THE -OREGON" SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 28. 1920. 13 HOUSEHOLD GOODS FOB SALE 66 REED AND FIBER FURNITURE. RADICALLY. SEDUCED. ' Beeirming tomorrow mm place cm ale a fn assortment -of reed and fiber rocker, chair, settees, etc., in brown snd ivory liuish at greatly, re duced price. - FOB INSTANCE: gS8 reed fernery in old ivory finish reduced to $10.90. 142. BO Ivory settee with spring eet fck and t lsuhobtered is very pretty apetry, reduced to 833.76. 2800 816.95. (21.00 815.85. $13.00 $10.76. fiber rocker reduced to fiber rocker reduced to fiber rocker redaeed to $50 aheirs hud rocker reduced to $5 76. $10.00 tewing banket reduced to $690. And so'eral others. Come while aeteetion i best. Mish Furniture Co. 188 100 lint Struct. BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGES 7 BCCK'8 PIPELESS rTJR-NACES BUCK'S WATER HEATBKjJ BUCKS OAS RANGES BOCK'S RANGES . BUCK'S HEATERS - We take iwr old ranee or ru range in etitng arid, we sell jou on w; tonus. We wiarge Be ketarcrit Oevurtz Furniture Co. The. Big Store LL UNDER ONE BI ROOF NO BBANCH STORES 185 First St. REMEMBER. TWO DOORS FROM YAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET SPLENDID OVERSTUFFED DAVENPOr rnholatersd in elegant dark frees figured eptmir. Those lore spring cnslii rms. eiprinff Hit. seat end back. A wonderfully fine piece of furniture (hat would be cheap at :u. Our price, however, for quirk sal is $185. Easy ctms. We charge no internet. Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL UNDER ONK ROOF NO BRANCH RTOKK8 1185 First St. REMEMBER, TWO DOORS FROM TAMHTXX PUBLIC MARKET COMBINATION Alcazar Gm and Coal Runge. Haa white enameled splashere. poliilied steel top. ''illy nickeled, and In firt-clas condition. Thin Range cost (loO new. Will cri'e. if wild at once. A. & S. Qevurtz Furniture Store 20S2D7 First St. Bet. Taylor and Salmon DKESS1NO TABLES REDUCED We hare two dressing tables wrth lerge triplicate mirrors. They are made, up of genuine American walnut in the popular- Adam dtign. -in a rich, velvety satin flniah. RcKUiar ('rice $52.r0. Tntir choice $87. 50, and terms to suit No interest charged, Mflslh Furniture Co. ISM l'JO Flint Street PATIIE PHONOGRAPHS Play any make fist records without change of attachment, Bsirphlre ne-dle doe not re changing. ilarl surface records do not d'icrioral like other makoH. Easy term. No interest. W'a hTe one uned Si 50 size, juat 'ike new. for $123, wax oak finish. New ones n sll sizes. Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ILL .UNDER ONK HOOK. NO BRANCH STORES. 185 First St. REMEMBER, 2 DOORS FROM T AM HILL Pl'UHC MARKET CONG OLEUM RUGS AT REDUCED PRICES These nigi are new, but were dam aed ery liehtlj in transit : Oil 2 regular price $21.83, priced from $12.00 to $15.00. 0x1 o V rricular $19.80. priced from $11.00 to. $13. B0. A1m 'several used eohgoleum run priced sway down low. Mish Furniture Co. 188-190 First sL United Furniture Store HOUSEHOLD GOODS. SO PER CENT BELOW REGULAR PRICE. ONE WEEK ONLT. USE YOUR CREDIT. United Furniture Co. 173 FIRST ST. USED nrtOFOLD PAVF.NPORT TN FIN I! BLACK G6I-lNiS LEATHER Solid osk frame. In handsome fumed oak fiiiixh. $60.50. Easy terms. No interest. Qevurtz Furniture Co. The Big Store ALL UNDER ONK RI ROOF NO BRANCH STORES 1185 First St. REMEMBER, TWO DOORS FROM TAMHILL PUBLIC MARKET A SNAP $50 brass bed $12 steel spring snd a spotlessly clean $1S cotton mattress, the complete outfit for only $49.50. Term. , Mish Furniture Co.. 188-1B0 First Streak A I.ARC.F selection of tissrl 9tl2 rugs, Axmlnster. Bruwls and Wilton; also earvets in large room xires at low urioes. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS KOK LESS 196-168 1st St., nesr Morrison. EV solid osk. rocker, with detachable auto seats, in genuine leather, sltghtry marred in ranit Siiecial price. $13 50. Star Furniture Co. THE STORE OF BARGAINS " 204 Pint St.. Near Taylor at. 8PEC1AL New Method gas store. 4 burners aad atinmarer. for only $12.00. OWL FURNITURE CO., HELLS FOR LESS ' ' 1-1$ 1st at. near Morrison. r solid fumed oak dining table and chain; 1 also' wall showosse; Tery reuonable. Phone I abor 6540. . lloUSEUOU) goods lor eale cheap. 6428 89th allSCKLLANEOUa hotue Jnrniahings (or sale. 645 E. 22d t. N. Phone U5t. IRON bed with, coil springe: Axmlnster rug. ciouiee wnnser. jsnor SMt, ONE oak stand, 1 8x10 rug. Call Tab. 234. 81 Portland Machinery Co. 6Z-66 FIRST ST. PORTLAND, OREGON Telephone Mala 197. New and Used Machinery We carry a complete stock at new and second-hand engines, boiler, pumpa. shi n (le machine, lath machines, ironwork in tools, sawmills and (applies. PARTIAL LIST OF USED MACHINERY BOILERS AND ENGINES ' One S K p. Tertieal boiler. , One 20 h. p. Case firebox boiler and sa rin.. Two 35 h. p. firebox boilers. One 4i)i. p. firebox boiler. One 50 h. p. 48x14 tubular boiler. One ill Roe-ell engine. One 9x14 8- C. Ames engfn. Oik 14rH. L 1L Erie engine. One 10x13. Ames Vim automatic engine. One National 280 h. p. inclosed feed water heater, almost new, at a treat bargain. Two portable sawmills, emnpleto, with cut- off saws. 15 to 20 M. capacity. One set 2-head blocks, rack and pin ton drive, with met works and abaft, eer- riaue trucks complete. One set 2-48 Rgl. I beam blocks, set shaft and set works. Rolls, L. T. saws and belts. New saw lath mills for immediate de livery. One Lane upright shintle msohla. see One Perkins hand machine, 2 saws and collim, One Sanues npri(ht shingle machine. WoodWorking Machines One American Hoyt No. 1 0-4 side planer. One Far A Ksan AOx. band maw. car ried 7 -in. bliulee, need very little. One American No. 60 S0x8-in. double aur faeer One Hall A Frown No. 56 saw table. One Hayes dowel "ticker and pointer. One Crescent 3 2 -in. handsaw) One HU A Brown eaw table-' Two 16-in. wood lathee. One California No. 1H i24-ln. S-side pliner. One 8-in. molder. American. 4 aide. One lO-in. monlder, American, 4 etde. One 12 In; moulder, American, 4 aide. One in. 3 side wh sticker anrf bant. One 42 In. band ripsaw, 2 -in. blades. IronWorking Tools One Prentice 26-in. by 26-in. lathe. One New Ha'en 30-in. by 22-ft. lathe. One Rahn-('rpenter 18x12 lathe. SeTeral suialler lathe'i. One New Ha ren 4 2x43x14 planer. I'ipe machine. 2 to 8-in. capacity. All size emery grinder. Steam hammen from 2500 Tb., new. Erie ateam to as smill s 50-lb. belt typa. One 'NDtional 1 "4 -in. bolt cutter. One Merriman 2 '4 -in. bolt cutter. One Beloit No. 55 punch and ahears, cav pacity punching 1 in. through 4-ln. piste, shearing H x6 or 1 H rmtrni. One c4d saw, capacity to 12 -in. beams. Two Higley Amaller cold saws. One 30x12 Fifield lathe. One 30x14 Harrington alldinc extension bed gap lathe. One 60-in. pulley lathe. MlSCEIJANPXit'S MAOHINB SHOF EQUIPMENT One complete foundry for sale, including 2 enpaloa, one 5 -ton crane and other equipment. Two 4Hx2x4 Duplex pump. One S'ixStxS Duplex pump. One 30-in. P. M. exhauster. One 80-in. L T. saw. One 40-in. L T. saw. One 44-in. I. T eaw. One 4 -in. T. T. saw. One 54-in. L T. saw. One 66-ln. L t. saw. WHITE OR PHONE FOR PRICES AND DETAILS THE PORTLAND MACHINERY CO. 2-66 FIRST ST. PORTLAND, OR. 1 10x12 Weebinrten 1 11x18 Vulcan 1 8 UxlO Lidgerwood 1 1-eack eoncreta mixer 2 Ne. 12 Smith concrete mixers 1 grouting machine 1 Century bag cleaner 1 Smith hand mixer 1 60-ton S. P. type locomotrra 1 54-ton S. P. type locomotiT. 1 85-ton Baldwin locomotiT. 1 40 -ton Baldwin loeomotlT. 1 85-ton Shay 1 60-ton Climax 1 70-ton Climax 1 40-ton DaTenport saddle tank 1 70-foot tag boat 105 horsepower. 1 20 -horsepower gss engine 1 2 5 -horsepower gsa engine 2 T4x6 Denning triplex pumps, 6000-lb. 1 12x6x12 pump, brass fitted 1 6x4x6 pump, plain 1 set ehaln drire tie and rail tracklayer trams, 3 T-K. W. 220-roU iterators 86-lnch gs. 4-yd. Petler cars T, 12. 14. 18-tfn dinkeys, 8-inch ga. 1 2600-pound pile hammer. 4 steam shovels ' 1 17-inch Municipal Cube ooacrwte mixer 121. inch Austin parer Steam rock drills, concrete aoonta, track spikes, bolts, eta, Mohr Machinery. Co. Main 1831. 501 Lewi. Bldg. FOR SALE 1 Orton and Steinberg loeomotlT. crane. 13 tt teua, 3 years old. laquir. at Albiaa Engine and Machine work. Lewis and Loring sts, Portland. Or., at Broadway hotel. f-oruana. ana ass toy M. swarta. MARINE gas engine for ealeT cheap. Rated io n. p. out develops better than 12. 257 RusseC at, today or phone East 1081, 6.80 o ciocx. ev a. uenneH, - FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. 19 8-BLADE Odell razor sharpening machine! aazw ewtn ., inta. between 50th a 53d mm.. Mt. ScoHcmr. - K. . A brain. A ,!So. 1 2-PLY roOrTngi gtgu att aaoiiace. f a-ncne stain oeo. - TOn SALE WISCKLLAirEOCS 10 Plumbing Supplies BATHROOM OUTFITS COMPLBTaf AT SPECIAL LOW PRICES BATH TUBS mw.iinwv Tnu.rrs CORNER OR FLAT BACK BASINS MsnsP) ip? tin .vtttinojA t Gat our prices before yen let yen eontraet , We also ka?a eoase alightlj damaged goods. A. L. Howard 208 FOURTH ST., bet, Taylor and Salmon sts7 Bath Tubs! Bath Tubs! Wm untie altrHtJv AMmmirmA twth tuha. which we Ssili sell eery raaaonably. Also a few aliglitly dsmaged laratories. N. B. Mesher Pipe Co. 299 FRONT ST. Between Main and Salmon, Main 6277. HYATT'S PHONOGRAPH SALE Just think t Dorine thia month of March we offer you any new, latest style Brunswick, Victrola, Edison. Colombia or 8 trad Its ra up to aizs tor only as down, gls monthly, urm machinal $15 down. 17.00 monthly. Liberty bonds taken at par. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850 Alder. Ornamental Flower Vases Cement aarden furniture, bird fountains. benches; buy direct from factory. See display. 809 E. 11th st 0. 20 LATE drophesda. all makes. Ilk. new, perfect eondition; Singers, White, Standards, National Rotary, other food nukes; $15 to $35. Merh'oe rented $8 per month. BINUKH BTOBB (Mooee Bide.), 198 4th. Main 6888. GRAFONOIA BARGAIN Fine. bea.liriflll CnfnnfJ, . ba. i - larger Grsfonola, and $50 worth of "fine rec ords; outfit would oost about $178. Priced only $120. on torau of ti;0 down and $7. SO monthlj Thia 1 an exeeptlonaUy fin buy. Myatt Talliing Machine Co.. 3. So Alder. BEAUTIFUL KIMBALL. Ute model, lfte new, actual ralue new $4 90. Owner say sacrifice, $185 for all cash or Liberty bonds. See Oregon Filers Music House, 287 Washington aL, below 5th. HEAR THE NEW BRUNSWICK We hare Just reeeired a abipment of the new Brunswick. Machine to $125. Special terms of $5 down, $5 monthly. Machines of isrger models. Bpecl&l terms of $15 down. .i.uu moouuy. siysn "laixing Machine Co. 350 Ald.-r. A REAL, big seller! My book. "How to Pre sent Weeds," explsins how to till the soil so the cantankerous peats cannot grow. Erery samener ano eTery farmer win want ray book I me touay ior ray agents' terms. DeWitt C. Reilly. 526 Clinton at.. Hudson. N. Y. FOR SALE Back and front bar. complete: 1 large, I small ice box; floor cases, couple lift-top counter cigar cases; ice eream table and cnair; refrigerator caae. National. cah register, number other fixture Toledo computing acalea. Act quickly. 276 Third st GENUINE PIANO BARGAIN Beautiful (olden oak. exceptionally fine tone, genuin. Farutone, with bench to match. Juet like new. cost 450. Price only $260. $25 down. $10' monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. TICONDKROGA Th. new blackberry, yields $3000 per acre. Best berry for pies.' juice snd jelly. Plants for sale. McCoy, corner 8th and Last Stark. Portland, sole grower. Circular free. BRINKENHORF PIANO Strictly fint-class Brinkenhnrf nianei in gnldon oak cae. Price only. $225. $25 down. 1 0 a month. HyaU Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. EDISON CYLINDER PHONOGRAPH Good Ediaon o-vlinder hnm mukhln t.V.n in on large Edison, and 1 00 good records, all for $17.50. terms $5 down, $5 monthly. Hvatt Tslking Machine Co., 860 Alder BUTTS Tailor models, size 40: made of the best materisls: auaranteMl nnr. m1 aao. only this week. R- PAUL CO.. 890 Morrison St BRUNSWICK! BRUNSWICK! See the new $115 Brunswick. Term Mil. month $S down, $5 monthly. liberty bonds taeo at par. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. ADDING MACHINE WANTED Desire to exchange new Vict ml a Rdlaoe Stradirsra. Brunswick or Grafonol for Bur roughs or Comptometer. Hyatt Talking Ma chine Co.. 8B0 Alder. FINE RESIDENCE LOT See that fine residence lot on E. Yamhill snd 29th. 50x100, all aatewimenta paid, fine neienoornooa. con about $2600. Price $1350 E. B. Hyatt 850 Alder. PTANO WANTETJ Will exchange fine new Vietrola, Edison, Rnmwiok. Grafonola or 8treliara for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 850' Alder. NEEI th. money, mwt sacrifice perfect dia- mond. lady 'a ring, a little less Vik. Cost 4 mouth ago $250, sacrifice. $175. Call Sun day. 734 East 8th south. . WILL EXCHANGE beautiful diamond, weigh ing 2.16 I would cost sbout $2100) eren up ior nign graue ear. b. js. t oote. F. O. Box 4. city. WILL EXCHANGE Grafonols. Brunswick StradiTara or Vietrola for Rsdiantfire gas fireplace. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 360 Aldr. TWO combination bookcase writing desks: 5 H Data wo, sines, aeer norns. 2 h. d. cas en- dnr. Sx.10 snd Bx7 View camera. Stamp photo camera. nsa Tancourer aye. BUY your coal from the Central' Fuel Co., 249 2nd t : delireries to sll parts of city; no extra ensrges ior uounan aelirene on west side. BETZ body-bake oren, other electrical appli ances. Call 633. Pittock blk. or phone oiiwj. Dig. FOR SALE Stumo" miliar, eomnl.te. on Wnw. ell Valley and Buckley are. Take Estacada car, u. o, petty. FINE Victor horn machine, wooden horn, eot rnce .a aown, s monthly. njiu i sixing jiscrune uo., 800 Alder. FiND instruments for sale 7 horn and druma n nrst-claas condition Mooee Lodee. Rainier, Ore. A BARGAIN Flat top office desk and chair. rnce tor pom. f 17.S0. Sellwood 462 or I LIGHT yew wood salmon rod. acate guides an tip. 300 yd. I'iuegsr rel. 130 yds. line. $16, Cell 129 Grand are. Room 4. HIGH OVEN gas range, office desk, wardrobe mirror, 12x14 rug. small bookcase. 510 Wil liam are. Monday. I WILL wire your finished bouse without In- jury to walls or ceiling. . Very reasonable. Wdln. 3791. NEW Yiol.t-Ray. dandy white Rosarian suit. first-elsxs. full drees, for sale, reuonable. 853 Tsmhffl st FOR SILK Indestructible trunk." $8 Tabor WILL EXCHANGE new phonograph for plumb ing. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. WANTEDA6-ft wicker chaise longu. Call Main 379Z. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning in your home. 85c a rug. Call East 150tt. WOOD SAW for sale on auto frame. Cheap. ous aiomson are., sell wood. EXTRA fine, new ostrich plume. Phone East oo vi. sutmsy lorenoon or Monday. MIRROR, 18x80 Inehe, plate gTass. oval, oak name, io. oiitt tieimont street. FOR SALE Iron Age potato planter. W. W. Gertz, 1867 Chase st Columbia 124. WHITE SATIN, messalioe Snd georgette crepe drew; worn once; size 40. SIO. Columbia 904. UL'OKSKIN suie gauntlets, cream colored, very ewssy. 120 2d at N. C. R- oak filing cabinet, slightly used. $85; new one cost glBO. Kaat isou 1 "GAS STOVE, 4 -burner, steeper and ovens; 1 library toble, oak. Phont 819-81. GOOD used tire 84 UP, all siieal 410 Buna side st. near 10th. ME8HER PLUMBING SUPPLY CO . end retail. 248 8d et Main 8217. s holes le PLUMBING expert repair aU plumbing, gas: very resonsble. McCnrdy, SeTiwood 1138. LADY'S good brown and white check suit aize 38. Phone Marshall 6898. FOR SALE Man's pike, good eondition. 615. East 7299. (18 ELECTRIC wanning oven; can be nsea a heater. Woodlawn 387. OOOD ml roll top deak and chair. $1T 272 E. 75th at N Monta villa oar. FOR SALE English peramnlstar, excellent eopdiuon. woooiawn tow. - . PRINCE Albert auit. like new: coat 88. panto 33. waist 84. Sell wood 1875. 1 PEDKSTAI. wash bsain. enameled, (9; 1 sink. 87. New. At 824 Jackson. fiOOO MAIL order envelopea, new, $2 per 11000, Hedges. 171 W. Park. S GOODRICH " tire, smooth. 34x4 tt. newT 22. 0 and $18.50. 324 Jackson. LICENSED ELECTRICIAN wires 3 rooms for $t2 00: 5 rooms. $20. Wdln. (791. GET ay quotations on wiring your new house. Wdln, 8791. 8000 TtBICK for., aato. , Broadway 8674. FOB SAI15 MISCzttXAJTEatrS It SAVE! SAVE! On Your GARDEN HOSE Buy Right Now! Tour only chance of the opening iss arm in which to set s bargain like this. Jnst recciTod a car load of Fresh New Gsr iih Hom which order u placed early last fall iv Vp-.H. Vkve in nAV as mneb for tt as we ST. rong to offer tt thia week. Don't delay, order s UMHM O PHONB, TBIS WEEK ONLT. MAIL ORPERS Proniptly Filled $9.50 50 FT. LENGTHS, H -INCH. 5-PLT. GOODYEAR RUBBER. GUARANTEED HOSE $5.95. $1.50 80-FT.. -TNCH COTTON H0SI $5.95. IS.80 6 OFT f X) SfPETTTTON BUB BBS' HOSE $8.95: Feldstein .Furniture Co. t 174 FIRST ST. Phone Main 4633. N. L- Cor. xamntii, TOe have a complete tine of bathtubs. laTstories, toilets and cement laundry trays. We will gladly furnish estimates en ma terial, with or without nutallatiun. ' MESHER PLCMBINO SUPPLY CO. '248 Third St. BET. MAIN AND MADISON Main 5277 " Bargains USED 8EWINO MACHINES We employ agent. and w. ell second hand machines for leas or actually what we allow In trade. 172 THIRD Near Yamhill CEDAR CHESTS Direct from factory to your noma. Tsa- Beasee and Port Orford eedsr; solid copper trimmings, lstent designs. Write for catalogue. rectory, 1912-16-18 E. Gliaan. Tabor SOU. WB 6AVEYOU ONEfT Hous. wiring, lighting fix tures. electrical repairing snp plies. Third .Street Electric Store, 224 H Third street near Salmon. Main 6055. FOR SALE 5-week-old calf. Jersey and Dtrr ham, good stock; 10 toL architect and car pentry books. No. 1 drawing set, kitchen table cheap. 1707 Weyland at,' north of Columbia itm. maw hmu wnrm uitiiirni, en am in Park. PLCMBINO Plumbing work don. quickly end efficiently at reasonable prices. New installation specialty. vYorkmsnamp guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954 161 RnsssB "MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," "Typewriter'5 snd Household Goods are separate claaalll cations. All adrertisements of these goods are published under their respective classifieafJoaa. LOOK THKM OVER FOR SALE 1 double and 2 single open booths, suitable for' ice cream parlor or reetanrsnt: also 1 0-foot oak back counter, 1 heavy turning pole base for gymnaaium. 868-370 Morrison st. Phone East 2405. $11 T SlTtii TEN drophead sewing machines ilUa wtih attaehsnenta. AS are in very good conditio.. Sewing meehinee rented st $3 per month. Phone East 2859. E. B. Bteen. 152 Grand eve., nesr Belmont Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and repaired. Wslker Electric Works. 413 Bum side, corner 10th. Broadway 66 74. Prunes prunes 100 lbs. Italian prune. $15r 600 lb. lots, 14.50. Alio 60 lb. boxe petite prunes, 87. Country order receive special attention.' Cow- ley's Grocery, 188 Third t, Portland. LEAKY B00F, EH I Very aggravsUng. indeed. Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repsir and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Phone Main 6640. PERENNIAL plant and bulbs, more than 80 kinds: Lily of the Vslley 60a do., Foxgloves 10c ee., Capterberry bulb's 2 for 25c Tabor 4510. 164 E. 68th st N. AUTOMOBILES, MOTORCYCLES. LAUNCHES or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can be found under these different elaasi- fieation. ADDING MACHINE $15. 5118 CORBETT BLDG. HOT WATER TANKS 80 gaL (T. 40 gaL (6. Tested and 'guaranteed. stove and furnace coils. Gas heater installed. Expert plumbing repairing. Eaat Side Welding Shop, 203 Adams st B. 8518. WHITE enamel Alcazar range, oost $189 50; used very little,; 106. Also square exten sion table, $5. 1120 E. 81st N.. corner of Kmermn, Alberta ear. FOR S ALE Beautiful cream serge and satin dress, with satin braided. 88; never been worn. Large three-strand medium brown switch. 26 in. long. 103 E. 84th N. Tabor 8401. POTATOES A Quantity of choice American WofuSer seed potatoes, eo per sou r . v. s. ateizger, irr. J. D Gordon, Metxger, Ore. ETTERBERG, 121 gtrswberry plants; beat csnner and shipper. Heavy producer. Low .uantity prices. Quality plant. Ward K.. Ri-irnlnorfA. f-slem. Or. $116.50 to $25 sEwSoD m'achInes Ouaranteed We Rent and Repair 172 8d et.. near YamhilL 'Main 1846. A-1818. USED APPAREL Secured from wealthy ladies; reasonable prices. 1132 E. G U8an. MontATillA car to 88th. Ttbor 2825. 8PRING wagon, farm or truck, almost new. single express harness, one section field narrow, 12-in. plow, cultivator. 201 Union are. N. Phone Eat 5447. . OA ET dining table, (15: crib and mattress. (14; small beating store, $7; dining bead chair, (0. Sell. 87.- '. SAFES New an dsecond hand; some with burglar clients, at reasonable prices. Pacific Basle A Supply Co.. 48 Front st Bdwy. 1966. GLA niOLI 150 bulbs. inch and lea. $1; bulbleta. 1000 50c. all postpaid. Arthur C. Perrin. 1112 E. 18th st N. BROWN Velvet Bigekrw rug, 8-9x10-8. first class condition; selling new at (75. offered at $35. Main 6499. WASTE paper balers; buy one and make some easy money. 4 sines, prices reasonable. 948 Kasralo et East 7085, 80 ELECTRIC bell ringers for eale. no .bat teries necessary; will last forever. AIM one storage battery. Main 6471. FERTILIZER Goad msaure, dehvatwd Eaat eg Watt Side. Tabor 2704. FOR SALK Beautiful ailk lamp ahade. gold and rone, never been used, beat materiel. hrgwH aire. 708 E. Stork. STEEL RANGE is water nous. eta. eon, 807 11th et very fine eondition. with Aaoer- SANITARY couch for sale, and nuttrsea, E. Bufafe. - Til OAK WOOD for sale. (10 per load. 1850, Wdln. GOOD garden manure, also for 4486. ' - - - " STOVE repairing and parts, any make. Phone East 6675. Water coils Installed. -WOOD or coai steel range, hoi, water maU, fine eondition, 820. 60S K. Market - FOR SALE One hot water fc&lef, aoai-juUiaev : im leoje. .-jaoec a nan. . . .. ft UJ3L " rt FOB BALIS MlBCZLLja.7rEOIJS t EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR WINKLES HERE Drowned In a sea of sorrww, the uenal nptown high pricaa. Carpenters. Consider AH steel haaamea . ....... .'.. 1.80 A $B.B0 etrenlar plana a.OO . ELIGHTLT RrSTED ATKINS HAND AND PANhX SAWS $8.69 Atktea saw S.80 88.80 A tains atw 3.18 $8.70 penal aaw, Atkins.... SS5 83-60 panel eaw. Atkins 1.(0 ZAngdon mitre box, yon eaat tell It from the new 12.78 No. 48 plow plana ............ 10.50 Mew guaranteed ship axes ...... 2.78 New lipped adses 2.95 Nothing wrong with these items hut the price That is. they are a little too cheap. Small margin, quick tnrnoeer snakes our price reasonable. Garden Mechanics," Consider 80 feet new robber hose, taw. .$ 6.78 80 feet new rubber hose, 4 in... 8.80 60 feet new canTaa hose. H in... 6.80 80 feat new eanraa hose, a In. . . 0.95 This hose is guaranteed, and considered from a standpoint of dependable merchan dise. Quality or economy, here is a real sanng. Braaa hose bibbs, tt inch, noliahed $ 1.09 Plaritu laws sprToklefi 1.60 New garden barrow ............ 6.25 Grass books .85 SMOOTH WIRE Gal Tan (red fencing and barbed wire. poultry netnag in the one and two inch We cot any length. ROOKING complete, with nails and cement 8 1.28 1.90 New. l pi 3 ply Other grades accordingly, with- yon. Let ua figure Some Real Buys . Fainter Fall, two sets, used bnt rope good as new. Painters' hooks, the pair ...8 8.60 Conveyor's chain, a foot 25 A close price on FORCE PUMPS. Brazing Torch, with 16 feet hose.. 6.75 Cross-cut saws fully warranted, any sise, any length, regular price (1.80 a foot; to lower onr abun dant stock we are Quoting them, at 90 A good line of TENTS and Cover. t Let us figure with yon. EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE Levin Hdw. & Furn. Co. HOME BARGAINS' Main. 8072. 221 Front g We Are Opening Our Second Store (at MaVinnvflle) . We will maintain our usual low price, at both stores on all goods. Jumpers, overall, wool pass, cotton pants,- slickers, rain coats, ponchos, rain blanket, undergarments. white duck coats and pants, oversea caps. hats. Men s shoes, 32 to $3. Women's shoes, wool shirts, cotton shirts, cotton and leather gloves. beus. leggins, scarfs, uniforms, blankets, etc, etc. The Aspanwall Army Goods Store 167 West Park Cash or Terms We buy, sell and exchange eash register. showcases, scales and ether fixtures. C10AR STAND, lit SECOND ST. BEWINQ MACHINE EMPORIUM New and 3d band, told for less no agents employed. Complete line of parte for all make. Machines repaired and rented. Main 4i. 8EWJNG MACHINE EMPORIUM, FOB ' SALE 1 sate, 1 fountain, complete: 1 1 la rwe National cash register, penny keys: roll top desk: leather chair; platform scale, 8-ft floor case, linoleum; a - number of other floor eases; steam table; ice box; Toledo computing scales: wall ease; other fixtures; bs sold quickly. 248 Salmon. SINGER ELECTRIC SXWINO MACHINES We. take your machine in exchange, balance cash or easy payment. Phone for demonstra tion. MrNf rented. Expert repairing, any make. MORRISON ST. BINGES STORE. 882 Morrison. Marshall 721. DRY WRECKAGE WOOD . Sawed from heavy timber. 37.75 end up. Plank end timbers at (14 and up. Automatic 2 11-27, ask tor Enrds. VrINTINO FOR LESS We are not in any printers' combine. Prompt service. Smith, printers. 218 Commonwealth bldg. Bdwy. 2986. vrvn a tv. .1 Rladfrett. oven. 100 losf capa city. A-l condition. H. KuUedge, 204 W. Kit it Vaneouver. Wash. STOCK YARD fertiliser. 2-ton load delivered cheap. 1707 W ay land st, north of Columbia psrk. CARD printing press, 3-in.x5-in.; one fireless eooker; 60 ft -in. garden hoee; 24 in. oak piano bench. Anderson, 807 11th st FOR SALE Black sweater, U 40; reason able. Phone 'iaoorseae PHONOGRAPHS and records; epen evening. 164 E. Broadway. CA8H REGISTERS. FLOOR CASES And other fixtures. 242 Salmon. Main 849. VACUUM cleaners for rent. 24 hour day, $1. delivered snywher. Csll Broedwty 258. TaCUUM cleaners, sold, repaired, rented, ea- changed. boiignt, wentiey tx.. main twi, FOB SALE- Bany's bathtub, wicker carriage and willow crib. Tabor 8188. FULL dress. Tuxedo suits, silk hat for rent . -a. s.t 1 yV 1 Sl.u U Jk A St Harell s WlSirt running omr, i .u VACUUM cleaners. Bent (1 per day, delivered. Main 2010. Evenings. Tabor 5786. FOR SALE Two pool tables, ecmpietew Apply Washington Street Dock. STRICTLY fresh infertile eggs for packing' in water glasa. rnoc. East so. FANCY email sized apple. 81 per box. 340 hennd st WOOD F6S sULE Heavy 16-ineh slab and .block. 36 enrd. Bdwy. 2199. SMALL Macksmith fergs and new 100-Uv anvO, (46. Wdln. 460. FOR SALE 1 fans end-1 body Tibrator, eom plete. cheap. 262 Clay. STOCKYARD fertilizer. 2-ton load, deliverad. 8 1 0. Wfooaiawn i bo FOR SALE Second H-695. Jonrnau SNAPS i uncalled for taller mad suits for sale. Modern Tailor. 89 N nth st. C 87 USHERS, owner wfB swU new J-nno. Albert coat Wdln. 6884. gol 8 EHABPLE3 eream separator. 606 Gliaan POTATOES and onions far sal way 464. FOR BALE New tout, 16x16 Pboa. Braaf Wbona Tabwr 7466. SaXLET for tallo-ad suit. 613.80 UfX T..ln she Taller. 289 tt Bumsid. et gTCAVATTNG and plowing. Fao SeiL 8088. PLOWING done. Cali Tabee 96S iV . i .'t .Hi' 1 aAdlewlng. Jaleaf 86AA.j manure. FOB SALE MISCELLAJTEOrS 18 Used Agricultural Implements j At Barftia rrina 1 Tron Agn Potato Planter ....890.00 1 Syraonae 14 -in. High-lift Sulky.. .. .. 60.00 1 Acme 12 Blade W cedar 85.00 1 14 Tooth 8 Section Soring Tooth.... 16.00 1 14-in. Wood Beam Steel Plow....... 10.00 1 14.8 Tan Brunt Grain Drill 60.00 1 48 Tooth Wood Frame 8 pike Toots Harrow 15.00 1 I H -in. steel Skein Stndebakes- Oear. . 48.O0 1 Fresno Scraper 8 ft in. -eat. ...... 20.00 1 Steel Hopper Wheelbarrow 8.00 1 Brush Scythe 1.60 1 Grab. Hoe .75 1 Brush Hook 1.00 60 ft 4-tn. galT. waB eaaini with ppint 20.00 1 Watt Pnmp , .7... 10.0U 1 12-in. Prairie Breaker I'low ........ 85.00 1 3S -in. Hind Wheel. 48 In. high 8tada baker 16.00 1 Cross-cut Saw .................. 1.50 2 Cant Hooka, each I SO 1 Road. Cart (good) 80.00 We also carry a full line of NEW VEHICLES AND AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. P. E. Esbenshade 360-308 East Morrison St . XUR&EB.f STOCK' OP" "ALL- KttDH-Ualian prunes, apples, peaches, apricots, cherries, Eng lish walnuts, hollies, hydrangea, peach plums. pear, several varieties Himalaya,- Mammoth and r.T.rsreen MactDernee. Uiaeaeapa. feneeoon, Victoria and Fay's Prolific currants: Concord. Muscat and Campbell grapes; tmCbilll, Barro. lona, Dabiana filberts; uuthbert and Msrlber raapberriea: Gold Dollar. Etterberg No. 121. Wilson and Magoon etrawberry plants. Itsery tliing reasonable. Closiug out Please come Sunday morning nr any time during the week. WOODSTOCK NURSERIES. 6803 Woodstock are. SeR 2832. Jnst beyond the Woodstock ear line. Follow DiTiaion street to 52d. then follow 62d till you come to Wood stock car line, then drive to the end. GENUINE VICTROLA. slightly need but perfect condition : cabinet contains nice assortment of racords. including Bed Seel. Cast new $73. Owner nays sell for 340 if aU cash or for $3 extra wtll arrange terms $1 a week. See thia Monday morning at Oregon Filers Mude Hou. Phonograph Dept. third floor, 287 Washington st, below 6th. AUTO mechanics' tool Poet drill. ttH. r. A. C motor, vise, fire pot. band holut, emery stand, gas pump, ratchet corner drill, hand tools. Bargain far someone starting auto repair. 882 East 14th at north. Woodlawn 6337. FTJRNITrBE WANTED 14 s W. want vour need furniture, rue, earneta. stoves and all household goods and will psy the Highest Cash Prices We also bny and sell hardware, tool, sport ing goods, tents, bicycles, typewriter, addmg nsscbine and store and office furniture. When you have, anything to buy, sell pr trade Call Main 9072 Levin. Hdw. & Furn. Co. 221-8-5 FRONT ST. CALL MARSHALL 587 If you want th. highest cash prices for your household good, carpets, . rugs, stoves, rengee and office furniture. We buy one piece er a nous. full. All calls promptly attended to. A. & S. Qevurtz Furniture Store 20R-2O7 First St CALL MARSHALL 587 SELL US Your Odd Piece, or Complete FwenVJilngs We Pay Top Cash Prices Csll Us for Prompt. Courteous Service PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE, 20 FTB8T ST MAIN 7728. Michigan Furniture Co. W. are in the market for used furniture. regardless of amount. We are paying the high est prices in the city. It will pay you to give us a can Marshall 11822 Owl Furniture Co. MORRISON We went yeur used frunlture. stoves, oarpeta and pianos; we pay the highest eaan price. 168 and 168 First st. Call Main 4627. SPOT CA8HFOR USED FtTrNITTJRB Main 8878 UNITED FURNITURE STORK. 178 FIRST STREET. Wanted csed furniture, m AIM Wirt Psy Bet Price. IV Lt". 8 11 Star Furniture Co. 5064 204 First St PIFERJOHN80N FURXJTURK CO.. 88-90 Grand eve. East 7766. Highest price psid. for used furniture, ea pet, stoves, range, etc. We call promptly. B. A HTFURNtTURB CoT, 801 First St. Pays caeb for used furniture. Mara 88T4. LET us give you an estimate on your furniture. Reliable Furniture Co.. 208-205 2d. Main 7308. ECONOMY FURNITURE CO. Good prices, and spot cash for used furniture. 6015 92d st.. Lent eta. WE need furniture and rugs. Selisble Fund tare Co.. 208-206 2d st Main 1(08. SWATH 96 WILL trad automobiles or marine enwine ' far real estste. Apply Hemphill's Trade Schools, 707 Hawthorne are. Phone East 8008. I' HATE some oQ paintings, electric heater, of heater, phonograph, .82 revolver, to swap or sell cheap. Columbia 877. today. FOR SALE 4914 Ford cvr. chP or trade for a team of big horse or mule. Phone Sellwood 8500. WTX.L exchange a Studebake' C A-l shape, model 1916. for acreage or will sell reason able. 878 E. 28th stS. FINE old Strad violin" and bow and ease to trade for a lot or a small auto. 810 Corbett tt, city. ONE 18-ft. by4-f. motor boat hull, speed type A 1 cond. . val. 830. for chickens. Phone Woodlawn 2520. (16S EQUITY in nearly new $850 piano for $125; would consider large truna as part, what have you f Tabor 8888; LEATHER davenport $46, disc phonograph and cabinet man's watch want furniture. Ford or what? TsboT 3825. COACHING in school studio In exchange for music lessons: also choice dahlia bulbs for other or ehryanthemnms. R-914, Journal. GOOD business, want partner, cannot handle alone, or will ell or trad for gnyuing- I can East 850. FARM machinery and some ch for livestock 275 K. lUtn, ao,, ty. ssontavuia car. ,, AN Old Town canoe to sell or trade to you. 548 BidWell sve. SEIX or trade dandy bug. top, windshield. lights, etc. East 113. EXCHANGE Several oil paintings for rugs or ga range. Z-52. JciaisL (1600 AND A FORD for 5-room eotUge. Tsbor 2116. WHAT HAVE you to trad foe used 6-patk. machine. Tsbor 6207. 1078 Division. WANTED IglSCELLANEOUw 6 WANTED Peoole of Portland to know that I pay the highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount too large or too mall Prompt attention. N M 6 EATER, Phene "! 2208 148 rtveeTI t WANTED Te buy for aanager' eflo and general bookkeeping department office, a com plete qnipment of good second-hand furniture. Y-11B. Journal. HIGHEST price paid for ell kind sf eeond bend gooi. Walker Furniture Co. 8(0 Hawthorn ave. Phone East 1497. WANTED Wig . pay cah for second hand safe! Give sis. Inside, sddrea as pbess. E-l. Journal. WAKTED To buy cigar Und flxtor, iav etudinaT wall paper ana giae. Boor .ea Simons etore. 1st and AJder. -, WANT OOOD sis den buggy handle; must b at least 28 lnchea nigh. Writ m. call 88(0 2d eve. B. K- stt- wcott earnne. -LONG RANGE TELESCOPE wanted, not errer 18-inca; atato prio. 8-377, Journal. . . ', ' , , " ' - ONE 3-slee overstuffed set of grwea vekmr, and on eveTstuffed tapestry davenport Call Eaat 6861. - - - - "; WANTED A 8x0-ft. or larger mirror. 1 drea Six Comer Store, Sherwood. Or. WANTED Bine, shotguns, cameras, Una, jinfkill tf til a. Phosse Masn 8861. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS $12.50 to $25 For Second-Hand SUITS OR OVERCOATS MEYER. THB TAILOR layt mora tor clothing and shoes. We eaH day or erening. anywhere in the city. Call Mar shal' 1229 or 268 Madison st.. near Third at I WANT TSEI CLOTHTNO W. pay. from $10 up for -men' d suits. 1 aim par full Tarn. for aU kinds of other clothing. CaO us tnd be eon-tneed. 1(7 First st, nesr Morrison. Msln 788. UoLdbAUM. the Tailoc. Wanted-Atl Kinds - JunkQood Prices Call East 3923 WANT few stands bees at fair" pricev T-50'. Journal. , PEB80t5AL tl get Well FREE FREE M FRER Every day from 10 a sa. to 4 p. m. and ev enings on Mondsy, Wednesday and Friday, from T to and Sundays front 10 to 13. THOUSANDS OF SUFFERERS WHO HAVE FAILED to get relief In any other way are Invtted t. investigate Chiropractic methods, which are per manently curing hundreds every day. THE BEST OF CHIROPRACTIC DlAGNOS?lClANS will thoroughly examine Jou, make a complete diagnosis of your caae end direct your treat saeata WITHOUT ANY iTOST XO TOO WHATEVER CHIROPRACTIC is the safe, una, tar and modem science of curing and preventing disease. CHIROPRACTIC vnU, permanently cure 98 per cent f aU diseases. ' CHIROPRACTIC remove the cause health returns. The above eerrW Is all tree to you at th. Duuaing ana may be bad la private u desired. , PRIVATE TREATMENTS may also be hsd in college building by members of the faculty, by either Isdy or men practitioners. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE. Corner of Park, and Yamhill. Tel. Main. 1014. H(IKtITir. in connection with college. , Will handle ont of " now what Chiropractic can do. Ad dress aU communication to DR. O. W.. ELLIOTT. rreaidenu 100 CinsoPH a rrrrn nvsTiru' Dr. McMsbon. Maclesi bide. PortKinri fir., a paei-aouieur, a cniropractor of wide expeii- enc. a 100 pr sent ehironncMe imcIiJIiL ith highest teatimnni.ta In m ....t.n,. Eastern sUte fsniilisr- with best adiust menU; also from Western snd local patients baring unfortunately bad' leas than loo per eent ehiroprsctic . ebtewhere, with, of count., eorres ponding dlsappointmenU )n delayed relief. Men and women are fully satisfied with my 100 chiropractic philosophy, experience snd superior skill demonstrated In consultations, eismlnstlons, adjustments, rates and. finally, results. Tsnth yesr In Oils city. Fhohs. call or writ. 81 - treats' bid. 4th AND WASHINGTON NEW HOME, 047 E. SALMON ST. Accomplished at Last Painless dentistry sHolutelv nerformed b the nerve blocking mshtod, without after effecU; let us prove it to you We mske X-rsy ex aminations of teeth when necessary, along with other operation We iipectaliz in first class dentistry at reasonable fetia DR. A W; KTENK DR. E. H PREHN Majeslte Th.atr bldg.. 86 1 V Washington st THIS IS the most common ststement from pa tients when they beeta to see the truth: "I suppose the dentists are. afraid they would de stroy their business if they should teach the truth about th cause and prevention of decay and pyorrhea." k The principles are le simple and easy to apply that any child ess understand. C. SMITH LO'G. DENTIST. 810Bush Lane Bldg. SPRING AND BUMMER 8UIT8 We know that the average man wants to have a stylish suit and a good quality of woolens and first elaas woraenanshin. Oar suits are absolutely guaranteed to give the en ure sausTscuon. our prices are right Our work is known to be filst cl. M. Wstnstein t co.. 4io msrk st.,bet 10th and llth. Old False Teeth Bought tt. pay up to zd per piste; old timer srs mot valuable: no matter if broken: erown. bridgework. dental gold bought Bring or mall Mail order receive prompt sttrntlon (Licensed.) THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 406 Spalding bldg . 3d and Washington. HOLD YOUR JOB Rave accurate figures. 315 gets a deak calcu lating machine with fectory guarantee for 6 yea1- If you want a raise in salary get a caicuiaror. SI a Corbett bldg. BE independent for life: Retired physician will ";o uaineu nurnes ana outers genuine Ssel lb mssase movement cur., including trlna tlfle dietetic; prevents : operation: complete 8 montns course 800. B-I12. JoumaL DR. TttjBENSTEIN, the veteran opT cician. in in. oeat ayeslaasca. M. la an expert optician, and his prices are very rea sonable. Try him. 1226 MORRISON ST.. NEAR 2d. " ERtCK8r5NS lWTESBTEtDMATERTT HOME for unfortunate girls; no publicity; oaoin piacea m enrtsnan 'nomes. Address 798 a., lis st. is. 1-tione ju-ii. LADIES Do envelop, addresitlnir at to 830 weekly; typwriter or fountain pen t"l7 . ctxDjji8'L' innrriiGTionw, zwc. J He SKA 8yytm. Box T22 PlUbtir$t. P(u MACHINE $T5. 518 CORBETT BLDG. 81 GETS both feet Axed no greidnTTSrTTSaton1 CHIROPODIST snd FOOT SPRCIAI.inT -i doesn't hurt you. 8 yr. her. Erm. free. MMn xnestro oiqg., ntn and wasblngton. Bdwy. 2324. BATHS Steam baths snd massage, new equip ment. DttltMl cleanr lOth Hm. Rms... puig. starsiiau sin. srainea nurse. Dr. taurs c. ucwning. DR. H. L. HEISLER, drugless physician: scute and chronic diseases. Mrvousnes. eonstip- non. Evenings, by appointment, office 268 m. B5th and Hawthorn, phone Tabor 18"S, 5R. SACRTreat corn. Inrrowlas nail. pe.?T ennna and manicuring. Open .renins, no. 227 Wasb st Marshall 8878 WANT to eommnninato with lady -that is going to r connned witn regard to adopting baby. N-566, Journal. OPALINE Mrs. Summers' remedies for dis eases of women, nositiv relief 240 Lincoln. Mstn 9470. GOITRE, enlsrgsd glands, people cure them selves permanently. A R. Strachan HHim. noro. Or., Mont. A. PRIMEDA BTlM, formerly called Ba1nto? Figs, for disease of women. 844 K. S8d St. bell. ZZ1B. rnons mornings. FREE Violet Ry demonstration in your home to prove its curative powers. Phone Main 7540 LADY BARBERS Shave TOc k.lnml Q K . face massage, 85e. 253 EvereU and 3rd. SCIEXTf DT-lTA8ffA7rRvTT5lI I.AR8EN, 427 MORG. BLDG. MAIN 1999 SCIENTIFIC BODTilASSAGE. Ill A. II. lo I P 41. DAILY 450 Morgan bldg. Main 7679. TREATMENTS for'dsfidrutf and failing hair. 81C Maclesr bid. Lawyer fiF Selling bldg. Main 4893. NOTICES 86 HOTIEO Of BOND 6AL" OF PAYETTB- OREGON SLOPE IRRIGATION DISTRICT, LOCATED -AN M ALHltitist COUNTY. OKgf fJON. Until 3 'clock p. m.. AprU 6, 1030, the Board of Director of Payette-Oregon Slope Irrigation District wU1 receive seeled ovwrioeal at their of fie. In Mslbeur county, state . ef Oregon, said office being ioested in the one story Iran dwelling bout jf tb said district, snore particularly described aa being located k th eontbeaet raartv et the northwest qnartee f swetion 3. township 17 south, rang. 47 east. W. M., in Malheur county, Oregon, for th purchase of the 6 per cent negotiable bond ef th district la th amount of 610,000, said tsond. being signed end dated January 1, 1918; said bonds having been authorized fat the purpose ef meeting ah. deficit, in main tenance for the year 1918, meering the cost mt tlargin the ditch and dredSa the in take canal, and to provide fund for the purpose erf purchasing new pumping nart to supplement the (listing pumping system of the district: Interest - on said bond payable semiannually, to-wtti On the first day ef January and inly of each year. (6009 ef said bond being due and payable January 1, 138. and 8500O thereof lna-dae and pay able January 1. 1937. J. I. BROWN A A GCTTERRIDOB, O. W. LATTIG. card of Directors of tha Pwatte-Oregoa Skrpe Irrigation IMstrlrt V, M. BO ALB. Beevetery of the Board of Dlrwator nf Payette. Oregon Slope Irrigation - Distrlet NOTICE J hereby gtreir that titer tiit Oat 1 wills not be responsible for any bill con tracted by my wife. Eva Haae. 666 MaTl at. (Signed) GUSTAF HAABB. Dated March 26.4 1830. TO WHOM It may coacem: After thU date I will not be responmtJl. for any debt, eon- tract ed by my wu, jkvs zi lancis waits, ieaug T. Whit t ' , - Masxv 38. 1828. 1 .'---. ' 16 SCEAP METAL rOR tWf Seyeral hundred tons of scrap iron and steel eewmbted In Tarions lot at St. John. OrmeeiM tration warehanea, formerly the Great SmltM Porter rhtpyardi abo at former plant of Albtng. Engine 4t Machine Works, offered for sale, prof poaal being eoruidefed either for the entire mount or individual lots, bidder, agreekn to Krohase "where is aa i ' at present location, raonal Inspection of material is augfeatad it) adTanc of tenders awing filed. Proposals will be TeceiTed until 18 .'clock noon, April 8, 102O at room 609 Northwestern National Bank build ing. Right is reserved to reject any or all bid Proposal forms furnished, on application. Supply) h Sal. Division. Emergency Fleet sJornoraUosa PROFESSIONay, ARB BOSIHES BARB IRS 6UPPLI66 LFWI8 STENGER BARBER SUPPLY CO.! 10th and Morrison t The place to buf barber ehsirs snd supplies. Stock of furaitur atwsy on hsnd at right prices. . . BtAWW BOOK WHIM - ' f DAVIS IIOLMAN. INC., 108 2d st. blanl book msnufsrturer. A 3188. Main 1((. BOOH 9 AND FRED BOOKS, ALL SUBJECTS 1 JOHNSON'S BOOK STORE. zs Mm t., bet. 3d snd aa. CAT 8KB) OOP HOSPITAL RORE CITY V ETE III N AH Y HOSPITAL. 41 4 E. 7th St., eor. tjrant. Eat 184T, B-1961 : OttLULOID BUTTONS THE IRWIN-nODSON COMPANY1 " 837 Wshtngton. Brpsrrwsy 484. A-188. CIR'tT CII.WI88 . "mi. Fluff Rugs From Old Carpets " ; Ran Rug, atl sizes Mall Order Pi SP , Hepd for Booklet 6x13 Ruga, Steam or Dry Cleaned. 11.80. FLUFF RUG CO., 64-88 Union ave. N. - Ea 6818. B-I4T8I Carpet Cleaning . Sizing and Refitting Fluff and Rag Rugs WOVEN ALL SIXES WRITE On CALI PORTLAND RUG CO.. ' 17th et Atl torn arte (18-841 I8T2 B. WcTMake Fluff Rugs From Your Old Carpets, Rag ruga, all stsea Mall order Bromnn Rug and parpets steam and dry cleaned. FheM or write for price list. Northwest Rug Co, J (8 E. Eighth at East 8(16 OISIWT WORK GENERAL building and excavating and wtnv won. usrsge a spemsltv. ICsst 787B, WmM derwe nd ef fie.. 1 S K.- 23d st ! OHIROPOBIIT " ' DR. T. H. CHAMBERS, foot speeisllst ' anl rhlropodlst, will rail st yonr heme. Hoot 14 to 8. Room 900-806 Swetland bid. Mar. 81841 EfHEt7TrYrcr?it bldg. Wash, bet 4th and 6th. Main ,,6078 OHtROPt. MOTORS DR. M'MAHON. 1 00 oer cent oarerniiy, permanent. 81 treatm ts 615, Phonal OLK8NIM6I ANO DVIIN THE NOBBf ""iJtUNFRT" Fancy heme laundry. -We oall and 4 el re NOBBY CLEANING A DYE1NU WORKS, Msln 4806. COAL ANO WOOD Dry Wreckage Wood Sswed to Orders Cord wood and Coal - """" MODEL FUEL CO.. EAST 6168. -O'rie. snd Ysrd, 184 Union Ave. DRY slsb and cord wood, tawed to lde Rock Spring. Utah, chunky end ether kind. of eoal Rig block and slab. 18 tnah, 66 94 cord, delivered. NATIONAL FUEL CO., EAST 8041. WE SELL IN LAHGE OB SMALL QUANTItI Hesvy uomtrv nish, Osk and orrtwooa, , Star Wood & Coal Co. ' 34 N 3d st. Mara 001 BOXWOOD Dellvervd Immediately by Fulton Wood 0v. Ill) wacaosm. tune. stin . l ( a, GOOD-lump coaTTYd per ton? East Bid. 811 wood comnsnr. 287 E. Morrison st Esn 2226 OOLLCwTIONS Msln it (4 NETH CO., Worcester bldg. No collection, no char. Estab 1600. SOUOSTIONAs, 08N0INQ THB Dane Stiadlo. 809 Dekum tMi at 3d. Strictly private lettson. half bo or nour lessors. Course lesson spec la II v Dsllv. 9:80 m to 9 n m Vis, le.lie1 HIVCLER'S Danclix Academy, Forilinds )r4 in school. Cla. and prlvato I sum dlr fVitlllion hsll, 14tb and Wash.. E. Bdwy 188 MRS SUMMERS Berkeley Dancing aoalem lag etn. Lesson aay and evev Mela 881 MU8I0 80HOOL8 AND Tf A0HCR8 PROFESSOR T. E. I .AW SON Twenty yeiri experience; piano lessons at your hooae, $3 Tsbor 7098. ADVANtTElb " plaiio, " tlolln, ' mandolin ' iBitnid tions, ell string. Kol Kenbeck, 409 YsmhiB 9I3H DISTRIBUTORS ' ALASKA HERRING A IMPORTING CO, dli tributor of aalted and snwked flsk, - 883 Ysmhlll st, ' Pnrtlsnd. Or FIXTURIS "ANO furniture FRANK J"OHN80Nn7fiOT71xtnra ari furniture msde snd raoairad. Shop 1601 183 Union ave., Portland, Or. PUR iiiiniinjp"" Expert remodeling at arlaa. Summer price new tn effeet 08 BwetKad bldg., 6tb and Waaniai OPTOM8TRI8TS ANO OPTICIANS GLASHKS AT A SAV1NO T I solirit your patronage on M basis, of capable siiTisee. Thonsanif of sntUfied patrons CharJaa Ul Goodman, optometrist 809 Morrlaoti at Aa8) 2124. EXES SCIENTIFICALLY TESTt. "with modern Instrnsasata. Olaasi Tii ffttmA from S3 AO nu A. E. HTBWIT, Ordometrist. 886 1st PAIWTIN0, TINTING, PAP8RH8N8IN4I , . J H. CLIFTON, palntsne. tlntinc. Deoerine 11 N. 17th st. Bdwy 4414. Wdln. 3126. PATINT ATTOItNtYS WE HAVE recently saaccisted with ns 8 szareisi er from the U. S. petent office. Mason. Fssi vrick A lAwrrnce. lawyers, (00 F st, WasH West Monro, ec. Chlcaao, Dt, ZtUflmhit wa) nsir eenrury GOLDBERG. 620 Worceor bldg. Main 3$ n pMrnioiAN 6. R A. PHILLIPS. Broadwsy bldg. Rhe mstisr. stomaeli. bowel. Inn. Ute. kidaan niaatier, rectal, prostatla, female snection. btgb Wood preasure. PLUMBING AND STS AM 8UPPLII8 PlimrHg- klytiAV.H Af mtfiTJJia PRICKS. STARK DAVIS CO., 139 4th etj THB M L, KI.IE CO , 34-86 879 rnvnt si Oeiniinv F. W BALTES caTT a aB,ug . fhlk Msln 168, 611-81 TINNBRS JACOBSLiT TIN, SHEET IRON AND ROOF WORK. " 810 1st st Phone Main '1414 Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1879. Transfer and Forwarding Areata. STORAGE w-FREE TRACKAGE. -Office sod Itorage, 4T4 Gliaan. , 13th and GUssn. Broadway 1381, A-1IB' ir.wiri PICKTIIE BEST HOUSEHOLI 1 GOODS SPECIALIST Storage, pecking) (titprnng and moving Hors and stM Mgwt Sneslgl rate, to all pornta. . - - C. . Of PICK TBANSrRR "P i") 2d and Pine. Broadway 896,'A-1964 w. e Storage and Transfer, Clay S. Morse, lnc . 18TH AND OLISAN. Brdwy (4T6j (TT rBEIGHT RATES On housenold good shipped east and south. Mats ping Warehouse h Transfer Co., 8ta and VusrtX Broadway 708. . CUT-PRICE storage, packing, eto Wwari Furniuire Co. Main Art 838. mud 6th and Oak. - - - --'r FCRNITCBE anovin. aeoerml trarklnc . lool distance banWnaT. Kb one Mem 1405. BECUKITt SXOiUUfi g THANSFKa CO.. 1 ; 106 Park gb , : ... Kain 6166. AelOB ITOTICES