THE OREGON SUNDAY . JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING. MARCH 21. 1020; 9 ' BEAT. ESTATE FECIT LAXDS FOIl SALE 71 $50 to $500 Per Aero Fran ereUarda. dairy iwmi, iemni U high ly Improved, very best soil, food roads, (in " water: nr (sod schools and thriving eitys rood tnarkata, large eannsry and eroemeri. It would Ml roa to see o befov your rmrchas, , ' ATaUNSOW ft PORTER, 11 Wf. 6tb t-. Vancouver. Wash. Phon 188. fSLE Or FINES grapefruit grove, 8 sores, 11 years old, 27 seres In Hi, wet Incited on liver; grows winter vegetables northern mar ket; bans end fully equipped: $6000. half . Cash. Writ or call evening.. Owner, 809 JS. M Br Hswthorp. r . l"2 ACRES Ml prun and walnut land, Wash ington Co., (8500 equity. If you want land where yon ax. war of a crop very year. Less than H it valn. toy part cash. Marshall 4419. HOMESTEADS 47 BEST TkXf OF CENTRAL OREGON Wonderfully produotlv with Irritation; rail way now coming; schools, good reads, cream ery, una Q towns, daily mall bow; good stock raising homtad$ of 640 lews, good tjv part plow land, available; aim hav remarkably eneap buy of highly improved ranch in Irriga tion district; har. (iraM here 10 years, I go VedAe-day. fce tit at Hotel Alder, cor. Fourth and Aldor. Alvln S. Hawk. 67 Acre Refiinquishment Tillamook eounty, 3 milee from tho ocean. 9U rmm tmii: H own house, cood barn. S una in cultivation. 8 mofe .tanned and easier! to tram, fine spring; mm lurruturo; jwu oath. 726 Chamber of Commerce. Acre ReSinquishment 1 H Mr in onltirttlon 40 fruit trow, 2 room eahln, on county road and mall route, 2 at. , . . 2 bed, table, chair, and soma tools. Price CI BO. 726 Chamber of Commerce. REMNQOSITMEIS'T -120 sres,10 under cul tivation. 40 pasture; fenced, bearing ftmtly rehard. arapea. berrlee, ete: cood 4 room now. ' barn, chicken houa and run; spring.; mile to Pacific highway, school and mail box; 8 mile to B. R. station. Portland-Newberg Realty Co., ; Hoax 665. N.wberg. Or. ra(TNK"T!rUC"rrAUT5; 3 Si miles from Vancouver 13 acres, well improved, fair building, food water, pared road; 8 IS. 000. terma. AT&INNON PORTER. 112 W. nth Ht I'hone 338. Vanconvcr. Wash, HOMESTeTd relinquishment. Western Oregon! near railroad: good tillable l.nd, small bouse, lots of water, near biahwa.r. Tbi. I. a baraain. ACT. O. M. DOLLARHItyE, Main 808 Uirli Bld. : HOME8TEAr 1 know on W O. A f. homo- i. 1L hUnaer, ScoUs Mills, (yv. - TIMBETt 8 ,40 MITXION ft timber and 40.000 tnllL Una of best propositions In Orrgrni. - This Is a going proposition, 4 miles railroad and awitch connection. Only bnnafide pnrchaers nerd apply. 200,000,000 ft mora timber tributary. If Interested, rail at 403 Stork Ernhange bidg. 100 CEDAR telephone Doles. 1 800 cedar fpnre - post, and can dellrer within 80 days 1200 good plli g. E. A. Undgren, Baron Land Co., t38 N. W. Bank bldg. WA NTF.t) Timber, from 60.Qf0,000 to 7 5. 000,000 feet Quick aale If priced right. K. A. Mndgren. Baton Land Co.. 033 N. W. Hank bldg. 8 MILLION feet fine timber 1 mile from Gilmer 1'. 0., Klickitat county, Wash. Tine, DuugMi and y-llow fir. rhone28 2 2 FOR 8AI.E Fir and oak stum page on good road. near rarline; alo 200 cords dry wood in tim ber. BX-Slo, Journal. Tt iwi f. . .obanffM ft H strrea of Tinrin timber land, well Incited. for Improred elty property. R. Thomsa, Clyde noteL rOfi SALE OB EXCKA5GI BEAL ESTATE SB FOB SALE OR TRADE 160 aoTes, 8 miles from Parma, Idaho; hem, well and soma fencing. This land Is to some under a. new irrigation ditch, which ia already eurreyed and one surrey run across the land. The other one cloee by. There Is 81165 in-di-btednme against the place. Price 88000. I would consider a lat model used car as part payment For further partloulan addreM B. C. Scott. Boyd, Or. FOK SALE or trade a 1919 6 passenger touring car, run a little orer 3000 miles, looks aa good as new, for acreage or a small unfinished bonne or one that Heeds remodeling in or near .Portland. Call or address. R. II. Wormworui 1 1 17 M iartotiri are., Portland. POIt SALE or trade, new four room house for usr piaco; mu kiiu Demce, lour irujt ireco, 100 rose bnsliee. Reasonable. 8128 5 2nd at. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 EXCHANGE S3 1-8 acres commercial orchard trvt, about 2-3 in bearing orchard, ' finest quality. Spitz i.bura. Yellow Newtown and Winter BansTia; remainder tn alfaita. grain and parttire. Bun galow is modern and all builidngs supjilied with water piped from a largo spring. Cot $21,900. ' uninciimbc'red. Will take Portland or suburban properly for higher valuation, balance same, Vith additional Portland property. Geo. E. Engletaart Co. Main 72H6, B2 Henry Mrtg. - WEST SIDE APARTMENT FOR CLEAR FARM In the heart of the apartment house district, easy walking distance, we offer a 3 story building about 8 years old, com pletely furnished and bringing 6600 a month. On the basis of a 3 0 net in come we will take your clear farm or othwr olear property up to 630,000 In trad. Mr. Skotheim. 8KOTHETM-BROWN CO., 830-33 Railway Exchange. Main 516. CLEAR BUSINESS LOTS WANTED W hare a client with fine ,fsrm. equity valued at $20,000: also several residences with mortaiKn to be sssumed. Wilt take in eac-hans for equity, either encumbered city income property or clear business or apartment house lota. SKOTHEIM BROWN CO., 880 38 Railway Exchange. ' Main 8199. WHAT hare you to trad for 160 acres In Klickitat County, Wash! Improved with fl foom house, barn and outbuildings; 12 acres cleared, more in pasture, 90 acres of good tim ber: only 2 mile from B. It.: good road all th way. iTWABT ft BUCK. 818 N. W. Bank Bldg. 87 H ACRES, $3800 87 H aerea, IS acres in cultivation, balance pastor and timber; rolling land, good soil; fam ily orchard, 5 roffim bouse, barn, etc : 1 horse, 2 Cows, 1 heifer, 1 hi dosen chickens, light truck and all tools and machinery goes. Will take 1 or 1H ton truck to $1300 as part payment B. M. OATEWOOD A CO.. 1 AS H 4th St. DAIKT RANCH 80 seres, 40 a. cultivation, bal. pastnre snd timber, good live creek, 7-room house, new barn and large new alio, outbuildings, 8 ml. from Oregon City on hard -foad; $9000; consider house and lot aip to 88000. Mr. Uerber, Alder hotel. Main 5275. PORTLAND I"COME PROPERTT Good income property, well located; price 882.600. Will take farm In exchange, up to glo.UUU. balance mortgage. v LUEDDEMANN COMPANT, 018 Chamber of Commerce. IvR BAUB or exchange, by owner, $5500 one 5 and one 8 room house, modern, elemrio tights, gas. bath, fruit trees, garage.' Pays 8 per cent interent on money tnvested. Lot 30x120. .Will take subdivision acreage to $2000 in trade. . 863 Williams are. Wdln. 1381. SO A. RANCH near Richmond. 55 a. in cult. 80 i. in slfalfa, small set of building, free city water, highway througn place. $6000: no - Incumbrance. Trade for valley ranch. J. R. Wolff, 419 Henry bldg. 1 WILL trade by 10-acre tract near Elgin, Or., "free of incumbrance, for a truck, H to 1-ton. Mnst be in good Al condition. Frank Roabak, Tigard, Or. CLOSE-IN business corner, extraordinary loca tlon for garage, laundry or apartments, what nave you got te exchang for this. tl. I Webb, 14 . Bttrl It $00 ACRES, near railroad, partly improred; water; elear of debt, for house and lot in Portland : small incumbrance. 932 Chamber oi uommerc. BRING IN Y0UB TRADES Houses, farms, hotels, resturanta. lota, acreage, ujrrnobile. I hsv then. Bruce Goduard, s toucn oiag. FOR SALS or trade 8 acres. 5 miles aaatTo? city, z Dura. sta.. hardsurtae St.. all In cultivation. 170 bearing trees, 4-room house, gooa wen. laoor tto4. IsADK dear lot 60x117 near Peninsula Park. worth $700. to trad aa part payment on rooming house, equity or auto, or will aeU at your own term. Owner. T-498, Journal FOB SAL. a, or trade 4 acre on good cnrline, 2 block, to paved street, has 6-room bouse, barn, chicken house, fruit trees, etc, Would trace for nous and lot closer in. Tabor 1121. ixSlt TRA TF! 6 lertM im OlfrtMiU , o . land in 'Washington. What bav youT 428 Lumber Lie nan re bldg. Atk for Mr. Lynch. KX CHANGE for house end lot 80 acres at atation, S. F. K. K-, also on Pacific Highway, i. tear, owner, r, u. nox sunt, city, UOL'SB in Independence, fruit: lawn, close In; taae teem or s ora. .or wast nav yuur ti. 86th st. m. FOR SALE or trade. 820 acre of level land in . Aorthern. Lak oounty. ' IuQuir 788 Bawd .t. 3 R0CER Y and reaideoo to trad for . earn. L-604, Journal. ' t W" ILL trade a -room cottage aa first payment" . -n mnosm saogsnw. i-asa a road way isia BKAt ESTATB ' EXCUAN0E BEAL FSTATB ti 18 ACBKS or a to 8 -acre tract, te email town ten to BelUnfham, Wab, on pared bih way; high tcoool acrooa atrcct," all lerer.- two heuaaa, two bama and other otttbuildinca; on block from depot. WiQ trad for laraer farm her et efty property and vQl wuni trp to tlOOO. Phono tut S29t day, Tabor 8T43 erenlnaa. . - FOR SALE Or trade, 12 aerea. Oo the edge of 8 good tows on Columbia highway, 7-room hotuo; watr piped by gravity ijtrtem from good aprinc; 84x13 ebieken honae, 80 trait treee; eaey terma. 8. M. Han. 641 B. 15th at. EXCHANGE; Equity in modern wall located residence for (mall farm Bear Portland, bal ance on contract, easy terma. C-448, Journal. WANTED -HE Al ESTATE St Xabgest homesellers on SEE FRANK L. McQUIRE TO BELX, TOV9. l?OKE (WE NEED IT TODAY), 169 Home Sold tut Yaw. ft Home. Sold in One Day. Z4 HOMES 60T,t SINCE JAN. 1, 1820 THE MeT.uiaS SYSTEM BRINGS RESULT3 Your Homo II Hold If I.iatjHt W(h I-. DEAF. WITH AN OUXESTABUSHEf) MEM FRANK L. McQUIRE FeraonaJly lrupects, tppraiaea and photo- rapha your property, all photographs being- ajepiayea in our large anowrooma, which are conunoauy crowded with bnyera. ronrteen ex perienced uleamen with auto to work on tba aue or iulk humk. FRANK L. McQUIRE ABINQTON BID0. MAIN 1068. Open Ereninga and Bgndaya. x iiAtr, a rnent woo nnta to bay a booss. around 83500. tn any good distriot, where he can tarn in 8 tctj iiehtly acre in Multno mah as partial payment and will pay balance u cuu or atom mozramge. I har a client who wants to buy a 6 or T-room honaa on an improred corner In Warer lelgh Heights. Will pay 82000 cash, balance mortgage or Installment. Also one who has 11000 cash and wants a 6 or 7-room modern house In a good district. Thee parties ara waiting and ready to do bastnens any - time they are auown a aauKiactory property. J18 214 HENRY IW,D0. Baker & McFarland 817 Henry bldg. Main 6797. W. sell any kind of business, gro cery stores, hardware stores, restau rants, hotels, apartment bouses, ranches, etc We hare helped others locate and they are satisfied. Let na help you. We deal legitimate and fair. Baker McFarland 817 Henry bldg. Main 6787. WILL BDT FOB CASH I'BSIBABLE IXVT (IF A BABOAHO : PRE FER PORTLAND HEIGHTS NORTH OF PAT TON ROAD, EAST OF VISTA AVE., R08R CITY. I.At'REIHITRKT. OR BEST OFFER i..-vie;k 11X10; MUST HAVE EXACT I0- aiiu.i (1,ot A !S D BI,K.) TO GET 'ATTEN TION. ADDRESS "BUNGALOW SITE," P.O. BOX 22L'. C1T1T. SCBUHBAS imr.ifiir. unun We hare consUnt call lor close-in medium priced improred suburban acreage home. We hare plenty of salesmen with machines who will render yon conscientious service In an memjit io oj."poae or your property for you. FRED W. GERJfAN CO. 782 Chamber of Commerce. DON'T FORGET that I he many buyers want ing houses. Your house might suit House selling is my specialty. All littings ar giren proper attention. Watch Our Ads. w Get Results. C. A. WARRINEB ' RITTEH. LOWE A CO 201-8 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. WE WANT CLOSE-IN ' FARM S AND ACREAGE If yon want to sell, -it will eoet yrw noth ing to let os know. Personal inspection and individual attention. If the price is rhjht. will do the rest. 3. C. C0RBIN CO. - 805-6-7-8 Lewis Bldg. MODERN bungalow. In good section. Win pax cash or buy your equity. Main 4803. WANTED AT ONCE B and 6-rm. bunR-sJows, good location, from 62800 to 63000. 6300 to 62000 down. We are swamped with homeseekera. Try na. We are hrtitlers. Call Main 802. " GEO.T. MOORE CO , 1007 Teon bldg. BY PRIVATE PARTY" 6 room strictly modern bungalow in R. C. I Hare 8800 cash, bal. monthly. Gir full par- ticulari and phopa. Owne-re only. Q-900. Jonrntl TRY. na for results; we hare buyers waiting for bomet from glllOO no to glO.OOO. I K not want only property priced, right. If ytm want to sell, phono Marshall 8352 or caU at 404 Couch bldg. LOTS WANTED Ws bav several people that wfTi bufld their own homes if they can be suited In location and prlc of ths lota. JOHN FERGUSON. GERLTNGER BLDG. WANTED TO BUY rood 7 or 8-room hotu between Sunnvside and Mt Tsbor from nen.p WiU pay cash and not ovr 82800. Address T-4 98, Journal. HAVK new Chevrolet auto and 30 sores of hill walnut land with 4-room house and barn, about 1 2 acres cleared, for sJl or rart nayment on modem city bom. Sellwond 88. I WANT attractive bungalow. Any good locav Won. Cash and quick deal for real bargain. No commission. Phone direct Broadway 4 21, ask for Hill, or call at 215 Lumbermen bldg. I HAVE party who wants to bur a home rty who wants to buy around 84500 and he wants to trade in , lets model Cole 8 touring car as put payment CaU Mr. like at Broadway 1480. ALL CASH, from owner, 3 to 5 room modern bungalow, large lot good neighborhood, aire full particulars. 0. H, Walker. 1330 'Glenn are. N. FURNISHED 4 or B-rootn bungalow. Small amount down, or installment. P. 0. Box 027. city. WANTED To buy a 6 room house, modern, in Piedmont or Alberta, near Union are. 845 Stafford st WANTED A 5 roomed modern house built on contract, lot and SIOOO i. fnmliihHl 345 Stafford st. WANTED Houses and lots in Vancouver, Wash., to sell; will appraise for you. Perci val A Perrival, Vancouver. Wash. i. . : 1 ' 1 liAVii, customer for homes, first payment irom SOUU ta all muh. Kimmi-n,an Whit, 818 Chamber of Com. Main 8052. I WANT a bargain In a fractional lot with or without house, south of Montgomery street between th and 20th sfa. H-78. Journal. WANT HOME, around 4 rooms ud. 8tat details, terms, location. Owners nlnasa F-101, Journal. WANTED 7 or 8-room house, at least 100a 100 lot; would Pay 835.00. u, cash Ceil Tsbor 686. OR 5 mom house, on 2 lota, with fruit trees. Montavilla. MU Tabor district oreferreii Prim must be right. P-688, Journal: WANT small hotue 1m modern bungalow. Have clients -with autnmohile n Tut.iu Metcalf. Sea 302 or MalT282. WANT 3 or 6-room house between Montgom ery and Jackson snd west of 4th st Henry W. Goddard. 243 Stark at. ' WANTESSuburban home on good road and near canine. want aomethine for ahnnt jouu casn. r. u. box Z064. city. WANT chicken, fruit or wheat ranch in exchang tor grocery and residence. F-7. Journal. I WILL give a Ford and 31500 for a five room moqern nousei pnone Tabor 2116. WANT house, Sunnvside or Rose City, under gff A AAA w W s. k i , eivuv, . noooms, mam i wa 1. CASH for your lot near Rose City oar at rifiee price. Tabor -8825 WA7TTEP. CITY PROPERTY 87 WANTED Ti buy horn on Portland Heights. View eg mountains. K-482, must Journal. hare BOOXIKO B017SES, APARTMEJTTS AJIO HOTELS FOB SALE 58 Bargain Hunters Her tt .is: Twelve rooms, on corner, good furniture, dandy location, 2 blocks off Wash ington st. roc tozo, easy terms. PETERS. IS If. FIFTH ST. FOR SALE, cheap for .cash, or trad for small v larm or eneap srocg rancn. an apartment oousei las tug id jov per wth t-487. I WANT to buy direct from owner a rooming w svsiuacni nous, zist. me casn to pay Want to get settled this week as I hav to mov. uMur ,iw saopuay, jaarsnau xozq. KOOMLNO house, io rooms, near 12th and Tsjlorfin modern house, elegant furniture, .uiw., w luruibur, gooa uaeomi snss. $1100. Garland. 201 3d. anap, T ROOMS.' nicely furnished, east side, close in; fin for roomers; convenient tn shops and fae r."i. nt-$2. a bargain at $750. 188 sooxnro HorsEg, afaktsjevta A3D HOTELS FOB 8A.LE M These Can't Be Beat in Portland t rwoma. Wsst 8ida, 1880 1 half eaah; xxurryi 10 190808, rery beantiful, flOBO; Whit Tam- pi oiaoiet; terma. 19 awry clean goodan alewpssc tnstns, $1050; muca reaucea IS twoana. Salmon at., 81600s uwmH. SI rooms. Balmon St.. 82800. 12 aleoplne rooms, Broadway, IISOO; Btrw. rooms. Main it. iboo: terma. 18 rooms, transient. 82100: terma. 42 rooms, store beat, 88200. o rooms, cast mat. 5X700. 50 rooms. East Side. 63300. 18 rooms, feast Bkle, 81500. 19 rooms, hot and ' cold water In rrary apt Kent 170: clears iza. Fnca) 51800; terma to suit 17 rooms;, rent 660. 11700. Clear. 6123; clean, ilk new. 5Q rooms, very floe, modem ; clears 84AO mo. Clean aa can be. 16000 to handle tola. 23 reams, transient hotel, brtek. on on floor; Northwestern heat. Clearing 8400 month, fie this. The abora are jest a few of the many good buys we hare to offer. Now la the time to gft a bargain. Springtime Is moring time. Only places of merit are handled through this of flea. Ton are assured of a square deal and no after trouble warn you buy tnrouan tma oxiice. J. Bruce Godtiard 501-2 Couch Blldge GREATER PORTLAND BARGAINS 90 rooms, modern hotel and apartments) hot and cold water all rooms, electricity and gas; netting about 8500-er month. Prioe 17500. Will take la -nice cottage er bungalow, balance easy. FUca carries lease, low rent. 27 rooms, an housekeeping, sloetrirfty and gas; well arranged, good furniture. White temple district; 83200. -with down payment of gloOO. 20 rooms, modern nlea bunding, lease, good furniture : housekeeping. White temple district: S2000 cash, and 5600 on time, lull price 12650. 20 rooms, north Sixth, all transient, low rent, fair furnishings; Income about 8850 per month; 61400 cash takes this "mint" Let me show yon this. 12 rooms, N. W. heat, exceptionally ?:ood lurniture. right downtown, always ull, part transient; 8 apartments, pretty 3-rooiu suite fox self; 81600. bee this. 10 rooms, neat Library, good farnltnra, rent f:S0; income 1125 besides two rooms for self; 81050. It's a dandy little place. I do notary work, and writ all kinds fir and auto ineuranc. Why not let m write yours f Main 2500. 'J. ECGENE HEDGES. 171 WEST PARK. 18 BOOMS: good torn see; splendidly fur nished, in (act on of the classiest places In Portland; this is not an old rundown place, but a real house in class A; this houa will dear at least 8150 every 30 days, and gir you the nicest suite for yourself; low rent; best location; 62600 will buy It J. EUGENE HEDGES. 171 WEST PARE. Monday's Special Ten rooms, strictly modern, just been pa pered and painted, cleanest place in ' city, turns away 20 people a day. Must aeU; 3845 terms. PETER8. 11 W. FIFTH ST. 4 2 ROOM H. K. PLACE 61600 handles it; good hardwood furniture throughout, furnace heat, electric light and gas, 4 baths, 8 toilets, located in easy walk ing distance, rent 8185 a month, income $310.50. This is an exceptionally good bar- fain. Call at 820 Henry bldg. Till it Tovnnl r1iai-i ran rvsrnnr mnflsini. well furnished; large, light airy rooms, Prlcsrl $1050, your own terms. PKTEU8, 10 . r Ifc 1 M HT. WEST SIDE APARTMENTS $3405 Furniture of 21 rooms with net income of from $250 to $300 per month; hot and cold water in rooms; waiting list; close in; an ex cellent buy. HENRY W. GODDARD. 248 8tark et FOR SALE; 8mall bote; cash or terms; doing Good business; 40 boarders. Homewood huteL Fhone Vancouver 62, Vancrwer, Wash. SMALL rooming house for sale cheap, close in. Rroadway 5557 or Marshall 695. BUSINESS OPFOBTTJXrTlES 86 FOR SALE. BY OWNER On of best equipped confectionery and lunch rooms on Columbia highway, doing good all year business. 15 miles from PrUand. telephone switchboard in connection which pars nearly sU overhead expenses, first store from new plant going up which wDl employ 75 to 100 men, living room and store room: reasonably priced and lew rent. W. J. WRIGHT, TroutdaJe. Buy From Owner Four apartment flat of 5 end fl rooms eacTi and 8 room house, modern, with fireplace and furnace beat; bouse has large cement base ment, off from Street: could he nsed a esrsea with same repair; income from property wili pay for it Close in, two blocks south o( Haw thorne are. $6000 will handle. TeL East 3838. mornings. GOOD transfer business for sale, Anabel Transfer Co.. furniture moving and long dis tance hauling; 1 new truck for sale and well ad vertised, making $200. per month clear of all expenses: garage, chicken house, rabbit house, wood house, telephone and some garden. I will turn the entire place. 8 room bouse, rent 312 per month, some storage room'; 61000 down. SAOO on terms, Anabel Transfer Co.. labor 0104. Located B404 41st ava.S. E. RESTAURANT bargain. 82500 value: new brick building, with 5-year leas. Will sacri fice. Receipts 850. 81850 restaurant: receipts 878. with year. lease. 8900 down. One for S300O. with la; wcespt few SlOO; fine location. Term en U of thee. . KENTON INVESTMENT CO.. 718 Conch bldg. WANTED An experienced well driller to drill on percentage or bay interest In rig with littls money, the rest on terms. Lots of work engaged ahead. TaTi where you had ex perience and -your age and all. Address thas. E. Lewis. Wallula, Wash. SOtTND INVESTMENT If yon have 81500 and want an Income ef 81500 tn 81800 cr year, inreetixat this at once: will stand most rigid investigation. A-655, Journal. FOR SALE Confectionery, cigars, fruit ami light groceries., on account ol sickness, uia established west side location, cheap. Close in. Business section. Overhead cxpens small. Ad dress L-510, Journal. CONFECTIONER! West aid. Receipts $60 to $100. Will double in summer. Rent $40. Invoice about $3500. 408 8 WETLAND BLDO. GARAGE West aid Dsndy location. Fully equipped machine shop. 4 year lease. Rent $300. Floof space 100x100 70 ear storage. Price 563U0. 409 R WETLAND BLDG. FOR SALE 13 room boarding house, about 25 boarders continually, on account 01 leaving country will sell reasonable. See owner, Main 3021. CASH and carry grocery store, good location! good' business; will aacrific for cash. 407 E. Bnmside. CAFETERIA and home bakery! fully eauipned. fin location. Price $1700; soma terms. East 8402. 500 ROslfTYlptERT S LOO Yon mnst bring this ad. 120 8th st CASH GROCERY1 and confectionery" living rooma In connection. open Sunday: will ln- voice. 857 Lombard st. WANTED Financial partner, .gentleman or lady, for good established business. A. J, Clark. CaR Bdwy. 4000. Athens hotel FOR SALE Hemstitching shop, with or with out machine. 101-B, Journal. Vancouver, Wash. GROCERY d confectionery for 882 Williams ave. Phone Woodlawn 1417. A CRIPPLE girl wants partner in tb chicken business. X-528, Journal. NEAT cafeteria for sal cheap; good terms. CaU Broadway 1832. 600 BUSINESS CARDS $1.28 Ryder Ptg. Co. Main 6886. 188 8d St. ELDERLY retired man lor partner, mgnjng house business. Q-242, Journal - TRANSFER business in city. 812.000 la to tal price. If interested writ F. O. Bos 4084 CARPENTER shoo for sal, doing business. CaU at 644 Washington at... Sunday after 1 o p. m. -- GENERAL blacksmift. Borne hotse&hoeing and general country blacisTnithing. Kerr ft Pickens, Hill-bore. Or. GARAGE for sale, 50x100 lot and modern Cr. prool building. F-luz, Journal. CaDY would like partner in second-hand store. man and wife preferred. r-ncne ast 3t. A NEAT . littls candy stotw , for . sai cheap. 148 3d tt GOOD oakery and light lunch foe asl or trade) tot oar. wain. 1064 gundn. - . btjsittess OROBtmrrnES t 514 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 OUT-OF-TOWN BUSINESS CHANCES Grocery Store 2358 . oci ta nle little town, do to Port land. This la. first-ciaaa nook, all np in good shape, doing art anormoua basinet. Will tnroica around $3500. Grocery Store and Bui. ding 829 Stock will lnrolca about 62500. buMlng.and lot 64000. TbJa is a Willamette nlley town and naa the maJringa of a dandy bnalneaa. Will ell fur cash with aom terma to tntponslbl puty, or aichang lot small farm. Grocery Stock 19-11 ' WlEametta raUey town, doing 630,000 year bnsanaa. Fine lease on brick building 1 25x25; rent 860. This Is on of those pieces that you TjJIJy turrJ f 8t it, Will lnroice Grocery Stock 347 Located in WUltmettg nlley city, stock all few. will inrolc about 18000: fixture -6300; lars bnildina: rent las rw.. . earn buioneas of $100 per day. $3500 for eTerythlng or win inrolc. Wholesale Candy and Bakery Business 1-43 Oood Eastern Oregon city, fin location for right parti ea, lota of open territory and small town surroundings, arerag business of 6150 per day. truck dell Terr. Will lntia eKnait tannn This place Include full equipment for candy and bakery bUMnssa. Strictly wholes busi ness. Price of this can be reduced by running voca oown. General Merchandise Stock includes groceries and dry goods, located In a thriving Columbia river town, firat-claas farming community and fruit belt. Farmers bare money all the year around. Oood buiitiina, leng lease and reasonable price, $7000. Country Town Garage 347 WTuamett van, rent $50. 4-year ass,, Isrg rooms, and storage room. Price of this Place is $4000. Including four second hand can. i Country Town Garage Business 3710 Willamette valley, brick building. 80x100. good storage business, fully equipped repair shop, all kinds of machinery; working 8 men. Acces sories. If you are really looking for a snap. $4500 takes everything if purchased before the first of the month. Valley Town Plumbing and Tinning Business 31-33 Southern part of the Willamette valley, ex cellent opportunity for a man who knows the business; everything to make a plumbing estab lishment complete, together with good stock on hand. Will invoice about $0000. Valley Town Plumbing H7-A7 ExoeTJeht opportunity for sn an around man to get into business for himself, all work he can take ear. of. Well equipped anop and stock all for 81500. Eastern Oregon Plumbing and Heating Business 41137 Lavrgest city in Eastern Oregon, excellent location, old established firm; on account of other business, man most sell. Doing 810.000 or better per month. Price about 85000. Country Town Pool and Billiard Room 634 Willamette valley town, has the cream of the business, has pool and billiard tables, besides several card tables, soda fountain and other fix tures, good stock of confectionery;-rent $50 per month. This 'place will run about 64500 invoice. OutoffTown Restaurant 11338 $2500 Located about 26 miles from Port land In a good thriving business town. Corner location brick building. Lease runs about 2 years and rent Is S i O- EStoca wiu invoice snout $400. Fixture about $2100. Receipts last month were better than 82100, of which 6400 waa profit. If you . ara looking for a good business, you cannot afford to pass this on up. Garage and Chevrolet Agency 1020 617.000 Price includes one-story brick building with Willard battery service station. and blacksnutn anop. i nese two Dnsinesses alone pay a profit of over $200. Everything oomplete in the shop except lathe. Stock and tools estimated about $7000. Tha agency calla for 118 cars tn 1920. Garage Is located on the Highway within a short distance of Portland. OutofTown Meat - Market 1137 $5500 Located only a short distant from Portland. Price includes two-story frame house of 9 rooms, slaughter bouse, barn and two lots, and complete equipment for the butcher busi ness. Trad is botn wnoieoai ana retail. iu tail business alone runs between $28,000 and $30,000 a year. Tills business has always made money. Groceries, Hardware and Dry Goods 1-59 Located in good town in Washington. Groceries run about $3000. hardware about $1000, shoes and urygooos snout asuuu. ana ftitnrn about $2000. Will invoice the stock. or will keell the shoes and dry cood. Sales ran $50,000 last year, witn a prom oi saiuu. The building 1 held at $9000. Or will rent for $50 a mouth. Might consider a trade for the building it client will take the stock. Chevrolet Agency 31519 200-car contract concrete building. Has agency for a standard mace trues, roou supply of cam and accessories. Located in natural distributing town. Got this before tt' gone. Country Town Oakland and 'Chevrolet Agency -1-48 82800 Located in' good seaport town, doing more business than any other garage in the oounty. Has Chevrolet agency for the county and Oakland sub-agency. Rent 812.50 per month. Price Includes gas tank and pump, air compressor snd tank, emery frinder snd ouner, and largest welding outfit in th oounty. This la a real moneymaker. Country Town Dodge and Maxwell Agency, and Garage 2415 $18,000 Located on main street of good valley town, wooden building. 60x100 feet, on a lot 100x175. building is in good shape. The following aeeneiea are included: Dodge Bros., and Maxwell car, Haider A Nailson tractors. Badne, AJax and Goodyear tires; good storage; stock will invoice about 87000. - Real aetata is valard at 86000. Four men working. This is a gooa paring Invwstment. , Country Town 10c and 15c Store 29-14 Loos ted in good town, doing good badness. Rent 820 per month. A rare opportunity. You will bav to hurry. Tbi mores. Prio $4000. PACIFIC AGENCY, lie. 514 Swetland Bldg. Marshall 3989 r i BTSTJTESS OfFOBTTJlTITIES 6 BAJaDWARB STOHE Located tn ant si tba most vromiaiflf lew sown to Orecon, crowing fsat, with large milla, box factories, laxg lumber industries and good shipping point, both by railroad and steamship and barges; food harbor, new buildlnga, large gnranas. good stock, an lor 815.0UU; gooa torsuff dastred. . GKOCXKT STORa . . Om of th beat that 62000 88 tart flx- tnrwa shont 840O, balaec clean atnek! nic aieixui room tn connection- COXFECTIONEKT loma anaB groceria, good soda f con tain; pays tha largest revenue oi any 61600 iBvaatv ntent in ForUand. rUES-rarrRANT On m of tha best street In Portland; tha business will ahew for itself: laaaa at reaaon- abl rent Price $4000. Horn terms. BAsCER X" Corn tn and let me show yon two good taxya, on tn the city and on in a good outside town, tha prio of which is $1760; no opposition. j F. BIERDON. BITTER, LOWE CO., 201-8-8-7 Board of Trad bldg. A FORTUNE FOR TEN i am manuiacturers repretentaiiTea ioi a new nation wide necessity ar here for a few day to appoint tea sales managers in tb state of Oregon; the duties of each sales xaanager will be to appoint dealers and agents to handle this business To the men bs can qualify we will gir tha control of" our 'business in an azctusire territory, and they in turn can attend to the business of dealers and suCagents ap pointed, from whom you " can expect to reneir good monthly returns from every man you bare working for you. Our poduct it ' an. absolute necessity and in great demand. Onr business is 10O per cent new. 10O per cent legitimate. 100 per cent profit. Ton must b able to finance yourself ' and he in posttioB to leer town and make an Investment of from' 8100 to S30O. which la secured by cooda. Call Imperial hotel, room 633. Grocery Business Small grocery. located tn good residential dis trict in Vancouver, Wash., doing good business; stock for sale at" Invoice price; cash register, scales, nil tank, chees , cutter and other small articles for sal with stock at right price. Build ing, which is new. with shelving, show case. J counters, refrigerator, writing deek and tables can be leased for three yean. 1MI belong to a lady and she Is forced to sell on account of sick ness. She will take in on trade as part payment 6 or 6-room bungalow located in Vancouver, Wash., or Portland, Or. R. J. UIUDOll BEAX.TT OO. 808 Main St. TancouTer. Wk 1- Small Grocery Stock Corner grocery en Union avenn with large living rooms ; 4 good stock and small fountain: must sell on ac count of K beahli. Rent 625 per month. 87H-J cash. Office open Sunday sod evenings (Bc2 J. P. 686 Williams ar. East 20S. A REAL opportunity for th right man to en ter automobile- truck business, retailing old Hne trucks in Portland and Multnomah county. An investment of approximately $2000 required, the retailer handling hia own funds tt all times. A liberal advertising allowance will be made and overhead expense will be practically nothing, th distributor maintain ing the salesroom. Only experienced respons ible salesman will be considered. L-503, Jo'irnal. TA1IX)R1N1 BCS1NESS FOR SALE A well-established, pro-wteroos and only- tai loring business in a 8500 population enter prising town, best business block, 2 employed steadily, no accounts or bills, complete house keeping facilities, bath, etc- Building can be leased or bought. Steadily failing health forces the owner to a change for a high and dryer climate, therefor will sacrifice. Writ at one snd convince yourself by setter or person. 1LX-502, Journal. BIG GROCERY $605 takes fin grocery, worth 81600; doing good cash business; no delivery; good olean stock and fixtures, low rent, living quarters in cluded. To see' this is to buy. Ask for Peters, IB N. FIFTH ST. .Grocery Bargain Bargain hunters, here you are: Nicest, neat est, cleanest stock in city; dandy bldg. Rent 816, Main traveled road and csiiine. To see b to buy. Bring your money. Prio only 81050. PETERS, 151 N. 5th st PARTNER WANTED 1 have two good attrac tions . booked with large traveling show. I need help. Will sell half interest In one attrac tion to lady or gent Yon must be a liv wire, travel with the show, help manse same. 8500 required. Y-697. JotimaL SUBSTANTIAL menufsctunng corporation wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen ; 8300 to $1500 necessary; yon handle own money; will allow expenses to Baltimore it you will qualify) For particulars address Bee- mtary, 416 N. Howard st-. Baltimore, aid. FOR SALE Garage and vulcanising shop or blacksmith shop; one or both must b sold in imail town in bo. Oregon on a highway, sur rounded by prosperous farms in a larg irri- catea oistnet. Excellent opportunity lor a good mechanic . o IS, Journal. A MAN with a little energy and a few hun dred dollars can be started in a permanent and profitable btudnesa close to Portland. It'a a nice clean type of business, too. Be Mr. ' Akin at the North west Auto Co., Aider at 18 th. Call Monday. WILL sell half or all of a nice pleasant busl- nrss. Be your own boss, b independent and have steady Income. Goods used and In de mand every day. jLXceuent opportunity for man and wife. Call or write, IL L. Ferguson. ibo-A, MadiMm st CAPITAL I specialize in financing meritori- bil, bwdnees enterprise by selling stocks or first mortgage bonds, strictly commission basis. Mail full particular in first letter. John Trier, lo39 Eddy et., Chicago. CONFECTIONERY On of th neatest wet aide confectioneries. 8 nice living rooms and bath. Rent 336. Good 84000. 408 SWETXAND HI. DO. GROCERY West aid. A dandy place for man and wif. Receipts stop and better, lasn ana Rent $20. 2 riving rooms. 409 S WETLAND BLDG. MONET in Wall st: $25 invested on member ship plsn gives opportunity big profits in stocks, grain and cotton; no further risk; mar kets active; act qnlck. Stwrchants Brokers Co., Dwight bldg., Kansas City. Mo. WANTED First class baker a. a partner: small amount of cash required; have a rotary erven and equipment for bread, or win sell cheap. For particular address p. O. vox 615, Ashland, Or. 63650 GROCERY and confectionery, solid and weU-establiahed business, doing 83000 per month, fine corner location, large living room above, rent 835. A rare opportunity, 83B60 or will invoice. Tabor 62. OWNER On account o? my wife's death I will sacrifice my business at invoioe. If oa want 6 food business, well established, good lo cation, stand investigation, call 182 Wiliam, ette bird., cor. Gay st. Wdln. 11. GROCERY AT INVOICE Doing big business, sbout 88000. This WiU stand strict investigation. BRUCE CPBPAHD. 802 COTJCH BLDQ, V1V, VOU VIWS ,IW fWMl IVUW, established over 1 yean, paying, wen all for prio of truck. Call SeUwnoel 2808 or Broadway 1786. Don t jaeiay. Terms. A CAFETERIA FOR $1500 Newly equipped, doing 880 per day; rent only per montn, BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 COCCH BLDG. FOR SALE Flourishing Jewelry business in good payroll town; on account of sickness in family, I wash to go to higher altitude. Ad dress, Lon O, Moore. Ralama, Wash. SHOOTING gallery, lasting buixness, town 6000. payrol about 8175.0OO per mo. Snap for lady wno understands tn Qualm , w. w. Cole, Bend, Ore. FOR SALE Two box ball alleys and shooting gallery at lees than half vain. Call at abootinc gallery. Oregon City. cJECOND-HAND store, $650; just natocked; uviiig aparuueiiui; jsige puinung; total reut, $15 a month; always open. 288 North 16th at. FOR SALE Twelve room house: nlac has income of $180; deafrabW west side loca tion. Main 8787. BUSINESS OPFOBTTJSI1XES WASTED 68 Ti' . ..""TITTY lln.U, t... need tn growing and marketing grain and regwterea ilocx. avx-neucwa in oaaaung men. M-472, Journal. WAN! VTED Rooming-" house, prefer wa it aid. good location. Main 8876. heat, private parties. BOT1ET -TO LOAIf BEAL ESTATE tt I HAVK 32000 a T per cent to loan on good boos tn Piedmont, wain at pant or tsfduty. no agents. a 1. nam per ot urwamevc. BUTLDI7SO loans on city and suburban property, money advanced a work progrsaaes. W. G. Beck, 215 and 216 Fsinng TsUg. Main 8407 MONET TO LOAN in anumnia of 8100 te sauuo on eity property. A. H. BELL, Boom 19 snd 11, Mulkey bldg. SEE OREGON INT. A MORTGAGE CO.. 223 tutroMt ox tQBameroe, sta ana Btara. 61000. 61800,' 62000 and up; na commission. T. H. DE8H0N, 619 Cham, of Corn, bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS nn to $8000. 6 and t awl seat, Frsd 8. Will naa, 606 Panama bid-. LMOTTE-r TO LOAW-MAl ESTATE tf - CITY LOANS C0VMT8ST0!! aWMTssaa. Tb beet and a sleet method f paying a, lsna at or monthly payment plan. ; 881.2a par asonth for 86 anontan, -821.24 per ntanth tor 80 snratfc, 61 IT pr month for 16 goestfcg pays a loan f 6100ft and interest Vaus wt tMr aatenwts tn aan nacuttkaaa Bepayment PrrrOegea. EQUITABLE SAYINGS LOAN ASSX 262 nUr tt, Portland, Ob U6RTQAG2 LOANS On Improved city real eeUt-- mldenoa, apart ment and business properties. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COVPAJTX TITLE AND TEL ST BUILDING MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved "farm and city property; faverabl repaying privileges; net com mission or aeiay. a. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. X.TDL 60S Piatt bldg. Main 3871. libertlTEoans W loan our own money on real aetata, let and 2d mortgages, contracts, livestock, notes, automobiles, etc. P. E. Bowman A Co., 210 woubdci as uomswna aaain ou 4 o RESIDENCE leans, quick action, no red tap; lowest rstea. it will pay yon to see tu Iim. a A. WAGNER OO. Main 81S0. -280 Stark St. 8300. 1409, 6300, 6730. 81000 and up at lowest rates; quick action. Fred W. Ger man Co.. 782 Chamber ef Commerce building BORROW 6 money, pay off old mortgags; small expense. Ward. 407 upswing mag. MORTGAGE LOANS. 6 and 7 par oenC Louis Solomon E uo.. (OS Belting bids. M03EI TO 101-CHlTTEL.S, ?: SALARIES 67 DO YOU NEED MONEY? I1ANS MADE ON AUTOMOBILES FURNITURE, PIANOS, HOUSEHOLD GOODS, REAL ESTATE, BONDS, OR ANYTHING OF VALUE. SECURITY USUALLY LEFT IN TOUR POSSESSION. ALSO SALARY LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE ON THEIR NOTES WITHOUT SECURITY. IF VOCR PAY MENTS TO OTHER LOAN COMPANIES OR m . FCRNITUBE OR AUTOMOBILE CON TRACTS ARE TOO LARGE, WE WILL TAT THEM CP, ADVANCE TOO MORE MONEY IF NECESSARY. AND TOO CAN REPAY US IN 8 MALL MONTHLY PAYMENTS TO 8V1T YOUR CONVENIENCE LEGAL RATES NO DELAY BUSINESS STRICTLY COWIDENTIAL RORTLAND LOAN CO. (LICENSED) 808 807 DEUKUM BLDG., 3D AND WASH. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASS'If Phone Broadway 610, 884 Stark St.. near 10th. Loans en diamonds, watches. Yletrolaa. pianos, kodaks, shotguns, furniture, musical instruments and anything of value, ESTABLISHED BT THE PEOPLE OF PORTLAND TO PROTECT THE BORROWER C ARA IE MYERS-HERMAN Manager. SALaT? 5Tns CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men their own notes. Weekly, semi-monthly or monthly payments. Each transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGE rfO IrnorlBEB ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY We also loan on housshold furniture, pianos, te., without removal. CALL Anil) DIVESTIUATB COLUMBIA DISCOUNT OO. (LICENSED) 218 FAILING BLDG. LIVESTOCK, LOANS Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, hogs, etc F. E. Bowman At Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. Main 8026. LOANS VYAlVTErr 86 $4500, 3 years, 7 per 5"t, on new Laurelhursf. home, on Pine st. near Park. Mr. Koehlrr, lAUrelhurst Co.. 270 Stark St.. Main 1700. WANTED Building loan of $2000 on ators building and reridence from private party. A-l security. M 471. Journal. FIRST aaortssgea for sal.. 8 1000 a p. F. Deahon 616 Chember of Commer bldg. BEE OREGON 1NV. A MORTGAGE CO., Til Chamber ev Oommerce, 4th and Stars:. FINANCIAL 61 Liberty Bonds Cashed TOC BUT OR SELL AN AUTOMOBILE WE FURNISH THE MONET OrR SERVICE WILL PLEASE T0U OREGON BOND A MORTGAGE CO. 208 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR. WE BUY first and second mortasges snd aell era' contracts. F. E. Bowman At Co.. 210 Chamber of Commerce. ' CASlFpsid for mortgacet snd sellers' contracts on real estate in waabmgton or Oregon, rl. Noble. 3 1 Lurhbermens bid. BUY sellers' real estate contract. 809 Ab- lngton bldg. Marshall 4188. KOTiCEl BUT CHATTEL- MORTGAGES. C-446. JOURNAL. HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 WE HAVE 9 bead of horse left weighing lbs.. 6 to 8 years as represented llsw. and Hawthorn. U. from 1400 to 1700 old : horses guaranteed thorne Stables. E. 6th Morn- FOR SALE Very cheap, good bloeky teem. weighing about 1800 each, with harness snd farm w&gon ; hav. moved to town and have no use for them. -1 all BOS front . Mrs. West South Portland car. 2 YOUNG teams, on 6 and 7 years old, wt 2500 lbs.: one teem of 4-ysar-oMs. iron gray. wt. 2400 Ins. These horses are all sound and good workers: hsv good harness with them. Come, make an offer. 5624 86th st. M-8 car. 4 16 HEAD of mares and geldinga; all good work- ers and gentls: some blocky built mares among them: wagon and harness. Cornsr of E. 8th and Hawthorne. National ft tables. East 6106. 890 Driving outfit, 1100-lb. mars. 8 years old, good harness and rubber tired top buggy. This mars is gen tie for women or anyone to ride or drive. Atlas Wood rani, 627 Front 31.00-lb. TEAM, 7 and 8 years eld, harness snd 8 a -Inch wide tire farm wagon. Take Mt. Scott car. to Tremont station. 4 blocks south to 65th ave.. 1 west to 71st it KING BE K0L HOMESTEAD. 8 months old. dam Ida De Kol Homestead, aire Oregon Holly Gerbea Homestead. M. Ohristnsn. Oregon City, route 4. TEAM of mar. A and 7 year old, 2300 lbs. , t m.M f vmm iit v i an m, rw. thoroughly broke saddle horse, d years old.' 1100 lbs 296 17th at cor. Columbia st. Room 6. MATCHED team. 240"6"""Ibe..- blocky boOt and sound, good worker, tiarnees and farm wagon. 3175. Woodstock car to 64th st. 6 bias, north to 64th ave, first hwtia. BURRO WANTED P Either with or without pack saddle i and driv. ing harness. Give casn price and particulars. DX-687, Journal. SEVERAL eet of single and double harness. wagons and odd horssa. Will work double or idngl. Will sell for any rsasonable offer. 646 Front St. 6 PASSENGER Btudebaker ear to trad tor good team, wagon and banMa. CaU Tabor 5742. 2600 LB. TEAM of mares, bkx-kUy built, good barnesa, 3 -in. wide tins farm wagon. 8759 52nd st Woodstock car to 52nd, two blocks N; 1000-13. bay 5758 62d St. are-; will sail vary cheap. Woodstock car. Two block 7ll north. TEAM of work horses, 8 and 6 years qH, weight 27 oo ins. sau as martin s piece, 1 1st ana Powell Valley road. Hawthorn are. car. FfjB SALS Fsrm horse, 7 years, weight about 1200: guaranteed sound. First bouse east of Gilbert station. HORSES, buggies and wsgons for sal. or Also one horse snd buggy ebesp. J80 hire. Front 1 LIGHT team foe sal or trad for cows! I heavy team for rent or east; 1 spring wagon. 170 E. KlUlngsworth. 2800-LB. team. 7 years old. with good hr nss; also 1275-lb. mare, 6 years old. Will sell cheap. Atlas Woodyard, 827 Front FOB SALE Two heavy lumber wagons, inch, very reasonable. CaU it B. J, Cavs terline btacksmithm shop, Sandy, Or. ONE large Shetland pony mare, 1 buggy, 1 cart and 2 harne... Call East $750. ILK NET buggy, almost new, with shafts, for sal. Inqtilr 788 Beed st - TWO spring wagons, $5. 610; buggy. 612; in- eubator. IZO. uorner aprn and E. etark. B0RSE and wagon, 81.69 per day; 2 horses snd wagon. 68, J. Cohen, 648 Front Main 2208. DEAD horse taken quickly. Cash for dead cows. Phon Tabor 420. ILXTkinds wuorrs, buggiaw s. harness fosal cbesp. .867 Wftetv. ;.--'' ' SPAN small chunk. 6 and 6 years old.- Blue Front stable, foot Montgrrmery. 1200-LB. work hora eaeapt. Bin Front stable, toot Montgomery. MILK WAGON, good eondiUo, cheap. 61 Shaver st TEAM f mare, weight 2400, nearly new lisrnsss and sasss, $186. P-asw Xahcc 9S69. 1 HAVE replad any farm haaaes with a, tractor aaa wui nu iw luuowmj. 1 team xvldtriga.' brown and bay. weight 280O. 7 and 10 year eld, $250. k roast gUng, ymrs ou. wwigna looo, 8160, 1 sorrel gelding, I yean eld, wt 1160 lbs.. $o. Than) honea ar an sound and wen brekw to do an kinds of farm work. Tag Oregon Klectrie train to TUard- In aratr at feed store. - JUST arrived, 6 carload of tha best boras, that can be fajind; have got them from 1200 to 1800 pounds; well matched team: SO head on o job: win sell any one or all; from a to 8 years old; mora horse, to jriok from than all tha dealers in tows have tot: 166 bead in all; will trad any on or all for caul, mule or horses; have 1 good span of 4 -rear-old mules; these horses, a good part of them, ar working out on the Columbia slough: wagons and harness o all kind. PhU SrittrS$5 Front st. Crown Stables. TWO tsara of young blckKorses, en weight 2400 and an 2800 lbs.; 1 team of mares. 4 and 6 years old. weight 2600 lbs.:, all fat. healthy, good workers and gentle. Also a well matched pair of bays, weight 8400 lbs. ; no better in state! wagon and harness. Have no further use. will sell very reasonable, or will trade for automobile. Woodstock car ta Green wood are.. 5 blocks north to 880 Powell Valley road, corner 64th. HORSES FOR SALE Ten head work h and mares, weiahitut from 1100 lb, to 1400 each, all in good hard-working condition. W. have on extra good ' driving team of small mares, weight about 1000 pounds each, well matched, fat. chunky built, and th best kind of all-around workers, as welt as sad dles; also 6 few sets of harness, collars, wag ons, ete. USU HUsseu rl iransier statue. z3 rtnssetl St., 1 oioca: wee or vvuuams eve. 15 HEAD OF FIRST-CLASS HORSES and mares from 8 to T years old, 1800 to 1600 lb.: aom wall-matched teams, also few eheap horse. AU stock guaranteed aa rep- resented. - Trial allowed. 865 Union Ave. , Cor. L. GLASS Steven. I HATE left 10 heed of horse and mares, weighing from 1200 to 1600 lbs., ag 8 to 8 years old. WIU b sold at a bargain to close on Ui coming week. ( an be seen and tried to suit buyer at foot ot Taylor st. (dock) . LtE.V head of good work homes, weight from 1100 to 1700 lbs., from tma years oini afl eentle and in eood shape, ready for work. Good team of 4 and 6-year-old mares, makes a dandy orchard team or all around work; also a good family cow, bargain for qnlck sale. rl Powell Valley road, Woodstock car. HORSES FOR SALE O. T. STABLES 17TH and KEARNEY STS. 20 good young horses and marsa, weight from 1200 to 1800; soma well matched team. Every horse guaranteed. O. D. WILLTAMSOW. TEAM mares, weighing 2800 lbs., 4 and 6 year old. well broken and gentle. Woodstock csr to ' E. 8th and Glad atone, 2 block north to 1087 Francis are. Sellwood 1212. P.eE. We have moved to our new location, 860 to 866 E. Morrison St., cor. Sd, where we will handle a full Una of new and second bsnd fsrm machinery, vehicles and auto tires. PAIR chunky-built mare, weighing about 2700 lbs., fat and true to work; cheap for cash. Marion Fuel Co.. foot Taylor st. (dock). JUST srrived. a carload of mares and geldinga, weight from 1100 to 1700 lbs., ages from 4 to 7 years old: several matched teams of bloeky boilt mares, sir broke and guaranteed a. repre sented. J. S. Williamson, 240 E. 8th at., cor. Main. ' FOU SALE Well-mated team of geldinga. weighing 8200. 7 years old. nearly new harness and wagon; also team of heavy mares, 8 and 7 years old. Hav sold farm ; will sell them very reasonable. 220 Gib be St.. South Portland car. TEAM blg-bened bay hwes. 6 yesri .hin, ROOO lbs., wall mated old. ana true workers. Inquire for Ward'a team. Marion Fuel Co., foot Taylor et (dock). SPAM weTl-mated 4-year-olds, weighing sbout 2500 lbs., in good shape Prio 3225. Woodyard, foot Taylor at (dock). PAIR of fin shir mares, 6 and 7 years old. weight 8000 lb.: gentle snd true workers; harness snd 8 M inch wagon and wood rack. 423 68th S, E. Mt. Soott car to Axleta ttatlrn. ' FOR SALE 1850 Ih. brown berss, 9 yesrs past, 6125. 252 E. 80th .t N.. M. Y. car. TilYESTOCK 85 Notice to Dairymen Retiring from dairying, am selling my tire herd of A-l high-grade HoUtetn oows, ss they com fresh or otherwise, 4 fresh. 8 com ing now; young, hoSvy in weight and heavy milkers, guarantee 6 to 7 gallon when fresh; no blemishes. Phong Main 8178 or address N-497 Journal in fhksih f-.t IVt'ft some extra choice young Jer- Beys, some large HotsteAn and Durham dairy COWS, 4 to 6 gallons per day: wUl sell or Uke beef cattle In exchange. lizs aiscausm su. South Portland oar to nd of lin. 1 block south. 1 block east. u-1- k... eatshiishsri good market for dairy ,t tl.. stoekvards at North Portland, (f you wish to buy any good dairy cows or hav. tny to sen, see Mr. Bruce a toe union nwca Yards. North Portland, or. 1-TON Ford cattl truck, funy quippd for handling 3 cow, and In first class shape. Call at garae, Foster toad $nd Lenox ave. Tabor 4474. FRESH Guernsey cow for sale. CaU after 8 o'clock. Take St Johns car to Gay st . walk 7 'blocks south and 1 block west 179 W. ttisnriens st Call Woodlawn 6258. ONE -yar-old farafiy cow. Just frssh. with heifer calf. $110. On bay mar. 8 years old. weight 1100 lbs., saddle, bridl and hal ter. 885. 4122 78d st S. E. Mt. Soot csr. wotTKfi fresh row and calf, heavy mOker and rich: also 8 pigs. 29th and Powell V allay fYMtaL iron flif.V 4 news, win be fresh in May; will ascriflcs if taken' now. Inquire watchman Colombia En. Wks.. Llnrtton. trOlTB nnileh sows for "sals" taka VToodstock ear to 8Zd and Foweu vauey. os rewsu Vslley. r-nw cur Three boo. 1 brood sow art 1 has a little pig, and 1 Chaster White boar. 889 Ocbooo av., Sellwood Garden. FOR SALE A beautiful horjilesa bock (goal) and male tavey (tsoia auaui. vtoriey. East 1242. JERSEY- COW for sal, nlc and gentl. fires good, rich milk. Be nam tseorsw ss v Kerbv at. Mlssisiptr1 car to Russell st. rOR SALE 1 year old hornless Saanen Billy goat, $18. 4244 08UI ve. o. oev. a sent Sith w PEKtN Indian Runner dueke 8178, horse, har- neas. buggy 868. Mt Boots ear, ena una, hloeka north. FRESH Jersey cow. heavy milker. James Gent- rt. 997 E. 27tn st TSS8 w. w. cai to 28th st and Gladstone sve. TWO frash Jersav costs, heavy milkers: Belli station, 2 mlla east of Lfnte on Foster road. box son. ONE 2 years, two 1 year Jersey heifers, 1 B. I Red rooster. C. E. Cook. MUwaukie. Bt- 2 FOR SALE Hols trin dairy cow 4 y."rip-t 6S2 East 89th st FOR SALE OR TRADE 1 silo. 16x82. for livestock. Woodlawn 24-4. fOEXBPRG'VncknaTd for sal. He i 6 beauty. Tabor 64BM. OUNG pigs; 2 Chester White brood sows. Seed potatoes. R, F. WsgTirT, imert BtaCTon. WILL bny your runty pigs, if cheap. Route A, b t BIS, Portia nd. Or. 18 HIGH grd dairy cow.; prefer, to sell all together. Main 1819. TWO piss 6 montlu, old In rood shspw. Phon Tsbor 1287. MtSi ss. Keller. HAY, )ttmovhy, beled; cheep. Phone Tabor 6598. mornings and evenings. PIGS Two 10 week, old, 6d pounds each, $10 Will deliver. G. C. Sapp, MUwaukie, Or. TWO good milch cow for sal. Call Tsboi 4005. 28 78th St. N. F. A. Chamberlain. FRESH A-l family or dairy cow, 4 and 8 gaUona. 495 Third at, between Page ana Kussea. jE"R6a?ff30W. fresh, for sale. 712 Liberty et Also a fin larg nrooaer lor ant. rA GOOD milch sow, nearly fregE" 68U ar.', 78th st 8. E. Tabor 4086. FRESH sow snd calf 10 day. Wood lawn i to 2 2d. 720 Liberty st. FOR SALE Fresh Saatiaa milch goat, with kid. Main 8392 WANTED Ps-tore for young haiteg. 816-48. 43r Brown. FOR SALE 8 fmh ows and ealvss.' Main 788. FRESH family cow; three heavy springers. 1932 E. Aider st M ,T. 88th ear. FIVE fresh Hobteia, Durham and Jars dairy ana iamiiy---ooww.. -yes jm. mmn as. - FINK Jersey eow; fresh, 5 gallon mUket. 6 East 88th N. Montavilla or - Mt Tabor ear. BROWN Jersey cow, jtut fresh, for sale. 6799 , 62nd st W-8 ear to 82nd st, 2 block It, WAXTElBeef and veal. Phon Tabor 2876 CAUT FOft AAUi. 6411' B7ttTip!. "d. E, HOtSBS, TEHICXES, ETC 66 AUCTION SALE - HORSES. CATTLE, IMPLEMENTS On K. Thiol dairy farm, mil sooth at WOODLAND, WSt1. MARCH 29, 1920 f At 10 A. M. '. machinery- B rand new. nred: let 1 2 -Inch steel beam plows,, two 1 V- iuch steal beam plow and on 10x19 disk with truck. Also three ha slings, one set bolt sprlnira. on 14-inch plow, on S shovel 1 horse culti vator, one 1 Is Mannen wagon, on set stnght ... . iv-. .Mi. u i-, mi, set cmin vu niirnw, - or, 8 H inch wig on with woodrsck, snd other implement. ' , Sins head fattened hog. ' CATTL18 Two registered bulls: Sherwood Ben Huf. J Year-old, 21666. Sir. WUlwrmoor Ben Hur. d. I836P. Dam. Polly Pan ef Fhhhawk'- 47978. Prince Derby. 2 H -yvaU-awL 644X44, HORSES - A ' Three eolts, coming 8-yr-eids: t span : rriydosadle. 2400 lbs.; 1 I-ercheron, 1600 lba.8 t saddle pony, 8 years old; 1 hortev 11 years old. 1800 lbs. Hoisteln. Durham. Jersey. 48 hlgb-grad milch cows; herd test. 4.S. Mostly all fresh. Some springers. 8lx Hulstetn heifer. bom springers. On yesrCng. Thee cattle will all be tuberculin teased by Dr. A. C. Brown before the sale, and a r tlfinai of health goes with each head. Cattle will be loaded on boat or train fno of charge; (re lunch at noon. Term Sums-under $20, oasb: $30 and UP. months' time will be given on approved not, W. J. DEERE, Owner, Wootllsnd, COL W. 8. WOOD A SONS,. ' Vancouver, Wash., Auction, L. N. PLAM0ND0N, Woodland NtatelUnk, (Terk, . 'Money Maker - Dairy, 8 cows, for 81000; clears 8180 month; 8 year lease, and rout; terms.-... 32500 Dairy of 13 cows, an qutpmenS and big pasture, clearing 6500 per month; eons are tested. BLEXTOT INVESTMENT CO., . 713 Couch Bldg. . 2 YOUNG registered Itolsteln oowe, with i& ppr and transfers required; on fresh, ether giving 4 gal. milk per day and bred to registered bull These two cows are well marked and larg eos, and would b Just tlm thing for anyone to build uo a good herd nf,' HoUtein cattle. Freh cow eivtti 6 el- mllM par day. Also 1 grade Holatsin cow giving shoot 4 gallons milk per day. Take Oregon Electric train to Tigard. Inquire at feed store.-' SEVKNood" young dairy aridT family cows, milking from 8 to 8 gallons a day, ereem separator, cooler and bottlas; also a good ranch team, harness and wagon. Bargain - tf takso at once. Call at th old uairy barn, . 29th and Powell Vtlley rd. Woodstork ear. rorsTTltT AND BABBITS ' OREO 0NT0"RIC L' LT URAL COLLEGE WHIT l3 LEGHORN eggs for hatching, from padU. greed, high record stock on free rang. epe. -. daily selected for winter laying aualltisa. 82. SO . tlie setting; $10 per hundred. CorvaUis Poultry. Farm, Corvallls, Or. - EGGS Parcel post" prepaid. Silver Spangled Hamburg. $3 per 16, Slrurt combed RHoiie Island Reds, 32 per 15. Silver 8 Sebright ban . tarns, , $2 per 8. Walter Roswuna. Forest Grove, Or. c WHfTE" LEGHORN, Tmn Baron and Tanered strain; also Brown leghorn batching eggs; 1.50 per 15: 82 hy mail: 38 oar 100. 8ms ti dogs and pets boarded. F. snd H. Mow ley, SO 80 stars. Tanor 7;s. WHrTE"Tghorn baby chicks, iue each. Hatrh on Marcn a. Also lute Liegnorn setting eggs, 81.25 s setting. Reduction in large It---, Get your orders io early. Cell Woodlawn 8147, 938 Haight ss. VvHTfE Leshoms. Rhode Island feed egg to hatelitng. from our superior egg strain. ,. Leg- -horn egg, $2.28 per tcltlng; $10 per 100, Red eggs. 64 per setting. McKenna Park Paul ' try Farm. McKenna ave. anC Lombard st. earlt Chicks Wsnted Eggs to hsteb: sny quantity.' prices right ; send your orders early to Woodstock ll.trh.ry. 4828 87th sve. S. E.. City. - EGGS English Whit Leghorns, larg birds. sxcellent layers, 81. 60 mt 16. Tips and My. Ing hard to beat Phon 214-38. 6581 80th ave. H. K. MAMMOTH Black Minorca, Nixon strain, 7 to . 8 lb. hens, no better, eggs $2.80 per setting of 15. White Leghorns. O. A. 0.. $1 per set ting of 15. Phone Tabor t46S. 1246 H steer. BUCK eggs forhstchlng; slso BllveTTto4 Wysndott. Psrtridge. leghom eggs: baby chick, for sal. K., Bavrteo. 8. 1, Box 26. ' BARRED Rock baby, chirks. Barred Rock egg. cockerels, thoroughbred stock, heavy laying - .train; bronse turkey eggs. Mrs. Evan. 665 :: E. Lombard at Woodlawn 1606. CypireM'Tiwubstnr iSiTea, nssd twirvt. rvv. L. pullets. O. A. O.. 82 aoh- Leaving town. 6725 72d st. 8. E. S. C RKIS. InriibaUir, rggt, 8e eacli; seliltigs 82.60, devlvered Inside city limit. 6408 BUUt t. S. E.. lnta. Or. T. H Wlllbanks. 3 GOLDEN Csmulne cliirkent, 8 Pullet snd 1 eockereL Buckley are, and Foster road. . Tabor 4474. FOR SALE Two TtufT Orptnatin rtkiaters. Phone Tsbuf 6844. Call at 8808 K, 624' etS. E. i . ii ItlTE Leghorn res. for hatching. 81.60 tf 82 per setting. From five heavy laying pan. 611 Mississippi av. East 2060. TRADE thoroughbred Barred Hack eookeTeU for thoroughbred Wyandotte or It. I. H4 ggs or pullet. 1100 Powell. Sellwood 8780. : FOR SALE 0. A, C. Barred Plymouth Rock egg. $2 for 16. Mrs, Krnest Werner. Aurora. Or. " ' ' 'i BARRED ROCK sags for hatching from heavy laying strain; also fine cross for brullars, 106 each. Pali Tabor 4957. tHOROUGHBRED KlemUb Giant rabbitta, ry large choice stock, slso 8 W. L. roosin. O. A. O. and Tanrred etrain. Sellwood II $3. THOROUGHBRED, mammmlth White Pekisi . duck aggs for hatch n. 83.50 setting of 11.- Mrs. Jas. Burdette, 4918 99th st B, XL ONE Prid of Petaiuma brooder stove, 1000- chick rapacity, in good order. J. Oeorgeeen,- 2048 llodg St.. Bt. Johns csr. BEFORE building nesf poultry yard see bargain i, XYTESTOCX In fencing I have for you. Bstter than nw. . . Address 680 E. 81st at Phone Sellwood 471, LAYING Whit I-eaWn hens and pullet. 81.78 ' V. . tl . 4 W t Me g-Ire, f$7 Oregon st near E. 24 th. r . , THOROl'GlnrREfe White Minorca setUng ggs. Prts winning stocss. 800 asuntana av. , Woodlawn 21T8, S. C. R L RED hatching aggs let aale, good on, non better. S3 per IB, OB . per 100. B. A. MrV-beil, OreTleo ., rrr. FOR SALE cheap. Rhode Island tied and Barrel Hock norkerets Woodlawn 8247. FINE Abxpti rooster for ?Sst 629. FOR SALU Whit UoUand turkey Tons, Woodlawn. 2075. SfLVEB CAMP1NE egg. 62 -d 68 pef'i ttrtg 1001 mncM sve. ' STARRED 4tock and Lerli'irn earn for lhin, . 81.26 fur setting. 7710 60th ave. LNCIBaToR 620 egg, "Old Trusty' 8-0! 7 Corner 89th end E. SUA. 100 WRITE Leghorn pullets and young benav I Tsbor 6898. 6S48 84tn st, m. s. j - -81.25 PER setting, purebred White lthoi and Rhode Island Reds. Ms hall 660. tWSoTSoTiBRftWhiiir eacB, 664 Linn as, rx-ii, join. ITlolfSolTGrrBlSES W"lte LTglwrn cocker.).. Tancred strain. 664 Ltran Sell. IS 18. ; HbAIIREITIrOCK,' Hoganised0. A. C. PuileU, - 610. 6701 80th st 8. K. Tsbor 7642. ; BLUE Andalusian oock.t-.l 647 6f th st, si. Phon BeUwood 8 7Z, FOR SALE R. L Red and Plymouth Eocl in $1.28 rwr setting. Woodlawn 1604. TBoff615oHBRITWhlt ock it laying hen and pnileta, at 404. tliOUOlDGifrEDi'ite hnS and pnllata. East 404. - 6T50EGGTT7UIXEE. 260 ggs Bantam. 8o4 chicks brooder, for isle, Phons Msin 8866. ioUfX-TS, all laying: l!oarx4"tJ 11.BS aen. woo awn tioi, HENS and puilet. for'asl cheap; also setting hens, 680 K. Ksiiey st Beiiwood igi, ONE White Leghorn endTBrrd Rock o- ' er.L J. gallich. 1466 Madron st tHOROUGHBRED Barred Rock hatching . tor ssl. Phon Woodlawn 1062. . V-HITK LEGHORN cockerels, T as red ' strain i alao hatching eggs. Tabor 1621. " ,', , WANfETv Ckka''sUo eoop. Phon SU. wood 2697. ' WHITE Leghorn laying heus. 31.80 s-cik. 1131 Olsdstone sea, woryutocg esr. WIifTH! Wysndotte ' sndrBuf'f Orpijtgt. (, Ann Bowen. Oetlweod 298L" tllOROUGHBKED ifGod Island R4 setUna irgge. 1122 E. Main. Tsbor 6964. PEN ef Cornish chickens for alt also Leshova chick 8 day eld. Tabor 8848. t6A 8aLE tnglisn W. L laying bene,' e trade part for Bod eulkey. Wdln. 8178. THOROUGHBRED Rhoda Island Bed rouvleg for sal. Woodlawn 2081. Decoy eu duck egs, p seuing" C. B. Handy. 606 Hall way Excliang, - j; BARRED BOCKthlng egg,' 81.60 et ting. 1298 E. WaahingV st - - ' ggrtlNO ben for aaie. Call afar. 6116. ONE Sosen rhkitsos, good layer. Tab. 74. Msnd Red hens. " Wdln, 4 .2T " FINE Barred Rock fox tuil. Wdia. 4u63.