THE, OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORT LAND, WEDNESDAY,- MARCH 31; 1920. , 16 W -s ANOTHER EXTREME RECORD FORCED FOR POTATOES IN CITY'SiL.. FRENCH BUY COPPER FOR ARMY . . Edltecl by t Will F. Uessiaa J 4 - i BUTTERFAT DROP TO FORCE BUTTER ItUTTEE DOW5T FOUE CENTS X There will be a general deellae of 4e i aoiaaMn the prire of butter la-sth Portia ad market Ta-araday morning. Beat ' vrlata will be Me 1b parchment wrapper til Me la eartoat. - The very '"harp decline In effect Wed- neaday morning for butterfat here 1b the ; direct outcome of the weaker tone in the ! batter trade generally owing- to the 4 sharp declines in the California prices. Butterfat values were off to 02 0 63c - pound for country station delivery 'and 84 Se a pound for delivery In Portland. Tbe , higher price ! for tbe better end cream. r- No change was -made in the price of Sutter ' 1mm Wednesday, but the decline in fat u a .moreraent - to fore values off for . tbe snanu v factored product, A the arrival of fmt on ' lb day's lover prices will not appear on the batter market Sot a day or ao at least, eream- ery interests sax that the present of ferine of j batter eoet thea the hlfher coot of fat. That there will be a decline of at leant 3a a '. posnd la the price of butter her within the eat 4a hoart k praetieally certain. " Tboaa deairlna special information retarding any market, should write the Market Editor, ' Oregoa Journal, enclosing ttaaip for reply. V VEAL MARKET IS LOWERED HEBE - Even though a few isolated sale of Teals ware made aa high as 2Se a pound during the ' last 24 hours, the general market is inellned to show weakness, at 24 (9 24 Ho a pound. Ha- 'ceipU ware liberal.. - DRESSED HOGS HOLBI5 FIRM Market for country killed hoes is showing strength along Front street. Keeelpt hare ' tMi erant and demand is good. The best block stork of suitable weight is bringing 21 21 4 c - a pound. EGO BIDS ARE BEI50 STRETCHED Bids for eggs are again being stretched here. although the general buying price remains at ! . S7e a dosen for current receipts. Purchases I' are reported by on house as high aa 87 He a doseo. SHARP ADVANCE IS TfJRPENTIHTP. .-A very sharp advance of 6c a gallon is again being quoted In, the price of turpentine in the local market. The new price tanned by W. P. roller Co. shows 12. SO in tanks and (2.04 la yiWl! WEATHER FOR STRAWBEBRT With arrivals' of strawberries now due tn the local market, the trade Is speculating upon what, effect the weather will litre unon first Offerings. The supplies are coining from the lar South. BRIEF KOTEH OF PRODVCE TRADE Onion market firmer for No. 1 stock. Karo la up. 6 ft 35c a case. ,- Hhubarb is down to 10c s pound. "- Chicken market firmer at 38 87c for heavy bens. Canned milk it weaker with no price change for ths day. WEATHER NOTICE "FOR SHIPPERS Weather bureau advises: Protect shipments during ths next 86 hours against the following minimum temperatures: . Uoing north, SO degrees: northeast over the 8.. V. 4V 8. B. R., 20 degrees: east to Baker, 24 degrees; and south to Ashland, SO degrees. Min imum temperature at Portland tomorrow about SO (1 egress. WHOLESALE PRICES 117 PORTLAND These sr prices retailers pay wholesalers except at otherwise noted : Dairy Products BtJTTBR Selling price, box lots: Creamery. frim parchment wrapped. 7c per lb.: prams IrsU, 66c lb.; firsts,' 64$$65 per lb.; smsller "lota at an advance. Jobbing prices: Cube ex tra. 04 He lb.; prime firsts. 08 88 He lb. BUTTEnFAT Portland delivery basis. 04 60c; coufitry stations, 62 9 03c OLEOMARGARlNK--Best brands. 40e-l or dinary. S8 Ho: bakers. 88c: Nutmarganne, 1 lb. cartons, 82c IK CHEESE Belling price : Tillamook fresh Ore gon, fancy cream triplets. SB&Soc lb.; Toung America, 87 8 Me. Prices to jobbers, f. o. b. Tillamook triplet. 82a; Toung America, 8Ao. Selling price: Cream, bricks, 40 & 42c. Selling price: Block Swiss. 48(0 49c; limburger, 40 9 420 per lb. . EGOS Raring price: Current receipts 87 ST He; candled selling prire, 40c; select, 42c LIVE POUJVTRT Helling price: Heavy hens, S37o lb.; light hens. 34W3.V; pnnj light, 85W40e lb. ; heavy 82c; old roosters. 20c lb.; aqnabs. 13.00: dressed ducks, 48r0c lb.; pigeons, 11.5002.00 per dosen; turkeys, lire. SB 888 lb. rttresed. 47ftB0o per lb.; dressed geese, SOe lb. Pretb Vetstablee and Fruit FRESH FBI' IT -Oranges, $4.00$7.BO per bog; bananas, 10 H 9 t lc per lb. ; lemon. 15.80 0-28 ter crate; Florida grapefruit. $6.fi0j .00: California. 83.7B. APPLES Various varieties. , local. $1.6Q0 tS.BO. PRIED FRTJtT Pates. Dromedaries. 87.80; Fards. S4-2B'per box; raains, 8 crown loose Muscatel. 16c rr lb.; figs. $3.60 0 5.60 box. ONIOJfS Selling price to retailers, Oregon, $6.60 A 7.00 per cvrt: association selling price, rarload. S6.00, f. o. b. country; garlic. BOc per lb.; graen onions, 40c per dozen bunches; onion eets. 1 7 f 1 8c per lb. POTATOES Selling price. Oregon. fancy. ' 8(5.90 7 00; Yakima. 87.00 7.2B est; bur Jig prire $6. 00 ( 6.25 ret; sweeta. 8 Ho Per lb. .VEGETABLES Turnips, 38.80 per sack; carrot. 31.7S per aack: beets. 84.60: cabbage, California, IS 6c; lettuce, 33.00 3.25 crate; eucntabart, $3.00 8 50 dosen; tomatoes, $3. BO 4.00; egg plant. 3Sn lb.: raullflower, $1,75 9 S. 78: bell pepper. 80c; sprout. 17e lb.: pars nip, $3.50 per ack; rutabagas, S3.ftO (9 S.75 cwt; celery, $3.00 do.; ,. lH17c lb.; artichokes, $1.4091.60 dosen; asparagus, 16 l7o lb. Meata ana Wravlweni COCTiTRT MEATS Selling Price: Counter -..B. 31 31 He 'b. for t.p blockers; riesvv. 18 18e; bast. veal. 24 9 34 He; heavy veal. 17 9 lc per lb. -- SMOKED. MIC ATS Haas; 29 (H SOe per lb.: breakfast bacon, SStaae; picnics, 24a)2o; cottag roll. S2o per lb. UED Kettle rendered.' 27 H c lb.; aUndard. 16 He; tierce basis compound, 25140, , Pith and Shellfish . FRESH, FISH Salmon, fresh Chinook, 80; froasa salmon. 13 H 0 20c rer lb. ; halibut, fresh. . I ) ; sturgeon. ( ) ; black cod, 10 9 lie lb.: allvar smelt, 10a lb.: kippered salmon. 82 05 per 10-lb. basket; kippered nod. 82.35; Co lumbia smelt, $2.0092.25 per box; raaor eUmtv at.ou per oox. ' BTJOAR Homlnal price, refinery basts Cube, $17.90; powdered. $17.55; fruit and berry. $17 85; yellow. $16.40; granulated. $17.88; extra C, $16.60; golden O. $16.60 HONET New, $7.80 9 8.00 per earn. -' RICE Japan style. No. 1. 14 He; New "Orleans head. ( ); Bin Rose. 16 44a per lb. SALT Coarser half ground, 100a. $17 23 par tons 80s. $18.78; tabia dairy, 6g. $27.26; bale. 3.8994.00; fancy table and dairy. $86 50) lump rock. $26.80 per ton. BEANS Oregon (aalea by Jobbers) : Lady Washington. 7H98o per lb.: pink. 8c: lima, l&e; bayou. 10 He; Oregon bean, buying price, nominal, B H e ner lb. CANNED MILK Carnation. $5.88; Borden. $8.75: Aster. 5.7B; Egle. $11.25; Libby. $6.85; Mount Yeraoa, $5.76- Hasalwood. $5.75 COFFER Boasted. 37 96 le hi sacks or drama SODA . CRACKERS In bulk. 17 He per lb. ' NUTS Walnut, 80940c par lb.; aJnwnaVi .S8ci filberts, 82e ia sack lots; peanut. 16T 16c; peccant. , 25c; Braxila, 30c. - Recce, Paints, Otis ROPE Sisal, dsrk, ISHc; white. 20 lb.; Standard Mantis. 23 He, g - LINSEED OIL Raw, bbla,. 32.00 gal.; get- - jMMka. Bands. Cattea, Oraia, Eta. Iia-tlf BecvtS af Trade Building. Overbeck&CookeCo. DIRECT PRIVATE WIRES TO ALL EXCHANGES Mesa ban Chicago Board at Trade " ' CarretpeadeaU af Loraa" Bryan n ' Caleaga . New lark STOCKS ' GRAIN COTTON . . Stoat Listed New Verb Stock Kxottentc) , Reduced Commissions Small S " Deposits - Ckaa. R. McLain Brokers! . Ccv btNVCft. COLO. ALLEN BROS. CO ? L - PORTLAND CO R ft EiPO HDt NTS ' ' It Crr-br Commerce Ida. , Peer 111 m A EsASKETJ By Hynaa H. Cohea Spring: grreena are arriving: rather freely in the markets considering the condition of the weather. Consumers are buying more greena than ever before and this is holding prices from going very low at this time. Cabbage greens are available In rather good supply with sales around - two pounds for 15 cents, while spinach Is available from 10 to 12c a pound gen erally, although some selected stock is bringing as high as 15 cents in tbe re tall shops. Rhubard or pie plant is coming- fairly freely from local places and there is a vast Improvement In the quality over the recent arrivals from California. Then the price la sharply declining. Rhubard la being sold in the retail markets today at 15c a pound generally, while it was only a few days ago that 17 17 V4c a pound was being asked at wholesale. California asparagus is coming for ward much more freely and it Is like wise of improved quality. Tbe white stock is the most popular at the moment and is selling around 20 cents a pound retail. .Qreen peas are no cheaper but the quality is better. . Cabbage continues very scarce and high priced and good broccoli or cauli flower is also scarce and rema.ns at ex treme values. Practically no first class broccoli is now available, Chicago having purchased the entire output of tbe Doug las county fields. The following prices are average onea that consumers are expected to pay retail stores. Qual ity noted' it the average, fancy stuff being slightly higher and inferior atufl fractionally lower. Eggs Fresh laid. 45 47c per doxen: fancy fresh. 45c per doxen. CheeseFancy, 40 9 46e per lb. Chickens Dressed, 43&50o pti lb.; geeee. dressed, 45c per lb.; turkeys, 55$&6c lb.; ducks, BOc per lb. Salmon 25 0 4 5a per lb.; 'halibut. 2 Be per lb. - Hoar Beat local patent, $3.45 08.50 per tack. 49 lbs. Potatoes Burbanka, fancy. S 9 0c lb.; sweets, 10fe12ft per lb. Onions Dried. 8 9 8Hc per lb. LIVERPOOL A'D SPECULATORS FORCE COTTON PRICES TP New York, March 81. (I. N 8.) The cotton market ws firm t the opening tody with first prices 12 to 32 points higher on active trade, Liverpool and speculative buying. New high levels for the season were touched on all positions either on or shortly sfter the start. At the end of the first 15 minutes, the list showed a net gain of 30 to 33 points. Realiz ing sales1 for over the holidays were well taken. The close was firm at a net advance of 65 to 122 points. Month. Open. High. Low. Close. January 3160 3248 3148 3250 May a000 3980 3806 3975 July 3625 8608 8622 3698 October 820- 32H0 3278 3275 December 3202?' 3305" 8202 3303 New Xork spot marks. 4175, 25 points up. UNK7TOWW BRAN FINDS GREAT FAVOR WITH EASTERN TKAD Eugene, March 31. Tbe Eugene Fruit Growers' association is about to become famous through canning a new string bean, the name of which is unknown, according to J. O. Holt, manager. A few cases of a special variety of garden bean was canned last summer and sent East on approval. The eastern buyers were tn well pleased that an order hat been placed for 4000 cases. The association here hat enough seed for 20 acres, and this will be dis tributed among the most proarawive farmers in order to fill as much of the order as possible. Holt says no one here knows the res! name of the bean, but that it Is larger than the ordinary bean. AMERICAN LIVESTOCK PRICES Omaha Hoot $18.40 Omaha, Neb., March 81. (L N. 8.) Hogs Receipts. 17.000, 25 C BOc Higher, closing easier; bulk, 814. OO (g lft. Oil; tops, VI 5.40- Cattle Receipts. 0500, ateady to strong; top beeves. 314.00. Sheep Receipts, MBUU; JsraDe ateady to 26c! lewer; sheep and feeders steady. I Options on March corn expired at the close I of today's trading on the board of trade at i $1.87. 3 cents above yesterday' close and 2 Mi I cents over the nreviona taiirh mark nn the rr. also made yesterday. A rush of short covering brought a higher opening and. except for a little relaxation by holders shortly after midday, prices held close around the top all day. Deferred futures were higher in avmnathv. Jnlv clnlnir I H (0 I He up and September at a gain of 1 He. may was inuepenaently strong, eelung up ti.oo iff l.oo i - soon after tbe opening and closing 2c higher for the day. Oats prices trailed the corn futures in mild degree, closing about He below the top prices of the day. Provisions were dull and lower. Denver Hogs $15.60 Denver. Colo., March 81. t P.) Cattle Keceipts 800, 20c higher. Steers $11.00 9 1' l cows and inciters. K 00 1 1.25 : stock- era and feeder. 11.50; calves, $15.00(9 17.B0. - Hogs Receipts 1300, 25 (Si 50c higher. Top $15.50; bulk. $14.00 9 1 6.25. Sheep Receipts 10.100., 15 ft 25c higher. Lambs $18.76 19.50; ewes, $13.00 9 13.85. Kansas City Hoot $16.10 Kansas ISty. Mo.. March 31. (I. N. 8 ) Cattle Receipts. 7000; steady to 2Sc hicher. Steer. $9.00 14. AO; cows and heifers. $8.00 W 13.00; stnrkers and feeders. $6.00912.50: calves. $8.00 916.00. Hogs Receipts. 11.000; 15 25e highea Ton. $16.10; bulk. $14.25 913.65; heavies, $14.00 ' 1S.8B: mediums. $15. 00 IB 10 lights. $15. 2B& 16.10; pigs. $13.00 W 1 6-35. Sheep Receipts. 7000; active and steady. Lambs. $19.50 9 20.40. New York Aaa-ar and Coffee Ww..,Tort. Mrr& 81- U- P- Uonee: No. 7 Rio, 15c; o. 4 Santos. 24 9 Z4c Sugar firm; raw, $12.309 18.04; . refined firm; granulated. $14.00 914.50. Xew Tork-Londoa 8ner Wew Tork. March 81. L N. 8.) Commer cial bar silver was unchanged today at 1.26 H London. March 31. (I. N. S.) Bar silver waa Hd higher today at 72 Hd. IVaval Stores Market New Tork. March SI. (I. N. S) tine Savannah 225: New York. 245 Rosin Savannah. 1600; New Tork. Turpen 1800. Exchange to Clone Chicago. March 81. (L N.. 8.) The Chi cago Board of Trade will be dosed on Good Friday. April 2. tit boiled, bbla. $2.08; raw, easet, $2 21: boiled, caaes. $2.23 per gallon. COAL OIL Water white, ia drama or iron bbla., lSe gal.; cases, 24c gal. GASOLINE Iron bbla., 23c: esses. 25 He engine distillate, iron bbla.. 16c; case. 28Ve? ' WHITE LEAD Ton kti 1 r.- a an Tk. 18 He per lb. ' TURPENTINE Tanks, $2.3$; cases. $2.54; 10 rase lots, le leas. WIRE NAILS Basic price. $5 IS. Hoc. Woof and Midas HOPS Nominal. 1919 crop, 30c per lb. HIDES Calves. SO 80c: ere.. hM- its 18c: salted. 20c; kip. S0c; graen bull. IBe; eivru outi. 11c. BHtfcr-Ki.s Shearlings, 25960a lb.: long wool. 26e Pa.-; short wool, 2S30e: green. SI 9 80e per lb. TALLOW ANQ GREASE No. 1 tallow; He: No, 3. 10c: No. X grease. e; No. 2 area. 7c per lb. CHITTIM 0B CASCASA BARK New peel lie per lb. WOOlV-Talley half blood ft.rtno and Shrop- athlTW tarts fVlteregtl, . 1 i aT'. taatted Cotawold. 30985c; Umber stained. 6i Per lb. law; lambs wool. 4c per lb, less. e.irn Oregon Eastern Washington and yatuucni wow ssermo and Shropshire, 83 9 40c; . heJf-blood Merino and Cotawold. 879 42ej Shropshire, 87 946c: ColtawoM. aid Lincoln, straight and mixed, 32935c; burry. kg par lb. less: lamha u. . 1 .w52 Merln ooaabing aad carding T.lre fWeha V-H ..5W.ToA' ?tareh (U. PI Lire checks m(!e- nw low record here today, onenina at IZi H , ".-- Demand sterling lie .2 .e. op ne; rrane check 1 8.05 . - -"---a isvm, it.iv, oil Vi "vlnd 80.0140 aad Canadian eoUara, OW. , ; ; ; , 7 - .T ', . , J .... POTATO MARKETS AT A NEW RECORD Aviating prices are again shown in the potato market and an entirely new high price record was established at country points trlbutaray to Portland during the last 24 hours. . Actual purchases ef potatoes from growers are shown ' as high as $8.00 6.25 per cental during that period. Even what Is ordinarily called No. 2 or No. 3 stock is finding buyers here up tc $6 delivered at Portland. Front street has nut yet asked its proportion ate advance in potatoes along sales of table stock were shown daring tbe day as bfgh as $7 per cental, while for seed stock, likewise available for table but something extra good, sold aa high aa 17. B0 per cental. The situation it the most serious that hat ever confronted the trtde here. While it is true that the extreme value have reduced by a vary material degree the consumption of pota toes, still requirements continue In excess of offering. BULLISH 8EXTIMENT IS CORX ASD OATS ALSO RISE Chicago. March 31. (L N. S.) There was an active trade, with a bullish sentiment in com, which opened 4 9 Ts c higher on gen eral commission bouse buying. Offerings were limited. Oatt opened H 9 He higher, with May in general demand. Prominent eastern bouses were the heaviest buyer. The more deferred futures, while comparatively quiet, were firmer. Provisions started higher, with commission houses buying and light offerings. Chicago range by United Pre CORN Open. High. Low. 164 H 157H 151H 86 79 Close. 167 159 H 152H 87 H 79H March May . July . May . July . .. 165 167 ... 157 160H ... 1S1K 153H OATS . . 87 87 ,.. 19 80 PORE May 3640 8050 3610 3010 LARD May 2090 2095 2032 2032 July 2170 2172 2107 2110 RIBS Mar 1903 1915 1887 1867 July ., I960 1952 1910 1910 Nominal Run Shown In Stockyards; No Changes in Values PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN H.igs. Cattle. Calves. Sheep. Wsdnesday W eek ago . . . 2 week ago. . 4 weeks ago . , Tear ago 2 years ago . . 3 years sgo. 4 years ago. . 60 128 808 329 542 230 623 888 11 401 416 31 30 41 40 65 24 138 ! 16 412 Only four loads of livestock entered the North Portland alleys fop the Wed nesday trade and arrivals wern Hc-ht in all divisions. No price changes were Indicated. Less than a carload of hogs came forward for the day's trading m the alleys and prices were considered tedy to firm, with former figure nominally continued. Oeneral hog range : Prime mixed $10.00 916.80 Medium mixed 10.50 918.80 Rougb heavies 12. 00 ( 15 23 12.00 915.00 Cattle ftun Is Handful Just a handful or so of cattle came into the North Portland alleys for Wednesday. Trading was slow but at former established prices. General cattle range: ' nest grain pulp steers . Choice steers Good to choice steers . Medium to good steers Fair to goad steen . . Common to fair steer $11.00(911.75 1O.S0 & 11.00 9509 10.50 S.759 9.75 7.25 8.25 6.25 7.26 Choice cows end heifer 9.00 (9 10.00 8.00 9 9.00 6.50 9 7.50 B.50 9 8.50 8.009 6.50 6.00 9 8.00 15.00 917.00 10.00 9 14.00 """n to cnoice cows and heifers I ntuium io gooa cows and heifers Ir,lr ,0 medium cows and heifers Cannera J)u11" "nt calves Medium calves i vi,e 7.00 10.00 8.00 9 8.50 8tockers and feeders Mutton Holds Stead Steadiness was generally shown in the mut ton and lamb alley at North Portland for Wed nesday. All divisions show a continuation nf th Previous prices to:"1"'" "" $19.20(920.00 16.609 17.50 15.23916.50 East of mountain lambs . . . Best light valley lambs . . Best heavy valley lamb . 14.25915.23 Common to medium vuy lambs 11.00 15 50 Tearlinga 14.50(a) 16.25 Ewes 10.00 013 00 Tuesday Afternoon gales COWS No. Ave. lbs. Price. No. Ave. lbs Prire 2 720 $ 8.00 1 40 $ 7.50 1 950 8.00 2 1070 ft 00 ! 2 f.75 8.50 2 101S 000 3 1053 7.00 1 1060 8.76 BULLS 1 1890 $ 7.50 I S HOGS 1 380 $15.50 1 360 $14 50 10.... 218 16.00 1..-.. 140 14 50 6 J0 I860 14 160 16 73 5 202 16.25 11 183 16 50 ! 2 180 16.50 5.... 158 16.60 1 490 10.00 1 150 16 5ft 1 130 14.50 1 680 11 00 1.... 300 16. OO 1. $40 12 00 5 166 to 50 2 185 10 50 I 4 232 16.50 1 140 14 50 1 192 16.50 1 870 14 60 1 310 15.00. 7 160 16 50 1 320 18.33 10.... 108 16 50 4.... 177 14.60 10 179 16 50 7.... 143 16.50 6 183 16.60 16 195 .16.50 6.... 201 16. 60 2 205 16.35 LAMBS 160.... 40 $10.00 I 229.... 69 $10.00 YEARLINGS 244.... 77 $10.00 I 9.00 !- "", JV ? 14.0 , Wednesday ' Morning Salt STEERS 6, ...1055 $10.63 I ' COWS 6 780 $ 6.00 I 1 810 $ 7.06 1...: 890 7.00 j 2 726 6 00 1 . .1100 9.25 I 1 910 7.60 1 950 0.75 I LAMBS 52.... 85 $17.00 I 8 72 $1700 8 133 14J0 1 120 17.00 64 67 19.00 21.... 05 20 00 S9 71 17.00 3.... 70 17.50 2.... 00 17.60 EWES 5.... 104 $ 9.00 I BCCK SHEEP 6 160 $ 9.00 I BULLS . .I860 S 8.00 I HOGS . . 165 $16.50 I A., 16. . 12.. 10. . 1 . . IS. . 220 $12.00 210 16.2S 196 16.00 1.. 196 16.25 I EWES $9.00 I 4.. 12.50 I 120 128 150 $10.60 Sai Fraieisro Barley Calls Ban Francisco, March 81. Barley caut: tisy, tuv aid. lis aas. Ueeeatber. sou DAIBY FBOPrCB OF THE COAST San Frandsoe agar. eg Baa Francisco, March 81. U. But ter Extra. 69o : prime firsts, SHe. Eggs Extrea, 44 He; trrsta, 1 o ; . extra, put lota. 88 He; undarsiaed puliata. Sac. L'hBeae . gTata, California fancy, Slo; ruata, 2i c, Lot Angeles, March Sl.-Mt If. 8.) But ter California creamery, extras. 66c. Eggs Extra. 89e; caae count, 88c; pullets, 86c per dosen. " Poultry Unchanged. j i New Terk Batter aad T.a-art New York, March SI. L' N. S.) Butter firmer, creamery extra, 68 H 9 70c; de first, 64 H 9 67 H ; de higher scoring, 87 9 Tie; state dairy tuba, 45 65 He; renovated, $5e; fjaita Uon creamery. 48 9 4a. - Egg firm, nearby white fancy. 619 62c; do brown, fancy, 86 9 57o; eztratv al 9 2c; first, 47e0He HIGHER LEVELS IN STOCK MARKET Ntw York, March 81 (I. . .) Ths stack market closed Irregular today. Dealing continued vary dull In tne final hour wfth price changes confined to fraction. Steal common bung around Its closing of 104. Baldwin yielded to 134 V4, than rallied te 18Ba. Mast can Petroleum rallied 1 point from the lew ta IBSy. while Sinclair ell yielded 1 point to 48 ' . Studecakar dropped X polnta from the high t 10S4. LltU waa dona In tha railway and copper Issue, Crucible was finally 262 Vz, Pan- mar loan Petroleum 101 H, American Woolen 182', Atlantlo Gulf 171 V. Southern Pacific 89 H. and Republic Stoat 107. New York, March 31. (I. N.. S.) Prices were established at higher levels at the opening of the stock market to day. aHhoughy, business continued on a small scale. Stutx Motors jumped 21 points to a new high record of 391. Cru cible Steel advanced 7Vi points to 262 and Steel common to 104. Baldwin Locomotive at 134 and Republic Steel at 106 both showed gains of 1. General Motors rose 8 points to 385 and Studebaker advanced 1 to 107 and Chandler Motors 2V4 to 161. All the oil iaane were In demsiid. witil Mid dle State Oil most prominent, making an up turn of to 35 H. Mexican Petroleum rote S poiutt to 201 and advanced of 1 point were made in Pan-American Petroleum and Koyai Dutch. Atlantic Uulf showed a gain of 4 H to 172 ; American Sumatra. 2, 1004 i American tn te'Tiatnmal W to 102: American Woolen. 1H to 132 H and Industrial Alcohol. 1H to 95. Trading con tinned active throughout the forenoon, but after tne early advance a reac tionary tendency developed in many issues, with tbe railroad stocks showing special weakness. New Htven dropped 1 point to 32 H . while losses of around 1 point were suffered in Hock Island, St. Paul, Heading and Southern Pa cific. The Steel issues beld barely steady. Steel common yielding from 105 to 104 H. Adams K.pras was exceptionally acUve and ttrong. ad vancing over 8 points to 46. The old issues beld their gains well. Mexican Petroleum ad VMMSlng to 201 H and trana-Oll rose to aOove 28. The Sugar stocks were In demand, Cuba Cane Sugar advancing over 1 point to 50. Studebaker, after selling up to 107 11. dropped 1 point. Trading continued dull during the afternoon with a generally strong tone. Baldwin was prom inent, advancing to above 137. Dealings in Stutx Motor on the New Tork Stock exchange have been suspended and no member will be permitted to trade m that stock on the floor of the exchange, it was announced today, following the adjournment of a siiecial .meeting ox tne governing committee of the eX' change. Stutx Motors had a sensational nse from ,t low of 1004 on February 13 of this year to 391, its closing price of today, and rumors had been current in Wall street that this amazing advance was caused by a "corner" of the stock. The market showed a reactionary tendency in the late afternoon on selling when the call I money rate advanced to 10 per cent. win, after advancing to 137 fell to 135. and Crucible yielded to 203. Republic Steel fell 2 points to 107 H Demand sterling closed at $3.894, up 414; franc checks. 14.67c. up 22: life checks, 20. S7. up 15; marks, demand. $.140; Canadian dollars. $0.9220. (untuned by Overbeca 4V Cooke Co.. of Trade building: Boaru Close. 76 14 2H 48 H 88 H 48 143 H 46 101 81 H 104 23 H 68 H 132 Si 99 66H 133 H 63 H 81 H 175 135 34 4 96 H 121 to 15 H 27 H 39 128 86 H 54 169 'i 8 37 H 85 38 3 8 to vK SH i no to 92 44 262 H 4944 49i 13H 87 17 H 1 5N 37U ti'.t to 38 4 HI to 1)5 bit H M3 to 127 36 T 94 23 to 17 to 132 to 314 37 to 7M ' , 44 to :tr. to 199H 6H 47 27 to 82 H 15 10$to 74 H 80 H Bto 45 102 to 424 68 H 20 84 105 107 79 H 35H 75 43 to 99 to 23 91 106 391 22 121 to 13 21244 42H 25 to 120 33 H 1974 UOH 104 to 112H 78 73 H 73 to 26 H 87 54 69 24 H 1224 :Alax Rubber . Erie, c: . . . . Open. 76 a 14 Alaska Gold 2 Allis Chalmers 44 American Beet Sugar 88 American Can, c 49 H American Cr Foundry 142 & American Cotton Oil . . American Int'l. Corpn 101 H American Linseed, c HI American Loco., c 104 American Ship A Com 24 4 American Smelter, c 68 American Sugar, c 132 American Sumatra Tobacco... 100 H Am. Tobacco Securities 60 American Woolen, c 132 H Anaconda Mining Co 63 H Atchison 81 Atlantic Gulf A W. I. . . Baldwin Loco., c Baltimore & Ohio, c Bethlehem Steel, B . . . . Hoch Magneto Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Butte A Superior California Petroleum, c. Canadian Pacific Central Leather, c Cerro de Pasco ( handler Motors Chicago Great Western, c Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Chicago A Northwestern 1 69 133 34 95 IL'0 '4 15 '27 '4 39H 122 H 85 H 54 H 158H 38 86 36 ltiVi 64 H 3ft '.i 87 H 92 28H 49H 48H 13 Paul Chino Copper Chile Conner Columbia Gas A Electric . . Colorado Fuel A Iron . . . Consolidate t,as Com Products, c Crucible Steel, c ....... . Columbia Graphophone Cuban Cane Sugar Denver A Rio Grande, pfd Fiske Tire Gaston Williams General Electric . General Motors Goodrich Rubber IBM 37(1 4 6! H 3N Vk Ml 94 Tfc 59 H n 127 85 H 94 , 23S4 17 131 H 32 8A 78 H4 k 44 H 35 ' 199 H fix 47S, 27H 33 ios'H 74 H 80 5H 44 H 102 424 69 H 20 84 H 105 107H 78 H 36 H 75 44. 994 23 93 106 800 1 ( . t Northern Ore. ....... .it- Northern Ky Industrial Alcohol ...... Inspiration Cofper International Paper International Harvester . . . Int Merc tile Marine, c... do pfd. Irt. Nickel Ha . ity SmT.hern, c. . . . iaiini1''' opnngiieia J2 ill ! K necott Copper IS.OU 1 V,..fn Tle Lackawanna bteel I.askey Famous PUyers . . . Lehigh Valley Maxwell Mot.jrn, c r,.i-. r. Montana Ptwer Mnlvale Steel Missouri lc, c - - New Hven Nevada Consolidated New Tork Air Brake ...... New Tork Central Northern Pacific Oklahoma Itef. and Prod. -. Ohio Cities Oaa Pan Am. Pete., c Pennsylvania Railway Pierce Arrow Ray Con. Copper ........ Reading, e Royal Dutch Republic Iron A Retail Storm . . . Rock Island, c. . Steel. do preferred "A". Sinclair Cons. Southern Pacific Southern Ry.. e. Htromberg Motor 8tndebaker. c . . Stutx Motors St. Louis A Baa Francisco 22 H Swift A Co 121 Tennea-ee Copper 12 Texas Oil Texas Pacific Transcontinental Oil . Union Pacific, c Union Oil of Del United Fruit V. 8. Rubber, c... U. S. Steel, e do pfd Utah Copper Vanadium Steel Virginia Chemical, e. . Wabash, A 7 Western Union Westmghonae Electric. White Motors Willys Overland . , . . Woolworth 2104. 42 , 25 14 120 33 199H 110H 104 H 112H 78 . . 68 73 H 27 "B4H 67 24 H 122 .1530 S. La Salle St, Chicago jajTSaiJlC jjjnijJMtjarta Ism ssgMtoi thai UvW-frg ;tti osjii " ' - fTik acJacaarvat Wgtat fsextr to r-"i I itMtllilHSM 0 (!() STORAGE CHARGES RUINING TRADE The situation in the egg storage mar ket today in Portland is serious. Either the Portland consumer should pay 2c a dozen more for his supplies than con sumers of other markets or else the producer will be forced to accept that amount less. It cost' that much more to store eggs in this city today than in the leading markets of the Pacific coast. What the egg trade here calls a "gentle men's agreement" has been reported made in the storage situation here. The prices that storage bouse of Portland are charging are out of all proportion to what is being paid ia other cities. Portland atorage houses are asking 30c a case for the first 100 case for the first month of storage, 20e per rate for each additional hun dred cases for the same period, and 12 He a case for each additional month. The storage season is approximately eight or nine month. 8n Francisco is storing eggs at 55c a caae for the season of nine month. Seattle atorage interests charged this season from 45c to 65o a case for the season of nine months. It wul be een therefore that tbe cost of storing egg in Portland will be over 1 for the average season for each case or practically twice as much as charged elsewhere. Egg storers complain of this practice and say that it is driving the egg business from Port land. Under the new plan of egg storage charges, the. packers with their own storage houses are in a position to put the other fellow outOf buaineat. Feeders Offering Alfalfa to Trade NORTH WE8T GRAIN RECEIPTS Car Wheat. Barley. Flour. Oatt. Hty 1 Portland. Wed. 12 1 11 1 60 Year ago . . 6 2 8 2 15 Season to date 7464 170 3413 415 1836 Year ago. . 6705 943 2192 018 894 Tacoraa, Tues. . 3 2 1 lear ago: . 13 5 Season to date 6219 77 2641 187 758 1 Year ago. . 4970 32 .... 143 1103 I Seattle. Tues. 25 1 5 2 1 i Year ago - - - i Season to date 3404 234 677 630 1126 1 Year ago. . 5081 71 1055 316 2367 ! Quite liberal stocks of alfalfa hay are again being offered by interior feeders who have been moving- their cattle either iAo market or upon the open ranpe. Demand here at the moment is fair with buyers offering around $30 a ton Portland de livery for No. . 1 stock. Other hays are con sidered steady. Speculators have been endeavoring for some I time to have grain bags luted upon the ex- vnaiiie iieie Ml m ui iwice iuiiuii Tajuea auu thereby grab greater profits. General grain situation remains quiet. FLOCK Selling pnee, new crop: Patent valley. $10.65; loess 1 straight. $10.60; bakers' local, $13. IB; Montana spring wheat, patent. $18.73; rye flour. $10.10; oatmeal. $13.00; graham. $11.30. Prices for city deliveries in five barrel lot. HAT Buying price, new crop: Willamette timothy, fancy. $28.00: Eastern Oregon-Washington vetch. $24.00 (df 23.(10 ; cheat. 317 00(4 20.00; straw. $10.00; clover, $27.00; grain, $26 00; alfalfa. $29.00 a ton. GRAIN SACKS Nominal: New crop delivery No. 1 Calcutta. 17 to 9 18c in car lots; less amount higher. MILL8TUFFS Mill run at mills, sacked. $40.00 OATS Per ton, buying price: Feed, $63.00 963.50; milling, $08.00. BARLEY Buying price: $70.00 $72.60; rolled barley, seiUng price, 9 79.00 top. Merchants exchange bids ' FEED OATS milling, $73.00 March. 5900 BARLEY No bids CORN April. 5930 My. 6000 No. 3 white . . No 3 yellow Eastern grain in bulk : OATS 36 lbs. clipped 6350 6400 6900 6000 B930 0050 88 lbs. clipied CORN ... 6750 No. 3 yellow 6500 6450 Chicago Hairy Produce Chicago. March 31. (I. N. 8.) Butter. Receipts 6038 tubs. Creamery extra, 63c; standard 63 9 63 He; firsts, 57 62c; packing stock 85 C 38c. Egg Receipt 35.340 cane. Ordinary firsts. 37 W 39c; firsts, 41c; checks, 36 He; dirties. : 37 He j Cheese Twins, new. 28 H 9 28 44c: Dsisies, ! 29 toW 30c; Toung Americas. 29 H 9 30c: I Longhoms. 31 931 toe: brick, 28c Live Polutry Turkeys, 40c; chickens. 89 He; springs, 38c: roosters, 26c; stage. 80c; geese. 22c; ducks. 38c Great 8ajrar Supply New Orleans. March 81. Sugar is arriving here in great quantities. Twentytwo thousand bags came from Cuba today to the Henderson Sugar refinery and about 50.000 bags ytcdy arrived for the American Sugar refinery. The supply here soon will be adequate to supply the the demand and may result in a drop in the price of augar. San Francisco Grain Market Ran Frsncbico. March 31. (U. P.) Brley Spot feed, per cental. $3.15 (. 25. ew York Spot Cotton New Tork. March 81. (I. N. 8.) Spot cotton wa ateady today. 25 points higher st 4175:. No sales. iP FREE FROM ALL DOMINION i , - Xl - is 4,000 Calgary. City of. School........ feD 14.000 Calgay. City of. School 4 Feb. 1.000 tCalgary, City of. Alberta. 6 8.373 JFort William. City of. 5 8,000 Lethbridge, City df 6 6.000 Lethbridge. City of 6 22.000 fNorth Vancouver 6 2,000 'Point Grey, B. C 5 2.000 "Point Grey. B. C 6 1.000 "Point Grey. B. C 6 2.000 "Point Grey. B. C. 6 2,000 "Point Grey, B. C 6 8.000 "Point Grey. B. C 6 3.000 "Point Grey. B. C 6 8.000 "Point Grey. B. C. 6 24.000 "Regina, City of 12,000 "SL Boniface, City of. 6 Denotes bonds of $1000 denomination, i tDcnotea bonds of $486.66. t Denotes bonds of $500 denomination, PRICE: TO NET 7V2 r- " .'-'. . .- - r- Barglar aad Fireproof Safe Te petit Boxes for Hat Opea Uatil P. M. ob 8atardax$ MORRIS BROTHERS, Inc. . Tha Preatler Xaalelpal Bead Heate CaplUI Ob JHUHob SaUara, f; ' Kerrfa Batldlag, $69-1 1 Stark Street, Bet.. Fifth aad Sixth. TELEPHO-EI BHOABWAT SUI . E$UU$ke Qver Qiartar Ceatsrjr T RADERS ADVISED TO GO EASY IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS By Broadan Wall New York. March 81. With the exception of Crucible and Stuta, both of which established new high records, the stock market was quiet Tuesday. In the morning there was an upward movement all along; the line led by U. fs Steel. Money opened at 8 per cent ind did not go above 10 per cent. Bat Friday be ing: a holiday and Thursday being; the first of April, a big money mar ket Is expected on Thursday, for stock exchange loans, made then will carry over till Monday. For this reason brokers were advising cus tomers to be conservative in their trading. A feature of the day was the re newed weakness in francs. This weak ness is due to apprehension regarding the political situation abroad more than to any trade reasons. The shipment of gold from London to New York, so far as publicly announced, haa probably been discounted by the exchange mar ket. Little further strength is expected In that direction until the secret hoard held in Ottawa is transferred to New York. France is arming again and the outlook for big business' between that country and America is not particularly bright just now. Js- STUTZ STOCK 8TR050 Stutz rose 41 points to the new high record of 370. Nearly every transaction was for a single hundred shares. The stock crossed General Motors when It sold at 370. but General Motors Imme diately advanced 9 points, putting Stutz in a second place again. At 264 Crucible made an absolute high record. The earnings are said to be suf ficient to justify that price, regardless of any short interest that may exlsL Buying of the copper stocks has been unusually good for the past two weeks. but the best of it seems to be In Utah copper. The sales of copper metal for foreign accouht are understood to ba principally for the use of the French in their new campaign of armament. This rearming of France is not a mere garn ering together of materials left over from the great war, but it is a complete reorganization of the whole French mil itary system in the light of recent war experiences. The most modern equip ment of every kind will be used. AMERICA EXPRESS GAINS American Express was conspicuous for its strength. The stock was up more than 12 points. It is now more than 60 points above its low level. Cuban American Sugar was another star per former, with an advance of 15 points on the report that the crop in Cuba would not be up to expectation. Western Union's annual report showed earnings of J13.ll in 1919 against 11.64 the previous year. The American Tele phone stockholders approved the propo slon to increase the capital from $500, 000,000 to $750,000,000. POTATOES ALONG THE COAST San Francisco asarket Stn Francisco. Mtrch 8J (V. P.) Pota toes River white, $8.5097.00; sweeta. 8 t (ebrjV'k'- Onions Australian pruwo. .. i -Saattta Mertct Seattle. March 31. (I. N. 8.) Onions Oregon, 6 H 97c lb. ..-.., . Potatoes Takima Gems. $1409150; local. $1159123 ton. Los A node Market 1 Angeles. March 31. (I. N 8.) -Potatoes New stock Stockton Burbanks, fancy. $7.50(8 7.75; few low as $7.25; Idaho RuMeto. i new stock, local. Early and White Boae. $J.OO. New Vork Metal Market . . k w v. i ,v K fl CViorter I firm: spot, March and April 184 bid; May. 19 bid; June into am, i,n Lead quiet; spot and March 84 bid; April and May. 8 to bid. ...... Spelter firm; spot 850 bid; April, May. June and July, 8H 9 8 .. - t Liverpool Cettoa Market Liverpool. March 31. (I- N. S) Spots opened quiet; prices, easier. Sales. 4000 bale. American minauni "..''. '. .:, Idling. $29.63: full middling. $28.83; middling, ! $27.63; low. $24.33; good ordinary, $21.13; ordinary. $20.1 . - Futures opened quiet. Chicago Potato Market Chicago. Mrch 81. (t N. S.) Potatoes Receipt 42 cars. Minnesota and Dakota Ohio. $3.95 9 6.05. Minneapolis Flax Market Minneapolis. March SI. (L K. S.) Flax seed. No. 1. $4.78 9 4.81. GOVERNMENT TAXATION We are particularly fortu nate to be able to offer in vestors and clients these CA- NAD1AN MUNHJIPAL oonas 7y27o basis. These upon are all general obligation and are payable in COIN of the United gol6 States at the quarters of Mor ris Brothers. Inc.. or in New York, Better and safer bonds are not obtainable and. at the prices at which they are of fered, are very exceptional investment opportunities. 1924 1926 1935 1934 1924 1926 1922 12S 1929 1930 1931 1932 1934 1936 1938 1932 1943 90.33 86.24 77.&1 78.71 95.08 97.36 96.34 84.72 83.44 82.23 81.14 80.11 78.27 76.68 75.31 96.03 72.54 .TAD F4A FsVA Feb. JAD FftA FAA FAA FAA F&A FAA F4A FAA M&S MAN Credit Extensions Are Advantage to Business Channels With the reserve ratio of the federal reserve banks remaining about what it has been for the several weeks past, and the rates of money likewise showing no extraordinary fluctuations, there Is lit tle on the surface to Indicate the aerlous effort which the tanks of the country are making to restrain the tendency toward further expansion of credit. In a resume of the money market nlt uatlon tbe Guaranty Trust company tof New York states; "Reports from interior cities show that the effects of the credit restrictions initiated In the financial centers are be ing telt. At the very least the available supply of credit is being directed into the more productive and well established channels, a distinct gain for the sub stantial business of the country. Ex tension of credit for foreign business continues to be confined bythe banks to their own customers and little progress has been made toward establishing cred its here on behalf of Europe. The ex changes have moved upward since the official announcement that England and France had agreed not to renew the Anglo-French loan and were taking steps to pay It when due neat October." Money and Exrhange New Tork. March 81. (I. N. S.) Call money on the floor of the New Tork Stock Exchange today ruled t 8 per cent: hiah. 12 per cent; low, 8 per cent. T,lme money was firm. Rate were 8 to 9 per cent. The. market for prime mercantile paper w strong. Call money in London today was 4 to per cent Sterling Exchange was strong, with business in bsnkers' bills at 388 for demand. Sew York to Close New Tork. March 31. (I. N. 8.) The gov erning committee of the New Tork Stock Ex change thit afternoon voted to grant the peti tion of the member to close the eichange on Easter Saturday. April 3. This mean that there will be no session of the stock exchange after the closa Thursday, April I, until Moad April 6. Liberty Bond ale (Famished by Overbeck A Cooke Co.) Open. I'loae. Liberty. Second 4s 8948 8948 Liberty. First 4tos 9 oh 2 9082 Liberty, Second 4 tot 8982 8982 Liberty. Third 4tos 0208 B2B8 Uverty. Fourth 4toa S080 KO i .Victory. 4 94s 97S0 97BO Victory. 3 9750 9750 HIGH Canadian Going Bargain prices for Canadian provincial and municipal bonds are panning and when the bonds on the market are now disposed of there will be no further op portunity for the exceptional investments of this type' for Investors In the United States, according to W. E. Young and H. A. Ross, representing A. .E. Ames A Co., one of the large municipal banking Investment concerns In Canada, who were Portland visitors last week. Both have traveled extensively In the dominion and declare that the market in Canada has tightened perceptibly, and that the provinces and municipalities do not ex pect to issue any more bonds within the nei'.r future. Mr. Young explained that the value of the -Canadian dollar hud in creased in this country, and this In Itself would mean that It would be Impossible to buy high-grade municipals at heavy discount prices. TFrom The Oregonian, March 28.) GUARANTEED GREATER VANCOUVER SEWER DIST. 5 3 years, general obligation of dis trict, which includes Vancouver, South Vancouver, Burnaby and Point Grey. Further secured by -bonds guaranteed by Province of B.C. Price 94.03, to yield DOMINION OF CANADA GUARANTEEING CANADIAN NORTHERN RY. 5y2$. Price to yield CANADIAN NORTHERN RY. EQUIPMENT 6 Serials, 1925-27. To yield. . . Int. and Principal Payable in U. S. Gold Coin ; umbermerNS Bonds - Trut tragi wi v aiierpsas lf.eVd, - UXBER 8CPEHVI8IOK BAHKIHO BEPT, STATE OP. O&EGOBT Ajthur Berridge & CompaLnyH. Certified Public Accountant $ and Auditore ' 1 ) 619 WorcattcY Block. Mtia $121 CAN YOU ANSWER THESE: " Am I rosint; mony In my department? ' . How many cents net profit do 1 make on crery dollar of aU . Is my overhead figured accurately la my costs What does It cost me to, do bu$ines$? ; ' How much Income tax iff 1 havf to pay? -, , :, We $pecializ on Monthly Audit$ HALL & COMPANY Bay and Sail U. 3. GvymmtmuX. Ferwifyj Cowarymiant A. RaUratL Pokli UlUity. iadaatriaL Municipal , ' BONDS : vj. ' ,r Quetatloas Upea Raquast : Lavwia BMge. Portia twl. Or. . . r. ,TaUpli4 Mar Wall 6SS Only Two Rational'.; Banks Show Gains In Total Deposits Thirty-nine national banka In the Unit ed States showed gross deposits exceed ing 50,000,000 on February i, ths date . C Ik. 1 .. t ..II . . . . ; .... ui ins cumpirwuer ox the currency. Only two showed an ln-: crease in total deposits since the prtkaaa vlous call. December 31. 1919, tha Con tinental and Commercial of Chicago and the National Shawmut of Boston. The general decrease in dennnlt ta- at. tribute! to the fact that the call came n a Saturday, which 16 always a day millions of dollars short in bank clear-. ings. and to the, great withdrawal of the United " -.v-mment deposit, h had been going on for weeks. - In Inillviit. .. ... .i. ih. v i. ... ...... .. .--, ..vfn.o.ia . , tlonal City bunk heads the Hat withe an aggregate of $706,199,634. The Chase National of New York is second with $371,019. and the National Bank of Com merce Is third with $343,014,000. FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES Corrected daily by frreign department of the United State National bank. : r . Ouenina nominal r.t f . .r h... . n .t . Drsfts Cable Pgr , cheques, transfer. rate. a London Pounds , sterling $ 3 86 $ 8.87 $ 4.86.65 Parts Francs .. 15.06 1B.03 5.18.26 Hamburg-Berlin Marks 1.40 1.42 38.62 Genoa Lire .. 20.72 20.70 6.18.20 Copenhagen Krone 18.40 18.68 S6 80 ChrisUania Kroner .... 16.40 19.06 24.85 , Stockholm Kroner 21. T5 21.00 26.80 Hongkong Local currency .... 07.76 98.23 lokohame en 48.60 48.76 48.84 PACIFIC COAST BANK STATEMENT Portland Bank Clearance: ThiaWeek. Tear Ago. Monday $ 5. 774. HUH. 44 $ 6,076,637.28 Tuesday 0.319,936.48 6,898,777.77 Wednesday .. 6,005,081.13 4,871.084.77 Spokane Banks Clearings Wednesday $ 1,63426.00 Balances Wednesday 601.028.00 aeattl Bank i Clearing Wertne.dy $7,668,870.0$ Balance Wednesday 2,847,081.01 San Franc I so Banks Clearing Wednesday $$0,B$S.334.0 Le Angeles Banks m.. ...... rn.ui.. $10. 327. 312. 06 YIELD Issues Are Rapidly THREE SPLENDID BONDS YIELDS TO X 7H 7 7 rust (To. - Acptarvcn Oreon. 725 II iiiiiiitiiiii L .