THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 21, 1920." 1 16 SHIP INQUIRY IN PORTLAND SECTION CAUSES NO FEAR '- ' Officials of the United States Emergency Fleet corporation in Portland, who are putting the fin ishlng details on the ship construc ,'v tion program in the Oregon district, re showing flnterest in the investi . ' cation under way by five agents of 1 the department of Justice who had established offices in the Northwest ern Bank building, but are showing -tio concern over the matter. Oeorge Q. Wheeler of Baltimore, in charge of the agrent. admitted today v that the examination of records being made here is a continuation of the work In Seattle, which resulted In the indict ment of Captain John F. Blain. district . manager of the steel construction divl- alon, who had oharpe of the work In the Columbia river section also. IKQUIBT 18 WELCOMED ' ' But neither Fred B. I'ai. who was assistant manager under Blain and In ' direct supervision of the Oregon dis- triCt, nor J. W. Hall, assistant district manager in charge of wood construction in Oregon, are alarmed over the outcome : of the Investigation. '.'' Pape is out of the steel construction 5 division and is now local manager of the repairs section. Hall expects to retire from duty with the government May 1. ' - The investigation here was welcomed. Hall said, att everyone concerned with the department was anxious that the agents should do their work while the - employes who knew all the ins and outs of the business since its inception were still on the Job. "We knew that it was coming and re s' quested that action be taken prior to - the time we closed our affairs," Hall de clared, "bo that those familiar with past transactions might be here to supply ( data. "As far as the Oregon district Is con cerned, we are lending every assistance we can to make a complete investiga tion." . ASSISTANCE IS GIVEN One of the offices of the wood con struction division has been turned over to the agents on the fifth floor. Wheeler declined to make any state ment today, save to deny that official .. of the Northwest Steel company, and the Columbia River Shipbuilding corpora- tion had declined to allow his men to look over their records. "We have not yet gone to those plants to investigate, but probably will." said he. These plants had asked, he said, for what purpose the records were sought, and were enlightened with the infor mation that the investigators repre sented the government, Their reports will be made to Ben Moore, former as sistant United States attorney at Seat tle, now special assistant attorney gen eral in charge of the shipyard probe. If evidence of fraudulent business ap pears. It will necessarily be submitted to the Unitted States grand Jury in Portland for action. Wheeler naid. United States Attorney Lester Hum phreys said that the agents had not yet taken up any of the matters in the ..Dregon district with him. Shipping board officials said that the special agents had been here about two weeks. PORTliAND sniPPINO FIRM WILL SEND RECORD CARtJO The largest cargo yet to go from Portland to Kurope by the Kuropean- Patciflc line, represented locally by the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company, has been secured for the steamer West Kei?,V'm?,R'" of the company stated The West Katan, which Ib expected here about Mnv 1 will carrv nut aOOfl tons of sacked wheat and 100,000 feet of lumber, both consigned to Liverpool. The freight Is being assembled at municipal terminal No. 1. Cargoes in this service previously have averaged about 2000 tons or less. The West Katan will also bring in considerable freight for Portland from the east coast, the first imports to ar rive from the Atlantic since before the war. The steamer left the Canal April 10 and will stop at San Pedro and San Francisco before arriving here. Due t6 the heavy seas outside, the steamer West Cohakla, coming to Port land from San Francisco to load lumber for the Orient under the operation of the Columbia-Pacific company, was de layed and did not arrive in the river as expected. The steamer Is not expected now in Portland harbor until Thursday afternoon. The Columbia-Pacific also announced that the steamer Cockaponset of the European-Pacific service will reach Mobile, Ala., from Europe, on the re turn voyage, about April 25. and will load freight there for Portland. The flour carrier Eastern Planet, loading for the Atlantic, was shifted TRANSPORTATION San Francisco S. S. ROSE CITY MPARTS 1 Hook Thursday, April 22 PROM AINCWORTH 0O0K PARK INOL.UDC BCRTM AMD MKALS QITT TIOH IT OPFICK, SO AND WASH. PHONE MAIN SSS0 PRIIOHT OPPICC. AINSWORTN OOOK PHONI SR0A0WAV tSS SAN FRANOISCO PORTLAND S. S. COMPANY. ASTORIA BOAT TAYLQR STREET DOCK S. S. ASTORIAN LsatTM ft IS A. M. Arrives StSS P. M. , Daily Except Friday FARE ihcludio i cc innt WAB TAX ifliOO TOPS BOTH WATS AT CATHLAMET SK AMOK AW A Meals U Carte, Psoas Mala SOU m as txup o fata loar Tnp adtum. . Ia acaiw Uw benefit of xpertarjead tale saa tints. . Hav ! Sraaasaaip booajna apaalal artajtion tor th paat 10 year. Dorsey B. Smith, Manager law sraurnw tmm an liirernwiMft wOURNAL SLOSU PORTLAND. O from Albers to the Crown mill after taking 25.000 barrels at the former mill, to complete her cargo. SCHOONER DROPS FROM SIGHT OX X EARING PORT Iookouts at the mouth of the river and on the Port of Portland commis sion's entrance tug Oneonta are anx iously scanning the horizon today for th vhnnner Thistle. . which was re ported late Monday as being off the lightship, en route to Portland from Honolulu. During the night she disap peared and it is supposed that the heavy blow carried her southward again. The Oneonta brought in the schooner Columbia Kiver Monday afternoon and i went out again alter tne i nisiie. ,-nc had not been heard from at noon, ac cording to reports received at the port commission office. Both these vessels Baited light from Honolulu for Port land to load lumber. They are owned by Balfour, Guthrie & Co. and are chartered for voyages to Australia. The Columbia River will be brought up this afternoon by the tug Port land to the Eastern & Western mill dock, and the Thistle Is to be laden by the same mill when she arrives. NEW SCHOONER WILL BE LAUNCHED IN THIRTY DAYS With orders to "step on her," Matthew Morton Jr., who is looking after con struction of the schooner Kate G. Peder sen in the Sommarstrom yards at St. Helens, says he expects to have the ves sel ready for launching in about 30 days. The Pedersen was originally designed as a Ferris type hull for the Emergency Fleet corporation and was to have been the steamer Delso. The hull was sold December 13 to Sommarstrom, who dis posed of her to the Bristol Bay Pack ing company of San Francisco and she is now being completed as a five masted schooner. She will have the same rig ging as the Alicia Haveslde. The Kate O. Pedersen is scheduled for June load ing by the Douglas Fir Exploitation & Export company to carry a lumber cargo to Australia, under charter to Hind, Rolph & Co. DA NT & RUSSELL CHARTER THREE ADDITIONAL SHIPS Three additional steamships to carry lumuer from tne Columbia river have i been chartered by Dant & Russell, lum ber exporters. The vessels are the Silverado. West Jester and Argus, and are due in the rotation named. The Silverado, shipping board steamer, managed by the General Steamship cor poration, is due here about May 1, and v.ili inaugurate the new service to the west coast of South America. The ves sel recently sailed from Astoria to Ho nolulu with a cargo of box shooks. The West Jester, operated by Frank j TV'iiterhouse & Co., between Puget Sound ' and the Orient, is scheduled for load 1 lug about May 10. Dent & Russell to biipply 2,500,000 feet of lumber. Other local cargo will take the balance of the space. The loading will be for China. The Argus will be third of the five Green Jtar vessels under construction in the Standifer yards at Vancouver to be launched. She Is fixed for early in June to carry a full cargo of lumber to China for Dant & Russell. SECOND OF STEAMERS FOR GKKK.V STAR IS LAUNCHED The second . of the fleet of five steamers being built for the Green ! Star line by the G. M. Standifer Con I u i ! launcneu struction corporation was from the Vaucouver ways Tuesday aft- I ernoon- when the 9600 took to the water. Mrs. ton Aquarius . O. R. Walker ! of Seattle, whose husband is manager for Struthers & Dixon, was sponsor. The vessel is expected to be ready for service in June. The steamer Arcturus. first of this fleet to be launched, entering the Co- lurnbia river on March 31. is scheduled for a trial trip next Sunday. Delivery! will probably be made next week. The Arcturus will receive part cargo nere befofe going to the Sound to operate in the Orient I PORTLAND MAN IS SIGNED QS As ASSISTANT ENGINEER , , , v,regoii AgnuiiiLuiai college, uurva. lis. April 21. Lloyd Miller of Portland, a jurior in mechanical engineering, has accepted the position of assistant en gineer on the steamer The Angeles, op erated by the Columbia-Pacific Shipping company of Portland, on the run to Japan, China, and Vladivostok, and is expected to return by way of Ceylon, Calcutta. Alexandria, Egypt, the Medit erranean ports and back to the coast by way of the Panama canal. Miller will return to college next fall. Aids to Navigation The following bulletin in regard to aids to navigation In the seventeenth lighthouse district was issued by Super intendent Robert Warrack today : Oregon Tillamook bay, main channel light reported carried away April 11, 1920; will be replaced as soon aa practicable. Washington Seacoast, Grays Harbor outside bar gas and whistling buoy heretofore reported adrift was replaced April 17. 1920; Grays Har nor. nortn cnanne ngiit .no , i i; atructura reportea damaged and light extinguished April 16. 1920; wUl be relighted as soon as practicable. Juan de Fuca strait. Neah bay gas and whUtling buoy 2. renerted damaged and light extinguished April 19. 1620 win oe -reiignteu as soon as pracu- cable. Fire Destroys Shipyard Buildings fo,re the Wome"'a Af club, declared over ' J fe i all wearers will only increase the price Tacoma. Wash.. April 20. (U. V.) j j.nin,, Th h hn nrnfitr. j Fire that started in the blacksmith J ing in ci0thing among Portland mer ishop about 4 :30 o clock this morning chantSi he declared. aestroyea tne nunaings or me snipyara of the Harbor Navigation company at Dockton. JThe loss is estimated at $50, 000. Port Tug Disabled Wbile towing the barkentine Geor gina to Astoria Tuesday the Port of I Portland tunr Portland was temporarily ! put out of business near St. Helens 1 when her machinery broke down. The j timpan shaft was broken and it was ! expected that the damage could be re- paired by welding in a few hours. The I Georgina. carrying lumber to Australia, j was taken on down later in the day by ! the Shaver towboat State of Wash ington. Oriental 1,1 nor Reported A wireless received Tuesday by the Pacific Steamship company from the steamer Abercos of its Portland-Oriental line, said that the vessel was 1050 miles from the mouth of the Columbia river at 8 o'clock Monday night. The Abercos is expected at municipal ter minal No. 4 by Monday. Last Vessel Launched Seattle. Wash., ApHl 21. (U. P.) The last shipping board vessel contract ed for in Seattle, the 8800-ton steel steamship West Mahwah. was launched at the J. F. Duthie yard at I p. in. yesterday. Mrs. Joseph A. Swalwell, wife of the president of the Union Na tional bank, acted as sponsor. To Inspect River Tug United States steamboat inspectors will make their annual inspection of the Shaver Transportation company's towboat Sarah Dixon at the foot of Davis street Wednesday. News of the Port MARINE ALMANAC Weather at River's Mouth North Head, April 21, Conditions at the moo tli of the riTcr at boon: oaa, moyn-ai mini, west ,6 milee; waatber. elorjdy. Tkta at Astoria ThunHtj High water: Low water. 2.48 a. m.. S.4 fort- I :58 a. m.. 1.0 feet. 4:12 p ra.. 1.S feet. 8:63 p. m.. 2.S (set. DAILY RIVER READI5G8 5 5 ' STATIONS. - i 3 g Eg o.Si xx Umatilla 1.1 25 4. 10.1 05T Eucu 10 5.8 . I O O.OS Albany 20 6.7 H.1 0.O1 Salem 20 5.8 1-0.2 0.17 Oregon City 12 .S 0.1 0.43 Portland 15 7.1 1-0.4 0.12 () Rising. (-) Falling. RIYER FORECASTS The Willamette rier at Portland will remain nearly stationary during the next two or taree days, except aa affected by the tide. AT NEIGHBORING PORTS Astoria. April 21. Arrived at 10 50 m., barce 98. from San Tedro. Ran Francisco. Arwil 21. Sailed. 2 a. m.. steamer William F. Herrin, for Portland. Han Pedro. April 20. Armed at 2 a. m. and sailed at 6 p. m.. steamer Atlas, from Port land, for San inegrsa Astoria, April 20. Sailed, 8:55 a. m.. strainer Oleum, for Port Ban Luis. San Francisco, April ;20. Arrived at 2 p. ra . steamer w. r . Herrui. trom i-oruana. Sailed at 3 p. m. , steamer Ohio, for Portland. San Francisco. April 21. (I. N. 8.) Ar rived April 20. West Sequana. from Hongkong, j 11:80 p. m.; April 21, transport Thomas, from Manila. 5:40 a. m. : Admiral Nicholson, from si.,, n ano . m anth ri from Crescent City.' 11 a. m. ; Erskine M. Phelps, in tow tr.g Sea King, from Port San Luis. noon. . Sailed W. F. Herrin. for Linnton, 1:45 a. M Hecia for Bristol Bay. 7:40 a. m. ; Emii F. I Whitney for Nushagak, 7:15 a. m. ; U. 3. a. Ungala. for Seattle, 7:15 a. m. ; Relief, for Eu reka. 8:30 a. m. : Waimarino. for Vancouver, 5. a. m. : Necanicum, for Brookings, 10 a. m. San Francisco. April 21. 11. . ) Ar rived April 20. Necanicum. from Los Angeles, j 1:15 p. m. : William F. Herrin, from Astoria. 1:40 p. m. ; destroyer John Francis Burns, from trial trip, 3:50 p. ra. ; Caspar, from Caspar. 7:30 p. m. ; Manoa, from Honolulu. 8 :S0 p.m.; City of Para, from Corinto, via Mazatlan, 9 :25 P Sailed April 20, President, for Seattlel 1 :25 a. m. ; Governor, for Los Angeles, 11:45 a. m. ; Arctic, for Fort Bragg, 2:35 p. m. ; Vanguard, for Eureka. 2:50 p. m. ; Celilo. for Portland. 2:55 p. m. ; Unimak, for Bowens landing, 3:50 p. m. ; Phoenix, for Point Arena. 4 :20 p. m. ; Westport, for Crescent City, 4 :35 p. m. ; Joan of Arc, for Valparaiso. 7 :40 a. m. : Helen P. Drew, for C-reenwood. 9 :40 p. m. ; Stanley Dol lar, for New York. 10:50 p. m. Ketchikan, April 19 (I. N. 8.) Sailed: S. S. Admiral Rodman, north bound. 11 p. m. ; t'riice Marv. north bound, at 11 p. m. ; Ala- meda, southbound 10 p. m. " , 1L ' "" ' . nivJl Montmarny, irom. .now " . and Norfolk. Marseilles, April 16. (I. N. S.) Arrived: 8 S C-4 5, from Vancouver, via Balboa and St. MichaeL St. Thomas, April 9. (I. N. S.) Arrived: S S 0-48, from Nanoose Bay, B. C, via Balboa. .... . : , . y a-tl I . a a ITn- xoKonamaa. spm i o.iu. . reha for Vancouver : B 8 Tenad for Seattle. April 12 Sailed. Heinar. j lor Seattle Passed-' o o. ,i i q-- n.,i - ii , Pas: "arenSne Sui.20. for 8 Port i Blakeley. in tow tug Hercules. ! Vancouver April 20. (L N. S.) Sailed: 1 S. S E It.' Kingsley. for Ban Francisco. Dungeness April 21. (L N. 8.) Passed in: a S Yosemi'te. for Seattle. 10 a. m. I Paolsb AprU 20. (L N. S.) Sailed: ! nd Thirty-third. Builder, the same. $75. Schooner John A., for Bering sea. in tow tug j W. E. Smith Repairing residence. 1757 Stan Lillico 20, at 7 p. m. I tn street, between Sixty-eighth and Sixty-ninth Eagle Harbor. April 20. (I. N. 8.) Sailed: S. S. Horace X. Baxter, for San Francisco. Tacoma, April 21. N. 8.) Arrived: S. 8. Queen, from Seattle. April 20 Arrived: S. 8. Iconium, from Seattle, in tow tugs O'Regon and Warrior; Fulton, from Seattle. Seattle. April 21. (L N. S.) Arrived: S. S. Spokane from Southeastern Alaska. 6:4 5 a. m. : Admiral Watson, from Southwestern via Southeastern Alaska, 6:45 a. in. sailed: s. Mexico Maru, lor xoaonama. Kobe and Moji. via" Victoria. 10:20 a. m. : V. , a T H,,., . ,,;- a-ao m. Arrived April 20: 8. S. Admiral Goodrich, from Southeastern Alaska via lacoma, a :o p. m. j Sailed AprU 20: 8, 8. Admiral Farragut, for ; San Ihego. via San Francisco, 4 :30 p. m. : ship Chaa. E. Moody, for Naknek, in tow tug Tyee, A ,9t n , -kin i 7:20 p. m Juneau. April 20. (I. N. 8.) Sailed: S. S. Northwestern, wext bound, at 3 a. m. Petersburg, April 20. (I. N. 8.) 8ailed: S. S. Admiral Evans, northbound. 4:15 p. m. 11 TT1 J TT n flnA JY 613)11 i ClU HclS VJUllG Not to Return, Assert Oregon Woolgrowers Flooey overall fad ! It's gone the way of alcohol. It's useless, defeats its own purpose, and makes the wearer ridiculous accord ing to the Oregon State Woolgrowers' association, in convention assembled. Whatever it is, it certainly is "cur tains." Clerks at the courthouse who Saturday pledged themselves to wear denim as a protest against high clothing costs today are returning to old clothes or coming out boldly with garments made famous by the same heavy adver tisers who popularized coxswains' meg aphones and rah rah hats. Here and there, spurred by press agentry, elevator operators, theatre ush ers, actors and a few plain citizens are wearing denims, but the great masses still cling to $60 and $75 tailored gar- j ments whose virtue is splendor. "I am astonished." declared Dr. S. i W. McClure of Pendleton, speaking be- t . 1, . , 1 r, 4V,at (ha trrwt- A V.I 1 ... L , ' ST WlVI , 1 U CI i, lilt., V. 1 , ' . erno officials and some Of the general ... , , , ... , """- woum uuouiuie culluii p.w r uct for one grown here at home. They ! are boosting an industry which brings rio money here." Charles Berg, who spoke Tuesday be- If vou'Ve boueht 'em. wran 'em un in mothballs. The crowd might give you the "raspberry" If you wear 'em now, so quickly has popular sentiment turned against the new fad. Four employes of the water engineer ing t)ureau appeared this morning in khaki suits, purchased at $10.50 apiece. K. E. Britch. C. O. Ehle, Jack Hansen and J. J. Karstetter are the men who In tend to make good their original declarav tion. They state they will wear them until clothing costs are matrially de creased. Multnomah Hotel Co. Trustee Loses Suit on Furniture Verdict for the defense was returned late Tuesday by a Jury In the case of H. F. Bushong. Multnomah Hotel com pany trustee, against the R, R. Thomp son estate, in United States district court. Bushong alleged that furniture and fixtures worth about $200,000 were old by the Thompson estate in 1916 without his consent. He maintained that as trustee in bankruptcy, he should have been consulted, and in the suit sought return of the money. Ten days were granted today to present a motion for new trial. Railroad Is Sued by Grape Juice Shipper A contract calling: for 11,000 gallons of grape Juice in 1916 at $1.50 a gallon went by the boards when the Southern Pacific railroad failed to make prompt delivery of a preliminary shipment, al leges O. W. Johnson of Salem in a trial started in the United States dis trict court today. Johnson's customer was W. J. Kerr of Winnipeg, Canada, U asks $462$. , BUILDING PERMITS Foster-Kleiser Company Erecting billboard oa Sandy boulevard, between twenty-ninth and thir tieth streets. Builder, the same. $100. Gas Smith Repairing residence. 1080 East Seventeenth street, between Yamhill and Harney streets. Builder, the same. $500. W. P. 8uider Erecting garage, 192 East Fiftieth street North, between Taylor and Salmon streets. Builder, the same. 8180. C, Dewier Bepairisf residence, 68 East BeVeoty-aecond afreet North, between Everett and Biirnside streets. Builder, the same. 1 70. E. A. Cheyne Erecting garage. 924 East thirty-eighth street, between Holgaia and Long streets. Builder, the same. $75. ! C. F. Overbaugh Erecting residence, 680 East Fifteenth street North, between Siskiyou and Klickitat streets. Builder, H. B, Kirbler. $4000. ! Miss A. A. Dimmick. repairing drug store. 355 Cnion avenue, between Broadway and Weiider streets. Builder, H. E. Ward. $300. P. 11 Shirley Reairing residence. 181 East Seventeenth street, between Belmont and Taylor streets. Builder, the same. 7.0. C. A Phillips Erecting garage, 605 Orange street, between Elliott and East Sixteenth street. Builder, the same. $X0. George Horlacher- Erecting garage, 4 65 Van couver avenue. Builder, Willamette Construction Company. $100. Joseph Welsh Erecting residence. 889 East Sixtieth street, between Holgate and Mall streets. I builder, the same. $350. I Mr. F. Wagner Repairing residence, 9859 i Fifty-aiith avenue, between Ninety-seventh and i Ninety-ninth streets. Builder, the same. $25. John Bain- Investment Company - Erecting dence. 1324 Multnomah street, between East .j.n,..en,h .nd E.,t PT"1 """Jf '"J?,. John P. Preston, $3700. Eaxt 28th streets. Builder, Donnee Wreck store. 546 Savier street, between Fifteenth and Seventeenth streets. Builder, the Craves Wrecking Company. $35. E. Feikuda Erecting i-hed room, 539 Uelsny street, between Mussell and Knott streets, iluiiuer. the same. $1000 R. Helen Dockery Repairing residence. 1014 i East 28th street North. Builder, the same, i $1000. j J. C. Corbett Repairing residence. 553 De ! pew street, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets. Builder. G. IL Wells. $250. P. Barracco Erecting e&nute. 901 Vancouver avenue, between Mason and Skidmore streets. Builder, the same. $60. Peter Baracco Erecting garage. 901 Vancou ver avenue, between Mason and Skidmore street, i tiuiiaer, tne same. iuu. Simon Bohachsek Repairing apartment houe, 1840 East illtsan street, between seventy-second and seventy third streets. Builder, the same. $75. W. Kioree Erecting residence. 1800 Bay- real bungalow, built four years, of best nard street, between Willis and Hunt streets. ; material, beveled plate glass windows, BuUder, the same. $2500. bath is imported tile, side and floor. J. Gettman Krecting garage, 775 East Fif- would cost $1000 to duplicate, American teenth street North, between Beech and Freemont ' hot-water heating planC fine garage, streets. Builder, the same. $200. f M. T. Priest Erecting garage, 113 Fifty-sixth' at 1 s Cff avenue, between Thirty-eighi h and Thirty-ninth! JS vlaOvvl, streets. Builder, the same. $100. ! ' H. J. Vermeer Repairing residence, 322 ' .Beautiful rambling bungalow, heart of Pierce street, between Willamette boulevard and Jrvington, 100x100 grounds. Syracus streets. Builder, the same. $25. i L. C. Willoughly Krectie garaues, 1088 East:; n sf,s. Thirty-third street North, between Alberta and ; ' IxOSe ltV ' Sumner streets Hnilder rh? same C 1 11 Tl : George C. Hetting Repairing residence, 232 j East Thirty-siith street, between Main and .,. ... B;,,,r , x-.K 11 Kliman Bepairin, residence. 60 E TwBty.fourth 3treet 'ven East Davis and F1r"ier streets. Builder Scheive Brothers. $160 Andrea t.uglicminii Iteiisinnz residence 8. SB -d Johnson creek, BuiWar. W. C. Reinke. $125. Andrea Guehemino Repairing residence. 890 . coma street, between Southern Pacific tracks; and Johnson creek. Builder, W. C. Iteinke. $125. W. Buckman Repairing carpenter shop. ; 970 Woodward avenue, between Thirty-second' streets. Builder, tne same. 4U Mrs. Thomas Connell Repairing office, 184 Tenth street, between Yamhill and Taylor streets. Builder, Boy Scouts. $150. A. Goodall Repairing residence. 1122 East; Grant street, between East Thirty -seventh and f East Thirty eighth streets. Builder, the same. 1 $150. J. C. Allen Erecting residence. 901 East i Twenty-first street, between Skidmore and Mason : streets. Builder, the same. $4 000. W. M. lleacock Erecting garage, 2428 Sixty-' second street, between Division and Twenty-sixth avenne TtuilHer thm aa n a, on w M. Heaeock Repairing residence 1030 ! revision street, between East Sixtv first street .nd East Sixty-second streets. Builder, the same. $175. K. IL Strongs Repairing office building, 130 Tenth street, between Alder and Washington streets. Builder, James I. Quinn. $200. Mrs. L. Parsons Repairing residence. $1028 East Grant streets, between East Thirty-fourth and East 35th streets. Builder, the same. $95. Edwards Maces- Repairing residence. 4$S Graham avenue, between Union and Seventh streets. Builder, the same. $14 0. Robert M. Kasebert Erecting residence. 1046 Mallory avenue, between Sumner and Al berta streets. BuUder, the same. $9000. Foster Kleiser Co.. erect billboard on Union ave bet. Fremont and Beech sts. ; builder same; $70. E. C. Mathews, repair residence. 1285 E. 19th st. bet. Tolman and Claybourne sts. ; builder B. B. Brumwell; $500. Georpe Berg, erecting chicken bouse 4 84 5 94th st bet. 48th and 49th sts. ; builder, same; $100. NEW TODAY GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut SHIPPED ANYWHERE or Erected in Portland Material aoe Wnrkmanstun tiaanales lint Class Sens for Circular REOimaoc suiuoina oo. 315 F.. Hth St. Phone K 5114 TWO BLOCK8 SOUTH OF HAWTHORNE PORTLAND. OR. WE CALL FOR YOTJB, OLD CARPETS Bar and Woolea Clotliinf FLUFF RUGS II Work Tamed Ont Promptly BnR Bua-s Wovtn All Siaes kiall Orders Bead for Book let Carpets Cleaned, Laid SSd Befitted. NORTHWEST RUG CO. 18S EAST EIGHTH STBEETV PHONE EAST liSS Sernd Ua Your Old Carpet (We Call and Deliver) Old Bore sad Weolti Clctklaa. Ws Mats BeTsniftla, Hssd-WsTss FLUFF RUGS Room Sts Flsff Bars Worn Bar Baca Were All ".ties Clotkee Cleaalar aad Djalar Deal, Bail Orders Beat for Bookies Feathers Renovated Carpet Cleaning txlS Bars, Hleasaed Cleaaed, UI WE8TEES FLUFFMiCO CO. S4 Ualoa Ave. N. Pkoaet aat SSIS ieHasreoais Watt Park as T amain At 10 A. M. Tomorrow i le JSEW TODAY Irvington Homes McDONELL 500 East 14th N. $18,000 $5000 Cash Irvington's prettiest corner home, 11 charming rooms, 2 baths, 4 lavatories. hot water heat, hardwood throughout, 100x100 grounds, double garage. $13,500 Lovely English home, 2 baths, extra lav atories. 5 bedrooms, library, concrete porch, garage, large grounds. $8500 Colonial Home On Broadway, really lovely home, south facing, central entrance. 8 large rooms. aouble garage, perfect location for corn- bining office and home. Terms. $12,000 Ber.utiful 9 room home near Brazee on ISth, all drapes, also fully equipped bil liard room. $13,500 One of the beautiful corner homes which one admires. Living: room mahogany and ivory, dining room, breakfast room sun room, maid's room and bath first floor ; 4 beautiful sleeping rooms, dress ing room, 2 sleeping porches, tiled bath and shower on second, three extra lava tories, combination hot water and hot air furnace, two fireplaces, hardwood foors throughout, garage. $10,000 Terms h0U corner house rooms, glass S. P., H- YV. floors. 1 block to car. Mt. Tabor $7000 7-room home, 100-100 grounds, dou ble garage, fine fruit trees, small fruit. McDONELL East 419 MEFTIXO NOTICES 41 GUI, REAZEE Grotto No. 6S. O. V. V. E. R. Entertainment to Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft and Master Masons, Thursday even ing. AprU 22, in I'ythian hall, 388 Yamhill St.. at 7:30 o'clock. A good program and plenty of smokes. Prophets, wear your "fez." J. H. BUTLER, 8ec y DANCING At the Moose hall, 4th and Taylor sts. . every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings. 1'rofcssr Fred Prasp's nine piece orchestra render the beat mnsic on the best dancing floor, under the best auspices in city. Bring your be-,t girl and enjoy yourself. siii-g. SAMAUITAN Lodge, No. 2. I O. O. meets every Wednesday eve-tUBrv- ning at 8 o clock. Odd Fellows tem ple, 226 Alder st. INITIATION TONIGHT. Visiting brothers welcome. F. W. K.ROI.I,, N. G JESSE T. JONES, Sec i nric RKGULaH meeting tomorrow a'clock, Baker hall. Killings north ami Albina aves. Every number is urged to be present to discuss locations for a building site. GEO. C. OLSON, N. G. . C. K ffllHON, Sec. iinrvT t jf-sa-Ti r f e0-SPK. 1 - K Regular meet- ine this (Wednesday! ar s o ciot-k E. 6th and Alder streets. Third deirree. Visit- iiig brothers welcomed. aTiTn c A. STARR, See. S NOBLE, N. C. A. A. OKEUON I'OMMANDERY. K T. Special conclave Thurs day erenine at 7 3D. Ked I'niM I'limmander Hentfln- rejuesti. the preseiK-e of recently kiiiflited Sir . Ktiithts at 6.3(1 ji. m. for the purpose of drill and instmctiim. C. V. W1KGAXI), Kec. COLl'MRIA lndje No. 114. ATT. 1 & A. M. Special commnnica- j tion tomorrow iinursuay) evening, at 7:30 o'clock. Ijibor in M. aL degree. Vbitirjg brethren always welcome. By order W. 11. FRKD 1 OLSON, Sec'y. ROSE CITY Camp No. 191. Wood men of the World, meets every inursday evening at s p. 334 Russell street Members are requested to attend. P. J. KNIS8, C. C. JW. BOOTH E, Clerk. KENTON Lodge, NoT14.V A". F &'A M SPECIAL COM MCN1CATION: Work in the M. M. degree. Thursday, April J!S. Viiitint! brethren cordially invite-'. F. ROBINSON. Sec STATED communication Doric lodge No. 132. A. K. it A. M-. St. .lolms Masi nic hall this liVrt.) evening. Business routine only. Vis itors welcome. A. W. DAVIS. Secy. THE MACCABEES Portland Tent No 1 Regular review every Thursday evening, at hall. 409 Alder st All members urged to be present Visiting Sir Knights always welcome CEO D BAKER. N R. EMBLEM JEWELRY a specialty; Buttona. ptna. charm. Jaeger Broa. 1 S 1-1 38 ath St. Xfjtal Statistics marriages. Birtbs. Dzaihz MARRIAGE LICENSES WUliam R. Smoke. 22. 6601 E. f4th at S. E.. and Ella (Joelle, 20. 1601 E. 4th st Lonis J. Merrick, 28. 51 Washington st, and Esther Lergerson, 22. 1379 Front st Joseiih D. McDonald. 24, St. Helens, Or., and Louis M. Danrette, 19. 6606 55th ave. S. K Hugh C. Peterson. 28. fJoldendale. Wash., and Vera E. Taylor. 39. 666 Flanders st Malcolm J. Oinalley, 21. Grant hotel, and Mabel Seney, 19, 471 E. Hsrrisonist. FTank F. Taylor, 30, 363 Graham aye., and Charlotte M. Bruce, 25. 310 Graham ave. Fred Humphreys. 46. 1.73 N. 17th st. and Roth Miller, 42, 4830 66th ave. S. E. Willis S. Ashley, 25, 1093 Westover Terrace, and Antoinette Mean, 23, 668 Everett at. Harold N. Deletts, 23. 272 Terry st, and Alice Bower, 19. 328 Beach st. Louis Young, legal. 1735 E. 15th st, and Minnie G. Port, legal. 4319 E. 43d ave. 8. E. Bernard C. Sevin, 24. Vancouver, Wash., and Violet O. Haghlon, 21, 1)05 Colonial ave. DEATHS ASD FCSERALS 7i O SHEA The funeral cortege of the late Jo hanna O Shea will leave the family residence, R93(4 Fourth street north, tomorrow (Thurs day), April 22. at 8:30 a. m.. thence to St Lawrence church. Third and 8herman streets, where requiem mass will bo offered at 9 a. m. Interment at Mount Calvary cemetery. Ar rangements in care of Miller & Tracey. PETERSON At the residence, 892 Thurman streetj April 19, Eva Peterson, aged 44 y-er. beloved wife of Oscar Peterson: also survived by two children. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Thursday), April 22, at 2 p. m., at the charje! of Miller A Tracey. Interment at M on nt Scott Park cemetery. ANDREWS In thi city, at her late residence, 660 Belmont st, April 19, Sarah Andrews, aged 63 years, wife of John T. Andrews, mother of Forrest and Al Parsley of Hood River. Or.. Elmer Parsley of this city and James Sheldon. The remains are at Finley'a, Montgomery at 5th. Notice of funeral hereafter. WUN8CH At the family residence, 1518 Inter state ave., Mary Bush Wunach, age 51 years. The body at the parlor of Chalmers 'Co., 248-50 Killingsworth are. Funeral announcement wiU be made latex. DEATHS ASP FryKRALS 78 WHITF In this city. Monday, April 18. Ellen 11. White, aged 70 years, late of 467 B. 7th at N. Hbe la survived by four son H. G.. G. O.. W. F. and P. E. all of Portland: two Bisters, Mrs. Carrie Margrave of Aberdeen, Wash., and Mrs. J. 8 Aukstad of Wetertown. 8. P.: on brother, of Wetertown. S. D. Friendl are invited to attend the funeral services at 2 .30 p. m tomorrow ( Thursday ) . at the chapel of Chambers Co.. 248-240 KilHngaworUi art. near Williams. Cremation at the Portland crematorium. SMITH In this city. April 20. George 0. Smith, aged 73 years, late of 5004 54th eve. S. K. . father of Charles C. and James 13. Smith. Mr-. Annie. Swain, Mrs. Cora Dohl, Mrs. Alice Wilkins, Mr. Minnie Holtiman. Mrs. Julia J en try and Mrs. IUchael Rytel and brut her of William H. Pullman, all of this city. Funeral services will be held Thursday. April 22 at 2 .30 o'clock p. m... at Kinley's. Montgomery at 5th. Friends invited. Interment at Luna Fir cemetery. HARTLEY At Cadillac. Mich.. April 16, Mrs. Eileen Becker Hartley, age 25 years, wife of Ro f. Hartley, daughter of J. A. Becker, sis ter of Edna and Mabel Becker. Deceased was a member of Corinthian chapter No. 54, O. K. S. and Security council No, 238. Funeral services will be held at the Portland crema torium April 22 at 1 :30 p. m. Friends in vited. Remains in care of Ericson A Co. H I" N TON li t his-city Aprif 2T "Elmer Pitts Ilmrton, aged 70 years, beloved husband of Addie B. Hunton, residing at 447 East 8th st. Father of Mm. 0. H. Patterson, this city, and L. E. Hunton of Bremerton. Wash. The funeral services will be held from the con servatory chapel of the F. S. Dunning. Inc., 414 East Alder street, tomorrow (Thursday) at 2:30 p. m. Friends invited. Interment in Lone Fir cemetery. BLAlTr-'HenrB'rair, 423 E. Couch. April l, 16 years, acute endocarditis. WtXJCIK Ag-ata Wojcik. St Vincents hospital. April 15. Jl years purulent peritonitis. OLSEN Norman Willard Olsen. 4 15 E. Clay. April 18. 32 years, pulmonary tuberculosis. M-:i.SN-William Nelson, en r'Wte Ui hos pital, AprU 16, 32 jtars; electric shock. FLORISTS BEFORE you fill those window boxes and flower beds, why not call up and get our prices, or better come to our greenhouses and look oar stock over. Have lots of satisfied customers 1st Us make you one oi them. ROE1N80N FLORAL CO., Sell 1757. 940 E. 40th it. Smith's Flower Shop "Portland's Progressiva Florist." Flowers for All Oeeaittons. Ma n 7215 T C. I.t'KK. Mar.. th AMer. Geo. Betz & Son rKESH FLOWERS FOR FUNERALS and all occasions 897 Williams av. Inst call Wood awn 1512. Joseph Beta, manager LUBLIN ER w.TTLF7 34 8 Morrion. bet Bdwv snd I'ark Marh 23T 828 Morrison. Portland Hotel Marshall 78 MARTIN A FOHflKS CO lorit.i. 8S4 Wash ington, -fain 269. A 120. Flowers for all occasions artitically arranged. CLARK ll'iOS flori'tn. Morrison st. bet. 4th and 5th Phone Main 7709. Fine flowers and flnral deiirns. No branch store. CiT!appens1iw Bank bide. Mata $91 Morrison at. LA LAN E OPPOSITE POSTOFFICB Flower f-rr all occasions. Phone Msln $S4t THE PEOPLE'S FLORAL SHOP. 245 Alder FUNERAL DIRECTORS Edward Ho! man & Son Funeral Directors THIRD AND SALMON STREETS. Main 607. A 1511. 1-adv Assistant. J. P. HIILEY & SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS MA IN . MONTGOMERY AT FIFTH. F. S. DUNNING, INC. THE GOLDEN RULE UNDERTAKERS 414 E. Alder st Phones East 52. B-523S A. D. Kenworthy & Co. BS02-5M 2D 8T S K . LENTS. Phone Tabor B267. Horn Phone D- I. CHAMBERS CO. Funeral Directors. ATI the Conveniences of a Hobm Woodlawn 8806. 248-250 Kllllnasworth avn, M'ENTEE EILERS. fnneral parlrr.w1tn7"aD the privacy of a home. lth and Krerett ata Phones Broadway 2183. Home A-2I8I Eait 781. .L.Lerch M" l;z;r u.tulu iAh i. I. 1 1th and Hawthorn. H W. O ABLE A CO. Sorrcwon to W. H. FTsmlVoa IS78 R. Gllsan. Phona Tahor esit. Mn.I.FR A TRACEY. Independent foneral dlrW tors. Prices as low as $20, t0 (AO. Washlntion at Ena. Main 3SS1. A-TSSS R. T. BYRNES S lew residence c Ubliaharnt S01 Williams an WorxTliwn 220 DOWNING M AR. stKcemors to Wilson ft Ross, afaltnoaaab at K. 7th. Irrinctos district East B4 i A O "S 2 WUIiama An, i -V 'vl Kafl East 10. C-10a CUa,ofl rmnERTAKINO CO Main 41 5t , SKCWeS A-2S21. Cor Third and CU. Portland Marble Works 266 4tb st.. nr. City Haa Ken Bran. R?t3LAE3lQ GIWiiTE C? t yla7-3Pp st, at MAQison . lost a!xd rori) SI THE FOM-IWING articles hare been found on 1 cam of the I'. R., L. A P. Co.. April 19 7 purses, knife, key. pin. S pr gloves. 1 glove, helt. scarf. 1 rubber. 4 books. 4 packages, hand- at hair 4 lunch boxes. 22 umbrellas. Owners nisy . , obtain property at First and Alder sts. I , noT j..W. -r innn Ihs. 10 ari I ' ,, ...n. mlr with hell minus clan- per. Reward for information leading to recovery. : Last seen at Black's ranch. 1 mile south Sifton, I April 1 0. H. D. Wood. Rt 1 , Orchards. Wash. ! LOST By working girl, purse containing sooui $25 and receijiti, in Meier A Frank's store. Tuewlay. Finder will confer a great favor by phoning East 8065 after 6:30Pm WILL the man who found black leather wallet near Olds A King on lotn av; please re turn ?roe to J. L. King, 310 East Irving st llewani I1ST Sunday, three-joint fishing pole and reel at Mulino, on Mill creek, Molalla road. Reward. Call Mr. Hill. Broadway 1716. LOST 2010 lire. Italian money, between 367 ' Water st and 10th and Washington. Return to Mrs. Rosa Sispina;Marshall3054; LOSTDark brindle bull terrier, license No. 2800; 2 white toea on both right feet. Re ward. Phone Word lawn 750. LOST From" 704 "'Missiwipfii. green parrot, yel low head, red on wings. Finder call Woodlawn 6950 Reward. LOST White Fox terrier, black and brown face; reward. Woodlawn 4098. LOST Saturday. 4 keys on ring, call Columbia 652. Finder please LOST Shrine pin, i shopping district. Satur day. Call E. 4822. Reward. LOST Airdale male pup. Reward for retorru C. S. Harper, Broadway 3287. HELF WASTED MALE 1 600 MEN FOR RAILROAD WORK Government railroad in Alaska. Wages SOe per hour Special rate tare. FIVE DOLLARS Aleo station work later in season. ALA8KAN ENGINEERING COMM1S8I0S ' 301 Po-tnffiee bldg. Portland. Ore WANTEIi Cigar makers, steady employment year round; jobs range in price SI4 to 2Jt mold work. Communicate with Hood River Cigar ilo.. Inc. Hood River, Or. Boy. 224. WANTED Young man for general office work, excellent .opportunity for advancement; give age, references, salary and experience, if any. J-825. Journal. ADVERTISING solicitor wanted for work in Portland on convention number of tlie Cres cent, the official publication of the Shrme. Must be experienced. 404 Spalding bldg- Main 81 IS. YOUNG-MEN FOR' VAUDEVILXe ' Experience unnecessary. AL COTTON, 201-2 RLVOLA THEATRE BLDG. WANTElJ Experienced lumber bookkeeper. State experience and furnieh references. JX- 820. Journal. WANTED Young man experienced in grocery store delivery: must' have references. Free man Bros.. 874 Alberta st WANTED Man as gardener helper Please call at 6028 42d ave. 8. E., or phone Tabor 2234. . WANTED Experienced machine praaaer: must understand repair work. The Lsuralhurst Dye Works, 1260 Belmont st - WANTED Four boys. Apply Trn Blu Biscuit Co., E. 6th and Devla. WANTED Cutter for overalls, shine, etc; who can make pattern. N 513, Journal. WANTED Cabinet makers In f unit a re factory Apply 652 2d st MILLARD AYE. FUEL CO. waata wood ca). SZZS TZd a. ML Beott ear. OFFICE boi. SIS Orexoa aids, HELP WANtEP t,K I HE1.F WjAlt TKPMISC. 4 SWITCHMEN W.ANTED Mea experienced Id railroad yard work deairina employment should call t one or send tamet and addraasea to superintendent; Southern Pacific company, given below. Strike condi tions prevail, but th strike la ua authorlsed) and denounced by officers f railroad brotherhooda. Apply to MR- A. T, MIRCIXR. Superintendent, Boom 82. Second Floor. Union Station. j Portland. Oregon Southern Pacific Company SPINNERS WANTED CAN TAKF. CARB OF FEW GOOD SPINNERS, EITHER NIGHT OR DAT WORK. GOOD WAGES. STEADT EMFIvOYMENT GUARANTEED. APPLT PORTLAND WOOLEN MILLS, ST. JOHNS. MEN WANTED ros RAILROAD YARD BEBV1UB WAGES 64 CENT8 AN HODB EIGHT HOURS WORK A DAT S CENTS PER HOUR FOR EACH ADDI TIONAL HOUR OYER EIGHT HOCKS A DAI BOARD AND LODGING FLACKS WILL BE ARRANGED TOR STRIKE CONDITIONS. BUT STRIKB DENOUNCED BY RAILROAD BROTHER HOODS AND UNAUTHORIZED. PRO TECTION ASSURED. PERMANENT PLACES rOB GOOD KEN APPLT TO A. T. atERCIER. SUPERINTENDENT. KOOai 82. SECOND FIXKIK. CNION STATION. PORTLAND. OREGON. SOUTHERN PACIFIC COM PANT WANTED HEN FOR IXU BLE SHIFT ROAD CONSTRUCTION WORK Make (750 b 11000 per month healing ravel with one of onr new 4 ton trucks. equtpied with dump body We need two Wore good men for these jobs. Ion't miss this opportunity to make extra good money. Ton will need about 12000 to handle this. (Tall Broadway 4379 a. av. or Sellwood 2315 IiUr 7 p. m A THOROUGH!. T experienced fnrniture salesman: must be wide awake and know how to sell new and used household goods. Young man preferred. Good pay end ier manent position for the man who qualifies. None other need apply. Stale eiperijnce, age, references and salary desired. H 709, Journal. 9 TO "ALL OWNERS OF IIILK TRUCKS All owners of trucks not under contract and interested in getting work this spring are re quested to list their mum and addresses with make and six of their truck or trucks with this association. There is Do charge for this service OREGON MOTOR TRUCK HAULING CONTRACTORS, 201 Worcester Bldg. Phone Main 490T. SI 75 PKh MONTH tne year eraraa. tba average earnings last rear of a namjaar of oar ealmnea eeer t years. Tha year will be toe biggest yet No expedience necessary; weekly eash advance, eatnt furnished. Big aseortaent graereateed trees, abrnbbery and vines. Tow eaa do what other lav experienced mea hare done. Waahinctea Vet eery Co.. Toppenlah. Wash. WANTED- Good janitor, thoroughly experi ence!, able to take charge, day hift Apply after 11 a. m. Kielto Billiard Parlor, Park and Aide". : PORTER wanted. Barber shop. Journal bldg. HELP WAX TED MISC. IS 5300 TO 1500 A MONTH!! Are you earning that? Mary automobile ex perts are. You may join the high -salaried, skilled mechanic ranks if yovj take advantage of the g engineering onurse offered bv the LEADING AUTO SCHOOL OK THE WEST, WITH A RECORD OF MORE SUCCESSFUL GRADUATES THAN ANY OTHER SCHOOL. Investigate), enroll and don't pay oa a oent until yon are convinced that we'll deliver the goods. That's fair, Isn't itf Write for our f 1 8 8 -page catalogue It's free. Ask for book No. OUR COURSES ARE FREE TO ORBGON EX-SERVICK MEN ADOOX AUTO AND GAS KNGLVB SCHOOL. UNION AVENUE AND WASCO STREET THE PUBLIC EMPIjOYMENT BUREAU City of Portland V. S. Government Can furnish help, male or female, free of charge, to either party. Men's DIVISION--FlatJron Bldg., Sll Pine at Phons Broadway 4876. WOMEN'S DIVISION 20J Beck bldg. P road way and Oak. Phone Broadway 4869. LKARN TELEGRAPHY Young men and women wanted. Cell 484 Railway, Exchange bldg. Spleadld opportunity to learn a well paid profession. Free booklet. Railway Telegraph Instltnte. WANTED 70 earnest. Ood-f earwig men and women to distribute literature and solicit enb arripUone for the Woodrow WUaoa League, 4SS Chamber of Commerce. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeeping. Stenography, civil sen lee. secretarial, special course. Expert teeehees; day aad night: enroll now. Phone Broadway 5083. EAST BIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL Mia Rectea Buck el's private school; Individual imtmction. 122 Grand ave. East 42T. ROCKY MOUNTAIN Teachers' Agwocy. Eeroll free. Frank K Welles, former aetaitt state X. W. Baa Mas. nags Mala SZ7S. A PotilUcn thr Each Graduate. AL1SKT BUILDING ioiTnik' issrpvn EVERT GRADCATK OF BEHVKE-WALKEB BUSINESS CU.KiE. POKTkAND Rnroll any time. - Telecranhf. stenomrhf. hankina. booakcemna secretariat Frew catalog HELP WA?TEI FEMALE TH! tSjr WANT TO EARN A foO! SAIJVRT? A salary that ?aT,l while you learn the business and thai inm-Atea tree quetitly as you gain experience? IKI I'OU KNOW HOW Mi l II TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN r And what excellent tHl" I hey have lor pnmuxlon t, executive p,4 ticn ? WHY NOT lillTAIN FACTS TH K Our Einplomett Nurcrvi.tor will gladly tell yrni the facts end will alxi eilin the many other advantage, of telephone (fterating for young women. Aindy at Telei,wnie Coinpsnv. Rn..m nil 1- nth ll.Hir Telephone Htuldiiia, Park and Oak Streets. Tlie Pacific Telephone St Company. Telegraph WANTED TOfNG WOMEN IN TEARS OF AGE AS INSIDE OFFICE MESSENGERS. NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE HKUL'IKED. GOOD OPPORTUNITY. APPLT CHIEF OPERATOR WESTERN USION TKLKCKAPFT CO., 5TII FlAHlR WORCESTER BLDG., SUi AND OAK. EXPERIENCED corset saleswomen. FhrneTleneaa picture saleswomen. Apply before 10:00, em ployment bureau. UPMAN. WOLFE A CO. i :1 FORMER saleaworien of Lfpfnan. WoVe eV Caw communicate wsah employment bureau. LIPMANJ WOLt'K Ac Co VIP ANY. WANTED Extwrtenred maid. retMral h on so work ; family 8 adults. R Weatorvr mad. head of Johnson st ; food wage. Pbooe Mar shall 4781. WK WANT a woman solicitor and arpraiasr lor bouse department. Apply at real estate offloai of RAI4-II HARRIS CO. S27 Chamber of Commerce. EXPERIENCED lanndry tlrla. Un Hospital. Marshall 304 0. Good Samara- BOOKKEEPER One familiar with auto arces aoriea preferred. State experience and salary to start Good hmue. permanent petition. Address N-237. Journal. FREE room and board to miiklle aged lady ero ployed In exchange for very light housework, 90 E. 7th st north. WANTElV Diohwaahet. Call Kenwood hotel, 118 W. Kilpatrick. Take Kenton car to end of line. WANTED A girl for general housework ; ns washing; good room with bath. Phone East 41R9. MIDDLE aged wvman, or girl, light housework ; no waxhing; 2 In family Alff E. 10th si N Phone East 3ilS. WANTKIV Ledyr with 1 child," to" keep houe for man with one child. Addrew Mr. J. t Johnson. Westport, Or. TO't Wf I Ia1IK8 FtrTT VTuDK V lf,I JC Experience unnecessary. AL COTTXiN. 2l-2 RIVOI.A THEATRE BI,I34 WA.'tEI A" rawiVtable lady with 1 child to work for a man with 1 child, ont of town. Call after 6 p. ra.. Alder hotel, room 212. GIRL to assist with housework; uo washing. Apply 674 Everett. WANTED Girl or woman for genera! bmiie work, umall family East 7911 COOK Experienced. No general honv work Wages 175. References. Telephone Usui ltU. HELP WANTED MAI. K AS D MlMAl.K i WANT ld)--Menr to lesm Uie Irsrher trade : receive some1 nay while learnini;: iwMiltono free to you. CaM or write 'or particular arid catalogue. MdLEIt ' BAKHKU COLLEGE. Ml'' Rurnside st. MKN" WOMEN lear'n'Tsrher trade;' while learning, aritlon guarsnt-ed Mcr 22 -cjik' exierience. Oregin Ilarhvr College. 2H.1 Madinon. PORTi.ANTBerber Coileae pay. you whil learning, tfivee you set tf I'miIs free. iMiitloits se.-ured. 38 Nl 2d st. W ANTED A UK .NTS r. WANTED 70 earnest. God fearing men and women to dWribute literature and solicit miI- scriptions for the Woodrow Wilson league, 4oS Cliamber of Commerce. R A I, F. H M K IS WASTED 88 SELL NritSEllY STOCK FOR "t?I Good territory otien, terms attractive. VVrttS for contract and' Information immediately. SALEM NL'KttKRT ('OMPANY, 1030 Chemekesa St. Salens, O. HITr ATION! -MALE WANTED Repair work new work. Painting, rariienter and cement work. Plans, stecificationa, estimates. Woodlawn 1402. TiU''STWORTirV"')rounf man deiree position as cYillertor If any vacancies are to occur let mt- know in adunoe, Eliieriencad. Furnish reliable referencas. J-,29, Journal, WEST MAGI IKE Pstnrfrg. natferhangitrg-. and tinting. Anto .stir 219 77 n. end op, 397 E 39th t. ("EliKlifuridTOon-Tou4s. raised. basemenU enlarged, graded, reasonable. Marshall IHH'J evenings. WANTED Position by lst-elaie watch maker. State salary MX-486. Journal rAI.NTTNG-MT"tintirirgenerl houae rvipaiing. Nattestad. Phone East 4581. NEW SCREEN8 and v.min doors made end re paired. W e le y, 165 Grand eve Est g88 VVNfxlwleiner, handy man. wishes wort.' hour or day Main 2302. 8 A LfcR MAN What have you to offerf Stale) in letter. J-834. Journal. BCiOFS reahingled a spedalts. Beacbam. Pboaa' E. 1201. , &EMODEL your bouse now, estimates given kf reliable builders. Woodlawn 6348. FOR etca rating and plowing rail Sell. 81 22, SITEATIONJs PKM AI.K iFfiENCH teariier. lady, woiild like to be" panloa or tn roach children during sumgaef vacation. 3 823, Journal. SEWING-aDd millinery 'done at home. Phone) 212 14. ; . Ct'RTAINB, hand' laundrted. Call Tabor 8 IS. 23 E. 40th st J LACE 8CKIM Maroniaette curtains-hand laun dered; also fine clolhe. Kant el a. 4 ALTERATIONS, refitting and making ef ladtae' garments, reasonable price; work raaraMeett,' 1 Hetibtc, laikei' TsHor, 408 Buh h Iiwe bldg EXPERIENCED fitter, one-piece dreseea. suita coats, alterations, coats reiined; prirea rs aonable Ida M. Ott. 890 Clay st. Mar. 3H. WM SCHENST. teeilea' and genliemefl s teiM hemstitching, pleating, etc. Beet work, aaotV rato prices. 1I01SU near Waak Bdy 895S, Dressmaking and Uiloring. also remodeling. e: reasonable. Gall 454 Falling St. rtume 818-3 HTTBgEri REFINED, aaiddlaaged' trained and practUal nurse: city or country. Broadway 2654, 875 KUnders st. PRACT1CA1, aurae, 8 years' etperianoe ln one bospitaL Mrs Bower. 876 N. 19 th at. Mala 1H. " PRACTICAL nurse. Phone Eaat 721l! " Fl'MSlPlHEII ROOM 14 TWO large beautifully furnished rooms suitable for two. large closet, bath and phone servica; -easy walking distance. fiO King at, aaar Washington. Phone Marshall 1257. - HOUSEKEBPtNG rooms. $1.76 ani' 82.56, farniebed ropms, 1.23 and 82.80 week. Ve lurnbia Hotel. i224 CUjf. - . . . BAKER faote2SH 8tk at SooawTSSMI per week aad ap. - , -. ' - ... (OeidJrMtwS ea rattawliai Faaa) " I T. - V i -"V IB " 'I