THE OREGON- SUNDAY, JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY , MORNING.- APRIL 11, 1820. ' WAlTTETAOEHTS ' now to star t "inHb u s rxfcs hfo YOCR- - - fttT.W lut ,. . . -- HMrfV wwk wot. .1 my . tindery manufacturer selling its- entire ' output hMIIX Mil I I 1 . " - - Almmrnj Jk Itu Vmii.' It shows you bow to bsHd "far keeps,' 'ftnd bow to snake up to 12500 a yaw, M some r doing. Writs for it today. Clows . Knit Hosisry Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. ' -wtG EN T S il 0 0 WEEKLY and automobile f iimlahi wmr f. ,Tcmrh introdtuHn mir- eetous new antomobil invention. Doubles ef ficiency and Ufa of any car. flaTea its eoat tint day- Territory going Uk wildfire; 1 28 umpU outfit free. Write) quick. Ovee Com pany, Dept. 076, Louisville, Ky. AGENTS coin money wiling Brussels Fibre Brooms. Outlast four com brooms. Retail 1.95. Sample postpaid $1 07. Sanitary rnvhm. Cramer Co.. 202 H Weahtngtou t. Portland. IH PROFITS aelling "JubOew Spark Intonsi flat to auto owners and garages. Banishes Dark plug trouble. Sara faa. Exclusive ter ritory. Jubilee Mfg. Co.. 8104. Sta. C. a pans, pttp, VAST AGENT la every Oregon county to aril fuel eapnrliser; fita any Ford car; eaves 25 to 86 It gasoline. Sold on money back guarantee. Oregon distributor. 48 hi N. 2d st. Portland. AGENTS-OOe an bour to advertise and dis- tribute lamplea to consumer. Write Quirk for territory and particulars. American Product ,.. 891 American bldg.. Cincinnati. Ohio. SALESMEN WANTEI 88 SALESMAN cabl of selling to high-elaas . trade and larger business concerns, a high priced article, well advertised and quite gen erally adopted. Applicant must be between age of ana 40 with pleaeuig address and able to Diu with beads of big business. G-37 8, Journal. 600" LIVE WIRE SPECIALTY or side line salesmen. Great auto Intention. Just out. First tire chain Improrenient in 20 years. Quickly detachable, non-skid chain. (Tan be put on or taken off in a second, No lack, no tools, needed. Enormous demand. Big oom niisslons selling to dealers and Jobbers. Our Texas man made 12000 In 00 days, 20O per week la eayjr. Don't iniss this. Terriiory go ing fast. Act quirk.- Moar Mfg. Go., Chain iJapt 480. Hooklland. 111. REAL salesmen, witli car preferred, In yonr locality r "0 to $200 weekly, selling thst wonderful "Corafa" patch not an "ail-rubber" r khaki back it's different patented nothing ele like It on the market. No compeUtr.i. Yon can make a clean up heat tn the world for automobile inner tubes. ' Territory free. "Coraja" Itubhrr Mfg. Co., Dallas, Texas. P. S. Hare several nixmings for state managers with 500 to $1000 capital. Should easily make 500 to $2000 par month. Be Quick or the other fellow will get it. SALESMAN or advertising man to become in toreated in a company with the sole privilege jot uk surest ana uvest proposition in Portland. No opposition. Contract signed. $1000 per month assured. Must be handled at once. Call Hotel Alder, room 311. Hunday, between 10 and 12 a. m. ; or phone 61418 after 7 p. m. for appointment. 17 TOTT can sell tracks for tome on else, yon can sell them for yourself. See us shout our oiler for Portland and Multnomah county. No overhead exponas. Phone Main 2417. 1 WANT an organizer who la a first-elites sales manager to handle the Western sales distribution of one at the best trucks in America. The chance of a lifetime for a real business-getter. Write in confidence, stat ing experience, salary or commission wanted or proportion of both. N-509, Journal. t06.N"TllLTseiling nesvpatentedf uel va porizer, guaranteed to save up to 50 nw cent gasoline; 40 miles per gallon made with Ford. Sold on money hack guarantee. One sample free. Htransky Vaporizer Co., 860 Pukwana, South Dakota. , &ALESMK N With Ford car preferred. We manufacture Ford accessory which Interests erery owner and dealer on sight. Tou can make (ISO per week. Motor Products company, In dianapolis. Ind. GOOD rronosition for right man to act as sales ' msn and take financial interest tn well-established automobile business. ' W-886, Journal. 6ALESM KN nted to sell a line that ssUsI ' eash weekly. Address .Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. A.N'TED 'fiti salesman for city. B-X88, Journal. WTCATIOSft FEMAL! 'OMAN of refinement, experience desires posi tion ss matron in some business house or in stitution. References. M-483. Journal. WANTED AVorkat once, preferforenoons or erening; hoasework or jsnltress. 0227 70th 8. E. ML Scott car. I DO melius wsshltut and sewing reasonable. : 402 4th st. Mar. oO50. tOI.OliKP lady wishes day work; laundry work preferred. 83 N. 10th. Broadway 2120. RFJ.IABLE lady wants work u psntry woman : . or helper in restaurant. Msrshsfi 743. LACE! SCRIM, Marquisette cm-tains, hand . lanmlered: called for. Est 6104. WOMAN' mints family washing to do at horns Phone Wdln, 801. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Phone Main 7f.28. , , i LADY employed wUbes unfunrfcined H. K. rooms or flat in congenial family. East 5509. BU CATION SMAIB I PRINTING office msnsger desires connection ; with progresaiTO pubUahing house. Serrices Tailable May 1. Twelve year' experience, trderaland accounting methods, standard cost systn, paptr stock and mechanical equipment. Mow assistant In plant doing I5W.000 YX i'iO, JouruaL TOl'NG married man wants work on farm, ( . preferably In Eastern Oregon or Wsahingtoi : must .furnish house and garden space. L. H. Hawk. Orchards, Wash. PAINTING, paperhanging and tinting; ex-serrice man with complete equipment for any sire job. Will do your work reasonable. Marshall 2403. .POSITION as collector with large Implement or wholesale house: years of experionce; can de liver the goods; best references. A-404, Jour- ; ; YOUNO man wishes position in office from 1-2 . en- on. Can operate tyrewriter Bind take dic ; tation Good ponninn. References. Wiii strive to satisfy. W-887. Jonnial. SUING LERS " RESHLNGMNG A SPFK'IALTT OR ANY THING PERTAINING TO ROOF WORK. PHONE WOUD1.AWS 3898. TBTEADT, reliable, middle aged maa; have had many years' experience, would like work to cars for chickens and garden; reasonable wages, A. Caurtright. Gresham, Or. beliabTe" man, steady, willing worker, wants wura. voum preier piace witene ue couiu learn something useful No heavy lifting. J- 90, Journal. CEMENT foundations, houses raised, basement anlarged. lswus graded, reasunable. Marshall 3882, evenings. FLORIST, landscape gardener, first-class, exp. ' in all of this line ; open for work. Phone 838 70. WEST MAGUIRE . Painting, paperhanging snd tinting. Auto matic 219-77. Res. and shop. 397 IS. 89th st. VANT stendy iob driving for wholesale or re- tail boose ; nave good delivery car. Tabor 8489. CARPENTER work, repainting and remodeling, inside finish wanted; first-class work. Sell wood tiiuo. MAN with a car wishes position as salesman: beet of references. For appointment call .'SelL 8317. (CARPENTER wants work by day or contract . Tabor 7194; TT"7Ta ttrwripo i. i , i- '.i. i - contract. Woodlawn 126. EST" wants work after school and on Saturday. 16 years old. J-89. Journal. UPHOLSTERING, furniture repairing, in your .. own home. Write 8110 63d ave., S. E. A BOY of 14 wishes emlpoyment on farm or ranch. Apply to 618 Mississippi ave. ' CEMENT chimney work, plastering! Kopping f Walton. 109 E. 46th at. Tsboe 8688. WANTED Position on small ranch. . Phone Main 7682. . PAINTING AND TINTINO .Reasonable. Woodlawn 83211. -CEMENT workof all kinds. Good work guar- anieen. i-none reu. SOOFS reshingletl a specialty. Beach am. Phone Jli. J2V1. TWO experienced carpenter, finishing or fram- ing hustlers. Uall Wdln. 141. ffOCSF painting and tinting- experienced work- . w , . : bi . , .... nuumiv prices. ruwi mun oooe. JUuMODKX your house now. estimates given by , - reliable builders. Woodlawn 6343. I AM a mechanic, cabinetmaker and . all around ! furniture man. T-214. Journal 611INGLERSI ''"Whan you want reabingUng done, call Wdln. 8206. ' PAINTING, tinting, papering; good work; rea . tonable. Sell. 1S99, CEMENT work, aidewaike and -repairing. Wood- v lawn 4885. SaCAVATlXG and pluwtng. Phonw Bellwooll . - ';- -- . , - - I fLOWINU end haxrowui. , Viuun Mua VleO. ' 1 BITTJATIOyta MAXB 1 PAINTING, paperhanging, tinting. AeU . DHES8MAKIITO 49 ALTERATIONS, refitting ana soaking of ladies' garments, reasonable prices; work guaranteed. 1 Retibm. Ladies' Tailor. 4 OA Rtfb ft Lane bldg. SUITS, skirts and ooe-pieoe dresaea mad rea sonable; all work guaranteed first class. Mar shall 2488. . HEMSTITCHING, 8e yard. 'daring week beg& ning April 11. Dreasmakitiff alterations and buttons. 208 H Aliska bldg. WM. 8CHENK. ladies' and gentlemw's UOoT; hemstitching, pleating, eta. Beet work, mod erate prices. 180 18th near Wash. Bdy. 8S68. SUITS, gown, wraps, summer dresses, remodel ing ; experienced dressmaker; refarencaa girea E. 8104. PLAIN sewing and children's clothes don at horn. Wood lawn 4620. FOR all kinds of drapery work and hemstitching. ei rsr DRK8SMAKINO at her home. $2 60 per day. 408 East 17tb, attentions. Sea 228. KCBSr.S M NtTtSB Quiet, attractrre home on fin auto road ; and car line. Invalids, mild mental easea. Rest of car. Ref. Greaham, Or. B. A. box 111. PRACTICAL norse, 8 years' experience in one hospital. Mrs. Bower. 875 N. 19th at. Main 4788. PRACTICAL NURSE. PHONE EAST 72li: FURBISHED BOOMS - PRJNCER8 HOTEL NEWLY RENOVATED THP.OUGHOCT Single rooms $4.80 per wk. Community bath, single, 88 and 87 per wk; private, $8 and 810 per wk. 340 E Bumjlde at East 171. JiiMt aeros Rurnide bridge. iOTEL LEHOT Right downtown. 90M FlftS st., between SUrk and Oak; $1 day, $5 week ; steam heat, hot and cold water. TWO furnished single rooms, one front, light and airy; walking distance. 174 N. 15 th. Broadway 836. NICF.LT furnished room, sleeping porch in ton nertion, close in; privilege of using piano; reasonable; gentleman only. Main 764. NICE, cloan, staam-heated furnished room for only (II month, suitable for lady or gen- uenisn. azo iztn St. WALKING distance, good location, room with alcove, single 81R, two $20. 655 Ever ett. Broadway 8R01; 2.r0 WEEK VP, large. eomforUbla fur n Is lied rooms, baths free, hot water at all hours. Hotel Cadil 1 sc. 8d near J efferson. ATTI0 sleeping room with electrlo light; cheap. 4 72 Tamhill st. ONE single furnished housekeeping room, for bachelor. $3 per wk. 631 Thnrman at. SOME very gwid sleeping rooms, rates rst 'onble 20K 17th rt.. near Taylor. LA IIG E light front basement tor shop, with back quarters, close. 144 11th. NICK quiet room for gentleman $3.80 per week. Call at 403 Russell or phone Eat 6486. 2 ilOOfiPi front, comTorUblyTuTriisbed-i in3 clean; price reasonable. 600 Irving at. FURNISHED rooms; dsy, week or month. Mra Keys, 446 3d. Main 7727 LAROETronm with alcove, suitable ?or three. Eleetric lights snd bsth. Broadway 1218. THREE furnished single rooms, close in, rea sonable. 426 Burnside. OUTSIDE well 'furnished room for rent Walk ing distance. 821 Johnson st FOUR newly-fumihed tingle rooms ' for rent 773 e Ssvlor. Msm 6832. FlHMSHEl) BOOMS rBIVATB FAMILT T$ LARGE, beautiful, nicely furnished front room, furnace heat, phoner walking distance. - Broad way 4251. BEAUTIFUL sunny rooms, modern- conven lences. near Multnomah club. Phone Main 401)5 NICE sleeping room, suitable 2 girls or work ing couple. Call 211 14 th between 10 and 12. Phone Bdwy. 3790. NEWLY furnished sunny front room, all con veniences; gentlemen. 449 10th at. Main 6688. Call after 1 p. m. DESIRABLE front room for oror"two;prlv1 legee of modern home. Mar. 738. 697 Marslisll st. ( NICELY furnished room; private entrance; beautiful large room and sleeping porch. Wes side. 84N. Slut Phone Bdwy. 2266. FRONT room with heat.-bsth sjidlephonel near car. Ea.-t 6095. 302 Morris st LIGHT and alrv sleeping rooms at the Eingsleyi 57 Trinity Place. Main 5779. NICELY furnished room lor aentleman. Cor. 14 th and Jefferson. Call Main 1816. OUTSIDE room for gentlemen. $14 per month. Marshall 2194. 411 10th st 8TEAM hested room in private family; walk ing distance. Mar. 1137. THREEn. K. rooms with sleeping porch, partly furnished. 146 Hamilton ate. Mar. 3894. FURNISHED room.-for entrValkTn diaUJica! 505 Montgomery; men only. FURNISHED front rooin.- Irving ton. 18th N. 93T C ROOM with kitchen privileges tn my home for working girl. Broadway 24 79. RPOMHforrenT 4"q83thst CSFCRXISHED BOOMS It 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, gu and bath, $8. 94 Graham ave. BOOMS AXJ) BOARD 15 THE HOLLYWOOD. 693 Es Madison, cor. 20th. Hawthorne carline. A newly opened, private rooming and boarding house, and beautiful home fc people desiring to live where it is quiet; have 1 beautiful front room with alcove, fire place and running water, suitable for 3 per sons: 1 lower floor room, fireplace, suitable for 2 persons, aUo 1 Finale room; with garage. Convalescents welcome snd kindly eared for. "ATTENTION Willsmette Iron and Steel employes. Room snd hoard reasonable. 564 Savier, cor. 17th. Broadwxy 2169. KIND Isdy wishes school children to board! Marshall 824. BOOMS AND BOARD PB.IY ATE FAMILY 7S IN NOB HILL DISTRICT Beautifully furnished room, large enough for family of four or five; private bath, toilet, hot and cold water, hest; also table board; beautiful grounds and porches; 8 blocks from Couch school; teachers and mines are Invited to investigate. Call Broadway 5450 from 11 a." m. to 8 p. m. WANTED Care of sir! between 8 and 7 years old. Terms reasonable. Pleasant farm home, no small children; good references. Address Mrs. H -A. Stevens, R. 1, Box 42. Forest Grove, Ore. l'lmne West 5-4 IRVINGTON Nicely furnished room with ex cellent table board, home refinement; 20 minutes city. Broadway car. C. 3. 523 E. 2.1th N. WANTED Children 5 care for, any age up to 5 years. Will give mother's care. Comer 70th and Powell Valley road. 7030 85th ave. 8. E. WASTED -Booms and board in private home for middle-aged gentleman and mother by May 1. 8-124, Journal. WILL board a couple of children; have plenty of milk; no other boarders. Phone Mar shall 3727. 1 WO lovely connected steam heated rooms with breakfast or privilege of kitchen; walking dis tance. 4 03 M 12th st. BOARD aud room for gentlemen. 381 Grand ' ave. N.. 1 hi blocks from Broadway. Eut 27T.7 TRAVELLNG man's wife wants young lady to room; good home for right partv; close to earwUhboerd if so desired. G-245. Journal. GOOD board, room, homelike, suitable for two or party, with child. No other roomers. oooiawn i-jin,. oil oantennein ave. LARGE room. 2 bedi, central, nice home, good piemwui meais. jaaw 2219. LADY wants little girl to board and room, mother's care. 906 Minnesota ave. WANTED A child Phone Sell. 379. to 6 years to board. NICE LARGE front room with board for two. $9 : also single room and board. E. 8104. WANTED Child between 2 and 8 yrs. ; beat of mother's care. Phone East 8180. CHILDREN to board and care for. Wdln 728. ffA N TED ROOMS AHP BOABP It WANTED Board and room in a private home by young gentleman. Stranger in the citv. Am a partially disable soldier of the world war. Best of i references, U necessary. T-216, Jour nal. MOTHER and little girls, 8 and 10, wish board in a refined family. Prefer Piedmont or tirar by.! Must be reasonable. East 5509. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS FCBNISHED ASljUKFlXWHF.l SEVGLH front housekeeping room; also "l tingle sleeping room. 163 N. 18th. Broadway 1988. FOR RENT Single furnished housekeeping room : 33.50 a wk. 800 6th st N ICELY furnished 2 room asartment: sstM1 and sink. Keasonable rent 807 Clay. FURNISHED H. K. and sleeping room for rent at 720 Mississippi, cor. Fremont FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. $18-$20-$28 Broadway 8831. 108 N. 18th at TWO furnished housekeeping; rooms. 663 Irv" ing. Broadway 3662. . HOUSEKEEPING nana. ' lu mlmZXZZ iw. 83 East Washington si rOR JjtENT 2 nicely furnished housakeeolnr . rooois, KsUa 1108. 869 Fifth. ' v HOrRElCEEPIirO BOOMS FTJB5I8HED AND U5FCBN18HE1 TAKB UT TIP THXSK ARB BIGHT . Completely fBrmVhetL steam-heeted 3 roama for housekeeping, $28 smonth; alao one beaa tifnlly light, pleaaant room for 118; alee one for $18: also dean sleeping room for $11 month. Free phone, bath., eta. S25 12th st. near Clay. 84.80 WEEK op, completely furnished houae keeping suites, absolutely dean, every con venience; tingle housekeeping rooms, $2.78 week up; right downtown; gave carfare. The Cadillac. 8d. near Jefferson. TWO front rooms, furnished tor housekeeping. 1st floor, light and airy. Urge yard, walking distance, 90 E. 8th It, comer Washington at; $4 per week. SINGLE and doable boeaekeeotne pletely Inrnished; ateam heat, electricity and laundry;' reasonable. 186 Sherman at. Phone Marshal) 198$. $11 "PEB . MONTH" S eiean. furnished boose keepiaa rooms, ateam beat, laundry, hot and cold water, yard, phone. East 6039. 406 Vancouver are. 1 ROOM for light Housekeeping, sink and pri vate bath; would look after child during the day. 698 E. Madiaoo St., cor. 20th. 1 block Hswtnonw ' carttne. A LARGE furnished room with kitchenette and fireplace. Reasonable rata. 660 Bel mont. East 8264. TRUNKS and, baggage delivered in downtown district for 2 Be Auto Service. Phone Main 298 2 HOUSEKEEPING rooms to rent, 10 minute on car Kates. $2.60 per weak. 828 H N 17th. LARGE steam heated housekeeping room, lann- dry, gas, etc., $6 per week. Another $3.50 per week. 445 Columbia. FOR-KENT Housekeeping rooms for bachelors. clean but not modern; price $4. 202 Jefferson et ONE-large housekeeping room, furnished, on ground floor. $10 a month, also a aleepinf room. 326 Han. near 6th, FURNISHED housekeeping room, close In, sonable rent Main 7682. ONE nicely furnished housekeeping room, hot snd eoldjwater $ 2 4. 147 Park. 6 ROOMS, unfurnished, over grocery store. 881 Thurman. Main 7166. $12, Large! sfhgle housekeeping room; everything- furnished. 490 Clay. HOUSEKEEPING, sleeping rooms, $ 4 week and up at 801 H 1st FOUR cheerful 'unfurnished rooms with bath, walking distance. 660 E. Morrison. FOR RENT 8 or. 4 rooms, including gaa range. 448 Hall st FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, 887 Yamhill. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS FUB5ISHED AND UNFCBNISHF.D PBIVATE FAMILT 78 THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. ground floor, private front and back entrance, 820 per month; lights, water and telephone in cluded; gas for cooking; no children. 198 E. 74 th it N. M. V. car. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. $18; 1 room and kitchenette 312; quiet place, 8 mln. walk from Hawthorne bridge. 334 E. 3d st. near Mill. East 2949. . PRIVATE FAMILY 2 housekeeping rooms in private family; elec tric light, running water, good location. 254 N. 24th st. cor. North ru p. TWO large fur. H. K., large yard, ground floor; no objection to children. 820 per month. One large fur. H. K. room, ground floor. $10 per month. 415 4th st 8.. near Hall. 1 ROOM "for light housekeeping, sink and pri vate bath; would look after child aurmg tne day. 693 E. Madison St. cor. 20th. 1 block Hawthorne carline. . TWO or three rooms, modem, private home, with garage; responsible people only. Suit able for newly weds. Close in west side. Phone Bdwy. 8791) for appointment FOR RENT April 20. 3 furnished IL K. rooms, Vfc block south Hawthorne ears. Adulta. 291 E. 49th at LARGE, clean housekeeping rooms, with kitchen ette, bath and phone. Main 2757. 270 Columbia ; PRIVATE-famfly, clean, pleasant furnished H. K rooms. No children. 620 East Morriaon- 16th st FURN ISHED housekeeping rooms nice, clean, light and airy; electrlo light gaa. furnace heat 814 Mill. FOUR nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, modern, lower floor. 1034 E. Main, Sunny- tide district TWO lars-e clean well furnished h. k. rooms. gas electricity, laundry: could be made suit able for 3 people. 68 N. 2Utn st. near yasn. TWO newly furnished connecting housekeeping room) gas range, elec., bsth; walking aia- tance; adults; $22. 824 Jackson. TWO large H. K. rooms, elec. lights, bath, nice yard, $4 iweek. 683 E. 6th at TWO- clean, light, unfurnished h. k. rooms, first floor. 173 E. 7th at Yamhill. THREE nice comfortable housekeeping rooms, modem, very reasonable. Call Sell. 9. REAL!?! clean furnished H. K. rooms for adulta. 295 Montgomery. N. E. cor, of 6th. $20 TWO large furnished housekeeping rooms, electric light and gas free. 250 Market FOR RENT Nicely rooms. 210 18th at furnished housekeeping FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished housekeeping rooms. 151 Lownsdale at FURNlSHEfrhonsekeeping rooms, ateam heat East 6008. 475 Pacific st. NICELY furnished 1-room and kitchenette, just cleaned; (4.60 week. 42 21st north. FOR RENT All furnished housekeeping rooms. Phone Tsbor 4937. FOR RENT Furnl-hed H. K. rooms for 2 peo ple. 614 E. 12th st NICE, large, clean housekeeping room, suitable for one or two persons. Marshall 2767. TWO unfurnished H. K. rooms. 864 Upshur st., near Montgomery-Ward. Very reasonable. 2 PLEASANT sleeping rooms reasonable. Call East 7002. TWO housekeeping rooms, caan and modem, $12. Call East 3323. LARGE, pleasant front sleeping room, heat and bath, suitable for 1 or 2. 84 7 13th st LARGE light clean R K, room. 305 4 3rd st FOB BEICT HOTJSES UNFURNISHED It STORAGE COMMERCIAL AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS. MOVING. PACKING. 8HIPPING. BMuced freight rates. For expert eervtee sail Bdwy. 70S. Manning Warehouse A Trans fer Co. THREE extra large rooms, furnished or un furnished; no stain; cheap; garden spot; fruit for picking; garage. Apply owner. 89th and East Stark. Mt Tabor (M. T. 88th) car to end, 4 blocks north, one east FREE RENT 3-room cottage, water, lights. In exchange for labor, feeding chickens, cut ting lawn, washing automobile and other light chorea; will pay woman for helping with house work C. E.Glaske, 82lst st Bdwy. 962. FOR RENT AWenningi Lodge, Oregon" City car. 3 room house, and V acre, also 5 room house with 1 H acres. Room 309 Cham ber of Commerce. Main 6008. Furniture Moving Vim Transfer and Storage. Lohg distance banting. 384 E. Burnside. Phone East 84114 3 AND 4 room cottage, $8.50 and $10. Includ ing water; close in. Call 887 Union ave.. near East Harrison, for key 6 ROOM, modern cottage for rent at $25: or will sell at $3250. Call Monday, room 606, Panama bldg. MOVING BAGGAGE, FURNITURE AND PIANO. Central Transfer and Storage. Main 7876. 916" EAST "YAMHILL Will exchange rentfor board and $4 per month; early breakfast Call evenings or Sundays. FOR RENT 4-room bungalow, lot 75x200, $12 per month; furniture for sale. Phone Main 4236. 7 ROOM house, with acre lot fruit trees, ber ries, chicken house, .'etc.; located 119 Port land boulevard: rent $40. Woodlawn 1028. FOR RENT 9 r. house, $23, Irvington. Main 4190 week days. East 8693 Sunday. MODERN 9 -room, close in. $68; or will sell on monthly payments. George C. Howard, 314 Cham, of Com.. Marshal 3729. WILL share part of modem house and garage with man and wife; electric washer; tele phone : partly furnished if desired. Tabor 3643 MODERN 6-room house; adults: 998 Haw thorne ave., cor. 88d. Tabor 7781. A 4 AND 5 room house; rent and water. 810 month. Inquire 697 4th st 6-ROOM house, 1088 E. 16th N. 11 until 3 today. Inspection FOR RENT Good 7 -room house! Apply 827 Kelly, or Main 4866. Sunday before 2 p. m. I HAVE a 8-rooni house, $9.50 month; has electricity and gas. Inquire Oak Grove 5W. $3 A MONTH. 2 room house. 352 E. 66th st Tabor 1897. 4 ROOMS, large basement gas and bath! No children. 174 Porter at TO RENT 8-toom house, $85 per mo. 108S (JoiDett at $22.60 8 ROOM house. West Side, dose u 814 20th; walking distance. 3-ROOM modem flat, dose in. East Side. ET quirw 184 1st et. Monday. 32S. FOR RENT 5-room house om West SidtC ET - quire 786 Reed et. SIX rooms, with garage. Graham ve . . Union. .H 2188. IS affETJEB FBAJTK. INFORM ATIO ANTJ KSNTAXi BUREAU Reliable, wp e date Beta ef desirable vacant beasea. apartments and flat with definite Infer Bastion pertaining to each, Meweeaera to Portland wfH find this bureau ef treat valne in helping them gat properly and guickiy located. EIGHTH TTjOOB 6-ROOM house at Lenta, $20 per N. L rarnxworth, with H, A. DRYER, "Thm Acreage Man," 808-9 Lewis Bldg. Main 2081. in ANOTHER house for lease or sale. Call only Pacific Agency 614 8 wetland Bldg. HOUSES FOB BEST FUB5ITTJH1! FOB SALE 31 Fob sals, furniture, and flat , FOR RENT rood furniture with good new $800 piano; $600 takes all; rent 828. Close In. west aide. Must leave city. NOBD. 200 HENRY BLDQ. Main 8245 NICE, clean, 6-room flat for rent, furniture for sale; ail in GOOD condition; 8 rooms can be rented. Will be shown between 8:30 a. m. and 4 p. m. No phone calls. 830 18th st v FURNITURE for sale, only used 8 months; 6-room modern bungalow for rent Tabor 8844. PUBLISHED HOUSES 8$ YOUNG married couple wish man and wife to share 7 room house with them; gaa, electricity, garden, fruit and berries. 288 Beach, near Williams ave. 10 ROOM bouse for sale, completely famished 'for 4 families: 2 bathrooms, furnace, nice comer lot, 85x100, West Side, walking distance. Price S6Z50. East 1668 ELEGANTLY furnished house, fruit trees, gar den; also cottages, apartments: furnished, un furnished; reasonable. 252 Gibbs st. ELEGANTLY furnished house, fruit trees, gar den: also cottage, apartments; furnished, un furnished, reasonable. 252 Gibbe. FOR RENT Small furnished house. Inquire at 1160 Willamette blvd., cor. Ktlllngsworth. car to Gibbs, west 1 block, south 8. 854 First st south. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGE 524 Heights Terrace. Cheap 'rent . 20 min ute walk to postoffice: or Hall st car. TENT house, partly furnished; use of Jthose, Wdln. 1875. SIX room flat for rent furniture for sale. STl 12th st Call week day. Marshall 2293. FURNISHED 6-room house! Phone Marshall 547 or call 983 Water st cor. Bancroft 3 ROOMuppper" floor, partly furnlshedadul51 Inquire 344 Tillamooki FLATS TO RENT, CNFCBNISHED 18 UNFURNISHED lower flat 4 rooms and bath; all built-in conveniences, hardwood floors and electric stove; walking distance; adulta only. Call East 872. FOR RENT New flat large rooms, large closets and bath, good view all directions, good car service. References required. 850 Woodward ave. $15 LOWER flat of 4 rooms. 671 6th st. Tsbor 4558. NICE 4 room apartment. $12. 73 E. 76th st. "MV" car, 1 block south. $32 50 LIGHT, clean upper flat of 6 rooms. 589 5th st Tabor 4553. UPPER flat, 4 large, light rocsns, modern, close in. Phone East 426ti. TWO 5-room fiats, Portsmouth, overlooking riTer. 982 Chamber of Commerce. LIVING rooms in store bldg. 600 Willis me ave. East 2198. FCB5ISHED FLATS to FURNISHED 4-room flat for rent on E. 26th near Division, $23 per month. Bee N. I. Famsworth with H. A. DRTTTR, "The Acreage Msn." 608-9 Lewis Bldg. Main 2081. NICE furnished upper 4 room flat, close in, $25. 793 Missouri ave., cor. Beech st. Mississippi car. 3 ROOM flat, furnished, except living room. private bath. 1528 ft E. Glisan, comer 67th, Phone Tabor 9873. SMALL store and flat, furnished or unfur nished 582 Union ave., near Knott. Rent $27.60. Good business location 8 ROOM modem furnished fist $22.60. in cludlng water and garbage. 566 Williams ave. East 8595. MODERN 6 rooms, partly furnished. Commercial. Woodlawn 187. 998 H NICELY furnished modem 3 room flat, adults! East 4911, mornings or evenings. FTVE room flat famished, rent reasonable. Phone East 6751. NICELY furnished modem 5-room flat 28 Alberta near Jefferson High. APARTMENTS FOB BEKT 41 THE KERRIGAN APARTMENTS A 3 and 4 room apartment, nicely furnished steam heat, hot and cold water. $40 and $4 5; also some small ones In annex at $15 and up. 52 E. 6th st N. FURNISHED apts. for rent close in, very rea sonable. Will take children.. 496 Davis. Broad way 4695. GRANDESTAapartme"nt, 68 Grand ave. and Stark st. Nice, modern, outside 3 room fur nished apartment, $45. Phone East 208. ONE 2 room H. K. apt, $16; also one 2 room apt. : phone, beat and water. After Sun day. Broadway llii 8 ROOM apt., lights, gas. bath, phone, walking distance to heart of city; reasonable. 223 N. 17th. TWO rooms and kitchenette nicely furnished. on second floor. 628 Willis. ma ave. East 4193. 2 ROOM 'apt. $22; electric lights, bath and phone. Broadway 1102. NEW YORK APTS., 441 M Belmont 238. East FURNISHED 2-room apt, 634 hi Williams ave. East 5379. THE STAN FIELD .Modern 2-room apt. fur nished, reasonable. Main -7392. MULTNOMAH APT 33-room apartments. $25. 225-27 Market Automatic 614-68. 2 ROOM front apt, light and airy. $13. 10S 10th. r 4-ROOM apt in private residence, ' upper floor, with garage. Tabor 426. LIPERTY APTS. 'Z and 3 room apta., 872 1 t Olsy st. Under new manenement. STORES AND OFFICES 11 OFFICE TO KENT to party buying the com plete furnishings. Well established real estate. Main 3638. STORE 60x20. with small basement 826. 580 Union ave. N. WASTED TO BENT WANTED TO RENT MODERN APARTMENT OB FLAT 6 ROOMS. UNFURNISHED. BEFORE MAT 1. (2 ADULTS.) WILL CONSIDER WELL IXCATED BUNGALOW (MAY PURCHASE BUNGALOW IF "REAL BARGAIN" AND IN GOOD ORDER). PREFER WEST SIDE. REFERENCES. ADDRESS 802 8ELLING BLDG.. OB PHONE MAIN 1777 OR MAIN 1136. BY MIDDLEAGED man and wife, about May 1. furnished 4 or 5-room dwelling, bungalow pre ferred. Must be clean and reasonable. Owners going away for the summer, desiring responsible tenants, should consider: unquestionable refer ences furnished,' J-87. Journal. WILL lease 8 or 6-room bungalow in Rose City, Irvington Alameda or Hawthome district, by young couple. 1 child : will guarantee the best of care; can furnish references. Phone Tabor 3024. WANTED By young couple. 6-room furnished bungalow with garage or close to public garage: will give best of care. Call De Nelly. Sell. 1719. WANTED, by the 17th. a 8 -room unfurnished house with garden; east aide preferred. Write to C. Gustafaon. 404 W. 6th at. Vancouver. Waah. RESPONSIBLE people want 7 to 9 room house by May 1 : West Side preferred ;' must be clean and good condition; best of care guaran teed References. East 7967. WANTED Furnished housekeeping rooms. Young couple wants furnished housekeeping rooms in good district; best of references, L 62, Journal.. WANTED To rent or lease 8 or 4-room resi dence in outlying district with garden tract preferred; references. Phone Tabor 9248. RELIABLE ADULTS 6 or 6 room modern hooae; east aide. East 2526. WANTED By reliable parties, unfurnished house on West Side; reference. 8-127, Journal. MODERN S or 6-room bungalow, furnished; responsible tenanta. Tabor 809. WANTED TO RENT 7 or 8-room house. No cnuarea. z-ia. Journal. WANTED -House or cottage. , adults. Good . T IT- -1 A , care. Phone Tabor 8100. FOB RrTfrT BOUSES r DltFCBSISHED 4 OR 5-room bouse with one or mare low. net over $20. axt 2820. , f WA3CTEP TO BEJTT t WANTED To rent furnished 5-room modern house or fiat. 8 in family, references, Broad way S4. WANTED To rent by May -1. T to 9-rooca modern house, adulta only; West Side pre ferred. Phone Main 7440. BEAL E8TATE SUMMER BESOBTST 1$ FOB SALE Netarte Happy Camp summer re sort. Address Mrs. Orpha Baitman, Tillamook. Oregor BEACH FBOFEBTT 48 FOB SALE Cheap for cash, a nice lot at Gearhart Park, Or. Phone Tabor 7788. or M-481. Journal SELL OR LEASE all or part of 100x1 00, near postoffice, Roekawsy, Or. A. Burkhardt, 128 N. 23d at Mar. 8799. BUSINESS FBOFEBTT 86 Income Producing HwflMn tt V.e K IDA Sue w - w -district on the east aide. This property will return good interest ea the investment Would take a hooae aa part payment. A. W. Lambert & Son 404 E. Alder St. COB, GRAND AVE. Portland. Or. TO CLOSE an estate, Union avenue corner near Russell, 2 store rooms, 4 8 room flats. 1 eV room dwelling, always rented. Owners, East 2198. FINE business location in Port Orford, Or.; lot 60x100, good one-story house 18i32. Will sell now if take soon at $2800. Call or aaareae vv. r. Baler. Bandon, Or. GOOD factory or garage site on Eart Side. BOx 100; two good houses, both occupied. Cor ner otn ana Aiaer eta. lzu c ui at FACTORY site, west side, water front end track age; bargain. Owner, 1421 Northwestern Bank bldg. FOB SALE Four-flat building. 60x100. Fourth near Mill. Call Autom. 21-657, mornings. LOT with three store rooms. Williams avenne. near Russell, $4500. Owner. East 2198. FOR SALE HOUSES 81 A SPLENDID" buy. 7 rooms and" sleeping porch, fireplace.- bookcases buffet beam ceilings, panel dining room, laundry trays, cement base ment 1 bedroom down. 3 and sleeping porch upstairs. Near car. A neat appearing place and certainly worth the money. Price 83160; $1150 cash, balance terma. 'JohinioniDodson Co. 633 N W. Rank Bldg. Main 878T. East Portland Weights $2500 7 room house on hardsnrfaee st: all genres ments paid in full; hardwood floors; good plumbing, etc.; fruit trees; full lot; Vs block to Richmond car: now vacant 640 E. 3 2d st Bee owner, 535 E. 3 2d st $3100 FOR brand new 4 room Stafford st home close to Union ave car. This is beau tifully located on a 60x100 ft. lot among naturaj shsde trees of several ; varieties. $500 cash and the balance on easy payments will buy this splendid little home. TURNER A CO., 230 Chamber of Commerce. ROSE CITY Beautiful 6 room bungalow, all on one floor; fireplace, oak floors, French doors, gaa radiators, all built ins. garage. If you want something classy, see thi5 t once; $1500 will handle, balance monthly. 209 Oregon bldg. Broadway 1658. $3780 IN R. C. 6-room bungalow house, large Bring room, oak, floor, fireplace, furnace, 2 bedrooms and sleeping porch. This house is in good condtiion and more than a bargain. , PACDTIC REALTY, Main 847. 409 Spalding Bldg. $400 CASH Go look, dandy little 4 rooms and bath, fireplace, half ba-sement, 2 bedrooms, corner lot. 15 min. on "SW," car. 761 Ellis. Balance of $2000 at $25 monthly. Also 768 Ellis at $1950. LATHROP, 616 ABINQTON BLDQ. ALAMEDA Park. 2 story 7 room house, in best location. Hardwood floors, built in buffet 2 fireplaces, built in kitchen, cement basement with laundry trays and furnace. JohirssonDodson Co. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. MUST BE SOLD7$25O(0) Fire room cottage, near Alberta and Union ave., vacant now. 1042 Union ave. Phone Wdln. 334. $1250 ONE AND ONE HALF BLOCK TO ROSE CITY PARK CAR Four room bungalow, electricity, gas, base ment, fine lot. 50x100. Leaving city, quick possession: cay terms. Phone Tabor 6.'59. $5500 House and furniture. A thoroughly modem bungalow, five rooms, hardwood floors, built-ina. csbinet kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, large attic Completely furnished. Tel ephone East 675, mornings and evenings. SELLWOOD-addition For- sale. 100x100 lot with good 5-room house, light and gas In, 11 bearing fruit trees and berries; gsrden in; good chicken house and chicken run; price 82(150. with terms. 44 3 Tacoma ave. $300 CASH, $10 per mo, 6 per cent int. buys newly plastered 4-room house, chicken house, 2 big corner lots, fruit trees, close to psved street, school snd car. Price $1300, at 0442 83d st. 8. E.. corner 65th are. BUNGALOW, 6 rooms, in Albert; electric, gas, buiit-ins, basement; lot 60x100; in best of oondltion. Price $2400. Terms. HOGALIN A BIRD, 865 H Williams ave. East 865. 83700 SIX room house on 60xd00 tot, fur nace, wath tray, full cement basement Dutch kitchen, built in dining room: pared street RICHMOND REALTY CO.. 37th and Division FOUR BLOCKS JEFFERSON HIGH 6 rooms, hardwood floors, built-in writing desk bookcase, buffet Dutch kitchen, full ce ment basement, trays, terms. Small lot 207 Going st, between Commercial and Height HOUSE, and 50xlo6"lo0d"garige, This is a really good buy for any one looking for a good house, splendid location. By owner, 866 Rodney are., evenings. ROSE CITY PARK Lovely 7 room modem home; bargain; act quick if you want nice home at two-thirds of its real value. 886 E. 53d st. N. Tabor 4007. FOR SALE, by owner. $4700; 7 room house, 2 large lota; Sandy boulevard; best comer in lo cality; large lawn, trees, rose bushes. Phone Tsbor 2078. INSURANCE FIRE AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY EXILE BTJRKITT. AGENT. MAIN 1800 NEWARK FIRE INSURANCE CO. IRVINGTON Heights bungalow; you are bound to appreciate this supberbly built artistic bouse 904 20th st. near Alamtda. Can be seen t fter 2 o'clock p. m., Sunday. By owner. MALLORY AVE! 8 . room Queen Anne, In the finest condition: paved struct lot 60x100. Price $3500Wsnd terms. Hogalin A Bird, 56$ 14 Williams ave. East 3595. r- FOR SALE In Hawthorne business district large lot 42x 1S6, with good 6 room house. 1143 Hawthorne avenue. 6113 62D AVE.-56th st. 4-room house. 2hi lots; some furnishings; chickens, etc, $2550. Half cash, baL terma. First-class garden, in cluding everything. 6 ROOM house, has bath and electric lights, on west side, nesr 24th. Inquire 786 Reed st OWNER sacrifices modem Hawthorne bunga low. $3450 today. Marshall 2300. 6 ROOMS, 'light, gas and water; leaving town; must sell; take car part payment, or terms; $1300. 1113 E. Kelly St. HOUSES on acre tracts, - $900 and op; terma Fred Spear, 65th ave. snd 67th st 8. E. Tsbor 6887 $3600 7-room modem home. : 1142 East Mor rison St.; lot 50x100. Terms. Phone Tabor 886 or 885. evenings. j COZY 6 room bungalow house on bank of Willamette and Boulevard ; cheap for cash payment 1327 ViHard. cor. Ilolman. E. 7018. 8-ROOM house, partly furnished, piano, 18 fruit trees and berry patch; .east side. Phone SelL 2783. FOR SALE Good 4 room bouse, with 2 or 4 lota, berries snd fruit. 46 E. 87th st K.' Tabor 903. NEW Rose 'City Park house 'and garage for sale by owner. Call Wdln. 6239. 4 ROOM bouse, full lot with fruit and garden. 8800. $200 cash. Tabor 2934. FOB SALE 6 room house, dene In, furniture, - tUM bArgAin. 466 & Cx.-Aev 8th. gt,i ST5W BEAL ESTATB FOB SALE HOUSES 61 Splendid Homes LAUD'S ADDITION -Exeeptlonal home; has $ rooms on first floor; 4 rooms on eeooeid floor: finished roam In attlo suitable for billiard room or children's play room. Two fine bath rooms. Two fireplaces, Hardwood floors throughout Full eement base ment furnace, laundry trays, etc. Lot 87x116. Garage. Fine lawn and flowers. Faces east A well built and comfortable home, not found elsewhere for the same money, 89000. Good WATERLT - RICHMOND Beam, tlrul 7-rooca bungalow, on almost half an acre of land, only 20 nunutea eut: shrubbery and lots of fruit: exception al chicken (suipment; house has fire place furnace, paneled dining room, den. large living room, Dutch kitchen. All street improvements in, 89828; HAWTHORNE This folly modern n and one-half story bungalow has 8 rooms on first floor, ssith flreplaoe, bookcases, built-tna. eta. The paneled dining room baa beamed celling, Dutch kitchen; large screened rear porch. Sleeping porch and bedroom on sec ond floor; also finished attle. Full basement Paied street This Is a very good home and is worth more than the price asked. 83600, with 81100 eash; or. completely furnish 4 for 3400 more. Located on 48th at. one block south "of Hawthorns. Foe appointment phone Main 6624, AINSWORTH ATEWTTI A real home, is this, with T rooms and sleep big porch. The living room la very large with fine fireplace and book eases; wholly and completely modem, with a lot 66x114, comer: garage; splendid lawn, sons fruit . This Is charming home, and is vnderpriced. 66760; 82500 cash. Leas for all WOODLAWTf 6 room. 1H -story bungalow, about 8 years old. in ex cellent condition, located on E. 15th at N Just off Dekum. Lot 80x106, ooroer; has some splendid fruit, shrub bery, apricot, peach, pear, cherry, loganberries, raspberries, strawberries, gooseberries, grapes. Come In and see the photo. Price $3600. $700 eash, $25 and interest monthly. For particulars on any of these places phone Main 6624. Ralph Harris $27 Chamber of Commerce. What Is Your Answer? Continue paying re and remain homeless or immediately investigate' Walnut Park and own a home of your own. Many are building beau tiful homes in Walnut Park. WHY NOT YOU? Streets are paved and paid for; baa convenience of 6 carllnea Jefferson high school and library; no section of Portland has a brixhter present or i mors brilliant prospective future. You can build now or at your own pleasure. I am determined to sell 24 more homesitea in 24 days, to do so I must give EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS WHICH I WILL DO Remember, now is the time to msks selection: only 24 to select from. Will yon he one of the fortunate 24? If so, call immediately on owner. W. M. KILLINGS WORTH Office 114 9 Union avenue N. Office Hours 1 0 to 1 2 a. m. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT WOODLAWN 8304 OR 951. ROSE CITY "PARK NEW BUNGALOW GARAGE $3500 Really, for a moderate priced bungalow, you will have to go some to beat thia splendid home; hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook; expensively papered, etc It'll be a real pleasure to show you. A, G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark St.. near Third. Main 8088. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) $3000 FOR a fine up-to-date 6 room. with large attio. full concrete base ment, furnace and in fine condition; fine lot with bearing fruit trees and lota of shrubbery snd roses; improved streets, ell assessments paid; on Vancouver ave. Only $1000 cash: balance terms. A snau. F. L. Blanchard 619-820 Railway Exchange. LARGE MODERN borne, largs ground, easy terms; fruit abundance berries, 8 large rooms. 2 toilets, 1 bath, full basement furnace, built-ins, French doors between living and dining room This home is practically new. Wss built for owners' home; Is exceptionally well oonstracud; haa an Imposing appearance, grand poreb extend ing around three rides of house, lot 100x100. You would net expect such a fine borne for $4500. Very easy terma Vacant 605 Lib erty st, 2 blocks south of Woodlawn car. Phone Tabor 884. forenoons. Never Again Adjoining Laurelhurst. 60x100; 7 rooms, den, Bleeping porch, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, built-ina, cement basement, enamel plumbing: no oebt: worth $6800. no mistake. Hurry I chance in 100; terms. Q. C. GoSdenberg ! Abington Bldg. "35 Years In Portland." 4 -Roomed house and bath, wood work all white enameled, double constructed throughout. D n t e h 31830 kitchen, all rooms newly papered. full lot on east 80th, If yoo want ' a good thing cheap, see Mr. Kimball at 4 98 stock ex change, call Main 8078. MT. TABOR BARGAIN 8 room house, g. electricity, bath, sewer. Lot 50x100. Comer. Paved snd paid. Price $2850. INVESTIGATE CALL ON US H H UHDAHL CO. (INC.) Main 6252. 322 Abington Bldg. 1 y, STORY 6 room bungalow, 1 block to car, 50x100 lot with garage. House is very conveniently , arranged. Built hi buffet, cement basement, lanndry trsys snd furnsce. A good buy at $8500; $1350 cash, br.lnnce like rent Jo!hnsonDodson Co. 633 K. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787. A WIDOW'S SACRIFICE EQUITY IN FURNISHED BUNGALOW. 5 room plastered bungalow, full plumbing, 100x100 corner, lots of fruit and berries, good chicken house. 1000; baL. $1365, at $25 per month. Would trade for good car or any kind of good business. NORD. 200 nENRY BLDQ. ROSE CITY Beautiful 7 room house on East 37th at, 8 blocks from Rose City carline. Hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace, full base ment with good furnace. Thia Is one of the finest homes In this district snd can be sold at $6500. TURNER Ic CO.. 230 Chamber of Commerce. FOB SALE A 6-room bungalow, double con structed, fnll eement basement, with furnace, blk. Hawthorne car, all st improvement in and paid. Only $3260. and you can't beat this bny if you comb the city, i Must be sold by the 16th. Get off Hawthorne ear at 48th. 1 block east to 1876. No tg!T't!; $300 W;ILJ HANDLE 8 room cottage, hi block to Alberta street, full plumbing, concreee foundation, built In kitchen, 60x100 lot. Price only 81C00. JohnsonBodson Co. 633 N W. Bank Bldg. Mam 8787 Rose City Park Home 47th st, vacant owner nonresident; 8 rooms, all built-ins. furnace. 60x100 lot fine fruit trees, fine view. Low price, 88750; terms. J. B- WOLFF. 419 Henry Bldg. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT 8 room classy bungalow in best part of dis- i trlet, newly painted and decorated, 2 blocks to oar, double constructed, fireplace, D. kitchen, cement basement wash trays. Call Man bail , 8852 or Tabor 8090. , I HAWTHORNE 85200. Beautiful well built modem 8 room bouse, lot 60x100. close to car. house alone cost move than price asked. See thia H. IL Stsub, 1027 Belmont; week. Tabor 818. ' I HOUSE for sale. 6 room, plastered boose, block from Mt Scott car. Laorelwood station, good plumbing, electric lights. Price 82100. ia i chiding $300 worth good furniture; 8800 cash. 'Owner. 4147 63d at 8. E. A REAL HOME Resldenos, 6 rooms and j slennng porch, modern, concrete garage, large lot, bearing fruit trees, berries, roses, 'shrubbery. Special, 85000, terma. Tabor 213. 804 E. 62L $8100 TWO modem b saga lows, all built ins, - close to high and grade schools, 8 and 6 rooms; 8500 down. "immermsa A White, 818 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 8062. GOOD 6-room house; full stse base ment;' lot 38x50; sewer In; street paved and paid fokj very good buy st "12700.. Owner, 72 'East 26th at. hoar SUfc. ,,.- , BEAL ESTATB .FOB SALE HOUSES 81 FACIFIO AGENCY 14-20 8 wet land Building Baa many owners of residence property whe Itre eut of town, and are only directly eooeesible through oar Agency Bervioe, which places us in A position to offer you many exceptional ad vantages in getting a home and making a sals and sure investment Willamette Heighta and truly pretty home of 7 rooms. fuDy modem. Dig n replace in a wonderfully large gad beautiful living room, with a splendid view of the valley and mountains. There is a Dutch kitchen, it's the snappiest- ever. Linen pimesui ami a host of modem conveniences. Price is 86000 and very reasonable terms, if da sired. Call and tee photo and we will gladly show you this place, only . 1 block from carline. Alameda Dandy bungalow and fully modern. $ rooms, many built-in and swell flreplaoe; full lot; arrundeace of flowers. Price only 65230. Terma given., -See photo at of fice. Ross City Splendid 6-roora modern home, has all kinds of conveniences; dandy flreplaoe, fine living room, reception hall, and the bedrooms upstairs are well located, three of them. Thia is full lot and a splendid ga rage: plenty of fruit and flowers; sell ing for only 84200. with eery easy terms Here it a place you will not tail to ap preciate. Call and see the photo of this. Brooklyn district has many wonderful httls homes and on sueh very easy terma. Here is a dose-In 6-room modem home; nice la . cation, full lot, cherry, pear and nut trees, berries and flowers, 'asking only 84200, but the terms are moat reasonable. Midway Just the bungalow your locking for. Yes, It's modern, 7 rooms and A-l con dition; ean only be .appreciated by actual personal inspection. Owner desires $1000 cash to handle this place. fie&wood Are you a man with a large fam ily f Want a real home for those children? One they will be glad to say it's "Our Horns?" Here is 9-room residence that an be bought 'on very, very easy terms, snd to a real father, owner says let him pay It as rent say $20 a month, at 6 per eent is a lust rate. How's that? Come see the place. We have the photo at the office. The above is but a small representation of th many good buys, la homes that our City Suburban Residence Department offers for your consideration. Call' at our office and see the mawy exceptional opportunities that are available for your selection of a home; look over the photos. Some of the nlaoea the owners will eon- aider trade perhaps you have what they want 814-20 Swetland Building. EASY TERM BUYS LOOK THEM OVER $1600 Moots rills district: 4 rooms and bsth, good cement basement, stationary laun dry trays In kitchen, full lot, abundance of fruit; 1 block from ear. $2000 Union ave. district: 8-room house nicely arranged for 2 families, gaod cen--it basement, paved streets in and paid, about hi block from Union ava. and close to Brosdway. $2300 Mississippi ave, district: full comer lot. good 6-room house with bath, full base- ment 82800 North Irvington; 6 rooms snd bsth. good basement furnace, paved streets all in snd paid. 82T00 Brooklyn district; 8 rooms, alt on one floor, full basement, full comer lot. walk ing distance to B. P. shops, nines to school and stores. 82780 E. Glisan 'at. district; 8 rooms snd bsth, full comer lot, full semi -cement basement. 83000 Near Ltorelhnrst; 8 rooms, full semi cement basement good, furnace, all nice large rooms, hsrdsurface streets; clear of all incumbrances. 83100 West Piedmont; 8 rooms, full semi cement basement, furnace, 2 short blocks to Kenton and Mississippi cars, 8 blocks to ist. Johns car. 63500 Peninsula district; modem 6-room bnn- galow, all built In conveniences, fireplace, dandy furnace, etc. : any part of an acre can be had; abundance of fruit. Full Information of the Above Homes Can Be Had at Our Office. , WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS I C. A. WARRINER, RITTER. LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of grade Bldg. Hawthorne District Neat little 6 room bungalow with fireplace. $760 cash. $2900. 6 room houss, immediate possess! on. cash. $3100. $800 6 room house, partly furnished, on East Bel mont Move right in. Terma. $3300. 6 room bungalow, vaoant very neat Inside snd out. furnace, garage; terms. $4 000. 8 room bungalow, strictly modern, with gangs. 31600 cash, balance $33 per me., including in terest' Why pay rent? $4500. Hawthorne Realty Co. COB, 86TH AND HAWTHORNE. TABOK 7483. PHONE OUR OFTICa ABOUT THESE 81150 buys 2 room bnngalow; $660 cash, balance $25 and Interest 4 blocks Bose City csr. $24 30 takes this 6 room bungalow arm garage; $950 cash, balance $25 month. 2 blocks to East Ankeny and M B ear. $2260 Five rrxsn house in good dis trict, between Hawthorns and Sunnysids car; $650 cash, balancs payments. $2750 in Peninsula Park, modem 4 room bungalow, bath; $830 cash, balancs 825 month. Ask for Mr Clesrwster, with J. L. HA HTM AN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 208. Evening, Tsbor 1808. Exceptional Bargain ROSE CIT PARK Modem 6 room bouse on 48th st. hi Rose City Park, near Sandy boule vard; all improvements In and paid; lot 50x100- shown by apuointmebnt Office open Sunday and evenings, (114) J. F. ; 696 Wiliams ave. East 248. SMALL HOME BARGAINS 4-room plastered cottage, cement basement 11 bearing fruit trees, lot 100il2O. 4 blocks to car. Price $2000; half cash. A real snap. 4 -room plastered cottage, with bath, lot 100x112 feet, comer, 12 bearing fruit trees, 100 strawberry-plants, fin chicken arrsogemente. Price! $2400; $700 cash. $20 month, including interest at 64. B-ronm cottage, at St. 'Johns, lot 10(1x10(1, fruit and nuts. $2200. $300 cash. $20 per month. 6 . , Neat 4-room cottage, garage. Jot 87HH0. Alberta district neat' PreccU st. price $2300; $600 csh,! balance 6". 4-room cottage on- E. fSth near Glisan at $ 1 900 ; easy terms. : R. M GATEWOOD ACO. 165 V 4th t SUNNYSIDE 5 room ' bungalow, very attractive $8500 j 8unnyside, 6 room near Morrison , 2500 1 E 29th N., near Gliaan,;7 rooms 8150 1 Rose City. 6 rooms, strictly modern... i 3950! Hawthorne. 4 rooms, newly decorated, 60x100 ' 500 62d st Two 6 room apts. lot 80x100; live in one and rent other. 8 blocks to ear Easy terms. Price $2750. Would cost $4000 to pot. up buiMnr Q. Y. Edwards & Co. 212 Board of Trade Main 2010. Sunday, Tabor 8786 ROSE CITY PARK RARE' BARGAIN 1 B room bungalow with garage. Oa 88th st, sbr.ut 4 short blk. from car. Psved et ' Every tling Included In th price. 84750 takes it ALSO Good buy in Snnnydde. 7-roora houss en 82d st, close to ear and school. Paved at Lot 88 1-8x100. See it and make an offer. Must have 32000 cash. Phone Tabor. 3438. Eve n:n. East 2'086. -r Owner Must Sacrifice 6 ROOM MODERN "HOUSE, ALL BUILT INS. FURNACE, FIREPLACE, FINE CONDI TION, IN ONE OF THE BEST PARTS OF CITY. LEAVING OREGON; $2000 WILL HANDLE. PHONE TABOR 888. 88160 " 6-room bungalow on paved street, 1 H Mocks to csr, 1 block to school;' 46x100 lot, in good neighborhood. JohnsonDodson Co, 688 N. W. Bank Bldg. . Main T87. 847 60 HAWTHORNE 84 760 f rooms, ultra modern, double eonstrnc Won. tapestry paper, large fireplace, oak. floors; buffet bevel plate giasa ideal kitchen, full basement, new furnace, garage. Owner leav ing city. Gall Marshall 8362, evenings. Tabor 8090. FOR SALE 7-roora house. Hawthorns, ' dis" 260 down. 618 Cb, of Cons, bldsv, Port- lend.- Or. - ' . -: FOR SALE Will sell rbeep, 10 room house, furnished, b'ork south Hawthorne, cars, m Z. 48th gC Owjkv . r- ' ' BEAL ESTATB "FOB MALE HOUSES It HOLME Jt KOBLMAlft 3 ROSE CITT PARK SPECIALS ' - $6800 buys this beautiuf I rsnej house to thia exclusive district furnace. flreplaoe, hardwood floors, all the modern snd up, ; to date built-ins. , full basement, garage, nice lawn. This is an excellent boms, and must bs seen to be appreciated.; j $8500 Absolutely the best boy bs this district for a 6-room bus galow; all rooms are Mire largs. of course it has hardwood floors. ' furnace snd fireplace, all the built-ina, nothing is left out ea make thia beautiful bungalow1 completely modem. 84800 Another 5 room bungalow hk this district furnace, flreplaoe, hardwood floors, cement base ment. finished in white enamel, street is paved; this bungalow la attractivs inside and oot Let os show you. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALS 82625 For a dsndy B-roora bungalow in the Bannyslde district, bath, full eement basement; thia is ft well built house .and a bargain at this pries. 82900 Buys this 6-room semi-bongmless in the Alberta district 60x100 lot bath aodem house, dandy garage. Holden & Kohlman 228 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. , Msln 6860. ' We are open Sundays from 8 ft. m. ss 1 p. m. ; evenings to 8 :80. Come In st any time and inspect our photos. ROSE CITY PARK 8 ROOM BI"NGALOW OARAOB Located Rose City's finest section, leraw typkisl bungalow, good condition, extraordinary Urge living room, hardwood floors, large fire-. place, built-in bookcases, mammoth buffet, plate) glass, French doors, Dutch kitchen. 8 large bedrooms and bath down. 8 more fine bed rooms and extra toilet upstairs. Full cement basement furnace, laundry- trays, basement en trance to large garage. 60x100 east front lot, beautiful lawn and shrubbery. Paved street., sewer. 1 H blocks N. of Sandy and R. C ear. Not ft new bungalow but not a better built' home tn the elty. You will like the attract, ive lines of this, the surrounding homes and Hie many extra oonvenionoes that are not found tn the eoramonplaoe home. This home la cheap at $7000, but owner needs money and will sacrifice for $8260. with sous terms. Sheas by appointment only. Autue at yur convenience. GEO. T. MOORR CO.. Main 802. 107 Yeon Bldg. East Ninth Street Near E. Couch 6 room cottage, lot 80x100. 48 E. 8th North. For particulars see J. J. Oeder Co. 4 Grand Are. K.. B. Ankeny 84, Home Bargains Near Hawthorne, full lot, 6-room modem house; all improvements paid; great bargain at $3600, terms. M on ta villa, two full lota. 6-rooa modem bungalow, good plumbing and fixtures, cement floor in basement flowers, grapes, berries and fruit; s,-wer connection. Can you beat this at $2800; $000 cash? Business district Lents: 100x200 on paved street sod car Una, 4-room house, garage and siusll store building, fruit. $3000, terma. S. P. Ostium. 610 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. Walking Distance $2500 6 mom cottage, lot 88 1-8x100. 466 East Washington St. Street paved and paid. Aa old cottage, but the lot is well worth the price sake for the property. J. J. Oeder Co, 4 Or and Ave, N., near C Ankeny St. 5 Rm. Cottage $11250, 748 Brooklyn near 23d. Cement feenv. datlon. a good house. Cement stdewaika, macadamised street sewer, everything paid, Possession soon. Ask for Mr. Bchulta. KASER A RAINET, 628-6 Gaaco bldg. ' Mala 7608. ROSE CITY PAKE, 7 rooms and double eleeiniut room, glassed In breakfast room, oak floors, fimnlsoe, built Ins, three large sleeping looms, furnace, fruit and fuel rooms, garage, variety of fruit, shrubbery, berries. This was built for a home, of beat material oould not be eem- srructed today for 47600 This is a big snap IHloo, $ii!00 cash. No mortgage or Marshall 8862. . Evenings Tabor 8090. FOR only $2100, this fine 100x100. with 6 mora house, electric lights, gaa. bath, base ment: has 9 bearing fruit trees, and 100 feet . -of raspberries; lust 1 block to bard surface , street 8 to ear and school, snd we can give some terms. Johnson-Bodson Co. 683 N WBank bldg. Mala 876T! $4500 NEAR BUNGALOW $4800 Retwesn Hawthorne snd Division sts: nrgf living room with fireplace, dining room, ktlcben with built Ins. 2 bedrooms, bath between, largs . rttl" suitable for 9 bedrooms or sleeping porches hardwood fl'ors, furnace, full eement basement, gcrsge. Citv liens and 1919 taxes paid.. Geo. E. Englehart Co. ' Maln72n6; 624 Henry bldg The Best Home "Buys In Portland A 6 and a 6-ronm modem bungalow, bnfi' for comfort, not for show; all Improvement psid: 1548 and 1854 Virginia. Prise 62661 and $3280. Take Fulton car. Phone osraes Marshall 738 A REAL homey 8 room bnngalow near Penlr sula park, fireplace, furnace, buffet, 'break fast nook, large bedrooms with Isrgs closet plumbing, A-l. Price 33700; $1680 cast Balance terma . . Johnson05dson Co. 6J3 V W. Bank Bldg; Mtlu 8787 "$1450r4-Room House Plastered, water, gas, toilet; lot lOOillS; ' cherry trees, chicken bouse; $200 down, belanr like rent: 8 blocks to carline Owner will she, house 12 to 4. at 6667 96th st 8. E. M Soott csr to Lents. 6 ROOM bungalow;-60x1 00; fruit; liSOO $500 down. 4 room plastered houss, 76x108; trail. $1350. $400 down. 4 room bouse, garage, 66x136, $1060, 8160 2 room bungalow, 85x100; frutt, flowesv $1000. $200 down. 612 8 62d St. Woodstock ear. $8000 Good 6-room California bungalow, bs, be' fet fireplace, large living room, full basemeti and garage; 1 H blocks to car and school. elohnson-Oodson Co. 668 N W. Bank Bldg. Main S7f FOURROOM modern bungalow, fine oond on, buffet Dutoh kitchen, bookcase, cloth closets, bath lane, attic, electricity, gas: turn ' 6 years oidL full cement, basement, and side walks,, paved street, 1 hi blocks Alberts ca Price $2650. $660 down. ii. B. SmlU 1121 E. 24th st K. Woodlawn 8801. 6 ROOM BUNGALOW Lot 86x160, Tillamook near Williams arc.: 61660. Geo. E. Englehart Co. Main 7266. 624 Henry pj.g FOR SALE Double constructed 7 rwao house sleeping porch, bath. 2 toilets; full eemen basement; furnsce; trait trees; 100x100 lot. street improvements In snd paid : two Mock Irvington car. 46500. 664 Preacott et 8W00FIVE roomhous, paved street, os 6&: 100 lot. 2 blocks from carline; Dutch kite i and built-ins. RICHMOND REALTY CO., 87th and Division SCNNY8IDE8 BEST BUY- 826801 J"" down; very good and clean 8 eoom eotege on 33rd st ; fruit trees. See this. It wffl pteea you. H. H, Staub. 1027 Belmont; wees. Tabor 218. FOR 'SALE--Cood 7 room house-; fruit trees: new cement basement; reesooaWe. ? terms. Call phone Taboe 8006. between 11 g. ,m. and Jp. nv 129 JUst Msln st tSREE-ROOM houss. lot 60x100, all elear, in Brventde add.. Salem. Or.- Trade fo. track or k 1 good Ford, slso Mtow canoe Phone 2-109. QTr7;iTH65 ouse, with reception hsfl. Hawthorn e dtst Full lot- all iopiOTSCMBU is gfid paid. 88000. Te 1941. , ,r s'