; 50x100 or'lOOxlOO. which includes good gar age; price reasonable. ' For information J phone Woodlawn 2073. or address Box 80. I Kenton Station, City. - i i OCT OF TOWN OWNER 7 room house, among fine homes. H ba fireplace, elaborate built-ins and i lightinig fix tures, gsrare. ltn a coat or paint wonid be worth 60O0. For a ouick sale only $4oOO. No mortgage or liens. Let us show youi Mar- :haU 3352, Tabor 3Vto. . J. B. RtCK CO., 403-4 Couch bide. ALBERTA DISTRICT-CLOSE IN $300 CASH $300. 6-room house, and ground 73x85 with sev eral nice fruit, trees, good location: eltjee to car, school ami stores. Monthly . paymen ts al most like rent. Price will be made . right. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. ; 201-3-5-7 -Board of Trade Bldg. WELL BUILT, modern 8 room, close" in ment, furnacei travs, bath. 2 j toilets ba se- elec- trie, lot 30x125. street improved. Price $5500. $lou0 i-ash, balance- mortgage, n per cent i room, nice bnngaiow. basrment. bath, toilet, electric, street ' improred ; lot 33 1-3x100: $00 cash.- balance monthly. M'GUIRB A REILS, 345 Union ave.l X. IRYINGTON HOME SACRIFICE Easily worth $8500. bat compelled Xo sell' at $6500. Large comer, lot 7-room house, all modern: very beautiful in appearance: h pared street If you really want a home in every sense of. the word, you snouid see tout. COBB BROS. 263 Oaki st FOR SALE by owner, 7-room bungalow, large living room with fireplace, built-in features. etc.. Dutch kitchen, etc:, on a corner 100x100 in Woodstock. Strawberries and raspberries and dandy garden: large garage on the; place. Some buy at $3400, with, good terms. I Phone SelL 3390. . 6203 E. 4 5 til st south. Woodstock ear. ONLY $1900 -t- Five room cottage, bath, gaa hard-surface streets, concrete - Dasement XO minutes center of city. 1 from PACIFIC "BEAUT Ti Main 847. J . - j 4 0 Spalding S LARGE rooms., good floored! attic. Bkig porch 8x21 ; grounds. ! 80x100; 14 (bearing fruit trees, lawns, roses, garage, chicken house and runs. Mount Scott car to Laurelwood. r Price $1800. $300 down, balance monthly.! . TABOR 2601. i i REAL HOME for sale at 677 Ei 45th st N. Iarge living and dining rooms with built- ins; .window seat in dining room 3 fireplace and hardwood floors; Dutch kitchen, white enameled; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch on' second floor; ksrr ckh- clo ' : !' -ti furnace. Owner at 431 Weidler. -East 2604. j READY . for occiHjancy, new 4 room bungalow, . eomplete except cement walks, steps and base ment; located on E. 87th st. 1 hlk. from StaA (pared): cloee to cars. $3000. j Owner. H. P. I COUNCIL CREST See ow'uee for 7 room modern ho-ase, garage, tote-. Owner nataral - trees, fine new. 1 H leaving town. For quick sale. $3700. Mar- shall 9. - "T THERE'S YOUR CHANCE i room, modern, close-in, 60x100 lot, frnit. garage, paved street . fun oaaenwnt 2 blocts to bar. Price $3400, $650 cash.! George John- zsunoay iwor I . axooqay aaar. lu... " FORCED" TO" SELL ' J- room bungalow, with built-ins. floored at- full sise basement; 100 ft I from Alberta Price. $3350. cash ,$1000. 1063 E. 25th N. ' x honsvir k. . n ... f ... ,.l. MtA.M y... n, l bookcase and ktwhen cabinet. French mirrors rtonrs. extra looa eiectnc xixtnresL loc uu : t street paved and paid. Worth looking at Price $2700. 1076 France arc- ;t WC hava it. lliat 4-room modern honse, lot 40X1ZO, 2 it- auey.: it. is fori $160O.' $500 down. Terms 8eHt car to Tremont - Treinont Realty Talv.r SO'iB. ' i SilALL house in Kern Park, with barn suitable for garage: corner lot 40xl00. Price $650; terms. Address owner, or phone Main 2023. P-715, Journal. - i 3ROOM modern bungalow. 3 blocks from car . full lot, cement basement; nice ' condition. $2500: terms. F. F. Smith. Commonwealth bldg..- 6th and Ankeny. . . - . FOR SALE r8 room bouse : and . garage, on . saved atreet SO .East Lombard st Kenton eti. - - I ; I - - FOR SALE Frame of house.' rough siding and floors and basement partly dog. Two lota with fruit G. Metcalf. 4517: 79th t 8. E. FOR SALE-By owner. ' 6 room house, lot 2Sx 10O. in Irrington. dose in. See this. Priced nglit; part casii. .440 E. 11th S. . I MUST sell beautiful six room modern residence. First-cLafs condition. '- Furniture If desired. $5000. Reasonable terms. Owner.: 772 Belmont HAWTHORNE-MT. TABOR HOMES TABOR 4299. ROD ABA UGH. . REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 ! J. F. HILL : 664 Williams are. ! ' East 266. Office Open Sunday Piedmont K .-j SSOOtf Story and a half bungalows 7 I ; years old : furnace and f ire- i place, all the built-ins one could auk; & rooms, den and break I I last room I down. 2 upstairs; , exceptionally large ctoseta; beau : : titul homes in all directions : shown by appointment only: ' 31000 cash. (1431 . Shaver and Gantenbein ' ! I : - i ! " i -. ,-. $3000 Two-story house, ' sleeping purch, foil ctgueut - basement elec t . - tricity and gas; garage; alley; : .! fruiu and I berries u- lot lOOx ' ' : lOO; all street improvements in j , sad paid; terms. (.132) , j '.- E.J30th-N. Near! Alberta $4750 5-room bungalow ' with good - floored attic, hardwood floors. i nice electric fixtures,, full ce- . - ment basement wash trays, fire place, Dutch kitchen in white enamel, all built-ins, faces eaet; - close to car, lot i 50x100: ' $1300 down; easy terms. (L47) i ' . - - ,..!;; . :-; -v ' ; Cook Avenue' T i ; . l ; . j - $4000 Story an a half t house, i ex- . ceptionally large rooms. 3 down. -' 2 and" bath upstairs ; furnace, j p fujl basement lot 50x100; all street . improvements 1 in and paid; easy terms. . (138) ' ; ' Kerlby Street" j ;i i . i . -!'-.. i h . ! ; $3700 Two-story1 bouse. 6 rooms, 3 and bath down. 3 bedrooms "up- j stairs, full mm lot, garage. 4 . fruit trees, garden, chicken yard. : . . full cement basement; $1000 1 1 down, (139) . Fargo Near. Williams $3230 I rooms and bath; all on one floor; large lot. plenty, of fruit j trees: ana snruoDery; au street ; improvements in and baid; half j cash. (136) . nr. $8250 Two lhousea on full ;ai lot. one - of 6. rooms, with 3.. down and 3 i upstairs: 4 -room cottage in the i rears aH street improremenU ! in; easy terms, (137) j V ' 800 iMInnesota . . $2300 Story and half, i 6 rooms. 4 : and alcove down. bedrooms ! upstairs; let oOxlfMi full ce-' I :' ment basement; all improre-' : ments in ; large chicken bouse and. runway: alley; fruits and shrubbery; $300 down, balance like .rent ' (146) . Failing Near Kerby i $2000 4 -room covtaga, small i lot. close; to carline: good value for the i money; $500 terms. (145) . aown easy j 1 66 Gay, Cor. Alberta ! i ! i - ! I ''" $1850 Price: includes furniture, 4 . rooms, lot 50x100, 15 blocks I from car. (144) I " ' ;-; ; f - ! ' 1 '-, ; - y- Portsmioutlh Near : j - : Cdlunnibia Blvd. J !;2040 Clarendon St.- ! '$1500- -S-twen plastered cottage with bath.i basement;- big tract of land 1100x100, 4 . blocks from I car: half cash. (109) ! J.F. HILL !! Williams Lve. , If - East 568. 1 iOfffice Operi Sundays ; n I '" )' ' :' , IRYIVGTON i : COUINIAU HOME 8 rooms; i center .j entrancrt, double fireplace, living room, sunroom, large hall, dining room, jpasa iiantry and complete kitchen 1st floor," 3 lovely bedrooms snd r. p. 2d floor; rhis can lees than S8500. You should see ; thw at I once. i C.;M. DJ-:RR. SALES MGR., cbE A McKENNA CO. 82 4th et, i , Main 4522 k. "YOU'IJ. BE SURPRISED" Tit this attrauti! ve bungalow for $2750. 44 dandy rooms down. 2 - partly finished in large light attic- spacious living and dining rooms; fine woodwork and lighting fixture, bedroom, - bath land kitchen in old rVory. . Full basement, I This home in first-class condition, no iwitiwis. tinting or cleaning Ui he done; 40x120 lot; fine for large garden, allejv . garage. Located near 52d st aiHl 53th iave 4 1 blocks WootbiLock ear; terms. Key at office, i For appoint ment call Malni 802. ! GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 TEON BLDG. DEAL WITH OWNER Six rooms,, close in., ref iniahed inside and out ; Sunnymde car; hall, bring and dining room, finished floors, pass pantry, kitchen with laun dry trays, full cement basement: upstairs hall. 3 bedrooms. 3 closets with windows floors all painted; bath rooms linoleum; double garage; $3700: terms. , H. L. Hammond. 985 Belmont Tabor 2497. . 'j j; I Another house like above ', without garage. $3400. - i i , CLOSE TO- ST. IGNATIUS CHURCir Eight rooms krtd sleeping porch, all in good shape and exceptionally well built: strictly mod ern except hardwood floors-; all builtin conven iences; fireplace and A-l furnace; 1 block from paved street: 3 blocks to car. Price $4000. half cash will handle -r ' . II C.! A. W ARRINER: i I. RITTER. LOWE A CO. j ! i 7 201-3-5-7: Board of Trade bklg. ! ELEGANT up to 'the minute home with 3 fine lota, well located for grammar and high school, only 3 ! blocks, from ;'carline. 6- ' large rooms and bath, i with, every built in .conven ience, full cement, basement fine new pipelese furnace, fireplace.! This place .is easily, worth $6000: $4500 takes it before May 15. New thia and you will buy it J. R. Wolff. 419 Henry bldg. i i - - NEW modern bungalow, 5- rooms and breakfast nook, white enamel finish, full concrete basement Seven lota, about, 4 O bearing cherry ; trees. Located close in. nice district near Iaurelhurst Price only $5750; eaty terms and low rate of interest Main 193. 608 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 1 , $500 CASH CHANCE OF A LIFETIME Completely furnished, delightful home. 3 rooms. . bath, full basement beautiful garden lot fine bearing fruit trees, berries, rosea, hard surfaced streets,! improvements paid. Ten min utes walk to Union depot Balance only $1750, payable $30 monthly, 6 per cent interest 303 EUGENE ST .Near WUliama Avei FOR SALE or rent, by owner, close hi. modern 5-room cottage with garage; full basement; large attic; fruit trees; improvements in - and paid for; immediate possession. . Price $3200, half cash. Will Do at house, 316 Man ttafael, from 12 to 4 m.. or call Tabor 5462. : No WEST Side modern 3 room cottage. . Full . I basement pared street close in. Price $3750: $650: cash." balance easy -terms. 60S- Chamber of Commerce bldg. Maiu 1963. .- L;,. i !'.,..; i " -. i ; i . ----- r- ALBERTA HOUSE BARGAIN 5 room bungalow, corner, lot' absolutely modern. Thia ia a wonderful bargain for $3250. Liberal terms. ! li '-..( ;- ! - WEBSTER K1NCAID, i ' 626 Henry Bldg. . - li Phone Main 4738. - GROYELA ND PARK SNAP : 3 room atrictly modern bungalow, in excellent condition a real bny only 4B23. ' : : W. D. ROD ABA UGH. 1046 Hawthorne arc 5 TABOR 4299. EVENINGS, TABOR 7608. WE ears cash buyer for view home. Also for fire or six room home! i near Reed college A Wo others on r waiting list.. Call or write us your listings today. Rialey.;. Starkweather A' BUck, 602 Broadway building. Main-6199. SATE commission; I have: 5 'nice houses in Hawthorne- add., ' near 44th st, from $3000 to $4300; easy terms. Call before 12 morn irgs.i 338 E. 44th. or Tabor 356. Owner. FOR SALE 5 room house, 2 lot,, fruit one block oar. Price X2000 850O ca'h. Call 502 Dekum ave. - - Phone Woodlawn 6081, ' - RE A l "ESTATE FOR SALE HOCSES 1 ROSE CITT PARK ' 1 . NEW BUNGALOW --1 Wtf know of no better buy in this Beau-- trful district, 3 Tuoms, den, large bvuig . room acrcea front of house, Dutch kitchen. : hardwood floors, fireplace, . full cement . basement furnace, laundry trays. This - pretty home is double constructed throogh t lout, built by day labor, material used ifirsl-clasa. If you are In the market for a home in thie pretty district - don fail to . .see this rare buy at $5000; terms. Call us and we will show you. Main 802. GEO- T. MOORE CO. 1007 XEON BLDG. LOOK WHAT A DANDY LITTLeI PLACE THIS IS I On Liunton road, close' to St Johns fetry. -we have for sale on of the nicest little bungalows, overlooking the' Willam ette nver and high we j: : 5 rooms with all city conveuiencea. .You will be surprised what a nice home' this i for only- $2000. halt casU. House could not b buuti to day or leas than $8000.- - STEWART & BUCK. . . - 313 Northwestern iiank. bldg. GITK . THIS "ATTENTION Here ia a strictly modern home of semi-punga- low type, exceptionally well built, very nicely arranged and right in the heart of Laurelhurst u rooms, muale uan and aleetimar Porch : every thing is here, nothing Uckiug full 1 50x100 lot; v', cu - Bima au . IB ana .paiu- Price oauw. . ueaaonabl terms. - j , -1 C. A. WARRINER. i' - ' RITTER,- LOWE A COt 201-3-5 7 Board, of Trade bide. ! 1 Beautify Portland, $3250 49TH S'fkkcr bmigalow, Hawthorne i district 1 blk. to car. S . rooms, attic, full basement beamed ceilings; lot 50x1 0O. Terms. . i -! - I $3500 6 ' room ' bungalow house. 46th st near Hawthorne: fireplace, beam cciliiias: full basement Terms. Tabor 3786, erfs. and Sun.; aiain -diu pays. i l L BIG SNAP MUST SELL f 7-room bungalow, furnished., all i Urge rooms. 3 rooms en first floor, 2 rooms land sleeping pt rch on . upper floor. full cement .basement au nays, garage, auxiuu ia . lot iMaro- surfaced st, fino view.! Price $4650. Good terms. Owner. Call at 406 Hawthorn- Itoday. $1450 BUYS 5-room cottage, corner lot 56 vj x oo, sewer, nasement. on Alva st near Over look add.; terms. Also 4-room modern bunga- rnce only 1S1430; terms. ;8e6 ALBERT HA R A LA i 122 N. 6th st, , i Phone Bdwy. k381. IRVIXGTON NEW MODERN BirXfiAIlW "Ire-room bungalow, finished In ivory, genuine manogacj, .rooms ibeauufully tinted furnace, fireplace,) etc.: large attic; and papered cement base ment; garage, j Tiia is an elegant bcSaie on 24 th st. iear Klickitat Only $7500. Open today irom 3 to 6 p. m. BEAUTIFUL i Irrington home for sale; situated in the choicest iart of Irririgton ; ias 6 rooms ana sleeping ircn, ana garage: hard wood floors; absolutely modern. ; This is the best buy in Irrington today. Price; $7500. lib eral terms. vveoater auncaid. Henrjrt bldg; Phone Main 4733. i I . J FOR SALE -Story and half houe, gooti cou- uiuon, . o i rooms, good plumbing, electric lights-. 2 lots, 50x100 each: fruit, and berries: opposite Piedmont carbarn. Close, to Jefferson itign school: $2OO0; $500 downg balance easy terms. . Photl Wnnll.m SAAQ T GRAND YIEW 3-room bungalow, beamed ceil ing. buffet, bookcases, fireplace, builtin kitchen, eiegant oatn; garage; garden in, : fruit aud berries 10 blocks to car. just off paTemj terms. Owner,- 8633 46th are. I nt $1900 Phone Tabor 200. l $2630 4 room modem bungalow., bath. Dutch aiicnrn, cement paaement lannury trays,! pared it paid; no mortgage; 1H blocks to Alberta car; email lot room for driveway and garage. lerms. wood lawn onno. ' .- $8000 LAURELHUBST BUNGALOW IKoUO Located east of park. . 6 rooms,- all on one floor; tile hath. fireDlace. furnace. . caraoeJ See JT. 'A. Mccarty. E. 8 9th and GUaan. .Tabor os. eve.. , j anor 0U07. FOR -quick sale, $2000 cash, j plastered 8 room nouse. electric lights andl gas, 1273 - E. layior. iaror uw7a. - t ' I - 6 ROOM cottage, gaa, bath, electricity, nice yard, fruit trees, no children Woodlawn 4C81. lOll! K.I 13th K. i ! I- FOR SALE LOTS 1$ WALNUT PARK ! . I " Have a few more beautiful home sites to select from. SALES HAVE BKEN VERY ; SATISFACTORY. If you ever intend to own a home fn Wal nut Park, Portland's best residence dis trict now is your opportunity. SELIs 1NG , FAR BELOW TRUE VALUE. " 'Remember, yfm canriot move a lot; it is fixed forever,' hence very important to- use -care - and good judgment Do yourselT and family a kindness by thor oughly investigating Walnut Park. By doing - so, I hare no. doubt you will select Walnut Park, with ! its excellent . car service, ; pared streets! paid. , blocks with 15 foot alleys. Jefferson high school and library; in fact, everything planned to make home life pleaianl. -Only a. few more for saleJ .-. Better calf, immediately on owner. , j ' i - " : !l: '-''-' T - W. M. KILLINGSWORTH. , Office. 114 9 Union arc. North. Office hours 10 to 12 ai. m. Phone appointments Wdln. 3304 or 931. s If yon ever -expect to have a borne in this beautiful district, , just back of the city nark. it will t pay you - to buy this fine lot now. The price is such a sacrifice you can. afford to hold it a few svears before hmlriinir- Mulnil- i every inch Is lerft : Tiew of Mt Hood and eity - Id n ...t., m, ...4 , 1 .. . 1. t- .. : t . . , '-- . . ...... ... , , , w(r , i , -. .in inf dhm's woere the new liouscs Are building. IAJ1 impruvemerda paid. Price $2000; $600 cash,., balance long time. i i . . , KAISER A KAINEY. 823-S Gasuo Nday , Main 7602 ALAMEDA. PARKTIut. atreeta an l'dTfygrtT. K" ' -f corner lot, nice district. $650. West aide lot . $; easy terms. Beautiful 100x100 on-the Alameda drive, best part of Alameda park, $40K). K; JohnsonDodson" Co. "; 633 X. W Bank bldg. Main 3787. ONE of the most beautiful building sites in the I city of Portland, located on the Terwilliger bird. A beautiful view of the . mountains and river: over 40,800 square feet Owner desires' an oirer. j j y , JohnsonDodson Co. 633 N. Wt Bank bldg. Bfain 3787. 30x100 NEAR Peninsula park and Jefferson high scnooi, 50tt: $5 caah, $10 monthly; streets ,JolinsonDodson Co. 633 S.' WL Bank bldg. i Main 8787. fiOxlOONEXR Kenton: factorydistrlct. $300; i casn. ao montjiiyu no DUiidina restric tions : line soli; ; i : JohnsoniDodson Co. 633 X. W. Bank bldg. I Main 3787. WEST SIDE lot near car. 50x100, $000. You can make your own terms. Jo!hnsonDodson v Co. 633 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. ST. JOHNS LOT. 60x149 Near-St Johns and Smith are., I will built for you a new: home aeording to your plana. 1 0 - per cent down, - l pet-; cent a month. Tsbor 854. - I I' . STOP paying .rent; will sell yoa good building lot near -St. Johns carrine. for, $10 down and $10 per month and charge you no interest Ad dress oAet, Box 1, Forest Grbre, Or. FOR. SALE 33 lota at a bargain, near factory rnntirng day and night; will take $3500 cash. or will give terme on part, or accept small truck in trade. K-4, Journal. 100x100 on E. 88th at, 1 blk. off Stark pared).: . Finest aoii around city. Water, light eto, in afreet $400; terms. Owner, II. P. McCoy. ! Tabor 50lj BEAUTIFUL IX)T, Easttnoreland, near Bybee are Sacrifice. Terms. Take small car part payment. Address F. C. Wendland it F, D. 1, Milwaukie. . -.?- ; I '"'.'-. LOT 40x100; sidewalk, curbing in, street grad ed: 4 blocks carline; worth $400; for $250. Terms. Tabor 3029. t PORTLAND HEIGHTS 100x100 corner lot for aale by owner at a bargain. Cars P-710, Journal. .' . ;" "v -- '; i ' IRVIXGTON lot u widewtreet, E. 17th north of Siskiyou: all improvements in and paid; cash or t"""1 Owner. P-708.' Jtyrnal. -GOOD corner lot in Killinjtworth. Far par tienlars see toe at 3829 41st at S.E.. or phone 213-68. $230 CASH or terms, improved lot 40x100; fenced ; shack, water, 9 young fruit tree. 6410 84th St. j ' - . j FOR SALE- 4 lots, 26th and Klickitat Tabor 6924. LOT in l Waveriy Hta. ' for sal for tbe cash I - have inverted. W-579. Journal, f LOTS 1 block from paved et. $2041; $10 down, $10 a month. 4022 SOth rt. S. K. ' 2 NICE IjDTS, Clinton -near 43d at each. Tabor 6361. ! $500 IRVING TON lot easf frontage, 28d near Frs mont by 'us not. 7r)4 Everett at - TWO dKce Alensoda Park lots, E. 3tfth aear -' V-.-.ftvr.- -Tat 54. i' I KEAL ESTATE FOB SALE LOTS 11 BITTER. tOWB A CO8 ' COLUMN OF LOT BARGAINS ' Come to headauartera il you want to buy a home. site. We har it. No matter what location, and the Price is right! ta I act, an offer on any of. the belowi BiUnga will be given doe eonsiuVratioru . Look them Over and come in prepared to do'biutaesa. Lots are still bedrock. It will pal you to buy your lot now you can I build later. We have listing not advertised. I See us before buying. i . IRVING TON DISTalGl . 700 Hancock, fac so., 71 ft. east of l 830 Wasco fac.'.so., 180 ft, east ot tv. 26th. ' 1 BOO -K. 15th. racing w. s-estj, 100 ft no. of Klickitat along side i low. ! i 800 Hancock, lac no., E. 85th. 900 E. 1 sth. fac east, KHekitat oi a new ounga- BOO ft wast ISO ft a. 1000 Wasco,! fac' no., SO fi. east of E. 27th. iiuu r.. dutn, tac. west, Hancock. , m 1200 E. 15th.i fac. east Stati ton. . . 1230 E, 17th. fac. ease, 100 ft so. of ISO ft BO. of 250 ft no. of Klickitat HO ft paved at ISUU ti 2ith, fac. east. 200 it so. of bmaiyou. 1500 Hancock, fac no. Sth: 7 SxlOO. 123 ft east of E. 1500 Hancock., fac no., 130 ft west of E. Ktb I ' . t - i 1500 E. 20th. fac east 100 ft north of Stantou, coucrete ruoiway for garage already. In. 1700 B. 21st; fac. east. 100 ft no. of Siskiyou, go ft pa ted at 1700 E. 28tlv fae. and Thompson, between Eugene 50x195. beautiful eo- lohial hens - across the atreet 1800 S. E. cor. E. VMth and Eugene: fine location, for colonial bouse. 20o0 N. E. cor. . 2 btU and Thompson; 53x193. , i 2 LOO Tillamook, fac. no,, E. 28th: 100x100. 2200 K. 27tli, fac. east. Tillamook : 100x100, Make offer. Out of ;i ' "sell." I . ! 200 ft east of 100. ft ' no. ot or will divide. town owner say 28008. E. ! cor.' E. 2Sth and Thompson, site for a fine ;; 73xl95t a wonderfulj home. : 3000 Weidler, fac. no.i 125 ft of X. 21st i no: 73x100. 3O0 N. E. cor.. 100x100. 3230 N. E. . cor.. E. 1 4 th and : Stanton, E. 18th and 8iskiyou. 73x100:.. all .corners 4630 E. 21st. lac, west. Tillamook: 100106. well established. 20tt ft ' no. of 5000 8. W. cor. E. ;22d and KnoU, lOOxlOO. , -t ' h f ' 1 ! LAURELHURST 11000 F. 4 2d, fac. i east,, HO ft so. of E, : i couch. , . . 1000 Hazelfern, fac. ao,', t ImperiaL i ' k 1000 Multnomah, fac so.. 37 ft east of 68 ft .west of lumens I. 1000-f-E. Hoyt, fac. aa., 43 it west of K. - 33d. 1100 Pacific. fac. so.. 24 0 ft east of E, 33d. 1200 llaxelfern, fac no., ImperiaL i 1400 E. GUaan. fact so. 240 ft east , on 156 ft eat of -1- - r.. siist i ' r 1400 N. E. tor. E. 33d aiid Pacific. I 1,00 Floral, fac west.. 200 ft no of Irving. 3000 N. W. cor. E. j Gliaan and Mlrimar place; ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT! 500 N. W. i cor. E. 29th and Halser.: 600 E. 49 th, fac' west 200 ft no. of SUkirou.- .. - ' ' - i 800 Weidler, fac! aouth. 210. ft east of E. 4 2d. - . 500 E. 79th. fac east 80 ft so. of Preacott 600 E. 4 7 ia, fac. east. 50 ft no. of Stan ton. . i . . 625 K. 7RtH. fac. weat300 ft no. of Mason 75 E. 66tb, fac : cast, 100 ft no. of . Failing.! 750 E. 53d. fac west, 150 ft .to. of Klicki : i tat i - ; 1 .800 E. 52di fac. east 50 Jt no.' of Siaki- R50 N. W. icor.: E. '68th and SUnton. 1000 E. 3 Sth, fac. west 100 ft so. of Stan ton. t - . 1000 E. 61st fac west, 80 ft no. of The i Alameda. -( i V 1000 E. 47th, fac west. 150 ft- so. of Klickitat ' - 1000 SUnton. fac. soutliwest about 272 ft, H we t ot' E. 484. - i, 1100 E. 30th. faca, west 100 ft no. of ' i Tillamook. ' i- - - 1800 V.. 38th. fac east 100 i ft so. of i Tillamook; lOOxlOO. 2000 H. E. eor. E. 38th and Thompson; I 100x100. . .-: , .8000 N. W. cor. E. 38th and Sandy: over 1 7i lots; fine business , corner; ne reasonable offer refused. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $ 300 23th ave.. fac . no.. 90 ft east of ! ! . 62d. - ! .; ' . ,600 Stephens, fac. so., 100 ft. west of 'I. K. 29th In BirreU Heights. - 750 E. 48tb, fac west, I 250 ft ac of '! . I UViKlOll. ir - , - 900 E. 53d. fae. ! west 143 ft no. of E. ; Sherman. j 900-E. 63d. fac west 140 ft no. of Division, in Grovelandl park. ! .. 1600 E. Carruthers, fac no., aq ft west ' . of E.. 24 th. 1400 N. E. eor. E. 81st ' ' 66 2-3x100. , and Hawthorne, I MONTA VILLA! $ ;J50 X W, . cor. E. 38th and Broad war. 4 75 S. W; eor. E. 56lh and E.i liovt 600 E 6 2d. fac. east, . 100 ft no. of E. GJlMUl. ! 30 S. K. cor.' E. 78th and! Halsey, 79x1 00. 1600 S. LV cor. E. 56th and Gliaan. 100r ' ! f 87, all 'Clear.' j.i-. 1800 N. VVi cor. E. C2d anrl Glisanl 80x100. i f I PENINSlLARi --' . $ 600 Lovel. fac so.. 160 ft. east of Wait 650 Webster, fac. so.. 100 ft east of Con- ... i cord, "j i 875 Girard, fae. no., 75 ft. west I of Fiske. 650 -Interstate, fac. east 200 ft no. ot ; i Masoni j v : joo Fisk-. ; fae. east. 1S3 ft no. jof "WillU. i ! ' ir.tino. - . ; ; - 650 Alberta, fac. so., 4Q0 ft west of Drn-,-i' . 'r-.:' i ! . " ' f " . i - -i ' ' 80 Willamette- bivd., fac no., 300v ft .'I wet of Concord. ' I 900- Ohti. fer. west 300 ft, ao. of Lira-' I hard, 7DXIOO. j I . 1200 S. W. cor. Kilpa trick I and Fowler. I . lOOxlOO. i ' i . 1200 X. Ej cor. Maryland and Emerson. 1200 N. Wi cor. Curtis-and caxatoga, 100 t I "- I i ALAMEDA - 1 $ o50 Bkidmore, fac- sc. -103 ft ,ast ot filenni i . . . 1000 E. Slat, fac; east - 100 ft to, ot i i Maaoni- p, 1000 Ihfnckley, fac. no., 168 fti west of ! E. 2Ui.r ' , 1 . , 1000 N. E.jcor. E. 2 Sth and Skidmore, 60 . ! -y .low. an clear. t, 1 000-i-8. E. cor. E. 27th and Praacott-. 1250 Mason fac so., 10O ft west of F.. 29th, . avvv niytwi c ao., uo i l. wesv or &j vtn, '1800 Regents drive faca ho., about 244 vt. ' i I east of E. 26th, and running through i- ! Ridgewood are. : . ' - -2230 Regents drive, fac ao running through ! to Alameda drive.: fine view property. aoou w. icor. r.. ad ana Dunckley. al- ,. most B lots. : ; i RICHMOND AND WOODSTOCK. $ 600 49th iavc. fac. so., 100 ft .east of 68th st. 100x88. ! 600 Tibbetts, j fac sc. VI 50 ft west' of E. i 35fh, i !' -." i. . . moo Keller, fac no., f80 'ft svest of E. 83d. ooo - rranaiin.. lac. laos, 17 ft east of E. 2th. i . iMOCNT TABOR : 1600E. Morrison,, far. so., neap E. 63d; I nice bearing . fruit trees. - 1000 K. 61t.i fac east, 350 ft no. of Bcl ' i mont. I 100x100. . " ! KENTON DISTRICT t !350 Mar-land, fac west, about 233 ft so. of Bryant , ' ; 425 Martha, lac west 30 ft so. of Buffalo. 600 Baldwin.! fac, no., 100 ft, cast ot V 'r Minnesota. - f 760 Missouri.! fac east'. "SOO ft no. of ; j ' Portland I bird '- t i ' ' ' v -j WEST SIDE f ! , ! 830-rrldaho, fac no., 250 ft. east of Yir : i ginia. ! I ' - - - j 600 Corbett, fac east, 1 00 ft no. of Ctfa- ! :ter. fine river view. - ! 650-Nebraska.j fac so., 100 ft. west of Virginia.. -'-.:( ; 1500 I-ownadale, fac west 100 ift no. of Spring 100x100.; I i 8000 8. W. cor. 19th ami Elm; 85x100. CENTRAL EAST 8 IDE I $2300 -Benton, fac east: between Dixon and jjupont, una location far flats or aparv ments.i near Broadway bridge. ALBERTA AND WOODLAWN $ 350- N. E.icor. E. 24th and Jarret . 400 S. W.' cor. E. 12th and Church. ; 500 E. 11th, facing ast 100 ft so. of i KUlinesworth, $50 down. $10 month. ,600 E. 23d, fac west. 100 ft no. of Hkid- ! . ' more. .(.' . -Ji ' . i . ; '650 KUlingsworth, fac no.,! ISO ft east of E. 18th, 63x150. i , 650 E.. 12th, fac west, 78 ft so. of Alberta. 90f E: 16th. fac west, 150 ft ao. of " i (Wygant; all liens paid. i 900 N. W. cor. E. 14th and i Amsworth, .100x100; several nice bearing fruit ' : '! trees. - - .- -J." - .;,-. 1000 Union are., fac east, .200 ft so. of i: Going. -...-I - ; 1300 Lombsrd, facj so, 200 ft east of E. ! 6th: 100x200. s i SELLWOOD AND BROOKLYN $ 400 E. 19th,. fac east,, 253 ft ao. ' of ! Ilex, in Southmoreland. ' 630 E. 18th. fac east 130 ft no. of Rtz. I m Westmoreland, i ' 800 Umatilla, fac. . no., .100 ft east of r.. ivui. . 100O E. 324. fac east 92 .ft ao. of Tol- man. in Eaatmorelaad. - JP50 K. 34th, fac west. r ft no. of Knapn. 1100 N. W. cor. E. 20th" and Frankfort, 100x100. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. RfTTER. LOWE A CO.. i 201-3-3-7 .Board of Trada bldg. . REAL ESTATE FOB SALE LOTS I li A BLOCK of ground: 135x173 on Columbia boulevard, near Kenton', factory diatrict will be sold for $1200 on very easy term if daaired. It a big bargain. j Johnson-IJodson Co. 688 N. W. frank bklg. Main 378". - FOB iJALE FAHMS 17 FOR FARM LANDS SEE MITCHELL -, ' OR RIPPEY I 328-329 Henry Bldg. Main 2534 -'. , 6U0 ACRES .1 j ' Choieo first-claas stock and coarse "i gram farm, about 10O acres geutiy rolling, bal . a nee is. of the very, richest dark rivet bot- torn loam. The .Tualatin river dividing the farm in equal nana, 250 acres ia ctUU , vaUon. 235 acre in stumps snd pasture. 84 miles from Portland on good rock j road. 4 miles off paved highway; 1 wile to! good graded school; I mile to railroad station; train stops at gate to pick u milk and freight Two aeta buildings with water Piped from apriha.'pletity living water.: One 8 rm. house with hot aud cold water, bath. . One 4 rm. hou4 On large barn arranged for 20 head of Scows, and borse I rootu for implements. 1 1 stock barn will bold 90 head. 1 barn With room for 20 head. 1 "goat shed with oom for 100 head. Milk house, hog bouse, chicken husue, stock cor rals; fenced with Page woven wire at coat ' of $1500. For quick tain this .place is offered at the- wonderful bargain price of $63 per acre; $15,000 cash. Bal. easy terms at 6 per cent L -.' ' - 3io! ACRES i 2 l miles from Yamhill, 8 H miles from Carleton. 7H milea from Newbetg. county, road, and on proposed paved road Newberg to Yamhill, connecting-the east and west aide paved highways; - 200 acr in culti vation; 100-aeree, in timber ad pasture: woven wire fence: inew 5 room bungalow;, good barn 52x70; gravity .water system - piped to house and barn; Spring, creek; milk and mail rcute: telephone, electricity, avall 'able. Prioa for quick sale, $85 per acre; $8000 cash, bal. easy terms at 6 per cent . ' -tool ACRES 6 Billea aoutl of Daybw.. on Salem-Mc-. Minnvilla read; 1 2 0T acres under cultivation; 60 acre, fir and oak timber: 2U acre of pasture with living! water; family . orchard. 69 walnut trees producing $500 annually; woven wire fence; tank and gas engine; water piped to House and barn; extra good 9 room puttered house, bath, cement base ment; 2 barns, granary, chicken house, hog - house; seed and feed;- 2 good horse. 1 Colt, 15 high grade sheep and several lamna, iew . hogs; wagon, plow binder, .rojlcr.i tanning 25 per acre: half cash. null, etc- Prieo bL your terms at i per cent. 80 ACRES j I 3 miles west - of Sherwood:- 30 acre, in cultivation. 20 acres old. slashings, fevded to tame grass; 30 acres heavy jaw limber, )ust sloping enough for good drainage; fine young family 6rchard in "bearing; berries galore: on main county road, 2 mlk 'off pared highway: 8 room house, barn 32x60, hoe house, chicken ibouse. cellar, wood hi. garage; .2 wells, good spring: water phed j to house and barn: V gKxi nonsea, s goou cows, 3 dog. Barred Rock chickens; mower, rase, itwn, o ni vj-., buggy, hack, h4y fork: some hay I In, barn, aome grain. price $160 per are; half cash, balance esy !at 6 per cent Will con sider residence to $2300. If you are look ing for a gilt edge farm, see us about this I one. - . .i . i I' ' ' -Sio! ACRES IK miles fnvm HilKboro; 7 room bunga low, large attic, basement;' barn,! chicken house; well on back porch; amaTl creek, never dry; fine orcliard; on good rock road. A beautiful home place. Price only $5260; terms. I i SEE MITCHELL OR RIPPEY '' AT ,828 9 HENRY BUILDING. ; Main 2534. i; i - It M. GATEWOOD A CO. ' 161 acres, 100 acres level, i 60 acre rolling; creek; 45" acres in crop,' balance pasture and timber; dark - loam soil; 1 1-room mdtiem house; like new: 2 new barns; outbuildings of all kinds; J83 prun. and other fruits: eows. horses. lings, nhkrk eus; all kinds of iimplements and tools to ran a first-clasa falrm; 19 miles from Port-, land courthouse, pared roads, sevru uillcn tins side of Newherg. price $18,875; terms, or will take Portland property aa part pay ment; good dwelling. i I CHHsfJ-IN FARM i h i 80 acres. 30 i in culuration.! balance pasturo and timber:' creek, springs; 2-l 4 acrea young pruiiwi. H acre family orchard, choice - upland; 7-rooni house, bam, out buildings; on main county road UO miles Portland, 1 mile railway station and pave ment in Sherwood district Price $H600, H cash, balance 3 years 6 per ioent and worth It ' I i- I CHOICE VAU.EY FARM; 1 ONE OF MARION COCNTY K BEST.--I 240 acres extra choice level land in tlia famous French r Prairie distrirtj i Marion counlv, Oregon, 28 miles Portland: .H mile electric railway station and town; JH0 acres iu crop, 1 5 acres good timber,) 20 acres i easy to dear, 27 acres pasture: i springs, wells'' 8-rooin house, electric lights: barns. silo, wutbuildings; i fsmily orchardm en main road. Price $36,500. : Thl via one of the beat farms in all Oregon. Thia land is suit able for hops, loganberries potatoes, fruit grain and other props. Immediate posses ion. . -- : , .-';!. R. M, Qatewood Co. 16SH 4th St ! I . ! - '$3000 40 ac ties, 12 miles east of Ore--gonCity;- 4-room Ikmim; ."good ' bard and outbuildings; on grsrel road: well and rpring: ; water: yon fig family orchard; li,- 'mile to gciioM. I- ' . r j . ; $6C00- 80 cw on good, graveled road. I verv bet of sorl, ! room house. good barn, room for 80; head .f stock : 35 to -of hay :i 2 i good horses. 3 cows. chickr-na, 2 i wagons,! plow, harrow and culti- ' ' valor; f .miles from Molalls;30 c'rs judder cultivation land all seeded. Will take a - home in Portland , up to $3000 aa part -paymen $12.000 42 aeVea of rery chmesS Clack- --, . smaa county Uyuljrr hard sur face road and only 45 minutes by auto to the business center . of Portland: plenty- of fruit and berfieaf $4000 vrill handle. A. W. i-anlbert & CORNER GRAND AVE. AND E PiONE EAST 640 Son ALDER 820-ACBE 1 Sherman county I I wheat ranch, 800 i under plow, 1 60 : ip ! wheat Rental I from place! will pay (owner - $3500 . this year. Good well. 4 I fine buildings, place fenced and cross- , formed, with . Ivjg wire. One I mile to - 'railroad station, - Price $50 per acre, Urns i i ' I 1 1280 acrei wheat ranch, fair btiildings, nininf wapsr. i Rental from wnt crop ahoiild Jpaylowner $8000 t $7M0. price $33,000. Will ' consider . good property asi half payment balance aa long as youf want L. K- MOORE; 317 Board! of Trade. f.-. v. 'AJReal-'Farmi : 1 n ura loins' the Willamette river, mostly bottom land snd all , In cultivation but about 20 acrea. which; baa good umoer ana tine p tare. Strictly jiiodern. -op to date; house; elec trie. lighw, liot Ond !old water, two toilets, bath, furnace heat, full baaeakent good barn, electric HoV,imA nn to surf. araa. machine shed, work shop -and hog h-ynses all. in fine shape; good old house on place) for hired help. If iyon want ,jr .h. riufk farms, in the atate thia la at Only about one! hour'a. drive from Portland on highway. 1-rio io,uw n ja wono Address Owner.H T-226. Journal. an irRKH w ore - or less, -some i ui o best land inj Clarke county: medium heavy ki.ir Lrn ahrint 0 aer.a cleared, all in very hi,v..t si.te W cultivation, all tmproTemenu lsuch aa good first class fences audi cross fencea. .nod honse with te leu none and weu lurnisDing water all year i round; big barn, 2 story gran ary and fruit house; tool bouse, hog honse, silc 110 bearing fruit trees of all varieties r on good road; 6 miles from Woodland, railroad point, boat landing, H mil to school. I 1 mile to ehnn-h snd enmmnnitv hall r 312.O00. $5000 down, balance on easy terms. 20 high grade dairy cattle, good team, all necessary farm im plements can bv bought at awry reaaoname price. August rruusra lyer, weoaiaira. w aau. NAB BEAVERTON 38 H anres. 20 acres in crops, balance pasture and Umbsr; lOO bearing fraft and Tmt tree.; t'rroom honse; bans and out rmildings; 2 twella. This is choice dark loam soil; on: main road. H mile Beaver ton. 12H miles Portland. Prioei, $11,500; half cash, and worth it. . - , R, M. Qatewood 163H 4th St & Co. 160 ACRES "close in, $75 acre., all tillablt. Terms. . Ossvier.. 2 1 2 1 st il 40 ACRES; close in, gch aoiL $2000. Terms, owner, . i a -w is. l -50 ACRES, cieae in, family orchard, rich seii. $3000. Owner, 212 V It ' DELICIOUS apple orchard, rtoaw In. cheap. 240 Term. Owner. ZlZis lab ; HE A I. EST ATE FOR HALF FARMS AU. IX THE CMPQUA VAI.LET "Fluent climate and longest growing season hi Oregon." $18003 acres and a lovely bouse of 6 rooms, barn, poultry houses, I fc acres in bearing fruit trees, acre in garden and berrie-, ; city water, fine soil; delightful riew; .3 minutes wslk to center of town, high school, bank, . stores and station on the S I'.. K. It TERMS, $1200 cash. $2400 5 acres, all hi cultivauon; very rich soil; 4 acres baring , prune trees, 1 acre fine garden, an attractive room house, barn, several diicken hottse-i. tool house. 4 minute, walk to . high school, bank, store, P. O. aud R. H. station. TtltMi, $!S00 cash. ! $8000 10 acres, all hi "cultivation. I .6 acrea in beariug iwune trees,. 3 aorea in vetch and oats. 1 ' acrea garden and bsrnes; a oleasant 3 room cottage, barn, poultry bouses, mlnutaa wa'k . - -o high scbtxil, stores, bank, 1. O. and li. It, statitu. ThU is - fine loganberry soil and will . make money in berries, prone and poultry. TtltllS. $20O cath. i Maclnnes Pratt - We speoallx. on Farm in t'tnmiua Valley. 418 Board of Trade,; Portland, Or. 2": ACRES. 23 in cultivation, balance iitur, ; finoht of boil, good, house 'and lan, good bam, large chicken house, plenty of fruit, good lca tioai. mail and mill route, gravelrd road. 3 ' miles from pav.d ' highway and only 5 Si males from HiiL-boro. -16 miles from Portland; 3 cows. 1 heifer, 1 calf. hogs. 70 chickens. ws oii; liack and buggy, fanning mil!. feei cutter and kjhs oi smau tools, part in clover, balance uow bntnjf- ireded to grain iuimdiae possession, W. believe this is one of .the best buys in tnli ingti! county. ; Terms can be arranged. l-ioe $ooo. L acres, dairr or tnu-k 'ranrh 40 or 4$ acres in cultivation, balance in timler. fair hnu,. and bat n and-other outbuildings, grateled road. 4 miles from paved highway, milk, mail and grocery root, and - telephone; 9 head of calUo. team ami; hogs, chickens and full Urn ouuipnienf : I acre of loganberries, several acres of besrertiain sotlj timber will more than pay for grtting bal ance of plact In! cultivation.' I'lAsession at once, terras. I'nce $17,000 WAS1UNUTUN (Ul'STV REALTY CO. ' i Ilili-boro. Ir. 40-ACRR"WEf.IclMPROVKl RANPIf 17 . j - MILES FROM -PORTLAND, ON j PACIFIC HIGHWAY H4y 2 milns from a live ffwn of S 4 .! population.- You roulii not. i,ui. th ; .buddings on I for $7000. GotaI 6 r.nn 1 lioiine. not and cold water, bath snd built-in conveniences, big red barn, slic.,. ' granary, big- chicken hoiife. hnxslrr liou- , .2 ineuhatorsi hifirhouse, good ab'r, 27 acres in culUtation. ; sphndld soil. li good, aome iwsturo. shout 4 acrw m fine tunher, giwd family orcliard. Ierriw, fall grain,. balaiit ready far spring crntH, ; luu-k, mower; rake, plows, ham.w. culli j vatcr. intemst in silo outter and disc, lot I of small tools. Price for all $12,Mio. ' Might, uke Portland house up to $4000 or $5001 ' See MAM HEUEY, at J. U HART MAN CO., 7 Chamber 'of Commerce Bldg. " .B II 35 'Per. Acre 130 acres. 8 miles from Portland good road; $135 per acr; $3000 will handle: between 60 and 60 acres in cultivation, balance In first and second growth timber; fine soil, no rock; run ning water; 6 room house, large bam; fine. for dairy farm. Timber will pay for "farm; must he sold to settle estate; land adjoining sold for $200 per acre. W. also have some good buys in ! from- 2 to 10 acre tract. C. E. TILLMAN BEAU ESTATE CO. Lents, Phoue Tabor 3343. 'ACRES 70 acres In cultivation, mostly in crop 8 room house, large barn and good mitbullding. 4 horses. 2 cows, soma hogs. 4 0 chickens full equipped with machinery watered by 2 spring , and well; H mile to school, on It D. and rn-nm route. Price $ It). (, $400O cash, balance per cent; crop and personal stock worth great deal more than first, pavuiint. S. O. DILLMAN OR 11. A. HEATER 8th and Main sis.. Oregon City. Or. NEAR SHERWOOD, OREGON For Rale. 2 rsnchea. No. 1 40 arris, fan buildings, about H in cult, plenty ' fruit nnd wster, 1 rhile c-ff Salem highway on.wd mr.d. This ranch Is in a high stale of cult. ' liiclu.lirtg team, barnesa, plow, wagon, ; hack, t heifer,- 3 hogs, for $5000; cash, balance (A suit. )Unt-h-No.;2 20 "ac.. aljolnlng tills tla about 8 iu cnlt, box iwiuse, running walei to the door, small- barn; chicken house, hig fot 1 cow and calf, some fumltur., for $2fio), H cash. This land lies I mile wot of Mid lla tnn station. Inquire for G. G. Walling, or R T D. No. 8, Bo Ul. Hherwoo.1. Ore. ACRES 73 in cultivation, all fine aoil snd levs! : 7 room lKuse with flreplane; 2 wi-Ils, I e'iuipird with power pump; large bam, graitary, nr.; 1 acre ot ass. r ted orW,n!; fine lot of personal property goes w-lth pla-e; only 5 '4 inllna uiil on g'nal rock road. R. F. D. and cream route: $m. per acre, $5000 down, balance. 3 years at 0 pet cent , ' H. A, HEATER. WITH S. O. IIIJ,MAN 8th snd Main sts,. Oregon tMty, 2 ACRF-S PTrCn-orha7d aiid berries, 4rooni plastered hiHise, chirkeiihouse Sim! small hsrn; Ball Run water. Jersey cow. 2 doien chi. k.n, range, garden tools;, in Gresham, only $2i)0,. half ca-ii. ' . Small berry farms, berry land and chlckra fsrms at prices to suit. "ill acre--. bf-snlfti! '-nl. building-- sr 2 room house, barn, ctifrkmhouser only $400. 10 acres, 4 rtwim bunaalow. full liss-rntit 1 wlrti fruit room, electric light, large hsrn, near I SjlOOf Slid hilfh'l- Ifl.d 111. .-- trt-'V 4 ' ". IROWN A CLEVELAND, Greshsm. I'hoiw 9HU xauu ivi .-o nr.s r r Ik n - L. c lit OWNER 63 acrea cultivated, all choice lanifl 20 acre open faature, 15 acrea oak timber, young prune orchard, apple orchard; farm ia fenced in 5 fields woven wire; 7 room house, telephone, large hsrn, bay fork, 2 good wells, school rloe, 4 nuie from county seat, gravel road. Ideal location ; farm ia a money-maker. If aoM soon, price $150 per .acre; some cash; g.Mxl terms, 6 per cent write for particulars. J. tr. Latham, It. r. U. 2. Dallas, Oregon. j .l9 ACRES ; All level. 93 In cultivation, good 6 ' ronm house; hot and cold wster.. bath. etc. : barn. 8U by bOt also good outbuildings: ' mil. to, town, on highway; all woven wi.rt fence. li. A. HKAIKK. WITH li. O. III.I,MAX Sth and Main sta . Oregon. City, tir. SOl4Ef7i7NG Wif liNiN"ro"M"E "40 acres, rich soil, sll under rultitatlon: IS acres 12-yar commercial appl-s. 11 acres young Italian ' prunes, 4 acres . black csps, bearing walnuts, cherries, grape, etc., all in fine con dition; gentle south slope, well drained; 7-rvm house, bath,- water system, . light system, large barn, silo: school and chnrrh "; mile. 23 mil-s - south of Portland, 2 miles of Xewbrrg. C. K. Cranflll, 203 14 lit it Main 4203 CANADIAN'"FABM LANilS -li.t grr.t blrx-l" Vf Canaxilan Paeiiic ilailvay comiiaiiy'a reserve lands, Keinarkably cheap, on long and easy terms. Iand-Vr' ex'tirsion part T leaves Portland for . Calgary. Alberta, on Ratorday. May -Jt. ' Reduced railway rates. For further partimlars sm Canadian Pacific Railway lo, 208 Hallway Exchange Bldg., L. P. Thornton, district representative. 08 ACRES, 70 acrea cultivation, Wg dairy barn. 2 silos, good 7 room house, also 3 room hous; mostly all seeded;- 1' mile from United Raliwsr. cloae to church and school, 15 miles to Port, and; all well drained, very best anil in Washington county, on Liberty road; $225 per acre; eay terms. For further information- call at once 160 N. 21st; or see Godbey st the Terminal Garage, 8. E, corner 5th and Huyt sts. : -W ACRES' , 75 in cultivation; good buildings; water p:ped in; $75 per acre 11 A. HEATKR. WITH 8. O. DILLMAN Sth and Main tlregrm City. Or. VERT choice 12 acree. Improved. ! equipped. going place, to be eold quickly. See it, make offer. No letters. 1 mile Canby. L WHEELER. Owner. . NKW HOUSE, NKWLXvD 6 acres adjacent to Newberg. 8 under eulti vation, crop in; baa nice 6-room bungalow tatv lo platter, barn and chicken bouse; $3200, $1200 cash. C. E. CranliU, 203 'j lit st. Main 4203. 1 3TPER ACRE 480 acres Washington. CowliU ooimtv, Portland; fine grszinf Uni. 334. , 23 miles froia Phone Woodlg ATTKN'HOY 306 scr farm snd dairy c.n.- -bced. A money making, healtlifnl. pleaatnr, hom in the Willamette valley, goo per ai r. Terms- Write owner for Information. Ta. -r Mscy, R. 2; McMinnville; Or. FOR SALE My-40 acre farm. 22 tuf.es es t of Portland on Columbia highway. A . Woodward. Corbett, Or. . 4 f i