THE ORitvKN DAlL. JOURNAL, PKiXAND FKiDAY, APRIL 30, 1&20. 4 A. a be attest ATr BC8ISE&S FBOPEBTY UODKRN 2-story brlrkHlding with elevator, I Ml URIOB SVC- -OOCUDlCa SS UKN Dili ri J ( Hruf Is An on t-o( Lows zesideat sad wishes to dionMt ( this property at one. Cor particular C.A."WAGNEB ;. Main tt5.r ' 230 Stark St STORE-building,- William 'Bm u Giv Ins, let UilOt. For eel or trad. East zi n TO CLOSE eaUU, improved Union ave. cor- ner, .amp mufteu, nam zive. - FOB SALE HOUSES 1 !TS KfflDE-UBiO SNAP tISftO C.ood room square hous; electricity. - hu, iuu cement puimtni, s oearoom. fractional corner lot, paved street, paid ; 1 "K. 80th mnd lUer, close in; (5U0 emsh, 129 month, ROOM NICE BUNGALOW $2650- Nice . bungslow ' in fin condition ia- skle; electricity, tmtu, Z bed. room, at tic, oc meet bssement, f fin fruit trees, small fruit; ftOitOO. paved M. ; lien all paid. Ost . J 8th near Vailing. Half each. O-B. COTTAGE. 4 LOTS 3700--fiood S R. cottage; alee., basm't bath. 4 lot. 2001100; barn, chicken bouse. 22 fine full-besring fruit trees; sewer ami sidewalks paid ; fine place to rata chicken; on K. $4th, near Gladstone, half block to car: abotit $1700 cash. 'h Grussi & Bennett 818 Board of Trad Bldt. Main 7452. rosTTTTty paRk - ' nifty bungalow $5300. .FOLLOW EVERY LINK OF THIS AD Grasp every word of tt for here's one of those real . nifty, comfortable, homelike bungalows, whet all the little detail and conveniences are featared. You will appreciate the big living room, extending the entire width of the boue. and the high quality of workmanship and H e lena!. Complete, even to the Gssco furnace ana instantaneous hot water heater. Let, us show yea. A. O. TEEPE CO., ' 264 Stark Kt , near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, E. Both and Sandy. UNIVERSITY PARK. Throe room cottage, suitable for ' ldry couple or such; on a prominent corner lot. 100x110 feet, alt in esr Srn ; mlao haa 2 room cottage which could be rented out; 82600: and a payment down that you could make wily. Mshoney, COB A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 fourth Street, Main 4S22. Evenings. Columbia 638. SUBURRANThTmE NEW MODERN BUNGALOW HALF ACRE FRUIT AND BEBstlES 857S0 Her, folks, is on of those real good looking exceptionally well built bungalows. Living room extend entire width of house with large plate ?laa window, hardwood floors, fireplace, built-in ouffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast none, cement iNWcment and wash trays; finished in old ivory tad white throughout This Is ideally located. Leva show yon. A. f. TEEPE CO., 264 Stork St., Near Third. Msin 3002. Branch Office. 60th and Ssndy. BARGAINS CHARMING 6-room bungalow, Hawthorne, hd. floors, garage. 84 300. SPLENDID 0-rooru bouse, hardwood floors throughout, garage. 8U5O0. EXCELLENT 7 -room house, Irvlngton, hsrdwood noon throughout; best location. 88A00. MAGNIFICENT 8-room home, west aide, choice location, hot water heat 114.000. (3RAXD M-room home, hardwood floors, lot 75x100: best location. IBVLNUTON. hot water, gsrsge. i KABT 273. HERDMAN. T nROEClfT PARK .1 BCNQALOW WITH OARAGE 1 $5280 Here' on, folk, right no to the minute In every respect: hardwood floors In every room. luanty oi worxmansnip ana material speak tor mbucItm: all w ask is the privilege of showing .ou this tplendld bungalow: comnlet in every way furnace, fireplace, buffet, etq.; paving paid. xeay tneve is a garage. 4 Stork St., Near Third. Main 8092. 3S Branch Of floe, 50th and Sandy. 'r- i TJNIVER8ITT PARK. ' Five room bungalow, one block to erti8-; mtdongly hullt and nicely flsnned; lot 60x110 feet; for $2750 bil i food value; $500 down. Ms honey, COB A. McKENNA ft CO., 82 Fourth Street, iLUin i522. KTcniog. ColumbU 638. IF TOO want a lovely large hom. with an ntir quarter block, with lota of fruit and herrtea, yon should come out and se this one. House waa built for a borne ; has double walls. plrndid basement, new furnace, bulltin buffet, Dutch kitchen, bath, 2 toilets; 2 short blocks wmth WL ear. N. W. corner 15th and Liberty. mem oniy 4zoo. $400 cash. CaU Tabof 854 tofenooaa, $1850 NEAR TWOHY BROS. , . $550 CASH. BAU $25 MO. V room bungalow and bath, full siae bssement 0x100 ft. lot. Ask for Mr. Clearwater. J. L. KARTMAN COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com bloc. Main 208. BUNGALOW room, ajl one one floor, and 1 fin lm.- good garage and lota of fruit; close to hard attrfacm. It l modern. Price $2300; terms easy. iioor fBJl. KENNEDY ft WILCOX ROSE CITY BTMrtALOW 8 room mad large attic, oak floors, firenlsc kitchen Meal, enameled throughout, cement base ment, rurnaee. in fact strictly modern, on beau tiful comer, full lot paved and naid. This U a bargaitr at $5150; $1500 cash. Will b glad to ahow you. Marshall 8352. Tabor 3090 evening. " t, B. ROCK CO.. 408-4 Couch Bldg. THE J. H. NASH ESTATE baa a numbfof - houac for male cheap to close this estate. They arm mil tixea and locations, ranging in price from $1000 up. If yon an in the market for hoja. look the op; any reaaonabl of far eon stder 3 W- U NA8H. Executor. 1046 Hawthorn mv. Tabor 4299. INSURANCE FTRB AUTOMOBILH LIABILITY KXILK BTJRKITT, AGENT. MAIN 1800 NEWARK FJ RE INSURANCE CO. - ' BY OWNER ' S room modern bungalow, clos to Peninsula Park. Immediate poaasMsion, reasonable. Wood lmw 4889. TWO-gTORf building, stor and 2 modern - rooms on first floor, 6 room apartment bora, an , conveniences, large sleeping porch mm parage, so Aioerxa au Good room hoUM. lot 7Bil00: nUnfT nf Itruil And borriat A snap at 92800. terms rxo suic. f.t uiiuBMr oi uommirc. room hous; lot 80x100, south a vinis vi av im o. wnuiB, roons marsnmil 178. Homo Sunday. Fred Pttrath, 159 Julia 7 ROOM HOUSE Light, water and gas: house in good shape Worth $1850, Will tell for $1850. Tabor 1599. I-ROOM house, 100x126 ground, with fruit m A klaiks. . T I e A sr trrmta Ownor at 169 Vmrto it ROSE CITY PARK CORNER Strictly modern T room, best of corstmc. Hon. garage. East 4921. FOR SALE By owner, 4 room hous. 75x100, 17 bearing fruit and berriea; fine garden mod chicken ran; large woodshed. Phone $-1295. IBVINOTON My 3 exceptional homes, $450? to -810.000. 7. 8 and 9 room, hieh class. finest contraction ; going east Owner, E. 8015. IVU saw or traa lor suburban property, 8 room cottage, centrally located. 749 Borthwick it Woodlawn 5966. 8-ROOM bungalow in Woodstock, modern, must be sold quick, cheap. Phone owner. Wood lawn 1808. - - i-lROOM housed burnished ; lot 166x140; alt kinds of fruit 2 blocks from car. Wilt ull or cap lor aan. isoor law. $2850 4 -BOOM modern bungalow. Alberta district 8600 down. monthhr navmanii naooniawn inti. 5-KOOM house, garage, fruit tree, lot 80x100. full be anient $3800. 1276 Boat on arc. i j I l-umpermens oiag. SEvEST TTC 1 L H V...T1 - - - , - . ........ , . . r 1.., amf, wood floor: gmrace: 85000. half caoh K).n t per cent Interest Phone Sellwood $098. - -WEST SIDE NOB HILL -- SfrJcUy modern 8 room weU built home, hot waver neat. un-vsii. MODERN 6" room bungalow, attic, lawn, trait nemo; iiuv, anu, no l UDctt ft WL oar m 1 gth. Wdln. 4 4 9 i. v ROOM . houac I unuahed - oomnlete. easb. or Urms. Ckie to two carline. - Kaat 8038. SOUTH PORTLAND BARGAIN TToom modem homo. - Ernst 4921. BT owner, 5 -mom cottage, 2- lots, with mU kind of fruit T-324. Journal. 12700 4-ROOM ' bungalow. V corner, -; gangc; BEAL ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 LARGEST HOME SELLERS OH THE PACIFIC COAST 00 PHOTOGRAPHS OB HOMES - FOB SALE . 1 " FRAN L. MeGCTBE - To Bny Tour Home We extend you a cordial invitation to' visit our show rooms and isnpect our WON DERFITL, DIHPLAY OF OVER. 800 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOB SALE. Krery district in the city represented. We personally appraise every home before of fering it for your consideration. We PRO ' TECT YOUR EVERT INTEREST. We 1 put you In IMMEDIATE TOUCH WITH THE HOME YOU ABE IXKING FOB. f If necessary. WE WILL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN. PAYMENT. 16 automobile at your SERVICE. $8150 THE PRETTIEST EVER. This sensible HAWTHORNE BUNGA LOW has every imaginable device to pro mote real comfort. Fireplace: bookcases; massive buffet: MODEL DUTCH KITCH EN; best white enamel plumbing: FINE CORNER LOT. K. 45th st. THIS IS A IEAL HOME AND A BARGAIN. 2650 ALBERTA BUNGALOW ; 5 rooms; Combination living and dining rooms; convenient kitchen; 3 , sunny bedrooms ; electricity : gas, good crm-nt basement; full lot; SPLENDID GABAGE. Can ar range terms. THIS WON'T LAST. We have a SPLENDID ALBERTA HOME, modem, attractive, for $3500. DOUBLE CONSTRUCTED; numerous clever built-lns, etc.; siilendid furnace. E. 2fith. close to car. HOME KEEKERS THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY. $$2300 WEST SIDE REAL BARGAIN Just $500 down, $20 per month (IM POSSIBLE TO RENT FOR THAT) re the tentns on this very substantial "homey" borne of 6 rooms; white enamel plumbing; electricity: gas; street liens all paid. First, near Curry. THIS IS AN UNUSUAL VALUE AND ONE THAT YOU SHOULD AVAIL YOURSELF OF. $2050 EAST TO KEEP SPIC AND SPAN. WEST SIDE BUNGALOW: WOOD WORK ALL IN OLD IVORY; newly PAINTED INSIDE AND OUT; white enamel plumbing; electricity: gas; 1 blk. to car and school. THERE'S A SPLEN DID UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW OF RIVER AND MOUNTAINS. This is UNUSUAL, value. $3950 HERE B ANOTHER OF THOSE JUSTLY POPULAR HAW THflRNE bungalows: maasiv brick columns; very ' pretty living room with CHEERY FIRE PLACE; built-in BOOKCASES; SOltfO PANELED DINING ROOM. MASSIVE BUFFET, idel Iwjteh kitchen; 2 sunniest bed room: only 1 blk. to car; paved ft. THIS IS ONE OF OUR VERY BEST BUYS. E. 49th. $3500--WEST OP LAUREI.HTTRBT fs this TRULY 8PLENDID HOME BARGAIN; attractive 6 rooms: ' modern; BEAUTIFUL LAWN SHRUBBERY; close to Rose City rar, on Iwrence. This fa a FORCED SALE AND IS A SAC RIFICE. $1995 ARTISTIC LITTLE MT. SCOTT One of the NEATEST FOUR ROOM COTTAGES in Mount Scott; QUAINT FRONT PORCH; comfortable; 8PI.EN DID GARAGE; lot 100100, with FINE FRUIT AND BERRIES. Just $500 down. $20 per month. A REAL HOME BARGAIN. If you are in the market for a HOME it is to YOUR ADVANTAGE TO look over our WONDERFUL. DISPLAY of over 900 PHOTOGRAPHS OF HOMES FOR SALE. We'll SAVE YOUR TIME AND MONEY, and GUARANTEE SAT ISFACTION. SEE L. To Buy Your Home Abington Bldg. Main 1068. ROSE CITY PARK bungalow. B room, break fast nook and floored attic, hardwood floors. flrenlBn Vn t i 1 , . i K.bM.. : . : j . 1 buffet, lovely kitchen and bath, large clothes voaeiiiem. xaunury trays, fur nace, garage, lot 50x100. By owner; no agent. 638 E. 63d at N., 1st house south of Sandy blvd.. facin geart. H block from car. "LOOKITI" Th hnilU nf A rnnana fttat .1 .. . basement; the lot 60x167 H feet; the district ronasoum; me price gzau; payment down ou; iv oiocxi from car. Oh goodness, hurry I MAHONEY COE A. McKENNA ft CO. Columbia 038 83 750 FOR a 7 room house at E. 26th and ouviiuan ai. , mi i uiou ri. on corner. Doth streets hard snrfaceH anH .11 . , , ; ; ------ bi-ukiiw yam. House has brick foundation, good plumbing, gas nd electricity. All room nicely papered sightly location. This is a splendid home tnd HiKJt,K or w.. 30 Chamber of Commerce. PIEDMONT DISTRICT $6800YOWNER Modern duplex flat; fine investment; live in one. other rented for' $35; each flat has 8 rooms anu navu, iirepiace, eiegant mgn basement, con mla' kit ftftvlOn HK ... , - " avawn, ,1 Snwr. fruit, grand view, near car. park, school, boule- S Room Bungalow Pop- fta T - h mmr RhMkln. u.t... . - , - , -' - , . i, uniiut, save carfare, walking distance, sleeping porch, large lot. 50x112. street and tewers paid. Sellwood or xsrnoaiyn cars, locaupn 00 15. Bth at R. LEAVING city, must sell beautiful 6 room home, all modern conveniences, everything in first-class condition, walking distance. $5000 $2000 cash, balance to suit purchaser. Owner! I I a JlCiUIUUh $3000 BY owner, double constructed 6 room hnnu finlmA .,! n I .... . . ----- . .uu nuji r-j aiuc, large hiMinMit- 1 Mm,, In Willi 1 J . . . uii liuimuu nju. fuoDe oyo, atk tot r osier. 13000 By owner. donbU rooms and bath: lust finished- full i tMimn oasemeni; i i corner lot Meriem ave. and WUIbridge, one block off Linnton road. rauoe uam uuj, aaa ior coster. Woodstock Snap 5 rooms, bath. 100x180.-12 fmit ... cant May 1. Marshall 1022. T. O. Bird, 526 FIRST CLASS modern bungalow type house, 5 rooms on first floor, 2 room mnd 2 sleeping porches on second. Full basement with laun dry tray. Call mt 632 E. 51st st N. Might trsae ior acreage. $2760 6 ROOMS, fireplace, some built his. frill tnrumtM Veaamai naeaJ a....v i, mav ICM BUTtTC 111, IIMr W-A car; $750 cwh, balance monthly. See HotagHn Bird, 665 H WiUiMD Et 8695. 10 ROOM house for sale, completely furnished fn fntl faewailaaam. 4Vw -V , i . v. a.aa.., U-UIIUUnii, 1 UrmtT . UJC9 corner lot, 36x100. went side ; walking diiUnce; IWMj lirctiiup. rriTB PJOU. &Att lOos. DANDY 5 room bringalow. Term. 46S4Sltt 8. EL Woodstock cr, to 46tlx, or call Finely vuaii a3, a m pyr ioip HAWTHORNE-MT. TABOR HOMES 'SOUS 4VV. AVIUABAUUlX. KRAZY KAT K"5 SaAikiCsaftal milk SrA (SFr7 '-1jW (well Amtr Y TTtoPt "W " i - '' : "" - BE A I-ESTATE FOB SALE HOUSES 1 BrHE-CAREY COMPANY -Succeeded by CAREY -SAVIDOE COMPANY 219 Bsilway Exchange Bldg. Maim 7487. BEAL SERVICE TO HOME 8EEKEB3 We are loaded to the guards with all kinds of good home for sale, any district; never be fore have wa had such a varied omorttnent of fin home bargain ; a showroom brim full of snappy home; by mil mean com la and , look them over, or phone Main 7487 and m ' cm will call at your residence to show yon the best we hare la the district you prefer. ' 500 HOMES TO CHOOSE FROM $4300 Brand new bungalow in Rose City; 20 of them mil similar to this one; S rooms in white enamel, ex. pensive builtins, oak floors, cosy fireplace, full' cement basement substantially built throughout; only m few hundred down payment required; sec these new home to day. EXCEPTIONAL R08E CITY HOME $4475 A complete ultra modern 5 room -bungalow, finished in ivory, unusu ally attractive; furnace, fireplace, oak floor throughout, full cement basement, all bulltin feature. French door, garage, paved street all hens paid; in 54th st; $1650 down. HERE 18 A BARGAIN $3400 Ride out and se it yourself; 5111 4 1st t S. E. ; on hard surfaced street and car line; 8 room 2 story well built home: all assessments paid in full; splendid yard and shrubbery; only $700 down; non resident owner. - SUNSY81DE SPECIAL $2650 Located in E. Taylor st near 39th at; a 5 room bungalow type home, paved street, assessment paid; 50 X100 lot 2 light airy bedrooms, white enamel plumbing, interior finish in white enamel; splendid buy for the money; $500 down, ATTRACTIVE WOODLAWN BARGAIN $2825 Large 75x125 lot; rooms spacious and well arranged; built only m few years; 2 large bedroom and sleeping porch, near Williams ave. rar; a bargain; about $800 re quired. ' JUST SEE THIS SACRIFICE $2700 Woodstock 7 room story and half bungalow type home, substantially built; 3 bedrooms upetairs, unfin ished bath and toilet first floor; $500 down. FINE BUT IN ALBERTA $3200 6 room bungalow, all on on floor, living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 light bedrooms, bath and toilet and den; hardwood floors through out; full cement basement; here is a home you can buy for a small down payment MONTAVILLA SPECIAL $2300 Splendid 5 room bungalow, weU built and in good condition; good plumbing, large garden space, bear ing fruit trees and small fruit; $500 down, balance like rent 4 ROOM ALBERTA HOME $1700 Small 4 room cottage, bath, toilet gas, electricity; here is big ralu for the money; $600 down. MILWACKIE AVE.. WEST OF LADD'S ADDITION $2700 5 room bnngtlow on corner lot paved street, sidewalks and sewer paid 1n full; 2 bedrooms, bath and toilet, fireplace, laundry trays, gas, electricity; on Sellwood car line; very close in; $1000 duwn. TRETTY HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW $4600 5 room modern bungalow in 37th St., in Hawthorne district; 2 fin ished rooms upstairs, abundance of choice varieties of shrubbery and fruit trees; $1800 to handle. BIHR-CAREY COMPANY Succeeded by CAREY-SAVIDGE COMPANY 210 Railway Exchange Bldg. Main 7487. OPEN EVENINGS ' ONLY $900 DOWN Fiv room, bath, attic, basement food lot, paved street Price $4200: $900 down. $500 July 1st. balance $33 per month. Will not list with realestate men. owner. 37 K. 47tn st BUNGALOWS 5 room modern, and m fine place, close to hardsurface and car; m modern house. Price $1600; $300 down and balance $20 per month ana e per cent Tabor 4 n. KENNEDY ft WILCOX East Portland Heights $2500 7 room house on hardsurface st. ; all assess ments paid in full; hardwood floors; good plumbing, etc.; fruit trees; full lot; H block to Richmond car. now vacant, 540 E. 3 2d st See owner, 585 E. 82d st. -. ROSE CITY $5150 Fine 5 room modern bungalow, lot 50x100; also $5500 6 room modern bunga low, lot 50x100; small payment down, balance to suit 924 Chamber of Commerce. LAURELHURST SNAP A real bungalow, 5 rooms, den and breakfast room: large lot: beautiful shrubbery : full base ment, hot water heat and many other dandy learnrea. l-arge garage. J . A. aicuarty, 2 7 it H Stars: st. Main 17UO; evenings. Tabor SOS7 FOR 8ALE Small house, full set of plumbing, - two big lots. 50x156 each. 28 fruit trees variety of berries, grapes, fin location, fac ing two streets, sewers, cement sidewalks, good garden sou. one block south of Monta villa car. Price $2350. 75 K. 65th st. N. HELLO I YES I This I Woodlawn-. 6207. We have bouse of every description for sal, and will show them Dy appointment car at your service, call us. VUfSLA it JLALTORd, 1408 Oatjaan. MY home, 4 nice rooms, full concrete base ment, concrete sidewalk, paid, carline. good corner lot Price $1350: discount for half cash, balance $12. 00 per month and interest Call Columbia 1181. GOOD 7 room modern house, in excellent neigh borhood, not far out; small payment down balance like rent; price $2750. See Mr. Gold berg. Terminal Garage. 5 th and Hoyt Broad way 10MB. 7 ROOM modern house, with built-ins, cement basement ana laundry trays; sleeping porch lot 100x100: bearing fruit trees, berries. cbickea house; garden spot Owner leaving town. 4986 42nd . B. E- Phone SelL 735. FROM OWNER New 5 room bungalow, modern throughout H block from Base City cmrihie. cash or terms. Esst 8038. $500 DOWN - B-room modem house mnd lot See this place for your home. Balance monthly. Tabor 1599. FOR SALE 7 -room house mnd 4 lots, bam, chicken houses, sheds, fruit, garden, etc.; near factory running day and night; $2800 if token at once. B-546. Journal. - TOR SALE Our 8 room bom and sleeping porch; fruit; lot 75x100; 2 blocks to car. Price $2900; reasonable terms; immediate pos session. Inquire 1911 E- Irving st, "MV" car. SELLWOOD BARGAIN 8 rooms snd bath, 50x100, furnace, paved street, near Catholic school and church. 1116 ia 13th st Sellwood cmr. BE AI F STATE FOB 8ALK HOt SF.S 41 ' J. A. Wicktnan Co. 204 BT. EXCH. BLDG. MAIN 683. . Years of study - of local conditions, m . thorough knowledge of districts, familiar- . ity with values mad m splendid organisa tion enable u to give to the maxi mum service la bom baying. We protect your every interest, seeing that you Teeetvw not only the best bny available at your price and terms in tha district best sui'ed to your requirementa, -but mlao attending carefully to all the legal details, retaining ma attorney for the closing of an sale. CLOSE-IN SUBURBAN HOME $1700 buys 4 room pi sets red horn with bath, gas. Let 45x145, with 24 bearing fruit tree. Only U blk. to car. This home has garage and cbickea houses mod runs. A real bargain. SELLWOOD HOME BARGAIN . $2300 buys 5 room bungalow with sleep ing porch; full 50x100 lot, with paved at and sewer in and paid. Easy terms. You can't beat this bargain. ALBERTA HOME BARGAIN $2800 buys m dandy bungalow in fine condition, painted white, with gar age and large chicken bouse and runs. A dandy buy and home you will like. $3650 Just 200 ft off Alberta st on hardsurface St., a fine 6 room home with full 50x100 lot Fine lawn and roses. HAWTHORN E HOME BARGAIN $4200 Let us show you this attractive story snd a half bungalow style home; 6 rooms and bath; in the best part of Hawthorne district close in. Fine homes surrounding; street improvements paid. $2900 Let us show you this remarkably good buy, 6 rooms and bath; fire place: new carpets in living room, also stair carpet (new) included in price; corner garage: 1 block to car. Convenient to Franklin high. IBVINGTON PARK HOME $2800 Let us show you this attractive, immaculately clean home, with one bedroom and bath down, 2 bed rooms up; newly decorated through out Terms. We wish to call your attention NOT to the NUMBER of houses we offer, but the quality (real bargains are necessarily lim ited as to nnmber). You will find the time you spend wfth our salesmen fa NOT LOST, for they are in a position to show you actual bargain in the district you desire. J. A. Wickman Co. 204 Ry. Eich. Bldg. Main 1094 and 583. ROSE CITY PARK $5950. One of the most beautiful bungalows in this popular district. There is character and dis tinction to this splendid bungalow. The quality of workmanship and material speak for them selves. Interior decorations and light fixture are so far above the average that there is no comparison. It is needless to say this house is complete with hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement furnace, garage, etc. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stork St., near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, E. 50th and Sandy. $29tW $2900 AlBERTA B0NGA10W 4 room and attic, hardwood floors, built-in buffet, built-in beds. Dutch kitchen, gas range, Rund heaters linoleum, laundry trays, full ce ment basement; on paved street: $1000: $30 per month, including interest. 1080 E. 13th st. N. 8 Roortis, $3200 5 rooms downstairs and 8 rooms upstairs. which are now rented for $20; house in good condition, gas, electricity, full basement, wash trays, 2 toilets, 2 blks. to car and public school. A rare bargain at this price; $500 down, bal ance 30 per mo. 913 Chamber of Orgnmerce. Main 6967 ROSE CITY PARK 5 ROOM BUNGALOW CORNER LOT $5150 Hare truly is a good buy; a good, substantial bungalow, located in one of Rose City Park's most beautiful corners, 1 block from car; fin ished in white throughout; hardwood floors, fire place, furnace, etc. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO., 264 Stork St., near Third. Main 3092. Branch Office, E. 50th and Sandy. BUNGALOW these are fine places. The price is low ana terms mre emsyr Tabor 4811. KENNEDY ft WILCOX $3000 FOR 7 room hovse snd lot 50x100 in Vernon addition; or $3500 completely fur nished . 1 6 line fruit trees, berries, etc. : good garaee, all modern conveniences. A nice borne and cheap; ziuou cash, balance to suit TURNER ft CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. BEAUTIFUL 6 room bungalow in the select pert of . Irvington. Austrian shades and ve kur draperies included. Large billiard and card room with fireplace in basement Tiled bath with shower. Comer lot; east front; double garage. Call Main 2418, Mr. Rinehart $3260 RICHMOND, 5 room bungalow, terms. Full basement and attic, white enamel bed rooms and bath, Dutch kitchen, fireplace, buf fet wash trays, gas, hot water beater and range; also linoleum; paved street, 1 block from car. 1184 Ivan it, near 39th. Tabor 5742. GRAND VIEW 5 room bungalow, beamed ceil ing, buffet, - book cases, fireplace, built-in kitchen, elegant bath; garage, garden in front and berries; 10 blocks to car, just off pavement; $1900, terms. Owner, 8655 46th ave. Phone Tabor 6200. FOR SALE CHEAP Closing estate, $2000; 6 room house and 2 fine lots ; fruit trees, garden, 8 blocks to Alberto car line; splendid location; bouse No. 1000 Glenn ave. N. . LIBBIE B. MARIETTA, Admx., 998 Glenn Ave.. N. $3250 $500 CASH, balance on contract, no mortgage, takes bungalow of 7 rooms, 6 rooms snd bath on first floor, full bssement, screens for all windows, house in nice condition; lot 60x111; all kinds fruit and berries; now vacant This is a bargain. Tabor 6441.' HAWTHORNE $4000 HAWTHORNE Just a bargain. That's mil. $1000 cash, balance easy; 6-room modern home on 52d st; lot 50x116, fruit berries, chicken bouse with cement floor; double garage: no mortgage; paved, paid. Marshall 8352. Tabor 8090. FOR SALE 4-room house, large garage, with this house goes Vulcan gas range, gas water heater, gas house heater, new linoleum. I am selling out; come and see; it's reasonable; leav ing town. 1300 E. Taylor St., corner of 45th. $500 DOWN snd $20 m month for & room bun galow at 1234 E. Broadway. 1 block from Rose City carline. Price $3600. Immediate pos session. Phone owner. Tabor 7346, from 11 a, m. to 5 p. m. $50 DOWN $15 MONTHLY Little 8-room ceiled and papered cottage in Mount Scott district, lot 40x100; vacant and ready to move in. Total price $800. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. $8500 Alameda corner, 100x100, fine 8 room house, bungalow style, 2 fireplaces, hot water heat, 4 bedrooms, sleeping porch, garage, im provements paid; a snap; fine terms. Zimmer man ft White. 818 Chaniber of Commerce. $3500 CLOSE IN. Rooms, modem, 50x100, Brooklyn district, fnll bssement and tubs, fireplace, furnace, gar age. Easy terms. COBB BROS., 263 OAK ST. PIEDMONT $7500 Beautiful, large corner. classy and exceptional home. Make offer. Owner. E. 8015. COZY home, Reed college way, $2250, on . terms. Consider automobile part payment Metcalf. Marshall 2432. or Sellwood 8052 NOT A bungalow but m real home. Large sightly lot, 6 rooms, modern, tt block to Mt Tabor car; $3250; tome terms. Ernst 6778. Copyright. sF . . . aMM,,..,..,,aaasssssssssssassl BEAL ESTATE FOU 8AI.F HOUSES 1 PRACTICALLY NEW BOSS CITY PARK BUNGALOW :"- $6800 TERMS Terr tastefully arranged, i room, strictly mod ern bungalow, only, built a tew months, hardwood floors at living mad dining room, sue fir floors elsewhere; living room extends clear across front of boose mad has 6 large plate glass windows, beautiful builtla buffet, ia dining room, I hitch kitchen, with mil - builtins. cozy little breakfast rooaa. 3 rue large, light miry Bedrooms, big closets, aice bath: entire boas finished ia old Ivory mod white eammel, fin fireplace mad pipe- lees furnace, cemented basement with several hands builtins: nice level corner lot with sav ing, sewer mad all street improvements ia and "paid ia fuIL Thia is mn attractive, cosy double constructed home. In a splendid location. woou cost almost as mach a. I am asking to build the house today. Must have $1900 crnsh, bat no like rent Dont smite this bargain. Call owner. Tabor 8822. ROSE CITY PARK BOOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH $5800 If roo ever expect to bay m genuine bargain. here is your opportunity I You will be surprised to find a hous of this high quality with all the built-in comforts and conveniences yon will find here for such a low Dries. Hardwood floors. fireplace, bookcases. Irufret, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement furnace, etc.: paving and sewer paid. A very ideal location near car: this bouse ia in perfect condition. If we can hist get you to look at the house our purpose ha been accompllanea, tt wiu sell itself. Be it today. A. U. TEEPE CO.; 264 Stork St., Near Third. Main 8092. Branch Office, 00th mnd Sandy. $3250 ALBERTA BUNGALOW $3250" 7 room artistic home, choicest section. 21st st.; paved; 50x100, block to school snd ear; has full cement basement, enam eled plumbing, electric lights, gas, beamed ceilings; present value about $5500; own er leaving: only $600 cash, $20 month ly and interest Main 4803. Q. C. GOLDENBERG Abington bldg. "35 tears in Portland" 8 Rooms Walking Distance 50x100 lot, house in fine condition, cedar woodwork, tiled fireplace, full cement basement, furnace, wash trays, electricity, gas. bath and toilet; Just 15 minutes' walk from heart of city; m fin proposition for a home or renting out rooms. A bargain at ,$5000, $1250 down, balance easy. If Luedderaiann Company 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. BY OWNER Good 7 room house. 2 lots on 8. E. cor E. 9 tli and Sumner st, well improved, f fruit snd berries. Pncw $375U. $730 cash, seme street improvements to assume, easy terms on balance at 6 per cent , K.tVWL.n limiM RStIAA Inf. 11 W V. Ankeny and Buchtel ave. Price $2000; $400 cash, balance esey terms at 6 per cent CALL AT 1029 E. 25TH ST. N. Noon and Evening. ROSE CITY PARK NIFTY BUNGALOW $4750. TOCB OPPORTUNITY! Yon will appreciate the real value here. Thia truly modern, double constructed bungalow has a vmlue far in excess of present prices. Finished in rich old ivory and white throughout; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, cement basement, furnace, etc ; full lot. assta. paid. I jet us show yon. A. O. TEEPE CO., 264 8tark St. near Third. Main 8092. Branch Office. E. 50th and Sandy. , Terms 1140 E. 29TH ST. N., ALBERTA CAR Vacant modern 6-room bungalow, sleeping porch, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full concrete base ment, plenty built-ins, modem plumbing snd electric fixtures. 50x100 lot alley, 8 fruit trees, berries, roses, block to car. See this today. Owner, East 4626. Alberta car to 30th aud Killingsworth. Mornings or evenings. Owner there from 12 to 5 p. m. UNBELIEVABLE An exceptionally well built and attractive 5 rocgn bungalow, with wonderful ivy-covered cobblestone fireplace, cobblestone porch support, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, built-in buffet, bookcases, full length mirror, beamed ceilings, built-in ironing board, wash trays in basement, lot 50x100 with wonderful view of the snow capped mountains. Total price $3500; $800 cash, balance monthly. Fred W. German Co., 732 Cham, of Com. HeriderCable Realty Co. Ha the best values in this city. Just take th Mt Scott cmr and get off tt S829 72d st (Tre mont) . See the nice modern homes and all of nature's beauties here. We have for you what you are looking for. HeriderCable Realty Co. Phone Tabor 2475. BOSE CITY PARK CAR 4-room bungalow, newly plastered and finished inside and out, 4 lots on corner, electric lights, bath, gas and full plumbing, fireplace; $2,600, $500 cash. $25 per month. Another 5 rooms, small basement bath, toilet and hot water, plastered, in good condition, walks in and paid for, 2 blocks to Rosa City car. Price $2200. $400 cash. $25 per month. See Mr. Jenks, 68th and Sandy blvd. Automatic 315-53. HOME BROKENOP- If you have $1900 cash come out mnd look over my bungalow mt 325 41st st. 1 block south of Hawthorne; every built-in feature, fire place and furnace; runway for garage just com pleted. No agents nor shoppers need answer; immediate possession, $4000. Tabor 9569. Tinsr m riPTiirn $2650 $650. balance easy terms on eon tract no mortgage; 4-room and floored attic large enough for 2 more rooms; block to car, near Jefferson high and grade schools; psved and paid. This is a big bargain. This won't last long. Marshall 8352. J. B. ROCK CO.. 403-4 Couch Bldg. FOR 8ALE LOTS 1$ Walnut Park Have a few more beautiful homeeitee to select from. SALES HAVE BEEN VERY SATISFACTORY. If you ever intend to own m home in Walnut Park. Portland's best rev ioence district now is your opportunity. SELL ING FAR BELOW TRUE VALUE. Remember you cannot move m lot; it is fixed forever, hence very imports nt to use care and good judgment Do yourself and family a kindness by thoroughly investigating Wslnut Tark. By doing so I have no doubt you will select Walnut Park, with its excellent car service, paved streets paid, blocks with 1 5-foot alleys, Jefferson high school library; in fact, everything planned to make home life pleasant Better call immediately on owner. Only a few more for sale. W. M. KILLINGSWORTH Office 114 9 Union Ave. North Office Hours. 10 to 12 a. m. Phone appointments Wood. 8304 or 951. FOR SALE 33 lots at m bargain, near factory running day and night; will take $3500 easb, or will give terms on part, or accept small track in trade. K-64B, Journal. BEAUTIFUL LOT, Eastmoreland. near Bybee arc Sacrifice. Terms. Take small car part payment Address F. C. Wendlmnd. H. F. D. 1, Milwankie. GOOD corner lot in Killingsworth. Fsr par ticulars see m mt 3829 41st st S.E., or phone 218-68. ACBftAGE $7 , S BEAUTIFUL ACRES FOR SALE 1 block from Shattuck sto., S. P. Electric; 19 minutes' ride, cheap for cash, or terms. Owner, Main 8380. 120 ACRES, farm and timber land in Clarke county, 22 miles from Portland; county road, creek, 1 mile to stone road: school; $25 to $28 per acre; terms. 1539 E. Taylor. Tabor 8621. NEARLY 1 aare. new 5 room boose, barn, chicken house, fenced, fruit. McMillan, Ma- plewood station. 1920. by International Feature Service, lne.) REAL- ESTATB ACREAGE (7 JUST OPENING UP A NEW ADDITION - . - - ... -, . ..' CLOSE TO YANCOTJVEB ' " AND PORTLAND NEAR THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY la tracts from S meres UP. on terms of $10 dowa mad $5 per month, hays m S cere tract Prices ranging from $60 per mere up. Good soil, free from rock or gravel, Isys level, hist enough slop for drainage, aotn bottom land. Fine land for prune, berriea or garden track. Fine location for poultry ranch. Will make yon ma ideal home. Highway being paved close to this additloa. CHARLES DELFEL 318 Bail way Exchange bldg. - Best Proposition' on Powell Valley Road 5 mere facing this popular highway. lies Just right, half under cultivation, some fine trees, all fenced. Just 20 minutes' ride from heart of city, with pavement all the way; ideal spot for home, chicken, or berry farm. Prioe $8500. Let us show you. Lueddeniann Company 913 Chamber of Commerce. Main 6967. NEAB BEAVERTON. R acres of good land. 3 U acres under culti ration, all -can be . cultivated ; nice 8-mnm ceiled mnd papered bungalow, with electric light fireplace; good well with pump, city water can be had; chicken bouse and bam, good road Pries 83150. with $1000 rash, balance on monthly payments. This is within esy walking distance of either depot Personally inspected; photo at office. Davia, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. NEARLY 1 sere, or 50x290. located 6 blocks from car line, on good street; two-thirds under - cultivation, IS young fruit trees, raspberries snd blsckberriea; 4 - mom bungalow, with gas and fireplace: city water can be had. Price $1275, $500 cash. , Personally inspected. Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 11 ACRfcS. only 10 miles from city on t rtithem Pacific and Oregon Electric road, with a beautiful ) modern country home; 7 rooms, bath and sleeping porch, fireplace and furnace, wali trays, elartric lights, running water, fruit bonne, large chicken house, barn, good orchard, small creek running through place; very richest of soil. Price only $8500. Owner must sell at once. TURNER ft CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. FINE, CHEAP CmCKEN RANCH. 5 acres. ' located 2 blocks from electric station, Salem line, close to Portland; 214 meres can be cultivated, balance roaming land, all well fenced; 200 strawberry plants, will bear this tear; good well, 8-room house, small bam, chicken house. Price $1000, with Jersey cow, 24 White Leghorn chickens. 1 horse, harness grid wsgon; $600 cash. "Happy," with JOHN FERGUSON, GERLINGER BLDG. 15 ACRES on crushed rock road, mile from hard surfaced highway, close to school and electric station, 13 miles from Portland; good modern 6-room house, plastered and has base ment, gas for lights and cooking, good barn and outbuildings; b acres in first clasa commreclal orchard, the remainder of ground sown to clover and oats. Price $7500; $1500 will handle. Will give immediate possession. TURNER ft CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. 340 ACRE:, 75 in cultivation, 20 in bearing fruit and grapes; greenhouse; several houses; water piped to buildings; water power; suto rosd, bomt and rail service. Owner retiring, offers place for $50,000, good terms. A noted resort Photo at office. Zimmerman ft White, 818 Chamber of Commerce. ACRES H ACRES 4 ACRES Some tracts in fmit and nuts, others in natural trees; $10 payments; no gravel or city assessments. This is the fine Stokes farm, 4 2d and Simpson st. See me on tracts Sunday. Alberto cmr. B. W. Cmry, 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. 5 ACRES Between 92d and 82d st. on Johnson creek. 7 room house, barn, fruit good land. Terms. TABOR 1599. 10 ACRES berry garden land: woven wire fence; cultivated ; 5 room . house, barn, garage, some loganberries l near city limits, on paved highway. Price $6500"; small payment Lareu, 419 Henry building. 6 tt ACRES OF CHOICE LAND 4 -room new bungalow, about 2 acres cleared, water piped, auto road, 2 miles beyond eastern city limits; price $1600. J. Haas, 626 Cham ber Commerce. Suburban 2 Acres All in fruit of all kinds, fenced and welt, close in; 8500 down, balance monthly. TABOR 1509. 9 ACRES on Columbia blvd. art city limits; house, bam, windmill, fmit, all cultivated; $10,000; terms. R. W. Gary. 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. BCBTJBBAN ACBEAGF. 7$ $25 DOWN. $12.50 MONTHLY We have about 25 1 acre tracts, all set out to apples, cherries, pears, plums, prunes, black raspberries, gooseberries, and red rasp berries. These tracts sre within tt mile of sn Jhterurbsn station and about one mile from the 6c carline They are in th very highest state of cultivation and in perfect condition. The acre which bas the gooseberries on it netted the owner last year nearly $300. The surroundings sr. good snd price, $1850 per acre, makes this an attractive proposition to the man de siring to get just outside of the city limits. FRED W. GERMAN CO.. 782 Chamber of Commerce. SCBUBBAIT HOMES 71 Suburban Homes 2 acres and m fine hornet close in mnd m good mad: all kinds of fruit; a perfect home; $500 will handle, balance easy. Tabor 4811 KENNEDY ft WILCOX ONE acre and tt . located near Kendall station, mil under cultivation, 82 bearing fruit trees. some berries. 5 room plastered house, good plumb ing, city water, chicken house and outbuildings. good fencing around the entire place: price $2000, $1600 cash. Personally inspected by Brooks, with JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 8 ACRES, located east of city limits, 2 miles, 6 blocks from electric station. 38 fruit trees; no gravel or rock, berriea, private water system, good 8 room house, fireplace, best of plumbing. hard finish, full cement basement 2 larg chicken bouses, price $5500, $3000 cash. Per sonally Inspected by Anderson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. CAPITOL HILL BUNGALOW. $2500 $800 DOWN. -4 rooms, electric lights, gaa, fireplace, 80x100 lot Dear station, fruit trees, basement aad chicken house; near good highway. Call Main 1038; evenings. Main 4408. dGn'T fa: SEE Beautiful 8-room laodem home. 31-8 mere bearing fmit, 2 blocke from Multnomah sta tion. This is m bargain. Main 425$, Mrs. Ityma. SEE THIS 10-ACRE HOME. Clackamas. All in cultivation, good house, bam. near paved highway, schools, etc Best suburban home buy we have. a-v-inn sum oa n. Q. NEW 7-room modem bungalow! half acre. $1500 down, balance terms, at Multnomah station; also $2350. $1000 down, beautiful 4 room bungalow, on sightly let. st Multnomah station. Mafn 4253. lira, Brma. BEAL ESTATB SUBURBAN HOMES 71 Suburban Homes ' : acres, ciose m sm -"! ' serfae mnd m room boa; mil kind of good buildings. This ia m money jamker. ( KENNEDY- A) WILCOX - 6"N'S mere, located lust south of Bemvertoa. & aadsr cultivation, so oeannsr row of strawberrie, rasp berriea, blackberries, . : a .i..iJ fcnnMlnw. best of mown, -9 n , ILT plumbing, gas, elty water, electric lights, rooms are exceptionally large, inn is on "- -and close to depot either Bed Electric or Oregon Electric: price ZBao. oa terms. JOHN FERGUSON. urunger Suburban . . , t a . K. . 9 Mns esv a acres, vuimiisb a-wat, - -v chard on it mnd no stumps or rock; 4 blocks irom tn car; gieuu wiu bhiwv. Tabor 4811 KENNEDY alt WILCOX : MODERN" BUNGALOW ' Located $ blocks from etatioa, oa 100x100, In fruit and berries, 6 room attractive bungalow, with best of plumbing, furnace, cement base ment chicken bouse and runways, fruit trees tn fine shape; price $3200. $1000 cash. Per sonally inspected. Nelson, with r JOHN FERGUSON. Oerllnger Bldg. afULTNOMAII STATION $1900-$00 DOWN. 4 room bungalow, plastered, electric lights, 24 fruit trees, 70x200 ground. Call Mala 10$8 or evening. Mam 4408. ONE or two acres with good 5 room bouse snd garage, electricity, gam, hot end cold .water in house; fruit and berries, close to city limits, walking distance to ear; small payment down, balance to suit 924 Chamber of Commerce. TIMBEB II NOTICE of sale or government timber. Oea- eral land office. Washington, D. C.. March $4. 1920. No tie. is hereby given that subject to the condition snd limitations of the set of June I, 1916 (89 stmt. 218). and the Inst mo tions of th. swretsry of the interior of Septem ber 16, 1917. the timber oa th following land will be sold May 19. 1920, at 10 o'clock A at. at publlo suction, st th United States lend efac at Portland, Oregon, to the highest bidder at not lea than the appraised value as shows by this notice; asl to be subject to the approval of th secretary of the interior. Th. purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of 1 pet eent thereof, being commissions allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money 'u) b. re turned if sal is not approved, otherwise patent will is ue for th timber, which must be removed within 10 years. Bids will be ncaivsd from eltisena of th United States, msseeimttoDs of such cttixens snd corporations organised under th laws of th United States or any stat. ter ritory or district thereof only. Upon applica tion of a qualified purchaser, the timber on any legal tubdivt Ion will be separately before being included in any offer ut a larger unit T. 4 N.. R. 2 W.. sec 19. N. E. M B. W. tt. fir 1190 f cedsr 26 M.. N. W. tt 8. W. tt. fir 1800 M.. eedar; 100 M. S. W. tt S. W. tt, fir 850 M.. cedar 40 M ; S. E. tt S. W. tt. fir 525 M., cedar 25 M. ; N . tt B. E. tt. fir 700 M.. cedar 25 M. ; N. W. tt 8 iC tt. fir 750 M., osdat 50 M ; S. W. S. E. tt. fir 050 M.. cedar 25 M.. 8. E. U 8. E. tt . fir 650 M.. eedar 50 M . none of th fir or cedar timber to be old for lee than $Z.OO n M. ; Sec. 38. 8. E. 8. W. tt, fir T16 M.. not to be sold for less than $1.60 per M, T. 6 8.. R. 2 E.. Sec 18, 8 W. tt N. K. tt, fir 560 M., N. W. tt S. E. tt. fir 880 M. ; Lot 2. fir 450 M. i Lot 8. fir 820 M. . none of the fir timber to be sold for less than $1.60 pet M. T. 4 8., K. g B.. Bee. 1, B. W. tt . H. tt, fir B'.'O at., cedar to M, B. as. tt N. K. tt, fir 1385 M.. cedar 40 M., hemlock. 10 M : N. E tt N. W. tt. fir 1820 M., eedar 80 M ; N. W. tt N. W. tt. fir 1640 M. eedar 60 M , hemlock. 85 M. : 8. f. tt N. W. tt. fir 1316 M.. cedar 20 3a.. KtBlaaM IS M. ; B. K. tt N W. tt. fir 1500 M. : N. S. W. tt. fir 1300 M. : N. W. tt 8. W. tt . fir 1865 M l Lot 2. fir 780 M; Lot I. fir 828 M ; N. E. tt S. E. tt. fir 1865 M.. eedar 10 M. ; N. W. tt 8. E. tt. fir 1850 M.. cedar 0 M.; 8. W. tt 8. E. tt. fir 1 40 kL. cedar JO II.; 8. K. tt S. E. tt. Mr 1085 M. ; Bee 9, 8. W. tt N. 16. tt. rir moo m. , in. w. o. B. tt, i 350 M.; Sec 11, N. W. tt N. E. tt. fir If AA t . T -a Mm tAI M a T i O 1- ft K W . 1IUO H. , A.AJI, I, IU A J U . lAlt a). 11! V I Ja. ( - Lot 8. fir 840 M ; Sec 18. N. B. tt N. W H. ni veo as., ceaar zo as., n. w. sa n. w tt, fir 1300 M. ; 8. W. tt N. W. tt. fir 905 M. cedar 110 M. ; B. E. tt N. W. tt, til 600 M., cedar 20 If.; N. E. tt 8. W. tt. fir 1400 M.. cedar 10 M. ; N. W. tt 8. W. tt. fit 1500 M. ; 8. (V. tt. B. W. tt. fir 1480 M. ; 8. E. tt. 8. W. tt. fir 1258 M; See. 21, N. E. tt N. E. tt, fir 1580 M ; 8. E. tt N. E. tt. Mr 1400 M. ; See. 28, N. E. tt N. W. H. r 1825 M. ; N. W. tt If; W. tt, fir 1680 If. ; 8 W. tt N. W. tt. fir 1650 M. cedar 80 M.: S. E. tt . W. tt. fit 970 M., eedar 75 M; N. E. tt 8. W, tt. fir 1480 M., cedar BO M. ; N. w. tt . w. tt, nr 760 M , cedar 6 M ; 8. W. tt 8. W, tt. fir. 665 M. cedar 17 M. ; 8. E. tt 8. W. tt. fir. 1060 M ; N. E. tt 8. R tt, fir 1160 M I N. W. tt S. E. tt. fir 1980 M, ; See, 29. N. E. tt N E. tt. fir. 680 M. : 8. B. tt N. K. tt. .fir 1400 M.. nen of th fir or cedar limber to be sold for less thso $2.00 per M.. mnd none of the hemlock timber to b sold for less than $1.00 per 11. T. 2 8.. R. 4 E.. Sec 19. Lot 4. fir 215 M., not to be Mia for less then $1.26 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, - Commissioner, General Land Office, YELLOW FIR 15 to 45 million ft excellent quality of yel low fir In a solid body ready for milling; Hume in operation to the railroad station. II. E. NOBLE, 816 lumbermen Bldg. FOB SALE F ABM R FARM OF 100 ACRES FOB 8Af BY OWNER 65 acre culti vsted. ml choice land; 20 meres open pasture, 15 meres oak timber, young prune orchard, apple orchard; farm is fenced in 5 fields woven wire; 7 room house, telephone, large bam, hay fork, 2 good wells, school close, 4 miles from county seat gravel road, ideal location; farm is a money-maker. If sold soon, price $150 per acre; some cash good terms, 6 per cent Write for particulars. J. F. Latham, K. F. D. 2. Dallas, Oregon. 109 ACRES All level, 95 ia cultivation, good 5 room house; hot mnd cold water, bath, etc; bam, 80 by 50; also good outbuildings; tt mile to town, on highway; all woven wire fence. II. A. HEATER, WITH 8. O. DILLMAN 8th and Main st., Oregon City, Or. SOMETHING WffHAN ISCOME 40 acres, rich soil, all under cultivation; 13 acres 12-year commercial apples, 11 acre young Italian prune. 4 acre blackcaps, bearing walnuts, cherries, grape, etc., all in fine con dition ; . gentle south slope, well drained ; 7-room bouse, bath, water system, light system, large bam. silo; school and church tt mile. 23 mile south of Portland. 2 mile of Newberg. C. E. Cranfill. 203 tt 1st st Main 4203. 98 ACRES, 70 acres cultivation, big dairy bam. 2 silos, good 7 room house, also 5 room bouse; mostly sll seeded; 1 mile from United Railway, close to church and school, 15 mile to Portland; all well drained, very beat soil in Washington county, on Liberty road; $223 per sere; easy terms. For further information call mt once 166 N. 21st: or see Godbey at tha Terminal Garage, S. B corner 5th and Hoyt sts. EAST OF OREGON CITY 50 meres, located 8 miles from the Electric depot of Beaver Creek; 80 acre under high state of cultivation; 15 mere of Umber; good soil, free from rock or gravel: good room frame hous, bam, chicken house; acre of fruit; good spring on the place; well at th house. Price 8Uu: oou casn. uavie WILD JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. 110 ACRES good farming land. 2000 cords wood. 1 tt miles to Oregon Electrie station, good roads, modem 7 room house, larg. new barn. A splendid farm home for someone. Term cash. Call mt 1280 E. Salmon at. city, for particulars. - ..Dva vivo- r.ivh win tit ii i tt O 4. At-nf-F. araaa, ...- -. - . u n . . - tt mil from O. ft E. station, 10 acres cul tivated. 4 acres beaverdam, orchard, house snd barn, good road; $4500. Jacob Heme. 626 fjnamDer mmmcnr FOR SALE My 40 acre farm, 22 miles east of Portland oa Columbia highway. A. 8. Woodward, Corbett, Or. By Herriman BEAL ESTATE FOR SALE FA KM 11. Highly .Improved Acreage" r.-, v26 acne, good roan house, bant, chickens, trows, tools, crop, an fenced mad sBosn; oa gooa soma; ICOOU. tt meres, fin land, fair heaae, good bsrn, fin ore hard: $170, with each pay. meat of $760, balance to suit you. .1- . .-. ' 16 acre, crop, stock, tools, good bouse and barn; the very beat land; on good road: near school; $8780, $2000 eama, balance tonne. 0 mere, near school, gravel mad, gend house and barn; 20 mores crop U ia culti vation; fenced; water; ma excellent house: best berry land la the valley; $S7o, $2500. bmlmnoe terms, $2500 Her to a snip; IS meres near Oregon City; a - fine- little boate for you; orchard, barn, wood, water; some toots; $2000 first payment balance terms; lass for mil cash, 10 acre? 15 mile from Portland : good house mnd bam; crop and orchard; $4500, $2000 eaah, balance term. This Is a fine buy for the money. It these dont colt Jou w hmvt other place up to $40,000. W can ssv yon money if you want to buy m good farm. See Mr. Baker. Baker & McFarSand SIT Henry bldg. Maia 6797. 27 ACRES. 28 in cultivation, balance pasture, finest of soil, good house and lawn, good barn Urge chicken house, plenty of fruit food loca tion, mail mnd milk route, graveled road, 8 tt mils from paved highway mad only 8 tt mijaa from HiUabord, 16 miles from Portland 8 cows, l heifer. 1 oalf, hogs, TO chickens, wag on, hack mnd buggy, fanning mill, feed cutter sue lota of small tools, part in clover, bmjmao now being seeded to grain immodiai posieaiLn.. We believe thia tsmc of the best buys la sWash iiuiton county. Tanas can be arranged. I'nea $8000. 80 acres, dairy or truck ranch, 40 or 41 meres in cultivation, balance ia timber, fair bou and bare and other outbuildings, graveled road. 4 mile from paved highway, milk, mail mnd groovri route and telephone; 9 head 'of cattle, team and bogs, chickens mad fnll farm equipment: 1 more of loganberries, several scree of beeverdan soil; timber will more than pay for tatting bal ance of plane in cultivation. Pons .anion at one, terms. Price $17,000. WASHINGTON COUNTY REALTY CO. HHlsboro, Dr. A GOOD PAYING PLACE 223 acres, located 8 mile east of Kelm Wash.; 10O acre can be cultivated. 22 acre, under cultivation snd In erop; 70 meres ol pasture ; family orchard and m great many Isrgt cherry trees; 6 room bouse, bsrn and outbmM-' ings: good spring snd creek on the piece; coun ty rosd, Uist Is being improved with gravel, within short distance of place. Price $88 pel acre, with 8 horses, 6 cows, a yearlings, 2 calves, 2 hogs, 20 chickens end complet line of ms chinery. cream separator and rider mill. Lergf cash payment required. No trade. This is a fin stock location, with lot of outrange Mars tars, with JOHN FERGUSON. GERLINGER BLDG. ABSOLUTELY the best farming or dairy proiv oattion in tba Willamette valley; 880 acres river bottom land on Willamette river, located 29 miles from Portland on m crushed rock road, partly fronting th river, 230 gores In eultlva tton, the remainder in oak mad fir timber, beau tiful orchard. 2 acres in peaches and other fruit. This can b divided into 2 farm, good wells and spring sultabl for irrigation, cloae to church anJ schools, fair set of buildings, new silo, hop dryer, big chicken house, house mnd fair barn, woven 'wire fenced and cross fenced, partly In crop now, soil sandy snd blsck loam, not aa mere of poor land. The owner must aacrifins this wonderful farm at m price far balow iu actual value; $86 an acre take this place. TURNER ft CO.. 280 Chamber of Commerce Bldf. CROPS. STOCK, FURNITURE, MACHINERY 20 meres, located 80 mil from Portland; mil under cultivation, on mile from town, high school and transportation : mil in erop; good nch land, now used ma dairy; sandy loam anil; 6 room house, barn 80x80, chicken house, county rod, mail and cream route; price 84200 with 6 good fresh cow, 2 brood sows, 20 chickens, wsgon, mower, cultivators, plow, har row, potato digger, hay rake, bora and har ness, tool and household furniture. Nelson, with JOHN FERQUbON, GERLINGER BLDG. 80 ACRES, more or lest, som of & very best land in Clark county; medium heavj black loam, about 60 meres claared, mil in vrt highest state of cultivation, all improvements such as good first olms fence snd cross fences, good house with telephone snd wU furnishing water all year round: big bam. 2 story gran ary and fmit house; tool bouse, hog house, silo. 1 1 o bearing fruit trees of mil vsri.tle; on good road: 5 mile from Woodland, railroad noint boat landing, tt mile to school, 1 rnfi to church mnd community hall; $12-000, $5000 down, balanc on easy terms. 20 high grade dairy cattle, good team, all nscsssary farm Im plement can be bought at very reasonable price. August Prahsmeyer, Woodland, Ween. 121 ACRES 70 acres In cultivation, moatlv in eroo 8 room house, large bam mad fond outbuildings. 4 horses, 2 cows, some hoc. 40 shicksns fulli equipped with machinery watered by 2 spring! mnd well; tt mile to school, on B. D. mnd cream route, price $16,000, $4000 cash, balance 6 per cent: crop mnd personal stock worth great deal more than first payment B. U. U1LUIAN Uxt 11. A. HEATER 8th mnd Main sto., Oregon City, Or. 75 in cultivation, all fin soil snd level: 7 room house with fireplace; 8 wells, 1 equipped wnn power pump; urge omm, granary, etc; 1 acre of assorted orchard; fine lot of persons! property goes with place: only 6 tt antUa out oa good rock road, B. F. V. and cream rente; $185 per" acre, $5000 down, balanc S yean mt 6 per eent H. A. HEATER, WITH 8. O. DILIJaLlN Bui mnd Main sto. Oregon City. Or. Bargain at Dundee 140 sere tt mil from Dundee. 100 acre laivel SO lafaa enHa mi 1 4 . Hu, on . -. sred with fin titmber, fir and turd wood: cord- wooa win pay ior place; Willamette river on boundary tin, faces oa rock road; ne finer farm land anywhere than this when cleared. Pries for land mnd timbtt only $12,500 ; terms $6500 cash, balance to suit Lueddemann Company 91$ Chamber of Conmerec wsmss 75 fa cultivation; good boHdings; wAr -piped ia; $78 per mere. H. A. HEATER. WITH 8. O. DtLLMAN 8th and Main gto., Otcgrin City, Or. YEBT choice 13 mere, tmprorsd, equipped. going place, to he sold quickly. See xt an It offer. No-letters. 1 mile, Csnby. L WHEELER. Owner. SMALL place of 20 sores, about 10 acre la cultivation, flantiam river buttota and bench land, wood mnd peataia, small aou with run ning water in house, good barn mad outbuild iiffe. good team, wagon, ' haea mad farming tools, 1 cow mnd calf; $2000 cash, balaac oa time. Bee 1280 B. Salmoa. YAKIMA VALLEY BARGAIN 4 tt sere; will pay for Itself one year; three mere apples net returns 1919 $2648.00, all alfalfa and garden ; cloae to Urn; small boose, VK11 sell for short time. $2500; terms. Write or call for ear free booklet. Tracts, say sis. Hover, BIZ Selling bldg. Mala 4998. 100 ACRES AT 612S PER ACB. 29 Miles south of Portland, river bottom soil, nearly all to cultivation, good fanpvove msnta, adjoining town and station and highway. This to Um best buy w bar bad. Moat sell at : vittit TtTma eae nir it ' 13800 Oa easy terms win buy It acres tin bottom land which ha nearly mil eons re cultivation, with 3 room bungalow, tt atila from ear ia Clarke cennty. Wash. Boll excellent, . partly bMverdass. Will task a vamabi pise. John Bain, owner, 607 Spalding bldg- NEW' H(5USE7T'EWLAND . meres sdjmeeot to Newberg, 8tt ander -etvltf ation, erop ia; ha aloe -voom bongalew ready to plaster, bam and chicken house; $8200, $1200 cash. C. E. OrxnfUl, 20 -1st t. Main 4208. . $4 PER ACRE 480 acrta la Wsshlngton, Cowllto - county, 28 mile from Pwtlaod; rsxi , auto. Phone Woodlawn 884. , FOB BK?fT-FABMrl . :U FOR "SALE Lea. 8 W 'years. ' including balf interest in bogs, 8 esteem, 10 Urn hay and growing crop. Farm rent for half: stocked and , famished. Price $550 osah, Bef ereneej re-euird-' Far full particulars writ to l coot end ee?A. L. WHitoker, rrdirtrr, Or. I . , 10s4sUra4 gat-4af , - '".""""