i 3 r. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,- PORTLAND, MONDAY. 'APRIL' 12, .1920.'' 19 - f PTOMOBlLES ASP ACCtSgOBIEB U BARGAINS SPRING IS HERE ; Hiw k th time to boy. Th price gs going up soon. Wt wtH save you money., ! SEE US FIRST Cadiiao Touring, Mil iUrter, new fiat??, , l-man top; good condition; cub i.-? $375 "..!p.: $325 Briscoe Touring; tak (ox, cub. Buick Touring; good tire; cuh. Studebaker Bug. 6-cylinder; iM-JB toad I condition; cash V a National Roadster, elA.itorter ; gg ' Msiwell Touring. 1st. 1918. food I nw tire; guaranteed. . . . gooa 1 1 1918 Indian Motorcycle, genuine ffi fl $ Carman Botch magneto, cub . . e Ford tak 1-ton trucks, chain drive, body; good for express. . $650 Super Sti Hudson, 1918, excel seat jshape Chevrolet Touring, eelf-starter; CMK tup tor, cash eDe?0 Vinton nly I . Touring, ..-$825 Unwell Roadster gpecial top List your ear with us. we will sell it. MAIM STREET 1 SECOND AND MAIN 8TS. MAIN SOBS. : USED FORDS I . Exclusively f $6 To Select From I jock them over before you buy. EASY TERMS Universal Car Exchange ., 6-1178-78 Grand are. cor. Suxk. . Morgan-Atchley bldg.) OPEN SUNDAYS. EVENINGS 49 Chevrolet Touring 1914 191 1917 1919 All geod and at the right price. . Brokerage. Terms. No BBOADWAT 2411. 68 1 ALDEB ST. f 917 Buick 'Six Roadster I ' Cord I tires with spare, bumpers, spotlight, good condition; at a real price. Terms. No ' brokers. This is fine buy. BROADWAY 2411. BS1 ALDER ST. 191Q Chalmers Hot Spot i ! REPAINTED AND GOOD T1BES; CAN rSE SMALL CAR AS PART PATMENT. A FINK FAMILY CAR AT $1200. TERMS, i CALL TABOR 880. I FORDS. FORDS, FORDS ROADSTERS. TOURING. SEDANS. I RUGS MYERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AYE. Cash or Terms Just Bring an Honest Face Automotive Sales Co. 480 31 Belmont St. Phone East 8067. YES. auto, bare taken another jump up. Yon also must wait from 3 weeks to 3 months for delivery. It me show you some good used car that are 75 per cent to 98 per cent new, at xaving to you of 8 $ $ $ 3 ir Main 4028. Mar. 27. ABE" you ready for the good roads ami nine weather! 9 model orenana r.nat win tk yoil overland with comfort and pleasure. "Th pric' Is lower than most pay by $ $ $ $ I Main 4028. Mar. 2766. OVfcltt: .LAND -TOURING 1918. oterhauled com-' ely, car in wonderful condition. eo.iiipiei iit with cord tires. Hurry, at thuv car will sell ouick for $750 with terms. 89 91 N. 9th at. near . Flanders. MAXWELL TOURING 1919. runs and looks Ilk t day it cam from factory. Guaran teed andi eervlre given ssme as new car. Won derful by for $850 with terms. 89-91 N. 9th st.near Flanders. L USED CAR BUYERS f FIFTY SMALL CARS , MTERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. HAVE your machine painted by Cornell A Co., 964 Thurman st. Phone Marsnsll 596. Fords. Chevroleis and Marwella our specislty. Prices from 318 to MO. Prompt delivery. FORD tiourine in A-l condition, with leetric starte and loU of eitras. Will sacrifice for $500 sd give terms. 80 Grand ave. N.. ear Burnside. frEW Maxwell, run leas thsn 1000 mile. Will : - xll rot I'Sf) less than coat. Call Bdwv. 1270 Ak for! Mr. Bmith. Hotel Morris." 10th and Stark. J U0T0R3. gear, bearing, wheels, axlea; we wreck i all make of ears and tell their parts gv price. Darid Hodes Co.. 106-107, N lltft it. Auto Towing Main 259. Night, Mar. 821. Day, VI I.CAN TIKE RHOI ' Unit class tire repairing; Mrgains in new nd used! tires. Esst 4S9B 41 orsnd ave. rns k4t trRv owner. Ford tounnc ear. 191 model iin good condition. Tabor 4006 or 18 E. 7Sth t N. BOSSITER BROS. TOP CO. Auto tops, curtains and retir ing. Ea.it 8H4. tinlon at Pin. OVERLAND touring, good mechanical condi tion, good tires. Will sacrifice at $400 and five term, au Grand avev N. near Bnrnaide. MAXWELL 1918. very best of condition. Good - Urea. (Used privately; $675, with terms, 30 Grand ass. N., near Burnlua. ,CHEVR(1i.ET 1918. A-1 condition. ' A real bargain at ' $650. Term.' 30 Ai rand ave. . K.. near iBornsiile. . CHEVRclLET 1916. A-l mechanical condition. Must teU. A real snap at $450, with term. IP Grand are. N.. near Burnside. TOti i Hepublio. good condition, cords all mnnd; 1 extra; 1920 license. $650 takes It. 153 K. Sth at passencer; can handle 'or $4.0, ' with terms; would consider i Ford part pay ment. : Bdwy. 2110. .... ' CASH paid . for old cart, condition no obieoti parte For all make, of ears: On-aon Ante Exchanged 44B Flsndcr. nr. 11th. Bdwy. 8303. FOB. RELIABLE and durable- tire service haw your -work . don by tb Finch Vulvaniiing I Co. t'Ml tire at low prica.j 889 Vi' Start gt f DODGE - touring oar, .refinished, new top, good tires, apothght and bumper.: $226 down, bal ance to suit Bdwy. 8606. ITSO JklAXWELL. 6 new Urm; must U. $800. Mia 1 1ST, 188 Chapmaa. . " i$18 IXJBD - tosfina aa -perfeet condition, with extras r leavtag city, . a bargain. 284 Da via 118 CHEVROLET A ; 2924, jmorning, betw btrgain, ' tlCaU Mala between 8 and I. I17 FbRD, In A-l- shape: a bargain. Call a, Mstn at24. morning, between b and 1. 1 TIKES Btlgtitly u.-ett $8 to $15 cgeit. Expert tir repslimg 207 Madron. j : - 1918 MltCHELrrXtTTLETSIX. iike new, dandj ' . rabber.j - Cooper. Phcae 811-48. i " - .. l8T9":UiiN SIX; new paint, good tires. Could nse a Ford a part payment East 2766. . WILL aeU- opUoa oa 1920 Dodge, aeilvery 10 day. Telephone Tabor' 7008, AUTOMOBILES AHD ACCESSOBIES 44 At Otir lsed Car Removal Sale ' You win find 26 used ear of triou different make. 4 and eyl. arid 2-8- and 7 paaa. They are not to be compered with the aTerage used car offered for sain. Mont of them have been overhauled and refinished. . ' j - EAST TERMS GIVEN USED CAB DEPARTMENT . Open Sunday 19 to 4 Mitchell, Lewis & Staver j Company Et First and East Morrison gb. Phones: East 7272. 1 Automatic 312-10. Columbia Auto Sales Co. j 345 Union Ave. N. 30 Steps from Broadway 1917 Chevrolet I condition. touring: Bargain. good running IS 18 MaiwelJ touring. Perfect running order. A dandy buy. 1919 Nash touring. Buns and look like new. Owner going East. 1918 Studebaker "4" 'A bargain. 1 1918 Studebaker 6 tires; new battery I and mechanically , perfect. Ford chassis, engine Just overhauled. Would j make dandy bug. 848 UNION AVE. N. EAST 58. 11918 Chevrolet 1918 Chevrolet roadster. prac tically new, extra j tire, teat coven 'and bumper. Price I860. Teruu if desired. Francis Motor Car Co. East 13U ami Hawthorne. ' East 8770. Chandler 6 Cylinder Touring Car in dandy condition; 6 tires; This is a real buy. Car looks fine. for 1800. BBOADWAT 2411. 631 ALDEB ST. 16i.000 cirri ed :n tlock. Our springs told with A written guarantee.: We giv you service. 84 North Fifteenth street. 1918 OVERLAND, IN GOOD CONDI TION; BRAND NEW TIRES, CAR FULLY EQUIPPED: 8700, TERMS W DESIRED. EAST 8883. SPECIALS IN USED CARS No $3, 1919 model Chevrolet delivery..! 880 No. 32. 1918 model Overland Country Ohih 780 No. 54. One-ton Republic 1080 No. 9. One-ton Ford, worm drive 876 No. 86. Two-ton Republic 1400 i ROBERTS MOTOR CAB CO., INC. 305 Main St. Vancouver, Waab DODGES ! ROADSTERS. TOURINGS MTERS AUTO CO.. 188 GRAND AVE. CHANDLER SPORT M0DBL, wire wheels. bumpers, spotlight, 5 cord tires; run 5000 mile.; Will sell for $1900. R. E. Gorex owner, 495 E. 10th street north. Phone Esst 6803. CHEVROLETS ! BEST ASSORTMENT IN TOWN MtERS AUTO CO., 88 GRAND AVE. DO you know that a truck will make money for your See me regarding the beat 1 H ton truck on the market Main 4028. Mar. 2768. 1919 MAXWELL This car is O. K. in every respect. Why pay more and get less? You can use this car for years. Main 4028. Mar 2786 FOR ' SALE 1 modern chummy roadster, ex- See car at r ...- , f. ntb .t r.H.n VIEN7 women, to sell subscriptions on all popular magazines. Whole or spare time. Big money-getter. Write today. Manager, ro 800, Bush Temple, Chicago. ' INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY EXILE BURKITT, AGENT. MAIN 1800 NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. TKTJCX8 Al TBACTOBS Ml GET THE !' TRUTH ABOUT BUTING OF AUTO TRUCKS FOR CONSTRUCTION WORK IN OREGON - SAVE TIME AND MONEY Bring us your offered contrset tnd truck buying propositions snd get he benefits and advice free from owners and contractors of Auto Trucks with yean of experienc. : PROFIT BY THE MISTAKES MADE IN THE PAST AND BENEFIT BX HELPING US PUT THE AUTO TRUCK OPERATION INDUSTRY ON A PAYING BASIS. j THE OREGON MOTOB TRUCK HAULING CONTRACTORS 201 Worcester bldg. : Main 4907. Ask About Our Free Trial on Trucks . We : hve one of the lsrgest stocks of rebuilt trucks in the state of Oregon. Every trues completely overhauled and put hi first class run ning oonditlon. It will pay you . to investigate our line. Y SPECIALS THIS WEEK 1919 FORD delivery, panel body $ 650 1919 FORD delivery, express body 660 1919 1-TON FORD, stake body...... 750 1919 1-TON PANHARD. express body.. 800 1918 (H4-TON WHITE 1600 1915 2-TON REO 800 1916 i2-TON REPUBLIC i 1400 2-TON ACASON, run less than year.. 2800 -..I .1 MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM BAST TERMS. NO BROKERAGE ! GRANNING A TREECE 542 Alder st. cor. 17th. 1 1 Bdwy. 1723. Cash or Terms Jnt Bring n Honest Ftc Automotive! Sales Co. 480-94 Belmont arc. Phone Eaat 8057. I FORD TON TRUCK W ; hav on in food ahap. Fint man with 6886 take this. I Automotive Sales Co. 480-484 Belmont st Phone East 606 T. PACKARD truck.4 completely overhauled, dump body and botst. ready (or work. Bee 'Jsek." foot at E. Sainton at. Tor Is! $11 after S d. m. tai'CK. 8 ton and 1 Vs-tck. SIS Cham. Com. bids, Portlsnd. Or. FOR ALfc 8 U ton Vane, long V-TZ. journal. S TON Wbiu truck. Consider good touring oar for part. vy Everett. Bdwy. 181. '- TWO ioa truuk, good rubber and. running order. 8250 cash. 122Z Kaxba- a. rnvtixn xxd tkactors- - S- C6EP TRUCKS FOB SALE If you are interested in track, earn to Tan eouvtr and aa ours -fcefor yon buy. We haws: some exeeptkmauy good bargain ia ail late model worm drir trrcks. . From .f , to J-toe. Can give very good term. - -1 HANKEL A TBOEH, SIS W. 4th St, Phone 144. Vancouver, Wash. ils-TOS O. M. C. "-' ' 144 -TON. REPUBLIC G. M. C. run only one year: has tmeumstic tires, thoroughly overhauled. Republic, 1 years otd. thoroughly overhauled; took like new; terms. i . . MACK-INTERN ATHW AL MOTOB TBUCK i CORPORATION - 10th and Paris at. ' tw6 ton truck with transfer body and top. electric lights, self starter, new tins, ready for work, at sacrifice for 11100. 411 Sumner St. Phone Woodlawa 4542. AVTOXOBILBS WASTED Farm for Auto I have 20 acres of good land in the Grand Bond valley. Oregon, for which I paid 8800 five -years ago. Land is well located and suit able (or growing sunt anything. It is worth considerably more than $800 now. Am going to California and will trade this land even for good late model automobile, prefer Buick. No old model or Junk. Win give someone good trade. Write to Nick Kussmsnn. Alteon. Wtth. WE PAT CASH FOB URRD FORDS Universal Car. Exchange USED FORDS EXCLUSIVELY GRAND AVE. AND EAST STARK WILL PAT CASH for Ford touring. Ford roadster or Ford coup C, O. BLEASDALE 880 Alder. Broadway 1883- t i ; , : WE PAI CASH FOR LATE MODEL GABS USED CAB EXCHANGE 127 LOWNSDAI.B Phone Broadway 2888. WANT auto as part payment on 10-acre ahch; 8 - clear, 8-acre bearing orchard, 1 2 miles Vancouver; 82700. Phone Bdwy. 287T - nlnrp, or U-480, Journal. LaTe model roadster as part payment en a fine building lot; good neighborhood, on car line. X-S35. Journal. MY 2 H karat diamond, which you wonld pay 82200 to duplicate, will consider high grade eat oi cah 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. CA8H for all makes of cars, condition no object North Bank' Garage, 11th and Flanders. Broadway 4 S3. SMALL lunchroom, 177S East 13th tt. near Sen wood carbarn, for sale or trade for auto. CASH for all makes of cars, condition no object. 414 Glisan,- corner 10th sU WILL pay cash for Ford motor with transmis sion, or Ford csr. Marshall 881. HIGHEST pncea paid for automobiles, conditio , no nbteet 131 N 84 t. Rmadway 2829. ATTO BEPAIB SHOFB 8S FORD OWNERS FORD overhauled $20 Bear axle overhauled , 8 Valves ground, i carbon removed 8 Magneto recharged .- 6 We hand-lap pistons, scrape bearings, etc.. which insures a perfect running motor. Genuine Ford parts only used. All wort guarantees. GUARANTEE ACTO BEPAIB CO.. 280 Front at., corner Jefferson. Expert Repairing NORTH BANK GARAGE. 11TH AND FLANDERS. BROADWAY 453 E, H. CHAMBERS GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING MAXWELL SPECIALIST 28D AND DIVISION. SELL. 3758. Wayside Oarage Ford repairing : our specialty; storsg. towing tnd washing. Cor. E. 8th and Clay at VULCANIZING snd retreedlng. New end used si rat. iu ntn st.. near waamagton. FOHD BEPAIB EXCHANGE Anto repairing, ; used car dealers. 92 N. 11th. ATJTOS FOB HI BE n AUTOS RENTED WITHOUT DRIVERS New 1920 Model Car eonsble Rates FEARING A BOBNETT CITY GARAGE 182 12th st. between Washington and Aider NEW AUTOS W1TH0UI DRIVERS OVERLAND HUDSON S LOW N SDALB GARAGE BROADWAY 2408. 15TH AND WA8R ATJTOS FOB HIRE -WITH OB WITHOUT DRIVERS. U BULLIYAN. FA3H10 US- RAGE. MAR. 282. 10th at YambUL A-12S6 "CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS ARMY GARAGE. SD AND TAYLOR MAC 1887. ALTHOFF A BENNETT. PROPS. MOTORCTCLF.S, BICYCLES (3 USED MOTORCYCLES Indians, Harley Davidsons, Excelsiors, Cleve land, Hendersons, etc. TERMS IF DESIRED : Used motors, earbureters. magnetos, etc East Side Motorcycle Co. 44 GRAND AVE. Excelsior, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. USED MOTORCYCLES OF ALL MAKES EAST SIDE MOTORCYcLB UU.. 44 Grand ave. Kxcelstor, Henderson and Cleveland Agency. OH. BOYI Here yonf chance to speed unl , It a Henderson; $125 cash takes it. See at Laher Auto Spg. Co., 15th and Couch. TWIN Indian, MS; terms, or trade any time. e LAUNCHES ATTD BOATS 4 TROLLING boat for sale by .A. O. Pedersen, 728 Roosevelt at. Broadway 8569. PIANOS, OBGANS, MUSICAL INSTBUXENTS Do You Like Music? Certainly You Do, Everyone Does We hav. just what you want in the latest and beet phonograph on the market We also carry the largest supply of records and needles on I .the East Side. ; Pay us visit Come in and hear the latest fok- trots. THE GRAND AVE. PHONOGRAPH CO. 145 GRAND AVE. ' SECURITY STORAGE CO. CLOSING OUT 8475 Kimball UDriaht. nearly new. ...... $299 $750 Steinway A Sob upright $290 $900 Stefcer A Bona, fin mahogany $396 8475 Hallet A Davis upright ...$195 8275 Bond A Co. Paris upright $75 $250 Collars A Collerd upright. ......... $66 $800 Mendenhall modern player piano.. ..$395 8 Parlor Organs. $25, $35. $45 to $55 We Store Your ptsno for Toe Montmy We Bur and Sell Pianos Only for Oaah. ' SECURITY STORAGE CO.. 103 10th Bt ECONOMY DOWNSTAIBS STOBE New Factory rebuilt - and used pianos : $900 Steger, wax Circassian walnut. ..... $695 $800 Steger, dull mahogany $466 18800 8teger, mission oak ,....$435 $750 Steinway A Son upright. ......... $485 $50vHobart M. Cable, mahogany.. ... i. . $299 sn a ..... mrfahi A Mk . , gadft 8850 Thompson, Urge upright ..$395 Other for. .. $196. $285, 8268, 3290 Terms, $6. $8, 810, $12 jo 818 Monthly. SCHWAN PIANO CO. IQtl 0th nd Stark Sta. Player Piano Bargains Oixt player piano enapa include bench and two dozen rolbv Terms given. i UNIVERSAL,! walnut $425.00 MAYNARD. mahogany ........ 600.00 SEIBERLING-LUCAS MUSIC CO.. 125 4th at, bet Washington and AVier sts. VictroSa for Piano .$200 new Victrola and record outfit; tnd I for used ptsno. .Our proposition will please you. ataut koho. ' SEIBEKUNU-IjUCAS musio uu.. 125 4th st. bet'. Washington and A trier sts. WHEN you buy a used ptsno from anyone ; (including most stores) It vriU be worth $109 mere if vou spend $35 st my shop to bare it properly 'regulated and adjusted. Expert merit with reference, and recomvaeadatione guarantee) satisfaetioa. Barold 8. Gilbert, B84 XaatnUl at. Fiance bongbt, rented, eoho. PlaANO WANTED BlghMt oaah Mia paid for UMd ptaaes aaS niaver Diaao. sjrei oax pno ana sw ooanaosa. Setberling-Laoaaf M 126 tA st. Maia 8686. 55c NEW records, latest hit, inc. "Darda- nella." Freckles. etc.. standard makea. regular 85e and $1. to cloea out, your cnotee I 66c each. ' MnltnoeoaJl Music (Jo.. 208 Mormon r. 1 IBSO KIMBALL almost new plain ease; about 1-9 niukr Ttrirm- terms. Also Harvtm.w. Schubert. Hssleton. other. 812 Worcester bid, i PLAYER pisno (or al with roOa. East 6008,1 4ia kacu w. WANTED to buv Piano, aiee tone. If bargaia. Py oasBy Marsbau oiuv. xo aeaiet. $560 PIANO, upright walnut cat, only $125; some wrm."- giz worceaur owg. WANTED Piano, caa be old if good toaa. fat eoantry. All caeh. aislrr bbo. aheaa. Xaat AA7A. rmros, obgavs, htjsicax V IKSTBCME5T8 M I Big Sale ONE CARLOAD JTJST. ABBITED . Fresh. ' from the factory Phonograph tn all the latest tnodele and wood. We ehn have a number of slightly used phonographs. All phonographs in our store at very tow price and easy terms. 145 GRAND ATEv E. 615 WE BOY, SELL, RENT MB EXCHANGE . PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS PIANOS AND ORGANS ' BRASS AND STRING INSTRUMENTS Newman's Record Exchange 128 FIRST MAIN 449.1 TAROR 8798 - Piano - Bargains '- MANSFELDT. wslnut $185.00 SMITH A BARNES, plain case .... 295.00 VICTOR, latest model 885.00 IRVING, plain oak 285.00' BAILEY, plain walnut . 275.00 BAILEY, plain mahogany 270.00 SINGER, plain mahogany 275.00 HOMER, plain oak 285.00 We fully guarantee our used pianos, and can aaaur you they are real bargains. Terras .given. - 8EIBERLIN-LUCAS MUSIC CO. 123 4th it., bet. Washington and Alder ets. FOB SALE One first class player piano, $450 one good organ, one new sewing machine. 851 Macadam at. TYPEYTRtTEBS 77 THE DOANE GUARANTEED TYPEWRITER BttttVlVJS All makes overhsuled. Expert mechanics. BEPAIB ESTIMATES ON BEQUEST. Rue. Rail. Rant and Exchsnea. Main 8897. Supplies. 288 H' Oak at GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriter, "a makea," sold on monthly paymentA Send for pric lilt. The Wboieaale Typewriter Co.. retell dept. 881 Washington st ALL MAKES of typewriters rented, repaired and sold on monthly psyment plan. Oregon Type writer Co., 94 6th st Main 8688. HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 8$ BARGAIN WEEK AT M1SH FURNITURE CO. Do you wish to share in the best bargain ever offered? Fonr 9x12 Royal Turkish ruga, woven of pure mohair in those won derful soft colors so characteristic of these fine rugs.' They are priced $95, $75. $70 and $65. TERMS TO SUIT. Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 First St. YOTJR choice of 60 9x12 Axminster and velvet rugs, $52: alto some good used ranges; gen uine . leather . Davenports, $ 70. - Morrison Grand Furniture Co. 887 E. Morrison St OAK dresser, with beveled mirtor; 4. bedstead! and springs; 3 snd 2 burner gas plates: leather upholstered Morris chair; kitchen tsble; kitchen treasure: chairs, range, davenport, stands, etc. WEBSTER'S REPAIR SHOP 1105 Hawthorne ave. Tabor 8325. BRASS bed, iron bed. fumed oak dining set, buffet. 2 rugs, srasll neater. retnreraur. sewing machine, gas plate an doven and baby walker, reasonable, or will consider eichange for lumber. Apply 928 E. 30th st. S., near Holgate. Removal Sale of all kinds of used furniture, stoves, ranges and na olatea. kitchen treasure., neas. areesers, ra bies, sanitary couches. ' 884 E. Washington st. ROOM furniture for tale, reasonable price, must be sold quick aa owner leaving city ; bout ran b ranted by into. sou eroni u, cor. Grant. BANGES snd wster h esters moved from on ddreas to another tree, connections maoe a 'specislty. Tab. 2307. . ONE OAK library table, $16: one oak office desk. 816: one tailor's triple mirror, $30. 'CAll at 094 yt 4th U, corner oi onermso. COUCH, rugs, wamut bedroom suite, other fur niture. Tabor 8841. FURNITURE for sale, also rabbits with young. 8724 64th st. 8. E. OVERSTUFFED taped try davenport Inquire 808 Northrup at. FOR SALE Good dresser and practically new heating stove. 210 E. 2d. MACHINERY 81 LATH MILU buildings and sidetrack, new ma chinery, complete and operating: ilw severe! hundred cords of excellent slabs available; plant it close In on 8. P. tracks; splendid Rite cover ing 2 blocks. Can be handled for $2000 cash, balance on term. Call Tabor 8991 or Tabor 365. ONE 18 in. by 10 ft lathe, $875. Portland Transfer Co., 144 First it. DRAG SAW machine, gasoline donkey engine. Cai: Main 1346. .FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS It TACUUU cleaners, i changed, bought. (old. repaired, rented, ex Bentley Co.." Main 4907 CARPENTER want order, screens, etc i 8258. Bdwy. VACUUM CLEANERS, rent $1 per dsy. de ! Hvefed. Main 2010. Tbor 5786 evenings. TACUUM cleaner for rent. $1 i livered. Phone Tabor 7607. per day. DESK sddmg machine. 315 518 Corbett bldg. GARDEN manure and plowing. Tabor 6634. BRINGING UP FATHER ; II I'M tORRN' I tfAN'T VTACY I . hF HAD TO: YCt) MAKE Mt ( THef 0T 1 TO blNC AMOTHCLR ONC, LISTEN T5 HW CVc PEOPLE I I BC CRA.ZV - I BUT t HAVE ANOTHER fri-i J ACA1N AE CRAZT . I , j TtKnrsA CALUiNr-, VOCE. V ! 1 ' ; . : 1 1 i , 1 x CiETCNOUR THIhKS' S 1 I I MOW BO TOO DO- QLftD TOO I . I 1 1 1 WELU DROP OVER AMD I 1 1 I CALUED- Ml.ZjELAJOrf 1 SOIH5 I J ) ! 4VL ErI THE fiHiTwrovi. r3 II r-s TO &IM Frit tvs- drCJi I 3 1 I V rcR ten , '- 3 W 1 THAT illHllvM I " tCSi, 9T ! I l ' i 3M i.'i t--:-::-v"T-4 r n i f 1 1 n it rr-tsi i i.w..Aat stjp s-' ia j . w" i i N- . Wt-STT IV 1 I II I ' V- ay , , 7 a - I .. .-'IC T gCVS-e 'HI VII, 1 1 t 1 7r . UAY-C jC a waay A-vaajs'i,- y-I W WJf. L ..fI.i, A if W si - ' I I . - - - f -nv iiii r .a J ' I 1 IQwiotr twrs, Pmtmmm n. ,- -y. 1 1' ' ',.w.r .J V JR-JL. FT it - - ' giS I I -.Bai i ' 'I -in. ill i til Til Illlll '. ' JOB SALE MISCErtAHEOTJg M Italian prunk trees-' 8 to n., $0 each. 4 per jwj to s; tt. 40o eacb, pet 100; 8 to 8H ft. 80e ach. 325 per 100; 2 to S ft. S8c each. $20 pj 100; 1 to 2 ft.. lint av;, in per WUUU8TUCK NCTRSERY B803 Woodcock Ave. Phone SeU. 28S3 Aba RASPBERRY PLAAfTS. 81 nar 100. plant them in your pack yrrd. $9 per 1000; APPLES. PEACH PLUMS. PEAR TREES, 40 each. 2 and 8 years Old; CONCORD GRAPES. 15c; BLACKCAPS, o, 990 per 1UOO; IHS large 8-year-old HORSE CHESTNUT TREES, fine for the parking. -at 75o each: PERFEC TION. FAY'S PROLIFIC and VICTORIA CUB- BANT PLANTS, 10c each. JT per 100., - WOODSTOCK NSRSERY 5803 Woodstock Ave. Phone Sell. 2332. End of Woodstock car Up.. If coming IS roar own ear. follow Division at to 62nd, then south to Woodstock avn. ; ' : CEDAR. CEEEST Direct from factory . to your bom. nceae and Port Orford ejdar; solid eoppat trimmings, latest design. Write for catalogue. Factory. 1912-18-18 E. Oliaaa. Tabor SOS. SEWING MACHTNX EMPORIUM. New and 2d band, sold for lees: no agent employed. Complet lias of part for ail s makes. Mac bines -repaired and rented. Main 943 1. SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM. 190 Ad. near Taylor st . SINGER ELECTRIC SEWtNO MACHINES We take your machine in exchange, balance cash or easy naymeata. Phone for demoastm- tlon- Mrhinaa rested. Expert repairing, any MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE, $82 Morriewa. Manjhsn T31. .m SAVE! TOD HONEY. j.tl Bouse wirvng. ngniwg KMirnrea. electrical repalrtng sup plies. . Third Street Elect tie Store, Z24 vt nnira sowev Salmon. Malfr 6088. 20 LATE dropheads, sOl makes, like new. perfect condition; ! Singers, Whits. Standards. National Rotary, other good makes: 819 to 836. . 1. 1 a a m MMtV 198 4th. Min 8838. Sfl Rlftli TEN dropnead aewtng macninei dl.5UX wtih attechnenta. An are to Terr coed condition. Bewing macninea t 38 per month. Phone East 2a. HtMtn. 182 Grand v.. neal' Belmont. e. a Electric Motors Bought sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Works. 418 Bars- tide, corner 10th. 1 Broadway wii. WVH Sit.V (Vw mtinnht or ice perlqr. Booths' seating .capacity 12 people. one cigar wall case with 8. sliding doors, 14 leather, back and seat, opera chairs; one hw Ford bug body. 888-870 Eaat Morrison st. ' Ornamental; Vases Cement garden furniture, bird fountains. benches; buy direct from factory. 809 K. 11th a. HOT WATEB TANKS SO fal $T. 40 gat 39. Tested and guaranteed stove and furnace, colls, Ga heaters installed. Expert plumbing repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adam st E. 8619. AUTOMOBILES, M0T0RCYCLE8. LAUNCHES or boats are separate elans! fi cation A large frtJng can be found under these different chuki- fwstlons. ' ; - DIAMOND RINGS By private party, H karats and H karat la dies' diamond rings. J-86, Journal. Givs telephone number. m mm. -i- - Sa nfiEV STIOPHKAD 3uO.SV LO SEWING MACHINES Guaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 8d .. nar Yamhill. . Main 1845. A-l 81 8. 8 A FES New an dsecond nana; kr,i..i,h,fi t reasonable prices. Ft cine 1. A Snoolv Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 198. OFFICE FURNITURE from N. W Steel and snnice division.. 81 N. 5th at, between nn.M. nri CmirJk Bdwv. 2739. BRICK, pipe and lumber in any dimension, lrt up to 14x16. cheap. Also dry wood, call A One Wrecking Co., East 6060. PRINTING FOR LESS We. are not i; any printers' combine. Prompt service. Smith. orinters. 218 Commonwealth bldg. Bdwy. 2986, mo HAf.P' Roi-too Domestic sewing machine. nienHlil condition, all. attachment. $8. East 2975. 754 H Sandy blvd . Apartment 2. PLATE glass show case, for, meat or butter. 188 3d. Main 7525. j ONE pair ladies' shoes, blsck kid. Red Crose brand, aise 6A, unworn. Phone Tabor 8214. SIX hole wood or coal range, 2 water coil fine condition: $18. 603 E. Market aw. s irriiri?. ntln snd cream aerge dress, with satin braid: never been worn. Tabor 8401 POTATO planter for ale. "TiS. Phone Cot FOR SALE! Plow diae and one-horse cultivator. Marshal) 1442. ' ' UNCALLED for tailor-made ulta, $13.50 up. Taylor, th Tllor, 289 H Burnside s. PLUMBING expert, repair aH plumbing, gaai very reawnsble. McCnrdy. Sellwood 1198 VACUUM cleaners for rent. 24 hour day, $1. delivered snywhefe. Call Broadway 268. GOOD rotted manure for rose lawns Delivered on West Sid. bushes and Main 7868. ONE large trunk, with straps, 23x26x89, 4624 2d st. S. E.. ; $10. A QUANTITY of light color paint for aale ta $3 gallon If taken at once.' Mil, Journal. MALLEABLE) steel range. $80; 2 pair of dou ble step ladders. East 7150. 284 E. Sth N. FULL dress. Tuxedo suits, slk hsta for rent at Bsrell s . Minn - lotning awire. ai oa FOR SALE Nee rly new coUapaible baby buggy. $15. Tabor 2291. FOR SALIC Showcases, floor cisea and counter tables. 4H1 wssn. sv LARGE white wicker baby oab for xood condition. Call .Tabor 4777. SNAPS in uncalled for tsilor mad suite for sale. Modern Tailors, 89 N. 6th st - gOOb used tires $4 up, aO si. 410 Bura- side St., near iota. MESHER PLUMBING BUPPLT CO , wholesale and retea 248 3d t Msln 82f T. CASH REGISTERS. FLOOR CASES nd other fixtures. 242 Sslmon. Msiw 34S. WANTED Shoe repsirhtg. work, the best, prices reasonable. Arm Shoe Shop, 426 Alder. FOR SALE Fairbanks-Morse; , six -borne engine and saw, mounted on iron true, main uos, (Copyright, 1920: by International Feature Service. Inc.) ron gAtt mnczvLxmovn it ' Bargains Df USED SEWD.0 MACHINES W eeoptey agent. am4 we aeB seoond hand - ehlne for asm or actually what we allow in trad. - Jtl THIRD Kear Yamhill. Cash or Terms W bay. eH nd nehaage oaah regtotera, showcases, eeales and ether fixtures. . CIGAR STAND. 11$ SECOND ST. Plumbing Work Ann. miicklv and afflcMntly t Mm nrir New inttallationa aiMCialty. Work- manshin rnaranteed. Phone East 1954. 161 Russell at. '- MEKRO METAL WORKS EYtR air. s- KHnnal neuter, sale. soda fmmtaln ft and R. floor eaaea, wau caaes. large refrigerator, ateam table., revolving ...4. . m.m dkhM. nlatform aeale. To lmA LmnnMni nhmsk Writet. Small T- frigerator, coffee urn, meat tlicer. lift-top cUxr case, griddle. 24 K aaimon. - main in s ..a .n'w-. t we. lumbar and olank and rrwh. I Or stU. HUB OtJ. ior pnewm uu i tor ladies'' slightly worn suits, party B.n . i. h.i tham anA make alteT- I lii rwd bid... 10th nd Washing- I ton. Broadway 220 ETTERRERG 121 strtwbarry planta. Prfrrd bv eannen. best shipper, heavy producer. Quality plants, low quantity prices. A profitfbl crop with quick returns. waru av. . smarai, Salem. Or. -anraiAL " INSTRUMENTS. "Typewriter" nl "HonseheJd Uooda" are aecarat euanrf cation AR advertisement of the gooa are Dabliabad under their reepectlve LAeUa. THJUt uiu FOR SALE Range and utensils, cabinet, exten sion table. cnalra. tun, wringer, ironing board, clothes raek. basket, beater, bedstead, springs, mattress, folding bed. cot, rug. dresser. 8 rockers: $90. 60S Vancouver ave. FOB SALE Showcases, counters, shslring. soda ... .i r.ckl Hreoreir VcV fountain, postcards nd. racks, ftreproof cc. S. Y. system; storage tanks. Jewelry, perfumery, drug and equipment, cheap. 999 geuaont au BLOCK WOOD and heavy slab, 16 inch lengtha. Quick 'de livery and fin wood. $6 to $8 cord. - Bdwy. 8199. - ' USED APPAREL iii4 w nu.. afntiiia as, Ia antiL Ta I mum I B WW 1J i.a," . . i rm vim IT I bor 8825. ; ETTEBBEBO: 121 Strawberry pUnU; t.t I canner and snipper. Heavy proaucer. low t quantity price. Quality plant. Ward K. Richardson, Salem, Or. ALL KINDS of warped, cracked we ther-beaten and old, leaky - roofs rejuvenated ey oar ia mou sad instenuvneoo rubber bonding tyatam; all work guaranteed. Phone Mar. 829. FOR SALE Bask bar. Oft-top floor eaaea. wall casea (large-and small). Ice box, gaa griddles, registers, counter case, chain, at sacrifice, quick sale, 278 8d. LARGE and email National register, penny keys counter rase, gaa griddle, revolving stools, cheek writer. 242 Salmon. FOR SALE On ton dehydrated evergreen blackberrie. Apply 204 Henry Idg. Call Main i 7115. SALE on Holly bushes. Caroline Test out rosea, 8 years, 26r apiece. Hydrangeas, 8 years old. 50c. apiece. 957 Vancouver ave., rear of 955. 50.000 GOLD DOLLAR strawberry plants, $6 per 1000. Tele. Tabor 2829. Addrea 4004 E. 82d st S. E.. Portland. Or. T It-lira' . -1.eni Vn ' nrmmmlnm K expert; guarantee. Mr. . W. Seheenk, 178 16th. Main 0618. ONE 10x15 stesm engine. 420 Belmont. i . . - 1 ' ; -re SWAPS WILL eichange furniture for lumber or oaah. 926 E. 80th tt. S.. aer Holgate. FPBNTTTJBB WANTED f SELL US. Your Add Piece or Complete Furnishings, We Pay Top Cash Prices Cn C. for Prompt, Courteon. Servtee itntaTr att m-nurans. wv-uvrw PORTIND FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 20 FIRST ST MAIN 7728 Michigan Furniture Co. 'Wear ta th mrket for used fumKura. iount W re paying the high - est price la the City. It wtU pay you to give a a call. Marshall 1822 NEAR -A. 1i"Ji ".L"11!' ""T" " 1 " ' ' mm piano.; w. pey to nigneet casn yrtvwm. . sou ana. isi rim sr. uau muo WANTED USED FURNlTCBB. MAIN . win ray sen rncea. ' " Star Furniture Co. 5064 204 First St SPOT . CASH FOB USED PTRNITURB Main 8378 UNrTRTJ FURNITtJRE STOKE. 17S.IR8T STREET. PIFER-JOHNSON FURNITURE CO.. 88-90 Grand ave. East 778S. -eV Jl!lL,,,,I?"-e. v5rn'l2SeIJVl.Mk r . : ; ' , WANTED Reasonable priced furniture ult ble for beach boat: mint be cheap; cuh: no dealers. Broadway 4407. B. A H. FURNITURE CO.. 801 Fint St Pay cash for need furniture. Mala 8 ST 4. T By George McManus . -p FUBJCITtrmK WANTED fl EOOSEIl WitHTED -v. W Mt wie) furniture. racV earne. to snd 11 aotthal4 toed and wtll pay the Highest; Ccsh Prices W aha ban and eB hardware, toott, port ing gooda, trats, MeyclM. typewrit era. ldina BMeAtoe nd store and tfle furniture. When yo bave anything ,a aa. u w usej Levin. Hdw. & Ftirn Co. ',. SJl-S-fii FBOJfT1 ST. . !. v; .. ..- ;.-. - LET u give you a estimate on your rurnlwr. Reliable rurniture, Co.. SOS.30S Sa. aUla T808. - zll Tf ANTED a 1SCELLANE0CS ipnTcrvi tj r lrr v a rrr rrrtufl PANS SHOWCASES ' CASH BEGISTEBS,- SCALES BTOBE, RE8TAtTRA!JT A HOTEL FTXTUBE3 TTPEWBITEB-l, DESKS, QHAIKS FURNITURE, lTOVE8. BICYCLES uirsiiti lvarnrurNTft BOUOHT. SOLD, ! SENT ED. EXCHANGED Newman's Exchange MAIN 449.-. 128 FIRST TABOB 798 $U.5t) to $25 ng 1 f OF dHU'lianU suits or overcoats MEZKil, 17HS TAUAJU Z?7?. 'JJS t.thi". rJZ or vnlng, enywhere in tn. city. tJSJl mmr- abaU 1229 or 263 M.idleoa at, near Third at. 11 NT USED CLOTHTNO W p j from 310 np for ana nted aaQ I alao pay fuD value for an : kinds or other elotmng. CaXJ at and be eonrtaeed. 167 First s(. near Morriaon. Mala "88, GOIDBAUM. the Tailor. Wanted-All Kinds Junk- (iood Prices Call East 3923 WANTED People oi Portlnd to know tht pay tn bjghast egw Prices for second head bou..hold goods. N amcunt too large or too .... . N M2 BKATEH, Phone Eaet 2208. 148 RnweT) st WANTED A smsll . second-hand caah register and cheese cutter:' state pric in antwertng. H. D. Omlid. South Beach. Or. WANTED Win pay oaah tor second hand safe. titve sate tnsiae nreea and pnona. E-t. . . eworwai. WANTED Au kinrli second hand furnltur ano una. kmu m -b. wanted nines, s&otgun. . cameraa, 1 HnehfleM. 86 84 t Phone Mala 3861. WILL pay a pot cash tor large diamondT OHvr, 122 2d st FEISONAL tl Old False Teeth Bought We py up to $2S per piste; old timer n most valuable; no amtter if broken; crown, bridgewerk. dents) gold bought Bring o mail Mail or dee, receive prtmpt sttenrlon (LleenaeA) THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 408 Spalding bldg :. 3d nd Washtngtoa, wUTJtlilf,LtNG'. 1 Colleetor of Tiverdue Accounts, NOTES ND CLAIMS. Give m your business. I get result. 821 Leo ave. Bellwood 1 1 89 CIG A RETTES, tobaceiii home cooked meals, noon ana evening. s- I lose to American American Can and Willamette Iron A Steel works. Sol agent Mr Indisn herb tablet. Mrs. Pearl Vargas, KB V ffA.k r 1 . nvA I 856 N i utu. n i imti w kj i jiff, fl GETS both feet iTied op good at Dr. Estoa'a. the HIROPODWT Tnd ARCH SP'C'LST. who doesn't hurt yon. 8 ytk. hare. Exam. free. Glob Theatre bldg.. 11th anl Washington. Bdwy. 2694. BATHS --Steam batibi and maaaage, new equip. meat, tpotlaaaly o)an; 10th floor Broadway bldg. Marsha". tlSL Trained nana. Dr. Laura E. Downing. DR. J. ABLlNG, drtgleea phyttcUa, 805 Oer- Hnger bldg., 2d snd Alder. Acute and chronic diaeaae specialty. ' . , id, peop! selves penssaeatly. A. B, Btrcha. Hula- aero, or., Moute 9-i scpEBFttjot?s u, moi w.rt b" 'fftih Fid?' DUin ex Lana oil. aula . LADY barbers. 253 Everett, cor. Sd. Shave. pfprtiof-itiC'Sf. II Broadway hldg, haircuta, face massage. Ironside, for 1 SCIENTIFIC BODY klASSAGE. 10 A. M. to 8 I P. M. iaih too Morgan bldg. Main TT. I anrwaw OonsutetloB FREC AlT uawyer bu 8nmg bidg. Main casea. 4998. TREATMENTS for dsndralf nd UWng ' b1bT 816 Maeleay bldg. mTBTLE fcLABK'S ntanicurln. parlor, sc. and toalo ucAtknnt 781 Morgan bldg. Mar. ZB"o. organ bldg. Mer28H6. i , .J.P-,, . l - i eorirts ea 0R CERTAIN SHIPBUILDING STRUCTURES and equipment ikcated at the plant OF COLUMBU BIVEB SHIPBUH.DINO COB POHATION, PORTLAND, ORKiOH. Sealed proposal wlli- be received at the office of the U. 8 tihipptne Board Emergency r ieet corporation, room 609 Northwestern Bank build- ing, Portland, Oregon, until a :uo o eioex p, m.. April 19, 1920, and then publicly opened, for the following: Two (2) shipbuilding way with complete 'f4! system, staging and keel blocks, mschlne l tools, air compreiaora. pollers, loeomouve crane, - 1 electric motors, railroad rail, steel material cars. nd other miteellaneotis equipment II Complete description of th material and equipment will be available and personal inspec tion of the plsnt may b mad upon applica tion at th above offiof. -Ill All bid are to be baaed on the entire lot of material and equipment, "when is as is," ia It pretest coodlqon. - , IV The successful bidder will b required to take delivery, dismentl and reroov from present location, without further ooat or expense to th U. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet corpora tion, prior to May SO, 1920. v Esoh bid must be accompanied by a certified Board Emergency Fleet corporation, in the eura of ten thousand lu,C(00 00) oailars. wmca sum will be retained by the said corporation aa liquidated dam in: the event of the fsllur eT'MdHwin MlrTLrnWi Th-!?MV?,vl bler W N required to 'urBish SUliaois poaa ior lam isiuiiiu pvrinmsncv oi his contrset and vpon receipt of such bond th depoett mentioned ia thk, crticle will be re- turaed. ' Th TJ. S. Shipping Board Emergency Fleet corporstton reserves the right to reject ny or .rods. Depoctte made ey anaucoessfui moaer wiu returned upon th rejection of tne bid. J VII Term of payment net cash. .... ILi s Bids most be plaeed in sealed envelop ad- dressed to th U. 8. Shipping Board Emat-gencj Fleet corooration. 509 Northwestern Back ing, Portland, Oregon.- sad (narked "This i a eeakra ma to o openea t 1:00 p. QL, April IB, 1920." i - r ft rniiii'M I ,r.. a. i.u. rui rr Btitpping Botra emergency rtees t orpoTsiion. "NOfTlCE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed bid will ba received by Th Port of Portland for the i ocnstructioa of eteei baa. trasse and house of predg "Columbls" well aa repairing and installing tba machinery, Bid. to be filed at th office of tba Board. IS Snalding bldg.. Portland, Oregoo, not lata than 2 o'clock p. m., April 15, 1920. - A eertifted check for $110 required for obtaining Mi arptff iMtiM flshlcb eKeck - still K. . . . -v-' . , . , , ref undea wnen pus ana tponiicanoii asw turned. - I- . .- TM ngn to leaeos . aay ass au ewe Br order of th Port of Portland. JAMES H. P0LHEMTJS, , General Manager tad Chief Engineer. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS -ffotiea is hereby atren that th tan for opening bid for reconstruction of tha dredge "COLUMBIAT for the Port of Pbrfland i post poned from 2 p. m. April 16 to 2 p. to. Men day, April 19. 1920.1 rod tha apecificatijet are hereby emended to that effect- , : Bl eruer Of urn rort at roruana, : JAMES H. POLHEMTJS, OenersJ Manager and Chief Engineer. PROFESSIOHALlAHi BUSDJESSi DIRECTORY sess supptits : LEWIS 8TKNGER BA&BER SUPPLY CO.. I 1 Ota mrUt at nrrieaw its.-..- Tba wJaaa to I bscber chair and sappliee. - Stock at foralUu lalavaaa eat AabA a maks awisse Piwfpsstonsl nd! BiislnPss Dlrsetory BOOK WAKSWS DAVIS A HOLMAN.. INC. .109 d at.. blaa8 rook manufscturer A-816S. Mala 18S BIOOKB KEW AND USED BOOKS. ALL SUBJECTS? JOHNSON'S: BOOK STORB. t stain ru. nev Id and Bo, Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets Bag Bags, all rtae Mil Order Preean. Bead tor Booklet till Ruga, Steam or Dry Cleaned. IMS. FLUFB BUG no.. 84-88 Union v. N. ' Eet 6816. B-14TA Carpet: Cleaning Sizing and Refitting Fluff and Rag Rugs WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITS OH -CALL. PORTLAKD RUG CO.. 6Tt K. 17th st ; AntomsrJe 213-34. We Make Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets Rag ruga, all sites. Mall ordsr prompt. Bug and carpers steam and dry lad. Pboa - or writ for pric list Northwest Rug Co. 188 B. Eighth st East SSStvi C8T SUP POO HQ9PIT8L BOSS CITY VETERINARY HOSPITAL. 41 Tth et. eor Gnnt Beet I84T. B-1961 OILLUtOID BUTTONS THB IBWIfe-HODSON COMPANY S8T Washington. . Broadway 434. A-l 96. OUHCKT WORK GENERAL building and excavating -ind semenl work. Garage a spewsity. kmc i b i o. dene end office, H 8. 2d et. 0HIW0POPI6T trmi u'cot: eUropodiTt. o 1 Buch.,.; bldg. Wssh. bet 4th and 5th. Msl 60T8, OMiaoftOTO"9 DR. McMAhON, 100chlropractor. throng pronounce treatment best. Portland OLBSNIria MDDYIIH6 Nobby Laundry. M. 4306 We en and deliver. Mall enters. NOBBY CLEANING e DYEING WORKS. FTSsT-CLASS cleaning, pressing, dyeing; el. rellnlng gad alteradctna. Yale Tailors, 271 Salmon at Phon ItAnhaJl 2603. W aafl and deliver. OOAL SNP WOOO KSpBiNorisTAir COsAL MAIN 1606 BUT COAL NOW RE FORE TT ADVANCES nvuvu AT t"lTl . A Ck 9T fit ' iry.' m 1 1 f tJguM vvr. - m - mr a . DEIJVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF CITT Jf WISEI" ORbER K6wl " BATE MOHIT! Green slb. 4 ft, delivered promptly. Short green slab, special prtee In load lot or mora Chunky. Rock Spring and other coal Dry i slab and cord wood, stove length. NATIONAL FUEL CO. East 2041. WE SELL IN LARGS OR SMALL qUANTTFT Hear, Conntrv Blse. Oak end On wood. Star Wood & Coal Co 846 3d t Main 6011 BOXWOOD Delivered immediately by Fulton Wood Oa, 1391 Mtedam Phon Mstn 4178. FREE funuc fuel, bgrk snd chips from barge 1 ran hav It if you: com after It Foot pi Everett st " BLOCK snd sclsb wonrl. $5.60 load la 3 lead loK Wood Is wn ljQ2. WOOD Country tlabi blockwood, railroad tisX Marion Fuel Co.. Main 2676. gOrTT stshwood. $4 AO a load In 3 -load lot north of Rnssell tt. Wood lawn 6385. Bil6nt .tab wood. $4 66 load in 4 load' lot! north of Rnssell t WoodUwn $28$. OOULBOTIOWS OLD DEBTS Nevi mtGioi. FlferUve, eco nomical, guaranteed. Write First Business Aid. 219 Board of Trad bldg. NETH A CO., Woroester bMg. Mtla 178a. No collection, a eherge Estab. 1900; , DRAB SAWS TSfiAiriAwr 'We mannfaeture a WORM DRIVE drag atw. lean and clutch Inclosed and operate in ou. Wboleaal and retail. ' Bum Mfg. Co.. 6816 Fester read. Automata) 216-43. SOUOATIONAL D8NOIN0) T BTfinn'XiDANcwo' AiDtar Private lesnone. dsy; and evening: all th UN est steps nd last atera shown. Our d vanned -i . . vi . iiuii 1. tia . .w .a floor. Main 8818. Mra. Summer. 1 aijr aaee Studio, 689 Dekum bldg.. Waahiaa ton at 8d. StricUyi private laasons. half hoar or hour leaeona. Coume leason specially priced. Deny, :n t. m. to a p. m. MM Ireland. RINfJLFR'S Dsncina jAeademr. Portlsnd's lesd. lag tchooL Clam and private lesaene dally. Cotillion hall 14th and Ws.h.. E. Bdwy 8369 rWUBIO 90HOOL A HP TtAOMSWS ' "PROFESSOR t. E. LAWSON Twsnty years' experience; piano lessons at your horn. 81. Tabor 7696, ; ' vToXTS. plrno! gultir. " mandolin, btnlo ' la ttnvtlnn. Kol Kenbeck, 409 Yamhill. Exrtsrt flfwnlaoe gni flMTbajldar. "AU work gnsrsnteed. East 4720. MAT Ott AftCRS AWP PVSWS LADIES' nTgTnttem'nTTit clesned, blocked. Strswi dyed any color. Psnsmss tpeoiaity. Ksnfmsn Hst factory. 98 3rd. aer Stark. KBVVPIB DOLLS mBrATItWKt7ST T 368-870 HAWTHORNE AVE. OPTOMBTNI9T9 AMU OPTIOUNB GLASSES AT A 8AVIN0 ! solicit your patronage aa th beau of capable terries Tihouaand or sattsned patrons Cbarie W. Ooodmaa, optomeUist i SOS - Merrla at Mla S12A : ETF.H SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED wim msaernj instrument, unaitg fitted rrom 63.00 np. A. B. HTTRWITS. Optometrist. 228 let, a. PWIWTIW. BWaWVIWO. BIMDINO Prinfincr w. baltes a co, i$ f II,llngiid P ?Min 168, 81.JI8, I rsieTis, tiwtiww, rarisHsaqm get your painting, kalaomining, deooraUng and sign work done befoat th spring ruah. 1129 B Glisan St., or phoa Tsbor S66. eSMBLE hou ! olntiufc tlnUag. "p h(,lnt b, billed craftsmen. Tbor 621T. . . j. . , i . H. CLIFTON, paintan. tinting, papering 164 N. 17th et Bdwy 4414, Wdln. 3116. . PATBelT giTTOHelBVa HAVE rsosnUy taw pted with a S amla H ert from th U. S. patent efflee. Masoa, F,ea 1 wvex at iawTenoe, lawyers, - too w St. , wasiw ington. . u.i ; gyo Bsoaaway, jv. t, ew-ys ill wen asewivw as., vawaaw, sm, afSBSouaaea ove half a century. OOl.DBERG. 620 Worcester bldg. Mala 2626. I ' ' " ; . PHVBIOIANB DB. R A. PHILLIPs7hroadway bMg. Bhea. matiea. stomach, bewet run. Hver. kidaef. I bladder, rectal, prosUtlc, female disorders, skla aiieciton, mgn mooa pressor, - a I PLVMflllvttB nSD T a a Sn guawLlgg ru nniu nirrui.1 A 1 wtlUL,KnAL,l PBICES.- STARK-DAVIS CO.. 188 4Ui t THB M, L. KLINE CO. 84-66-67-69 FrotrtC I , . .j. - Y tmrm,,r"'mm . .. . j NEW METHOD shee. repairing; French besl peeialist, gursntee.: S1S 4th, mm Ssltaoa. TIKMBBS ' JACOB LOBLL TTB. SHEET IRON, AND BOOF WORK. lift t . ra - ey ' Phone Main 142A TwawaPBw Awb wTOwacf Oregon Thinsfer Co. KstebBsaed 1878. Tranefar snd Porwsnlln Agent STORAGE FREE TRACKAGB. t Office ad Storag. 474 Gliaaa lltS god Onaaa, Broadway 1281, A-I1S. ALWAYS PICK THB BEST HOUSEHOLD GOODS SPECIALIST Storag. Backlog. shipping and aKntea, : Herse aad atao vaaa. Special rite to all pewit. ; i a O. PICK TRANSFER. A STWACrtCfA, 34 and Pisa. ktsoadway B, t-lVft. Storage and Transfer , Clav S. Morse. Inc. -v HTH AJU OUSAN. I - rdwfS4Ta( "' trw WSKitSRT KATKS 0b Imefccld soad shipped M gjtd aytftll. Vl mac Warehonsa A Traasfer Co., 9th aad Moyv Broadway 796. - - - ! -- '" . ' ;- WBLDINa AND WAIItvO I "Jefferson depot welding shop 19- Colombia ti. . ;.fboM AUnball $961,