It,. . 10 THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL PORTL AND, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL, 11. 1920. f 1 ' II At the "O. M. Cratty Place," tt mile Borth Minnehaha school, 3 miles northwest of Van- en, Wseb,, Thursday. Awl 1. at J. m. 10 milk 7 grade Holstetns, 8 Jer- wp, 1 Jersey Durham: 4 were ,r,?n ,'n March; 6 Teat calves; brown mare, 1100 lbs.; Mack mare. 1100 lb.; 1 span black geldings. 8000 Bit; 13 hen. 1 rooster; furniture; frnit: farm eqtilwnent and lots of small tools. GraTes Khutor, owner. Cot W. S. Wood V Bona. auctioneers, Vancouver, Wash. REGISTERED JERSEYS One cow. 4 years old; 1 cow 2 years old. 1 Jieiter o n old and on bull ltt months old. Registered Chester Whiten On boar, 1 brood sow to far row Mar 31: 3 aowa with 23 little pig. U. I Campbell. Hoft.OrIhoT(iJ-1616. AOOuTbuncb of csa, ii freeh 1 to 3 weeks, sotae good Im Jerseys, extra heavy Hrh milkers; some large 5 gallon dairy cows. Will take beef cattle in exchange. IJS, Mac adam ft. South Portland car to end of line, I block south. 1 block east TGbOD com. some fresh, some coming fresh toon, different breeds. Will !! chfp; $82 and up. 898 Powell Valley roau. rtoounuva car. 1 REGISTERED Cotawold en, 1 year old. , Will sell Prt or all. 24 N. Buffalo. Phone Woodlawn 4976. , SIXfine dairy cow, 8 fresh, rich, hesvy mflk era. Mut be sold by Mouady night. Phone Col. 786. WANTED -A fresh milch goat. Give price and ' full particii!ar first letter. Robert Collier. Huntington. Or. WANTED Beef and veal Tabor 708V POTJLTBT A-T BABBITS SI MAO UI RE'S DAYOLD CHICKS Rhode Island Red .'. $30 Pr O. A. C. Barred Bock $30 per 100 Brown l-eghorna $25 per 100 White Leghorn. O. A. C. and Tancred strain 20 per 100 The best chicks from high grade Hogan Ued stock; hatches twice a week. Choice rocliereld for sale. $3 to 15. EGGS FOR HATCHING J. R. MAGPIItll 787 Oregon st Phone East lSOS. BABY CHICKS R. I. Reds and Whito leghorns. 6UNDERSTROM 8 POULTRY YARDS, 1176 Prwell st. Phone Tabor 9183. 100 LAYING LEGHORN PULLETS Commercial farm. Leghorns with a fine record behind them and a great year ahead. II 50-tl 73 each, delivered. SUNNY CREST rOULTRY FARM Milwankie. Or. Call 75-J. J out Kat of Crystal Lake Tark ENGLIHH fl. C. Whlt-e Leghorn eggs for aetting. 37 per hundred: special prices on thousand lot: May and June chicks 15o each. Order now, only 2500 left for booking. Satis faction guarsnteed. Jos. Saunders, B F. D. No. 2, Portland. r. S. fj 5! I. REDS Size, color and shape; almost non setting strain: 3 pens headed by Head strain males. Eggs. $2.50. (5 and $10 per setting. A. W. Parks. 5G19 40th are. S., E. Phone Sellwood 1070. WHITE Leihorna. Rhode Island Red eggs for batching, from our superior egg strain. Leg horn egg 32.25 per seiting; 310 per 100. Red eggs, 34 per setting. McKenna Park Poul try Farm. McKonna are and Lombardst " BABY CHICKS" White Leghorn, Reds, Barred Plymouth Rocks, ' strong chicks hstched from best Hogsnizd etoek. Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham. Hlm. Or. 'IlLATrKT'MINOIiCA Mammoth laying strain. twwt nn hariMt hv enck hird in first old Den I at last Portland show; other hens equally ss good. Eggs. $3 to $5.80 per setting. A. W Parks, 6619 46th ave. 3. E. Sellwood 1670. FOR SALE CHEAP, or exchante for an in cubator and- hjver 4 does that have young. 1 young doe and 3 bucks. Owner has too much work to care for them. C. A. Irwis, Oak Grove. Ore. I'hone f.-W. IF" T0U want the kind that lay large eggs, try S setting of 15 mammoth Blsck Minnrcas. 8 lb. hens, $2.60 per netting. I slso have a splendid flock of White Ighorna, $1 per setting. 1 246 Halsey st. Ta bor M68. FOR SALE- 4 saih. lH-light, cot $20. my price $15; good hotlwwls, eoklbed, chicken house or glass porch. , 6430 96th st. Sunday only. 1 2 to3ji. m. HAVING'roM uiy place, will sell all my chick ens, brood coops for hen and chickenA, drink ing fountains, grit and shell hoppers; slso rab bits Elliott, 82d and Division sts. Tabor 226 1. GENUINE "KallfMrass White Orpingtons $2 s setting; from Peate's biue ribbon mating, $10 a aetting. Crystal Poultry Yard. 42 1U 4 8th ave. 8. E. W. 8. car; ENGLISH LEGHORNS, settings, Hogsnited and thoroughbred stock $2. Also Indian runner duck eggs $2. A. Grlnstead, Oswego, Or. Jean, B. 1, Box 08. WHITE WYANDOTTE eg. $2.00 for 15; $10.00 per hundred. WesJlawn 6281. FOR RALE, cheap, 6 thoroughbred Flemish Giant rabbits, 1 buck, 1 doe and 8 young 3 mo. old, $30. 6728 83d st S. K. Mt Scott car to 62d st., 7 blocks south. Ranched White Leghorn chicks t20 per 100; Barred Rocks and Reds 30o each. Park Rose Hatchery. Tabor 8H22. Portland, Or. EGGS' for hatching from thoroughbred Rose Comb R. I. Iteds. Reap TuttJe strain; setting. 33 per 15. A. Milwaukie. Or., Route 2. Box 12. 8. C WHITE Leghorn hatching eggs from Hanson hens mated to O. A. C. cockerels. Fine stock, $1.50 per setting. $8 per 100. Booth 851, Csrrol public market. Man., Wed. and Fri. MONMOUTH Black Minorca setting eggs. 2 I and $3.50 per 15. Also choice O. A. C. I Barred Rock pullets. 60V4 56th are. S. E. SelL 2318. BARBED ROCK eggs, stveial price largo lots; fertility guaranteed. Ctulee cockerels cheap. Exhibition stork. Seabright bantam rggs. Mrs, Evans, S(J3 East Lombard. Woodlawn 1656. FOR SALELarge English Vhit Leghorn laying hens, 3 rabbits and turkey hens. Wdln.2175. BROWN and White Lrghom hatching eggs fur sale. $1.50 per 13. $8 per 100. 2080 Stark st Tabor 724. BEFORE building new poultry yard see bargain in fencing I have for you. Better than new. Address 530 E. 81st st Phone Sellwood 471. FOR SALE Two S. V. Rhode Island Red roosters 1 snd 3 years old. O. A. C. strain, $3 and $K 5336 70th st S. E. FOR SALE or trade, Also Oregon eggs. Monday. vhite Holland turkey torn. Woodlawn 2079. Call TEN Sicilian Buttercup hans and cock for sale; also pair Pekin ducks. M. Cottle? Metollus. - Or. LARGE kind 8. C. Black Minorca eggs, first pen $2. second $l.f.O per 15. Mrs. F. A. Neibauer, Gresham, Or. THOROUGHBRED Mammoth pekin duck eggs . for hatching. $3 doien. Geo. Heath, Beater ton. Or.. Route 1. Hoy S3 FOR SALE Pen Muff Orpingtons, second prize cockerel, Portland poultry and pet show. 1919 869 E. 84th street south. 7 FOR 8A LE 2 5 " Bu7f7 7 3-WilTeg"horiTyeVr old hens. $1.60 -ach. V. S. Caples, Route , Vancouver. Waidi. 120 EGG incubator, 1 OMciTTroiHjer ,' wTirth $35. For quick sale. $17. 2020 E Yam- hill. 80th. Mt. Tabor 88th. ' THREE thoroughbred it. 1 -RcVi.erels the ry heat; $3 each. Cliapin, SS3.- 87th tt 8. L). . GOLDEN Seabright "ITock aTi.leg7, forsiie Rose Combed Rhode Hand cockerel. 850 Harvard. Columbia 917. FOR SALE Very choice laying hens and pul lets; also thoroughbreds, 154 E 87th at V W Depot car. PCK NOV " Tom eggs for winter; clean, fresh laved in fertile. East 404: " RHODE iClanT Red andVu leghorn" bib, cldrkes for sale, 20c apiece. 6305 4"d st 8 E. Sell. 2470. ONK yoiing black Minorca rooeter and on yonng Rhode Island Red rooster for sala or M.l , . . . I V. - 1 . . . I. -. .. .. 1.1 1 ... imin, , IIUIID UVIl O I .11. THOMPSON'S ringlet Barred Rock hatching' eggs. $2 s letting. $10 a labor FOR SAIJC OR TRADE Thorouuiibr! vTTTm Wyandotte rooster. Tsbor 84 T6. J INDIANRUNNEH duck eggs. $ i !3 F"p7fdoi" Phone SelL 1975. tOR SALE 12 pullet. 1 cockerel. Tabor -sivo, FOR SALE S. C. White Leghorn Jajinjp-1- . . -mjgTj. i aour if in, event ags. y." l, B. tt. and B. M. chicks,r l" week old". -us eggs iot semng. woodlawn 440. FOB SALE 20 pullets, all laying; also setting ' " Be'1- . LARGE thoroughbred Rhode IslaxidBeanrooater" Call Tsbor 2482, after 6:30. MAMMOTH White rekin duck eggs $3 setting ' - of 12; Immediate delivery, 4918 99th 8. E. . FOR 8ALE Toulouse geese eggs for hatching I'hone Tabor 332. lNCrBATbBwanted; egg capacity from 800"to 800. Tabor 8488. - , THOROUGHBRED 0. A. C. Barred Rick batching eggs, heavy layers. Tabor 6559. j' FLEMLsH Giant doe. litter. lJ2rE. 25th at. X. Phone Woodlawn 1724. 20 ACRES logged -off land for lot and shack, Benton district Woodlawn 2128. vj , rOB SAL-iea-ry laying hens, , Tabot al$I LITISTOCI rbCXTBT Air BABBITS "ll BABY CHICKS 8M9 waek O. A. a and Tom Bsrro Oat the beat while the getting is good. En. $1 B0 per setting. NORTHWEST POULTRY ,OTX 82d Bt and 74th An. H. . Tabor ! BABY CHICKS That Live and Grow , AND LAY BOoO 8. C. White Leghorn chicks from trap pwt1 rtnek. for May and Jans dliTery. Butler Poultry Farm Jennings -Lode, Oregon Pllione Oak Grove 159W BARRED ROCK BABY CHICKS FROM TRAPNE8TED STOCK Do not buy the other kind. For the tint time Is this state chicke from trapneated stock are being offered. Order at once before they are gone and get them early. Our parent stock has been trapneated for nine years and have won I in several laying contests. For further information write BUTLER POULTRY FARM Phone Oak Grore 159-W. Jennings Lodge, Or. PREFERRED STOCK 8. C. W. LEGHORN BABY CHTX From Hoganlzed stock. Male birds from trapnr-ted. thoroughbred, egg laying strain of W. Leghorn SCHNELLERS POULTRY FARM, 1840 E. 18th 't. V, Portland. Or. Wdln. 1193. SEEING IS BELIEVING Don't buy your setting eggs until you hare seen my 8. C. R. I. Reds. Come our ana get acquainted. See what my customers say of my baby chicks; also my egg fertility. Have the eatiiifaction of knowing what a real Red is. W. V. LOOM1S. B. I. Bed Specialist 1923 Multnomah at Phone Tabor 3197. A ????? OF $$$$$ , ILPtUua JLsiiuiL 1119 llUi illV Hare kept all leading breeds;- bare fife yet; end am convinced that as an all purpose fowl, the Buff Leghorn has them all beat two or rr.ore points. Write or phone me. J. A. Den nctt. 287 Rnss-ll st Eat 1081. 6 p. m SETTING EGGS. YOUNG CHICKS, WHITE LEGHORNS Er $2 per vtting of 15. 8 ner 100. 60 per 1000. Thicks: April hatch, $18 per 100, May hatch, $15 per 100. Can fill large orders. All stock Hoeanized. E. G. Zimmerman, Rt. 2, Vancouver, Wash. Phone 19F2. TOMAh"E room for chickens 1 sacrifice fi does of splendid tock ; 21 young, from 1 to 2 months. Flemish Nw Zealand and White English. Come and see them and make me an offer. 84.13 36th are. S. E.. one block o-th Powell Valley road, near 54th. Phone 217-02. BANTAMS! BANTAMS! Booking orders now for settings Black, White, Buff Partridge Cochins, Golden, Silver Sea brigiits. Dark, Light Brahmas, Black Breasted Pile Games. Japanese Silkies, Black Tail Barred Hocks. Mixed Bantams. 1127 E. 25th st. N. Phone Wooiflavrn 1724. TH E King-Poultry- Farm ' ( registered) R. E Red hatching eggs. $2.50 for 15. Special price for larger amounts. To make room, lay- inr var r,M hpns. tl.75. Phone Tabor 6578 Portland. Route A, Box 550. 2 milea east of Buckley are., on Glisan st. "MEAD'S I'lARK VELVET REDS' Are the kind that win the blue ribbons, cash and silver cups at the leading shows. Egs at reasonable prices for the' quality you get. Phone Tabor 3308. Writs W. H. Mead, 6023 101st H. E., Portland. Or. SlTV E R LAC E D WYANDOTTE9, Barred Rock, Rhode Island Red eggs. 310 per hun dred. Day-old chicks, 25o each. State Game Farm. Corvallis, Oregon. WHITE-R0CKeggs, "Pure Flshel strain, 15, $2.50: 30. $4.75: 60, $7.5; 100. $14. C Gustafson. R. 1, Milwaukie. Or. Location, Concord Sta., Oregon City Car. THOROUGHBRED R. I. REDS, eggs for hatching, rich dark color, winter layers, $1.60 for 15. Parcel post, A. Balsiger. Vancouver, Wash.. Route 6. Box 24 7. EGGS for hatching from free range English White I-eshorn (200-egg class) 2-year-old hero with cockerels. 31.S0 per setting oi J.O 37 per 100. U StArti. R. 2. I'ortlanq. S. t?. R. I. KEI baliy chicks, hatch Tues day, 25c; Whit- Pekin duck eggs, $3 per settling, delivered. Box 11, Waluga. Or FOR BALK White Leghorn chickens, Tancred Strain, 20c apiece. 1386 Denver ave. Phone Wdodla w n 477. BUFF Orpingtou and Blue Andalusian hatching eggs for sale, $1 and $1.50 per setting. Come and see the Jiirds. 956 Gilbert road 8. K. Full SALK--Must "have "room; 150 laying Tan cred pullet, not culla. 6805 Woodstock avet Tabor 6399. TilOIWinillBRki) White I-eghom chicks, R. L R. Ieghorn settings. 6320 E. 4 4th st, Woodstock. FOR SALE White lgbon baby chicks. Tan cred strain, 20o each. Also laying hens. Call Tabor 6874. FOR SALE Pedigreed Flomish Giant rabbits, or will trade for chickens. 925 Knott st Fart 6983. FUR SALE O. A. C. Whito Bantam egirs; Rose Comb Rhode Island Red cockerel. 650 Harvard st Columbia 017. R I RED and Whito Leghorn baby chick". 2"ic and 20c apiece. Ready April 12. 949 E. 73d N. Tsbor H12. R-C car. RHODE ISLAND Red pullet and 2 year old hens for table. Setting eggs, $1 per 15. 286 Eugene st 5 THOROUGHBRED S. C. White Leghorn pul lets. $1.50 each, and 1 cockerel, $5. 1499 Denver ave. BUFF ORPINGTON chicks hatching next Thurs day; also Blue Flame brooder. 271 Haw thorne are. East 614. i:o0 RHODE Island Red chicks, 25c apiece. I'hone East 6374. '651 E. Morrison and 18th sU. THOROUGHBRED White Leghorn baby chicks, Tancred strain, 20c each. 664 Linn ave. Sellwood 1818. THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca eggs for hatching, $2 50 per setting of 15. Also White Tghorn. $1 50 setting of 15. Tabor 2817. S. C. R. I. RED hatching eggs for sale, good ones, none better, $2 per 16, $8 per 100 BAj Mitchell, Orenco. Or. 6 "COW dairy. $200 month net; right in city: lease and equipped. Woodlawn 5659. 1245 Gay st. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Bsrred Rock cock erel; also laying hen. 641 Going st Wdln. 1388. I FOR SALE 5 R. I. Bed year-old laying hens. Call Wdln. 2904. . FINE Rhode Lland Red cockerel; also a set ting hen. Tabor 3221. BUFF Orpington eggs. $1.50 a setting. Phone Columbia 124. WHITE Leghorn pullets. H4th st. S. E. Tabor 6893. 6348 18 WHITE leghorn pullets. Tian Barron strain. Call Sellwood 1233. THOROUGHBRED R. I. Red eggs. $1.50 per setting. Tabor B17. 05 E. 69th st WHITE MINORCA setting eggs. Prir.ewinuing stock. SOrt Montana ave. Wdln. 2178. ANCONA eggs for kctting. $1 50. Montana are. Call at 138 4 NO. 7 MANN bone cutter, sale or trade 8 White Wyandotte lieus. Geo. C. Reed, Huber. Ore. RARltl'l'S- Pedigreed Flemish GuTiti jarge y"ung buck. 829 E. Washington. East 3985. ONE 60 chick Buckeye brooder, one 120 chick Buckeye brooder. Call Sellwood 1253. THOROUGHBRED White Whora "baby" chicks , S"T ..' Hatching A pri 1 5 Oswego 423. EGGS for hatching It. LR.t $2" sUg7fo0 Milwaukie st. O. A. 'STRAIN Barred"Hock baby chicks, $30 lr 100. 1015 E. Simmon st Wdln. 1233. I lX)H SALE Queen incubator. 1 65-egg size, ' . J ' ctryumm y otsiiawn 054. run SALE X-Ray incubator, in good condition. Phone Sell'. 3474. t 1 PAIR of Indian runner ducks to trade for hens or sell. Tabor 7741. 3 R I. R. hens. 1 cockerel, 312; 60 egg In cubator. $8. 545 4th st FOR SALE 18 S. C. White Leghorn laying L1"4"-. W'ne Tabor 8708. FULI.MxiOD Black" Minorca eggs, 81.60 s set- I!1-. iJ0..!.?..1- 737 K. 27th st 28 LAYING White Leghorn hena. 178 E. 74th N. Tsbor 638. THOROUGHBRED White Rock cockeret Phone Woodlawn 1088. B25 Goine- mt WJIadot f?"". breeding blue ribbon stock, $5. .Woodlawn 6611, SETTING eggs for sale. Willis strain Brown Legh orna. Tabor 9303. $3v BVt.,?. "0To-lir,red "S. fj B. I Red ". Elliot strain. Call Tabor 1840. UE'N' baby chicks. B, L Reds and R." L Red cockerel. 760 Mflwankie. SelL car! S,-W', brooder. lor 160 chicXTcj: ' brooder made. Call Tab 2084 65 BUCKEYE Incubator, 810. jahor agiT" LAYINGueue for sale. ... CaU Tabor 620. ' '" FOTJLTBT ATTD BABBITS tl """ I hAVB'bisPos'ETSrTiTr PLACii And an nut now seU the chirkens, HOP to IS 00 two to six weeks old chicks; white- Leghorns. Plymouth Rocks, and R. L Reds 20c and up; two 4 80 -egg capacity Master incubators ; 1 400 egg Cornell 2 -oil burner brooder stores, 1500 capacity each. E. G. B0TTEBMXLLEB, Rt 1. Vsncgnrer. Wash. Phone 85F13. , ROBINSN trapneated single comb WhiU Leg- horn May and Jane chicks, $25 per 100. AH of my February. March and April chicks were sold without any advertising. . All went to for mer custom era or their friends. Better order now if you want May and June ebidn. Phone Tabor 7269. Mall address, A. F. Robinson. R. No. i. Box 19, -Portland, Ore, Baby Chicks Barred Rock chicks, ready April 10, $80 per 100. Reds, Rocks, Leghorns, ready April 14. Progressive Hatchery 1584 E. 12th N. Wdln. 14 8 8. PETALUMA White Lrgnoms lead the world in egg production. We sell baby chicks at $1S. per 100 daring May and June Safe arrival of full count strong, live chicks guaranteed. THE PIONEER HATCHERY. 443 Sixth st. Petaluma. Cal PORTABLE POULTRY HOUSES SHIPPED ANYWHERE REDIMADE BUILDING CO. 8 10 EAST 11 TH BT. EAST 811 Curtis White Wyand't's "EGGS THAT HATCH FROM HENS THAT LAY" I2.S0 per IS. M. E. Curtis. .Hillsdale. Or. MAIN 8280. B. I. D. 2. Box 243. MAIN 8389 R. L R. rooster. 2 years old. VVcodlawn 1.'i75. DOGS BTBPB. PETft. ETC. 8 ROSE CITY .CATTERY Four registered stud at service : SUNBURST (orange) DAI LIGHT (silver) JACK FROST (white) KU.V.ME PRINCE (black) Orders now taken for spring kittens, 1248 E. Morrison rt. Tabor 7274. PET stock ana supplies. We are headquarters in the N. W. for birds and cages, dogs, cats rabbits, caries, etc. Food, remedies, etc Call or write. Pet stock catalogue on request Rout ledare Segd A Floral r.. 145 2d t.. Portland. LEAVINi city, will sell beautiful pair of mated birds and fine cage, good for four more nestings this season. Singer alone worth priceasked.$25. Columbia 1091. FOR SALE Cocker spaniel pups; dogs $20; bitches $10. Express prepaid to you. Cash with order. Cub bears wanted. Thoa. Sieg- mnnd. Box 76. Wallowa. Or THOROUGHBRED" Airedale puppies. Four weeks old now. Can be seen at 1240 Royal court. Call Tabor 6046. ST. ANDREASBERG roller females, from im ported stock, and cages. 890 Shaver street Woodlawn 8652. EOR SALE Japanese Bniel puppies. Will trade English spitz bull dog for anything I can use. N-583. Journal. FOR SALE Young singers and 2-year St. An dreasburg female. Tabor 8476. FOR St. Andreasburg singers and females call Mrs. Cole, Tabor f.397. A PAIR of mated St Andreasberg rollers. Tabor 7654. FOR SALE Good singers and females. Call the Studio, Main 468. LLEWELLIN setter pupa for Marshall 4333. ale. 684 Hood. PORTLAND CAT KENNELS. Tabor 7801 $260 Persian stud. Fee $3 up. Cats boarded. FOR SALE Singers and females. Call The Studio. Main 468. FOX terrier, fine watchdog and ratter; cheap to one giving good home. Sellwood 8789. FOR SALE 2 large new bird Cages, 2166 E. Morrison. cheap. YOUNG canary singers for sale; females for mating. Call East 84 4. 1 PERSIAN female cat. bred at a bargain, $15. 1J 27 E. 25th N. Phone Woodlawn 17 2JT TWO canaries and female for sale; good singers. 488 KTby st. East 7410. FOX TERRIER puppies for sale at 2913 61st st. S. E. , Portland. WANTED A few female canaries. Halsey. Tabor 9468. -J2TS APTQM 0 BJI-ES AND ACCESSOBI E8 44 1918 FORD, all in good" shape; will sell rea onnhlc Tabor 2508. 2RO0 4 9th st J? 1918 FORD, in good condition; must bo sold at once; $310. Woodlawn 2589. SALE or trade for piano, hotel bus body, in good condition; trailer and battery. L-59, Journal. 1918 CHEVROLET, good tire, some extras; will sacrifice; cah or terms. 109 11th st bet. Wash, and Stark. REAL, snap. Overland bug; a good one, just over hauled; starter, good tires; $273. 389 Ev erett st. Broadway 151. 1918 FORD sedan, in A-l condition, looks like ! new; can use Ford touring In trade. Tabor ! 5603. 1918 BUICK, in very good shape, newly paint ed, 6 tires; exceptionally good buy. 1332 Division (no phone). Auto Towing Day. Main 259. Night, Mar. 821. Auto Tops TZ'M?UT 825c Salmon St., between 6th and Broadway. FOR SALF, A good Ford chassis: will make good bug. Call Columbia 283. Can be seen at 1227 Lombard St. FOR SALE 1917 6-cyL Reo 7 -pass.; just the thing for a stage line. Must be aold at once. Call Woodlawn 1250. LDSMOBILE, late model; s snap for caab; or will take small car In trade; no dealer or agents. Main 4990 or Main 7252. LATE model Dodge, in good shape and looks exceptionally good. Tabor 5603. 1383 Divi sion. DO you know that a truck will make money for you? See me regarding the best 1 H ton truck on the market Main 4028. Mar. 2768. 1919 MAXWELL This car is O. K. in every resrct Why pay more and get less? You can use this car for years. Main 4028. Ifar. 2766. 1917 MAXWELL touring: transmission, differ entis.1 and starter, overhauled ; shock absorb ers; 5 good tires, psint good: $525, terms Tabor 9370. 5530 39th ave. 8. E. FOR RALE 1 modern chummy roadster, ex cellent condition: price $S75. See car at Oregon Auto Repair Co. for demonstration. 16th at Glisan. BEST BUY IN TOWN 1917 Bulck Light 6; must be sold today. Left for sale by private party; terms if desired. Obre Motor Co., Broadway at Couch st; s-nk for Mr. Axilson. ARE you ready for the good roads and nice weather? 85 model Overland that will take you overland with comfort and pleasure. The price is lower than most par by $ $ $ $ Main 4028. Mar. 2766. BUICK ROADSTER Run 2200 miles, 5 cord tires, special top, paint and velour finish Inside. 90 N. Bdwy. Bdwy. 8247. YES, auto have taken another jump up. You also must wait from 3 Keeks to 3 months j for delivery. Let me show you some good used car that are 75 per cent to 98 pel cent new, at a saving to you of $ $ $ $ $ Main 4028. Mar. 2768. PRIVATE OWNER Late model Chevrolet run 8700 miles; s car you can depend on. D. IL McHaley, 1754 E. 13th a. HAYNES Just overhauled and In first-olaas mechanical condition. Pries right Chandler Chummy. See It today. WRAY MOTOR CAB CO.. 90 X. Bdwy. Bdwy. 8247. We Move May 1 To Our New Home 25 high grade nsed cars must be disposed of at big reduction in price. A small payment down, balance easy terms; no brokerage charges. We teach you to drive free. Open Sundays 10 to 4 USED CAB DEPARTMENT Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Company East First and East Morrison SUv Phones: at 7772. t i Autotnatio 218-18. AUTOMOBILES AHS ACCESSOBIESill OLDS SIX; BtTW 6500 MTLE8; El A-l CON DITION. WOO OLA WN 4940. i NEW Weaaeott Six. 8-pasa-$759 below cost. East 2940. 11 CHEVROLET A bargain! Call Main 2924, morning, between S and 1 1917 FORD, in A-l ahape; bargain. Gail Main 2924. morning, between 8 and 1. i , 1920 MAXWELL. 6 new tins: must selL $800. Main 1187. 188 Chapman. FOR SALE Fenders Bulck light 0. like new; $18. 787 Washington at. Main 6652. 1917 MAXWELL for sale. $426; looka Jd runs like new. Apply 89 Morris st. GARAGE for rent, reasonable. 674 Spruce st., near E.12th. 1918 FORD touring la perfect condition, with extras; leaving city, a bargain. 264 Daia. FORD chassis, excellent condition, good UfeaT '888 Everett st. Broadway 151. r 1916 CHEVROLET Baby Grand, ready to fo; condition guaranteed; 3495; 8160 down. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co., 523 Alder -st. ; FOB SALE Saxon, 4-cylinder, 1917 roadster in very good condition; 5 good tires; loou, See car at 851 Macadam st. ' $50 TAKES Overland model 75 touring ear. Good condition; tires almost new, eaay terms. Bdwy. 2199. ! 1916 COLE. $375. TERMS Ford bug and several other good buys; at N. W. 14th and Couch. See Tom. Bdwy. 448. 1918 CHEVROLET light delivery open express body; good condition; 4 good Urea. $600; easy terms. Bdwy. 2199. ; $400 CASH will take my 6-passenger Overland, just overhauled, with license and extra tire. Pacific Garage, 288 11th, above Jeffertori. 1915 LOZ1ER; an excellent car for good heavy duty service: cord tires and mechanically good: $850,. $250 down, balance monthly. A-l Auto Works 4 Painting Co.. 525 Alder st MITCHELL-Six"roadster, driven3881 miles in fine mechanical condition and looks as good as new. Private owner. Price $1100. Phone East 5500. ; 1917 CHEVROLET Model 490; all new tire, and condition A-l. $525; $175 down, balanc easy. A-l Auto works Painting uo., ox j Alder st FOR SALE 1911 Cad 11 Lao service car; strong, nowerful car: wheels cut down 33x4: Fire stone rims. Sell for cash or trade for Ford. 249 6th st. Main 7352. 1917 STUDEBAKER SIX, in fine shepe throughout $675. $275 down, bat S40 per month. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co.. 625 Alder st ; 120 OAKLAND Sensible Six, only run enough to break it in: good; a bargain; on easy terms. A-l Auto Works 3c Painting Co., 625 Alder rt. ' DID YOU EVER hear anybody knock a Beof If you did. he didn't own one. You'll be a Keo booster, too, if you'll buy this Reo four I want to sell. Call me up and 1 u tell ,ou ell about ft GoodfeUow. Marshall 2296. FOB SALE 1918 Maxwell touring. . 1917 Ford touring. 1915 Ford touring. All good ones. Come, make an offer; 1801 Main st, Vancouver. Wash. 1919 HUPMOBILE. Ihj is one of those .Teal Hnps that can show you any kind of stunts on the hills you may want $1150, and 'you can't duplicate it anywhere. $3 50 down, one year on balance. A-l Auto Works A Paint ing Co., 525 Alder st I WW HATH for sale 2 Ford touring cars, both In fine condition, price $375 and $475 and terms. Field Motor Car Co., 14th and AJaer. Bdwy. 240. THE MAKE of the car 1 want to sell is so popular and in such big demand that the manufacturer builds 3000 of them a day and still can't keep up with the demand. But vou shouid worry. You will get bigger value for your money in my Ford at the price I am asking for ft than in a brand-new car. Call Adams, Broadway 4152 ; '18 Ford, Self Starter This Ford has everything, and we will show you the greatest Ford in Portland. Has 12-volt batteries, self-starter, demountable rims, oversize tires, vacuum tank, Stromburg carburetor, gas saving attachments; refinished Tjlack, with nat ural wood wheels. Low price, and we will take $250 down, balance monthly. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. 19118 Chevrolet 1918 Chevrolet roadster, prac tically now,- extra tire, seat covers and bumper. Price $650. Terms if desired. Francis Motor Car Co. East 13th and Hawthorne. East 3770. HUDSON SPEEDSTER SPECIAL! Just out of the paint shop, bright as a dollar and rarin' to go. Somebody is going to get one of those extra big bargains you occasionally hear about, but seldom have a chance to Bet jHiutle right, up today and see it. NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Alder at ISth. SERVICE GARAGE Used Car 'Department- The used ears we offer are cars that we have accepted as part payment on Rainier truck or Tulsa touring cars, or that have . been left for sale. Wo do not buy or sell used -cars. We now have the following cars: Chalmers. 4-cyL. $400. This is a comfort able car. In very good condition; has been run very little tne last two years. Interstate $450. -in excellent condition, elec tric lights and starter. A heavy car that would make a fine truck. Overland. $375; everything good except car buretor. Priced low for quick sale. SERVICE GARAGE I list and Mill. Main 217 .YOU HARD PLEASE . IF ONE OF THESE WON'T Ford touring. Maxwell, Buick, Reo. "Hudson, Cole. Mitchell. Oldsmobile, Willys-Knight, Paige, Piercs-Arrow, Cola 4, Michigan roadster. K -ton truck. Menomonee 1-ton trailer. Bepubilc - ten. Northwest Auto Co. ALDEB AT 18TH. UVTOMOBILES AKD ACCES80BIE8 44 FOB SALE. 22-paaeenger bns body. CsSwood lawn 2889. 1817 JEFFERT. 1 pass., a dandy stage car; eneap. on easy terms. Bdwy. atwo. YELU3- Fire passenger, 1760. Will take piano as part payment, ill I3tn at. 1919 HUPMOB ILE. like new, 4 new word Urea, extra. Phone 211-48. WANTED A good used motorcycle as part payment on a good used auto. Bdwy. 8006. FOR RELIABLE and durable tire eervkw have your work done by the Finch Vulvanixing Co. Used tires at tow prices. 889 H Start sl LJBEBTT STX-rLate '18; looks Uke new; me chanically perfect; spare tire, bumper, spot- Bght; $1830. By owner. W podia wn 187. OAKLAND delivery, fine mechanically and ready to go to work; only 8350; terms. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co.. 623 Alder s 1918 FORD, lots of equipment; good shape, $460 Globs Garage, SO N. 20th. Main 206. DODGE touring car refinished. new top. good tires, spotlight and bumper. 3223 down, bal ance to suit. Bdwy. 3606. 1918 SAXON touring; overhauled and in good shape throughout; $650, $200 down, balance monthly. A-l Auto Works A Pauiung Co.. 525 Alder st 1918 ELGIN, in the best kind of mechanical condition and guaranteed. $975. $275 down, long terms bal. A-l Auto Works & Painting t--o.. 5Zo Alder st 1918 MAXWELL touring, just like new. You will have to go some to beat this buy. $595. $195 down, baL to suit. A-l Auto Works ft Painting Co.. 523 Alder st FORD TRUCK Used very little, large size with platform, only $875. Ready for Im mediate use. Will take piano as part payment 111 13th st MAXWELL roadster, late model, extra fine paint jcb, an good tiles and runs fine. $575. $175 down, bal. easy. See this road-iter. A-l Auto Works 4 Painting Co.. 525 Alder st PAIGE, late model, splendid condition through out, good tires, used only as private car. Will take piano or player, piano as part payment, bal ance on terms. Can be seen Monday at 435 Wash, st 1917- ALLEN car. mechanically right re finihed, rich maroon, cream wheels, at leea than half new price. $575. $175 down, bal. easy. A-l' Auto Works A Painting Co., 625 Alder st THERE S mora real pen and jazz and real honest to-goodness value in this Olds eight than was ever before put in a car. If you want to know the price and all about it phone Sellwood 8071 and ask for Burns. 1918 OLDS 8, touring, in excellent shape throughout Cord tires and guaranteed in every way, at about half price of a new Olds of the same model. $4 00 down, you make the terms. A-l Auto Works & Painting Co, 525 Alder st LATE 1916 DODGE Diao clock, good tires, fine running condi tion. Can be seen Monday. 249 6th st Main 7312. '16 Ford Touring at $385 ..... t , . , . . with $125 down, balance ea.j'. And this KV,-, ril fc en-nn- f 11- when you see it Runs and looks like new. Se this quick. 506 Alder st. Red Front Used Car Co. STUDEBAKER DELIVERY Motor In fine shape; all pneumatic tires, self-starter and good electric lights. Will take light tcmring car or roadster in trade. This car U a bargain. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Aider. Broadway 240. '18 Buick Roadster Price $HJ'85 This ear has eords arid 'other extras, snd we will stand back of all we say about it We will take $450 down, balance long easy terms that will appeal to you, or take rnr in trade. We are open Sundays all day. 505 Alder st. Red Front Used far Co. Chandler 6 Cylinder Car In .dandy condition; 6 tires; for $800. This is a real buy. Car looks fine. BROADWAY 2411. 631 ALDER ST. BUICK.S - We have three; come In and look them over. Cash, terms or trade. Hamilton Auto Co. 80 No. Bdwy. Bdwy. 8608. Fords Fords Fords Ford Touring. 1 9 1 SShock absorb ers, dem. rims, 1920 lineise, switch lock, tool box. good tires, front scat cut for a bed $175 .Ford Touring, 1917. with new 1920. body, speedometer,' good tires. ... 475 Ford Touring. 1916 Shock absorb ers, foot throttle, good tires 400 Ford Touring, awitch lock . 1917 Good tires. 450 Ford Roadster. 1919, with delivery box, good as new 550 C. G. 630 Alder. Bdwy. 1852. We Have MOVED to Our New Location 4749 North 9th St. Bet.. Couch and Davis The finest showroom, devoted exclusively to used cars in the West Here you may purchase a used car with the same degree of comfort, satis faction snd assurance that you would pnrchaee a new one. To introduce our new location, we will give, during opening week, to every car pur chaser an extra tire, a tube, a spotlight and bumper. We have a wonderful assortment of cars that we have held in readiness for our opening. They are now ready for your Inspection, and at Intro ductory prices that will make you purchase. Al most all makes to select from. HAYNES STUDE BAKERS OVEBLANDS WILLYS KNIGHTS DORTS ' HUDSONS MAXWELLS BUICK3 PACKARD MOONS CADILLAC FORDS FORD BUGS Be sure and see our stock of Ford bugs. Rug buyers, we have some beauties; some with tops and windshields and all late model motors. Your Old Csr Taken ss First Payment Balance Easy Terms OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS Associated Motor Sales jany 47-49 N. 9th St Between Couch and Davis sta. The New Building NOTi; We will continue to operate our sales room at 19th and Couch, and if more convene nt, we ask you to call there. Our salesmen wui be pleased to show yon both stocks. AUTOMOBILES ATP ACCESSORIES 44 1920 CHEVROLET roadster, a aeodid buy. Phone SelL 889. 747 E. 10th at. LIBERTY CHUMMY roadbter. re flashed, cheap, on liberal terma. Bdwy. 3606. ONE 12x18 garags; glass doors gad window. Call Sell. 1258. 1665 East 9th st B. LIBERTY speedster, new paint, cord Urea, runs like new. Terma. Col 882. 1918 MITCHELL LITTLE S IX. like new, dandy rubber. Cooper. Phono 211-48. 1919 ELGIN SIX; new paint, good tires. Could a Fo,rd as part payment. East 2766. AMERICAN SCOUT roadster. A-l condition, $300; terms. Phone Tabor 9402, Sunday. or after 9 p. m. through week. 1919 VELIE; runs and looks Uke new. Would consider a Dodge as part payment Balancs terms. Cot 832. FORD touring, in excellent condition; vintage of 1914. and u age counts u amprovea mis one; $375, $100 down, balance easy. A-l Auto Works A Painting Co., 623 Alder st JUST A MINUTE I I've got a 4-cyt Hudson that s in good condition, and yon can get it so cheap it'll make your head swim. D. JU Dougherty, Tabor 4223. 1917 OVERLAND, model 75. This is one of the small models' and in fine ahape, ready to go Only $575. $175 down, bat easy. A-l Auto Works 4 Painting Co.. 625 Alder st 1917 MAXWELL touring, overhauled snd re finished. This car runs to suit you. $550; small payment down, long terms balance. A-l Auto Works 4 Painting Co.. 625 Alder st HERE'S a car that would make a dandy serv ice csr or for any heavy work on hard rough roods. It's s PierceArrow, in fine shape, and it's s real snap.. Call Mr. Fike, East 2887. LATE 1918 DODGE Disc clock, good tires, fine running condi tion. Can be seen Monday. 249 6th. Main 7352. 191 S FORD touring. This is a real Ford In the beet kind of shspe, and they are hard to get this way. $475. $125 down, bat to suit you. A-l AUTO WORKS 4 PAINTING CO., 525 Alder st Bargains In Us,ed Cars HAMILTON AUTO CO., 80 No. Bdwy. Bdwy. 8806. Oldsmobile Coupe 11918 A really groat buy. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch. Bdwy. 2270. 490 CHEVROLET sedan. In fine condition. We must make room for new cars. Here s chance to get a good closed car for practically i 7 will give you t ! M--r B touting car would coat you ana erms. Fields Motor car uo., 11m Bdwy. 240. 1918 Overland Country Club Roadster A dandy little car at s Terr low pries. 5 wheels, bumper, spotlight TERMS. NO BROKERAGE. BROADWAY 2411. 531 ALDEB ST REAL USED CAR BCY3 Overlsnd eighty-three touring ..$300 Maxwell touring $600 Saxon touring $600 Maxwell touring $625 Oakland eight $650 Overland eighty-five touring. ... $750 Also a dandy Oldsmobile coupe, like new, st s big discount These ears have been put in good tns- ehnnieal condition. Small payment down. Easy terms. THE C. 10S Broadway. H. S. CO., Broadway 1778. COUPE ALMOST NEW! This Ford coupe has barely been ran BOO miles, hasn't a scratch, not a spot on the upholstery, has electric lights and startr, and special steering wheel. It's s rare bargain. Ford coupes are in big demand, so if you want this, hurry. See It today. NORTHWEST AUTO CO , Alder at 18th. Columbia Auto Sales Co. 345 Union Ave. N. 30 Steps from Broadway 1917 Chevrolet condition. touring; Bargain. good running 1918 Maxwell touring. Perfect running order. A dandy buy. 1919 Nash touring. Buns and looks like new. Owner going East 1916 Studebaker "4" A bargain. 1918 Studebaker "4": 6 tires; new cattery and mechanically perfect Ford chassis, engine Just overTiaoled. Would make dandy bug. 843 CNI0N AVE. B. EAST 88. A FEW GOOD BUYS IN USED CARS FOn SUNDAY; CARS THAT WILL GIVE SATISFACTION. WITH A COAT OF NEW PAINT TO MATCH YOUR NEW EASTER BONNET. OPEN SUNDAY, 10 TO 5 P. M. 1918 CASE 6, new paint $1760 1019 CASE 6, new paint 2250 1918 MOON 8, new paint 1473 1917 BUICK , new paint 1000 1918 OAKLAND 8, new paint 750 1914 CADILLAC, new paint 1000 1917 STUDEBAKER 725 1919 SCBIBPS BOOTH 6 1175 1918 BABY GRAND CTIEV., new psint.: 823 1919 SCRrprS BOOTH 6, rosdstsr, new paint 1000 1917 GRANT SIX, ntw paint 600 1018 MAXWELL 685 1918 CHEVROLET 490, new paint.... 600 1917 HERCULES 3M 1914 M'FABLAN 1000 1918 OVERLAND, new psint 660 TERMS GIVEN j TRUCKS i-TON REPUBLIC , 81250 1-TOS DEN BY "00 1-TON MAXWELL 760 1-TON FORD' 5 Stt-TON DEN BY 8 5-TON G. M. C. 60 J. H. GRAHAM MOTORS CO.. 84-88 TENTH ST. BROADWAY 3231 SB MB. JAMES - 50 TROUBLE TO SHOW CABS. AUTOMOBILES ATTP ACCESSORIES 44 LATE Franklin touring. In the very best of sss ehaxucai condition; good ensvl tins, I will sacrifice $10O0, By owner. Call 629 . 26th. Belt 157. LATE MODEL BXPMOBIt-B $113$ AND MA NT MORS GOOD USED CABS. . TERMS. j M.4JISHALL 282. 188 TENTH ST. OPPOSITE LIBRARY. Today's Bargains 1914 Ford touring $250 1914 Ford touring , .. 3"0 1919 Ford roadster - 473 1916 Maxwell 475 1916 Ford bug : 4 15 1916 Hudson , 900 1917 Overland 600 1918 Taxicab body, just like new. WE GUARANTEE ALL CARS( 354 E. BURNSIDE - 1917 HAYNES touring. 1920 Chevrolet 'touring; like new; $76 to extras. 1917 Buick delivery, panel body 1918 Ford touring. . 1919 Chevrolet touring. 1917 Maxwell touring. 1919 Buick touring. These cart srs In Al condition, snd can be secured on terms. Portland Garage I USED "CAR DEPARTMENT. Fifth and Taylor Sts. Marshall 600. At Our Big Removal Sale off Used Cars We Offer a 1920 Cass, 7 pass., 6 eyt. like new. 1919 Mitchell, T pass., 6 eyt, good as new. 1919 Mitchell, 8 pass., 6 eyl, used very little. 1914 Buick. S pass.. 4 eyt 1917 MltcheB, S pass., 8 eyl 1919 Jordan, T pass.. 8 eyt 1913 Mitchell, 4 pass., 8 eyt, chummy. 1918 MltcheB, 6 pasa, 8 eyt And many others of various different makes. TJSED CAR DEPARTMENT Open Sunday 10 to 4 Mitchell, Lewis & Stave r Company East First and Ea-t Morrison Sts. Phones: East 7272. Automatic 212-18. CRACKERJACK SALE Where yrm can get a real bargain la s used automobile. 1919 Maxwell, like new .....$ 700 1918 Maxwell, orerhsuled snd repsmted in first class condition 1917 Maxwell automobile, all gone over in the shop, then repainted; fine small up-to-date automobile 060 405 700 C85 C50 678 1400 1919 Chevrolet first class condition . . . Overland Model 85, all In good condition Willys-Overland Six. overhauled snd re painted ; cord tires Studebaker, sK In fins condition Kissel Sedan, all in fine shape, runs good an! appears lust like new 1917 Chalmers Light Six If you want a good car that has been put through the shop snd repainted a bargain, look at till , 1918 Chalmers ITot-Spot Light Six, all fine and looks like new 900 1100 1360 1919 Chalmers, get busy Hudson Light Si, the 6-40 ear. in fine running condition; as is Another Hudson Light Six that has been ovei hauled and repainted HUDSON SUPER SIX 1916 Ttudson Super Riy that ws have overhauled and repainted; we give you the same guarantee as a factory docs on a new car 650 890 1200 1918 Hudson Super R1x we have over hauled it and repainted it: yon are given the same guarantee as tho factory does on s new car 1760 Hudson limousine; late model, crest buy; looks just like new 2400 C L. BOPS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washiufrton St, Portland. C. G. TERMS NO BROKERAGE All standard makes. Call and look them over and get our proposition. Make your own terms. FORD TOURfNO $ 300 FORD ROADSTER, 1919 650 MAXWELL TOURING 800 t FORD TOURINO 880 CASE TOURING 875 STUDEBAKEB 6 CTU 450 CHEVROLET TOVRLVO 600 BRISCOE LIGHT 4 680 OLDSMOBILE. 8 CYL. 860 MAXWELL '18. like new 875 DODjGE TOUBINO 850 OVERLAND COCNTBY CLTB 830 HUDSON SCPEB BIX 900 OAKLAND LIGHT SIX 830 WILLTS-KNIGHT 1000 BUICK LIGHT SIX, 1917 1100 BUICK LIGHT 8LT. 1918 1275 BUICK BIO IX, 7 PASS 1850 OLDSMOBILE BOADSTEB ..... 1400 CHANDLER TOUBINO 1450 6T17TZ, 1918, 16 vslvs 2300 PAIGE, 7-PASiS. 750 MF.TZ. 1918 '' 450 STUDEBAKEB 8. 1919, s bargain. C. 0. Bleasdale 630 Alder st -' ' Broadway 1832. AUTOMOBILES AXP ACCESSORIES l HERB ABB S REAL BTTTS A JORDAN AND 8 HUDSONS ALL THEY NEED TO BR COMFLITB IS A DRIVER. v HERMAN PABBOTT 4 CO., 471 MORRISON NEAR 14TH. BROADWAY 4361. 11916 Ford Bug In A-l condition. Ws guarantee It for s month. See this for a bargain. $418. 854 H. BURNSIDE 1918 Buick In A-l condition, Victoria top, new paint, cord Urea. See thia for a bargain. $120()! 854 E. BURNS.IDB D. 0. WARREN MOTOR CAR CO. USED CAR DEPT. 88 60 234 St N. Mam 780. If yon are Interested in any of the fel lowing make and model cam luted below. It will surely be to a.lranUge to at lesut investigate this car before making your 'pur chase The space here is t, .mall to CO into details, but tli cars we have will ber the moet careful lnjwiion and will satisfy you tli same as we lime hundred of our former customers. Let us show you soma of them. CADILLAC, old model but In splendid oob oiMoil Would make fine bug or delivery sag or como, ne usea as Is as a giving It away at $200. touring. Just VELIE 6 eyt touring ear. Most be sold at once. Fine condition, paint and top uke new. good rubber and s fin. motor At s bargain price, $1260. MITCHEIJ T pass. 8 tret, fine shape. Will sell cheap. A good ear for little monev. H you are intereeted In a good MitcheU, douH fall to see tins car. OVERT. AND. mnrlot on rV-,-. rn.w - flne condition, new tires, good top and fins machanlcallr. The bet car for the money. Be sure to see it Mr. Fluliart Main 780. OLDHMOnn.K. a ml fin. MMiHnn win sell for $800 for quick sale. Let foe show you what a nice, snappy little ear this is. FORD ton TnrriT . class condition. Text tt any war Ton llaati guaranteed O. K. ; $550. OVERLAND model 83 favoring. 8 eyl. new. 1y painted and In flrstclass condition ever $900 n" tP' rubl,or -""1 s bargain at. SAXON 6 eyi fawrrtng oar, fast been pnt ta very beet of oondltlon. light and economical, quiet smooth snd powerful car. No reaaon sble offer refused. He sure to see this- oaf before buying. Every oar w sell Is guaranteed. LETS HTS TO IJOt TROUT STREAMS IX OUB LIX OLD CAR I Wish we had asked "B rid." the chief fisherman of this section o' the woods, to write this for us. 'cause he's mi chummy with fishy watirm and loves Ills own bslL Pretty short do ins, we'll say, if once in a while a fellow can't hie off Into the moun tains and nOOK A FEW BI1 ONES. BUT lots of Wlnws would. If they knew how easily they could get the luaans o transportation. One of our USED CATIS THAT WE'BB SO PARTICULAR ABOUT TAKING IN ON NEW ONES Is tut the thing fn s quick, depend able turn out an.l hack and comes in handy, too when "the folks" want to do a little running about town or have some frwib - sir on Sundays car that is always resdv snd willing to go anywhere at any time and, boing good cars. THEY'RE NOT AFRAID OF HOUGH ROADS AND LONG JOLRNEYS A nnther thing r Did yon erer stop ta figure that dealing In used cars In the manner strictly observed here that of taking in used cars In part payment for new ones means that ws never have anything on hand that la rot In pretty good shape when ws get it because thev former owner al ways seta his price, snd If the ear Is not worth It it simply means "no trade." In other words, w. don't go Into the open market and boy up "Jus any old thing" to fix up and sell st s big profit That's another thing aboTrt getting S used car here profit We get so many In that we have to turn theut quickly and we'll tell the world we're, glad enough to dispose of them, ss rule, at what they cost us. And then, toe, we're an aafatMlshad distributive agency for a number of well-known standard makes of automo biles, and the same high-class methods of doing business that prevail in dis tributing the rsrs are In vogue In ths work of disposing of our used . can. Thus, when we place our knowledge of new snd used cars back of your pur-: chase, as is necessarily the ease when yon purchase here you are aestired of c!en-'-nt mercnsnaising ana dose gins all along the liiie. Among the ears sow ready fa yen to drive away at s iboment'a notice aret APPERSONS HATXXS BUICKS OLDSMOBILE EIGHTS COLICS FORDS CHALMERS BEOS BPEEDWELI-S WINTONS OVERI-ANDS REGAIB DODGES FBANKLINS CUTTTNO BCG B. O. H. BUGS STUDEBAKERS OABXATOS YEXJES LAMBEBTS MTTCHXLZ-8 FAIGES AXONS MAXWELLS And EXCEIKIOR MOTOBCTCIXS (with side car). Let's look them ore together, resg to decide what make yon prefer, how ' you want to pay for It snd sway you go, ready for the road snd ready to go to the end always sure that your csr will bring -yon back. Ths well known detwnflabls "OVrw Policy" holds good to this sale a square deal. Liberty bonds accepted. ' LOCIS E. OBTE MOTORS CO. Used Ca Department 11 Grand A vs. And Broadway snd Cotton. . P. S. Prices range from $ s $400. and if filed up every on would tell at tli res snd. four tunes the price.,