i r.v-''- i v.. ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 192a 1 A UTOMOBILEB AN D ACCESSOKlKSJi At Our Removal Sale W offer 25 high-grad ued ear at big rc ttaetiOB in pric. Hreara a few w offer for ' your approval: . ' . . 1920 Cm. T put. eyl Like aww. . Jordan, 7 pas., 6 cyL . 191 Mitch"., 7 m, cyt ., : 101 Mitchell, o pmc. eyl. " 1915 Cbandiir, 7 pw., eyl. ' 1918 Studrbakcr, 2 pvt., 4 cyL , . 1918 Mitchell. 4 pes., 6 crL Chummy. 1916 Dodge, ft pw.. 4 cyl 112 Cadillac, 6 pw, 4 cyl. ' 1017 Mitchell. 6 paw., 6 cyL 1916 MttehcU. S pas., 8 cyL ad many others to aelcct from. A ama.Il pay meat down, beisnce ay term. No Broker.! Chart. W Teach You to Drlv Fr. , OpenSunday 10 to 4. Died Car Department Mitchell, Lewis & Stave r Co. E. Fir-t nd K. Moir'. (hone: East 7272; Automatic 212-16. C. Q. Bleasdale TERMS NO BROKERAGE All standard mass. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own term. FORD TOURING, ffne condition 400 FORD ROADSTER, 1910. 1920 license. BOO CASE TOURING, repainted 375 MAXWELL touring, mechanically right.. 300 METZ, 1918, in fine condition 450 CHEVROLET, good Ure B50 CHEVROLET, 1919. Al mechanically. . 700 TUOEBAKER 4, fire tire 650 OLDSMOBILE 6. 7 pawngtr 650 CHEVROLET touring, 1918. In fine con dition 880 OVERLAND, model 00. extras 760 OAKLAND. 1918. looks like new 900 BUICK !ifht . fire tires 1050 : BUICK 7 pass., all cord tires 1350 CHANDLER, 1918. look, like new 1450: STUDERAKER. run only 2300 miles. . 1750 WILLY 8-KNIGHT. 7 passenger, a bargain for quick sale. C. 0. Bleasdale BSO Alder St. Broadway 1852. GET ABOARD THE FORD SPECIAL Ford tourings at Ford road at.... Fetd touring, electric starter Ford tourings NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY . .$300 I i . .$425 ..$525 j . .$3S0 The Used Car Exchange 15 th and Washington. Listen, Folks The Last Side Bunch- Speaking About That Used Car 80 to Select From; Some New, Othen Slightly Used All Bargains Automotive Sales Co. r 430-34 Belmont st Phone East 6057. REO SPfeCIAL REO FOUR, in fin condition, only $575. REO FOUR. 1914. only $375. THE USED 6AR EXCHANGE 15th and Washington. FORIS Wo have 2 Fords and they are all good. W will give liberal terms and take mall payment down. If you want a Ford, Av look. '17 Ford touring at $425. with i $1B0 down, balance long easy terms. "16 Ford, touring at low price of $385, with $150 down, I baJanc easy. Cars are ready for delivery and I Afw bargain. BOS Aider t. Red Front Used Car Co. . '17 Oakland Touring This ear is refini-hed snd looks nd runs w; haa some extras, and we will take car tm trad. Low price of $685, with $275 down. baJanoe easy. 605 Alder st Red Front Used Car Co. Buick Touring Baby 4 This is the latest '18 and is Ike new; has always had the best, of care and it will please you. Has new rubber and We have low price, and wOl take $275 down, balance easy. Gall BOB Alder st Red Front l aw! Car Co FORD RUG BUYERS , Den't fail to this one: Has Just been evrhauled, has top and windnhield. nfw paint in light wine; has very attractive body; a bar gain. See at Montgomery garage Front and Montgomery. 1919 Chevrolet. Touring Lik new and we will show you a fine light four that is new every way. We have low price Urd will take $285 down, balance easy; take Ford in trade. Have a look at this one. 505 AJdor st Red Front Used Cvr Co. Dodge Touring Engin in fine shape, cord tire, all around, en extra, spot light, body and upholstering in good condition, a dandy bug, $300 down and terms will handle. 4 09 Stark st Bdwy 3961. '18 Buick Roadster This ear is first class and ha been re vamlshed and looks and runs perfect. I.ow price and take $350 down, balance eaxy; tak. oar in trade. B03 Alder at Red Front Used Car Co. "19118 Maxwelff oaring- In th bast of shape and the price ts only $650; trm Ij suit: a smnll tWYnv-nt down will handle. 409 Stark st Bdwy. 3961. Auto Towing Day. Main 259. Night. Msr. 821. 1919 CHEVROLET. B-pass.. touring car. B tires; 1920 licence; car in Al condition; a bargain -term. Phone Marshall 1613. 1918 BUICKT5 peuenger. 4-cyllnder. new bTt tery. fine condition. Price $850. Call Main 1 04. WANTED Someone buying new cir to trade In my old one; $25 commission. Phone Main B7S3. 192b STETWETfS demonstrator; would con- Wer a Ford or Dodge as part payment East 2T6it. MAX WET .L 1917. A-l 'condition, good paint good tires. Bargain at $530 with terras, BO Grand are. N ner Bnrnside. . $860 BUICK BIG SIX S rwasenger. good condition, nice appearance. Broadway 1967. OVERLAND Uiuring, 75 model. A-l condition. Will sacrifice at $450 and fiv terms 80 Grand ave. N. near Bumside, Tt'DEBARER "Six". A-l nondltion, used pri vately. Will sacrifice at $750 and give terma, tt nrand ave. N. near Rnmside. it it CBEVROLETTiyerjTf-etarter. firt" lassm aWsnnHitinn aBi-i4 k I7KA Price Hid, p acq m. Mim ipyij. 17 1 ' 1 ft a 11 Ti U v a uri 11 'is..- Ht etui tire repcinnf; Urcalm In Mi 1IW isiwg-aa le pw w -- a Mnnq ITV, ROSSITER ! BROS. TOP CO. AutA tons enrVtM ,J . i- m. may, ga. timon at Pi. 1917 MITCHELL six. a bargain for cash; will . A turn - Ma t ' . 1 1 t . ft . . j - -. o,vue7 uvia alter o CHEVROLKT. 1918. A-l condition. A re bargain at $635; .terms. 30 Grand, ate N. 1916 FORD touring car; excellent running wnuitron . an iwq runner run lea tnan a . fm. vfubt. qi lenino ae. getiwooa 1 . FORD delivery, A-l condition, good Urea, a real " - . - - - lu 1491. - A - wwm f. wim nu vraou av. . near nanwKit lORD tourtn?. 182 uaed very little; $650. Phon 8 18-91. j . Vv WILL SACRinCE 1917 Ford touring; terB)? van si si xi. lilts ! i. ' GCaRAVTEED guta painting th right prk AUTOMOBILES AJfD ACCESSORIES 44 D. C W A BREW- MOTOR -CO.. USED CAB, DEPARTMENT Main 780. ' BB-60 V 23d BC VTLIE 6-cylinder touring car. Must be aold at once. Newly painted and orerhauled. New rubber and a nice, smooth running ear. At a bargain price. Sl.tO. - MITCHELL T puMDiar, 6-eyIlnder, fine condi tion. If jo arc interested in a Mitchell ear b rare to se thl son before deciding on any oar. At another barcaln price. OLDSMORILE (-cylinder, newly painted. B tire, - fine condition every way. Let tu how you what a nice, (nappy little car this is at 1800. FORD WORM DRIVE TRUCK. ' Firt claa every way. A bargain at $500. SAXON 6 -cylinder touring car, J tut been pot in very beat of condition; light and eco nomical; quirt, smooth running and power ful. No reasonable offer refused. Be sur to aee this ear before deciding. OVERLAID -cylinder' touring. Model 85. Newly painted and overhauled, first claa in every way; new top and good rubber; the beat .-Cylinder buy for $900. SVERT CAR WE SELL 18 GUARANTEED Columbia Auto Sales Co. 345 Union Ave. North East 56 30 STEPS FROM BROADWAY 191 IK Ford chassis,, good condition; would make dandy bug. 1916 Ford touring, new top and in good condition. 1 917 Chevrolet touring, in perfect mechanical condition; a bargain. 1918 Chevrolet touring, runs and looks like 1918 Msjw.11, good rubber and In good con dition. 1914 Stadebaker 4, bargain, 3350. 1918 St ode baker 4 light delivery, a food bay at the right price. MAXWELLS BIG BARGAINS IN MAXWELLS 1917 Touring Only $423 1918 Touring Only $600 THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15th and Washington. SEE THESE BEFORE BUYING, 1 01 1917 1919 1910 11)19 1Mb 1019 1W17 191 OVERLAND 8. fine shape . . . . Ifeo 4 NASH PATTERSON HUDSON SEDAN SAXON CASK CHALMERS OVERLAND COUNTRY CLUB. 850 700 400 500 O Kit 700 1 K.O 950 I 7 50 188 TENTH ST. MARSHALL Opposite Library. 232 IF YOU ARE LOOKING j FOR A CLASSY CAR TO j DRIVE SUNDAYS, WE liAVE JUST THE CAR! 1918 OWs 6. 5 pngr. in tin-top shape. Can't tell it from a new one. Good rubber and top. This is a buy. bargain or whatever yow -wish to call it Thi offer will not last long. Call early, Ak for E. P. Shoemaker. 367 E. BCRNSIDE E5A8T 655. USED. CAR BARGAIN 1910 Chandler., new batteries and good rub ber. $675. 1917 Saxon, thoroughly overhauled, $630. Hup Bug. with high tension magneto, $150. Stoddard Dayton bug, $150.. Ford roadster, thoroughly overhauled, teat rovers, speedometer and shock absorbers. 1920 license; $475. Can make terms on above car. BURKE'S GARAGE 5403 72D ST. S. E. Liberty Bonds Cashed Automobiles Cashed YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTOMOBU.E WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR SERVICE WILT. PLEASE YOn OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLOOR. Overland Touring Thi is the light four that all the rent men ns. and thts one is as good as a car could be. low price, and take $300 down or car in trade. 505 Alder St.. Red Front Used Car Co. 1920 HUDSON "TOURING Runs and looks like new; 90-day guarantee, 4 cord tire. New one will cost $2SOO. Buy this one at $2300. cash or terms, and get im mediate delivery. Call Adams. Tabor 630. or Mar. 5342. BARGAIN FOR CASH Reo 4. driven 12,000 miles only: 3 nearly new Goodyear cord tires, 8 tubes, in good oon dition; $650. Main HI 80 THOMSON. 620 21 HENRY, gf-DG. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axiesj we wreck all makes of ears and sell their parts at 14 price. David Hodes Co.. 105-107 N. 1 1th st .....'4, .r k it '. . , : ; : an ii nr.i.u o-pass. touring, goorj running order, good tires. 1 spare, leather upholstering, good top and paint; $700 terms; $840 cash. 445 Columbia, room 3. CHEVROLET tearing. 1918, good mechanical condition, good paint, good tires. Will sacrifice at $600 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N. neSr Rurnside. , MUST SELL My nearly wew Stephen six: sacrifice for ouk-k sale. See me at Taffy Den, Sd at en trance Alisky bldg. CHANDLER To anyone assuming my coatraet for Chandler touring, (en route) will save yon $100. Call Main 3378. Mr. Mclntyr. 9 to 5. 7-PARS. Haynex. fine CN-nditinn, good car for stage run. just orerhauled: good rubber. Terms or take in smaller car. Bdwy. 824 7. 90 N. Broadway. Martell Garage Storage. $4 and up. Repairing by expert nechsnics. 781 1st Main 5260. 1919 FORD sedan: looks like a new car; haa jst been overhauled. 4 new tire with extra tire and rim: lots of extras. Mar. 1779. Ask for Mr. Slocum. INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY EXILE BPRICITT, AGENT. MAIN 1800 NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. 191 S OLDSMOBILE. 8 CLYINDEB Right in every way. & cord Urea. Broadway 1967. 1916 DODGE touring; first else eondmolnTfiv good tires; sacrifice. $650 cash. Corner Eleventh and Flandem OVERLAND touring, model 90, used privately. Good paint, good tire. A real bargain. $725 with terms. 30 Grand ave. N. near Rnrnide. TRrCKS AND TRACTORS 8S Track Meteors I hav piling haol work to start at onew for SH ton and trailer. 9 month' work. 12 mile haul. 1 mile paved read, 2 on macadam. 1 A. Smith, truck dealer, contractor in, lumber, togging and road work. 1 1th and Mal sts.. Ore gon City", Or. PEPI'PLIC 1 ton truck: if you are .in. the mar ket be sure to see this one. a G. BLEASALE. BSO Alder t Bdwy. 1662. FOR SALE 1919 IH-too Packard tru.ik. quipped with dump body Ad hoist Fir clean mechanical condition, . Haa anad 41 00 n-.Ursv New tin front Rear tire good. 1920 Ikjtas paid. Call East 8021. , TWO ton truck, in good condition: owner leav - ins for Wyoming; no reasonable offer refused. Call at 727 Chamber of Commerce. . " FOR SALE A 2 son truck ebeag. at 44 Ut - ave.-72d at. - PhoA Tabor 4780. , . TRUCKS AXT TRACTORS TRUCK MEN j HEBE'S TOUR CHANCE TO GET A i SPLENDID TRUCK AND SAVE MOST OF THE FIRST COST , REBUILT FACKABDS Packard which we have taken in trad and taken into oaf shop and thoroughly gone over. AU won pane are replaced with new from our part depot and the track cornea to yon condi tion tar year of service. Tour investment is less and your profit on running is mora. Better a used good track than a new poor on. TWO 3 TON PACKARD8, reedy to go to work. Priced for quick sale at B1650. TWO 3-TON PACKARDS. rebuilt and espe-4 Ford one-ton for only 1500. We have a stork of small money. small truck going for We can arrange convenient terms on all of PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY I Tenth and Bumside Streets. PACKARD AND NASH DISTRIBUTORS Ask for J ones. Open Sunday Morning. Ask About Our Free Trial on Trucks We hv one of the largest rtoeks of rebuilt trucks Id tne state of Oregon. Every track completely overhauled and put la first ciaas running condition. U will pay you to in vestigate our line. SPECIALS THIS WEEK 1918 Two ton Republic , 1915 Twp ton Reo 1919 For delivery, panel body 1919 One ton Ford, stake bod 1919 One too Panhard. etpreax body... 1919 Ford delivery, express body 1915 1 hi ton Whlto , ,1400 1 800 I 650 ! 750 i 800 I 550 : 1500 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM EASY TERMS. NO BROKERAGE GRANNINO TREEOE "'" 542 Alder st. cor. 17th. Bdwy. 1723. TRUCKS, TO TRUCK purchasing prospect: I have th. following work to start in 80 days: For 2 ton truck. .1500 cords of wood to move 4 miles, bxul startim: May 1 : one 3 U liicmnn wk with trailer starting next month, 2-mile haul; ' one 3 V ton truck for lumber with rolls, to ' start April 15. 9 mile haul; one 3 and trailer! for piling haul atarting 1st of Msy, 4000 j pieces to move; two 5 -ton tracks and trailers . on 2-year logging contract starting about April I a. nmiw, trurx a eater, contractor in lumber, logging and road work. 11th and Main sta. . Oregon City, Or. AUTOMOBILES WANTED 78 WE PAY CASH FOR USED FORDS Universal Car Exchange USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK WI PAT CASH FOR LATE M0DH. VIED CAB EXUHANGC 127 LUWNSDALB Phone Broadway 26B6. HAVE $320 real estate contract, payable $50 yurrterly, S. per cent interest Will turn in as l-rst paymeTtt on Ford touring, baL monthly. 0-259. Journal. CASH for FORD TOURING or ROADSTER. - 530 ALDMft BROADWAY 1852. ONE acre of ground, four room bouse, bam, chicken house; located oa Oregon Electric, will trade for car or lots. Call Mi. Simms, Main 6127; WANTED- Late model Buick touring car: will pay cash; must b in good condition. Phon Main 639$. IF'YOU HAVE A CAR TO SELL CAIA, TA BOR 1157, AFTER 6 P. M. NO DEAL- EHS. PLEASE. WANTED A Ford delivery In good condition; $100 cash, balance monthly. Call 1984 E. Stark between 8 a. re. and 5 p. m. CASH for all make of can, condition no object North Bank Garage, 11th and F landed Broadway 453. WANTED Automobile, trade fine Riverview lot, Vancouver. Give or take difference. Wdln 3092. CA8H for all makes of ear, condition no object. 414 GlUan, corner 10th st WILL py cash Ti Dedge No dealer. Phone Mar. 2488. HIGHEST pnee paid for automobile, conditio - no nhteet 121 N 3d st. Broadway 1639. AUTO REPAIR SHOPS 81 s Motor and transmission overhauled. . .$20.00 Rear axle overhauled 6.00 Transmission ralined, labor and material 3.50 Valve ground and carbon removed.... 3.00 Magneto iwrhargedr mak motor bit per fectly : BOO Automotive Experts. AH Wort Guaranteed, UNIVERSAL AUTO REPAIR CO. 210-212 Jefferson st. Bet 1st and Front Sta. FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 Rear axle overhauled . . . . $ A Valves ground, carbon removed $ 3 Magneto recharged $ 5 W hand-lap piston, scrap bearings, etc which insure a: perfect running motor. Genuine Ford part only used. All work guaranteed, GUARANTEE AUTO REPAIR CO. 280 Front st Corner Jefferson. Expert Repairing North Bank Garage 11th and Flanders Broadway 46S Wayside Garage Under new Management Ford repairing our specialty; storage, towing and washing. Cor. E. 6th and Clay st. VULCANIZING and retreading. New uuLused tire. 109 11th st, near t Washington. 9 FORD REPAIR EXCHANGE Auto repairing, used car dealer. 92 N. 11th. AUTO STAGE LTNE8 89 I HAVE a S V4 ton truck going to Salem Satur day morning; want load. Call WoodlawB 284. AUTOS FOR HIRE It AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1 920 . Model Car Reasonable Rate FEARING A ROBNBTT CITY UAKAtiE 182 12th st between Washington and Aider. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS 0VERLAND8 HUDSON 8 I -OWNS DALE OARAGE BROATvWAY 2408. 15TH AND WASH. AtJTOS FOR HIRE WITH OR WITHOUT DRIVERS. . I. SULLIVAN, FASHION OA RAGE. MAR. 233, 10th at Ya shill. A-1236. CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. BD AND TATLOR MAIN 1687. ALTHOIT BENNETT, Prep. MOTORCYCLES, BlCTCLES ii BARGAINS B horsepower Indian. 7 hoist power. Excelsior, 7 horsepower Merkle; all in A-l condition. 662 Union ave. N USED MOTORCYCLES OF A LI. MAKES' EAST 8UK MOTORCYCLE CO. 44 Grand ave. Excelsior, Hende on and CI reiand Agency BICYCLE for aale, 2 2 -inch frame. 782 Mis- soun ave., near Fremont Mississippi ave. car. ELECTRICALLY equipped Harley-Davidso mo- torcycie cheap on term. Broadway S606. LACIfCHES AKT BOATS 4 -FT. HUM., tank pip, elutoh, (bait, , p- ,. oner, soi si . r awe vwrnas -UASOS. ORGANS. MUSICAL lTfSTRCMKSTS 31 PIANO SALE Every need piano haa positively gbeen reduced to a price you cannot beat. Com in and see. You'U be convinced. BAILET. MAHG. ,$24S STEIN BACH A DECKER, MAHG 37B SMITH A BARNES. PLAIN OAK 275 BAILET, PLAIN WALNUT 270 HOMER. PLAIN OAK 250 SINUEB, PLAIN MAHG. 250 IRVING. OAK . . 24i DECKER BROS.. OLD STYLE 60 MANSFIELD. WALNUT 160 MAYNARD PLAYER, LATEST STYLE, WITH ROLL AND BENCH 465 UNIVERSAL PLAYER. PLAIN WALNUT ' WITH ROLLS AND BENCH 410 TERMS GIVEN. BONDS ACCEPTED. 8EIBERXING A LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 128 4 tl st Bet. Wash, and Alder sta. SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT $475 Kimball uprjght, nearly new $200 $750 Steinway A Son upright... $290 $900 Steger A Sonar fine mahogany $395 $475 Haiiett A Davis upright $195 $275 Bond A Co.. Paris upright t 75 $250 Colls rd A CoUard upright 65 $800 Mendenhall modern player piano... $395 3 Parlor Organs $25. $35. $45 to $58 We 8 tore four Piano for 75c Monthly. We Buy and Sell Pianos Only for Csh. SECURITY STORAGE CO., 108 10th St.; ECONOMY DOWNSTAIRS STORE NEW FACTORY REBUILT and USED PIANOS $900 Steger, wax Circassian walnut $595 $800 Steger, dull mahogany $465 $800 Steger. mission oak $485 $750 Steinwsy A Sons upright $435 $500 Hobsrt M. Cable, mahogany ..$295 $650 Steger upright grand, oak $465 $350 Thompson, large upright $393 Others for $195. $235. $265. $290 Terms. $6. $8, $10. $12 to $18 monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO. 10 Lb. and Stark at. MASON A HAMLIN $20 SCHON INGER 20 WEAVER S3 BECKWITH ; . . . 45 AND OTHERS SEIBERLING A LUUAS MUSIC CO.. 123 Fourth st. Bet Wash, snd Alder st. WHEN you buy a uaed piano from anyone (includingmost stores) it will be worth $100 more if you' spend $35 at my shop to have it properly regulated and adjusted. Expert men with references and recommendations guarantee satisfaction. Harold S. Gilbert, 384 YamhiU st Pianos bought, rented, sold. $175 V1CTROLA, mahogany cabinet almost new. incluidng 60 new records, the latest songs, Victor snd Columbia; for a quick sale, leaving the town, for $100. Call at Stelwyn apartment, apartment D, from 7 to 9:30 p. m . corner St Clair st at Washington st Main 5025. PIANO WANTED Highest cash price paid fer used pianos and player pianos, jet our price and be convinced. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co., 125 4th st Main 8986. STOP! LOOK ! LISTEN I Others rr raiding prices we are lowering tliem. Why? Easy ternv. GRAND AVE PHONOGRAPH CO. 145 Orand ave. Eat 6156' USED PIANO SALE Not a fake sale. See them. SEIBERLING A LUCAS MUSIC CO., 125 4th st. Bet Wash, and Alder sU. A PHONOGRAPH without the scratch and tone: you ought to hear it and design: ssyl Easy terms. GRAND AVE. PHONOGRAPH CO. 145 Grand ave. Et 8168 DO NOT BUY Save money. phonograph before yeu see u. A better phonograph for lea. . r.esy term- GRAND AVE PHONOGRAPH CO. 145 Grand ave. East 6156 BIO PIANO SALE Every used piano positively reduced. SED3ERLING, LUCAS MC8IC CO.. 125 4th St. btt. Washington and Alder sts. WE HAVE some slightly used phonograph at very low prices and easy terms. GRAND AVE. PHONOGRAFH CO. 145 Orajid ave. Ea.t 15 WANTED A B flat saxaphone. in good coh ditioK Must be a bargain. 760 Alberta. Phono Wdln. 927. MY beautiful piano goes now at a bargain. See me at. the Taffy Den. 3d at entrance Alisky bidg. $100 BUYS good upright piano, nice tone: terms given. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. FOR RENT Almost new piano. .Call evenings, 496 Miller ave., Sellwood. WANTED Piano today; can be old if bargain; rood tone. Main 8864. Cash. . $600 KIMBALL, fine tone, only $175; nice case. Brokerage Co., 312 Worcester bldg. EDISON, Victor or Brunswick cbinet style wanted, rasn for country. Mam 3864. WANTED To tuy piano: Pay all eajjh if sweet tone ana nergain. narenau oius. FOR RENT Practically new ri". to re sponsible party. K-23S. Jouin GRAFONOLA wanted for $16.. nuity in practically new $350 piano. Tabor 3388. PIANO TERMS. WOODLAWN 4 718. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WANTED 84 CASH for piano or victrola. Main 6517., TYPEWRTTERS 77 THE D0ANE GUARANTEED" TYPEWRITER SERVICE All makes overhauled Expert mechanics. REPAIR ESTIMATES ON . REQUEST. Ruy, Sell, Rent and Exchange. Main 6397. Supplies. 263 H Oak st, GUARANTEED factory -rebuilt typewriter, "all make," sold on monthly payments. Send for price list. The Wholesale Typewriter Co., retail dept. 321 Washington st ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly payment plsn. Oregon Type writer Co., 94 5th st Main 8668. HOU8EHLDOOODS FOR SALE i 8-ROOM house for rent, furniture for sale at a bargain, call 134 Grand av. N. FOR SAIJ5 Bargain, fin Alcazar Duplex range, $90. Tabor- 6920. BRINGING UP FATHER ( I VOHOER ir THEfflE I I I 1 111 I I lb rVtsvr CHANCE op ME PI I f 1 CIXTIM- OUT TONIGHT KIN I CIT . .M " I TH.NK 1X AK THE S- M OUT TONIGHT? M y s OUIJA BOARD! gV fl I J " ?---- 'ai-'-L-iS-L' J,..? M-f.t-r--Sw -S'1 I i ------- P- m i ii ! i ..n i 11 II I ) ' j I I ! 1 7 j 1 i 7y rA ajso oon't iwm NO I 'W' J M BOTHER. ME TALKN 1 W ' 0 "II V&nc CjN" A.bKtNs TO "TOO- HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 6$ HALF PRICt: HALF PRICE We just received a delayed shipment of grata rug, bought over a year ago at half their present value. Tory are fine, ctosw wovrn rugs m soft shade of green, blue and brown, and w offer them at last year's price: 9x12 for S12.50; 8x10 for $10.50. and smaller sixes accordingly. Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 East su 1 LARGE kitchen range. . . 1 dining room heater 7 pairs bungalow curtain 1 hall tree 3 center table .$35.00 . 17 50 . 12.50 . 12.50 . 10.00 1 leather davenport 35.00 Call 1140 E. 29th N. between 12 and 5 p. m. ONE 4 burner coaloil range with oven; 1 No. 20 Majestic range, good as new ; 1 kitchen cabinet, oak; 1 iron bed, springs and mattress; 1 chif fonier; 1 lawn mower, new; 1 band cultivator, new. 4830 65th st. S. E. or 6922 4 1st eve. H E. GOOD 6-hol steel range with water back, 1 coal and wood heater, sanitary cot and bed, including .mattress. 799 Multnomah. E. 6608. - 4 HOLE conk stove, $7; porch chair, $8.50; chairs, $1; kitchen treasure. $3.50; go-cart, $3.50; lawn mower, garden tools, hose. 384 E. Washington. . FOB-SALE-Genuine Limbert-leather- Mom chair, rane divan, large chest of 7 drawers and adjustable dress form. Phone 215-93. even ings. RANGE $15; Kuare dining table $5: chairs, folding sulkey, .beds snd AmaUrcsa, rugs, rheap or will trade for trunk or suitcase. 1058 E. 7th st N. FOR SALE Gas range in fin condition. I sanitar) couch, 1 oak rocker, ail for $35, or will sell separata. Phone Tabor 9B24. FOR SALS; 1 Garland ga range, light side oven and broiler; 1 Mission beater, nickel trimming. Call, Main 6836. CURLY maple bedroom set, $75; or would trad for Victrola; 1 hardwood bed and springs, $10. Tabor 310. TH& furniture of my 5 room modern house is for sale. Call at 560 E. 4 8th st N. and save 25 to 75 per cent No dealers. FOR SALE Oak dining table, four chairs: like nw; 56. Two nigs, $16 each. 1106 E. Madison st. Phone Tabor 4851. FOR SALE Some "furniture and rugs. Call ., 1062 E. 13th. north. after 8:30 p. n Automatic 313-98. FOR SALE 3 upholstered (in leather) chairs. Call Tabor 9492. BLACK folding go-cart, like new. (15 i'tion Tabor 3-06. WANT trunk and suitcase for household good. 1068 7th st. N. FURNITURE for 5 room house for sal; basgain. Phone Tabor S273. CASH for furniture. Main 6S1T. all new; MACHI75KRT 81 ONE single stage air compressor, complete with storage tank; one H. P. D. C. G. E. motcr and starting rheoatadt All in good condition, ready for use. A good bay for garage or vulcanizing shop. Will sell motor separately. Miles A Clarke, 28 N. Broadway. Phone Broadway 425. FAIRBANKS MORSE GAS ENGINE " type. on. r., wun uiagnew. urn, run few hour: $90 cash. Manhall 8840. 765 Hoyt . ' ' WANTED Well drill. ment and price. V. Oregon. State condition, equip A. Rawson. The Dalles, FOR SiLE MISCELLANEOUS 19 FOR SALE CHEAPsMan's overcpat, cashmere, waterproof, loose lining, breast 42. length 48; . I. A av AO I . ,K ' . K 1 1 , . r . mit bugt 8g worn b'ut m (oad condition. $5.00. 390 Knott. Apt 3. 3i 11 Rfn TEN drophead sewing machines 3-r.Hj' with attachments. All are In very good condition. Sewing machines rented at $3 per month. Phone East 2859. E. R. Steen, 152 Grand ave., near Belmont Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 413 Bn re side, corner 10th. Broadway 6674. Every Wednesday and Saturday evening at Mayer's hall, corner Williams ave. and Russell st Indies. 25c; gents, 50c. Ornamental Vases Cement garden furniture, bird fountains. benche; buy direct from factory. 809 E. 11th 8 SECOND-HAND lawn mower bought, sold and repaired: self sharpening blades installed. Tabor 3048. BUFFING machine with motor, vulcanizing . boiler, like new; make offer. 82 N. Broad way. GET YOUR painting, kalsomining, decorating and sign work done before the rush reason. 1820 E Gll-an. Phone Tabor 266. FOR SALE Small register, back bar, large and small ice box, floor case, counter case, cigar wall case, front case, gas griddles. 275 3d. SEED anJ table potatoes for sale. Phone Broad wy 3163. or oil 124 No. 5th st. ACTJTJM CLEANERS, rent $1 per day; de- livered. Main 2010. day; Tabor 8786. eve GENTLEMAN'S perfect diamond ring; over It karat East 7123. FOR SALE A pile of cow manure about 75 loads.fBO. E. 63d st N. and Failing. X A CUU M clea ners, changed, bought sold, repaired, rented. Bentley Co., Main 4907. FULL drees. Tuxedo suits, silk hats for rent r Barell's Misfit Clothing Store. Bl 3d st SNAPS in uncalled for tailor made suits for sale ModeTnTa0ors. 89 N. 6th st MESrfBR PLUMBING SUPPLY CO.. wholaaal. and retail 248 3d st Msia 62TT. FOR SALE On large and on small sate. Z- 911, Journal. PLUMBING expert repair all plumbing, gas; eery reasonabler McOnrdy. Sellwood 1 1 ti FOR-SALE 15 sacks of small sweet potatoes at 5 cents a pound. Call Columbia 811. Ar- Fttt.TON collapsible go-cart, alio infant's bathtub. Phone Tahor 421 . FOR BALE kitchefTheater. IIwqooT fl 62. DESK addmg machine, $15. 818 Oorbett bldg. (Copyright. 1920. by International Fastur Service, Inc.) '- Ton SLE MISCELLANEOUS 19 ' Bargains IN TSED 8 "WING MACHINES W. wen ploy at at, and ww set! oond band (Mebina foe leas or actually what w allow la trade. 172 THIRD tisar YamhiU Cash or Terms Ws boy. H d exehang cub registers, sbowcas. seal, and ether fixtures. 'CIGAR STAND. US SECOND ST. U. S. ARMY GOODS SALES Tent, tarpaulins snd blankets. lO.OOO' Rd Cross white cotton in 5 and 6 lb. bales. SOe a lb.. 10c parcel post for each bale; fin for quilt, pillows and padding. 52$ Pacific blk., 2d and Tesler. Seattle. CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your home. Ten iae and Port Orford cedar; solid copper trimmings, latest design Write for catalogue. Factory. 1912-16-18 E. Glisan. Tabor 808. WE SAVE YOU MONXT Bo w wiring, lighting ftx tnre. electrical repairing, snp plia Third Street Elect rie Stor. 224 H Third twt, l Salmon. Main B0B6. Plumbing Work don quickly and efficiently at able prices. New installations specially. Work- manship guaranteed. Phon East 1954. 161 Boasell it ' HERKO METAL WORKS SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 2d hand, sold for less; no agent employed. Complete line of parts for all makes. Machine, repaired and rented. Main 9431. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 3d near Taylor st FOR SALE Floe- ;ises. soda fountain. 1 large and small National register, flat and rolltop desk, candy eases, cigar cases, wall case, meat slleer, coffee tun. revolving stools, refrigerator, scale, cheese cutter, half price. One safe. 242 Salmon Main 34 2. ; i ETTERBERG 121 strawberry planta. Preferred by cannera, beat ihlpper, heavy producer. Quality plant, low quantity prices. A profitable crop with quick return. Ward K. Richardson. Salem. Or. "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "TypewriUr" and "Household Goods" are separate classifica tions. AU advertisements of these goods are Dublished under their respective classifications. LOOK THEM OVER. .v - - n . ,.A '.V .Zr. ""V...-1. 'v.: women u distribute literature and solicit sub scriptions for the Woodrow Wilson League, 436 Chamber of Commerce. HOT WATER TANKS 30 gal. $7: 40 gal. $9 Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace eoila. Gas heaters intalled. Expert plumbing repairing. East SMe Welding Shop, 203 Adams st EJS816. $1 6.50 to $25emaS. Guaranteed W Rent and Repair 172 3d st near Yamhill. Main 1845. A-1818. BLOCK WOOD And slab, 16 inch length. Quick delivery, and firewood. $6 to $9 cord in 2 cord loU. Broadway 2 100. USED APPAREL Secured from wealthy ladies; reasonable prices. 1132 E. GlUan. MonUviUa car to 39th." Tabor AUTOMOBILES. MOTORCYCIJiS, lAUNCHES or bot re separate classificatmns. A large listing ran be found under these different claasi fication. ALL KINDS of srarped. cracked weather-beaten and old. leaky roofs rejuvenated by our fa mous and Instantaneous rubber bonding system; aU work guaranteed. East 4924 or 527-33. CHEAP For sale, second band brick, door, and one fire escape. Main 2676. windows DANCE' AT MAiR'SUtT WILLIAMS AVE. AND RUSSELL. Wednesday and Saturday. Prise dance. Ladies 25c, Gentlemen 50c BIG PIANO SALE Every used piano positively reduced. SEIBERLING. LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th -t. bet Washington and Alder sta. FOR SALE Gas ranteT grayporcelain enamel, four hole burner, upright oven, cost $125, for $75: good heater. $13; gas water coil. $15; at 25 North 70th t Will make terms. FOR SALE or trade, one Anker-Holth cream separator No. 3. good as new. A. F. Miller. St Helens. On. Box 627. TWO new mot. A. C. 1-10 and 1-20 H. P. See me at Taffy Den, Sd st entrance, Alisky bldg. OFFICE FURNITURE frem ft W. Btol n4 spruce division. Burnside end Couch. 1 V. Hi St. betwee Bdwy. 2789 LARGE and small National register, penny -key counter case, gaa griddl. revolving stools, check writer. 242 Salmon. WICKER baby buggy, ivory color, good as new, $25. Inquire 415 Knott st, ACI'UM cleaner, rent $1 per day; delivered. Phone Main 2010 days. Tabor 5786 eves. CASH REGISTERS. FLOOR CASES nd ether fixtures 242 Salmon Main 842. EYES tested free; spectacle guaranteed. Relding. 245 V4 Alder st Msln 1692. Dr. WANTED Shoe repairing, work th best, price reasonable. Army Shoe Shop. 426 Alder. UNCALLED for tailor-mad suit. $12.60 up. Taylor. ihTllor. 289 H Burusid. t. ELECTRIC coffee mi";" 16 foot awning, frame nS rods. Eet 8929. GARDEN manure and plowing! TaDW 0034 By George McManus FOR SALE MIrCEllAWEOrill Arts New ta dMCoad hand! wm wit banlar ebwts. at raesoc bl price. Ftcifia Snli A Snsn-i. fv, 48 Front vt Bdwy. !. FCMITUKB ITA5T1B l Tour Odd Pieces or Complete Furnishings We Pay Top Cash Prices Call TJg for Prompt. Courtotwjg 8rric PORTLAND FURNITURE! EXCHANGE 208 FIRST ST. MAIN 7728. Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We want your used furniture, stove, carpet and pianos: we pay th highest cash pricaa, . 166 and 168 First . Call Main 4627. SPOT CASH FORUSETi FURNITURE Main 8878- UNITED FURNITURE STORE, 178 FIRST STREET. PIFERJOHNSON FlTRNITURE507-: 88-90 Grand av. East 7766. Highest prices paid for used furniture, ear peta, stove, range, etc. We call promptly. BAH. FURNITURE CO., 301 First st Pays cash for used furniture. Main 3S7. WANTED" Rasonabl- "priced'H-raitur-uiU able for beach home: must be cheap; cash: ne dealers. Broadway 4407. LET us give you an estimate on your furniture. Reliable Furnitur Co., 20S-205 2d.Min 7808 SWAPS WANTED Light car. Chevrolet preferred. Have lot and canh. IxH has 7 fruit trees, bearing, in Fern Park. Phone East 7594, between 6 and 7. evenings. W ANTK1 Tam and farm wagon a part pay ment on 4 -room bona snd lot 50x100. isrxii nDo2. WILL trade carpenter's workbench for traveling bag. suitcase, trunk or what have you? East 5768. TWIN autrmiobiTe"seur"letheTuroiite in fin condition ; good cushions. . For sale or trade for what have you? 414 Skidmor st WANTED To trade, vacant lot for house paint ing. Q-257. Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS 1 $12.50 to $25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS METER THE TAILOR Pays more for clothing and shoes. We call day or evenings, anywhere in the city. Call Mar- 1 shall 1229 or 2B3 Madison st. near Third t Hectire Fai Wanted - MAIN 4405. 128 FIRST. TABOR 6798. I WANT USED CLOTHING We pay from $10 up for men's used suits. I -also pay full value for all kind of other clothing Call us and be convinced. 167 Pi ret st. near Morrison. Main 738. GOLDRAUM the Tailor. WANTED People of Portland to most that I pay the highest cash price for second hnd household goods. No amount toe lara. ar too smalt Prompt attention N M. SKATER, Phone F"t 2208 148 fhrweTt st UP TO $85 FOR MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. We pay any price for men's clothes. OREGON CLEANVR8 AND TAILORS. 117 2d st. N. W cor. Wash. Main 9344. WANTED A Taylor murnery hed. Must be in good condition and raasonabl. Address Mrs. J. P. Williams. B.avertoe. Or.. R. F. 1. io. p - . , , W IDT:S"meonr ,buvin. n" to trade in my old on; 25 eommianon. Phon Main WANTED Tame rabbit skins, will pay from 6 to 30 cent each. Call between 6:80 snd 8 p. m. Main 4656. UE need furniture and rugs. Reliable Fun? tur Co.20S-6 2d at Main 7 308. WANTED All kinds second hand furnitur snq junk. ijn East 8 9J3 A-l WRECKING Co. want house to wrack Call East 506O ' WANTED Rifle, shotgun v earner, ten Hoehfleld. 65 8d t Phon Msln $881. PERSONAL tt OLD FALHE TEETH BOU(;HT We pay up to $26 per oet Don't mat ter if broken; old U men are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought Bring or mail. The American Brokerage, 405 Spalding bldg., 4th floor. 3d and Wash. CIGARETTES, tobacco, borne cooked meals, noon and evening. 85e Close to American Can and Willamette Iron A Steel works. Sol gent for Indian herb tablet. Mrs. Pearl Vargas. " " . ' j om. nroaaway 1211. $1 GETS both-feet" fixed-up-at D7-Eaton's. the CHIROPODIST and ARCH RP'C'LHT. .who doesn't hurt you. 8 vrs. here. Kum free riinh- Theatre bldg.. 11th and Washington. Bdwy. 2824. BATHS Steam bath and massage, new equips ment. spotlessly clean; 10th floor Broadway bMI. Marshall $187. Trained nana. Dr. Laura E. Downing. LADY BARBERS Shave, including neck. 257; haircut, B0C; face maaaage, BOc. 253 Everett, corner Third. a DR. J. ARLINO. drug less physician. 04 Ger lingrr bldg.. 2d and Alder. Acute and" chronic diseases a specialty. WHAT Chiropractic treatment ha done for others iv wui no lor you. nr. WUIIsm 8. Hamacber, 310 Bush A Ine bltfg. WALK I WALK! WAI.ki For pleasure and health Jln ... .iv 827, Journal. SUPERFLUOUS hair, moles. wsrtsremovsd by 10 needle method, trial free Josi Finley. 514 Bush A l-arie bldg. Main 6308. GRADUATE nurse treau lumbago, etc.; hours sola10 t 5.. '.bJ '""cintment. Phon Main 104 9. Office 808 C 3d st "'ANTED To botrd and room m 1, W i I . mamA "?" oW soldier preferred, reasonable. Phone 26121. Vancouver, Wash. STEAM BATH, massage, constitution, rhm-i. tism. kldnev trouhle Thr LI... ti drugles physician, Panama bldg.' Open evgs.' CONSTIPATION irpecialiat Dr. IronsjdeT'SbS' 1 1 Broadway bldg. I DlttrVPP Consultation FREE Alt cases. lWyCr $12 gelling bldg Main 4 993. SCIENTIFIC-BODY MASSAGE. 10"A. M"to 8 PM.I)AILT 450 MnWdg Main 7579. INVESTIGAT IONS" of any kind made. Ex-Burn Ie1ectie manager. Main 7884. TKAI'HER of piano, teutons 60c. J"5 Hoyf at., cor. 21st Bdwy. 4773, day and eve. LADY BARBERS. 253 Everett and Shaven, haircut, face mae-aae 3d t HOTTCES Jtt DEPARTMENT of" thl Interior, United SUte lend office, PortUnd. Or . April 10, 1920 Serial 064 56 Notice of Exchange Notice Is hereby given that Joseph Windl. of Portlsnd, county of Multnomah, state of Oregon, has filed in this offlc his spplicition to select, under the provisions of the set of congreuv spp roved Msy 31, 1918 (40 Stat. 693). and the regu lations thereunder approved July 17, 1918 circular 611), the N. E. ti of N. K. of Sec. 29. T 1 south, R. $ east, W. M. Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands described or desiring to object because of th mineral character of the land or for any other reason, to the disposal to the applicant should file their affidavits of protest in this offks with out delay. ALEXANDER BWEEK. Register. First day of publication April 14. 1920. Last day of publication May IS. 1920. CIRCULAR No. 422 Healed proposal will be i reel wed ab the offlc of general purchasing agent, Alaskan Engineering commtion. Seattle, Wash., not later than 11 a. at.. May 19. 1920. for furnishing buhach, garlic, toilet paper, chew ing gum. attract, sTdees, Jam and miscellaneous subsistence supplies. Copie of this circular may be . obtained upon eppHca M at thl office, or frem Alaskan Engineering commission, BUI Postoffica building, Portland, Or., and Alaskan Engineering eeramslon, 307 Customs House, Saa Francisco, Oal. C. K Dole, general pur chasing agent NOTICE To the public nd to storekeepers particularly, notic is hereby givea that Ethel Hodman, my wife, ha left my bom and board, without my consent and without cause, and I hair1 not be responsible for any bill or bill, that she may incur or attempt to iacur aod hav charged to me or anything whatsoever. Frank Rodman, iv i nroaawey. AUTO PAINTINO AUTO i-AINTINGTaaiur, Aeliveri, trucks. etc. ifuarny rmrsn. llerate prvw a. STANDARD AUTO PAINTING CO. . - Et Third and Madison St.' -- - l ' BLANK BOOK i WAKENS DAtlS ' L- HOLM AN. LNC.'; 109 44 "it" bla'ni book aaaBuIacturn. A-tl8$. Kaut !$, PROFESSIONAL ADD BUSINESS DIRECTORY ProffMloml .nit Business DliwiW Ntw ANh BOOKS, ALL SCBiXCTt JOHNHON'B BOOK STORB 24 8 Main 8t. bet. 2d and Sd. CT "P OOO HOSPITAL ROSE CITY VKf ERINARYHOWrtATTTtl h. 7th st cor. Grant East 1847. B-92, OADPKT OtCANINO We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Rag rag, all . Mail orders prompt. Ruga and carpet steaam aod dry cleaned. Phon or write for prics list Northwest Rug Co. 188 E. Eighth at East 3580.' Carpet Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff and Rag Rugs WOVEN ALL SIZES. WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO 1672 E. 17th t. Automatic 313 24. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Rag Ruga, all sir Mail Order Prompt. Send for Booklet. 9(12 Rug. Steam or Dry ('loaned. $1.50. FLUFF RUG CO. 54-58 Union av. N. East 6516. fM4T. CILLULOIO BUTTONS THE IRWIN-HOI'SON'. COMPANY 387 Washington. Broadway 434, A I1R OCBMINT MfOMK GENERAL building and excavating and earnest work. Garag a specldQr. East 7176. Raat- Banc and offlc., 1 2 E. 2 2d st. ALL clssaas of building work: grge and oa- . ment work a pecilty. Phoue SJt-29 CHIROPODIST KTHKL MOOTl chiropodist, 600 Burhanaa hldg Wash, bet 4th and 6th. Main 5074. OM IROPR AOTORS DR. McMAHoN. i00b chiropractor. PorUaad throngs pronounce treatment best OLIANIN AND DVIINta Nobby Laundry, M. 4306 W csli and deliver. Mail order. NOBBT CLEANING A DYKING WOBtS FIRST-CLASS cleaning, pressing, dyeing; ! relining and alterations. Ys'e Tailors 2T 1 Salmon st. Phon. Marshall 2602. W U snd deliver. COAL AND WOOD HOOK Sl'UlNGS UTAhT ' COAL BUY COAL NOW BEFORE IT ADVANCES CENTRAL FUEL CO.. 249 2D ST. HELIVEKIES TO ALLPARTS 'PJL'ITJ. BE WIS E l ORDE R NOW SAVE MONfifl Green stab. 4 ft. delivered promptly. Short green slab. specUl price in 2 load lots or mora, Shunky. Rock Springs and other coal. Dry slab and cordwood. stov lengths. NATIONAL FUEL CO. J? Vi ITS El.LfN "LAllG E OirSM A LtQAIANTlTf llcaty Country Slab, Oak and Cordwood. Star Wood & Coal Co. 34 8 2d st Main 6012. Delifered immediately by Fulton Wood C. 1261 Macadam. Phone Main 4173. BLOCK- and" slab wood.' $5780 a load-in 2 loa3 loth, save money on 4 font green slab al $6 a cord. Oregon Fuel Co . Wood lawn 4J02 Fi IIEE-Turnace- I iC bark nd"nhTp' from TSTrg j can hate it if you come after It. Foot of Everett st KUEiiroTdwoorlot-rworsl, short nj four foot lab wood. Order direct Jensen A Hal. Phon Columbia IS. SHORT slabwood. $4.60 a load In 2 load lot north of Russell t Woodlawn 6233. COLHOTIOm NETH A CO., Worcester bldg7 " Main 1796. No collection, no charge. Katab. 1 00. Trao saws We m"ntfactiSr "i WORM 1 ifllV if drgaw. Gear and clutch tnaloaed and operate in oil. Wholesale and retail. Ilrrrne Mfg. Co., 483S Foster road. Automatic 216 4 2. KDUOATIONAL DANOINO BERKELEY DANCING ACADEMY Privgte lemons, day and evening, all the latest steps and Ja.l stm- shown. Our advanoed classes start Friday. April 16. 129 4th at. Ant floor. Main 8318 Mr Humm era THE Datioe Studio. 509 Dekum bldg,, Wsahing ton at 3rd. Strictly private Imkon. half hour or hour ! wws. tnirve loswms specially priced. Daily. 0:80 a m U 9 p m. Miss Ireland ItlNGLKHM lianitng Acaileiny. I'orUand lead ing school. Cla- and private leeaons dally. Cotillion hall. 14th and Wash E. Bdway. 8866. MUSIO SCHOOLS AND TIACHCRS PRIKKKHOR T K UWHON Twentv expo rienca; piano lemon at your ' home, $1. Tabor 7695 riRSPLACE UltDI) EXPERT flR-'tene arid flue builder, All vork guaranteed. East 4 720. FUR BIPAISINO AND RIHrlODS LINO THE Fl R SHOP ' Expert remodeling al a saving Summer price now In off rt 606 Rwetland bldg., Bth and Washington HAT CLEANERS AND DYSSS LADIES' and genUenu-n hatn cleaned, blookad. Straws dyad any ookr Panama specialty. Kaufman Hat fsotory, 86 art, near Stark. HATS cleaned, bUocked, dyed; Panamas specialty. 8ho- dyed. 1 BO 4Ui. bt Alder and Morrison. N(EWPIt DOLL' C4 I .1 MB I A " STATU A RY fVl." 368 370 HAWTHORNE AYK OrrOBJITRISTt AND OPTICIANS GLASSES AT A HAVING I solicit your patronage nfl t basis of capable anrncea, Thoiuandl of satisfied r-tmns. f liarle W. Goodman optiroetrtnt. 209 Morrison SC. Phone Main 2124. 2 L - EYES W I E N TIF I C A M "TESTTTl . wiMi uit-i-rri iiiiiuinaiiuai w h J fittfd. from $2.50 up ! A E IirRWITZ. OptomMrist 22$ 14 . PRINTINO. KNQRA VINO, BINDfNa Printings, "BALTES ACo;. 14 fhtk. Main 16$. 5116$. FAINTINO. TINTINO. FA FIR M ANOIWO 1 TiEI'NDABLK house painting, tinting, pepwr hanging by skilled crraftmcn. Tbo B217. J" H. CLIFTON, venting, tintlngj psrieHBf. 154 N. 17th st Bdwy 4414. Wdln, 2126. PATENT ATTORNEYS WE HAVE r-rtlr e-isted with Hi '8 x I ners from the IT. 8. Patent offkc. Maaoa, Fen wick A lAwrtw lawyers. 600 F Wash ington. D. C ; 220Brrdway. N. Y. chy; 111 West Monroe at. Chicago; I1L EMabliahed ovm half a century. GOLDBERG, 620 Worter bldg. Main 282B. PJ5V!P,AJ DU R A.' PHIWlim," Broadway mdg fthra ma tism. stomach, bowel, lung, liver, kidney, hl.'tdder. rwrtai. pr'r'tatic. female diaiiders. ski affection, high blood pressure. PLUMBJN0 AND STEAM SUPPLIES PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WTIOLEBATJI PRICES. STARK DAVIS CO.. 188 4th t. THkTM. U KUNE Of., 84-66-87-89 F-U t SHOE REPAIRINO NEW METHOD shoe repairing, French busi specialist, guarantee. 21 2 4th, near Halm-a TINNERS Jacob isli tin, sheet iron and roof work tlO 1st st, Phon Main I42A Oregon Transfer Co. - Established 1870 Transfer and Forwarding Agent STORAGE) FREE TBACKAGB Off toe and 8trge. 474 'Jlisaa 13tA and Glisan. Broadway 1281, Al II ALWAYS PICK THE BEST HOI'SrfOLTj GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, packms, shipping and moving. Horse and into vaa, Special rau-n to all poi"'. ' C. O. PICK TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. 2d and Pine sts. Broadway B96. A-1994' "Storage and Transfer Clay S. Morse, Inc. 12TH AND GLTSAN. Broadway 84TS t:T TtEIGHT RATES On household goods shipped east and south, wins Warehouse A T jf iC.. U aod - Phon Broadway 703, Ma H-y :v- WELDINO SND NAHMS --' TEFFER80SleEPOT- WELDINd iHr"": lt Ciubi .; ; ft-M ManitaU $944 r