4 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 2. 1S20. 46 fci-.hr KLsl'LlM OBTAINED IN DRESSMAK ING AND KCUOhEUVfl. TlRKKKUHK ING DEPT. XMPORIL'M DTE ' WORKS. 549 TAILORING FACTS Expert derlfrnsr, either hi, Order cutting and f il tine with my responsibility. Evening fit for instruction. I). Msstun, 145 5th. ALTERATIONS. refitting snd-making of ladies' garments, nuonibb ptire work cunatHd, . Kmpm. i-aate,' Tailor, os Bna Lane ama. LET ME do your plain sewing at your homa or mine. 76 Cortjrtt, ' v 'RK48UAIUNO and ..Indian' tailoring. Mrs. . Baker. IL Z913. HEMSTITCHING, He and lOe per, rani 168 r,. BfixHwir B, end of bnge. ,DHESKMAKIM dona by" day i" Alterations; Remodeling skirts afiecislty. Tabor lf8. NURSES PRACTICAL nurse wants maternity patient. Peefsw, to hare at my borne. Phono Tabor PRACTICAL nurse, will take maoerntty - Reference. Wdln, .4492. FURNISHED ROOMS PRINCESS HOTft. WEWLT RENO V A TED THROUGHOUT Ring) room 84.50 per week;; community bath. single, $6 and f T per weeks private, $H and 10 par week. .349 E. Borasid at East - 171. Just serosa Burnaid bridge. 8 SiOXtGOME&f ; 1 Urge. 1 amafl. clean! rout sleeping room, water in room, walking atstancc. ; . MO-TON HOTEL, 226 Madison; nice. light room ; steam heat, hot and cold water is all room, : transients solicited. LARGE, light -nicely furnished front rooma, suiisble for two. PpeHal rate week or month. Splendid location, 615 Yamhill. EMPREM8 hotel. 6th and Stark, next to Colum bia theatre. Transient 41 up; weekly rates. Free phones and bath. fiOUSEKEEPING room.. ITtJ and $2.60: furnished room. $1.25 and $2.50 week. Co lumbia Hotel. 224 Uir. IT RN1SHED froot housekeeping apartment. Nob HIM, good location. 3 Glisan. Bdwy. 8935. P KlCELY furnle.hed outside room, modern, housed keeping if desired. 809 Hancock. East 6110. tfl'O room, light, heat and phone" free. Phone East 7741. MI'K clean bed in attic; cheap rent. , 2-J .Broadway. 1 ' - i j ., '-- 2 SLEEPING rooma. 208 tTlhj near Taylor! FUfiMSUED ROOMS FK1F ATE 4- j . " FAV II.V i :t -. ?6 ONE furnished room for one or two people, good location, between Clay - and Market 820 13th st Main 4825. Call after 12, ounaay. WILL share my room with another gentleman. aeparata bed; rent very reasonable all con veniences, west! aide, close tn; referenoea. -N'-516. Journal. HK'EI.Y furnished room, pleasant place, borne privileges; gentleman preferred; i -reasonable. Tabor 029. 1 , i iCCURE good permanent . room before the 8hriner eomo. Steam heat, plenty hot water. KobJIiUj district. iS. prefeTred. JIainl09. BfALTrFCt.LYnFurnibed large room, fireplace, dressing room, pnrata bath. &4 N. , l,t. Phone Broadway 2268. , " NICKLt furniehrd room, heat, light and phone, . suitable fof 3 yoking men or, eoupla employed; home pHeileges. ! Woodlawn 6S85. ONK front room for one or two gentlemen ; walking distance. Call after 6 p. m, or Sunday. 180 N, 17th., - "EJIV .; nice, large front room,' tnitabla for tw; refined family, nice aurroundinga; rent rea aonable; near Broadway earlinej Phone E. 5t. ON B nice f urnUIwd room, 3 blocks from end of BU-,1 bridge; lady or gentleman. 321 Wasco at. Phone Kat 3042. ; i MC'F.LT furnished front sleeping room -hi- mod - em home, close in West aide. 434 Mill t.t. Main 4018. J ; - . " ;. VlCI-XY, f uniWied front room, good kxrktion, . orerlooking city, mountain Tiew, modem, in re fined home, walking 'distance. Marshall 18069. S T RAM heated room,: -all modern convenience, . fill after 6 p. m. i 0'4 Couch at., between 17th and 18th sts.. apt; 8. ; j j NICKLT fumislied front room fn good location. , walking distance, home pririlcges; gentleman preferred. Marshall 1842. .- KICELT furiiislied room, good location, (team heat, walking distance; gentleman preferred. 8' ' : ' i- ' - ' tWO nicely furnished rooms ' In modern home, walking distance; 'gentlemen preferred; home prisilegea. East 8550. i PUKArJANT rwnii, modern home, tor 1 or 2 niplwed. Call after 4. weekdays, 133 N. 28d. Marshalli 948. I t inranwn in private I anuiy, garage. 5Kl".I.T furntithed front sleeping room. 1S6 N. 18 th at. Broadway 4547. jslCELY furnislied front rooma. walking diataaeaT gooq locamm; noma prlnleges. Main 401)8 I WEUi furnished, close in. 2 room suite. 2BO Msrket. 882.80 KXTUA'gwKl nl. ulwm well furnished 2 room suite. 478 1.V. NK'm.T fnmistiud slfjina MKnia with all iwirt. lecr. t.T a week. 371 12th at. - Har. 2288. ONE furninhrd aleetmg room, irent $5 month. inriiming .rwth. 321 Hsll St., near th. ONE nicoly (Turnished? front room for rent ' 311 Clai'ktamag sL Bridge Ijransfer ear. ' Kl'llSlfiHKD room, boated ait- r gentleman. KlCELT funiished, light - sleeiiing too mi. Men, reasonable rent, good location. 322 Broadway. Jfft'E large sleeping room7walking distanre .good location; home prmlrges. Kast 3150. i itujyii , ; ilt. finpKnr. nnwv. low. TTfrrRTvisnEn Booirs 10 2 rNPl7KM8HK'D rooms wM.lTlichUk' water, vhone ir.. i;a-t 4 720. '-.!. lUwth trne. ROOMS AXI BOART IS OUTOIA r HnTEt.TPoHIaiid sToVntown lilKh-clsss family hotel; rooms en suite: or single, with pr wltiiont board. ( We ie-you ail the cowfortsi of a home. Jtcasonable rates. A LARGE, light, airy room in all modsm homa suitable for two. board if desired; -2 bloeka sniiu oi stawmorn ear. 83d fi. 45th at 318-80, , CH NU laily; will sltara laraa. ttJ-J-Hi moi with flreplaee. aU oonTsnienres, in ezclaniTe ivmiiy. nolel,- wiui 1 or 2 -congenial ladles, good home cooking. Call East n0!9. PLEASANT. large, furnisned room, or two rwonw: nriattast U desired. 021 E. Burnaida. Phone 316-Mo. OtOD HOMte to place your school children. Marshall h'J4. . WAXTFD H or 2 ciilkiren tn board in good Miburhan ki mp. Tabor 93. GOOD UblK"p7drf.93Ererett- " BOOMS AJlii BOARTt PBITATE FAMILT 7 8INGI.I; room, also rooms for family, beautifully furnished, new and clean ; one large room, with private oath; hot and fold, water in every room; table board. Also beautiful porches and grounds, ifcr information call Broadway 5450. mornings snd evenings. - lOARr and room in private home, hot and cold water, in room; close in. West, Sid; working man preferred. 655 Northrop st I'hone Broadway. S74 i)H HfcXT Nice large front room with board, furnace leat. ciiiveuierit to 2 csrlinse. Ilaw- tl ornedl-;triot. fall Tabor 84!2. ' ONE small room for man only; first-ciasa board; walking distance. .681 Glisan st. WILL gi bret of motlier's care and board to child between 2 and 8 ym East 5180. nnrirvt'i.'Pif! unoMu TrUMSHKll ANT) rXFFRSlSHTP 4. WEEK up, completely famished bausekeeo- rng. sniua. absolutely clean, every convenience; tlngie housekeeping rooms. 82.75 upj right down town;, save carfare. Desirable people only. The t'a&illac, 8d. near Jsflerson. i 3 fi)01t single housekeeping ro,mi 1 3 ..l.,S-50 per w"- 2 enoA donbla apu., f 4 50 and one $5 per week. 86H Union eve. . Ka-t Side. Io6d clean housekeeping rooms sni table for couple: also sleeping rooms. 283 4 Union ., one moca po. or Mawmorne. t : TWO honsckacpiug tuonn: iu. emit mmK . centrally located. 815. lO a month. Broad- TWO fr,,t tr C .1 . ' .L1' V .... v.-v, a.ntn nwmiHim and cold water, bath, stesm beat. Stewart . - i t, iwi.j. warn i os a. 120, 8 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in pri r iiiuuj, aauiis only, VVH JE. 11th St. JS"i CLEAN, light, desirable housekeeping ; also sleept ing. 574 Glisan. Phone Broadway 5557. AHKEEl'INli aud sieuing rooms. 82 a wetk and P. st 301 'a first. i 2 ROOMS furnUbed iiouekoopinal apartmant. Ymv r!7i. 292 H lrrabee. 84 A WEEK. 2 fumUlittdfnmt iuxuki. rooms, walking dUtsn-e. 515 Mill st. two small bousekeetihu rooms, MiiiaMe one TWO ainele honsekanine nutn., ' ;7.vT" bachelor. 24 H Market, opp. Auditorium. HOVKEKKKPITf ROOMS Fl7R.lMMElf AMI ITJIFmftlSHED si) I v i vr -b . v TWO MODERN housekeeping moms with kit- eheaette. welkins: distanaa. ws.-oru Kl 372 THREE clean rooma. upstairs, $22 j two rooms. 15. 435 Webster at. HOrEKF.EPT!ro ROOMS I FCBSISHF.0 AW D. rTTFrRSilSHEl PRITATe FAMILY !78 POR RENT Nice H K room, suitable for a bachelor: will come eaeant en 1st. 493 Taylor. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, splendid neighborhood, cheap rent. 340. 14th st. - , j - H. K. R(XM8. electric lights, cooking gas fur nished. 83.50 per week; also sleeping rooma. 940 Upshur. ; ' 2 LARGE unfurnished rooms, modern, rear and front entrance: targe porch; ground flaor. 173 K. Ttn Land TamhUL LAJiGE front housekeeping room, kitchenett and Porch ; all . convenient ; working people rerred. 416 K. Oak. 310. IL K. room, dressing room and closet, gas' lights, phone, bath free; "WS" caruue. 5803 4 1st S. E. BeUwocd 3624. TWO room furnished IL E. suite; phone, rights, bath and 'cooking gas free. 261 Chapman at., eor. Madison, west side. : - ' TWO larire nnfurntshed housekeeping light and airy, private home. ' St. Johns ear. Bentyoor own price. 1658- Washbarne. PLEASA NT""!!!- K rooms. 84 week - nice yard, near Hoiman Fael yard and 8. P. abopa. 553 E. 6th st. a i - - .- I FOR RENT-? Three partly f nrnir hed house keeping or- slemnng. eootna. . Phone Msr-hall lu.'K. Z4S llamiiton ve-. near snipysront PRJNT ROOM, furnished for .sleeping or bou-e--aeping.' Por tir! men only. -'451 lOthlS. FUUNISIJKD houekeerrii rooms fdr rent nr. Peninsuila ta, 6t Johns ear. Wdln. 4887. HOU8KKKEPING ROOM, good neighborriood, resstmsnis rent.- is zzs. FURNISHED i housekeeping rooms, eery reason able. 1224 E. Salmon at BMALL lighflH. E. room, for one man, only month. 294 Jefferson at. - v '- THREE rooms, . completely furnished, for or furniture for sale. 73 E. 7th St. TWO nic, Hiht. front bcruiekeepin rooi STN CLE ' hooe keeping room. completely nishrd tor bachelor, 186 Sherman st. fur- 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; cheap rent. J86S4 Gibba. - TWO uiccly furnUhed housekeeping rooms. $3 iprweek. 5 Conch. Mar. 338. 2 SMALL rooms, big hall, suitable for bouse- k eeiiing; adults only. Main 640. TWO large !lkouMjieepirur . rooms, gas. light. phone, adults. 822.00. t81 Rodney ave ONE housekeeping room, man preferred. 746 4tt at, s ) ., PLVWSAST: : ifurnislied , houst-keeping rool clo tn. . l!05 E. lltn-i A FURNISHED desirable houarkeeplng room. i 816. 632 Elander. t Bdwy. 2266. 1 TWO large honsrkeeping i rooms, first floor. private tatn. sV 1 sth ! St. rovR furnidird housekeeping noma, with bath, 80. i East 350. t FOH REtT -BOrSES O'FritMSHFIl 19 MEIER at FRANK'S INFORMATION 4NT RENTAL BUREAU Reliable, oni to date tlsta of desirable enearrl boosea, apartments and fists with definite infor mation txrtaintng to each. : Newcomen to Portland wilt find this bureau of great' rahie in heUiiog them get properly and Blcaiy located. i . i 1 : 1 i EIGHTH FLOOR STORAGE COMStrRCIAiL AND' HOUSEHfLT fJOOl ' UOVniffi. PACKING. SHIPPCTQ. Reduced treioht rates. I For expert eervtee call Bdwy. 703. Manning areboue 4k Trana ter Co. i . i I .i -. Furniture Moving . i Transfer and ! Storage. . Long dietaries rim kaollng. 4 884 i E. 1 Burnside. Phone East 641,4 FOR RENT -txwer part of residence cons i ting 01. 9 roomsi to., qui&l lamuy, vvaiaing uis- tsnce, A2tt .Rs street, between Broadway gcd Stel bridge, fjall fornoon. r I 3 EXTRA Tkrae rooms, $15, or furnished, $35; L garage S3; fruit arid vegetables .for pirk-mg. Apply oomer 89th and E. .Stark; Ut Tabor MT 88th) ear to end, 4 blocka north, 1 eattti BKAli riri L o-nn.m bungalow, garden, racajnt. 84 0: retinbln adults only. Evening. Tabor 7or. CALL BROA DWAY B80 NORTHWETKRN HI. R 'TRIO C)M?AN1 "WAKHINGTON AT TENTH STREET REASON ABLE rcnta. 5 room house and 4 room cottage, in neat vicinity , of steel shipyards. Inquire 007 Mil 4th st irODM bungalow, $33: all rooms in old ivory; reliablq aduliU who will admit prospective buy- ers. r-lltt. Journal. boiioo NEW! concrete fir . proof garage. ! ouire Sir. HJilbeft, Bimoiids storo, 1st. 4u4 Alder. TO qOUiPLE. 4 rooni bongalow, ge. fruit trses. ( . roses. I garden partly planted. MC lioott trfct Tabor lt27. -" r-' I . dia- 4 ROOK cottage, milk house, barn,, conrrfte ; floor, 10 acsee of iiasture to be leased. 997 E. 27th, !! S to 8 . tu. 5 ROOM iwttuge with plenty of fruit and gkr- ' dt-n; price 320, iiicluding lights.: Woodlaien 6232. j -i - i ; V TIJ, rent 6 nn.m house on E. Russell st. if not i - sold 'tomorrow ; rent. $17.50; owuer pays water, llouck. 110 loth st, Broadway 243 i MOVING BAGGAGE. FURNITURE AND PIANO. Central Transfer and Storage. Main 7578. FOR RENT 3 room house, j Enquire at 49 N. 1 1st st. 662 E. 16th SEE i FRAfK I McGUIRE T INSURK AGAINST FIRE. PIVK-ROOM h. Snnnyide district, rent. 27 II Stain 7IH. FIVE rtfcira miKlern hungslnw, a blocks erj lira modern sti. - uroaawsT 3,; Monday. STtREEt MOO Mi cottagB, . tiartly furnlhlied. 374 Ilassaio. cor; Lmon are. Apply, premisea or KHl Holladay. t HOUSES FOR RE.VT FTJBSITUKB i ! ! FOB HALF. i 39 1RYTNGTO.N 8 room house, close In on K. 9th St.. to rent, ft or 13 tnonttu. Sea Cobb Bros.. 263 Oak sL - . ' . HOrSE FOR RENT and furniture for sale, 401 Church st. FrRNTSHFD HOUSES ! JUST WHAT YOU'RE . 1 LOOKING FOR1 Clean comiitetely furnished 5 rnomi bunga low, nice tawrn shade trees, hinro earden ware. rent $45, lease to responsible parties. Call to- tiay, 4.12 70uh, near 4dtii tie., ML Soott okr. Isee rner. -i i t !. NEW FURNISHED 5: ROOM COTTAGE Rent. 30 par ' month. ! " Bath, garage, large garuen spare, i owt owner today between 10 and 12. Will lease !to responsible parties. 6924 ;tn t, cor." otH ave., Jlt 8co car. off 95th. 2 blocks north. NEAT i ruora furnished house for rent, fur ture'for sale. 8550: must have cash on count of leading tow4. t Call between 9:30 and U :30 . m. Sunday. 191 Park st. - - FOR RENT Furnished houee, lady employer will share 5 room modern house with 1 of 2 business women; reasonable rent. - Woodlawn 4492. ; i -i .1 6 ROOM house., good condition; adults, ' no children. Near ear; lawn and roses. Furni ture for sale, j Owner. Rear of 1041 E. 16th st N. I i , i ELEGANTLY lumisbed house, fruit trees, garl den ; also cottage. : apartments : furnished, un furnished: reasonable. 232 Gibba. - J' i"OR RENT FurnliUed cottage with garage.' to man and wife, or prefer single lady, employed; owner reserve one room. 269 Going at. I ai'ur.n.1 o-room pungaiow, imping porca; ga rage; electrie appliances; ahower bath; May to tici'ttmber. i415 E. 84th st. -B. FOR sale or rent. 4 "room cottage, lot BuTl'iiO, 23 .bearing trees. Will be at house 8215 I E. 53d st.. SunUaj, May 2. , ,f,i,". X. . . , . . . . T FURNISHED te nt house, use of phone. Wood lawn 1675. j Call Monday. FIATS TO H.EWT. I'lIFIIRyiliHKIi lt - - - - - - iiriwi DklUUilS, nmn iiunuwn. wr sale. 649 2d at. oily, nam ioijo. ii - - - w wtui, ofuy, &60 fith t 1 in n wlli... T.I (" uMy, i soor ona. FIRST floor.! unfurnished. electrio 22.0 per knonth. 423 Belmont Hit tHOICb 4 nxwiv lower. E. I2ti between Bura- aine sua vouch, t. . 3257 ROOM FLAT. 510 K. CLAXT i;hnishfi flats it IXIWER clean neatly " furnished 4 room flat with b modeco. Call , Wednesday. 800 1 E. -A4ift.M ttuxiffn nt ant? 3room modrB flt. wA7 luriiuiicu. 49 1 o ftoa 40 wmuu mii at. NtjnnsTUui cm.. ruiiR-KOOle modem flat and 3 room modern kfat'.mt""Jy Jumished. 315 and 320. month. 63 H 80th St. i MontavDla ear. - , 5 ROOM modern flat. DutcL kitchen. bath."fur- natv itcmc st OUOO, itWM flat tor rent, furniture and piano for m. iioiiw Slnmn oaOOw TrinrisHET fiats: c FOR RENT 3 room fornuhed. modem, lower Oat; walking distance; near Steel bridge. Apply 821 Holladay ave.. bunuay. or after an p. m. week nays. ' S'ROOU furnished flat. 825. Woodlawn 1933, AFAETME5TS FOB BEKT 4S FOUR rooms and bath, fully furnished, in gocd location on West Side. Will rent for one south, with privilege of. flew weeks: possession May 10. Phone Broadway 8352 before 2 or after 0 p. m today. THE STAN FIELD, 204 Porter at. ; modern 2 . room aptutntents. large clueet and lavatory, clean batlts, steam beat, laundry. ; no charge for light or phone, reasonable. Main 7392. FOR RENT 5 room apartment, bath, electricity ; and ateam heat; 832 a month, -bheridaa Apartments, 1st and Sheridan. TWO-ROOM furnished front apartment with kitchenette, including phone, beat, and light, 885.50.' 191 14th at. KLINE APTS.-S" rooma vacant May 7; all - outside rooms, front and back, porches, mod ern: references.; 861 Grisan st. THREE two-room furnished apartments. Call morning or Monday. Couples only. $15. to $18. 588 Delay st. cor. Stanton. ' THE JEFFERI 2 room furnished front apt. close in, comer Russell and Kirby. between Mississippi and Williams ave. Pnone East 1694. D1EL auts.. 790 E. Ankeny St.. modern com. fur. 3 room apt. Clean, warm. Lgbt, airy. AQUita. r ib on. - 3-ROOM apartment: unfurnished, are. to -Failing. Woodlawn 1643 Ppl SUMMER ItESORTS it FOB' RENT to eonceeaions of any natnre the ; very best location on the main st. in Seaside, Or. If looking for anything of this kind, you had belter hurry. . Sea J. W. Blaney. 812 Board of Trade bldg. I i , MAC LEANS CAMP, OSWEGO LAKE ; Cottages being rented for the season:, reached from Oswego station on Fourth sL Red Elec tric line. Mac I -can, 614 Lawis building. Phones. Main 4272 and Oswego 431. ; SEASIDE One 4 and one" 5 room furnished cottage for rent. Broadway 1762. WASTED T BENT. I- WE hare hondreds of elienta desiring to i rent. The efficiency -of "The McGuire j System" of property management will save ! yon ' money. . i FRANK L. McGUIRE,, i Abington bldg. , Main 1068. WAN TED .TO' RENT 8 OR 7- i ROOM HOUSE IN GOOD DIS TRICT, WEST" SIDE PRKKERRED: : MUST BE WELL FURNISHED. CAN GIVE BEST RKFF.RENCES, WILL. .PAY 8SO PER MONTH. CALL EAST 5003 OR TABOR 6756. MAN with family wouldlike to rent farm on shares. . stuck on plade. near - school ; . could take up" proposition at present , or this - au tumn. U. it. slUIer. - HUsraukie, Or., K. Box 29L . ' AT ONCE ' Wanted to rent br resoonsfbla carty. B or 8 i room modern house in good district. Will pay liberal rent for right property and take excellent care. Phone m today. East 8185. WANTED By May 15. modern 6 or room i bousei; family of -8 ; no small children; prefer in Peninsula or Piedmont district.. FX-121. Journal., - i WAN TED to rent or lease a 4 or B roomed furnished cottage or bungalow with garden space by responsible couple, no children; refer ences; h-tt care gnararttt1. phone Bdwy. S444 t if ALLj partly furnished house or- 2 house keep ing rooms with kitchenette, not; aver $20; 2 in family; hare piano; responsible tenants.. U 918. Journal. - ;M i ; MIDDLEAGKD couple wish unfurnished 4 or 5 room flat, apt. or bouse, in any good dis-trict.- Give beat, of cars. Bdwy.- 8850. . LADT would, like furnUhel rooia neighborhood of Campbell or t'ampbell-Hill hotels ; steam beat preferred. Z-921, Journal, i! ! WANTED -June 1. by small responsible family, funifalieir flat (or house), near Ladd or Couch gchools. j Bgst care guaranteed. 11-712, Journal. buaijij iamiiy wants to rent iJ or 4 room fur nished house on West Side, Address, L-67. Journals -. ::, ' . WANTED To rent 1 acre or more with house. near Portland; i reasonable, on O. E. or Red carlines. What have jouf F-120, Jonmal. WANT : 409 3 h. k. rooms, 3 adulu, on West Side. 19th st.. : Mrs. Haley. ! CD Three or. four room modem furnished. Call East 17 7. NTfcD To rent or lease house with garden SeUwood 2484. i r. . - REAL ESTATE BEACH PROPERTY 48 TEN acre in 7 -year-old Newtowns, Ppltr-enberg and other coin mere tal rariefies of apples; trees in best of condition: located 7 miles south of The Dalles. Price $2600; good terms. Or will accept house in Portland up to $3500 and ; assume. - i 40 acres, I with 10 acrea of 10-year- old, well cared for apple orchard of tile best commercial varieties: deep, soil, not a sa are foot of waste land: ' large averflowing spring, with enough water to irrigate the tract ; located on -county roadj 6 miles south of M osier. Pfice $5000; good terms. Or will ac- : cent a house in 1 Portland of equal Talue, or a lower priced house as part paymeut. v. A. LTNDOREN, Savon Land Co.. 935 N. W. Bank Bldg. VERYT artistic 1 . porch, not all g bungalow, 20x80, l"o fool finished; lot 50x100. close to hew hotel at eairli art. Or. : will ell on terms tc $250 down, balance monthly. responsible party Call Woodlawn 342. GANNON BEACH-2 acres water front, modem t 5 room house.j fireplace, near Hug Point, only $4500. less than cost. Owner leaving. Inves tigate. Marshall 1022. f - WILL sacrifice j 2 lots at -Rookaway Beach; ownef going 'East Broadway;- 6289. BUStyESS FBOPEBTT $ ' To cTlose an estate" . : . : Ws have two email factory aites fronting on Macadam street (and several nice, 50x100 lots in Southern Portland for sale at price below their value. j "'''. ' Brown '& Grant r " . 201-2 Fenton bldg. Broadway 3322. MODERN 2-atory brick building with elevator. on Union ave,. occupied as garage but very suitable for. wholesale or manufacturing purposes. Owner is an dut-of-towo resident and wishes to dispose of this property at once. For particulars call r - v - C. A- WAGNER CO.. '' ! - Iain 8150. 230 Starlt, St. SeENSURCE1 , concrete warehouse with con crete floors, on 60x100 corner lot. 18 ii feet, electric elevator serving 4 floors: price $16,000, H cash, balance at 6 per cent. TURNER A CO., 230 Chamber of Commerc. 25X100 FT. ON UNION AVE. Near-Oak sL Rental income $240 per year. Always, rented. Price $7000, or will exchange lor small acreage close In up to 84000 value. By owner. Henry F. Cover, No, 1 Grand ave. STORE building, . Williams avenue near Gra- nam. lot 00x100. For saie or trad. , East 2195 FOR SALE Flanders st. business corner lot.-BOx vlpO. cast of 16th st; bargain : if taken at once- no trades.. Owner, P. O. Box 2181 TO CLOSE estate. Quarter block 14th near Moirison. - R-7S2, Journal. TO CLOSE estate, improved Uuioa av. cor ner. near Russell. East 2195. FOB SALE HOUSES t OWNER, 81 K. 38th at. 1 blk. to Hawthorn car. 6 room bungalow house, hdw. floors, French doors, fireplace.' cement basement, furn ace. Dutch kitchen. 84150. Tabor 5786 Sun. and evgs.; Main' 2010 days. ... $2300 EASY i TERMS, 5- ROOM MODERN BUNGALOW; PANELED DINING ROOM, BUILT-IN BUFFET, DUTCH KITCHEN. ITRNACE AND GARAGE; 1 BLOCK FROM OAR. 6012 68TH ST. TABOR 8480. HAWTHORNE district. $4000; very nine mod em 7 -room bungalow with extra fine corner lot 50x100. -This ia a real bargain and worth ttvTaNtigatkm. If. It Staub. 102f - Belmont; weekdays. Taboii 919. $3000 BY owner, double' constructed house, 6 - rooms and bath; yust finished; full- floored attic, . large basement; 1 H corner lot, Meriam av. and Willbrtdge. on block off Linn too road. Phone Main 605. ask for Foster. . 1IERE IS A ntVlNGTON BARGAIN ' 7 room modern home. California owner wants to sell quick. Price $5250.- Liberal terms. WEBSTER EINCAJD. , Phone Main 4735. 528 Henry BHg. iTTri ir v n' 1 . . If . n 1 " "T ' - - .vouft iiuvbi iu, waxvOr cios in. West Side: $3800. Owner. Inquire 711 UTa4n sa4V aaesaai IloIsw 1X)R SALE Tald or rent, smah boas, nn finiabed inside; plenty of fruit; any frac. tion of an acre.; 131 Beacon st Tabor 4 2 SO. 82HOO 6 room double constructed bungalow. iiawtnorne aistnca on gatn st. Inquire - of 1131 East Lincoln at. No agents. Sl'NNYSIDE. $28dO; Vk down; very ood elean B room houpe, H block from Bctmout A anap. H. H, Stabb. week Tabor 218. .. . WANT hons WA iepot. SEAL ESTATE FOR gALE HOUSES 1 Elegant Irvington bungalow, furn.. ppc-r., twilVias. SOr ' i . - - e loo- must loo; garage; equal to any. $6500 rat in this dis't., terms. Laurelhurst. 8 r., every eon., furn., firepX. hd. wd. nrm.. buffet, rjed. - brkpt rm., blk. car. Worth- $8500. ' Owner needs money ; in business. TKm AaJ.FLanraaiurat. on E. Glisan. 6 r.. alpg. I pr.. furn., firep L. hd. 5 wd. flral 60x100; ' cost $6009 ; to build house alone, KKlflfH Quisen Ann 5r. attic, furnace. 50 -; xlPO garage, near 28th and Ankeny. Terms $800 gash. CrSr'fn West id. 7 r.. furn.. 2. flrep't. aivvyo"ty gipgv. 60x100; lot , alona worth - "' $5000: jnow -eaeant.t 'COO- T"' balWin' near 28th and SSi."7SffV I colonial, every cone., ; new $P73IJTwAw-. adj. We-tcver. G. C. OOSUDENBERG ABINGTON BD. MAIN 4803, MAIN 3730. i- 826 KEARNEY STREET A -rerv desirable and convenient part the city for a biuanem man. An at tractive noma . of B rooms, ; large rscen tion hall, giood-sired liring' room with, fireplace, community steam heat, also ery best of furnace. fine basement - and larire attift. A snhstanUsi modern home :jl at a low-, price. FnU lot 6Ox)O0. If tins snotiia not oe just tna piace tor you,. tell us your rwnnte and wo win nil mem for you if 'possible. Our 22 year of. dealing' in Porthtnd real estate and our ' brokerage relations 1 with meinbtr of tlie Realty Board enable na to find arhst ; sou want ;if R is hto ba obtained, i W. ' can save xoii much time and annoyance in finding your home. Prompt and digm , fled serricw la at i; your " disposal if you Will call m. . . !'- ' Strong es Co; 834 CHAMBER OP COMMERCE M. Strong. Main 2587. F. IL Strong. A REAL HOUSE BARGATV ; NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT FOR THE MONEY . OFFERED TODAY $6250, TERMS Here are a fewi of its attractive fea tures:. Exceptionally large , living , room, With charming fireplace, cozy comer, ar- , tUitic built-in; effects, dining room adjoin-: ing, with French jdoora between: elegant buffet. Beautiful ieun parlor, bedrooms large and well lighted, sleeping porch faces , north and west; no sun to wake you op in the mornings; ifnll cement basement, ; with fuel and fruit i rooms; wash tubs; A-l ' furnace, i Sunday call Mr. Neilan. 1217 : , Rodney ave. During the week, come to the office of r Neilan Parkhill 219 Lumbermens Bldg., 6th and Stark sts. Rose. City Park); District $2200 New 3 room bungalow and bath, riving room 11X14. -oearoom iuxi, tarse closet, kitchen 9x12. large lot 42Hx . 110, fruit .trees. This is a new boose and. owner will finish to siitt purchaser. : Garage will be built. Now. this ta just the place for a small family. It's lust the coziest little : borne you ever -saw. Only $500 cash.!! Ho&den & Kohflman 228 Ch. of Com, bldg. Main 6560, East A 6th North! ' $34 paved . cash. b 3400 for a 6 -room, with fireplace, furnace, st.. lot BOilOO. near car.. Only $400 balance monthly. ' - 500 for a 6 room, on paved at., with bath. toilet, fireplace, furnace: fine lot, 50x100: only block from car. $500 cash, balance terms. J50uie wondertul bargains. F. L. Blancpard 519-20 RT. EXCHANGE BLDG. BY OWNER ' Good 7 -room house. : 2 lots on 8. E. cor. E. Btli and Sumner eL, well improved, fruit and berries. Price $3750, $750 cash, some street improvement to assume, easy 'terms on balance at 6 per cent. .-, v -. , ! ! M ,l ' 6-roora house. BOxlOO lot. 8. W. eor. E. Ankeny and Btichtel ave. Price $2000; $400 cash, balance easy terms at A 1 per rent. : , CALL AT 1029 E. 25TH ST. N. ! Noon and Evening. rooms or llarger. fu'rwishvd or trafumlshed-, these are fine places. The iprica is tow and toring ar easy. J ., 4 .. II ' ' Tabor 481 1J : I ! . - . KENNEDY L s WILCOX, t -," i! FOR ' 8ALE-T 100100 IVT AVT 8 S ROOM - HOUSE. -CEMENT BVHEMEVT. ) WASH TUBS: $1500 CASH. 6 PER t'F.N'T INTER EST AND TERMS ON BALANCE. - J PRICE $3800. S71 E, 10TH ST. N. I THE J. H. NASH ESTATE has a number of bouses for sal cheap to close this estate. They are all sixes and locations, ranging jin price from $1000 up. If yon are in tha market for a home, look these up; any reasonable offer con sidered. .'',.!..-, - I !;'.:. i I, W. I NASH. Executor, 1 1046- Hawthorn ave. - Tabor 4299. 218T ST. UK. CAR ;i $3250 EASY T Kit MS $3250 183250 ALBERTA BIINGA!AV $32.19 7, large ran,, en. plumbing; beamed I ceilings, cement has' U, BOslOO; paved sis. if I G. C. GOLDENBERG ABINGTON BD , "85 YEARS IN PORTIANIv 1 I " 1 0 i : ROSE CITY- i $51 50 Fine 6 room modern bungalow, lot 60x100; also $5500 8 room mndemj bnnga low, lot 60x100; small payment down. balance to suit. 924 Chamber of Commerce. j FOR SALE Small bouse, full set of plumbing, (two bit lots, 60x166 each, 28 fruit trees, variety of berries, grapes, fin location., fac ing two streets, sewers, cement i sidewalks, good garden soil, one block south of : Hontasilla car. Price $2830. 75 E. 65th st, Xj I i ! ! HELLO! . YES I T r This f Woodlawn 6207. We bar houses of every description for sale, and will show them byl appointment. Car at yoor serric. ICaU ua ! ALBLNA REALTORS, , - 1408 Oatman. Home Buyers NotJce 5 rooni modern bungalow, bcide bathroom and attici restricted district, 46th at.: price 82j650, easy terms. See owner, 215 Lumber mens bldg. Phone Broadway 421. I $3250 J6-room modern bungalow corner, large, light. II arranged rooms, buifrSh fixtnrn, i furnsce. Itved st., on Fulton cartine. j 1554 i Virginia. Phona owner, Msrshall 738. FR SALE 7-room bouse and 4 lota, barn, 1 chicken houses, sheds, fruit, garden, etc., near factory running day and night; $24100 j if taken once. J4-34B. Journal. . OR SALE Our 5 - room horn andi aleeplng porch; fruit: lot 75x100: 2 blocka' to car. Price $2900: reasonable terms: Immediate poe sasaion. , Inauir 1911 E. Irving St., "11V" ear.. SELLWOOD BARGAIN 8 rooma and bath.. 50x100. fiirnad. naved street, nesr atnonc ecnooa ana enurcn, .i 11 in jtn st. Beuwooa car.- FpR homes in ' 'piedmont North - Albina dis trict snd Kenton, see Killings worth Ave. Realty Coi. 121 Killingsworth av. r. Phono Automatic 91871. -( I 74 th ST. KEAR CAB LINE Good 8-room house, lot 75x100; plenty of fnjit and berries. A snap at $2800. , terms to suit. 924 Chamber of Commerce, ! i 6 room aemi-modern nonse, block ta Frank- High.- Full corner lot. Cash or terms. 26 83d st. 8. E. - ' -I i ' ' 10 ROOM house, completely furnished i for four j families: 2 bathrooms, furnace, nice corner lot 35x100. West Side, walking distance; good income; tor soiiou. emk ioos. FQR SALE -3 loom bouse; lot 50x1(0, south end of N. and 8. carline. - Phone Marshall 2178. Hum Sunday. Fred Purath, 158 Julia avA - FOR SALE Up-to-date beautiful 5 room bun Igalow, furnished pr unfurnished. A .bargain and a real home. . Owner goiug awayi ' Sea it at! 1140 E. 9th st, N. J KENTON aw ly built 4 rooms, bigi sleeping porch, gas. fireplace, built ins, lights; going east; $1650, terms: 850O down, balance per cent. See me. 1198 Borthwick. t 6-ROOM bungalow, incladiug St large sleeping rooms, bath, electric lights, gas. talf acre rich soil. 29 choice fruit trees, all inda : of berries: pno $22QO. Phone Tabor 8495. 3-ROOM "house. 100x125 ' ground, with" fraft ' trees, 3 H blocks from ear, for sale, $1260. scums.- vr si , - r- rsrfs ex. NEARLY 1 sere, cheap; caah or terms; 6 room house, bam, chicken house, fruit, fenced, Mc Millan, Maphrwood station lnSii MllJlRT AVE .-4ear Alher,. and garage, at $3850, Woodlawn 1520 $onn TKVIVGTON home: h. w. f. modern! 618 Chamber of Commaro bldg. j HEAT, ESTATE - FOB SALE HOUSES : BEAUTIFUL BUNGALOW AT "BARGAIN Pistorecqno setting- in Alsmeda park on 10Ox 115 foot corner with natir trees, ahraba and excellent lawn. . !.! '.:: ' . - ' : 1 ' - - I 1" ' if ' ' - i ! ''!!.!,"- " " '! Kin rocfra. 1H i story bungalow with ail , i - i -, modern appointments and conveniences. French doors, cove eeUinga, largw fireplace. Dutch kitoh- en with, larg built In refrigerator. ;'. - ;, h j :: . f i- : !' ' I -! - - i - FuB cement basement with fruit closet and laondryj r -i Largs 8aA$, alec trie llghtail . 'S I ill I PRICK $10,000 Hons ! can bo inspected at any . time. For -i i - p I - - . - j . ! - sppointement call tb owner, i Woodlawn 6917. ! I- !. ) - - - j- , - - - Occupancy can be secured by Hay 20. Rose City Park : District ; $300 DOWN : $1160 3 room honsm, pantry, clothes olnset, woodshed, frill 6OxlO0 lot. all kinds of berries, 7 fruit trees, place for chicken. A nice little home for; a small family. V Really a wonderful buy, and lust think . of getting in this exclusive district at ; this most reasonable price, (with only - $30O down. lntesugat Immediately, i , Biolden Kohlman 228 Ch. of Com. bldg. Main 0568. Ri M.' Gatewood & Co. I SMALL HOME BARGAINS 4 room plastered cottage, cement basement. 11 bearing fruit trees, lot 100x120. Prio $2000; half cashi. A. real snap. ' 5 room cottage, at St. Johns; lot 100x100. fruit and nuts: $2200; $30O cash; $20 par month, U per cent, I 3 room cottage, foil lot, (nod location, $1600; $300 cash. $20 month. R. M.' Gatewood & Co. ! , : 165H Fourth' St. ' ; i SOMETHING YOU WAN T t FURNISHED STjNNYSIDE HOME Semi-bungalow type, I 6 rooms and large den; on nicei bedroom on ! lower floor, 2 bedrocgns above; full cement basement. Dutch kitchen; all nicely furnished, complete inventory of sama can be had at our office: hard surface streets in and paid; A-l ear can be had;, clear of sonabls terms. service ; . quick possesaian all encumbrances. Ren I C. A. WARRINER - F R IT TER, LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad BMg, :$29! ABBES' hi- 4 room- and attic, hardwood floors, bnllt-te buffet, bnilt-in beds. Dutch kitchen, gas range. Ruud heater, linoleum, laundry trays, full ce ment basement; on paved street; $1000; $30 per month. -including interest. 1080 B. 13th st. N. i rose crrr park 7 rooms , i i - $52.00 : I. , This: 4ionso ia on -E. 41st street, only on blomk from car; all st. improvements in and raid. Couldn't reprodue It today for $7000. Let us show you. 218 Lumbermena Bldg. 6th and Stark: Sua P 5 lAftjerta Special $1375 for this 4 room house, bath, toilet, i wood shed, on corner lot: 1 blocks ; from car; gas in house; garden space, fruit and berries on place ; roses ; a nice ' ! little horn at this most reasonsbl price; : $510 cash.' '- '; lioSden & ' Kohteai 228 Ch. of Com, bldg Main 6560. FOR SALE- Fine colonial house, large living room. ! sun - porch, hall, dining jroora ' and kitchen on . first floor; three large bedrooms, sleeping , porch and larg bathroom Ion 'seoond floor; maid's room and bath on third floor; two fTreplaces, fin furnace, -French doors to sun verier and sleeiring porch. Beautiful shrubs, large trees and fin lawn. I 487 East 21st st, ; north. Inquire of owner, 1013 Board of Ttad building or telephone Woodlawn 2305 eveninga: or Sundays. - i ROOMS, FULL LOT, oo Plenty of ; fruit and , garden, I only 3 blocks to can This is a good one! for the money. To , responsible parties for am all pajraierit down, balance like rent. I Neilari & Parkhiil 219 Lumbermens Bldg.. Sth and Stark- Sts. .. ' j .! ' I - ' N- 6-ROOM bungalow all on on floor, bath, toilet, gas, electric lights, bookcases, full front porch, also side! porch, garage. 37 Hx 100 lot. paved street 1H blocks to car; $2850.: $1000 cash. . JohnsonDodson -:Co. - i 633 N. W. Bank bldg. Main S78T. FOR KA.1.K -A- modern 5 -room bungalow, all improvement!, cement basement, furnace, wsh trays, fruib-reom, fireplace, Irutch kitchen, screens and shades, and beautiful electric fixtures Cor ner lot 00x102, 2 blocks from oariine. Reason able price. Part of furniture for sal if do aired. Call owner, Wdln. 6554. I ' - i B jRoom Bungalow v' For sale by owner. Brooklyn Heights; save carfare, walking distance, sleeping porch, large lot. 60x112, street and sewers paid. Sellwood or Brooklyn cars, location 890 E. Sth at. 8., near McLoughlin. - i FOR SALE BY OWNER S room house, full cement basement: also 8 rooms j finished in basement, wash , rooms and trays, : electric lights, lot 60x100; 10 bearing fruit trees, one block from carline, 20 minutes ride to , city. A real borne. Call East after 6 p. tn. or before 10 a. ra. h $3260 RICHMOND, 6 room bungalow, terms. Fun basement and attic, white enamel 'bed rooms and. both, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, buf fet, wash trays, gas, not water heater and range; also linoleum; paved street, 1 block from car. 1184 Iran at., near 39th. Tabor 6743. UNIVERSITY PARK . For Sale Nine room houee, 100x110. lots of fruit; , $8000, small payment down, or a good auto as first payment, balance like rent. Phone Woodlawn 6 5 SO. EIGHT-ROOM bungalow, on Division at.: soil on easy terms. Will take automobile or va cant lot as part payment. Bee owner, 8618 65f.h st. 8. E., city. M. li. V rooms n. 7 ROOM house, larg rooms, bath, pantry, base ment, electricity, gas. builtins. fruit, 60x100. SOI E. 81st. SeUwood 618. ' : f FOR sale or trade for suburban property. 6 room cottage, centrally located. 749 Borthwick at. Woodlawn 5968. I 5-ROOM bungalow in Woodstock, modern, must : be sold quick, cheap. Phon. owner. Wood lawn 103. U FOR SALE 5-room cottage, garden, fruit trees and chicken bouse, $2000. Sell. 89. E. 14th it. J - MODERN', 6 room bungalow; garage, fruit, paved at., half block Alberta car. Terms. No agents. Call 1063 E. 13th st. N. BY OWNER 4-roean house. 100x100 lot. in Berkeley addition, all kind of fruit. Bcfi. 127 3.- 1161 Maiden av.. East mere land. $2S30- t-R(XU modern bungalow. AlbcrU districC $l0O down. moamiy paymanle. wooaiawn iv DANDY 6 room bungalow. Terms. 4638 4d at, 8. E. Woodstock ear tn 46th. or eal) Finch, aeenincs. Tabor 4846. - I COZY home.' Reed college way.1 62268. on terms. Consider automobile part payment. Meteair. jaarsnaii ita, or Peuwooq giti. NOT A bungalow but a real homa. ' Larg sightly dot. 4 rooms, medern. y, block to Mt, Taboy car: gszao: aome terms, cast oTTv. "NEAT litUe borne in Kenton, reasonable; terms. y owner. warn, suie. - WILL PAT CASH FOR . FOUR HOUSE IAILI1 II 01i FOR SAL13 5-room house, bath, aleetricitr. gas. lot 60x10.0. 608 Clatsop, . ' HMK $2900 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 61 i IHQHTS HOME ' TO BE SACRIFICED Palatial eight room naidenco on commanding view ait of attractive wiiiametto Height dat- triet, I . i i ij- ,.; '.j -- !-::-r.;- , Ground area 66 3-8 by ll4 feet , j -'". i ' , , - i , i . - . Rooms have modern appointarntg and art eJacanUy funutbad.' , j , ( Garage connected with kitchen. ,1 - 1 ' ' ' Basement contains aarvanta quarters, furnace room and laundry. I - 1 ' I Yard 1a natural -park with large trees, ahraba. winding paths, rose and berry bushes; plenty of garden-apaeo. j . ' Premises may b inspected between X and 6 'clock; Sunday afternoon, i - I Frio $8000 j . - - - l . --- Addreas, 1165 Ttiorman Street, ROSE CTTT PARK TERMS , - TERMS - Brand new 5-room bungalow and gang, near Alameda drive, paved street, choice location, modern cons true tion, such: aa cement porches, etc.. complete ready to occupy. No. of bona 608 K. 47th st. N. : I will bo - there on the premise Sunday from 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. Hava priced this at $6500 for quick sal. To a responsible party will make vary liberal terms. Ask for Mr. Claarwatar. , I . I TWO-FAMILT HOUSB Near! Columbia park aod about 4 bloeka from car: has two separata . 6 -room apart ments, having, th appearance ot a largo home: nous could not be reproduced now: for $5600. Can b. bought for $3500 on terms. This is. a good investment, as th present rental ia, $32 and can be increased. Brown & Grant 201 2 Fenton Building. Broadway 3222. 1146 K. 29TTI ST. N.. ALBERTA CAR Vacant! mwlern 5-room bungalow, sleeping perch, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full concrete base ment, plenty bui It-ins. modern plumbing and electric fixtures, 60x100 lot. alley, S fruit trees, berries, roses, block to car. See this today.' Owner. East 4526. Alberta ear te 30th and Killingswarth. Mornings or ' evenlncs. Owner there from 12 to 5 p. m. ' ' WEST SIDE PROPERTY $1900 for a 6 room on Italeigh; ia fin con dition; only $600 cash. $2000 for a good 6-room with basement,' near 1 8th st N, Good terms. I ! $4600 for a fine 7-room on corner of 19tb N. in tha finest condition; $1000 cash, balance ' terms. r -. -.- i , . $8600 for a 6-reom on 21st N.; $600 cash. $3000 for a fine 5-room on Kelly at., with larg garage I. $6 QO cash. j F. T , B LAN CHARD. Phone Marsh. 829. 519-20 Rwy. Ex. -Alberta Distract, ' !. tSOO DOWN . ! - ! $1500 8 room house, woodshed, dngont base ment, berries on place: only $300 down. New; just think of getting a rue little horn - at this most reasonable price; . only 1 - block from car. Ysry easy - it, terms,: ' i ' 1 ;- :i ' i" ' Hotden & Kohlman ! 338 Ch.! of Com. bldg.' ! Main 6560. MT, TABOR MODERN BUNGALOW Large bungalow on larg lot. 100x181, with all kinds of view. Large living and dining room, - thro. , bedrooms, two sleeping porches, two fireplaces, hot water heat, hardwood floors, buffet, flu big garage, street improvements n and paid,. Close to children's playgrounds. This place is worth $12,000, but a non-resident must have money and wilt let it' go for $8500. Sunday phone 21H-48. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON DO.. 212 Railway , Exchange bldg. Main 6752. HenderCalbIe Realty Co. Han the bast values In this city. Just take the Mt Scott ear and get off at 5830 72d st. (Trnmonti. Se the nlow modern home and lb of nature's beauties lurr. We have for yon what you are lnrvkin, fnrj. flerider-Calble Realty.Co. Pliono Tsbor 2476.- BUNGALOW rwrai, all ona one floor, and 3 fin lots; good garage and lot of fruit: close to hard- aurfaca. It is modern. Prims $2300; taring easy. - Tabor 481 1. ., -. KENNEDY 4k WILCOX : ' 03LT $908 DOWN l Fir room. bath, attie. basement, good lot. paved street. Price $4200: $00 down, $500 July 1st,' balance- $35 per month. Will not list with realestat. men. Owner. 237 E. 47th st I bungalows; 5 room modern, and a finei place, close to bardsnrface and car; modem bouse. Price $1600; $S0O down and balanrel $20 per month and 8 per cent. Tabor 481 fj . KENtVEDY A WUiCOX East Portland.. Heights- i ' -$2500 ' ' i ' "--' T room house on hard surf sc. at. : all assess ments paid in f nil : hardwood floors; good plumbing, etc; fruit trees; full lot; H block to Richmond car, now vacant, 640 E. 3 2d at. Sea owner, 635 E. 3 2d St. . ' $32 r 132b4fOR SALE 4 -room bout. Urge garage, with this bona go Vulcan gas range, gas water beater, gas house heater, new linoleum. I am selling out: com and see: it's reasonable: laav. ing town. ; 1300 E. Taylor at., cornsr of 46th. $8500 Alameda corner, 100x100, fin 8 room housst, buncalow style. 2 fireplace.- hot water heat, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garag, im provements paid; a snap: fin term. Zimmer man A White, 818 Chamber of Commerc. MY borne, 4 nice rooms, full . concrete base ment, concrete aidewalk, paid, carline, good corner i lot. , Pric $1860; discount for half cash- balance $12.50 per month and interest. .aii' uoinmbla 1181 GOOD 7 room modern house, in excellent nelgb borhood, not far Jut; small payment down, balane like rent pric $2750. See Mr, Gold berg, Terminal Garage. 6th and Hoyt. Broad way 1586. - ' - - - 1 , ; $2950 $750 Down. Neat' 4 room bungalow, sleeping porch, enam eled kitchen and bedroom. 50x100. Call Wood lawn 1863. 68 W. Emerson. Basement, bath, electricity, gas, 60i100 lot, rear quit low; walking distance; 1 block south of Russell at, Mississippi ave. car. 603 Boa. Owner, Tabor 854.. FOR SALE A contract of $2100 on a 6-room ' modern house, all assessments paid, garage; will give a, discount: payable 820 a month and intarast; or will trade o a house and pay some cash. Phone SeO. 26tl- (Woodstock Snap -6 room.' bath.' 100x1 50. 13 fruit trees, va cant May X. Marshall 1022. T. O. Bird, 626 Chamber of Commerce. IRVI.NGTCSN bungalow. 6 larg raosna. aleaplng poroa, foil eoncret basement; garage; mod ern in every respect. Am leaving town. . First IJZiMJ taxes It. Fbona East 6808 BUNGALOW. 4 rooms.', bath, osment basement, fireplaoa. electrio lights, gas: lot 60x81. Pries 31866. $268. $100 64th C 0. E. Tabor 864.- - ' 6 ROOM house, eernef. fruit and garden. SOT Emerson. Telephone Broadway $21. Davis. eieuu; nrat, 3-ROOM. house, fruit aiui rosea, gas. for $750, $2w down, balane monthly. .1294 E. 16th fw - ,r Ti- fffrrf BEAZb ESTATE FOB SALEi-HOrSES $1 Dekuni &' Jordan; HOMEis . $0500 TRVINGTON. ,6 Toortt house with ' - double sleeping porch, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, fall cement basement, - furnace. - 100x160 lot, with fruit and -. ; shrubbery. . $4500 ROSE CTTT PARK, 6 room bonga :. low. hardwood floors, fireplae. buffet, Dutch kitchen, csniant basement. 50x 100 lot. AU kinds of shrubbery snd rosea. Located on E. 6 2d st. Just off Alameda drive, and on block , from , " Sandy bled. . ,; . j j - $3000 WAVERLEIGH HEIGHTS. bungalow, ft re place. buffet. Dutch kitchen, basement: and ah rubbery. On all improvement in real bargain. 60x100 lot; fruit bard surfer sts. ; and paid far. A $1500 ALBERTA. ' 5 room eottag. ' bath. toilet, hot and cold, water, full base ment.. 60x100 lot. 4 larg beajtng fruit tree. ' . . ' . j Also, a large list of 5 borne in air parts of tbe city, .ranging in uric S.23.00U. ? from $1200 to t . . E A - ' S 5 Dekum Jordan - 623 4 Chamber of j Commerc Bldg. - Fourth and Stark : sts. Main 3233. : $1800 4 -room hooea, 75x200 ground, electricity, lyt and cold water; garage; a ve,'y comfortable hnm witli plentjO of I garden apse: som .fruit and berrl, $600 eaah, balane easy. $1850 6-room, hoot. I 60x100 lot: paved street sewer in streets; far in front. of door; store next uoor on Greeley street; a prop . arty that ia bound to increase in value; near the proposed indus trial cutar. Terms. i . $3760 East lAneoln street, close tn, 6 , rooms, full:' cement basement. 'water, gas.! electricity, strictly modern. This house is fully furnished with at least $1000 . worth of furnitur; all goes at ' ! the above price, or $1000 cash. - ' balance $80 per month st 7 pr eenu . This is a real snap. $4000 7-room house In very good ra il pair, clos in east sW; eery h sightly corner, lot 60x75, $600 casn, Daiano easy. $3600 8-room house, garage, modern, near 28th. and Sandy on Law .'! re nee street. A'jrery fin homa, . 82500 cash, balance 6 Dr cent.- A. W. Lambert ""Son CORNER OttiND AVENUE I AND EAST 640, 4-ROOM COTTA0B FURNISHED " ACRE TRACT . -- - GARAGE! ' $3000. Parkroee.. 2 flocks south of Bandy Diva., ! rica garuen sou. -yu . peering xruit uvea. chick ens, all garden tool, some good furnitur including combination ne. See tliis quick, its a big snap. - J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg, Park roe. branch office on bandy- bird at and of Parkrua carline. 7-ROOM BtTNGALOW i : lTNG On' East 4 1st at. ier Francis avnne;i 80x100: number of house ! 8828 ; has goad basement fireplace, bath and two bedrooms on first floor and two: bedrooms On second.: I'rk-j $4250; $1001. cash, balane easy , monthly payment, biw it today, owner on preinise. - :' - . i t ; h B ro wn & z G rant i M 201-3 Fentra Building.! ' I , '" ' !',; Broadway 8222. ! . HAWThORNB ! ' MODERN B( NGAfXyW ! Tjocated best part Hawthorne, wall bnllt good condition, 6' toomi, with floored attic, complete bath, DatuU kitchen, buffet, ! fireplace, full'! cement basement, laundry: trays; pared street. Her, is a dandy JjUi tl home for someon. j Better se it now.: it won't last long. - Priced eery low atr 84O00; terms. For sppointtnent call Main GEO. T. MOORE CO. 1007 TEON BLDG.! ! HOME BARGAINS $800 Ilhueboat fiitnished, 5-room. $200O Bungalow, 4$moni modem. $2650 -)-itn. and are, lOOxlOO lot. 63600 E. 24th. 6-room i modern: terms. $3650 Walking distanea, 100x160 lot, ; 8 Isrs-e. fruit tros. 7-room Itorna. gaaoo -Williams avej. 7-room bom. r.OOO Wilhams ar,. 100x1 2(1. 2 cottages. $4000 Rose ttjity Park, 7-room modern.: $5600 WestlSMe; 7 -room modem; terms,: CHAS. RINGLER A jpO 225 Henry bldg. j 7-ROOM BUNGALOW -ROOI On Haitrht I avenue ia i Piedmont: full ement basement fumaoe, L fireplace, hard wood floors, bath, two toilets - and two lavatories; 2 H blocks from car; $1260 cash, balane jmonUil to suit Brown &. Grant I 201-I2 Fentt'io Building. j Broadwai' 8322. - I r : Al berta district . " : $13604 room! liousej on comer lot. street paved on ! one sio . This ia a nice, eom fortahl IffrJe luimaz onl v 8400 down. Be convinced. jfjt ,ug ahsow you that - tms at a aaoai: puy. Don t a too late Holden . :&i Kohlman 228 Ch. of Com. bdv Main 6360. T 6 ROOM HOUSE 100x100 CORNER j Tbia is an absolute r4ck up at the prio. ' i $2500. :., - - Com to th office and let OS show you.: - Neilan &iParkhi!l j 218 Lumbermtms BWt' 6th and BUrk Sts. ! - , M- -.-. ; BEAUTIFUL 8-room tungaiow on E. 87th. All modern coovenieivcea, , flreplac. f unites, full basement and wsah' trays. Large combina tion living and diniag room, very tastily fin ished with aU builtf-ia f sets. Kitchen is fin ished In whit enamel. "- Den and music room downstairs, three finished bedrooms and sleeping porch upstairs. Price only 83800; $1800 will handle. Turner I A Co.. ' 280- Chamber of Com. .Realj Buy" Owner forced to sell tfiig modern 5 room snd leaping porch, bard surface strset,. 40x100 lot, for $8850; som terms. j Sr Mr. Eptoc. ; JJRoSlbins -'h ! 801 Railway- Eicliang. Main i 7931. - ! -mesidenc. Tabor 3 19. $8000 FOB 7-room ho4s and lot 50x100 on Vernon av.. ! Just o-f Alberta carline; or $3500 completely f urnl-.hed 16 fin fruit tree, berries, etc.; all, modem convenience. A nice heme and cheap; tlvOO cash, balane to suit .-' - i - I - TCRNER A CO.j 230 Chamhor of Commerce. BY OWNER lS ROSE CITY PAatTT" A modern 3 room bungalow, sleeping porch, fireplace, hardwood floor in th living and dining room, built-in book easel, furnace and a garage; lot is 60x180, lacing2 streets. 1296 Wistaria ave. ! - $-i5jo : 1H acres, 6 blocka f -c-na cartine, on macadam read. 7' room, house, a, electrio light. Bull Run walar, 26 bearinf fruit trees, chiokea nous, eta. 65U ave.N and, . 92d t S. E, Tabor 2481.' - tl BY OWNER -New. modern, 7 rooma and aleep ing porch; it has all iho bollUo conveniences and aU up to data. Coat not and se. it 188 laarelbnrat a. FOR SALE Modern room bungalow; full lot; i fireplace, all builtins. sleeping porch. Terms. Call Sunday and evenings, ; Owner. Tabor 7278. SACRIFICE 5 room hqim. and X acre; muct i sou ax once. iumv iihb FOB SALE FHv. rf medern bungald t Apply 1067 K. Zim, ati N. 8LT.-RQOM house for salo cheap, 1 block front car aed school. Call at 896 E. Da via at bT OWNER room bungalow i a bargain. 1184 Com ava. Dr. Tohaan, Faklma, Waah. RE4T, FSTATE FOU NAI F--HOUSES ft THIS mean tho ground and bens completely furnished from cells r t garret and the prio ta only $200, and this ig what yon get for th pric: A It block lOOilOO ft, not as far out as 84th st, in th fin residential district south of Hawthorn and Divt VHuon sta. This block is superbly improved; flowers and shrubbery of tl-e rarest, fruit of the best Quality; half dnsen trees tn full bearing. It is a corner with a stone wall inclosing it, cement sidewalks and curba concrete ' garag. an th carline with first class car service: 1 block from tha best Im proved and most beautiful park on th east aid: now the houa la a very substantial, eery imposing 8 rooms with hardwood oak floors, solid downstairs, furnace and basement The interior finish of the bouse is very rich; a tia. sleeping porch in fact, this is aa - . up-to-date place. I .and, bona, fruit, garage and all of the furniture, wbie means completely furnished all for the fnee of $6200; $4000 each will handle it M. J. CLOHESSr, ABINGTON BLDO, ONLY $3000 and remember, thia Is a corner lot full, on the best street -and on- the best earlln in th elty of Portland: Milwaukio t, close in and with the lot you get a 5 room : plastered house; streets ar all paved, oetnent'sldewalks and curbs; evr thing , ' is paid for. Half cash will handle i. ML J, CLOHESSY, ABINGTON liLDO, ONLT F3258 bay this corneT lot, 2 blocks from the carlhi. in tha business canter of Woodstock. Wrfth tli lot yon get a good 6' room pUst- . red house. - completely furnished. There is fruit in lull bearing; every thing goes for $2250; $730 cash ia all you need. - . M. J. CLOUESST. ABINGTON BLDG, ONLY $4206 for, a eerner lot In th center of th restrientisl district, . Beautiful flower and shrubbery, with the lot you get a new modem .up-to-date 5 roouj bungalow, hardwood - floors, fun basement; all of th furni ture, which today cannot b dnnll cated for less pric titan $ir00. Everything goes at the pric of $4200. . $2600 cash will lian-il- it M. i. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDO, ONXTilJOOd for a west side hem. clos in, on- Hamilton av., ontr 8 blocka from the., carline, 1 block from the Terwilliger boulevard. This is a corner lot with a 6 room, very substantial houee; no place in Port land enjoys a better view of th nver and east side. Tbia price is about the price of th lot alone, and It means -that it must be all cash, other wise, nothing doing. M- 1. CLOlIESai. ABINGTON BLDO. ONLT I4S08 bay and rr 18 fn". for a modern 8 room house, with .8 Jots j plenty of fruit: 3 blocks from : tlie carline-, on the Mt Soott car. Half cash will handle M. hC J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDO. $6500 TRVTNGTON BUNG ALOW $ 5806 A 6 room bungalow, flared attic, full basement,; wash tray, all built-in, furqaca. fireplace.) etc.; 60x100 lot; hardsurlau it and sewar In and paid a larg garage. Terms, i i . $5000 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW $5006 AS room bungalow, furnace, fireplace, all built-lns. breakfast room, oak floors, cabinet kitchen, full cement basement, COB . 100 lot: Terms essy. $6000 NIFTY AND TTP-TO DAT A 5 .-room atrtctly modern bungal .furnace, fireplace; oak floors, all built-ina, finished in Ivory and white enamel, floored attic, cement basement, wash trv; ,0k -100 lot, garage, tc. Terms. $62t0r -YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS A room bungalow, furnace, fireplae, aU- built-lns; oak floors, full cement Hssa ment. wash trsys. etc.- 50jl0O lot; bard surf ac st and sewer In snd paid ; garag and cerfient runway. Easiest -terms. $8000 BEAUTIFUL -BELMONT HOMB PHOSE FOR Al'POINTME.NT lt in ahow you this; 100x100 corner on Bel moot st., with a 7 room modem brnOa; aleeplng ! porch, cement basement, wash trajra, fnrnace. fireplace, .tc. Beauiiful lawn and rosea. T.ernjs. Larg garag. Hardsurfac st in and paid. $6500 WALNUT PARK 86B0O A 7 room modern house, with larg ' cement basement, wash trays, all built Ins. fumaoe. fireplace, oak floors, large kltelirn, with cabinet pantry: very large clothes closets, 6 bearing fruit trees and herrlsa Jlardaurfsca st In - and - paid.-. (Vacant Hi i wonderful buy, and can b ban died on terms. Ask for Mr. Hairtu Rummell & Rummell i 274 STARK ST. TRVTNGTON' TfEIGITTS ARGAT?r Here Is an absolute bargain, aa the owner only ask what Uisy have tn it under fore closure, for cash loaned on the property: .6 rooms, reception hall, pantry, bath room, liih and toilet, frnt and back porches, g, electrio lights and fixtures, hot - and cold water, cemeiit basement, all rooms on one floor, newly painted inside and out; on 100x100 lots, with full bearing orchard of20 mixed fruit trees, on paved street, ail Imnrovements tn and paid, and On th. Irvington earlln. only 1 8 minute, from th heart of th city, for only ;s-4i0. and $1000 cash will handle, You can't beat it for value in this city. Held Vacant, ready for occupancy aod sale. i j, A. J. PRESTON, 641-602 Spalding" bldg. Portiand, Oa Jl I PIEDMONT HOME BARGAIN This ia a snap, property under press rrt conditions easily worth "0i0; can be bought for $6500, on eery liheral terms; T rooms and sleeping porch, fin. cement basement, good furnace, laundry trays and fruit closet; fireplaoa; harflwiod floors in library,, living room and dining roora;-aU modem built-in . conveniences and splendid big . front porch, east front; 60x100 Int. garage: ideal location, on block from car, four blocka from Jefferson high Rhool and asm distance from Peninsula- park. loa can't beat it - Lot us show you. Brown & Grant 201-2 Fenton Bonding. . Broadway 8222. . 6-ROOM BTTNGALOW - $3760 - $1250 DOWN; $35 MONTH . Comer lot. Hying room has . fireplace, bard- ' wood floors, bookcases and, closet, dining room,: buffet, build In kitchen, bath. 2 bedrooms, big attic spate fnr 2 rooms, full deep baemeni. Be early and pick up this snan. J. L. HART MAN CO.. 7 Chamber of ' Commerce bldg. Branca office. 46Ui and Saodytlvd. Tabor 2904. ! FOR PALE TT. 8. GO YE R-N M E NT PORTABLE BUNGAIXmS We have two new very attractive bungalow portable house built for C. S. officers' home during tha war, mad of -8-ply material; hate 6 windows, S doors and 2 partitions, pnt tltera on your acreage or mailt UiU; send them to the beach for your summer home. Any two men can put them up in thro days; would cot about $100 to build. W are telling Uicm at only $500. Be. these to appreciate them. TURNER A CO., 230 Chamber of Commerc Some BuyaIsvington tfiggfgtano irm.asMnt f - - - - .r4u. - aaaeaw wu'ju wvuia, PJ'wirrn, g I rPgf to Iitiittoo car. lot th pric of 1 6200, " anaf, JjTWI. ; - J. Robbsns 801 Bailway Exchange. Main 7931. Residence Tabor 8"31. LAURELHURST IGEM) BUNGALOW On of th horn vi est bungalows ever offered for sale in Laureiburat Beautifully located on an oversized lot east of park. - 5 rooma, den and arvafefaat room; fin. basement; hot water heat; fireplace; large garage: fine shrubbery. I' rice 876O0, some terms. Shows by appoint ment only. J. A. Mccarty, E. 89th and Giisaa. Tabor 3438 Eve., Tabor 5057. room bouse in good tjistrict on paved street: lot SOxIOO; $3200; $800 down, bal ane $40 month. Including interest; or can sell completely furnished at $4000. Also hare several ether good bargains in 6 or 8 room bouse. ' G. L. WEBB, 414 EAST STARK ST. HERE is your opportunity to buy from owner tn. finest utu. Bungalow ' in Portland for $2746; all modern and complete in every re spect, brand new, enamel woodwork throughout, aliadea, linoleum, radiant fire, 1846 Minnesota ava Tak Kenton car. Term. IRVING TON" horns, 8-room boua., trWe oon trucUon, full basarmtmt, furnarw, fruit and berries, screen porch; $4200, terms, lUUNbil A CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. $900 BUYS houa. of 4 rooms, basement, gsr ' den in, roses, etc, $350 down, balance $10 par month at 6 sw cent. At 5023 64th at B. E. Mt Boott ear to lanrelwood. THREE room eottag. lot 50x100, oo Rose C.r - carline, clos. tn, $2200; reasonable terms. G. U Webh. 414 East Stark st FOR SAI.E Cheapest 8 Portland; tsrma, ttion VS oovLawa 62 7. i 4.