4 . . ; THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL1 PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 21 1920. 5 f r - KEAL BSTATB FOB RXIEH OUSES 1 'J; A Wickman Company "SHORTEST WAX HUMK. Years of study of local condition. a thorough knowledge of districts, turnil UriU with rtlue and eplendid organ na tion, enable u to give you the maximum mmi i k.e tn hom buyin;. Hera are a few ef oar vsnr exceptional bora velues. T)jlAf For the party who can use $XWJ 4 worn and bath, with fuU , cement basement. stationary vufa trays, Dutch kitchen, bath, electric light and gas. Corner, partial lot with room v (or garage. You will find thii an absolute bargain- Street Improvements in and paid. Can arrange terms. Ikm't put tbia off. Imt investigate at once. 5T yldT rooms and bath, with Dutch vw kitchen. radiant fire heat, full . basement, 5 fruit tree, 60x 119 lot. Term. MlBfl w have good 7-room, ptss .. - iff&aS&ij) tered home witli bath, gaa. electrin lighu, full basement ThU is in a good district, sur rounded by first-class homes, but owner la sadly In need of ruoney, must aell immediately. The material alone is easily worth the price asked. If you are in the market for a noma within $500 of this price, w advise you to investigate this at one ROSE CITY PARK V ? it "jrfH fhil attract!' bungalow style . 555U of home contains 7 rooms and bath. 1 bedroom down and 8 - . up. Hardwood floor, usual builtins, furnace and full base ment Ixt 50x110. ? ALAMEDA FA UK ;.. eeOiffifrh This new, attractive bungalow .', pi?Oi0' contain 6 rooms and break-?:- fast hook; has hardwood floors, fi replete, builtins, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, wash trays and a dandy fur- -s nace piped to each room. Attie ' for additional rooms if desired. , .- Street improvements in and paid; also garage. Thla noma ia at least $600 nnderprlced. " Practically completed. Can v make terms. Only 2 Mocka s from Broadway car. Here is a truly remarkable buy ; 5 large, light, airy rooms all on one floor, with a dandy floored attic, fireplace, pan eled dining room; Dutch kitchen, and a new pipelesa furnace, full cement basement: newly painted and tinted throughout: immediate posses sion; 100x100 lot with 6 full bearing fruit trees and 6 young trees, grape; nne and berries; oodles of roses. Can make good terms. GROVELAND PARK CEfTtirflt Bungalow of 5 rooms and Jitfu"U''U' hath, with hardwood floors. fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement, wash trays, new pi pel ess furnace; attic for 3 additional rooms if desired Near Franklin high ' school. Convenient to Haw 's tlinrne car. Terms. PIEDMONT ? aC -nere, folks, la a wonderful . ipWWVJ . buy. Jut trunk,, 7 rooms all a: on one floor, with nice floored " attic for storage. This home is finished in real, genuine mahogany, remember, the real - thing, no iitiitation. Living room with French doors lead ing to dining room, beautiful large fireplace: dining room has mahogany buffet; 3 bed rooms and bath, breakfast room, sun parlor ready to be enclosed ; hardwood doors throughout. f"ii in kitchen; all doors single paneled a'td and uojid mahogany; beautiful electric light fixtures; JJutch kitchen and a full cement basement with dandy furnace; large fruit room, stationary wash trays: garage; 50x100 lot with alley; street improre ni'nU in and paid. This is an absolute barLain. Oanera co ins to California, will gira immediate possession. Price only $0300. SaCRfn Here is a dandy 5 -room bung PaJU.JU' iow wi,h full cement base ment, wash trays, fireplace, builtlns, china closet, Dutoh kitchen, larg floored attic. Pared street. i.ald : $700 cash will handle. This ia west of 84 th street. We hsr any number of good buys, are continually getting new listings; list only , salable homes that we know are worth the uiorey. (Vmie in and Inspect our photo graphs before buying. We cn save you mc.neT. J. A. Wickman Company 104 Kailway Exchange Building. Main 1034. Main C83. Kerby Street . SIX ROOMS MODERN Well built, 1 4 story; $3500. $500 ea'h, balance at 185 per month, rin neighborhood, shade trres, all improve ment In and paid, lot 4 5x100. full baejement. buffet iu dining room, quick possession. Office open Sunday and fenings. (67) j. f. mn 98 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. R7E rlTY pAftK 1 STJPERMODKRN BUNGALOW ' fT $ioo ' Tolks, here Is a hi-m that surely will make - hi, 1 f V. 1,'. n.lnlita V. . I . li I - better built or better arranged home than this sne. There are 5 nice large rooms and sleeping twreb. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch -" kitchen, breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace, etc., splendid garage with solid runway. ' This really is one of the most beautiful bungalows In Rose City. Ideally located, too, Just one ' clock north of Sandy. We can't say too many ..Jlloe things about this home truly here is all one ,,-scuJd hops for. Won't yon take the time to let tu show you. Naturally, you will be under no obligations. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 24 Stark st, near 3rd. Main 8092. . Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 0589. Opvn Sunday. HOME FRUIT FARM CI oss to carline. 7 rooms, suitable for two families; splendidly located in Portsmouth, corner lot 1 10x160 feet; peach, pear, apple, cherries, prunes and other fruits. Owner will accept bouse op to 15(10 in part trada. Price, $6000; $1350 cash. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKENNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. Sunday and Evenings, Columbia 638. $8860 ROSE CITT PARK ,T Modern 8 room bungalow, hardwood floor in , living room, dining room and 1 bedroom, built In effects, full basement, laundry trays, 60x 1 100 ft lot. 51st st. N. of Sandy blvd.. sll good atoms on this street. Terms $1650 cash, bal .i ance like rent See Mr. Boone at branch office. 45th snd Sandy blvd. J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Cojomsros bldg. in -. V $8100 LARGE HOME $3100 WEST PIEDMONT - Good 8 room house with full basement and s, furnace, full corner lot, convenient to car, school 3 And stores. $500 cash will handle this; won derful buy; butance reasonable. i, C. A. WAKRINER. ,V RITTKR, LOWE ft CO., fe,, 201-3 5-7 Board of Trade bldg. . SIX room bouse, fireplace, furnace, nice light rOOtnS. on E. 16th st convenient ti AlK.rt, tpt Irrlngtoti car; restricted district; 1 lot 52x J00. $3600; $1000 cash, balance $40 per -month. CO. . 638 N. W. Bank bldg. M.i tt 'EW, modern, five room bungalow, double con- et.ivi.u7u. vuuuu aitcuen, nm naaement Am ,laving aity. A bargain for some on who , visiles a good home. Terms. Se owner. lOo r H at., Vancouver, Wash. 6"R00M Hoist; $1800 ir.fr') $100 down, balance easy mm.,),. :"lek tearUne. two blocks Albina shops. ' 207 ' v x anama ouxiuing. i FOB " BALEEN h 8 room bungalow on 66th tea., gt, " south; modern; on terms. Owner, sd- drees Room 317 St Charles hotel "ALBER1A a rooms. fuU lot; $2700. Toel . E. 15th N. ; $700 will handle it. Look it syverr xnen n intereatea can owner. Kast 1840. FOB SALE Six room house; lull lot; paed - street: near Laurelhurrt park. 60 East 31st St. SJ'JSOO. rORTTAND banks request title tnsuranos Instead ef abstract, Whyf Ask your banker h V knows. Title eV Trust Co. , fVMEN YO0 purcliaae your boaae, have the Utls tic i . mwivj. . est s wue isanuaawe poiicy. eV Iroat 0a ., - ' Ml ... Titia BKAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 LARGE 8PACK FOR GARDEN, iiOTS of rauiT tbekb rooms on 8O1IOO, city water, gaa and fights available. Price $500. Montarilla car. - 4 room on 100x100, water, gaa and Mghta. Pric f 1000, $200 eaab, on 68th ave. alt. Scott car. 4 rooms oa 100x100. at Oswego, cloae to the station. Price $1200, $750 cash, aft Tabor, ear. 87 th street. 6 rooms on SOxlOO. water, gas, fruit trees. Bellwood car. Tscoma an. Pries 81000, $400 cash. 4 looms on 60i290 with lota of fruit, fireplace, close to ML Hood ear East of Moots TiCa. Pries S1275. $500 cash. 4 room on 75x175, nearly all in bearing fruit Lath and plastered bungalow, lights, gas, plumbing, fireplace, garage, chicken houses, runways, rabbit butchea. This is right at the carline. Greaham ear. Any of tli ete places bay fruit trees. W bar a great many other, any location, on large lots. John ITerguson. Gcr linger bids. Alain 852 flk $265D$75Q Down 1TVE BOOH COTTAGE Will lama ars. near Beech, lot 83z ISO to 20-ft- alley, aswer. pared street, electricity, gaa, water, large hall, house in good condition. Office open Sunday and eteniois. (48) J. F. Hi!! 008 WTIXXAMS ATE. EAST 28. ROBE BTJ?fGAIX)W 6 rooms, large sleeping porch; pipe less furnace, large living room with fireplace: all kinds of fruit trees and strawberries, raspberries and a wealth of other things; lot OflillO, rose everywhere; four blocks from carline, located in Portsmouth. Pries $3075; $1000 down. Mr. Mahoney, COE A. McKKNNA 4 CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4523. Sunday and Evenings, Columbia 638. Irvlngton BargaSn Corner LotOarage vir,m 1 tirv home, well arranged inside with reception hall, large living room, dining aim rwmh kitchen and butler's pantry toomatair and 3 good sized sunny bedrooms. bath and sleeping porch upstairs; full cement basement with furnace, wash trays, toilet, etc.; desirable location. Price only $8000. Will sell furniture at great tacrine- u uesuwi. Reasonable terms. 913 Cliamber of Commerce. Main 6967. WAGE EARNERS MECHANICS rrrtiM tl-vt unvrv" WILL BUT MY DCPLEX (DOI BI.E HOCSEJ SAME A3 TWO F1,A18, o nuii3 Bstn, ONE IS RENTED. THE OTHER FURNISHED READT TO MOVE RIGHT IN. AS I AM NOW A NON-RESIDENT. WILL SELL THIS PROPERTY BELOW PRE-WAR COST. PRICE $2450; $500 CASH (ACTUAL VALUE THIS PROPERTY. $5000). LOOK THIS OVER; NORTHEAST CORNER 63D AND OREGON ST. 2 BLOCKS NORTH OF MONTAVII.I.A CAR. CORNER I.OT. PHONE OWNER, MAIN 1777 Pit ADDRESS POSTOFFICE BOX 222. ROSE CITT Corner, cream bungalow, just like new ; five rooms and breakfast nook ; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace heat, rooms beautifully papered: full level lot. The price of this bungalow (s (5250. with $1800 cash to handle. Let us show you this pretty bungalow. Mr. Rogers, COE A. McKENNA ft CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. $5250 ROSE CITT PARK NOW VACANT $1000 down, balance monthly. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, furnace and fireplace, hard wood floors in main rooms, all nice sire rooms, east front 50x100 ft lot. See Mrs. Boone, at the branch office on 4 5th and Sandy blvd. J. L HART MAN COMPANY.. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HERE It is 8 room house in fine condition. 20 minutes walk from Urd and Alder, has built-ina. fireplace, full brick basement, fum aco. gas and electricity; large light rooms that can be rented for more then enough to pay yeur monthly payments. Close to Dental col lege, two blocks from six car lines all street improvement in aud paid for; 0x00 lot: beautiful lawn and shrubbery. 81250 down payment. M00 total price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 633 N. W. Rank Bldg. Mai" 8787 hork City park MODERN BUNGALOW $3950 Here i a dandy home, located on 63rd at., north of Sandy. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, etc lots of fruit and berries. Very eaay terms. Let us show ynu.G 264 Stark St. near 3rd. Main 8092. Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Open Sunday. 14. ',00 NIFTY FURNISHED BUNGALOW $4500 Living, dining, bedroom, reception hall, sleep ing porch and kitchen, fireolaoe, hardwood floors, bathroom, cement basement Completely fur nished for buyer to take possession. Richmond carline. Geo. E. Englelhiart Lo. Main 7288. 024 Henry bldg. $2550 West side 5 room bungalow. This ia a real buy. Large rooms, 2 bed rocans. fine bath, beautiful lot 60x125. facing east, close to river, on Fulton car, among fine homes, line lawn, fruit and shrubbery, garage. Can't beat this for only $850 down. GEO. T. MOORE CO., 1007 Teon bldg. 6 ROOM bungalow near car. full plumbing. furnace, finished floors, full basement, garage. 60x100 lot. Almost new. 350O: $1350 cash, $25 per raouth. Can give possession in 10 days. We recommend this as an exception ally good buy. JOtlNSONDODSON CO. 638 N. W. Bank bldg Main 3787. ATTRACTIVE HOME 4 room bungalow, larga living room, six win dows French door, beam ceiling, large brick fireplace. Dutch kitchen in whit. electricity; lot 40x120; roses galore; big shade trees; 4 blocks to car. $1800, including gaa heater in fireplace and ffM range. $1100 cash.. Owner, 6223 63rd are. 8. E. SHACK. ROSE CITT PAHK LINE $550, alt cash, buys well built 2-room shack, shingled all over the outside; splendid 50x100 one-half block from Sandy boulevard, lot alone sold for 8 TOO 10 years ago. FRED W GERMAN CO 782 Cham, of Com. TWO room house; two lots; on carline. 5605 Woodstock are.; $1100. Four room house, furnished; two fine lot and garden. 6442 65th ave.. Mt Scott; $1350. One 50x100 lot; all improvements in and paid. 48th and Division. $700. Terms on ail. Phone Tahor 2252. ROSE CITY $2350 buy a good business budding and full lot at 598 57th st- near Bandy bird. Suitable for any kind of - business. This is a very low price for this property and $ eood investment. TURNER A CO.. 230 CHAM. OF COM. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3700 Modern in every way and 1 H blocks from carline. practically new; easy terma, The niftiest yon ever saw. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. 6-E00M BUNGALOW $3200 Attractive, well built. 6-room bungalow ; fire place, built-in bookcases, full cement basement, wash trays, gas range; lot (0x112, fruit trees. See owner, 400 E. 3 2d. 2000 B. 6th St. vicinity Buraside. 6 room cot- tage, lot 25x100; 70 E. 6th N. J. J. OEDER CO. 4 Grand Ave. N. near E. Ankeny. MODERN Laurelhurst home, 8 rooms and sleeping porch, up to the minute in every particular, perfect condition, worth $10,000; $6500, some terms. Owner. Broadway 2986. GOOD bouse; fire rooms and bath; lot 50x142: fruit trees, berries, large chicken house; near blah school snd. grammar; best car service. 891 Jesaup at. A TITLE Insurance policy is guarantee of tb title to your home. - When yon buy your boms bars the title insured. Better aw safe wast sorry., ntls ss Trust co. TITLE insurance Is quicker, safer and cheaper wan aosumor, BBetnoa. ask yonr Danker be yjows. Title sV Trust Co. . 4-ROOM bouse, lot 60x100. J 839 Detroit era., between Hainan eod Portland bird, HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE HOUSES 1 A FEW. HOUDES ft K0HLMAN CHOICE BCTS 8 8,000-. We can truthfully say that ttda 1 TUB best bur la thg- Row Citf Park district, and If yon bar $800 to pay down yon can buy , this modern 0 room bungalow, finished In whit enamel, hard wood floor, fireplace, full lot, garage, fruit trees. This is aa ideal home. 8 3,860 Another 5 bargain la tha R. C. Park district. This neat place is of the cottags type, full lot, on carline. Real Talus. 8 4.200 Five moms and two aleecnng porches, all large rooms, fireplace, all built-in, full cement basement, HOT-WATER HEATING PLANT. This beautiful R. C. Park horns will be vaeated by April 1. Shown by appointment only. 8 6.600 Five rooms and mnslo room, on 50x105 lot. all built ins, pan eled dining room with mahogany, old ivory finish throughout, fire place, cement basement, concrete runway to garage. 1 H blocks from It. C. Park car. It takes $2000 to handle this classy borne. $ 6,300 Six room hooae on 76x100 cor ner lot, turnacs, fireplace, street improvements in and paid for, 4 cherry trees, 2 pear tree, 1 apple, tree and 1 plum tree. The TJ, 8. government appraised house st $5000 and lot at $2000. On west flop of Mt. Tabor. $ 4.500 Fire room bungalow in tb Hawthorne district, furnace, fire place, all built-ins, garage. Good buy. Let us allow you. LADD ADDITION HOME BEAUTIFUL $11.550 Spacious 12 room home in the beautiful Ladd add., living room, dining room, ' breakfast room, wash room, kitchen and lavatory on fint floor; 3 bedrooms, 1 tiled bathroom and 1 sewing room on second floor; 3 bedrooms on third floor; large gla-saed-in sun porch, large plate glass windows in liv ing room. aU large rooms. Shown by appointment only. $5000 ban dies. A FEW MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS $ 2,600, or $2,800 with furniture, $ well-built rooms, full cement base ment. 33 1-3x100: ' $H00 cash, balance to auit. Dandy buy. 1 1.200 and 8980 Mr. Workingraan. at tention, please! Two cottages in the fiellwood district, one 6 room cottage and one 3 room cottage. . You can buy your own home cheaper than renting. Liberal terms. fiolden & Koh!man 228 CHAMBER OK COMMERCE BLDG. Main 6550. Alberta District SIX ROOM BUNGALOW COTTAGE $2625. half cash. Full cement base ment, electricity and gas. garage, plas tered house. 'A rooms down. 3 and bath upstairs, 5 fruit trees, 2 blocks irom carline. Office open Sunday and eve ning. (83) J. F. Hill 698 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. HAWTHORNE BARGAINS $5000. $2000 cash, buys de lux ultra modern, French silk tapestry paper. It has everj'Uiinf. Gray enamel finish throughout Garage. Less for cash. S4 60O New. nifty modern. 50x1 20-ft. lot. double construction. This is a beauty. $1500 tash. Have it finished to suit if bought now. $3500 for cah: will sell furniture at pric. Five rooms, fireplace, built-ins, cement base ment, wash trays. 4 years old, double con struction, A-l condition. $3200. $1000 cash. 5 rooms, furnace, ce ment basement garage. Ws bur many good buys In this district Just opening in our new location at 404 Couch bide. Call Marshall 8352 or Tabor 3090. . J. B. RQCK CO. SOUTH MT. TABOR BUNGALOW $3000 6212 25th ave. 5 -room bungalow with nice large living and dining room, built-in buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, 2 bedrooms with large attic floored, rooms and bungalow in first class condition, and has a good garage. 1 block south of Reservoir and 1 block from carline. Half cash will handle. Shown by appointment only. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. 85 FOURTH ST. WEST SIDE UNOBSTRUCTED VIEW LARGE GROUNDS 8 room house situated appropriately among other fine homes, nonresident ownrr; worth SI 2.000; can deliver for $8000, half cash. C. M. Derr. COE A. McKENNA i CO.. 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. ROSE CITY PARK DISTRICT 7 ROOMS $3250 TERMS Owner moving away. Must sell at once. This i a downright bargain. Just think of buying a substantial, well arranged home of 7 rooms for S3250. This was built 4 years ago and along new and modern lines. Located comer 59th st. and Harrison ave., 4 long blocks north of Sandy. If you want a real suburban home, then for goodness sake, see this. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3rd. Main 8093. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Open Sunday. $2750 $500 CASH $20 PER MO. AND INT. Dandy little bungalow, "4 rooms . and bath, good basement. 50x100 ft. lot with alley, fir trees, beautiful district. This is s resi home snd is an exceptionally good buy at this price. Ask for Mr. Peterson, with J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 84760 CHOICEST H blk. In Al berta, improved with elegant bunga low of majestic appearance; assorted fruits; block car. Terms. Main 4 803. Gt. C. GOU)E.BESG, Abington Bldg. "35 Years in Portland." A BKACTIFIX 5 room bungalow in Alberta. 4 blocks to car, nice large living room and dining room with built-in bookcase and buffet Elegant sleeping porch, full basement trees and shrubbery; sidewalks in and paid for. $1000 down. $27 50 purchase price. J0HNS0ND0DS0N CO. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 I $4750 $1250 CASH 7 rooms, all in old ivory and whit, hard wood floors, furnace, fireplace, bookcases, buffet, etc; full cement basement; full lot; east front. This is a bargain. See it today and be con vinced. House Is now recant Will be on premises from 1 to 5. 615 E. 37th st N. $3780 IN ROcSE CITY If you want to locate in this beautiful resi dential district for little money, thi is a fin opportunity; 8 room house, oak floors, furnace, fireplace, concrete basement. Cin you beat it? PACIFIC REALTY, Main 847. 409 Spalding bldg. FOR SALE by owner, fine old home in Sun- nyiide; 7 large rooms and bath, large lot; fine for children; beautiful shade and fruit tree: completely furnished ready to more in, eoal and wood enough for summer. Call Sun day. Price $3800; $700 down, bat $35 mo. 1108 E. TtmliiU. THE TREMONT Realty Co. Is pretty well sold out and we have seTeral calls for house, for the homeseeker and would like to hare some more listing. Bring in your property. 6915 7 2d st S. E. MODERN 8 room house, bath and toilet, fire place. basement, two good corner lots, lOOz 100. $8000. $500 cash, balance easy. Bee owner. 75Q4 60th ave. S. E. SMALL four room house; bath; garage; bsse- ment; berries, fruit: lot 40x100. $1400: terms. 8 blocks Alberta, car. 1144 E. 27th North. Wd. 8898. $800.50 TERMS $100 cash: Lot; livable house; aome furniture.. By owner. Come to 1218 ,8. I van hoe st. St John. " '. rose errs! pars '- Modern rooms from owner. ' with cancel $5500. half oath. Tabor ML BEAI.ZST4.TaS FOB SALE HOCSES 1L M. GATEWOOD A CO., 81 HOUSE BARGAINS ROSE CITT PARK 8 larg rooms, very conveniently arranged and atriotly modern throughout; hardwood floors. tonnes, fireplace, built in buffet, wash trays. etc Double constructed. This home is near the Sandy boulevard and 48th st Can be seen by appointment only. Price $6200; reasonable terms. Modern bungalow, fire lam roams and Bleeping porch; hardwood floors, nloa built ins, full cement basement, piped for furnace), fire place, lot 80xlOO feet, oomer; $3800; half in. txood buy. , 6 room plastered cottage, cement basement. 11 bearing fruit tree, lot 100x120. 4 block to car. Price $2000; half cash. A real snap. CLOSE IN HOME Six room modern house, full eement base ment, furnace, fireplace, built in bookcases, double construction, corner lot, paved street. Price $4000: half cash, balance monthly. Tbia ia a good buy. CLOSE IN HOME 8 rooms, modern, furnace, firenlaea. vjayetf street, on E. 1 2th, near Ankesy; price 33S0O; half cash, balance 6 per cent. A snap. 4 room bungalow, about two year old. cheaD at $1600; $600 cah. 8 room cottage at 8t Johna. lot 100x100. fruit and nuts. $2100; $300 cash. $20 por raontn, u per cent. Four rooms, plastered, basement, larva shim and garage or stcre: eood condition. Unnt, rills district; $1900, $500 cash, $20 month, 6 per cent. 7 rooms, foil two story, modem, like new. furnace, good district. Convenient 1a vhnnl stores, church, car. lot noina fe- s.mn- food terms. Too cannot duplicate this place tor uis price asaed. MONTA VILLA 4 room plastered cottage with bath, lot juoiji reet, corner, 12 bearing fruit trees, 100 strawberry plants, fine chicken arranffS- 1 I , j 1 iuu casn, s-o eaonto, i including interest, tt r cent Neat S room cottage, modern plumbing, elec, tas, etc; lot 50x100. 1 block to M-V car. near 53d St. Price $2650; $1000 cash, balance monthly. Also neat 4 room cottage near B3d arid Flanders; lot 60x100; for $1500. $500 cash, $16 per month. Can nave immediate posses sion. R. M. GATEWO0D A CO.. ' 165 tj Fourth Street. &22 ROSE CITT BUNGALOW 4 1 5 E. 50th at. N. la one of the prettiest and most complete buncalowa In Rose City Park. This beautiful home Is located less than 1 block from carline. south of the Sandy and an ideal spot. Living and dining room all in one with fireplace, built-in bookcase, writing desk and large buf fet, with hardwood floors, electrio fixtures are the latest and best, modern large Dutch kitchen with every builUn possible and breakfast room that is perfect. 2 large bedrooms, 1 with four windows and the other with two. nice large sleeping porch snd bathroom in the bet that modern plumbing has developed, all finished in old ivory, and has a fine garage only 3 years old. 82000 will handle. Shown by appointment only. Ask for Mr. Hodson. WAKEFIELD. FRIES As CO. 85 FOURTH ST. ROSE CITT PARK ROOMS, 7 WITH SLEEPING PORCH $5350 A genuine bargain. You never, never wonlt expect to buy such a home as this for so little money. loe quauty 01 material and workman ship in this house is of the beat absolutely. i ou prooaojy couldn t build the house alone today for $9500. It positively couldn't be better built It's modern in every way hardwood urepiace, Duiiet. uutch Kitchen, full ce ment basement, furnace, etc. Nicely located, 1 oioca irom oanay. e just couldn't over describe the genuinely good qualities o this house. To Investigate this property costs nothing It s probably just the home you want. Inspect it now today. A. 0. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark it. near 3rd. Main 3092 Branch Office. 60th and Sandy. Tabor 9586. Open Sunday. Rose City Park MODERN SIX ROOMS $4200, $1500 down. Furnace and fireplace, full cement basement, laun dry tubs. large closets, comer lot 0i5, all improvement in and paid. Office open Sunday and evenings. (66) J. F. Ha! 696 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. SOMKTHLNG ATTRACTIVE TABOR HTS. ACRE AND COTTAGE Here is an sere of nice soil, all equipped with chicken houses and pens; abundance of fruit trees and a neat 3 room cottage with bath, good basement, electricity, gas, etc. This also has a nice view and is an ideal place5 for any one wishing to have a nice little chicken farm right in the city; only 2 blocks from Mt- Tabor car. Price $4 750. Terms. C. A. WAKRINER, HITTER. LOWE A. CO. 201 3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. 8UNNYSIDE BARGAINS 6 rooms and sleeping norch; furnace; fruit close to car. $4000; terms. 8 - rooms; old house; $2400; part cash. 60x100 lot; fruit 6 rooms; one bedroom downstairs, full base ment; lot 40x100. $3200; $1000 cash. 3 room cottage; improvements in. $1575 Tabor 1 8 1 1 W. H. S awtell. 4 Room CottageSl!(D)0 Sln&il basement, cas. water. KnTltllk ft lrtt fenced: lots of roses and berries: 10 minutes' walk from Mt. Scott carline. and 2 blocks from nara surlscerl road. Some cash, or will take Ford or Chevrolet touring car as first payment, oaiance use rent. Give phone number. OWNER. M-478. Journal. $189 CASH Sunnyrlde cottage, 9 rooms, enamel plumbing, cement basement, corner, paved; 'J blocks car $2950. Main 4803. G. C. GOLDENBEKG. Abington Bldg. Going to California Large living room, dining room, breakfast nook, maid's room, kitchen, three bedrooms and sleeping porch; property in first class condition aood ears Will .l.w - , ., i " - " Ai "1". i J 1 4 (Jill Ul U today. Call Main 7931 or Tabor 5319. $500 WILL HANDLE : Good 6 room house, handy to 8. P. ear shops. Rooms are large, aud light. Good plumbing, bard surface street in and paid, Garage. Pri only X2 508 lrrtlMIUSJThrVT niOniCTOsT Ui4ji lvU'iLOlU'iN VU. f.33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787 $3600 Near S. P. shop. rooms. Dutch kitchen. 4 bedrooms, fin. bath, l.rt, lot 84x125. alley. 6 bearing fruit trees. una shrubbery, cement sidewalks, lo cated half way to Sellwood, 4 blocks car; terma. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. 1007 Yeon bldg. $700 CASH. BALANCE TERMS Most sell at once, sacrifice price, leaving Hty ; 4 rooms and bath ; old ivory finish ; lota of fruit; will sell partly furnished If desired; new furniture. Owner, 432 Liberty st Woodlawn HOUSE BARGAIN 8-room modem house.- furnace, fireplace, paved st. corner lot. on carline. $3500.; $700 cash, bat easy. R. Mm Oatewood & Co. 165 H 4th st FOR SALE Rose City Park: new. modem A room bungalow, all builtina. hardwood floors, fireplace, cement basement, laundry trtyx, shades, linoleum in kitchen, hall and bath. K43P0: $1000 down; terma. Automatic pbene 31532. R08E CITY PARK $4750.00 Good garage: 5 large rooms and attio; close to car; nothing better in Rose City for thi price. Mr. Delahunty, Main 1700. Erening. East 2088. By Owner room modem bouse, 4 lot, 29 bearing fruit tree, excellent place for chickens, 2 blocks car. -819 E. 17th N. A REAL SNAP 5 -room house, fruit trees, chicken coop,' all st ImproTements. corner lot 87 HilOO. Leaving town. Buy direct from owner. 82800 cash. Phone Msin 6169. ROOM plastered house, one .block from car, at Laurelwood atation, Mt Scott line; good plumbing; $300 worth new furniture. Price $2100. Owner. 4147 63d it S. E. BARGAIN $3850. Sunnyside district, ? room, and glaaseS-!n steeping- porch. Built by present owner or home. Open Sunday. 919 Eaat Yamhill t Tabor 891 8. FOR SALE Honw. 8 rooms and sleeping porch. Portsmouth. 1 H blocks St, Johns car. Cash or terras. 1586 Westanna. FOR SALE by owner: Large six room house; pantry, bath, toilet snd waahstand: gas; 80x 100 lot Can phone 318-98. FOR RENT Seven room house, good eondi tion; eJectrkity and cat, 431 East 10th. : HEAL 1TSTATE FOB SALE HOUSES T ROOM BUNGALOW $4000 The material would east the pries of the hou.'s today, and there ars tour 50x100 ft. lota, with abundance) fine fruit and berries. blocks to carline, fall ewsnent basement, 2 blacks from ear. 6 9th are. S.E. Term en part. HAWTHORNE COTTAGE -$V irjonaa. 1197 Hawtborss. cor. 40th st. : all street improvements in and paid. Terms, A beautiful place worth much Bora money 6 ROOM COTTAGE. $8500 10 minutes' walk to West Side bast Deaa center, on E: 2d, bet. Gliaan and Oregon sta. Street Improve menta tn and paid. First class condition. This la a doable constructed cottage and could not be duplicated for less thaa $4500 today. ROOM MODERN $2800 An 80x125 foot comer lot, abundance fruit and berries, chicken bouse. This bungalow could not be duplicated for lea than $4000 today. Ton bad bettor hurry if you are looking for a anap. Borne terms. Millard are. PHONE MAIN 2334. OR SEE RIPPET. At 828-328 Henry bide. UNUSUALLY AT A BARGAIN PRICE Corner 100x100. extraordinarily derelopefl with flower, shrubbery and 16 bearing fruit trees. Lou of room for a family with children off the main traffic hot nnlv nn, hlnclr Mi.! a. slnrti ava ear In a van attraArle hlontr . mf Tairly cloes in. Extra big bungalow 82x80. S blar rooms, snd full attic large enough for 3 more; full base ment, cement floor. Double garage. Improvements paid. Price. $5300. KASER & RAINEY : 828 6 Gaaco Bldg. Main 7602. IRVINGTON DISTRICT 8 ROOM BUNGALOW $7600 Owner must sell at once. Hers, folks truly is a gem of a bungalow. You can draw on your Imagination as strong as you like go the limit: and here you will find your ideal bungalow! home. And. too, located In one of Portland's finest residential districts. There isn't a thing; you could add to this home to Improve It either in appearance or in conveniences. We lust cannot over-aescnoe It. uan we go further can w ay anything more impressive to instill: in you the desire to inspect this property 7 That 1 all we ask and we want you to feel that you will absolutely not be under any obligations. Yes, there is a garage. Terms-r-more than reasonable. A G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 3rd. Main 8092. Branch Office, 50th and Sandy. Tabor 9388. Open Sunday. Cash $2700 WILLIAMS AVE. $2700 Fit rooms, trerts biipTorraintB in and paid, full buexnent, modern plumbing; $2700, $400 cuh, bftlftoco at $25 per irionth. (16) J. F. 696 WILLIAMS AVE. EAST 268. LOOK. LOOK! A SNAP! Chicken ranch, right in city, residence loca-? tion, chicken house 80 feet long, cement floor, electric lights, good runs, brooder, aU conven-j iences. garage HH feet long, good cow bam,, ground 100 by 200 feet Strawberries, logan berries, raspberries and 14 bearing fruit treesj: hydrant in garden; beautiful 8 room modern house in fine condition; premises all fenced; other good features too numerous to menticn; $4. "00; $3000 cash, $1600 on good terma, Hurry 1 Hurry! For this will sell readily. -HER1DER-CABLE REALTY CO., 6S2U 72d St. S. E. 0PF,N EVERY DAY So00 WEST SIDE $8500 ' QUICK POSSESSION ilKHB : This is right in the heart of the west aid and Nob Hill district; 6 rooms and double sleeping porch, also large screened-in back porchj also nice side porch inclosed with awnings; fire place and built-in conveniences; full cement basement; furnace; full 50x100 lot, nice lswi snd shrubbery; street improvements sll in and paid: only H block from car; near Good Bar maritan hospital. Reasonable terms. C. A. WARRINER. HITTER, LOWE &. CO.. 801 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. $4500 TERMS $4500 TERMS $4 500 TERMS IRVINGTON BCNOALOW IRVINGTON BUNGALOW IRVIA'GTON BUNGALOW Six rooms, furniture, fireplace, cement base ment, attic, sleeping porch, built-in refriger ator, oUier numerous delicate features, 50x109, garage, paving. Main 4803. Q. C. GOLOENBERG ; ABINGTON BLDG. "35 Years in Portlandf' MCLTNQMAH STATION HOME Firs room Bungalow, close to Multnomah, new; 1 H acres fine soil; built ins and modern conveniences; fine tuburban home at $4350. Oh, yes: thers is lots of fruit and berries on the lota. Easy terms or trade for bungalow in town. Mr. Johnson. SKOTHE1M BROWN COMPANY, 330-33 Railway Exchange 4ldg. LAURELHURST Beautiful 7 room home. with iin,. 1 .block from car. etcerttior.an la.rv r.rnHna ' ,lal!; living and dining rooms, with beautiful i solid oak florrs, kitchen and bathroom whits i e,'amei. a large n -Grooms. breKtasr room. full cement basement with laundry traysL furnace and fireplace. Flanders. Tabor 5934. Owner. 1230 Eas Home For Family HAWTHORNE $4100 Vacant Large 7 room 2 story, modern, excel lent condition, paneled dining room, buffet, re frigerator cooler. 3 bedrooms. 4 closets, attis. cement basement, floor wood lift piped for ful nace; excellent lot, improvements fen and paid. 1038 E. Grant St. terms. Miss Slocomb. Main 4246. Going to California 8 rooms. toa E. 52d st, near Alameda drive. See this prpoerty, then make us an . , , ... . a m resaouao-ie oner rejecieu. Dee Mr. i Visrnn i P Je lrOlfou5nS $01 Railway Exchange. Main 78$1. ' " i $2500 WILL BUY a god 7 room house with bath. 4 rooms downBtairs. 3 bedrooms up- Lot COxlOO. with trees and shrubbery. I chicken coop, etc. This 1 located on Williams i tTeIi',,e' 40 AiberU ,Lrecl- $500 will . : iicaiiuivr. - m. v a-v-a . rrrvM . ' JWOn5WnUUliDyn U. L633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 8787 NEW California bungalow, K. C. P., 1 blocks north of Alameda drive; paring and fewer paid; five roonu, breakfast nook, large attic, fireplace and nifty built-ins; pipeiee. furnace- in terior gray and ivory; shades, fixtures; lawn graded; lumber for garage. $4800. $1890 to handle. $40 per month, including interest See today. Telephone owner. Automatic 311-0(2. BARGAINS I Mt Scott and Tremont district W heir houses and homes from $900 to $5000; a good n amber to select from. Open every day. Cell and see ns. HERIDER-CABI-E REALTY CO.. 5929 72d t 8. E 100x100, with fruit and chicken ran; 8 room house, gas and electricity, comer lot with sidewalks; sewers in and paid for. Price $8000; glOOO cash. JOHNSONDODSON CO. 633 X. W. Bank bldg; Main $787. BUNGALOWS AND HOUSES ' I hare a number of extra fine buya in bun galow and house, ranging in pnee from $2000 to $25,000. located in all parts of the city. Call or phone J. A. McCaety, at E. 89th and uaaants. labor saas. Kveiung Tabor 60S7. BUNGALOW By owner. 6 large-rooms, attic, full basement oak floors. Dutch kitchen buffet, 2 toilets. furnace; laundry eexasnt wai&s, ex. psweu. nouse ruiiy screened, full lot Price $8500. Call $t 877 E. Flinders st LARGE 6-rm. bouse. 2 blka. Hawthorne ear. fine finish Inside and modern, an at. and sewer improvements in and paid. Hare $1$00 equity. $3200. wui ahare to tore Quick; terms. Tabor 8943. A BARGAIN 6-room house, corner lot 80x100, garage. 8 beautiful bearing fruit tree, on im proved end payed at. full eement basement trays, eto. $1000 down, easy payments on rest. Must be sold at once. Call Sell. 1967. 10-ROOM house, completely furnished for 4 families. 2 baths. 2 toilets, furnace, sue earner lot 85xlOO, West Side, walking; distance; rent $80. Price $6260. East 1688. $1000 OR $800 DOWN, balance like rent; 6. or 6-room house, large lot. at 336! E. 44th. Hawthorne district. Call Tabor 856.1 FOR 8 ALE 6-room bungalow. Mock left Hawthorne ave. ; reasonable terms; newly tint ed, white enamel beib and kitchen. Tabor 809. TWO. bouses on art lot. East Portland; need erne repair. Very ebAajgood term, .tee. ie Mafiqg-.se ai Mwmnna xros uia. - REAL ESTATTS FOB BALE BOUKES Alberta Home . $3500 Oa C Tth street, near Alberta avenue, a very attractive 6-room .bouse, prac tically new. Reception ball, living room, dlntng room, with, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, three - bedrooms, bath, white white enameled ; plumbing, foil basement with laundry trays. Can arrange terms. Irvington $6800 A rery attractive ' 8-room home, extra large bring room, fireplace, paneled dining room with beamed calling, buil tin buffet, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, Isrge pantry with aU. built-Ins. three bedroom and sleeping porch on second floor, large bathroom, cement basement, furnscs and laundry tray, garage, lot 60x100 feet, street improvements in and paid. - Beautiful Ladd's Near the park. Strictly modern. 8 mow bouse with sleeping porch, large living room with fireplace, French doors connect ing dining room, besutiful built-in buffet, hardwood floors, three bedrooms and sleeping porch, full basement, furnace, laundry room, extra fins plumbing throughout, the house, oa full lot, street improvements paid. This is the best buy in Ladd's addition. CIoseIn Home Larg comer lot 100x100 feet on Esst 28th street, one block from Roe City ear. A well-built 10-reom house, five room and reception hall on tb. first floor; five rooms and ' bath on he second floor, white enameled plumbing, fine fruit cellar, double garage, street improvegnenta In and paid. A wonderful buy. Garden Spot $23150 Large lot 100x100 feet. 5-room bunga low, living room, dining room, two bed rooms. Dutch kitchen, bath, whits enameled plumbing, good basement, very easy terma. Large Irvington Bungalow $75 A beautiful 7 -room bungalow, with gar age, reception ball, living rooms, fireplace. dining room, beautiful built-in buffet, hard wood floors, Dutch kitchen with all the built-ins. sewing rooms, 4 bedrooms, 3 sleeping porches, bathroom. 2 lavatories and toilet, full cement basement, furnace and Ruud hot water plant This is a typical bungalow, up to tb. minute In every re spect. Best buy In Irvington. Irvington Home On E. 14th st in the heart of Irvington; an elegant 8-room heme, beautiful corner lot 100x100; street improvements all in and paid; large reception ball, beautiful living room, dining room, built-in buffet, music room, hardwood floors, Dutch kitchen, 2 fireplaces, 8 bedrooms and sleeping porch on second floor; til bathroom with very fine plumbing, maid's room on third floor; full cement basement with furnace and laundry trays. In fact thi house is complete in every detail. Vacant, imme diate possession. Hawthorne District $3100 Four rooms and Urge sleeping porch, liv ing room, library, dining rocrri, kitchen and sleeping porch on first floor; 1 coxy bedroom with large dressing room on second floor: full cement basement with furnace; street Improvements in and paid; only two blocks to Hawthorne car. Mt. Scott Bungalow $800 cash. $20 per month, including In terest. Very attractive 4 room bungalow: Dutch kitchen, bath, white enameled plumbing, gas and electricity, rood base ment. See Tfi. M Psdden. sales manager MetzgerParker Ferguson Co. Ground Floor. 289 Oak St. Main $534 Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. ROSE CITY PARK- NEAR 618T AND ALAMEDA DRfYH 6 ROOMS ANn SLEEPING PORCH $5950 r-oirs. nere Is on. of those real substantial oigmry tnis particular portion nose city Park. Located 691 E. 51st N., Just north of Alameda drive. The workmanship and duality used in construction will impress you. Large living room, hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, Dutch kitchen, full cement basement furnace, etc On the second floor are 8 nice bed rooms nd 2 sleeping porches. Just drir. by snd see for yourself the solid, substantial appearance of thi impressive home. The in terior arrangement i ideaL The owner ia an xious to sell this week. You can secure eaay terms. Let us show von. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st. near 3rd. Main 8002 Branch Office, 60th snd Sandy. Tabor 9586. Open Sunday. 4 Vi ACRE tract, jusF eut ofViTconrer bsr rscka; good house and barn; on hard sur faced road: all In cultivation. At a low price or $4000. Also 6 acre tract "3 miles rut of Vancouver, with a 8-room modern house, lota of fruit and berries. At a eecrifiee price of $2760. Also a 20 acre tract, 8 miles east of t ancouver, with 6 acres of solid bearing fruit of all kinds and 2 acres of young prune orch ard, small house and bam. A bargain at $4000. Also a 15 acre tract, near Garden Home. 12 acres in cultivation. 6 room house, bsra. and other outbuildings. A low price of $3800. NEW YORK LAND. $05 Stock Exchange Bldg. Main 7876. Best Buy in Portland $1600 CASH $1760 TERMS New, completely furnished 8-room cottage, bath, garage, lot 40x170, 2 block from Mt Scott car, Lenta city lirstts. Bee owner today between 1 and 3 p. m. 6924 96th, cor. 60th are. ON Bussell st. fine 9 room house, bath, toilet, receptlcn hall, gas, electricity, concrete base ment hot air furnace, lot 50x126, garage 19x 24; lots of fruit Bn tineas property as well as fine dwelling: $5500, $1500 down, balance easy yearly payments. CLARENCE PARKER 542 W WILtlAMS AVE. EAST 1046. $2300 For quick sate, owner has Instructed us to sell thla 5-mom bungalow at the ebor price. Hss good bath, Dutch kitchen, linoleum in both; 50x100 lot and alley with fruit and berries, chicken coop and run and a nice hedge of choice roses, 2 block to car. 8 to Khool, H block to paving. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 688 X. W. Bank bldg. Main 8787. BEST BUY IN TOWN 8 rooms, ' plastered,' electric lights and gas; full plumbing, fireplace, furnace, basement; lot 100x100: earsge. Price only $3200; house could not be built for $5000. Terms. $1400 cash, balance monthly. WILLIAMS REALTT CO., Gray Croeeinc. Tabor 4934. Open Sundays. rRVINGTON HOME 6 ROOM house, full 2 story, hot sad cold water, bath, lavatory, toilet, basement larg pantry upper and lower halla, a splendid nous., but not rtrictly modern, lot 60x100, hard sur face, and $11 street work In and paid for, coat $6000, must raise eash, price for short time S4BOO. at least 1 SOO odwn. O. L. Webb, 414 E. Stark st ,$2300 A Dandy Home Good 9 room bungs Ww, moras and bath on first floor, fna basement wood lift Dutch kitchen, gaa, electricity, lot 60x100, restricted district eloee to Softool; aooo er more es balance easy. FOR 8 ALB BT OWyER -TABOR 692 LOT 80x120, fi-room cottage, basement, fruit $1000, $600 cash. Lot 85x100. 2 room cottage, all kinds ef fruit: $1050. $200 cub. Lot 66x188, 4-room cottage, garage, $1050, ISO down. Lots almost (rim away. 8128 $2d at, Woodstock ear. Real Sunnyside Snap T rooms, E. Harrison, en block from Sunny ride ear; a real anap for $8250. See Mr. Eptoa. Je Robbins 891 Railway Exchange. Hals Tttl. ROSE CITY PARK Five-room modem bnngalnw, on 41st Berth of Sand. Phong me and I will tell tou all about it Main 8883 Sunday morning. Main 5466 week day. CLOSE TOUR real estate seal without annoying details by using title insurance poUei. Kg abstract required. Title ek Trust Co. TEN-ROOM bowse, modern, S stares. CI 49si00. 890 CnloTj ave. near Xnott Frio $8000. hmVl tMlv Owner. MS tat. Mtlmi. -. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES 1 GOOD RUTS OW KAST- TERMS B0 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT rooms and aleepin porch, corner lot 60x100: streets improvements paid; kcaVd near 24th and Yamhill; fall . eement basement furnace and laundry tray. Price) $4200; $500 cash, bal- $40 monthly, including interest. 8 rooms, fuU eement basement; lat est lighting fixture, standard plumb ing. 50x118 lot; street improvements paid; - 4 bearing fruit trees; located near 28th and Sandy. Price $3000; $500 cash, balance $35 monthly, in-' eluding 'interest Vacant immedist posessicsa, 8 room bungalow and large floored attie, full eement basement laundry tray, street Improvements paid; clos. to Richmond ear. Price $2850; $500 eash. T room bungalow. Int. 78x108; garage and full cement driveway, bear ing fruit; located 8 blprk south of Glisan street car. price $3200; $500 eash. balance $86 per month, includ ing lntea-eet Photo at office. Modem 8 room bungalow, fireplace, hardwood floors, full eement basement cabinet kitchen and fine built in buffet and bookcase, a $800 gang. Price $3500; $500 cash, balance liks rent Csll at of ice and let as show you these splendid buys; 4 antos at your service. CaEa'DHENDERSON, 112 Railway Ex. bldg. Main 075$. LOOK AT THIS Seven, room majestic borne. 38 1-8x100 convenient to Washington high school: has furnace, fireplace, built-in, eement basement elegant plumbing. IT'S A BUY, FOLKS! Tou could not build the house for $6000. Paving and sewer paid. East front Terms. A NICE-APPEARING PLACE. TOO .Hurry I We sold 3 homes iu ssme block within 48 hour, same estate. G. C. GOLOENBERG ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 4803. $3400$750 Down SIX ROOM HOCSE Cook ave. near William, furnace, built-in buffet orraefit floor in base ment house in excellent 'condition, all improvement in and paid for. Office open Sunday and evenings. (4) J. F. 090 WILLIAMS AYE. EAST 268. CASH TALKS 7 Room Bungalow $2500 Built only 8 years. Owner is leaving in a few days and makes big sacrifice for kuiik cash ale. Five rooms first floor. 2 on second, concrete foundation, power washing machine. Lot 50.x 108, cement sidewalks, sewer, sD assessments paid. 1180 Schiller t, between 39th and 40th itreeta, one block Woodstock car. KA8ER . RAINEY. 823-8 Ossco Bldg. Main 7802. RosiTFifr pT&K 5 ROOM BUNGALOW $4150 Hurry, folia, if you want to get in en this splendid buy. Hera is a nice roomy bungalow with gnat big living room extending entire width of ho sne. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet Dutch kitchen with breakfast nook, cement base ment furnace, etc. large attic, (2 more rooms could be finished In attic). Material on ground for garage. Thi 'will aell quickly. You Just must hurry. Oh yes. the house is finished in old ivory and whit, throughout Paving and sewer paid. A. G. TEEPE CO., 284 Stark st. near 3rd. Main 8082 Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. Tabor 9536. Open Sunday. HOME BARGAINS Near Hawthorne, full lot, 6 room modern house, all street Imp, paid, great bargain at $8300; terma. Montavilla Two full lota. 5 room modern bungalow, good basement with eement floor. flowers, grapes, berries and fruit, cement wslk. connected with sewer; great bargain at $2800; aooo cash. Business district Lents, on paved street. lOOx 200, four room house, barn and small store bid.; aU kind fruit; $8000. easy terms. S. P. OSBCRN, 610 McKay bldg. 8d and Stark. MB. AND lTRS. HOMESEEKER JCST LOOK AT THESE 7 room, beautiful douhle-conatrunted resi dence, modem in every detail, tn front of one of the beautiful rose garden in ladd's addi tion: only $6500. Thi ia a business or pro fessional man's boms. 6 room bungslow. lust east of Laurelhurst. 60x100 lot. close to ear, store and school. Only $:S00. I have many others on which I can -nunta a homeseeker very deslrahle prices and terms. J. B. HOLBROOK. 214-215 Panama bldg. $3500 PENINSULA BUNGALOW $8500 QUICK POSSESSION Modern 5 room bungalow, exceptionally well built with all the built-in convenience, gnod fireplace and furnace. 60x100 lot or more If de sired. One short block to paved street and carline. Reasonable terms. C. A. WAKKINEH. RITTER. I.OWE ft CO.. 201 8-5-7 Board of Trad. bldg. Mutt sell my modem 5 room bungalow on East 35th street near Hawthorn are., in tli next 10 day; living and dining rooms finished tn old Ivory and tapestry; tine furnace, excellent location. Igau at BOB East B5th st Phone 6454. BUILDING TWO NEW HOMES Two new bungalow beauties. R.-C, section; fin corner; 5 room each and everything up to the minute; double construction and finest workman-hip. Price $4 500 and $4760 SKOTHEIM BROWX COMPANY, 980-83 Railway Exchange bldg. BY OWNER Extra nice, strictly modern, 7 large rooms, fine mahogany finish, 6 large elosets, 4 large bedrooms, beautiful fireplac, 8 wash trays, fur nac 2 toilet. 2 lavatories, all bulltin conven iences; garage; fine home for retired fanner, stockman or party connected with (took yards, packing houses or commission company; in re stricted district; all paved and paid for. Price $6t00: terms to suit. Phone Woodlawn 1951. 9 ROOM HOUSiTFOR TRADE Close In on esse side. The bouse ha a re? oently been repainted and la now rented for $45 per month. Rent could now be adrtneed to $55. Owner will take acreage on Oregon City car Una up to $5090 and put houae tn at $760O. NEILAN aV PABKHILL. 210 Lumbermen bldg, Fifth and Stark U, $2300 FOR QI'ICK SALE 8-room stuoco bungalow, with bath, buffet, bookcases, fireplace, basement, Dutch kitchen, on 67x100 lot with awreg. JOIiNSON-DODSON CO. 688 N. W. Bnk bldg Main 8787. Who Wants This? rTJee 6 room bungalow tn the Sunnyside dis trict, good cement foundation; walks in; hard surface street end gangs. Price $2750; $1000 7Zg Chamber jf commerce bldg. VERY GOOD MODERN HOME . 3 CHOICE LARGE LOTS ' 8 rearms , and sleeping porch, eement ba snent fumaee. garden, fruit. 9 short blocks ear; $8260; terms. Tabor 8292. Hawthorne Ave. Cash !Tew modern 6 - room bungalow. Tsjj. 9848. EXCEPTIONALLY w"2l built bun ga lew with two , lots, H block off ear line; 6 room and bath on first floor, 2 rooms with sleeping- porch on seoond floor; eement basement $9950, $1 OOO eash. House st 907 Aassner s, or phone owner, Woodlawn 4 1.1 9. EAST 80TH STREET $3156 Comer lot 90100. with 6-room. 1 -story Hons, tst good condition: an exceptional buy at tSt&e. 'HENRY W. GOODAHD, 249 Stark st . NEAR Franklin high school, snodsrn 6-pons house, bungalow style; two lot, fruit trees and berries. Price $2800. part oaab. After Sunday, Tabor 8388. WRZN TOD aetatltle poney row de Ova. tVfeeallaa. not weed an abstract ef title. far for all time. Tills Trust Co. TWO flat building. Portsmouth, gt big bar gain, on easy tersaa. Rent foe $40. 982 Chamber of Ceaasaeree. ' , -.- BANK request title Insurance beeaue rT" yoar kJakr--l kre Title "Faroe fer tWe" for a Stat BBJ thai S$ MAI gTabOaTlwfXa. f REAL -ESTATH FOR SALE HOUSES DER-fTM m JORDAN IIOMK RAltC N $7300 A very attractive west side Wl , urrounuerj py im. homes, beautiful . ' V view-; 8 moms; large living ruom- - with fireplace and cliarming dining room, both having hardwood floor; butler's pantry . and kitchen. See- end floor has S. bedrooms and bath! ' third floor, maid's room. $4730 Fire room bungalow. harrlwocA flonra, ft replace. nuf fet. IutrJl kitchen, large attic, full cement base . went; half block from Sandy bird, on E. 48th ct $1000 cash. $4 200 Six room 3 story house, very rend. em; fireplace, furnace, 60x100 ft lot rose bushes and cherry tree; half cash, balance to auit $4000 A most desirable"' rtorr house In the Irvingtnu distort, -First floor has commodious living room, with fireplace, cheerful dining room, but ler s pantry nd well lighted kitchen. Second floor has three bedroom and bathroom, each bedroom having two windows. - There is also an attic suite able for storage The hot air fur nace gives excellent satisfaction. Reasonable terms. $3000 Fir room modern bungalow, fire-" plc,-futl basement, laundry trays, lighu. gas, hard surface street all tn aud pud for. $750 cash, balance to suit. $2850 Four mora bungalow n Wood lawn district: beautiful living room and dining room; large bedroom, kitchen and bath, 60x100 ft lot; owner sold $200 worth of fruit last year. Good terms. . HAWTHORNE DISTIilCT rTRNISIIED fH NGAlAW $3850 Beautiful 6 room bungalow nearly new, Mreplace. buffet, iMitcii kitchen, full cement bane men t. All nicely fur nished. Owner rearing city; must ell at ones. Can be bought either furnished or unfurnished. Some terma Any of these house may be seen today Iff eallang Main 22S3. between. 0 and 12 Vba, DKKIM A JOIinAN 828-4 Cliamber of Commerce bldg,, 4th and Stark Min 23-a- nosE CITY 100x1 -5-FOOT rABK CORNER SUBURBAN HOME FKt'IT AND BERKIF.S $5300 Six room bunaalnw and .teenies I porch, breakfast room, furnace, fireplace, built- u" cement casement, laundry trays, ga rage, choice trult trees all kinds of shrubbery and berries. Jurt 2S block to Rose Cirj car, This is esst of 67th st., on s graveled street aim a uuanLy goon nuy. House Is worth It akx ior ssr. Clearwater, j. L. HARTMAN CO. 7 Chamber of Commsrge 208. bid. $2750 100x100. 7 room houe, situate No. 68 Aiiiswortli st.. bet. K. 12th and E. 18th its. I'riow $2750. terms. Must close the above on account of closing sn estate. & Von Borstel 104 Second St HAWTHORNE NIFTY BUNGALOW A GEM A REAL BARGAIN 84750 Come, see this splendid bungalow. Ton never never would expect to buy such $ home $4 thi for so little money. Probably never again an opportunely like this on.. You will appre ciate the great big living room, attending the entire width of house. You will find everything here one would naturally expect to find in real expensive home. Finished in old ivory snd white throughout French doors between tiring and dining room. Hsrdwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full basement furnscs, etc.. attic. Easy terms. Let us ehow you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st, near 8rd. Main $099. Branch Office, 60th and Sandy. Tabor 9588. Open Hutulay. $25 FOR YOU Bring this sd to our office March 21-23-28. Ws scrpt it as a $25 payment on any of evg new, well built modem bungalow WF. BUILD PRETTY HOMES - AND 8FT.I. ON TERMS $4250 Up- MANY TO CHOOSE FROM SEIJSCT YOITRH TODAY MOVE III' JUT IN B. F. Pond ReaSty Co. -The idea! liome Builders 1280 SANDY BLVD. TABOR 8825. ' OFFICE OPFN SUNDAYS FOUR SEW 1 ' ', LAURKLHUK8T HOMES $7260 TO $9000 OPEN SUNDAY Priced $600 to $ I OOO under similar home. Isooatrd in th. best pert of laurelhurst, nesr park. Oak floors, tile bath With builUn tub and pedestal lavatory. Pimhe4in Ivory enamel and" imtorted wall paper. Itigli class, artistlo bosses built by day labor by THE LAL'l$ELHUitbT COMPANY. sj.rt",r 1186 E. Anken.y. 1906 B. Pine. . 1210 E. Pine 1226 E. Pine. OPEN SUN DAT 2 TO 4 P. M. LACREMflRHT CO.. 2T0i gtevrk It Mr. Koehler. Main 1700. $ooo $6000 $6000 8Cf ROOM ATTRACTIVE BTT!ffAL0W T" LADD'S ADD , CLOSE IN. TWO BLOCK 1 CAR. RECENTLY BI.ILT AT GREAT COS.. MU8T SACRIFICE. HAS HARDWOOD FLOORS, FURNACE. FIKKPLACBJ, BCILT INS. CEMENT BASEMENT, ELEGANT PLUMBING. TWO TOILETS, GARAGE. PAVED STREETS. WOKTH 88600. A GIFT FOR SOMEONE. SEE IT TODAY. MAIN 408. Q. C. GOLOENBERG ABINGTON BI.DO. "3i Year In Portland" ha'wThornk ' " - $24004 room bungalow, Lincoln street neat $5th; full cement basement . $3650 New bungalow, 6 room, trictly modern; $1000 down; paved street, near Di vision. $4000 6 room modem bungalow, 818 E. 96th st: hsrdwood ' floors, fireplace, farsaee. full cement basemant ranch doors. rsevtloa) - hall. G. Y. Edwards & Co. 312 Board of Trade. Main 3019. FIVE ROOM. up-to-date, modern bungalow, fine condition, buffet, bath. Dutch kitchen. clothe, closets, hall, electricity. gaa; 8 blow. 2 above, floored, not finished, full ee ment bssetnent, 4 fruit trees, lawn, roses, ce ment sidewalk, gravel streets, blonfc from Alberta car. Price $2760, $760 down. Bal ance like rsnt R. B. Smith, 1121 1. 24th at N. Woodlawn 8801. - Buy From the Owner 4 -room plastered houae. gas, water; tt ere. 4 large cherry trees; $1500, inull payment dew. balance easy terms. Owner will be. on taw premises Hunday and Monday from 10 a. Sa to 4 p: m., at 6667 Esst 9Mh st. S. B.. S block from tlie Mt. Scott carline. Owner Going East 8 room, fireplace; hard surfsce. nesr Hw- , them; new, a real anap at $3260. Be Ma, Eptoa- J. Roblbins 801 Railway F.xehange. Main T981. COZY 6-room btmgakrw. fireplao. built-in book. cases, buffet good basement, 60x190 lot, Works from car. Pri-e S000; $1000 eash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO. 888 N. W. Bank hklg. Main 8T6T; , . OWNER GOING PAST , Mi:T SELL PROPERTY It 80x100. 7-roon house, bath, awe. -trinity, property needs sows repair and assy ne bought at hrgin on eaay term. le emire Mr. Lest 502jjnimjve.. WeodHww ear, r LARGE o rooralrdemTiouse wlSTW. 4 loU, 20 fruit tree and other email fruit, Toa eon Id wot build a bouse fee what I ask few the : whole place. One block rtt ofWeedlawa ear. l7jiand Mara toga ete. Call Woodlawi. 62. jj'XX " ROOM&7us, c' t'oowi, barri, hie. - house ' sbuudeoce fruit hemes and flowers: 9290 down. $10 monthly. ifaetfie Agency, , (14-22 g wetland bldg. HAWTHORNE 8 room bungalow, double mbv . etsvaetsd. etear ev - sent, wash gear" 8-78 eerfc . textna, i ,-JFW-