IrtK OkfcUON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1920. 10 ArTofOwirrii a d accessories 4i FROM HEADLIGHT TO :; , , TAILLIQHT : . IT'S RIGHT IF WE SELL IT We Handle Only Late Models ' COME AND SEE '. ! Hoick Si Roadster; foi rp4ftd. Chandler Sis Touring; tire good; plnt flu. tmdM wnuh. Touring; V tt'a Dodg that' Hupmobilc; on of those mighty four. Oakland SU; Just renewed; run like new. Old-mobile Six. This will please you. Ro Four. Here's on that will lsst lifetim. , Overland W have several models. Max well, A 1919 that'a right Chevrolet Touring; full of pep. Twin States Motor Car Company Th Chandler er lifted here bre been re built la our abopa and carry the tarn, aa original factory guarantee. TriMulAli mMt1 Jmniiatjil. wire wheals. good tire . 18&0 Too ring model, 7 paw. tiots throughout . . . first-class condi- 1500 riliNmtti medHtar tint-class condition. good Cord tirta. with extra 1600 aakk enaA.ter . 1017 mirfll overhauled and rebuilt, naw too. repainted 1180 WI1a k.Mu tmiri . 1017 model, rs- tjalntad. overhauled 1050 SainU touring. 8 paae.. 1017 overhauled and repainted model. 700 Maxwell touring, , condition . . , 1918 model, food 630 Eaey Terms. No Brokerage. Open Sunday. TWIN STATES M0T0B CAE CO. Alder U Sixteenth. FORDS EORDS FORDS 118 FORD TOUR.. tulBE NEW $$88 118 FORD TOUR., LATE BODY 850 l5l8,KORD TOUR., 878 EXTRAS. 875 1914 FORD CHASSIS 875 ItMT. FOBD BOAD8TKR 75 ItlT FORD TOUR., EXTRAS 450 Itl.T FORD TOUR., NEW TIRES 475 118 FORD TOUR.. NEW TIRES. EX- . TRAS 800 1818 FOBD TOUR., URB NEW 625 1818 FORD TOUR., EXTRAS . . '. -65 1830 FORD ROAD., LIKE NEW. 578 )20 FORD TOURt, NEW 753 1918 FORD TOUR- WIRE WHEELS... 825 1818 FORD- SEDAN 725 18l FORD L-PANEL DELIVERY 475 AND LOTS OF OTHERS 10 UNION AVE. COR. BELMONT. CLAS8T ROADSTER i This ia a littl. dandy. thinU for you bug fi.nds, All Class. Just th. See this ofte before " it to .ton. ? Automotive Sales Co. Btimrtnt tt, corner- Betenth. Phon East 6057. "THAT BIO BRICK BUILDING" USED CAR ( 18 1 Chandler, new batteries and good rub kr, 87. ; 10 1 7 Haxon. thoroughly overhauled, $650. Hup Bug, with roth tension magneto. 8160. Stoddard I ay ton but. $150. Ford roadster, thoroughly overhauled, aeat Sjters, speedomatet and shock absorbers. 1820 Ticfnse; 479, Can make terms on ahore ears. BURKE'S GARAOE 8403 72D ST. & E. CHEVROLET SEDAN Thin rat in A 1 condition; must sell at once. ilOOO, terms. - FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. lth and Alder. Broadway 240. Bargain 1918 Chalmers - Hotspot RUNS AND T.OOKS LIKE NEW. GOOD LINES AND REPAINTED. CALL EAST 8076 ; Hudson Super Six ' tin knodet This car has five good -cord Urea, almost new top with plat glaaa In aid. and rear curtain: seat covers. I will Mil for $1300 caah r trade for Ford or small oar and take balance cash. Phone Eaat 868. GARAGE For 8al-50x0 concrete bldg.. good loca tion ; tent $80. Equipment include machinery and be neb tools, battery charger and gat pump; leaving town. Fin tire and repair bu&ines. 83210. Z-025. Journal. ' . v., - FORD BUG : Thl I more than a bug-it ha top, wind- khlald. good tire, sensible bodv and is th cleaaiest bug in Portland. I will sell cheap for eaih. Marshall 177. Mr. Slocunv , 'M. J. SIDWA Aeto tope and painting, teat cover and cushion repairing. wots guaranteeo. uor. m. Broad- oay and d at ' A HARK BUT 6-passenger heavy car for sal. tie cord tires, spot light, side lights, large head light. Aid eartaunt, in food running order: sar cost $3800 new. Price $800. I am leaving sity. 13QO K. Taylor, corner 01 45th. . MOTORS, gears-.. Mexico, wheels,- ax Ira; w. - wreck all make, of can and sell their part H H prkt. Dtvld-Hode Co.. 108-107 N. 11th st ; " . T" HUDSON 6-40 '- - '. Haa beeat run only 11,000 miles, all on city ttrem; thia la an exceptional car. Herman Par- rott A Co., 471 Morrison. Broadway 4881. 'MarteM Garage Storage, . 84 . and up Repairing by expert (.eebsDics. 781 1st Main 5260. 1918 BCICK , 7 -pas., in beat condition; original paint; t 106 J Tillamook at Will live so as term. - Tabor 7070. ' BUICK roadster, fine shape, ix cord tiree. spot light, bumper, tire cover. . Perry lock steering wheel. Call Tabor 1442. 7 HUDSON speedster, 1920. overttze tires. One extra, asecr- privately, Will aacrifie and give 4tf. au t. raoo ave. near Burn&ide. ( .J. V tLCA.V TIRE SHOP Flmt claaa tiro .repairing; bargains la new M -tnrvr ttrew f.trt 4"6 4 1 . f irand av. CLASSY - FORD BUG, oewly painted; has loU of extrtja. - - i ' - 626 AIJ)EB 1920 gtEPHESs Salient Sis demonstrator, : would eetuider cheaper ear aa partial pay meat ruoeaway anvo. QIXSVELL touring, 1919, good paiat, good tires, ay real snap at suon. wub terms, aa Grand eve. north, near Burnside. MITCHELL touring! beat condition: bargain forced to aeU, going east 446 Columbia, room -a.- " : . SET of Ford demountable wheel and rim. $23. 2ff E43rd. Tabor 674. ' CHEV Rbl.KTU good condition. epoUigbt, wbeel loci; $476. 859 4th. Marshall 3471. 19 1 9 CHTR01T ooA oewi ran - iSS. $878 caah. 281 FtooU . Itlaia 1428.. isv and WASHtweroH AUTOMOBILES AMP ACCESSORIES 44 Automotive Sales Co. Belmont at, corner Seventh. Phone E. 8057. MID-WEEK SPECIALS A few good onea toft Coma and cat yours no. These are too nice dan to spend without , 4TS i FORD TOURING, la good shape. . . FORD ROADSTER, a little dandy. . CHEVROLET 480; at tola one. . 6 829 suiv-n l 'V ft, im car you want ., '" DODGE Bore, trt hart on Vi HUPMOBILtt, in fine condition 8? OVERLAND ftS. mwerful ar 888 ELGIN SPORT MODEL red fellow.... 150 ELGIN SPORT MODEL., new ear 1650 EMUN CHCmmT, a htti beau tor ,. xjw f.j-gu TOUBINO, nut painted LEXINGTON SPORTSTER; tea it 1750 and fifty more. Come and see them ali Opto ning. Open Hundajra. CASH OB TERMS Juat Bring an Honest Face. Automotive Sales Co. Belmont t, corner fcerenth.' Tbone E. 6067. "THAT BIO AaiCK SUILDtNO" TRICBS AWD TBACTOB8 88 ifruckMenl i i Herds Your Chance to olt a : Splendid Truck And Save Most of the i : first Cost Rebuilt Packards Packard wbicb wa hart' taken in trade and taken into our shoot and thorouzhii rone oter. All worn part are replaced with new from our porta depot and the truck come to you In condi tion for raars; of eerrioe. Tour investment ia lea and your profit on running ia more. Better a oaea good truck tnan a n.w poor one. TWO 8-TON PACKARDS. ready to go to work. Priced for quick sale at' 11050. TWO 8-TON PACKARDS. rebuilt and espe cially adapted for cord wood hauling. Fold one-ton for only 8&00. We hare a itock of small truck, going for mall money. V can arrange conrenient terms on all of PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANT. Tenth and Burnside Streerx PACKARD AND NASH DISTRIBUTORS. Ask for Jones. Open Sunday Morning. Ask About Our Free Trial on Trucks , We hare one of th largest stocks of rebuilt trucks in the state of Oregon: every 4ruck over hauled and put in th finest possible condition. It will pay you to inveatigat our lis. We hare: Federal 14 ton. ready to go $ BOO White 1 V ton ; running like a Whit. can run . 1500 ANOTHER FEDERAL; worm drive. 1H to. Panhard. 1 ton, 1919 model . Three 1919 Ford deliveries. Take your choice for Four 1 ton Ford worm drives. Take your pick for Five Republic 1 tons; all models and styles of bodies. Take your choice for.... Republic 1 ton. Special price 800 550 675 1800 750 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EA8T TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. GRANNDVG at THEECE. 542 Alder at., cor. 17th Broadway 1723. PASSENGER BUS On a WHITE chassis; in splendid mechanical condition; new tires; owner leaving city, in structing us to sacrifice for v $2000 THE WHITE COMPANY Park and Couch ROAD WORK Wt have a few real bargains in truck t q tip ment ready for coruttruetion work, Packards, Macks, Plerce-Arrows with dump bodies and oil boL--ts; you can save from $500 to $1000. THE WHITE COMPANY Park and Couch sU. Phon Broadway 4188. im v- aa. v. We are overhauling this track: better see work being Hone and the bargain for . 11000 THE WHITE COMPANY Park and Couch Sts. FOR SALE Contract on a new 3 H -too Gary truck; only run 150 miles: full. Mnlmri with dump body. Presto light, top and license, at a aacrificej Cause of selling is death. 922 Missouri are. fnone wooaiawn oil. REPUBLIC i -ton rartacitv: otilv nui . tm mila.. l'm a real buy for $685 83 North. Park Street Auto Body Builders Dump bodies cant and tan hnilt ta ant tod guaranteed. 249 E, 9th tt Phoa B. 1477. i PODGE DELIVEBT $673 Don't overlook this bargain. 3 North. Park Street FORD TRUCKS FOR SALET 1919" -model. 44 ton. eood aa n. - tires end . inner tubes. CaU or write H. W. irawtcrd, Milwaukie. Or. TOiS Whit track, rebuilt and mechanically perfect; sell very reasonable. Mieht mmiri.r tcoring car for lart. 389 Everett Bdwy. 151. 1918 -ton Republic truck ia first else coa- dition. by owner. Call Kart 7762. FOR SALE or trade for real esute. new S H too Acme truck, by owner. Woodlawn 1771. REAL -bargain: 1918 -Ford ton track body. guou siiape: tow. main --vou. ACTOMQBILE8 WANTED 78 WE. PAT CASH FOB USED FORDS Universal Car Exchange vsii ruriLfo EXCLUSIVELY GRAND AVE. JJSD EAST STABK B PAY CASH FOR LATE MODBX OlAXS vsavu vxr EXtHAnwa 127 LOWNSDALK Phone Broadway 2836. CASH1 FOR CARS Wanted. 20 Fords, condition no ohiant: win per wemn niaraex price. vAul, AT 62S ALDER ST. WASTED Light machine and cash for 8l anres: nn rtavad hiehwa ah. k.m mm irwntr, n-.ii journal. Cash" for all make of Can, condition no object, North Bank Garage, 11th and Flanders Broadway 463. CASH for all nuke of cart, condition no cjeoi -414 Glisan, comer 10th t. WANTED Ford-worm drive track; no dealers, please. U Mann, 288 N. 16to tt WANTED Ford or Dodge touring car; win pay oaen; must pa at right price. Mala 0399. BlGtifcoT pne.. pa tot eatoaoMI, aadltaa) xveebieet 191 N ltd a. Broadway S8. A?i.TO REPAIR SHOPS FORD OWNERS 88 FOBD overhauled- $20 Rear axle overhauled $ e Valves ground, carbon removed .8 3 Magneto recharged We band-lap pistons, scrape bearings, xelai.. which insure a perfect running motor. Genius Ford port only nMd. All work gvs ran teed. Mast everyone bas been orterchargerl OB their gate rvjpmirint Bd unsatisfied with the work. Try u next time, wo guard against mob error. ' - UNIVEBSBL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jeffenwtu Main 7644 Expert Repairing North Bank Garag 11th and s Flander . Broadway 403 VULCANIZING and ?wtredinr. New and uted farea. 109 llth ,. mmt Wtthtngton, ' AfJTff It F PAIR SHOPS M FORD OWNERS rORD overhauled 820 Bear ula overhauled . ..'...,.... 8 8 Valve (round, carbon removed 8 S Magneto reeharced ................. r. .8 8 We band-lap pitoe. : acrap be ring, etc, which team a per Col romung motor, Genuine Ford parte only wed. - All work guaranteed. -GUARANTEE AUTO REP A IK CO. 280 Front at Corner Jefferson. Wayside Oarage 2L Management storage, towing and washing. Cor. E. 6th and Clay eta. AIT08 FOR HIRE 13 AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRITERS New 120 Modal Cars Reasonable Rate rKARINQ V ROBNETT i ITT OARAGE 132 12th at between WaJhington and Aider. NEW AHTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS OVERLAN D8 HCDHONS , l OWVSrui R r.AjtAcir. BROADWAY 2408. - 15TH AND WASH. Autos FOB HIRE WITH OB WITHOUT UM1VEKS. I.. StT,LlVAN. FASHION JA RAGE. MAB. 282. 10th at Ttmhill. A-1230. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ABUT GARAOE. 8D AND TAYLOR MAIN 187. ALTHOFF aV BENNETT, Prop. MOTOKCTCI.KH. BTqTCLES tt fOH S A 1.K Motorcycle. Pope.' one cylinder, ligMweight. Bokcil mag.. Scbebler carburetor belt drire. presto tank and headlight, fair tire. in gooa running order. Would take Bicycle in part payment Tabor 1770, or call nil Ditbiofi at ; , USED MOTORCTCLEH OF aLl. MAKES Bast sidk motorctclb co. 44 Grand are ExeeWor. Henderwn and Cleveland Agency 118 ELECTRIC equipped Indian motorcycle with side car, cheap on eas term. Broad ay ooub WANtBD Indian cout or HariV MKrt motor cycle, for cash. Byron Stark, City, Rout. 2. Box 178. 1 9 1 3 INDIAN, in good ahape. $50. CalTTt 608 1st. MOTORCYCLE for mH. Twin ExceMor, chain ciriT. gno. 272 K. 37U1. Tabor 8338. LAUNCHES AND BOATS 1800 WHY PAY REMT? g800 furntibed houseboat. 8 large rooms, sleeping porch and woodahcd; S. Portland ; also one at Willamette Moorage. CHAS. R1NGLER CO., 2$3 Henry Bldg. PIANOS. ORANK, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS f4 PIANO SALE Erery rtsed piano has rKMititelj been re duced to a price you cannot i compare. BAILEY, mahogany !. j $245 Dl'NHAJI. plain mahogany j. I 2H HOMER, oak case i. i gi'SO 1RVINO. oak case . $240 SMITH A BARNES, mahogany case $275 MAN8FEL1VT, walnut caae j. $10 SIN'.KR, plain mahogany i $250 JENNINGS a SON, old tyle $ SO UNIVERSAL Bungalow Player, with rolls and bench $410 TERMS -GIVEN 8EIBERLING-LTJCAS MUSIC CO, 12S Fourth St, Bet. Washington and Alder. Soot Casl Paid For PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS PLAYER PIANO MUSIC BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS BOUGHT, HOLD, RENTED AND EXCHANGED Newman's Record Exchange MAIN 4495 128 . FIRST. TABOR 6793 ' SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $475 Kimball upright, nearly new $290 $750 Steinway tr Son upright $290 $900 Bteger V Sons. fin. mahogany .... $895 $473 Hallett A Davis upright $195 $275 Bond A Co., Paris upright. $ 75 8250 Cultsrd A Coll.rd upright 8 65 I $800 Mendenhall modern player piano... $895 8 Parlor Organ $25. $35. $4 3 to $55 We Store Your Piane for 75c Monthly. We Buy and Sell Pianos Only tor Cash. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 103 10th St - ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE NEW FACTORY RTSBCTLTand USED PIANOS $900 Steger, wax Circassian walnut $595 $800 Steger, dull mahogany $465 $800 Sugar, minion oak $436 $750 Btainway A Bona upright $435 $500 Hobart M. Cable, mahogany $295 $650 Steger upright grand, oak $465 $550 Thompson, large upright $395 Others for 1195, $235, 8285. $290 Terms. $6. 88, 810. $12 to $18 monthly. 8CHVVAN PIANO CO. 10th and Stark it. WHEN you buy a used piano from anyone (including moat store) It will be worth 8100 more If, you spend $35 at my shop to have it properly regulated and adjusted. Expert men with reerencea. and recommendations guarantee satisfaction. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 Yamhill st Pianos bought, rented, sold. FOR VICTR0LA $200 new VICTROLA and RECORD OUT FIT, trade for used piano. Best proposition. Main 8586. SEIBERJ-ING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 Fourth St. RECORD EX CHANGE. Phono graphs Bought, Sold. Rented, Re- natred 14 91A d HTM tt T VWXr near Alder, upetairs. Main 7244. PIANO WANTED H?ay cash. Get our prices. SEIBERLING LUCAS MUSIC CO . 125 Fourth 8t. Main 8088. ORGAN SALE $20 and up, Mat-on-Hamlin, Weaver, Es ter. Beckwith and others 8EIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 125 Fourth St. Bet Washington and Aldtr. PHONOGRAPHS No special sales. We can save you money. Beat value at all time. Open venlngs. 164 East Broadway. OWNER leaving town, will sell almost new grand piano, beautiful mahogany art case, splendid tone and perfect action. Phone East 5912 GRAFONOLA wanted .tor $163 equity li practically new 6860 piano. Tabor 3389. WANTED A piano. Give cash for bargain. Marshall 6709. No dealers. WANTED To buy piano today. Can be old. Pay cash before 0:80 p. m. Marshall 6709. $173 BUTS $600 Kimball uprieht, beautiful tone. Terms. 312 Worcester bldg. TtFETfRITEBS 71 THE DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER SERVICE) All make overhauled. Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES OS REQUEST. Buy. Sell. Rent and Exchange. . Main 8397. 8uppl1s. 263 H Oak tt GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. "11 makes," told on monthly payments. Send for price list The Wholesale Typewriter Co.. retail dept. 321 Washington st ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and told on monthly payment plan. Oregon Type writer Co.. 94 6th st Haiti 8668. NEW Fox typewriter (portable) and traveling case. $29.50; cost $50. R 924. Journal. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOR SALE I HALF PRICE HALF PRICK We Juit received delayed shipment of sraas rugs, bought ever a year ago at half their present' value. They are fine, close woven ruga in soft sliade of green, blue and brown, and w offer them at last year's prices; Bil2 for $12.60; 8x10 for $10.50, nd e mailer sizes accordingly. Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 First St DRESSER, flat top desk, bassinette, wood heat sr. electrical trill, tennis net and racquet roaster, iron, electric washer, sanitary couch and mattress. 5528 7lst t 8. E. FOR SALE Almost new, beautiful three -pieo living room suite of mahogany and cane, blue veiour, spring cushions and round pillows; also davenport-table. .Call Broadway 4074. FOR SALE Dining room table, gas range. brary - table, bedroom carpet; china closet leather couch, 2 large nigs. Tabor 2241. 878 E. Main. No dealers. FOUR hole cook stove. 67: porch chair. S3. 50 rocker, 32.50; kitchen treasure. 83.50; lawn m.wOT, 2; sanitary couch, $6; press drut, suss; I garden toe Is and bese. 8S4 . Washington at. I JOVfcL one large Vakun ta. rasie. 6-burner rr wni1., aa new at a harvain. Martins, eat. 7 let kxtd Powell valley road. Hawthorne ear. FURNITURE of eight room faou. fur sale at a bargain, must aeil all together, com and make Offer-, . 184 Grand av. N. -7 $12.68 BUYS iron bed with coil springs, eiotnet wringer, . - s3 K. 44tlu ' NEW Leader wood and ceal range to good coo- ditkm; price $25. Phone Broadway 319$. t'URNPTURB for sale reasonable; no dealer. -473 Salmon. Mala 3979. ... MONAiCH"EANGE (or aala, $4o:' Tabor 8363". HOrSEHOijB MlODS EOtl SAT.F 4i Removal Sale We mnat vacate by If ay 31. aa our (tor wA leased from ever our bead. Our entire stock of fornitore. stoves, car pets, ruga, etc. will be sold at a big sacrifice A few of the many 'bargain w. are of fering. Round pedestal dining table reduced to.. f 11,85 Solid oak dining chairs reduced to 8.45 Beds reduced to 2.50 Springs reduced to 2.80 Chiffonier rednoed to 12.80 Gaa ranges reduced to : 12.80 Wood and coal range, with water coil, . reduced to - i9.85. New Congoleura rugs, 9x12, reduced to.. 14.88. Overstaffed leather craft rockers reduced to 21.85 Cotton mattresses, 40 lbs., reduced to... 11.85 Sale Starts Monday 4 8 A.M. Star Furniture Co. THE STORE OF BARGFAINS 204 Firvt st. near Taylor. WeekEnd Specials Singer drop-head sewing machine in good condition with all attich meuU i. $18.0 Slightly couch used imitation leather 9 75 Vulcan gas range. 4 burners, oven and broiler, guaranteed in good condition 24.00 2-inch post bed 12.50 Cooktove with reservoir 14.00 Numerous other bargain to select from. Owl Furniture Co. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-168 1st ot Near Morrison. FOR SALE Oak D. TL. -set, Utini room furni- ture. -bed. dresser ruvn kitchen fiimitim curtain and future, lawn mower, everything good, reasonable. o dealer. 374 E. 37th w tt. t. car. t"OR SALE- One heater and two range. Tabor 6544. MACHINERY 81 HIGH PRESSURE BOILERS FOR SALE One 84x20 butt ttrap boiler, 150 aounds. Four 72x1 R butt strap boilers, 150 pounds. Two 60x16 butt strap boilers, 125 pound. One 4 8x12 lap seam boiler. One 44x12 lap senm toiler. One 2.-.0 H. P. fire box boiler. One 20 H. P. upright boiler. Two 12 H. P. upright boilers. One 4 0 H. P. fire box boiler. One 10x13 side crank engine. One 8 H. P. upright engine. One 12xl0Vixl0 duplex pump. Two 36x10 steel tanks. Abo many other size of boilers, engine and pumps. Always pleased to make price. G A R. MACHINERY CO., 503 Gerlinger hide.- Main 2jl FOR SALE Comi-iete set of flouring mill ma chinery. roller process. Lincoln, Mill, Route 1. Box 49. Salem, Or. FOR B4 LE MISCELLANEOUS 19 LEAVING city, will sell oak upholstered furni ture in first-class condition; reasonable, with terms, if taken this week; including garden tools Call 446 Miller ac., or phone Sellwood 2922 SAFES New an daeeond band: aom. with burglar chests at reasonable price. Paciflt Seal A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1968, LOFFICE FURNITURE from W, Steel and - sprue division. 81 N. 51 A st, between Burnside and Conch. Bdwy. 2739. NATIONAL cash register, registers lc to $5 A $250 value for $92 50. 4.1 rlnl . Main 5730. UNEXCELLED hat work done at Tony's; clean ing, mocking, bleaching. Panamas $1 : work guaranteed. 287 H Washington, opp. 16c store. STEEL range with watemriK burns wood or coal. Good aa new at half Drine. Call Flat A 307 Eleventh street DRESS SUIT Reasonable, gize 40. Phone East LAWN mowers, self sharpening blades installed. ttepair work done. Tabor 3643. SEED and table potatoes for sale. Phon Broad- way 3 1H3. or call 124 No. 6th st. FOR SALE cheap, electric grill, electric iron and child a tncyclc. 1113 E. Kelly. YACUUM cleaners, sold, repaired, ranted, ex changed, bought- Brntley Co.. Main 4907. VACUUM cleaners fqr rent, $1 a day; delivered anywhere. Broadway 258. FOR SALE Big load of dry wood sawed. 16 in. Phone East 110. FULL dresa. Tuxedo suits, silk hats for rest at Barell s Misfit Clothing Store. 51 Sd tt SNAPS in uncalled for tailor made suit for saia Modern Tailor,. 89 N 6th st UESHER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. wholesale and retau. 248 Sd at Main 82T7. NEW No. 225 aluminum combination roaster and canner outfits, $7. Sellwood 2827. FOr. SALE One large and One small sale. 911, Journal. BASEMENTS excavated and plowing, done. Call tabor 2710, eveninjrs. GENTLEMEN'S perfect diamond ring, over 4- karat, W-888, Journal. FOR SALE 3 oil tanks (65 gallon each ) , quart stroke pump. 7 58 front st WANTED Shoe repairing, work th best, price reasonable. Army anoe Shop, arj Aider. UNCALLED for tallor-mad. suits. 312.60 up. Taylor, tb. Tailor, 289 hi Burnside tt CASH REGISTERS, FLOOR CASES nd other fixture. 242 Salmon. Main 842. PLUMBING expert, repair all plumbing, gasi very reasonable. McCurny. Beuwooa liza. VACUUM cleaners, rent $1 per day; delivered- Phone Main 2010 dsys. Tabor 5786 eves. DESK sddmg machine, $15. 518 Co r bet t bldg. PLOWING done. Phona Tabor 9356. KITCHEN heater. $16. Sell. 902. BRINGING UP FATHER OH". HEE CONE. r jtTNTLEHA4S Dfe.EViEOjM THE KtwSHT OP AND ORE,b- fOOVE TO rMS-j" VJANT TO VTA"Y FOR OMETHIr4tt, , TO ET- - I I Aa LcrsOCTTrrrJ 1 r.i u 1 . --.'- ftp av tarry Faatuwa tswrtca. FOR SitE MISCELtANEOrS 1 $4Mii At Salvage Prices - BLANKETS O. I. BH1RTI BREECHES OVERALLS GLOVES IGINS TENTS QCrXTS QVERCOATS A cojcpite use of Reclaimed Army Goods Mail Order Solicited. WHOLESALE AND (BETAIL EORENSTEIH&MESilER IJsROERT DEALERS IN ARMT SALVAGE 250 Second near Madison 8EWTNQ MACHINE- EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold for leas; Bo agent employed. Complete Une of part tor all make. Machine repaired and rented. Main ! 9481. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d near Taylor st FOB SALE One penny key National register, soda fountain, largo refrigerator, cigar, candy floor aw, wall cases, flat and roll top desks, 3-plnc mahogaviy set. Garland gas range, eteam table, meat sheer, mirror, chairs, aafe, scales, f rjddlea. cheese cutter, coffee "rm scale, at sacrifice. 242 Salm coffee urn, piatr on. Plumbing Work done quickly and efficiently at reason able price. New installation specialty. Work manship guaranteed. Phone East 1654. 181 BuaacU at MEREO METAL WORKS "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriters" and "Household Goods" are separate classifica tions. All advertisements of these goods ara published under v their respective classification. LOOK THEM OVER. . FOR' SALE Uniforms, 1 officer' serge coat site 37, breeches 83; like new, $20; one old issue O. D., 815; wool coat, size 40. breeches 34. excellent condition. Phone Sell wood 91. 7 I1 1 KfTh TEN drophead (owing machine l&ll&.SV) with attachments. AU are in very food condition. Sewing machines rented at 83 Pr month. Phone East 2359. E. B. Bteen. 162 Grand v... near Belmont Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. TlS Barm aide, eom.r loth. Broadway 6074. KODAKS We buy, sell, rent and exchange kodak. Watch for our new store. 124, Broadway, opes May 1. ' SANDY'S. 329 WASHINGTON ST WHITE RIGHT We claim we're a boon and blessing to men. in fixing the faults of a kodak or pen. SANDY'S, 829 WASHINGTON. PANSIES In bloom, hardy plant, larg bloom, assorted colors: 60c a dozen, postpaid. Mar shall 1118. Mrs. E. L. Hull. R. F. D. No. 1, Oswego, Or. -: . FOR SAI.E -High grade silk hand-made sofs pillows. 10 selections: prices ranging from $5 to $25, worth double the price asked for; am 1 ....... K- .1), linn 1? 'T.wli. .1 4Kti II ,1,. U1C L ' . , " . . J 1 V. . v.. , . " . w u.. AlffOMOS'lLESr MOTORCYCLES.LAtfNCHES or boots are separate claasificatiaiu. A arge listing can Je found under these different clasai fication. HOT WATER TANKS 30 gal. $7: 40 gaL- $9. Tested and guaranteed stove end furnace coil. Get beater Installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams st E. 8616. BLOCK WOOD And slab, 16 inch length. Quick delivery, and firewood, $6 to $9 cord la 2 cord lota. Broadway 2199. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked weather-beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by our fa mous and instar, 'tneous rabbet bonding aystemj all work guaranteed. East 4924 or 627-33. Ornamental Vases Cement garden furniture, bird fountame, benches ; boy direct from factory. 809 K. 11th 8 ATTENTION BUILDERS Lath $8.50 per thousand. Call East 4477. East Second and Market streets. WOOD and coal steel range with jfoils, fine condition, $4 5; hand power wafiiing ma chine. $3. 350 E. 3ttth st. Tabor 7608. FREE Good bank sand an gravel; 50th st, 3 blocks north ,f Woodstock st. WE PAY from $10 to $15 for men's used suits Call any time, Sundays and evening. Msr. 3296, 7 N. 3d tt LARGE and small National register, penny keys counter case, gas griddle, revolving stools. check writer. 242 Salmoi pong hljh FOLDING baby buggy, high cbair and walker. cheap. Call evenings. 1464 Fern tt. Wood lawn car. Strained. Ught. mild, warranted nnaduiterated; quart, 80e: 24c lb. in PRINTING cans. East. 1416. FOR CESS We are not in any printers' combine. Prompt service. Smith, printers. 2 18 Commonwealth bldg. Bdwy. 2886. LAROE, well assorted potatoes for Aale: $6 per - hundred. Phone Broadway 3163. ' Call 124 North 5th st , FOR SALE Smokestack. 80 foot Tabor 171! GARDEN manure and plowing. Tabor 8634. (Copyright 1920. by Iptematlrmal Feature .Bertie, Inc.) f rOL.Lt - V 605HT TO &fLON TO THE FtRE oepaTMENT THE MAME TO FAbHOTi HlOri- COT Ll 6E. DOWN CLU1CKLX A ITWUZ LI WO HE WMSTTED TO KNOW CAN ET OREFO THE. rAAjO VU2. H ! SCa st , i n I II v . FOB BAT.E MISCEEEAWEOUS Reed & Lee Exchange 19 E. Bnrruttda t at Grand at. Open from Sam. to 12 p. at , Phon East 6257. lfOR SALE Two horse milk wagon,, bookkeeper" desk, typewriter's desk, Die. 5 Underwood typewriter, on curved and two upright glaaa show caae. Lighting plant 1 k. . 83 ott tight teg plant and battery complete: pnee $550: regular price 75. Would trad for auto of same value. 8m Mr. rVter son. 449 Last Burnaide. Phona East 861. Motoreyole 1914 Fljing Merkel tan dem; apeadometer, headlight, good condi UoB. Captain William. -1101 E. 27th at N. Woodlawa 3714. CUSTOMER WANTS 1918 Dodge roadster, email cash regis ter, gigs ahow cgM about 0 feet long, bicycle. HELP THEM ALONG Thera la a little metal plating worka at the 8. K. corner of Union v. and East Burnaide at. .They do all kinds of salver, nicktl and copper plating. They are a new Portland industry and need your patronage. They have room for an other expert finisher to com to -partner. Why not have them polish those ruaty auto parts and put your table Hirer In condition for the ShrinetiT Here it chance to be hlg help in keeping a nice little industry in Portland. Give them a boost; they need it AGENTS WANTED fo town .and cities outside of FortletMF. Moat be local resident alert wd furnish referencea. Don't writ. Call t the Exchange when next In Portland. We Trade, Buy aid Sell nnrcftva RII.T.F.S TOOLS. TENTS. HARDWARE. SHOWCASES. CAS? .REG ISTERS. -SCALES. BtCYCLl, HOUSEHOLD rarwvj TVPEWHtTERS. ELEf'TRlC FANS Store and Office fixtures 128 First Main 4493: Tabor 6798 BARGAIN in nurd cash register, show caae. scales nd fountains sod other fix tnrv. CASK OB, TERMS. I. ROXER. Mar. 2488. 118 2d St CEDAR CHESTS ntrart from factor to tour bom. Tea nessee and Port Orford cedar; soUd copper trimmings, latest designs Write for catalogue. Factory, 1912-16-18 E. Glisan. Tabor .808. WE SAVE YOU MONEY Hooa wiring. lighting fix ture, electrical repairing sup plies. Thir4 Street Electrio Store. 224 H Third street near Salmon. Maia 6055. GET YOUR painting, kalacaxuning. deeerating and sign work done before the rush reason. 1820 E Glisan. Phone Tabor 266. BU.OW.N kiltenear suit, fur collar. $25; pongee ailk dress, pink taffeta party gown. Broad way 2483. - 1 . ' rCRNITCTOK WANTED $4 CALL MARSHALL 587 If you want the highest cash price for your household goods, carpets, rugs, Roves, range and office garniture. We buy one piece or a house .full. All calls promptly attended to. A. & S. Gevurtz Furniture Store 205-207 First St. CALL MARSHALL 587 SELL US Tour Odd Pieces or Complete Furnishings We Pay Top Cash Prices Call U for Prompt Courteous Servioe. PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7729. GET A GOOD PRICE We are in a position to give you a good price for good furniture, rag or ranges, any quantity Before you sell get oar offer. I rRUlKTKTII FTTRWITHRK 174 1st St. Cor. Yamhill. Phone Main 4633. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We want your i used furniture, stove, carpet and pianos; we pay the highest easn price. 166 and 168 First ft Can Mam 4 II. . SPOTTCASH FOlTUSED FURNITURE" Main 8S78 UNITED FtTRNITCRE STORE. 4 73 FIRST STREET. CALL MAIN 8951. Tr get all your furniture it worth. Ask for Mr. Wollf. .. 191 Second st. and you will be sure of getting toe best possible price. PIFER-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO. i 88 00 Grand are. East 7780. Big heat price paid for used furniture, i car pets, stove, ranges, etc we call promptly. BVHTirtRNltCREnC(; v 301 First st Pay cash for used furniture. Mala 3874. WANTED Beasonabi priced furnitnr rait. shl for beach home; must be cheap; eaaa; no dealers. Broadway 4407. HIGHEST cash price for need furniture. CaTi or write 884 Eaat Waahiagton at LET us give you an estimate on yonr furniture. Reliable Furniture Co., 203 206 2LMain 730$ SWAPS 25 FINE launch; has electric light . automobile equipment Want light car or bug. East 112. $350 MAHOGANY finish piano for Ford. Wood lawn 4718. 5 BOOM house, fin furniture, fine location, low rent; trad for automobile. 832 3d st By George McManus brKEi-.;.-!,r.OT UO w HVJRR.X- THE CE-IIA1H r AW- -xzr Tt It 4-ii 'J?? 1 ' WANTED MlSCELLANEOt-B I $12.50 to $25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS MXTSR TBS TAJLOB Pay mora for clothing apd ebeeo. WJW ..k. 1 eltv. Call Mar shall 1229 or 363 Msdlsoa st. a Third st. I WANT tsEDCLOTHlNQ at. a frim 810 f or mao" weed auita. 1 1 a too pay tor ell kind of VfJfr Call aa anl b convinced. I7 First at Baoj MbTrlgOa. JAAlB Tl. GOLD SAL My too ttuw. tTANTBP People o FotrtlarA to yA pay tb rugnaea eaaa traw m w aooda. No atwoOAt ta targe wt -ta Prompt gttenuoj. W. a, aaaian. Pbovj. Kant jg03 148 BeateB a. FOB MEN'S SUITS ANJ OVrfRCWATS. W pay any price for neo alothea. ORBQON CLEANERS AND TAIL0B8. lit 8d V . W cor. Wash. Main 9844 WANTED Tam. rabbit i skins : will pay f rma 6 to 80 eenu each. CaU betweea 6 :30 and 8 p. m. Main 4855. abl Farai- WE need furniture and ara and Srugs. K"ao for On.. S0S-B 9d at 1 Msta T30S, . WTEnWnd. ViiaTurnltora and junk. Call East 1928. W ANTED. Rifles sholgnns. earoera. t Hochfleld. 88 td t Phone Mia 9881 WANTE iNTED To buy Mwarta Jretn.i 390 Vancouver j are. PI ."ei-vC r- iiir STT on-Jill. bee. J" .I G hOC 83IB; wTfiiTEIaone ICakTSO gallon, rear and, Main 145. 648 2d. WANT trunk, suitcase, handbag, veil. 6798. Main 4496. IS 8 First "Tabu PERSONAL tf Accomplishep at Last Painless dentistry absolutely perform id by the nerve blocking mehtod, (without after effeeUi it n. m.. it in to. , W. make X-ray ex aminatioxts of teeth when jnei sry, kBg wnh ether operation. We peiaiia in first elaai ueatuuy at naannaoi levo. DR. A W. KkEN' tR U. H I'M KILN Malefdte Theatre bid., 8K1 H Washington et. OLD FALSE TEKTIH BOUGHT We pay up to $25 peti cet Don t mat ter if broken; old-time w are most val uable. Crowns, bridge orA- bought Bring' or matl. The American Brokrge, 405 Sliding bldg.. '4th floor, "a "a vsas"; PYORRHEA can be our. You may. help niniwf Rave nme. money enn pain the inittruction that Is givfcn while your case is being treated. O. Smith! long, dsnUat 810 Bush A iJine bldg. Mamjooi. CIGARETTES, tobacco, borne cooked meals, aeoa and . $5e. Clow to American Can and Willamette Irea Steel works. Sol agent for Indian herb tablet Mr. Pearl Vargaa. 353 N. loth. Broadway AZjto. $lGETSboth feet" fixed lup at Dr. Eaton's, "K. I'.HmnpOnialT and ARCH SP'C'LST. who doesn't hurt yea. 8 yr. her. Exam. tree. Glob Theatre bldg., 1 1th aad Washington. Bdwy. 2824. 6ATH8 Steam baths and massage, new equlp- clein; l?'th tioor oroaawav 187. trained attrte. Dr. 1 aura E. Downing. SUPERFLUSUS hairi mo, wirU removed by 10 need), method, trtu fre. Josie ruuey. 514 Hush at Lane eiag. xftin 00... DR. J. ABLLNG, druglesa jphrniclan, $06 Ger linger bldg., 2d and Aider.- Acute and chronic diseases a specialty. i LADY BArtBEUSShavea, including neck, 25c; bur cut. ouc; lace maasage, boo. oo Everett, corner 3d. j . . BATHS Suim baths, chiropractic, tnaasaga and vibration. Dr. Margaret Hayoie. stain icon. zi9 ew.tiana oiua. vpen v.euiua. 8TEAM BATH. a. constipation, rheuma tism, kidney trouble. W Eina Sorontea. droglees physician, Panama i bldg. Open ev fa, TEACHER of piano. Lon;60c, 075 Hoyt eor. 21st. Bdwy. 4773. Day sang evening oiaaeo. CWlTPrrTrt5S: speoialatt . Dr. lroniklriOT 11 Broadway blag. I annrop Consultations .FREE. All eases. Lawyer 513 SeUlng :bldg. Maia 4999. fciEyTTFlfl nn?iiM0,Maln99S, .a maaiWiir.. 427 Morgtn bldg. Main 1VVV. BIETmC BODY sJaSAUE. 10 A. U. to P. M. DAIUI. eov aaorgao '" ' yj" TfOTlCEg so NOTlCEi ' t. ,v. n.iiaA States district court for th ' nt Waahinarton. Southtrn di- it,.i..h at.iM nf Aaaeriea. plaintiff. a Harry uoiie. ana , Notice is hereby given that an order was duly 1. .-a in the sbova entitled court iuau ... -- - j-,v. and cause on Apru 11, m-so. w " ,v- rAn.ii. Aveiked eahfrea,. to-Wit: One Cadillac roa osier, avv mmin, No. A 25506. Oregon license! No. 60S Driv.n BY dfendant. Coffee. j One Buick 6 roadster, 1918 model, engln No 494190, Oregon license) No. 19578, an If. toneiiea so n. uphw ow . public auction by the United Bute marshal for Said district, unin goou k be shown, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the T Mondav Mat 10. 1920. at the courtroom of th above named court in the city of Tacoma. Stat 01 wasnintioa. j Cwnrr or anyone having an fctereat in ato auto- v.n JOHN M. BOYLM", United BUt , Marshal lor tn wewtrn insinct of wasnington. NOTICirf Tn the TJ tilted States diitt rict court for the Western district or wasniogton. ooutnem ai viaioo United States of Amwca. plaintiff, vs. Inline Walker and William J. FonrlU deftltd- gntJ, Notice Is hereby given that an order wal a.,i. mute and entered in th above entitled court ana caua. o apm ' . , w . . . . 1 , -r . aon . ih. effect that toe louowma uiarrumi tcum, w Wit: - I On. certain Hndsoh 5 -passenger automofall, model 10-0, engine No. 13OJ02. car No. $0606. Oregon ttat license No. 67979; Be forfeited to the United State aad told at public auction by th. United State marshal for said district unless good can! to th contrary be shown, at the nour 01 in oeioca in to forenoon on Monday. May 10, 1920. at the courtroom of the above named court In Ui city of Tacoma. itat of Washington, by th owner or anion luring aa thterett tn said auto mobile.. JOHN M. BOYLE. United States Marshal for he Western District of Washington. 1 DEPARTMENT of th Interior, United Stat. land office. Portland, Ori April 10, 1920 Serial 06466 Notice of Exchange Notice tt hereby given that Joseph Windl of Portland, county of Multnomah, state tot Oregon, baa filed in this office his application ta select, under the provisions of the act of congress, approved May, 81. 1913 (to Biai., eve, ana to. regu lation, thereunder arwroverl Jul, 17. 1918 (circular 611), the N. K.J of N. E. of Sec. 29. T. 1 totrth, R. i east, W. M. Aay and an persons claiming adversely the lands described or desiring to object because of tb mineral character of tb land or for any ether reason, to th disposal to go eppucanu oura file their affidavit of protest la this of fie with. out delay. ALEXANDER gWEEK. Regltt. First day of publication April 14, 1920. Last day of publication May is, m NOTICE la hereby given tiat th undersigned. Hfninutratnr of the eatalta of Joseph Rueo- nich, deceased, hat filed hi final account tn the office of the clerk 01 tne rarcutt court 01 ine ttat of Oregon, for Mnignotnan county, ana that Thursday, the 29th day of April, 1920. at the hoar of 9:80 8. m. be bees act aa the time, and the courtroom of Honorable Gorg Taawell. a Jodge of said oourt, ia th county courthouse of Multnomah county, state of Ore gon, lit pise for the neartfti at eojecwooa, if any, to aaM rinai account ana to settle' ium tJierenf. Date of : firat oohucatson I March 81. 1920. Date of ktst publication tt April 28. 1920. BARTOLO RUC0NICH, AdmlnUtratof, HARRY L. BA FFETY. 1 Attorney. t t NOTiC"fF DISSOLUTION The ondersigned have trend their tmrfneaa Mrtmnhln in the Fountain lunch room. R, K. Davis assuming ownership, Albert MUler going out of said burlnes. All aeoa cnotractea Davia A Miller are hereby amumeff by B. Davit, and oblige MBS. ALBERT MILLER. n. n. ipsris. SKtiCNa SUPFLIfS LEWIS STENGER Barber Supply Co.. lOtiand Mirwoa st. The Place to buy barber chair aad atrppuea. Htock 01 nuattur aiway at nasra at right prioe. 1 - r ' ;,- BLANK BOOH kNAKCBS DA VIS" i HOLMAN. ViC.', 109 2d t.. blank book manufarturara, Aaiaa, Man IB annil NEW AND USED BCrOKS, AtX SUBJECTS. JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE 248 Main St. bet : 24 and 3d. OARPIT eLBJtNIMB Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff and Rag Rugs 4 WOVEN ALL. SIZES.- WRITE OB CALL v ysARTtKn urn crt. lA7i JB. 17Us at i AakMaatla J 13-2 4. PROFESSIONAL AH D BUSINESS DIRECTORY 1 J?rwf$tl6al ael Bailaeig Slroetory We Make Fluff Rutrs From Your Old Carpets. Bac num. all - ska u.n , i - Bags aod cornets tteaam aad dry eleaaod, rttaaa or writ, for price ut Northwest Ruir Co. 188 B. Eighth t Eart 358A. Fluff Rugs Frotr.Old Carpets Sat Bug, an aire Mail Order Prompt . Bend for Booklet 9x13 Rug. Steam or Dry Cleaned, $1.50. a .. FLUFF BUG CO. Pntea are. N. East 510. B 1478. CAT AND DOB HOSPITAL Z"ERiNABY HOSPITAI T3 as. Ttn . eor. uraot Kat 1847. B-1963. OILIULOIO BUTTONS THE iBNtBOMONOM 387 Washington. Broadway 434, A-128. - ' i ""NT WORK GENERAL building and excavating and otmsot Work. Garaaa a aneoialtv Eaat 7S7(l aence anq on tee, is k. 2 2d tt. ALL clatsta of building work; garage nd -' ce ment work a tpwialty. Phone 321-29. HIIIOPRAOTONS DR. kcMAHON. i00 chiropractor. Portlaad i throngs pronounce treatment best FiBST CLASS rleanlng. pressirrg, dVeiitjc; else re lining and alterations. Yale Tailors. 871 Salmon t. Pbon Uarsbtll 2603. W sail and deliver. i ' COAL AND WOOD ROCKSPR1NGS UTAH ' 1 , COAL Main i606 " BUT COAL NQW BEFORE IT' ADVANCES CENTRAL FUEL CO., 249 2D ST. DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF CITY. BE WiSEl oSSkS. NOWIiUVKTidNlfi Graea slab. 4 ft, delivered proaptly. short green slab, special price In 2 load lota or more. Shunky, Rork Springs and other coal pry slab and cordoned, stove lengths NATIONAL FUEL CO. Eaat 2041. i WirXiri!rLAR?JKl3B SM AIX"di'ANTltt Heavy Country Slab, Oak and Cordwood : Star Wood & Coal Co. $ 2d t kjiin 6912. BOXWOOD Delivered ImmediaWly by Fu'i'O s A Co., I is l aiacadsm. Phone Main WH 17 Bti.xwfKin $4.80 a load In Alberta IS odlawn Piedmont Peninsula Kentiin I til BaTiiv Park mi o. jonns. nonn I'ortland Fuel (Jo. Wood lawr,57fi, Wcwdjawn 084 . GIVE us your orders frcordwoc7"tlabwood ana coel, best price: special prices on carload lota. Hawthorns Fuel Co., East 6106, BLOCK and tlafiwood5.8ftead" In' 3 Tn4 ott; ssve money on 4 foot green slsb at 88 cord. Oregon Fuel Co., Woodlawn 410.2 FREE furnace fu.t bark anTThlpT7ro'innbat7; can na.e ll you come after It. Foot wl Everett at - wlSSlT Country slab, railroad u. kUi m.A Marion Fuel Company. Main 2676. eOLLIOTIONa NETH A CO.. WorSiter-bTdgT afiTnlffil No collttiora, no eharg. LsUb. 1900. ORAB SAW We mADufactur a vbRaf "fiftr rTZZL. - pear and clutch incloaed and operate In nil. Wholesale and retail. Burnt Mr. Co.. 8823 Foster road. Automatic 218-43. OUOATtONAL DSNoina cTngcIBemT" Private leeaoaa. dsr and awnlne- .11 th..t 1 teps nd ja step. thowB. Our advaoced eiaaaei itart Friday, April 16. 129 4th st, 3d floor. Main 8818. Mrs Summers 1HE Dance Studio 609 Dekua bldg., W.shing too at 3rd. Strictly privsU lessop. half hour or hour leaaoa. Court lctaon mcitll Drictd "liy 9:30 a. m. to 9 p. nv Miss Irelard. B1NGLER S Dancing Aoadamy. PorUaaul' lead r.lT.f. ohn! . F 1Bd rivt teemina dally CorilHon hall, 14th and Wh K. Bdwav 8880. MU6IO S0HOOL8 AND TtACHCRS PROFESSOR T. E. LA SON Twenty yearV ?,DVtn5?! Pi00 lesaon at your horn. 81. Tabor 7695. 1 rtATHIR RIN0VATINO FEATIEl 7 RENOVATORY Feather renovated. 1 5c a Donndi ntiww. at a pair. 5425 Foster Road Tabor 4336 rtwaptaca unoi EXPERT fireplace and fla builder. All work gnaranteeo. r-;aAt 4 720. tun gPAIIWi AHO RIMOOtLIN TUB KITR MHDI. Rxpert remodeUng at taring. Summer Price now In effect 0 gwetUnn bldg.. 6th and Washington, mat otAwtn Ario ercis LAfiTES' and gentlemen bate cleeaed, blocked. atraw nyen any color. 1'anamaa specialty, Ktnfmsn Hst fitBry, 8g 3rd, near Stark. HATH cleaned, blocked, dyd; I'snsroas specialty. onam oyen. row fqrr oft Alder and Morrise awrn potta COLUMBIA STTUAKY CO," 308 870 HAWTHORNS AVE, OPTOWITBI8T8 AND OPTIOlANS "gLaSSE8"ATA SAtlNfT-" I solicrt your patronage on th baaat of capable service. Thousands of satisfied nlnti rK. .i tar Goodman, optomaUiat 209 Murrisou tt. Phoa Main 2124. EY.KS SCIENTIFIC1 A LLy TEStl lib modern instrument. G 'if Tinea, irom EiU up. A- -IA WURW1TZ, Optometrtst, 238 Irt t WnwTinia, KnowAmo. binoikb IK and Oak. Main 165. 6U-65. AINTINO. TINTlNtk. aaiUaiAiija &tr YOUR painting, aalaomintng,1 dVeoraTiag hi. .wa omn oeiors tn. ruea tis. miisoo. rnon Tabor 2661 DEPENDABLE house painting, tinting oaoer banging by akHkd emftsmea. Ttber 217J JTf, CLrrrON. rintng HnHr vair-t4esL 164 N. 17th at. Bdwy. 4414. Wdia. Jljt. fATtNT ATTORNIva WK HAVE remnU emaciated with us 8 esam- inr. irom toe u. a. ratevt of rices Maeoa, Feawtck -A Lawrence. 1. ...m no 1 ., u ..a. bjltOB D. d 220 Broadway, M. r. alt'yj 111 West Monroe st, Chicago, lit atebuThed avtr half a eentory. Gl)DaBER5r820 Worcee'ter bldg. ' Wale 2824! PHVSIOIANaV DR R- A. FHILLIPS, rtrcod-o bldg. HhU: m' bowL . v.r, todaey, b- v'- Pttic. female dtaonfers, akS affection, high blood prwunxrm. PLUMBINB AND Tlaa anaM two inrv-mNTrsrypWfc PRICES. STARK DAVI8 CO.. 18S 4th aT , THB M t KLINE CO., H4 86 7 89 rrorrt st MOK JIFAININB NEW METHOD shoe repairing; French are) specialists, guarantee. 212 4th, pear ftalmoa. TINNSM JACOB UrtU -TIN. SHEET IRON AND ROOF WORK tlO 1st t. ' Phon, Mi 1424. TNANSFKN AND 8TORABC Oregon. Transfer Co. Established 1870 Transfer aad Forwarding Areata ' -STORAGE FREE TRACKAGE Office sod Storage. 474 Gllaea 1 13th tad OUaaa. -Broadway 1261, A-1169, ALwlt PICK THE BEST HOUSElri773i , GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packing. shipping pd atoTing. Borat aad aato vaaa ' bpectai rate, to all point. . , a O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 2d and Pro ale. Broadway 9. A-1998. Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. , 13TB ANH CLTBAN. Bwdwy 8476.-- cu Freight bates 1 On boaxebold good shipped east and troth Man ning Warehouse V Transfer Co.. th and Uoyt .1 . Phone Bmedway 708. kOvWd H for 8 pour "day; aJl' kind' or wood. Tabor 428. HIT R. Market. ' WtTLOINO AND BNAZINO jTmfiSONCtTOTrIN'GrtCP 133 tjolaaibia at, . . . fboaa AUraUU 3344, -AtfT1'